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File 133445987287.jpg - (48.83KB , 472x670 , 1614687984.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1210 No. 1210
can we split /cwc/ and /l/ again?

The fans of Chris chan are getting really weird and I hate seeing all their stupid threads when i wanna read something halfway entertaining

pic unrelated, they just told me to add a file
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>> No. 1211
Oh and can we have a way to get rid of the sidebar on the left of the screen? it's really annoying
>> No. 1217
As much as it pains me to share an opinion with Yasmin, I'd also really like to see the two boards be separate once more.

/cwc/ is an essential idiot magnet away from the rest of the site, that much I understand. But having to wade through Chris what-if threads, at least three threads discussing the exact same FB post, and drama with the Cwiki forums to get to worthwhile content is annoying at best and painful at worst.

This latest drama has demonstrated that it's fundamentally impossible to get any actual trolling done when anything Chris-related goes down and two hundred virgins all have to call each other autistic in order to feel better about themselves.

For what it's worth, 789chan is pretty much the last place I can anonymously share the fruits of my labor with fellow trolls, and find out what they've been up to. I really don't want a name associated with my trolling, but trolling solely for myself isn't much fun either.
>> No. 1222
> doesn't know how to get rid of the sidebar. lol
>> No. 1226

>Pains me to share an opinion

What did I do?
>> No. 1234
> What did I do?

You use a name and a tripcode even when your identity is irrelevant to your posts. I'm not going to hound you about it every time you post, but it contradicts something I hold very dear.

I don't expect you to believe me, but I've been doing this trolling thing a long time now. I was invited to join the PVCC back when it was an open forum and most Chris trolling was organized in ED and IRC, but the forum software they used required me to have an identity, and my desire to remain anonymous led me to refuse.

I won't harp on and on about the good old days, but I will say that history has vindicated my belief that trolling is most fun when there are no identities and reputations among fellow trolls. Sometimes we need to play characters or use tripcodes verify sources, but when possible these masks should be discarded. I want and deserve no credit for my trolling other than the laughs we share at the expense of idiots.
>> No. 1237
> I'm not going to hound you about it every time you post, but it contradicts something I hold very dear.


Not all namefags are trolling, brah. Attention whoreing maybe, but not trolling.
>> No. 1238

Ah, that takes me back to /i/, a hot potato tossed from site to site until it became as difficult to use as it was to host.

If only we had the good sense at the time to not just assume that everyone who said that was in on the joke.
>> No. 1239
wtf am i reading

i actually like yasmin now, if only because people like you post retarded shit like this
>> No. 1240
The difference between a namefag and an anon is that no one knows who anonymous is when you say some full retardshit
>> No. 1241
yasmin obviously doesn't care about seeming like a retard to you or anyone else here, but you're extremely preoccupied with how all the nerds and autists on the internet perceive you.
>> No. 1242
> preoccupied

I'm not, or I wouldn't have posted that retardshit.

But this guy: >>1240

Yeah, he's clearly troll-shielding. Go show him what a retard he is, oh brave autistic warrior.
>> No. 1246
Why do people take pride in being anon? It's the stupidest thing to be proud of next to race and eating habits
>> No. 1259
Nobody should be proud of this place -- period. Chans are the sewers of the internet, that's why they're anonymous to begin with. Admitting that you use one is tantamount to admitting you like to finger punch squirrels in the shit box. Thinking that reputation matters here is fucking stupid.
>> No. 1260
I don't "take pride" in it any more than I "take pride" in washing my dick.

But I am often both amused and annoyed by people who lack even the basic sensitivity to social norms required to figure out that it's best to wash your dick sometimes and it's best to be anonymous sometimes.

That your ego is so huge that you feel the need to name and trip everywhere you go is the social analog to a foul, cheesy odor coming from your crotch.
>> No. 1261
>arguing with trolls
lol you nitwit
>> No. 1264
Am I the only one who takes pride in his genitals?
>> No. 1265
yasmin is a future lolcow
>> No. 1277
ITT: anon resorts to cannibalism
>> No. 1293
File 133703549453.gif - (37.81KB , 100x100 , mooon.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>inferring /cwc/ hasn't cannibalized before
See: ClydeWarren, TubularMonkey, ect.
Anyone abusing a tripcode is a candidate.
>> No. 1294

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