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File 129914623067.jpg - (14.16KB , 300x225 , Iconoclast.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1203 No. 1203
New Iconoclast Thread. The old one is autosaging.


Old thread:

Let's discuss this guy, there are literally mountains of content here to go through.

His Wikipedia Account:

His favourite forum:

His Cwcki account:

His TVTropes page:


His website:

Expand all images
>> No. 1204
File 129914980353.gif - (68.65KB , 377x251 , Daaaaayum.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Muse Abuse. The young woman "Dark Hunger" was based upon completely ceased speaking to the author. This ruining of a friendship was partly caused by using information from personal conversations in the story, as well as sending her a copy of the book through her sister, whose address he tracked down using an Internet people search, which admittedly came off a bit stalky. Also, he is very harsh on his college ex, frequently portraying her in a negative light.

What the fuck is up with this chalky nigga?
>> No. 1222
http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/The_Belch_Dimension_Comics He has a miniwiki for his comics at scratchpad
>> No. 1224
His character's age is 16.
His abilities are as follows:

■heat vision
■IQ of 181
■super speed
■super strength
■mental telepathy
■teleportation (colloquially called a "paf" or "paffing")
■telescopic vision

Even Comic!Chris wasn't this much of a god mode sue.
>> No. 1226
He's been writing since 2005 and produced more crap.
>> No. 1227
On his comic synopsis page, he links to the something awful page. He treats this 'award' like an honour.
>> No. 1230
Well, it's exposure on a not totally obscure site (but still far from mainstream), so I guess that counts for something.
>> No. 1235
This guy is a potential lulzfactory, I just wish he posted his full comics online.

It seems the only thing that gets a rise out of him is accusing him of being a liberal though. We tried playing it pretty straight on his ED page, because like Chris just telling him he's a hypocrite seems to have no effect.
>> No. 1237
can someone translate this for me?

It was the left that cost me a lot. Specifically, its inane system of rules, rules, rules. Think about it. In college I had a great job and was dating a beautiful young woman with movie star-caliber looks and dreams of being an underwear model. I was free. I made my own decisions and had control of my own life. Then the rules changed. Suddenly everything I did was wrong. The perfect job dried up, the perfect girl left me, and I was no longer welcome at the school. I no longer ruled my own domain. Someone else was making those decisions for me, and I didn't like it. So why would someone like me welcome grand sweeping change? My work is about keeping that poison as far away from me as possible. That includes ObamaCable, which I will continue to call that until it goes away. I've heard all your arguments but I don't buy them, I'm sorry. Obama should have researched it better before signing that bill. I've talked to people who are also unhappy with their DTV boxes, yet see very little about the switch from analog in the mainstream press. Are people scared to talk? How has the rest of the world been coping? How many channels is the avg. European allowed to have and when may he watch them? And hey, if Japan and half of the European union is so wonderfully atheist, as many liberals like Punky claim, and thereby more technologically advanced than those backwards ignorant Christian countries, why can't they get on the ball and invent me a box that turns DTV back to analog?

Because the Party is god, and the State control the means of production, and anything that goes against the Great and Mighty Party would be blasphemy. So progress marches forward in these godless little enclaves--but only as far as those who hold its pursestrings will let it.

I don't read uneducated hick.
>> No. 1238
"Liberals are to blame for everything, including me getting kicked out of college somehow, with all of their imposing rules that I myself made up. I'm angry that my free cable box only gets 2 channels, and this is Obama's fault, because he's a Liberal. I want a box that turns a digital TV signal into an analog signal because I have no idea how broadcasting and televisions work."
>> No. 1246
Also, Obama should have asked me my opinions before signing a bill into law and literally everything in the whole world should have stayed the way it was in 1997.
>> No. 1247
Is the only thing he ever specifically complains about Obama is that stupid cable thing? I've seen Freeper rants and teabagger protest signs more politically astute than him.

I think the most pathetic thing about him is how he fails to understand that college is supposed to prepare you for life, not BE your life. It's like he believes Animal House is a fucking documentary.
>> No. 1248
File 129931877079.jpg - (46.51KB , 540x726 , wtf-am-i-reading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>In college I had a great job and was dating a beautiful young woman with movie star-caliber looks and dreams of being an underwear model.

Holy shit, he's more delusional about his history with women that Chris ever was.
Even though Chris claims Megan and the Wallfower were his girlfriends, he never claimed anything like "movie-star caliber looks".
>> No. 1251
>blames socialistss ('liberals') for getting him kicked out of college
>control freak
>thinks that digital television = Stalinist media

What the fuck am I reading?
>> No. 1254
Don't forget that one "girlfriend" was a possibly under-aged girl he stalked, and bases his whole idea of "random women calling up men for sex in college" off of.
>> No. 1255
  Really, what the hell?
>> No. 1264

No he also is afraid of "ObamaCare" because he and his mother have health problems, but that's pretty average since the GOP has dumb hicks who would benefit from free healthcare convinced its a bad thing.

I do love how he wants to make enough money in order to pay thousands in tuitions just so he can live in a dorm, eat shitty cafeteria food three times a day, and be in the same building as college girls. I mean does he really think he'll be able to keep that up indefinitely?
>> No. 1265
What amazes me is that he thinks that if he can get back into college all the girls there are gonna go for him, of all people. Really, at around 18 years old, what girls is looking for the "creepy 30 year old bearded man in glasses" kid of guy?
>> No. 1267
Not just any glasses, but pedo glasses with a granny lanyard - like Chris's
>> No. 1278
Fucked up druggie girls with severe daddy issues. So he might have a chance, but it would still be cheaper to just pay a hooker.
>> No. 1292
But you won't find fucked-up druggie girls at uni. Maybe some really low-end community colleges, but those don't have dorms, so he's not interested in those, obviously. And I'm sure he can find fucked-up druggie girls in many places without having to pretend he's interested in bettering himself.
>> No. 1351
I'm pretty sure his college is a really crappy one. I have no idea where his delusions about particularly beautiful women come from. I wish we could hear his voice, I'd love to hear how he'd say 'fart on me', with his southern drawl.
>> No. 1487
Anyone seen his argument with the guy who made the 'This Troper' video on him? It's kind of funny.
>> No. 1488
Lemme guess, "DAMN MOCKING LIBERAL BASTARD", over and over and over?
>> No. 1490
That sounds funny, where is it? In his youtube comments or something?
>> No. 1503
Yeah it's in the comments of the HaggisMcCrablice video.
>> No. 1530
And what would you call people who attack and denigrate others needlessly, deny them needed resources, and won't let them know a moment's joy or peace I call them "liberals".
>> No. 1533
Are you simply quoting Iconoclast (to highlight his beliefs), or are you agreeing with him?

The lack of
makes it kind of ambiguous.
>> No. 1542
Wait, why is a conservative complaining about the government not providing enough (tv channels)?
>> No. 1546
Hey anon I checked out those comments you mentioned and for anyone that is suffering from any illusion that this guy isn't nuts, well these should remove all doubt.

Iconoclast thinks therapy could be comprised of him actually getting to confront his "Big Five" (people he blames for ruining his life imagine CWC getting to confront Michael Snyder and MLW in the same room etc) and being allowed to say whatever he wants to them.

That is some delusional shit right there, or maybe it's just his way of rejecting anything that could help him move on with his life, either way it's removed from reality.
>> No. 1549
that was a quote from the youtube comments
>> No. 1551
"I did that because I don't *consider* modern feminism to be real. It's just a bunch of two-dimensinal screaming nuts, sluts, and kooks who have learned be angry "grrls", witlessly parrot slogans, and browbeat the men in their lives. The foremothers of the equality movement would weep to see what it has become."

Haha, oh my god. It's hard to believe anyone can be this stupid.
>> No. 1552
>I'll make a deal with you: I will seek counseling, but only if it's on *my* terms...meaning The Big Five and my ex will be present, and I am permitted to say whatever I wish. These people need to be stopped. They are dangerous.

This fucking guy, I don't even...
>> No. 1553
I wanna see him make a comic with the "Big Five" as the villains.
>> No. 1554
Dude I'm pretty sure that already exists, I mean whenever I see any of his shit he's always saying "oh this villain is based on this person who hurt me so much, baw!"

Send him an email and ask if he has such a comic, I guarantee it exists. Post any responses if you do it, kthanx.
>> No. 1564
The sad part is he doesn't put his shit on the internet. Where would someone buy it anyway? I just realized this. He's already delusional enough to think his shitty comic is being sold in comic book shops, could he just be drawing this shit and deluding himself that it's selling somewhere? Can it even be bought online? Does some local shop carry it out of pity? I need to know.
>> No. 1567
Yeah I'm confused about this too, I mean this guy thinks that 7,400 hits in 3 years is a lot for a website yet describes his comic as being on news stands, could it possibly be irony?
>> No. 1575
File 130023061216.jpg - (281.89KB , 1000x1533 , 12-01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well in another comic he opens by having his Gary Stu speak directly to the audience, and mentions the possibility they're reading the comic while it's still "on the rack". See pic.

It's his April Fools issue but I don't think that's part of the "joke".
>> No. 1576
I think there's an address on the site you can send money to, and he'll email you a pdf of the comic.
>> No. 1577
That's quite sad. I mean there are plenty of print-on-demand services online for books and comics.
>> No. 1579
Who are his "Big Five"?

a. His ex-business partner??? (Fartknocker)
b. that one girl he stalked???
c. the head of his college newspaper who brought light to his plagiarism???
d. ?????
>> No. 1582

Nothing much there, just comments on Sonichu stuff
>> No. 1588
I think his ex's father is in there somewhere.
>> No. 1594
  Holy shit check out this video he uploaded.
>> No. 1598
File 130038911139.jpg - (37.90KB , 562x437 , HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Turns him into a nigger
>> No. 1606
Oh jesus this guy is really sick in the head.
>> No. 1613
Oh dear.
>> No. 1614
What the fuck did I just watch?
>> No. 1615
Hey guys don't forget to go on the jewtube and leave some thoughtful comments on this monstrosity. Maybe we can get him to explain why he turns the guy black.

Bonus points to anyone that can come up with a convincing argument as to why the video makes him look like a liberal, that should get a response.

Also I don't edit ED so I'm not going to sign up just for this but this probably should be included in his article.
>> No. 1617
I think the best course of action here is to tell him the video's great and ask for more.
>> No. 1619
Sure however you want to do it is great I just want to get some interaction going with the guy, it's probably good to have a range of reactions to his work anyway.
>> No. 1624
In case anyone wants to see the place where he tells the story of his "ex" and then goes on to dox her and suggest that people call her.


I'd like to hear what other people have to say about this because it seems like by his own account that he only physically met this chick once. Was his whole relationship just based on phone conversations? And even crazier it sounds like he might have refused to commit to some poor misguided girl who actually liked him, though he mentions her so briefly that it's hard to say what's going on there, my guess is that she was fat or something and he hoped he could do better with the mysterious phone girl, fucking idiot he needed to take what he could get.
>> No. 1627
Well he is as divorced from reality as Chris, both of them think the world revolves around them. I mean he really thinks its reasonable to expect a therapist to force 5 people he hates to come in so he can bitch at them?
>> No. 1640
>I even asked him to describe his wife for me, in case she might be sneaking out and fooling around with college men under the guise of a high-school girl.
>He didn't seem upset, as one would suspect, over the prospect of some strange girl handing out his phone number to men; in fact, the fool seemed almost amused.

Well, duh. Anyone being barraged with this insane line of questioning would think, "Wow, this person is fucking retarded."
>> No. 1642
>I was hoping to discuss her during my interview with The Herald. I wanted my words to reach whoever she's with now, so they can give me a little information about her...or so I can warn the men of ASU to beware of her.

>As noted, my credibility has been damaged by the charges against me, and The Herald won't grant me my interview. Thus a very dangerous little girl, now a very dangerous woman, is still roaming around out there.

Totally outrageous, he thought that people at the fucking paper would want to discuss his non-relationship with this chick like it was some kind of public health issue. It makes so little sense that it makes my head spin.
>> No. 1645
>So I believe that if The Herald is the sun around which my emotional universe revolves, then Ashleigh Bainks must be its Jupiter.

Why Jupiter, of all the planets?
What does this comparison even mean?
>> No. 1646
>Gently let her father know that, though his intentions may be noble, his silence is not helping his daughter any.
>She might be mentally disturbed and need help severely.

Motherfucking irony and hypocrisy up in this bitch!
>> No. 1650
His Issue #70 (SEVENTY FUCKING ISSUES) Preview

>When famous mock-margarine spokesman Felatio Calzone comes to town, the boys spread out. Their objective: Felatio's autograph. But when he refuses to give up his John Hancock, the Trio whips out every trick in their arsenal to get it. Will they butter him up to get what they came for, or will they just play it pat and stick it to the guy?

Realllllllllllllllllll subtle homosexual themes there.
>> No. 1660
His frame of reference for anything in life is painfully narrow. I mean seriously, his entire life and world view revolves around the college he attended 15 years ago.
>> No. 1664
I'm friends with him on youtube and he's agreed to do an interview about his life and work. I have to keep this friendly and non-confrontational, so no WHAT ABOUT THE SNL SKETCH? kinda thing. BUT, aside from some of the basic things, does anyone here have questions to propose to him?
>> No. 1678
I'd like some candid information about his relationship with Ms. Banks as it has served as the basis for so much of his work. Maybe things could be phrased in such a way that he will understand we're not even being jerks, we just want to know the actual story. How about like this:

I understand there was a real mysterious element to the relationship between you and Ashleigh, is it true that one day she called you up out of nowhere and you'd never met her before? Tell me what that was like, what did the two of you talk about, what was it about her that made her so special to you? etc until you get to ask if he really only met her once in person for a couple minute or something.

I guess just open ended stuff like that so he has a chance to go off to a supposedly sympathetic audience and we get to the bottom of his obsessions with the Big Five and his Ex. It's a legit line of questioning too, even if it came from a "big fan" since he has a link for the Big Five/Rogues Gallery on his site but it's dead, inquiring minds want to know.
>> No. 1680
Tell him his views on politics are fascinating, and to expand on them. Specifically how a Republican administration could improve television and what is so bad about Obamacare.

Ask him if he'd ever consider putting his comics online in full as a webcomic, mention that it would bring in more fans and thus, more sales. Maybe find a way to mention self-publishing sites like Lulu or Ka-Blam or Comixpress.

Ask him what the biggest influences on his work are.
>> No. 1697
I agree with the above poster. I want to hear more deranged political ranting. Also, ask him what his views on 9/11 or Israel are. I want to know if he's a conspiracy theorist too.
>> No. 1699
Hahaha, look at this quote from his site:
"* Who would play you in the movie?
I'd get someone from Saturday Night Live--they sort of owe me one. Say, Adam Sandler, or Jimmy Fallon. Jim Breuer would be good too."
>> No. 1702
If you're going to ask a bunch of political stuff can you get him to give his definition of a liberal and what specific things and behaviors he associates with liberals? At this point I feel like the main definition he uses is if he doesn't like something it is therefore liberal, I guess I'd like it if he could explain how that works. I'd also like to know what makes him think that Republicans would give him better free cable.
>> No. 1703
From This Troper 5:

>I define a liberal as one who believes in a larger, more powerful federal government, higher taxes, more entitlement programs, and overall less freedom in America.

>And what would you call people who attack and denigrate others needlessly, deny them needed resources, and won't let them know a moment's joy or peace I call them "liberals".
>> No. 1707

Jewtube? Why jewtube? It's a new insult to me.
>> No. 1708

Term's actually been standard for quite a while.
>> No. 1709
yeah it doesn't mean anything special, I bet most people get it from ED, I don't think there's even an explanation besides just the way it sounds.
>> No. 1714

....Ergh. Fucking memes. No different from Chris' random acess humor in my opinion.
>> No. 1718
Yeah already took some of that quote and sprinkled into the section of his ED page on why he's a liberal. And then moved the whole politics section to the top.

Though I doubt he'd get it.
>> No. 1719
I remember he described himself as someone who likes to ruthlessly lambast his enemies in print, or something to that effect. As such I wonder what his take is on ED and the trolls when considered in that light. His bullshit threats about lolsuits make him seem a bit of a hypocrite.
>> No. 1720
File 130059266796.jpg - (23.45KB , 344x333 , 488a0add_718a_6d60.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'd get someone from Saturday Night Live--they sort of owe me one.
>> No. 1735
Ask him what he thinks about Multiculturalism, Where he was on 9/11, gun control, abortion, gay marriage, major political issues etc.
>> No. 1737
Note how he also lists people who haven't been on SNL in several years. His frame of reference for anything is just so painfully hilarious.
>> No. 1738
Also find out more about that one girl that was 16 and that he was going to "wait two years for". I'm not sure if that's the same one that he stalked or not.
>> No. 1752

So um...

He talked to a girl over the phone for a little while... Finally met up with her, she took one look at him, decided he was crazy and took off (as politely as possible), and he's still stalking her almost 15 years afterwards?

>> No. 1753

>My "goal" is to look my enemies in the eye and let them see >what their years of abuse, selfishness, and lies have done to >me. Hopefully this will shame them so much they will quit >tormenting me, get out of my way, and let me have my old >life back.

Not unlike Chris-chan, Sweet seems to think that he can and should get anything he wants through the pity of others, especially his perceived enemies, and that this is a realistic and reasonable solution to the disappointments in his life. This, as we all know, is a traditional conservative value of which Rush would be right proud.
>> No. 1759
Isn't it kinda a central tenant of conservatism/libertarianism that you pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and stop looking at others when you have problems?
>> No. 1760
Technically yes, though conservatives are the first to go crying to the government for bailouts. So maybe Iconoclast really is a proper one.
>> No. 1761
File 130076676931.jpg - (35.34KB , 517x373 , facepalm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>baking an air biscuit

When you chan, your skin thickens to shock images, but I wasn't ready for this guy waxing poetic about belching.
>> No. 1763
Americunts have butchered both those words that they have no meaning anymore when talking about them. They are used as attack words devoid of any real meaning.
>> No. 1765

Oh God, hang on. Am I- am I reading the rest of this right? If I'm right, it gets even worse...

SHE was the girl with "movie star-caliber looks and dreams of becoming an underwear model" that he was "dating" in college. He actually thinks that he was dating her. He met her once, for 5 minutes, after which she actively avoided him. I mean, god knows what lies he told her to convince him to meet her in the first place! But she barely said two words to him. And he's fabricated this massive conspiracy around her, as if she's trying to hurt him or people are keeping her from him - instead of, you know, her just being a normal woman who probably doesn't even remember the creepy guy she met for five minutes, 14 years ago.

Jesus Christ, this guy is more pathetic than Chris. At least Chris actually did spend some time with Megan. This guy is just delusional.
>> No. 1768
That whole "if I could just confront my enemies I'd have my old life back" line of reasoning is also pretty telling. This guy has squandered the last 15 years of his life on this bullshit.

Not even Chris thinks that if he could just crush that dang ol' Clyde Cash, or Mary Lee Walsh or the Green County school board that he could return to his happy high school days.
>> No. 1772
Do you guys think Iconoclast browses /cwc/ (and /L/, by extension)? He has a cwciki account, after all.

I find it odd that no posts that defend him and his behavior have "mysteriously" appeared yet.
>> No. 1780
File 130082023638.png - (23.51KB , 492x108 , great troll.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

From the first Iconoclast thread that got started in /cwc/. Two posts, one right after another. Seems he gave up when no one bought it.
>> No. 1812
File 130091272745.jpg - (24.96KB , 682x172 , bobthorton.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I linked him to this

This was his response.
>> No. 1814
Whining that his quotes are taken out of context? Sounds like the kind of excuse that an America-hating Liberal would use, amirite?
>> No. 1815
Or the kind conservative men use when they're caught soliciting gay sex in a restroom.
>> No. 1816
>> No. 1824
I fail to see how getting a boner over farts can be taken out of context.
>> No. 1864
Any word on that interview we were promised?
>> No. 1888
I sent off the questions to him a while ago. It looks like he's just being a lazy fuck and taking forever.
>> No. 1890
well since he's taking forever how about posting a question list here or some other prominent place so we know what we're waiting for and maybe if he feels like people are anticipating it he'll get on top of it.
>> No. 1916
Hey guise, I'm sure he's WORKIN' ON IT!
>> No. 2009

>I'm picturing Kim jogging as well. Leave it to say it involves tiny shorts, a tank top, and the sort of support undergarment favored by buxom ladies and those fat guys with the hefty man-mammaries.

A Chris-chan reference in the same sentence he's fantasizing about a cartoon teenager.

Another forumer also calls him out on his racism in a different thread:
>> No. 2013
I think that Kim might actually be one of the other people on that board whose sneezes he keeps complimenting.
>> No. 2022
I'll bet he only likes her because she has the same name as Kim Possible. Also that isn't any less creepy.
>> No. 2028
That would be very similar to Chris and his Megan Schroder/Meg Griffin obsession.
>> No. 2038
Check his gamespot blog. He says the next entry in a week will be the answers to the interview.
>> No. 2050
Fuckin' FINALLY, Jesus Christ what does he do with his time?
>> No. 2051

Awww isn't that cute, he thinks political cartoons are worthwhile and that the word faggot still refers to gay people.
>> No. 2069
I enjoy his statement that his comic will be "marching on" forever and that trolls will never be able to force him to quit.
>> No. 2070
I doubt we'll get an honest answer, it's pretty obvious he's been aware of us for a while now, so he'll probably come out with some tongue in cheek crap. It'd be good if we could move everything to a private area..
>> No. 2071
Wow, Chris' adoration of the Sonichu Comics are what hold him back from reality, imagine if he had this guys sheer dedication to never growing up, we'd get so much content.
>> No. 2084

He's not from the South, though. He moved to Arkansas from fucking Chicago when he was a kid.

Also, here's a quote from his latest blog entry: "Yes, that is me, and I don't see what your hangup is about my beard. I've had it so long--since high school--it's become an iconic part of my look, like my famous glasses and my colorful hats."
>> No. 2085
Yeah when he was a kid. Meaning he was still raised in the South. Meaning he's still a goddamn redneck.
>> No. 2089
>it's become an iconic part of my look, like my famous glasses and my colorful hats
>my famous glasses

What the fuck? Is he really that delusional about how well-known he is? And he thinks his glasses are what one thinks of?
>> No. 2096
File 13014993452.jpg - (33.96KB , 352x288 , icono2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Motherfucker is wearing a star-spangled jacket.
>> No. 2100
I think to a large extent he probably is faking being a southerner; he probably feels he isn't a legit southerner subconsciously and that's why he has such messed up vague conservative politics.
>> No. 2102
His attachment to his facial hair reminds me of those hideous sideburns I had in high school that I couldn't stand to part with.

Now I realize they looked ridiculous.
>> No. 2104
I like the way that he threatens the trolls by saying that he will not go away like CWC did. Newsflash dude the many of the trolls are falling all over themselves to get Chris back and frankly would love it if Chris had said, and stuck to, the same thing. Anyway good luck with all that.
>> No. 2159
>envy at his lifestyle
Nigga you best be trippin'. I live better than someone on benefits. Why the fuck would I want to live in some dumb hick place? I can't stand those types of people.

Also, you forgot to add "and complaining about 'socialism' whilst subsisting on benefits himself"
>> No. 2161
Who exactly would envy being a jobless loser on food stamps living in some backwater hick town still obsessing over what he pitiably considers his glory days?
>> No. 2162

Hi there Iconoclast
>> No. 2171
>> No. 2177

>Envy for a man whose life peaked thirty years ago

>> No. 2190
Are we still anticipating the interview or Q and A or whatever it is?
>> No. 2206
>and who was clearly not very well liked or successful even at his peak
>> No. 2212
He said he'd post it up on his Blog when he gets round to it. I'M WORKIN ON IT!!
>> No. 2220
http://uk.gamespot.com/users/Fekul_the_Baby/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=m-100-25918938&tag=all-about%3Bblog1 it's up
>> No. 2221
"I don't even see why I have enemies, quite frankly. I'm the nicest, most generous man you could ever hope to meet. All I do is help people."
>> No. 2223
>>Some wonder why I don't just go to another school, or if I want to find someone so bad, just pick up some bar skank or buy a hooker. They don't get that ASU is the perfect storm of laughably lax security, a prime location just 15 miles from a town well-known for the easiest girls in the tri-county area, and technology-wise it's just backwater enough that I can find a bank of 6.0 computer monitors to hook my Windows98 tower onto--it's not compatible with my 7.0 OS--in one of their computer lounges, so I can work on my comics. The fact is, I wouldn't be happy anywhere else. I'd have to learn a bunch of stupid new rules and I'd be constantly afraid of messing upand losing everything again.

"ASS-U" confirmed to be his hugbox. Basically he sees it as a playground and safe haven. Of course it doesn't occur to him that it would be pretty different over a decade later and he won't be able to relate to the younger students.
>> No. 2230
> I want to shame them. I want to see them cry.
>> No. 2232
File 130195873079.jpg - (40.66KB , 480x640 , smoking-babe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>They don't get that ASU is the perfect storm of laughably lax security, a prime location just 15 miles from a town well-known for the easiest girls in the tri-county area
>a town well-known for the easiest girls in the tri-county area

And yet he chooses to fixate on the "one that got away" for FIFTEEN years.
The fuck is he smoking?
>> No. 2233
I think this is a Chris-like attempt at being an adult/man. Just think of every overcompensating douchebag you've ever meant who refers to women as "bitches" and brags about getting laid when in reality it's just him, his shriveled dick and the occasional hooker.
>> No. 2235
File 130195986178.jpg - (36.28KB , 600x487 , 874569-what_the_fuck_super.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>My ex-girlfriends have also been a source of inspiration to me.
>> No. 2241
>>Pretty deep, thought-provoking. It's like ALF meets Ayn Rand.

His fiction's deep shit, man.
>> No. 2244

I am dying to know what his deal is with ALF. He's got ALF-like characters all over his comic.
>> No. 2245
FIFTEEN miles away? Why doesn't he just MOVE to the town?
>> No. 2247
Because if he's attending college, at least he can be a pseudo-intellectual, rather than a regular creepy fuck who's twice the age of his stalking targets.
>> No. 2277
Too bad that lawnmower shop deal fell through. It would have probably prevented his rise on /L/
>> No. 2342
I love that he says his comic is for "sophisticated children," yet it has a character named Fellatio.
>> No. 2363
Do you suppose he's harbouring any pedo tendencies?
>> No. 2365
Dude seriously suspects he may have had phone sex with a fifteen-year-old...and still treats her like his perfect woman.

He wants to bang Kim Possible.

He talks a lot about how sexy Miley Cyrus is...including at least once on the miley cyrus forms.

Yeeeeeeah, just a little pedo.
>> No. 2372
>granny glasses
>fantasizes sexual exploits with cartoon characters
>a grown man drawing awful comics thats too schizophrenic to even have a target audience
>faps to underage girls
>reminisces about the past then twists it to fit around his ego
>he calls his favorite website Encyclopedia Dumbassica
>gives everyone the impression that hes going to die alone
>monumentally stupid conspiracy theories
>whines regularly about an incident happening years ago... something about getting unjustly booted out of a college

>> No. 2374
Sup Iconoclast
>> No. 2376
Honestly I think the dude might be more legit insane than Chris, just not as childish.
>> No. 2432

>> No. 2439
>> No. 2554
I love how he cant even figure out why we dont like him.

>> No. 2560
To be fair, most white trash Americans have that exact same retarded thought process.
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