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File 131608481226.jpg - (174.97KB , 1400x841 , fluttershy mecha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
957 No. 957
>implying this isn't the worst *chan ever

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>> No. 958
File 131609462666.png - (52.50KB , 192x192 , Heresy 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Dressing up a Space Marine as a pony.
>Calling it a "mecha"
>> No. 961
File 131627352344.jpg - (77.12KB , 476x318 , 1314311923815585.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying 4chan doesn't hold onto that distinction with a deathgrip
>> No. 963
Pony lovers are more or less furfags
>> No. 966

>Implying your choice of image doesn't immediately rule all you say and think as worthless to any normal self respecting human being.
>> No. 973

Well, it's the only chan with a /cwc/ section, so ...

But agreed, the rest is pretty much either dead or forgettable. I thought it was a charming idea having a chan dedicated to technology (and CWC) but in my opinion the concept failed as, like I wrote before, the people who read up on Chris aren't necessarily the same people who are interested in discussing technology or doing so on a more diverse base as what /g/ on 4chan already offers. The user magnets are Chris and lolcows, both pretty much alien to the overall theme of 789chan. I think it would be best to concentrate on Chris and the lolcows, focus on what this chan is strong at and what makes it unique.

Personally, for tech related stuff I would rather frequent 4chan to be honest. It's not all /b/ and people do visit this place at least and give feedback. I'm sure many anons think alike.

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