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  • Blotter updated: 2012-05-14 Show/Hide Show All

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232 No. 232
Hey, so if I get banned for advertising, so be it, but that isn't my intention. I genuinely want to show you guys this because it's a great fucking thing.


I know, it looks like a scam. Some hippie's ecrater site. But the prices are fantastic, way better than BouncingBear or KBotanicals. And the guy will usually get back to you within a day if you shoot him an email.

Also, the quality is fantastic. I've never been a fan of ethnobotanicals, too much vomiting, but I bought cebil seeds on a whim (10 seeds, four goddamn dollars) and it was excellent. No vomiting, no intense, crippling pain, just a clear, tryptamine experience.

Anyone else have a good vendor?

and no this isn't my shop
>> No. 236
Looks good, but the HWBR prices are a bit high. 3x Ebay cost, actually. I bought 100 for 10$ on the bay and the same amount would be 30$. But I don't doubt the quality. The site looks like the owner knows what s/he's doing.
>> No. 238

I'm always sketch about ebay. Strains vary in potency so much and I feel like the cheap shit has to be weaker.

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