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File 131567331873.jpg - (733.23KB , 4296x2860 , SeaGullHg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
15261 No. 15261
So, have you all heard the word?
Expand all images
>> No. 15262
File 131567344570.jpg - (58.62KB , 465x619 , 1314534794456.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, what word?
>> No. 15263
>> No. 15264
About Bob being dead?
>> No. 15265


The end times are near
>> No. 15266
This is the beginning of the end for Chris and Barb. Holy shit.
>> No. 15267
hes chopping down the internet in heaven now
>> No. 15268
This is depressing. My best wishes to Barbara and Chris. Honestly.
>> No. 15269
This. The family's fucked.
>> No. 15270
he's in a better place (there is no afterlife but death is preferrable to living with cwc in a house full of shit)
>> No. 15271
Fuck you /cwc/. Here we have relevant (and sad) information and you make it look like a spam thread.
>> No. 15272
>Instead of flowers, you may make monetary donations to his widow, Barbara Chandler and son, Christian Chandler.

>He also had patents for the controls for Plastic Molding Machines; without him, we would not have even a simple plastic funnel.

Did Chris write some of this?

>daughter, Carol Suzanne Chandler, survives.

She's a Doctor...
>> No. 15273
What happens next?
>> No. 15274
Oh God Chris, I'm so sorry. Poor guy must be in so much agony right now.
>> No. 15275
>without him, we would not have even a simple plastic funnel.
they actually put that in his obituary?

>Instead of flowers, you may make monetary donations to his widow, Barbara Chandler and son, Christian Chandler
oh goddamnit
>> No. 15276
Au contraire, people will be so flabbergasted as to what "the word" is, that surely everyone will read this thread and see the news.
>> No. 15277
So what do you all think happens from now?
Prolonged silence for months/years, the disappearance of Chris altogether, or he'll just crash into slumber, before coming back for another round?

With the trolls ''retiring'' and this I don't think it's looking good for more Chris antics from here on in
>> No. 15278
Yes, they actually put it there. Also SEND MONIES PL0X
>> No. 15279
  fake and gay
>> No. 15281
honestly when I read the OP and saw the seagull, I thought someone was shitposting an unfunny forced meme from that show chris wrote a skit for
>> No. 15282
and weren't you suprised?
>> No. 15283
>Instead of flowers, you may make monetary donations to his widow, Barbara Chandler and son, Christian Chandler.

That fat fucking faggot fuck failure of a son of his is going to spend that on vidya games!
Except nobody is gonna send any money or flowers. lol
>> No. 15284
Thirding this.

I can only imagine what it's like to go out knowing you have such a bizarre son. I'm sure for an extremely old-fashioned man like him the whole transgender thing was just icing on the cake. I wouldn't be surprised if that put him over the edge.
>> No. 15285
There was a speculation page on the CWCki a while ago that talked about the possibilities what would happen to Chris if one or both his parents were to die, anyone remember were it was? Might give us some insight as to what happens next.
>> No. 15286
This... It can't be real, can it?
>> No. 15287
I just hope the funeral doesn't get in the way of free pancake day!
>> No. 15288
File 131567448667.jpg - (59.35KB , 640x480 , TG22.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This... this thing is going to be one of few people at Bob's funeral and this is how it's gonna dress.
RIP, Bob... you deserved much better.
>> No. 15289

Some of the phrasing in the obituary made me wonder if Chris has actually written it. But no; if Chris had written it, the last line would have had his full name. It's kind of fucking sad that I can even think that way right now.

Good night, sweet lumberjack. Wherever you are, I hope it's a better place than the one you left.
>> No. 15290
File 131567457279.jpg - (52.18KB , 500x500 , chrisbritish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Monticello Memory Gardens in Charlottesville, Virginia, 10 a.m. Monday, September 12, 2011

There ya go, anons. Time and place.
Will any of you be attending?
>> No. 15291
This isn't real. Anyone can post anything on that legacy site. Also, when you go to the funeral home site, there's nothing about any chandlers in their obit archives. Dude's still alive. Someone is fucking with us.
>> No. 15292
File 131567468654.jpg - (64.17KB , 640x480 , 1275854079289.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...Bob ;_;
>> No. 15293

Published in Richmond Times-Dispatch on September 10, 2011

>> No. 15294
File 131567488056.png - (285.11KB , 542x328 , BobChandler.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm starting to think this. The entire obituary was either written by Chris or some Epic Ween fag who looked over some basic CWCki articles...but then again, Chris would be too overwhelmed/hysterical to write something like that.
>> No. 15295
and the cwcki is well known for participating in the trolling of /cwc/ yes?
>> No. 15296
I think that you guys are in denial.
>> No. 15297
R.I.P. Bob. I have no idea how Chris and Barb will be able to cope with this.
>> No. 15298
How will this affect the chandler household? How will this affect chris?
>> No. 15299

Not that somebody couldn't have paid for it, but it was in their local newspaper today.
>> No. 15300
It's gonna be really interesting to see what, if anything, happens from here on out.
>> No. 15301
Chris doesn't give a flying fuck.
>> No. 15302

Bob was the only thing keeping Chris from making a complete ass of himself. The sad thing is that now there's nothing really stopping Chris from uploading everything.

I hope the manchild mourns for his father more than he does his dog.
Poor Bob...
>> No. 15303

Chris will play ps3 and Barb will comfort eat herself into a coma
>> No. 15305
Chris will properly complain that Bob's coffin weigh like, five, ten tons
>> No. 15306
  Well its been fun but we all knew this day was coming.

Chris was becoming extremely reluctant to use the internet before he was forced back, I think this is the final chapter of all sagas.

It began with an Electric hedgehog, and ended with a microwave pizza. Sweet times.
>> No. 15307
File 131567527542.jpg - (362.83KB , 640x640 , the-who-sell-out.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's my stance for right now as well.
>> No. 15308
File 131567531253.jpg - (65.18KB , 441x503 , ob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it will be in poor taste if trolls decide to record and upload video of the funeral.
>> No. 15309
File 131567537081.jpg - (14.91KB , 231x210 , aintevensad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Chris' face when Bob died
>Obligatory stress sigh
>Unpause lil pig blanket too
>play vidya til time to get dressed for funeral(tard shirt and blazer)
>Genuine stress sigh at the inconvenience
>> No. 15310
and then chris won't be able to pay the medical bills, and things will get quiet.
>> No. 15311

where is that picture from?
Can't say I've seen it before, Chris looks different in it somehow
>> No. 15312
File 131567545797.png - (270.87KB , 320x323 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I bet he'll wear the same shit from the Ivy video.
>> No. 15313

>> No. 15314

So someone gave them a fake obit to print, big deal.
>> No. 15317
Do we have any other confirmation of this?

Also, how legit is the obit? Does it have any info that contradicts the CWCki, or that the CWCki does not have?

Regardless, if this is real I genuinely feel bad for Chris. Holy shit,
>> No. 15318
File 131567567414.jpg - (60.47KB , 659x547 , 1293720543401.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
and to think the final memories of Chris that Bob took to the grave are of him cross dressing.

They say Bob passed surrounded by family, but I am not so sure that would include Chris, as they know he's retarded and unpredictable . . .

But just imagine. Chris there at Bob's side for his final moments. Think Chris had makeup and a miniskirt on for it?
>> No. 15319
We should send tons of flowers!
To honor Bob and so that they think twice before asking for money out of this...

I have some extra bucks, I'll be sending some in honor of our lumberjack ~
>> No. 15320
Everything about it seems legit except for the part about plastic funnels, leading people to believe that either Chris wrote it, or some troll wrote it.
>> No. 15321
>Pfft, 86-year-olds never normally die, someone's fucking with us
>> No. 15322
I wonder what his final words to Chris were?

''Just...why son? Why?''
>> No. 15323
I felt sorry for Chris and Snorlax until I noticed this.

>Instead of flowers, you may make monetary donations to his widow, Barbara Chandler and son, Christian Chandler.

Who the hell puts that in an obituary?
>> No. 15324
This is why I'm unsure as to whether Chris wrote it or not.
>> No. 15325
>86 years old
>Heart problems so bad feet are bloating
>already had several operations because of heart problems in the past

>> No. 15326
>Who the hell puts that in an obituary?

Snorlax and Chris-chan.
>> No. 15327
>> No. 15328
>He also had patents for the controls for Plastic Molding Machines; without him, we would not have even a simple plastic funnel.

Bullshit, that obit's written by a troll.
>> No. 15329

iirc He called Chris a faggot
>> No. 15330

There's been threads about Bob dying for months, it's not really all that inconceivable that it's fake considering how every other one of them was.
>> No. 15331
Touché. That's still horrible to do.
>> No. 15332
>. In nearly 44 years of life, I have never met a meaner or more reprehensible Republican cur than Bob Chandler. I hope that you will e-mail me when he dies so that I can celebrate.

Anyone tell Cole Smithey yet?
>> No. 15334
File 131567609818.png - (28.18KB , 670x425 , Son.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
or something like this
>> No. 15335
I sent him an email right before I posted the thread, actually. Gonna check if he emailed me back.
>> No. 15336
File 13156761354.jpg - (20.39KB , 603x380 , big boss salute.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 15337
lol can you imagine being in the hospital on your death bed and seeing your son standing over you wearing a miniskirt and blouse. Knowing your son is 30 years old and wears a fucking bra with no shame.
>> No. 15338
File 131567623239.png - (763.04KB , 1024x758 , 1315675023256.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Keep on axing, Lumberjack. In the afterlife.
>> No. 15339
I honestly feel bad for chris. Well... maybe not for chris as much as for bob. Obviously Bob wasn't perfect but it seems like he deserved more than a fat bawwwwtistic crossdressing leech and a blob to spend his final years with.

I guess, at least now all the ChrisxBarb posters will be happy.
>> No. 15340
File 13156762507.png - (264.89KB , 467x352 , ultsad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh great, brace yourselves for people wanting to marry widowed Barb and digging up Bob jokes
>> No. 15341

so im guessing this is legit then?
>> No. 15342
File 131567632526.jpg - (77.44KB , 1169x483 , bob dies on cwcki.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's no confirmation yet. Too bad anyone that's in contact with Chris irl would probably be lulzing over this thread.
>> No. 15343
Cole must be pleased.
>> No. 15344

I was thinking about this as well.

I wonder if Cole hates Bob enough to be actually glad about it, or if he'll just say "Oh, yeah? Okay." and go about his business.

Probably the latter.
>> No. 15345
The guy actually lived a pretty full and relatively accomplished life, he might've been a redneck but he deserved better than to spend his twilight years stuck with Chris.
>> No. 15346
File 131567644574.jpg - (20.19KB , 300x362 , Cole.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, time to break out my dancing shoes!
>> No. 15347
pretty sure you can't fake that, can you?
>> No. 15348
Chris was probably listening to Hair by Lady Gaga, bouncing around the ICU, Unplugged a couple machines, and when security came to step in he started flailing around and screaming "GET OFF OF ME JERKOPS!!" Bob was probably winning the battle of his life, but the scene just caused him to give up hope and he accepted the cold, bony hand of the grim reaper. Hell, he probably sucked his cock to get him out of there.
>> No. 15349
This is so bizarre. After years of people joking about Bob dying and now it's (possibly?) finally happened it feels weird.
>> No. 15351
It definitely reads like a troll or Chris wrote it. Chris probably wrote it and his mom looked it over and edited it. The begging for money got a laugh out of me though
>> No. 15352
"My Daddy, Robert Franklin Chandler Jr. was a good, honest and true man ober dere..."
>> No. 15353
We might actually see MORE activity from Chris since now a 'major stressor' in his life is gone.
>> No. 15354
still don't believe he's dead it must be a master troll
>> No. 15355

Actually . . . I was thinking this too. Bob was the disciplinarian in that house. Now there's only Barb, who babies Chris and lets him do what he wants.

Except that I've suspected for a while that if Barb ever had to manage Chris full-time, without Bob to do the heavy work, she'd get tired of him very quickly and get rid of him somehow.
>> No. 15356
In three months Barb is going to bust into Chris' room and be like "I MET THE MOST WONDERFUL HAWAIIAN MAN"
>> No. 15357
You know, I bet you're right.
>> No. 15358
Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure cwc is only thinking about this for himself, or rather how him losing his father will help him get more gal pals. The real question is this- did he show up to the funeral dressed as a man or a woman?
>> No. 15359
R.I.P. Bob. He may have had his flaws, but his final years should've been better than what he got.

He's cutting the angels' Internet down now.
>> No. 15360
Wow, I am totally speechless at the moment! I mean we all know this is coming but it came out of surprise. Well, all I have to say is Rest in Peace for this guy who made us laugh and for being epic when it comes to handling this manchild of his.

Now I wonder how Chris will react?
>> No. 15361

It mentioned Bob's ex-wife's name and David Chandler's wife's name, information that, as far as I know, has never been mentioned by Chris.
>> No. 15363

>Sorry to say but I'm pretty sure cwc is only thinking about this for himself, or rather how him losing his father will help him get more gal pals.

I know it's Chris we're talking about here, and I know he didn't get along all that well with Bob, but come on - the man was still his father.

I don't believe anyone (no, not even Chris) can just shrug off the loss of a parent.
>> No. 15364
File 13156780348.png - (30.99KB , 660x570 , 1293720313993.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

While I agree that Bob was the only source of rules in that house, you have to remember he has been REALLY sick for a long time. I don't think he has had any pull over Chris for Months in his condition.

So, if no Bob rules was going to change Chris any, it would have happened already, dead or not.
>> No. 15367
>Let me know when that fuck Bob finally drops.
~Cole Smithey
>Let me know when that fuck Bob finally drops.
~Cole Smithey
>Let me know when that fuck Bob finally drops.
~Cole Smithey
>Let me know when that fuck Bob finally drops.
~Cole Smithey
>Let me know when that fuck Bob finally drops.
~Cole Smithey
>Let me know when that fuck Bob finally drops.
~Cole Smithey
>> No. 15369
Come on trolls lets get some confirmation here. You've been in contact with Chris for 2 weeks you've had to have know about this before us.
Tell us something, are you going to stop trolling (I know you were planning on stopping anyway) because right now it seems like the thing to do
>> No. 15370

I'm pretty sure that info is on the CWCki though
>> No. 15371
They got Bob's mom's maiden name right. I tried doing the CWC family tree a while ago, and it's correct - Holloman.


^ ctrl+f it.

Good night sweet lumberjack ;-;.
>> No. 15372
Inner Circle here

The trolls quit, the PCAssassins will take over from here, don't worry.
>> No. 15373
File 131567850619.jpg - (0.96MB , 1000x1300 , b4be57d04664214ccbee2dbfeed138ec1275134292.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Asperchu predicted the future..not that it was that hard to predict
>> No. 15374
Does someone remember that plan to make an arrangement with the mortician and put a voice box inside Bob's throat that just shouts "JULAAAAY"?
>> No. 15375

are they going to communicate with Bob's ghost? Can they videotape the seance for us?
>> No. 15377
Wow, this is genuinely sad. I feel so sorry for Bob, to have had to die a broken man like that. That family is DONE without him.
>> No. 15378
Thats their problem now, also they got CFA guy doing the Field work too. They hand picked only the finest cream of the crop elite trolls such as A-log, and MIHIvids, I'm sure PVCC has made the right choice.
>> No. 15379
>In the later parts of 2009 and throughout 2010, as chronicled in Chris's e-mails with Vivian Gee and Jackie, Bob has been forced to take an increasingly active role in controlling Chris's spending and debt, paying off Chris's credit cards with his own money in an attempt to prevent interest charges from spiraling even further out of control. By the fall of 2010, he was monitoring Chris's bank accounts on a daily basis and keeping him on a strict allowance.

Chris is gonna be penniless within a few weeks.
>> No. 15380
lol Trolls are now posting comments to the guest book. There's one from Clyde Cash
>> No. 15381
File 13156789643.jpg - (21.29KB , 400x321 , 1274918262942.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Not if people send enough 'flower money'
>> No. 15383
>PC Assassins
>> No. 15384

You probably have a point--but then again, for the last few months Chris has also been going out in public dressed in drag. We don't know exactly how sick Bob was or for how long, but something tells me if he'd had an ounce of strength in his body, he might have tried to stop the COCKgirl escapades.
>> No. 15385

>cream of the crop elite trolls
>doesn't include JenkinsJinkies
>> No. 15386
heheh, nice wordfilter there
>> No. 15387
File 131567934623.jpg - (44.93KB , 837x328 , wut.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 15388
File 131567936226.jpg - (100.41KB , 1024x768 , without snakes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Let it go... my son. Time for you to put aside the Sonichu... and LIVE."
>> No. 15389
oh man i bet there is gonna be more private pms from dumbasses on the cwcville productions.
>> No. 15390
File 131567938953.jpg - (45.19KB , 482x361 , A-Log Macho Man.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, all those aspie YouTube commentators who are just as bad as Chris, like A-Log, will have something new to rip him about, I guess.

>> No. 15391
>Obituary written by son, Christian Weston Chandler; and wife, Barbara Anne Weston Chandler

There ya go.
>> No. 15392

Ding. I knew those random capitalizations looked familiar.

Goddammit, Chris.
>> No. 15393

okay it's def fake now. look at who created that page and look at the comment they left.
>> No. 15394
Yeesh. Now THAT'S tacky.
>> No. 15395

>Created by: sonichufan

yeah okay
>> No. 15396

Deyeah okay hmmmm sure thing dad

*turns on PS3 plays LBP for 12 hours*

>> No. 15397
Indeed. I call bullshit.
>> No. 15398
File 131567978963.jpg - (180.89KB , 500x357 , 1302056302971.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So which of you guys are bad enough dudes to troll Chris?
>> No. 15399

attend funeral dressed as pickle suited niggers

get epic troll cred
>> No. 15400

I still think the original obituary could be real, but that grave site post is bullshit.

Someone just took it and added by Chris and Barb to keep the shitstorm brewing
>> No. 15401
Ha, that's spot-on! God, I actually can't wait for the next A-Log video, now.
>> No. 15402
I hope Bob gave CWC some sage advice on his deathbed.
>> No. 15403
"Son, I am disappoint."
>> No. 15404
We all knew Bob was gonna die eventually, but now it just feels odd that it actually happened.
>> No. 15405

"Son...always remember...that if the Green County Board of Health sees those videos, that you put on the damn internet, they could condemn our house, and we would have to...move...out...."

Chris: "NOOOOOOO!"
>> No. 15406
please embed candle in the wind on front page

tia mods
>> No. 15407
The PVCC still hid this from us guys! Why is everyone ignoring this!?
>> No. 15408
>Everything about it seems legit except for the part about plastic funnels, leading people to believe that either Chris wrote it, or some troll wrote it.

>It definitely reads like a troll or Chris wrote it. Chris probably wrote it and his mom looked it over and edited it. The begging for money got a laugh out of me though

It's not uncommon for family members to submit bits of information about the deceased to the person writing the obituary, and would be less than surprising if Chris chimed in about his father's groundbreaking contributions to the technological community.
>> No. 15409


Chris mentioned Bob's patents when he was having phone sex with Kacey for gods sake.
That he included it in an obituary about the man himself, when his only other achievement in life was helping bring the worlds biggest failure into existence, isn't that unbelievable
>> No. 15410

It seemed to me you lived your life
Like a Klansman in the wind...
>> No. 15411
File 131568085442.jpg - (60.21KB , 819x497 , findagrave.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 15412

looks like Patti dropped by to pay her respects...
>> No. 15413

Okay, I finally lol'd.
>> No. 15414

We know.

That isn't even the original obituary
>> No. 15415
File 131568095175.jpg - (77.68KB , 820x594 , respectingthedead.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, it's good to see his memory is being honored.
>> No. 15416
Oh god, people are uploading dirty pictures of Chris.

>> No. 15418
He died on the sixth.
>> No. 15419

according to the obit he died on the 6th
>> No. 15420
File 131568113882.png - (240.24KB , 397x356 , 234534647.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
jumping fuck, you faggots...
>> No. 15421
he died on the 6th, pretty sure Mic and them knew!
>> No. 15423
Fucking morons. These Epic Ween fags need to stop.
>> No. 15424

what did you expect
>> No. 15425
...And the page is gone
>> No. 15426
On the Find-A-Grave site there's now a picture I've never seen before of Bob in a yellow shirt.
>> No. 15427
The CWCki's down, too. O_o
>> No. 15428
>> No. 15429



>> No. 15430
lol its back
>> No. 15431
File 131568167098.png - (488.47KB , 837x852 , bob-rip.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, since the page went down right as I wrote that, I grabbed a screencap with the yellow-shirt pic to see if anyone recognizes it.
>> No. 15432
It seems like it is real but I really hope it isn't. If it is I hope those EPIC WEEN faggots get made fun of and pestered when their parents die. I mean fuck, come on, show some decency...
>> No. 15433
File 131568177059.png - (151.51KB , 600x543 , Ralph_Pls_Go_by_SuperKusoKao.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 15434
File 131568181582.jpg - (45.36KB , 927x408 , not found.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 15435
>> No. 15436
File 131568210355.jpg - (22.16KB , 360x265 , 0E745BB3-F933-5487-F4C7F012996842A0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mfw that cemetery looks a little pricey for the chandlers.

I would have expected them to bury him in a cheap Ruckersville plot
>> No. 15437
Bob was the only smart person in that family. The house is paid off, and I'm sure he used some of that tugboat money to pay off Chris' debt and save some up. I'm also sure that he had life insurance.
>> No. 15438

They likely paid for their burial plots years ago. We southerners are big on burial policies.
>> No. 15439
>> No. 15441
File 131568258020.jpg - (18.87KB , 524x350 , Wallstreetmovie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Gah. If Bob did have a fairly robust savings and life insurance situation, it makes Barb and Chris asking for money and giving him a flowerless funeral even more contemptible.

Sure its tacky to ask for direct money donations to the family and not to a charity, but if someone dies and leaves a family with nothing, I can see it being a necessary evil.

But if Bob left them fairly well set up and they still just said 'give us the money' . . .

I mean when an investment banker calls you slimy and greedy you know you're low.
>> No. 15443

Yeah, it's up on his CWCiki pages as "Younger Father."
>> No. 15444
>>94297 Really? This has to be the most sensitive time and this jerkoff has the nerve to put Chris' COCKgirls pics on the side?

This has gone down to a new low.
>> No. 15445

Still, the dig up Bob jokes will be fun.
>> No. 15446
Perhaps some distant family members finally confronted Barbara about her hoarding.
>> No. 15447
It's just one of countless "lol so random!" epic ween fags.
>> No. 15448

You can't see it because of cropping but the COCKgirl pic was posted by someone other than whoever set up the page. Same person also posted an avatar of a dog and something like "See you soon, love, Patti Chandler." The whole page was taken down almost immediately after.
>> No. 15450
appropiate background mods/admin.

Rest in Peace, Bob.

EPIC WEEN faggots, show some respect for the dead. Now I feel like an asshole for posting a link to that site.
>> No. 15451
File 131568341598.jpg - (13.97KB , 350x221 , John4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Between this ans Zyzz...

Our way of life is dying, John...
>> No. 15452
RIP Bob. You were by all accounts not a great guy, but you deserved better than you got.
>> No. 15453
This can go either one of two ways for Chris:

1) He stops making videos altogether due to stress/finances/whatever
2) We see a renaissance in terms of Chris uploading more content than ever now the reigns have been cut off

Either way R.I.P Bob, that household is gonna fall apart without him there to keep it under control because we all know Barb won't parent Chris.
>> No. 15454
RIP Bob.
>> No. 15455
I'm banking on the former. Bob's presence didn't stop Chris from releasing pretty much every single video he ever uploaded.
>> No. 15456
File 131568385075.jpg - (70.79KB , 736x721 , 1290399375003.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>(4 September 1927- 6 September 2011 [4])

He died two days after his birthday!

>> No. 15457
anyone find it suspicious that the PVCC didn't tell us about Bob's death earlier? Could THEY have killed Bob?
>> No. 15458
Fuck you all. I'm sending flowers to Cole, David and Carol.
>> No. 15459
That is so sad. It's even sadder to think he might not have been conscious to see his final birthday, as we do not know the circumstances of what happened. ;_;
RIP Bob.
>> No. 15460

I am not an obituarologist (if there's a word for that), but I'm pretty sure that obituaries take about three or four days to write, publish, and then go onto websites like Legacy.com.
>> No. 15462
File 131568447496.jpg - (26.55KB , 400x400 , b45890544.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And now for the inevitable influx of attempted troll calls to Chris' house using the Bob soundboard.
>> No. 15463
Nothing is worse than insulting a man when he can no longer defend himself.
>> No. 15464
Good night, sweet lumberjack. You were too good for this world.

(Just kidding, you were a dick)
>> No. 15465
>> No. 15466
*stress sigh*
>> No. 15467
Yep, it sure is worse than genocide or torturing infants. Far worse.
>> No. 15468

Funeral arrangements can also take a few days to get in order, although tbh six days between death and burial is a little on the long side.
>> No. 15470
>> No. 15471
Pretty sure the OP of that post meant in this situation. Not in the huge generalisation of the history of planet earth.
>> No. 15472
never thought of that. fuck. that would be pretty disturbing
>> No. 15473
Sounds hilarious if done right
>> No. 15475
File 13156851025.png - (252.88KB , 389x357 , gimme.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>raiding an oldman's funeral
>posting COCKgirl pics in guestbook

Just like how people sneak in the night to take pictures of chris' car, people are going to spray paint pickles or spray JULAY~ on the grave stone.

Stay Classy, shit stains.
>> No. 15478
Am I the only one who's worried about the funeral? I really don't think it's an appropriate venue to crash or troll; lord knows Chris is a trainwreck but it just seems really disrespectful to the rest of Bob's family that's going to be there. I mean, he has other children. Imagine going to your father's funeral and, through your tears, you see a man in a pickle costume and a voice from your dead father's casket screaming "JULAAAAY"

I just think that, if anyone is going to do any kind of reconnaissance or presence at the funeral (which I'm not even sure is a great plan anyway) that it should be very quiet and respectful. A person has died, after all.
>> No. 15479
File 131568529826.jpg - (42.93KB , 450x513 , westboro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>get westboro baptist cred
>> No. 15480
Well, I'm honestly sad to see him go. It's strange, looking at a man's life from the outisde as we did, It was under peculiar circumstances and some would say sinister motives. Personally it makes me think about how my own life would look if people picked it apart in the same way: now and in the future. Bob had flaws for all to see, but he achieved a fair deal in his life and that seemed to give him comfort. Whether or not I make the same mistakes he did, I hope I can say the same.

R.I.P Bob, you old bastard.
>> No. 15483
File 131568537661.png - (360.98KB , 523x475 , fix.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't recall the thread, but there was 1 time someone was taking pictures of the street, and every new pic would be 1 step closer near the chandler house, the last pic was of Chris' license plate.

yeah, people are faggots like that.
>> No. 15484

Some faggot, did it a year ago, posing drunk in front of Chris's cars with his hairy ass face in full view for everyone. I have no idea if anyone saved those pics, but if they did, it would be exceptionally easy to identify him.
>> No. 15485

No offense, your work has been hilarious, but you are in no position to call people out on their morality
>> No. 15486
File 131568549697.png - (190.83KB , 739x812 , mmph.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For those of you wondeirng if Chris misses Bob or even cares, I'd like to bring up this little gem from mumble chat 1.

>Chris: Yeah. Oh, And uh, Julie, I know I could take him on he's friggin' 81. But it's like, you know he's my father and I have to respect him. I mean I don't have to love him but I have to respect him.

Considering this was years before the COCKgirl shit, it shows just how little Chris porbably cares. Granted, there was probably some patching in their relationship over these 2 years but what progress was made was probably destroyed by the MY DAD THREW THE FAG CARD AT ME COCKgirl revalation.

Fuck, I hate to say this but Chris might een be happy that Bob has kicked the bucket. No more STARTING MORE ARGUEMENTS THAN FLIES ON A GARBAGE DUMP, the person against his COCKgirl shit the most is gone now, no more fag cards thrown at him, no more tending to his dad's garden and pulling weeds on those HAW HAWT DAYS, no more getting bugged at bob not washing his hands and Chris can cuddle with mommy without any negative reaction from anyone in his house now.
>> No. 15487
Is anyone gonna go to the funeral service? Without doing any trolling whatsoever, but just to pay their respects?
>> No. 15488
File 131568555114.jpg - (10.19KB , 300x162 , Tom-Cruise-Crying-letter-300x162.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Farewell sweet bob :(
>> No. 15489
I honestly think that the cwcki shouldn't post links to Bob's obit or funeral details. Just to limit the number of idiots JULAAAYing up the guestbook etc - no matter how much of an idiot one of his sons turned out to be, there needs to be some respect for a dead old man.
>> No. 15490
File 13156857812.png - (527.36KB , 636x474 , fine.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>but you are in no position to call people out on their morality

Doesn't mean idk any better.
>> No. 15491
I wonder what will happen to his record collection... Chris will probably sell it to buy more PS3 games he'll never play, make up and anal beads.

Seems a sad thought.
>> No. 15492

...or link to a fake, fanmade obit or something.
>> No. 15493
Mods should change the picture up top to Bob, in memorandum.
>> No. 15494
Unfortunately, it is a bit late. I found out via /v/ and there seems to be a /b/ thread up now in 4chan.
>> No. 15495

Yeah fair enough, I'm glad you do
>> No. 15497

>> No. 15498

Shut up, anon, everyone in the world except for Chris has never had any problems or misunderstandings with their father before, or were annoyed about having to go to a funeral. Chris does, so he's worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot combined.
>> No. 15499

Chris saying he respects his father out of obligation but doesn't feel love for him, says to me that Chris respects his father out of obligation but doesn't love him, don't know what it translates to in your mind
>> No. 15500
  In honor of Bob.
When he says Bill just imagine he's saying Bob, u faggots.
>> No. 15502

That could be said for anyone in the world ever, what a shit argument
>> No. 15503
I doubt Chris is actually capable of loving anyone.
>> No. 15504
File 131568648083.png - (498.80KB , 846x475 , 1254798368936.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good-night sweet prince.

>> No. 15505
File 131568649236.jpg - (25.63KB , 555x538 , 1289139268496.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I doubt anyone on here except Gordon Gekko has a proper fitting dark suit and the ability to blend in without raising eyebrows
>> No. 15506
File 131568664344.jpg - (34.46KB , 470x378 , 11642463-gordon-gekko-style-icon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gordon Gekko, you know what you have to do.
>> No. 15507

Pretty much this. He's likely only going to see this in terms of how it affects his life, not in terms of genuine loss.
>> No. 15508
atleast Bob is in a place where the PC assassins can't get him.
>> No. 15509
huh, kind of strange this happening a week after my own dad passed. anyway

i wouldnt be surprised if chris wasnt particularly broken up about this. i mean bob seemed like the only one who ever tried to discipline him in anyway, and also bailed his ass out in the credit card fiasco, so you might have a chris that goes back to uninhibited shopping sprees on the PSN and being able to awkwardly grope his own mother in public without fear of bob stepping in.
>> No. 15510
File 131568683426.jpg - (2.24KB , 80x80 , a9db15913897019149a2807337f4a0f8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Its a chandler family funeral. Wearing a suit WILL make you stick out in the crowd.
>> No. 15511
File 131568685771.jpg - (148.44KB , 934x700 , CreepyBobAndChris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you fucking crazy? I hate it when people exaggerate Chris's problems to the point where they make him sound like the devil or something. He's autistic. He was probably pissed at Bob at the time and said "I don't have to love him". Of course you all fucking ran with it and acted like it was a fact. Bob is Chris's father. He loves him. Most people love their parents. Stop being faggots.
>> No. 15512
I am bit curious. Will he receive a military burial? I forget how the military treats the Korea War since it is technically a UN conflict.
>> No. 15514
Wow. Doing Bob more honour than Chris ever could.
Good work.
>> No. 15515

>on 789chan a week after your dad died

are you related to Chris in some way?
>> No. 15516
OT but sorry to hear about your dad.
>> No. 15518
in general trolls have shown more respect and regard for Bob than Chris ever did
>> No. 15520

May have gotten a little misty at "It was an interesting life I had." Dat past tense.
>> No. 15521
People get angry and say things they don't mean. Chris might not have loved his father, but I don't think we have enough evidence to say for sure. Everybody "hates" people at times but it doesn't mean they truly hate them but Bob seemed to love Chris.
>> No. 15522
Me too. Nice video.
>> No. 15523
You buttangry?
>> No. 15524
I wonder what Bob's last words were...
>> No. 15525
The last thing Bob heard was the PCAssassins...
>> No. 15527

I don't recall Chris ever saying that he hated his father outright, just that he was annoyed. Chris's major flaw with Bob from what I can see was that he cared more about his PS3 or his comics, which can be explained by his autism.
>> No. 15528
He'll get a military burial.
>> No. 15529
My grandmother died in April (who is 1 year younger than Barb and have the same birthday may I remind you) and we don't care if we receive any money or not since we all care about our grandmother being dead and we feel blessed if somebody gave us their prayers,flowers, and money.

But I don't understand why Barb and Chris would rather have money than having flowers at his funeral. It really shows that these two are greedy motherfuckers.
>> No. 15530
They're just asking for donations... srsly
>> No. 15531
So can we have an explanation on why we are finding this out 4 days late???
>> No. 15532
so what are you trolls planning on doing now
>> No. 15533
I would tend to agree except I'm more than sure Chris doesn't give a shit. More freedom, no one to take his SSI now and no one to call him a fag.
>> No. 15534

Because today is the first day the obituary went up.
>> No. 15535

Obituaries take a while to publish. Chris probably wasn't talking to the field agents because of the stress of Bob's last days. That's my uneducated guess anyway.
>> No. 15536
1. The obituary kinda reports on people's deaths like that on later dates.

2. The trolls were likely doing this for cwc's safety due to the uprise in faggots as you can see on the guestbook for example. i'd imagine chris' phone is ringing to death.
>> No. 15537
We.... live our life...
>> No. 15538
But this is Chris we're talking about.

He doesn't explicitly blame Bob, but remember how he placed particular emphasis on autism being linked to older fathers and not mothers during his "autism tutorial" this year? I'd say the resentment is still there.

Chris will be sad, but it will only be a result of from the people around him cuing him in that he should be sad.
>> No. 15539
my grandma's b-day is sept.4th as well she's 82
>> No. 15540
File 131568799596.jpg - (57.64KB , 274x272 , ghost bob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bob will forever live on in all our hearts.

.....and more than likely as a ghost character that Chris will welcome to Cwcville.
>> No. 15541
made me lol
>> No. 15542

When did Bob call Chris a faggot?
>> No. 15543
Chris doesn't draw comics anymore and I'm pretty sure Patti-chan was an invention of Megan's. And when it comes to how Chris comes to terms with his father's death...

I honestly don't think it would be a good idea for the trolls to ask Chris to put up about it
>> No. 15544
File 131568818668.jpg - (34.61KB , 360x481 , mac-and-me.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah I didn't even think of this until now.

More than likely Barb will make Chris continue to pay the same living expenses Bob did, but if she doesn't . . .

Bob dying will effectively give Chris a 500% raise!
>> No. 15545
Damn, this has been so fucking crazy. The shit Chris has done, the predicaments he's gotten into, the community that has formed, the people that troll him, it's all completely bizarre. Now that his dad is dead it's all over.
>> No. 15546
File 131568826174.jpg - (50.39KB , 480x353 , psychopathic_clink303.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
read his posts on the COCKgirls forum
>> No. 15547
Chris mentioned it on the COCKgirl forum.
>> No. 15548
Oh lawd, these wordfilters...
>> No. 15549

Chris is probably the most depressed he's ever been in his life though. Remember, he had to go on Paxil in high school and when the love quest started... Bob's been with him for almost thirty years now, so it has to be a shock to his little world, no matter how much he actually cared about Bob.
>> No. 15550
it's too early to say if it's over...
>> No. 15551
File 131568850290.jpg - (357.38KB , 625x790 , 130171918793.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think this is what chris did at Bob's death bed.
>> No. 15552
File 131568854766.jpg - (51.69KB , 422x317 , serious_sam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait...you thought i was serious?I know wer all in mourning and all...but lighten up.
>> No. 15553

are these up on the cwcwiki?
>> No. 15554
File 131568864367.jpg - (95.18KB , 800x800 , 1278119412269.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 15555
>My mom said "I didn't raise a daughter", and my father threw the damned "fag" card at me.

i bet he made this whole thing up
>> No. 15556
I don't see it being that unbelievable considering Chris was likely dressed in a mini skirt and wearing makeup when Bob said it.

What else would you expect an 80+ year old southern redneck man's reaction to be?
>> No. 15557
I doubt it, I could just hear Barb huffing "Ah dinnin rayse a doughduh", Bob sure as fuck wasn't gonna take kindly to that shit either.
>> No. 15558

yeah, i guess he was dumb enough to parade around the house all tarted up rather than keep it to his room
>> No. 15560

doubt it, he might do an update video tho
>> No. 15561
File 131568932798.jpg - (25.62KB , 400x361 , 1302829405010.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Milking the event for pity and praise
>> No. 15562
Rest in peace, Bob.
>> No. 15564


and then he won't even read the comments because of all the dirty trolls
>> No. 15565
How much you bet that Chris will blame the greene county school board for this?
>> No. 15566
I wonder how Chris will react. A video? Return to the comic since it seemed to be his primary way of dealing with things back in the day? Mention it as an aside in his next "calling out" video? Not say anything and carry on with his videos like it never happened? Crash into slumber? Leave the internet forever?
>> No. 15567
We're probably back in dry spell mode. I don't know whether Chris genuinely cares or not, but even if he doesn't I bet he'd use it as an excuse to stay off the Internet.

If we're lucky he might do a tribute video before he leaves.
>> No. 15568
File 13156908041.jpg - (96.92KB , 497x500 , freddy-gage-all-my-friends-are-dead.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If he does a video the Chris community on the whole wold have to exhibit an incredible show of unity and restraint and give him nothing but praise and positive attention for the video, which is what he started making videos for int he first place.

Then he'll be back and gradually, things can start to go wrong again but he'll have enough hope to keep making new videos int he hopes they will also give him that praise he craves.

Not going to happen though. Not a chance the community could pull it off.
>> No. 15569
Bob's in heaven, all's right in this world
>> No. 15570
Bob is probably on his way to hell right now
>> No. 15571
File 13156917183.jpg - (11.96KB , 267x201 , crying-indian-tear65p1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
RIP Bob, we hardly knew ye.
>> No. 15572
File 131569191462.png - (3.32KB , 199x176 , trollface.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10/10 troll
>> No. 15573
>> No. 15574
This will undoubtedly change Chris. He may have been able to shake off the deaths of those far away from him. But his father spent his entire life with him. Even the most autistic of children recognize when they stop seeing there father.
>> No. 15575
Do you think Chris has cried/is crying/will cry genuine tears? We've seen him "cry" and act sad many times already, but I don't think I've ever seen him express real grief regarding something appropriate.
>> No. 15576
  R.I.P. Mr.Candler
>> No. 15577

Chris doesn't really have anything left that makes him generally happy except for PS3 and his COCKgirl stuff... and I don't see the COCKgirl phased lasting any longer, since it will most likely remind Chris of Bob calling him a faggot. Unless Chris has enough video games to keep his mind off of Bob, he'll probably be the most depressed in his left soon.

That is unless he isn't already now... just let it sink in all the way first.
>> No. 15579
File 13156937328.jpg - (91.04KB , 800x477 , Wall-Street_Michael-Douglas_rounded-collar_CU_bmp-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I have a feeling a LOT of video games are going to be bought

Gordon Gekko stock tip of the day: Sony
>> No. 15580
That's what I thought too. Anybody who makes monetary donations as requested might as well send Chris a gift basket of vidya.
>> No. 15581
In lieu of flowers please send Playstation Network Cards.
>> No. 15582
File 131569451849.jpg - (139.52KB , 800x600 , 800px-CreepyBobAndChris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've always loved Bob, I just thought he seemed like a rather sweet (if horribly racist) old man, faced with a son two social generations ahead of him whose behaviour he found utterly incomprehensible and profoundly disappointing.

I might send flowers anyway.
>> No. 15583
That monetary gift thing is just weird. I've seen obituaries where the family will ask for "donations" in lieu of flowers in situations where they can't cover funeral costs. Usually the people who give the donations know the family's financial situation and are pretty understanding.

But it just seems to me that the Chandlers would have some sort of burial policy in place. Bob and Barb are both older people, not in very good health, and the only child that still speaks to them isn't mentally equipped to deal with those kinds of arrangements. Plus Bob's ex-military, which usually provides funeral services for vets, and both he and Barb retired from jobs that seem likely to provide pretty good retirement benefits. So what gives?
>> No. 15584
File 131569487830.jpg - (20.89KB , 360x351 , 1300756632063.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Haha sending flowers anyway would be the best way to both honor Bob and screw Chris and Snorlax at the same time.
>> No. 15585
Happy birthday to me.
>> No. 15587
>> No. 15588
That isn't trolling. I actually liked Bob. I'll send flowers.

In fact, I suggest we all send flowers. Let Chris and Barb know that we loved Bob like a father.
>> No. 15589
>> No. 15590
Bob loved gardening and daylilly flowers

Those greedy fucks trying to pocket the flower money from his funeral. I agree sending flowers isn't trolling Bob, but it is trolling Chris and Barb.
>> No. 15591

It's Barb. Everything you read about her, from what happened to Cole to how she met Bob drunk at a bar - will tell you that she is the real psychopath on 14 Branchland Ct. Every negative trait Chris has he got from Snorlax.
>> No. 15592
File 131569630289.jpg - (26.46KB , 274x300 , HW0_372973.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some really pretty lilies in this one. Bob would have loved it.

>> No. 15593
He liked day lilies? Those are quite inexpensive.

Day lilies in memory of Bob, it is.
>> No. 15594
If I had money I would definitely send that.
>> No. 15595
Well, I have mixed feelings.
On this hand, I feel sad because Bob was a person, after all. On the other hand, I think death was a relief for him, and he's now free of the hell that was his life thanks to Chris, Barb and Bob himself.

I wonder what is Chris doing now. Is he feeling anything at all, or is he playing videogames and leaving all the legal paperwork to barb?
>> No. 15596
>sending flowers to commemorate the father of a lolcow, you only know tenuously through his sparse, infrequent, appearances in the lolcows sagas

oh boy
>> No. 15597
>Liking a TV character you only see on-screen for at best 5 minutes a week

oh boy
>> No. 15598
>>94507 isn't trolling.
Trolling would be sending edible arrangements made out of pickles and dill with a banner that says - Beloved Lumberjack, from JULAY.

Bob gave us some great laughs when he was recorded disciplining Chris in the infamous I'm Cutting It Down and THAT IS MY HOUSE. Not all the parenting decisions he made were good ones, but at least it was leagues better than Barblax's coddling.

Personally, I don't get the people who idolize Bob, nor do I get the people who hate him. Bob definitely had his personality flaws, but at the same time he seemed quite likeable for a Southerner. If we were two strangers with a long wait at a bus stop, I probably would've had a pleasant chat with a nice elderly Southern man. RIP.
>> No. 15599
anyone call Cole yet?
>> No. 15600
Bob was more of a man than you will ever be.
>> No. 15601

I'm not pathetic enough to start spending money by sending the actor/actress behind the character stuff though.

Bob dying is very sad news I agree, but the people sending flowers have more money than sense
>> No. 15602
>Your subtle plan isn't trolling. It would be much better to have a giant banner with JULAY on it and make Chris look at pickles! LULZ!!!
You forgot the part where you marry Barb and roll Chris off a bridge.
>> No. 15603

Well, I agree that it takes balls of chromed steel to raise a son like Chris.
Any of us would have sent him to a madhouse years ago, and then move to a different state to start a new life there.
>> No. 15604
I can understand your perspective, and I'm certainly not going to send him anything.
That said, the difference is that the "actor" is a real guy and you're sending the character stuff just as much as the actor. If people are nearby and have a couple bucks, I'm not going to object to them sending flowers. Anything as long as it isn't laptops or money.
>> No. 15605

Sending a laptop = obviously enabling Chris.
Sending money = enabling Barb.
Sending flowers = remembering Bob.
>> No. 15607
I doubt they'll even realise.
It's a subtle jab, doing something they asked people to consider not doing, not sending them pictures of Bob shooped naked.
>> No. 15608
> You know what Bob would've wanted?
A son with a job? A wife who wouldn't hoard? Your Internet cut down?
>> No. 15609
File 131570000186.jpg - (22.21KB , 320x115 , News.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rather fitting.
>> No. 15610

Way to completely miss the point.
>> No. 15611

If the family opts to request it then, yes, he will. If you served in the military you get one, regardless of if you served during wartime or not, just as long as you were honorably discharged.
>> No. 15612
Praise lord Dagon for the return of the name field!
>> No. 15613

Near the top of the thread, someone who may have been OP said that he'd emailed Cole after posting the news. No word yet on Cole's response.
>> No. 15614
More like one generation.
Chris is very much not with the norms of his generation.
>> No. 15615
This could FINALLY drive him to write more Sonichu!
>> No. 15619
Typically he always writes when he has some big stress on his daily life, as escapism. What's bigger than your dad dying?
>> No. 15620
File 131570151212.jpg - (85.17KB , 800x672 , RestWellLumberjack.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bob died well after living a long life full of accomplishments, surrounded by loved ones. Chris will not be so lucky.
>> No. 15622

If anything this is just going to depress him and push him even further away than he was before in drawing sonichu.

You Sonichu fanboys just need to face facts, drawn Sonichu is over.

Chris could loose both his hands and you guys would be convinced it was enough to kickstart a Sonichu resurgence, drawn using a pencil taped to his dick
>> No. 15623
File 131570157390.gif - (298.77KB , 448x256 , a sweaty batman.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm actually kind of sad. I wonder what will happen now.

>> No. 15625
I'm the one who turned it back on.

Don't push it, fucker.
>> No. 15626
I hope this means that we can get a video of Chris outing Bob's killer. I love these outing vids.
>> No. 15629
I feel bad I that I don't feel bad he is dead , I guess its like when you hear a celebrity died, it doesn't really affect you, but you know you should feel bad about it.
>> No. 15630
Why do so many people here think Chris doesn't give a shit about Bob dying?

Christ, Chris may be autistic but he still has emotions. Remember when he crashed into slumber after finding out one of his internet girlfriends was fake and they broke up? He was lying on his couch struggling to get words out. Or how about the time he sat in the dark almost crying because he realised he had tickets to some event but no-one to go with?

The man's father just died. Some spergs more autistic than Chris are trying to use a single quote to prove Chris didn't love Bob but no matter what Chris felt about Bob it'll still be a huge change to his lifestyle to not have him around anymore and autistics most of all hate change.
>> No. 15631
Agreeance. Barb may be a lazy, bitchy Snorlax, but that doesn't mean she's dumb.

I think one of her primary motivations for her mentioning monetary donations in the obituary is her realization at how fucked over they are now that Bob's no longer around.
>> No. 15632
I wonder if Barb will try tell Chris that he's the man of the house now and has to take care of her?
>> No. 15633
Does she collect a pension? I don't know if Virginia Power is a public or private entity, and that usually is a good indicator of a pension, if it is private, they could have offered a lump-sum in exchange for the pension, as in the last 20-30 years private sector has left the pension model. If she doesn't have a pension they are monumentally fucked.
>> No. 15634
Anyone noticed how Bob died in the same hospital Chris was born in?

There's something symbolic about that.
>> No. 15635
Barb has a pension, but it isn't nearly as generous as a military pension is.
>> No. 15636
That Bob died with Chris' birth? Yeah, I know.
>> No. 15637
>> No. 15638
File 131570566997.jpg - (20.97KB , 560x414 , spiderman_ben_parker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So wev lost Bob and The actor who played Uncle Ben.

Now wel never know how to use great power to cut the internet down
>> No. 15639
File 131570576014.jpg - (9.57KB , 220x165 , uncle-ben-220x165.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Take my hand chris
>> No. 15640
>"Instead of flowers, you may make monetary donations to his widow, Barbara Chandler and son, Christian Chandler."

Although I don't doubt for a minute that this is a white-trash money-grabbing maneuver, it's not that odd to see families, especially poorer ones, asking for money instead of flowers. Although usually it's along the lines of "In an expression of sympathy, monetary contributions may be made to members of Robert's family." It's still begging, but it's the difference between begging for spare change and sucking dick for crack: one still has some semblance of self respect left. Just now a lot.
>> No. 15641
File 131570642782.jpg - (293.64KB , 719x431 , 12697525189.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 15643
You know whats sad, I think the people who bullied his son care more about his death than anyone in his community or his own wife and children do

Didn't I read somewhere that bob and barb didn't even talk anymore and slept in separate rooms
>> No. 15644
  He's choppin down angels now.
>> No. 15646
File 131570724689.jpg - (33.42KB , 345x363 , 1312330700516.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, rip.
>> No. 15647
File 131570729547.png - (85.02KB , 450x450 , Bob_alive.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
wouldnt it be funny if bob wasnt dead and this happens at the funeral?
>> No. 15648
For the longest time it's been know that da trolls cared more about Bob than Chris or Barb.
>> No. 15649
When posting, I got the idea that Jesus is showing Bob in heaven how people feel about him dying, and now he is watching us all troll him post-humorously

He's watching you, like, right now , lol
>> No. 15650
File 13157080002.jpg - (44.29KB , 479x354 , earderp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

.....that does not even DESERVE a captain's log!
>> No. 15651
I like Bob.

Regardless of what anyone says, he did what he thought was right for his son. He's made mistakes but seriously, he encouraged Chris to get a degree that would help him get a job but it was Chris's fault that he was unhirable. Bob later gave Chris a break and got him on social security but in the end Chris couldn't take up a part time job at a mcdonalds and failed again.

He might have done something wrong to Cole to get that much resentment from him but overall he seemed like a pretty good father.
>> No. 15653
I'd really love to know what Cole's reaction is, moreso I'd like to know just what Bob did to make him so hateful.
>> No. 15654
Be good ol' racist, redneck Bob?
>> No. 15655
What? He's probably playing PS3 and shitting himself. The only pain he'll be feeling is once he's unable to get more downloads. He can't realize any of that now.
>> No. 15656
You people do realize Bob is an ignorant redneck who contributed a lot to the autistic mess that is today Chris, right?
>> No. 15657
Why do so many people think Chris cares? When has Chris cared about anything other than Chris? If anything, he's only gonna care about Bob if it gets Chris pity. Yes, he's autistic, and a self-obsessed asshole. He also fails at empathy of any kind. When his next video comes around, he's not gonna (really) cry, he's gonna use Bob to his advantage.
>> No. 15658
Three words: Free Pancake Day
>> No. 15659
Kacey, Aunt Corrina, Ryan Cash, Mike Jackson. Any of these mean anything, newfag?
>> No. 15660
I didn't believe it at first and then I read it and was like, "Duuuuude he died on 9/11". . . then I checked the date and was like "Oh wait. Damn. Nevermind it would have been AWESOME if he died on 9/11"

SERIOUSLY! It would have.

Either way I guess here is my little speech for his him.

Bob was a father. Not only was he a father but he was old school. That was good. His life sucked and would have probably been pretty damn kick ass if he didn't have Barb and Chris. That blows. He made plastic. Without him we would wouldn't have rebok sneakers or hover boards or power lacing or trash bags. That's true. I read it on a flag once.

Bob probably is punching babies square in their faces all over Heaven. That's right he is in heaven. Nowhere else. Probably patenting more stuff in heaven. Like plastic halos and plastic wings. They need more of those.

Bob probably smelled like an old man. But he made it charming.

Thank you.

*steps down from the podium and lays a mournful MANLY axe on Bob*
>> No. 15661
kacey didn't die

chris cared about aunt corina. the pancake remark seemed to be an overreaction on /cwc/'s part. it came off more as "one more thing to worry about" for me.

ryan cash was clyde's brother and chris had almost no contact with him nor did he know who he looked like. i don't blame him for not caring. would you care if some nobody died a couple states away? not to mention clyde tormented chris so he probably thought it was a way to get even.

chris and mike only exchanged like what 4 posts? i think it had more to do with the fact that chris was being bombarded with troll mails so he just stamped a "k thx" on all of his responses without reading about them
>> No. 15663

Twould be easy to just taunt him over his fathers death. Telling him how he caused it. His faggotry with the cross dressing. How he actually likes pickles. Hurt him deep.
>> No. 15664
Wow.... mind posting some quotes? How bad is he doing?
>> No. 15665
Twould be an unfunny dickmove, too. I don't get why people want to hurt chris for no reason like that.
>> No. 15666
If Bobs death is not enough to abandon trolling mid saga... then what is? You fucks are truly sick. When you see what BlueSpike looks like, that braced mouth little psychotic nutjob Peter Gritsch / Waymuu, you realize that's probably what the rest of PVCC looks like IRL. A club of psychotics, emotionless stalkers and future serial killers. That Sonichu Ohio con panel was also a good indicator. That creepy faggot wearing a blue hood probably has 3 people tied in his basement.
>> No. 15668
File 131571242561.png - (188.81KB , 345x337 , TH.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you really surprised that most of us are creeps?
>> No. 15670
Well, PVCC apparently knows how bad chris is doing. Here, we can only guess.
>> No. 15671
Is it me, or you can't comment on the Obituary page anymore? (last I saw it, it had 76 comments...)
>> No. 15673
I was covering the first day of a local comic-con, when I decided to browse /cwc/ on my phone, when I found this. At first, I shocked and in disbelief, since shitposts about Robert being dead have been posted before. Robert's obituary (despite how it was written) did me in and although my first day at the comic-con was kick-ass, I was sad for the loss of Robert. Chris's end is nigh, my friends. It's only a matter of time until Chris becomes Virginia's problem because when Barbara, whose health is also failing goes. Chris will be forever alone, blaming his parents' advanced ages being the cause of their age, and it'll be just as tactless as his "Autism Tutorial" LittleBIGPlanet segments. Fuck, I wish Chris had taken Robert's place.
>> No. 15674
>>blaming his parents' advanced ages being the cause of their age

To be fair, he'd probably be right about that.
>> No. 15675
Just found out today about this.

Rest in peace, Bob.
>> No. 15676
>Chris being upset about it

He a) doesn't care, or, b) doesn't care and thinks he's gonna come back, like in earlier mentions of death. People who think he's gonna be upset should really check out the Chris and Death article on CWCki. Been seeing a lot of dumb "CHRIS MUST BE DEVASTATED" posts that are not referring to his PS3.
>> No. 15677

oh my god, shut the fuck up. all because you read a fucking article on a god damn wiki chronicling an autistic manchild doesn't give you any insight as to how chris is taking this.

you're fucking pathetic.
>> No. 15678
I have a feeling that this is the last we'll see of Chris. This was a complete game-changer.
>> No. 15679

Everything eventually must come to an end.
>> No. 15681
why did you have to post that picture? ;___;
>> No. 15684
>People who think he's gonna be upset should really check out the Chris and Death article on CWCki

>taking any of the CWCki's unreliable, unfunny editorials/speculation seriously

>> No. 15685
Whatever happens, we're never going to see "classic" Chris again. It's kind of odd how people thought that COCKgirl Chris was as far as this was going to get. Now that Chris is being forced to "grow up", I think things will never change.
>> No. 15686
>savor every delicious moment of it
You're probably one of those people who thinks Chris is "truly evil" and a criminal who tried to RUN OVER MICHAEL SNYDER AND TAKE PICTURES OF HIS DAUGHTER AND HE'S A PEDOPHILE NO ONE IS WORSE THAN CHRISSY

also, you probably call him Chrissy
>> No. 15687
Does this mean that people will eventually come to the house? People would probably come over to give them food, talk or even do shit for them since someone died. The house is filled with boxes, trash, cat shit and Godbear knows what else.
>> No. 15688
Exactly. PVCC, release the chatlogs. Until then we can only assume that chris doesn't care about his dad's death.
>> No. 15689
This. There's no sense in NOT. If anything, this is probably the biggest event in Chris's life.
>> No. 15690

>barb will finally have to make the choice of either having him committed or otherwise sent off before his selfish behavior causes the house to get foreclosed and they both end up in the street.

No, for fuck's sake, when will you guys learn it doesn't work that way? You can't just have someone committed unless they try to hurt themselves/someone else or someone has power of attorney over them, the latter of which could only be obtained if Chris voluntarily gave it to Barb or she at some point decided to try and have him declared incompetent. That would involve doctors, court proceedings, money, and time. Being a colossal fuck-up and making terrible choices doesn't auCOCKatically make a person incompetent.

tl;dr nobody knows the fuck they're talking about and your speculation is worthless.
>> No. 15691
I actually feel this more than I did when Billy Mays or MJ died.
>> No. 15692
I think what makes this event so sad is that there is no chance at all that Bob was peaceful. Right before he passed, he probably reflected on how his wife let herself go, his son becoming a social pariah-turned-transvestite, and his home becoming a pile of filth.

I bet the last thing that went through Bob's mind was toddler-aged Chris, and the question of how things could go so wrong.
>> No. 15693
Jesus Christ, we haven't seen classic Chris since Jackie.

Also, though you should call off the planned trolling, this may be the biggest, most interesting event to hit Chris. I would love it if he could still be monitored to see how Chris' life changes, because it will. This is going to be the biggest chunk of reality for Chris financially.
>> No. 15694
PVCC needs to release the chat logs.
>> No. 15696
I wonder if Barb is going to have another bout of suicidal thoughts? I remember not too long ago just after Chris stole his parents credit card and racked up all that debt she threatened suicide. Now look at her life. She still has all that debt, her son is a mentally incompetent freak who likes to dress like a drag fag, her house is a literal shit hole, and her health is failing as well. What has she got to live for? I'd want to do myself in if I were in her shoes.
>> No. 15697
>> No. 15698

I'm sure trolling is merely on hiatus for a while and will be back in full swing once Chris has gotten over it...so in like a month or so.
>> No. 15699
More like a week.
>> No. 15700
I will never feel sorry for Chris. I truly believe he actually does not care that Bob is dead. To any normal person in this situation, this would be a wake-up call for Chris to finally get his shit together. He should realize that people won't be taking care of him his whole life. Being Chris, though, this won't be a wake-up call. This will be an excuse to further do nothing. Instead of getting a job, like he is capable of doing, he will ask people for money. I'm sure his mother will demand he get a job now, but I'm sure he won't. I don't feel sorry for Chris for his father dying. I feel sorry for his mother.
I would send flowers, but knowing that house, it would probably be a health hazard. The dead flowers would probably remain in sludgy water for months before being thrown out, if at all.
>> No. 15701
what? i don't remember this. she threatened chris with suicide?
>> No. 15702
Why would you feel sorry for his mother? Have you even read the article about her? She is also responsible for turning Chris into what he is.
>> No. 15703
This is likely the last we will ever hear of Chris, people are way too optimistic to think Barb is going to let him keep all the money, she's going to keep it all for herself and shut off the internet to save money since she doesn't have a use for it
>> No. 15704
I was actually sad to hear the news. Bob seemed like a flawed man, but a fundamentally good one. And to be honest, I feel bad for Chris today. Yeah, I've read the Chris and death article. Whatever. He's a dumb guy and dumb guys say dumb things. But what he's going through right now is legitimately awful, and I wish he and Barbara nothing but the best.

Rest in peace Robert Chandler.
>> No. 15706
Don't really feel bad for Bob, death was sweet release.
>> No. 15707
Archiving this thread in 5 minutes.
>> No. 15708
File 131572218945.jpg - (194.89KB , 1024x809 , Bob1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
RIP Bob, a legend to many.
>> No. 15709
Some of the comments here are fucking disgraceful. I truly don't get why some of you seem to HATE Chris. He's said and done a bunch of dumbass things, made a bunch of goofy, bizarre movies, and behaved like a lunatic. He's hardly a terrible human being.

And, his Dad's dead.

What the fuck is wrong with some of you? There's a lot of people here who don't get the point of watching Chris in the first place - it wasn't to enjoy hating him. It was because he was SO strange.

That video actually made me really sad. Poor old Bob. I bet it was an interesting life.
>> No. 15710

It's 2011. Most new Chris followers are furries and aspies who decided to hate Chris because they wanted someone to feel "superior" to.

That's where most of the people in this thread come from.
>> No. 15711
RIP Bob. He seemed like a genuinely chill guy
>> No. 15712

If you think your better than anyone else on CWC then your the biggest kind of Tard there is , your picking on a 30 year old virgin aspie for fun , don't try to glorify it , except you don't pick on him , you sit on /cwc/ and watch everyone else do it and think your doing something cool
>> No. 15713
First Frank Garrett, now Bob :(
>> No. 15714
I made this for Bob. Rest in peace Noble Lumberjack.

>> No. 15715
Might this mean Chris will gain access to his original autism papers?
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