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File 132475149668.jpg - (41.50KB , 604x453 , 1318641147410.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1079 No. 1079
Here's what it would take to fix /cwc/ -
an /if/ board and a /pot/ board, for what-if posts and potential lolcow threads respectively.

That way, people would stop shitposting every time they see someone yelling on a vlog on youtube. Also, creating a board for what-if posting would put an end to all the people who get butthurt about the bans and complaints that result from what-if threads getting posted on /cwc/ now.

The intention, of course, is to make those boards retarded ghettos for crappy posts. That way, people will just stop posting the awful threads about potential lolcows and what-ifs. The two concepts could even be combined into one board. The what-if-I-discovered-a-potential-lolcow board
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>> No. 1083
I sure would like a board about pot, so I'm in.
>> No. 1127
I have no idea why we aren't doing this.
>> No. 1128
File 132509573423.png - (210.71KB , 364x273 , Stoner's_pot_palace.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
First thing I thought of when I read your post
>> No. 1129
Bonus: anyone who goes to /pot/ to post about pot gets banned
>> No. 1131
the potential lolcow threads are getting out of hand.
everyone wants to be the next great epic weener by introducing /cwc/ to new lolcows, but they're all shitty and end up producing forced sagafaggotry that isn't funny or interesting
>> No. 1142
Okay, why aren't we doing this?
>> No. 1143
Back in the day, the boards were /cwc/ for Chris-chan and Chris-chan accessories and /L/ for other lulzcows/potential lulzcows. Seanie decided to just merge the two together and make /L/ an archive of notable /cwc/ threads when Chris "sagas"/activity became less frequent.
>> No. 1144
more recently, however, it was decided that /cwc/ would be for lolcows who are currently being trolled and /b/ would be a dumping ground for potential lolcows and internet retardation. this has never been enforced, as far as i've seen, mostly because no one ever goes to /b/ in the first place

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