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File 130757218429.jpg - (339.15KB , 900x1862 , id___viva_la_ahuviya_harel_by_adf_fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10846 No. 10846
Ladies and gentlemen, and you too commie trannies:
ADF thread 6 begins here!
Expand all images
>> No. 10847
Man, gotta love how ADF thinks we'll start trolling Trey just by posting his phone number.

That's just a real kicker.
>> No. 10848
I liked OP's pic on thread 5.
>> No. 10849
Why must he exist?
>> No. 10850
File 130759014131.png - (16.92KB , 515x169 , Maria Equality Pupo isn't friends with ahuviy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maria pupo and Ahuviya harel aren't facebook friends anymore.
>> No. 10851
I preach the idea that everybody on this earth exists to be an example for each others. ADF and CWC are examples of sloth, stupidity and navel-gazing.
>> No. 10852
So, since Captain Commie and ADF post here, there's been some questions that I've been meaning to ask:

@ Captain Commie: Are there any other communists that know about ADF, and if so, what do they think of him.

@ADF: So, I'm wondering, how can you, as a communist, support the State of Israel. In case you are not aware, Israel is not only one of America's biggest allies in the Middle East, but is hated by the vast majority of communists in the world. Hell, back in the 1960s-1970s, the Soviets gave the Arabs the weapons they used to fight Israel.
>> No. 10853
File 130761758356.jpg - (156.50KB , 640x480 , sasuko_and_sakura_by_cloudsephi6-d3h8b0q.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread is now about Eli May.

>> No. 10854
File 130761774559.jpg - (122.16KB , 900x826 , 36__precious_treasure_by_cloudsephi6-d3e7ed9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who knew ADF is not the worst cosplayer in the world?
>> No. 10855

Fuck you, you don't get to change the direction of a thread.
>> No. 10857
Also there are notable socialist organizations in Palestine that Israel actively opresses.
>> No. 10858
For your info, the USSR used to support Israel from 1947 to 1954.
After that date, they armed every camel jockey ready to go "Jihad" against the Jewish state.

Yes, the USSR sucked at the geopolitical game.
>> No. 10859
Adf is being an asshole to Maria. She posted a text message he sent her.




>> No. 10860
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a Marxist-Leninist group in Palestine. I've never seen what ADF thinks of the PFLP (although I myself support them)

I know some fellow Maoists and some anarchist friends of mine who've heard of him, but have never come into contact with him. *shrug*

Oh, uh, did anyone else get an AIM message from ADF last night? I went to get food and when I got back home, he had IM'ed me with a single sentence about "Some sadists are trying to force people into becoming my uzumaki" (or whatever that word is he uses). He signed off by the time I got home. *blink blink* Umm, okaaaay. Anyone have any idea what he meant by that?
>> No. 10861
Everyone is to blame except himself.
>> No. 10862
This is the typical attitude of a manchild; a complete inability of taking one's responsibility.
>> No. 10863
What does that even mean? Why can't he speak like a normal human being?
>> No. 10864
>some sadists
It's funny, really. The only thing we have done is talk about his bullshit, and every bad thing that has happened to him he has caused himself.
>> No. 10865
Uzumaki is apparently some horror manga.

Something to do with spirals.
>> No. 10866
File 130763687374.jpg - (631.10KB , 800x1215 , 129398299028.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
*eyes roll*


Happy Pride Month eveybody.
>> No. 10867
File 130763726388.png - (2.63KB , 168x141 , what7.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Some sadists are trying to force people into becoming my anime character"

It makes even less sense!
>> No. 10868
File 13076374013.jpg - (662.00KB , 820x638 , Sakura___Kourine_Snowboarding_by_Protect_Sakura_Cl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, to be fair, Kourine and some other people ARE blackmailing him and turning his friends against him.
>> No. 10870
Fatboy ADF wants to be Sasuke

I don't watch anime but I assume Naruto is Sasuke's rival or some shit and he is saying they are forcing him to become his own enemy
>> No. 10871
Those posts in thread blackmailing him to do apology? Oh, poor ADF, having to swallow his own pride, that must be worse than death to him.
Well boo fucking hoo. They aren't turning his friends against him, just showing what ADF did to his friends just to spare them from ADF's shit.
>> No. 10872

The word itself means spiral. But yeah, it's some Naruto horse shit.
>> No. 10873
By the way, is ADF thread 4 in /L/? I can only find 2 and 3.
>> No. 10874
File 130763966734.jpg - (198.12KB , 900x600 , s_e_x_y___k_u_n_o_i_c_h_i_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, he want to be Sakura. Now.
>> No. 10875
File 130763981198.jpg - (291.85KB , 900x1350 , sakura___you_wanna_take_me_on__by_iamjustahuviyaha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
also, lol
>> No. 10876
Didn't he talk about himself as 'Sasuke' who was trying to find his very own 'Naruto' before?

Eh, that would make even less sense.
>> No. 10877

ADF makes no sense. Why are you trying?
>> No. 10878

It's still alive.
>> No. 10879
File 130764382944.jpg - (63.32KB , 800x619 , Kourine_in_Naruto_theme_by_urchigan_sora.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The counter-revolutionaries also want him to get a job, sell his cosplay and pay off his debts.

Pure sadism, pic related.
>> No. 10880
Is there any possible way for ADF to NOT bring up that stupid cartoon everywhere?
>> No. 10881
It's like asking Chris to stop talking about Sonichu.
These cartoons are 'Tard-crack for them. They need to breathe them every minute.
>> No. 10882
Nope, that's the fifth.
>> No. 10883
File 130764964055.jpg - (12.55KB , 380x287 , Reaction Duck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Every time I see that massive horse-teeth overbite....I just want to punch him in the face.
>> No. 10884
I think it was killed during the spamming...
>> No. 10885
File 130765126629.jpg - (72.09KB , 928x524 , Ahuviya's new low.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, that moment will haunt ADF for the rest of his life!
>> No. 10886
I'm rather new to this board. Was always aware of its existence, but I had never actively lurked until last night. In fact, this is my first post. With that said, what exactly does 'ADF' stand for? Thanks in advance.
>> No. 10887

A dumb fuck
>> No. 10888
That's a very good question. I'm not entirely sure myself but he appears to have adapted it from one of the many political organizations using those initials.
>> No. 10889

"Australatina Defense Force"
>> No. 10890
Oh, right... referring to his imaginary hugbox.
>> No. 10891
>"Australatina Defense Force"
Wait. Seriously? At least Chris uses his fucking initials.
>> No. 10893
I thought it was one of those ridiculous made-up names. Ahuviya d-something Funselia or something?

Said ridiculous made-up name seems to change on a regular basis, too...
>> No. 10894
I find it funny how ADF has "equality" in the dumb made-up name, considering...

1. Slightly racist attitudes towards blacks.
2. Belittling of others for their religion.
3. Statements that gays in California should carry out suicide bombings.
4. Disdainful comments about heterosexuals and cisgenders.
>> No. 10895
File 130766246593.jpg - (34.87KB , 480x394 , ADF whale.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't forget belittling others' political beliefs and the past decisions of others. What an asshole!

ADF Whale Wars, coming to a theater near you.
>> No. 10898
I could type up an essay on why this still pisses me off (and I have), but it's easier to just point out a hypothetical situation: Imagine for a second that we already sorta KNEW these things about Trey. We're playing Heel and all of a sudden it's his supposed "friend" who doxes him. That would be pretty funny, wouldn't it?
>> No. 10899
Beluga whales are fucking cute.

They don't deserve this.
>> No. 10900
Agreed, that picture was just uncalled for.
>> No. 10901
Dude, not cool. I was at the aquarium the other day, and I having so much fun watching the happy belugas doing their thing... Now you're ruined my memory of them. ;_;
>> No. 10902
File 130767602939.jpg - (112.05KB , 982x1291 , Undead Link.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You mean, would it still piss a lot of people off if we already knew that. Yeah, it would! ADF would still be an asshole for doing it. Call me whatever you want to, but I fail to see the humor in the situation. ADF is an asshat.
>> No. 10903
There is no humor in it. More that its "ironic" that in this ridiculous, self-driven conflict of his against the meanies at 789chan, he's the one pulling dirty tricks despite being the protagonist of his story.
>> No. 10904
File 13076784926.jpg - (22.17KB , 544x279 , Panty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Doxing people
Bashing people
Cutting people down
Threatening people

He is more like the stereotypical homophobes he despises than anything else. It is ironic!
>> No. 10905
didn't I ban you already?
>> No. 10907
File 130769129521.jpg - (109.63KB , 900x674 , 70__67_percent_by_cloudsephi6-d3eb4tf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I haven't started therapy, but I'll be able to start T once I attend gender psychotherapy with Dr. Porter in Dallas. I'm looking good to start, it's just that Dr. Vasquez's assistant (who also COSPLAYS!) said she would like a second opinion if I am okay mentally to begin HRT.
In other news, I'm still dating ~VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE / ~IamjustAhuviyaHarel! <3 I love you, Sakura!!!~ [We currently ish engaged for the time being! ]
>> No. 10908
What the fuck would someone get banned from 789 for?
>> No. 10909
File 130771294295.jpg - (190.83KB , 843x947 , 54__tower_by_cloudsephi6-d3e7f9f.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sum dox on ADF's Internet boyfriend:

Website: http://www.twitter.com/linkzelda4evr/
Email: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: stephen_eli_may
Skype: cloudsephi6
>> No. 10910
He looks like Bobby Hill
>> No. 10911
is that fucking thing eli may. Adf should thank Ria for breaking them up.
>> No. 10912
Trey mentioned informing Eli about ADF's epic ween troll attempt. So, once again, ADF can blame only himself.
>> No. 10913
What, they're no longer together?
>> No. 10914
File 130772213930.gif - (421.98KB , 220x165 , tumblr_lifn4synC01qc1lsn-1.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mentioned? It was posted on his wall.
>> No. 10915
File 130772502566.jpg - (27.04KB , 396x396 , nigga is you serious 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I finally stood up for myself and got an apology for being blocked, but the person denied leaking my info or my #. I honestly don't care if they're lying or not, I just want to things to calm down now.
~Trey's wall

I hate ADF so fucking much words cannot describe it. I hope some mafia steals his livers and kidneys. There are some people much more worthy of them than ADF is.

They're prolly unfunctional due to FAT, but at least he would die in the process.
>> No. 10916
But the lulz would end there! We want him to grow old and miserable!
>> No. 10917
Was talking about ADF
>> No. 10918
I dunno, I like the mental image of ADF laying on some dusty road somewhere in Mexico, his stomach open and his life flashes before his eyes. Only then he realizes all the mistakes he has done and for a second wishes somebody would stitch him up so he could make everything right.

And then, he realizes that he would be too lazy and would just rant about immigrants opressing him and how communism is answer to everything. And then he dies.
>> No. 10919

as if this clown would ever step foot outside of his coddle-zone to have any of that happen. he's caught up in a perpetual twilight zone of anime conventions and faggot tranny hospitals.
>> No. 10920
trey is cool
>> No. 10921

Lol, who's the 'chicken shit' now, ADF?
>> No. 10922
File 130774179187.jpg - (53.77KB , 780x437 , 1306024262482.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF, obviously! I know that some of you are wondering about the ADF fanfic. I've been swamped by life and haven't had a chance to update. I don't think I'll write about ADF raping Trey, due to how much Trey has been through already and Trey, obviously, doesn't deserve it. Where to take this fic . . .
>> No. 10923

...that had absolutely nothing to do with my post.
>> No. 10924
The first sentence did
>> No. 10925
File 130774929839.jpg - (16.24KB , 271x361 , Creepy smile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Isn't that how it always is with him?
>> No. 10926
File 130775242530.jpg - (86.22KB , 500x333 , woodchuck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hate his teeth so much.
>> No. 10927
A weeaboo, a non-passable tranny, and a kike at the same time?
>> No. 10928
File 130775436219.jpg - (160.88KB , 496x700 , 1298660544054.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ironically, it's the one Asian thing about him.
>> No. 10930
File 130775565895.jpg - (60.98KB , 530x412 , fredric-wertham-72979-530-412.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Man. And I thought Stardust had issues.

Maybe Doc Wertham had a point.
>> No. 10931
File 130775928675.jpg - (53.14KB , 530x412 , wtfamireading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Indeed he did.
>> No. 10932
File 130775980950.jpg - (48.96KB , 400x561 , slap a jap superdickery.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's a pretty normal WWII propaganda piece, Anon.

An interesting fact about Wertham is that he didn't intend his work to cause the destruction of violent comics; he just thought that children shouldn't be reading them.
>> No. 10933
File 130775997069.jpg - (66.55KB , 510x496 , mole people.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Were those comics really trying to be serious?

Most WWII comics were. Patriotism sold comics then because kids wanted to be like their brother/father/grandpa and go fight some Japs/Nazis but couldn't so they lived through comics.
>> No. 10934

You know, the pic is even funnier since Wertham kinda looks like Bob Chandler in this one.
>> No. 10935
File 13077798668.jpg - (78.88KB , 720x636 , Internet.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why is there no one in the IRC?
>> No. 10936
See, I try to keep up with ADF, but the er, "narrative" is much harder to follow, and frankly it kind of seems like these threads are maintained by a very small group only interested in continuing to entertain themselves.

I've skimmed through the last three threads, and I still understand so little about this mess. When did this guy start and stop dating Maria? When did he start and stop dating Eli May? Is Eli May a girl trying to transition into a guy or vice versa? Have they even actually met? I though the was from PA or something, her DA says she's in Texas. Did ADF actually delete his facebook?
>> No. 10937

We start watching ADF at around the same time as he starts dating Maria, an older woman (remember ADF identifies as a MtF lesbian). Maria is biologically and mentally female and claims to be bisexual. They almost have sex and he starts being horrible to her. They break up. Maria may or may not have started posting here at this point.

Almost immediately after the breakup (only a few weeks ago) ADF starts "dating" Eli May, an 18-year-old "straight" FtM (she is biologically female and claims to be into girls). "Dating" is in quotes because Eli May lives in Texas and ADF lives in Pennsylvania - there is no evidence that the two have ever actually met. About a week ago they became "engaged".

The other evening, ADF started tard raging for some reason and basically made two sections for his facebook friends: everyone he didn't know personally or trust (around 100 people) was blocked from seeing his facebook wall but nothing else. His personal friends were safe. Also, he flipped out and deleted a few individuals that he thought were "spies" from his facebook completely - a completely innocent boy named Trey and a couple of old friends that he was convinced had turned on him. He then posted on here a few times, sharing among other things Trey's personal phone number and very private information that Trey had trusted him with. At around this same time, and possibly due to it, him and Eli May "broke up".

I think that's right-ish.
>> No. 10938
File 13078069581.jpg - (7.95KB , 348x110 , youtube lulz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seems about right.
>> No. 10939
spamfaggot killed it.


rape eli instead?

building on what moniker said, ADF's gender identity; sexual orientation; and name are subject to change like the weather
>> No. 10940
File 130784282227.png - (9.79KB , 505x66 , ljsfl;jdsflj.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10941
You ADF fags are all well and good but would you please stop contaminating Chris threads with your communism BS.

(I just trolling, carry on)
>> No. 10942
File 130785564411.jpg - (20.81KB , 477x241 , No U.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No U, ADF!
>> No. 10943
File 13078611877.jpg - (51.78KB , 461x559 , Kourine paranoia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought Trey was blocked because he made fun of ADF's dick.
>> No. 10944
File 130786163656.jpg - (42.12KB , 485x480 , CWC moment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is up with Aspies quoting Boondocks?
>> No. 10945
>a brand new song
>sing along if you know the words
Fucking moron.
>> No. 10946
Nobody claimed him to be intelligent.

This scene is probably the reason why ADF started watching Boondocks, besides the series being kind of Animu
>> No. 10947
  A new video on the StopShayCarl account. Possibly made by ADF
>> No. 10948
Hey ADF, you realize that people will found out about all your bullshit simply by going to the site. Does 'Streisand effect' ring any bells? Autism, much?
>> No. 10949
File 130787512410.jpg - (63.29KB , 384x720 , Lady Gaga ripoff.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It changed it's profile pic.
>> No. 10950
Didn't he use to identify himself as a homosexual before he decided he was really a woman?
>> No. 10951
File 130787792731.jpg - (252.36KB , 388x1804 , ADF love quest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, he did!
>> No. 10952
I don't care that he's gay or wants to be a woman or whatever but the anime faggotry pisses me off big time.
>> No. 10953
File 130787882751.jpg - (31.01KB , 467x331 , Ria screencap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's probably what brings ADF away from someone like from other anime fans like, I dunno, Trey Pepe. ADF takes it too far. Trey seems kind of mild when it comes it.

I saved the "Maria" screencaps btw.
>> No. 10954
File 13079173476.jpg - (57.33KB , 473x720 , Rainbow Rat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone got any cheese and a mouse trap?
>> No. 10955
File 130791773038.jpg - (7.88KB , 474x89 , How's your security coming.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How's that security ADF?
>> No. 10956
File 130791841674.jpg - (228.79KB , 900x1348 , sakura___philly_dyke_march_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why didn't someone pour their drink on him or slapped him?
>> No. 10957
File 130792750035.jpg - (31.76KB , 565x318 , peep2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does anyone else thougth of Mark from peep show when you see ADF?
>> No. 10958
Mark looks a bit like ADF's more handsome skinner twin or something.
>> No. 10959
Wow, a rare pic where he doesn't look like a fucking squirrel
>> No. 10960
CWC did a terrible re-write of that song, too.
>> No. 10961
Have you all already discussed how/why this particular namefag is just as worthy of our derision as ADF?
I mean, really. "Captain Commie"? Seriously?
>> No. 10962
Calm down bro.

Anything new, Captian?
>> No. 10963
File 130794611564.jpg - (63.30KB , 799x599 , underwear boy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know! It's almost as if ADF is trying to outshine CWC.
>> No. 10964
File 130794921797.jpg - (133.87KB , 900x600 , sakura_haruno_x_sasuke_uchiha_by_iamjustahuviyahar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look at this armm, god damn. Sasuke Diet must work wonders!

He looks fucking bloated. I guess STRESS makes him eat more.

Look at all this fat, under the clothes.

Also Lady Gaga's apparently so communist. (Well, my Marxist-socialist friend is a huge fan too.)
>> No. 10965
What is that near his nose?
>> No. 10966
File 13079498922.jpg - (158.41KB , 900x675 , smelling_sasuke__s_scent_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The pics in this set was taken just before he discovered the trolling scene, in February, I think he was considerably less fat back then. You may compare the arms, ignore the other oversize retard.
>> No. 10967
File 130795023194.jpg - (133.55KB , 500x646 , Prison Dyke.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>(AUTHOR'S NOTE - I am Ahuviya Harel, the TRUE and HONEST creator of Forgotten Lilies - I am good with illustration but suck with storytelling in terms of sustaining a series -- That is why Alexis is helping me with this)

>>Munthea then starred at Me, "So, what are you in for?" , Munthea asked.

>>"Drug Trafficking.." I replied...

>>"You Look way too cute for that crime" , Munthea scoffed at me

>>"I am not cute" I protested to Munthea. I was trying to show my cellmate I can stand up for myself. But I failed in one critical area...attitude.

>>Munthea then grabbed me by the neck and said..."You are cute, I like you" . Munthea really seemed to like me in a weird way.

>>I then asked Munthea "And what are you in for? Probably something more violent than me"

>>"I killed about a dozen people, bank robberies, grand theft auto" Munthea said with a smirk -- The Judge gave me Life in Prison and you got Ten Years?!"

>>Munthea then laughed "The judge must have not liked you too much"

>>I then protested "Its not funny, I just got one really conservative judge who really like to harshly punish drug crimes"

>>"I guess the judge found you cute too" Munthea giggled. I , however on the other hand was starting to turn red with embarrassment. But Munthea was sadly right, I was too cute and gullible to have committed my crime or to be here in prison.

>>I then wanted to sit down on the lower bunk, and that is where I made another mistake..

>>"That's MY bunk" Munthea said. I immediately got off of it and climbed to the top bunk. I was rather terrified I violated Munthea's bed space.

>>That first night, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. I keep waking up every half an hour thinking Munthea was gonna do something to me. I also was still weirded out by Munthea interest in me. I was starting to wonder if Munthea may indeed be attracted to girls, that Munthea is a Lesbian.

>>I would soon find that out the next day when I woke up.

>>I woke up to find myself under Munthea the next morning, her plump breasts were pressed against mine and Her arms were wrapped around me. Munthea had moved me from the top bunk back to herbottom bunk in the night.

>>"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted to Munthea who was on me, Munthea then turned to me and said, "You look very cute when you are asleep, I had to lay with you."

>>"Get off of me, Now. I am not a Lesbian!" I shouted.

>>"Havva, if you were not a Lesbian before you got here, you sure as hell will be after I am done with you." Munthea said as She begun to kiss me on my lips.

>>"I have an addiction to sex, and since I will be spending the rest of my life here, I need to stay happy somehow by having cute little submissives like you in this cage with me" Munthea said as She continued to unbutton my orange jumpsuit, I then thought to myself that I have a serious psychopath for a cellmate. Munthea had both my wrists viced down with her right hand, then she proceeded to kissing and licking my bellybutton, I then actually then stop resisting and I almost started to giggle even, probably because I can't control being ticklish, but I was not really enjoying it too much though, I only known Munthea for less than a day, and whether or not I can tolerate Her as my cellmate was yet to be seen.

>>Later that day, the most dreaded time of day came for Munthea and I...

>>"OK Ladies, Shower Time" The guards yelled for us to get ready in our cell block.

>>As we went to go shower, I was really scared about being locked up here at Sesnandez. Then Munthea warned me of the following as we entered...

>>"Do not, under any circumstances, drop the soap."

>>Well, I did shower and guess what ended up happening, the soap slipped out of my hand and onto the shower room floor. I remember Munthea's word about this soap dropping. So instead of picking it up, I hit it away with my foot as if the bar of soap were a hockey puck. Fifteen seconds later, I heard Munthea slip and fall on her ass. She got back up and approached me, with my soap in her hand and said to me "You dropped this, didn't you?"

>>I said very nervously "Yes"

>>Munthea then stared at me and said, "Next time you are going to get violated doing that by someone other than me, just please...don't drop this soap ever again."
>> No. 10968
I'm guessing that ADF wrote this chapter. Sauce: http://forgetmelily.livejournal.com/
>> No. 10969
File 130795331222.jpg - (41.02KB , 377x600 , creepy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

tl;dr, not sure if really ADF, anyway are there are any "tall female was a tall female" moments, or strange sex scenes?
>> No. 10970
File 130795519064.jpg - (76.21KB , 537x720 , WTFH.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm not sure either. It just seemed like the type of thing he would write
>> No. 10971
File 13079555089.jpg - (24.78KB , 550x322 , Panty sick.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope those are shorts and not boxers or a short skirt
>> No. 10972
File 130795707891.jpg - (86.43KB , 600x598 , eyestab.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 10973
File 130795738751.jpg - (22.91KB , 263x562 , Ahuviya chan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Sasuke diet must be a see-food diet.

Picture edited

Anyway, what ADF-isms are there for "bourgeois Republican voting, drug addicted, holocaust denying" newcomers to know.
>> No. 10975
File 130795890898.jpg - (15.74KB , 409x409 , 1305000657311.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone else feel violated this morning?
>> No. 10976
File 130795900592.jpg - (97.21KB , 537x555 , be a better person.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic adjusted for truth (and honesty).

Same should be done for the last pic in the OP collage.
>> No. 10977
File 130795934344.jpg - (154.40KB , 900x1350 , god bless america.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Btw, is it just me, or are his tiny T-Rex hands so fucking short?
>> No. 10978
File 130795947480.jpg - (198.76KB , 900x1204 , get away from me you freak.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not sure, becuse in some pics his hands look normal...ish.
>> No. 10979
File 130796277597.jpg - (18.85KB , 500x417 , 130614535638.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is up with his skin???
>> No. 10980
File 130796309018.jpg - (56.34KB , 513x720 , Dat rash.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's either acne or hives. I could be wrong though. I think he's allergic to certain fabrics.
>> No. 10981
File 130796415248.jpg - (202.70KB , 900x1221 , rash hour.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apparently he has/had some kind of skin disease.
>> No. 10982
File 13079649868.png - (12.56KB , 679x427 , 129396223076.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would like to see Captain Commie, Orokabu, or one of the other namefags on here to corrupt Trey. Either that or Ahuviya to create a video to rant about us.


I think that ADF is trying find the slightest reason to push Trey out of his life. Though I don't know why ADF would want to unless he feels inferior or threatened by Trey. Why would ADF feel threatened if his colossal ego keeps ADF feeling like he is the greatest thing since Karl Marx?
>> No. 10983
>I would like to see Captain Commie, Orokabu, or one of the other namefags on here to corrupt Trey.

What do you mean by "corrupt"? Trey seems like a perfectly fine guy; I don't wanna cause him no trouble.

Not really; not since he sent me that one-sentence IM about the "sadists" forcing people to be his heartsweet(s). Oh, and something about me being a Republican now
>> No. 10984
File 130797414365.jpg - (46.89KB , 500x374 , ADF (2).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I just mean to ease him to our side is all. I don't want to cause Trey any trouble either.
>> No. 10985
Actually, I think Captain Commie just wanted to talk to Trey, anyway. Trey is the one that has to make the decision btw.
>> No. 10986
No pressure on you, Captain.
>> No. 10987
That picture of him in the far right is just creepy. The true face of communism.
>> No. 10988

Meant far left.
>> No. 10989
It's the face of a beaver!
>> No. 10991
I would love to talk to Trey. Like me, he seemed like he genuinely wanted to help ADF.. I don't know if he saw him as a "harmless kook" or just an eccentric weeaboo like I did, but the idea is about the same. (I'd also like to hear the troubling story of his family in Warsaw Pact Poland; I never got a chance to ask him about that)

So yeah, Trey, if you read this, just poke me on Facebook (I think you can gather who I am/was on Ahuviya's FB wall) and tell me your past with ADF and where you're at now.
>> No. 10992
File 130797960573.jpg - (21.85KB , 210x240 , char_27360.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The true face of communism.

Oh Norden darling, surely you don't think *THAT* of me, do you?
>> No. 10993
File 130797978383.jpg - (53.51KB , 504x424 , Trey is on the war path.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think Trey explained it on his wall
>> No. 10994

I guess this was linked in some older ADF thread that didn't get archived.
>> No. 10995
Ah yes, I think I've read a part of this before. It sounds interesting. I want to hear more though, and maybe talk to him about how, unlike ADF, I acknowledge that excesses occurred in that time period. ANYWAY, there was a sticky up here saying to chill out on the political threads, so I won't say anymore unless it's to Trey himself.

I think I'll add Trey to my friend list, and let him decide if he wants to speak to me about ADF and what exactly happened between them.
>> No. 10996

i dont know why but his buck teeth really piss me off. whenever i see them they bug the shit out of me
>> No. 10997
I'm talking to Trey right now on Facebook chat, y'all. He's VERY nice, very intelligent; I already like him a lot. I'll ask him permission to post the chat here later if he's comfortable with that.
>> No. 10998
That's awesome!
>> No. 10999
File 13079893261.jpg - (46.07KB , 209x339 , war is peace man is woman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Far-right? You meant, far left.
>> No. 11000

god dammit.
>> No. 11001

I corrected myself, and I wasn't indicating anything political from it. Ironic that it fits though...
>> No. 11002
Btw, whatever happened to the old ADF thread regulars, like Loserbrain? I miss these guys.
>> No. 11003
Where do you find all these pictures of the dude? On his facebook?
>> No. 11004
I've been lurking these threads since someone in a livestream told me about them around the time the wiki was being made and I have to say I really hate this guy. As bad a person as he is people still for some reason like him. While someone like me is grateful for the few friends he has. All I can say is keep fighting the good fight you guys.
>> No. 11005

Who likes him? I don't doubt they exist, but all I've ever run into is he once had a white knight who I believed did it because he was also a communist.
>> No. 11006
Was just going by pics.
>> No. 11007
That's because they probably don't
>> No. 11008
Well I *wanted* to like him, but... yeah, that didn't happen. So let's just go with what >>69036 has to say.

(btw, Norden, did you mean me when you meant a communist white knight?)
>> No. 11009
Well guys, Trey and I have hit it off pretty well, he's a really cool dude. Due to the fact that we discussed a lot of personal issues, (and the fact that I sperged out a lot about the domestic policy of the Stalin administration and the Russian Civil War) I won't put up the actual transcript, but here are some the highlights:

-Trey befriended him from watching some of his videos and wanting to talk to a fellow queer otaku

-Trey agrees with my theory that ADF probably has borderline personality disorder rather than autism

-ADF's involvement in the Lifestyle is limited to simply collecting handcuffs

We're still chatting, but those are the main things that I've briefly learned... will continue to let you guys know.
>> No. 11010
File 130800219423.jpg - (119.86KB , 1280x720 , 1301817258895.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And here I was imagining a bit Trey and Captain Commie action. Is that normal?

Ignore my faggotry, that is awesome! Excellent job! I don't what you could ask him. Uh, maybe you could release some details to him.
>> No. 11011
Well, oddly enough, we did discuss yaoi a good bit... Lulz were had between weeaboos

>Uh, maybe you could release some details to him.

What details do you mean?
>> No. 11012
I'm enjoying this too much. Anything about Ahuviya that you know that Trey probably doesn't
>> No. 11013
File 130800538134.jpg - (43.49KB , 960x540 , 1301792352739.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Aren't you glad that we convinced you to talk to him? I feel like making a shooped Naruto comic starring Captain Commie, Trey Pepe, and of course, ADF to celebrate.
>> No. 11014
*raises hand* Ooh, ooh, can I be Kakashi? I've always wanted to be Kakashi...
>> No. 11015
Whoa. Trey just told me that ADF used to call him a "bishie" on the phone with him. Like, a lot. In cutesy ways.

Remember how that one time ADF asked me if I wanted to be his uzuwhatever, and I couldn't really tell if he was kidding or not? This makes me think that he *wasn't* kidding.

BRB need to take a shower to cleanse myself
>> No. 11016
Of course! The roles of Trey and ADF will be determined.

I feel bad for you two, I really do!
>> No. 11017

I don't know, do I? I remember someone alluding to it once.
>> No. 11018

I'm not sure why someone would want to like him. He's a generally repulsive person.
>> No. 11019
Thing with ADF is that he just seems like a harmless and incredibly lame weab like most deviantards. Interacting with him makes it painfully clear what an onboxious jerk he really is.
>> No. 11020
why is he eating the microphone/drum stick?

are you retarded? trying to start shit just because someone namefags isn't a very bright idea.

WTFH indeed...

in my unprofessional opinion, his arms suffer from saggy cougar-tits syndrome. minus the tits.

human defense mechanism. if someone has something in common with you, you'll tend to overlook/downplay their huge flaws/eccentricities until it's very blindingly clear they aren't right in the head.
>> No. 11021
File 130802455744.jpg - (233.65KB , 678x1382 , Comic 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sneak peek at the comic
>> No. 11022
File 13080250082.jpg - (145.72KB , 674x986 , comic 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the first page
>> No. 11023
File 130802504836.jpg - (228.06KB , 694x1256 , Comic 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And the third.
>> No. 11024
File 13080263544.jpg - (156.16KB , 688x982 , Comic 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The fourth
>> No. 11025

So, anyone think it's ironic this communist turd is so infatuated with Anime, a product of Japanese "Capitalism"?
>> No. 11026
File 130802965597.jpg - (199.12KB , 684x982 , Comic 5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This part is a bit morbid. Read at your own risk.
>> No. 11027
More comics to come later
>> No. 11028
>I never expected you to come, but I sure as hell am glad you did.

That's what he said.
>> No. 11029
Nice, keep it up
>> No. 11030
File 130804718162.jpg - (266.55KB , 900x1363 , k_o_n_o_h_a___p_r_i_d_e_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let me get a bit OT from ADF here, but just why there so many ADULT Naruto-obessed fantards while the sheer awesomeness that is Blade of the Immortal (I'm talking about manga here, not the anime, which is shit) that handles a similar these SO MUCH better, gets so little love? I just finished to read the most recent volume: http://www.mangareader.net/109-58722-4/blade-of-the-immortal/chapter-170.html and it's good as ever so someone please try and tell me what the fuck is allegedly so much better in Naruto? Is this because of autism or something? Like, Sonic? Is this somehow highly appealing to, literally, faggots, or is it just ADF?

Pic: Typical Narutard (taken last Sunday).
>> No. 11031
File 130805319512.png - (14.24KB , 300x300 , retard 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I could name a hundred mangas better than Naruto and I still won't start sperging about that.

hurp durp why does franken fran get so little love it's one of the best mangas out there herp derp.
>> No. 11033
File 130805777723.jpg - (201.88KB , 900x1350 , 671353 - Naruto Sakura_Haruno SefuArt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think you misssed out the "handles a similar these SO MUCH better" part (and by "these" I meant "themes", but hey derp - it has ninjas, angst, hate, whatnot). And seriously, "Median rating: Excellent" on ANN, etc, yet no fanboyism whatsoever, like only 5 pics on Rule34 (yes, I just checked out) compared to 8054 of Naruto (pic related, it was the first one there). So just what makes Naruto so damn popular among the supposedly mature audience? We had a thread or two like that about Sonic recently, MLP keeps coming back (and the supposed answer is "brony = a homo", or something), http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Narutard has this but it's ED and I wanted some some serious answer.
>> No. 11034
File 130805791328.jpg - (242.39KB , 900x1526 , 14_days_as_sakura___day_1_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11035

You are one autistic motherfucker.
>> No. 11036
File 130805914172.jpg - (210.27KB , 774x1032 , by_konoha__s_flower_garden_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, you.
>> No. 11037

At least I'm not the one complaining that there isn't as much rule 34 of the anime I like than there is of another anime.
>> No. 11038
File 130805950860.jpg - (135.48KB , 900x675 , entire_team_seven_are_babies_by_iamjustahuviyahare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not complaining, I'm asking, this was to quickly show how much Naruto is more popular even amongst the supposedly "adult" audience (and more than 1,000 times is quite a something).

And I'm not even talking about "anime", which I said was "shit" (learn2read).
>> No. 11039

Oh sorry. You're talking about manga, which is so much classier than anime.

You could've just asked why naruto was so popular, instead of sperging and going "HRNNNNG WHY DOES NO ONE LIEK MY MANGOS."
>> No. 11041
How about this? All of it fucking sucks, and all weaboos and gooks should be beaten to death.
>> No. 11042
You know what I realized would make ADF even worse?

If he was a Hetaliatard.
>> No. 11043
File 13080605845.jpg - (111.30KB , 900x614 , autistic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I asked why Naruto is so popular among the ADULTS (because it's made for kids), not even these actually suffering from autism, and even so much then a quite similar manga that is much better (and which is not made for kids).

Oh, the anime version is not as much less "classy", as just insufferably awful. You know, "shit".
>> No. 11044

Same reason every other anime is so popular, it's translated into english and put on american tv channels.

All manga and anime is shit, btw. Stop pretending like you're superior to animefags because you like manga and not anime.
>> No. 11045
>gooks should be beaten to death.

You know what? That's what the Chinese racists are saying when engaging in YouTube comment flame wars against the Vietnamese racists.

All of them are communicating in broken English.
>> No. 11046

And all of them should die.
>> No. 11048
File 130806181823.jpg - (146.56KB , 900x756 , pedosmile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was talking about the anime version of this particular manga. And no, it's not "shit", unless you hate comics and cartoons in general. Which you may, but then it's just your personal preferences/opinion, other than that it's just prejudice (or trolling). And it's seriously one of the best comics I've ever read. And I read a lot of the comics and most of all comics are shit, including most manga.

So Naruto is, hm, okay for kids, I guess, but here I wonder (no idea) why so many adults are its fanboys and fangirls. Dor example I don't think it's "growing up with the audience", like it is supposedly the case with the Harry Potter phenomenon (or so I heard, never read/seen anything HP).
>> No. 11049
File 130806237469.jpg - (81.73KB , 380x285 , 1305467166401.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stop derailing this thread!

Now I have the image of ADF cutting off his own dick in my mind. Other than that, good work!
>> No. 11050
  >ADF cutting off his own dick
>> No. 11051
File 130806335215.jpg - (399.90KB , 900x1680 , offline.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, because the commies can discuss Maoism and stuff but Naruto is off limits.
>> No. 11052
because Maoism is fun! *AND* we have xiaolongbao dumplings, Cantonese pork lo mein, spicy eggplant, and some pretty damn good fall-off-the-bone roast duck... Narutards just have pocky and ramen, MAYBE some ramune if they're lucky. =/

Good work on the comic so far. I am intrigued. Hopefully Trey, Maria, and I will be able to gather enough ***STRENGTH*** and ***POWER*** to defeat the now-castrated Ahuviya, whose faggotry grows increasing as the seconds pass...
>> No. 11053
File 130806647590.jpg - (49.72KB , 883x709 , china-famine-great-leap-forward.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or grass and human meat, if you're partying like it's 1958.
>> No. 11054
In order to minimize further derailing, I will simply reply with links and resources:


-J. Banister, China’s Changing Population, Stanford University Press 1987
-Dr. Mobo Gao, The Battle for China’s Past: Mao and the Cultural Revolution Pluto Press, 2008.
-A. Coale, Rapid Population Change in China 1952-1982. Committee on Population and Demography Report no. 27, 1984.
>> No. 11055
because naruto is neverending and has been dubbed in english and broadcast on cartoon network.
watching tv=no brain challenge
manga=trying to read books backwards

dubbed=no brain challenge
reading=big words ohnoes

endless=state of entertainment comatosis
it allows them to refuse to grow up because they can ride a fad out ad infinitum.

jesus fuck my eyes
>I wanted some some serious answer
first, proofread so you don't come off sounding like a tard
second, serious answers on /cwc/? nigga u crazy

but he is-
>> No. 11056
>but he is-

Oh no, oh god no... Please say it ain't so... THE HISTORY GRAD STUDENT WITHIN ME IS CONVULSING WITH RAGE
>> No. 11057
I fucking hate his buck-toothed, chipmunk face so much. I want to knock his teeth out with a hammer.
>> No. 11058
If you mean axis powers hetalia, yeah. that's where he got his boner for communism.
>> No. 11059
File 13080696482.jpg - (33.62KB , 646x501 , facepalm_implied.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11060
>If you mean axis powers hetalia, yeah. that's where he got his boner for communism.
>gag comic
>source of personal political philosophy

I guess I'm getting better at this lolcow thing; I'm not entirely flabbergasted by this.
>> No. 11061
it's almost like ADF is an experiment in creating a vessel for containing everything that could possibly make someone, somewhere, rage. the only element that's missing is furry.
>> No. 11062
I shouldn't be either... in fact, now it totally makes sense. I mean, I have some gay/lesbian comrades who were radicalized via encounters with communists within LGBT movement, but... I always felt in my gut that's not quite what happened to him.

I have a strange feeling that he may have had a furry phase that we haven't discovered yet... know what I'm sayin'?
>> No. 11063
File 130807173081.jpg - (42.12KB , 400x495 , typical lesbian.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought it's a common knowledge (all his China cosplays! dudes), also ADF claims he was communist "before Hetalia" (just as he says he was always a girl and bisexual, etc., even as he used to be hardcore male-on-male "sorry girls, I'm gay" fag just a while ago).

And "sorry girls, I'm gay" is a fucking quote.
>> No. 11064
File 130807200292.jpg - (151.30KB , 611x971 , partying like its 2004.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The proof (supposed, autism):

>my favorite Che Guevara Shirt (I have had that shirt since 2004 - Long before Hetalia existed)

He even used to have some "I WAS A COMMUNIST BEFORE HETALIA" shit on his now-deleted dA.

In conclusion: we fucking need to recreate the wiki.
>> No. 11065

I uploaded a version here: http://editthis.info/adfki/Main_Page until we get hosting.

It's text-only (image uploads and almost all templates don't work), but the info is there. Edit it like a normal wiki.
>> No. 11066
Link to text archive saved from caches.
>> No. 11067
Similar cases in lots of mediums, honestly. Like how in theatre "The Vagina Monologues" gets performed across the country every year or how "Wicked" has been running on Broadway for seven years while your average Stephen Sondheim show closes before the year is up.
>> No. 11068
File 13080859831.jpg - (12.85KB , 288x360 , skwisgaar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Your post. I thinks it is dildos.
>> No. 11069
Thanks for the support of the comic everyone!

What the -

We thought you knew about his reason for turning to communism. We're guessing it started when ADF first cosplayed as China. Also, didn't he also start identifying himself as a woman when he first started cosplaying Sakura Haruno?
>> No. 11070
That could explain why he chose to identify as a Maoist - regardless of the fact that he doesn't know what's the big deal between the forms of Marxism.
>> No. 11071
File 130809159568.jpg - (18.43KB , 396x290 , 3heads2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I always thought he was a Maoist because either M-L-M was developed by an Asian guy (his weeabooness), trying to look INTERNET TOUGH GUY and edgy as possible (Mao sadly gets a pretty bad wrap, to say the least, in popular discourse), or because it's popular (Maoism is the main form of Marxism guiding most communist insurgencies in the world today minus the FARC in Colombia). But... now that I realized he's cosplaying as Hetalia's China in those pics, this TOTALLY makes sense.
>> No. 11072
File 130809211632.jpg - (12.21KB , 426x304 , blankstare2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Of all the reasons you've listed, this is the least surprising. Tells something about the guy.

And even funnier - He is a Maoist because of Hetalia, but ALSO a Stalinist/Hoxhaist to appear cool and edgy.
>> No. 11073
Wait, he claims to be a Hoxhaist as well? Uhhh, one of the main points of Enver Hoxha's doctrine was complete rejection of Maoism because Mao criticized Stalin's methodology (albeit not totally rejecting him) and because Mao didn't believe that the Party was a monolithic entity. There was a huge split in the communist movement around the world after Mao's death in which pretty much parties picked whether to side with Albania or to keep being Maoist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Albanian_split . Being Hoxhaist and Maoist at the same time makes about as much sense as being Trotskyist and Stalinist at the same time (although I guess some would say Sam Marcy tried...).

Buuuut, we're talking about ADF here. His worldview is completely made of cognitive dissonance and is based on anime/manga and what will get him the most attention.
>> No. 11074
I don't even like or watch Hetalia but I can at least recognize China. In fact, it took me reading his DA posts before I realized that ADF was cosplaying him. Originally, I had assumed that he bought some random wannabe-commie uniform for the sake of dressing like a soldier. Say what you will, even BAD cosplay can successful if the character can be identified. It takes a degree of talent to get it wrong like he did.
>> No. 11075
File 130809523899.jpg - (99.58KB , 756x772 , 1287611642040.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, exactly, same here.

...You know, I realized something. I know I'm TOTALLY setting myself up for some bad jokes and ton of snide remarks, but I have to confess: one of the things that fascinates me about ADF is that he's like an inverted, twisted "nega-version" of myself. I'm a Maoist, a weeaboo, bisexual, a Dom within the BDSM community where I live, and I'm studying Russian (albeit through classes, not through Google Translator like he does)... He's like me if somehow I went terribly, terribly wrong, never grew out of how I acted in sophomore year of high school, and didn't become a Marxist because of my genuine love of the people and wish to change the world. It's... kinda creepy.
>> No. 11076

Uhh..no, I regret to inform you, you're every bit as much of a fucking retarded douche as he is. Just because you post here doesn't make you any better than him. You're not bizarro-him, you are him.
>> No. 11077
Are you also ugly?
>> No. 11078
Oooh, the snide remarks are already here! That was quick!

Mmmmm... I'm not model material (I've been told I have gorgeous eyes though), but I'm not fat, don't have horrific buck teeth, dress well, have good hygiene, and I have a rather hot fuckbuddy right now so... yeah, I'm not bad. Though I'm a fucking Adonis compared to the subject at hand.
>> No. 11079
Nope. Not really feeling it.
>> No. 11080
>> No. 11081
File 130809609528.jpg - (44.22KB , 350x329 , palestinepeopleswar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, ixnay on the cosplay. Did a couple of times during undergrad of college, but I'm too old for that shit now.

Oh, another weird inversion thing with me and him: I'm fervently devoted to the Palestinian cause and have been active in it for about 10 years now, whereas he's a fucking Zionist scumbag. His Zionism still utterly confounds me to know end.
>> No. 11082

Nobody fucking cares who you are.
>> No. 11083

You're wrong if you think anybody cares or you're welcome here.
>> No. 11084
Eh, you really shouldn't, I was just musing (like those threads where people talk about the elements of themselves that are like Chris).

Aaaaanyway... gonna talk more to Trey tonight, I think he and Maria got some more info and I might talk to Maria via Trey's wall.
>> No. 11085
No, he doesn't claim to be one but acts like one.
>> No. 11086
Gotcha. Although I must say, his ideology (and his beliefs about the USSR) is much closer to Hoxhaism than Maoism though. I could see him eventually dropping the Maoist shtick and aligning with Albania in his little fantasy world.
>> No. 11087
Actually now that you mentioned it, I wouldn't be surprised to see ADF post extremely autismal map of the exact locations of all the 800 000 bunkers of Australatina made to repel the imagined capitalist invaders.
>> No. 11089
captain commie please stop talking about yourself

no one really gives a shit unless it is related to ADF's retardation
>> No. 11091
I'm done. Seriously. I apologize.

I'm surprised he already hasn't. Australatina really could be developed into an exaggerated version of 1946-1989 Albania.
>> No. 11092
We get it, Anonymous hates namefags. Bugger off already.
>> No. 11093
I'm positive ADF has learned more of communism by following our discussions in 789chan than he ever did on his own.
>> No. 11094

>> No. 11095
>you're every bit as much of a fucking retarded douche as he is
So what, does that now make him like you? Hardly bad company, half of /cwc/ is just like that. Pathetic people clump about pathetic people other than themselves to make themselves feel better. I'll guess you're no different.
>> No. 11096

That may be true, but it becomes a problem when the aforementioned pathetic anons decide they're important enough to warrant a name and tripcode so people notice them.
>> No. 11097
lol because some of them actually do shit
>> No. 11099
  ADF makes an it gets better video on her channel.
>> No. 11100
File 130810018869.gif - (344.09KB , 156x118 , 43a4da91_c403_bdd3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Shut up, who cares! This thread is about the abomination known as Ahuviya fucking Harel!
>> No. 11101
Last person you'd want to use for a get's better vid.
>> No. 11103
Captain Commie, if you would just stop saying "The Lifestyle", we'd be golden, but goddamn

Also everyone is faggots

Also also >>69270 wat?
>> No. 11104
Y'know, from the old wiki? I went through the articles and I recall the old wiki having much longer articles.
>> No. 11105
File 130810112941.jpg - (385.14KB , 760x874 , 130636004071.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I feel like killing myself just for watching that!
>> No. 11106

I've seen the old wiki on Google Cache and it seems to be the same pages.


So, speaking of the ADF, is there any data on it other than its facilities, like order of battle, rank structure, or even the equipment they use? I'd like to see how much he knows about how militaries operate.
>> No. 11107
Nope, just an assload of maps. That seems to be his autist trait.

And just like stated in the previous thread http://789chan.org/L/res/10248.html the more effort he puts into it, the less sense the whole country makes. It's location makes about as much sense as "Missionary Cowboy" and its culture consists only of gay and communism.
>> No. 11108
That and an assload of ridiculous signs!
>> No. 11109
Anyone got any thing this high school story? Besides him stating that he was arrested for "fighting a bully."
>> No. 11110
File 130810720780.jpg - (52.63KB , 500x415 , 2609335_m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That pussy deleted all of the comments and disabled rating.
>> No. 11111
Wasn't the idea behind that series to use either famous people (Neil Patrick Harris, Chris Colfer) or people who've done stuff for the community (policemen, firefighters)?

Y'know, people that gay kids might actually look up to or something?
>> No. 11112
I know, right? Not someone like ADF, who gay men wouldn't look up to.
>> No. 11113
File 130811926525.jpg - (25.11KB , 300x387 , 4chan representation.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You still mad, ADF?
>> No. 11114
Could anyone transcribe this shit?

Also the use of music here reminds me of this.
>> No. 11115
File 130812775736.jpg - (123.83KB , 600x463 , Sasuke_Uchiha___19_JUNIO_1948_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
They use this shit in his troubled Latino Israel:





There was more on the deleted main account, I think.

But yeah, it's mostly maps and signs.
>> No. 11116
File 130812850726.jpg - (1.08MB , 834x1047 , San_Felipe_City_Plans_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not true. The also have sports:

History and culture:


Fashion (and Muslims):

And flags:

And also all the road signs and car plates.

They also only recently became communist. (But that's just like ADF.)
>> No. 11117

I find it funny how a man who advocates violence for every solution is such a coward. He constantly reads this thread, but never says a word. Normally that'd be a smart thing to do, but it's telling that he won't interact with anyone he can't block.
>> No. 11118
Yeah, it's like he acts like some kind of tough guy on the internet...
>> No. 11119

That link is an exact replica of the wiki, taken from the Google Caches. The reason that all the articles seem short is because of the bumload of pictures that I can't put up. The only thing that I omitted were stub articles and editor's notes like "write about xy".
>> No. 11120
>History and culture:
Of which all excluding one were communists. Yeah.
>> No. 11121
File 130814250028.jpg - (758.76KB , 1024x1345 , Santiago_d_A_Street_Map_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Actually it's all about the pre-communist Australatina. From flamenco to Truman's telegram recognising their independence.

And some of the pics are atually having FASCIST symbols there (remember how he was "interested in fascims" once?).

Also http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/278/2/b/Declaration_of_Independence_by_Australatina.pdf - I wonder what these people who analyse handwriting would say about him?

The pic is another ultra-detailed map. CWCville has no shit on Australatina:


And you know what? I think ADF actually could make a career in game design (tabletops, maybe vidya) or even some actual cartography or something.

Een if certainly not in art/graphic design, writing, or photography, his other hobbies that he just totally fails at.
>> No. 11122
Or he could just be a city planner and work in the government. Which could end up hilarious.

But even if he did get a job anywhere he'd probably threaten to bomb them again and get fired.
>> No. 11123
>Or he could just be a city planner and work in the government. Which could end up hilarious.

I can picture it now. Australatina Avenue, Queer Street, Glorious Revolution Blvd, the Uzumaki Express Way, LGBT Parkway, Mao Zedong Memorial Bridge, street signs will be in both English and Japanese, and all public bathrooms will be trans friendly.
>> No. 11124
File 130816888868.jpg - (57.07KB , 351x336 , lmao.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And all the cleaners must be white.
>> No. 11125
File 130817145731.jpg - (50.58KB , 368x720 , Ahuviya pink wig swag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dressing up as sakura in the public.
>> No. 11126
I read the retarded "Declaration of Independence" and it's mostly an historical "Copy-Paste" of the creation of the state of Israel. Some divergent points occur when Latinos took the roles of teh Jews in this version. Here's the summary of that bloated thing:

*Latinos used to be Natives from the Americas (WTF?)
*Latinos got kicked from Australatina for no reason whatsoever.
*Then they returned to claim back the land.
*In 1897, some bloke call for a new country and was backed, in 1917, by the League of Nations.
*Repatriation of hundred of thousands of Latinos begins. The movement is motivated by Latino homelessness, lack of Independence and "disastrous atrocity in North-America"(left unexplained in the text).
*They fought the Nazis during the Second World War (1939-1945).
*In 1947 the UN pass a resolution requiring the creation of a Hispanic state.
*In June 28, 1948, the Australatinan Constituent Assembly took power right at the end of the British Mandate (Again, WTF?).
*The Australatinan Constitution take full effect on January 1, 1949. White inhabitants of the country are asked to not riot and do their part.

Oh gosh, I love creative alternate history texts but this one sucked huge donkey balls.
>> No. 11127
A white person's made-up fantasy land is a specifically Hispanic state?
>> No. 11128
Yes and it is retarded as hell.
I guess the main clue of the lack of any historical rigor came from the first few paragraph claiming that latinos are natives.
The rest was for to throw by the nearest window.

Yup, ADF is suffering from White-Guilt it seems.
>> No. 11129
>Yup, ADF is suffering from White-Guilt it seems.
No, it's because he is latino-jew-muslim-canadian. He so hard wants to be something else than a regular white American, because the whites are the majority and they can't be opressed.
>> No. 11130
File 130817869636.jpg - (93.16KB , 368x720 , cwc fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Unless they're LGBT (L, G, B and T, all at once and more).
>> No. 11131
Holy shit, I think I'm seeing double!
>> No. 11132
File 130820306918.jpg - (74.00KB , 500x649 , Kareema.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He created a DA page to either make fun of Canis or Kourine with furry art. It was really lame. I'm expecting ADF to become a furry to tell you the truth
>> No. 11134
File 130821099135.jpg - (89.79KB , 793x997 , bustamante1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm stepping down from the prime minister position of the shit-hole also known as Australatina. I choose either Kourine Narumi, Captain Commie, John McCain, or Trey Pepe to succeed me and overthrow Ahuviya Harel's oppressive government regime!
>> No. 11135

We hold this truth to be self-evident, that man is not required to be sodomized at any time...
>> No. 11136
Him trying to act all lady-like and delicate and shit makes me want to puke.
>> No. 11137
File 130823056819.png - (11.55KB , 484x103 , trolls beware.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ursatonkochis beware. Ahuviya is packing heat.
>> No. 11138
File 130823104494.jpg - (118.35KB , 562x728 , Hey McCainey!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He won't get it, end of story!
>> No. 11139
I'm not telling I'm familiar with local laws, but don't you have to be sane to get a gun in the States? If there's a record of numerous murder/bombing threats, how likely is it for him to get a gun?

He'll only use it on himself, lol.
>> No. 11140
Not very likely. It's probably still on his record that he drew McCain getting shot. With the recent shit that happened with Jared Lee Loughner, you can bet that he will be turned down.
>> No. 11141
>>69708 if he did get it I bet he hurts himself
>> No. 11142

Were the authorities involved in regards to the picture involving McCain getting shot? If not, I doubt it'll appear in a traditional background check. Plus, those pictures aren't exactly illegal either.
>> No. 11143
>>69724 wow adf seems like a Jared Lee Loughner
>> No. 11144
I wonder if he would start imitating dirty Harry ?
>> No. 11145
The authorities were involved, nothing ever came of it though.
>> No. 11146
File 130823802254.jpg - (63.60KB , 557x720 , Maid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've got a question. Does ADF know that Trey has strayed from him and went into the arms of Captain Commie? Oh wait, he blocked Trey and released Trey's info, nevermind!

Let's vote for McCain, so that ADF can throw a bitchfit about Republican-voting trolls.
>> No. 11147
I'm not even going to ask about the first part. It sounded homoerotic, whether or not that was your intention. Why did ADF have to block Trey? I was enjoying his posts on ADF's wall!
>> No. 11148
Because he is mentally unstable and paranoid. ADF already unblocked him though. See: >>68386
>> No. 11149
But Trey hasn't posted since the block. What happened?
>> No. 11150
Somebody draw all four of them as the possible new leaders of Australatina!
>> No. 11151
It varies from state to state.
>> No. 11152
Probably not to "rock the boat". With ADF's autismal (and schizophrenic) perception skills he can consider a compliment an insult and an insult a compliment. Trey is probably doing the right thing, considering that it required no provocation from him whatsoever to get ADF spergrage here and dox him.
>> No. 11153

Doubt it. If ADF is implying getting a concealed carry permit, they requires knowing more about guns than "hurr durr i haz Kalashnikov". Owning any non Class 3/destructive device firearm doesn't require any permit of any kind.

If he's applying for an FFL, which is fucking retarded, then he's going to give the state/federal government tons of information both about him and any guns he will buy.

Unless you're hardcore into buying/selling guns, let alone collecting, there's no reason to have an FFL at all. It's pretty complicated, and ADF clearly doesn't know jack shit about this.
>> No. 11155
File 130828932456.jpg - (14.06KB , 416x300 , 1260422047021.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But he's already doxed him. There's nothing more ADF can do to without epically failing as much as he did in the previous thread. Plus, I don't think Trey is stupid; He now probably knows not to trust ADF with anything else personal. However, you're probably right. Trey is laying low for a while.

This is all speculation btw
>> No. 11156
My response to ADF's video.
>> No. 11157
I'm assuming Trey just doesn't want to get caught up in /cwc/ shit.
>> No. 11158
File 13083324969.jpg - (76.01KB , 282x345 , brady-florida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The only things that prevent you from buying a firearm are felonies, domestic violence misdemeanors, active warrants, restraining orders, and being involuntarily committed. Voluntarily going to the loony bin or seeing a shrink isn't enough, a judge has to adjudicate you mentally unsound.
The thing is, there is no firearms license you need to own guns. There's a LTCF (license to carry firearms) if you want to carry concealed in public though. So our favorite tranny is either making shit up (most likely), very mis-informed, or actually applying for a carry license.
PA is a 'shall-issue' state. Which means as long as you pass the requirements they have to issue you a permit. The only difference is in the city of Philly (Philly is liberal and very anti-gun), which has a licensing unit issue permits instead of the Police/Sheriff department. The gun licensing unit can deny a request if they believe you're not qualified.
So if anyone actually believes this kid isn't full of shit it wouldn't hurt to call up or write the Philly Firearms Licensing Unit and tell them you're worried that a 'friend' of yours who is mentally disturbed told you he's getting a LTCF to exact revenge on his enemies/threaten people/etc... Be sure to mention that he draws pictures of himself shooting politicians in his spare time (send them a few pics while you're at it), and let them know his communist fantasies about shooting the 'capitalist pigs' and murdering anyone against gays. Just tell them to look out for the crazy guy dressed up like a girl.
It might not get him denied outright but it will drag the process out a lot longer and increase the chances of him just saying 'fuck it'. If he is ever hell-bent on killing someone it's not like being denied a license is going to stop him from killing them anyways. The only thing I can see this doing is preventing him from walking around with a gun all day and eventually shooting someone for calling him a fag.
I'm just glad he's not down here in FL. We'll give CCW licenses to anyone who can sit through a 2 hour class and sign their name on an application. It leads to liberals handing out pretty lulzy anti-gun propaganda at airports to scare tourists in an attempt to hurt our economy. (pic related)
>> No. 11159
Not too familiar with New Chris, but didn't he/she punch his mom out or something?
>> No. 11160
>I then actually then stop resisting

also, run-on-sentence sex scene:
>Munthea had both my wrists viced down with her right hand, then she proceeded to kissing and licking my bellybutton, I then actually then stop resisting and I almost started to giggle even, probably because I can't control being ticklish, but I was not really enjoying it too much though, I only known Munthea for less than a day, and whether or not I can tolerate Her as my cellmate was yet to be seen.


that picture makes no sense. and why am I bothered by that anymore?

yes he did.
>> No. 11161
File 130834820484.jpg - (31.48KB , 480x600 , TUCSON-SHOOTING[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>yes he did.
Care to elaborate?
>> No. 11162
>Freaking run-ons

Ugh. Why can't these terrible writers ever learn a few basic facts about English composition? It isn't hard!
>> No. 11163
File 130835869588.jpg - (61.12KB , 426x610 , Herp Derp Soldier.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm working on the comic. Don't worry!
>> No. 11164
File 130836136510.jpg - (252.59KB , 688x1570 , Comic 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Comic 6!
>> No. 11165
File 130836438636.jpg - (190.80KB , 681x1048 , Comic 7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 7. Jackie makes another appearance!
>> No. 11166
Now, we're all used to ADF's shit, but for a minute, forget everything you know. Imagine you're some unlucky fellow from 4kanker who stumbled upon this site.

It's an overweight communist, who thinks he is a woman, with 5 o clock shadow, a pink wig and that Naruto headband-thing on his wrist. At least the posters behind him aren't drawn by him and colored with crayons.
>> No. 11167
File 130836782212.jpg - (69.17KB , 720x537 , hetalia fag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They are in his room(not by crayon, but colored pencils). One of the field agents was able to get some insider shots in to Phillips pad.
>> No. 11168
Why are you guys picking on him? I think his style is pretty cool. Combining anime style with communist outfits and imagery? Jokes aside, you guys actually don't like at least how he looks?
I mean he's not that attractive but imagine a good looking guy or girl doing this. It'd work!
ADF is a sexually and artistically liberated person. If only you guys knew or understood how great that is.
>> No. 11169
File 130837286872.jpg - (69.16KB , 273x240 , 1307349463343.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11170
File 130837458560.jpg - (65.48KB , 720x389 , Sasuke and cum rag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's that cum rag again!
>> No. 11171
Nnnnnnnnno, even if the person was attractive, it'd still be pretty stupid.
>> No. 11172
Which set of eyes are more "derp" in that photo?
>> No. 11173
Oh, hi ADF!
>> No. 11176
File 130838478992.jpg - (81.88KB , 792x453 , JAELou2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is it just me, or the pic, or is ADF now fatter than ever?

I predict ADF will try and get the IBA Chandler .223, pic related. Trolls (and McCain), beware!
>> No. 11177
ADF wanting to threaten trolls with guns? Yet another small, yet meaningful step towards CWCdom.
>> No. 11178
ADF used to follow SAILORMOONRED1's school of dealing with trolling, but appearently it works as well as the Sasuke Diet.

He's seriously freaking out, when he found out there's an organised trolling for first time, his reaction was to delete his main dA account with thousands of uploads.
>> No. 11179
File 130839738632.png - (351.92KB , 900x1296 , survivors shot again.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, he's actually this kind of paranoid, frustrated dude with anger issues and violent fantasies who would try and actually shoot people (and shoot himself in the foot while at it, literally, but anyway).

So he's applying for a license to carry a gun around? I wonder if he told them he feels threatened by da homophobes (and the gangsta negroes). Did the McCain affair made him blacklisted as a potential security threat, or something? I'm not quite sure how the US law enforcement deals with such stuff.
>> No. 11180
File 130839817138.jpg - (118.03KB , 774x1032 , 14_days_as_sakura___day_3_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>What exactly do you do though? Just live life dressed like Sakura? Or do you act like her too?

>Live life as Sakura Haruno - answer to most of the time when my name is called to Sakura

I don't think Sakura's gun-toting. Maybe he should carry a tanto or something? (I'm not sure, I don't watch Naruto).

I don't think ADF was ever saying he's being a Muslim. I've seen some "I hope Allah will punish Bush for this!" stuff, but I don't think it really counts. Btw, this guy is an actual Canadian Muslim on dA: http://omar-dogan.deviantart.com/
>> No. 11181
I am at a loss for words. I never really focused on ADF, but now I'm learning more and more. This is like a composite for the most obnoxious human being on Earth. An obese far-left weeaboo Kike tranny? Holy fuck.
>> No. 11182
My God, what a faggot.
>> No. 11183
I've only just started reading ADF, except I'm kind of lost and ED isn't clearing things up much for me, give me a tl;dr on this guy.
>> No. 11184

gay white liberal Skaven jewish mexican atheist muslim weaboo tranny pseudo-communist with colossal USI.
>> No. 11185
He's an Hetaliafag American-Canadian-Jewish-Latino atheist-pagan-agnostic-Hebrew genocidal-pacifist antimperialist-imperialist-totalitarian-libertarian man-woman-butch bisexual-lesbian weeaboo Leninist-Maoist Hoxhaist-in-denial interested in fascism suffering from the "inaccurately diagnosed" autism as well as "Emotional Disturbance" and extreme stupidity.
>> No. 11186
What info do we have on Australatina? ED only skims that very briefly last time I checked.
>> No. 11187
It exists in a place that is geographically impossible, a blatant Israel ripoff with Latinos. It has no culture except communism and its symbols make no sense.
>> No. 11188
Why does he want to flood everywhere with fucking mexicans?
>> No. 11189
File 130841660138.jpg - (407.55KB , 900x1167 , ADF_Military_Deployments_Map_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If only!

He's also a "German and Russian" too, and of course a Narutard to the extreme (almost an otherkin).

And an "asexual" sex-freak bondage maniac.

And a horribly bad artist/photographer/cosplayer who think he's a hot shit.

And a narcissist who think/says he's beautiful girl, despite being a very ugly dude.

And some more.

Some stuff is on http://australatina.deviantart.com/ but most is now gone along with his main account (ADF-Fuesnalida).

Australatina used to be like a Hispanic version of Israel, existing on a huge imaginary island in the Atlantic like a bigger Cuba, but with fascism and an enemy Anglestinan leftover enclave of Cisadaia (a mix of West Berlin and Palestine, or something, I don't know), but is now united and communist.

>This map show the extent of Hispanic Settlement in Australatina from 1820 to the Present Day (2009)

>Present day labels and boundaries are shown in black and gray respectively

>Hispanic Republic of Australatina + Cartogarphy (c) *ADF-Fuensalida
>> No. 11190
File 130841696417.jpg - (10.81KB , 392x358 , Nigga is you serious 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>This map show the extent of Hispanic Settlement in Australatina from 1820 to the Present Day (2009)
>Australatina is supposed to be in North America
>Hispanic Settlers in North America
>> No. 11191
Why doesn't he have a chin goddamnit...
>> No. 11192
File 13084182229.jpg - (57.94KB , 300x400 , esq-muamar-qaddafi-092909-lg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And te whole Australatina used to be Pale..., I mean, Anglestine once, before 1948 (sounds bells?):


So apparently England is a separate country (well, Germans and Russians seem to believe so, and after all he's also a German and a Russia...). "Norway, Sweden, Denmark"?

The communist takeover took place earlier this year, I'm not sure how exactly. Maybe an ongoing wave of revolutions and uprisings (by drug-addicts and Al-Qaeda terrorists, of course) in "the surrounding Anglosphere-Caucasian countries" sparked this radical change? I'd ask ADF about it but he has blocked me already.
>> No. 11193
File 130841848427.jpg - (312.35KB , 781x1024 , The_Making_Of_Australatina_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wrong map, I wanted to post this one.
>> No. 11194
File 130841864924.gif - (1.83MB , 200x200 , Mind blown.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark
>Attacking something
>> No. 11195
>> No. 11196
File 130841926691.jpg - (21.93KB , 300x343 , a gadda.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, Mexico, Cuba (even until relatively recently), even Florida used to be Spanish, and don't forget about Texas or why there are names such as "Los Angeles" in California.

He has also other physical deformities, like take a look at his fingers (so thick and short) and his arms appear to be short too. He's just incredibly ugly, but is either defiant or deluded and actually belives he's a bishonen ("pretty boy", once) or a beautiful girl (now), and these are quotes.
>> No. 11197
File 130841977031.jpg - (13.30KB , 300x225 , gaddafi-def-300x225.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh really? And guess who's fucking bombing me at this very moment, if not these Viking bitches (except Sweden, which is not in NATO). Guess I need some mercenaries from Australatina.
>> No. 11198
Enough Spanish settles to form a goddamn country? And left unmolested for hundreds of years by the British and the French? I somehow doubt.

Because of the evil NATO. Hell, if there was Fourth Reich, it could invade all those countries and they'd just take it in the ass with a smile.
>> No. 11199
Oh there's enough millions of smelly beaners to make a country with. It's just, they only serve to destroy and fuck things up and decapitate people. They'd have trouble getting around to the actually making a country part.
>> No. 11200
File 13084245538.jpg - (42.57KB , 720x314 , whywhywhy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11201

I can't see his thighs, his fucking knees are in the way.
>> No. 11202
>Let's vote for McCain, so that ADF can throw a bitchfit about Republican-voting trolls.

I'm almost inclined to join in such a plan...

*gulp* I threw up a little in my mouth right there.

and thanks for the comic dude, keep up the good work. I'm excited to see what happens next.
>> No. 11203
I know I might late to the party on this one, but Trey told me something a few nights ago that was something about beating his mother?... Any info on that? That utterly horrifies me.
>> No. 11204
File 130843127134.png - (45.50KB , 1227x434 , 129729664338.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11205

What a despicable fucking piece of shit. I would beat the shit out of that pussy motherfucker.
>> No. 11206
The irony of the quote underneath admitting that he hurt his mother makes it even more sickening. Wow, just... wow.
>> No. 11207
And nearly as bad, he quotes a Hetalia character.
>> No. 11208
File 130843331788.jpg - (16.14KB , 200x200 , 1240676193900.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dem tree stumps
>> No. 11209

I think it is pretty ironic as well, in that since he treats his friends like shit, we are treating him like shit in return.
>> No. 11210
File 130843658356.jpg - (44.49KB , 479x720 , How is that stubble.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF threw the first punch at his mother because she tried to get him on welfare. That's the true story. It wasn't because he was transgender.
>> No. 11211
Good God... How can someone who's just as bad as CWC look at him and see nothing wrong with himself?
>> No. 11212

I wouldn't put it past him, but are we sure he's not just trying to make himself sound badass? I have trouble taking his word on anything.
>> No. 11213
I think that partially reinforces my borderline theory about him.

Individuals with borderline personality disorder have incredible difficulty with self-introspection (though this is also a trait of autism) and love to demonize/lash out at people who share similar faults or problems. I have a friend with BPD who, before going into treatment for it, would constantly mock drug addicts, alcoholics, and slutty women even though she herself was a junkie, an alcoholic, and slept with 30+ men in a single year (with absolutely no protection). She also was inclined toward physical violence against friends and loved ones, even when they were trying to help her (just like ADF beat his mother). Borderlines love to persecute others while simultaneously thinking that they entire world is out to ruin their lives.

It's like that one Dresden Dolls song: "And you can tell by the full-body cast/that you're sorry that you asked/that you did everything you could/like any decent person would"
>> No. 11214
>friends and loved ones

How the fuck does she get them in the first place?

Does anyone have that "I threw the first punch" cap?
>> No. 11215
>How the fuck does she get them in the first place?

Well, borderlines can be witty, funny, and the "life of the party". They can also, when their mood swings allow them to, be fiercely loyal (albeit this is because they want to cling to you to avoid being abandoned). My friend exhibits those traits prominently, and thus she makes tons of friends very easily (she also LOSES friends quite easily as well). I sometimes can't help but wonder if ADF may actually make friends in the otaku/cosplay and LGBT communities quickly but then alienates them with his horrid treatment of them... after all, he DOES seem to have IRL friends according to what I've seen on FB (although if that isn't the case, that puts a slight dent in my theory... I'll ask Trey and Maria about his interpersonal relationships offline tomorrow night).
>> No. 11216

I used to have a friend that has BPD, she could go from being very friendly and extremely talkative to crazy angry I-fucking-hate-your-guts psycho bitch in a snap. She also expected everyone around her to accept her disability and deal with her bullshit when she did go Bitch Mode.

I wonder if ADF is like this? Does he expect those around him to put up with his tantrums instead of seeking help to control them?
>> No. 11217

Oh god now I can't help but thinking my dad has it too. I've always thought he was just a really self-centered person.

The autism is strong with this one. Why, why else in the world did he think it's ok to show this photo to anyone???

Yeah, but his lack of chin is the most disturbing.
>> No. 11219
>They can also, when their mood swings allow them to, be fiercely loyal (albeit this is because they want to cling to you to avoid being abandoned).

Ha, this is the crazy bitch I know to a T. So much so in fact that she clings to this ideal of her dead friend and essentially compares all of her current (failing) friendships to this one friendship, making a big even every fucking year after she died (some 10 years later). I mean, I know remembering a loved one that passed on is all cool but please move on.

Could be, or you dad could really be just self-centered. I used to think this about my friend, too. Though not every fucked up personality can be attributed to a psychological disorder, sometimes a dick is just a dick.

So, we have an officially diagnosis of autism and potentially BPD for ADF? Damn. He fucked.
>> No. 11220
File 130846261264.jpg - (50.00KB , 720x537 , kissing the doll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The philly otaku group has sent me a funny picture of Sakura kissing a doll.
>> No. 11221
File 130846552680.jpg - (19.96KB , 300x266 , 1291885887878.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It is official! That plushie IS ADF'S CUM RAG!!
>> No. 11222
File 130846640280.png - (630.33KB , 868x581 , Picture 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wasn't that already obvious? Ugh... imagine its smell. That poor pathetic plush has seen horrors.

And this. Goddammit, is ADF trying to be like Angel from Rent?

(pic related, though I couldn't find a picture of him actually drumming)
>> No. 11223
It probably smells like corn chips, ass, and jizz. Yeah, it's seen things that would make the average channer vomit in disgust (and that's saying something).
>> No. 11224
File 130846822788.jpg - (54.58KB , 720x537 , pink eyebrow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not the only picture with Capitalist Harel.
>> No. 11225
Is that... lipstick on his manly brows?
>> No. 11226

Nah. Look at the eyebrows though. Sakura had pink eyebrows over his natural brow color though.
>> No. 11227
Oh that's what I was referring to. I was trying to figure out if that was some pink lipstick or maybe eyeshadow over his natural brows in a pathetic attempt to make him more "Sakura"-like. Which doesn't help. At all.
>> No. 11228
File 130847031060.jpg - (36.47KB , 650x520 , black-magic-only-homies-know-it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are a God!
>> No. 11229
File 130847054659.png - (185.94KB , 800x513 , ADF threw the first punch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You mean this one?
>> No. 11230
Yup. That's the one.
>> No. 11231

I will be acknowledged!!
>> No. 11232
File 130848138661.jpg - (77.00KB , 720x537 , after the rape.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya's one night stand.
>> No. 11233
File 130848192066.jpg - (69.38KB , 750x600 , 1260486102767.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This has got to be the best picture that has ever been created! I don't think it's a one night stand, dude! Ahuviya has been fucking his plushie for a while now . . .
>> No. 11234
I'd bet a hundred bucks that doll has a strategically placed hole.
>> No. 11235
File 130848380760.jpg - (35.96KB , 375x558 , Sasuke cumrag and mask.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There is a 99.9999% chance that you'd win!
>> No. 11236
File 130848699420.jpg - (46.41KB , 956x588 , Trey's sense of humor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trey is still cool
>> No. 11237
If you're reading this, hi ADF. I just want to say hat for self-declared hardcore fetishist you have a shit taste in gas masks. In BDSM scene, that mask would be considered masculine and something used by the tops. Why don't you buy shalom, it's Israelian and feminine - oh right, I nearly forgot, you never bother to learn about shit.

I wonder if there's anything that ADF genuinely understands, something that he likes so much he has actually learned and read about it. Autists usually have some fixation that they can read dozens of books and never get bored. For some it is planes, for someone else Waffen ᛋᛋ. We know ADF has a huge boner for communism, but it has been proven he doesn't actually understand about it, because he doesn't care about it enough. So what is his real fixation? Or is it only the communist aesthetics that he is obsessed with?
>> No. 11238
>> No. 11239
See here >>70174
and nearby

Pretty boring obsession, if you ask me.
>> No. 11240
Yeah man, he's a bro.
>> No. 11241
he should be in IRC sometime
you too.
>> No. 11246
That shit is just funny.

What? Really? Jesus Christ, he's such a little bitch! It's kind of ironic since he's on welfare now.

Something has really been bugging me. I know he hates little kids to the point of hostility from what I've heard through the grapevine. What info do you guys have on that?
>> No. 11247
File 130852092166.jpg - (8.24KB , 308x358 , ew.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Really? Does he actually fuck that doll? I feel bad for the witnesses to the incident and for the Sasuke doll.
>> No. 11248
"Sakura Equality Harel
Is not observing Patriarchy Day. Men have enough goddamned days in honor of their gender."
>> No. 11249
He recently blocked me from being able to see his wall :(
>> No. 11250
Did he make a post like this on Mother's Day?

or Valentine's Day?
>> No. 11251
File 13085234593.jpg - (9.25KB , 468x96 , Father's day.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11252
What a heartless fuck.
>> No. 11253
if he was a real woman he would love kids and the idea of having one would be driving him mad by this age in his life hahahah
>> No. 11254
My brain is so full of wut. I would've expected some nonsense over Father's Day being a capitalist agenda but that's almost incomprehensible.
>> No. 11255
File 130852518452.jpg - (87.58KB , 468x286 , What are you doing boy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I am not observing Patriarchy Day.

>Men have enough goddamned days in honor of their gender.
>> No. 11256
Shit, I should pay more attention...
>> No. 11257
File 130852570045.png - (12.51KB , 300x300 , 1301625094728.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is it just me or does ADF sound like a self-hating Misandric? It seems like whenever he talks about men, it's always negative.

ADF is on welfare?
>> No. 11258
Yep, it turns out that the qualifications aren't terribly strict.
>> No. 11259
File 130852633853.png - (12.36KB , 336x330 , eddy chris chan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His damn father is still alive! What is he going to do when his dad is deceased? Spit on the man's grave? Sorry, but shit like that makes me rage.
>> No. 11260
File 130852654143.jpg - (29.76KB , 409x283 , CWC vs_ ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I guess not. Slowly and slowly, ADF is looking a lot like Christian Weston Chandler.
>> No. 11261
except sasuke. I bet he clebrates sasuke's birthday with a cake and a wash for the cumrag.
>> No. 11262
And needless to point out he bashed his gay ex-friend Trey. Nice unity there, ADF.
>> No. 11263
Wow. What a dick.
>> No. 11264
Probably thinks that Trey is with the "gay bourgeoisie" or something.
>> No. 11265
File 130852922046.jpg - (7.30KB , 207x257 , Fred_Phelps.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If he actually thought that, he would be no different from a certain American public figure.
>> No. 11266
File 130853034023.jpg - (64.81KB , 700x768 , w34-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
which only reinforces the idea that deep down he really hates himself and knows he's a looser.

That's why he grasps for anything that might possibly make him different.
>> No. 11267
File 130853250614.png - (12.33KB , 576x97 , valley girl.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the usual dribble off of ahuviyas wall.
>> No. 11269

>> No. 11270
File 130853363146.gif - (485.16KB , 160x120 , facepalms.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>valley girl
I didn't know I wanted to hear this

pic related
>> No. 11271
File 130853416840.jpg - (106.18KB , 720x539 , Looking for a uzumaki.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11272
File 130853453921.jpg - (90.39KB , 328x500 , tumblr_lku372sVIk1qh013ao1_400.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He might be trying to eliminate any ounce of his father that he sees in himself as a coping mechanism. We know, already, that ADF was abused by his father. Victims of molestation will sometimes alter their appearance in order to not see their own abuser in the mirror. Examples: His wigs, etc. Also, I kind of seen that he tries to push other males away or keep them at a distance to protect himself from harm.

As for the possible misandry. This disorder (among with misogyny) is common among people who lack healthy role models of a particular gender or people who overgeneralize a gender due to the abuse or mistreatment they have suffered in their childhood. The only male role model in his life seems to be Sasuke Uchiha. Not a very good role model in my opinion. Don't be fooled though, trying to bring him a healthy male role model probably wouldn't work. He has to be the one to accept the male as a role model he desperately needs, which isn't going to be easy due to his distrust of them in the first place.

Writing all of this down reminds me of the lyrics of a song;

What's behind your painted face
Can you see the real pig in the mirror
Revenge you breed
I hate your skeletons begging to get out
one by one
Don't let your secrets get out
Keep it in the brain dead circle
This is you
Create a new fantasia
cause it beats hating yourself
Hating yourself
>> No. 11273
>>He might be trying to eliminate any ounce of his father that he sees in himself as a coping mechanism. We know, already, that ADF was abused by his father. Victims of molestation will sometimes alter their appearance in order to not see their own abuser in the mirror. Examples: His wigs, etc. Also, I kind of seen that he tries to push other males away or keep them at a distance to protect himself from harm.

Crap. I should've been a little more clear on this paragraph. It's usually just some victims of INCEST molestation or just general child abuse who would want to alter their appearance to look less like their abusers. Also, altering appearances can occur in other rape victims in order to avoid being raped again. Some people even take it a step further and identify with the costumes they put themselves into.

I should've been more clear with this. Sorry about that.
>> No. 11274
Gag me with a spoon. Like totally! Okay, enough of that BS. I thought that the only people who speak Valley Girl today are 14 year old girls and Beverly Hills broads.
>> No. 11276
It is, though, questionable what ADF means with "abuse" as he already struggles with terms.

"No, you can't have the night shift." "Excuse me, I believe this is the ladies WC, sir."

- Capitalist opression.

"That ADF doesn't seem to be alright." "I concur."

- Organized trolling, conspiracy.

We can only speculate what this "abuse" was.

"No, ADF, you can't have that toy. Bad ADF, put it back."

And considering how he considered himself to be above Trey, victim of abuse and dared to make fun of his suffering, we can come to conclusion...

1.) He's a massive dick.
2.) He doesn't care about other people being abused.
3.) Likely never himself felt abuse as he is able to so blatantly mistreat his friend, when he should feel sympathy for him.
>> No. 11277
In case you were wondering, Britfags: ADF is claiming that he can speak like a Valley Girl. Think the American version of an Essex girl.
>> No. 11278
File 130854158917.jpg - (299.72KB , 1134x764 , chupa-chups-psychologist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I never said it excused his behavior, he's an asshole for what he had done. He's even more of one for not admitting what he has done wrong. I was just psychoanalyzing him. The Trey incident just proves my theory that ADF is a true blue man-hater and will fight tooth and nail just to push Trey away from getting too close to him.

ADF has even generalized this forum as a bunch of "basement dwelling 789chan faggots." He does not think in shades of gray and thinks that everyone who doesn't kiss his ass is against him and doesn't deserve to be in his presence. I should know.

I think that he may have BPD. If ADF ever does have kids, it is likely that the cycle of abuse will continue since he had never got counseling for being molested by his father and doesn't respond well to the emotions of others. Good thing he's probably shooting blanks due to the hormones he takes.
>> No. 11280
Going off of what you both are saying. There is no way to know if he was molested/physically abused/or emotionally abused. With ADF constantly making mountains out of moleholes, so to speak, there is no way to know what he meant by abuse.

I think I know what ADF meant about sexual abuse
>>Ca. July - October 1987 - First Attempts at Toliet-Training Fail as my Father tries to force me to stand up and urinate -- First disgust and disdain complaints over my Male genitals are aired and subsequently ignored by both parents. This further hinders further Toilet-Training efforts until Spring 1989
>> No. 11281
I missed out on this entire drama. Can someone please fill me in on what happened?
>> No. 11282
Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. Could it really be that simple? "I don't like having to pee standing up, so I must be a girl"?

I worked with some autistics for a few years, and there was one guy who only peed sitting down, but he was very low functioning. He couldn't talk at all, and had to communicate by hand gesture.
>> No. 11283
File 130854393138.png - (490.09KB , 449x401 , Girls lulz.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>basement dwelling 789chan faggots

That's strike two, ADF! You homophobic bastard!
>> No. 11284
>First disgust and disdain complaints over my Male genitals are aired and subsequently ignored by both parents.
How does he expect them to react when their toddler babbles about not liking his dick? "Well, then we'll get that cut off right away, sweetheart!"
>> No. 11285
Where would you like to be filled in on?
>> No. 11286
File 130854440660.jpg - (36.31KB , 450x485 , sitzen-pinkeln.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In Germany men are expected to pee sitting down to not make a mess. How many guys actually do it is an enigma.
>> No. 11287

Well, I have missed the entire thing, so essentially everything that's happened, but.. condensed. Just who this guy is and the like. From what I gather, he's a transsexual communist who claims to have been molested?
>> No. 11288
He is completely obsessed with Naruto. His communism comes from also being an Hetalitard. His paranoia is greater than that of CWC's. He doxed and released personal info on his friend. ADF shits his pants.
>> No. 11289

Holy fuck I'm actually offended by that crude penis in that picture. You'd never see anything even remotely like that in America.
>> No. 11290
File 13085449049.png - (396.59KB , 720x540 , vlcsnap-2011-06-20-00h41m09s4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
http://www.okcupid.com/profile/ExtantSasuke A little beTREYal with some MARIAchi playing in the background.
>> No. 11292
File 130854527251.jpg - (53.13KB , 600x450 , cwc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I am Loving, Artistic, and Lonely

Man, that certainly sounds like a lolcow I haven't seen much of in ages.
>> No. 11293

Ahahah, oh shit.
>> No. 11294
File 130854572514.jpg - (38.48KB , 500x375 , trent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
BeTREYal, yeah, stabbed in the back!
BeTREYal, yeah, stretched out on the rack!
BeTREYal, thrown out of the... thrown out of the...
>> No. 11295
we regret to inform you, all sources point to this being the proper usage of the word "language"

in my unprofessional opinion, that's more along the lines of a "convenient incident" that he can add to a list of other such minor details that "prove" he's a girl. the part about airing dissatisfaction could very well have been an embellishment on his part to veil the fact that he didn't want to be toilet trained with a shroud of gender dysforia. <-how the fuck do spell that anyway?
>> No. 11296

Wait, ADF had a boyfriend? That's news to me!
>> No. 11297

It's an open relationship with Eli May. The FTM he was engaged to until ahuviya ruined the engagement.
>> No. 11298
Wow, it's like Goofus and Gallant in pictogram form.
>> No. 11299
File 130854696713.jpg - (26.92KB , 456x572 , okcupid0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, I don't think you guys want to know what Uchihacest is.
>> No. 11300
File 130854748957.jpg - (36.61KB , 497x600 , Okcupid1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm going to laugh if he thinks he's going to pick up a 20 year old. He's more likely to pick up someone who hasn't been 20 years old in 25 years.
>> No. 11302
File 130854832139.jpg - (49.17KB , 407x407 , tumblr_lmpnlbQC7b1qe11kdo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Yuri (that may or may not include Lolicon )
>> No. 11303
File 130854891087.jpg - (9.05KB , 390x132 , ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Presenting the multi-talented, feminine Sakura Equality Harel!
>> No. 11304
>93% Capitalist

>> No. 11305
File 130855142642.jpg - (155.08KB , 448x763 , adf-guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

OH NO, ADF had a Freudian slip and referred to himself as a guy!!!
>> No. 11306
Why does he have two birthdays?
>> No. 11307

My guess is that he's trying to be special and more "non-American" or something and use the D/M/Y way to write days, instead of the M/D/Y system more commonly used here in America.

Also, he lists his height as both 5'10" and 5'11".
>> No. 11308
Actually, no.
The awkward line breaks show "30% Capitalist"
and "93% Communist".
>> No. 11309
File 130855320727.jpg - (192.47KB , 692x960 , Comic 8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Inspired by the Okcupid profile!
>> No. 11310
170 pounds my ass, he's way fatter
>> No. 11311
Actual weight = Said weight + 50 pounds

ADF's weight: 170 + 50 = 230 pds. I'm taking an estimate
>> No. 11312
File 130855956745.jpg - (238.77KB , 822x1014 , Comic 9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True story, bro: I picked a couple of namefags to be Trey's companions. It was at random, so congrats if you were picked.
>> No. 11313
File 130856090336.jpg - (27.66KB , 300x200 , beached-whale-300x200.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jesus Christ. He looks like a beached whale here.
>> No. 11314
File 130856171638.jpg - (92.84KB , 728x562 , AkichanX3 - Barack Obama the Man for CHANGE!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
When doesn't he?

But he's American though. He'd probably get his ass whooped if he were to -. Hey! Let's send ADF on a free trip to North Korea!
>> No. 11315
>When doesn't he?

Okay, okay. So more than usual.
>> No. 11316
File 130857762991.gif - (1.23MB , 208x156 , 130128326420.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> Basement dwelling 789chan faggots.
>> No. 11317


If I were a millionaire, I'd totally send him on one for free, with a group to observe/film him. The documentary that something like that could make would be priceless...

If anyone's curious about what a tour like that would be like, check this out:
>> No. 11318
File 130860451792.jpg - (14.32KB , 213x295 , oldmanAhuviya.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya in 20 years. If you can figure the source, congrats!
>> No. 11319
There's a catch; Koryo Tours is mainly marketed toward foreigners other than Americans. The DPRK is veeeeeeerrrrrrry paranoid about Americans entering their country, and only allow a certain number of internal passports to be given to Americans each year, almost always to American Jucheists (the official, err, "socialism" of North Korea). You have to be a member of the Korean Friendship Association (the North Korean government's international front organization) and do a lot of work for the KFA to prove your loyalty to the regime. Only then will they CONSIDER you for eligibility.

Also, ADF wouldn't get to see the shitastic side of North Korea. Every delegation or tourist group which visits the DPRK has 2 Korean People's Army guards with them, and their travel itinerary is limited to the most clean and prosperous of locations: anyone who goes to North Korea gets the edited-for-television, rose-tinted view of the country, and sending Ahuviya on such a trip may only strengthen his belief that North Korea is a model socialist nation.
>> No. 11320
File 130861161596.png - (11.67KB , 300x309 , Seething.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm seething right now.
This faggot does NOT get to like loli yuri without consequences.
>> No. 11321
That's how it is with most vacations though.

This is actually the first time I've ever heard about ADF liking lolicon.
>> No. 11322
Can you flag someone on OKCupid for representing themselves as female when they're male?
>> No. 11323
File 130861226759.jpg - (193.17KB , 812x1476 , ADF ygallery favorites.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's faved shotacon before on Y-gallery. I'm not sure if he's a complete fantard of either genres though.
>> No. 11324
How about we take him to South Korea, get him to try to sneak into North Korea, then just fly back and leave him there?
>> No. 11325
File 130861254015.jpg - (113.43KB , 600x779 , AkichanX3 - Sasuke Uchiha in a Straitjacket X3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's not forget that he was a big time Orosasu fan at one time.
>> No. 11326
Ok, lets say he managed to get in. He would get shot in the face as soon as he says something or someone looks at him and scream of fear.
>> No. 11327
He outed himself so that probably won't work.
>> No. 11328
I still want to see if anything comes from this okcupid deal.

Also, you've been added to the comic series along with Whoreos and Norden. >>70700
>> No. 11329
so everybody wins?
>> No. 11330
File 130863400271.png - (856.50KB , 900x1298 , girl__imprisoned_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3jej2i.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Boring poetry from ADF
>> No. 11331
File 130863415334.jpg - (312.39KB , 898x1987 , 14_days_as_sakura___day_7_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF in his boxers again
>> No. 11332
File 130863448143.jpg - (53.33KB , 468x587 , 1298126185277.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>"Girl, Imprisoned"

That's enough for me
>> No. 11333
>Unwanted girth 'tween her thighs

>> No. 11334
Don't forget! It's four inches of girth!
>> No. 11335
How's this article for the wiki?

++++Trey Pepe++++
Unwillingly brought into limelight by Ahuviya Harel’s own paranoia and rage, Trey Pepe is often regarded as a foil to Ahuviya. Unlike Ahuviya, Trey is described by others as intelligent, articulate, cool, and innocent. For some reason that some could only fathom, Trey brought out the worst in Ahuviya without even trying. It should also be known that Ahuviya treats Trey like crap. Oh, did we mention that Trey is a homosexual, so must be a gay bougeous in Ahuviya's view.

== Before the limelight ==
Trey and Ahuviya met on Facebook when he watched Ahuviya’s videos. Though why a sensible guy like Trey would even befriend a maladapted social retard like Ahuviya is possibly only known by Trey at this time.

==First Battle==
The moment that brought everyone’s attention to Trey; Ahuviya accused him of being Orokabu, a namefag who contributed to the ADFwiki and to the trolling. Believing that Trey Pepe and Orokabu was the same person, Ahuviya had fought with Trey for the first time. After a few days, Trey had enough and told Ahuviya off. The beginning of many encounters between the two.

== Opposing views==
The two have also have had minor disagreements on Facebook. One of the most notable ones was Trey’s response to ADF’s rose-tinted view on Communism. Being of Polish descendent, a part of Trey’s family was victimized by Soviet Soldiers. Sadly, ADF ignored both Trey’s comment and Trey’s journal about the ordeal.

== During civil times==
When the two were not engaged in a Facebook arguments started by Ahuviya, the two remained civil. By civil, we mean that Trey tolerated Ahuviya’s behavior more that a parent tolerated a misbehaving child. Though, Trey still wouldn’t kiss Ahuviya’s ass. The two even talked on the phone.

== “In Protective Custody”==
During Ahuviya’s Facebook version of the Red Scare, Trey tried reasoning with Ahuviya when trolls have responded back to the situation by threatening to dox Ahuviya and his loved ones. Trey responded by trying to talk some sense into Ahuviya.

== Be-TREY-ed yet again==
Recently, Ahuviya’s paranoia took over his rational thinking as usual. Ahuviya blocked Trey and another fellow from Facebook and went online to brag about it. Though this time, Ahuviya proved that he was no better than his own demonization of the people who are against him. He released Trey’s phone number and personal information to 789chan in a failed attempt to use them as his own personal army. The denizens responded by laughing in ADF’s face.
>> No. 11336
File 130864823947.jpg - (81.23KB , 750x600 , ManTits.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His tits probably look like this.
>> No. 11337
I like it. But you really don't have to ask our permission to put it in the wiki. Trey would probably appreciate if you asked him, however.
>> No. 11338
File 130865042111.jpg - (52.42KB , 463x581 , Trey Pepe facebook agrument.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll wait until he's online to ask him. Anything else that needs to be added to this?
>> No. 11339
Unlike ADF, he is capable of tolerating people with radically other views, as he is friends with Captain.

I have always found it ironic how ADF is a racist and generally very intolerant person and then he whines about opression.
>> No. 11340
File 130865292913.jpg - (74.15KB , 729x561 , AkichanX3 - Sasuke - Logic VS Religion.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, that's true. Let's not forget that Trey is a Christian and we're all aware of ADF's intolerant views on Christianity. Yeah, hopefully Captain Commie and Trey, himself, pitches in on this article.

ADF is a special snowflake, he deserves special treatment.
>> No. 11341
>won't let fiction run his life
>dresses like fictional characters all the time
>> No. 11342
Oh boy, its analyzing time.

>Name: Sakura Haruno,Sakura-chan, Ahuviya Harel
*BEEP* Wrong! If I recall correctly, it's Phillip. And "chan"? Face the fact that you can speak only English, using few words from other languages doesn't make you look bilingual or smart.

>Sex: Female (I am Male-to-Female Transgender)
Dick's still intact. Nice try though.

>Height/Weight: 5' 11" and 170 lbs.
Pfffff...let's add 50% that and we're closer to truth. I wonder if this another of those autism things, unable to properly observe oneself from an objective point of view. Or just ADF being ADF, trying to make himself look better than he actually is. Probably the latter.

>Nationality: Puerto Rican / German
Hmm....no, you're still any more unique or less American.

>Religion: Reform Judaism
I thought you were a satanist? Oh well, if he changes his religion as often as he changes his sexuality it's hard to keep up...

>Resides: The City of Brotherly Love - UCHIHACEST!
You like Naruto, we get it. Severe autism notable here.

>Sexuality: Pansexual
Oh look, it keeps changing!

>Political Affiliation: Socialist (Marxism-Leninism-Maoism)
Yeah except Stalin you so admire wasn't best of friends with Mao and your political views aren't exactly very Maoi-...oh, I forgot, you got it from Hetalia. Let's move on.

>Uniform Fetishes (Schoolgirl
Much more disturbing when we keep in mind that it's a hairy fatass who dresses up as a little japanese schoolgirl, not his girlfriend.

>Doing strange things some people may consider odd

>Dislikes Drama
I could swear Drama is like air or water to him. You sure do like causing drama if you hate it so much.

>People who do stupid things
Pot, kettle, black.

>I am Loving
Love is hate. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strenght.

If you were five, then probably. Tall female was a tall female.

>and Lonely
And for a good reason, too.
>> No. 11343
File 130866473124.png - (39.59KB , 197x241 , brusha brusha.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yep, I'd just like to say that everyone should feel free to edit the wiki. It's only a stand-in but it would be great to get some more content - seriously, go nuts. The only real problem is that image uploading isn't available, so hang on to relevant screenshots until we sort out some proper hosting.

Wiki is here:
If you need help drop me a line here:
>> No. 11344
File 130866724867.jpg - (19.33KB , 460x276 , Benito-Mussolini.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't forget Sakura.

In this pic he looks kinda like Mussolini. ("23% Facist", Il Douche.)

Hey, so he still hates on CWC? Even after Chris ceased to be a rapid homophobe and embraced his gaybian nature? I don't get this guy.
>> No. 11345
ADF was one of those cancerous people who "hated" chris and wanted to troll him out of "hate" instead of out of "I want him to do something funny."

So basically the kind of faggot who calls him "Chrissy" and talks about digging up patty and hiring a tranny hooker.
>> No. 11346

>digging up patty

It never gets old.
>> No. 11347

You know, this has probably been said before, but ADF is a tranny (or thinks he is anyway), at least contemplated being a hooker, and hates Chris. I think our new goal should be to get ADF to dig up Patti.
>> No. 11348
File 13086802613.jpg - (5.10KB , 160x120 , mf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11349

It all makes sense now!!!
>> No. 11350
But he hates the niggos as much as Chris does, and would probably refuse Pickle Suit as too masculine.
>> No. 11351
File 130868472738.png - (151.05KB , 300x600 , 300px-Sergei_Dragunov_-_Full-body_CG_Art_Image_-_T.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I suspect that ADF may have a new obsession with Sergei Dragunov from the Tekken series. (I'm browsing his favorites for gems).
>> No. 11352
I find it annoying how ADF does something like that and then insists on identifying as "Jewish."

At least Trey probably believes in the religion he follows, ADF just slaps the label on to make a moronic political statement.
>> No. 11353

I always found it ironic that ADF everything.

Seriously. Everything about him is ironic.
>> No. 11354
File 130869437210.jpg - (20.83KB , 150x200 , 1227840635474.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw this guys thinks suggestions to dig up patti are serious
>> No. 11355
Trey okayed the wiki btw
>> No. 11356
ADF's "hatred" of CWC is just really shitty troll shielding.
>> No. 11357
File 130871837826.png - (12.01KB , 489x69 , found her.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I will inform the spy network of Mazzoni to document all LULZ from "Ms." Harel.
>> No. 11358
File 130872369161.jpg - (155.64KB , 500x1279 , Sob story.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone get this?
>> No. 11359
>>When people were saying I looked better as Sakura Haruno then I did as Sasuke, I realized "This is it, I am a girl. I do not belong as a male!"

That's not how it works you idiot.
>> No. 11360
File 130873141056.jpg - (88.17KB , 706x532 , Sakura forest3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, can someone please tell me what the Rachael Ambrose drama was about?
>> No. 11361
>the smartest/most artistic kid in school

I'm out of words.

(Especially if it's actually true.)

>forever trap me

ADF, you will never be a trap.
>> No. 11362
He did go to a Special ED school

>> No. 11363
>Apparently, being the smartest/most artistic kid in school and wanting to be a girl was Asperger's Syndrome to the eyes of my mother and all my teachers.

>I could might as well degenerated into another Christian Weston Chandler...

Spot on, ADF!
>> No. 11364
So when he thought he had autism, it is neurodiversity, and finding a cure is evil toward "autistic culture".

But now he turns around and calls it a "mental disorder."

Typical ADF.
>> No. 11365
>>71580 Rachel (also a t-girl) was having issues with some other t-girls and adf just started acting like an asshole.
>> No. 11367
"I should have been Highly Recognized for my ARTISTIC TALENTS I showed in my Many Art Classes for the Award Ceremonies before Graduation Day. I felt crestfallen greatly from not getting recognized for any of my Talents."
~Christian Weston Chandler

I know it's nothing new he considers himself to be above Chris but....shit.
>> No. 11369
File 130877214062.jpg - (248.02KB , 880x1552 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My response to his "Acting like Sasuke" piece. One of the answers got cut off.
>> No. 11370

From that description, "Sasuke" sounds like a smug, condescending asshole.
>> No. 11371
File 130877940574.jpg - (34.12KB , 600x447 , Funny_Pictures_101813.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's because the character is.
>> No. 11372
File 130879651957.jpg - (110.50KB , 540x720 , glorious uzumaki.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've been talking to some of the GCC people and they've told me so much about Phillip. Here is what they told me about phillip.

Phillip was a known racist who accused the black members of our club from stealing his manga.

Phillip had coitus with another man in a burger king bath room.

Phillip has been known to steal from his mother to buy manga and cosplay related stuff.

Phillip has had sex for money and monetary items. One member stated that Phillip performed fellatio on a guy for a volume of Naruto.

The secret service did send agents to GCC to help the investigation of his sasuke death threat. Phillip does have a file on him from this incident.

When Phillip failed to have sex with kourine. He had a magical dream that he was a homosexual man named Felipe. After that dream he started to go to the LGBT clubs and referred to himself as a Latino man named Felipe.

The members of the GCC anime club almost get phillip arrested for false detainment when he handcuffed Kourine to himself for 2 hours while they were watching an anime movie. 0
>> No. 11373
>The secret service did send agents to GCC to help the investigation of his sasuke death threat.
that's the stupidest shit i've ever read
>> No. 11374

>Phillip was a known racist who accused the black members of our club from stealing his manga.

At The GAMe PLACe, Chris would shield his cards from black children.

>Phillip had coitus with another man in a burger king bath room.

Chris had fantasies of Reginald and Layla fucking in a McDonald's restroom.

>Phillip has been known to steal from his mother to buy manga and cosplay related stuff.

Chris stole money from his parents to pay for vidya.

>Phillip has had sex for money and monetary items. One member stated that Phillip performed fellatio on a guy for a volume of Naruto.

Chris contemplated male prostitution but never followed through. Congrats on one-upping Chris, Ahuyiva-chan! :D

>When Phillip failed to have sex with kourine. He had a magical dream that he was a homosexual man named Felipe. After that dream he started to go to the LGBT clubs and referred to himself as a Latino man named Felipe.

Wait, for real? Uh... well Chris has also based his identity and life goals on "prophetic dreams" so... whatever.

>The members of the GCC anime club almost get phillip arrested for false detainment when he handcuffed Kourine to himself for 2 hours while they were watching an anime movie. 0

>> No. 11375
all of my hatred and contempt
>> No. 11376
What the fuck?
>> No. 11377
Can someone repost said dobe attraction sign?
>> No. 11378
Care to cite your sources?
>> No. 11379
File 130881796292.jpg - (64.62KB , 490x428 , ADF on Putin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In case anyone was wondering what attracted ADF to Putin in the first place . . .
>> No. 11380
File 13088201286.jpg - (1.31MB , 1276x1654 , __ADF__SHOUTS__IT__OUT____by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This Carlos Chantor-style shit is definitely true, he would use this name on dA (signing the drawings and shit) when he thought he was so-gay. Pic related.

Before or after this he also used another pun on Phillip, Felicia (or "Felicia-hime").
>> No. 11381
File 130882018687.jpg - (14.64KB , 501x217 , Attraction sign.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 11383
File 130882053562.jpg - (97.73KB , 726x564 , Uke's_Desire.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's one of the THOUSANDS of pics that he posted on his now-deleted main dA account.

In 2009, he thought he was SO gay, before deciding he was a girl. Pic related, I'm sorry.
>> No. 11384
File 130882076284.jpg - (16.74KB , 470x352 , 128963475381.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wow! I haven't seen this shit yet! It looks like something Chris would shit out!

>>I sleep in the nude

That's frightening thought . . .
>> No. 11385
File 130882080734.jpg - (109.36KB , 720x558 , 69302_154318817937396_100000778373584_237864_28748.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"FUCK OFF YOU IMMIGRANTS, and yes you WON'T stop me from using women's toilets."
>> No. 11386
File 130882092112.jpg - (403.69KB , 1708x2126 , 1307252750049.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, I knew that. It's just that some pictures I have not seen yet. That being one of them
>> No. 11387
File 130882118125.jpg - (302.12KB , 900x1176 , Sceptor_of_Ass_whacking_Terror_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The most Chris-like thing is:

>I had FIVE girlfriends fail on me before I realized I was gay

Pic related, his version of File:ShecameforCWC (200803).JPG it's supposed to be Kourine (Kourine hates him now).


>CWC sucks
>> No. 11388
File 130882151456.jpg - (149.73KB , 562x728 , Ironic in Retrospect.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And here's a pic like this, but signed as "Felicia-hime".

Notice how TOTALLY GAY DUDE he was back then.
>> No. 11389

Why the chastity belt?
>> No. 11390
So... I just watched the first episode of Naruto. From what I gather, the show is mostly about Bart Simpson's Japanese counterpart avoiding responsibility and occasionally fighting stuff. Oh, and having seen the show, I now understand the great extent to which ADF fails at being that pink haired chick. I'd always assumed just from his pictures and videos that he failed pretty miserably, but now I understand.
>> No. 11391
File 130882644582.jpg - (93.72KB , 629x536 , BAWWW I'm sorry.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's shecameforcwc.jpeg x 10! What the fuck is wrong with ADF?
>> No. 11392
File 130882770214.jpg - (113.21KB , 728x562 , AkichanX3 - Itachi X Felipe - Abuse of Power.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's not forget this
>> No. 11393
File 130882800175.jpg - (146.52KB , 556x720 , So gay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He also, at one time, considered crossdressing a fetish.
>> No. 11394
File 130882978557.jpg - (108.23KB , 700x975 , 1305318133046.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More rare lulz!
>> No. 11395
File 130883121887.jpg - (151.88KB , 900x1205 , ADF_Signatures__A_History_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Felipe was his gay-Latino identity, Felicia-hime was just a signature.
>> No. 11396
File 130883127937.jpg - (207.48KB , 1024x767 , Australatina_Highway_Map_2003_by_Australatina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A map to end all maps.
>> No. 11397
File 130883190231.jpg - (434.35KB , 900x1200 , sakura_haruno___all_grown_up_by_iamjustahuviyahare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bunch of new shit just uploaded.

>> No. 11398
File 130883239396.jpg - (349.18KB , 841x1260 , kg_sakura___heading_home_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, this guy is so short!

Somehow I didn't notice it before.
>> No. 11399
File 130883722465.jpg - (33.69KB , 414x549 , Punk Sakura.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is this punk or is it just autism?
>> No. 11400
File 130883907426.gif - (800.64KB , 200x86 , lmao5.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...and he called Trey a whore.
>> No. 11401
Well, if these are recent at least he's learned to keep his yellowed rat-teethed smile out.
>> No. 11402
>>71994 he started sucking in his teeth after someone on 789 made comments about his buck teeth.
>> No. 11403

Please let it be Autism. I couldn't fucking stand this 'tard giving my subculture the final blow.
>> No. 11404
File 130884324793.jpg - (453.06KB , 900x1349 , i_think_i_hear_naruto_kun_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now he mostly keeps his mouth shut, but the new pack included this.
>> No. 11405
File 130884361162.jpg - (220.49KB , 900x1617 , geting_ready_for_a_mission_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And he tries so much as to not show his teeth now that he makes a goofy face anyway.

Also notice how he has no one to do photos for him when he goes out, so he just places a camera on the ground for a timer shot.
>> No. 11406

I swear, it's the same guy who defended Dreadful for hundreds of posts by spamming shit nobody cared about. Or it is Dreadful.
>> No. 11407
I think this is a response to everyone pointing out how horrible his teeth look, and how his eyes look glazed over, so he's trying to do the opposite, but because of autism it looks only slightly less retarded.
>> No. 11408
I think that his logic is: Become a female, get more china then you would as a male.

He's partially right.
>> No. 11409
>> No. 11410
Honestly, I have the same problem believing this that I do believing he actually met any of his "girlfriends".

I can't picture anyone, anyone wanting to have any kind of sex with him. Even moreso that someone would actually pay for it.
>> No. 11411
File 130885837631.jpg - (46.75KB , 500x334 , tumblr_l5xfwwY7kz1qa1zngo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Phillip had coitus with another man in a burger king bath room.
>>Phillip had coitus with another man
>>coitus with another man
>>two men
>> No. 11412

I think the consensus on the relationships that he's had so far were that at least two of them were him latching on to a random friend/acquaintance and saying they were an item, and he never met Eli May. Possibly the furthest he ever got was with Maria, and it's not likely that they slept together either. So yeah.
>> No. 11414
I have trouble believing Burger King sex. On the other hand, fellatio for a volume of Naruto... If it were another weeaboo with a poor complexion and lackluster social skills, I don't think they'd be all that discriminatory about getting head. We would require recorded testimony to back it up, though.
>> No. 11415
>>72031 even if he did have sex with Maria I don't think he would admit it. She is a pig. He ditched her for Eli Mae in two seconds and Eli Mae *shakes head in hands* wait they are all a bunch of fucking pigs.
>> No. 11416

Imagine the smell that would emanate from his genitals. I doubt that anyone would dare put their mouth on his penis.
>> No. 11417
No, that's not the point. Coitus means penis in vagina. He doesn't have a vagina, and the other one's a guy so... how can they possibly have coitus?
>> No. 11418
There's that as well, yeah...
>> No. 11419
File 130886808729.jpg - (93.35KB , 500x380 , qaf3-01-22.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Was he actually a Satanist?

In his view, CWC is worse than he is. Ahuviya's also still very unsympathetic about Chris Chan's situation, despite going through some of it himself.
>> No. 11420
File 13088695481.jpg - (154.14KB , 900x1205 , Happy_Winter_Solstice_X3_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More like a Neopagan or some shit, I dunno.

He was also once really into Itachi. I think it was: Itachi -> Naruto -> Sakura. And Sasuke.
>> No. 11423
File 130887033164.jpg - (20.42KB , 425x283 , ukonusko.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>More like a Neopagan or some shit, I dunno.
>dressed in black
...he doesn't know more about neopaganism than he knows about communism, does he? And aren't most of USA's neopagans ex-con nazis?

Image related: Proper pagans.
>> No. 11424
Not short, see the Kourine pic. He's just really stocky, which might make him look short if there isn't a frame of reference.

It also makes him all the more disgustingly unpassable.
>> No. 11426
So, he would be "proper" if he made some photos dressed in fur and at campfire?
>> No. 11427
Of course not, but still better than dressing as a (theistic) satanist. Dressing like a caveman is not necessary, even though they sometimes get together and pretend it's still Stone Age and do some rites.
>> No. 11428

Maybe they made a mistake.
>> No. 11429
It could go either way. If ADF was a Satanist, he was certainly a lousy one. For one, the pentagram he's wearing should be upside down. This could mean two things. It could be that he doesn't understand the difference or didn't think it important enough to shop somewhere besides Hot Topic, or he was a neo-pagan. Of course, he could have just thought it was cool or "freaky" or whatever the fuck. However, considering ADF's love of collecting ideologies and considering his other interests I'm guessing he was just a shitty Neopagan. He wouldn't be the first weaboo into that sort of thing. Also, to the best of my knowledge, Neopagans in the US have no ties to Nazism. They're all about crystals, spirituality, Gaia, and new age shit. In my experience they actually tend to be pretty liberal and open-minded towards others and their beliefs. In any case, the whole female Earth Goddess and female empowerment thing would certainly jibe with ADF's being gaybian/female. On the other hand, the whole vengeance aspect of Satanism would probably appeal to him too. Whatever he was, he failed miserably.
>> No. 11430

I don't think Wicca or neopaganism would suit him. Polytheism aside, Wicca, for example, is based on rituals and their morality rules. Something that ADF would figuratively fall on his face trying to keep up with.

I can kind of see him as a Satanist to be honest. Satanism is a very vengeful and selfish religion that is obviously a contrast to Christianity's "Turn the other cheek" and "Put others before yourself" philosophy.

>>Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence

Ahuviya is a very indulgent person that spends a ridiculous amount of money on shit and throws a hissy fit when something is taken away from him (ex. when he thought that Maria shut off his phone). Also, judging from those room pictures, Ahuviya is a pack rat that needs to start giving shit to other people that actually need the stuff.

>> Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates

He follows this to a certain extent. He ignores or bitches at people who don't agree with him or who mock him.

>> Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek

Winner, Winner, Chicken dinner! Ahuviya always talked about vengeance against Kourine, the people here and against several others that I can only fathom who they are. He also talked about how Sasuke Uchiha embodied that philosophy.

Though he might be considered an idiot and a "psychic vampire" (someone that sucks the life, money, etc. out of everyone he comes into contact with.

Tl;dr Satanism is the closest religion I can think of at the moment that Ahuviya may be able to halfway fit into. Besides the fact that he has the same mentality of a selfish child.
>> No. 11432
>Neopagans in the US have no ties to Nazism. They're all about crystals, spirituality, Gaia, and new age shit.
That's new age, I was talking about neo-PAGANISM, worship of the old gods. Odinism certainly has heavy support amongst the white supremacists in the states, European neo-paganists are somewhat normal people.
>> No. 11433
>European neo-paganists are somewhat normal people.

A fuckton of them are neonazis too. I assumed more, in fact. It's more of a roots thing for them and less of a phase-like novelty for viking metal fans (as with a lot of American pagans)
>> No. 11434
>A fuckton of them are neonazis too.
Odinists probably, but its not that popular in Europe. It's more like for Americans who "appreciate and preserve their white european heritage". Europeans tend to worship the gods of their ethnic religion, because if for example a Lithuanian worshiped Odin it would be sort of against the whole idea of returning your roots and rejecting the Gods of others.

>novelty for viking metal fans (as with a lot of American pagans)
For fuck's sake...
>> No. 11435

Wasn't Odinism started by a racist?
>> No. 11436
I'm pretty sure the dude who came up with Odin and the rest of those guys has been lost to history. Shame. Think of all the royalties he'd be raking in now from that Thor movie.
>> No. 11437
what the hell did he threaten them with to get anyone to say such a thing? or is this the usual fabricated history?

>fellatio on a guy for a volume of Naruto.
typical narutard manwhore

bdsm fetish

they didn't. he said it would emasculate him to have sex with her.
>> No. 11438
Nnno, I'm pretty sure Germanic neopaganism existed before it, but the Wotanism we're talking about, a branch of neopaganist, yes, it was started by a national socialist.
>> No. 11439
That is not so hard to believe when we keep in mind that he is turbocharged Chris that does actually go out sometimes.
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