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File 130632676639.jpg - (196.22KB , 900x743 , ohgod no.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10248 No. 10248
ADF thread 5 go
Expand all images
>> No. 10249
>> No. 10250
File 130632759190.jpg - (77.60KB , 710x720 , whats up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't find the locked version of ADF thread #3
>> No. 10251

#1 is gone forever
>> No. 10252

What happened to it?
>> No. 10253
If I recall correctly, it was just yet another /cwc/ thread that derailed into the first ADF thread after /cwc/ found out about the abomination that is ADF. It didn't live too long, and nothing of value was lost.
>> No. 10254
It's because butthurt liberals take every chance they can to spew their baby philosophy.

Protip liberals: just because you're handed everything as a baby doesn't mean that's how adult life should be.
>> No. 10255
k, but back to the point of this thread, is there any more news from the front? Any new suspects or has ADF sent all his detainees straight to Siberia?
>> No. 10256

Attempt to make this free of politics faggotry has already failed.
>> No. 10257
File 13063327002.png - (785.07KB , 518x720 , fag.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey 789chan,

My name is ADF-Fuensalida, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-life breeders who spend every second of their day creating threads that let you look at our gender. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever called yourself a girl 7 years before getting your sex change? I mean, I guess it's fun asking us what our real gender is because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than people finding out that I don't actually live in Canadia.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I've cosplayed as every single character from Naruto, and got an article on Encyclopedia Dramatica. What articles have you ever gotten, other than the "I'M SO AWESOME" page of your own blogs that no one reads. I also get straight F's, and have a fat faux-lesbian girlfriend (She just ate out my imaginary pussy; Shit was SO kawaii) You are all homophobes who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch.
>> No. 10258
He probably meant to post to the Nick thread. In ADF threads we are civil and discuss about communist like gentlemen should.
>> No. 10259
File 130633395131.jpg - (42.04KB , 166x203 , poe doesnt understand.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys what's Trey's Facebook picture right now? Looks familiar but I can't tell from the thumbnail.
>> No. 10261
I'm not sure, but I think it's kuroshitsuji
>> No. 10262
File 130634616053.png - (120.94KB , 488x858 , ahu.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He is absolutely fucking delusional.
>> No. 10263
File 130634678049.jpg - (73.38KB , 526x262 , facepalm nazi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"I got trolled, and because I'm too much of a retard to stop feeding the trolls, you must suffer with me."
>These fascists
I doubt ADF even knows the difference between nazis and fascism and authoritarianism and totalitarianism.
>> No. 10264
File 13063471861.jpg - (64.60KB , 500x500 , 070215_oro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
During my phone chats with Ahuviya, she told me that she wanted to purchase a gun, to show it off to you guys. She also wanted it to shoot anyone who dared to attack her and thought that all gay people should carry one with them at all times. I was frightened by the info, to tell you the truth.

Also, Ahuviya wanted to try out prostitution to afford more cosplay and estrogen. I tried to explain to her that it's something that you cannot just walk out of and still be the same. I dunno if she listened to me or not.
>> No. 10265

Anyone tried doxing his friends and convincing them they won't get raided if they 'field agent' his ass? Are these even irl friends?

I've just been browsing ADF threads, forgive any faggotry I spew.
>> No. 10266
File 130634751484.jpg - (7.78KB , 183x158 , Bwahahahahahaha!!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
best one so far

I'd like to see ADF try and catch me
>> No. 10267
File 130634760714.jpg - (41.20KB , 400x400 , mr75-8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My work here is done. Have a pleasant day, guys.
>> No. 10268
File 130634789114.jpg - (323.22KB , 900x1200 , you_will_die_here__sakura_____by_iamjustahuviyahar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> Also, Ahuviya wanted to try out prostitution to afford more cosplay and estrogen.

Who in the world would want his ugly ass?
>> No. 10269
Hey yo, Trey, do you know much about Maria? What's she like? What's her story? Why the fuck did she even shack up with him for a while?

(I mean, she was no looker herself *shudder* but still...)
>> No. 10270
What's the link to his facebook page?

And Captain Commie, did you want to e-mail me? I think you said that before.
>> No. 10271
File 130634851314.jpg - (40.15KB , 350x400 , 1-11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't really know her besides the time that she attacked me on my page due to the fight Ahuviya and I had.
>> No. 10272
Yeah, I'll email ya later tonight :)

Huh. I do believe it's interesting that ADF, unlike Chris, has IRL friends that actually defend his delusions (at least, that's what I gathered while being friends with him).
>> No. 10273
I can't believe ADF has in real life friends. He seems generally repulsive and annoying.
>> No. 10274
File 130634896527.jpg - (49.20KB , 445x500 , 1276087524527.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She also wanted it to shoot anyone who dared to attack her

Well, considering how he thinks everyone attacks him/is plotting against him this wouldn't be a good situation at all.
>> No. 10275
>Also, Ahuviya wanted to try out prostitution to afford more cosplay and estrogen.
tee hee
>> No. 10279
File 130635603867.jpg - (3.87KB , 126x99 , Fran phone 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I was frightened by the info, to tell you the truth.
You shouldn't. He has already threatened to kill us all with his baseball bat and had a poster where he told he would happily shoot certain human groups. If all his threats would become true, he would be pretty much alone on this planet.

>Also, Ahuviya wanted to try out prostitution to afford more cosplay and estrogen.
Carlos Chantor, much? Day by day he become more like the manchild he detests. It's like he is completely unable to view himself or his situation from an objective point of view.

By the way Tray, you're a cool guy, and I'm sorry for your grandparents.

Regards, that Finn.

PS: If you have any funny stories like him shitting his pants or planning to become a whore, please do share them with us.
>> No. 10280
File 130635657596.jpg - (39.21KB , 640x480 , 1306271803553.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The prostitution plans are news to me.

Pic related. MFW I read that.
>> No. 10282
File 130635970878.jpg - (25.63KB , 720x333 , Under the Sea.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess where ADF's shithole, Australatina is? Under the sea . . . The under the sea . . . Darling it's shittier down where it's wetter, take it from me!
>> No. 10283
File 130636007356.gif - (20.28KB , 300x300 , postalworker.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And don't forget how he got fired for threatening to blow up his workplace if they won't get him off the night shift.
>> No. 10284
After reading about the horrors of Nick Bate, I forgot about this fuckwit for a while. But the new info with regards to the spies shows that he is still a delusional, paranoid manchild with one of the largest persecution complexes going.

He wanted to go into prostitution? As I said, delusional as fuck. Jesus.
>> No. 10285
>As I said, delusional as fuck. Jesus.

Indeed. Like I said in the last ADF thread (before Norden and I derailed it by sperglording about Maoism and the nuances of the Scandinavian left... for which I apologize to all!), part of me (key word: PART) pities him somewhat because it's obvious he's very very sick... I mean, it doesn't excuse that he's obviously a horrible person no matter what his damage is, but the gender dysphoria, paranoia, wishing to live his life as an anime character, his compulsive lying... I genuinely think he suffers from SOMETHING more than just autism or being a douche.
>> No. 10286
>It's like he is completely unable to view himself or his situation from an objective point of view.
this seems to be a pretty hot trend with aspies.

also, Trey is all manner of awesome
>> No. 10287
Trey's here? When did that happen?
>> No. 10288
>this seems to be a pretty hot trend with aspies.

Hmmm... If I may play armchair psychologist for a minute (yeah, I know people did that way too much with Chris, but indulge me for a bit), trans friend of mine (who I've told about ADF) slipped to me...

Could ADF have some level of borderline personality disorder? Gender dysphoria can be a major problem among borderlines (heck, their identities IN GENERAL are violently unstable). Some symptoms he seems to show (pulling out my DSM-IV here) include:
>A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, as well as marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts

>3 Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
> disturbances in and uncertainty about self-image, aims, and internal preferences (including sexual);

>4 Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging

>6 Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood

>8 Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).

>9 Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms

Just throwing it out there, but I've also come across a couple of sites that briefly mention gender and sexual identity problems within BPD:
>> No. 10289
Makes sense to me.
>> No. 10290
File 130636371837.jpg - (11.55KB , 395x274 , 1299616412050.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Also, Ahuviya wanted to try out prostitution
>> No. 10292
>A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, as well as marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts
*on-and-off with maria
*lashes out at friends regularly but never apologizes, just makes excuses

>3 Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
>disturbances in and uncertainty about self-image, aims, and internal preferences (including sexual)
*OP's pic
*the "philipe-saskue-ahuvaya" gender pic
*the "a tall woman emerging from the doorway was a tall woman" copypasta
*various other drawings where he personifies his gender struggle

>4 Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging
*skipping medical evaluation to get hormones which disable his reproductive abilities
*the suicide text message

>6 Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood
that's a little too technical for me to properly understand, but he definitely has a reactive mood:
*introman taunts ADF to find spies, ADF gets all srs bsns and brings on the Spanish Inquisition (which nobody was expecting)

>8 Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
*we're denying the holocaust if he's not a woman
*BATTER UP! (lol irony much?)

>9 Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms
*carries a knife during "heightened security" because people reposted information that he supplied
*alienates his friends and is willing to risk their dox being dropped because they will suffer as he is
>> No. 10293
>8 Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights).
>*we're denying the holocaust if he's not a woman

Wait, ADF said something like that?
Are you fucking serious?
>> No. 10294
I'm sure there's a screencap of that somewhere, but yeah. Apparently the holocaust never happened.
>> No. 10295
File 130638809932.png - (38.90KB , 505x674 , 3223232.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reposting from the last thread (since the a link to it will probably break when it's moved to archive).

Come one guys, it's not like there's anything in Jewish history even remotely comparable to the suffering and anguish ADF faces when someone refers to her using male pronouns. Maybe the Nuremberg tribunal should have focused less on petty criminals to justice and more on taking personal revenge against the real monsters plaguing humanity: people who say mean things on the internet.
>> No. 10296
>*the suicide text message

This is new to me. Please explain.
>> No. 10297
File 130639251049.jpg - (128.38KB , 641x720 , 12928721.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10298
This is from a couple of facebook posts that went nowhere. His motivation was more likely than not trying to see if everybody cared enough to try and talk him out of it. Attention Whoring 101.
>> No. 10299
He threatened to blow up his workplace and he wasn't arrested?
>> No. 10300
He threatened to blow up his workplace and he wasn't arrested?
>> No. 10301
Appearantly not, but he was questioned by the jerkops over the pic of him shooting McCain (he took it to school and showed everyone).
>> No. 10302
>> No. 10303
I didn't that know women have a perpetual 5 o' clock shadow.
>> No. 10304
File 130639934068.jpg - (67.83KB , 500x446 , Nyoro~n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
know that*

Oops, how did that happen.
>> No. 10305

Wow, really? The dude has no decorum.
>> No. 10306
Well it wasn't HIM shooting McCain in the drawing... it was Sasuke. Though I guess that's pretty much the same thing, seeing how he wants to BE Sasuke/Sakura.
>> No. 10307
Yes, that was another... peculiarity of his. Before he latched onto Sakura, he was obsessed with and pretty much identified himself as Sasuke- a male character who lives his life in a dominant, masculine role. Essentially, he was a biological male, living as a woman, who lives as a man. Righty-o...

Even though the Sakura thing is just as creepy and pathetic, it at least is more consistent with the image he wants to put out.
>> No. 10308
File 130641384355.jpg - (117.80KB , 900x465 , from_male__sasuke__to_female_by_adf_fuensalida-d37.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Sasuke phase was his transition period (normal dude to a guy dude to a gaybian).
>> No. 10309
Never noticed how hideous his legs are. Dear lord.
>> No. 10310
No, he was still Sasuke until a couple of months ago. When I was talking to him, he said he was a woman, yet referred to himself at all times as Sasuke. Talk about some cognitive dissonance.
>> No. 10311
File 130642533498.jpg - (7.17KB , 397x85 , Spies have been released.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For anyone who is not up to date, the spies were let go so the addresses won't be leaked (as far as a I know). However, due to the fact that it took the efforts of Trey Pepe and Eli May for the spies to be released and the fact that I'm a giant prick, the videos are going on youtube! Have a pleasant day, everyone!
>> No. 10313
File 130642715268.png - (100.58KB , 508x548 , gentleman2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The moral of the story? Don't be an American-Canadian-Jewish-Latino atheist-pagan-agnostic-Hebrew genocidal-pacifist antimperialist-imperialist-totalitarian-libertarian man-woman-butch bisexual-lesbian weeaboo Leninist-Maoist Hoxhaist-in-denial interested in fascism suffering from the "inaccurately diagnosed" autism as well as "Emotional Disturbance" and extreme stupidity.
>> No. 10314
Where can we see the vids?
>> No. 10315

Maybe he should take out paid advertisement on a billboard, because nobody is going to see that other than his Facebook friends.
>> No. 10316
File 130643539332.png - (92.75KB , 411x545 , an hero for the revolution.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

do you happen to mean these?
>> No. 10317
File 130643777981.jpg - (225.90KB , 874x589 , neon_rider_dream_sequence.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One of those videos is correct
>> No. 10318

Does he think that's the Japanese word for suicide or something?
>> No. 10319
File 130644006261.jpg - (22.61KB , 351x292 , seppuku2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's also called Hara-kiri. Weeaboo much, ADF? http://victorian.fortunecity.com/duchamp/410/seppuku.html
>> No. 10320
Except wasn't it a means of "dying with honor" by your own hand rather than an enemy's, rather than offing yourself due to depression?

And really, really fucking painful?
>> No. 10321
Yes and no. It is suicide, but it's very wrapped in ceremony, as most Japanese traditions are, and refers specifically to disemboweling oneself with a blade. I doubt that's what ADF meant, given what we know of how ignorant he is about Japanese culture. I would imagine people who commit seppuku are more concerned with honor and release from life or pain than being massive attention-whores.
>> No. 10322
File 130644056444.png - (69.44KB , 862x499 , Kabuchimaru.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya Harel. Since you attacked six innocent people and harassed my spies. I am going to start the eye of the USURATONKACHI. Here's some of the redacted information. We trolls have on you Ahuviya.

Address: XXX East Mount Airy, APT 2E
Cell Phone Number: 267.XXX.3732

Tomorrow, I will release a list of the un redacted information, if you don't meet my demands. I need a video with you VISIBLY in it with GOOD LIGHTIING and PROPER AUDIBLE AUDIO. It MUST BE PUT UP ON YOUR YOUTUBE ACCOUNT AND STAY UP FOR AT LEAST A WEEK. Here are the things you should say on the video.

1. I AHUVIYA HAREL am wrong for stealing (MY CREATION) canis and committing copyright violations 3 years ago against Corrie Jo Schlagle.
2. Ahuviya Harel will NOT GET IN TO PROSTITUTION and actually try to find a legitimate occupation .
3. Ahuviya Harel won't use her friends as pawns and actually appreciate them UNLIKE THE GLOUCESTER DAYS.
4. Ahuviya Harel will admit that she is worse than CWC.

The balls in your court.
>> No. 10323
Don't later variations involve decapitation? Like, guy killing himself has his friend cut his head off?
>> No. 10324
File 130644091118.jpg - (22.04KB , 280x280 , jig ai.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A shame he didn't do it
>> No. 10325
Correct, but only after disembowelment and it was usually used to carry out a punishment. I think on the battlefield, disembowelment was the samurai's only option, aside from being captured.
>> No. 10326
File 13064413281.jpg - (25.79KB , 400x269 , 56878787.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The gauntlet has been thrown. Is ADF man enou- er...does ADF have the bal-...uh...will ADF *pussy* out?
>> No. 10327
Right on my account. Just click the video!
>> No. 10328

Somehow, I believe that Trey is going to get the fall for this
>> No. 10329
It's impressive how tolerant his [extended] family appears to be. If one of my family members insisted on wearing a cosplay outfit 24/7, I think I'd pursue getting him/her some psychological counseling (just to make sure everything was okay) well within the first month.
>> No. 10330
someone archive the last thread
>> No. 10331
Like Chris, I actually think ADF is kind of funny and charming. I genuinely enjoy watching/listening to the things he says and does. However, unlike Chris, I find myself not being that interested in the stuff other people do to him. He's definitely lacking something. For whatever reason, I just can't get into ADF. Chris was my one true lolcow. The lolcow of my life, if you will.
>> No. 10332
There's a huge margin between tolerating and giving up. The first is all about not giving a fuck while the other is an emotional disengagement regarding the subject.
Maybe his family tried to get him help and he blatantly refused it. If he's old enough to be an adult and he know the difference between right and wrong, there's nothing a parent could do to force help down his throat.
>> No. 10333
>I find myself not being that interested in the stuff other people do to him.

It's because he's not as gullible as Chris is. While his insanity produces some interesting results when he *IS* punk'd, he has enough intelligence to figure out when he's being bullshitted most of the time. I think ADF has some brains underneath the insanity, so trolling him can't be as formulaic or deceptive as it could be with Chris.
>> No. 10334
Funny, I always kind of thought that Chris was at his very core a generally 'good' person. He was just lazy and stupid. ADF I feel is a very bad person. He lives to create drama. Chris is just an ignorant 10 year old in a 28 year olds body. ADF is just a huge douche.
>> No. 10335
This should be interesting. Eagerly awaiting the outcome.
I concur.
>> No. 10336
That's true, but being disowned by your immediate family for being gay or trans isn't at all uncommon. His parents could've kicked him out and I would imagine that an aunt, uncle or cousin would have even less of an obligation to be sympathetic and probably would have avoided contact altogether, unless they were really close. Inviting their cross-dressing radical nephew/cousin for Christmas implies they have some kind of emotional attachment to him. I can't imagine, based on his past behavior, why anyone would want to be around him. He's too volatile and rigid; someone is bound to make a remark ADF would take the wrong way. I wouldn't want someone like that at my family gatherings if it can be avoided, especially at Christmas. Unless that's only how he acts on the internet, but that seems dubious ("I carry a knife for protection", "I'm going to blow up my work place because they didn't give me the day shift", McCain drawing). Maybe he's less provocative around family and doesn't discuss his ideologies? Because even if the cosplay outfit is chill, being a self-proclaimed Jew communist among Christians has to make for some awkward and trying moments.
>> No. 10337




>> No. 10338

Apart from Kevin Hayes, are there any lolcows who get what they deserve? Every lolcow posted here seems to have a family who puts up with their bullshit.
>> No. 10339
File 130645416340.png - (195.14KB , 478x305 , 128963729389.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>First post and first dislike. Take off the faggy naruto costume and get a job you lazy sack of shit.

It's funny that people keep thinking that's another account for ADF.
>> No. 10340
There have been a few who have gotten doxxed and trolled. I mean, "got what they deserve" is kind of relative. People like Chris, ADF, NickBates, etc aren't ever going to be able to hold down actual jobs, enjoy fulfilling relationships or achieve any of their dreams without major changes to their behavior and personality. And they're just too lazy to try so I guess they've already condemned themselves to being sad little failures for the rest of their lives. There's some justice in that, right? I guess it's up to each of us to define what it is you think they deserve beyond that.

But no, they never really get what they deserve. Their cozy, insulated little realities that they have constructed to shield themselves from the "capitalist homophobes" and "slanderous trolls" won't allow them to ever realize that they've been defeated or that they should stop and re-evaluate their lives. Lolcows in the past have been called out, doxxed, and trolled (on and offline) repeatedly, and those that don't grow out of it always come back for more.
>> No. 10341

By "got what they deserve", I was thinking specifically about them getting kicked out of the house and being forced to make it on their own, like how Kevin eventually ended up in a homeless shelter. But you answered that question.
>> No. 10342
You got it right.

We are living in amazing times where our occidental society is so rich it can support slackers like ADF and CWC. Two generations ago, such pathetic beings would had been hounded into making any productive work or shoved in the tender and loving arms of the local asylum. Now, they are receiving money from the state for the simple act of breathing.

Another thing; they are not called on their bullshit. Once upon a time, words like "Cripple" and "Retard" weren't not a terminal case of un-PCness equaled to the dreaded "N-Word". Back in the days, Cosplaying outside of halloween night was fit to be publicly ridiculed. Today, it's almost celebrated as a way to be non-conformist and individualistic. So they will continue with their peers's minds deeply inserted in the hippie mentality of the '70 were all people were beautiful and unique snowflakes.

Will they live a good life away from our common reality? I don't think so. My problem is the stress those overgrown babies will generate on the ones working hard for the good life. Who's paying for ADF's estrogen and CWC's manicure? What about Joe Average who is slaving at a his shitty job so he can pay his bills and the taxes those bozos swallowing up? If they act like this, they deserve to be trolled. It is pure justice.
>> No. 10344
It's almost as if a society should support its citizens. Wow.

The good old days...
>> No. 10345
Yeah, I went on a rant there.
This being said, what else to do with the unproductive leech like ADF? There's nothing else to do but laugh at them.
>> No. 10346

I agree with everything here. Epic post.

Because after all, cosplaying and doing what everyone else is doing is totally unique, right? RIGHT?

>> No. 10347
>what else to do with the unproductive leech like ADF?

Oddly enough, in the USSR, ADF would be seen as a parasite. DOH HO HO HOOOOO
>> No. 10348
Growing up in a single-parent home and having to buy lunch with food stamps may have given me a biased outlook, but I believe that everyone should have a helping hand when they're down. That said, I'm grounded enough in reality where I detest people who take advantage of a system designed to get people back on their feet just because they're lazy. I actually verbally abused a coworker when he asked me why I didn't apply for food stamps because I'm living on my own and make only $20,000 a year. So many people apply for financial assistance just because they can. Which only serves to feed the fervor of Libertarians and Republicans to abolish such programs completely.
>> No. 10349
This. If only the system was retooled.

My mom's neighbor (who is a minor lolcow herself, and I'll give details upon request) applied for SSI recently despite already mooching off of her own family. Lazy assholes like this person are one of the things wrong with the world.
>> No. 10350
I think I came from a similar background than you. I applaud your attitude; the best bread is the one you buy by your own merits. Nevertheless, I understand that some persons will never be able to do so. Some people are physically unable, others are mentally degraded to the point of infancy. Our help and mercy should go with those. I know blind people holding jobs and I salute them for that.

Since ADF is clearly able bodied and "Kinda" functional, he got no excuses. Getting fired from a job because a bout of Tard-Raging over the nightshift is simply horrendous for me. This is impressive coming from a bloke who preach a Communist ideology. I guess he's dreaming of a state that pays for freaking everything instead of the Marxist dream of the workers actually WORKING for the people.

This is a lolcow I need to follow.
>> No. 10351
So did the ADF wiki ever make it off the ground?
>> No. 10352
I was advised to apply for SSI a little over a year ago. I'm a student at 22 taking classes at a community college and living at home. My dad makes 6 figures. But why am I turned down? Because I have over $2000 is savings assets. They recommended I withdraw my CD prematurely and pay a $300 penalty in order to get within qualifying range.
No wonder the government is bankrupt; they're telling people how to abuse the system instead of teaching real fiscal responsibility.

When my CD came up for renewal, I cashed it in and reopened it with half. I put the other half into a 2-year with a higher interest return.
>> No. 10353
File 130647993852.gif - (241.46KB , 390x269 , Joker.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This is impressive coming from a bloke who preach a Communist ideology. I guess he's dreaming of a state that pays for freaking everything instead of the Marxist dream of the workers actually WORKING for the people.
>> No. 10354
I'm a college student on food stamps since I don't make enough money for groceries in my area, yet I'm still accused of being a welfare leach by some. Pisses me off.
>> No. 10356
File 130649067354.jpg - (40.13KB , 471x369 , cyberterrorism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I guess we're cyberterrorists, everyone. Also, lulz at "firends"!

>>The people who are my friends who know I suffer from this, and therefore should do anything possible to defend myself from these people.

Hey, ADF! Why don't you come on here and fight us like a communist ninja instead of hiding behind the skirts of your friends, pussy!
>> No. 10357
>36 months of cyber-terrorism
No offence, but this board and its threads are entirely inconsequential to ADF. Or at least they should be. We have done nothing more than engage in speculative discussion about him and (mostly) his conduct. Oh, and we do laugh at him whenever we feel he's made a complete ass of himself, which is often. And we've even experienced setbacks in doing that (loss of the wiki). The ED article was more malignant, but I doubt it had an impact on his life; as far as we know, it didn't cost him any friends (in fact, quite the opposite). And no one is holding a gun to his head and forcing him to read what we post. He can't seem to help himself due to the simple fact it's about him and any kind of attention is what fuels him. He's really the only one who's subjecting himself to all this stressful torture.

It's a shame we'll probably never have a Q&A session due to his flamboyant paranoia. What does it say when Nick Bates has more courage (shamelessness) than ADF to reply to his critics on a remote image board, that has relatively zero impact on his daily routine?
>> No. 10358
Nick is quite clearly mentally unstable, but at least he does not harbor a delusion about True and Honest fanbase. We know ADF thinks he's hot shit and would gladly suck cock to get more fans (as he's a woman amirite). Even if he treats them like shit, he can't stand the idea of losing them. He appears to be have very strong opinions, but really he is just extremely insecure. Q&A outside his hugbox of fans/agents? Not in a million years.
>> No. 10359
File 130650221930.jpg - (125.24KB , 600x600 , 1281099625349870.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>36 months of cyber-terrorism
ADF, that is a load of crock.
facebook is not your personal army. go fuck yourself with a coathanger.
>> No. 10361
File 130650690682.jpg - (24.70KB , 419x562 , Bull Dyke look.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
" Who put a dyke shirt on Grandpa?"

Seriously, though; The dyke look is back
>> No. 10362
File 130651312333.png - (0.96MB , 1470x600 , 130465186951.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seriously, those hormones aren't doing shit to ADF!
>> No. 10363
We know that he has a certain habit of threatening to blow up places if he doesn't get what he wants, so there's a high change he is unemployed. And as we can guess, his career as a prostitute wasn't what I'd call a success. I mean, I'd pay NOT to have a shapeless butterball climb on me while shouting japanese/russian phrases.

So, it is very likely that ADF is rather poor. And when we add this the fact that he spends ridiculous amounts of money from what little he has on Naruto shit to feed his evergrowing obsession with cum-stained wigs and bad manga.

No matter how much our dear friend wants to be a man, cosplaying is probably the priority one, as he already believes he is a woman because he decided so. And he did say that he'd become a prostitute to get more money to spend on cosplaying and estrogen. In this order.

TL;DR - ADF is a poor piece of shit who rather spends money on Naruto than estrogen.
>> No. 10364
Fucks sake. This shit scares me that the next girl I date is gonna be a tranny. It's getting hard to tell
>> No. 10365
>>dat neck
>>dat lack of boobs
>>dat jaw

Still looks like a dude to me.
>> No. 10366
I don't know...
I'm willing to bet that if someone just showed you that last pic you'd never think it was a guy.
>> No. 10367
File 130651598968.jpg - (15.23KB , 500x349 , Do want2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd hit it, and you know you would too.
>> No. 10368

Oh god. I can't stop imagining the beard on him..Her. Fuck trannies are awkward.
>> No. 10369
File 130651946742.jpg - (383.40KB , 1145x716 , 130465194065.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know.

I have a bunch of transition photo because those are pretty interesting.
>> No. 10370
You know, if i'dd never known that it was a dude, i would totaly be into her.

Now back to OP's picture.
No wonder tranies get a bad name.
>> No. 10371
I'm going to be looking at every girl I ever meet suspiciously now. First thing I'll ask is if they've ever been a guy.
>> No. 10372
File 130652212946.jpg - (23.27KB , 419x518 , Manliness.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10373
I'm sure it's probably been done, but someone really needs to point out to ADF that Chris not only has a more womanly bosom than him, but, when all dolled up, makes for a far more convincing woman than him.
>> No. 10374
Chris looks my Swedish great-aunt in drag.

ADF looks... like just another Naruto crossplayer that are a dime-a-dozen at Otakon, MomoCon, and AWA.
>> No. 10376
>>ADF is a poor piece of shit who rather spends money on Naruto than estrogen.

So Freaking THIS!

This is the proof that ADF is a complete loser. He's insisting that the rest of society bend over to accommodate his sexuality while doing no effort to reach his own identity goal. He's just like CWC who would like to stop shitting himself and yet refuse to do anything about it except taking pills.

Yes, transexuals are kinda creepy but I am amazed by their fortitude and their desire to change their sexual identity. This is what differentiate them from ADF; he's a slob with no drive whatsoever except being a (lazy) soldier in a fantasy army of one.
>> No. 10380
ADF, how does it feel being oppressed by cyberterrorist conspiracy of succesful transsexuals and actual communists, and laughed at by Chinese internet users?

ADF, how does it feel to be Chris Chan, instead of Sakura, an do you regret taking part in cyber-bullying of Christian Chandler?

ADF, seriously, don't you realize you are one ugly freak, and a fucking retard too?

Don't forget to answer these question in the Q&A video that is coming "soon".
>> No. 10381
File 130653381816.jpg - (39.41KB , 379x450 , 1304759669579.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>succesful transsexuals and actual communists
>> No. 10383
File 130653488313.gif - (448.45KB , 500x275 , doctor rain.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
he thinks he's an artist
>> No. 10384
>Yes, transexuals are kinda creepy but I am amazed by their fortitude and their desire to change their sexual identity. This is what differentiate them from ADF; he's a slob with no drive whatsoever except being a (lazy) soldier in a fantasy army of one.

Agreed. I mean, those transition panels are incredible and the captions indicate a level of comfort with their new selves which I kind of envy. Of course, those people weren't really unattractive to begin with. I don't know if ADF just isn't photogenic or what, but he could stand to take better care of his appearance (at least shave off the 5 o'clock shadow). In any case, relative to ADF it's a testament to what dedication and resolve looks like compared to half-assing transition therapy.
>> No. 10385
File 130654127610.jpg - (88.08KB , 454x323 , silence2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Billy is not a real transsexual, but he thinks he is. He tries to be; he's tried to be a lot of things, I expect... Billy... HATES his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual, but his pathology is a thousand times more savage... and more terrifying..."
>> No. 10386
Earlier, I was thinking...well, we all know ADF isn't exacly what we'd call a person with good mental balance. And we do know that he changes his sexuality more often than he changes his wig. From a homo to a gaybian and now to a tranny. It is possible, and likely, that he'll still change it. Or it is also possible that he'll never find a sexuality he could stick to.

What makes this funny, is that ADF, like CWC, is a child in an adults body, unable to take responsibilities or make big decisions. I can only imagine when he's 29, after he gets his dick chopped off (if he can restrain himself from buying Naturo shit, but that's a big if) and realizes that maybe he was a man in a man's body after all...
>> No. 10387
The similarities between Buffalo Bill and ADF are uncanny.
>> No. 10388
File 130654721184.png - (542.12KB , 1104x622 , hormonesholyshit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anybody else thinking that Ahuyiva's doctor prescribed testosterone instead of estrogen?
>> No. 10389
File 13065472501.jpg - (29.13KB , 492x320 , 600full-the-silence-of-the-lambs-screenshot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Indeed, comrades. In fact, I feel the whole "Goodbye Horses" meme here on /cwc/ is more befitting of our dear Philip... Also, please refer to my earlier posts about Borderline Personality Disorder.

"Our Billy is changing too..."
>> No. 10390

Most transsexuals I've met aren't very creepy at all :P but that's just me...
>> No. 10391
Ok I now think every girl is a transexual.
>> No. 10392
Indeed, in fact there's a trans girl that works in the foreign languages dept. offices at my university... Every time I see her I'm like "Oh God... yes... please..."

Oh hey, R.I.P. to Gil Scott-Heron, a true revolutionary. This poem goes out to you, ADF.
>> No. 10393
File 130655692167.jpg - (6.74KB , 152x240 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd consider it, but I'd want to stake out the naughty bits first. I don't think I'd even mind if she still had a dick, but I don't want to go near a post-op mess of beef stroganoff. It's got to be aesthetically presentable.
>> No. 10394
File 130655886372.jpg - (142.30KB , 1258x360 , 130429359475.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, those hormones aren't doing crap for him...
>> No. 10395
File 13065595836.jpg - (46.14KB , 425x566 , Very Ladylike.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, Hormones are doing jack shit for him.
>> No. 10396
I remember someone speculating that he doesn't even take the hormones, which would further prove that he only claims to be a tranny so he can feel oppressed.
>> No. 10397
File 130656108636.jpg - (190.56KB , 806x1209 , a_h_u_v_i_y_a___h_a_r_e_l_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why is he never EVER clean shaven in the photos? Seriously.

>> No. 10398
File 13065613859.jpg - (1.01MB , 900x1300 , id___what_is_communism__by_adf_fuensalida-d2yoj6r.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
CC asked why he chose to be a Maoist, so this is the answer:

>China cosplay and CRUSHING ENEMIES.

Also someone lock and archive http://789chan.org/cwc/res/57811.html
>> No. 10399
Man, you'd think someone so up on gender equality wouldn't idolize a dictator who had a fucking harem.
>> No. 10400
Funny that he uses a quote that is often attributed to Mao, but was in fact the slogan of a very small Red Guard faction in Guangzhou in mid-1968 that was later suppressed by Mao and the People's Liberation Army for being "ultra-left". :P
>> No. 10402
Dr. Li Zhisui's claim that Mao had a harem has actually been disputed by many scholars, and according Mao's personal secretary Qi Benyu: "Qi lived ‘in the vicinity of Mao Zedong for many years’ (Qi 1996: 192) and had frequent contacts with all the people who worked for Mao.
Therefore he should have known if Mao had been fooling around with women... At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1966 Qi even asked Zhou Enlai about Mao’s extramarital affairs. But Qi declares that in all those years he had never heard even a rumour of Mao sleeping with any women outside his marriage and that Li’s accusations about Mao’s philandering were lies and fabrications. Qi states that Mao’s bedroom had no locks and was never locked. The duty office of the guards, secretaries, nurses and attendants was just outside the door. The office operated on a round-the-clock basis, and was staffed 24 hours a day; ‘all activities were entered into records’ (Qi 1996: 195). Qi states that Mao was very respectful to ‘female comrades’ and he had never heard of any complaint of sexual harassment against Mao. He did hear such complaints against other powerful people on
the compound. Qi (2004) continued to hold these views in another interview that took place in 2004." - Mobo Gao, "The Battle for China's Past: Mao & the Cultural Revolution" p. 106-107

However, regardless, it's funny that ADF idealizes Maoist China has some LGBT paradise, when in fact the "narrow view of 'socialist morality' was that public discussion about homosexuality, even the existence of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people in Chinese society, was unheard of." In other words, ADF would've gotten his ass kicked by at least one Red Guard faction or another in 1960's China, especially if he were outside of the more radical bases of power like Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, or Dazhai...
>> No. 10403
File 130656379676.jpg - (607.00KB , 1152x2048 , look_carefully___they__re_real_by_adf_fuensalida-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He definitely has the hormones. Whether he still takes them or not, I don't know. To some extent his features have softened but that's all he's gotten out of it. Any success story can attest to hormones alone not being a substitute for taking care of your body.
>> No. 10404
and iirc, hormone PILLS are just the very, very beginning of hormone therapy. Don't quote me on that though, I might be wrong.
>> No. 10405
God, he looks like shit in that picture. Not just ugly, but just looks awful in terms of health.
>> No. 10406
Does he squint like that on purpose to appear Japanese or is he just retarded? I've noticed he does this in some photos but not in others.
>> No. 10408
I'm more amused by how it looks like he has conjunctivitis.

Hormone replacement therapy is the same all throughout, just with dosage changes. Its just one part of transition. Other factors to overall success include diet, exercise, mental stability, grooming and optional surgeries. Basically, the pills are worthless unless you've got everything else covered.
>> No. 10409
I was thinking it looked like that, but I didn't say anything due to colorblind. If that's the reason why he was squinting (thinking he can hide it), would that mean he catches it frequently (hence the other guy noting that he frequently squints)? I don't really follow this guy much, so I don't know the timeframe in which these pictures are taken, but the prospect of having recurring pinkeye really makes one wonder about his living conditions.
>> No. 10410
>Hormone replacement therapy is the same all throughout, just with dosage changes. Its just one part of transition. Other factors to overall success include diet, exercise, mental stability, grooming and optional surgeries. Basically, the pills are worthless unless you've got everything else covered.

Well, the only thing ADF has covered is being a horrible failure of a Naruto cosplayer. So unless that's an integral part of changing one's gender, it's going to be a rough transition.
>> No. 10411
File 130658006113.png - (123.87KB , 488x600 , 19183485_m.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Guess what country the USA (and possibly Canada) is going to use as it's own personal target practice? The Communist shithole of Australatina!!
>> No. 10412
Fuck you, now I can't fap to her anymore ;__;
>> No. 10413
Looks to me like he lost weight, grew out his hair, and learned to use photoshop.

Are there any convincing trannies that don't have giraffe neck, and have convincing boobs that are at least a C?
>> No. 10415
File 130658497450.jpg - (32.73KB , 418x293 , 1295688277712.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm no history buff, but even I can tell that there is quite a bit wrong with the location of Australatina.

First of all, if the country actually existed, it would not only have Dutch origins but it would've also been French or English territory (with a small possibility of also having Scandinavian roots). There is also a possibility of the country being a part of the US or Canada ( or be an English Dominion) until it became an independent country. The Spanish did not settle in the northern part of America, besides the disputed claim that Spanish colonies had a small impact on Newfoundland. It would seem more likely that Australatina would be influenced by the country of Cuba.

The wiki had already stated it's unlikely that Truman would've recognized a communist country. I would take it a step further to claim that the US would've gone to war with the nation and "made Australatina its' bitch." Not to mention how unlikely it is for the nations listed (except for maybe Canada and Britain) to give a rat's ass about a North America shithole.

My other issue is how the country supports itself. Yes, natural resources would be one way. However, natural resources is not enough to keep a nation going. The only other possibilities that I can think of is either that the nation is involved with illegal sex or drug trade or that they're indebted to the US and became a source for cheap labor. If either was the case, Australatina would be dealing with the US on a daily basis.

Feel free to correct me on anything. Pic related; MFW I had to figure this crap out.
>> No. 10416
File 130658683038.jpg - (297.20KB , 850x589 , 130607013836.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, Australatina is very uncultured. Violence, Communism, and LGBT seems to be the only culture that is there. There are no national dishes, no famous artists/writers/philosophers, no slang terms besides "Seme" and "Uke," no paranormal sightings/folk tales/urban legends/old wives tales, no subcultural or counter-cultural groups. The list can go on.

TL;DR Why would anyone want to go to ADF's imaginary shithole?
>> No. 10417
File 130658900199.png - (182.69KB , 300x336 , 12957749207.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF doesn't seem to understand symbolism. Australatina's Coat of Arms had fasces, one of the most famous symbols of fascism.

In, socialist heraldry, the emblems should display the country's culture and nature. ADF seems to understand this, to some extent. If we ignore his inability to draw, we see another problem. There is usually wheat or other domestic plant circling the emblem. Something that is important to the country, eg. Laos had rice, Uzbek SSR had cotton and so on.

Australatina has...cactus. That's same as United Socialist States of America had dandelion. From this we can also see how much ADF knows about other cultures and countries. "It has sand, I guess there are cactuses or something."
>> No. 10418
Not to mention that "austra" in Latin means "south". Australatina is off the coast of Nova Scotia.
>> No. 10419
The problem goes further than a simple political problem. As far as I understood ADF's crappy drawing of the globe, Australatina is a landmass the size of the province of Ontario right smack in the middle of the American North-West sea routes to the European Continent. Geo-Poticaly speaking, it means a lot. Even if his dreamland is of the size of Iceland, the U.S. wouldn't had permitted any foreign intrusion in that sector.

Let's imagine the fuzz a Communist revolution would had caused in a mythical Australatina; Can anyone sees the buzz caused by Cuba in the '60? Well, let's imagine a bigger Cuba just at large of the Virginian coastline. The Cuban "Crisis" would and turned in hysteria and there's would be calls for an invasion. Not only the U.S. can't admit that a foreign power would be able to hijack vital shipping lanes but he can't allow a red country to exist at missile range of Washington D.C. neither.

TL;DR If Australatina ever existed, it would had been ass-raped by the U.S. long ago.
>> No. 10421
I like how ADF's attempt to put more thought into Australatina than Chris did for CWCville just ends up making it somehow even more implausible.
>> No. 10422
File 130660259149.jpg - (12.68KB , 488x148 , Shaking up the system.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He obviously didn't put too much effort into thinking it through.
>> No. 10423
You're not going to be "trapped" if you're expecting it. I could post pictures of girls who pass 100% and it wouldn't matter. The only experiment I can provide is a collage of transwomen and ciswomen and ask for people to identify each. But that's too much work and I don't really care enough to go through with it :p
>> No. 10424
don't you mean Robert?

I look forward t his answer, but in all likelihood, he'll deflect.
>> No. 10425
Oh, right... about the tits.

It's rare for hormone therapy to provide anything more than a B. Anything that doesn't look pubescent is likely the result of starting transition before puberty could really do any significant damage.

Implants almost always look like implants. They can be nice and fit the frame but larger ones either make transgirls look more obvious or cause them to look like trashy porn stars. I haven't seen a single flattering example and I doubt it would satisfy your criteria.
>> No. 10426
My point was that traps -as far as I'm concerned- are never ever convincing. Certainly they're not usually as bad as ADF, but I can tell right away like 95% of the time. Even the imfamous linetrap is obvious. He's going bald now, the nose, the bone structure.

That brings up a point. This seems like a stupid question, but does the hormone replacement actually shrink the dick or something? Or perhaps the lack of testosterone makes it much more difficult to achieve an erection? I've never seen a well-endowed trap, it's always all shriveled and pathetic. Granted I've never gone looking, and only see what's spammed on 4chan, but it always looks decidedly pathetic.
>> No. 10427
File 130660844378.jpg - (44.49KB , 479x720 , How is that stubble.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He didn't answer. He just hid my comment. Maybe that map was his way of answering me. I dunno. It wouldn't surprise me either way. I dunno when that map was made, just that it was posted on Wednesday.
>> No. 10428
File 130660884262.jpg - (21.85KB , 404x509 , What ADF needs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why don't ADF just fake having cleavage until he develops tits? (if he does ever develop them)
>> No. 10429
They're not convincing because you're looking for it, I mean there are some who aren't convincing, but some actual women are pretty masculine. You probably see a few transvestites every now and then, but you don't notice. Also 'Shemale' porn isn't really transvestites, they usually don't take as many hormones.. which leads me to my next point, since hormones do shrink the penis and make it harder to have an erection.
>> No. 10430

Even if he IS taking his hormones on a regular basis, dosages that small won't do jack shit, especially for a body of his size. Not like it's obvious enough by looking at him, of course.

(If anyone's curious, dosages are usually twice that much, if not more in special circumstances. See http://www.endo-society.org/guidelines/final/upload/Endocrine-Treatment-of-Transsexual-Persons.pdf)
>> No. 10431
The doctors probably gave him the lowest dose possible just so they didn't have to deal with him.
>> No. 10433
Mao Zedong. Although, Captain Commie already cited a source denying that claim.

I think that would be unethical, so I doubt it. What's more likely is that he's messing with the hormone regiment, which would be only one of the things he's doing wrong. It's still unclear (to me at least) whether or not he's been seeing a mental health professional to help him transition. I don't know if that trans group counts or not, but given how he tried to seize control of the group, I doubt he could have gotten much out of it. In one of Eli May's DA journals, Eli seems to be undergoing counseling as part of his transition and I believe it's almost required in HRT to have some kind of discussion with a mental health expert. It was suggested in earlier threads that ADF somehow got out of having to do this important step, and seems to be self-medicating, and therefore may be doing it wrong.

>> No. 10434
File 130663523825.jpg - (74.46KB , 400x600 , ADF Anal Fissure.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, Captian Commie. Where you here when we released the journal about ADF getting an anal fissure?
>> No. 10435
File 130663653110.jpg - (48.01KB , 429x409 , 1303520255094.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
*spits out vodka*
....Что этот?
>> No. 10436
File 130663660344.jpg - (35.29KB , 468x407 , Geeks and Pokemon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is up with Weeaboos and Pokemon?
>> No. 10437
File 130663692857.jpg - (63.68KB , 397x506 , ADF Anal fissure before.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's an actual journal from ADF's Y-Gallery. He thought that something was wrong with his intestines. It's as disgusting as it is laughable.
>> No. 10438
Uhhh... Pokemon is a Japanese phenomenon? And there was an anime for it?

*blinks* Welllll... how about that! He must take some beer-can shits or something.
>> No. 10439
File 130663732238.jpg - (7.17KB , 149x205 , Bionicc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing at the bottom?

Either that or he shoved something in there while thinking about Sasuke Uchiha. Either way, it's a boner killer.
>> No. 10440
File 130663768213.jpg - (106.54KB , 720x360 , 162954_1746527299549_1129785784_1986354_1424550_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What? a picture of someone's wrist? I'm not certain what you're getting at...

Oh, and while I'm drunk, I just realized I forgot to tell you guys that once, a few days after he and Maria Equality Popo Naruto whats-her-blarrgh broke up, he asked me if I would be his "Naruto" or something. I don't know if he was joking or not, but it seriously sent chills down my spine regardless.
>> No. 10441
File 130663803549.jpg - (3.29KB , 235x63 , Maria Pupo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does this answer your question.

I feel bad for you. I would've told him to fuck off. Do you have a screencap of this?
>> No. 10442
>Does this answer your question.
.......O____O Could... COULD IT BE?...

>Do you have a screencap of this?

Now I wish I did. Like I've said in the last thread, I was white-knighting him so I didn't think to save or screencap any of our chats. But yeah, he said he was "auditioning" for someone to be his next "Naruto". I dunno if he was kidding or not, but... Gehhhh!!!
>> No. 10443
File 130663846486.jpg - (21.98KB , 466x295 , Chatroom romance.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is there a chance that Trey was also hit on?
>> No. 10444
I dunno, but this is very unexpected. It may still be on your facebook unless you erased it.

Oh hai Maria!
>> No. 10445
Hmmm. Actually, I think so... Don't quote me on that, however. Like I've said before, I've never really talked to Trey, minus maybe mutually commenting on the same FB status.
>> No. 10446
File 130663899050.jpg - (31.01KB , 467x331 , 12436363663.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thank you!! I just wanted an honest answer!!
>> No. 10447
File 130664029817.jpg - (14.31KB , 468x166 , 232342343.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's disgusting!! Thanks everyone!!
>> No. 10448
>> No. 10449
No problem. Trey, if you're here, I guess you've figured out who I am now.
>> No. 10450
yeah, it's a pretty important step, and one that ADF apparently realizes on some level that he can't pass.

I can't decide what's the wrongest part of this conversation. and I'm literally listening to a song with the chorus "pull the tapeworm out of your ass" right now.
>> No. 10451
File 130665244984.png - (254.47KB , 823x472 , TRANSITION STATS FOR MAY 2011_1306652334227.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Phillip is a lady. You trolls.
>> No. 10452
>Liking his own posts
I've never understood why people do that. Do they really need validation to that extent?
>> No. 10453

Well at least I have bigger boobs than him.
>> No. 10454
File 130666982281.jpg - (47.32KB , 320x261 , 1305650359318.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Did someone hack her fb? Is she a spy all along o_O. Is this an attempt to fuck with ADF's mind?
>> No. 10456
File 130667178461.png - (39.36KB , 309x213 , wat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing going on in this thread at the moment does not confuse me
>> No. 10457
I'm going to be honest, I don't understand any of this.

I mean, I get what ADF is I guess, delusional autistic cosplayer with a hideous face who tries to swap his gender and sexual orientation like wigs.

What I'm not seeing is the hilarity. Maybe because I don't understand the context at all. Every time I try to follow this, I have no idea who any of you are talking about. I thought there was going to be an ADF wiki, but last time I checked that it was down. I don't know who Trey is, I don't know who Maria is. I don't understand the association with any of these people, or why any of these messages are funny.

I mean, I see so much laughter but -hopefully just because I have no context- to me every screenshot I see just makes ADF look annoying rather than amusing.
>> No. 10458
File 130667781766.jpg - (183.53KB , 712x998 , Trey comic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If Trey also checks in to this thread. He should check out this comic.

I don't know, to tell you the truth, but I have a feeling that ADF is going to shit! If he hasn't already from the Trey posts.
>> No. 10460
"Number of Military Clashes"
>> No. 10461
File 130668328197.jpg - (96.19KB , 720x449 , DOX.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We can't even try to dox them anymore!
>> No. 10462
The fact that he has the fucking GALL to compare his psycho flipouts at genuine proletarians for not allowing him to use the ladies room to the battles of those who genuinely laid down their lives for our cause sickens me.

Like, seriously: I've met comrades from foreign countries who have had their friends and family martyred in actual armed engagements. It's shit like this that makes me hope for his comeuppance someday soon. That's my answer to your question, >>65392 .

YT video related: it's someone who actually laid down his life for his people, and not the right to dress as Sakura.
>> No. 10463
He asked what is funny in this faux-commie tranny, and you start sperglording about communism.
>> No. 10464
*throws up hands* You're right, you're right. Sorry about that. I guess, to ACTUALLY answer your question, I really don't find anything FUNNY about him, it's just more a... je ne sais quoi... I guess he makes me SPERGRAAAEGGG!!!111 in a way that, like a trainwreck, I don't want to stare, but I just can't look away...
>> No. 10465
Maybe it's an exercise in doublethink. In the same way that communist dictatorships often call themselves republics, it's not implausible for a country this fucked-up to try to convince its citizens that north is south.
>> No. 10466
Pretty much this. I just want to see how much lower he can go.
>> No. 10467
So, let's see...
He's a self-entithled Aspie guy who worships Communism while being a trade-less slob. For me, just this is already quite Fail. if we add his half-assed attempt at transsexualism, his permanent cosplaying, his imaginary world, some female hormones and his flippant attitude, we can expect some fiery First-Grade Fail coming our way.
>> No. 10468
Does anyone know whether he plans on having vaginal construction surgery later? How committed is he exactly to becoming a woman?
>> No. 10469
He doesn't seem to have bothered to consistently shave properly.
>> No. 10470
Question - if ADF bothered to shave and lose weight and take the correct dosage of hormones, and by some miracle became hot, would he be any less of a horrible person?
>> No. 10471
>> No. 10472
File 130670549320.jpg - (71.67KB , 480x719 , Patient.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, because that's just changing the outside people hate. There will still be the delusions, paranoia, pseudo-communism, arrogance, etc. that people hate even more.
>> No. 10473
Uh, no. He/she/it would still be a commie parasite living a lie. That's like asking if Chris would be any less of a horrible person if his dick wasn't crooked and he had a six-pack.
>> No. 10475
Judging from that poster and ADF's own music tastes, I have a sneaking suspicion that ADF once tried to be black guy.
>> No. 10476
File 130670672522.jpg - (74.54KB , 600x427 , Adf's poster of fail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Homies? That is for little ghetto children
>> No. 10477
I know that's the correct answer, but somehow I suspect it's not the accurate answer. Hot people are forgiven for some of their bullshit when ugly people are not.
>> No. 10478
Good thing it has more than enough bullshit to offset the Hot Person Forgiveness Factor.
>> No. 10480
Are there any photos of him where he is actually well-shaven? Does he just not know how to shave or what?
>> No. 10481
He might be the kind of guy who has to shave twice a day. I'd image that's a special kind of hell for someone who wants to be a woman.
>> No. 10482
I haven't seen him without a wig. Is he bald?
>> No. 10483

I think that he's trying to be Latino. Isn't he just a white guy?
>> No. 10484
File 130673003820.jpg - (154.14KB , 900x1205 , 129391812758.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I will in April get a couple more Sakura wigs -to rotate around with- and hopefully a wig that is my natural hair color to cover that bald spot up...its fucking embarrassing -- I am 24 years old and I should not be balding at my age!

The pic is for everyone who's asking for "but what's so funny".
>> No. 10485
Ironically, 24 is an average age for hair-loss to occur at.
>> No. 10486
Would he be getting male-pattern baldness if he took the correct dosage of hormones? Yet another factor adding to the magnitude of his fail.
>> No. 10487

Was he in a psycho ward?
>> No. 10488
File 130674392495.jpg - (189.09KB , 900x1348 , 129387913019.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, but he should be.

24? Average? You gotta be shitting me.

The pic is a rare image of ADF shaving.
>> No. 10489
File 130675596565.jpg - (59.13KB , 328x720 , Trying to be sexy psych patient.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
IRL, not as far as we know. That's picture is just him in cosplay.
>> No. 10490

That's totally how psychiatric hospitals dress their patients. :/
>> No. 10491
Talk about a preview to things to come...
>> No. 10492

I was being sarcastic.
>> No. 10493
I'm beginning to suspect he has a fetish for mono-colored jumpsuits/scrubs
>> No. 10494
I am not.
>> No. 10495
File 130677636467.jpg - (78.51KB , 401x600 , Rape Rape Rape.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That and other things.
>> No. 10496
Remind me, what's his double scar cosplay supposed to be?
>> No. 10497
File 130678078350.jpg - (41.02KB , 400x449 , 12969412605.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10498
so, an emo pseudo-pagan faggot?
>> No. 10499
File 130678644427.jpg - (160.88KB , 900x1350 , 129700229730.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The world's ugliest goth.

Look at this wig, god damn.
>> No. 10500
Was he a nu-metal kid at some point, I take?
>> No. 10501
Possibly went through a "Wiccan"/"Neo-Pagan" phase?...
>> No. 10502
Oh, God...
>> No. 10503

Here in Scandinavia, that's typically a sign of white supremacist, unless you're here in Finnmark :p
>> No. 10504
That face...! Those eyes! Dem teefs!
It would look so great on a new Chrissy's Bent Duck Thread.
>> No. 10505
File 130681376364.jpg - (63.65KB , 500x332 , 1305870168071.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
About his bondage fetish. How much of a bondage enthusiast is he?
>> No. 10506
Sad but true, Norden, sad but true... Those Heathenist/Asatru National Socialists can be a pain in the ass...

I'm sure a lot of it's superficial. Most of the stuff I've seen in his photos are pretty tame stuff like fuzzy handcuffs, riding crops... ooh, whoopee, you're so kinky... I'm sure his involvement in the Lifestyle is pretty limited.
>> No. 10507
Seems like it, unless he's into degradation or has some kind of rape fantasies (you'll be surprised how many people within the BDSM community has those). Riding crops and fuzzy handcuffs are too vanilla.
>> No. 10508
>unless he's into degradation or has some kind of rape fantasies (you'll be surprised how many people within the BDSM community has those).

Well yeah, that's pretty common stuff in the Lifestyle, but a rape-fantasy fetish here or experimenting in humiliation there does not a Lifestyler make.
>> No. 10509
File 130681573282.jpg - (253.45KB , 948x2302 , Weinerville.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rape Fantasies. Those he might have! To be explicit about what his fantasy is; He has fantasies about wanting to be raped in prison. Strange, considering the fact that he claims to be a molestation victim.
>> No. 10511
How long ZabuKawaii was his VivianG equivalent?

>military clashes

I'd like him so much to move to bhis communist-gay heaven Russia so much. And then try and organise a "throw rocks at police and shoot troops" protest (that's a quote from one of his journal posts when he was playing a gay revolution, appealing to the True and Honest Fans of his) because there's no gay marriage, and then promptly get shot by his beloved OMON and driven over by a tank.
>> No. 10512
This. He wouldn't last a week (a day?) in Russia before he'd get stomped by either militsya or just him saying the wrong thing to the wrong guy.
>> No. 10513
I watched a documentary about Russian prison. They interviewed 2 guys. One was serving 5 years for stealing 3 hens. The other was serving 4 years for murder. They interviewed another guy, and asked him what he was in prison for. He said that some gypsies robbed his mother's grave, so he cut their heads off and put them on the graveyard fence posts.

I really, really, wish there was some way we could get ADF to go to Russia.
>> No. 10514
File 130683893193.jpg - (214.00KB , 600x826 , SkullBunny_by_Denise_A__Wells_by_DeniseAWells.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone know of any Russian chatrooms that I can share ADF with?
>> No. 10515
Would he even understand any of it?
>> No. 10516
File 13068407326.png - (2.55KB , 400x400 , derp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nope. He has .ru email to appear cool and different, but has forbidden sending him emails in Russian.
>> No. 10517
There's already a chatroom about him in Krautchan's /b/ right now.
>> No. 10518
File 130684362611.jpg - (22.18KB , 200x200 , What 14.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The fuck?
>> No. 10519
It's the German version of Niggertits
>> No. 10520
Well no shit.
>> No. 10521

I hope that you're not making reaction images of your own face. That shows that you either don't expect to hold down a decent job, or you're under 18.
>> No. 10522
Cool story bro, but really I stole it from this:

>> No. 10523
File 130685596645.jpg - (103.98KB , 550x457 , ghana-ninja-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When ADF claimed to not be a Merican, did he claim to be a Puerto-Rican living in Canada, or a regular Canadian? And whatever happened to his supposed latino heritage?
>> No. 10524
File 130685608218.jpg - (30.13KB , 467x280 , Hiatus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How long do you think this is going to last?
>> No. 10525
SCREEN CAP THIS BEFORE AHUVIYA TAKES IT DOWN. http://verganza-de-sasuke.deviantart.com/journal/41001489/#comments
>> No. 10526
File 130685782965.jpg - (83.26KB , 620x760 , Summer plans.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10527
File 130685852256.jpg - (13.03KB , 334x318 , feels bad man.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He blocked me after I asked him if he's pre-op MtF or after-op FtM tranny.
>> No. 10528

Who is paying for this fags hormone/"gender therapy" shit?
>> No. 10529
>> No. 10530
What a great reason to go to college - to have your surgery covered on their health plan (I think he is being overly optimistic in thinking that will actually happen)
>> No. 10531
I think he's being overly optimistic in thinking he can get into U of Penn. It's an Ivy League school. Anybody know what his previous grades were?
>> No. 10532
File 130686042222.png - (102.94KB , 235x242 , 1305310346065.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On DA? Join the club!
>> No. 10533
File 130686050074.jpg - (29.69KB , 325x496 , Adf's head.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nobody said that he was a good student.
>> No. 10534
He was in Special ED schools. No chance of being Ivy League!
>> No. 10535
>Percent applicants admitted: 14%
Yeah, bro, you're not getting in.

Also, tuition?
>> No. 10536
>obviously you're one of those 789fags
I asked if he was referring to those closed-minded people unable to tolerate his death/bomb attack threats with "roadblocks".

He mad.
>> No. 10537
>I really, really, wish there was some way we could get ADF to go to Russia.

Well, my next trip to Moscow is next January... Maybe we can figure something out so I can drug him and dump him off around Komsomolskaya-Sokolnicheskaya station or one of the side streets around Arbat at 3:00am (in full Sakura gear) and see what happens.
>> No. 10538
Saint Petersburg master race here. Enjoy your scrubby southern trash
>> No. 10539
File 130686797399.jpg - (64.41KB , 600x449 , 1306849244004.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Doesn't ADF hate Christians as well? Captain Commie, if you could introduce him to those viking heavy metal axe-wielding orthodox Russians, it would be most interesting.

There are two possible outcomes:
* ADF's autism kicks in and he threats to blow up their church and comes back to the States without the head. And nobody notices.
* ADF sighs, shits his pants, runs away and makes a journal about how he told those capitalists and made a great contribution to the revolution.
>> No. 10541
File 130686939081.jpg - (74.15KB , 729x561 , AkichanX3 - Sasuke - Logic VS Religion.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey, wait. Isn't both Trey and Maria Christians? Has he ever attacked either of them because of it?
>> No. 10542
File 130687000083.jpg - (16.83KB , 300x204 , russians_169621t.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Doesn't ADF hate Christians as well? Captain Commie, if you could introduce him to those viking heavy metal axe-wielding orthodox Russians, it would be most interesting.

Hahahaha, yeah, I'd love to see what would happen if he ended up running into a crowd of Old Believers... or even better, some of those hardcore Russian nationalists whose name I forget... Russanons, what's the name of that one nationalist group that has a black flag with either a yellow Orthodox cross or some yellow arrows as their insignia? I've seen them marching around before and they often carry icons and pictures of the Romanov family... but yeah, that would be entertaining to see ADF confronted with them.

I think he would also be greatly disappointed to find that Russian communists of pretty much every strain aren't too keen on LGBT individuals either. Even Ivan Melinkov, a Duma deputy for the KPRF said "Any displays of unconventional sexual orientation look revolting in Russia" and a lot of the more hardline Stalinist groups like AUCP(B) or the RKRP-RPK call gays and lesbians "sodomites" and "onanists". Needless to say, I'm pretty tight-lipped about my own sexuality and politics around Russians; but I know ADF wouldn't be able to...

/Russaboo sperglording
>> No. 10543
Is he still "Jewish"? That never was brought up in my talks with him...

(If he is, well, uh... Leviticus 18:22 and Marx's "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844" and "On the Jewish Question" would like to have a word with him...)
>> No. 10544

>what's the name of that one nationalist group that has a black flag with either a yellow Orthodox cross or some yellow arrows as their insignia? I've seen them marching around before and they often carry icons and pictures of the Romanov family...

I think that the group you are referring to is called the Eurasia Party.
>> No. 10545
File 130687184533.jpg - (54.29KB , 400x391 , _get_8_tapirr_11_0_48ad_abf19e71_L-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mmmm... I don't think that's them... I saw them at a rally with a bunch of people from Alexander Belov's DPNI organization.

Here's a pic of the people I'm talking about, maybe seeing their uniform will jog your memory? (Are they Old Believers, btw?) Either way, I'd *LOVE* to see what would happen if these dudes were to see ADF mincing down Tverskaya in a dress and a Soviet Army visor cap...
>> No. 10546
File 130687256270.jpg - (85.34KB , 712x534 , 1306849244001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Either way, I'd *LOVE* to see what would happen if these dudes were to see ADF mincing down Tverskaya in a dress and a Soviet Army visor cap...

I mean...he made a rectalravaged journal when he was ALMOST attacked by a wild pack of negroes. >"TONIGHT, I AM A VICTIM OF ANTI-LGBT VIOLENCE".

And "almost attacked" is pretty much the same as feminazi "almost raped". A nigger called him a fag.



>> No. 10547
I mean, you could say "almost attacked" if someone was beginning to assault you but you bounced outta there just in time... but if the dudes just taunted him for looking like, well, a faggot, then boo fuckin' hoo. I'm pretty queer myself but if someone calls me a faggot, I just ignore them, and I certainly don't run home cry about how I was "violently assaulted" for my sexuality...

Also, that's another pic of the organization/movement I'm talking about, although I've, uh, never seen them wear those robes... I've seen them on motorcycles though, that was pretty intimidating.
>> No. 10548
>I certainly don't run home cry about how I was "violently assaulted" for my sexuality...
It's funny because that's exactly what he did. He insisted his mother to take him to a hospital, which she did after some arguing (read: death threats).

He also told that he had been stoned, but said that when he went to the hospital there was nothing. Contradictory, much?
>> No. 10549
It's shit like this that are reasons why ADF genuinely bothers me. Chris, while definitely a morally repugnant human being, was just an idiot who always could bring the laughs; ADF brings a bad name to and plays up the stereotypes of every group of people that he claims to be a part of.
>> No. 10550
File 130689405110.jpg - (27.57KB , 466x310 , Community equality.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10551
Ah, he's a true politico! He'll occupy Pennsylvania by "getting involved with the community!" If only Stalin had known that.
>> No. 10552
A true visionary.
>> No. 10553
File 130689845756.png - (25.53KB , 812x836 , summer plans-fuck jpegs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I really hate to group him in with goths, because every goth I've even met has been a genuinely nice, level-headed person. ADF is just a fucking psychotic mess.

better version
>> No. 10554
American unis pay for tranny pills? Nice to see where the money goes.

Heh, when I saw "gender therapy", I thought of those pink triangles they used to slap on KZ inmates that had da homo. What do you think they'd have done to manchildren wanna be faeries like Philip?
>> No. 10555
This just keeps getting better. He wants to work for SEPTA, the unionized Philly public transportation? He'd have to wear men's uniforms to drive a bus or train... and it's pretty widely known that their union is Mafia. I wonder how wonderful their LGBT equality record is.
>> No. 10556
File 130690389874.jpg - (71.81KB , 437x620 , Vincenzo Cilli.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if ADF admires the Mafia too.

He seems to have a habit of idolizing people and organizations that either outright hate him or want nothing to do with him.
>> No. 10557
File 130690577173.jpg - (23.94KB , 400x300 , You are a pirate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
WTF Viking-Cossack-Chetnik-Black Hundreds 2000
>> No. 10558
Hah. Yeah I'm sure they'll pay for his tranny pills too. What if they *gasp* ask for his gender?!

You mean like Japan? I'm sure they wouldn't put up with his shit either. If he tried to say anything other than "male" for "gender" they prolly wouldn't let him into the country. Not to mention they are very strict and regimented about what men and women look like. Sure there are the metro looking fags (who are actual homosexuals) in Kabuki-sho and stuff, but this guy takes it to a level they prolly wouldn't tolerate. He also doesn't strike me as the kind who'd be overly polite to the point of absurdity the way the Japanese are. Of course, they'd never allow his Gaijin ass to work there either, let alone let him in the country.
>> No. 10559
This "Worship of Japan" is not limited to ADF. Many weaboos have the same obsessions. I know for a fact that the Japanese culture wouldn't tolerate his constant cosplaying and his laziness (not working 70-90 days a week).

Yes, Japan is a cool place to visit but I would refuse to live or work there, the country is crazy.
>> No. 10560

Besides the current disaster, I wouldn't want to live there because they seem quite literally insane. The media, the fetishes, the way people dress, it'd be too much for me.
>> No. 10561
It's not just Japan, it's also the Soviet Union, several communist dictators and philosophers, and if i'm not mistaken even the ACLU.

Everyone clan he tries to be apart of or identify with usually ends up shunning him at best and outright despising him at worst.
>> No. 10562

How long has he been doing this?
>> No. 10563
Did he actually threaten her life that time? Did I miss something?
>> No. 10564
Every time I come on 789, I click on the OP's pic, look at his face, read what's written there, and want to kill.
>> No. 10565
He at least didn't feel like boasting with it this time.
>> No. 10566
I've not checked here for a few weeks did he ever comment on Chris's new tom girl phase?
>> No. 10567
File 130694214410.jpg - (76.91KB , 465x832 , Trey comments.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Long story short, a troll sent tomgirl pictures to an innocent victim. The innocent victim, Trey Pepe, tagged a bunch of people with one of them and ADF jumped him over it and accused him for being our fellow bourgeois, Orokabu.
>> No. 10568
Thanks for the update! :D
>> No. 10569
Happy LGBT Pride month!
>> No. 10570
Okay, now it all makes sense: Maria is just as much of a psychotic dramawhore cunt as ADF is. Awww, they're perfect for each other.
>> No. 10571
>>66049 Maria is a bigger whack job.
>> No. 10572
How so? That's kinda big talk.
>> No. 10573
File 130694747210.jpg - (43.44KB , 500x375 , Sasuke and noodles.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think so as well. I don't know what anyone else thinks, but Trey seems like the type of guy who tries to avoid drama or attention, but will express his opinions when given the perfect opportunity to. I think Trey is the perfect foil to ADF in a sense.

>>I'm very camera shy, but I'll let everyone see the thing that attacks my feet every night. But don't expect to see a picture of me.

. . . Yes, his profile is still public
>> No. 10574
Well who else would date ADF?
>> No. 10575
True 'nuff, true 'nuff.
>> No. 10576
File 130694936361.jpg - (234.49KB , 900x1210 , The_Bitch_Named_Ahuviya_Harel_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, some people get into relationships to try to fix people. Girls and guys both are guilty of this, so if ADF does manage to attract someone that is unlike him; It wouldn't surprise me.
>> No. 10577
Wait, who's his 'spouse'. I thought he was forever single. :T
>> No. 10578
File 130697252588.jpg - (99.28KB , 1353x486 , adf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Didn't Maria post in one of these threads with screenshots sending messages to ADF about how they were through and such?

Are any of these actual relationships, or just people trolling ADF?

Even having seen the pictures of the hideous people ADF hangs out with, regardless of gender he is an unbelievably hideous creature. When the pictures started popping up I honestly believed the whole thing was an elaborate troll, that some guy's face was getting shopped onto all the photos. "Why does he keep making that same fucking face over and over? What's wrong with his teeth? What's wrong with his posture? Why are his eyes always glazed over?"
>> No. 10579
>Why are his eyes always glazed over?

I noticed that too... there's something in his eyes that betrays the fact that more's going on in that noggin of his than he's letting on.
>> No. 10580
Eli May

Something like that

The demands were not met. Now what?
>> No. 10581
File 130697775559.png - (607.21KB , 644x401 , in texas.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Easy. I'm going to garland texas to meet up with Elishia A May. Might have to inform the student body of her college about "his" dirty secret.
>> No. 10582
File 130697939947.jpg - (58.66KB , 458x720 , Bulldyke sideways.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You mean this dirty little secret?
>> No. 10583

its so weird to see places I've driven by regularly in the past on /cwc/
>> No. 10584

Shutup and suck my penis.
>> No. 10585
so, is he implying that it's okay for him to call us fags, but we can't call him a him?

or is he further proving that he is, in fact, a /b/tard
>> No. 10587
File 130699888736.jpg - (112.40KB , 627x600 , 627px-Gothzilla_kill_ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He probably is a closeted /b/tard
>> No. 10588

the fuck is that faggot shit? it looks just like ADF's autistic doing
>> No. 10589
>> No. 10590
Haha, oh wow... even scum like this hates ADF!
>> No. 10591
>it looks just like ADF's autistic doing
ADF doesn't understand the concept of sketching, but he uses crayola markers
the only resemblance is the idea behind the picture: kill what you don't like

also, a furry trying to be goth is just plain trying too hard.
>> No. 10592

He is. He lives in Pennsylvania, his "fiancé" lives in Texas. I don't think they have ever actually met.
>> No. 10593
File 130703446259.jpg - (46.99KB , 603x482 , Anbu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That was chosen at random, I swear! I save all ADF-hate art just in case the wiki comes back up, no matter how crappy.


Yeah, which is really funny!
>> No. 10594
File 130703779073.jpg - (49.09KB , 301x720 , 166684_178012592234685_100000778373584_354657_7528.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What was the fight between Gothzilla and ADF about? Did ADF try to hit on him?
>> No. 10595
File 130703980052.jpg - (9.77KB , 494x108 , Paddling it is probably Trey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone want to guess who he wants to paddle?
>> No. 10596
File 130704072735.jpg - (60.69KB , 472x634 , He no like pasta.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His housemate, Maria, fixes his meals. Why am I surprised?
>> No. 10597
File 130704102397.jpg - (73.11KB , 916x624 , Taken Captain Commie's advice.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He read your advice, LOL
>> No. 10598
Anyone else see the irony in this picture?
>> No. 10599
So I keep hearing you guys mentioning this ADF guy, but other then that I know nothing about him. Could someone give me a recap of all the stuff he's done and where I can learn more?
>> No. 10600
File 130705013756.jpg - (14.58KB , 265x257 , 1303876869688.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That ADF claims not to follow a "work of fiction" yet he bases his entire life on Naruto? Sounds like the typical ADF
>> No. 10601

Doesn't he also claim to not be a weeaboo despite dropping japanese words into his sentences?
>> No. 10602
File 130705107328.png - (19.92KB , 150x146 , Communist_Slowpoke_by_robindahoods.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're late to the (communist) party, aren't you?Anyway tough luck, the ADF wiki is long gone.
>> No. 10603
File 130706042150.png - (20.25KB , 501x189 , maria wtf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Great, a dominamatrix is at ahuviyas house.
>> No. 10604

and where did he meet this Eli May?
>> No. 10605
File 13070633733.jpg - (85.16KB , 537x720 , Trans-sition going no where.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's ADF. I think I'm going to need some brain bleach!
>> No. 10606
Well, how about that...
>> No. 10607
What does usuratochwhatchamacallit even mean anyway? And how the fuck do you pronounce it? I've noticed that unlike most weeaboos, the Japanese words he does use tend to be quite mouthfuls.
>> No. 10608

>> No. 10609
File 130706893850.jpg - (98.92KB , 593x720 , Mental Patient F & B.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah. Thing is that he read it and it didn't make a huge difference. He didn't go seek out a therapist. Is he as paranoid of counselors as he is with trolls?
>> No. 10610
He's got Cyberchondria with a dash of Unwarranted Self Importance and paranoia. He purposely sought out a LGBT-friendly psychiatric clinic that would recommend him to an endocrinologist for hormones after a single visit.

He trusts doctors about as much as he does anybody else who doesn't kiss his white ass. My guess is that he thought they would try and convince him otherwise... which is true, but he seems to believe that this is because the doctors are in cahoots with the government to actively oppress the transgender community by acting as gatekeepers.
>> No. 10611
File 130707457384.jpg - (104.77KB , 540x720 , With Woods Lady.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because a counselor would tell him that his mental illness is not a disability or a crutch? Because that they would actually correct him? Discrimination!
>> No. 10612
Yup. This is the typical "Please don't pop the fragile bubble of my imaginary self-importance" and stuff. He just doesn't want to wake-up and smell the coffee; he's just another boring bloke with a mental disease.

What is easier to deal with? Being wrong or blaming the world because he is evenly crooked?
>> No. 10613
File 130707664054.jpg - (31.72KB , 299x400 , Krokodil-doc-plot-01-1953[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Never forget the Doctors' Plot to give him autism.

He looks like a fucking rat man. What a freak.
>> No. 10614
So he pretty much calls everyone including his friends "useless idiot"? Wow.
>> No. 10615
File 130708279160.jpg - (64.49KB , 500x633 , With drink.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10616
Ironic, isn't it?
>> No. 10617

If anything, Adf is a window to fringe laughable political groups, which has been a lot of fun.
>> No. 10618

It only had 20 articles last I saw it, I don't know why you guys are dragging your feet in making another.
>> No. 10619

Why does he cosplay as a mental patient?
>> No. 10620
We've still got it as a goal and setting it up would be easy, but a wiki is not essential to present activities... like infiltrating his anbu.
>> No. 10621

I think we should set it back up ASAP. It was really useful for people to read up on ADF, and annoyed the hell out of him as a bonus.
>> No. 10622
>You'd be accepted if you weren't so childish.

These fascists must be really bored to discuss stuff with an obvious troll. Also, so pointless.

>> No. 10623
I could totally see ADF cracking and becoming a Third Positionist
>> No. 10624
I know it's just a troll, but it's still funny to see an entire forum of fascists remain civil with someone under ADF's guise.
>> No. 10625

Well, Japan is a very conformist society which he wouldn't like, judging by what he writes about and how he likes. Someone of his quirks would be more welcome over here, which I hope he never figures out.


Yes, they're almost as annoying as those communist and maoist kids who march in the streets of Oslo making asses of themselves.
>> No. 10626
how he looks like*
>> No. 10628
inb4 ADF makes a praising journal about Japanese Red Army who fought the strict Japanese norms for the LGBT revolution.
>> No. 10630
Weebs usually only see Japanese POP culture, so of course they buy into an insane illusion of it being a magical land of anime memorabilia and pocky. Indeed, the Japanese are actually rather conservative and principled. With that in mind, I think its fair to assume that the impression of insanity also comes from popular culture. Its just so much more colorful than reality, which to my knowledge is an often oppressive attitude of progress and/or tradition.
>> No. 10632
Two unspoken rules in urban Japan: No looking at other people in an elevator, and you're not allowed to walk while eating unless it's one of a select few items.
Conformist is putting it softly.
>> No. 10634
>Conformist is putting it softly.
Depends on where you come from, I guess. Sounds like just another day in Finland to me.

>that feel when you have three "you"s used depending on one's social status
>> No. 10636
Probably true. Still, don't except us to speak to you or smile back.
>> No. 10638
It's not about inhospitality. It's just smiling is not a habit here, and people might think you're laughing at them or making fun of them. It's kinda hard to explain.
>> No. 10643
the (rough) backup: http://www.mediafire.com/?50kck3b0dxh204x

we need a knew sysop to run the wiki and we have to chose a host from a list of volunteers which I can't recall.
>> No. 10644
Tell me something. ADF's supposedly been diagnosed with autism, right? Does he show any of the symptoms? From what I've seen, his problem seems more like he's just a general asshole with a serious weird streak.
>> No. 10647
File 130721032656.jpg - (42.97KB , 701x253 , Apartheid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ADF still mad about the toilet incident? Also, he doesn't know the actual definition of "Apartheid."
>> No. 10648
That FB profile pic... just... WOW. Fucking. Wow. I threw up in my mouth a bit.

As for that website, is it an actual campaign or is it just an ADF front? I just noticed that the main admin for the site is named "octobermax", wondering if it's an allusion to the October Revolution... I should ask my contacts in Philly about it.
>> No. 10649
He told me he was diagnosed with Aspergers as a child, but denies he actually has it. However, as someone who has a couple of aspie friends, I'd have to say that he doesn't show enough of the major criteria for it, so I think he's right in that he doesn't have it. However, like I've stated enough times before, I think there's something else much more wrong with him upstairs (borderline or otherwise).
>> No. 10650
"Konoha Transportation Authority"?

Oh, ADF.
>> No. 10651
I also just noticed he claims to have studied at U Penn. Huh, not what he told *me*...

(Oddly enough, I'm applying for their history program for grad school... great, now I'm having images of him roaming the campus a la Chris at UVA...)
>> No. 10652
File 130721716753.png - (312.52KB , 1349x863 , Autism gone.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
he confirmed his autism
>> No. 10653
>he claims to know german? now I'm getting ideas...
>> No. 10654
I didn't know the cure for autism was so simple! No wonder Bob and Barb hide Chris's papers.
>> No. 10655
File 130723476083.jpg - (25.97KB , 489x395 , Uzumaki in handcuffs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why is he so creepy?
>> No. 10656
File 130725090247.jpg - (63.69KB , 615x705 , Sauce.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's the sauce. I'm still trying to figure out if ADF and Gothzilla gotten into some kind of petty DA fight, knew each other IRL (they're both from Jersey), or if Gothzilla just found him via ED. What's the back story?
>> No. 10657
File 130726903337.jpg - (276.07KB , 900x1166 , happy_birthday_twinfools_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3h.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
tall female was a tall female

>Its been personally rough for me the last few months
>> No. 10658
File 130726933510.png - (451.39KB , 900x1751 , identity_spectrum__completed__by_verganza_de_sasuk.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10659
>"I expect to look like a mix between Che Guevara and Justin Bieber."

>> No. 10660
File 130728013016.png - (173.88KB , 723x1105 , 130378044683.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10661

All I see is "bag fat ugly gay retard"
>> No. 10662

Flipping off the camera?
>> No. 10663
File 130729341766.jpg - (83.51KB , 600x750 , 1306194613670.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10664

Even his Beret looks tacky.
>> No. 10665
>"I expect to look like a mix between Che Guevara and Justin Bieber."
translated into english:
"I have no idea how this actually works so I'll just pick two people I really like and say I look like them."

what is it with him connecting the dots on this? it's not a graph of related data; connecting servers no purpose other than to be a bigger attention whore.
>> No. 10666
He looks sorta like both of them, if they were in a transporter accident and their flesh merged.
>> No. 10667
He just wants to look like a communist lesbian.
>> No. 10668
Many of his fellow autistic commie trannies do this when they use his "identity spectrum":


>194 most popular deviations of all time

of all time!
>> No. 10669
File 130733687131.jpg - (95.88KB , 900x1192 , Sakura___Medical_Strait_Jacket_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's just his fetish. You know, like the prison uniforms and handcuffs thing.
>> No. 10670
File 130733730069.jpg - (728.46KB , 900x1275 , all_aboard_ahahahahahahaha_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>BTW - New pic of me - 9 Months on Estrogen

Still unshaven (but hey, at least he learnt to close his mouth and open his eyes).
>> No. 10671
File 130733731027.jpg - (85.73KB , 500x405 , biederp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I expect to look like a mix between Che Guevara and Justin Bieber.

Okay... I take back everything I've ever said: THIS is the most baffling thing he's ever said. Never mind how those two things just shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence (for SO many reasons, most of them using an once of brainpower), its that he thinks that he is some kind of visual hybrid between a scruffy and somewhat badass Argentinian revolutionary and an effeminate Canadian teen pop idol.

Oh, no wait... he expects to BECOME said hybrid. That's not how hormones work! Short of having massive facial-skeletal and dental surgery, THAT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

Egad, Ahuyiva. Please don't stop. This stuff makes me laugh too hard for you to just one day rattle that shriveled, freeeze dried wad of gum you call a brain, long enough to have a miraculous epiphany over what a dopey cunt you are. I yield to your womynhood!
>> No. 10672
>once of brainpower
How many ounces of brainpower did you save by typing like a retard?
>> No. 10673
File 130733914737.gif - (115.67KB , 290x231 , thismany.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10674

lold hard. fuck you.
>> No. 10675
File 130734090426.png - (204.38KB , 500x349 , dhsvciksdfvbh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10676

killed it. animoo is never acceptable.
>> No. 10677
File 130734214429.jpg - (64.61KB , 720x480 , Even guys are scared of him.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look how scared this guy was to be near him!
>> No. 10678
Wow, ADF looking, somewhat, normal.
>> No. 10679

you must have a broad definition of normal.
>> No. 10680
A normal public school lunch lady with a hormone imbalance, maybe.
>> No. 10681
File 130734760837.jpg - (34.52KB , 564x489 , 1307344673749.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That guy on the right looks familiar.
>> No. 10682
File 130734935324.jpg - (95.47KB , 720x480 , ShoppedChris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was researching this picture for a few hours and then I asked a friend of mine goes to the IADT, and they were able to do a shop on the pic and what we think happened was when the pic was taken, the facial recognition software in the camera flipped the faces around somehow. This usually happens when there is movement in. Here is what we came up with.
>> No. 10683
File 130735093732.jpg - (463.95KB , 900x1530 , i_will_get_you_back_to_konoha_by_iamjustahuviyahar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why would you do such a thing?
>> No. 10684
Because some dumbass posted Chris in an ADF thread.
>> No. 10685
File 130735558034.jpg - (58.21KB , 380x506 , adf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy crap, you're right! I think I fixed another bug.
>> No. 10686
Look at that face goddamn! He doesn't even look human!
>> No. 10687
File 130735788322.jpg - (156.48KB , 900x657 , adf2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10688

The guy on the right would be Cher and Sunny Bono's daughter Chastity. She decided to switch genders and picked a douchey name of Chaz. Also, in the new solo pic why does ahuviya have a SEPTA route translucence in the back ground?
>> No. 10689
File 130736343466.jpg - (25.58KB , 311x400 , chaz_bono_10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh god that's hideous

why can't i stop laughing


...is that Chaz Bono? That's Chaz Bono. Pic related.
>> No. 10690

Aw shit man, that's what I get for loading a page 20 minuted before reading it...
>> No. 10691
File 13073650939.jpg - (208.80KB , 1024x767 , Australatina_Highway_Map_2003_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's autistic (Aspergers) and he's absolutely obessed with maps.

>Asperger Disorder is characterized by the same types of social impairments seen in autism plus the development of very bizarre intense interests such as bus timetables, insects, meteorology, cartography, etc.

It's maps of all kinds:

Also, >>66905
>> No. 10692
I had a fucking dream about Ahuviya last night.

>> No. 10693
Already too much info.
>> No. 10694
>> Have you ever thought about a threesome?
>> No. 10695
File 130737648013.jpg - (23.98KB , 425x425 , 1307203552369.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That is that worst nightmare I could ever have!
Think so, man. Look at how scared Chaz looks though!
>> No. 10696
File 13073785674.png - (38.07KB , 534x363 , Sakura Equality Harel_1307369737457.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh lawdy.
>> No. 10697
File 130737988479.jpg - (20.29KB , 469x233 , Oh Trey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trey conformed as a Capitalist gay bourgeois!
>> No. 10698
lol ok

This is... so horrifying that it's almost gorgeous.

I'm more under the impression that for once it's ADF who is terrified. Chaz just seems like he's handling any other photo with a fan. I could make some joke about "Which one is the FtM?" or something but I don't want to waste another ounce of brainpower trying to be "funny" on this one photograph :p
>> No. 10699
File 130738087742.jpg - (118.71KB , 900x657 , 129427771897.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thanks! I was inspired by this photo of Chris on date with The Hambeast where everyone looks like Chris, could someone repost it?
>> No. 10700
File 130738098772.jpg - (26.42KB , 640x480 , 1307350968347.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a true work of art!

ADF looks constipated! Is he going to have another anal fissure?
>> No. 10701
File 130738115042.jpg - (115.01KB , 532x755 , malkovichmalkovich.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It sorta reminds me of something...
>> No. 10702
File 130738441184.jpg - (81.93KB , 394x397 , 1307327526926.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trey's right about the internet censorship in those countries though.
>> No. 10703
File 130739061435.gif - (878.70KB , 142x105 , 13056060077.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So no Naruto porn for ADF? What a tragedy!
>> No. 10704
I'd shit in his wig for that if I was maria.
>> No. 10706
File 130741113488.jpg - (19.84KB , 507x258 , moving day again.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would too!!
>> No. 10707
How does anyone on Earth put up with this... thing?
>> No. 10708
File 13074151281.jpg - (22.90KB , 462x297 , Santorum.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One word = drugs!! They make anyone tolerable!
>> No. 10709
File 130741659893.jpg - (15.84KB , 463x160 , 13343434.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also I got something you guys might enjoy!! Read the pic!!
>> No. 10710
File 130741755265.jpg - (17.67KB , 374x250 , 1307340683602.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> Ahuviya's dick is only 4 inches when it is hard

Really? Oh man, I'm dying of laughter right now!
>> No. 10711
File 130742098150.png - (208.55KB , 200x200 , Picture_1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10712
Is it actually Maria?
>> No. 10713

Yep. She likes to come on here and talk shit about ADF because she's bitter that they never boned and he yelled at her a whole lot. True story
>> No. 10714
But ADF checks /cwc/ too. How does he not notice?
>> No. 10715
File 130745454519.jpg - (95.22KB , 500x721 , Itachi pose.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm too lazy to find the screenshot, but didn't they actually have sex though?
>> No. 10716
File 130745494182.jpg - (64.07KB , 550x537 , Sakura cosplay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know, man. If I remember right, Trey said he was jumped ("yelled at") over his posts on here (His profile is still public f.y.i). I wonder if ADF has been dealing with these issues privately now.
>> No. 10717
File 130745530851.jpg - (105.80KB , 556x720 , Twinfools Birthday Gag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I forgot to put that at least Trey's posts were ten times more awesome.
>> No. 10718

Naw. They got ready to then ended up yelling at each other cause she didn't want him to wear a condom or something.
>> No. 10719
That's hilariously pathetic. Oh my GOD what the FUCK were you thinking, Maria? THAT? That abomination?
>> No. 10720
File 130746277721.jpg - (108.43KB , 400x400 , 2a5kbb8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Honestly though, why put up with him? Everything we've seen points to him being a manipulative, condescending and generally being just a useless sack of shit. Why do you bother with him?
>> No. 10721
File 130746351060.jpg - (279.36KB , 900x2382 , 12939174824.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I fucking love so much how even his CURRENT so-called friends come here to talk shit about ADF so openly.

What next? ADF coming here to say: "you know what? I hate myself, too!", like Chris did one time?
>> No. 10722

he looks suspiciously like Chris. like his rebellious weaboo brother. the fact they're both transvestites is hilarious.
>> No. 10723
A number of years ago Maria went out with a guy that could pass as adf's brother. He also said he was trans but often went unshaven. They looked like twins and both had some sort of mental issue.
>> No. 10724
A number of years ago Maria went out with a guy that could pass as adf's brother. He also said he was trans but often went unshaven. They looked like twins and both had some sort of mental issue.
>> No. 10725
File 130747913998.jpg - (60.25KB , 720x473 , Prison Itachi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Weird. Is there a picture of her previous boyfriend?
>> No. 10726
He cock-blocked maria because it "emasculated" him
>> No. 10727
his name was Gil I think and he used Selina as his fem name
>> No. 10728
Wait wait wait... "emasculated"? But doesn't he want to... Never mind.

Also, ADF told me that Maria wanted to have kids with him, but that it would mean they'd have to have biological children (as in he'd stick the pono into the vagoo). He freaked out over that demand.
>> No. 10729
Oh, yeah... I think he mentioned that and "emasculation" in the same blog entry. More specifically, that those feelings were caused by her wanting to have children in the first place.

Unless she wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible, he probably had nothing to worry about. His hormone dosage is possibly quite low and everything so maybe it doesn't apply to him, but a side effect from HRT is shooting blanks.

So I dunno... only way children could have been a problem was if she was actively pushing him for it. If she wasn't then he overreacted, especially if he were unaware of the side effects.
>> No. 10730
*AWARE of the side effects
>> No. 10731
File 130750352758.png - (11.68KB , 482x86 , ahuviya aint getting married anymore.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Phillip isn't getting married anymore. Time to reveal my plan. I haven't been posting in 2 months because my plan has taken a while. I got the walgreens to put 1/2 placebo/real pills in to the hormones. So Phillip doesn't progress in to ahuviya and will have that ugly stubble. I contacted the doctor and pharmacist. Phillip your scam to get hormones to look bishi is destroyed.
>> No. 10732

yes. yes. yes.

>> No. 10733
File 130750465192.png - (44.25KB , 477x599 , so_much_win.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10734
File 130750555444.jpg - (7.37KB , 226x166 , 1307300308125.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are the best!
>> No. 10735

Isn't that illegal?
>> No. 10736

just stick to the plan and shut up
>> No. 10737
File 130750875964.jpg - (108.20KB , 720x540 , 230797_1888678291428_1075587748_32129304_8146741_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10738
File 130750890548.jpg - (5.46KB , 150x132 , madara__s_new_mask_by_psychopaco-d31k6j4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's not illegal because I informed the doctor and we talked about it. We did half real pills and half placebo to see, if Phillip was REALLY transgender or just taking the pills to fit in with the LGBTQ. Since Phillip hasn't been complaining these two months about his progress. The doctor and I were right. Next month will be all placebos because the doctor doesn't want to stop the prescriptions. Since phillip did threaten a presidential candidate, the teacher who gave him a C, and his former workplace with mortal danger. We're going with the most discretion in ridding Phillip of these hormones.
>> No. 10739

That's how you do it, folks.

He'll implode by his own masculinity.
>> No. 10740
Trolls trolling trolls, trolling... I CAN SEE FOREVER. Jesus Fucking Christ, it's like none of you have any clue how hard a doctor would lose his job for a medical privacy/ethics violation on this scale. If you live in the US, lrn2 HIPAA.
>> No. 10741
I don't think doctors can change a prescription without the patient's consent either.

And why would he care whether he's trying to fit in? Unless it's some "transgender specialist" who got his medical license from a fortune cookie.
>> No. 10742
>And why would he care whether he's trying to fit in?
possibly because ADF skirted the proper psychological evaluation for getting hormones in the first place.
>> No. 10743
File 130751262432.jpg - (16.27KB , 431x197 , Open relationship Eli May.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're not fooling anyone. His doctor, however, can take Philip off of the meds if he believes that either a) the meds are endangering the health of the individual, b) the doctor knows that Philip isn't taking it right, or c) if the doctor suspects the Philip is not an actual transgender.

Also, "an open relationship." I wonder what Eli May did to piss him off.
>> No. 10744

It isn't even technically the law that one needs "psychological evaluation" to get the hormones. I know of one clinic in LA and New York that give them out without the therapist gatekeeper consent.
>> No. 10745
File 130753813799.jpg - (70.97KB , 494x848 , Same old bullshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does he actually think we're going to off him? He is so paranoid, it's funny!
>> No. 10746
The Mazzoni center is also one such place, which is where phillip started. The problem is there's no medical precedent to determine an individual should receive them. It's like if you could get medical marijuana because you say you have back pain.
>> No. 10747
It's not that he broke the law or anything. Counseling can just be so much more than an evaluative process. Having to wait allows professionals to ask practical questions and help ground patients in reality.

ADF chose to do things the legal way, but he was so sure of himself and paranoid that he deliberately sought a more relaxed clinic. Which is fine, everybody has the right to do so. This just didn't happen to be a wise choice given that he's got so many other problems that need to be addressed.

Really though, there's not much of a reason to dwell on that decision. I think Ahuyiva is rather certain of his identity, however delusional we may find it. The results have been amusing, so it's not like I can put forth any substantial complaints lol
>> No. 10748
But nobody can actually keep you from them in the first place. I just consider the counseling to be a professional responsibility. The doctors are there to help so if they think you need help getting your priorities straightened out, it might be a good idea to consider it. Even if it means delaying the recommendation to the endocrinologist. Unless of course you're constantly butting heads with the doctor anyway, in which case they probably don't have your interests in mind and you should look for someone else.
>> No. 10749
File 130754044495.jpg - (203.29KB , 900x515 , fatninjas.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Journal Entry: Tue Feb 8, 2011, 7:29 AM
? Profile ? Maoist Rebel News ? ADF's Gallery ? LGBT Revolutionaries ? Facebook ? LGBT Philadelphia Directory ? #AhuviyaHarel ? Note Me ?


Hey guys, a rather brief update

I have been monitoring some rather suspicious activity over the last couple of days outside of DA, Facebook, etc

and let's just say for a lack of a better word they are up to no good...

As in, someone planning to do harm to me

I am not going to go into any operational detail, but about a couple days ago I caught someone spying on behalf of people who are out to seriously defame my character and desire to do harm

After some serious interrogation, this person got to know me a lot better, I will just leave it at that

I have taken extra precautions when I am traveling out - I tend to carry a knife during times of upped security

Facebook settings are now changed for increased privacy, yadda yadda

and Here on DA -- I have an idea of a couple people who is out to start shit with me
>> No. 10750
>bitch about apartheid
>support israel

There are always newfags who don't understand lulz and actually want to kill or harm lolcows (or at least say they do).

Try not to post shit like this in the thread again. If you want to discuss it in private I suggest you join the chatroom.
>> No. 10751
File 130754285148.jpg - (51.78KB , 461x559 , Kourine paranoia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More paranoia from ADF
>> No. 10752
That's all I got out of that.
>> No. 10753
File 130754373975.jpg - (105.57KB , 500x667 , ADF and another loli.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10754
File 130754518745.png - (22.21KB , 500x476 , 500px-Red_star-HSWHITE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> 67834

Why is it that all I had to do was block Edward McDermott and Trey Pepe and this forum suddenly loses its ability to spy on me?

Anyhow, if you think you are close enough to getting my phone number, I have news for you. You are not going to succeed, I will just keep changing the number each time you think you have me cornered.

This is an exercise in futility if you think you are going to win this.
>> No. 10755
File 130754673914.png - (7.73KB , 149x170 , dont care.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10756
File 130754690468.jpg - (15.99KB , 472x360 , Orochimaru.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're an idiot! I posted that as a fucking prank! You know that whole Trolls trolling trolls. You actually blocked Trey Pepe? He had almost nothing to do with us except for those couple of posts! Maria was the one who provide us with screencaps. I guess now is time for me to make my move on Trey, bitch! You failed to keep your friends close, ADF. Oh well, you will soon have another troll haunting you! Game over!

P.S. We still have spies on your page!
>> No. 10757
File 130754692858.jpg - (66.96KB , 450x425 , do it faggot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Occupation is not an "apartheid".

(Now it's even mostly not an occupation, and the Palis would have an independent separate country long ago if they only agreed to it instead of their old stupid "PALI SMASH, Imma gonna destroy Israel, Insha'Allah" that's jut not going happen. Also, if it was an Arab country and not Israel, uppity Palis who would pull only some of the shit theyr're doung would just get totally massacred and/or expelled, just like this happened in Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, etc., and guess why Egypt didn't want to just take back Gaza when they were offered.)

Hi, ADF. Having second thought on your deleted dA account?
>> No. 10758
File 130754714543.jpg - (25.31KB , 104x120 , 46be571b_51bd_b609.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MFW I read that
>> No. 10759
File 130754730369.jpg - (17.46KB , 406x402 , derpface.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cool story bro.
>> No. 10760

Cool it with the political shit, faggot.
>> No. 10761
File 130754844222.jpg - (186.79KB , 900x1217 , political.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10762
File 130754865184.jpg - (21.72KB , 508x227 , ADF victim speaks out.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, ADF. Someone is definitely pissed at you! Not that I blame him! The truth has been spoken!
>> No. 10763
File 130755002976.jpg - (39.35KB , 488x384 , Starving for lulz adf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone help me. I'm trying to think of a good trade of in exchange for Trey's information? What can we offer him?
>> No. 10764

>mfw I live in philly and could just fuck with you in person
>> No. 10765
Trey's number: 815-391-3265
>> No. 10766
>> 67869

Then try and find me, chicken shit.
>> No. 10767
File 130755175151.png - (6.11KB , 401x57 , retardedass.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's mean.
>> No. 10768
Phillip ask your hog Maria what was Gil's last name. He could be your long lost twin. He's a fuckin whack job just like you!!!
>> No. 10769
You reached a new low, ADF. Why did you dox Trey like that?
>> No. 10770
Why do you want to look like a chick when you know you're too manly and will only end up looking like Rosie o' Donald at best?
>> No. 10771

Who says I haven't already? It isn't hard to spot a man in terrible cosplay wandering around.
>> No. 10772
File 130755278063.jpg - (195.12KB , 900x1651 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit! ADF just got serious!
>> No. 10773
File 130755320776.jpg - (21.90KB , 483x315 , Oh shi-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So did Trey. I told Trey about the phone number leak.
>> No. 10775

yeah ADF's pretty fuckin disgusting.
>> No. 10776
File 130755334543.jpg - (200.85KB , 784x1175 , come at me bro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trolls made him do it.

>I will not deactivate or delete off the Account

(deleted 5 days later)
>> No. 10777
File 130755356865.gif - (1.23MB , 208x156 , 130128326420.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's beautiful, isn't it?

Is that the future of his Facebook account?
>> No. 10778
Trey has nothing to worry about, we're on his side. Lol @ ADF for thinking we're his personal army.
>> No. 10779
File 130755391432.jpg - (30.23KB , 291x400 , 542689.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's creepy stare blows Chris out of the water. It's even funnier because he probably tried to appear feminine and cute.
>> No. 10780
He knows it. I made sure of that!
>> No. 10781
File 130755415094.jpg - (52.48KB , 411x334 , 1306841395001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That looks just like him!
>> No. 10782
File 130755444417.jpg - (216.10KB , 900x1201 , derp glare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, actually this is his "intimidating look". If you want his "feminine side" take a look at the OP pic.

Also, this his "death glare".
>> No. 10784
File 130755470651.jpg - (218.50KB , 1024x1880 , The final straw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya posted my phone number. Here's a bit of payback for it.
>> No. 10785
File 130755473952.jpg - (139.76KB , 900x693 , autism speaks.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
pic related
>> No. 10786
File 130755494799.png - (6.17KB , 400x400 , lmao2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ADF complaining about death threats
Oh my God...I can't breath...
>> No. 10787
File 130755494933.jpg - (43.02KB , 665x486 , absurd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No one's going to bother Trey because we all like him and hate you. Try harder.

By the way, Trey isn't "one of us." You overreacted and acted over dramatic like always.
>> No. 10788
File 130755519583.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , Hitler_indifferent.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF being a delusional fuck. Nothing new here.
>> No. 10789
That's pretty dang petty. And stupid. Why would we want to bother Trey? He seems like an okay guy.
>> No. 10790
File 130755533260.jpg - (17.29KB , 360x250 , 128733053995.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ah, ADF. 'Tis so good to see you.
>> No. 10791
In ADF's sick, twisted mind, anyone who doesn't suck his cock/cunt/whatever he wants people to believe he has at the current moment is somehow a spy working for the worldwide bourgeois conspiracy with its sole purpose to keep down the tranny revolution. Members of this conspiracy include the United States, a certain forum run by a toast loving troll, mexican cleaners and his ex-coworkers.

I wonder if ADF ever stops and thinks about his own shit. His friends hate him, his (ex?)roommates hated him, and 789chan hates him. And still he harbors a delusion that he is loved. Hell, even people who used to live with him came to these very forums to expose his asshattery. People, who he said would defend his life with baseball bats.
>> No. 10792
File 130755629987.png - (1.27MB , 900x1160 , k_a_m_e_r_a_d_e_n_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3hop6h.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice to see you too, Andrew, you capitalist! Has Trey been sucking your dick for cash?

Trey is a former hore who sold himself to his teenager drug dealer or whatever neighbor for money and nice things for five years starting when he was 8-10 years old. He should be trolled!

Also, ask him about about his father has. Go ahead!
>> No. 10793

No lol. We're here for you, retard, not Trey.
>> No. 10794
Who honestly cares! You are still the most fucked up thing to come into existence since Chris Chan!
>> No. 10795

1.) Not your personal army
2.) That's some nice anti-LBGT talk there.
>> No. 10796
Not a real ADF.
>> No. 10797
Know why people like Trey and not you? Trey is a respectful and a swell guy who first defended you. And how did you thank him? By blaming him and blocking him. That's not how you treat a comrade.

Also you are a fat guy with colossal ego who thinks he is a woman.
>> No. 10798
File 130755759955.jpg - (230.75KB , 872x1307 , haters gonna hate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How about this? Also he totally looks here like Chris-tran.
>> No. 10799
Nah, Chris-tran pulled off the woman look a lot better.
>> No. 10800
Adf man the hormones haven't done shit for you. what the fuck are you taking T?
>> No. 10801
>"No, the trolls are just neo-KKK not caring who they troll, as long as they get to bash da homos."
Cool self-deceiving again ADF. You treat what little friends you have left, or at this point, used to have, like shit and expect to be treated like a saint?
>> No. 10802
If Trey had a drug/prostitution problem as a pre-teen, I'd be inclined to feel sympathy, not derision.

You don't know *why* people dislike you, do you? It isn't because you're trans or gay or anything. We're not a bunch of homophobes. You're a target for trolls because of your paranoia, your delusions, your terrible cosplaying (with pretty bad taste in media, I might add), your ridiculous political opinions, and your freeloading.
>> No. 10803
File 130755940476.gif - (48.13KB , 387x259 , 130624823732_jpg.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Comrades also don't dox other comrades and make fun of them for something they had no control over. Trey was obviously molested yet ADF made it seem like Trey was a neighborhood slut or something to that effect.
>> No. 10804
We can suppose this is something Trey told because he trusted ADF, which makes me feel bad for him. And it makes ADF look like even more colossal asshole than he already is.

Now, I am a gentle soul. I am the type of guy who put earthworms out of walkways after a rainfall. But if some Skinhead gang killed ADF, I wouldn't feel sorry for him, because without him, this world would be just a little better place for all of us to live in.
>> No. 10805
It's even funnier because ADF tries a career as a prostitute himself. Hypocrisy, much?

It can also be that ADF is jealous because no other man would ever touch him. Especially if they had to pay for it.

I am sorry. I am terrible. Abuse is not something to joke about.
>> No. 10806
Wow, you are such a dick and you treat everyone around you like trash. I can't believe anyone puts up with you.
>> No. 10807
File 130755971041.png - (12.72KB , 523x497 , 129441464035.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It is when the person, ADF, deserves it
>> No. 10808
File 13075598561.jpg - (94.50KB , 481x720 , death.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I, on the other hand, hope ADF lives forever, always in misery and always smug about it, and provides the L.U.L.z for our children's children.

(I b4 virgins with rage.)
>> No. 10809
My respect towards Trey's self-control is indescribable. To imagine he spent months (maybe even years?) in the proximity of this abort of a human being without attempting to murder him...it is truly something even Gandhi would be proud of.
>> No. 10810
Did I read back a ways that adf got kicked out of his mt Airey location? If so bahahaha
>> No. 10811
Did I read back a ways that adf got kicked out of his mt Airey location? If so bahahaha
>> No. 10812
I found a new video of ADF and his twins visiting an aquarium
>> No. 10813
File 130756157739.jpg - (199.45KB , 900x1207 , retarded.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dude, it was not very nice to the dolphins, they're some really intelligent creatures.
>> No. 10814
File 130756185720.jpg - (26.41KB , 481x342 , whale_beluga_surfaced.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Those are Beluga whales, not dolphins! Though Beluga whales are also smarter than ADF.
>> No. 10815
I knew a guy in high school who some girls nicknamed "beluga."

He was a cool guy. Very professional. Great singer, too. Got the lead role in the musical instead of me...
>> No. 10816
What isn't smarter than ADF? Seriously.
>> No. 10817
I guess something between a micro-organism and that white stuff you get in your teeth if you don¨t wash them.

But at least it wouldn't be a massive douche.
>> No. 10818
Chris-chan can take that position of honor.
>> No. 10819
I dunno... ADF made some failed attempts at "trolling" him (which cwc didn't respond to) and also went all "GAYS, LESBIANS, BISEXUALS AND TRANSGENDERS UNITE AGAINST THE AUTISTIC MANCHILD" or something on his Twitter.
>> No. 10820
...and not to forget his very recent JenkinsJinkies attempt here. Except that his ego didn't allow himself to post without his ANIME GIVEN NAME.
>> No. 10821
Oh, Ahuviya, you *CARD*! >^.^<
>> No. 10822
I really wish I talked to Trey more. He seems like a really nice person, and part of the reason I finally defriended ADF was because I saw how he treated Trey.
>> No. 10823
>Nice to see you too, Andrew, you capitalist!
Urf fucking durf. Says ADF the grand parasite.
>> No. 10824
Like some sort of weird real-life version of one of the strawman antagonists from Ayn Rand's terrible books.
>> No. 10825
I was referring the parasites of communist ideology. It is so ironic that ADF preaches the message of communism (without understanding anything about it, as as been proven over and over again) while being exacly what parasite was in the USSR propaganda: A friend that feeds on the toil of the workers.
>> No. 10826
Yup. Indeed, despite the large welfare state in the USSR, welfare leeches were severely punished as parasites. If you ever see the comedy short film "Work Mate" (starring Aleksandr Demyanenko as Shurik), they have a good depiction of that kinda stuff.
>> No. 10827
it's a very old post of his, not related to current events.

come and get me.
also, learn to fucking cite, you retard-ass.

you put more effort into that little story than to your own imaginary country. 0/10 bud

did you mean to say fiend?
>> No. 10828

You mean this?
>> No. 10829
adf is a worthless protoplasm
>> No. 10830
So do this guy get pissed when you call him "he/him"? I think it's fucking hilarious how he thinks he can pass for a girl.
>> No. 10831
What do you mean "call"? He has a beard and a dick, he is a guy. And deep inside, he knows it as well.
>> No. 10832
ADF, the rule is, you have a dick? YOU ARE A MAN.
>> No. 10833
>Enough laugh over the Russian cartoon! Americans fill their face? Over the U.S. Capitol to put the Russian flag? ENOUGH laugh over our ANIMATION!
>> No. 10834
Actually, the rule is if you have a Y chromosome, you're male.

Which means no matter how many female hormones they take or genital mutilating surgeries they have, a simple blood test will always say they're men.
>> No. 10835
>did you mean to say fiend?
My bad.
>> No. 10836

Actually... strictly speaking, that's not true. Gender classing is complicated, but broadly speaking if you have or will have the capacity to birth young then you are female. Most birds, for example, have opposite chromosomes; cockerels are XX and hens are XY.
>> No. 10837
That's interesting. Usually there's the idea that communism is the whole "get something without working for it" thing.
>> No. 10838
furthermore, there's the XXY mutations
>> No. 10839
This is the problem with political numb-nuts; they don't think their idea through. ADF remembers me some dumb-ass Anarchist punk who hates "The System" with absolutely no reason besides "Stupid Laws" that blocks his immediate search for gratification.

So ADF is the same type of fucktard. I love to hate those morons
>> No. 10840
File 130759454566.png - (111.40KB , 440x351 , Pein.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hello again, Phillip. As much as you deny it, you are the same old lazy retard Dusty and I remember. If you don't meet our demands, we will;

1) Start releasing dox.

2) Go to the Philly police with the dirt we have on you.

3) Post flyers around the Mazzoni Center about this thread.

If you don't want this to happen; Meet our demands:

1) Post a video on youtube and keep it there for at least two weeks. In the video, you'll have to publicly apologize to Trey Pepe, Edward McDermott, Captain Commie, Me, Dusty, Alexis, and anyone else you have harassed. You'll also have to admit that you treated us like shit!

2) Unblock Trey and Edward from your Facebook.

3) Make another video (Same rules) that you will find a decent job and sell your cosplay outfits to pay back the people you owe money to!

Meet our demands or continue your pride and seal your fate. The choice is yours!! The spies are not fucking around with you anymore.
>> No. 10841
I remember when I considered myself an anarchist - I was all "man, I've got it all figured out - the government doesn't work, man, and it'd be better if we didn't have government at all!"
>> No. 10842
File 130759912392.jpg - (57.43KB , 312x433 , Themostpopularguyinprison.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyway, has Ahuviya made other posts lately besides calling us or Trey and Edward retards?

Also, before ADF goes to Philly jail. He'll probably need to get this tattoo if he wants to live out his prison rape fantasies
>> No. 10843
The Booty Warrior would be the man of ADF's dreams!
>> No. 10844
I don't know what you guys have on ADF, but it's probably good!

I have a cousin who is doing time for possession with the intent to sell. From what I was told. Prison rape does occur, though the guys who do the raping are usually nasty, greasy motherfuckers who have the same hygiene problems as ADF or Chris Chan. The men also do not have monogamous relationships with other inmates like ADF is hoping for. These men will have other sexual partners who may have a number of sexual diseases.

Also, ADF wouldn't like the fact that he would have to censor his own language and use the "grin-and-bear-it" mindset even if he gets called a him or whatever. If ADF would've said the wrong thing, he would be in trouble. Also, inmates have a bad habit of stealing other inmate's belongings such as shoes, food, etc.
>> No. 10845
this possibility makes me happy in my pants.
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