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155 No. 155

According to this site, there are strains of weed that can make you feel focused. Given the history and general use of MJ, how is this not absurd? The whole reason for it's use is as a euphoric depressant, not a stimulant. What gives?
>> No. 157
You can be focused without being stimulated. You never got high, then realized "holy shit I just watched 6 hours of the Three Stooges"?
>> No. 159

>You never got high, then realized "holy shit I just watched 6 hours of the Three Stooges"?

No. I never got high, period. I never explored pot because I was always more interested in getting things done. It just seems antithetical that something that would act as a depressent would also be something that would help you study, read, build or just plain accomplish. That always seemed the domain of amphetamines and coke.
>> No. 160
Bro, kick back and relax once in a while. Goddamn
>> No. 161
so let me get this straight-

ur bashing pot, but appear to consider the higher price of coke/amphetamines on your health and pocket book to be negligible?

nigga, you must be trolling
>> No. 162

>ur bashing pot, but appear to consider the higher price of coke/amphetamines on your health and pocket book to be negligible?

What? Where did you get that idea? Yes, coke and amphetamines trash your system. It doesn't happen overnight, though. If you regulate yourself, you can draw things out for a while. I knew a sales guy who was supplying people in the company with Adderall. That dude was downing pills with Rockstar, which is caffeinated through the roof. Started off the morning with amphetamines and spent the rest of the day drinking cans and cans of Rockstar. He did that every day for the three years that I knew him, and as far as I know he's still motoring like there's no tomorrow. That dude was the best sales guy the company had ('til they busted him with a surprise drug test. The company had a no tolerance policy).

Look, I have nothing against pot, but of the people I know who were heavily into it, no one has ever indicated that they used it for focus or problem-solving, or building, or whatever is needed to get something done. It's always been used to relax and de-stress. I can do that when I'm dead. I want to get things done.
>> No. 163
You can focus on something and not learn shit...it's called zoning out.
>> No. 164

Pot can grant you incredible amounts of focus BY slowing your roll. Have you ever actually done coke? The whole "snort blow and work harder" bullshit is, well, bullshit.
>> No. 165
I've done amphetamines. I know people who have done coke and others who have done amphetamines. Difficult to be around in both cases, true. The last coke-user I knew had the cleanest apartment ever since she would go nuts and obsessively clean when she was on it. The last (other) amphetamine user I knew was the top sales guy in the company.

>Pot can grant you incredible amounts of focus BY slowing your roll.

I admit having to eat my words on this one. Based off of your post, I did a search and found a lot of people are using it to keep their ADD under control. Several others claim it helps them learn, read, study, etc. I seriously did not know this.

My only defense really is I only knew heavy smokers. The only one that didn't do bare minimum in life except smoke was a girl who went to raves to do acid and X. I don't think I seriously knew anyone who did it just to help out with stuff.
>> No. 166
it's great for anxiety issues
>> No. 167

Don't get me wrong, smoking pot is still a recreational thing. But I find that boring tasks/conversations/things that require a lot of time become easier.

It's just you can smoke yourself useless pretty easy, and it feels good. So you gotta learn when to cut it out and go back to work.
>> No. 169
People can take any kind of medication recklessly.

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