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File 134583251193.jpg - (36.23KB , 506x337 , mint-chocolate-chip-icecream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
250 No. 250
What do you fags eat when you're high?

Pic related, mint chocolate chip.
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>> No. 251
lately, granola and heineken

but that might just be college
>> No. 277
Most recently, bacon jerky.
>> No. 281
That sounds DELICIOUS
>> No. 282

>> No. 292
everything in sight.
>> No. 296
File 134832065637.jpg - (8.00KB , 271x248 , 212.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 321
If opiates something sweet (especially rice pudding, holy fuck), fruit is good. Seems like sweet things make it more pleasurable and add to the analgesic effect albeit it's not super pronounced. I'm sure a little sucrose doesn't do nearly as much for pain for an adult as it does for say an infant (those little fuckers love that toot sweet 24% sucrose soln.).
>> No. 324
File 134975725830.jpg - (15.59KB , 400x380 , sad-frog-3_jpg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you people can eat things while high

i hate amphetamines
>> No. 327
Why, stuff tastes 20 times better.
>> No. 329
It kills your appetite though, I think that's what he was getting at broski.

I know that feel:
>> No. 331

a-pills makes food taste like like sawdust and destroys your desire to eat

i went on a binge for a few days and almost fainted from forgetting to eat
>> No. 332
I like to keep a pot of jasmine or gunpowder tea on the go when tripping or coming down from a roll. It's rehydrating and something to focus on which is very calming. Pouring and drinking it feels very Zen.
>> No. 333
File 135008228629.jpg - (320.25KB , 2592x1944 , the finest of american cuisine.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just clean out the fridge and pantry
Pic related
>> No. 334

Oh man, that looks gross

Is that relish on a mini pizza?
>> No. 341
No it's cake icing on frozen waffles
>> No. 342
Eating on LSD is the worst food/drug interaction I've ever had. Everything tastes like sand, and food feels fucking unnatural in your mouth. Shit sucks, bad. A friend of mine and I took some acid, and while waiting for it to kick in, smoked a fat bowl. We got the munchies and went to McD's, and were tripping by the time we got back. We were still hungry from the pot, and tried eating, and basically spit the shit on the ground at the same time. We were pissed for a while, because we were still hungry, but couldn't eat, but then we were in psychadelic wonderland, so that was cool.
>> No. 344

i didn't have any problems eating on acid

eating a big meal beforehand, however, is a one way ticket to nausea for me
>> No. 345
Practice makes perfect.

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