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File 132483054071.jpg - (48.74KB , 450x600 , feel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1092 No. 1092
So when is /cwc/ going back to forced anonymous posting?

As things are today, I can literally count the people who don't post anonymously on one hand and they're all attention-whoring, unfunny retards. The only time anyone else posts with a name, it's usually to derail a thread or generally shitpost relentlessly.

Allowing those few people who can't stand posting anonymously an alternative option is distracting and doesn't actually contribute anything to the board other than giving namefags an opportunity to embarrass themselves and indulge in constant circlejerking and self-congratulating.
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>> No. 1093
I agree with OP, who is obviously not a faggot.
>> No. 1094
One problem: When justinrpg posts here, the only way to tell it's him is his name. If we were to remove names, we would need some other way to identify him.
>> No. 1095
he'd be forced to post a timestamped picture of himself to identify his posts. he's probably dumb enough to post a new picture with every single post because he gets really serious about making sure people know it's him on the site.

think of all the content!
>> No. 1097
Okay, then there's no problems with removing names.
>> No. 1098
>I can literally count the people who don't post anonymously on one hand
1. Homor
2. Thorg
3. timmothy cruezetor
4. Jengatype
5. The Inner Circle
6. justinrpg
7. WhoresOMilfs

>> No. 1099
Mods and legit CWC trolls don't count, since they're posters that actually have reasons to identify themselves.
>> No. 1100
So instead of removing names altogether, we should make names a special right given by moderators.
>> No. 1101
Not a special right, per se. But if there's an instance where someone actually needs to be identified within a thread, that person should be identified for the sake of keeping things from getting too chaotic and to prevent the trolls from attempting to troll each other.

For instance, when the real Thorg or Tito enters into a thread to confirm/deny the legitimacy of content, that's a valid reason for the poster to be identified. In a system where anyone can identify themselves in any way they please, you get impostors and confusion and misunderstand and namefag circlejerking up the ass.

If forced anonymous were in place, there wouldn't be so much Tom Cruise spam or unfunny introman threads. Jengatype or Tubular Monkey wouldn't be able to post in a thread and immediately kill/derail a thread by making people wonder why the hell certain posters feel like they don't have to post anonymously when everyone else has no problem with posting without a name.
>> No. 1105
People without names want forced anonymous posting, while the five posters with names want to keep them. Sheesh, what to do.
>> No. 1106
I namefag only because other people namefag. I don't care if names are removed.
>> No. 1107
File 132493481762.jpg - (4.31KB , 263x192 , images (2).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hai guize what's going on in this thread?
>> No. 1108
Discussing the fact that namefags intentionally use their names to fag everything up, then listening to namefags acting obnoxious and claiming it doesn't change anything, when really them defending their namefaggotry is itself hypocritical.
>> No. 1109
I'd say the same things I say now if there was forced anonymous posting. So what do you really think will change?
>> No. 1110
I think the problem is with posters like timmothy cruezetor, who often derail threads with pictures of Tom Cruise.
>> No. 1111
these times ten million
>> No. 1112
The problem is also with posters like Jengatype, who seem hellbent on preserving their identity even though they claim they have no interest in maintaining an identity. Usually when the issue comes up, lots of namefags will say they only use a name so they can "keep track of their own posts", whatever that means. Lately, the tone has shifted and their starting to get more defensive, saying they'll start posting anonymously when people give them a good reason to. Basically their defense is U MAD and I ONLY DO IT BECAUSE I THINK IT'S FUNNY TO WATCH YOU SPERG OVER IT
In that regard, how is it any different from avatar shitposting or ponyfaggotry? It's something that most posters don't like and the only people who do like it are the ones who do it.
>> No. 1113
>> No. 1115
File 132494734160.png - (35.92KB , 371x515 , you got mad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
wow, people are genuinely butthurt over having name on 789chan.

your lives must be amazing, if you have so much time and effort to devote into complaining about the name field.

your tears taste delicious.
>> No. 1116
your life must be amazing, if you have so much time and effort to devote into developing and maintaining an identity on a board where no one else really cares about theirs

your USI and embarrassment taste delicious
>> No. 1117
File 132496004955.jpg - (44.56KB , 547x580 , 131419985371.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i know its hard for you to understand, so i am going to say this in the most simple way possible.

i work with a computer.
>> No. 1118
no need to get so defensive, i thought you were mr cool? u mad?
>> No. 1119
File 132496533123.jpg - (8.46KB , 244x244 , tom-cruise-blink.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yes, im very mad. my butt is so sore also.
>> No. 1122
Don't worry, Tom, I'll let you dance with me at the Namefag Prom later this month. Hoarded Chris content, Anna's nudes...all the benefits of being a namefag. I only regret that the rest of the plebeians won't realize the beauty.
>> No. 1123
File 132496901973.jpg - (19.68KB , 500x273 , cruise lightsaber.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sweet times. see you at clyde's mansion.
>> No. 1124
I think namefags are special snowflakes.
>> No. 1272
namefags don't derail threads!


me too!

Can i come to prom?
>> No. 1273
File 133641453165.png - (133.45KB , 361x358 , sug4042_butthurt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We have discussed this and have no current plans to bring back forced anonymous. If this changes we will let you know.
>> No. 1281
I thought the plan was to bring it back
Which deviant namefags whined and cried to make it seem like people didn't want things to change?

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