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File 131087196748.jpg - (212.64KB , 640x480 , edited_photo_1_by_sapphiredragon49-d38odn6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
17746 No. 17746
Not the next epic lolcow but this whale can be amusing, her and he entire circle-jerk of autistic Sonic re-color friends. The drama is mind-blowing.

"Tess" used to have a Shadow recolor whom trolls got wind of and started to call "Purple Shadow" to which she raged. Her original account got hacked (and she apparently called the police over it). After, she re-invented her re-color as a "lioness." So now she spends her days after graduation making "tributes" to herself, using bases and MSPaint to draw, whining, being a general emo-fag, creating terrible re-colors and stirring up drama.

She and her friends are incredibly easy to troll.

So here we are:

dA: http://sapphiredragon49.deviantart.com/ (oh, look, a MLP:FiM re-color named "Purple Crash." How original).
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/summoner87 (hacked and now closed account was "vaporeontrainer")

And, for kicks, here is her 'best friend' (who is just as much of a red-neck dramawhore as she is):

There was a video parody of "purple shadow" done by Spazkid a year or so ago, can't find it anymore though.

Have some fun and enjoy the eye-rape.
Expand all images
>> No. 17747
Yet she's still a better artist that Chris.
>> No. 17748

While she does draw better than Chris, it's still typical aspie-furfaggotry. It seems like DeviantART tends to attract these fuckers and they all tend to be the same in one, way, shape or form.
>> No. 17749
File 131087418970.png - (30.33KB , 640x480 , tess__s_human_form__old_outfit_by_sapphiredragon49.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A bit, yes. She uses a lot of bases and MSPaint which helps with keeping lines straight/colors even. Not sure if there ever has been some hand-drawn shit from her.
>> No. 17750
She also sings as well as Chris.

Let's not forget her "voice acting": http://youtu.be/rrvVmhvncTY
>> No. 17751
looks like a downie too
>> No. 17752
File 131087693191.png - (152.35KB , 915x740 , kill jon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The whole problem with "Jon" (some other recolor that is into inflation and omgstealzsprites) brought some autistic rage.

Here's Pt. 1

Getting her hugbox to go and create shitty MSPaint drawings of their recolors to kill his character. That'll show him!
>> No. 17753
File 131087703612.png - (111.46KB , 912x423 , notabully.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And then when someone pointed out that she was being a cyberbully and essentially a hypocrite she posted this in her journal.

As usual, when something bothers her she goes to her hugbox to confirm she's in the right.
>> No. 17754
Oh shit, it's this bitch again. The moment I saw the words 'purple shadow' I immediately thought of Vaporeontrainer. I was around back when she was first discovered on youtube, and at the time I was subscribed to a bunch of those commentary faggots. You know. The kind that like to put a commentary over some retard's video and pretend to be funny. I was actually about to post that she reminded me of vaporeontrainer until I read the rest of the OP and realised it was the same girl. I never actually knew her DA name. Hey, did she ever have a Dramatica article?
>> No. 17755
File 131088717923.jpg - (77.70KB , 640x480 , me_without_glasses_by_sapphiredragon49-d39hktc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, that's when I was introduced to her, too. Bitch be crazy and legit autistic. Have you seen her extremely emo videos and drawings? So much melodrama it hurts. I wonder how she'll be in a few years.

I don't think there ever was, I'm surprised there wasn't. She's very easy to provoke even if you don't try.
>> No. 17756
I think so. Then again shuffling through the rogue's gallery of Sonicfags on ED after awhile, they seem to all blend together into one meta furfag monster.
>> No. 17757
File 131088815014.png - (47.65KB , 723x293 , about to stay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>they seem to all blend together into one meta furfag monster.
>meta furfag autistic monster


And this screen cap while not purple shadow is still her friends and makes me lol

>oh no! Dez is about to leave DA!
>oh nvm she's about to stay
>about to stay
How does that work?
>> No. 17758
A google search reveals that she's definitely been mentioned on Dramatica at least, if only in the Bludshot article, but I can't check for what the context of the mention is because ED is down, (again).

On a related note, how many fucking furfags are there out there that have a youtube or DA name ending with "the hedgehog"? I remember Blutshot, Blitz and Ulrich off the top of my head, but I know there's more.
>> No. 17759

I can smell her through my monitor.
>> No. 17760

As a wise man once said.

"As many hairs there are on a cows body."

Seriously. It gets DISGUSTING to be able to measure the amount of stupid and this is such a case.
>> No. 17761
Could someone take the first image and change the purple smoke/fire/whatever on the tip of her pork sausage finger and turn it brown? With the text "Smell my finger?" or some such immature nonsense.

Wasn't there a thread a while ago discussing how it seems such series as Sonic attracts autistic folk like flies on shit?
>> No. 17762
File 131091031886.jpg - (227.78KB , 1024x1543 , frank_the_hedgehog_by_tankthehedgehog-d30guhn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There was a thread in the random board where the basic premise was to type your name, followed by ''the hedgehog'', into google image search, and post the results.
>> No. 17763
That's because DeviantArt gives you, Average Joe, the chance to display your artistic skills to the whole wide world!

Sriously, the worst thing about Web 2.0 is that it gave everybody the impression that they are important.
>> No. 17764
File 131091766562.jpg - (95.21KB , 454x620 , -d3abo9t.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Holy fucking shit.
>> No. 17765
File 13109240222.jpg - (20.08KB , 260x440 , MichelleTheHedgehog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fucking sonicfags...
>> No. 17766
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. How weird is your first name that it came up with that?
>> No. 17767
File 131092681587.jpg - (55.43KB , 600x550 , what is this fuckness.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One of two. There was another with the same name who was a blue and red shadow recolour wearing a shirt with that smiley face thing we used to use in the Leejun logo that I don't remember the proper name for.

Quite honestly, it's hard to tell if this is a parody or not. Because this is some majorly stupid shit if it's meant to be serious, even by recolours standards.
>> No. 17768
File 131093244949.png - (154.29KB , 1024x1024 , Awesome large.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
it's called the awesomeface

also, let's keep the name the hedgehog game in the original thread >>>/b/3632
>> No. 17769
>suggesting that everybody isn't important
>> No. 17770
That implying. If you're gonna redtext then do it right.
>> No. 17771
File 131094615963.png - (165.79KB , 1046x738 , Picture 10.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And, as one would expect, shit has started for her MLP recolor yet she still defends herself "I USED A PONY MAKER IT'S NOT A RECOLOR U RETARDS." When, well, all the ponies use the same basic bases anyway.
>> No. 17772
I want to make an account on Deviant Art and steal art from spergs just to irritate those idiots.
>> No. 17773
File 131095951858.png - (292.72KB , 1041x647 , JON I WILL KILL U.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do it. It's not difficult to get an account going. These spergs rage harder than a nest full of retarded hornets when there is 'art theft.'

Pic kinda related.
>> No. 17774

That is just too funny. Good find, OP.
>> No. 17775
File 131096474918.png - (342.28KB , 895x550 , omg art thief.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And some more ART STEALING.

>> No. 17776
Why does this bother people so much? Unless somebody is trying to make money from it, why the hell do people care?
>> No. 17777
It's called ''getting a react from someone'' a.k.a trolling
>> No. 17778
>> No. 17779
Well, crappy artists are easy to make fun of, and since anyone can put art on the internet, there are a lot of easy targets. Especially if they're egotistical drama queens.
>> No. 17780
Add "Jeremy the Hedgehog" to the list.
>> No. 17781
File 131098014596.png - (211.92KB , 900x685 , bleeding_on_glass_by_sapphiredragon49-d3ghmor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pretty much this.
Here's some more "art" with the description.


>I listened to this.... -> ((A youtube video with some Bleach song, "Soundscape to Ardor."))

>I just hate it......... I just hate it when my friends go against each other...... it tears me apart inside and I can't stop the bleeding........ every time I try to get everything back to control it seems that it doesn't go well...... I'd rather have people getting along than people going against each other...... it's not right...... even though......... it feels like it happens every 3 months........ *bangs my head threw the glass* *my forehead starts bleeding* ....... every time I try to help anyone....... it back fires......... the first time I helped someone and they didn't push me away was about a month ago...... it felt good getting that help done...... but at the same time.......... I felt bad too.......... because most of my friends just push me away....... even though they don't really like hearing the truth on what I say about them......... the good things about them........ how strong they are....... how much courage they have........... and that shedding won't solve a single thing......... I see some that are just like me.......... autistic......... having a rough life.......... etc.......... it's just upsetting to see any of my friends depressed......... and sometimes.... scary when their angry......... starting a fight............. it feels like.......... I'm part of it............ but wanting to break up that fight............. so that way there won't be any blood shed....... and so that way they can.......... make up...... for what they did........... I want the fighting to stop................... since it never solves anything.......... not at all...............

damn that's a lot of ellipses.
>> No. 17782
Oops, I meant why do some people care so much when their art gets traced/stolen/copied/whatever
>> No. 17783
File 131098445919.jpg - (218.36KB , 640x480 , edited_photo_5_by_sapphiredragon49-d3jklip.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, well with legit artists I can understand because they put in hours of work and creativity into something. Some of these said artists are trying to make a living or are trying to get recognized and when someone comes by and essentially copies their work there is rage.

In the case of Sonic recolors it's more a case of "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL." They are extremely possessive and spertastic about their "original characters." Hypocrisy abounds among recolors.

If you're the anon who talked about creating a dA account to piss off these spergs now would be a good time. She's getting heat for copying a MLP character and is having a shitfit with some other Sonicfag. I'll post that shit later.
>> No. 17784

Come at me furfag!
>> No. 17785

I'm not the same guy. I'm not able to create an account until I return home, I'm visiting family in the country.
>> No. 17786

What a tard, they aren't similar at all.

Also, why does she constantly draw her character in lewd situations? She's probably either desperate for dick or attention.

Hey, Chris and her both like Sonic based OC's...
>> No. 17787
Anyway we can turn this girl on Chris, or vice-versa?
>> No. 17788
File 131102592281.png - (23.30KB , 640x480 , leeding_in_pain_by_sapphiredragon49.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She's probably either desperate for dick or attention.
Uugggghh... the thought of that landwhale begging for dick makes me eternally soft. I'm pretty sure she just want attention. She always wants attention, just look at her journal/drawings.

Doubt it, I think the only way she'd go after him is if he stole one of her completely original characters. The only thing she seems interested is making shitty drawings (so much like Chris...).

Here's another gem.

>bleeding in pain

>I've been... stabbed in the stomach.... by nightmare the dark knight..... I did it to save my friends.... *coughs up blood* ..... *breathes hard* I gotta.... get help.... somebody... help me.... *coughing up blood*
>> No. 17789

What friends is she talking about?
>> No. 17790
Her other autistic recolor friends. I told you the lot churned their fair share of drama.
>> No. 17791

I guess that they roleplay or something, because I don't get what's going on in that picture.

I also can't believe that she graduated.
>> No. 17792
Well, that's a shame. She went on a delete/hide-comments-as-spam spree and I didn't get to screen cap the journal entry she made bitching about people making multiple accounts in her very autistic way. Oh well.
>> No. 17793
A small update, I'm on a for shit connection so I can't do much.

Right now she seems to be especially sensitive about 'trolls' pointing out the submissions she posts that violate dA terms, when someone tells her they are reporting her for tracing, or bashes her for using bases.

There are some idiot babytrolls that do not have any sort of sense or style, instead go on "LOL DID U SEE HER GET SO MAD??" "FOR THE LULZ." Wonderful. I hope those aren't from here.

Yeah, I can't believe it either. Before she graduated half her posts/videos were about "SAD NEWS U GUIZ" about her parents banning her from the computer for poor grades. I wonder if she went to a retard HS like ADF.
>> No. 17794
File 131109024464.png - (85.44KB , 692x614 , STOP IT U GUIZE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One of her friends absolutely frothing at the mouth.

>> No. 17795

Go comment on my awesome art, faggots.
>> No. 17796
File 131109412027.jpg - (39.90KB , 348x425 , laughing_face_clip_art_20565.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Tessa McSperg


>> No. 17797
File 131109435926.png - (24.49KB , 732x402 , get_in_the_bed_with_me_by_sapphiredragon49-d32j7d9.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice, nice. Very nice. But you forgot all of the useless COPYRIGHT ME" And using your own name as a Trade Mark.

There is the potential in a different account where said person takes her art and just recolors them, claiming their originality.

And this pic... makes me shudder. I know someone had asked if she wanted dick and maybe she does.
>> No. 17798
She probably won't even notice.
Oh, hurr. Thanks, taken care of.
>> No. 17799
Also oh god that picture.
>> No. 17800
Sadly the poignancy of the name will be lost to her autism-riddled brain but no matter. We will enjoy.

and protip: list your age as 14, I believe that is the youngest you can be to join dA.
>> No. 17801
Birthdate can't be changed, sadly. Though I did put male as gender, so that counts as something.
>> No. 17802
File 131109605849.jpg - (37.59KB , 720x720 , cd_cover_i_made__front_cover__by_sapphiredragon49-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh well.

for those interested some info has been dropped.
Skype name is vaporeontrainer (big surprise, eh?).
>> No. 17803
kimmo alm just had a seizure

I offer my shooping services if you wish to take the route of recoloring stolen recolors.
>> No. 17804
File 131109876071.png - (102.77KB , 892x545 , LEAVING DA 4EVER.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hahaha... same faggy friend from previous post (>>78840) absolutely rage quitting due to stress. We'll see how long this lasts.
>> No. 17805
File 131110065161.png - (24.66KB , 732x402 , jesus christ how horrifying.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Most of the stuff just needs Paint's fill tool. I can help too, if necessary.
>> No. 17806
File 131110099241.jpg - (9.70KB , 128x248 , my_new_sonic_riders_gear_by_sapphiredragon49.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love you for this.

I'm not the one with the account but I think it's a good idea. Maybe a second account under a completely different and totally original name?

Pic unrelated but it still disturbs me.
>> No. 17807
That is... Disturbing.

Anyway, any ideas how to get the account to her attention?
>> No. 17808
File 131110614561.png - (780B , 128x248 , dildo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 17809
File 131110698355.jpg - (62.91KB , 720x479 , umm_____me_in_rl_____gulp__by_sapphiredragon49-d36.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Eagle has landed.
>> No. 17810
Link her to it perhaps? Pretend to be one of her retarded friends and send her a message or give her a comment saying "OMG anon is stealing your art!"
>> No. 17811
Dat downsy face
>> No. 17812
I don't know whether to thank you or hate you. This should be combined with the pic from >>78854

The friend posted above deactivated her account. We'll see how long it'll last.
>> No. 17813
I think this girl may have some hormonal issues. It looks as though her hair is thinning at the hairline.
>> No. 17814
Hahaha oh wow.

It seems there are some people that believe the account is legit and think the art's good. Wow.
>> No. 17815
Yeah, she's got big attention whoring tendencies.

Ugh, a Tinkerbell shirt. Nothing screams sperg or white trash louder especially on adult women.
>> No. 17816
File 131120551079.png - (91.24KB , 873x1563 , smoke weed everyday.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Damn I wanted to do this but Oh well I guess I'll just contribute to the recolors. Not to hard just need mspaint.
>> No. 17817
I'm pretty sure those are posters from this board bro.
>> No. 17818
Hey, no one said you couldn't make another account. If anything, yours could be another way to troll her and her friends. The other anon's account is a blatant rip pic-for-pic and obviously a troll while you could act like another stupid prepubescent Sonicfag with a poor grasp on grammar.
>> No. 17819
The cigarette reeks of maturity.
>> No. 17820
Actually its supposed to be a joint. Hence the red eyes. I figured since most retards have a tendency to hate drugs, my recolors of her recolors should feature them doing drugs.
>> No. 17821
File 131121123470.png - (54.35KB , 837x389 , who is desk.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I forgot to add this.

This is the 14yr old sperg friend who rage-quit the other day (and promptly made a brand new account that she will not allow any troll to troll her on). See >>78877 for the STRESS-INDUCED QUIT.
I did not know people could be so incredibly stupid.

>> No. 17822
You should really make this.

You could be... Set, the hedgebatlioness. With fire powers and the ability to transform into anything with the help of her mastery over the Chaos emeralds. She smokes weed to help her deal with the pain of watching her parents killed before her eyes when she was 6 by demons. No one can ever understand her.
>> No. 17823
I can't tell if you just pulled that out of your ass or you actually copied it from someone's journal. it sounds so cliche that it just might be real.
>> No. 17824
I know, right? I just pulled it out of my ass in a stream of mental diarrhea. Guess I've been reading about too many of these Sonic recolors. There are always these basic elements:


That sort of thing. Anyone can feel free to embellish the shitstain story, change it or just ignore it.
>> No. 17825
Yeah, I've seen those. Still, amongst those was this lovely lady.

These are great and I'm totally putting these up. As ''commissions'', as I don't want to break character.
>> No. 17826
Commissions? Why not an entirely different character? Two stealing her 'art' would surely be more infuriating than just one.

And she's keeping quiet right now due to trolling, once it subsides some she'll get right back to it I'm sure.
>> No. 17827
ahahaha... she's found you out and she's tard raging: http://sapphiredragon49.deviantart.com/journal/42488882/#comments

Her sycophant "Morgan" is an annoying little twat.
>I found it dont 4get 2 thank me!!!! >:(
>> No. 17828
File 131126471023.png - (38.10KB , 640x480 , original character do not steal.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's another recolor. I edited it a bit so you can claim it's not a rip off and your original work.
>> No. 17829
It's so beautiful!
Nothing riles up the spergs like a fresh dose of "ART THEFT." Too bad the dildo/snowboard couldn't have been included in the naked picture.
>> No. 17830
File 13112652785.png - (38.25KB , 684x191 , I WILL KILL U.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mmmm death threats from 14 year old girls who can't draw or write.
>> No. 17831
File 131126578645.png - (100.06KB , 1891x929 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Her fans rival her in retardation.
>> No. 17832
I suppose when all of their autistic power combined they become a Super Autist capable of great feats of retardedness.
>> No. 17833


>> No. 17834
I love you.

If only there were a drawfag to draw this up. Things seem to be quieted down for now. Where is the anon that runs that account?
>> No. 17835

I cannot draw it, unfortunately. Even sober it ends up shitt.
>> No. 17836
File 131126870056.png - (64.71KB , 712x451 , doing it rong.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pity! Oh, well.

I am vastly amused how every single one of them suddenly turn "troll" on an offending account and spam the trollface as if it invokes their inner trolling powers into something more than retards flailing against each other.

Pic very related. I'm beginning to take a shining with this particular extra spergy recolor.
>> No. 17837
Ahahahahaha oh wow. This went better than expected.
>> No. 17838
You know what's the funniest part of this? They realised this was a troll before anyone else. The tard in your screencap? She's the *smart* one. It takes a special kind of stupid to be outclassed by someone who has both Yu-Gi-Oh! and Sonic in their DA name.
>> No. 17839

I had like 45 or so notes when I logged in, haha wow. How many aspies does she have defending her, anyway?

One of them was a weird case. She actually apologized to me. Not sure what for.
>> No. 17840
I want to do this so bad, but I've scoured the house over and can't find my tablet anywhere D:
>> No. 17841
Yes, exactly. I loved that part.

For the "death threat" I believe. She shat her pants when people told her that was really stupid.

Look harder!
>> No. 17842
So her fanbase keep responding to me and some apparently are taking a likening to me, besides the whole troll art thief thing.

I'm hoping it'll piss Tess off even more.
>> No. 17843
File 13112746875.png - (18.21KB , 370x215 , Nieuwe bitmapafbeelding.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, someone hit on me. I can't even believe that.
>> No. 17844
maybe go for the identity theft angle and claim you're actually her and your old account got hacked?
>> No. 17845
Absolutely brilliant.

I did that just now.
>> No. 17846

Oh wow, there's a Sound the Hedgehog now? Does he have a battleaxe and guitar combination and a boombox on his shoulders by any chance?

Also you should totally go for it. I don't expect "sagas" or anything to come out of it, but Chris has taught us before that nothing is funnier than a well done fake e-girlfriend. Who knows? Maybe we can get something out of it. Plus if you're trying to set yourself up as being a 13 year old sonic whore with no standards, this will do wonders for your image.
>> No. 17847
No bloody clue. All I know is he has the hots for strangers on the internet.
>> No. 17848
Liquid Morgan here. He seemed to be even more angry than Purple Shadow so I decided to give it a shot.
>> No. 17849
I love you, handsome stranger. I would offer you my babies, but I am sadly infertile.
>> No. 17850

They combined their powers and they're coming for me.
>> No. 17851
File 13112813068.png - (379.51KB , 1418x2484 , Nieuwe bitmapafbeelding.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With their powers combined, they make captain Aspie!

Also, here is something I just felt I needed to share. It's as stupid as it is hilarious.
>> No. 17852
Also, someone leaked her family name, it's Neumann. Not sure what you could do with it, but...
>> No. 17853
Wow, that's deep. We can witness a normal human boy slowly devolving into an otherkin.
>> No. 17854
It's sad, really.
>> No. 17855

>I'm goofed!
>> No. 17856
So a friend of his was talking to me and it seems I hurt his feelings quite bad. I'm not sure what to think of that, really.
>> No. 17857
Maybe he'll change because of this. Maybe he'll realize that he can aspire to be something better than a wolf.

Also, I'll try drawing Captain Autism/OriginalCharacter Donotsteal later if someone else doesn't. I suck at drawing but I'll try anyway
>> No. 17858

Just remember, he called your mother a trampy whore.
>> No. 17859
What's there to think? They are ALWAYS 'rlly hurt and sad.' Their entire existence is scratching out attention and approval from those around them because they do not get any in real life.

It'll blow over, and some day he'll either understand you were trying to do or sink further into his own faggotry.
>> No. 17860
That is true.

Probably the latter.

Also, someone proposed the idea of Captain Autism so I made that and it can be found right at http://lionesstess13.deviantart.com/art/Captain-Aspie-243937420
>> No. 17861
File 131129670292.png - (66.42KB , 1045x445 , i r funny.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was gone for a few hours but it is deliciously amusing how butthurt they all become when you turn around and call THEM the fakes.
>NO! I AM [insert stupid name here] THE [insert random mashup of animals]!!!! *ANGRY FACE*

Also how they, in their little minds, they get little 'wins' so they screencap, slap their sprite on it and gloat as through it were some sort of trophy to hang on their wall.

This particular recolor is fucking hilarious.
>> No. 17863
So her Majesty herself has told me I better watch the news around 10:00 at night, for I will find something about my crimes or some shit. It seems she's either bluffing or really taking it to the police, who I doubt will help her anyway.
>> No. 17864
The Whale Queen?
Oh please. She's 'gone to the police' before when her original Youtube account was hacked. Nothing happened, of course.

So what does she expect the police going to do? Arrest you for posing as someone and showing art of characters that are derived from a video game she did not create?

Of course she's talking out of her Texas-sized ass.

inb4 Cyberpolice
>> No. 17865
Tonight, on Faux News, a poor girl named Tess Neumann is being harassed on the Interwebs!
>> No. 17866
You should also further make her feel guilty by telling her she is wasting the authority's and the news agency's time with her trivial fan characters. She's taking time away from people who need real help (ie. those who have had serious crimes happen to them or whose lives are on the line).

so, go for the guilt trip.
>> No. 17867
File 131130317716.png - (35.08KB , 587x491 , autism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not any better than Tess' recolors but I'm too lazy to try harder right now
>> No. 17868
File 131130384598.jpg - (14.35KB , 320x240 , wefweff.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Faux News
>> No. 17869
File 131130700361.png - (778.41KB , 900x750 , tracing herself.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's... beautiful!

She's also made a new submission.

Yet she... she just... traced. Traced something she already drew.
The autism.
>> No. 17870
File 131131028466.png - (47.18KB , 729x401 , Picture 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, whoever made the Johnny the HedgehogSaiyanwhatever account, it's apparently been hacked by the SUPER LEET AMAZING HACKER. Heh, he even admits to it.

Any way he can be grieved for being so stupid as to say and do it under his own name?

Also, apparently your password was "scarily close to his."
Food for thought.
>> No. 17871
File 13113105637.png - (83.35KB , 1578x925 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Suddenly out of nowhere this fatty started sperging on my profile.

I lolwut'd.
>> No. 17872
File 131131084714.png - (58.67KB , 202x151 , Morgan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, delicious delicious...

Whoever foundout her last name, thank you. Here's her Facebook:

And here is the Morgan chick. Holy fuck the retard flows strong in this one:
>> No. 17873
Her picture is going to DeviantArt. My anus is prepared for another explosion of autism.
>> No. 17874

Keep fighting the good fight, Anon.
>> No. 17875
File 131131265672.png - (82.88KB , 1445x828 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the guy threatens to hack me, he's hot shit and knows Computer Science 3
>> No. 17876
haha. I chastised him for being "no better than them dang dirty trolls" but he marked my comment as spam and is ignoring my notes.
>> No. 17877
File 131131605043.png - (71.48KB , 200x186 , Picture 5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, if that's not here there was another "Morgan" on her account. Here's her cat.
>> No. 17878
I am that guy with those Derpy Hooves accounts.

And I feel graced by your collective presence.
>> No. 17879
File 131131892444.png - (36.66KB , 863x559 , lolllll.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 17880
Welcome aboard St. Derpina, thanks for the times you have given me.

Seems TheRealJHS got the account back. Maybe you could threaten to have him banned for it? He's a HAXXOR and not the real Johnny afterall.
>> No. 17881
>> No. 17882
File 131137894212.png - (265.03KB , 617x1295 , team_lets_go_by_crystalthehedgehog56-d41bm5q.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Nice, but there's errors on this pic. 1. The ponytail on the top of my hair is blue. 2. I have 2 bangs instead of three. 3. Tess and I have a cream colored muzzle. 4. My shirt is purple with a dark purple stripe in the middle of it. 5. My gloves were pink with no fingers and the tip of my tail is pink[not light pink]. 6. My pants were dark light blue. 7. The purple spots in my pants are diamonds and the pink spots in my pants are hearts. 8. My shoes were dark gray with a purple stripe and pink heart in my left shoe and a pink stripe and purple heart in my right shoe. 9. Tess's skirt was black, not gray. 10. Tess's shoes were light blue with a purple stripe and pink heart in her left shoe and a pink stripe and purple heart in her right shoe. 11. Tess has blue tips on her ears. 12. Tess's inside of her ears were white. 13. Tess has 4 blue bangs instead of three. 14. Tess's gloves were light blue with pink fingers and she doesn't have bangles. They're sleeves.[which it was a lavender color] 15. Tess's hair and tail were purple, not dark purple.
My God, the amount of autism.
>> No. 17883
File 131137939293.png - (92.53KB , 703x524 , after i yelled at him.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ugh.. headache. Stupid hangover.

So, the one who had ~TheRealJHS account closed it. Can we confirm what this cumrag just gloated about?
>> No. 17884
I don't know, this isn't very organized. First there was Liquid Tess, then Liquid Morgan, and then some epin ween trolls started following the example and started shitting around.

But luckily, no much skill is required to troll those sonic recolorists.
>> No. 17885
File 131139037257.jpg - (125.24KB , 636x938 , denzel_the_hedgehog_by_kristy_lea-d31rzgd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

My name is no fucking where near common

I wish I had some art skill so I could troll the fuck out of whoever used my name like this
>> No. 17886
Yes, it's a bit all over the place but isn't less funny for it. I mean, they've gotten the 'tards to create anti-trolling and anti-impersonating groups. A whole fat load of good those will do them.
Maybe there can be a more organized trolling later. Just sit back and enjoy the autistic rage wave.

>I wish I had some art skill so I could troll the fuck out of whoever used my name like this
>I wish I had some art skill
>art skill

Uhh... have you seen the shit these spergs shit out on a regular basis? 90% of them have absolutely no skill. You'd fit right in. Actually, you'd still be better.
>> No. 17887
File 131139345837.jpg - (14.99KB , 142x314 , jasperthehegehog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My name goes for this abomination, which is from a twilight/sonic crossover fic.
>> No. 17888

That is literally a official piece of sonic character art MS painted over. Somehow these fucks manage to reach a lazier technique than tracing.
>> No. 17889
>Yes, it's a bit all over the place but isn't less funny for it.
This has to be the most easily trollable group I have ever seen. I had almost civil discussion with some sonicfag who wasn't kind of aware of this whole trolling thing, and then I just mentioned I am the Honest Morgan.

Went away to do some shit, returned, and there was a total anal apocalypse going on. Her friends and the tards from antitroll groups had started sperging "NO SHE S DA IMPOSTOR HOW CAN U SAY U R HONEST?!!"

And as you said, the shitstorm has spread everywhere.
>> No. 17890
Sonicfags + dA = what did you expect?
>> No. 17891
check the /b/ thread. 90% of the pictures are the exact same pose.
>> No. 17892
File 131139976049.png - (307.40KB , 900x1238 , colby_the_hedgehog_by_tailslover42-d3k44j7.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh dear god I just did that, this is the first result.
>> No. 17893
File 131139988157.png - (423.92KB , 901x768 , sillypeng.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
These people make me weep
>> No. 17894
>6. My pants were dark light blue.
>dark light blue
I don't even....
>> No. 17895
The autism of Sonicfags hurts so bad.
>> No. 17896
File 131140277858.gif - (336.69KB , 399x280 , 1242345812.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The fact that this is the first thing that came to mind when you said that speaks volumes about how much of a nerd I am.
>> No. 17897
You're gonna have to explain the joke/reference here.
>> No. 17898
I think it involves Runescape or something...
>> No. 17899
The sword in the picture is called Darklight.

I hate myself.
>> No. 17900
That's priceless. It requires so little effort, it's amazing.
>> No. 17901
You have no idea. These tards rage over the smallest things. It seems the art stealing is just an afterthought at this point.
>> No. 17902
For example, that FossKnKiller guy got incredibly pissed off when I pointed out how hypocritical he is when he said ''your stupid''. It was hilarious.
>> No. 17903
File 131142164742.jpg - (283.28KB , 640x480 , i_got_a_blackeye_by_fossknkiller-d3khc0a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, I saw. He's got extra tard rage in him. That mouthbreather has a bad case of Fucking-Ugly. Pic related.

It's also hilarious how they go and cry and howl and "troll" the DANG DIRTY IMPOSTORS but when I message them with direct comments about their behavior I get ignored/my comments get hidden. Fuckin' priceless.
>> No. 17904

She's acting like if people have more accounts, there won't be enough accounts to go around for new people. I'm pretty sure thats not how this works.
>> No. 17905
Talked to one of the douchebags on skype

[9:51:13 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Yea, that's a lie. Me, Tess, Buster, and David do not look like recolors and are not recolors.
[9:51:25 AM] Vel: Whatare they then?
[9:51:43 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: They are edits.

[9:52:09 AM] Vel: Edits? Sounds like recolor to me
[9:53:48 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: -_- They don't look like recolors to me. My look was made by Flame aka flaminghog35 on DA, Tess's look was made by shadecario22[don't know her] on Youtube, Buster made his look himself, and David's look was made by Bladex aka castjack09 on DA.

Oooooooh. Ediiiits. It's not recolors anymore.
>> No. 17906
That justifies everything.
>> No. 17907
[10:13:37 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: I don't know. I'm going to hack the imposter and remove it, unless if someone tries to give me the imposter me's password.

There's some computer science III going on here guys.
>> No. 17908
File 131143206838.jpg - (102.75KB , 600x384 , Suicide-01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[10:18:24 AM] Vel: So your friend has the password already? How did he/she get it?
[10:19:00 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Not telling you.
[10:19:06 AM] Vel: You don't trust me? :_:
[10:21:56 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Well, I can't tell you how my friend get the password.
[10:22:16 AM] Vel: Does he know Computer Science III?
[10:22:29 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Not telling you.
[10:22:38 AM] Vel: So, he's like a computer ninja?
[10:23:19 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Can't tell you.
[10:24:14 AM] Vel: So
[10:24:25 AM] Vel: Why do like Sonic the hedgehog?
[10:24:51 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Because he's awesome.
[10:24:57 AM] Vel: Would you date Sonic?
[10:25:35 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: I not much dating Sonic, but I only have the crush on him[not in real life].
[10:26:24 AM] Vel: So you're a furry?
[10:26:51 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Just because I have a crush on Sonic, doesn't mean that I'm a furry.
[10:27:05 AM] Vel: But you have a murrsona or whatever the fuck they call them
[10:27:26 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: What's that suppose to mean?
[10:27:39 AM] Vel: That you're a closeted furry?
[10:28:17 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: No, I don't have amurrasona or whatever it is.
[10:28:27 AM] Vel: Well. Technically you do
[10:28:45 AM] Vel: Your character is your furry persona.
[10:29:03 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: -__-
[10:29:15 AM] Vel: Does your character have fur?
[10:29:32 AM] Vel: Is she anthropomorphized?
[10:29:40 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: No, but my character's hair is yellow.
[10:29:56 AM] Vel: Your character is a "Hedgelioness"
[10:30:04 AM] Vel: An anthropomorphized mix of a lion and a hedgehog
[10:30:30 AM | Edited 10:30:33 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Yea, I both like hedgehogs and lions[even lionesses].
[10:30:45 AM] Vel: anthropomorphized hedgehogs and lionesses?
[10:30:59 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: Yea.
[10:31:04 AM] Vel: So
[10:31:10 AM] Vel: They're anthro?
[10:31:25 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: *facepalm*
[10:31:50 AM] Vel: You admitted it. Not me.
[10:32:33 AM] Vel: It's okay. You're starting to take your first steps out of the furry closet. It's like...admitting you're gay or telling your friends that you want to have buttsecks with Sonic the Hedgehog
[10:33:18 AM] Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢: I'm trying too. And I don't wanna have buttsecks with Sonic. And also, I'm not gay.
[10:33:45 AM] Vel: Having buttsecks does not imply homosexuality. But that's a topic not for children.

And I'm done. Jesus christ, talking to that cunt was mind-numbing.
>> No. 17909
I love how they actually believe they're capable of that.
>> No. 17910
File 131143942719.jpg - (61.08KB , 720x951 , blankstare9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 17911
>claims to not be a furry
>Morgan the Hedgelionessâ„¢
>> No. 17912
I'm actually surprised that she's even aware that being a furry is a bad thing.
>> No. 17913

Goddamn. Why does that creep me out?
>> No. 17914
It's fucking hilarious to me how some of them are actually threatening to hunt liontess down and kill her. It's also funny that these people are around my age defending this super shitty art. It reminds me of middle school when people who could draw a half decent Goku were considered great artist.
>> No. 17915
File 131147769968.jpg - (121.51KB , 700x700 , victoria_the_hedgehog_by_azuria_the_hedgehog-d2zbr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

My first find. I thought this person was actually a watcher of the topic lolcow.
>> No. 17916
It's even funnier when you point out that they just violated dA policy and if you report them they will get banned. Pants get shat, so good.
>> No. 17917
Is this any of you?

>> No. 17918
I don't think so, I'm not sure how anyone here could have access to their super-secret and closely guarded sprite sheets. If anyone, I think it's that Rouge chick. Some how she got a hold of Tess' sheet and made that animation of her getting beat up.

I love how everyone is freaking out that the sprite sheets are being posted. Saved them all.
>> No. 17919
File 131156270511.jpg - (77.23KB , 702x611 , sperg fit pt1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
screen capped for future generations
>> No. 17920
File 131156280267.jpg - (73.27KB , 691x789 , sperg fit pt2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
part 2
>> No. 17921
File 131156378281.png - (21.25KB , 999x205 , spergan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone posted the drawing I did and look at the wonderful comment it received! I will take your well-thought-out criticism to heart and apply it to future Paint endeavors, Mr. Chaoscontroler2.
>> No. 17922
Which drawing?
>> No. 17923
You could probably get some funny reactions by asking to join one of their anti troll/ impostor groups.
>> No. 17924
>> No. 17925
I imagine that this reply took four hours for him to look up every word on that list while typing at the keyboard like a pecking hen, using only the index finger.
>> No. 17926
What's funny is the overwhelming irony in the statement's opening:
>you are one sad, sad fucker
>> No. 17927
Already did that. Butts were devastated.
>> No. 17928
>> No. 17929
File 131159158423.jpg - (171.26KB , 981x736 , i_bleed_for_japan_by_fossknkiller-d3cjkgj.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, FossKnKiller BLEEDS for Japan. Never mind actually donating or doing anything close to useful, he just BLEEDS.
>> No. 17930
It's even funnier because the insult was aimed to a female.
>> No. 17932
File 131159619451.gif - (11.17KB , 501x585 , Jewish Individual contemplating unconscious goyims.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>nazi loving
>> No. 17933
I am totally going to do something with this.
>> No. 17934
You could probably ask that Rouge chick for Tess' current sprite sheet. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to provide it, and others.
>> No. 17935
Rouge chick? Who?
>> No. 17936
This chick: http://rouge2t7.deviantart.com/

She made this lovely animation: http://rouge2t7.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d40llqs
>> No. 17937
Right. Tried to contact her, gave her my email but she has yet to come back to me. Hhmmmm.
>> No. 17938
I read that she recently got Oblivion and has been sperging on that non-stop.
>> No. 17939
Lol, it blows my mind that someone would do something that lazy and uncreative, although, granted, probably thought "HURR ITS FROM NOSTALGIA CRITIC AND IM USING IT AS AN INSULT SO ITS FUNNY LOL"
>> No. 17940
you know if edits are ok in her book why not make an edit of her OC with like a bow or some thing then call it and OC edit.
>> No. 17941
Do it, incite the rage.

Ya, posting to counter spam.
>> No. 17943
>> No. 17944
>> No. 17945
>> No. 17946
>> No. 17947
>> No. 17948
>> No. 17949
Don't you 404 on me!
>> No. 17950
File 131169216391.png - (549.90KB , 740x942 , IM GONNA BLOCK U.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Her threats are so.... threatening.

>stop it or i'll block u!
>> No. 17951
File 131169560693.png - (89.61KB , 644x528 , I'mSpendingTooMuchTimeOnThis.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh yeah she just blocks everyone that makes her angry in the slightest. Out of sight, out of mind.

So anyway, that movie I was making is making progress, somewhat. At least more progress than previous projects. I have a functioning menu now but the graphics are mostly place-holder. If someone can help me out with those, it'd be much appreciated.
>> No. 17952
File 131170540446.png - (178.64KB , 489x277 , awesome.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 17953

Check the edit
>> No. 17954

>not giving credit to the original owners
>claiming that amy rose is HIS character and not sega's
>making rip offs of pokemon and other characters

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tess.
>> No. 17955

Does she know about it yet?
>> No. 17956
SonicYuGiOhCunt does, at least.
>> No. 17957

What kind of help do you need?
>> No. 17958

Note that it's a recolor when someone else does it, but it's an edit when Tess and the others do it.
>> No. 17959
Help with the menu graphics.
>> No. 17960
File 131197091343.png - (213.54KB , 1010x579 , jessisnowarecolor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Time to make a recolor of yuhiohsonicnights
>> No. 17961
File 131197311892.gif - (39.66KB , 247x248 , oh lawds.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>recolor calling recolor a recolor
>> No. 17962
Recolors bitching about recolors.

Kudos to you guys. I love it.
>> No. 17963
File 13119732185.png - (165.70KB , 695x559 , fuck.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aren't you not allowed to say "faggot" on Deviantart?

Also, how old are these kids supposed to be? I keep seeing "your" instead of "you're" and it makes me feel like getting an account just to sperg about it
>> No. 17964
I've been correcting one guy's grammatical errors for four days. Some his comments had about four words, and he still managed to typo. It was even funnier when he claimed to be older than me.

And I'm English third language.
>> No. 17965
I imagine that instead of sweating, they leak hypocrisy.
>> No. 17966
Yeah I keep pointing out typos and some people get really angry about it.
>> No. 17967
It's funny when I pointed out they're recolors by recoloring them back to Sonic/Amy, they blocked me and spammed me with memes, hoping I'd get mad.

Oh, and here's more hypocrisy.

"You're a recolorist as well, jokes on you."
>> No. 17968

Tess is 19 according to her profile, so too fucking old to be spelling like they do.
>> No. 17969
You know, that's what I hate most about these faggots. It's not that they're hypocrites or sonicfags or recolorists. That's all fine with me, because I can laugh at that. It's fucking hilarious to see. What's not funny, and what makes me really genuinely mad at them, is when they spam memes incoherantly in response to a legitimate post. u mad and facepalms and awesomeface and trollface, and other memes that i'm certain they don't know the real meaning of. And while i'm on that, why is it that when I hover over the icon in their comments the alt text says "facepalmplz" or "trollfaceplz"? Is the plz part them being retarded, or is that one of DeviantART's stupid quirks?
>> No. 17970
>DeviantART's stupid quirks
Most likely this.
>> No. 17971
ppl make a counts with those emotes they are called plz accounts because they all have plz after the name.
>> No. 17972
>ppl make a counts with those emotes they are called plz accounts because they all have plz after the name.
Leave Engrish to DA, please.
>> No. 17973
It's a DA thing. They put plz after the account names so people can tell you use them as an emoticon. Or something.
>> No. 17974
Yup, plz is a whole emoticon archive of this: http://helpplz.info/
>> No. 17975


>I'm done here. Oh and I am guessing he is also making a fake account of me and he will make screencaps of this journal right now...

Might as well make one.
>> No. 17976
File 131200439952.png - (815.56KB , 899x564 , 1287543038637.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Please do. I can't believe I pissed him off this much, lol.
>> No. 17977

...nah, sorry, I'm just a lazy fuck.

Just saying it's a good idea.
>> No. 17978
File 131201269953.png - (21.23KB , 230x180 , 1310667717874.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's okay. The fucker decided to delete his rant, anyway, but I'm still amused that he confused me for all you beautiful people. Well, at least the Liquid recolors among you guys.
>> No. 17979
File 131201760479.png - (206.43KB , 1340x1980 , lulz.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For future reference, TP09's rant.

It made my day.
>> No. 17980
Oh lawdy. I love how it's your ability to screencap a journal he was about to delete that means you have no life. That's like the ultimate admission of having no real argument.
>> No. 17981
>mondorb is the ULTIMATE TROLL

You should message him back and thank him for the generous compliment, or better yet, be modest about it.
>> No. 17982
File 131203221863.jpg - (143.69KB , 500x374 , 1286159577649.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Crap, after all the other shit I gave him until he bawwed and ran away, I totally forgot to acknowledge the "ultimate troll" thing.

Oh well. Someday, man, someday.

But I'll post screencaps of his further bitching in the comments sooner or later. He wouldn't stop replying to me...after saying he'd stop.
>> No. 17983
I'm a little lost here, can someone give me a quick overlay of what's currently happening and how it relates to Tess?
>> No. 17984
There was Liquid Tess who reposted her..."art". Sperging ensues after she declares war against the impostor.

Her butthurt sycophant Morgan gets a Liquid of her own and shit hits the fan.

Several more Liquids emerge and the little sonic recolor hugbox starts raging like there's no tomorrow.
>> No. 17985
>serpent is a heavy/deep insult
>> No. 17986
File 131203501827.png - (303.06KB , 500x373 , tumblr_lhi1j5tAnY1qhdbhuo1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Perhaps it's a clue! A bread crumb in a winding trail that entails the spergy upbringings and origins of the elusive Sonic Recolor.
>> No. 17987
Wait wut. The people behind those accounts are separate people, I'm pretty sure. At least, I only have one account. Also, who is Mondocyte and why is he claiming he's behind the accounts?
>> No. 17988
File 131203679562.png - (9.32KB , 337x330 , 1291680907924.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm mondocyte, and TP09 just assumes I'm behind the accounts.

Also, more butthurt here:

>> No. 17989
Oh cool.

I feel like replying just to be an asshole.
>> No. 17990
File 13120372861.png - (288.98KB , 512x384 , 1287681300958.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 17991
File 131203738123.jpg - (14.90KB , 484x509 , blankstare6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's funny, when this was posted the first time, she called me "a recolorist fag".
>> No. 17992
File 131203778387.png - (525.83KB , 632x471 , 1287682199271.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You could kill someone with that much concentrated hypocrisy.

Also, captcha says "zexyer." Could this be about your picture?
>> No. 17993
This looks extremely wrong out of context
>> No. 17994
File 131203942030.jpg - (61.15KB , 674x395 , 1287681364258.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So does this.
>> No. 17995
File 13120410956.jpg - (10.69KB , 253x226 , 1295824401917.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A little older butthurt, but still fresh for the picking: http://comments.deviantart.com/20/12830930/2111255265

I kept trying to coax that guy into a drawing contest, knowing he's obviously going to lose, but he just keeps backing out. Typical.
>> No. 17996
I hate when people quote themselves in their signatures.
>> No. 17997

That's beautiful.
>> No. 17998
I love how I can immediately tell who the liquid account is just by how much better their spelling and grammar is than the real thing.
>> No. 17999
File 131206421849.jpg - (34.23KB , 501x398 , planking_hippy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You're ruining our lives in the process...you're breaking friendships apart

>> No. 18000
My favorite part:
>Mood: Joy
>Reading: NEVER!!!!!!
>> No. 18001
File 131206993164.jpg - (82.25KB , 503x828 , javert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.




>> No. 18002
Congratulations on actually trolling.

Its weird to see /cwc/ do something for once though.
>> No. 18003
File 131209190181.jpg - (101.85KB , 1024x476 , 1310685167285.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



>> No. 18004
File 131209969260.jpg - (58.28KB , 700x494 , 1291347933190.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This same fag just can't get over me.

>> No. 18005
File 131210029674.jpg - (28.19KB , 400x300 , the_true_face_of_deviantart.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Geez, talk about first world problems
>> No. 18006
>large scale troll incident

Wait... did I miss something?
>> No. 18007


I have no face and I must laugh.
>> No. 18008
Jesus farting Christ, the dude is fucking mental.

Of any boring motherfucker in the world, why would people stalk him?
>> No. 18009
They're after his OC?
>> No. 18010
File 131210411565.jpg - (74.64KB , 400x566 , 130627824417.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trolling these people is like some sort of interactive comedy. Why, god, why?

Retard screencaps my comment: http://720pokemon.deviantart.com/art/FAILURE-245556549?q=favby%3Aghostdogbag&qo=0

Other retard does same: http://starfoxluver1.deviantart.com/art/What-245576472?q=favby%3Aghostdogbag&qo=1

TP09 goes apeshit: http://comments.deviantart.com/4/18424039/2120051710
>> No. 18011
File 131210438844.jpg - (142.58KB , 900x710 , 130612473815.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

From triplepoogi boy, it gets worse:

>> No. 18012
Are there multiple people with "mond" accounts?
>> No. 18013
File 131212536172.jpg - (17.78KB , 244x320 , based god.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aaawww... Kiddo could'nt leave the internet after all...

>> No. 18014

>720pokemon's youtube

Oh hey.


Look at all of those shitvids.
>> No. 18015
>Azure the Storm HedgePhionex

my mind just full of fuck
>> No. 18016

> Azure the Storm HedgePhionex

God damn... That's so retarded and ridiculous if I didn't know better I'd think that was a troll account.

Also, what's up with the red color scheme for a charactered called Azure?
An attempt at being ironic, or just being plain retarded?

These guys give me a headache...
>> No. 18017
I'd put my money on being retarded.
>> No. 18018

I can't tell which part is dumber.
>> No. 18019


Recolors. Recolors everywhere.
>> No. 18020




OC All of you swipers, NO SWIPING!

/thought process on the creation of an 'OC'
>> No. 18021
We should make a Sonic OC name generator one of these days.
>> No. 18022

That shouldn't be too bad for someone who can program a bit.

[Normalname] the [something]Hog]

Ex: Jerry the Dragonhog
Bob the Pighog
Rockso the Cocainehog
>> No. 18023
What the hell is a "hedgephoenix" even supposed to be?
>> No. 18024

Apparently a red recolor of Sonic.
>> No. 18025
Exclusive-Cheese here. I just posted on this girl's profile. White knighting is the ultimate form of trolling.
>> No. 18026
>implying that she can't find your post here
>> No. 18027
Considering how paranoid those sonicfags are, they might think there's a whole organization after them.
>> No. 18028
This just goes to show how terrible you trolls can be. Why don't you all just mind your own business and leave people like her alone?
>> No. 18029

Because she (all of you with sonic recolors really) personally offends me on multiple levels?
>> No. 18030
1/10, too good grammar. Try again later.
>> No. 18031
Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...
>> No. 18032

>no. they just pop outta no where. and thanks. I'm glad u like my drawings.

How is troll formed? Why, they spawn from the aether of the Internets.
>> No. 18033
File 131215986220.jpg - (58.03KB , 640x863 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There, NOW it's azure.

However, a fitting name would be Cerise or Sanguine the Hedgehog.
>> No. 18034
> 82341
...how does it offend you?
>> No. 18035
File 131216268650.png - (240.33KB , 701x935 , __cherry_petals___by_milihedgiereturns-d3dda9r.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh knows shes going to find out about phase 2 of the plan! when we kick up the trolling to the next level and really hit them where it hurts.
>> No. 18036
Are there any particularly ridiculous recolors who don't have "imposter" accounts yet?
>> No. 18037

Just check Tess's friendlist.

Plenty of people on there.
>> No. 18038
Some of you people are making weak attempts to troll and need to let the pros handle it.

Especially this tard: http://lionesstess13.deviantart.com/


More like tasteless morons laughing at bad trolls.

This thread started out promising, but the fail trolls caught wind of it and now it's shit.
>> No. 18039
Well excuse me princess. I'm sorry I didn't live up to your standards. The tardrage and death threads and drama not good enough for you? I haven't seen you do anything.
>> No. 18040

Even if you're trolling, I second this. If you keep it up, she'll disappear from the internet like Chris or change her aspie ways that originally made her funny. Then, you'll be like, "Why can't things be like they used to be?"

It happens again and again, when you idiots learn?
>> No. 18041
most of the fun in this trolling isn't the target its her retarded gang of fools that follow after her.
>> No. 18042
>It happens again and again, when you idiots learn?
You mean, it's a bad thing that recolorist whale disappears? Nope. And besides, she'll never learn, she'd always come back. Sadly.
>> No. 18043
File 131231727980.gif - (800.64KB , 200x86 , lmao5.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I suggested the anti-faker group my deviation where I prove I am the True and Honest Morgan.


And they accepted it.
>> No. 18044
File 131263643825.png - (128.15KB , 1013x590 , Picture 12.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've been gone for a while but this shit is still amusing. Anything new going on?

This nigger is my new favorite person.
>> No. 18045
Nothing much, the tards still keep replying. The nigger gave up though, sadly.
>> No. 18046
So is this guy russian or something then? What's his deal?
>> No. 18047
He bitched about rich white girls, and I replied "that sounds like commie talk". He flipped and started raging how blacks can't be communists.
>> No. 18048

who will make the group?
>> No. 18049
cmon people, this lolcow still has some milk left, let's not waste it just because Chris is back
>> No. 18050
What the hell is with their abuse of "hedge" as a prefix to anything?

Don't they know hedgehogs are called that because they can be found in hedges?
>> No. 18051

Because if they used hog as a suffix it sounds like a pig?
>> No. 18052
>> No. 18053
They're at it again, folks!

>> No. 18054
Are the Liquid trolls still active?
>> No. 18055
Liquid Morgan here. I check daily, but they lolcows are starting to give up. Oh well, guess it's time to steal some more.

Haha! It's time for recolors!
>> No. 18056

They're generic, dime-a-dozen Sonic recolorists. Their's literally thousands of people like them on deviantART, and these kids are nothing special.
>> No. 18057
They still served quite well as lolcows, in fact, they're the only consistently funny ones here who aren't Chris.
>> No. 18058
We should make recolor trolling a regular thing here. We make entire threads dedicated to ADF and Nick Bate who we only some times get results from and which some people don't find funny. With these guys though, what we've found is basically a bottomless barrel of stupidity. And unlike Chris we don't have to worry about driving them off of DA and never seeing them again, because we've got a pick from thousands more identical tards. We can just repeat the Liquid style trolling forever and always get good results. The screenshots from trolling just this single group of recolors could fill an ED page.
>> No. 18059
The way you say this, you seem to think trolling recolours is a new thing, but other than that, I agree. Trolling recolours is an easy, reliable barrel of lulz to hold us over between the gaps of ADF/CWC/Nick actually doing something funny.

Hey, it's not like we have anything else.
>> No. 18060
Oh, and Alog, when and if he actually reacts to the ED page.
>> No. 18061
Oh, no, sorry, I was on a vacation.
>> No. 18062
It's new for /cwc/. We usually don't actively troll anyone here. I'm just suggesting that now we actually are, we do it more.
>> No. 18063
You want to troll recolors? You don't need our permission. Go ahead and have fun.
>> No. 18064
Looked at the founders profile and he is literally just ASKING for a good trolling.

>> No. 18065

>''Worship me as your God and I shall smite your enemy and foe, worship me as your King and I shall punish those who stands in your way, worship me as your Emperor and I shall bring you a glorious new age of the Neonian Empire."

He is so asking for it.
>> No. 18066
>Yes, I'm a paranormal agent here in my home town. We done many cases, but some of those cases were just stupid like this one family mistaked a weird looking kite for a Thunderbird and thought it took their kid when their kid went missing.

>I'm not sure if I'll do the whole slenderlog thing. I keep some of my record files secret, as for a "new creature" I dont know. I do know that I am going to hunt that son of a bitch down. I already got some reports from around America, saying that it has been spotted in Illinois.

>I'm not even sure that this is the real slenderman but I aint giving my hopes up. Till I see some evidence that the slenderman I saw was fake then Im stil going after it.
>> No. 18067
Please tell me whoever you're quoting was saying it as a joke. They don't seriously believe Slenderman is real do they? Do they? Guys?
>> No. 18068

There are people out there who believe all sorts of things. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
>> No. 18069

It's not a joke. Neither is this:

>In the case of the matter, I grown tired of trolling, and even hearing about trolls. So I desided, if I couldnt be a troll then no one can. You like most trolls seek on replies on your comments so that you may post back and trigger the emotional anger in them. You are what we like to call a Lesser Troll. A troll who spends his days, creating numberous accounts and email accounts in order to irritate one or few people on a certain site. And instead of aiming for much bigger leagues like actual artists such as photographic designs and artistic detail. You aim for one of the lower classes such as Fans and Supporters. It is not I who is afraid of a little competition, it is you who cant even troll a high ranking account such as say Alvin Earthworm or any other high accounts. But instead, you grow fear that you will actually be banned completlly from the site with no way in and deside to take on the petty chalenges.
>> No. 18070
But... that's stupid. Even more so than usual paranormal crap. I mean, wasn't Slenderman pretty much invented on SA in a "hey, let's see if we can fool paranormal boards" thread?
>> No. 18071

>And instead of aiming for much bigger leagues like actual artists such as photographic designs and artistic detail.

Actual artists don't need to be trolled; they are doing something constructive.
>> No. 18072
This. Do these fucktards just think that people troll them because they hate art in general rather than because they themselves are faggots?

This too. I cannot understand how anyone could ever possibly believe Slenderman is a real thing. This isn't like with vampires or werewolves or whatever where the monster came from folk legends and they can say the stories were inspired by the real thing or whatever. We have actual screenshots of someone creating the Slenderman mythos on an internet forum. This is on the level of believing that Na'vis are real.
>> No. 18073

I got a kick out of the kid's japanese too. Obvious he used a translator.

"Black lights neon of light Hedgehog"

Yeah...doesn't match up
>> No. 18074
File 13128410956.jpg - (113.79KB , 800x629 , 1292598544762.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh god, that triplepogi2009/JC Rojales guy just won't stop in his crusade. The kid hates me.


Seeing all this butthurt last night gave me sweet, sweet dreams.
>> No. 18075

How are you even involved in all of this other than the art challenge and every so often pointing out flaws in their arguments and thought processes?

He seems to think more and more that you are the mastermind behind a growing trolling project against people who recolor.
>> No. 18076

I'm just wondering what gets him so riled up.
>> No. 18077

Just began making an account

>> No. 18078
File 131284285859.jpg - (1.99MB , 1309x2274 , 1311009004615.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Perhaps it's our shared ethnicity. He might take this as an offense to his heritage, as if I had disgraced our precious third world crapsack by criticizing Sonic recolors.

So we are "brothers," divided by the hands of destiny to become mortal enemies!!11!!
>> No. 18079

I know, right? He's forgetting about all you beautiful people.

Let's just sit and watch as he festers in his aspie rage.
>> No. 18080
"Trust me, there's a secret plan I am planning between me and some of my friends as we speak. The most comical thing: He (the troll) thinks "it's cute"... obviously underestimating us. I'll keep my friends anonymous, but I am sure you know some of them..."

Aw, shit. Look out, guys!


Tell them, not us.
>> No. 18081
You guys don't have to keep talking about shit noone cares about anymore; Chris is back. You're welcome.
>> No. 18082
File 131287425737.jpg - (34.92KB , 315x425 , 1306627891386.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thanks for the heads up!
>> No. 18083
>cwc/ is now the general lolcows board on the site

I guess you miss the ''what if'' threads...
>> No. 18084
>They all troll people by calling their sonic fanchars recolors and by saying their victims have mental disorders. They even show signs of using psychological warfare through comments as well. These guys dont seem to be ordinary trolls at all, it seems they're part of a trollgroup lead by the guy with 13 accounts.
>saying their victims have mental disorders.
>> No. 18085
Aww, how cute, he's trying to direct the trolling elsewhere, just like little Chris a few years back.
>> No. 18086

>dont fall for that "I have autism so dont make fun of me" bull crap. I have autism and I know who has autism and who doesnt.

Me too. It is a mystery.
>> No. 18087
>> No. 18088
File 131292504091.jpg - (32.06KB , 299x450 , blankstare7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Morgan copied my responses and posted them to the appear witty. Wow.
>> No. 18089

>Morgan copied my responses and posted them to the appear witty. Wow.

Well, creativity to them is taking a character someone else created and coloring over it.
>> No. 18090
Well, you know, she did EDIT it, like changing the name of the guy it was sent to.
>> No. 18091
Morgan IS a special and great spergy snowflake whose thought processes astounds even her friends. I mean, even sperglord Tessa has learned that keeping your trap shut will keep trolls away. She's probably just finished an episode of some cartoon where they 'fight fire with fire.'
>> No. 18092


>> No. 18093

It lacks pics of his fursona and other shit characters like the batdragongreenhedgehog whatever it is.
>> No. 18094
File 131294039461.jpg - (89.82KB , 640x480 , Chris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love how the comments in the journal about Chris devolved into project and the other guy comparing themselves to Chris and trying to convince themselves that they are better than him.

Which is a lie of course. I mean, do they really think they can ever compare to this sexy man?
>> No. 18095


>if I see her [his mother] again and makes a big mistake I'll fucking beat her up!!!!!

Sounds a lot like ADF.
>> No. 18097
File 131295712918.gif - (409.38KB , 500x500 , 1289492026278.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, some vengeful sperger decided to spam one of my mond accounts, probably to defend another one of those recolors. This is him: http://danny32011.deviantart.com/ but it wasn't very effective.

Anyone interested in giving him a taste of his own medicine, though? Surely this will brew a hurricane of butthurt, so go as all out as you want, especially when using sock puppets with nothing to lose.

Perhaps you can copy a wall of text like so: http://comments.deviantart.com/4/18573068/2137510883

But you know what? Just have fun with it, 'cause


>> No. 18098

> ~Danny32011
>no one cares about me T_T

Damn straight.
>> No. 18099
File 131296085634.png - (9.10KB , 800x600 , 28565fa18dbb3ba3e57ae772c4d9b785-d3jr8ma.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 18100
File 131296613398.jpg - (156.36KB , 834x600 , 1287461665123.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Finally, an INTENTIONALLY self-deprecating recolorfag.

'Tis a gem, I say. A gem!
>> No. 18101
Looks like Chris' return has turned fire away from these tards, anyone still up for trolling them?
>> No. 18102

Go for it. There's plenty of them out there, so pick one, make a troll account, and dick around.
>> No. 18103


Anyone from this group is a good choice.
>> No. 18104
Yeah, go for it. It's not difficult, requires very little effort, and unlike Chris trolling you will get that first-hand trolling tingle when a tard rages at you for stealing their shitty 'art.'

I suggest the black kid, "ChaosShadow95." He seems a good target. Make sure to overuse the word "nigger" and be as racist as possible. So easy.
>> No. 18105
see below
>> No. 18106
File 131331231074.png - (28.66KB , 738x108 , it kills.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've got a PSA for all of you butt-pirates out there:

Jizz in the ass too many times can kill you. TMZ said so.
>> No. 18107

BAAWWWW GIVE ME SOME ATTENTION! Well, Liquids, let's give her some attention she so much wants.
>> No. 18108

Goddamn, using those icons instead of the person's screen name ever time is obnoxious as fuck.
>> No. 18109

>:iconkirliatheemotionwolf: is one of my favorite spriters who got me inspired to making sprite videos and spriting.

>Kirlia The Emotion Wolf

What the fuck?
>> No. 18110
I fucking lol'd.
>> No. 18111
File 131351525993.png - (526.90KB , 510x556 , sexy_kirlia_by_kirliatheemotionwolf-d3f72ry.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Does this look like a wolf to you?

A: Yes
B: No
C: It's a goddamn hedgehog recolor
>> No. 18112
File 131351641924.png - (39.32KB , 156x215 , Kirlia.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not to mention that "kirlia" is a pokeyman, so it's the typical sperg's double ripoff.
>> No. 18113

Didn't know that it was a pokemon as well, but that just adds to it all, like you said.

This is the person who is inspiring to
http://yugiohsonicnights64.deviantart.com/ , helping to proliferate the amount of recolor bullshit.
>> No. 18114
She's growing up, maybe?
>> No. 18116

>Gonna leave Youtube and DA


>Decided To Stay


>> No. 18117
Fuck this thread. Looking at that landwhale sonicfag is worse than looking at Chris' dick on the front page.

I mad!
>> No. 18118
So, are these recolors still getting trolled?
>> No. 18119
I don't think so anymore, but I pick up the pace for them later, any suggestions? I want to do something a little more creative than "make accounts with their shit uploaded on it"
>> No. 18120
I don't think so anymore, but I pick up the pace for them later, any suggestions? I want to do something a little more creative than "make accounts with their shit uploaded on it"
>> No. 18121
Take their originals, draw in blood and guts. Post.
>> No. 18122
Something like this would probably work.
These guys are fiercely protective of their recolors because they're what they ideally want to be. If you just draw them knocked out, they'll probably draw them waking up and beating you up. Either way they'll get mad, but they need to be fully destroyed or irreparably damaged for it to really get them going.
>> No. 18123
find exploitable poses and shop in one of the sonichu rule 34 images so they're sucking his dick. then paste chris' signature in. he seems to be unpopular with the other recolorfags (wonder why...)
>> No. 18124
File 131449059291.png - (97.57KB , 1015x1265 , shapes and fruits express my anger.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's probably some hidden symbolism I don't understand.
>> No. 18125
File 131454699948.jpg - (235.91KB , 324x652 , ok.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I got a note, name squiggled because that account is 8 years old and full of stealth trolling.

I laughed at the two faced reply I got.
>> No. 18126
What ever happened to these guys?
>> No. 18127
I think the only thread when /cwc/ actually did something belongs to /L/
>> No. 18128
File 131607061927.jpg - (110.62KB , 900x1239 , rachel_the_hedgehog_by_theraider01-d3476lh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

-sits in a corner and cries-
>> No. 18129

>I've been... stabbed in the stomach.... by nightmare the dark knight..... I did it to save my friends.... *coughs up blood* ..... *breathes hard* I gotta.... get help.... somebody... help me.... *coughing up blood*

>> No. 18130
the face looks more like tom preston the hedgehog to me
>> No. 18131
So, anyone still doing anything with these people? This was an entertaining thread for a while.
>> No. 18132
File 131670096786.png - (334.41KB , 900x720 , alone_in_dark_by_bluehedghog-d46ti61.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's been quiet but that doesn't mean we should start up again. I dropped out of the fun due to a computer breaking down for a few weeks but these little faggots are still at it.

pic made me lol
>shot in the dark
>> No. 18133
Is anyone still trolling these aspies?
>> No. 18134
Is she balding in OP's picture?
>> No. 18135

>> No. 18136

I think that it's a vitamin deficiency. Nobody that young should look like that.
>> No. 18137
Is anyone on here still trolling Tess?
>> No. 18138
Well, this thread was fun while it lasted. Mods, could you please move this to the lolcows library? This thread was pretty amusing and was the first and only time /cwc/ ever went out and trolled some persons.
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