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File 131572628957.png - (74.82KB , 239x313 , Screen shot 2011-09-10 at 11_19_16 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
16669 No. 16669
New bob chandler RIP thread.


For those of you who don't know our archive policy, the old thread is on the /L/ board.
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>> No. 16670
So... funeral is COCKorrow.

Is there any info about it? Is Chris going? Are Bob's other kid's going?
>> No. 16671
File 131572646235.jpg - (181.39KB , 800x600 , snorlax.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So what I was going to post:
Do we have any idea of how Barbara looks like now?
Because right now, THIS is how I think she looks like, or even worse, and I have difficulties picturing her taking care alone of that filth of a house.
In fact that's another reason to go to the funeral (As long as you guys are sneaky ofc) : Have pictures of barb, to see how healthy, fit and clean she is, because it would reflect pretty well the state of the home as it is now.
>> No. 16673
I wonder if he will get a military funeral
>> No. 16674
I know it's dumb as all fuck, but this wordfilter never fails to make me laugh.
>> No. 16675
Da. It was covered in the last thread.

I, for one, wonder if Chris will be able to access the holy fails of the autism papers, report cards, etc. And if the manchild meets his niece.
>> No. 16676
Good, the Army will give him a better funeral than Chris&Barb would

I think Bob brought those papers to the grave with him TBH
>> No. 16677
What reason would he have for getting those now?
>> No. 16678
I made this to pay my final respects to our beloved Lumberjack.

>> No. 16679

Yes he will, as long as Barb requests one. Anyone who has served in the military is entitled to a military funeral so long as they were honorably discharged.
>> No. 16680

Bob was always adamant about not letting Chris have access to all his important files. Probably because he knew his brain dead son would lose them or ruin them somehow.
>> No. 16681
File 131572870652.jpg - (334.90KB , 1187x385 , Real Chris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Man, I just found out about Bob's Death and suddenly had the urge to post here again after a long time.
It really feels bad, even though we didn't get to know him that well; wasn't he like the only trace of sanity in that house? He certainly will be missed.

It would be interesting to know about Chris' feelings right now, did something change on him after this? Or nothing happened at all and will be the same? We can't hope for the best, he is Chris after all.
>> No. 16682

The trolls in contact with Chris have confirmed that he is truly upset about his father passing. However, this will change nothing with how Chris lives his life. He will always be a lazy, pathetic slob who will never take responsibility for himself.
>> No. 16683
File 131572938686.png - (275.41KB , 800x680 , lumberjack heaven.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
cutting down heaven's internet
>> No. 16684
>So... funeral is COCKorrow.

>> No. 16685
I wonder if Chris remembers to inform Cole about Bob's departure. Likely not, unless he's going to take part in another rap contest.
>> No. 16686
File 131573022261.jpg - (11.49KB , 300x225 , gaddafi_sad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know what, that's kinda depressing, his last months of life were spent completely alone watching his retarded son dress like a faggot and receiving stupid phone calls from faggots.
>> No. 16687
Cole will pretend to care, or at least that he doesn't have anything against Bob.
>> No. 16688
You know, there is a lot that Chris and I have in common. We were born in the same year, we both grew up liking the same things, and both our fathers have passed away. This is actually the first time I've felt bad for Chris. I'm as heartless as any troll can be towards Chris, but this is where I draw the line. Every time I see some sperg lord complaining about how this is going to set back Chris trolling I just want to kick their fucking teeth in.
>> No. 16689
This has been said about a thousand times. Barb is a skeleton these days. Don't remember what disease/disorder it was, but she lost a fuckton of weight. That picture is so old it isn't funny.
>> No. 16690
That's really interesting and cool.
>> No. 16691
>I just want to kick their fucking teeth in.

internet tough guy alert
>> No. 16692

The last thing poor Bob saw: His fat fuck son sitting on a chair across the room from him, in a skirt and spaghetti strap top, with makeup, legs spread so he can see his son's junk bulging out of his thong, playing his fucking video games. Poor Bob. :(
>> No. 16693

Poor bastard

Let's hope he reincarnates as something good. I think he had good Karma
>> No. 16694
A plastic funnel.
>> No. 16695
File 13157318691.jpg - (107.90KB , 1063x796 , vibrator.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or this. After all, if it hadn't been for Bob, we wouldn't have the plastic to make new toys for Chris.
>> No. 16696
It does make you wonder, how much did Chris's newest and most ridiculous lifestyle choice cause Bob's death.

We know Bob called him a fag and stuff, but it must have been even worse having Chris then go NO DAD AH AHM NOT A HOMO AH AHM JUST IN TOUCH WITH MAH FEMENINE SIDE BLAH BLAH COCKGIRLY WAYS BLAH BLAH
>> No. 16697
shame we will never hear from him again. now who will keep this so called "COCKgirl" in line? his pet cave troll of a mother? i think not.
>> No. 16698
dude yeah and now i bet that CwC is just feeling lower than when Ivy eledgidly killed herself. As a gay troll in training i can somewhat sympothize with this. but only slightly. Come on its Chrischan we talking about here. what else is there to be sympathetic for?
>> No. 16699
I don't think Chris' current lifestyle really changed anything. Bob has been of poor health for a while, he died at a reasonable age for what he had going for him. I feel like Bob was past getting terribly stressed out about Chris, he's been dealing with it for close to 30 years now.
>> No. 16700
Pardon me chaps, but is he REALLY dead? Sticking in a fake obituary seems like something a troll would do, and I have yet to see ANY other confirmation.

The CWCki seems fine to put this up with no other sources, which makes me think its a ploy to get Chris to make a post.
>> No. 16701
to be fair, if it was "just a ploy" why would we tell you here, on a public forum?
>> No. 16702
Chris's tranny bullshit put Bob one foot in the grave make no mistake. Fucking shit, it's horrifying to really think that's one of the things he saw on his deathbed.
>> No. 16703
That's true, but I figured it was worth bringing to everyone's attention anyway.
>> No. 16704

Thorg and Tito have confirmed, so unless you think this is yet another conspiracy theory by the pvcc to keep an autistic manchild in their vice-like grip, yeah, Bob's dead dude.
>> No. 16705
It could very easily be another PVCC conspiracy.
>> No. 16706
I just found out this morning.

Damn, son. Damn.
>> No. 16707
If anything it's just going to be another excuse for Chris to use why he can't do anything.
>> No. 16708
That pic is haunting.
>> No. 16709
>he had been dealing with it for close to 30 years now.

>> No. 16710
Jesus, that picture makes me sad. It really makes you realize how "normal" Chris would be had he had the will to grow up.
>> No. 16711
If anything in this world would actually change how he acts, it would be the death of his father. If he doesn't grow up now, he never will.
>> No. 16712
I think he's too far gone. The best he can "aspire" to be is doing custodial work and living in a condo somewhere.
>> No. 16713
File 13157536231.jpg - (19.48KB , 512x384 , Boy-Laughing-512X384-184.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh wow there is no way to fuck that word up more than you did just there
>> No. 16714
File 131575396253.jpg - (112.78KB , 398x300 , cst07.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you're a Christian please pray for Bob. Also for Chris and Barb that they'd find comfort during this time and that all their needs would be met (the obituary suggests they might not have much money). Also for forgiveness if you've done anything to Bob or the Chandlers (even in your heart) that needs forgiving.
>> No. 16715
File 131575401229.jpg - (58.78KB , 676x686 , 1294082216460.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Which, when you think about it, would be far far far better than I can ever imagine him doing.

Barb will slip further into depression, adult welfare will get involved and Chris will move into state run assisted living.

At least there someone will watch over his online activities.
>> No. 16716
Another black morning on /cwc/. :(
>> No. 16719
The only difference is weight and clothes and his eccentric choice in clothes is most likely down to his autism.

So if by "Grow up" you mean get rid of his autism I don't think he'll be doing that any time soon.
>> No. 16721
File 131575442945.jpg - (45.31KB , 300x384 , levar-burton.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even most Christians I know have realised that prayer does nothing.
>> No. 16722
http://sonichuchandler.tripod.com/ ;_;
>> No. 16723
>> No. 16724

"Sonichu is no longer being updated. My father's passing has been too great for me. :( It is like I Lost Patti All Over Again."

oh boy.
>> No. 16726
Was that not an old quote from when someone hacked the site? Pardon me if I'm being a massive tard, but the update for that page was 'Updated: 3/31/2010'. Maybe I'm getting my wires crossed.
>> No. 16727
Troll-controlled site. That line about his father has been up for over a year,
>> No. 16728
I thought so. Thanks for the confirmation!
>> No. 16729
You know, this was discussed before and now it makes a lot of sense:

What could happen if one of Bob's bastard offspring decides to pop out and demand his share of Bob's will?
>> No. 16730

That would imply Bob left anything worth fighting over.

Which is incredibly fucking sad if you think about it.
>> No. 16733
File 131575885324.png - (2.64KB , 310x151 , cwcki.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Small screencap of the CWCki's front page. A plain white screen with this in the centre of it.
>> No. 16734
I don't know why they took the whole site down for that. Just make it a splash page or something.
>> No. 16735
None of the other pages are available, either.
>> No. 16736
My guess is they did it out of respect. Which is still retarded, but I don't think this is the end of CWC.
>> No. 16737
File 131576040672.png - (932.71KB , 1500x427 , bgWrapper3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder if they'd be able to find them?
With all the stuff in that house, some of it is bound to be worth something. Hoarders wouldn't be very helpful because you have to want to get rid of trash, but I wonder of Buried Treasure could maybe help them find things they could part with for money? Last Wesnesday they showed a house that was a complete mess, but filled with old stuff. They turned up like $130,000 worth of antiques I think. The Chandlers surely wouldn't have that much net worth, but maybe enough to cover Bob's funeral?

The only thing is, the house may not be sanitary enough to allow people to go digging around...
>> No. 16738

>death taxes

Don't exist, bro. If you're thinking of the estate tax, Bob's way too poorfag to be required to pay it.
>> No. 16739
all people die. not just parents, but all people ever. it's not some great tragedy or special loss. it's just one more biological process coming to an end.
>> No. 16740
Ending a sentence in "bro" and then "poorfag?"

Am I the only one who thinks that looks really lame and like some kind of attempt to sound "cool"?
>> No. 16741
>it's not some great tragedy or special loss

In Chris' case it is a great tragedy/special loss. He lost his father.
>> No. 16742
It is. There's no denying that. The best thing that we can get at this point are a series of PVCC leaks.
>> No. 16743
I always got the impression that Bob Chandler actually did pretty well for himself. I mean, they weren't rich, but he owned a goddamn BMW and managed to buy a house. I'm sure he had some savings.
>> No. 16744
Used BMW, and crap split-level in the middle of a rather rural, low-income town.
>> No. 16745
The average 2009-2010 sell price for properties around that area was 300K, I'm sure they could get 150-200K for their crap split-level home.
>> No. 16746
Easy for you to say until the next time you lose somebody you care about.

Whilst Bob's death will have a miniscule effect on all of our lives (and whilst millions die every day), it is a basic human trait to feel sympathy for those whom it will affect. Using the "everyone dies" line of reasoning as an argument against being saddened by death is to deny the validity of grief, an emotional response that is thought to predate humanity itself.
>> No. 16747
Bob was smart enough to get Chris SSDI so there would be another income in the house to cover all the expenses Chris would eventually rack up.

One sign of their money problems is the car Bob drove: a used Honda subcompact (what I'm guessing was an ancient Civic or a CR-X) with a gaudy used car dealership logo painted on the hood.

Unless the Chandlers started hoarding cars, I'd say the BMW doesn't run anymore.
>> No. 16748
File 131576327971.jpg - (112.03KB , 455x370 , 1278111580703.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Houses in that area are cheap. Like under $1,000 a month mortgage cheap.

The BMW was a used z3. A cheap and horrid little car. That's like saying someone driving a 10 year old Porsche did well when they have a 924
>> No. 16749

That's assuming Barb is capable of getting all of their junk out of the house.
>> No. 16750

At this point, she might be better off financially by having the house leveled and selling the land it's sitting on.
>> No. 16751
Leading tot he excavation of you know who . . .

Doesn't matter, can't sell haunted property. Look what happened to the kid who lived across the street who went over there one night. Jenkins somethingorother.
>> No. 16752
File 131576430752.jpg - (18.60KB , 400x299 , poltergeist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Goddamn it, you moved the trash but you left the dog, didn't you? WHYYYYY?!
>> No. 16753
File 131576458341.png - (8.80KB , 768x880 , 14BranchlandCourt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The house is assessed at $161,200, but that assessment is just for tax purposes, so it's probably worth much less. Taxes are $6.90 per $1000 in Greene County, so the current taxes would be $1,112.28

I've attached the public record printout.
>> No. 16754
>Condition: Average
>> No. 16755
Granted, a property is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, but what leads you to believe that a cleaned-up 14 Branchland Court, would be "worth much less" than its tax assessment. More often than not property sells at or above its fiscal assessed valuation, even in a bear market. The Chandlers just need to set aside 5-10 K to clean their house.
>> No. 16756

If they were rational enough to do that, I don't think they would be in their current predicament.
>> No. 16757
I suspect Chris's house is most likely heavily mildewed.
>> No. 16758
we know the shower is anyway
>> No. 16759
File 131576801458.jpg - (130.38KB , 1024x768 , Princess-Mononoke-13-1024x768.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Your statement is completely, 100% factually correct, and can be defended to the end of time by cold, undeniable logic.

It's also incredibly offensive, and to say it after a death shows such a misunderstanding of human nature that I'll assume you were raised by wolves.
>> No. 16760
>the obituary suggests they might not have much money
>the obituary suggests they mismanaged all their funds on their fuck-up son and Chris needs more thongs

>> No. 16761
I bet Chris is happy he can use all of his tugboat now. Barb is probably too chicken/smothering to collect from him.
>> No. 16762
I don't really follow why everyone is acting like Barb is just as shit at managing money as Chris is. She's a cow, not an idiot. Coddling though she may be, she's been living by independant means for half a century, odds are she knows the basics. I also highly doubt that an elderly woman with a severely ill and rapidly worsening husband wouldn't put aside something. She must have some kind of post-bob plan, however sketchy it may be.
>> No. 16763
Just like Bob's post-Bob plans for Chris, right? If Bob, being the self-sufficient man he believed himself to be, failed at even setting up some sort of contingency plan for Chris, as he mentioned in the ass asians call, and expecting Chris to be taken in by the state, I'm positive Barb was expecting to be taken care of by Bob. </sperg>
>> No. 16764

But I'm not talking about Bob. What I'm saying is, people are assuming that Barb is on the same level of helplessness as Bob. Barb's only real crime was not understanding autism, and so reacting to it by spoiling her son and treating him like he was 5 years old well into his late 20s. There is absolutely no evidence that she's stupid, or that she can't manage money - yes, she wasn't the one who managed Chris' money but we know nothing about the family finances. Barb's an adult, and she's not retarded. Pathetic, maybe, but she must know a little about managing things...
>> No. 16765

*same level of helplessness as Chris

>> No. 16766
I think it's just that most of what we've seen of Barb is her being stationary and inert. Yes, she springs to the defense of Chris and Bob when riled up, but overall, she just seems to wallow in her hoarding, depression, weakness from colitis, etc. I really do think she passed on all responsibility to Bob a while ago. She also has a tendency to latch onto men who'll take care of her and often abuse her (not necessarily in the case of Bob, mind you, but in the past) as long as they'll give her some direction. In short, I don't know if she's *helpless*, but maybe she passed the responsibility on to Bob, who was just happy he could (ugh) nail a piece of ass 50683856 years his junior.
>> No. 16767
File 131577394845.jpg - (11.96KB , 220x220 , unnamed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I have no doubt Barb knows exactly what Chris paid Bob for rent and will expect the exact same from him every month.

Bob and Barb made sure Chris got on SSDI so they could have an extra income for the house, not for Chris.

I don't think that's bad either. They still have to provide for him like a 13 year old son so they frankly deserve his tugboat.
>> No. 16768
Just really curious:

Do you any of you guys think the trolling should stop?

Also, what proof is there that Barbara's health is failing?
>> No. 16769
Yes, she'll *expect* it, but will she *get it from him*? She coddles Chris and doesn't seem to be able to put up the talk that Bob could, although she could possibly ask him to get off before she goes off and shit.
>> No. 16770
Fook no. This is a valuable lesson we're watching unfold.
>> No. 16771
Guess Chris is gonna get his hands on those model kits after all, huh?
>> No. 16772
Not stop, just back off for a bit. Chris, with the last disciplinary influence in his life gone, should produce plenty of quality material all on his own.

Someone should keep an eye on the Ruckersville and Charlottesville police blotters.
>> No. 16773

But does anyone know what kind of health Barbara is in?
>> No. 16774
Why does it matter? Because we "might be killing her" if we keep going? All I've heard is what's in the CWCki: that she has lost a lot weight since her colitis started. As for killing her, I think she has a lot more to deal with from Chris than from trolling. That said, it's her outlook on life that got her to this point, and putting all her faith on Bob instead of planning responsibly and getting help for her hoarding, etc.
>> No. 16775
So... How do you think Chris would react if he saw the CWCki in it's current state (as a memorial for Bob)? Considering how he thinks they are evil super trolls who want nothing more than his suffering, would it confuse him that these evul trolls would stop to mourn Bob's death? Or would he just sigh then play his PSTriple some more, shitting himself and applying makeup all the while?
>> No. 16776

Sadly, I think Chris is probably so paranoid of da dang dirty trolls by now that any gesture is going to get filtered into "mocking" his father's death.
>> No. 16777


You think he'll show up for the funeral in a miniskirt and makeup?

I can't imagine Barb would allow it.
>> No. 16778
As if "success" was ever an option for him.
>> No. 16779
Now that bob's gone I wonder how much more cuddling/physical contact will have with his mom.
>> No. 16780

*Chris will have
>> No. 16781

I don't think he'd really notice at all. I don't think he'd even misinterpret it as mockery; rather, it's so at odds with his rigid worldview that he'd just filter it out. Kind of like the Mailbag.
>> No. 16782

Do you really think, given the circumstances, that he's even going to check the CWCki? Maybe in a couple of weeks, and who knows how long that page will be up.

Then again, Chris does love to surprise us...
>> No. 16783
>it's so at odds with his rigid worldview that he'd just filter it out.
True and a shame. I'd love it for him to get angry and insist that nobody's allowed to mourn for Bob but him...and his mother, as an afterthought.
>> No. 16784
File 131578029556.png - (375.86KB , 1280x720 , 1315779090035.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Princess Celestia weighs in on the current event.

>> No. 16785
Do you think CWC will go to the funeral dressed as a woman?
>> No. 16786
Poor bastard. He deserved better then Chris. Good-night, sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest
>> No. 16787


He'd be stressed right now, so he'll just wear what his mommy tells him so he doesn't have to think for himself.

Poor guy.
>> No. 16788
If there is mold in the house, it's almost worthless. Getting rid of mold is expensive.
>> No. 16789
I bet in honor of Bob, Chris is making a level on little pig blanket that walks through Bob's life and will show everyone at the memorial service
>> No. 16790
What I want to see is who shows up at his funeral. The Chandlers aren't exactly the most sociable people in their town.
>> No. 16791
Obviously Sonichu, Rosechu, the Chaotic Combo and the rest of the gang. I bet Slaweel will show up and Graduon will give the eulogy. I mean, Bob did found CWCville, so he's VIP.
>> No. 16792
Pretty much anybody would take a memorial/dedication from a troll site as a further offensive insult. Cwcki ops would have to be pretty desperate to rationalize their online behavior to actually believe they were making some kind of noble, meaningful gesture.
>> No. 16793
Well, you never know... if you're stuck in the house and especially depressed, an attack site against you is just the thing you might check in on. Sort of like browsing your ex's facebook on the anniversary of your break-up if you're heartbroken.
>> No. 16794

lol at the thought of bob being mythologised in the sonichu universe like patti was
>> No. 16795
>>The thought of Bob being mythologised in the Sonichu universe like Patti was...

Bob-Chan Sonichu, original defender of CWCville, with Barbarella Rosechu by his side.
>> No. 16797
Tragedy is often the best source of creative inspiration so maybe we'll see some good Sonichu comics from this if he uses it as a way of dealing with grieving like he did with Patty.
>> No. 16798
>plus there's all the bills for funeral expenses and death taxes.
Unless Bob squirreled away a vast sum of money that he kept hidden from the rest of his family, there is no way his estate will qualify for any sort of tax.

It's clear, however, that the Chandlers are in dire financial straits. I've never seen an obituary straight-up beg for money like Bob's does. It's possible that Barb is just so craven that she'll use any opportunity to beg for cash, but that doesn't really seem likely.

The family doesn't have any cash other than Social Security payments. Their only real option for a quick infusion of money is a reverse-mortgage, but that would require an inspection and valuation of the property. And we know how the family feels about that.

They could probably survive on their SS benefits were it not for Chris's ability to piss away all he "earns" and Barb's near-certain need for future expensive medical care.

She could always ask Cole for money, I guess.
>> No. 16799
Oh, I do hope Cole takes care of her. God knows Chris won't.
It's always sad to see people not taking care of their elderly parents, especially when they're more than capable to.
>> No. 16800
Pretty much the only hope left for them is if Barb or Chris wins the lotto
>> No. 16801
now that would be an interesting saga: Chris wins the lottery. What on earth would he do with those millions?
>> No. 16802

Honestly, Probably just spend it all on stupid Vidya crap and maybe get an apartment. Maybe
>> No. 16803
Blow it all on video games over the course of the rest of his life. But it would probably lead to him changing his dating tactics to approaching attractive women and screaming about how he can buy them anything.
>> No. 16804
A fool and his money are quickly separated. Chris would lose $25mil just as fast as he would lose $2500.
>> No. 16805
Now that the REPUBLICAN CUR has finally dropped I wonder if Cole will be true to his word and will renew contact with Barb at all.
>> No. 16806
I love how we get no information or evidence of how Chris is doing on this when many of us are really curious.
>> No. 16807

Your personal curiousity is of no importance to the delicate operations conducted behind the scenes. Be patient and you may get some stuff in a few weeks when this all calms down.
>> No. 16808
File 131581756536.jpg - (17.95KB , 421x330 , cwcki.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If Chris wants to publicize his reaction on youtube or whatever that's fine.

The fact that there hasn't been any phone calls or pictures or anything shows one thing. That even trolls can have some shred of decency. Note that they even decided to postpone the current saga.
>> No. 16809

Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that there's no way for the saga to continue after this and any sort of molestation would push CWC off the internet forever and/or scare up a negative media circus at long last.


Virginia doesn't have any death taxes. In 2010, I went with some fellow students from college to speak with the legislature about higher education and there were proudly displayed certificates in some representatives' offices entailing that they worked to repeal them.

In any case, I don't think Bob's "estate" was worth enough for the government to take any of assets. As it was pointed out earlier, their landfill of a home is worth barely more than $1,000 USD (and I'm not sure that factors in the biohazards).
>> No. 16810
Maybe Bob had a fat life insurance policy, and Bob and Chris will be moving to Paris, France.
>> No. 16811
I realize some have their doubts, but I think Barb will actually be able to look after Chris, or at least until her health declines further. The conversation she has with Chris in the middle of that one Kasey call (#10 maybe? I'm not really sure) leads me to believe that she does more than eat, sleep, and hoard. Not that she is by any means an ideal parent, but she can at least guilt/nag Chris into doing shit once in a while.
>> No. 16812

There's been information given, he isn't doing well, as for proof, what do you want, covert pictures of Chris crying on his ps3 controller? Shit is getting shut down for a while, deal with it.
>> No. 16813
I'm amazed that some of you are so selfish that you actually care about content at a time like this.

I've often questioned a lot of what has been done, and have been really uncomfortable with things that have transpired. Chris was always interesting when he was just an odd guy doing - and making - odd things.

But, for the CWCki to do this is a really classy move. They did the right thing.
>> No. 16814
Chris will never appreciate that right now the people protecting him from trolling... are his trolls

feels bad, man
>> No. 16815
Yeah, no most of those "odd things" and behavior were prompted by trolls. CWC for the most part does nothing on his own, contrary to a popular opinion present on these boards.


What are you talking about? Nobody is taking action against others who themselves aren't going to do anything. /cwc/ is having one of its episodes.
>> No. 16816
File 131582258544.jpg - (20.59KB , 216x367 , tim cruzetor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i knew this day would come, but, im in total shock.

my condolences to chris and all his family.
>> No. 16817


Trolls created Sonichu, did they?

Trolls created the medallion and convinced him to wear it?

Trolls created the sign? Trolls sent him after Michael Snyder?

Trolls created 'Twin Falling Towers', did they? You know - since Chris does nothing without troll input.

Shut the fuck up, you complete idiot.
>> No. 16818
Trolls did send him after Mike Snyder. The twin falling towers video was unusual because it was something he did on his own, which is rare for Chris. I'm wondering if he was inspired by ED or something.
>> No. 16819

Oh wow just shut the fuck up you bloody white-knight. If you were such a noble person you wouldn't be trolling Chris all. I'm not a faggot like A-log, but I still don't give a shit about Chris or Barb's wellbeing. You knew this was coming.
>> No. 16820

What makes you think I'm 'trolling' anybody?

Chris is interesting. Get ready for some amazing news, little one - you can take an interest in the soap opera of Chris's life without hating him or wanting to destroy him. You can also do it without having to scream I HATE HIM I HATE HIM AND I HATE EVERYONE IN HIS LIFE AND WISH THEY WERE ALL AS DEAD AS BOB LOL.

You're young, that's all. Young and stupid.
>> No. 16821

Trolls are why he did virtually anything after his initial discovery and baiting, yes. I stand by that your impotent insults aside.

There would be nothing beyond his Sonichu antics and a few attraction efforts without his autistic imagination being fed by sweethearts and rivals. You wouldn't even have as many comics.
>> No. 16822

>> No. 16823

Wow, you sound just like that 'Iconoclast' faggot. That or one of the whiny nerds that stopped Bluespike from making Chris shove the medallion up his ass. And I never said I hated him, I just don't care about his wellbeing and I don't see why my entertainment should end because a tard is sad.
>> No. 16824

Gee. You're pretty hardcore. I bet you even listen to Linkin Park and you're totally ice fucking cold.
>> No. 16825
So more than half of the reason Chris is an odd guy doing odd things is how the internet collides with his autism. There's nothing interesting about what he'd do without a primer, unless you were hoping he'd eventually be doing Let's Plays.
>> No. 16826
so much faggotry.
Never would have thought bob dying would have turned EVERYONE into a white knight.
>> No. 16827

Nice comeback brah. But answer me this, would rather have videos of Chris mumbling about Sonichu and random crap he heard on the news or tard-raging 'IAN BRANNAN SOMETHING' Chris?
>> No. 16829

Again - so?

So, Chris has been prompted to do weird things by the Internet.

That doesn't mean everyone has to agree with ALL of them.

For instance - the Singstar Challenge? Funny. Harmless, creative, and clever.

Jack Thaddeus calling him fat for an hour? Boring and not funny.

The 'Holding Out For A Hero' clip? Bizarre, indescribable, fascinating.

The Lars call? Tedious, mean spirited, pointless.

Chris's videos are at their best when the people he's reacting to aren't being utter bastards for the sake of it.
>> No. 16830

Yeah! Like, why the fuck should some old cunt dying make anyone feel a goddamn thing? We all hate Chris's guys, right? Fuck him! I'm gonna film myself taking a shit on his grave! Hahaha!
>> No. 16831

Question: How were Liquid and Ivy not being utter bastards by tricking a mentally-handicapped dork into becoming a total joke for the anonymous hordes of the internet?

As for Liquid, you do know that he was motivated to troll out of contempt for Chris-Chan's personality, right? That he was one of those often dismissed individuals who wanted to see him be punished somehow?
>> No. 16832

Again, some of the things that were done during the Liquid era were really shitty - the father call was two hours of torture, for instance.

But, the Singstar Challenge was harmless and very funny. Chris's forgiveness blessings was, too.

There are levels of cruelty throughout this whole thing - it hasn't always been a torrent of nastiness. Some of it has been relatively innocuous. Despite what the younger, stupider members of 789 seem to believe.
>> No. 16833

Again, so it doesn't matter whether or not you agree with any of it. The claim that /cwc/ has been amusing or active for four years without inspiration is naive.
>> No. 16834

I am so sick of that word.
>> No. 16835
Pretentious much? And you really think unfunny shit like the singstar crap was good and stuff like the Father call was wrong? I'm starting to think you're just trolling.
>> No. 16837

...and if they happen to like videos where Chris is angry or depressed then they're an angsty sperg? Cool hypocrisy bro.
>> No. 16838
Does anyone who has been in contact with Chris know if he blames his fathers death on the trolls in any way? (Stress etc)
>> No. 16840
Let's just move on. This thread is about Bob, and honoring his memory.

I know /cwc/ hates practicing patience, but I guarantee you it won't be long at all before Chris finds a way to blow this into something beyond any of us can reasonably imagine.
>> No. 16841

Lulz my friend drew that.

I oughta do a piece for Bob.
>> No. 16842
According to my calculations, the funeral is taking place as I write.
I wonder when Chris will make his first post-funeral appearance.
>> No. 16843
I'm betting the 15th, to expose more trolls. We need a betting pool.
>> No. 16844
I have a curious question:

Unless he is being restrained, why isn't chris informing the invisible "non-troll" youtube/elsewhere audience? Especially if he is pleading for money?
>> No. 16846
If it was Barb that went instead nobody would be being this sensitive towards Chris.

You're all ''humanising'' Chris, through a transferred fondness of Bob.

The minute Chris makes another video, you will be back to jump down his throat.

It could be a sincere heartfelt, video where he sobs his heart out about the whole affair, and you would all be calling for a milking because he's dressed like a complete fool in black makeup or something
>> No. 16848
The only people who hate Chris are the asspies who see some of themselves in him.
>> No. 16850
This. Some of us are just bystanders watching the person on top of the building edging closer to falling. Some are the ones urging Chris to jump. Some are the cops/carers standing up there with Chris, begging him to come back to them.
We don't all hate him.
>> No. 16851
If they were smart they'd just apply to get on some hoarders tv show. I'd like to see the network that turns down a story like that
>> No. 16852
Haven't some people tried before? I am sure even if a family friend/relative suggested it to Barb, she wouldn't acknowledge it as someone trying to help her, I feel she would see it more as someone insulting her or invading her territory. Pretty sad.
>> No. 16853
File 131584635624.jpg - (4.48KB , 170x127 , Chrischan_sonichu_medal.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let Cris-chan grieve. If you don't believe that he can or that it is not real grief, you're showing off your naiveté.
He might not be a nice or good person. But he is a person.
There's a difference between being a white knight and treating Chris with sympathy and respect.
>> No. 16854
Chris....Chris never changes

Death does not , affect Chris, emotionally, only exception being Patty because she was a dog and gave undivided attention to him, Bob was mean because he had to worry about bills and didnt coddle Chris everyday, don't get me wrong, he'll be bummed out, maybe a much as a month, but I don't think he will go through a long grieving process like most people .

Don't forget all his Gal-Pals that died, we all know they where trolls and are not dead, but to HIM they where real people and they really died, and a few days after one of his girlfriends supposedly died you couldn't even tell. Of course Bob is someone he has known all his life, but I doubt in the long run Chris will feel it emotionally, financially however Chris is fucked
>> No. 16855
You're comparing a bunch of people Chris never even met in person to his father?
>> No. 16856

>I feel she would see it more as someone insulting her or invading her territory.

Because that's exactly what the show is about.
>> No. 16857
I know that. Which is why I said that's how Barb might see it, as people attacking her home instead of helping her.
>> No. 16858
The estate tax was eliminated for the 2010 taxes. Chrislax probably don't have to worry about anything.
>> No. 16859
Pardon my ignorance, but how does a show like Hoarders work in terms of selection of subjects? I was of the belief that hoarding types many times do not see hoarding as a real problem and, even if they do realize that it is, they are too tied to the junk to get real help. I assume Hoarders requires an owner of the property to allow the crew in and let them work. The best chance of that happening was when Bob was alive, and even then it looks like it did not work out. Now, it will certainly never happen.
>> No. 16860

You write a suggestion to the show via their webpage and they contact the hoarder directly. Usually it's either the hoarders themselves or a close family member that makes the initial contact with A&E--ie, it's someone who either really wants help or someone in a position to make the hoarder get help.

Someone allegedly contacted A&E on behalf of the Chandlers and got all the way to a show representative appearing at the house for an interview before the Chandlers themselves shut it down.
>> No. 16861

there's no way it got that far. they'd have to call the chandlers first to set up the interview and get permission and they'd have to sign a bunch of documents before anyone showed up. chris-chan on hoarders has always been troll wishful thinking.
>> No. 16862

lol @ proper decorum and implying that a website based around trolling a retarded man can do anything remotely considered classy.
>> No. 16863

Unless Bob was sittin on $5mil, they don't have to worry about it. And even if he was, they really wouldn't have to worry about anything lol.
>> No. 16864
I think the trolls got too close to their target...
>> No. 16865

Plus Virginia doesn't have an estate tax.
>> No. 16866
File 131585624041.png - (83.98KB , 450x450 , bobmode.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
>> No. 16867
How much longer until we get field agent footage from the funeral?
>> No. 16868
A field agent went and filmed the funeral?
>> No. 16869

>> No. 16870
If someone actually had the balls to do it and wasn't thrown out by security, I'd say by later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

Though personally I don't think we'll be seeing anything. The funeral is likely to have been small, and with the history of trolls, any strange 20-something JERK showing up would have roused suspicion. Especially if they whipped out a camcorder.

The best we can hope for is a blurry cellphone pic and a summary. But even that's pushing it.
>> No. 16871
Didn't think so.
>> No. 16872

>The best we can hope for is a blurry cellphone pic and a summary.

Where's CFA when you need him?
>> No. 16873
So is the cwcki shut down or what
>> No. 16874
File 131586223933.jpg - (318.71KB , 986x1511 , Sandman_72_p16.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ITT some people saying that doing retarded things at a funeral is so funny and edgy!
And the rest that know that it isn't.
>> No. 16875
Security? How many funerals have you been to that needed security?
>> No. 16876
File 131586245383.jpg - (12.29KB , 474x346 , Battim_cosplay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>There's a difference between being a white knight and treating Chris with sympathy and respect.

>> No. 16877
Cemeteries and funeral homes typically have an on-staff security guard.
>> No. 16878
Yes not funny and edgy but having him chop up his medallion and shove it up his ass FUCKING COMEDY GOLD
>> No. 16879
damn slow in the minds
>> No. 16880
File 131586944331.jpg - (63.43KB , 534x360 , 000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know It's more proabable that bob went to hell than to heaven
>> No. 16881
To enter Heaven all you have to do is acknowledge that Jesus died for you and you ask for god's forgiveness.
>> No. 16882
File 131586964230.gif - (16.45KB , 400x400 , 023.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm glad that you agree.
>> No. 16883
It`s really too bad about his death. When will the CWCki be back to normal though?
>> No. 16884

And yet Chris was more worried about pancakes than his Aunt Corina's death. Your response is rendered irrelevant.
>> No. 16885

>> No. 16886
Now I want a photoshop of a desecrated tombstone (a chislled likeness of Sonichu, date of death spray painted over with JULAY) with someone hauling out an exhumed coffin.
>> No. 16887
You know some faggot is going to go take a picture of his tombstone eventually anyway
>> No. 16888
The Phelps can picket and shout outside the funerals of soldiers. Surely u guys can dress as picklemen and scream JULAY
>> No. 16889
Slightly more than eight people attend those funerals.
>> No. 16890
Wow I don't know what's worse. A moralfag or a julayfag.
>> No. 16891
I can tell some fag is going to get a Bob soundboard and call Chris. It's as inevitable as Chris' power, water, gas, license, car registration, etcetera getting cut out.
>> No. 16892
That could mean "not very likely at all."
>> No. 16893
Chris doesn't answer his cell phone.
>> No. 16894

I wonder if he will answer his house phone now.
>> No. 16895
He hasn't answered his fucking phone for years. What makes you think he'll start now? Tell me that, right now.
>> No. 16896
If youcall he might gain a feeling of symbiosis
>> No. 16897

I could see that happening. Only according to people here, he never answers his phone.
>> No. 16898
File 131588699460.png - (1.98KB , 67x46 , phoney.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he never answers his phone.

Not without a recommendation. He probably gets a LOT of calls that he has to ignore. I wouldn't be surprised if Barb started answering the house phone or the just started screening all calls to that number too. Still surprising that he's never decided to change his number with all the years he's been trolled.
>> No. 16900
Chris wouldn't recognize the voice anyway.
>> No. 16901
It's probably time to back off for a while. It serves the purpose of those who quite-rightly feel sorry for a retard in legitimate pain to leave him be for a respectable period of time.

It also serves the purpose the retarded egdy babbies to watch the situation unfold without outside interference.
>> No. 16902
File 131590735048.jpg - (29.76KB , 297x336 , jewlay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
timmothy cruzetor testing, this is my tripcode.

not being a whiteknight or anything but i think people need to respect bob and those effected by his death.
>> No. 16903
This thread is like setting a bunch of rats into a decrepit, heavily used toilet bowl and seeing them divide themselves on who smells the least shittiest.

Let me break it all down for you while putting aside as much context as possible. You all post regularly on a site obsessed with one person. That's a tad strange by itself. Now let me add context... You make numerous posts everyday on a site devoted to obsessing and getting frustrated over an autistic 29-year-old male crossdresser from the internet.
>> No. 16904

>getting frustrated over an autistic 29-year-old male crossdresser from the internet.

I'm not sure most of us are "getting frustrated" here. And besides, he's fair game. We all know this. His father isn't/wasn't. The poor fucker had a hard life.

Why do you think people that tried to troll Bob were given a hard time? Because he, unlike Chris, didn't deserve it.
>> No. 16905
most people are getting frustrated, ok brah. especially if you post TC.
>> No. 16906
It always amazes me when you tards get upset about the "julayfags" and the "ianbrandonandersonfags" and whatever other thing you used to think was so cool and funny and are now tired of because other people started thinking it was funny too. Frankly I would love to call the guy Ian Brandon Anderson even if he didn't even remember what it meant, which he clearly does to some degree because he mentioned it recently. You'd think people around here would shut the fuck up and have a good time with anything CWC actually mentions in a video but no, even when he admits that JULAAY pisses him off you have to act all high and mighty about how it isn't funny anymore.
>> No. 16907

It isn't funny any more because it's been done to death, it's got nothing to do with how many other people find it funny because most people actually don't. If someone tells you the same joke 50 times over are you still laughing or do you tell them to get a new joke? There's only so many times you can watch Chris screaming that his name isn't ian brandon anderson before it just isn't funny any more.
>> No. 16908
File 131591507251.jpg - (17.49KB , 500x318 , sophisticated troll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's unoriginal and undermines trolling as an artform.
>> No. 16909
File 131591538791.jpg - (302.58KB , 900x1300 , trollingisaart.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 16910

When a frigging retard like Chris gets sick of the "JULAAAY" thing before you do, it's not a good sign.
>> No. 16911
File 131591802198.jpg - (73.49KB , 400x365 , Trollface_glasses.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I always assumed the Julay/Ian Brandon Anderson thing was mainly just casual fans of Chris who don't keep up to date with everything he does or hipstertrolls being ironic.
>> No. 16912
Pretty sure he was sick of it after the first julayfag called him.

>> No. 16913

This, pretty much. Bob didn't deserve the shit he got, esp. from weird pseudo-moralfags who tried justifying it because he was OMG a RACIST then he's some kind of rare monster (in fact, he well and truly trolled the PCAssclowns by mentioning the Klan).

I love it when people try to give big moral arguments for extracting the lulz from Chris that go "They are racists, they are homophobes trollan for peace love and brotherhood of man" when they revel like the rest of us in the insanities of a disabled manbaby. Chris' racism and homophobia are relevant pretty much only as they can be used to troll him (pickle niggers etc.)
>> No. 16914
I agree. It might've.been funny the first two or three times, but julayfags just went overboard, and the same applies to people who still call Chris, Ian Brandon Anderson. While it was appropriate in the Liquid Saga, it isn't so relavent anymore.
>> No. 16915
Speaking of overused, unfunny petnames, when the hell did "Chrissy" get started? I can't pinpoint a specific time but it seems to be used exclusively by Ass Asian and Ass Asian sympathizers. The degree it's used to just makes me think it was used somewhere that saw and parroted five hundred thousand times after.
>> No. 16916
Speaking of overused, unfunny petnames, when the hell did "Chrissy" get started? I can't pinpoint a specific time but it seems to be used exclusively by Ass Asian and Ass Asian sympathizers. The degree it's used to just makes me think it was used somewhere that saw and parroted five hundred thousand times after.
>> No. 16917

No, it's from a good while before them, I remember Hol Tiger using it when he was around at the least.
>> No. 16918
Can the cwcki get the fuck back up please? I like to listen to Chris shoving the medallion up his ass while I work on my midterms.
>> No. 16919
You don't need the cwcki for just that retard. Stop your BAAWWWWING.

>> No. 16920

thank you kindly
>> No. 16921
Yeah, whenever someone types that it instantly discredits whatever the fuck they're saying in my eyes. I can't imagine anyone worth listening to would actually use "Chrissy" in stead of Chris.
>> No. 16922
File 131593896334.jpg - (74.55KB , 381x503 , bobhouse copy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 16923
File 13159392067.gif - (3.28MB , 352x240 , 2akg45i.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 16924
File 131593961710.jpg - (37.81KB , 375x287 , Edgy Teens on 789chan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 16925

You aren't funny, at all. Seriously, quit trying to be.
>> No. 16926
Man, you're totally making me regret that minute and a half I spent dicking around in MSPaint.

You've given me a lot to think about here.

Thank you.

So much.
>> No. 16927

That's okay, happy to help, just don't do it again is all.
>> No. 16928

I remember Chris' sockpuppet Jenkie-whatever called himself 'Chrissy' in order to pander to the trolls in disguise.
>> No. 16929

Haha, some of my favourite bits were when he was posing as a troll. That Cwcki application video cracked me up, and his posts as Jenkins Jinkies were funny and told you a lot about what Chris thought trolling was.

Also, props to whoever came up with the whole Tomgirl thing- must have been pretty difficult to get Captain Stay-Straight to go clowning around in women's clothes in rural Virginia.
>> No. 16930
i'm glad we have namefags again. this sort of unfunny thing gets a lot funnier, when you know who's behind it. probably not the way they intended, though, which just makes it funnier.
>> No. 16931
I'll admit that Jenkins Jinkies was one of Chris's interesting characters, however I do believe that Chris's tomgirl escapades was mostly done on his own.
>> No. 16932
File 131594687973.jpg - (73.73KB , 500x488 , f7d9f661-e98f-4790-92f9-1b2f732bd736.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 16933
Nobody mentioned anything about a full military burial which Bob most likely rated. The VA would have covered the entire funeral, casket and headstone plus military pallbearers and a 21 rifle salute. I'm guessing either Barbara didn't know or no one thought to tell her.
>> No. 16934

Somebody said you only get the whole military funeral in special circumstances, KIA or a half decent rank, not just done for any old grunt. I wouldn't know whether that's true or not myself though.
>> No. 16935

This has been discussed a couple times: the military does not pay funerals for retired servicemen, unfortunately. Neither does the VA. At best the VA will contribute a headstone with the vet's service dates.
>> No. 16936
Going directly from the military order, unless Bob received a dishonorable discharge, which we know didn't happen (no GI bill for one, which he used) he rated a complete military burial with full honors regardless if he was a buck private or a 4-star general.

There's many situations in the military where an enlisted or lower rank don't qualify for jack shit but this isn't one of them.
>> No. 16937
oh, and the whole burial matter for the family would have been further simplified if they chose to intern Bob at a National cemetery, and considering where they live they had plenty of options.
>> No. 16938
Burial with honors doesn't mean they cover the costs. All they give you is a few hundred bucks and a flag.

>Certain Non Service-Related Deaths. VA will pay up to $300 toward burial and funeral expenses, and $300 as a plot-interment allowance. If the veteran died in a VA hospital or under VA contracted home care, some or all of the costs for transporting the deceased's remains may be reimbursed.

He also had to qualify for a VA pension or have been under treatment at a VA hospital. And even if he did, $600 is nowhere near enough for a funeral.
>> No. 16939
I just left a message on both chris's home and cell saying "haha your dads dead".

Am I an epic troll now guys?
>> No. 16940

>> No. 16941
More like 1/10.
>> No. 16942
Am I the only one who wants to know what chris's "girlfriend" and people have been in contact with him are doing about this?
>> No. 16943
I'm really curious to know who Chris's girlfriend is in general.
>> No. 16945
Mic = Anna McLaren (MICkeylarren on Youtube)... That's why there were recent Chris references on her twitter and why the Mic puppet in LBP has red hair.
>> No. 16946
>> No. 16947
What's her twitter again?
>> No. 16948
>> No. 16949
Wait...Chris' girlfriend is Anna? But I thought she was a lesbian?
>> No. 16950
Chris has called many people his girlfriend/heartsweet/whateverthefuck. He's never been right.
Hell, it might not even be the real Anna.
>> No. 16951
Although actually, now that I think about it, isn't Anna the galpal who has a PVCC account and pesters them with petty bullshit or things they already know?
I guess it probably really is her.
>> No. 16952
Her Twitter does say she went to a friend's father's funeral on Monday, so whatever she is to Chris, she was there.
>> No. 16953
Anna WAS in on trolling Chris in the beginning of the TomGirl saga. The whole TomBoy image was simple for her to pull off, she's all jeans and t-shirt, but she got too close. Think Jenny and Forrest on a much smaller scale.
>> No. 16954
Anna was involved with the tomgirl stuff? How come no one knew?
>> No. 16955
TPTB did not want us to know.

>> No. 16956
File 131597580763.png - (53.53KB , 1120x680 , 13141681076.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 16958
Anna got booted from pvcc after a few days when it very quickly became apparent she was just attention seeking and had absolutely nothing of interest to tell us, she hasn't got anything to do with pvcc or anything that's going on with Chris. She doesn't even live in the same state as him, hasn't for a good while.
>> No. 16959
No, she visited him recently. She's back to her old attention whoring self.
>> No. 16960

Yes, she's supposed to have visited him one day the other week, but that's it, she's not mic.
>> No. 16961
she went to the funeral do you not read the thread?
>> No. 16962

Anna is supposed to have gone soft and become something vaguely akin to a real friend to Chris. So if she was in contact with him, wouldn't she have told him by now that the troll dox he's been releasing are obvious fakes?

If she is in contact with him, the only explanation I can think of for the success of the current saga is that she's back on the side of the trolls. Not that she's Mic necessarily, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if she were.
>> No. 16963

Yes, it had already been pointed out so why would I mention it again? I was talking about when she said she was visiting him on her twitter around the time the earthquake happened.
>> No. 16964

That relies on the idea that the trolls would have her on board. They wouldn't.
>> No. 16965

Oh god if you are ignorant of how a military funeral operates then don't spew this bullshit

the rifle detail for all funerals fires 21 shots, regardless of the rank of the serviceman buried (holy shit where are you people getting this "only for generals or officers" bullshit from) It is almost always seven riflemen who fire 3 volleys, on rare occasions it's 3 riflemen who fire 7. Every branch of the service follows the same order on how these funerals operate, and all of them fire a salute (not just the Army and Marines.) The burial plot at a national cemetery is usually free, as is the headstone and the flag. The VA also offers limited monetary assistance with the entire shebang.

The only way the VA will refuse these services is if the vet was dishonorably discharged. Thank you and we now return you to the Anna chat currently in progress
>> No. 16966
irc she was trying to arrange that meeting a month or two beforehand by leaving messages on chris' twitter that had been left dead for a year, and she wasn't even sure it was his. if she had already been in close contact with him over the tomgirl shit then i think she'd have easier ways to contact him for a visit.
>> No. 16967

But if she wasn't on board, then how could she not see through the ridiculous "troll dossiers"? And if Chris is in regular contact with her, there's no way he wouldn't have told her all about it.
>> No. 16968

Cool. I just sent them a cheque.
>> No. 16969
I don't mean to sound like some conspiracy nut but do we have any newspapers or other sites reporting Bob's death, all we have is that legacy site and super generic reports of the funeral and not a single picture when cell phones make it really to take ones without fear of being discovered.
You'd think we would have had a dozen newspaper clipping by now
>> No. 16970

Meeting up with him once since she left Virginia and then going to Bob's funeral could hardly be called regular contact, but even so, I think we all know what Chris is like when it comes to listening to the advice of white knights.
>> No. 16971

That blurry photo was shown up as a fake btw, it was a shoop of the pic where Chris is stood in front of the car looking relatively normal mixed in with a tomgirl haircut shot.
>> No. 16972
File 131601434222.jpg - (120.52KB , 353x1021 , BobsObituary.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here. Now take off that tinfoil hat, it isn't a good look on you.
>> No. 16973
It's still from the Daily Progress which for all we know was made fraudulently, there anything else out there that isn't from that paper?
It's the only thing we have to go on since that blurry ass pic was a shop. And it's not like there haven't been hoaxes about his death before.
But then again Chris' extended absence makes little sense if he's not dead, we should have had two more calling out vids by now otherwise.
>> No. 16974
I know there have been many hoaxes in the past, but just think about it. All the effort that would have to have been made for all of the evidence. And the trolls are clearly in direct, amicable contact with Chris, so of course they would know about it (or at least know if it was a lie). The only way this could be a fake at this point would be if it were an inside job- which would beg the question, why? They have nothing to gain from it at all.
>> No. 16975
File 13160184687.jpg - (30.34KB , 500x333 , h4t.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
nice hat, brah.

there is NOTHING to gain by faking his death. what possible reason? seriously brah.
>> No. 16976
I was starting to think the sperging on this board was declining but no... only getting worse.
>> No. 16977
What is that image from?
>> No. 16978
Because Bob dying has been faked in the past Chris even made a video about it like a year ago. Seems like standard practice for fucking with Chris but hey that's just me.
If the trolls have been in direct contact with Chirs why did we only find out about it on Saturday days afterwards though a source that wasn't him directly :)
>> No. 16979

They didn't release it immediately, to try and curb the Joolay spergs calling up on the same day of his death, and basically kicking Chris in his lowest moment.

Seriously take off that fucking hat bro, the aluminium is effecting your brain
>> No. 16980
And again, someone's doubting an 86 year old man with heart problems could possibly die.
>> No. 16981

Isn't denial one of the stages of grief?
>> No. 16982

How does when we found out about it mean it's fake? If the trolls have faked it why wouldn't they have told us on the day it was supposed to have happened, why leave it a few days for us to find out indirectly if they've faked it? And if it's just to troll Chris then why are the trolls telling us that it's really happened? Your shit doesn't make sense, he's dead.
>> No. 16984
Do a google search of "The Daily Progress". Unless you really believe that the trolls created the website for the paper, included numerous sections, and then made a wikipedia page about it on top of that, it's a legitimate newspaper.

>> No. 16985

I think the suggestion is that the obituary was fraudulently submitted, not that the newspaper itself is fake. It's still bullshit though, he's dead Jim.
>> No. 16986
File 131602757783.jpg - (57.96KB , 300x451 , mccain1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 16987
Even then this board would still cry "FAKE"
>> No. 16990
my uncle died and he had previously served in the navy. at his so-called military funeral, there were no rifles. just two guys in uniforms with a boombox to play taps and they folded up a flag.

by the way, white people are faggots.
>> No. 16991
File 131603439936.jpg - (58.42KB , 458x467 , 461px-Sonichu05-P50.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

no u negro
>> No. 16992
I love these sorts of images. It shows just how out of touch Chris's trolls are.
>> No. 16993

Pretty funny that you're on a chris trolling forum to pat yourself on the back for realising chris is pretty abnormal and so likely wouldn't have a white collar job.
>> No. 16994
I think you misunderstood my post.
>> No. 16995

I bet PVCC bought a burial plot and buried a fake body just in case!!!1eleven!1!
>> No. 16996

I bet they put a stuffed bear wearing sunglasses in Bob's bed and told Chris he had died.
>> No. 16998
Never Again will we:

See a New Sonichu Comic.
See a Tard Rage Video.
See Bob. Being Bob.
See Major Trolling onto Chris.
>> No. 17000
I may be way off in this, but I think Chris may make one more issue of Sonichu just to make Bob a powerful character in it, his way of trying to immortalize him, as he did with Patti.
>> No. 17002
Anna "Mic"Larren will do it for us.
>> No. 17004
Yerp, she is.
>> No. 17005
I wanna do a video tribute to Bob. Where can I find some Bob pix or even better Bob vids. I don't think there are vids, but with the CWCki down, no pix.
>> No. 17007
agreed. all those things will never happen again.

we are now in the "edgy teen" saga. a saga that doesnt involve chris, a saga that involves all of /cwc/ getting butthurt. now are the days when saying "brah" makes everyone mad.
>> No. 17009
or at least you desperately want everyone to be mad over it, brah.
>> No. 17010
The Twilight Zone style twist being that the constant criers of "edgy teen" are the most obnoxious of all
>> No. 17011
brah, you have no idea.
>> No. 17012
what twist? That you are trying to force a meme by playing both sides? That's trolling 101.
>> No. 17013
I would like to think that Chris will man up and finally take life into his own hands when the reality of the situation finally sinks in.

This is like the end of en era, really.
>> No. 17014
We placed a fabricated story on the extranet that a certain arrangement of stars, when viewed from the Batarian homeworld, formed the face of a Salarian goddess. Without waiting for verification, some declared it proof of the Goddess's existence. Those who noted the lack of proof were attacked

(What the fuck are you talking about? You're in timeout buddy.)
>> No. 17016
Mass Effect reference, I think.
>> No. 17017
Google revealed it was from a mass effect fan fiction.

I'm glad they got banned.
>> No. 17018
I could have sworn those lines were in the game, too.
>> No. 17019
Yet pony faggotry runs rampant
>> No. 17020
Wrong, the only way to enter heaven is through following the Five Pillars of Islam.
>> No. 17021
If you include all the Codex entries, the same could be said of more-or-less every combination of words in the English language.
>> No. 17022
Point taken. It is from the game, though...some shit the Geth rambles about.
>> No. 17023
I don't know, when I googled the phrase without quotes the only link that came up was from fanfiction.net I'd guess they were paraphrasing the quote to their own ends.
>> No. 17024
I trust Bob is certainly dead but there's a few questions that's been raised over and over again in the thread that being left unanswered must be causing some suspicion.

Firstly, Bob's been buried for four days now. Surely some tard should have went to check out his grave by now and uploaded photos onto here. Honestly it's not difficult or particularly time consuming for someone local to do so.

Secondly, how could nobody get one single photo, one single recording, one single anything at that funeral?

Thirdly, why has nobody provided anything concrete so far to prove he's dead. Online obituaries and other things that have been provided are easily faked or falsely submitted, surely something concrete such as a gravestone should be provided by now.

There has been a huge reaction to Bob's death. This is the most interested people have been in CWC in a long time yet nothing's been provided. Something just isn't right about this, honestly.

In before people regard my post and just directly insult me because of my username, or even worse, in before I get banned. Taking my tinfoil hat off for a while regardless of what happens.
>> No. 17025
No one was faggy enough to go to the funeral or the grave.
>> No. 17026

(Obviously, trolls were there already.)
>> No. 17027
My sympathy goes out to the family of this man. As a navy S.E.A.L I have the utmost respect for a fellow military man. Thank you Robert for protecting our country and putting your life on the line for the service of our nation and honouring our founding fathers in the fight for freedom.

I hope his wife Barbara can find a light at the end of the tunnel and eventually move on with her life, I think Bob would have wanted her to be happy. And his favourite son, Christopher "Christian" Chandler, makes him and his mother proud by stepping up and becoming the man of the house and helping his mother to fill the void left by her late husband.

The death of a parent is one of the worst experiences you can have in life. I lost my own mother in the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks which was ten years ago and it still pains me in my soul over the loss. However you learn to live your life without them, though it's always hard to do, and I know that his son will live his life to the fullest and make his father proud.

Every cloud has a silver lining, and Heaven now has another angel. Whereever Bob is now, I'm sure he's looking down at all the loving people in his life and smiling. I'm sure he missing his family a lot and can't wait to see and greet you at the pearly gates. Our whole family sends their love, and I know we've had our differences but given the situation I'd like to start fresh and I hold no hard feelings, and neither does my daughter.

My heart truly bleeds for you, stay strong.

-Matthew Devoria, United States Navy.

Matthew Devoria, U.S Navy S.E.A.L (Washington D.C, WA)
>> No. 17028
This isn't one of them PCAss, is it?

Gentle Bob

Thank you for your all-too-brief friendship
and compassionate concern.

For all that went unappreciated, unnoticed,
for any harsh words spoken with the
reckless impatience of youth,
forgive me.

Lay all your troubles to rest now,
dream on in peace and
drum on with celestial impunity
till eternity!


PS: Please post the 2nd message, I messed up my address on the first
Ethan Brundon-Amberman (Jamestown, VA)
>> No. 17029

>Surely some tard should have went to check out his grave by now and uploaded photos onto here.

If you want to go through every grave in a graveyard looking for Bob's go right ahead.

>Secondly, how could nobody get one single photo, one single recording, one single anything at that funeral?

PVCC already said they were leaving it alone, that leaves /cwc/ to do it, and /cwc/ doesn't do anything, they just complain that somebody else should do it. Nobody went.

>Thirdly, why has nobody provided anything concrete so far to prove he's dead.

I'm sure Chris is scanning in a copy of the daeth certificate for da trolls as we speak. What the hell do you expect as proof, badly photoshopped pictures of the corpse, Bin Laden style?

He was an old man with cancer, they have a habit of dying, even Chris went on about how fucked Bob's health was recently. He's dead, Jim.
>> No. 17030
take off that tinfoil hat, its not a good look.
>> No. 17031

My guess is that Bob was cremated. 6 days seems a bit long between time of death and the funeral.
>> No. 17032
The videos will stop now, the tard-rage will cease, and with Bob dead Chris will be taken into some kind of care. It's the days of laughing at the retard who draws Sonichu anymore. It's picking on a retard whose flimsy safety net has fallen apart.

I think we'll all watch the re-runs on the CWCki...but the show's over.
>> No. 17034
Right, I'm off to hunt some dA recolours, perhaps a few of those can help fill the void that Chris has left.
>> No. 17036

Belive me fagglesauce, he's dead.
>> No. 17038
6 days is long, but not unheard of for most Christians. The Chandlers didn't have an extravagant sendoff for Bob, but I've known people to have multi-day wakes, a couple days of preperation of the corpse, and if no plans were made prior to death, that can eat up a day on its own. Also, remove weekends from the estimate, as many funeral homes don't work/open on weekends (or at least do anything involving families/the public).

Furthermore, its uncommon (but not unheard of) for functions at a cemetery to include cremated remains, unless a mausoleum or something is involved. Reason being, its a sizable cost, much more than spreading ashes somewhere (which usually costs little to nothing).

tl;dr: Let's hope the ghost of a child Chris-Chan isn't there when we dig up Bob.
>> No. 17039
I just googled the first part of it, there's a few more links other than fanfiction.

Bob's long ass wake: He was probably cremated. When my grandfather died, I remember that he was cremated right away, and the funeral didn't happen for about a week. In that case, though, he died in Florida and was buried in New Jersey. I don't know why they'd wait for Bob.

Oh, wait. Because Bob was the only one who had any rational thinking ability (not much, but it was there). Chris and Barb probably wandered the house for days shrieking and sobbing.

Which is pretty funny, now that I think about it. Like fat white trash ghosts.
>> No. 17040
File 13162092852.jpg - (529.35KB , 831x843 , bob chandler of mankind.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bob shall never die. Any of you say otherwise should be purged.
>> No. 17041
You mean Bob has now ascended to the Golden Throne of Ruckersville? We must create a galaxy spanning religion of fanatical devotion to our Immortal Lord.
>> No. 17042
Would Chris be Horus? What would the Chaotic Combo be then?

Oh God, I'm imagining a CWCville version of Warhammer 40k.
>> No. 17043
File 131621242193.jpg - (56.76KB , 800x533 , 800px-MachaVisitsCWCVille.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
CWChammer 40,000. In the Grim Darkness of Ruckersville VA, there is only Fail. Perhaps we should get those excellent fa/tg/uys over on /tg/ to write up some rules for the game. Lord knows they're excellent at writing Crunch.
I think Clyde Cash should play the role of an Inquisitor who sentences 14 Branchland Court to Exterminatus. Barb can be Abbadon
>> No. 17044
File 131621258645.jpg - (93.92KB , 616x671 , hurrhurr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>97956 >>97970 >>97972 >>97979
>> No. 17045
Here it is in the actual game
the fanfic paraphased it but it has the same meaning either way
>> No. 17046
Well Bob did spend most of his remaining time sitting in his chair in that little room
>> No. 17047
File 131622651966.jpg - (154.06KB , 604x598 , God-Emperor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can see your point there. A dessicated husk on the cusp of death, writhing invisible with unknowable arcane power from the Dark Age of CWCology. He is the Carrion Lord of Ruckersville for whom a thousand Internets are Cut Down each day so that he may never truly die.
>> No. 17048
are you a wizard?
>> No. 17049
Trollin' the Salarians hard.
>> No. 17050
What time does the CWCki come up tomorrow?
>> No. 17051
File 131624396017.png - (1.15MB , 1024x713 , Emperor_VS_Horus copy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Lumberjack protects...
>> No. 17052

>Immortal Lord

>Immortal Lard
>> No. 17053

Another reason why the Council hates the geth.

Also, Bob, hope you're in a better place.
>> No. 17054
It is better to die for the Lumberjack than live for yourself.
Also I just spotted Chris as the Arch-Traitor Horus. So I'm guessing that Master Troll Ollanius Pius is Clyde Cash in this epic struggle for the fate of Mankind between Father and Son?
Also, Legion is planning to out troll the Turian Councillor
>> No. 17055
Also, Legion is planning to out troll the Turian Councillor.

No one out-trolls the Turian counselor. One of the three most powerful people in the galaxy, he has nothing to gain from being a dick to Shepard. He just trolls that hard.
>> No. 17056
File 131626287675.jpg - (22.01KB , 499x289 , derpShepard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let Rachni Queen live = Y U Do that Shep?

Let Rachni Queen die = Shep U killed an endangered species.

Fuck you council.
>> No. 17057
Sure smells like damp basement, and cheetos in here
>> No. 17058
>Implying anyone's interested in what your room smells like
>> No. 17059
That said, it's unfortunate that people are getting all hyper about making SUPER-WITTY references to averagey games.
>> No. 17060
Agreed, 40k sucks.

4e is better. Seriously.
>> No. 17061
>4e is better
nWoD is even better. FATAL is the best system ever. All those realistic and challenging battles...
>> No. 17062

I wasn't even trolling. Essentials blows though.
>> No. 17063
File 131628403656.jpg - (102.02KB , 865x1131 , sonichu cat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why is CWCki down

No one cares about Bob - let's be reasonable here
>> No. 17064
File 131628598214.gif - (85.14KB , 480x600 , 1244407977947.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Agreed, if the CWCki sysops are really having an attack of conscience over Bob's death, they should put the website up and just lock all the articles.

Let's not have a repeat of the Encyclopedia Dramatica fiasco.
>> No. 17065
Why dont you guys just talk to the sysops yourselves?
>> No. 17066
could this be the start of OhSonichu! and sonichu.ch?
>> No. 17067

Not getting your fix making you feel uneasy, fags?
>> No. 17068
I think they're just curious, not "fixing". If they were "fixing" they could just use google cache. Everyone's fine here. Don't worry.
>> No. 17069
Well lately, from what I've seen in other threads, people are getting anal devestated from not viewing another 'Chris and...' article.

I wonder if an anon here will suck a cwcki sysop's dick just get the site back up so they can get rid of the itch.
>> No. 17070
The problem is that the cwcki has had the RIP page up for so long that when you type in the certain page you want to see, it doesn't show up on google anymore.
>> No. 17071
If/when cwcki is back someone needs to make a backup, cogsdev has shown. They can't be trusted to share lulz
>> No. 17073
Sounds like someone just volunteered, go do that, and pay for the hosting, we'll be waiting!
>> No. 17074
Be honest, are you crying when you're posting that? Sounds like you would suck dick just to get the site back up.
>> No. 17075
Jesus, you can't go without your precious sperg library for one week?

Yet again the population of /cwc/ and the cwcki live up to being some of the most autistic bitches on the net.

What's the matter? Did your CWC club in high school get in an argument about how many different shirts Chris has?

Just what the fuck is so pressing that you have to have the cwcki back NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW?
>> No. 17076

I know, why can't more posters be less spergy, and type in that, ranty passive agressive, autistic way you...

Oh wait
>> No. 17077

How the fuck am I being passive aggressive?

Using compound phrases doesn't make you sound smart if you don't know what the fuck they mean.
>> No. 17078

Okay sorry my mistake.
You're just being plain old agressive
>> No. 17079
It's true, you weren't being passive-aggressive. There was nothing passive about it.
>> No. 17080
>Can the cwcki get the fuck back up please? I like to listen to Chris shoving the medallion up his ass while I work on my midterms.

>> No. 17081
It's what is known in elucidated circles as 'humour' or 'a joke'.
>> No. 17082
It was taken down out of respect for the deceased. We are not hiding anything. Jesus, can't you fucking understand that?
>> No. 17083
If the site was up, it only would've kept crashing from all the fuckers trying to visit it, atleast this would smooth up traffic.
>> No. 17084
For this fucking long? Put it back up you fucking faggots and don't even attempt to take any moral high ground.
>> No. 17085
Jesus, have you ever noticed that when you exercise your "humor" in a public situation you get a lot of awkward silences?
>> No. 17086
>For this fucking long?
>Less than one week.

So let me guess, you were in the middle of writing a new section of "Chris and Religion" where you explain how Chris has really complex theological ideals that are a mixture of Native American Shamanism and Protestant Christianity, and you just HAVE to get it finished so you can print it out and hand it as an English assignment that you're going to read out loud so you can bore the shit out of your classmates just to prove what a huge internet sperg you are.
>> No. 17087
>> No. 17088
Are you crying? You're gonna commit suicide if you can't wait for 1 more day for your fix?

I'm starting to think this was the best troll of them all, you're all looking like meth addicts who got their fix taken away.

This is probably more funny than anything CWC has ever done.
>> No. 17089
No, because you see I tend to tell jokes to people more intelligent than you, who take a couple of seconds to understand them rather than a couple of minutes.
>> No. 17090

Comedy Gold
>> No. 17091
Monumentally and hilariously missing the irony of the original post.
>> No. 17092
Sorry if I couldn't catch the sarcasm, there have been many posts here like yours that wasn't stated very ironic.

Please understand this is /cwc/
>> No. 17093
File 131630804444.jpg - (72.01KB , 500x375 , 1314737325298.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You guys really need to chill. Personally, I would be alright if the cwcki was down for another week or so.
>> No. 17094
Yeah I'm sure that all your friends at MENSA meetings stand around talking about how hilarious sodomy is.

>> No. 17095
Yeah, talking about CWC shoving things up his butt is about on the level of talking about Ulysses! And it's funnier too!
>> No. 17096
>he thinks he just told a joke
i don't normally feel sad about the lives of the people i encounter on the internet, but that made me really sad
>> No. 17097
>/cwc/ getting into a bitchfit over a post not meant to be taken seriously

Sure is autistic in here.
>> No. 17098
>If/when cwcki is back someone needs to make a backup, cogsdev has shown. They can't be trusted to share lulz

You're gonna need an video archiving channel for that, can't have a site without a video archive channel like mihivids
>> No. 17099

Respect for the dead? Bullshit.
>> No. 17100
Are people assuming that when the CWCki comes back up, there's going to be a huge, in-depth series of articles over the death of Bob, Chris funeral antics and videos of TomGirl Chris raging at the grim reaper? Seriously, why do you guys want the CWCki back up so badly, anyway?
>> No. 17101

Although I'm thinking everyone just wants it because it's gone now.
>> No. 17102
File 131632561877.jpg - (80.21KB , 492x559 , Retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's dig up Bob guys! Amirite guys?

>> No. 17103
Honestly Cogs faggotry has killed any interest in the cwcki. I'll still frequent the forums since the community's much more coherent and spergless than here.

Yet this place draws me llike a retard attracts awkwardness
>> No. 17104
Why are we even here

Chris quit making sonichu , and makes unfunny videos eating pizza, and now we are in a dryspell, but no one can find a lolcow as good as he was in his prime otherwise we would forget Chris
>> No. 17106
you sound like an edgy teen, am i right in saying that?
>> No. 17108
Sorry, I forget that people like you don't understand sarcasm when it's not surrounded by /sarcasm tags or written in ALL_CAPS. Well I'm sorry. Don't cry. It's all going to be ok.
>> No. 17109
Why don't you troll chris?
>> No. 17110

>> No. 17111
Uh, the cwcki is up guys.
>> No. 17112
So, what's the news on Cole?
>> No. 17113
Well unlike you, his life doesn't reloved around Chirs, so he just doesn't care.

Cole moved on years ago. The only thing he really ever cared about was finding his biological father. If he decides to go full on retard and harass Barb about that again now that "bob has dropped", I doubt we'll hear about it.

But for the most part, he doesn't care.
>> No. 17114
>> No. 17115
>> No. 17116
Which one of you guys was it that sent the email threatening to commit suicide blaming the cwcki to be the cause due to the shut down?
>> No. 17117
If somebody actually did commit suicide because the cwcki is down than that's what I would call Social Darwinism.

So are we ever going to see another This Sperger video?
>> No. 17118
What email? Is there a screeny of it?
>> No. 17119
Cogs got emailed quite a few people. Posted their emails on PVCC, some begged, others threatened. It was all very sad.

It takes a special sort of sperg to spend all their time documenting the worlds largest sperg. Chris is like a planet of autism, that pulls all the worst people of the net towards him.

It's pretty bad when the only thing you can say about your sad, autistic, greasy, loveshy life is "At least I'm not Chris"
>> No. 17120
Oh god, tell me you'll show us some of the emails you got, it'd be worth a good laugh in this dry spell.
>> No. 17122
AH shit, turns out there was just the one.

Most of the shit happened here on /cwc/ apparently.
>> No. 17123
You mind posting it, if you have access to it?
>> No. 17124
"Bring the CWCiki back all ready you psychotic fucktards!"
>> No. 17125
>begging to someone over the internet
>call them psychotic fucktards
This is an example of a crack baby right therrr
>> No. 17127
File 131639754172.png - (124.33KB , 296x300 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>psychotic fucktards

This reminds me of a certain Kimmo Alm.
>> No. 17128
I was unaware there were several Kimmo Alms.
>> No. 17129
Congratz! You are the unfunniest person currently browsing the internet!!!
>> No. 17130
Looks like you just topped him.
>> No. 17131
It just occurred to me: now that Bob is gone, with him goes the only other male that Chris didn't regard as a jerk.

This makes me incredibly sad, in a strange way.
>> No. 17132

This will bring Chris' hatred of deh males to an all-time high. He'll now act like he's now the ONLY male that's allowed to breed.
>> No. 17133
Many of the people on his respect list have been written off, now bob and Santa are no longer respected

But Chris still has optimus prime
>> No. 17134
File 131649324148.gif - (43.26KB , 200x200 , santa+laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aw Santa's off the list? Too many years without a girlfriend under the tree I guess?
>> No. 17135
That's actually exactly the reason Chris gave. That he no longer believes in Santa because Santa never brought him a sweetheart.
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