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File 131116433762.jpg - (17.01KB , 390x320 , CreepyNerd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
13108 No. 13108

A fix for those of you jonesing.

Pic unrelated.
Expand all images
>> No. 13110
So, wait? Is the saga still on-going? Who told Chris to wear the Tomboy outfit? I mean this information is a good start, but it leaves more questions.
>> No. 13111
> that avatar.

CWC confirmed for brony.
>> No. 13112
A shame Chris doesn't make videos anymore. I'd have loved to actually see Bob call Chris a fag and Barb in tears crying "what happened to my little boy?"

I was disappointed with the ladies room story. Unless he's withholding information, I'd have expected him to have stood his ground, delivered a grandstanding speech, and get dragged out by security. Instead it seems like he got yelled at and he just sulked out of there.
>> No. 13113
Today is a good day.
>> No. 13114
File 13111661829.jpg - (61.59KB , 420x502 , Jet Li and Tupac consume lemon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Tomboys And Tomgirls of Virginia
>Friendship is Magic
>> No. 13115
Hold on, this happened after the infamous photos.

So what did originally cause Chris to go tranny?

Also, lol at Boblax drama.
>> No. 13116
File 131116633118.jpg - (11.05KB , 480x441 , barbecue sauce.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh God. Sweet, sweet new Chris content...
>> No. 13117
Anyone notice the lack of random caps in most of the posts?

It's like CWC is hitting emotional adulthood.
>> No. 13118
I also noticed that the change, however bizarre, is still pretty big for Chris. His is progressing as a human, but in what direction and if it is for the better or for the worse remains to be seen,
>> No. 13119
File 131116748965.png - (4.85KB , 105x105 , hejibits052.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
T...hank you

Cogsdev. Clyde. Tito. If it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't have this. Thanks.

Tito. If you're out there, I want you to know I would fellate your penis. Clyde, I hope you recover from your common cold. I mean that, bro.
>> No. 13120
>I should just move out
Oh fuck, he's at a crossroad. WILL HE BECOME A HUMAN BEING?
>But I'm not mentally there yet.

>Facebook makes you Autistic. Think about it.
Will do.

>He mentions Sonichu then leaves
>> No. 13121
And another thing. He capitalizes for emphasis. When he's emotional he capitalizes more. Ever notice that?
>> No. 13122
I think he's dangerously close to wanting a sex change.
>> No. 13123
Haha that'd be the ultimate trolling, convince him to get a sex change then pay some black guy to get him pregnant. Bob would have his last heart attack and Barb would disown when he gave birth to a black "Crystal"
>> No. 13124
I can't believe he fell for a fake forum twice...
>> No. 13125

Three times, actually..
>> No. 13126
Damn Slanderous Troll here.
I'm going to draw an epic pic of bad ass old Bob throwing the fag card at Chris!
>> No. 13127
Some tidbits:

* His dad called him a fag

* Chris is a brony (check his avatar)

* His mom bribed him to stop wearing panties
>> No. 13128
The more I read through it, the more I believe he completely snapped.
>> No. 13129
File 131116958445.jpg - (84.50KB , 640x480 , 1309523701540.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So who has him on 3DS? Any communications on that need archiving too!
>> No. 13130
This is pure gold. It was well worth the wait.
>> No. 13131
File 131116970592.png - (166.22KB , 305x383 , FLAPJACK-2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"I do not care much for the homosexual males either. I mean, I really feel offended when they get soo flamboyant with their ways and such, it's like they're shoving it in your face"
>mfw a homophobic tranny
>> No. 13132
His hypocrisy there is hilarious.
>Don't shove it in my face
>uses the women's bathroom
>> No. 13133
>yfw boblax send chris to a pray away the gay camp
>> No. 13134
Go for it, my troll brother.
>> No. 13135
Goddamn, it's been so long since we've had any updates I almost can't believe this is for real.

>> No. 13136
A sex change operation doesn't give you a womb.
>> No. 13137
you realize trannies are sterile right? no functioning ovaries, no periods, no menopause.
>> No. 13138

This information was in the thread the tomgirl pics were originally dropped in.
>> No. 13139
File 131117088382.jpg - (78.34KB , 540x720 , ggrfag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the virgin-breaker moment
>> No. 13140
...I'm kind of depressed now, he probably got a Facebook because of what people on here told him, but someone found it too early, put it on the cwcki, and he freaked out and closed his account.

A potentially lulzy saga cut short.
>> No. 13141

>> No. 13142
any one else think the story about coming out to his partents is suspicious?
>> No. 13143
>Y'all are singin' my song; my mom and dad were shocked bad when I told them I was a tomgirl. Soo Literally old-fasioned (they're both seinors). My mom said "I didn't raise a daughter", and my father threw the damned "fag" card at me.

i would do anything to have a video of this
>> No. 13144
How? As in he's holding back? Probably.
>> No. 13145
The most shocking for me is that Chris turned down money. That´s a huge step from the Chris who smashed his PS3 for a sum of money that he half knew he never was gonna get. (But did anyway, because maybe)
>> No. 13147
>Something else girly I enjoy danglin' around where I go is my ankle bracelet. It's a silver chain with sections of 4 silver beads, and I've added three stars on chains onto the hook. I never take it off, because it is an awesome and cute jewelry, plus it is difficult to put it back on. LOL

>I also am enjoying the "Mighty Milky Way" DSiWare game on my 3DS. Luna is a cute, sexy gal, and the method of guiding her from planet to planet is neat.

>Anyone else on here with a 3DS may add me onto y'all's Friend List with my code, 2836-0121-9073. Please P.M. me with your 3DS F.C. in response if y'all add me.

Wow, Chris has actually gotten more natural after embracing his "tomgirly way."
>> No. 13148
I don't know, it just doesn't feel intirely truth full.
I think he's either lying to fit in and hasn't told his parents or theres something he's not telling us
>> No. 13149

It's Chris. No reason to doubt he would go about anything the most idiotic way possible.

On the other hand, if you mean there must've been a lot more drama involved in that revelation than he'd have us believe, then yeah, most likely.
>> No. 13150
>My mother has tried to coerce me into going back to briefs; Hells No! Panties are far more comfortable And stylish. And I am not going to ever go out without one of my sports bras again. She even tried to bribe, or wager, me, but I would not take it.

>I feel there should be a law requiring all men to wear bras (sports ones at least); I feel grossed out whenever I see some dude walking sround shirtless. ]:(P

Agree. We need some insight into why Chris hates the male body so much. Any armchair psychologist on board? Or any trans?
>> No. 13151
File 131117335115.png - (49.20KB , 604x453 , 1310124919885.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That cwcki article is fake.
The PVCC were fucking with you.

Trolled hard yet again, /cwc/...
>> No. 13152

It's been discussed to death, already.

He may or not be gay or bi, but regardless, being simply too much of an idiot to understand how sexual orientation works plus his parents' homophobia makes him think he has to work at being straight, and afraid of "falling off the straight path".
>> No. 13153
I think one of three things has happened
1- He lied to try and fit in and hasn't told Bob and Barb
2- He told them and there was a lot more drama then he said, maby Bob even treaterned to cut the internet down again
Or 3- He told them and they're just so sick of his shit that they didn't care and he made up their responses
>> No. 13154
File 131117420070.jpg - (19.10KB , 280x280 , richard_stallman_portrait_280o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw chris wanted to "interject for a moment"
>> No. 13155
Media, parents and general society tells him to be straight. It "hurts" to keep his hormones in check so he's probably doing it badly (have you seen him grip a pen?)

Couple this with general impotence and morbid obesity and it's obvious he has some fucked up hormones.

Maybe he's an incredibly repressed transexual/homosexual. He would have talked to Kim about this and obviously Rocky. Rocky is accepting of gays so she would have told him about accepting others and how it's "okay" to be gay. "Do what feels right."

Suddenly told to get in touch with his feminine side all dat repression comes out, so to speak.

He hates his body because it no longer fits his image he memorized. He doesn't identify with his body anymore so he rejects it. He wants to be a 20 year old with a full head of hair and of normal weight.
>> No. 13156
Oh, and

>> No. 13157
He's told his mom when he masturbates in the past, so I'm pretty certain 1 doesn't fit.

I don't think 3 fits because the Bob we all know would have had something to say, and more than just "fag". Bob is more articulate than that, and isn't afraid to give Chris a piece of his mind.

2 seems likely. The "I didn't raise a daughter" quote actually sounded like a typical redneck mothers response, so I really believe that to be an actual quote. It's also very rare for Chris to speak ill of his mother at all beyond mentioning small annoyances, so I find that to be a very interesting development, to the point where I can't believe its not true. I can imagine his mother's negative feedback has been more damaging to Chris than anything else in recent months. I just wonder how much this has affected their spooning...

As far as what really went down with Bob, who knows. I'm sure it was some redneck-inspired spout of homophobia, I'd place money on the internet being blamed and a hollow threat to chop it down, and probably something about GodBearJesus not approving, maybe with some quotes from scripture. I think whatever we can make up in our minds will be far more humorous than what actually happened, unless you get off on Chris being scolded like a child.
>> No. 13158

The forum is linked at the bottom of the article you fucking retard.
>> No. 13159
So is it safe to assume that there's a saga still going and there's going to be more content at some point?
Not that this isn't amazing
>> No. 13160
File 131117600938.gif - (238.44KB , 500x500 , 130582857648.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm... I'm just so happy.
>> No. 13161
Yeah coz it's REALLY the TRUE and HONEST CHRISTIAN WESTON CHANDLER on that forum, you fucking ass burger!!
>> No. 13162
''Plus also, she keeps throwing disbelief towards us by stating "Tomgirls aren't real"; SHE'S a Tomboy; what a bunch of 1940's old-fashioned crap. Plus she watches too much current news, and she is soo paranoid and shit.
I wish I could afford to move out, but I can't afford it financially, mentally and emotionally. Fucking pisses me off.''

I'm not saying this isn't him, but that really doesn't sound like Chris at all.
His tone seems way less pompous and snobby, it's almost...normal...
>> No. 13163
The sad thing is Chris' chances of getting laid would be greatly increased if he just went back to "normal".
>> No. 13164
This. It's not Chris.
You're all autistic.
>> No. 13165
File 131117645990.gif - (404.77KB , 170x128 , lolmoz.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>With my history of being trolled and online coomunicating, I feel online socializing only makes people more autistic-like. People need to wise up and go back to feeling comfortable socializing in person.

Said on an internet forum
Oh the ironing
>> No. 13166
I call BS. Get this shit off the internets.
>> No. 13167
File 131117670892.jpg - (55.34KB , 604x453 , 3g7p.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13168
Even if the forum is long gone, there would be at least a SLIGHT trace of it on the internet.

This = Fake.
>> No. 13169
File 131117708621.jpg - (15.91KB , 249x139 , 266.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13170

>> No. 13171


Yeah, now about this being fake...
>> No. 13172
The forum is at the bottom of the page
It's a cliche but some of you people are about as braindead as Chris himself honestly.

>content dropped
>> No. 13173
This is Chris will always be the king of lolcows. He can make a few "undercover" forum posts that contain more hilarity than whatever massive info dump some of these spergs drop
>> No. 13174
I agree
>> No. 13175
File 131117753361.png - (51.99KB , 1635x424 , ugh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How is "his" profile NOT a dead giveaway?

1. The Interests field is completely bullshit. It's something a terrible JULAYY-spouting 12-year-old would come up with.

2. The My Little Pony avatar is completely over-the-top. Chris wouldn't have the knowledge to know about the new MLP show seeing as how he only watches basic cable channels. If anything, he'd pick the main character (the blue one) as his avatar.
>> No. 13176

the cognitive dissonance of these posts is incredible. Chris is like a cartoon.
>> No. 13177
I can just tell it's Chris. Not only does he type like Chris, but the unexpected/un-Chris-like stuff he types reminds me of Chris. hard to explain.
>> No. 13178
Haha, no, Chris actually came up with that.
>> No. 13179
Tito already said, someone told Chris that it's OK to be girly and still be straight and he jumped on it. There's no more explanation forthcoming. Chris did it all on his own.
>> No. 13180
It's not a giveaway to anything.

Chris has shown an interest in my little pony before, so he probably saw it on the internet or on PSN or something, to say he watches shit just on cable tv is bullshit.

Stop whining, this really wouldn't be on the Cwki if it wasn't genuine. This would be so much effort to go to troll us, you're all fucking morons.
>> No. 13181
>"And if you don't believe, take for example the author of the comic book series featuring that yellow, electric hedgehog... Sonichu, if I remember correctly."

.....What a fuckin' retard.
>> No. 13182
File 131117789046.png - (157.16KB , 254x300 , mandark.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>After I realized my tomgirly ways, and starting dressing up in my skirts, I started feeling discomfort in using the Men's restroom.
>My next skirted outting, I used the ladies' room, [...] it felt good and Right.
>When in skirt, I am still gonna go to the Ladies, because there is no goin' back for me.

I want to believe... It's so great.
>> No. 13183
So why doesn't the admin there show us the IP or location or something? Just to settle it.
>> No. 13184

is real
>> No. 13185
File 131117994537.png - (32.02KB , 766x491 , proof you tards.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13186
Thanks, I told you tards it's real.

In b4 "photoshop"
>> No. 13187
I approve of this more clandestine way of trolling Chris. Even though he's the Most Stupid Creature On Earth and cannot spot a troll under any circumstance (and probably wouldn't even listen if you told him because his desire for China overrides EVERYTHING), there's the environment to milk that lulcow without the distraction of white knights or amateurs that could spoil the fun.

So long as we get to witness the glorious bounty of the results when the trolling session is done, I can wait.
>> No. 13188
File 131118047117.jpg - (17.27KB , 224x302 , teehee.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13189
As I read down the article, I notice Chris dissing his parents. I knew that Chris chafes under the tyranny of Bob and Chris despises him for passing on his aged DNA in conceiving him, but I was surprised to read how Chris is now dissing Barb as well. THE #1 enabler in Chris' entire spoiled-rotten life, and now he's trash-talking her too.

Chris is dumb, but I thought that NO MATTER WHAT, he knew he could always count on his Mother for support (and the occasional "spoon session").

I know what Chris is like, but I never thought that in a million years that he would start to turn on his own mother.

It's too bad that in spite of Chris' open creepery, it's not enough to get put into the Virginia State Nuthouse. I'm sure Bob & Barb have now at long last come to the conclusion that Chris will NEVER fit in or make it in the Real World and are seriously considering the option having Chris committed before they die.
>> No. 13190
Oh god, haha, tineye this picture: http://www.sonichu.com/w/images/6/61/Suchin.jpg
>> No. 13191
File 131118116887.gif - (3.46KB , 451x322 , bent arrow.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"I used the ladies' room, and I squatted, holding my arrow down over the john (so I would be less likely to soil my skirt)"

So, now he calls' his "duck" an 'arrow" now, huh?
>> No. 13192
So now instead of DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS we'll now have DIRTY CRAPPED PANTIES AND THONGS. Now add into the mix a mini-skirt. I don't know if I'd want to witness that in person.
>> No. 13193

An operation to have Chris' bent duck and diseased balls chopped off forever?

>> No. 13194
Is this part of a saga or a one off?
>> No. 13195

You didn't automatically assume that it was going to be a she-male? And you call yourself a troll. You fail.
>> No. 13196

Well since we've been getting bits and pieces of info over the past two months or so, and there was a whole fucking forum created for it, I would assume that it is all part of a saga.
>> No. 13197

Only one way to truly be sure if Bob & Barb know. Have the ass asians make another Bob Call.
>> No. 13199
When he jerks off, he squeezes his cock as hard as he can. and strokes up wiggled his hand around. His dick's probably done for.
>> No. 13200
I thought the exact same thing
>> No. 13201
Stroke up and down while wiggling his hand from side to side.** Derp.
>> No. 13202
I remember months back when that forum was being formed... someone said that there would be a very slim chance of Chris actually finding it.
>> No. 13203

There wasn't any chance of him "finding" it, he was directed to it, what we thought there was a slim chance of was him even bothering to sign up and start posting.
>> No. 13204
File 131118613835.jpg - (7.37KB , 193x184 , Babyzorrg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry folks, went to bed as soon as I uploaded the article to the CWCki 'cause it was like 7am.

As has been posted, the IP was confirmed as Chris and he was directed there. Ask away if you have any more questions.
>> No. 13205
This is 5 star right here. Thanks for many, many lulz.
>> No. 13206
File 131118723442.jpg - (80.25KB , 480x480 , HNI_0041_JPG.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Anyone else see this picture yet? It seems to be his Mii for his 3DS. He submitted it about 18 days ago, so I guess this picture is a sign he's still identifying as Tomgirl even after he left the forum last month.

Found this by googling "kookydashy". Guess we should expect to find him using this username on other sites too.
>> No. 13207
File 131118739227.jpg - (66.40KB , 718x713 , slowpoke-sonic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 13208

Is the gal pal he's referring to an internet gal pal?
>> No. 13209
File 131118753378.jpg - (71.49KB , 1048x734 , Throngislams_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's confirmed, btw.
>> No. 13210
He should have chose the fat head
>> No. 13211

It's like Chris isn't even the trolling victim anymore, he's just being used to troll his parents by proxy.
>> No. 13212
Fuck. Yes.
I just got home from work and find this here to greet me. I'm going to make some soup and read the shit out of this update.
Cool story, eh?
>> No. 13213
File 131119073076.jpg - (37.90KB , 562x437 , HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I would generally ignore the haters' hurtful comments and move forward too. But if they are really in my face calling me gay or telling me I won't be geeting a woman, I would tell them like it is in my miniskirt, "All I have to do is lift up my skirt and I'll be up your woman's biz in seconds." :)
>I'll be up your woman's biz in seconds
>> No. 13214

I got sent home from work early cause I'm ill. my girlfriend and all my other flat mates are out, so I'm gonna eat some fucking brownies and enjoy the content.

Not sure who provided this info or was posting on the forum, but thank you anon, for brightening my otherwise shitty week.
>> No. 13215
thanks to whoever orchestrated this shit. haven't laughed this hard in a long while.

>> No. 13216
>I even had to have a fingernail replaced in surgery years ago; it is growing in well, even though slower than the other nine.
the hell
>> No. 13217
>dirty crapped panties
>> No. 13218
Now I'm going to go through all of his hands to see which one is the fake nail.
>> No. 13219
> T&ToV is highly regarded as a complete success,
fuck the inner-circlejerk. this was disappointing. they pushed it too far and angered him to the point of making him leave with their kacey-esque preaching/scolding.
>> No. 13220

It's probably Mic (Kim).
>> No. 13221
chris has a new facebook. think that counts as a success.
>> No. 13222

>kacey-esque preaching/scolding.

Where do they do that, all I see is some light encouragement. Problem is it takes fuck all for Chris to declare something not worth his time any more, he's been through too many years of this shit.
>> No. 13223

Chris is dumb and literally retarded. Nothing holds his attention for very long
>> No. 13224

I haven't read all of the forum, but I didn't see much in the way of people giving him a hard time like Kacey or Jackie in the thread where he posted last.
>> No. 13225
Thank you, everyone who made this happen.

I thought I would have to scavenge off the scraps of Flipnotes and Facebooks and PS3s, but now I have a reason to wake up in the morning.
>> No. 13226
so is chris trans now or what?

more likely he'll get bored of it after a couple of months but if he derived some sort of happiness from it...

tho judging by those posts he made, that seems suspect
>> No. 13228
Mick was the guy from the magic manpotion video.

Yeah, no, they sucked Chris' dick.
>> No. 13229
He refused bribes from Barb to return to wearing boy clothing.
>> No. 13230
File 131119851574.png - (252.88KB , 389x357 , gimme.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is it safe for me now?
>> No. 13231
Poor, poor Robert.
>> No. 13232
He sure said he did.
I'm positive he took the bribe and then returned to panties the next day. This is Chris we're talking about
>> No. 13233

>> No. 13234
Nah, he got indignant and told his mother off.
>> No. 13235

You clearly haven't read the dump at all, nobody has a go at Chris anywhere. Infact he's the one getting angry with other people for nothing
>> No. 13236
>I am a recovering nail-biter. I even had to have a fingernail replaced in surgery years ago; it is growing in well, even though slower than the other nine.
Jesus. Chris always has something new to disgust with.
>> No. 13237
Nice work with the forums, you people are some dedicated motherfucks
>> No. 13238
Why did seeing people post mild praise of Facebook send him into such a spasm which flung him from the forum for good?

Oh, right, autism.
>> No. 13239
>> No. 13240
confirmed for real tito.

u mad.
>> No. 13241

Its nice to see you again, Tito.
>> No. 13242
So pleased Chris is back. Hopefully this is the first of many updates involving his Tomgirl escapades to come. This assuming it's faked has to stop though, like someone said, if it's on the cwcki it's true and honest.

It certainly sounds like there's more content to come when this saga is over. Considering how he was directed to the forum by someone.
>> No. 13243
You don't need the channel to watch MLP. All the episodes are on Youtube, and the thing's been plastered over the internet ad infinitum.
>> No. 13244
Christ, gay-bashing lesbian transvestite.. Now you can't even tell me everything on South Park is exaggerated.

It's really amazing how Chris found out a new,another way to royally fuck himself over even more. His potential is infinite
>> No. 13245
I know right. I know for a fact 90% of the pictures in the "post your pics" thread are taken straight from 420chan's /cd/. This must be that professional trolling faux news told me about.
>> No. 13246
Its the CWC cycle.

Spring-Summer: Stay off the internet. Get into some conundrum outside the internet.
Summer: Joins an internet forum (like last year with Trollin' Train)
Fall: Go back on Youtube with a new Saga.
Winter: Swear off the internet forever.
>> No. 13247
Chris goes into panicked paranoid tard rage at the most unexpected times. I've got to hand it to the forum writers - they did a good job validating Chris and pretending to tolerate the intolerable - but sooner or later Chris was going to overreact to some innocuous thing.
>> No. 13248
File 131120264485.png - (234.32KB , 410x350 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The editor would've not put this much effort into creating an article just to troll, and it wouldn't have been up for this long either.
>> No. 13249

Is there a new galpal?
>> No. 13250
wait, cwcki says that he stopped posting but it looks like just made a new post today.
>> No. 13251
It's always safe for you, Tito. We just don't want any slanderous imposters steering us off the sane and rational path, y'know?

So, is there anything else we can know at the moment? Like, when did Chris come out to his parents and is anything known beyond what he posted? And when did Chris start wearing panties and how the hell did that happen? Was he wearing Barb's underwear again? Do you have any more information on the time Chris got caught using the ladies room?
>> No. 13252

>Google and go to the hate-site, the "Cwcki". They're making distasteful mockery of this forum right now.

>Those Trolls MUST be taken down NOW!

>> No. 13253

>We've been found AND mocked horribly! :(
>Google and go to the hate-site, the "Cwcki". They're making distasteful mockery of this forum right now.

Wow, I don't think he read the article properly. Let's see if we can string this out a little longer then. And who was who said Chris doesn't still check the cwcki on a daily basis?
>> No. 13254
Hahaha sometimes I forget how retarded he is
>> No. 13255

Tito, get a hold of Thorg if you can, or just get someone on editing that article to read that we "found" the forum, quickly, we may be able to get something more from this. I've already said so on pvcc but I don't think anyone is around.
>> No. 13256

Scratch that, it's being dealt with.
>> No. 13257
It's ok, Chris can't figure it out either way.
>> No. 13259
File 131120371641.gif - (218.86KB , 480x270 , lf0hNSZ1qaj78.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Shit just got interesting.
>> No. 13260

This. It also sounds like a normal person doing a bad impression of Chris.

Ya'll niggas retarded.
>> No. 13261

Have you read any other part of this thread you fucktard? It's Chris, that discussion was dealt with a while back, either keep up or just don't post.
>> No. 13262
The cwciki needs a banner/ header for "supposed Chris sightings" or something like that.
>> No. 13263
Perhaps we should stage a fake CWCki raid to give Chris the impression that he has an army of Tomgirls at his beck and call?
>> No. 13264
>> No. 13265

The "proof" is flimsy. People can fake IP addresses, r-tard.
>> No. 13266
Right on brother. You know, I don't even know if Chris is real. He might even be a government conspiracy.
>> No. 13267

Okay, well then you just stay out of this thread and leave us to it then, it's obviously of no consequence to you if this isn't Chris.
>> No. 13268
Take down the CWCki or, at least, hide the main page and replace it with a splash page that indicates it's been taking down because of the public outcry.
>> No. 13269
Whereas the case for it not being Chris is SOLID.
>> No. 13270
I thought Chris was an actor?
>> No. 13271

You think Chris can?
>> No. 13272
Just shut up
>> No. 13273
So JenkinsJinkies was perhaps a troll as well? =O

Seriously, stop being an idiot dude.
>> No. 13274

The point is, somebody pretended to be Chris and used a Ruckersville IP address to register. How hard is that to understand?
>> No. 13275

The only people who were aware of the forum were the people in pvcc who put it together. And unlike the cannabilism that goes on here when things quiet down, we don't fuck with our own. Chris was told about the forum, Chris started posting on the forum. Take off your tinfoil hat and just enjoy some new content, for fucks sake.
>> No. 13276
Are you idiots really so mad because there is reasonable doubt that it isn't Chris? Even if I didn't say it, it's still there. You want to believe so bad that you're bieng trolled.
>> No. 13278
>We don't fuck with our own

I see trolls baiting trolls every day around here.

How long was the forum around before people started posting in it and how was Chris informed if nobody has been able to contact him?
>> No. 13279

>> No. 13280
The mention of the "Faux forum" needs to be removed as chris still thinks it's legit.
>> No. 13281

>I see trolls baiting trolls every day AROUND HERE.

Go back and read my post again.

The forum was around for about a month while we populated it with memebers and posts, same as we did with trolling train. The forum didn't show up on google until today when it was linked on the cwcki. Who exactly told you that nobody has been able to contact Chris? Tito himself told you how he started up with the whole tomgirl schtick, we still have a line of contact with him.
>> No. 13282
anyone saying it's not really Chris below this line is a troll and should be ignored
>> No. 13283
I'm seconding this. I think this could be a good idea that could gain Chris's trust. I'm pretty sure he's at least slightly suspicious of the whole thing already.

>> No. 13284

Sounds fantastic.

>> No. 13285
It'd be funny if it works out. Someone get in touch with the cwcki admin
>> No. 13286

Are you really going to get that buttmad over it?

Seriously, how was Chris told and why aren't there logs proving this?
>> No. 13287
Gee, and here I was being called an idiot for even suggesting the inner circle may be working on Chris behind our backs in some threads.

"Tito already told us there is nothing going on!"


End of butthurt rant.
>> No. 13288
The trick is convincing the admin and users of the tomgirl forum to go along with it. We're just the spectators.

How far do you guys think the "raid" should go and for how long?
>> No. 13289
Come to think of it, it might be possible that Chris may come back if he thinks all of the bad stuff about him online went poof and all the bad people involved got arrested.

Heck we could make up a fake story about how DeHippo was sent to prison for bestiality or something and ED was given to someone who would make it more positive and claim OI was the result.
>> No. 13290
I though Chris was a bacon. Bacons can't use internet.
>> No. 13291
I don't think that would work. I think the "raid" should simply be defacing it with TOMGIRL/TOMBOY PRIDE images and possibly removal of the forum's article.

Any opinions on how far it would go and what it would consist of?
>> No. 13292
there is an irc channel. why not discuss on there?
>> No. 13293

There aren't logs of it because it very likely would mean the end of the last line of contact we have with Chris. Before you start, yes I know Chris would believe that the emails had been hacked, but if he knows that can happen with the ONE person whose emails haven't ever been hacked then he's going to stop talking to her so we'll get nothing more from it. We're not going to risk that so one paranoid fuckwit on /cwc/ will finally believe. Deal with it or go away.
>> No. 13294
Because I heard #Sonichu is mean to newcomers, especially newcomers with EPIC WEEN trolling ideas.
>> No. 13295
File 131120689415.png - (16.15KB , 416x220 , Facebook.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Gee, I wonder why they kept it secret.
>> No. 13296

Wouldn't Chris not trust the source anyway since you revealed here that she set him up? I won't believe.that it's Chris until there's enough evidence that he was made aware of the forum or reacts to the event.

I really don't see why it's bad that I don't blindly accept whatever is presented to me. If I don't ask these questions then somebody else will later on.
>> No. 13297

No, because he's stupid enough to fall for such things as, OH NO MY EMAIL GOT HACKED, as I already said, that isn't the point, nor the threat. He won't believe that she's a troll, but if he knows that we have access to his communication with her then he'll stop talking to her so we can't read any more emails between the two, not because he believes she's a troll. All she has to do in this case is tell him that she didn't realize it was a troll forum. He'll keep talking to her.

It isn't a case of not blindly accepting anything that's put in front of you, you're being given as much proof as can be given and you are being told by the people orchestrating this shit that it is Chris. We have contact with Chris, we have reasons why we can't dump the contacts with Chris. That's the way it is.
>> No. 13298
I could tell it's Chris just by the typing before I saw the IP. Dunno what to tell you. Fite da powah.
>> No. 13299
Chris is paranoid and afraid to talk to anyone because things keep getting hacked. He stops trusting his email and computers. (Surprisingly enough, he still trusts PS3)
>> No. 13301
Chris seems to force his vocabulary to sound intelligent in such a way to be unique to him.

Also, some of his responds reek of classic TRUE and HONEST bullshit.
>> No. 13303
>Chris thinks EVERYONE is a troll now.
I'm surprised it took Chris this long to adopt such a notion because it is a great scape goat to why he can't be social or lacks employment.

>Either way, I'd say the forum was a success in that they convinced him to make the new Facebook.
Sadly, that kinda got ruined.
>> No. 13304
I don't think Chris is going to cut contact with kim any time soon. My understanding is that they've been "friends" for a long time, and she is his only friend.

Chris may be suspicious, but he won't cut contact.
>> No. 13305
I suggest you give him a win on this. It will keep him in the game. Use the fake profiles to "fight" invading trolls. This will give Chris a greater feeling of belongingness and cohesion with the group. He will become completely engaged in the group and become their total bitch. You got him right where you want him now.
>> No. 13306
>Jackie introduced him to TrollingTrain. He stops posting, and it gets posted, and he realizes the trolls knew he was JJ all along. He becomes more hostile towards Jackie and eventually cuts contact with her, reverting everything he said to her, and writing her off as a troll.
I'm not convinced that was the process. We have Chris on record saying he stopped posting because he didn't want the police to mistake him for a troll when they arrested everyone who posted on TT (this being what police are for). He seemed to go sour on Jackie because she demanded effort from him. I'd say the his post-"breakup" reactions (claiming his dick is no longer bent, calling her a troll) are just retarded sour grapes. Chris calls everyone who causes him trouble a troll even when it's his fault.

Chris' definition of a troll is actually way off despite his years of dealing with him. He thinks a troll is someone who is out to cause him pain when a troll is really someone who's out to amuse themselves. He sees them as cartoon villains to his imagined heroism.
>> No. 13307
>Google and go to the hate-site, the "Cwcki". They're making distasteful mockery of this forum right now.

>Those Trolls MUST be taken down NOW!

Two Words: Streisand Effect
>> No. 13308
We've been found AND mocked horribly! :(
Google and go to the hate-site, the "Cwcki". They're making distasteful mockery of this forum right now.

Those Trolls MUST be taken down NOW!
>> No. 13309
So you clearly don't want this on the page because you think you can get more content if you make Chris think the backdoor to the CWCki is open. I think the people on the tomgirl forum should be taking a more aggressive stance to try to get Chris to actually do something like make a video or go on a vandalism spree, otherwise you're just wasting the opportunity. He hasn't posted on the forum for over a month, so if he ends up leaving the forum out of suspicion it's no real loss anyway.
>> No. 13310
We honestly need someone to convince Chris to make a video address to the people making a mockery of the TB&TGVA forum.
>> No. 13311
Yes, that would seem the best way to get something out of this.
>> No. 13312
Have someone from the forum make a topic saying that they want to start an anti cyber bullying video campaign, and they need someone to be the spokesperson/"voice".
>> No. 13313
File 131121381691.jpg - (15.71KB , 395x440 , Churchill Chris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Patience /cwc/.

Your thoughts have been read and imputed by the powers that be. Something is in the works.
>> No. 13314

>> No. 13316
File 131121438755.jpg - (87.96KB , 298x254 , Aw_Yeah!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Chris responding to the CWCki instead of realizing he's been trolled all along / crashing into slumber
>> No. 13317
File 131121473910.jpg - (5.10KB , 200x150 , internetking.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh please God, Tito, I will suck your duck for a real tard-rage video.
>> No. 13318
File 131121494641.jpg - (7.73KB , 210x148 , Fatbabby.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm not Tito, I'm Thorg. Since I can't remember how to namefag all of my posts will be accompanied by a Winston Baby.
>> No. 13319
File 13112159945.png - (203.96KB , 500x375 , hungry.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have high hopes for a tard-rage video, Thorg.
>> No. 13320
Clyde - The Troll God of Greed
Tito - The Troll God of Gluttony
Thorg - The Troll God of Fury
>> No. 13321
>My next skirted outting, I used the ladies' room, and I squatted, holding my arrow down over the john (so I would be less likely to soil my skirt); it felt good and Right. Days later, though, after 4 more lady trips; a woman complains and tattles on me, and a stereotypical Brute male shouts me out. I felt embarassed. When in skirt, I am still gonna go to the Ladies, because there is no goin' back for me.

It's creepy imagining him squatting in a woman's restroom. What have you guys done?

>I would tell them like it is in my miniskirt, "All I have to do is lift up my skirt and I'll be up your woman's biz in seconds."

Is he trying to say that he'll have sex with the supposed troll's girlfriend?

>>More excitement, and maybe a strip club or two. LOL.

Our little Chris is all grown up!
>> No. 13322
>Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia is a forum established in late April 2011. It seems to be some sort of gay forum for gays.

Oh, you crazy, sneaky Illuminati, you...
>> No. 13323
File 131121825172.png - (321.07KB , 437x381 , beard.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>If Tito lied about this, he could have lied about how Tomgirl came about. It's obvious from the pictures -particularly the thong ones- that he was taking them as attraction photos for someone, just as the boob videos for Jackie.)

Again, we had no part in coaxing him to doing this tom girl thing. We might've requested pics of that bitchin mini-skirt he bought in da Wally-mart, but we never told him "HEY YOU SHOULD BUY FEMININE CLOTHES!"

For all I know, you could've been the one that told him, cause it wasn't us.

also did the mods remove the name function or something? I kinda decided not to post when 10 people were pretending to be me.
>> No. 13324

Yes. Partially because of the namefags pretending to be you. Partially because namefags suck.
>> No. 13325
oh shit. the bob and barb stuff is priceless. they must just be waiting to die at this point.

hope this will be followed up by taking down the cwcki, that would keep this going.

some of you doubters are really autistic.

doubt chris suspects the forum is fake. you've got to remember, the cues most non-autistics would know that from (new forum, few members, low posts, weirdly specific) don't mean shit to chris.
>> No. 13326

>oh shit. the bob and barb stuff is priceless.

Indeed. The more Chris lets on about the growing friction between him and his parents, and details of how he acts in public as a 'tomgirl' (like the bathroom incidents), the more hilarious it becomes.
>> No. 13327

>hope this will be followed up by taking down the cwcki, that would keep this going.


Take it down for a few hours, and I wouldn't doubt Chris would be back on Youtube to gloat.
>> No. 13328
File 131121973356.gif - (907.06KB , 256x192 , 1272386613444.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This, I'm laughing harder at how Barb tried to bribe Chris to go back to wearing his dirty crapped briefs and Bob calling him a faggot.

Thank you for this reveal.
>> No. 13329
but mostly because tito couldn't figure out how to trip
>> No. 13330
Did anyone see the new thread he made today? He complains about the CWCiki and how they are slandering the site.

It is...simply golden.
>> No. 13331
There needs to be a take down of the CWCki and a tomgirl/tomboy flag needs to be put up.

Then there needs to be "calls for the discovery of the creator of Sonichu", as Sonichu is deemed by the community to be the perfect mascot for Tomboys and Tomgirls of America, the next chapter to this saga.
>> No. 13332
>> No. 13333
File 131122157048.png - (9.78KB , 386x378 , 1309328733910.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The only day I say "Nah, there is nothing new, I can check /cwc/ tomorrow
>New info

Guess I have stuff to catch up with.
>> No. 13334

Seriously, I was growing content with ADF and the lesser cows. I feel like someone on the patch who just got handed a box of fine cigars.
>> No. 13335
yes, we had to disable names because some people couldn't find other ways to occupy themselves during the dry spell, besides causing tons of drama here. hopefully we can bring it back at some point, but things need to cool down for awhile longer.

and all you mad tinfoil hatters had best quiet down or you can expect a zero tolerance policy next time you whine about not getting DA UPDATE or not having any funny lolcows here.
Chris is just too popular for PVCC to consider pulling a fakeout. If that's not enough to convince you, then you're more paranoid than chris. And that's no way to live.
>> No. 13336
File 13112221243.png - (14.70KB , 474x485 , 1271010228214.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well maybe we can help this guy take down the website. I mean, ignoring it is one thing but if we don't do something it could lead to a lot of problems for our little community.

Please take the bait please take the bait please take the bait.
>> No. 13337
Chris makes the gretest victim. I feel sorry for him, but it isn't like he is ever forced into anything. He is presented options, and makes his own choices.
>> No. 13338
File 131122225640.jpg - (18.38KB , 313x422 , Powers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13339
File 131122242261.jpg - (20.37KB , 384x388 , Babbylin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Shit, I quoted the wrong post.

Anyway yeah, right now all we can do is wait and see if Chris takes the bait posted above.
>> No. 13340
Me too. ADF and Timbox were my favorite new lolcows. But nothing can be better than the good old Chris.
>> No. 13341
God help us if he ever figures out how to read the text on this site.
>> No. 13342
>The problem is we have no way of getting ahold of him. If we did, we could discuss a way to bring these people down. Oh well.

This needs to be reworded or removed. Only a troll would know that he's closed himself from the internet.
>> No. 13343
Honestly, I wonder if Chris even remembers that 789chan exists
>> No. 13344
it's simple, we get him to be vocal agaisnt hate sites the cwcki
>> No. 13345
File 131122376361.jpg - (9.16KB , 286x296 , Thor churchill.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A) Chris has openly shouted that he's quit the internet forever across the heavens.

B) He wouldn't make the connection.

C) Even if he did there are a million ways out. "I read it on the CWCki" "I just don't know how to contact him" "HAHAHA YOU GOT ME DAMNDLER, I'M ACTUALLY A MASTER TROLL AND I'M HERE TO FUCK YOUR SHIT OVER THE INTERNET HAR HAURHDRUHDRh."
>> No. 13346
I doubt he ever knew 789 existed. the "it's hard on my eyes" quote dates back to the kkk era.
>> No. 13347
I also think he's too stupid to make the connection, but I believe this should be handled extremely fucking carefully. If this fails, it's back to no updates for a year.
>> No. 13348
From the looks of it they have handled this pretty well. I am confident that they will handle this well.
>> No. 13349
I agree. I'm actually impressed by how well this has been handled. I just don't want to see something small like that ruin everything.
>> No. 13350
Chris logged into his Youtube account today
>> No. 13351
File 13112261247.jpg - (8.59KB , 150x150 , Blockhead.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13352
To anyone involved: Maybe you could suggest using Google+ instead of Facebook, it's not as big just yet and people aren't as likely to just stumble across Chris, plus they have really simple friend/privacy settings.

Also lol Chris confirmed brony.
>> No. 13353
Google and go to the hate-site, the "Cwcki". They're making distasteful mockery of this forum right now.

Those Trolls MUST be taken down NOW!
Have a Good Day and Stay Safe,


>> No. 13354
File 131122692872.jpg - (47.67KB , 640x480 , 1298514047766.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13355
But dude, Google+ is a sea of /b/tards.
>> No. 13357

I like how despite the obvious negative reaction he has been getting from the Ruckersville population to his skeevy bathroom behavior, Chris still refuses to change course and will continue to go into those ladies bathrooms because no one will keep him from his Tomgirlieness.

It's imminent that he will end up having a brand new Jerkop episode to deal with, and it'll be a doozy. Being a public nuisance at a Target is one thing (and Chris has a record for that, you know), but sexual deviancy is a whole new sack of fun for Chris to contend with in court.

Chris may not get committed, but maybe the judge WILL require him to take gender identity counseling, which Chrissie will resist and temper tantrum at every step of the way during the session, forcing the judge to finally hold him in contempt of court for noncompliance with probation and tossing him in jail.
>> No. 13358
I dunno, maybe his autism card would get him out of trouble again.

>> No. 13359
I am becoming erect at the thought of a new video.

What is wrong with me.
>> No. 13360
As an aside, is Rocky (his church counselor) even still active in Chris's life?
>> No. 13361
The average /b/tard doesn't know who CWC is. I think bringing him to google+ is a great idea as anyone can follow him without him knowing it.
>> No. 13362
Anyone else feel like this isn't just a new saga, a new chapter, but a new book? No more Sonichu, no more lovequest. This is about self-actualization 100%.
>> No. 13363
>I like how despite the obvious negative reaction he has been getting from the Ruckersville population to his skeevy bathroom behavior, Chris still refuses to change course

Do you mean at the Fashion Square Mall or at 14 Branchland Ct.?
>> No. 13364
No. Well not yet. I think Chris is going to do something stupid in the immediate future and withdraw from this.
>> No. 13365
Now that Chris is dressing himself as a girl? I don't think so.
>> No. 13366
Now that Chris is dressing himself as a girl? I don't think so.
>> No. 13367
Does Chris mix Tomgirl with "drunken word vomit shouts"?

A drunken, fat, cross-dressing autistic on the prowl for effortless pussy. I pity the city of Ruckersville.
>> No. 13368
It entirely depends on how the illuminati handle this next move. If they give Chris a sense of sustained empowerment, such as finally winning a battle with the trolls, this could have a substantial effect on how he lives his life. The guy is obsessed with trolls; look how quick he found da update. If he gets the feeling he's playing on the team that helped him overcome the trolls, even temporarily, dude's going full Tomgirl for a LONG time.

I think they somehow stumbled on a construct that has the potential to sustain Chris' interest, emotion and perception of victimhood. The ball is entirely in their court on this one, if they play it right, they could probably get Chris to engage in the "virgin-breaker" with a man.
>> No. 13370
I just hope he doesn't walk in the wrong place at the wrong time. I love to laugh at the dope, but quite honestly, the only person who should be kicking his ass is the lumberjack.

God would I love to have been a fly on the wall when he called Chris a Faggot. How do you think he said it? I bet he was like, "I didn't fight for my country in Korea, work 60 hour work weeks for 40 years, and snug up to that fat sack of crap you call a mother just so you could not carry my seed and walk around in public dressed like a god damned faggot. Now take that shit off before I take it off you, and the only think you'll be wearing is my foot on your ass, faggot."
>> No. 13371
I don't think it's bluespike territory at all. From his replies, you could tell that he'd be okay with another "tomgirl".

Anyways, I agree with him. This next move is crucial and I think letting him win is the best choice of action.
>> No. 13372
Since Chris is effectively underage, I'm surprised Bob didn't just go into his room and throw his outfit away. Maybe he knew he'd just buy more.

Also, sorry if this has been answered, but how did he get this stuff? Order it online, or did he actually walk into a store and buy it? I'd love to have been the cashier for that transaction.
>> No. 13373
I don't think he even needed to tell his parents. They were probably well aware of it seeing him running around the house like that. Regardless, I read that whole thing in Bob's voice and I think it's very plausible that's exactly what he said.
>> No. 13374
File 131123348536.png - (468.07KB , 443x470 , Babbynips.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
'sall good homedog, we got this. We just have to wait until tomorrow when he comes back online.
>> No. 13375
I think everyone is in agreement here that you guys got this shit on lock.
>> No. 13376
Most likely a mix of both, but I think he's stated somewhere that he went to the Charlottesville fashion square. If he doesn't have a problem with buying sports bras and asking employees to put them on him... I don't think he'd have a problem with women's close.

It's also possible that they are barb's clothes.
>> No. 13377
Whoever you are, I like you better than Clyde and Tito. I hope to see more things under your control in the future.
>> No. 13378
God is Chris fucking creepy. It almost seems purposeful.
>> No. 13379
Agreed. It seems that with each troll we get someone better.
>> No. 13380
So why is Chris so obsessed with lying about his lack of empathy? I know he's trying to fit in with normal humans, but what is it that has him overplaying his shallow lie as usual on this particular issue?
>> No. 13381
He want's to lose his virginity. Duh...
>> No. 13383
He has for nearly ten years, but this empathy thing is new and he flogs it two or three times. He just used to advertise he availability and tell other lies (he's handsome, honest, caring, etc.).
>> No. 13384

"I'm not sure I like the sound of that. There's a fine line, and what you're describing is tip-toeing into bluespike territory. "

Blue Spike rocked! Even Clyde Cash didn't get Chris to shove broken chunks of model magic up his own ass. Now THAT'S power!
>> No. 13385
Either some fake gal-pal recently stressed the importance of being empathetic or he's been reading some "How to Pick-up Chicks" guide somewhere.
>> No. 13386
Maybe it's a knee jerk response from hearing that autistic people lack empathy?
>> No. 13387
Bluespike was a demented little kid that took it way too far. But that's a completely different thread...

Trolling ≠ Convincing a retard to do serious damage to himself or those around him.
>> No. 13389
It's different than bluespike since he was basically blackmailing Chris into doing something he normally wouldn't do and this is at worst him being influenced into doing something he is already interested in?
>> No. 13390
So is Chris some sort of extremely untalented (and unattractive) version of Ed Wood, or what?
>> No. 13391
If you're new to the world of CWC, I suggest you read the CWCki.
>> No. 13392
Something tells me we're hours from a video that will put "Madman Rising" to shame.
>> No. 13393
As much as I want a video, I don't think we'll ever get one again. How would the "tomgirls" put him up to it?
>> No. 13394
he's been on youtube both yesterday and today. I am sure he's thinking about it.
>> No. 13395
What's his "current" youtube account name again? It's been so long...
>> No. 13396
>> No. 13397
>> No. 13398
I meant now, with the tomgirl phase added in.
>> No. 13399
This is great.
As much as I want a video, I'm not putting all my hope in for one just yet...but him logging in (if we know its him... remember other people have his password) is reassuring though I have no idea why he would go on/anywhere near it if he wasn't considering a TOMGIRLS OF THE WORLD UNITE video.

Why on his old channel though? Surely he'd make a new one, not under his name, as he's obviously trying to mask the fact he's Chris on the forum...

This casts no doubt in my mind, that no matter how ''smart'' we think Chris is, he can still be trolled in some capacity. I mean come on, he hasn't learnt much if he's falling for this shit AGAIN, it's not even like the PVCC have had to come up with an entirely different angle, its stuff that's been done before.

Anyway good work guys, and be sure to handle this next step carefully
>> No. 13400
*how smart chris is getting
>> No. 13401
File 131123881412.jpg - (48.15KB , 793x600 , Slumber.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I actually wasn't even expecting to lead the charge with this, I just like when we disclose things (Trollin' Train, this, etc.). Makes the events seem fresh again. I was ready to lay T&ToV to rest.

Then Chris does the unexpected and leaps back into the fray.

Oh Chris.

Anyway I'm going to bed. If Chris doesn't reply in nine hours when I wake up I'm walking to Ruckersville and making him eat his only pube.
>> No. 13402
I'm not involved but I imagine it'd be really tough since they officially don't know it's Chris and if they started acting like they wanted that Chris guy to make a video Chris might see through the facade?
>> No. 13403

Joining the CWCki within 2 minutes, the first soldiers of the rebellion.

Self Aware XBox
Guy Kazama
>> No. 13404

More soldiers have joined the brawl. I wonder when Chris realizes he can't edit the pages if he'll just start blanking "Tomgirl" "Chris and Sex" and the rest here at Gilligan's Isle
>> No. 13405


well look who it is
>> No. 13406
A Julayfag?
>> No. 13407
Only problem we might have with this is certain admin of the cwcki who have always insisted that they never wanted it used as a tool to directly troll Chris, ie faking take downs or hackings. If we can convince people like Champ and Cogs to go along with this then we're golden.
>> No. 13408
I've never heard anything like that. If it's really a problem I'm sure they can be contacted on IRC or Skype.
>> No. 13409
The CWCki has been used as a tool for trolling Chris before. There was the whole "How Chris' PS3 is Hacked" article, for example.
Plus, the CWCki is what began the whole JenkinsJinkies affair as well.
>> No. 13410
I seriously cried when chris came back to youtube after the dry spell in late-09/early-10
>> No. 13411
File 131125038961.jpg - (120.39KB , 530x684 , moz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is pathetic.
>> No. 13412

>calls someone else pathetic
>listens to the Smiths
>> No. 13413
That stuff was done on userpages and talk pages, if I remember correctly.
>> No. 13414
I think it would be alright if the CWCki was a little more "in-universe" and less meta about it.
>> No. 13415
>I wish we could find this "Sonichu" or whoever. He probably knows how to deal with these hatin-ass haterz!

Pushing it a bit too hard.
>> No. 13416
File 131125230833.png - (215.26KB , 900x600 , Bobby.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13417

Nah you over estimate Chris.
The Cwiki openly admitted that the forum was put together by the PVCC to troll him, and somehow he managed to miss the fact and go back to post again.
I doubt he'll suspect anything.
>> No. 13418
>> No. 13419
Luckily his autistic logic is that anyone saying things about his "friends" are obviously lying slanderous trolls.
>> No. 13420

Yeah I agree it needs to be handled carefully, but it was obvious the saga is at a point where the PVCC don't care that much/suspected it was over anyway, it was only when someone pointed out he'd posted again that they backtracked.
I think they thought it was close to finishing anyway.
Plus even if he does find out, we've still got other material coming.
>> No. 13421
Is this one of Chris' sock accounts as well?
Because as well as him main channel, this has been logged into as well today

>> No. 13422
>we've still got other material coming.
Like what?
>> No. 13423
I dunno that is pretty suspicious with his only youtube friend being liquid Chris.
>> No. 13424
Hey hey. It's a picture of Morrissey, not Morrissey and his old band. His solo career is what's really pathetic.
>> No. 13425
that name just screams troll
>> No. 13426
''much of the later content is considered a bonus''

This was at the end of the new wiki article before they changed it, so there is more stuff coming
>> No. 13428

>Liquid as a friend

Yeah, I think it's pretty safe to say it isn't him.
>> No. 13429

That means nothing, Chris is subscribed to Liquid on his ChristianWChandler account
>> No. 13430

And Gregg Mays
>> No. 13431
There's been a lot of recent activity on these CWC related youtube accounts. I would guess Chris is looking for answers and messaged liquid.
>> No. 13432

Even Liquid was on today.

>> No. 13433
ALL of Chris's accounts, past and present, have been accessed today.
>> No. 13434
Somethin is up. These profiles have in some cases been idle for a year.
>> No. 13435
I'm actually fearing for chris' safety. If what he said about going into the ladies' room is true he could have really got fucked up. He's lucky that guy didn't punch him out
>> No. 13436
So everyone is on the T&ToV forum saying, "I wish we could contact this Chris guy"

I hope to God Liquid would post a video, saying "here I am."

Bonus points if he's in Tomgirl attire.
>> No. 13437

Maybe Chris is panicking about trolls "finding" him again and is deciding to close all his youtube accounts for good.
>> No. 13438
File 131126625622.jpg - (73.60KB , 312x449 , 1308926584663.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 13439
I really hope it's a video, Chris is at his best when he's furious at trolls.
>> No. 13440
Then they would have been closed...
>> No. 13441
My guess is he sent a message to liquid, and liquid got the notification in his gmail and visited to see it. Same with Gregg Mays and Clyde Cash.
>> No. 13442

This so fucking hard.

I doubt he will though after all the drama, and considering he's gotten pretty boring from what we hear, but this would be genius/glorious.
>> No. 13443

He didn't close ChristianWChandler his main account. He just removed all his videos
>> No. 13444
They were deleted long ago.
>> No. 13445

He should drop an "Ian" or two. Pretty sure Chris would have a really hard time ignoring that.

But anyway, as people have said, I doubt Liquid is really all that interested in getting involved in all this again.
>> No. 13446
Liquid doesn't need to be in tomgirl gabs though. Officially kookydashy and CWC are still different people.
>> No. 13447
This is either the beginning of the best saga ever, or the complete end of Chris's presence on the internet.
>> No. 13448
He could be the one to introduce to the forum that kookydashy and CWC are the same. It is bound to happen, but right now Chris is nervous bout how his new found friends will react. If they react favorably and supportive, and compliment liquid, then Chris will FLIP THE FUCK OUT, and make a video as the only way to prove he is TRUE AND HONEST CWC.
>> No. 13449
All of this is moot though. Liquid isn't coming back, I don't think.
>> No. 13450

>or the complete end of Chris's presence on the internet

How do you figure?

I mean, it's Chris. One thing he has always proven, time and again, is that he simply never learns.
>> No. 13451
Chris is smart enough to realize that Liquid wasn't a "lone wolf" type, and that there were a lot of trolls with/behind him.

What we need to do is have the members of the forum create a thread about cyberbullying, and that they want the most vocal member, in this case, Chris to make a video.
>> No. 13452
This is a tad unfair. He sort of learns. Fuck it, your assessment was fair.
>> No. 13453
File 131126768267.jpg - (79.44KB , 945x687 , no.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13454

Well, to be fair he has kept his word on "no more videos" so far... but then again, we've just seen the guy falling for a fake forum once more... and worse yet, going back to it after it was publicly announced as fake.


>Chris is smart enough to realize that Liquid wasn't a "lone wolf" type, and that there were a lot of trolls with/behind him.

No offense, but I *really* doubt that.
>> No. 13455

Lol no he isn't

The Cwcki admitted in plain english, that the forum he was posting on was a fake set up by trolls to lure him back into socializing online and make a dick of himself, and yet the fact still flew over his head.

Short of knocking on Chris' door and telling him that Tomgirls and Tomboys of Virginia was all a set up, they couldn't have been more clear about it.

The guy is a fucking moron, there's no doubt in my mind he still thinks Liquid is called Chris Chandler.
>> No. 13456
And if we got a vid of liquid dressed up in girls clothes I bet it would trick Chris into thinking he was from a paralell dimension.
>> No. 13457
He's retarded but not that fucking dumb

I think?
>> No. 13458
Even Scarlet signed in today.


>> No. 13459

Something is definitely happening, why are all the old trolls coming out of the woodwork?
This is strange... Why would Chris contact them?
>> No. 13460

Who do you think "Kim" is?

Search for her on the CWCki, you'll see mentions of her going back to 2009. A long time to be "trolling" a retard.
>> No. 13461
File 131127130544.jpg - (24.75KB , 231x224 , Tommy feels good.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I am so fucking excited. Chris is gonna be back bitches.
>> No. 13462
File 131127132431.jpg - (11.55KB , 306x227 , Wtf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay, really? Again, everyone needs to be patient and not jump on this shit like rabid cats on LSD. Attacking the CWCki right now won't work for several reasons:

* If it's not on the main page/da update Chris won't read or notice it.

* Champthom absolutely will not allow the CWCki to be fake-raided.

* Canine has been a champ so far and he'll be the one to clean up the mess if you guys raid the CWCki.

* We're building up to something along those lines right now.

The wise man catches a fish. The fool catches an STD.
>> No. 13463
She doesn't live that far from Chris and has been keeping some kind of casual contact with Chris all this time I think.
>> No. 13464
WTF?! That's really weird.
>> No. 13465
I have a feeling something big's going to happen.
>> No. 13466
Clearly, CWCnarok is upon us. As Chris realizes his true and honest Tomgirlish nature, the titans spoken of in the hidden portions of the Anchuent Prophecy stir and the trolls are rising up from all corners of the globe to confront them. When Bob finally dies, the battlefield will be set and the Titans and Trolls will clash on the battlefield of 14 Branchland Court. At the conclusion, Chris will rise up and commit ritual hari-kari and be reborn into a true female, upon which he will depart out into the world and finally achieve his true dream of a girlfriend-free boy and be free of autism forever.

And I think I got a little more autistic for typing that.
>> No. 13467
I wonder if Tito or Thorg would be so kind as to give us their input. <3
>> No. 13468
holy shit. that's really weird...
I would've bet money he couldn't remember the login for this account after all this time.
>> No. 13469
File 131127185833.jpg - (22.92KB , 370x278 , Churchill.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We don't know what's up with the Youtube profiles. Right now we're just waiting for Chris' reply on T&ToV.
>> No. 13470

Not on topic I know, but seriously, once Bob and Barb kick the bucket what's going to stop someone from walking up to the door and confronting Chris?
The lumberjack at the minute as old as he is is doing a good job at keeping people away, but Chris couldn't do anything, he'd shit his panties probably have a breakdown if someone dressed as Clyde started walking up the driveway...

Also I'm pretty excited about these developments...
>> No. 13471
>Chris is smart enough to realize that Liquid wasn't a "lone wolf" type, and that there were a lot of trolls with/behind him.
>Chris is smart enough to realize (...)

[citation needed]
No, seriously, which chats/e-mails are you basing this on?
>> No. 13472
it was worth reading, if it's any consolation.
also somewhat reminiscent of protodude's fanfic where chris gets an accidental sex change
>> No. 13473
File 131127205431.jpg - (25.74KB , 640x352 , mother of god___.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 13474
Why all the logins...?
What is he doing, PVCC don't know...this is weird
>> No. 13475
It appears as if the biggest moment in CWC-dom is going to happen soon.

Brace yourselves, gentlemen.
>> No. 13476
iohhuidcner eqrougtb wvtoignhvwthhhhhhhhtttttttttiiiirwpppppppppprmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmowwwwwwejfbrvuewm
grgjrbn rw
brb wir

>> No. 13477

I'm excited but I think you guys are jumping the gun here...The PVCC are waiting to see if Chris takes the Forum bait again (if there's nothing else going on behind the scenes), and if that doesn't pull off, well that just leaves us with the '' bonus'' content which is still good.

This is strange, but lets not kid ourselves Chris is making his big Youtube comeback just yet...
>> No. 13478
You know, Chris might as well just be deleting videos from his old accounts.
>> No. 13479

or the elders of zion doing a white knight check.
>> No. 13480

Deleting his past from the history books, to prepare for his future as Tomgirl...

(seriously he hasn't deleted anything so far...and why all the old Trolls like Liquid, logging onto their accounts for the first time in forever? Too big of a coincidence something is going on)
>> No. 13481

Nothing to do with them
>> No. 13483
Perhaps someone simply got the passwords to both Chris's profiles AND Liquid's.
>> No. 13484
And Michael Snyder, too.
>> No. 13485

And pretty much every account that's had something to do with Chris in the past as well?
>> No. 13486
Liquid quit PVCC over a year ago. He might have just decided to go on standby in the event PVCC requests his services.
>> No. 13487
You know what's also fucking strange about this?

Go to any random non CWC related account... on "last online", they most likely won't have a date, but "two hours ago" or "five weeks ago".

On all of the CWC related accounts... it's all listed as today's date.
>> No. 13488
File 131127329194.gif - (58.34KB , 294x294 , OMG.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13489
When it's over 24 hours, it switches from the exact date to an estimate of "___ days/weeks".
>> No. 13490
okay, what the FUCK is going on?
>> No. 13491
Inb4 all the accounts simultaneously upload the ''you've been trolled'' video
>> No. 13492
the only logical solution: someone told everyone about the tomgirl, or they all saw the cwcki at the same time
>> No. 13493
File 131127342633.gif - (1.07MB , 132x108 , THAT_ONE'S_ON_THE_HOUSE.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't want to say PVCC is lying when they say they don't know what's going on... But there are White Knight faggots who lurk this board so...
>> No. 13494
I think this is the episode where Chris turns the camera around to show that his room is part of a studio lot, complete with camera crews, director, etc.
>> No. 13495
As much as I would like to think something interesting is happening, more likely is that someone has got into all the accounts and is laughing at this board.
>> No. 13496
chris finally got the cops in on it and they requested access to everything.
>> No. 13497

It would just turn out to be Rollin' and Trollin' 2: Electric Boogaloo.
>> No. 13498
File 131127387744.gif - (13.77KB , 267x456 , bart-scared.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13500

><font size=30px color=red>HERP DERP IMMA MORON</font>


Just a random subscriber from Chris' list.

Last Login 1 week.
>> No. 13502

nice delete faggot
try harder next time
>> No. 13503
File 131127410262.jpg - (21.44KB , 410x307 , Tinfoil babby.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lord Jim of the inner-inner circle must have his ultimate master trolling plan of all time in the works.

Prepare yourselves.
>> No. 13504

... What?
>> No. 13505

Lord Jim? Is he like, the man-behind-the-man for Clyde Cash or something? Some mysterious figure who knew Chris in the past? The president of the Greene County School Board???
>> No. 13506
I thought all Chamthon's posts were the baby?...
>> No. 13507
File 131127436225.jpg - (19.13KB , 410x307 , Tinfoil ashajdhgh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Jim makes Clyde Cash look like ADF.
>> No. 13508

shit, that's a closeup

this is serious
>> No. 13509
File 131127458071.jpg - (33.61KB , 512x335 , 289 (1).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13510
Even YouTube is gearing up for the shitstorm that will be Chris's next video
>> No. 13511
What people think (and I hope) will happen: Epic insanity

What will probably happen: Nothing, or Chris begins a new crusade that he grows tired of by Sunday.
>> No. 13512
>What will probably happen: Nothing, or Chris begins a new crusade that he grows tired of by Sunday.
>> No. 13513
Every YouTube account that has been posted here still shows a last login date of a long time ago to me. Michael Snyder says his last login was August 2010.
>> No. 13514
nothing is going to happen. you're all setting yourself up for disapointment
>> No. 13515
This. I don't get WTF people are saying.
>> No. 13516

Well you need to clear your cache or something then
>> No. 13517
Samefag here.

Scarlett says last login Jun 12, 2009.

Maybe YouTube is just being weird for some people.
>> No. 13518
File 131127559376.jpg - (29.54KB , 309x357 , DerpHerpClearUrCacheNoobs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13519

Svenka too. What the shit.
>> No. 13520
Come on, this has to be a youtube bug.
>> No. 13521
I'm using the new YouTube. It is more than likely just some weird bug messing with the last activity dates on accounts with people still using the old YouTube.

Much more likely than some massive conspiracy of trolls and Chris.
>> No. 13522
And by new YouTube, I mean www.youtube.com/cosmicpanda
>> No. 13523

A youtube bug that's only happening on people that are linked to Chris?
This is not a bug retard as I've already said http://www.youtube.com/user/irondomokun
It's not happening on every profile.

Too big of a coincidence.

If you aren't seeing it, clear your cache's
>> No. 13524
If it's a bug, it's mysteriously only infecting CWC related accounts. Every other account on the site doesn't have it.

either that or someone at YT is trolling us.
>> No. 13525
File 131127588727.png - (105.10KB , 264x490 , Svenka.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a YouTube glitch. It says that a lot of people's last login dates were the same day that they registered.

Nothing to worry about. Looks like we're back to square one.
>> No. 13526

Yeah, its a YouTube bug that accounts that have to do with Chris, no matter how long its been since they've logged on, have all logged on today. Makes sense.
>> No. 13527
File 131127595890.png - (49.26KB , 268x251 , TB.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a glitch. Look at Timbox's.
>> No. 13528

Latest Activity
Sep 25, 2008
>> No. 13529
File 131127601054.png - (39.75KB , 275x200 , SOldier.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, look at SoldierKnowsBest. His last video was yesterday, but YT says that his last activity was on the 18th.
>> No. 13530
notice how the others say like "x hours ago" when its within 24 hours? And how this says an exact date? That's weird enough, and suggests to me theres some weird glitch going on.

Of course I have no idea, but it seems an incredible coincidence
>> No. 13531
YT Last Activity dates are always fucked up. There are some people who upload videos every week and their YT page says they haven't visited in months.
>> No. 13532
>> No. 13533
I think Thorg is messing with us when it comes to this Jim stuff, too.
>> No. 13534

bobtherbuf has it, not his new account though. strange.
>> No. 13535

I thought that was obvious with the tinfoil hat pic
>> No. 13536

You're all using a test version of cosmicpanda... Go back to the old version
>> No. 13537
>> No. 13538
File 13112763925.jpg - (14.13KB , 410x307 , Jim.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Jim does not tolerate skeptics...
>> No. 13539
File 131127645366.jpg - (33.99KB , 285x284 , makesense.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah. Beta bullshit.
>> No. 13540
while we're waiting for answers, why not post outlandish theories of where the saga could potentially go from here?

I think it would be absolutely amazing if Chris took it upon himself to video tape an argument with bob. It'd be even cooler if he did this for several days, and even cooler if theese altercations eventually ended up with him moving out of the house on his own. I don't know how on earth he could do it, but if he took to filming himself on the streets (in tomgirl uniform nonetheless) it would probably be the best saga ever and provide a very definitive end to the whole series. It'd be like a documented version of Jenifer Dianne Reitz, only instead of it being a somewhat sympathetic tale of someone with genuine mental illnesses, it'd be a hilarious documentation of someone with genuine mental illnesses trying to survive without any of his crutches and falling flat on his face.
>> No. 13541
File 131127674554.jpg - (27.49KB , 304x358 , GLITCH.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Timbox's old account shows that he logged in today on it as well.

I thought different, but yeah I'm calling glitch, what a shame.
Fucking coincidence
>> No. 13542
If the cwcki gets taken down by those tomgirls, well Chris would feel he found the best friends ever......Then he'll start using them to try n solve all his problems and bark orders.

Kinda like his old fanbase.
>> No. 13543
Trolled by nothing sentient? Chance? Is there a special term for it?

Is God fucking with us?
>> No. 13544
Might be genuine, since Timbox has been active lately.
>> No. 13545
Sure is one specific ass day for YouTube to fuck around
>> No. 13546
File 131127704576.jpg - (26.29KB , 309x287 , Vivitheg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If it's a glitch, then how come some are still showing accurate last log ins?

All you people posting with cosmicpanda are getting different things to those of us using the old version. The old version is just showing people related to Chris logging in today, not everyone who's been away for a while...
>> No. 13547
File 131127713961.jpg - (279.31KB , 1280x960 , pickleman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ok kids, there's not going to be anything. Or, at the very least, don't hold your breath.

When we dropped this forum shit, we dropped it because it's been awhile since he posted. He finally got lazy and left. He saw the update on the cwcki, dropped in to warn us and left. I doubt he'll come back.

If he does come back, don't hope for videos. What's most likely is that he'll sit back and egg us on to attack the cwcki for him. If it went down, he'd go back to playing video games.

The only reason you know about this is because we have zero hope for anything to happen.
>> No. 13548
File 131127720383.jpg - (25.56KB , 308x293 , GreggMays.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Again another one. First Vivitheg now Gregg Mays.
>> No. 13549
first post in the thread i believe
>> No. 13550

How come Champthon's been telling us different then?
>> No. 13551
Users who haven't been active for over a year or something are probably getting the bug.
>> No. 13552


Also gay.
>> No. 13553

What's champ saying?

>> No. 13554

First samefag in thread who's obvious
>> No. 13555
>> No. 13556
not a samefag, I just genuinely don't expect anything to come out of this
>> No. 13557

I meant Thorg.

Basically he's saying something is happening.
>> No. 13558
Well, thorg knows that fatty is super lazy and *probably* won't do anything. He's probably just hopeful.
>> No. 13559
How anti climactic
>> No. 13560

Even so, he's saying they're bulding up to something similar to a cwcki invasion, surely you'd know about these plans?
>> No. 13561
File 131127799080.jpg - (20.04KB , 467x640 , Baybay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



If Chris doesn't take the bait then nothing will happen.
>> No. 13562
Here is a youtube account with absolutely no relation to Chris and uploaded his last video two years ago.

He has today as a date as well.

>> No. 13563
everyone go home christmas is canceled again
>> No. 13564
File 131127833625.jpg - (14.59KB , 300x375 , b589049.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13565

Then why post thatsomething was in the works AFTER talking about Chris taking the bait?
Just building peoples hopes up.

Such an annoying coincidence, almost karmic
>> No. 13566
The more I think about it, I would honestly be a bit surprised if Chris even checks that forum again, much less does anything substantial about the CWCki post. Given what I kind of remember of Chris's forum posting habits and the fact that he seemed to have abandoned the forum prior to the warning message, I think that was a "take a shit and walk away" type of post that some forumers enjoy making. It might have actually been a rare type of kindness from Chris given that he relates to the posters there. A heads-up, maybe, but probably nothing more.
>> No. 13567
I agree. Fuck you inner circle fags talking all this shit. You guys don't do anything and you let Chris beat you yet again. We're just being scammed by some losers who claim to have a connection to a cross dressing autistic man and can't even live up to it. Pathetic.
>> No. 13568
They put alot of effort into that forum, and we did get some info.
>> No. 13569

I completely agree, but I can't help feeling it was a missed opportunity to do something bigger.
Chris was back doing what he said he wouldn't do most, internet socialization. What else could he have been coerced into doing?

Anyway the cwcki article spoke of some other material, so hopefully we have a little something more coming, no matter how big or small.
>> No. 13570
Looking at how Chris posted on the forum, it was pretty infrequent anyway...
At one point he went a week without posting something on there, and came back so lets not give up hope yet
>> No. 13571

I'm sorry, but he's more likely to visit the CWCki again than T&ToV. "Raid" the CWCki. If he sees that they hacked it and took it down, he'll go back.
>> No. 13572
Personally I think Chris will visit the forum again.
Not saying he'll post again, but I think he'll go back.
This isn't like the LBP forum where he was pimping out his shit, this is so much more personal to him.
He's taking this ''Tomgirl'' lifestyle by the horns, I don't think it's going to be something he's going to forget within a week.
>> No. 13573
That's the thing, he's a tomgirl IRL. He doesn't need the forum. It was a month between his most recent post and the one before it.
>> No. 13574
File 131128067349.jpg - (21.30KB , 389x388 , ybbab.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm not in the inner circle, I'm a member of PVCC. But, if you don't want me to keep you posted, that's fine. If Chris does come back I'll just keep everything on PVCC and disclose it to the CWCki 4 months later.

Jim jim jim.
>> No. 13575
For what it's worth, I have a YouTube account I made solely for a freelance job, haven't touched in a year and a half, no idea what the password is, and it's also showing my last sign-in was today. Looks like it's just a glitch.
>> No. 13576

>> No. 13577

No he doesn't NEED the forum, but he want's contact desperately.

How can he resist contact with other Tomgirls/Tomboy's living in his hometown?
>> No. 13578
Georgeson prefers it that way anyway. He hates it when we insist on sharing things with the plebes.
>> No. 13579

When did I say we/I didn't appreciate being posted?
No I'm not mad, I just find it weird, that speculation/plans that might not even come into effect are presented as fact by many PVCC members, only for them to turn around and say otherwise
>> No. 13580
Well, the problem with that is that he'll push to meet them. We mentioned having meetups to keep his attention but when tomboys and tomgirls fail to materialize, the ride is over.

He got bored, I guess.

We could maybe push up the date for a meetup.
>> No. 13581

How did he get bored?!

He posted just yesterday....
As its been mentioned before, even in the middle of his posting spree, Chris took a week out from posting, presumably when he was most interested in the forum.
There's no telling whether he'll be back or not yet, or even in the next couple of days.
>> No. 13582
The month long gap. He only posted again because he checks the cwcki.
>> No. 13583
File 131128266140.jpg - (18.19KB , 294x294 , 130528286141.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cwc's at least discovered the trolls have found him. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he knows it's a set-up, but Chris's stupidity has surprised me before.

Unless this is just an elaborate trolling scheme by PVCC. BUT I WANT TO BELIEEEEEEVE
>> No. 13584
Damn is this thread hard to view. Fucker keeps giving me errors.
>> No. 13585
A forum member should message Chris and ask "Hey, are you that Sonichu guy?" and then just keep giving him support. And after a load of that, when he seems in the position to actually want to attack and do something, say "Well, didn't you write comics? Maybe write a mean comic about the site or something!"
>> No. 13586

And then we roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge! Tee-hee!
>> No. 13587
File 131128383825.jpg - (20.34KB , 290x359 , Baw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw how retarded this post is
>> No. 13588
No, he didn't read the intro paragraph on the cwcki article and we changed it before he could look at it more carefully.

We asked him what sonichu is and what the cwcki is, so we're just waiting for him to respond.
>> No. 13589
It's worth noting that Chris still doesn't have a working computer, which (unless I'm wrong about that) means that he has to go to the library if he wants to post on the forum. I know it's been said several times over, but it's worth reiterating that if Chris does return to the forum, it could be days, even weeks before it actually happens.
>> No. 13590
Arrange a meeting, don't show up and use a Chris-logic excuse? 'Under stress' or 'my elderly parents wouldn't let me' come to mind.
>> No. 13591
Doesn't PS3 have a browser? I know Wii does.
>> No. 13592
PS3 has a built-in browser, I think. But I wouldn't know, I don't own one.
>> No. 13593
I don't know if the PS3 has a browser, but the PSP def has one though.
>> No. 13594
The PS3 Does have an internet browser
>> No. 13595
Yeah, but things like that wear him down. We used to think we could just say LOL CLYDE HACKED IT forever, but it makes him paranoid. Like, even if he had a computer right now, he wouldn't upload things because something's going to get hacked midstream. And it's funny, he'll never give up on his PS3. And that's something that Clyde actually has gotten into a number of times.

He can use his PS3, but it's a pain in the ass.
>> No. 13596
I'm sure he's usin the PS3
>> No. 13597
Maybe he is using his PC. Last time I remember him talking about it he said it wasn't broken just really messed up. He could get it to work if he kept turning it on and off again.
>> No. 13598

And maybe he's bought a studio and become a dubstep producer in his spare time, what's your point?
There's no evidence to suggest he's using his pc, the ps3 has a browser where he could post on a forum from it. Hell you can do it on a PSP so I'm sure a PS3 has the ability.
This isn't another shitty what if thread
>> No. 13599
This shit is unnecessary.
>> No. 13600

>> No. 13601
>This Arthur has a good idea with this "DOS". He certainly knows more than I have on taking down their Trolling Stupid websites.

My Tomgirl and Tomboy acquaintances, I feel it is time I introduce myself better. I am more than just a Tomgirl. I am the high-functioning autistic person who was heavily emotionally damaged, artistic inspiration lost with paranoia, deception, blackmail and plain hurtful words from those bottom-feeding Trolls. I am the hand-drawing original creator of Sonichu, Rosechu and the city of Cwcville, Virginia, USA.

I am Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA.

I had joined this Forum with the opportunity to associate with my own misunderstood kind of people, commonly mistaken for amongst the gays and lesbians. I concealed my identity on here reasonably, prayfully Not to be found by those Trolls.

For Years, I have fallen victim to their trachery. I have tried within my own limited knowledge and technology to counter-attack those fiends. I have mostly failed. And as a result, my reputation on the internet fell deep into their treacherous exaggerations, lies and crap. If I had any knowledge or technology, I would have hacked into and destroy every one of their webpages, servers and whatnot looong ago, but I did and still do not. All I could do in the end was hide in the old-fashioned (as it would appear to be now) world of Real Life, off of the internet. Yet I am one who does not like to be left behind in the modern world.

Also, because of them, it has been Impossible for me to get a job; damned negative background checks. And I would appreciate reducing the results of my full name from over Two Freaking Million results back down to less than 100.

Now that they have found me on here, y'all have been dragged into my darkness; for that, I feel deep shame and regret, and I am really sorry about that.

I am Not the disgruntled, mean or perverted person they have mislabeled of me; I am only a normal, heterosexual, good natured, high-functioning autistic Tomgirl, and I want to be treated like a normal person.

And I wish I do not have to be paranoid of those fiends and their hurtful webpages.
>> No. 13602
>Also, because of them, it has been Impossible for me to get a job
Typical Chris - blaming trolls for his own blatant laziness.
>> No. 13603
This harvest! It is plentiful, this harvest! We shall worship the Gods properly!
>> No. 13604
I love how he still thinks that everyone on Earth knows who he is.
>> No. 13605
Forum members should get in there and give him a shoulder to cry on a.s.a.p
>> No. 13606
Even if nothing else comes of this, haters should realize this is best content since Liquid. Unlike Jackie, Chris has been doing all this shit of his own volition, and he's dressing up like a fucking woman. In front of his parents. This is the craziest shit since Bluespike.
>> No. 13607
This. This. This.
>> No. 13608
>I am the hand-drawing original creator of Sonichu, Rosechu and the city of Cwcville, Virginia, USA.

>I am Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA.

I imagined some bad ass music playing here for some reason. Like its a grand announcement
>> No. 13609

Haha me too, it's the intentional pause. I like how he thinks everyone on the internet knows who

Christian Weston Chandler

Creator of Sonichu and Rosechu

is lol.
>> No. 13611
Interesting that Chris thinks he has a supposed "army" of tomgirl/tomboy friends at his disposal to take down those slanderous trolls once and for all.

It's almost like, for him, TrollBusters is finally close to becoming a reality.
>> No. 13612

A poster should suggest in the thread that Chris should put together a team to combat trolling, pander to his shitty ''troll busters'' idea...See if he takes the cue and runs with it
>> No. 13613
File 131129038460.jpg - (156.87KB , 400x600 , Chris_Chan_by_balsis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My Tomgirl and Tomboy acquaintances, I feel it is time I introduce myself better. I am more than just a Tomgirl. I am the high-functioning autistic person who was heavily emotionally damaged, artistic inspiration lost with paranoia, deception, blackmail and plain hurtful words from those bottom-feeding Trolls. I am the hand-drawing original creator of Sonichu, Rosechu and the city of Cwcville, Virginia, USA.

I am Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA.

Why does all this sound like a reveal from a superhero or something?
>> No. 13614

Make it so. Get Troll Hunter and Trollbane in on this, quick!

If we can convince Chris that His Army has finally arrived to save the true and honest day and to finally avenge His honor against the dang dirty trolls, we'll feast on new videos from him forevermore.

Hell, if we can get one truly dedicated troll to NEVER spring a trap and become Chris' new hugbox so that he ditches Rocky for her, we'll have a conduit into Chris' head forever.
>> No. 13615

>Hell, if we can get one truly dedicated troll to NEVER spring a trap and become Chris' new hugbox so that he ditches Rocky for her, we'll have a conduit into Chris' head forever.

That's exactly what Kim is.
>> No. 13616
That good enough?
>> No. 13617
>I concealed my identity on here reasonably, prayfully Not to be found by those Trolls.


>Also, because of them, it has been Impossible for me to get a job; damned negative background checks.

Sure, Chris, that's the only reason.
>y'all have been dragged into my darkness; for that, I feel deep shame and regret, and I am really sorry about that.


>I am Not the disgruntled, mean or perverted person they have mislabeled of me; I am only a normal, heterosexual, good natured, high-functioning autistic Tomgirl, and I want to be treated like a normal person.


Phew, I bet the tomgirl community was starting to worry.
>> No. 13618
where are the fellow tomgirls?
Strike while the irons hot, he could have still been online...
>> No. 13619
>Get Troll Hunter and Trollbane in on this, quick!
No. Definitely not.

There'd be far too much risk of screwing things up if they were brought into this. They have their own shit unrelated to this current bout of trolling.
Chris' faith lies in his fellow tomgirls/tomboys to serve as his "personal" TrollBusters. It's important that he uses them as a shoulder to cry on because he sees them as natural like-minded friends as opposed to straight-out forced "troll hunters".
>> No. 13620
Remember, Chris sees this as a clean slate, we should keep out anyone who can be traced back to pre-Tomgirl.
>> No. 13621

>implying that the trollhunter is anything but some desperate Youtube theatrics and could actually inspire/play a part in any saga
>> No. 13622
>Well Chris, you won't have to worry about this "CWCki" for much longer. Trust me on that, we'll take care of it. I have a cousin who's into computers and stuff, he took a Computer Science III course. I'll give him a shout and see if he can do something. If I were those trolls I'd be shivering in my boots right now.

Oh shit. It begins. You'd better return to the forum Chris...I swear to god
>> No. 13623
>Computer Science III

fuck, I lold
>> No. 13624
That was an incredibly irresponsible thing to say if you want to keep guiding him. He has read through much of what was on ED, and if he saw one of the frequent Mike Sandy references on there, he will know something is up.
>> No. 13625
He's logged in/posted at approximately the same time of day yesterday and today. So I'd probably expect his next activity to be at about the same time tomorrow as well.
>> No. 13626
File 131129226962.jpg - (49.41KB , 394x247 , obamatroll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fake and gay.
>> No. 13627
inb4ing doesn't make it any less true.
>> No. 13628
Samefag. Fuck off.
>> No. 13630

Late to the party are we?
>> No. 13631

He didn't log into his Youtube, it's been proven that there's some sort of glitch on Youtube, making every account that's been inactive for over a year show as logged in today.
>> No. 13632
If you give him a feeling of empowerment he will be back. He has no power in his real life. If you give it to him on the internet then the internet will be his sanctum
>> No. 13633
I think you are dead right about this. The only way the trollbuster's should get involved would be if Chris directly contacted them himself.

There's clearly been effort gone into this and it looks like something big is about to kick off. If the Trollbusters suddenly waded in it could scare him right off.
They should only get involved if it somehow occurred naturally.
>> No. 13634

lol, no.

GTFO faggot white knight.
>> No. 13635
So, does... anyone know where I can get more pictures of "Suchin"?
I am aware of that fact that she's a he.
>> No. 13636
>That was an incredibly irresponsible thing to say if you want to keep guiding him. He has read through much of what was on ED, and if he saw one of the frequent Mike Sandy references on there, he will know something is up.

I seriously doubt he spent too much time on ED aside from monitoring his own article. Between the gay imagery, large amounts of text, and inside jokes to which he would be oblivious, Chris would find much of ED boring or offensive.

However, I agree that meme insertion should be kept to a minimum, as there is always a chance he'll recognize something he associates with ED or /b/ and also because it generally is more stupid than funny anyway.
>> No. 13637
File 131129571835.png - (15.88KB , 972x182 , chrisyoutube.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That glitch seams to affect people who have been inactive for closer an year and I don't think he had been logged out for that long.

Also his account has a playlist called favorites which was updated 6 days ago.
>> No. 13638
>> No. 13639
>> No. 13640

Tineye.com is your friend.

Also yes, it is a trap.
>> No. 13641

>> No. 13642
Hot damn this is fucking epic. Now lets make sure we keep him, I can't handle another 6 month long dry spell
>> No. 13643

You're joking, right?
>> No. 13644
I don't think Chris has even seen them, so the only obstacle would be that they use big words that Chris can't understand. They'd have to dumb it down a little.
>> No. 13645
Thorg sure seems to hate homosexuals a bit much if you ask me, he's nearly as bad as Chris.
>> No. 13646
Tineye'd the picture and was led to a page that didn't even contain either of the pictures.
>> No. 13647
Hold everything, guys! We gotta make sure this anon finds his tranny porn alright!
>> No. 13648
Maybe 789chan should have a board for trannies since they are apparently so many here?
>> No. 13650
Chrissy must have retard raged after spending so long creating new user accounts only to find that the mods have prevented editing to our lulz

Time will tell if he goes to the police
>> No. 13651

What are you talking about?
>> No. 13652
File 131130104226.gif - (1.57MB , 330x186 , I___well___hmmm.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13653
God damn, that forum. That could keep us in business forever, providing he doesn't lose interest in being a tomgirl.
>> No. 13654
>I don't think Chris has even seen them, so the only obstacle would be that they use big words that Chris can't understand. They'd have to dumb it down a little.

Good thing they're too stupid and unfunny to make doing so worth our while.
>> No. 13655
I like that he approves of hacking and DDoSing websites he doesn't like and is basically still the wannabe dictator he always was.
>> No. 13656
File 131130315789.jpg - (25.96KB , 480x360 , working-on-it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's working on it.
>> No. 13657
You're right. Your fake forum that Chris posted all that hilarious stuff on was much funnier.
>> No. 13658
Lol, yeah. He's pretty much the sick lovechild of Adolf and Stalin. Anyone know some DOS alternatives that he might take on the CWCki so that we can prevent it?
>> No. 13659
Are you serious?

Chris is one of the most incompetent people alive and there is no way he is going to take down any site.
>> No. 13660
The CWCwiki needs to either go down because of a fake DDOS attack or better still, become festooned with pictures of tomgirls and ponies, with "TOMGRRL PRYDE!" plastered all over. Chris remembers the time his site got festooned with images of the male hoe-mo-sex-swulz, and he's get a delightful buzz from thinking that his hated CWCwiki site fell to the same fate. See how THEY like it. HAH!
>> No. 13661
That's true, by himself he's incompetent. But what about the people on the forums?
We should prepare for the worst.
>> No. 13662
No, see what he's bitching about. He wants his 2+ million negative google results to go away.
>> No. 13663
What? Are you aware of whats happening?
>> No. 13664
Perhaps not. I'm not in the loop as it were
If you're trying to say he hasn't got allies then I suggest you reread the thread posted above
>> No. 13665
File 131130533647.jpg - (112.58KB , 389x251 , LaughingGirls_laptop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>He thinks Chris has allies!
>> No. 13666
They're trolls.
>> No. 13667
Chris has never had allies. What bizarro world did you just stumble out of, good sir.
>> No. 13668
>But what about the people on the forums?

>> No. 13669

Christian Weston CHandler, get off the internet before I cut it down
>> No. 13670
File 131130552143.jpg - (15.90KB , 448x380 , AVGN facepalm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the- How do you...

If this is a troll, 10/10
>> No. 13671
Consider: the forum was there before the Tomgirl fiasco was posted on the CWCki. I'm sure Chris suspected a few were trolls but there is evidence to suggest that they're not.

If we can assume they're trolls then would they perhaps take down the forum? Perhaps with tools other than DOS, it would be important to work out before we lose our last contact with CWC.
>> No. 13672
Ok bud your milking it now. You got your laughs, move on
>> No. 13673
Is that you Carlos?
>> No. 13674
File 131130644870.jpg - (13.50KB , 350x226 , 1306189391899.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You should stop now.
>> No. 13675
File 131130661818.jpg - (17.21KB , 219x295 , herp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's fucking onto us guys...
This is it, dos attacks are coming...
let's get the fuck out of here before we're hacked ourselves
>> No. 13676
File 131130680994.jpg - (18.95KB , 297x369 , what_a_twist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13677
>actually thought Chris would browse here
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
>> No. 13678
That would be pretty funny.
>> No. 13679

Apparently, he learned nothing since the incident with the house videos. The Internet keeps what it gets. Forever.
>> No. 13681
I wonder what kind of quote a site like http://www.online-reputationmanagement.org/services/online-reputation-defender would give Chris.
>> No. 13682
Well, and all that was a long time ago.
>> No. 13684
That's a good point, apparently he never even posted for a month on that tomgirl forum until the new cwcki article appeared?
>> No. 13685
Yeah, go look up his posts.
>> No. 13686
File 131131363272.jpg - (70.50KB , 215x300 , 108.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>So unless you have a serious criminal record or there's stuff on your resume that's made up, it's all good, despite what happens when you Google your name.

>there's stuff on your resume that's made up
>> No. 13687
Also china.

But dangling a carrot just close enough to his head for him to almost reach it, while far enough to make him give us content can work for a while, it just needs to be handled right.
>> No. 13688
Think the most interesting thing is that this is Chris effectively acting a lot like some teenager. He's rebelling against his parents because he feels a sense of solidarity with a certain subculture. Very different from Sonichu Girls or any other forums he's been directed to since they were, essentially, either about him or Sonichu.

After hearing about the bathroom incident it seems to me that his gal-pal has replaced Barb as an enabler for Chris's behavior.
>> No. 13689
That feel doing a 10/10 troll and then dicking it up in the end
But we had some good times, didn't we?
>> No. 13690
>Think the most interesting thing is that this is Chris effectively acting a lot like some teenager.
Did Chris mentally turn 14? Maybe he'll be a decent human being when he's 60.

Oh, wait, there's no way he'll live that long.
>> No. 13691
I know this is off topic but has anyone ever figured out who Chris was talking to at the very end of Mumble 11?

>Chris: Yeah, it's a webcam. [Pause] Yeah, I ha- I haven't done anything like that in a- f- for da long time. [Pause] Yeah yeah, I've been stepping away from the Internet. [He pauses and/or gets cut off] ...webcam. [Long pause] ...and sometimes I would've been low-functioning, I guess. [Pause] [stressed] You don't have to do that; I'm not talking to the people.
>> No. 13692
Guys... what about just telling Chris to ignore the haters, that they can't touch him, and that the TomGirl forum users would never believe such 'slander' as they're used to haters hating on them.

You wouldn't get your awesome tard rage video, but you might get some good long term stories and a more confident Chris using the net.
>> No. 13693
I don't think Chris can ignore the haters and if it wasn't for the update it's questionable if Chris would still be posting there since he didn't post for a month before the CWCiki updated.
>> No. 13694
Just divide Chris's real age in half and you get his mental age.
>> No. 13695
Trolling really has consumed his life. I think giving him a small, false victory over what he obsesses will give us that much more power over him. Us being pvcc, of course, we don't do shit
>> No. 13696
Is that a wordfilter or something? Does /cw c/ wordfilter to pvcc? That'd make more sense.
>> No. 13697

>> No. 13698
This does need to happen. Though, for my mind, I think this does have potential beyond what we have already. Right now the forum is just a group of nameless people Chris probably doesn't care about, but they could turn this into a long term thing. If Chris is asking them to take down the CWCki, maybe they could stage it as a sort of "Troll war" or some such. The CWCki would occasionally go down, supposedly hacked by the tomgirls, and things would screw up with the forum too and the tomgirls could claim trolls trying to hack them. Chris would become immersed in the idea of a war against the trolls, and the forum could then move elsewhere, allegedly to escape the trolls. This way the PVCC could keep whatever else they were doing quiet on a different forum so no-one fucks it up, and they could periodically release info on CWCki, followed by the tomgirl forum claiming another hacking and moving again. And if Chris spent a lot of time on this tomgirl thing, he'd also get to know the forum members better, and he'd have a few internet friends to share emails with, sort of like he did with Vivian.
>> No. 13699
Chris is incredibly introverted and sociopathic. Throughout his entire life, Chris has only signed up on Internet forums for one of three reasons. 1. To make requests for things he wants (Sony forums mostly) 2. To learn about trolls (trolling train) or 3. For sweet, sweet china (sonichu girls)

Unless Chris has broken this trend and I'd genuinely hoping to join a transexual community and be a functioning member (the infrequency of his posts contradicts this however) the only plausible option is number 3.

By his own definition, tomgirls are mtf transexuals. As in men exhibiting feminine qualities. By contrast, tomgirls are fun transexuals. As in women exhibiting masculine qualities.

Unless he was expecting to find a true and honest female on this website, Chris was looking for companionship male and masculine women. Tl;dr: this is actually undeniably homosexual and it'd be funny to remind Chris of this if he ever comes back to the internet
>> No. 13700

I agree. There is a certain rebelious tone to his actions, mixed with his bi-curiosity. I was pretty amazed he came out to his parents, tomgirl and all. They must think he's gone insane.

But the way Chris acts, it's exactly like a stubborn child. They try to reason with him, but he just blots out reality and only wants to listen to himself and be the one that is right.

It's also disturbing the level of investment into this whole tomgirl persona. From the jewelery, clothing, make up and other shit. Yet he maintains he is straight through it all, even when his parents tell him that he's not.

The only regret I have in this, is not getting to see and hear Bob and Barb's pricless reactions to Chris as Tomgirl.
>> No. 13702
The tomgirl forum needs to be immune to attack. Chris has a huge hardon for one-sided battles and swift victories.
>> No. 13703
File 131136950232.jpg - (16.50KB , 754x103 , thatsalot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13704
Dayum son.
>> No. 13705
If that aspect of Chris is 'catered' to it could lead to a more confident and smug Chris.

Smug cocky Chris was pretty funny I thought.
>> No. 13706
I think the smartest thing to do here would be to get Chris to see that the CWCki article isn't actually trolling him so hard and get him to brush it off with support from the other people on the forum. Confidence is what he needs right now, and getting him to ignore trolls like he did back in '08 at least gives an opportunity for new videos to be released.
>> No. 13707
Smug Chris is only funny when it's followed up by a crash into slumber.
>> No. 13708
The part that interested me was that there are 497 POSTS, of which Chris has made 21.
Chris has made about 4% of the posts. The other 96% is trolls trying to get him to post.
>> No. 13709

Now there are 559 people on the board.
>> No. 13710
File 131137379898.jpg - (66.20KB , 1204x331 , ohgodwat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What really amuses me is the sheer amount of views Chris' thread has gotten in comparison to all the other threads.

I'd say it could potentially make him suspicious, but then this is the same person that just found a CWCki article that straight-out TOLD him the forum was a trolling ploy and he still didn't even realise.
>> No. 13711
Please, Chris is retarded, but he's not dumb. I HOPE he's just suspicious or something, but I think he's playing along.
>> No. 13712
I don't know. His idea of "playing along" at Trolling Train was "fuck" every fifth word and calling his family "the Damndlers".
>> No. 13713

Damndlers lawl.
>> No. 13714
If they did that, he wouldn't listen. He'd hear it as "We're not going to fight your battle for you, we're as useless as your fans are" and quit.

A white knight gave Chris a huge packet of information during the Trollin Train saga, before he made most of his posts there. It had a letter that flat out told him that everyone knew he was Jenkins, as well as a copy of an IRC chat with the incriminating evidence highlighted.

When he mentioned it to Jackie, he said that his disguise was "theoretically" lost to him. This is how stupid he is.

It's possible that he didn't even read the article. He may have just see it on Da Update and assumed the worst.
>> No. 13715
so whats the 411 on our little retard?
>> No. 13716
File 131137752074.jpg - (39.72KB , 420x279 , julay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> This thread
>> No. 13717
File 131137894839.jpg - (16.39KB , 750x105 , wat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seriously. What the fuck
>> No. 13720
Why would anybody try and register to the forum anyway? Do you actually think the inner circle would let you potentially fuck up something they're involved with?
Herp Derp ur naive
>> No. 13721
File 131137981342.jpg - (163.57KB , 849x901 , Screenshots.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So. You know. Save the effort.
>> No. 13722
This guy is full of shit. The fucking inner cicle is hoarding chris. We deserve the ability to interact with chrisaa Fuck you jimmy jizz
>> No. 13723
Hahaha jimmy jizz! That's a good one. Take that PVCC fags.
>> No. 13724
>> No. 13725
No, Bob did the highlighting.
>> No. 13726
File 131138054093.gif - (1.17MB , 380x393 , dzzBd.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Deal with it.
>> No. 13727
It can just be blamed on the amount of trolls coming to lurk. Which would be... 100% accurate.
>> No. 13728
I know! I want to scream JOOLAAAAAAAAAAAAY at Chris too! You Inner Circle fags are fucking up my epic trolling plans!!!
>> No. 13729
File 131138073852.png - (572.45KB , 706x426 , thatsall.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Heh cuzzes, hanging with Jimmy Jazz, he's laughing his ass off at that "Jimmy Jizz" jab. He said he would totally name fag that if he could.

Sorry we're not taking anymore registrations.
>> No. 13730

And for good reason.
Thank god registration is closed. You're a fucking moron if you think the forum should be open. Imagine the tidal wave of Julllaaayyy spergs who would flood it if it was.
>> No. 13731
One or 2 should be planted, and dealt with by the tomgirls
>> No. 13732
Chris is beyond the point of being freely trolled, you can't run shit like that anymore
>> No. 13733
It's funny that he's fallen for something as simple as a hugbox though.
>> No. 13734
I'm sure the admin can add accounts as he likes.
>> No. 13735
Does that surprise you? Chris's idiocy knows no limits. Like someone above said, a white knight sent him IRC transcripts and Trolling Train printouts in the mail and he still destroyed his PS3.
>> No. 13736
We are slowly coming upon the hour that Chris has posted on the forum for the past two days. Do you think he'll reply again tonight?

This is just so good, I don't want it to fizzle out. ;_;
>> No. 13737
Reading all of Chris's posts should confirm to any doubter that Chris does indeed has mental retardation
>> No. 13738
>Chris does indeed has mental retardation
>> No. 13739
Goddamn look at all the newfags joining the Cwcki.
>> No. 13740
Like clockwork.

>Thank you. Any help in this old battle to finally put it to rest would bebgreatly appreciated.

>God bless us all.
>> No. 13741
>By his own definition, tomgirls are mtf transexuals. As in men exhibiting feminine qualities. By contrast, tomgirls are fun transexuals.

Just to let you know, transexual people are different from transgendered people. Since you're trying to come off as all authoritative, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about, or so.
>> No. 13742
File 131138621269.jpg - (31.62KB , 400x400 , 1309332166948.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>or so.
>> No. 13743
Jesus. Okay, now something actually needs to happen to make him think he has a personal army.
>> No. 13744
If Chris found a legitimate forum for 'tomboys and tomgirls in Virginia', he would think it was a troll ploy and stay away. A painfully, obviously fake forum, on the other hand, he will join and fall for completely, no problem.

Oh Chris. It is like he's subconsciously ATTRACTED to things that will fuck him over.
>> No. 13745
Well, this was fun. Same time tomorrow guys?
>> No. 13746
Does he has any previous experience with forums?
- The forum is very new
- Everyone has a low post counts
- It immediately attracted the attention of other people
- His definition of "Tomboys and tomgirls" is "heterosexuals that like to play with gender roles. An obscure sub-culture that was defined in his own mind apparently attracts a huge attention specifically from people living in Virginia, yet, you can't find any other national or worldwide community
- As he was dropping all the Chris-chan references, no one, in clear internet forum culture shouted something like "LOL, you are the dude from 4chan that drinks his own semen?"
- After he reveled that he is indeed Chris-chan, still, no meme encyclopedia started a discussion about him?

He can't seriously get a little bit suspicious. I can only explain it by some sort of mental retardation way below "high functioning autism"
>> No. 13747
You think he has nay idea how internets work, considering his only exposure has been engulfed with laughter under ludicrousies?
You're doubly autistic
>> No. 13748

>> No. 13749
>Thank you. Any help in this old battle to finally put it to rest would bebgreatly appreciated.
>God bless us all.
>Have a Good Day and Stay Safe,
>a lot of people from /cwc/ have it in their head that the best course of action right now is to raid the CWCki in the name of the tomgirls. We're working on a similar plan right now but it needs to be taken one step at a time, not jumped into.

Something tells me that now that they have Chris hooked they don't quite know what to do with him.
>> No. 13750
File 131138870046.png - (31.40KB , 1630x190 , omg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New post from KookyDashy.
>> No. 13751
It's like Christmas in summer!
>> No. 13752
Christmas in July is an Australian thing
>> No. 13754

No. Retardation means that you're just "slow" (mentally). A lot of retarded people are bright. It's just that it seems to take a little longer for them to finish the thought.

Chris, on the other hand, is just a fucking skeevy freak of nature.
>> No. 13755
File 131139696349.jpg - (72.46KB , 476x356 , bert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

mfw Chris thinks he has a personal army again.
>> No. 13756
File 131139797525.jpg - (18.45KB , 366x380 , 1263274078409.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Aren't you going to help us fight your battle in any way?
>> No. 13757
Who's the dumbass who sperged at Chris?
>> No. 13758
I think it's more subtle than that.
He wants Chris to rally the "troops" (ie A YOUTUBE VIDEO PERHAPS HINT HINT).
Of course, subtlety is far beyond Chris's understanding.
>> No. 13759
You have to play hardball with Chris.

>> No. 13760
But any sign of agressiveness with Chris will probably scare him off, best to keep on good terms, at least for now, til he trusts the internet more.
>> No. 13761
A comfortable Chris does nothing. He'll cheer us on to fight the trolls for him, but without attaching strings to our work, we won't get anything out of him.
>> No. 13762
yall tarded
>> No. 13763
Maybe his ego will just think that is normal, I mean he outed himself as the world famous Christian Weston Chandler creator of Sonichu and before that he probably thought was merely the most charismatic person on the forum.

I guess technically it would be genderqueer ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genderqueer ) which will be pretty hilarious to mention to Chris at a later date.

As previously said by others in the thread it doesn't sound like it'd be the best long term plan to get a reaction from Chris unless that is just a smaller part of something greater.
>> No. 13764
Guydyke. Chris is a male-lesbian
A lesbian trapped in a man's body who wants to be in touch with his feminine side and still wants china.

... My god
>> No. 13766
We need to take our time, though. If we force him into action immediately, this won't last long.

The next moves need to be played very, very carefully.
>> No. 13767
I think that hes going to catch on that this is bullshit for the simple fact that the focus of the discussion is based around fighting against the trolls when the trolls havent directly threatened the tomgirls at large. Chris sees this as a personal attack, and without some sort of troll infiltration and ensuing battle, then he will catch on.
>> No. 13768
With a normal person I'd agree but I dunno with Chris, they've stated they are fairly technical savvy and able to out trolls and Chris was the one that mentioned who he was to group and probably perceives tomboys/girls to be a persecuted group who understands what it's like to be trolled.
>> No. 13769
Bro, the original article clearly stated that the forum was a troll forum, set up to bait Chris. He completely ignored this or didn't even read the article. He's a dipshit.
>> No. 13770
Eh, I don't think he'll catch on. He thinks that just having a cwcki article about us is an attack. His thread started out telling us that we've been "horribly mocked" or something.

We could toss in some "girl power" or "friends stick together" bullshit to drive the point home, if necessary.
>> No. 13771
It also mentioned Sonichu girls which I don't think he's realized was a troll forum or at least he hasn't stated that he realizes it was.
>> No. 13772
File 131140555048.jpg - (43.85KB , 347x346 , Stop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Seriously, just stop.
>> No. 13773

Nobody seriously thought he would destroy his pstriple for OVER 9000 in reward money. Then PS3 Destruction came out.

Nobody seriously thought he would dress in drag and wear women's clothes. Then the muscle bra, and eventually full-blown tomgirl emerged.

Why is it so difficult to believe he'll be fooled by this ruse?
>> No. 13774
You'll see...
>> No. 13776
No one is saying this isn't the case, but we are limited in the span of what is allowed to be done to the CWCki, as the admin won't let that shit fly. Anyways, I honestly don't know after all these years what chris' next move will be
>> No. 13778
It would probably work but be a one trick pony in that he'd fall for it once but wouldn't trust the site 100% again.
>> No. 13779
You're thinking in terms of a real person's definition of "battle". Chris likes the idea of being invincible and beating up his laughably weak opponent, and thinks this is the way all his battles should go. They're trying to reinforce this belief, hoping that doing so will lead to new content.
>> No. 13780
Chris is talking on the CWCki

IBAChandler Talk Page
For your information
One, "transsexual" is written with two S's. Two, it denotes a desire to be a different sex, not just dress like it, which Chris hasn't expressed. And three, it's not a negative quality and shouldn't be listed alongside all those negative qualities Chris has. - LucidFox 23:54, 22 July 2011 (PDT)
>> No. 13782
>Aren't you going to help us fight your battle in any way?
This type of behavior has a chance of stressing Chris and could likely make him withdraw from the whole thing.

I trust Thorg, but I really think they should tread lightly.
>> No. 13783

Yeah the cwcki told him in plain English that the forum was set up by trolls, just to get material out of him, and it somehow went over his head...

He's not catching onto shit.
>> No. 13784
Christ, I miss the days when all you had to do was call Chris gay and he'd fly into a magnificent rage for all to see. This is so precarious and unpredictable, and there's a good chance we won't get much out of this anyway.
>> No. 13785
I thought that too but Chris is far too lazy and I'm guessing he is just going to make some excuse about why he can't do anything.
>> No. 13786
We're not worried about keeping him around. We thought this venture was dead and to be honest, it probably is.
>> No. 13787
He means that he might just leave because criticism is too stuh-ressful.
>> No. 13788
When there's been absolutely nothing for almost a year and you pretty much have him hook line and sinker, I think you should be a little careful and not scare him off.
>> No. 13789
If this results in a new, honest to god rage video, I'll fellate the Inner Circle.
>> No. 13790
You'd have to get in line but I doubt they respond to or are aware of intangible fellatio offerage
>> No. 13791

It wont.
>> No. 13792
That's why I said I would.

People, we can't wait until Chris returns to make a move, we have to, at the very least, keep the forum active, active with posts discussing how to take down the cursed CWCki, it'll help keep Chris interested, if he's still checking the forum out.
>> No. 13793
Just put in the cwcki article a load of shit mocking the ''tomgirls'', and slanderous shit about Chris like he's met up and fucked a load of them and get a fake war going between them.
>> No. 13794
File 131142370392.jpg - (152.05KB , 464x587 , Christian_Love_Day_Declaration.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's the thing, we don't. At least not in the way you think we do.

Fatty is perfectly happy to let us raid the cwcki or whatever he wants. But he's not going to do anything amusing in response. Or, if we do plan to do anything, we need to secure his help as we do it.

We have to connect, in his mind, "attacks on da twolls" with "making videos/posts".

If we don't do that first, we're just wasting our time.

Maybe a troll site can go down, but Chris has to rally the troops, so to speak, with a video. We saw his fabulous oratory skills on the cwcki, and that would bring a bunch of tomgirls to the battle. Or something.
>> No. 13795
If all fails and he stops posting I guess you can always just try find the best way to make him angry, maybe have an increasing number of trolls register and insult Chris/the members and eventually have the admin close the board due to it being unmanageable or something.
>> No. 13796
His response made it very clear he wasn't interested in participating...
"ok, I'll wait for you to take down cwcki, kthxbye"

I hope he takes the bait with the email, but I don't expect much... maybe another response onto why he's soooo stressed and huuurt and he can't help, maybe.
>> No. 13797
He's already in "give up" mode.
>> No. 13798
Assuming being put in charge of an anti-troll army doesn't appeal to his ego.
>> No. 13799
I think this has been handled well so far.

I'd think the idea of taking down the CWCki would be enough to get him to do something requiring as little effort as writing "Ray" an email... but then again, it's Chris.
>> No. 13800
His ego is the weakest part of his personality.
>> No. 13801

There's still the word naive to push Chrissie's button. He's admitted how much it upsets him.
>> No. 13802
Ego vs. Laziness, Heaven or Hell, Duel 1, LET'S ROCK!
>> No. 13803
>> No. 13804
I really don't see what's difficult about what we should be doing next. It's simple, fake an attack on the CWCki, keeping it down for a couple of days then Chris will assume he's finally got something over us and he'll go into smug Chris mode. At the very least we'll get some videos. At the worst a few funny comments on the forum.
>> No. 13805

Yeah exactly the thing is/was winding down anyway, so I don't know why they aren't doing this obvious final push.
Might as well try the cwcki attack plan before the reveal, it would be a wasted opportunity if they don't
>> No. 13806
We're not getting a video. As has been said a few times in this thread, you don't just hand Chris things. He'll do absolutely nothing in response.
>> No. 13807
I have a feeling it won't be that easy to just make Chris go and create videos like that.

If the CWCki "went down", all he'd probably do is just say "kthnx" to the people on the Tomgirl forum and go back to playing his PSTriple in the safe knowledge that da trolls haven't got their site anymore.

I don't really think he'd be that inclined to gloat on camera at this point in time.
>> No. 13808
Tomgirl has taught us there's no second guessing Chris at all.
He could do anything
>> No. 13809

I would not be so sure. Chris HATED ED for the longest time, and when it became OhInternet he said absolutely nothing about it. I just don't think he cares enough anymore. All he cares about now is video games and waltzing around in womens clothing.
>> No. 13810
Was Chris even aware of ED's change to OhInternet?
>> No. 13811
File 131145230937.jpg - (19.12KB , 441x332 , 1237602896123.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay here's the plan:

We're going to convince Chris that the trolls really did dig up Patti, and stole the corpse. Then when he's like "No they did not" be all like "YEAH THEY DID JIM DID IT HIMSELF GO SEE FOR YOURSELF"

Then have him dig up patty for realsies.

Shit's gonna be so boss.
>> No. 13812
i dont think he even knows that the ED page went down. This is an odd predicament because Chris is only minimally engaged in all this, he gave up until it was posted. I think he is done with the forum; he may be getting away from even the Tomgirl phase. There will still be vestiges of it, but it is jsut settling into his identity. It is becoming a part of who he is, not just who he is.

Here is an idea. Post some youtube videos made by others about being a tomgirl here are some examples. This could root him out.

>> No. 13813
Take the CWCki down to make him think he's won and that the internet is safe again.
It's not like anyone is going to miss the CWCki for a few days
>> No. 13814
>he may be getting away from even the Tomgirl phase. There will still be vestiges of it, but it is jsut settling into his identity. It is becoming a part of who he is, not just who he is.
Why do you think that?
>> No. 13815

It's been discussed before; the CWCki admins won't go for it.
>> No. 13816

No idea why.
Pretty dickheadish
>> No. 13817
>> No. 13818

If what people have said here is anything to go by, they don't want to use the CWCki to troll Chris directly, or something to that effect.

Not sure I get it either, but well... it's their site.
>> No. 13819

They wouldn't even have to "raid" the cwcki. Just replace the front page with something that says, "This domain has been seized by the Cyber Police" for a couple days.
>> No. 13820
I'm the OP of the post you're replying to. The thing that all you autistic "hurr we can't hand Chris anything good. He's evil and doesn't deserve anything durr" people don't realise is that temporarily taking down the CWCki DOESN'T BENEFIT CHRIS IN THE SLIGHTEST. The all caps for emphasis. Yes, it does give Chris a brief, fleeting moment of victory but the disappointment when the CWCki comes back will more than make up for it. We just need to remove the CWCki for long enough to see his reaction, then they can do what they want with the website.

Perhaps the CWCki guys have something else planned, they pay to provide the website and it's there choice. But I just know this is going to mean in the future we're going to have "WHAT IF OP realised the CWCki had been hacked by his fellow Tomboys and Tomgirls or so?"
>> No. 13821
>> 80225

...and then we dig up his dead dog and roll him off a bridge.
>> No. 13822
Dear retards;

The "CWCki is down now Chris tiem to start doing things again!" was tried the last time the CWCki was down for longer than a few hours. He gave no fucks.

Stop being newfags for fucks sake.
>> No. 13823
>Just send him an email to confirm it's you and he'll take it from there.

This I think is a lot smarter as phase 2 than fake raiding the CWCki: getting another direct line of communication between the trolls and Chris that doesn't involve his gal-pal. Hopefully he'll take this bait.
>> No. 13824
I think that you'll find that this situation is very different than what you're referring to. This time Chris believes he has a personal army who is willing to defend him from the trolls at all costs. The time the CWCki was down he new he was still being trolled and hence wasn't able to feel safe. Now however, his army of website hacking Tomgirls and Guys are going to give him a false sense of security which will hopefully see him return to the internet a little more.

Insistent on one flawed concept and 100% sure that you're right... You shouldn't be calling others retards when you're clearly an assburger.
>> No. 13826
It's not about not giving Chris anything good. We just want him to do something, anything.
>> No. 13827
File 131146754124.jpg - (84.14KB , 634x490 , ShecameforCWC_(200803).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay, this ma either be considered the dumbest idea ever or completely viable.

Have a Megan character join as a Tomboy.
>> No. 13828

I know, let's dig up Patti, and have her join as a tomboy (or is it sirebitch?).
>> No. 13829
Or we can be a faggot and suggest digging up patti
>> No. 13830
I'm getting my snacks ready for tonight's installment of Kookydashy.
>> No. 13831
You never know
>> No. 13832
Yes. Yes you do.
>> No. 13833
Boy, oh boy. /cwc/ turns to cannibalism pretty quick after a harvest.
>> No. 13834
It could potentially work, if Chris hasn't revealed himself.

They could have played the incident where a gay friend kissed Megan as her having a thing for tomgirls.
>> No. 13835
Regardless, I think it is guaranteed to spur some sort of reaction from him.

Something like, I am Megan Schroeder and I left Virginia becasue of it's intolerance for tomboys and tomgirls. I didn't know that it had a name or that there were others like me there. Now knowing this, I want to return to Charlottesville, but I do not know where to go or stay. It's been a rough few months for me, I can't even pay my cell phone bill. Are there any other Tomboys like me out there?

And just keep posting in the tomboys section for a week. Then, have her "stumble" onto Chris in the Tomgirls section.
>> No. 13836
He's editing the CWCki some more.

"It should also be noted that in the show itself Applejack is depicted as hardworking, independent, athletic, quick witted and modest, and is loved by her peers and the citizens of Ponyville because of this. In short, she is a polar opposite of Chris in every conceivable way."

From the Welcome Template, likely testing how to edit
"Don't worry I am just here to help."
>> No. 13837
File 131147634273.jpg - (200.74KB , 1554x801 , Teeth_by_David_Shankbone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Begun, the clone wars have.
>> No. 13838
File 131147681386.png - (16.68KB , 415x75 , no.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Freecell hangs out here, is this IP from 14 Branchland Ct?
>> No. 13839

> adds negative information about Chris without all caps or swear words.

yeah, it's Chris alright.
>> No. 13840

Not Chris, not enough weird idiosyncrasies. Plus, I would bet a testicle Chris would've spelled it AppleJack, with his massive boner for capitals and all that.
>> No. 13841
Two separate users, both newfags.

Not Chris.
>> No. 13842
I wish he were editing the CWCki. Remember the JJ article about Burger King? That shit was fucking incomprehensible.
>> No. 13843
Anything troll-related (like a tomgirl v troll war) is just going to push Chris away.

Here's another idea. The TomGirl forum increases their security, and requires every member to submit a video of themselves (in drag, explaining why they love being a tomgirl/boy) to prove that they are true and honest tomgirls and not trolls.
>> No. 13844
>everyone is a fake
>> No. 13845
File 131148287842.jpg - (7.13KB , 279x313 , jenkins.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
very original. /sarcasm
>> No. 13846

As much as I don't really see it happening (because, as >>80300 has pointed out, everyone else in that forum is a troll) I think a video of tomgirl Chris, however short, would be worth it.
>> No. 13847
Where was the JJ video shot? It's way too fucking clean to be his house.
>> No. 13848
The goal is to get a video, not knock /cwc/ over with my stunning creativity.
And your reference illustrates that this plan has a history of succeeding.
>> No. 13849
No shit.
The members all have to send their videos to the forum admin, not post them publicly. So the admin can say "wow, I got fifty vids so far!" etc.
That or just steal some videos from some gay dating site or something.
>> No. 13850
File 131148492054.jpg - (82.84KB , 400x225 , ronny5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think a mock CWCki raid yielding original content has as much chance of succeeding as a one legged cat trying to bury a turd on a frozen pitcher's mound. Chris doesn't want to lead the attack, that's too much stuh-ress. Chris won't participate in the attack if other people are doing his work for him.

I think the forum trolls handled things well considering they made him comfortable enough to get him back to the forum after the intial personal army request topic. Maybe he should continue to feel like that forum is a safe haven rather than try to milk the lolcow right now.
>> No. 13851
The bathroom of a Goodwill store. You can hear the loudspeaker and see the trashcan in the background
>> No. 13852
File 131148900386.jpg - (8.53KB , 215x235 , index.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13853
You're obviously the one with no idea. Chris wasn't interested in Troll Hunter or the Trollbusters because troll hunter was one single person, who offered no real means to take down Chris's trolls, he was blatantly trying to troll Chris in fact and he was informed by Rocky or someone that the Troll Hunters was likely to be a trap to lure him into returning to the internet.

Yes Chris had no interest in those other forums but it's been proven by his posting on the Tomgirls and guys website that he does have an interest in these people and that interest needs to be furthered. There's no long term harm that will be done by taking the CWCki down for a few days, if it works in getting a reaction out of Chris that's great, if it doesn't, what's the big fucking problem? We can put back up the website and everything goes back to normal without any issues.

Trying to argue that it's not worth at least trying to pretend to take down the CWCki for a few days is like trying to argue 2 and 2 equals 5.63. It's not viable.
>> No. 13854

No, you legitimately don't understand...

At various points, Chris has been convinced he's had a personal army honestly fuck up trolls and the CWCki before. Because he's so up his own ass, his natural response to them all was along the lines of "Goddamn right you did, next time don't take so long...".

in his head, if you're his friend/follower/fan whatever, taking out his enemies isn't something your rewarded for doing, you're just expected to just do it, because he's the True and Honest creator of Sonichu.

Stop acting like there's a potential goldmine to be had and everyone else is just too stubborn to be bothered with it, the shit has *been done*, repeatedly, regardless of whether or not you demand to see it firsthand to be convinced of it.
>> No. 13855

Chris wasn't interested in Trollhunter because he probably doesn't even know who the fuck he is, and even if he did, he wouldn't give a shit. Trollhunter is just some lame Youtube act, it's not mean to be part of any saga or turned into one.
>> No. 13856
Wait what? Is this response to the fake wiki takedowns recorded on the CWCki or anything? Not arguing they aren't or anything, just curious.
>> No. 13857
This tomgirl fiasco makes me really wish Jackie had pushed Chris further with the whole cross-dressing and empathizing-with-me-more-goddamnit shit. We could have had the tomgirl saga months earlier.

What could have been, eh?
>> No. 13858
But then we wouldn't know if Chris had just been pushed into it or it was something he wanted to do.
>> No. 13859
Does it matter? Debasing Chris is debasing Chris.
>> No. 13860
God damn it... Look at ourselves, guys. We're sitting here, huddled around a fake forum, desperate to lure out a retard and get him to do anything.

Sure, it's Chris, but is it really worth all this? We have plenty of other perfectly funny lolcows hanging around.
>> No. 13861

Yeah it does matter.

All this shit is all the more hilarious knowing Chris has done it off his own back, with no influence. It's alot more mind blowing.
If a troll had just got him to do it, it would be still funny, but nowhere near the level of what the fuckery it is now
>> No. 13862
The board is called /cwc/. That's because Chris is our primary lolcow. No-one's saying the other lolcows aren't funny in their own way, but are you really suggesting that after months without Chris, now that he's come back we should just forget about him because it takes too much effort to get him to do anything?
>> No. 13863
Your logic would have been 100% correct about Chris a few years ago. What you're not taking into account though, is believe it or not, Chris has changed considerably recently. I'm pretty sure he now knows for a fact he has very few fans and the appearance of his own personal army will perhaps be enough to convince him to return.

No CWCki downtime has ever been as intimately related with Chris as this downtime would be. What you're stating is your opinion of what would happen if the tompeople helped Chris temporarily defeat the CWCki and that's okay, because I'm just stating my opinion of what would happen. As it's already been said before in this thread, it's impossible to accurately predict how Chris is going to react to anything these days. I'm sure all of us were expecting Chris to be disgusted and hurt after realising he had fell for the fake forum trick again but instead he misunderstood the article and fell right back into the trap.

It's obvious several people share your opinion that taking down the CWCki is a waste of time because it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon but I just can't see why. We can only speculate how he will react, his reaction could just be a nonchalant "well done my loyal Sonichu fans" or fully blown smug Chris could re-appear his ugly head but regardless, we would actually be able to see what happens instead of asking what if. Just seems like the wise move to make in my opinion. Seems like some of the "inner circle" have another scheme cooking so it's not the end of the world if the CWCki doesn't get taken down for a while.
>> No. 13864
words... all those words about a retard
>> No. 13865
And to be honest, other than few days of downtime, nothing will be lost.
>> No. 13866

Are you new here, or are you just far past setting up one of those "lol i was just trollin i knew I was spewing retardery from the start BUT BOY HOWDY DID IT MAKE U MAD LAWL!" posts you idiots around here are so fond of?

It didn't work before, it's not going to work now, and your reasoning for thinking it will this time is retarded. A retarded misunderstood something and decided not to abandon ship; oh yeah, it's 2008 all over again. Why, he might even dig Patty up himself with the way things are going now.
>> No. 13867
People being paranoid about trolling Chris cuz he's paranoid.

Derp Infinity.

This is really a shitload of awkward just to get a video out of Chris.
>> No. 13868
Further legitimize the forum by outing a "troll" and have the fellow tomgirls gang up on him.
Might gather a Chris post or two, it's considerably lazier than faking an attack on the cwcki.
But you could also do that, or bring up discussion about it.
>> No. 13869
They could just have a troll register and make fun of Chris/Tomgirls, if he was ashamed that the trolls found out about the forum maybe he'd be even more so that one got into the forum?
>> No. 13870
All this speculation/these suggestions are pointless.
The PVCC know about trolling Chris better than any of us, and they've already said they've got it under control. Just because things aren't happening out in the open, doesn't mean something isn't going on behind the scenes.
Just sit back and wait
>> No. 13872
Why don't you just shut the fuck up with the cannibalistic failtroll bullshit. No one has time or desire to hear it. Grow the fuck up faggot.
>> No. 13873
File 131153291022.jpg - (6.48KB , 187x135 , Drogo2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Or maybe he'd become paranoid that his bestfriend treehouse was comprimised and never come back.


This, goddamn.
>> No. 13874
File 131154229372.jpg - (62.68KB , 400x299 , hrmph.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Your logic would have been 100% correct about Chris a few years ago. What you're not taking into account though, is believe it or not, Chris has changed considerably recently.
>Chris has changed considerably recently.
>Chris has changed

Chris. Chris never changes.

He may be a transvestite now but he's still the same idiot.
>> No. 13875
File 131154277327.jpg - (7.26KB , 260x195 , shrug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
64,000 views on a three page thread where Chris posted 3 times. Makes sense that he backed off.
>> No. 13876

There is no way Chris fucking noticed this fuck
Once again, the Cwcki already told him this place was fake and it went over his head, then he went back to post again

the guy has the brainpower of a brick
>> No. 13877
File 131154348711.jpg - (18.80KB , 413x456 , crash.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The manchild has changed. He has become paranoid about trolls, specifically trolls pretending to be attractive girls. Hopefully there's some email correspondence between him and the members of the tranny forum going on right now
>> No. 13878
>There is no way Chris fucking noticed this fuck
>> No. 13879
Is that Nick Bates?
>> No. 13880
File 131154668351.jpg - (6.83KB , 286x176 , index.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's your barbecue man, and it tastes good.

To all the speculators and armchair trolls out there just relax. It has been a while since we got some good Chrischan stuff. We can all wait a little longer as the organized people take care of it.

If you do it yourself, you're most likely to fuck something up. Just relax and enjoy the show.
>> No. 13881
This is my take on it.

1. Don't bother trying to get Chris back into making videos. He's still got a phobia about doing them now, and any prodding to make him do anything makes him whine and resist even more.

2. The best plan is to simply keep running the forum as if it were legit. Chris can't seem to hold in any secret, so let Chris in his own good time divulge any embarrassing details, like the way his parents are finally starting to get ashamed of their tardspawn. This way, the best source of any CWC news (like when his parents finally croak) is from Chris himself.

The days of Chris making a fool of himself on video are gone, but then again, what CAN Chris do to humiliate himself on screen that he hasn't already done? He's fucked blowup dolls, shoved sharp objects up his ass, and even raped a snowbank. Just be glad for what we already have and just allow Chris to keep us updated on his latest antics & Fails on his own time.
>> No. 13882
Hey PVCC guys or whoever is in on this shit, can you tell us if Chris has contacted you since his last post?
>> No. 13883
>...[the trolls] are vicious, crazy, wickedly smart people.

Um... Thanks, Chris.
>> No. 13884
Not the point, the point is to make him feel more safe on the internet, not to get him to make a video directly because of this.
>> No. 13885
File 131155832915.png - (268.87KB , 570x300 , breaking squid.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seeing is that everyone is bothering Thorg, I'm just going on his behalf to tell the impatient nuts to chill out.

>Did Chris contact you yet?
Wouldn't give you an honest answer due to counter trolls.

>is something in the works?
Again not telling you

>is he going to do anything soon?
Don't hold your breathe for tonight.

All I will say is something is going on, and it won't be rushed by impatient pricks.

Watch Breaking Bad, thats what I'm doing tonight!
>> No. 13886
You're embarrassingly autistic. Someone states their opinion in a mature, reasonable way and you respond back with this narrow minded, anal "I'm right and I'm not going to argue with your points or anything because I'm right and I'm a special little snowflake who's right and that's the end of conversation" attitude.
>> No. 13887
I'm surprised to see how many people's minds lack depth. The idea behind this whole forum scheme is to slowly get Chris back onto the internet and maybe have him feel a false sense of security. You don't scare the autistic fish away when it nibbles at the bate.
>> No. 13888
File 131156330822.jpg - (21.27KB , 389x388 , LD Babby.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

New Curb your Enthusiasm tonight too :>
>> No. 13889
They seem to have an idea, they've done everything short of flat out saying YES, we're doing something, and they want new Chris content just as much as we do. We've already waited, what, over half a year for substantial new content? I'm certain the weeks/months/whatever required to make something work will be worth it.
>> No. 13890

Then don't take down all of CWCki. All Chris posted about, and presumable what TBTGoV would care about, is the CWCki page describing their forum. Thus, have that page be modified to remove Chris-chan reference and speak of the tomboys forum in a neutral/mildly positive light, then have some forum users post that they were successful in forcing CWCki to remove slanderous comments. Lure Chris, milk lulz, etc.
>> No. 13891
This is a self-destructive fanbase. The Facebook incident may drive that point home. People can't wait.

You wonder why they keep information from us.
>> No. 13892

Aaaaww yeeeaah

Britfag here so I'm going to have to wait a couple of days for it to appear on the net
>> No. 13893
Yo, Teets. What's the odds that the Dilluminati are withholding SOMETHING? Anything? Major, that is. Not like Kacey Call #420193
>> No. 13894
I get that I think the concern that some of the non insiders were having is the lack of Chris posting anything and thinking he might have just went into isolation again/got scared away since he didn't post on the forum for a month and then just made a thread to try and get people to help him bring down the trolls and didn't post anything else.
>> No. 13895
There's amazing stuff. No clue when it can be released though. Could be a year, could be a month or it could be tomorrow.
>> No. 13896
All right just thinking out loud here.

So in a war between tomgirls/boys and trolls, you can't have the toms win and destroy the CWCki because Chris isn't gracious enough to actually do anything in gratitude. And you can't have the trolls win and destroy TToV because then Chris won't have a place to go online and he'll be scared off.

What about this: The trolls win, BUT they are willing to let TToV continue to exist iff Chris will meet their demands (which will obviously be some kind of new content, or perhaps even a steady stream of it). This way doesn't just say fuck it all and leave the internet, instead he not only gets to stay with his internet hugbox buddies, he has extra incentive to stay with them because leaving them will get them wiped out.

Perhaps a new villainous troll character would be appropriate to create for this saga. A homophobic troll who hates the Tomgirls'/boys' refusal to adhere to the standard gender aesthetics and wants to force Chris to put on some goddamn pants. He could spout lines quoted directly from Chris' older videos to decry the Tomgirls; Chris could possibly even be goaded into arguing against his own words.
>> No. 13898
What if I were to fellate you?
>> No. 13899

True, Chris wouldn't go out of his way to help anybody. But it wouldn't be going out of his way if all we demanded of him was something he wanted to do anyway. And even though it took no work at all, his doing it to save the site would appeal to his martyr complex. Then once he'd jumped through one easy hoop, we could maybe make him keep jumping through it and add the occasional new hoop along the way.

Maybe it could go like this. First ultimatum: We'll only spare TToV if Chris can convince us it deserves to exist, haha and there's no way he can do that! Thisll prompt Chris to write some pompous drivel about freedom and masculinity and the american dream and the power of tomgirl friendship or whatever, which will be hilarious in its own right and which the trolls can pretend to be impressed by. Once he's written one and gotten tons of positive attention for it, he could probably be convinced to write more later.

Ah whatever. This is just an idea and the inner circle probably have better ones anyway.
>> No. 13901
>Bluespike going "eBay!" and Chris going "NO!" over and over

Nah...that was funny as shit.
>> No. 13902

What if they've already told you they're in the middle of doing something, and it isn't that so you're just wasting your time
>> No. 13903
You can't hold his attention for that long. If it takes any longer than five minutes, he'll go back to PS3. That's why he left tomgirl in the first place.

And it's not that we can't just hand him stuff. It's just that, if you do something for him, you have to secure payment ahead of time.
>> No. 13904

Or, and I'm sure this is a ludicrous and totally nonviable idea but...

..maybe NOT demand this be played out like an increasingly poor children's cartoon show?

In real life forums don't get hacked in a week and trolling very rarely goes past "Hey... hey dude... YOU'RE A FAGGOT LAWL!", why does there need to be an ever increasing escalation of these ridiculous "plots" when the payoff is nearly identical every single time?

And I the only one thinking it? What's the point of "Sagady Saga; the Saganing 5 This time With a Black Guy"? Why are idiots still coming up with "characters" and "villains" and shit? I'm almost positive the same thing would happen if "some trolls" called Chris a faggot and "Darrel McCloud, amateur hacker and freelance Cracked.com columnist and his friends Eric, Derrick and Kevin who work over at the Lynchburg Virginia Academy of Fine Arts a few weeks every summer" did the exact same thing that the outcome would be the same.

Why do trolls NEED to kill the forum? Why do the genderbenders NEED to take out CWCki? Why do you idiots NEED this to be trotted out like some uniquely terrible anime series? If Chris was making up plots against him in his head about Mary Lee Walsh and the Target cops in his head with nobodys assistance and making shit hilarious, why do you idiots keep trying to wasting your time on this shit? Especially since you're wasting more and more effort for less and less output?

You're not spies, you're baiting a retard. I can imagine the orgasmic feeling of having a retarded person scream the name of your faggot "trollsona" in a video, but all of you faggots are overthinking this shit.
>> No. 13905
>And I the only one thinking it?

No sir, you are not.
>> No. 13906
I'm thinking it to.

You know what we could do? Fuck all these elaborate plans and mind games, they're wasted on Chris. Lets just get him to make some posts on Ponychan and troll two targets at once.
>> No. 13907

That's kind of what this place is here for. Anybody who no longer enjoys it is free to leave at any time, we don't have to call the whole thing off just so you can stop posting. We certainly don't need you to tell us that we don't have to do this.
>> No. 13908
File 131161382188.jpg - (20.10KB , 210x243 , 1252928958872.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You kniw, we could just go with my plan...
>> No. 13909

They tried pulling a "weak link" stunt on TT. Almost worked, in that it cause Chris to be nervous about being found out.
>> No. 13910
File 131161799242.jpg - (31.73KB , 400x581 , Weenhoss.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yup, see:

>> No. 13911
File 13116186523.jpg - (4.95KB , 160x136 , th_cockpunch.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I still wish Chris had burned down his own house as Bluespike demanded. Whoever it was that had to jump in and said "Bluespike, NO!" deserves a fucking cockpunch.
>> No. 13912
But they don't...
>> No. 13913
I don't think you understand.

If Chris sees things working the way he thinks they should, it makes him more comfortable. It just so happens that he thinks reality works like a uniquely terrible anime or children's show. If it played out any other way Chris would sigh, complain about stress, and go back to the PS3. Going against his perception of reality (translation: not being a hugbox) is probably what got him to quit for a month, come to think of it(though it's still funny).
>> No. 13914
But they do. They really do.
>> No. 13915
>Lets just get him to make some posts on Ponychan

You must be new if you think that Christian would agree to join any community with "chan" as part of it's name.


You must be new if you think that Christian would have burned down his house, as that's where he keeps all of his toys and videogames.
Christian never agrees to trade, pawn or give away anything, he only wants to find a clever way to recover what's stolen from him without having to do or sacrifice anything.
>> No. 13916
I used to think that too, but not according to my psychology professor. Lots of cultures have different genders, the general "western culture" of today just so happens to be heteronormative. Or something. It's been a few years.
>> No. 13917
Chris believes that all men should be forced to wear bras. If he ruled the world he'd make it illegal to go bra-less.
>> No. 13918
Chris is a faggot.
>> No. 13919
>Christian never agrees to trade, pawn or give away anything...
He pawned some of his older video games during the Jackie saga.

Dumb ass, he could have gotten a lot more if he made the minimal effort of auctioning them on ebay.
>> No. 13921
Do any other cultures' gender involve chopping off your dick?

Anyway, trannies aren't even defying Western gender norms, they're just trying to conform to the norm they weren't born into.
>> No. 13922

You answered your own question.
>> No. 13923
Chris' thread on Tomboy/Tomgirl has over 65,000 views. FUCK!
>> No. 13924
Again, we don't really know if Chris can put two and two together.
>> No. 13927
Well I don't know what you'd count, but for the most part they seem pretty involved the labor force and education. Often in professional jobs. I don't think they have the option of not working.

Then again I'm only friends with one transperson and knew her from uni, so that might not be a good sample. The whole lady-lawyer thing fits into some roles from feminism though.
Oh and unlike ADF they're quite passable, it makes me wonder if failing at life goes right allong with failing at transitioning.
>> No. 13928
File 131162938034.jpg - (59.59KB , 500x314 , Carl-Sagan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the Saganing
>> No. 13929

Actually, I think we can safely say he can't, since he somehow managed not to be tipped off by it being directly stated on the CWCki that the forum was fake.
>> No. 13930
dude chill even if he does notice (he won't) the admin on the sight can just say it's a glitch in the matrix or whatever and Chris would be none the wiser.
This is a guy that believes God spoke to him through a mall animatronic. He literally believes that by eating your own semen you can maintain a high sperm count. He is retarded, like legit mentally retarded. He won't notice the view counts and put 2 and 2 together.
>> No. 13931

It's all a moot point, Chris already knows trolls are looking at his posts on the forum, the number of views does nothing to dispel his belief that the forum is real.
>> No. 13932
The "not work" element of the Western feminine gender has been weakened so much over this past century that I don't think it really counts.
>> No. 13933
>Picture from show.
>Quote from show.

Your as bad as Chris, you fucking ponyfag.
>> No. 13934
File 131163514595.jpg - (28.70KB , 300x273 , 131099403648.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he knows it's a quote from the show
>> No. 13935
He knows that he knows a quote from the show.
>> No. 13936
I don't know how many time this has to be mentioned but

ATTENTION: Chris didn't realise that the Tomgirl forum was a fake when the Cwcki told him in plain english that is was a troll forum set up to make him look like a moron

He is not going to notice the view count of his threads. And even if he does, there is no way he has the brain power to put 2 and 2 together.
>> No. 13938
We know he knows that he knows a quote from the show.
>> No. 13939

>Chris already knows trolls are looking at his posts on the forum

Shit, I hadn't thought of that.

Guess we can probably forget about him posting any more worthwhile stuff there.
>> No. 13940
Is it just me, or has /cwc/ become even more inactive than usual recently? Naturally, this place should be active from the recent update, while this does not seem to be the case.
>> No. 13941
Lost a lot of people during the long dry spell?
>> No. 13942

That's because CWC trolling is dead. we're now reduced to a bunch of elite super soldiers "acting" on a tranny message board, waiting for some retarded guy to post on it.

Just shut down PVCC, /cwc/, and all the other Chris-chan websites down already, and make the CWCki a read only archive, only updating on once in a blue moon when Chris makes his newest rip off character for the latest Playstation 9,001 shovelware game.
>> No. 13943
File 131165891622.png - (101.49KB , 900x415 , chris_chan_trollin_by_reddysetred-d3kwdf7.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pic related. It's CWC trolling in 2011.
>> No. 13944
That's not my point, you're right, but it's not my point. It seems like this board was more active BEFORE the update.
>> No. 13945
/cwc/ still has plenty to troll, it should not be shut down, you overdramatic sperg.
>> No. 13946
PVCC isn't Chris related.
>> No. 13947
Your Mom is.
>> No. 13948
is there a good way you could get someone on the forum or even real life spreading a "vicious rumour" that all tomgirls are gay?

he doesn't give a shit about the forum but tomgirl seems to be enough a part of his identity that it might be something he'd rage over

I think what really makes him rage is rumours, or people making "everyone" believe certain things he doesn't agree with; remember he still thinks the whole world knows who he is
>> No. 13949
Chris is done trolling the guys who set that forum up I think. He got them to put some serious work in! 500 posts? Shit! Then he drew them all back in, hell the kid got 65,000 views for one thread.
>> No. 13950
File 131166600123.png - (440.19KB , 629x472 , Beefing Bad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And yet We're still getting people trying to sign up to the forum ever since it's public mention.
>> No. 13951
Don't be so sensitive, you know I;m just fucking with you.
>> No. 13952
Per person it's not that bad. It's just over ten posts a person. In fact, he had 22 posts himself.
>> No. 13953
You (well, and the rest of /cwc/) really have no clue what Chris is like in 2011.
>> No. 13954
What is he like in 2011 then?
>> No. 13955
Well, mostly the same as he was in 2010. Ridiculously lazy. He will bend over backwards to find reasons to abandon something. And the icing on the cake is that he'll feel good doing it.

If you give Chris troll dox, he won't make a video gloating. He'll hand it to the police. "Dey're workin on it" Then he'll sit around feeling smug about all that work he did. He might even have to take a day off to recuperate.

"Chris, you should get a job, it'll make you more social."
"Yeah, well the background checks on da google dere."
"Chris, that's not what a background check is-"


He says it again here. I'm pretty sure Jackie bitched at him for this too. No matter how many times you tell him background checks are for felonies (of which he has none), he will still complain about "da google".

And this is how he is with everything. Anything you want him to do, he'll find an excuse. He can't draw, he has no inspiration. He can't make videos, da trolls will make fun of him. You can't tell him the trolls are gone because he sees 2 million search results for "Christian Chandler".

Not that this is necessarily hopeless. You can get small things out of him sometimes. When he feels like it. Just don't hold your breath. We dropped this because we figured it was over. It probably is.
>> No. 13956
I almost half feel sorry for the guy. The only friend he has is just uing him for lulz. His parents have 1 foot in the grave, he has no job, no real education and hes almost 30. Wow, he sounds just like my brother-in-law.
>> No. 13957
Heh, how do you know he doesn't have any friends?

He's not incapable of making friends. Hell, for all you know, he could have IRL friends right now. Wallflower was not an anomaly.
>> No. 13959

>Chris Chan trolling is dead
>The PVCC have already told us they're doing something else at the minute, and there's other content waiting to be dropped

Some of you are alot like Chris missing the fact the Cwcki told him he was posting on a troll forum.
>> No. 13960
Yo spammer fag, you may or may not notice this, but you're getting absolutely nowhere, we can bump these threads far faster than you can post new ones, and we can keep this minimal effort far longer than you can keep your effort up, I admire your persistance, but you are getting absolutely nowhere. Go to bed before your parents catch you..
>> No. 13961
He didn't "leak all her private information". He actually was very good about keeping her under wraps. I mean, he's a simpleton and he eventually fucked up, but it was quite the noble effort, considering his intelligence. I don't know if he touched her, but I suspect he didn't. This time, Chris had mostly learned his lesson. He avoided a lot of the bad behaviors he had when he was with Megan. And the girl this time was lower functioning than Megan. Altogether, while he wasn't going to get sex, he probably could've lasted indefinitely without pissing her off. If she didn't get doxed, they'd probably still be friends today. She invited him over to her house and they were working on that stupid owl story.

Now, he was lonely during the autism tutorial video, but that was during winter. It's summer now. He will go to things Rocky recommends. Hell, he might be approaching people because his tomgirl shit makes him more cocky. He had the balls to use the women's restroom.

I don't believe he actually read the article. He probably just saw da update or just didn't read it.
>> No. 13962

>implying he's in touch with Rocky at all

You all need to stop this. Seriously
>> No. 13964
Saying someone's name =/= leaking all their personal information. He fucked up with that of course, but it was trolls who dug up her facebook, writings, pictures, etc.
>> No. 13965
He NEVER said her real name. He always said "Damian" or "Damian Anterea" Link me to a video where he said her real name please. I'll admit I'm wrong when I see it.

He still goes to church right? Why wouldn't he be in contact with Rocky?
>> No. 13967
I think it was the infamous St. Patrik's Day/Sirt video.
>> No. 13969
Okay you guys win.
>> No. 13970
File 131169649075.jpg - (78.27KB , 683x768 , basset1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
All faggotry aside.

Any sort of update on what's going on, Tito/Thorg?

Picture unrelated.
>> No. 13971
Prepare to be called a "sperg", "chris-like", "autistic", etc. for asking for an update.
>> No. 13972

I should prepare my surprised face.
>> No. 13973
Thank God Chris is a fucking moron, because the trolls on the forum do the worst chick/"tomgirl" impressions ever. Yeesh.
>> No. 13974
They should just say they're shutting down the forum because of backchannel trolling invited by Chris. If it pushes him away what does it matter? It might get him to feel guilt. But what do I know?
>> No. 13975

What's in it for us even if he does feel guilty about it?
>> No. 13976
Probably nothing, maybe a panicked apology. What's in it for us now?
>> No. 13977

The fuck are you talking about?
>> No. 13978
The fuck do you not understand.
>> No. 13979
That happened after she was already doxed. The damage was done.

On his own, he refrained from leaking personal information about her, despite being pestered about it by trolls in the mailbag. He was always careful to refer to her as his "girl friend". He fucked up when he referred to "Damien Antaria" on a LBP level, I believe. People googled it and got her real info.

He hasn't logged into the forum since his last post. When something happens, you'll hear about it. Or, if it's secret (which isn't likely, but just in case) you'll hear about it when you can.
>> No. 13980

Well, the posts are deleted now, but Thoria on the T&ToV forum asked Kooky to email a raykobold guy. Just wondering how that went.
>> No. 13981
File 131170442113.jpg - (21.72KB , 367x451 , Chrisfat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Chris emailed it and told me all about this one time he was in the women's bathroom of a Chick-fil-a and a woman beat the shit out of him. Then he sent me ten videos of him raging and crying.

I'll just put all this stuff in vault 211 of the PVCCingotts Trolling Bank.
>> No. 13982

>But what do I know?

Nothing, don't post again.
>> No. 13983

this sounds about right
>> No. 13984

oh boy here we go
>> No. 13985
File 131171106656.png - (72.41KB , 395x515 , tido.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're gonna have to move that Vault 316. Vault 211 is full from that tard cage fight Chris had with Nesshelper.
>> No. 13986
What about Vault 13?
>> No. 13987

Welcome to a few days ago!
>> No. 13989
You can stop this mess, you're wasting your time, no one is buying your bullshit. GTFO
>> No. 13990
>Doesn't get the joke.
>> No. 13991
We have a smart one here, boys.
>> No. 13992
The hell are you talking about? Chris did not leak her real name first. He mentioned "Damien Antaria" and she got doxed from that. It was only after that that he used her real name, when the cat was already out of the bag.
>> No. 13993
File 131172340844.jpg - (23.16KB , 320x240 , Fakeout-makeout2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So Chris hasn't done anything in two days? Guess it's not going to be until the beginning of September when there's another Da Update.
>> No. 13994
Yup. Show's over, go home
>> No. 13996

How many times does the PVCC have to tell you they've got something in the works, before you take it in?
And even if it is over, then its no surprise, this forum plot was officially over when it was posted on the cwcki, it was just resurrected because Chris shocked everyone by posting again. These last few posts should be seen as a bonus or a surprise not as part of the trolling plan as a whole
>> No. 13997
Hey guys, PVCC member here. Guess what just happened.

The minute we posted the site here on /cwc/ and the cwcki some asshole sent emails to everyone on the website saying "THIS IS A TROLL FORM TO TRAP CHRIS, GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN"

So thanks for fucking things up. And you wonder why we have to hold content for months before we give it you.

Because it takes a monumental amount of effort to motivate Chris anymore, but one dumbas on the cwcki or here can ruin the whole operation.

So thanks guys. Thanks a lot.
>> No. 13998
File 13117305141.png - (244.96KB , 603x452 , fry.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 13999
You think 2 days is a long time for Chris to go without posting? Chris doesn't have a computer and the PS3 demands all his attention. It can be months between him doing a thing.

And yeah, it only too six days for someone to try to fuck up the tom girl form after it went public.
>> No. 14000
I bet that was ole Nick Bate, butthurt that nobody gives a shit about his spergy ass anymore
>> No. 14001
File 131173228437.gif - (2.00MB , 378x227 , bert is done with your shit.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No shit, retard. How could you possibly think that wouldn't happen when you posted that shit on a massive public forum? They can even link directly to conversations here about how it's a fucking troll site and the CWCki still has fucking evidence as well.

The fact that someone was allowed to post AHAH LOOK AT THIS WE ARE TROLLING CHRIS live on the CWCki while it was still happening absolutely infuriates me with how stupid it is. Not only that, but the evidence is still there on the page and the fucking article still links to shit like Trollin' Train and Sonichu Girls. A reasonable effort was NOT put forth to make it believable to Chris even AFTER he discovered it and damage control was attempted (should have never happened).

I understand that Chris is a fucktard, I have been following him for years, but you are being absolute fucking idiots. I have never been madder at he "inner circle." Your handling of this has been pathetic.

Next time finish what you're doing before you throw evidence of a CURRENT TROLLING SCHEME all over the internet and sites that Chris himself is fucking aware of. I can understand being excited at new content, but come the fuck on.
And if you say you did it because of the kiddies here who are always bitching for new content from you I will just lose even more respect for whoever is in charge of this shit.
>> No. 14002
You're not on PVCC.
>> No. 14003
>You we try to keep you in the loop
>> No. 14004
I don't need to prove my credentials. My fucking writing style is distinctive enough that other pvcc members probably know who this is.
>> No. 14005
Uh yeah, right. I'm certain the forum was closed to any new registrations. Anybody can just look through the thread and see that.
>> No. 14006
Even if that guy isn't legit I still hold to what I said in the tl;dr angry rant above.

Handling of this has been very very poor and it's just begging for white knights to come along and show Chris blatant evidence of what's really going on. The "inner circle" needs to hold content until there isn't a good chance that posting it will ruin stuff that's in progress.
>> No. 14007
It was over. We dropped it because it was over. Goddamn.

The article is fine. We've got control of this.

Uhh, no. And if you are telling the truth, I didn't get any email.
>> No. 14008
I said emails, not PMs. you can email any member on the site if they link their email to the profile.
>> No. 14009
You can log into pvcc and read this then:

The following is an e-mail sent to you by Anonymous via your account on
"Tomboys And Tomgirls of Virginia". If this message is spam, contains
abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster
of the board at the following address:


Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that the
reply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Anonymous.

Message sent to you follows

Is not what he claims to be.

The CWCKI he mentions is actually a site about him, not about the LGBT
community. It was set up to track the actions of Christian Weston Chandler,
AKA Kookydash, a well known homophobe.
>> No. 14010
>And if you say you did it because of the kiddies here who are always bitching for new content from you I will just lose even more respect for whoever is in charge of this shit.

I understand that you posted it because it seemed to be over but even without any expectation that Chris would want to go back I think that revealing it as a troll was a bad idea. You don't want him to think that his first little foray back onto the internet social scene in a long ass time was a troll plot, it will just cause him to be even more paranoid.

Regardless of my butthurtedness over this issue I'm glad for what you guys are doing and hope to see the inner circle cook up more hilarious shit.
>> No. 14011
>the evidence is still there on the page and the fucking article still links to shit like Trollin' Train and Sonichu Girls

the article's first revision stated flat-out that it was a false forum like Trolling Train. Right in the first paragraph, in plain english. It's still there in the history tab. He still managed to miss it.
I swear, some people either overestimate Chris or go overboard in the cloak and dagger shit big time
>> No. 14012
Chris doesn't have his email listed on T&ToV. So, he didn't get emailed.

So basically, a white knight went and emailed PVCC and told them they were being fooled by PVCC.

>> No. 14013
That doesn't sound like they're talking about the forum, though, it sounds like they're talking about the Cwcki in general.
>> No. 14014
Well, he probably only saw da update or didn't actually read the article.

Looking into it.
>> No. 14015
The mistake your making is that you think cwcki is under control of the inner circle.

It's a separate entity, it's exactly like /cwc/.

So you have two choices, begrudge pvcc for holding info, or realize we do it so shit like this doesn't happen.

Honestly, when you think about it, we should be able to trust /cwc/ and the cwcki with this info. I mean who thought gigantic fags would go out of their way to fuck it up?
>> No. 14016
File 131173425035.gif - (1.40MB , 193x135 , Bert can't believe this shit.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I mean who thought gigantic fags would go out of their way to fuck it up?
>posting on an internet forum dedicated to trolling
>> No. 14017
It has some autonomy but not entirely.
>> No. 14018
File 131173432445.jpg - (17.23KB , 264x317 , Fabio.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It was agreed upon that T&T was over and since Chris hadn't posted in a month we'd release it to the CWCki for the rest of you to enjoy.

It's not our fault Chris decided to be a retard and come back. We did the only thing we could do and edit/lock the page.

Boo fuckity hoo, we're not doing things the way you want us to. If you want to troll him then join IRC, don't be a fag, ask to join PVCC and join the inner circle. It's not that hard, honestly. The only difficult criteria is the not being a fag part. That's why PVCC is so exclusive.
>> No. 14019
Are you following that old spice war thing? Shit's hilarious.
>> No. 14020
So your saying we should completely cut off /cwc/ from the update and keep all this shit to ourselves?

>> No. 14021
Everyone, don't worry, nothing was ruined.

- Jimmy Jazz
>> No. 14023
File 131173668799.png - (155.88KB , 473x356 , b6USp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread
Jesus fuck, chill already.
>> No. 14024
File 131173771247.jpg - (76.71KB , 600x450 , tinfoilcatman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread
>> No. 14025
Cats are always the first to know.
>> No. 14026
>> No. 14028
Even if he falls for what seems to be pretty obvious traps, its only because the traps are tailored to his delusions.

Yeah Chris is retarded, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't run to the fucking hills the first moment he thinks there could be trolls.
>> No. 14029
I don't think it outright says the T&ToV forum was created by trolls, any normal person would realize it was though, same with the Sonichu Girls forum.
>> No. 14030
I saw the name of the forum and thought it was Tubboys and Tubgirls of Virginia. That would have been a better name.
>> No. 14031

You fucking idiots

The forum has always been closed to registration
You're as fucking braindead as the people trying to register/who actually think the PVCC would let them in.
Fuck you seriously. Fuck you
>> No. 14032
The problem is that you used to be able to send emails to members with the "send email" button.
>> No. 14033
ITT: People who think they know better than the PVCC.

Seriously, get the fuck down from your pedestal. It's easy to criticize them for their trolling methods, when you've never fucking done anything of the sort in your life.
They know what they're doing, they've shown it time and time again, I don't know what there is to get your panties in such a bunch.
They have said they're handling it at the minute, so I have no idea where this ''you've fucked up with this one!'' is coming from.
It's like ordering a burger at a mcdonalds, and then screaming at the guy making it in the back that he's a fuck up, just because you can't actually see him putting it together infront of your eyes.
Just chill out, and wait to see what happens, stop over thinking everything you spergs
>> No. 14034
why dont someone make an acccount on the tranny forum and post all his nudes?
>> No. 14035

Because we're too busy shouting JULAAAAAY at Patti's corpse.
>> No. 14036
Spoiler - It's not a real tranny forum.
>> No. 14037
File 131177487686.png - (170.64KB , 552x414 , not-sure-if-trolling-or-just-stupid.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 14038
Those trannies say they are expert hackers and I am kind of scared of them.
>> No. 14039
File 131178256683.jpg - (102.80KB , 316x405 , 1274544378250.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 14040
And people wonder why PVCC can't release anything to /cwc/ or cwcki right away.
>> No. 14041
Please tell me you can't registerate on the site anymore.
>> No. 14042

You can't registerate on the site anymore.
>> No. 14043

Even when you could still registerate you had to get your account activated so there's nobody on there who wasn't originally in on it.
>> No. 14044
Why are alot of you finding it so hard to understand why not just anybody could register for the forum?

You do know this isn't a real forum right?
You understand why only certain people were allowed onto it...
>> No. 14045
Chris is not fun any more. If he isn't flailing around on screen wearing a kilt, making out with a blowup doll, or just generally debasing himself then I don't care.
Just leave him alone, take a break, and he might come back in year or 2. Then things will be fresh and he'll be funny again.
>> No. 14046

Okay, so now you go away for a year or two.
>> No. 14047

This is the truth.

You assholes don't seem to understand that the glory days are over. Chris was hilarious when he was left to his own devices to do insane and bizarre shit - and it would just appear on Youtube.

Now, people are so desperate for him to create content that they are creating elaborate schemes which all, ultimately, fail. The funniest thing to come out of the tomgirls forum is that Bob called Chris a faggot. Whoopee.

Did it occur to any of you that if there was no PVCC, no illuminati, no CWCki, and no relentless attempts to 'LOL TROLL U', Chris would still be making content to this day?

This guy's right. Just leave him alone, let him forget about all of you, and he'll show up again one day. Or, he won't. Either way, it is getting really fucking sad in here.
>> No. 14048
No. Chris won't return to normal. He's broken beyond repair. He needs us, and we need him.
>> No. 14049

Did it occur to you that if there was no PVCC, no illuminati, no CWCki, and no relentless attempts to 'LOL TROLL U', Chris wouldn't have made even 3% of the shit that he has done? What has almost everything he's done on the internet been about? Trolls and girls, and the trolls ARE the girls. People complain about how sad it's gotten around here and yet they stick around to whine about it like they think it's going to make any difference, if you don't like the situation (which is one we've been in for a good long while now) then why haven't you already left?
>> No. 14050

This, with the exception being I think the PVCC "Inner Circle" actually prolonged CWCfaggotry (way too long, imo...). As retarded as it is to have a bunch of nerds establish a monopoly on a retard, a lot of you huge Chris fans have PVCC and their affiliates to thank for a lot of this shit. We all hate when JULAAAYfags and Ass Asian-esque individuals constantly try to niggerrig sagas and horrible, unfunny trolling schemes? PVCC was the reason none of them got through.

Did they stop something that *may* have been legendary? Probably. But personally, you need to realize Chris would have gotten burned out far, far sooner with every idiot on the internet all launching their ridiculous sagas en masse.

Personally, I think PVCC are faggots for establishing the saga-based "fandom trolling" shit and having it drag on so long, but I know most of you eat that shit up with a spoon. And all of that shit was possible because of PVCC meddling.
>> No. 14051

How do you know that? Is that seriously what you believe - that Chris is only Chris because the Internet made him that way? What are you, 12?

Chris would have done embarassing and weird things on his own. Sure, the PVCC pushed him in various directions for various results, but he was ALREADY crackers. He would have still done bizarre, twisted things - just DIFFERENT ones.

It HAS become sad around here. Teenagers suggesting characters and plots, failed bullshit like the tranny forum, morons endlessly suggesting stupid, retarded ideas.

Why do I stay? Because I find it funny. I find YOU funny. So, please, keep obsessing over a retard and entertaining me. I love it.
>> No. 14052
File 131181791350.jpg - (26.53KB , 443x349 , blahblah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You know whats even more sad and pathetic than your idea that people can't let go of Chris?

You so confidently think Chris trolling is over, but you're still here anyway.

If you aren't happy with how things are here, and you think that Chris trolling has gone to shit, then get the fuck out, nobody is making you stay.
>> No. 14053

>Chris would have done embarassing and weird things on his own.

Yes, but he wouldn't have been doing them on the internet for us to see because it was the trolls that were keeping him on here, we gave him "fans" for Sonichu, we gave him "girlfriends" for him to talk to, that's why he was on the internet as much as he was, because we dragged him out here and kept prodding him with a stick. Also, calling someone obsessive over Chris when you're clearly exactly the same doesn't work, we're all the fucking same here.
>> No. 14054

Hang on a second.

Just so that we're clear on this, you have no moral problem with relentlessly harassing and degrading a retard over the internet, but I tell you that you're sad, you cry like a bitch and yell 'WELL WHY U HERE THEN U CAN LEAVE ANY TIME U LIKE LOL FUCK OFF OFF THEN IDIOT'

You are a faggot. A big, pathetic, brainless faggot.

And you're illiterate. I already explained it to you. The drama and comedy has moved from Chris to the people who obsess over Chris. Watching you spaz out over every little thing and coming up with your retarded 'plots' is very funny. Thanks for the free entertainment, asshole!
>> No. 14055
The glory days aren't over. the glory days are over when CWC goes on Tosh.0 and becomes a mainstream failure that every douchebag with
>> No. 14056
Where are you faggots when there's content on the table, courtesy of the PVCC? NOWHERE TO BE FUCKING SEEN, because you're too busy lapping up what they've got to offer.

There's literally no criticism like this when content is floating around, only when it reaches a dryspell.

If it wasn't the PVCC who made Chris weary of the internet, it would have just been another set/series of trolls who would slowly drive him into his isolation, it was inevitable and to deny it is just blatant deflection, because you need a scapegoat to peg your frustration that your lulzy messiah Chris Chan is no longer around to fill up your time surfing on Youtube.

Seriously some of you here talk about Chris as if he's an integral part of your life.

He was a retard who made funny videos on the internet. Get a fucking grip and soon please
>> No. 14057
Look guys, what matters most is that Chris came back to the internet. More content is going to come, especially since he doesn't know T&T is fake yet.

Why is everyone bitching about this? It's new content!
>> No. 14058
I GUARANTEE you that that tosh faggot knows about CWC and refuses to put him on.
>> No. 14059

Exactly. Tito and Thorg have said a fucking tonne of times that they have something in the works at the minute, and everyone should just wait.

I don't see what there is to get annoyed about.
How many times do they need to say ''Chill out, we've got this'' before it sinks in?
>> No. 14060

That's not true. People have been saying that the PVCC's retarded ideas have been lame since the end of Liquid. Lars was garbage, the Lars call was horrible, Asperchu went nowhere, and now, 'LOL CHRIS CAME BACK TO THE INNERNET LOLZ' kiddies are jacking off because he wrote some dumb posts on a fake forum.

You can't change the fact that if there was no PVCC, and if he'd just been left to make his own shit, he would still be doing stuff. This is a direct result of literally hundreds of faggots attempting to become internet heroes through him. Sorry if you don't like it, but that's how it is.
>> No. 14061

It's not that I don't like the PVCC's recent efforts
It's that I think yours and countless other posters here attitudes are embarrassing

It so obviously annoys you profoundly that Chris isn't as active as he once was, to the point where you have to make rambling posts calling out a group of people who prod a retard to get laughs.

Seriously if its upsetting you that much just go find something else to do
the ''glory'' days are over as you say, close the tab and leave
>> No. 14062
>Why do I stay? Because I find it funny. I find YOU funny. So, please, keep obsessing over a retard and entertaining me. I love it.

Sooo... now it's become retards obsessing about retards obsessed about retards? Well, you sure showed us!

Grow up. You're 15 and trying to act tough on the internet. And you've run out of arguments, so you choose the oh-so-predictable ''guess what guys, I'm trolling you LOLOLOL!!!11'' trick that has been done to death.
>> No. 14063

Seriously, if you're so protective of a bunch of strangers who prod a retard to get laughs that you need to cry about it on the internet, you probably need to get a new hobby.

Or, alternatively, go join the PVCC, where you don't have to listen to criticism. I'm sure they'd be pleased to have you, since you're so eager to let their cocks into your mouth.

Their last few efforts have been shit, because they aren't funny anymore, and Chris isn't funny anymore. Hey, I hope they do something incredible, and the whole 'WE GOT THIS BOYZ JUST CHILL AND WAIT' shit is justified. So far, this has all just been sad and desperate.

Two things you sound like you're intimately familiar with.
>> No. 14064

Who said anything about trolling anyone? I'm saying that it is highly amusing to watch you little kiddies come up with your bullshit schemes and argue amongst yourselves over the best way to make some retard get his dick out again on Youtube.

It's pretty simple, champ. Even you should be able to understand it.

God. Some of you really get a bit upset when you're attacked, don't you? Cry harder, fag.
>> No. 14065

Oh yeah I'm the sad desperate one
It's me bitching about how shit this all is, instead of just fucking closing the website and doing something else.
I don't get mad at the PVCC and how good or bad their schemes have been, because I'm not wrapped up in this fantasy trolling CWCville that you've clearly set up camp in
So Chris isn't making videos, big fucking deal, its happened.
I'm not the one who needs to get some perspective here. Surely you can see how embarrasingly lowly you look bitching and whining about how terrible this all is, even though you're still here.
>> No. 14066

>> No. 14067
Oh look, little baby's all angry now because the mean internet people disagreed with him...

It's past your bedtime by the way. You've got summer camp tomorrow!
>> No. 14068

Aww. Listen to the tears! Listen to how mad you are!

Dude, you're getting upset for no reason. If it pains you so much to hear the PVCC criticised, then - shit, I don't know what to tell you.

You're pulling crazy shit out of your ass, frankly. Fantasy world? What the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that Chris has ceased to be funny, while /cwc/ has only grown funnier since children like yourself come up with moronic schemes to get him to do something - and fail every time. The PVCC has tried, and has never managed to even remotely equal the glory days of Chris on Youtube. If you disagree, great. Go re-read the tranny forum posts over and over again and laugh until your shit your diaper.

If this upsets you so much, why don't YOU fuck off. Seriously - go back to /v/ or /b/ or wherever the hell you came from.
>> No. 14069
File 131182019741.jpg - (19.97KB , 235x274 , Derp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ITT: People bitching how lame Chris trolling has become and how shitty the PVCC are at doing their job now, but don't have enough willpower to just stop following
>> No. 14070

Uh. Are you having some difficulty reading the thread? You can't be this stupid, surely.
>> No. 14071
File 131182025667.jpg - (53.18KB , 700x513 , upstanding black citizen.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this guy is hilarious
>> No. 14072
Well then, you should probably read your posts. It feels as if i'm reading Glenn Beck's blackboard.

I don't even know what you're arguing about. You just come off as someone who isn't getting any.
>> No. 14073

It's almost as if you're going out of your way to not understand my point.
I'm not defending the PVCC.
At the same time I'm not going to get myself worked up over them ''failing'' as you'd put it.
I'm here to see what Chris is doing however big or small the update I'm not going to throw a shit fit over the fact Chris doesn't make videos anymore like alot of the posters here


If you'd taken the time to read my posts (Specifically that one) you'd actually see the points you're making are pretty much the same as mine you sperg. Your rage at the PVCC ''ruining'' Chris for you is getting in the way of you reading posts it would seem
>> No. 14074
File 131182090137.jpg - (16.51KB , 200x284 , aoti.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey! Don't forgot to write down a 40 word paragraph criticising this post! You're gonna go far, kiddo!
>> No. 14075
File 131182101576.jpg - (2.33KB , 127x95 , 1274562764803.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey! Don't forgot to write down a 40 word paragraph criticising this post! You're gonna go far, kiddo!
>> No. 14076
oops, i guess i am an idiot after all!
>> No. 14077
File 131182117384.jpg - (29.50KB , 350x433 , whycantwepenguin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 14078

I don't even know who's criticizing who at this point...
I'm fucking done with this shit /cwc/, your schtick officially got old faster than Chris trolling did. Have fun cannibalizing each other in threads until Chris posts again in a couple of months
>> No. 14079
>Have fun cannibalizing each other in threads until Chris posts again in a couple of months
This way only the strong will last long enough to see the great return of the Christian Weston Chandler to the interwebs.
>> No. 14080
You won't be missed.

>> No. 14081

Why are you talking to him as though he isn't some random, anonymous stranger posting something you don't like on an internet board dedicated to some retarded guy?

>> No. 14082
Who cares...
>> No. 14083
File 131182892669.gif - (1.60MB , 350x197 , 2z9kz6r_jpg.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Everyday I come to /cwc/ to check on this thread to see if there is any development in the Tomgirl trolling forum. Everyday I see about 50-75 new posts. Everyday I get slightly hopefully that something has happened. Everyday I click the thread and see it's filled with people bitching about trolling CWC.

Pic related. Everyday I make this face after I read the new posts.
>> No. 14084
Wow, I bet whoever decided to release this to the cwcki is really regretting it now. Although to be fair, no one expected Chris to continue the charade.
>> No. 14085
File 131183228590.jpg - (66.24KB , 634x571 , U Mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ITT retarded trolls trolling retarded trolls and bitching about trolling a retard.

I ♥ /cwc/
>> No. 14086
File 131183435840.jpg - (79.26KB , 637x684 , pvcc REAL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let me tell you about PVCC. On PVCC we discuss our jobs, movies we like, how our day went and the news. It's a forum. PVCC doesn't do the trolling, some of PVCC's members do. Sometimes PVCC gives them a hand (mailbag, trollin' train, T&T etc.). That's it.
>> No. 14087
I like funny.

This not any funny.

Start being funny.

>> No. 14088
File 131184134998.jpg - (6.58KB , 215x225 , mer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
whats to regret? The forum was dead for a month and we decided to release it.

& also we won't be needing for the next plan at hand.
>> No. 14089
File 131184276882.jpg - (6.25KB , 180x251 , 870_1233642777105.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're like the uncle I never had, Teets. Godspeed.
>> No. 14090
Here's a thought: What do you think are the odds that Chris actually regularly checks the CWCki himself and discovered the article about it that way, vs. the odds that some white knight pointed it out to him and he just missed the point of what they were trying to tell him?
>> No. 14091
So we've gotten past the point of '/cwc/ ruined it but the forum was over anyway but /cwc/ ruined it' then?
>> No. 14092
this whole thread has my head spinning, pretty much so far it's pvcc saying they've got something, people suggesting what to do next and everyone in turn replying with "NO U"
>> No. 14093
File 13118485984.jpg - (97.08KB , 760x470 , infrim.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No one ruined jack shit.(far from what I could tell)

Again, Chris hardly touched the damn forum until it was on the cwcki.

No one was at fucking fault here. Why everyone is acting batshit is beyond me.

For now it would be best just to think the forum was real and the trannies went out hiding for now.
>> No. 14094
I'm excited to find out what's going on.
>> No. 14095
Well, no, he has 22 posts. He made 19 of them before the forum was on the cwcki.
>> No. 14096

Here let me help you.

troll: Hi Chris I'm a super sexy hacker willing to hack the CWCki and suck your dick, all you got to do is make me a vid sweety :P~~ <3

Chris: Okay

*nothing fucking happens*
>> No. 14097
I'm excited for the new Chris-Chan update!
>> No. 14098
>> No. 14099
As I have said before, I have tried on my own to counter-attack, and I still lack knowledge and resourses within my reach to counter-attack properly. And I do not have a functional Personal Computer or a Laptop of any kind. I have been posting from my 3DS internet browser, and it, my Wii, PS3, PSP at my house and one of the computers at the nearby library, which requires Gasoline to get to, are my current ONLY connection methods to the internet.

At this point, technology-wise and mentally autistic with the missing links in my Corpus Callosum, I do not feel fit to be an adaquate leader in taking down the frigging cyber-bullies and trolls.

I do have intel from my own experiences and past research which hopefully can be helpful. I'd recommend starting at the Game & Hobby Place in Charlottesville, across from the Omni hotel. I have been banned from there in April, 2008 by the cold-hearted Michael Snyder. My family and I know that in a great way, that Place IS a central or focal point of the Trolls' plottings and/or such.

PLUS, it AND the other three associated hobby stores on their same website are ALL owned by a convicted-in-Illinois sex offender, Robert Lightfire. The Place is located across the street from a Public School; morally and legally, the Place should NOT be located there at all. Yet Mr. Lightburn is listed as an Offender in Illinois; he isn't listed in VA. He lives in Madison. I am positive, aside from him being married, Mr. Snyder has his own equatable criminal scandal.

That's all I have for now.
>> No. 14100
His latest post confirms how he manages to post, but it almost sounds like he is reading this thread with how specific he was
>> No. 14101
Good to see Chris is still on board with Bob's crazed conspiracy theories about The Game Place.
>> No. 14102

Yeah, it seems that he's finally stopped with Mary Lee Walsh and is stuck on Michael Snyder instead.
>> No. 14103
Call me a sperg/a damn fool if you like. However, am I the only person who suspects that Chris would have likely broken his internet vow (I.E make videos) by now if he had access to a working computer? (If I remember correctly he really does but, he just refuses to get to it right?)
>> No. 14104
bless his little autistic brain....

He went on a very wild tangent in that post, I would be surprised of how stupid that everything was... but, Chris.
>> No. 14105
>He doesn't want to be the leader
What's your next move inner circle?
>> No. 14107
File 131190243054.jpg - (21.00KB , 400x300 , rocket.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No worries
>> No. 14108
It's pretty predictable that Chris wouldn't want to lead, really.
Chris is lazy - he wants to put in as minimal effort as possible in this whole "taking down da trolls" operation.

Far as he's concerned, he just wants everyone else on the Tomgirl forum to do all the work for him.
>> No. 14109
File 131190276713.jpg - (6.05KB , 280x181 , picard-facepalm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I do have intel from my own experiences and past research which hopefully can be helpful.
>I'd recommend starting at the Game & Hobby Place in Charlottesville... ...that Place IS a central or focal point of the Trolls' plottings and/or such.

This just proves that as much as Chris changes, he will never learn. I just hope he doesn't actually believe this.
>> No. 14110
This means that all the time talking to Kim/mic, he was sitting out in the library on his 3DS. Imagine, if you will, a balding, obese 30 year old man sitting in ill fitting womens clothes, wearing make up in a library, having cybersex over his 3DS. Because that's what's been happening.
>> No. 14111
So what are you going to do? Or is that also TAWP SEEKRIT?
>> No. 14112

Man, I don't know how anything is going to come out of this.
>> No. 14113
>> No. 14114
There's no reason to believe he wasn't using his 3DS in his room. He still has internet for his PS3.
>> No. 14115
>technology-wise and mentally autistic with the missing links in my Corpus Callosum

wait, what?
>> No. 14116
>mentally autistic with the missing links in my Corpus Callosum
>missing links in my Corpus Callosum

Wait, what now? Where did he get this from?
>> No. 14117
Seriously, every fucking time Chris does anything, you retards shut up for a short while to revel at whatever shenanigans he's gotton into, then you all start retarded arguments over every little possible thing you can possibly start a fucking argument about.




Every. Fucking. Time. Just shut up. Shut the fuck up.
>> No. 14118

Austism Tutorial, broski
>> No. 14119
File 131190734874.jpg - (43.27KB , 411x331 , oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>My family and I know that in a great way, that Place IS a central or focal point of the Trolls' plottings and/or such.

Gotta love those conspiracy theories.
>> No. 14121
Damn it, I'm amused by how Chris is now blaming the Game Place for all his trollings, but this pretty much equates to LOL HERES A PLACE I HATE DESTROY IT FOR ME BECAUSE PLZ IM AUTISTIC AND CANT DO ANYTHING REQUIRING STUH-RESSFUL EFFORT

I hope he takes the bait (Thoria's "cousin"), then this might be salvagable.
>> No. 14122
>>"Chris, it is not OK for you to solicit sex in public/intimidate little kids/issue death threats"

>Looks like it's time for America's favorite game: Kick the Autistic!

>>"Chris, we need your leadership! Head the charge against the trolls!"

>Can't. Autism.
>> No. 14123
This... Surprises you?
>> No. 14124
Naw, just sayin'.

It's my favorite madman in classic form.
>> No. 14125

Either Chris is spinning the truth to get the tomgirls to blindly ''troll'' Snyder and the gameplace employees for what they did to him

Or he actually believes that the Gameplace is the hub for all trolling activity...

and if its the latter (which I suspect) he is even more confusingly retarded than we first thought
>> No. 14126

Tito only posts ago said ''no worries'' ie we're doing something, aka we know the next step.
They've said they have something in the works, nobody here knows what is going on behind the scenes, so how can you say somethings gone wrong?
Seriously shut the fuck up about this failing, because in my eyes things are going pretty fucking well at the minute
>> No. 14127
Thorg and Tito have an idea, but it's predicated on Chris, y'know, not being a fat, lazy shit. Which is tricky. It's a shot in the dark.
>> No. 14128
File 131194360198.jpg - (6.19KB , 259x194 , question.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The Game Place is Troll HQ, where they conspire to troll Chris and turn all the neighborhood kids into the hoe-moe-sexshuwulz.

And don't forget who pulls the strings at The Game Place; THE GREENE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF 1992!!

It all fits together, like an insidious spiders web!
>> No. 14129
>I just want to chime in that with gas being so expensive you should try to ride a bike more.

Heh, that would be something to see.
>> No. 14130
It's like the incessant screeching of crack babies in here. God damn, people.
>> No. 14131
Chris's new post:

>As I have said before, I have tried on my own to counter-attack, and I still lack knowledge and resourses within my reach to counter-attack properly. And I do not have a functional Personal Computer or a Laptop of any kind. I have been posting from my 3DS internet browser, and it, my Wii, PS3, PSP at my house and one of the computers at the nearby library, which requires Gasoline to get to, are my current ONLY connection methods to the internet.

>At this point, technology-wise and mentally autistic with the missing links in my Corpus Callosum, I do not feel fit to be an adaquate leader in taking down the frigging cyber-bullies and trolls.

>I do have intel from my own experiences and past research which hopefully can be helpful. I'd recommend starting at the Game & Hobby Place in Charlottesville, across from the Omni hotel. I have been banned from there in April, 2008 by the cold-hearted Michael Snyder. My family and I know that in a great way, that Place IS a central or focal point of the Trolls' plottings and/or such.

>PLUS, it AND the other three associated hobby stores on their same website are ALL owned by a convicted-in-Illinois sex offender, Robert Lightfire. The Place is located across the street from a Public School; morally and legally, the Place should NOT be located there at all. Yet Mr. Lightburn is listed as an Offender in Illinois; he isn't listed in VA. He lives in Madison. I am positive, aside from him being married, Mr. Snyder has his own equatable criminal scandal.

>That's all I have for now.
>> No. 14132
You're a day late, retard.
You went to all that trouble to redtext each paragraph individually too...
>> No. 14133
>993 posts and 145 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

I feel sorry for the poor faggot who comes here after a month away from the internet and has to read through this entire thread.

Captcha: Fuzukd
>> No. 14134
>the computers at the nearby library, which requires Gasoline to get to

Oh no, poor Chris can't use his legs to walk a few blocks, boo hoo.
Jesuchrist, and he still wonders why people keeps calling him fat. (In fact, I wonder how fat is he now, considering that the last pics leaked showed him wearing his t-shirts as if they were skintight clothes.)
>> No. 14135
Of course! It was old man Michael Snyder and the various members of The Game Place behind the trolling schemes all along!
>> No. 14136
It seems Chris hasn't emailed Thoria's cousin yet. So I guess PVCC is sitting on its thumb at this point, right?
>> No. 14137
More like jumping further and further over the shark.
>> No. 14138

>the computers at the nearby library, which requires Gasoline to get to

I thought Bob & Barb pay for Chris' gas. Have they cut him off from that perk as well? No wonder Chris has been turning on his parents more and more every day. He's losing the support of his host organisms.

I'm starting to wonder now if B&B are finally fed up with Chris at last but can't kick him out because they need that big chunk of tugboat $$$ he brings in every month.
>> No. 14139
Maybe they blame his latest Tomgirl phase on the internet and don't want to encourage him?

Just a guess.
>> No. 14140
they aren't giving him money because he's become an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. aka a tranny fag
>> No. 14141

I am that poor faggot. The whole thread won't even load for me.
>> No. 14142
They're probably pretty worried since they're welfare queens. I think they're probably just cutting back.
>> No. 14143
I know that feel. Got to use the last 50 posts thing.
>> No. 14144
I think it is just an excuse he came up with for why he can't use a real computer regularly (therefore making it even more difficult for him to lead the anti-troll movement).
>> No. 14145
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