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File 133205879879.jpg - (10.08KB , 400x283 , training-day-for-jake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1184 No. 1184
i know there are other gunfags and milspurgs on this chan. let us congregate and make our own magical place.

pic related: its me and my bitch
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>> No. 1191
/white trash/ sounds like a pretty good idea to me too
although you're implying that people who are interested in weapons aren't all going to end up having threads made about them in /cwc/ anyway
>> No. 1193

Being a gunsperg myself, OP, I think this is an unnecessary idea. There are plenty of other image boards with /k/ boards, and two whole image boards I know of and frequent that are wholly dedicated to firearms and milspergs. You should go there.

Shit just doesn't fit here. You don't have to talk about guns all the time.
>> No. 1204
A /k/ on this chan would just be worse than even 4chan /k/. Just goto a different chan for one.
>> No. 1207
File 133443243152.jpg - (89.74KB , 960x720 , 523376_3053699024434_1322064199_32650562_775464641.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OPfag here,

I don't think you homos appreciate the gravity of the situation. cheese conies are arming themselves with SKSs, Kalashs and ARs.

789 is one of the last bastions of freedom from horesefucker oppression. we need to gather our forces in case we ever need repel acts of pony aggression.
>> No. 1208
File 133443319187.jpg - (58.88KB , 715x960 , 380648_3053701024484_1322064199_32650566_203628404.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
more evidence. the paint job reminds me of Chris' "customized" geetar and handheld gaming devices.

"pimp my gaaaaaat"
>> No. 1209
I'm assuming you own guns, so I can take comfort in knowing that you would actually have the means to kill yourself if I told you that I think you should.
>> No. 1212

totally assmad samefag here

just about everyone has a means to kill themselves. its called rope, or lye, or rapid deceleration, or prescription drugs, or a warm bath with a razor.

out of all those options hopefully you will find the right one for you. Xx-=DDDDDDDD
>> No. 1213
fuck off, redneck
>> No. 1214

oops wrong. not a redneck, wasn't even born in the usa
>> No. 1218

confirmed for NONGUNZ cheese cony libtard fgt
>> No. 1220
confirmed for NONGUNZ, cheese cony libtard fagget
>> No. 1221
Ponyfags are going to Arise and kill us all.

Feels Burdo-Bordo man
>> No. 1223
>implying you have to be American to have the qualities of a redneck
>> No. 1224

I'm not in the requisite ethnic groups to be a redneck. I don't have the cultural affiliations or (lack of) education to be considered a redneck either. I just enjoy shooting. Give up.
>> No. 1227
if you like guns and like shooting guns, how can you even argue that you aren't a retarded piece of human trash? it has nothing to do with ethnicity or education, it just means you're uncultured, have shitty taste and lead a worthless life
>> No. 1228
Can you two shut up? Nobody cares what two basement dwellers think about guns
>> No. 1229
OP here.
Yasmin STFU, nobody cares what you think about anything.

Also, the stereotypes in this thread are great. I'm not a basement dweller, I'm a homeowner (mortage paid off, free and clear).

how about you?
>> No. 1232

I'm pretty sure my life is better than yours.

You've been raving like a buttfurious lunatic since the first post. You've been making sweeping generalizations about things you don't understand.

I forgive you though, I know how angsty teenagers can be.
>> No. 1233

HI ADF! still upset you can't afford a Hi-Point and have personal protection order out against you, apparently
>> No. 1235
> if you like guns and like shooting guns, how can you even argue that you aren't a retarded piece of human trash?

Hi! Welcome to 789chan. I see you're leaping right into the "trolling" that's so popular on these "chan" websites, and that's just swell.

But hold on a second there, partner! You're not ready to swim in these waters. You should start by honing your skills somewhere a little more your speed.

I think 4chan's /r9k/ or /pol/ would be the safest bet, but our own /cwc/ is just a quick walk away and contains all the harmless practice a budding troll could hope for.
>> No. 1236
File 13346009499.jpg - (119.98KB , 582x625 , stop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>if you like guns and like shooting guns, how can you even argue that you aren't a retarded piece of human trash? it has nothing to do with ethnicity or education, it just means you're uncultured, have shitty taste and lead a worthless life

your autism is showing
>> No. 1247
watch out, he's got a gun!
>> No. 1248
File 133484772390.jpg - (59.66KB , 300x388 , Undercover Aspie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

watch out, he misses his hugbox
>> No. 1278
File 133651917253.jpg - (16.96KB , 300x300 , TheTrollCircle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm pretty sure my life is better than yours.
>> No. 1279
File 133659413655.gif - (278.20KB , 355x186 , escalated.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Locked. Wow.

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