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File 130792490825.png - (31.35KB , 500x461 , iktf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
902 No. 902
I was writing this post in the failed CWC-thread on /cwc/. By the time I finished it, the thread was gone.

>banning loyal users who speak their opinion is a speciality of the dictators who run this board.

Seriously, as much as everyone hates it when I'm active, it's God-damned ridiculous that I pretty much cannot post at all anymore. I can't even post anonymously without getting insta-bans or warnings.

Really, I don't believe anything I post is all that disruptive of the limited amount of activity that goes on here between the 30 or so people who visit this board and post here regularly. At this point, I am more or less just being banned for not agreeing with everyone else, presumably because that must make me an automatic troll. Even if I were trolling, where's the harm in that? I just don't see the big deal. God forbid someone engage the community and say things that they don't like. I guess I shouldn't say anything other than "lol nick bate is gross!" and "I hate ADF so much!", since saying what I really think will get me banned and the board is comprised mostly of worthless posts like that.

There isn't much going on on this board that's worthwhile. Anything that seems promising eventually just fizzles out and loses steam. It isn't anything the administrators can fix, it's a sign of the times. The person to which this board was dedicated has stopped providing us with content. Banning people left and right for petty shit isn't going to help. Especially when, even in spite of all the banning, you still have people coming in and virtually destroying the content of the board with one spamfest.

These are the dark ages of /cwc/. Whether or not the board will emerge triumphantly remains to be seen. Creating weird rules and constantly threatening to ban people/delete posts is not the way to go about making things better.
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>> No. 904
Don't look at me, as I haven't banned you once.
I think some of the other mods never noticed you posting before your doppelganger showed up and was starting to cause issues. Then that association of "this guy causes problems" stuck and you now bear the negative repercussions of what the other faggot did.
I know you're not a bad dude, and you're very active around here. If you get banned, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it.

You can come into irc if you have questions for me.
>> No. 905
File 130801485449.png - (28.77KB , 700x527 , 1227843625553.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe I just wasn't around for most of the copycat stuff, but I remember you from way back in early '10 if not mid-late '09.

All this drama is p gay imo. If we can't disagree without emulating the tards we troll, we may as well gb2 4chan.
>> No. 906
I wasn't really asking for any protection/special treatment, but I won't turn it down either. I've really never intentionally shit-posted or gone out of my way to derail threads. What I consider a contribution to the discussion is usually a counterpoint or, at the very least, a contrary perspective/opinion. Usually, no one wants to reply with anything other than bans or troll/samefag accusations.

I was simply letting you guys know that /cwc/ is not a friendly place. That's appropriate, but it's reached a point where it isn't even friendly to its own kind anymore.

You usually know what's up.
>> No. 917
Tubular, i'd like to say a few things.

First of all, i'm the one who banned you, and i'm sorry. It was a kneejerk reaction and done because i really didn't know WHAT to do at the time.

But i'd like to say a few things,

It's completely alright to have different opinions, it's okay to think someone won't make an interesting lolcow and say so it in the thread, as long as you do it respectfully and constructively. You absolutely did not.

In one of the first Nick Bate threads you really had a presence in, you initially expressed the flaws you found in Nick Bate trolling and why it wouldn't work, that was okay.

The problem is, it seems you tried as hard as possible to completely derail the thread and stop any discussion of Nick Bate whatsoever. I know that most likely wasn't your intention, but that was the impression i was getting the entire time.

Let's look and see what you posted in that thread:


>So far, it's just been an opportunity for attention whores to be attention whores
>Maybe I'm having a hard time letting go of Chris. Maybe you're all just faggots.

Calling people "faggots" and "attention whores" is not the way to get your point across, but to your credit it IS a good way to annoy and aggravate people.

From the tone of your posts, it seemed you didn't merely want to express your opinion, you wanted it to be enforced as a rule, you wanted people to stop talking about Nick Bate completely and DAMN YOU if someone tried to stop you.

As the thread went on after that, the thread became less about Nick and more about you. You started a large argument and had no intention of backing down.

When people started to debate with you, you became more and more defensive and hostile to everyone.

>I mean, look at the website. There are some comments on the front page and it's basically the same four or five people sucking each other's dicks over their epic win trollololol success.

If you offer a dissenting opinion, you should be prepared for people to disagree with you, and you should be able to not take it personally, you didn't do either.

And then there was your big finale post:

>You people enjoy trolling Nick and documenting his reactions because you think he's stupid, scummy and despicable.

>That's how I feel about you. So, the next time you find yourself wondering why I won't just go away or why I bother posting at all - just remember that you are my lolcows.

Your posts were riddled with personal attacks and insults, which s the absolute worst way to make a point. That kind of shit is fine when you're talking about some fat guy on the internet or you're standing around cracking yo mamma jokes, but it is absolutely not okay if you want to have a serious discussion about the quality of threads.

That's all just from the first Nick Bate thread you had a major presence in. I could be mistaken, this all could be the work of a doppleganger, but either way, you need to distance yourself from this.

It's okay to have a dissenting opinion, but you don't have to be an asshole about it, and you should be prepared for the consequences if you do.

Anyway, that's just my two-cents on this whole deal.
>> No. 918
You're totally on-point and it wasn't wrong to ban me for what I said and did in that thread. I was bored and I was frustrated with how the whole Nick Bate saga had been unfolding, so I lashed out at everyone else to make it more interesting for me.

However, I think it's quaintly hypocritical that a forum dedicated to trolling and organized harassment would decide to crack the whip on someone who uses personal attacks during a discussion.

I've toned my schtick way down. In fact, I toned it down after that thread, but people were still screaming TROLL and BAN HIM any time I so much as posted a reaction image. I don't think anyone cares anymore and neither do I. I only break out the tripcode now when I feel like being trolly or if I come up in a thread.

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