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131 No. 131
I thought I might try this to lose some weight. I was wondering if there were any other recipes or ideas.
>> No. 132
And yes, I do intend to exercise. It just looked interesting to try this as well.
>> No. 133
take some omega-3 if you wanna do this to cool yourself off

and i really dont like the ec stack because if you intend to work out, this will be you overheat like a motherfucker.
>> No. 134
That's how it works, right? Increases your metabolism and such?

Is there an easy-to-acquire alternative?
>> No. 135

as far as i know, the only alternative is good ol' AAS. and yeah it fucks with your metabolism and adrenal glands (or some such nonsense).
>> No. 138
just dont be a dipshit about it. roll slowly into any medicinal/supplemental regimen that alters your heartrate.

some damage cant be undone.

it would be smart to get your body used to the workout schedule you have in mind before introducing anything more than a multivitamin or a traditional protein or carbo load.

good luck.
>> No. 141


I thought what I would do is some light weightlifting (slowly with little weight) and calisthenics. You know, stretching and maybe some bodyweight stuff. No running and jumping (my heart would probably explode)
>> No. 145
Creatine is the only one that I know of that helps. The body converts creatine into fuel for muscles so that the muscles don't immediately need to convert body fat into fuel during recovery from a workout.

I did a quick search and found this, though:

>Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate (HMB)

>HMB is a derivative of the branch-chain amino acid leucine. Like creatine, the supplement HMB is used to boost quick activities such as weight lifting and sprinting. In fact, some companies make an HMB/creatine combination. A 2003 review of studies on 250 nutritional supplements, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, concluded that only two--creatine and HMB--had evidence to support their use as a lean muscle builder. In fact, lean gain with creatine and HMB was double that of a placebo, according to researchers.

GNC sells a bottle of the stuff for 46 USD. Reviews on the product page seem to be good, but online reviews aren't usually worth a whole lot.

I just started the EC stack. If things don't pan out, maybe I'll move to this plus Creatine.
>> No. 146

creatine involves a lot of saturation in your in muscles from soaking up water. but actual increases in muscle mass and better pushing power are negligible.

dont get me wrong, if you wanna put on 5ish pounds of muscle in a week, creatine can do that, just be prepare to lose a lot of mass once you stop.

since it makes your muscles swell, it's a great way to look buffer than you are
>> No. 147
So creatine's effects are largely cosmetic?

Here's where I got the information on creatine and muscle-building:

Here's the relevant quote:
>(6) Will it help me gain muscle? It certainly can, especially when athletes, like MMA fighters, who train anaerobically (short bursts of explosiveness) are also taking in a surplus amount of calories in order to gain weight. When creatine reaches the muscles it becomes creatine phosphate. At this point, it serves as a backup to ATP – the body’s primary energy source. Among other actions, creatine hydrates muscles with water and a fully hydrated muscle can work longer as well as regenerate and recover from workouts more quickly.

The quote confirms your statement on muscle saturation, but seems to also suggest that it helps muscle recovery.

What do you think about HMB? (see >>145)
>> No. 149
Here's a question. Muscle is hungry tissue, so one of the ways to reduce fat is to build up muscle, which will burn through the fat stores to keep itself going (with regular exercise, of course)

So, what happens if one used a muscle-building concoction like creatine/HMB or steroids to build x pounds of muscle, then stopped using the mixture once a certain physique had been reached, but maintained the same workout schedule.

Would the excess muscle convert back into fat, or would it simply be absorbed back into the body as fuel for the workout?
>> No. 152
Try bath salts
>> No. 153
Zombie-inducing behavior notwithstanding, bath salts are basically MDPV, aren't they?
>> No. 156
No prob.

Disregard some of this BS. Creatine can make you look buffer, but thats because it makes you hold more water. It's great for body-building, because it helps your muscles replenish and repair quicker (facilitating lactic acid removal, and supplying amino acid to the muscle tissue cells, etc.), but not really necessary for a general fitness routine like running, or calisthenics.

It might come in handy for endurance training, as hydration is always important, but keep in mind that Creatine is intended to to be used in a cycle.

I'd recommend you do your own research, and in places like bodybuilding.com, if you're interested, but given a casual fitness and health-focused workout, you shouldnt need it.

Look into mild energy supps if you feel you need them, and concentrate on a healthy, well-balanced diet. DRINK LOTS OF WATER.

good luck.
>> No. 237
Used to be, I don't know what they're mainly made of these days. MDPV was common a few months ago but now I've seen anything from 4-FA (eww, methy) to 6-APB (niiice :D)

So pretty much.
>> No. 258
I decided to stop with the ephedrine and caffeine pills. I started to feel soreness in or around the area of my heart and left kidney area. I stopped a few weeks ago and the pain went away, so I guess it's a finished experiment.

Lost a few pounds, though. I'll probably get it back. I'm working out and eating less now to compensate (less than before; I was already dieting). I've read that drinking milk is a good source of protein, so I'm focusing a lot on milk, fruits and veg.

Oh, well. It was worth a shot, anyway.
>> No. 259

milk is pretty good for you, but try to buy organic

hormone-treated milk has (ironically) been linked to osteoporosis, so all that 'got milk?' bullshit actually did more harm than good
>> No. 260
Just out of curiosity, what about things like evaporated milk, or powdered milk? Does the process of evaporation or powdering destroy the elements that make milk so useful?
>> No. 286


from what i understand, it's got a little extra fat but isn't too bad
>> No. 301
Just eat less. It's really simple.
I lost 25 pounds in two weeks just by cutting my calorie intake severely. It may not be the healthiest way to lose weight, but being a fatass is unhealthy and so is taking diet pills.

There's a very simple calculation you can do to determine how much you need to eat and for how long to reach a certain weight, without having to change anything about your life except how much you eat.
>> No. 302

as much as i hate to use /fit/ terms, that'll make you skinnyfat. eg, thin but with no muscle mass or cardio.

it's a decent idea for losing weight, but a shitty one for actually becoming significantly healthier.
>> No. 346
No drugs are necessary to lose weight...

If you're looking for a good, heavily science-based, broscience-free book that covers all aspects of how to lose bodyfat, check out http://fatlossrevealed.com

$40, comes with access to a forum where the staff will answer any questions you come up with... Pretty sweet, I'm glad I bought it.

(This is not spam, and I'm not associated in any way with Will Brink or his business, just offering some advice based on what really helped me personally)

And remember, getting your ass to the gym is 90% of the battle.
Best of luck, man!

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