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File 133731258792.jpg - (124.19KB , 1024x512 , brownies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
48 No. 48
Lets take the suggestion in the bitch board and make a cooking thread

pictured: my favorite recipe
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>> No. 49
firecracker are hands down the easiest thing ever.

it's literally three ingredients

>peanut butter
>> No. 51
toss some chocolate chips in that thing too
>> No. 52
I've never gotten this to work. I never tried with weed in it, but the three minute brownies in general. They're always way too dry and taste like shit.
>> No. 53
So wait, do you just eat the cracker as it is or do ou like, pop it in the microwave?
>> No. 54

I made GAINZ CAKE (basically the same thing but only with protein powder and egg)and it felt like eating a hot foam tennis ball.

I think they're meant to be a novelty at best, never a substitute for an actual cake.

Anyway my recipe:

>frozen pizza
>cheese of your choice

>Put pizza in oven until cheese on top starts to melt
>sprinkle your preground buddha onto the pizza
>cover with another layer of cheese
>bake until its finished

I think you need to keep the heat lower than the denaturation point of THC but I dunno what that would be because I'm not too versed on the heat retention and propagation of ovens. Basically cook it at a lower heat and for longer.
>> No. 55
Are any recipes allowed, or just weed stuff?
>> No. 56

go for it, i'd love to hear some recipes for shrooms or opiats
>> No. 57

breaking it down for ya

>cracker, add peanut butter
>add weed (like .2g)
>put another cracker on top

pop that fucker in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes
>> No. 58
Oh. I just meant munchie recipes I like to eat when I'm high.
>> No. 59

Actually, I'd be interested. I always end up eating combos or microwave shit when I'm high.
>> No. 60
2 slices of bread, dill pickle chips

put them together and then you win
>> No. 61
Its all about hummus and pita or lavash bread.
>> No. 66
I'll have to dig around on my hard drive for my recipe pictures, but I do remember a few off the top of my head.
Grilled Egg and Cheese
Make a grilled cheese, but cut a whole off of the top piece. Then you put an egg in it, and turn it over as normal.

I'll have to find the recipe, since that explains it better.
>> No. 71
Easiest shit to make when you're high: A ribeye steak.

Oh, you laugh. But we about to get ballin' here.

1)Get you some steak
2)Dat vegetable oil
3)sum dry rub (whatever sounds good to you)
4)stay sexy.

K, so take the steak and rub it with the vegetable oil. Now take that dry rub (you can buy it at any supermarket, just pick a flavor you think you'd like) and rub it on your oil-covered steak.

I like to rub the steak with oil because some rubs have salt in them, which can dry out your meat. Anyway, you're steak's oiled up, now rub on the...well, the rub, and pop that bitch in the oven on broil.

I know: real men grill. But if you live in an apartment or you're a bitch, you've got to make do. Anyway, 10-15 minutes on each side and you can even watch TV while you do it.

Shit's cash (also gonna be my dinner tonight u jelly)
>> No. 73

feed you for an extremely stoned weekend
>> No. 89
That sounds so awesome. I'm making that tomorrow night.

Another good thing to do is fry up some pork chops. You laugh your ass so silly saying "poke chops" in your head that you forget that the fire's on under the pan and when you spray that vegetable oil spray stuff on the pan it also goes under and you turn it into a fucking torch and set fire to your cat.
>> No. 90
so... it's a recipe for char-broiled cat?
>> No. 91
I got a chance to grill the steaks with the rub...I actually prefer broiling them, because on the grill the flame burns a lot of it away. The broiler seals in the flavor.
>> No. 92
Yeah, I like using the oven more than the grill, too. Get some good sausages and pop them in for about 40 mins, the juices don't escape and it's low maintenance. Fuck that the fat alpha hogs say, I'll use the oven any day of the week.

It's a recipe for ex-girlfriend surprise.
>> No. 93

Dude, that sounds disgusting. If you can honestly eat that, the loud has gone to your head.
>> No. 101
File 133833544113.jpg - (175.08KB , 1600x2400 , 1279351685457.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good news!
I found my pictorial folder
Here's the one of the food in question
>> No. 112

i'll have to give that a shot.
>> No. 136
File 133943270946.jpg - (123.63KB , 786x768 , big face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey OP your picture describes a way to make brownies that taste of complete shit.
Also anyone with half a brain can figure out that those edibles will not get you high, you cannot make pot brownies in this way.
>> No. 140

heating oil and marijuana should activate the thc, but yeah, from what i understand, that takes time. as in, heating for a few hours.

that shit just looks dumb, but has anyone here actually tried it?
>> No. 142
I guarentee you this method will not work

Not only does the heat of an oven activate the thc but it allows the THC to bond with the fats in the cakes/brownies/whatever
The THC needs to be in the fat for the body to have an easy time absorbing it and getting you high

Using a microwave would break down the thc not warm it
>> No. 143

i learn new things everyday. i always thought it just needed to bond to the oil.
>> No. 151
File 13398839342.jpg - (23.62KB , 300x300 , ohlawdylookatthatcaek.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hey hey hey, /420/, please help me the fuck out

i need to make a space cake by tuesday, and all the recipes i have are contradicting

some of my friends just say melt the butter, toss in weed, preheat to 400 degrees and cook that shit as normal. the internet (http://www.marijuanacooking.com/weed-butter.htm) says i need to simmer the bud in the butter for a full fucking day. other places say 4-5 hours. i know more cook time = more potency, but i don't want to make the cake taste like shit with burnt butter or spend all night babysitting the stove.

i've got a full ounce of baby loud, so i'll probably toss half that in the cake, the other half for me while making the cake. do i need more/less?
>> No. 158
I'd do the full ounce

Yes it'll taste like shit, but you're eating it to get high, not for flavor. If you want that, just buy second cake to eat while high.

THC is fat soluble. That means it dissolves in fat, which is why it stays in your system so much longer than coke or speed, which is not fat soluble. What that means for cooking is that you want the weed in contact with the butter for a long time. The longer it stays, the more THC the butter will absorb. You might want to activate the THC by hearing it a little first, but cooking it with the butter over a LOW heat will probably get the same results for you. Just make sure you're constantly stirring. Weed will stick to the bottom of the pan and burn, making it useless.

The tl;dr is that you don't need to spend 24 hours simmering weed. About a half an hour should be enough, a whole hour for an ounce (but be EXTREMELY vigilant, because you don't want to waste an ounce of weed.)

Also, don't smoke while cooking...if you fuck something up you just wasted a bunch of weed.
>> No. 168

so i decided to go with an hour an a half, just be be safe, and used three quarts of the ounce (yeah yeah, reading comprehension isnt my thing i guess).

and i guess you can say i told you so jenga, because i did fuck up while smoking that last quart. i forgot the baking powder, to i ended up less with a space cake, and more of a space brick.
>> No. 294
Fucking firecrackers are the best

Only have .3 of shake? Need to get really high? Gotta be stealthy? No problem. >>57 's recipe sucks though. Add palm oil to the peanut butter (nutella also works), be sure to coat the weed thoroughly, and cook at 325 for 25-30 minutes.
>> No. 295
My sister bought nutella. Very good. This means I can make edibles for when the season gets back on.
>> No. 305
can you use olive oil instead?
>> No. 308
File 134859790388.jpg - (23.77KB , 640x480 , Eugh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i wouldn't just because it'd taste like sweaty ballsack. it'd probably get you high though

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