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318 No. 318
Looks like ketamine is being explored as a superior means of fighting depression.


>> No. 319

I'd heard anecodtal reports about the antidepressant effects of k some months ago.

So after kicking a nasty h4/dilaudid and benzo habit (I was a functioning addict for a long time but as my usage got much more compulsive and I was using to keep from getting sick instead of for medicinal/recreational purposes I decided to take a break).

After tapering down with bupe over a few weeks I discontinued opiate and benzo usage entirely. It was hell but I picked up 10g of k and 6g of mxe.

My findings were that at low doses (not neseccarily sub-recreational, just above that threshold) that k did offer antidepressant effects.

I combined this with some supplements l-dopa, magnesium, myrrh gum, and blackseed oil which seemed to help as well. The magnesium in large doses seemed to help with cravings as did the blackseed oil. There are some studies on both of these substances which indicate they may have worthwhile applications for recovering opiate fiends.

The best results I've had were with ketalar and not the pharmaceutical ketamine usually received from our friends overseas. I've been told this may have something to do with the s isomer being + or - but I couldn't speak authoratatively to that end, while I've worked for a few years in pharmaceutical settings I do not feel qualified to speak too much on that. Basically I had a more pleasant experience and better results with moodlift (lasting long after the drug had worn off).

You can get the antidepressant effects without using on daily basis IME and I have found that with heavy k [ab]use the negative side effects outweigh the positive. If you want to get the theraputic results I'd suggest experimenting with 50-100mg doses (start with 25mg and titrate up as needed). It probably goes without saying but you'll want to invest in a 0.001g scale at some point instead of eyeballing your doses.

After a few months of using k and mxe off and on for it's antidepressant properties I feel much more lucid and motivated once more to engage in activities I had lost interest in when I was nodding out all the time. I also didn't feel the desire to use opiates/benzos while on k or mxe.

MXE is a little bit more of a gray area but for those self-medicating for pain issues I think it's a good opiate substitute but unfortunately due to the way it hits I can be hard to get the dose just right so it's crucial to start with lower doses.

YMMV but I'd be interesting in hearing back from other psychonauts and their experiences with these unique sacraments.
>> No. 323
ketamine as an antidepressant? i thought it was a dissociative, y'know, depressing and sedating?

can anyone explain the science a bit better? the article is quite vague.
>> No. 328
I think you may be confusing what a "depressant" is as far as drugs go (lowers blood pressure, sedating, anxiolytic, etc) with clinical depression.

The research thus far suggests that k can help jumpstart certain areas of the brain and has transient antidepressant effects, especially on people suffering from treatment resistant severe depression. It doesn't function like an SSRI or classical antidepressants as far as I understand it. As an aside I feel like MXE may have some seretongic action but I have nothing with which to support this claim and it is entirely speculative.

Basically if you are chronically bawwing and do a few bumps of k it can help you out of your funk and the effects seem to last for roughly a week.

I had positive results with it and would encourage (with some caveats) other psychonauts that may be suffering from chronic depression to see if a little k can help them work through it.

It's relatively easy to obtain and fairly inexpensive and it seems like you really only need to use a small dose once or twice a week to reap the positive benefits which should greatly allay some of the possible cons of habitual k use.
>> No. 335

Interesting. Seems like it would beat out xanax or paxil. That shit made my sex drive just evaporate.
>> No. 352
You're not alone there anyway. Alprazolam is OK but paxil is just fucking nasty.
>> No. 370

kpins are pretty decent, but the sleepiness is a problem
>> No. 371
Try a smaller dose.

Clonazepam is one of the best benzos out there IMO.

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