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No. 18629
  ADF thread number 78.



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>> No. 18630
I apologize for contributing to the personing in the last thread and fucking up the archiving of it.
It's early in the morning, and I've been up all night finishing my midterm paper, so I'm not focusing on things as good as I should be.
>> No. 18631
He could ruin those protests for so many others, you know.

I never thought I'd see how Hetalia could influence an unpleasant manchild to national prominence.
>> No. 18632
I want to say how you're wrong, I really do, but it already dominated the tail end of the last thread so, I'm just going to direct you there and let this go.
>> No. 18633
FFFFFFF- Just realized old thread was deleted.

Go to /id/ instead then.
>> No. 18634
Yeah sorry but that thread was an abomination, and I'll fully admit that I contributed to fucking it up by personing about politics.
>> No. 18635
Just to those that missed it, our field agents got ADF interviewed, and everyone had good laughs. Then he was recorded waving the red flag and embarrassing everyone in there.

I think the Glenn Beck video would be worth saving as well.
>> No. 18636
Abomination? That sounds like...

But, no, really, in need of a new topic.

So, people, let me ask:

Can ADF really be said to have political beliefs? Is he like Chris, in that he's too autistic to actually understand the subtleties of Politics, or is he really indicative of his flavor of idiot (Falvors include, but are not limited to, Commie, Nazi, Liberal and libertarian Libertards, Conservatard, librarian, etc)?

Something thought worthy to change subject, brief enough to let the page go to 1 or two like ADF threads normally go.
>> No. 18637
It's funny, though. I've always said ADF has damaged everything he stands for more than the ideology's enemies ever could have.

And now Glenn used ADF to discredit the protesters. Great job again, ADF.
>> No. 18638
>Can ADF really be said to have political beliefs?
Perhaps, but he doesn't really understand them. He is just obsessed by aesthetics. Also, keep in mind he became a communist after watching an anime.
>> No. 18639
>>I can't accept the idea that a lolcow shares my political beliefs! That reflects poorly on me! ...I know! I'll say he CAN'T have political beliefs! Yeah!! I don't agree with a retard! He's... He's too STUPID to understand my complex political ideals! My mom was right, I'm a genius!
>> No. 18640
...and if I don't share his political beliefs?
>> No. 18641
>Nobody can NOT have political beliefs! People who that are just... using it as a coping mechanism! YEAH! That's why they don't let us derail threads into shitty political shitstorms! THEY'RE AFRAID OF MY GLORIOUS OPINIONS!
>> No. 18642
This is why people hate the ADF threads so much. :< Stop it guise.

The comments on the Glenn Beck page are hilarious, by the way.
>> No. 18643
Sorry, everybody, I thought that would've changed the subject, instead of just changing it's face. Sorry, everyone...
>> No. 18644
File 131850422033.jpg - (95.02KB , 621x434 , article-2047168-0E49471400000578-267_621x434.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Uh? Whatever happened at the end of the last thread so now everyone here agrees it was horrible?

And then an elderly hippie stole the interview, some "field agents".

Anyway. Meanwhile in China:

>More than 7,000 miles away from New York, a group of elderly Chinese people were pictured gathering at a park in Zhengzhou, in central China's Henan province, to show their support. China's state-controlled media has widely reported the growing demonstrations in the U.S. Banners and slogans said: 'Resolutely supporting the American people’s mighty "Wall Street revolution"' and 'United, proletarians around the world', reported the Wall Street Journal.

I really wonder what would they think about his stupid cosplay, because I don't see anyone dressed even remotely like that amongst them.

And yeah, what is currently the state of affairs regarding da homos' rights in modern China? Because I know it used to even public mob persecution during the Cultural. (And what would happen if one threatened to bomb his workplace.)

Off to the Gulag with you, possibly get shot ("repeatedly").
>> No. 18645
File 13185047832.png - (1.47MB , 900x1278 , Capitalism_killcount.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Uh? Whatever happened at the end of the last thread so now everyone here agrees it was horrible?
Quality arguing about the event. You didn't miss a thing. So, if we all could contain our autism and concentrate on ADF.

>So do you support killing of millions of people?
>ADF: You don't...you don't uh...have the figures to back that up
>> No. 18646
So, is it safe to say that ADF has gotten more media attention than Chris at this point? I'm sure he's loving this. A bunch of mean ole conservatives are making fun of him. Really adds to his persecution complex.

Here's hoping he gets contacted for an interview. As much as I'd hate for Fox News to make him the spokesman of the Occupy Wall Street movement, the thought of Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly making him cry or sending him into a tard fit on live television is just too good.
>> No. 18647
"I'm sorry, Moe, it was an accident!" (Larry)
>> No. 18648
File 131851032898.jpg - (30.90KB , 460x276 , rally-007.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Etc. Lots of various blogs and US right-wing Internet media.

If there are really "field agents" with cameras around there, they should make a bog interview with him when he shows up the next time. And let him speak, instead of getting distracted by the first drugged-up hobo Jesus who comes by.

We can get him mainstream, as the public face and official spokesman of American people's mighty "Wall Street revolution".

But we need to get from him something like that:

>I hope the gay community in California, and in the rest of America is bold enough to rise up and no longer take this shit anyone, even if that means shooting police and National Guard troops, throwing stones and Molotov Cocktails, your vote for Prop 8 gave you this violence!

(Appearantly it's not on the wiki, but the rant was about the "Queer Revolution" that he tried to organize in 2009 or so.)
>> No. 18649
File 131851121527.jpg - (34.26KB , 600x382 , gaddafi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or better yet, make him shit himself because of da stress.
>> No. 18650
File 131851231042.jpg - (38.64KB , 449x435 , civil war soldiers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Am I the only one concerned about this? ADF deserves bad shit but wrapping him up in political troubles would be very bad for the country in general if the protests are discredited simply because a little boy in a man's body (who is only communist because he was influenced by a lousy anime, at that) becomes their "spokesperson" for the whole thing.

The national discourse is getting hostile and stupid on both sides of the aisle, and while it's well-known both sides dig up the dippiest activists they can find, ADF is an outright internet retard and if we see the media start to act like, well, this board and other trolling bastions of the internet do, I think things can honestly get rather ugly. I'm honestly getting kind of concerned here.
>> No. 18651
There's something, but if you've got some old documents saved, I bet no one would get mad if you added them there.
>> No. 18653
Well, no, I'm not concerned. ADF will probably appear in media providing us entertainment, but he'll never make it to the mainstream or get any real support. Remember when Chris talked about becoming a president? It's equally unlikely for Chris to become a president and for ADF to become a serious figurehead of any political organization.

Actually, perhaps even more unlikely. Chris's sense of fashion is...odd, but ADF is something entirely different. If I was him walking on a street I'm not sure I could keep myself from laughing. And you know how people react to ADF, protesters, commies, true and honest trannies and homos...they hate him.

And knowing how ADF treats his friends and family and the people he is supposed to care about, he simply couldn't hold an organization together.

All great leaders have charisma. If you have seen any of his videos, you understand he has none.
>> No. 18654
Points well taken. It's just more my main concern is that he might get used and right-wingers say "all of the protestors -- and hence left-wingers -- are like this", and how media on both sides of the aisle (and their direct supporters) are increasingly just plain cruel a lot of the time I am worried that something could happen if the protestors start to realize people are seeing them as being a mass of people exactly like ADF.

Perhaps I am looking into this too seriously here. To borrow a communist term, ADF is the ultimate useful idiot. I am just afraid givcen what has happened already ADF might be fuel poured into the fire when he should never have been allowed outside to go to these things in the first place.

(Political disclaimer: This isn't meant to sympathize with one ideology or the other. If this still might stir up shit, I would be saying the exact same thing if a bizarro right-wing version of ADF showed up at tea party protests and the left-wing media used him to paint the tea party people as all evil extremist retards.)
>> No. 18655
Now I'm thinking of ADF as the left-wing Sarah Palin...

Having someone like ADF being the appointed face of the protests by conservative media wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. He's a huge distraction (just see the threads here), and would keep they away from analyzing what's really happening, and act as a bit of a shield. If the protests were to turn communist (really commie, not AFD "Maoist") or turn into anarchy (by design, that is), then the right would be caught completely unawares. Besides, Philly isn't exactly where the important advances in the protests are happening. If he were in NYC or even Boston or Chicago, and getting this kind of attention, then he'd have a chance to derail it all, but still only an outside chance.
>> No. 18656
Adf is like the Torchwood character Oswald Danes, people don't like him but a lot of people will hear what he has to say.
>> No. 18657
All ADF is is a stupid communist who doesn't know if he's a man or woman.

He is not funny, he is not interesting, he is stupid, he is boring.


Can we PLEASE stop talking about this douche?

>> No. 18658
Oh boy, here comes another argument about "GUYS WHAT IS LOLCOW?" I find this boring for the most part too but it's one thread, hide it and go play outside.
>> No. 18659
Do you really need to get mad in every thread?
just don't go in adf threads, problem solved. just seeing three posts of the thread really shouldn't upset you so much
>> No. 18660
>> No. 18661
Oh my, that second communist is even more hilariously dressed than ADF!
>> No. 18663
File 131852054568.jpg - (138.98KB , 900x808 , naruto_and_sherrie_cohen_by_adf_fuensalida-d30kzc7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aaaand what does he lack so much to be FUNNY ENOUGH, and who's got it? Tell me.

I think if you think all his photos and artworks and obsessions and writings and wacky adventures are not funny at all, I think you've got some serious humor disorder. Myself, I find him abolsutely hilarious and fascinating.

Pic related, also protesting. Something.

His trolls are mostly really unfunny, though. The few good trolling efforts included Thorg's shenanigans and the affair with his dad, maybe helping him to become homeless if they really did it, but I can't think of anything else now. The rest was stupid and/or annnoying, and ADF is by far the best when he's trolling himself.

OK. I decided to make an ultimate archive of ADF pics, but I lack the pics of this year. If someone has collected many of them, could you get them all into a zip and sent it to me? I'd sort them and add to this collection, then share it all.
>> No. 18664
>> No. 18665
And they used to say that the Teabaggers where a brunch of loonies...
>> No. 18666
File 131852350574.jpg - (103.45KB , 600x800 , occupy-maine-3-600x800.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's not a communist.

Speaking of communists (Maoists): http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/evanosnos/2011/10/wall-street-protests-from-china.html

At least there were no LOL ANONYMOOSE LEGION douechabags at the teabagger parties.

Well, he gets some fringe niche to fit in. Look at his followers on DA and Facebook, and especially his and Jordan's commie-tranny groupies and how he managed to get important people (like this dude with a Wikipedia article) and the local media outlet on his side during the Transway drama.
>> No. 18667
I knew the whole 99% thing was a joke before I saw the Epic-Fail Guy mask but it confirmed it for me.

The Tea-baggers have an agenda and stick to it; a smaller state. This is the gold standard of the "seven seconds" political sound-bite. Ayn Rand was quoted, flags were waved and the movement stayed coherent.

The squatters of Wall-Street have none of that. Their slogan is the old Altermondialist/Anarchist/Punk "DOWN WITH... THAT SORT OF THING!". So, every losers who have a chip against "The Man" or the "Capitalist System" will be downtown, waving stuff.

This means that the Movement might end-up as a cluster-fuck of Lolcows like ADF. Morons will appear on TV, people will be arrested for dumb stuff and various conspiracy theorists will join the fun before the cold weather shut the whole mess down.
>> No. 18668

For the first time in my life, I wanted to watch Glenn Beck.

...I feel ashamed.
>> No. 18669

me too brother. me too.

Glenn beck trashes ahuviya on his website. Play the video and skip to the 4 minute mark.
>> No. 18670
And this time he was actually the reasonable one. But again, when compared to ADF, it isn't much said.
>> No. 18671
We should send Glenn Beck a bunch of information about ADF in multiple emails, see if he bothers to talk more about him.
>> No. 18672

Don't get mad or anything, but I think /cwc/ is the only group that caes about ADF. He's not newsworthy on his own, really, except when used to discredit a larger group of people. I'm not discouraging you from trying- it would be hilarious to see Beck rip on ADF- but I don't think anything would come of it except a generic "thank you for your submission, it will be considered" email in return.
>> No. 18673
This. Glenn Beck has absolutely no interest in him beyond the sodomize philidelphia protests and using him to make everyone involved in it look retarded.
>> No. 18674

As one of the biggest ADF "trolls". I do agree that ADF is boring compared to the likes of CWC, but theirs many different types of lulcows. Beck probably won't give a shit about ADF's cosplay but if we showed him the McCain picture he would.
>> No. 18675

What the fuck, nice wordfilter mods.
>> No. 18676
> if we showed him the McCain picture he would.
You sir have a good point. Don't forget the journals where he encourages people to terrorism.
>> No. 18677
>As one of the biggest ADF "trolls".
>> No. 18678
I really hope that the Philidelphia police just goes early 20th century union-busting crazy on that crowd. Pepper spray fucking hurts, and I would love to see ADF screeching about police brutality.
>> No. 18679

I don't even rage at ADF threads, I just really think his particular brand of derp doesn't appeal to the public at large as "entertainment". Like I said, feel free to try to get Beck on him but don't be mad when he dismisses you like oh-so-many deviantART liberals.

In all honesty, do you really think Beck gives a fuck about ADF? He made a passing comment about him once or twice, but he's not going to do an hour-long special on him. You have to take into account the obscurity of ADF, Beck's general audience, and his ratings. A communist faggot just isn't news.
>> No. 18680
i think glenn beck might be a bigger lolcow than ADF, maybe
>> No. 18681
File 131853130271.jpg - (118.93KB , 387x302 , qaddafi-green-book.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, Beck just cut ADF in mid sentence, before the part of "where did you got it, in the Black Book of Communism?", to say that he indeed got in the Black Book and even brought a copy to show it to the camera, and ending the subject. I don't see how it was any clever.

They made better job with the guy quoted as saying "Ghandi was a turd, we need to resort to violence".

Wasn't he already detained earlier this year? Or at least claimed so.
>> No. 18682
It wouldn't be so much about ADF as it would be using him as a patsy to discredit the sodomize Wall Street movement. Out of the thousands of people who have taken part in this, multiple conservative media outlets have already singled him out when there has to be dozens of other unhinged retards to make everyone look bad.

Remember, the Secret Word for the right to distract people from seriously talking about economic reform is Communism. Scream Communist! or Socialist! at anyone who doesn't oppose tax cuts for the rich. And ADF happens to be a hapless freak who openly espouses it, yet knows next to nothing about it.

It's not like he'd need to do a whole show on him. Just invite him on for a 10 minute segment as the representative for the protests. All they'd need are some soundbites from him establishing how insane he is.
>> No. 18683
He might have been detained, but I would love to see how much he hates civil disobedience when the police are launching tear gas at the crowd.

Actually, I just like seeing hippies getting teargassed in general. And this is coming from a godless commie liberal. I know now how the old-school Republicans felt when the Tea Party protests started.
>> No. 18684
File 131853280459.jpg - (197.02KB , 900x1161 , pride.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, he might possibly be interested in ADF's 2008 campaigning for Obama, that included the police questioning him for possible terrorist threat after he brought "Sasuke's September Surprise" to the school and showed everyone. Or maybe, with ADF being such an easy target, maybe at least the local FOX people would send a TV crew to observe and interview him to ridicule the occupiers, for example. Such video would then go semi-viral, like the one in >>109694 which was already seen by several thousand people since it was posted on the original account yesterday. Then he would become a truly popular freakshow (Malkin's words), at least as long as the sodomize X events continue (or maybe before some more sound-minded people kick him out).
>> No. 18685

I guess. I'm certainly not against trying it, but I'm not convinced ADF hasn't used up his 15min of fame on the news. He'd probably just start crying or something anyway, and discredit the entire OWS movement.

By the way I don't know a damn thing about these protests because I have no cable and limited internet, but it seems like most of the "revolutionaries" will go home at the first snowfall, from what I have heard. Not going to bring up politics, though.
>> No. 18686
I could post to various related FB pages and sites that ADF is a right winger (he used to be a republican, really) who tries to discredit the protesters. They're already claiming that their protests are "infiltrated". Won't probably cause a mass rage against ADF, but I can certainly see people wanting to believe ADF is so called infiltrator. He is quite bizarre, to be honest.
>> No. 18687
At this stage it would be pretty unconstructive, as we would rather prefer he gets more media attention, so we'll get lulz and drama. If there are people there willing to tell him to GTFO (which is unlikely, given the nature of the sodomize whatever events), they'll do it anyway, plus the next time he will be better known and less accepted and for actually valid resasons.
>> No. 18688
Frankly I can see him wearing out his welcome on his own fairly quickly. Between the "don't lump us in with that communist dude" and that rainbow shirted hippy rushing into his interview to save him (while half conceeding ADF probably had no idea what he was talking about), I can totally believe he'll end up alienating himself sooner rather than later.
>> No. 18689
That's true. Well, I just hope the Field Agents interview him again/know to direct people doing interviews to ADF.
>> No. 18690
Hey guys, why is it if someone says something like this in an ADF thread they get banned, but people say it in threads for other lolcows all the time and you let it slide?

Gaddafi was in the last Nick Bate thread saying that sort of thing about Nick, why didn't you ban him?

Your bias is showing again.
>> No. 18692

Because >>109770 was being a goddamn retard.
>> No. 18693
ADF might get an interview on some small-time radio station, but other than showing pictures of him if he shows up again, they're not gonna draw anymore attention to him. He would have to make an argument that either encapsulated what was wrong with the protests at large, or make a specific politician -from either side- look bad ala Joe the Plumber to warrant further scrutiny.

Beck generally doesn't care about this sort of thing. He'll give it a quick mention to show he's aware of it and laugh at it, but he'll quickly move on to whatever the latest conspiracy theory he found in a book or given to him by a guest is.

I remember when Miles Morales was announced, and all the blogs lit up calling Beck a racist because he mentioned the comic. Click the actual clip where he mentions it, and the entirety of his "racist attack" was "I don't care. I don't read comic books. It's their character, they can do what they want with it. I just don't care."

People like to act like he's nuts, but whenever I sit down and listen to whatever crazy thing he's being attacked over, aside from the conspiracy theories, it always amounts to a disappointing nothing.
>> No. 18694
File 131854246327.gif - (37.57KB , 380x240 , Deal_with_it_dog_gif.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ask the mods for a refund, faggot, or just deal with it.
>> No. 18695
So was Gaddafi over here: >>109245

Not to mention the numerous posts calling any female involved an attentionwhore on the basis that they... have a vagina.

If that guy gets banned, so should Gaddafi and the people who troll the other threads. Or is it just that the people following ADF are more buttsensitive and thus more inclined to pound on the report button?
>> No. 18697
File 13185428281.jpg - (82.53KB , 500x504 , we-spiderman-now.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Miles Morales
>> No. 18698
File 131854305379.jpg - (15.00KB , 390x382 , nigga is you serious 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Mom! Someone in the internet was unfair to someone!
>> No. 18699

Gaddafi raised some valid arguments in a calm and reasonable way, >>109770 just went all caps and whined at people to stop enjoying adf threads. Also, the only person here who appears a little on the buttsensitive side is you, bro.
>> No. 18700
Not to defend Glenn Beck or anything, but the common theme with the whole Miles drama is that the idiots making the most noise about it are either trolling or they have shit reading comprehension.

For fucks sake, I still see people referring to him as being homosexual.
>> No. 18701
I like how crappy the star in ADF's hat is.
>> No. 18702
are you a retard?
>> No. 18703
File 13185456772.png - (187.92KB , 480x348 , what has science done.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, but I am a king of kings of Africa.
>> No. 18704
Well, he is both black and hispanic. The homosexual part is just a joke on how they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with what they've done with him.

Anyway, the comics are terrible. So far he has no personality to speak of, and not much has actually happened. It's such a slow book, and the dialog is typical Bendis.

...OMG LOOK AT ADF'S TEETH HE'S SO RIDICULOUS LOLOLOL there, my post is on topic now.
>> No. 18705
um correct me if i'm wrong but umm i think the mods are probably allowed to do whatever the fuck they want. Deal with it or teach them a lesson and go away and never come back.
>> No. 18706
Sure they can.

If they want to run this board like Ickeriss and Atlus.
>> No. 18707
>>Well, Beck just cut ADF in mid sentence, before the part of "where did you got it, in the Black Book of Communism?", to say that he indeed got in the Black Book and even brought a copy to show it to the camera, and ending the subject. I don't see how it was any clever.

Were you actually listening to the clip...? That was the joke. That was just a clip from a longer show, but the clip ends mid-sentence.

After Beck holds up the book one of the Producers goes "Wait, this is exactly what he thought-" "Yeah, he's about to-" Beck replies "Ooooh, really?" "Yeah, he knew exactly where you were going Glenn-" and then the clip cuts out.
>> No. 18708
Off topic, but ADF claimed to have a brother once but I can't find anything about him on the wiki. Anyone have info?
>> No. 18709
The autism is strong in this one.
>> No. 18710
Actually, no. The whole gay thing came from an interview with the artist, who was spouting out the typical drab about how groundbreaking it is to have a mixed race Spider-Man. The part that people flipped their shit over was her saying that maybe one day a black or gay superhero will not be such a big deal to people, which is apparently code for BLACK SPIDER-MAN IS HERE TO SODOMIZE AMERICA'S VALUES

Back on topic, how many people are actually contributing to the wiki? I've been reading over a couple of pages each night over the past week, and I've been tempted to fix some grammatical errors and typos, but I completely suck at this wiki shit.
>> No. 18711


I'd read that comic.
>> No. 18712
File 131857229493.jpg - (67.21KB , 300x240 , gaybar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No worries. Wikis are chill about members doing minor stuff.

There's a difference between making a legitimate argument coherently, and shitposting in all caps demanding that people stop posting in a thread.

Anyway, if these philly protests continue, do any of you imagine there can be an adf tracker on the ground? I've already talked to some people saying they found him, chatted with him, and even claimed to be socialist/marxist too.
>> No. 18713
Nonsense. That would require that he give two shits about his harmone treatment instead of doing it half assed.
>> No. 18714
ADF stands out because of his outlandishness. He wasn't/isn't too hard to find, I've heard.
>> No. 18715
I never understood ADF. I mean being gay and wanting communism? I've actually emailed him about it and told him to go watch Citizen X to see what his dreamland would look like.

But yeah, reading the ADF wiki I'm beating a dead horse here.
>> No. 18716
File 131857637797.jpg - (59.39KB , 274x290 , post1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

also, he looks like Chris from Family Guy in that video.
>> No. 18717
I just wanna say, i had no hand in creating this wordfilter, but i fully support it 100%.

And if you don't like it, you can go sodomize Wallstreet.
>> No. 18718
The wiki needs more grammar nazis, so your contribution is welcome. Everything helps.

Also, I've seen a few Russians lurk these threads. So if anyone could give his thoughts about this, it would be cool: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Talk:Language
>> No. 18720
  I think this video is not yet mirrored anywhere, so don't forget to archive it.
>> No. 18721
File 131858241145.jpg - (156.58KB , 999x576 , John McCain kills ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18723
Oh, I fucking lol'd
>> No. 18726
File 131860345899.jpg - (53.47KB , 616x421 , 4-gaddafi_561630s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And 404 was 404.


Well thank you, Father, maybe I'll zap more.
>> No. 18728

No text in file. File deleted.
>> No. 18730
File 13186095628.jpg - (60.88KB , 500x669 , 4DDB6ANG3YYPDX5WYCSZJW6IESHI44KY_preview.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll fix it for you:


>I am Ahuviya Harel, the TRUE and HONEST creator of Forgotten Lilies

Anyway I see you guys still refuse to categorize and otherwise wikify the articles.

Pic semi-related, horrific.
>> No. 18731
I know you already uploaded images to the old wiki so "you don't have to do anything". But you are still free to fix anything that bothers you.

Now that you mentioned, a story category might be useful.
>> No. 18732

That's not a page either.
>> No. 18734
File 131862855571.jpg - (62.09KB , 560x267 , wfp-craigslist1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You couldn't be a bigger idiot if you tried.

They're not going to pin all the protests on him, do you have any idea how much footage there is of other protesters saying things even more retarded? There's already a ton of others saying they want capitalism replaced with communism. There's people there with guillotines threatening to kill the rich, there's 9/11 truthers who claim the government's poisoning our water, there's people who's stated reason for being there was "I thought I smelled weed" and circles of hundreds goaded into saying they're protesting for the right to have sex with animals. ADF seriously looks like your average protester, except he's not getting paid to be there.

Also, ADF to Palin isn't a good analogy, he'd be more like the left's Basil Marceaux, or that black mentally retarded guy that ran in the mid-terms
>> No. 18735
I wonder if ADF has ever thought about writing his own manifest(Or Wynmnifesto or whatever wacky name he'd give it)
>> No. 18736
>circles of hundreds goaded into saying they're protesting for the right to have sex with animals.

Wait, what?
>> No. 18737
File 131863533166.jpg - (182.10KB , 1200x1600 , DSCN7161.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A fresh picture from the Field Agents. I think he's gained some weight.
>> No. 18738
It's at the end.
>> No. 18739
Fucking furfags.
>> No. 18740
I hate how people are trying to use the retards to make OWS seem stupid.
>> No. 18741
There are retards in the protests, and that's a fact you have to deal with. Now excuse me while I laugh at ADF and the furfags.
>> No. 18742
File 131864280980.jpg - (20.89KB , 501x480 , inconcievable.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I think he's gained some weight.
>> No. 18743

Not furfags. The guy came from Slovenia and said this:

>We can see that for a long time we allowed our political engagement also to be outsourced. We want it back. We are not communists. If communism means the system which collapsed in 1990, remember that today those communists are the most efficient ruthless capitalists. In China today we have capitalism which is even more dynamic than your American capitalism but doesn’t need democracy. Which means when you criticize capitalism, don’t allow yourselves to be blackmailed that you are against democracy. The marriage between democracy and capitalism is over.

>The change is possible. So, what do we consider today possible? Just follow the media. On the one hand in technology and sexuality everything seems to be possible. You can travel to the moon. You can become immortal by biogenetics. You can have sex with animals or whatever. But look at the fields of society and economy. There almost everything is considered impossible. You want to raise taxes a little bit for the rich, they tell you it’s impossible, we lose competitivitiy. You want more money for healthcare: they tell you impossible, this means a totalitarian state. There is something wrong in the world where you are promised to be immortal but cannot spend a little bit more for health care. Maybe that ??? set our priorities straight here. We don’t want higher standards of living. We want better standards of living. The only sense in which we are communists is that we care for the commons. The commons of nature. The commons of what is privatized by intellectual property. The commons of biogenetics. For this and only for this we should fight.

>Communism failed absolutely. But the problems of the commons are here. They are telling you we are not Americans here. But the conservative fundamentalists who claim they are really American have to be reminded of something. What is Christianity? It’s the Holy Spirit. What’s the Holy Spirit? It’s an egalitarian community of believers who are linked by love for each other. And who only have their own freedom and responsibility to do it. In this sense the Holy Spirit is here now. And down there on Wall Street there are pagans who are worshipping blasphemous idols. So all we need is patience. The only thing I’m afraid of is that we will someday just go home and then we will meet once a year, drinking beer, and nostalgically remembering what a nice time we had here. Promise ourselves that this will not be the case.

>We know that people often desire something but do not really want it. Don’t be afraid to really want what you desire. Thank you very much!

Now let's get back to ADF.
>> No. 18744
So, in context it sounds even dumber.
>> No. 18745
File 131867122795.gif - (885.77KB , 175x144 , Who gives a shit.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18746
File 131871812060.jpg - (59.25KB , 419x642 , rasputin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>that hippie that Steals the Limelight from the True Maoist
Rasputin never actually drowned in the river.
>> No. 18747
Well, to be fair, the same thing was done to the Tea Party. Tit for tat.
>> No. 18748
File 131871916050.png - (1.05MB , 1349x2234 , transgenderissuesoccupy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dohohoho, is that sum tranny drama?
>> No. 18749
File 131871917556.png - (150.49KB , 1349x994 , ihavedecidedto131871380.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18750
File 131871949552.png - (165.86KB , 1760x1206 , Jordan_tard_rage.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You won't link to the site? Well, let me do it for you: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Jordan

There. Also Jordan, you said there were people after the admins of the site. Last time I checked, they're alive and well. The LGBT anti-cyberbullying group of yours isn't doing very good job.
>> No. 18751

I'm too lazy to look up the post in this tread but that contradicts what another dude said in this tread about him not being a communist.



Yeah great going, ADF.
>> No. 18752
File 131872017829.jpg - (42.64KB , 468x484 , Castro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
To me, it seems like he's plagiarized some of the wiki articles.

Delicious irony.
>> No. 18754
File 131872065085.jpg - (16.25KB , 500x348 , Hitler reading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's friends turned against him:
✓ Trey Pepe
✓ Captain Commie
✓ Kourine
✓ Canis
✓ John
✓ ZabuKawaii
✓ Qbark
✓ Several Facebook nobodies

And now another name can be added to the list...

✓ Jordan
>> No. 18755
Yes ADF, everyone you meet is an anti-transgender bigot. It's not at all because you look nothing like a woman, act nothing like a woman, or dress nothing like a woman. Everyone is supposed to see you with your portly physique, baggy military costume, cheap wig, near constant five-o-clock shadow, and oafish mannerisms and just assume you're a true and honest woman. How dare they tell you where the bathrooms are when you ask for them!?
>> No. 18756
Actually, that post is made by Jordan, not ADF.

I admit, it's really easy to confuse them. For those not familiar: adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Jordan
>> No. 18757
File 131872293332.jpg - (120.20KB , 398x599 , 398px-Jordan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, ok. Let me take a look an- OH JESUS FUCK!

Well, at least this guy looks more like a woman than ADF. In that he at least bothers to wear a dress and shave more often.

Still, he asks someone where the bathrooms are, they told him, and he got offended because they weren't the special unisex ones? What an ass.
>> No. 18758
Take it like you'd never let me go.

I'm your prisoner.
>> No. 18759
  I'd like to revive the discussion of what ADF will become once communism becomes boring.

I'll say neofascist. He has already showed considerable interest in nazism. Not implying it represents all fascism, but ADF lumps all right wing ideologies together. Third Positionism is also possible.

It doesn't matter that he claims to be isralite/german/hispanic, he would just do another 180°. Does America have any decent fascist organizations he might consider interesting? Any that do huge gatherings, because ADF just can't say no to crowds.
>> No. 18760

Most seem to be about white and/or Christian supremacy. Spanish fascism gets no love.
>> No. 18761
Oh wow, those look perfectly retarded. There's no way any of those would ever get to political mainstream.
>> No. 18762

oh boy
>> No. 18763
That's the problem with religion and race based political ideologies, they're inherently exclusive. Most others are "fuck everyone who isn't us, join us and be awesome!" where these assholes are "fuck everyone who isn't us, you'll all burn when we're in control!"

It worked in mid-century Europe because populations were homogenized, and had been for centuries. With America being the great "melting pot" that kind of shit would never get very far. Racism still exists in politics, but it has to be implicit. The governor of Arizona, despite her obvious anti-Mexican policies, would get her ass thrown out if she went on record saying how much she hates "them filthy wetbacks."
>> No. 18768
Exactly. While European borderline- or pure fascist/radical nationalist groups that can be taken seriously and who actually understand politics and are in political mainsteam exist, all American "fascist parties" seem to be just some roidraging skinheads shouting "White power!". Meaning, they're so ridiculously stupid it's like they're made for ADF.
>> No. 18769
He'd have to cut that tranny shit out and pray they never find out about it, otherwise they'd take him out back and curb stomp him into pudding.
>> No. 18770
"That was OLD ME of 2011!"

Luckily for him, he is really a closeted cisgender straight man dating women.
>> No. 18771
He's not going to join anything perceived as religious, right-wing, or overtly racist towards Jews.

Look at groups that aren't openly hostile to homosexuals, whether or not they actually are isn't the issue. Nothing about Communism should be anti-homosexual, but Communist governments always are.

I'm kind of surprised he's not a furry, or has he dipped into that in some of his art? A lot of his drawings are fairly violent, is guro too mainstream for him?

I could see him joining the Green Party, finding the Democrats not truly liberal enough. They're reasonably fringe.
>> No. 18772
>>The governor of Arizona, despite her obvious anti-Mexican policies,

Speaking as a half-Mexican, you're a fucking idiot.

Anti-illegal is not anti-Mexican. Not all Mexicans come into the country illegally, and having grown up in a border town I can tell you no one hates illegals more than Mexicans who came into the country legally. It's just asinine that some people work their ass off to get citizenship, and spend years going through hoops trying to prove their loyalty and someone else just sneaks in and some want to afford them the same rights.

On top of that, the Arizona immigration law was a placebo, arguing for or against it is retarded, because the law was already on the books. Cops could already ask if you were illegal, this was just outright stating it.

Pulling over a truck full of Mexicans and asking for proof of citizenship is no more racist than pulling over a truck full of white people after a white supremacist group has made death threats.
>> No. 18773
File 131872897386.jpg - (382.16KB , 1508x1082 , Franservice.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He's not going to join anything perceived as religious, right-wing
He used to be a republican.

>A lot of his drawings are fairly violent, is guro too mainstream for him?
I wouldn't consider his art guro, I myself can't really remember him drawing anything very violent. I'd appreciate a link if you have any certain piece in your mind.

I'm surprised he isn't into guro though (or at least pretending to be), because you know, guro's different and totally hardcore.
>> No. 18774
File 131873047731.jpg - (48.71KB , 466x360 , Sasuke's_October_Surprise.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Pulling over a truck full of Mexicans and asking for proof of citizenship is no more racist than pulling over a truck full of white people after a white supremacist group has made death threats.

You're right, but for the wrong reason. Both those are very racist things to do.

I'd go over the rest of what you said, but I don't want to derail this thread with a pointless debate.

>I myself can't really remember him drawing anything very violent. I'd appreciate a link if you have any certain piece in your mind.

You mean other than this?
>> No. 18776
Oh, that one. Well that is so undetailed and badly drawn that I wouldn't call it guro.

His autophiliac story, Until You Are No More is probably closest thing to guro he's ever made. I think the story tries to be erotic but...wouldn't call it guro either.
>> No. 18777
It pisses me off that my kitchen table cloth is always missing. Everytime i have to look for it it is on my husbands head WTF. Should i be concerned. signed Rika
>> No. 18779
File 131876164222.jpg - (264.10KB , 800x600 , 4646175684_e87c22d4ec_b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Meanwhile, while the good people in American excite over one retard with a flag and what they (wrongly) think are zoophiles and other harmless sillyness, Yurop goes berserk as usual:

>There was civil unrest in Rome, where police turned teargas and water cannon on the crowds. Smoke hung over Rome as a small group broke away from the main demonstration and smashed windows, set cars on fire and assaulted television news crews. Others burned Italian and EU flags. "People of Europe: Rise Up!" read one banner in Rome. Fights broke out and bottles were thrown between demonstrators as some tried to stop the violence.

>In the Bosnian city of Sarajevo, marchers carried pictures of Che Guevara and old communist flags that read "Death to capitalism, freedom to the people".

About the last time they did the shit like that in Sarajevo:

Ah, Europe.
>> No. 18780
>Reagan better than Napoleon

>> No. 18781
Yurop - quality protests with no pussying out.

We need to bring on the Pinkerton agents. Ah, those were the times.
>> No. 18782
File 131876835345.jpg - (278.72KB , 375x500 , gavrilo_princip_1286185.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sure, Reagan failed to end as an international prisoner while his country was occupied by foreign armies.

It's of course time for Rome, after every car in Paris has been burned and in London all shops have been looted. Also the pic is about a classic example of disconent in Sarajevo.

Now, due to the recent developments, are you guys going to continue trolling Jordan or not?
>> No. 18783
File 131877112622.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , Hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Now, due to the recent developments, are you guys going to continue trolling Jordan or not?
To be honest, I wasn't aware they had made up at some point until now. I only paid him attention when he flipped and tried to delete fucking everything. We haven't really organized any trolling against him (PhillyWeekly's comment section rape was done by /cwc/, thanks for that) or have field agents after him because ADF is the main target, but he seems like a massive dick and threatened to break the administration dead, so the wiki page's staying at least. To me, he's just icing on the cake. If trolling ADF makes him mad as well, that's just good and fine by me.
>> No. 18784
Jordan said something about going to boarding school in Connecticut, anyone know which school that was?
>> No. 18785

Grove therapeutic school. http://www.groveschool.org/
>> No. 18786
so...tard school?
>> No. 18787

>The Grove School program is a co-educational, therapeutic boarding school for adolescents who, because of social or emotional difficulties, have been unable to make satisfactory adjustments in their home, their school, or their social relationships.


...How old is Jordan?
>> No. 18788
I believe she WENT there, not that she's still there. js.
>> No. 18789

Ah, ok. I just saw the words 'going to' and thought Jordan was trying to get his fat ass into a school to teach teens how to not be stupid fucks socially.
>> No. 18791
>(PhillyWeekly's comment section rape was done by /cwc/, thanks for that)
But seriously, if you're going to discredit ADF's motives and Philly Weekly's reporting, don't fucking point them here "for more info".
Media feeds on drama. A bunch of 'cyberbullies' picking on some half-assed trannies is great way to feed ADF's persecution complex AND get him more sympathetic attention from people who don't know him. Nobody would be sympathetic to /cwc/.
>> No. 18792
>(PhillyWeekly's comment section rape was done by /cwc/, thanks for that)
I have new for you cwc did not do most of that. It was done by the Philadelphia trans community. We know that adf and Jordan were wrong in what they did.
>> No. 18793
File 131879765344.jpg - (64.16KB , 500x453 , HD '10 - Russia and China.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not even if they were told about ADF's troll-shielding CYBERBULLYING attempts towards CWC, after he had learned about Chris in 2009?

About his initial discovery of Chris:

>This is a PWNAGE comment I made to one of Chrissy's videos

>"I dare say otherwise...
>Owning an issue of PlayBoy to prove you are straight is as effective as warming Hot Pockets in a microwave makes you a Chef..
>What a sexist argument "

A-Log would be proud.
>> No. 18794
Well you have to admit his economic reforms did a pretty good job at decreasing the American median wage by 20% from it's inflation adjusted peak in the 70s.(http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2007/05useconomics_morton/05useconomics_morton.pdf) That's got to count for something, right?
>> No. 18795
File 131880833722.png - (340.16KB , 1349x1699 , NAKAMA at war.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's inner circle is at war. Rika (Rob Stiles) vs Jordan Gwendolyn Davis/Jordan Opalanie (THomas Jeffrey Davis)/
>> No. 18796
Hey guys, If you want to get on my friends list. You're going to have to do better than these stupid pages. Walen Commando? Pssshh... - Rika
>> No. 18797

If they can't even be nice to each other in their own little hug-box, how can they expect trolls to be nice to them?
>> No. 18798
whos the guy in the raindow shirt on the vidya?
>> No. 18799

>Julia Dorothy Transpanther Zion
>Transpanther Zion

>> No. 18800
>>I have cut myself and almost committed suicide

Over being mentioned a couple times on /cwc/? Seriously?

Of course, almost comitted suicide means you didn't.
>> No. 18801
File 131881171162.jpg - (55.74KB , 500x669 , MPCHE36FAN5KSR3KAPZY2UJUV6QYQSZV_preview.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One of Ahuviya Equality Harel's "queer socialist revolutionary" groupies, also one of my favourite ADF characters based on the name alone. There was a photo here of Transpanther Zion with ADF and someone else (Maria Pupo?) posted here not long ago, all of them in commie cosplays, at Transway I think.
>> No. 18802
File 13188127496.png - (19.39KB , 1233x261 , Robb the Robber strikes again - LucasForums_131881.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That dipshit isn't with the inner circle. We have your article but we don't give a shit about releasing it. We already have dox for like 5 of ADF's close friends including you. If you want Jordan to see it, I would post it here. Since it's not our job to intervene with the squabbling of ADF's inner circle. Shit, half the people viewing this thread are FROM transway/evolutions anyway.
>> No. 18803
Wrong "Robb." guys. I was actually the guy who made the post.
>> No. 18804
File 131881365719.jpg - (109.31KB , 500x975 , APH China - Hello Kitty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or maybe I should say: ex-friend, too. Or maybe it was someone else in this photo, I don't know.

I don't know why Rika's still friends with him. But Rika also friended http://www.facebook.com/pages/Christian-Weston-Chandler/167832525915

Also Jordan has seemingly lost lots of weight while being homeless (SASUKE DIET), but on the photo he looks like a gargoyle (look, even this girl's hair looks like a wing of his). Instead of like a huge fat retard, so I guess it still might be an improvement.
>> No. 18805
Eh the Christian Weston Chandler FB page is a fake. Thats because you guys got me into the whole CWC drama. I still spend hours reading the CWC - Rika.

PS: Im an avid follower of this board. Hours of entertainment for the whole fucking family.
>> No. 18806
Does every lolcow have to have an "inner circle" for anything to get done anymore?
>> No. 18807

There has to be an inner circle for sagas, and /cwc/ rule #1 is "If there's no sagas, it's not really trolling".
>> No. 18808

Yes, mostly because /cwc/ is too damn stupid to do anything other than commenting and complaining about said commentators like impotent sluts.
>> No. 18809
No, it's just that if there isn't a counter-troll will always alert the lolcow of what's going on, or the lolcow themself will read the threads and know what's being planned.

From what I've seen these "inner circle" groups aren't really that organized though, and tend to be made up of people who got lucky trying to troll the target pooling their resources to better manipulate them.

I mean, with CWC, weren't most of the trolls outsiders that were pulled in when what they were doing was successful? Like Bluespike and Liquid?

It's not that elaborate planning goes into it, it's just sometimes the fish bite, and sometimes they swim passed the hook.

The idea of there being an "inner-circle" may have the effect of making the lolcow feel more important, but I think it's more likely to just make them feel more paranoid, which while amusing when they're interacting with people who aren't trolls, primarily just has the effect of putting their defenses up.
>> No. 18810
Well with CWC I started at person level and slowly worked my way up to master-troll status in around two years. Can be done in months if you didn't dick around though.

Anyone can become a master-troll, you just have to not be a faggot.
>> No. 18811
>Anyone can become a master-troll, you just have to not be a faggot.

In other words, 99%+ of /cwc/ is disqualified?
>> No. 18812
That means you too, faggot.
>> No. 18815
>homeless because he is trans
But that's wrong, you fucktard. He was kicked out because he was a leech and a lazy fatass who did nothing else than that eat and get larger and never paid for anything.
>> No. 18816

If by "inner circle" you mean "people who troll them" then yes, that's kind of how trolling works. If you're complaining that there's stuff going on that you don't know about then that's because you're talking about it on a public messageboard that the lolcows are known to visit, so obviously any actual trolling discussion needs to happen elsewhere.
>> No. 18817
Is Jordan one of those assholes that is part whatever nationality is being talked about?
>> No. 18819
Requesting Stiles' note.
>> No. 18820

Oh for the love of pete.
>> No. 18821
File 131886983593.jpg - (53.87KB , 720x537 , his war council.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is this it?
>> No. 18822
Maria looks a bit...downy in that picture.
>> No. 18823
File 131887187648.png - (9.01KB , 871x310 , deviantART- VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE's Journal- App.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just posting this screencap.
>> No. 18824
>"Everyone, look at me fail!"

This is why I like ADF. Like Chris, no matter what he does, he thinks he looks cool, when in reality everyone laughs at him.
>> No. 18825
  Harel is producing videos and now jordan is too. October is the month of lulz.
>> No. 18826
*crosses fingers for another assassination pic*
>> No. 18827
I'm still waiting for ADF to draw a picture of the Inner Circle as he threatened to do.

Oh, and tickets to Siberia as well.
>> No. 18828
File 131887796891.png - (135.65KB , 1895x599 , hoarded lulz.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Inner Circle here again. ADF hasn't screamed about trolls in a while, and there's some tranny drama going on, so I felt it's a good time to release some of the hoarded content...soon enough.

For those that missed the last thread for some reason, it was speculated if riseup.net's people would want to help our evil cyberbullying attempt because they are anarchists who aren't exactly very font of people digging USSR, and because ADF is giving autists and lefties a bad name and all that.

So, in short, if there's been any interesting email exchange during or before the tranny drama, the emails will be released. Sooner or later.
>> No. 18829
File 131887907064.png - (16.10KB , 466x116 , ADF_on_Jordan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"Hmm, I've done everything to discredit and divide the transcommunity, let's go to the Internet, maybe I'll come up with some new bullshit."
>"What, they're not liking me for no reason! Racism! Fascism! Transphobia!"
Autism in action.
>> No. 18830
File 131887995388.png - (23.98KB , 423x262 , Jordan Gwendolyn_1318873674336.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It might seriously be war. Jordan deleted Rika's comment on his letter to ADF and replaced it with this.
>> No. 18831
File 13188802657.jpg - (8.75KB , 205x197 , Hitler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes! Just as planned.
>> No. 18832

That makes for one hell of a convincing lady.

But then not.
>> No. 18833
Why doesn't he wear a bra to cover those manboobs if he wants to pretend to be a girl?
>> No. 18834
For the same reason he doesn't wear underpants.

Nobody's quite sure what reason that is, but surely it is incredibly stupid.
>> No. 18835
File 131889644417.png - (235.05KB , 738x2058 , Rika Journal.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here it is.
>> No. 18837
>Hell im losing count over how many times Ahuviya has crashed my place
I'm sure others are as well. He's clingy.

>sense of humour
Oh yeah, I remember that Drag queen joke. Haha, oh wow. That was so fucking funny.

>Stop being Judgemental pricks!

>managed to troll Glenn Beck
Thank the trolls. ADF, like all good autists, don't know when people are laughing with them or at them.

Tranny drama - best drama. It seems like there are about ten trannies in Philadelphia, and they all are mad at one another.
>> No. 18838
How long do you guys think it will take before this new bestest friend is vilified by ADF for some retarded reason and they become enemies? People with BPD have amazingly predictable friendship cycles.
>> No. 18839
File 131889778784.png - (12.18KB , 904x160 , ADF in da stress.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
All this drama is Stressful Torture to ADF.
>> No. 18840
Good question. There are so many people hating ADF (and for a reason), and Rika apparently being friends with Trey, the illusion of ADF being a great guy can't last for too long.

There is a possibility that ADF retreats to his Autistic Shell, as he's been off the internet lately, which means that if he gets more involved in real life shit with Rika it'll last a bit longer. But eventually ADF becomes a burden to Rika, and (s?)he will kick him out like his former housemates did.

I'll say a week. Two, perhaps.
>> No. 18841
Jordman said the reason he doesn't tuck is because someone told him to. It is in an article at http://www.amplifyyourvoice.org/u/Jordan
I can't screen capture where i am so maybe someone could help me out on that. It is on the post for September 30 and it is listed under the paragraph captioned "good"
>> No. 18842
The way Rika rages i was wondering if she is borderline personality. Rika with that and adf with BPD what a cool combo.
>> No. 18843
I doubt it can be said Rika has BPD just because s..h..it raged it in the internet. In ADF's case it's easier because we know about him and he shows many of the symptoms of the disorder.
>> No. 18844
File 131890061072.jpg - (77.16KB , 720x540 , halp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't remember if I mentioned this, but Rika also just became friends with these obese goffik lady I know irl. Weird coincidences. Rika has awful taste in people.
>> No. 18845

Rika's probably just angry. i don't see anything BPD about it, unlike ADF.
>> No. 18846
Rika is on probation for a series of tard rages against someone where she used to live about two years ago.
>> No. 18847
So, we taking bets on how long it takes Rika to hate ADF's guts as well?
>> No. 18848
twenty bucks says five weeks. pulled that out of my ass, it sounded good.
>> No. 18849
Five weeks? Thirty euros. Three weeks. Max.
>> No. 18850
ok mods make yourselves useful and keep track of ip's and bets.
>> No. 18851
the fuck is a euro?
>> No. 18852
It's a magical currency they use across the pond.
>> No. 18853
hey man thats as valuable as a ruble
>> No. 18854
File 131890520583.jpg - (44.90KB , 350x473 , lmao6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Nobody can NOT have political beliefs! People who that are just... using it as a coping mechanism!
>he doesn't take communism seriously...its just a defence mechanism
>> No. 18855
File 131891100049.png - (133.27KB , 1098x626 , xD.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess who likes Playboy magazines?
>> No. 18856
big boo
>> No. 18858
Good shit. If it's not a hassel, please keep us updated on Rika and Dawn's agument?
>> No. 18859
In tard school Jordman was probably coddled when he threatened to cut or suicide. Now everyone just rolls their eyes.
>> No. 18860
File 13189736189.jpg - (51.97KB , 453x604 , n34800029_30449851_85_001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Operation Special Olympics is a go. We are going to bump the adfki's entry on Jordan to number one on results for "Jordan Opalanie"/ "Jordan Gwendolyn Davis".
>> No. 18861

Jordman is trying to self advertise in the comments, Troll away.
>> No. 18862
File 131898829036.gif - (951.27KB , 352x240 , peterpuke.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18863
>> Crashed my place

HAHAHA, oh boy.
Yeah, using you as a free place to sleep makes him an EXCELLENT FRIEND.

>> She has a sense of humor
Yeah, cause forced work camps are lulzy as hell.
"Hundreds of thousands of homosexuals were interned in gulags during the Great Purge, where many were beaten to death."
>> No. 18864
Since I know ADF loves e-psychologists maybe Rika has codependency with ADF?
>> No. 18865

>“I’m transgender and being homeless is tough for anyone, but it is especially tough for the LGBTQ community,” says Jordan Gwendolyn Davis, a 26-year-old activist-blogger who was one of the supporters in attendance. Davis says she will volunteer to connect Honkala’s campaign with her community.

She self-advertises through the article.
>> No. 18866
He, he self advertises
>> No. 18867


Yes, HE did.
>> No. 18868
by Jordan Gwendolyn on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 2:48pm
Just moments ago, I decided that for my own sanity that I would delete all photos of myself in which I present as "male" (ie: this means pretty much every photo taken prior to the latter half of 2009, with the exception of a few photos in which I present as female, either for Halloween or drag).

That being said, I am tagging a lot of people who have photos of me in their albums in this note (as well as some who might be interested), and I would like to ask for your cooperation in either doing one of these three things...

1. Removing the photo altogether
2. Cropping me out of the photo
3. ...or if all else fails and you feel that you MUST keep the photo up, white out my image in that picture

I feel that either one of these demands is reasonable, considering that others may be in the photo as well, this takes in all possible hypotheticals.

Some people I could not tag in this note due to the fact that either I defriended them, or they defriended me for various reasons over the year. I tagged some people who were either also in the photos or were part of an experience which received heavy photo coverage, feel free to help in contacting them to take care of the photos. I will be doing my part on this, and hopefully, people will comply.

I also have a second request. Due to my high school experience being a trying time (especially with a trauma that happened near the end of my tenure there), I also request that if anybody sees images of me at that school or on an activity related that school posted on facebook, that the photo in question be deleted and the master copy of the photo destroyed. I am pretty sure many people from said boarding school would gladly comply with that :)

Some people might think I'm a "crazy bitch" or something for suggesting this. But I feel that my time of presenting as "male" is too triggering for me to look at, and it harkens back to my forced socialization into a gender role I did not want to be part of. Also, the sexual abuse I encountered at said boarding school makes me not want to have any part in this.

My name is Jordan, I am a woman, I am a woman who achieved stuff in her lifetime, even though she had to wear her male monkey suit. TJ, on the other hand, is dead, he died on a campground in West Virginia, and his spirit is no more. Lets keep it that way!!!!!!!!!!!!



PS: This December, I will have to wear boy clothes for a few non-consecutive days as I will be going back to New Jersey to take care of our dog while my queerphobic parents are taking a vacation to queerphobic Jamaica. While they are gone, I will go back to wearing girl clothes and search the house for baby/childhood pictures of myself to burn.
>> No. 18869

>Also, the sexual abuse I encountered at said boarding school makes me not want to have any part in this.

>Sexual abuse

who would want to do that? That requires sexual arousal, and I cannot imagine a person being aroused enough to attempt to sexually abuse him.

>search the house for baby/childhood pictures of myself to burn.

ADF did similar. Same with killing off his male self. Hm.
>> No. 18870
Jordan Gwendolyn
Its the Democrats too. Think about Clinton's workfare, a program with good intentions, but extremely bad implementation (ie: not properly weaning people off when they become more self-sufficient or work more, asking them to work even though... there are no jobs, etc.). Google the name "Tamarla Owens" for one such example.

It's called the Protestant work ethic. You see, a work ethic is good, but unfortunately, it includes the pull yourself up by the non-existant bootstraps tropes that have caused damage for people with disabilities.

Case in point, SSI vs. SSD. Should there have to be a difference in treatment between whether you were unable to work at a young age or if you became disabled while you were working. If we reformed healthcare and social security (ie: Medicare for all, removing the salary cap and folding more workers into the system so that it wouldn't go bankrupt and we could see better benefits), perhaps we could get rid of MedicAID (good riddance), and create one unitary disability program that doesn't have all the means testing and bullshit. Why should I get so little and have to have my parents alter their will just because I wasn't able to work before I became disabled. True, I should be given vocational rehabilitation opportunities, but if I can't work again, I should at least get around $1000/month + food stamps, which is enough to live a fulfilling life.

In British Columbia, somebody in my position would be subject to much better benefits WITHOUT BEING MEANS TESTED!!:


And take a look at the shitload of other benefits BC brings:


I'd sure love to collect a rebate for motor fuels taxes, for example.

I guess its because we keep electing protestants to office (what with their bootstrap theology), that nothing will ever change
>> No. 18871
I bet it's something like someone hitting him with a towel in the showers or giving him a wedgie .
>> No. 18872

sup brah. I feel you. I think that people with actual disabilities should have their needs addressed, and respectfully at that.

That being said, in this economy, 40 hours a week in science research (postbac) barely nets me $1200/mo after taxes. I'm not saying that we race to the bottom here, but assuming that your health expenses are already being taken care of because of a social insurance program, why do you need $1000/mo?

Obviously, subsidizing disabled persons is hardly an expense compared to the corporate welfare and handouts that are doled out each quarter, but what expenses constitutes an appropriate reimbursement by the rest of the country?

A companion animal? Yes, absolutely.
An apartment? Yes, but modest.
Food? Yes, but modest.
Vidya? No.

What's your disability, anyway?
>> No. 18873
Yeah but it's complicated, I mean you say they should have modest place to live but depending on where you live it's going to vastly differ in prices like say a small place in New York or California will probably be a lot more than a similar place West Virgina.
>> No. 18874
I agree. I don't actually think $1000 is that high. Though the board does go after CWC with teeth (but he's insufferable with his approach to finances and entitlement). That being said, I think means testing isn't necessarily a bad thing if it uses appropriate indexes.

I think the worst thing the lower and middle class can do is "race to the bottom." Instead of saying "why does someone on disability get $800/mo? I barely make that." The question should be, "Why do I barely make enough to scrape by, working full time?"

It's complicated, but housing subsidies and social health and vocational training programs definitely need to go farther.
>> No. 18875

SSI is set up where they presume you work a lowly paid job as well. It's meant for disabled people who make like $10,000 a year at walmart or somewhere else to supplement their salaries. It was never a straight welfare program but leeches like Tommy use it as so.
>> No. 18876
I think they should make it easier to report welfare fraud and have a department to really investigate it.
>> No. 18877
by Jordan Gwendolyn on Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 10:32pm
WHEREAS, the Arizona Republican Party is the state arm of the Republican National Committee, and is dominant in state politics

WHEREAS, the preponderance of members of the Arizona Republican Party are fully of Caucasian descent, and thus, not indigenous to the areas within Arizona's borders

WHEREAS, many members of the Arizona Republican Party, including Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, and many legislators, publically supported SB1070, a bill which will allow police officers to arrest anyone who cannot or refuses to prove citizenship, and encourages racial profiling.

WHEREAS, many of these undocumented immigrants in Arizona are citizens of Mexico, a country in which the vast majority of its citizens have indigenous heritage, and thus, have more of a connection to the continent than most people

WHEREAS, the prepondence of those who are against illegal immigration believe that anchor babies should not be citizens

WHEREAS, Arizona, as well as the rest of the United States, was established by settlers from Europe who, through fraudulent means, gained the Natives' trust and then broke treaties and committed genocide in furtherance of their goal of creating a nation based on their norms.

WHEREAS, The Arizona Republican Party has been the party that has furthered European ideals of LGBT discrimination, predatory capitalism, and environmental degradation, concepts which were anathema to the indigenous peoples of the region and were forced upon the region via genocide and land appropriation.


I. All institutions of the United States such as the CBP, ICE, etc. are illegitimate creations, and shall be replaced by the Pan-Turtle Island Department of Homeland Security (PTIDHS), furthermore, that SB1070 shall be forever declared invalid

II. All those who have any Latino, Native American, and African-American ancestry are forever granted the right to exist on this continent

III. All those who are of races other than the ones listed in II. who believe that this country is created illegally and respect the values of the indigenous peoples should be granted amnesty.

IV. Those fully white people who wish to oppress and support institutions in furtherance of the oppressions of indigenous peoples and minorities (whether economic, social, sexual, gender, etc.), as well as hinder the egalitarian values of the indigenous peoples of this continent will be taken into a detention centre, and when resources become available, they shall be deported back to Europe where they belong!!!


The PTIDHS shall, as its first order of duty, authorize raids at the following address:

3501 North 24th Street | Phoenix, AZ 85016
1700 West Washington | Phoenix, AZ 85007
100 W. Washington | Phoenix, AZ 85003

All people who fall under Category IV. who are found at or through those locations shall be detained.

So ordered,

Jordan Opalanie, Indigenous Princess and Chieftan of the PTIDHS
>> No. 18878
File 131901363292.jpg - (34.80KB , 600x566 , 1219686203645.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

mfw mexicans are indigenous to the americas.
>> No. 18879
File 131902218686.png - (30.65KB , 497x312 , Fighting the wind as usual.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF calling us out as usual.
>> No. 18880
File 131902313895.png - (28.18KB , 459x214 , Fighting Maria as usual.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like SOMEONE forgot to take their meds today.
>> No. 18881
Isn't one of the many reasons that Rika hates Jordan because he tricked her into the transway drama? She sure hasn't learned her lesson seeing how she's been sucked into ADF's bullshit. It's going to end just as badly, I'm sure.
>> No. 18882
>> No. 18884
Why do welfare leaches bitch so much? Jordan get training and get a job. Dam be a greeter at Walmart or something.
>> No. 18885

I think the welfare shit is just incidental with these people, they seem incapable of just chilling the fuck out about anything. Why does absolutely everything have to be such a ridiculous drama with them?
>> No. 18886
File 131902666347.png - (197.38KB , 600x600 , lion cigar.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, classic ADF. I don't think anyone has ever seriously threatened to off him but he has to go and pretend that he's important enough that people want him dead.

Sorry Philly boy, you just will never be that important. To anyone.
>> No. 18887

Sexual abuse isn't usually about arousal, it's usually about power. I'm not saying that anything like that actually happened to him though.
>> No. 18888

>companion animal

I own two of these. They have yet to object to being called "pets" jfyi. But if my goldfish ever raises a protest over the privileged humano-fascist term "pet" I'll be sure to let you know.
>> No. 18889
>> No. 18890
>> No. 18891
So he wants sleep with his own mother? Interesting . . .
>> No. 18892
One of the things that irritates me so much at ADF is that he simultaneously has a victim complex and acts like a tough guy. I want to see someone threaten him, just frighten the hell out of him so he'll have to drop the tough guy act, but at the same time if anyone even raised their voice at him, he'd claim he was being persecuted and victimized.

We need a female, Communist midget to beat the crap out of him.
>> No. 18893
File 131903659679.jpg - (112.42KB , 468x377 , Thomasthetrainny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Choo! Choo! Its Thomas the Tranny Engine, The fat yellow trainwreck that couldn’t!
>> No. 18894
File 131903689127.jpg - (52.64KB , 600x401 , 1306627704773.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>dat autistic sneer
>dem shifty eyes
>da retarded man-child growl

Oh god, I think I just pissed myself laughing. This is almost as great as Chris' Claw of Fail.

Please make more of this, Phillip. You are such a fucking joke.
>> No. 18895
ADF has just written Jordan a love song. http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Oh_Opalanie,_You_Foolish_Shmuck
>> No. 18896
No dude, no one has said you're evil.
It has never been the shock of "Wow that's bad, that's evil"
Just "Wow, what a dipshit"
>> No. 18897
File 131904067111.png - (38.68KB , 1227x624 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go out and bipolar them to the extreme!
>> No. 18898
I guess not having most of the trans community has caused him to shit himself from stress. Now, he crashed into a slumber.
>> No. 18899
File 131904218889.jpg - (505.81KB , 1188x1515 , beautiful woman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know why I find ADF funny?

In pictures like this, he is serious. And he seriously think people want to kill him because of his naruto crossdressing pseudocommunist chinabooness.
>> No. 18900
So, delusional, still thinking that anyone wants to actually kill him.
>> No. 18901

>Over three years of this shit and I've yet to get 5 bullets for it

Persecution/Martyr complexes everywhere
>> No. 18902

5? He hasn't even got one. He's delusional.
>> No. 18903
I like how he uses "fascist" to describe everything he doesn't like.
>> No. 18904

I'm willing to bet he doesn't believe that and is just saying it as often as possible on the slight chance someone watching his journals and videos takes him seriously and jumps his mangina.
>> No. 18905

I'm willing to bet he doesn't believe that and is just saying it as often as possible on the slight chance someone watching his journals and videos takes him seriously and jumps his mangina.
>> No. 18906
I refrained from posting this earlier, because I know someone will take it seriously and conclude that I am the "all autists must die" guy, but at this point ADF is begging for it to be said. So just keep in mind, this is only hypothetically entertaining the idea of fulfilling ADF's wish for physical confrontation. Also, sarcasm.

>emo saskue wants the trolls to kill him
hahahaha. I love how he thinks we want to break the law and commit murder when just letting him live is trolling him in itself. Plus, if he wants to die, then he won't resist. We won't get to see his close-quarters defense in action."
>> No. 18907
Jordan is writing a letter to the trans way facilators about Harel. T-girl war is on.
>> No. 18908
File 131905424958.gif - (1.49MB , 168x176 , Hitler smiling 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is going even better than I expected. It's on.

Let's see...he is no longer welcome to WWCC thanks to the field agents, and Transway is infiltrated. But soon he is no longer welcome there either.

His friends are one by one leaving him and joining us. I have to talk to our DA/FB agents about the situation with Maria, but he's been mistreated by ADF (like all his friends) and I think there's a good change she'll...how ADF would put it...defect.

And talking about field agents, it's time for da update: Alexander from the Ukrainian League told our ranks have been bolstered by fresh members from Philadelphian Ukrainian catholic church's youth wing (www.ukrarcheparchy.us). I almost feel guilty about partially validating ADF's paranoia of being persecuted by anticommunist catholics.
>> No. 18909
I have never followed ADF but I must commend you fellows on your trolling efforts. good job. Its great to see /cwc/ getting the job done.
>> No. 18911
File 131905557476.jpg - (29.28KB , 224x324 , saint.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Given his virulent hatred of Christianity, it's ironic how much ADF desires to be "a martyr". Infact, while he claims to be a hardcore BDSM fetishist, I think the only sign of any masochism is aforementioned martyr complex.
>> No. 18912

Harel's jealous that dawn munro and maria are together. Also here's an excerpt of a letter Jordan sent to ramapo almost 2 years ago.

Hello, my name is TJ "Jordan" Davis, an alumni of Ramapo College, and
last month, I was the victim of a hate crime on campus based on my
gender identity/expession (I am a male-to-female non-op two-spirit
transgender). This was a very serious crime and serious violation of
Ramapo's Code of Conduct, and there needs to be a formal hearing.

On January 28, 2010, I attended/performed at a PRIDE event in JLees
(Drag Night Out). Around 11pm, I was leaving JLees and headed towards
the stairs towards Birch, when I was laughed at by a group of
students. I was dressed in a manifestly feminine manner (black skirt,
plaid peasant-cut blouse, and was wearing lipstick), and I asked the
students who were taunting me if they had "ever seen a transgender
persyn before". One student responded with the words "we slap niggas
like you where I'm from, get out of here". I felt threatened by these
statements and after some slight hesitation, I went to public safety
and filled out a statement. Two students who attended the event,
[redacted] and [redacted], also came in to the office to fill
out statements to back up what I said and also gave more information
as to the person's description, they left when they were finished with
their statements. A public safety officer asked if I wanted to refer
the matter to the Mahwah PD, I said yes. Meanwhile, at the insistence
of several PRIDE members who came into the office expressing their
outrage, public safety took action. Eventually, I was put into a
private room within Public Safety's office while they apprehended the
person. Soon, a public safety officer came into the room and showed me
the culprit's RCNJ student ID. I said that it was him; the student was
identified as [redacted], a current student and member of
Ramapo Men's Basketball Team. According to a public safety official
and the Mahwah police officer who had shown up, he was writing out a
statement indicated that he did in fact utter those words but was
actually not saying it to me (as stated before, two independent
witnesses came in and filled out statements contradicting what he
said). I was interviewed by the Mahwah PD, and I witnessed the public
safety officer giving the Mahwah officer copies of the statements, and
I was advised I needed to come back to file the complaint the next day
at the EARLIEST.

On February 5, 2010; I went to the Mahwah police station, I was
accompanied by Ramapo employee [redacted], someone whom I went to
Ramapo College with. I spoke with Sergeant O'Hara, who had me fill out
a statement of probable cause and after locating the files from that
night, wrote up the complaint. I then signed it, and was informed that
the case would be moving to the municipal court to determine probable
cause. A week later, I receive a carbon copy of a letter addressed to
Mr. [redacted] informing him that he had been indicted for Bias
intimidation (2C:16-1(A)3) and that the case would be brought forward
by the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office. A scan of the summons is

I believe that Mr. [redacted], in making these threats, violated
Sections H1b ("Intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable
apprehension of physical harm"), H1c ("Intentionally or recklessly
causing threats to do bodily harm"), H2 ("Intentionally or recklessly
causing verbal or written harassment that is prohibited by law.") and
H14 ("Intentionally and substantially interfering with the freedom of
expression of others") listed on pages 71-73 of the student Handbook.
Furthermore, on page 82 of the student handbook, it states "Violations
of the Code of Conduct which can be proved to have been motivated by
illegal bias will result in the imposition of more severe sanctions".
>> No. 18913
File 131905657921.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , Hitler is this nigga serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That sounds pretty buttdevastated, but it's good that he has experience in writing complaint letters, I guess.

>> No. 18914
>I am Depraved
More like deprived. Dat autistic capitalization.

I like how he called himself "the most creative girl in the school", yet all his "songs" are stolen.
>> No. 18915
File 131905761621.gif - (1.19MB , 159x119 , blacks.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"we slap niggas like you where I'm from, get out of here"
>> No. 18916
File 131905826533.jpg - (44.83KB , 569x412 , slap-your-shit[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's funny how ADF called Jordan a racist, as we all know how much ADF loves other races.
>> No. 18917

>(I am a male-to-female non-op two-spirit


Should I even bother asking?
>> No. 18918
If I remember correctly, two-spirit means sometimes they're one gender, and sometimes they're the other gender.

This is why we can't have nice things.
>> No. 18919
File 13190655136.png - (897.82KB , 1349x2146 , HOT or NOT- Rate Photographs Find Beautiful Women .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18920
File 131906585575.jpg - (44.73KB , 458x319 , smug fish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>native american
>> No. 18921

Oh, please.
>> No. 18922

I'm assuming this is old news but...is there a reason it isn't on the wiki?
>> No. 18923


Here jordans response.

Just recently, I had my name dragged through the mud by Bash Back! a group of queer anarchists located across the country. Just google my name (Jordan Opalanie), and one will find sexual assault allegations lobbed against me by this group, even though I was the one that was assaulted. There are many circumstances that led to this, and I just would like to clear my name, and also to share my feelings of invalidation over this incident.

--Note that I refer to this exfriend that assaulted me as "they" as to not gender them--

In December 2008/January 2009, I was visiting a now exfriend in Michigan, and on New Years Eve, I drove them up to Northern Ontario so that we could have some boozy escapades (they were 20 at the time, old enough to drink in Canada, but not in the US). We ended up sharing a bed at some dingy cheap auberge, which I didn't mind at first, but hey, we were broke and cheap. The first night went off without a hitch, the second night, we ended up at some honky tonk and were drinking our asses off.


I decided to go back to the room to retire early (they did not have a DL at the time, and it was a long drive back to their place in Michigan). Around 1am, they come back to the room drunk off their ass and turn in. They then started grabbing me around the waste and fondling me until I tried to wrestle myself out. I was turned over facing away from them in the bed, so there was no mistake on what was going on.

It should be noted that in 2003, I was also sexually assaulted, that time by a teacher at my therapeutic boarding school. After being ignored by several staff members whom I told about the assault (ie: "didn't happen", "not my problem", "that doesn't happen to boys"), I repressed it until I finally came forward in 2008 and reported it to the police. Anyway, I ended up repressing this incident and remained friends with them until sometime in March of 2009, when they decided not to be friends with me anymore.

Around that time, I started getting triggers and flashbacks about what happened, and I was planning on going to a Bash Back! Convergence in Chicago. After discovering the exfriend was about to go to same convergence, I came forward to the organizers. When they approached them, they accused me of sexual assault and banned me and them from the convergence.

I did not know what happened that night that would make them accuse me of sexual assault. Maybe I tossed and turned while I slept, maybe I was struggling to get out and I pushed up against them? I proffered those theories and think they are less likely, but looking back on it now, I began to think; did the perpetrator do this just to try and destroy my chances of going to the BB! convergence? After all, why would I go to the organizers of BB! if I did commit the act, which I didn't. I know I would never rape someone if I was moderately drunk, or even really drunk, because I am avoidant of sexual situations due to the high school incident, even and especially when I am intoxicated. The BB! organizers don't have common sense, and they didn't think I had common sense either.

Anyway, I just ended up making an overnight drive with some people and after I got there, went up to Wisconsin. During that time, I almost threw myself off the O'Hare Oasis. After a fun time in Wisconsin, I drive people back, and I admit, I regret giving the organizers some e-tongue lashings, I wanted nothing to do with BB! and just wanted to heal.

Then, this year, around the same time, BB! had another convergence in Denver. I did not plan on going because of the drama as well as lack of funds. About a week after the convergence ended, Bash Back! put out a press release indicating that in banning people who were accused of sexual assault, they banned someone with the same name as me over a racist mistake, and decided to use my full name and called me a "white person from Philly" (try Native American from New Jersey, although I've got some European in me) and called me out FOR SOMETHING I NEVER DID. The press release was disseminated through various websites, and I have to do some serious damage control, just because of Bash Back's "guilty till a confession is coerced" philosophy. If this is anarchy, then I feel safer in Mexico.

BB! refused to remove the posting, and I think I am going to take legal action against them. They defamed me, AND INVADED MY PRIVACY!! It should also be known that before and during the RNC protests in St. Paul, which I attended, BB! had a chant which was like "We're Here, We're Queer, We'll Fuck Your Children In The Ass". Classy, ain't it?

I also feel like there is an ableist element here. Some of the people who organized the Chicago convergence know I have some mental/neurological issues, and presumed me a rapist, further stigmatizing mental illness as causing violent crimes, just like the organizers of Bash Back! did with the other Jordan over their race.

But most of all, I feel like my status as a victim (as well as my ethnic identity, but I digress) is being erased by a group wanting to smear me. It is enough that they erased my status in private communications, but to publicly put my name out there, it makes me feel like a victim again to be called out for something I never did and have the whole world think that I am sexually violent, even though many friends never thought I was that way when I was drunk and sharing a sleeping space (the only one to do so was the exfriend/assailant, and that was only when I came forward, they conveniently accused me of sexual assault).

I mean, I've heard of people blowing you off and denying it ever happened, but this is the worse

I've begun to feel like all the healing I have tried to do since both incidents is unravelling and old wounds are beginning to open up, I am in crisis mode and ended up contemplating suicide for a few weeks after it, I'm OK now, but I hope I can just put it behind me.

The moral of the story here is that invalidating assault is terrible enough as it is, but to accuse someone of perpetrating something is the lowest of the low.
>> No. 18924
Rika knows Jordman from growing up or something well anyway Rika told me Jordman is 1/64 native american. some fuckin native.
>> No. 18925
I knew Jordan because he used to be one of my trans buddies back in spring. Then he used me and everyone else for his stupid takeover of transway.

Oh yeah he claims to be completely native american on his stupid blog. Its why I laughed at the polish shit. Like ADF he loves to change his nationality.
>> No. 18926
File 131908141125.png - (224.50KB , 1349x792 , Political Cartoons That I Think Are Funny_13152383.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

From the train's mouth!
>> No. 18927


You know, I bet that is not Native American, but black. Claiming one to hide the other, which is then believed by later generations.

Or its just bullshit, period.
>> No. 18928
File 131908348018.jpg - (299.49KB , 575x847 , Jordmanfuck5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18929
File 131908350769.jpg - (352.43KB , 553x871 , Jordmanfuck6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18930
File 131908352328.jpg - (145.22KB , 808x858 , Jordmanfuck9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18931
File 131908353341.jpg - (135.35KB , 617x834 , Jordmanfuck10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 18932
>789chan slander

I can't tell what's more pathetic - bitching about a no-name imageboard to your entire social circle, or not knowing the difference between slander and libel.
>> No. 18933
Or bitching to whatever imaginary friend he talks to.
>> No. 18934
File 131909276799.png - (78.94KB , 231x201 , Dozens Gather for Candlelight Vigil Against Bullyi.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hello, Jordan. I see that you're harrassing hetero's as well as Trans people. Here's a little song we at transway wrote about you.

By the way, I wrote my own song about Jordman, I think it describes him better than ADF's song.

He lumbers around in skirts and plaid shirts.


He looks like dirt and is always butthurt.


He is physically unfit and smells like SHIT!


He doesn’t look like a lady, and cries like a baby!


If you see this walking turd, be sure to flip him the bird!


He always lies, and he is surrounded by flies


He doesn’t wear underwear, Not even a thong!


He will probably cut his wrist when he hears this song!


*Train noises*

Here comes Thomas the Tranny Engine, The fat yellow train that couldn’t!

*Crashing noises with train noises*

I think he just fucking derailed!
>> No. 18935
File 131909301535.jpg - (231.45KB , 900x1348 , derp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hmmm where should we film? I know right here in the middle of the road.
>> No. 18936
So it's Rika who's with ADF in his videos? He sounds like a real slow-in-the-mind.
>> No. 18937
And its Rika who has been helping you dox Jordan and ADF
>> No. 18938
Love it
>> No. 18939
I just noticed he is wearing a dog collar... how appropriate.
>> No. 18940
So Gaddafi was shot in Libya by the rebels. I wonder how this will affect us and ADF.
>> No. 18941
Surprisingly, ADF doesn't seem to be a big fan of Gaddafi.

And really he's just pining for the fjords, don't believe the slanderous right wing cisgender news.
>> No. 18942
Fuck, I hope he continues to report in from the grave.
>> No. 18943
... Does this mean he's the guy on this video?
>> No. 18944
And in the video where he admits he desires to fuck his mother.

>Y'all should know me by now..
>> No. 18945

So, is this some sort of tranny feud or something?
>> No. 18946
I've understood it went something like this:

The Inner Circle pitted Jordman against ADF by showing the wiki article, Jordan got mad at ADF for making him look like a retard (...), some of ADF's friends hopped on Jordan's side.

So now, there are three sort of trannies: Philly trannies who are mad at both Jordman and ADF (the majority), Jordman and his hugbox mad at ADF (the minority) and ADF and his only friend Rika, mad at absolutely everyone.

Or something along those lines. It's confusing. I'm just enjoying the show.
>> No. 18947
I think we should set up an imaginary hugbox in preparation for the eventual fallout with Rika.
>> No. 18948
I guess that explains why he hates his dad so much but has anyone told his mother yet?
>> No. 18949
File 131913300882.jpg - (38.09KB , 350x250 , short-bus-slow-browsers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow, so ADF really doesn't have any friends that might be normal or anything close to it.
>> No. 18950

Jordan I know you're reading this

You may have no problem conveniently cherry-picking every ethnicity that you think is in your ancestry, but the rest of the world does. Especially just about every North American Tribe (USA and Canada.) You are not a fucking native american. Mozart probably has a bigger "claim" to anything native american than you do. Fuck, don't take my word for it, go walk over to any local tribe seeking what you believe is rightfully yours. Make sure to take video.
>> No. 18951
File 131913412141.jpg - (54.04KB , 275x411 , Gaddafi-fighter-plane-sculpture.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, I'm afraid I won't be able to relay anything from Colonel anymore, which is a great shame indeed. But as stayed with us till the very end, let's now remember him together: http://www.life.com/gallery/56791/image/123132146/gaddafis-craziest-quotes#index/0
>> No. 18952
A woman has the right to run for election whether she's male or female

I can already see ADF's journal: Transphobic Persecution has another victim - Colonel Gaddafi died as a Martyr of Hyperheterosexual Bullying.
>> No. 18953
Qaddafi was truly a great leader. Not since the Prophet Mohammed has there been such a humble and pious man. My Allah and Mr. Jesus grant him a thousand wishes and turn his enemies into pillars of salt. Allahu Akbar.
>> No. 18954
I think I need to make a list of what ADF has claimed to be: Israeli, German, Canadian, Hispanic. Can anyone remember more?
>> No. 18955

>> No. 18956
File 131913619257.jpg - (58.43KB , 350x300 , the_rape_of_pocahontas_by_rotnhell.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also Russian. (Of course.)

No, he was a cisgender oppressor.

> “Women, like men, are human beings. This is an incontestable truth… Women are different from men in form because they are females, just as all females in the kingdom of plants and animals differ from the male of their species… According to gynecologists women, unlike men, menstruate each month… Since men cannot be impregnated they do not experience the ailments that women do. She breastfeeds for nearly two years.”


It's especially funny since when he proclaimed himself to be a "Native American princes" I instantly thought of Pocahontas.
>> No. 18957
>No, he was a cisgender oppressor.
But he was also sort of leftie, which automatically justifies everything.
>> No. 18958
File 131913719845.png - (5.62KB , 495x94 , USI_as_fuck.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have nothing to offer the world
Well, at least Jordan's a bit more connected to the reality than ADF.
>> No. 18959
File 13191378879.jpg - (19.93KB , 249x320 , michael-moore-academy-awards.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>michael moore

Probably the most truthful tag there.
>> No. 18960
File 131913910084.jpg - (27.07KB , 300x401 , Blazkowicz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Is it an allusion to his supposed Polish heritage or something?
>> No. 18961
Okay for Starters, I don't hate everyone. My hatred resides for Jordman and ANYONE who supports him. The note pissed me off because it was hypocritical, And the people backed it are knowingly enabling this manchild. Jordan is FAR worse than ADF. What i DO like about ADF is she will knowlingly own up to most of the shit she does. JORDAN HOWEVER, cries and plays the bully victim card and wont own up to any of his actions. And what scares me is people want this shit to represent the trans community as a whole.

As for ADF, Unless she doesn't lie to or try to take advantage of me she will remain on good terms with me. I get a laugh out of the communism antics. Not to mention if it wasen't FOR ADF. Half of of the Philadelphia trans community reads this board. Eveleyne Friel got me addicted after the whole PW weekly drama. And thanks to this board I got introduced to the world of Chris Chan.

And yes that is me in those videos. Yeah I got a shitty voice, Nobodys perfect so go fuck yourself if you hate it, get over it. - Rika
>> No. 18962

Responding to what is clearly a troll post but... lol.
>> No. 18963
>Half of of the Philadelphia trans community reads this board

So many posts are making sense now
>> No. 18964
>The note pissed me off because it was hypocritical, And the people backed it are knowingly enabling this manchild.
I can barely handle the irony. You're enabling a manchild yourself, and I'm having hard time believing anyone could possibly be more hypocritical than ADF.

>What i DO like about ADF is she will knowlingly own up to most of the shit she does

>cries and plays the bully victim card and wont own up to any of his actions.
"Cyber-fascist are persecuting me!" ADF has a colossal persecution complex, I think this thread alone has like three screencaps of him raging about being cybarbullied.

>I get a laugh out of the communism antics
Yeah, it's funny as fuck. I masturbate to public hangings of Iranian transsexuals.
>> No. 18965
you are welcome Rika
> Eveleyne Friel got me addicted after the whole PW weekly drama.
>> No. 18966
Well for one, I think everyone takes the communism shit way to seriously. Its one of my few criticisms of ADF. I think its mostly a defense mechanicism. She lives in her own fantasy world where she is a chairwoman and tries to enact it. I take the communist thing as seriously as the archaeology in Indiana Jones I think its a phase with ADF that will pass.

My only real other criticism is her paranoia that everyone is out to get her, I brought her to a trans friendly night club this past monday and she got defensive with the people there.

I seriously think if she can get away from these two she could become a better person. -R
>> No. 18967
Rika how about if the three of us get hammered and go to t-way next week and stare at Jordman.
>> No. 18968
>I take the communist thing as seriously as the archaeology in Indiana Jones I think its a phase with ADF that will pass.
That's the thing with ADF; his politics, sexuality and even gender are just things "that will pass", and he's always serious that this time, it's for reals. And it never is. That's why I find him so fucking hilarious.
>> No. 18969
ADF is going to fuck you over like everyone else at some point. He's got BPD most likely and that's just what people with BPD do. It'll be funny though because you'll feel ridiculous for defending his honor.
>> No. 18970
I don't criticize ADF for being a "communist", but I do criticize ADF for not knowing what Communism truly is. If he did, he wouldn't be some faggot running around on the street, he would have a greater value for his fellow man and would be achieving self-actualization through labor and not dressing like a cartoon character. This guy is a cumstain, fuck him.
>> No. 18971
Jordan is built like a nfl linebacker. I reccomend you gals record transway.
>> No. 18972
I'll tell you how ADF would become a better person: Accept that he has autism and try to deal with it instead of denying it.

Fix his relationship with his mother and father, he has never claimed his mother raped him, and he still beat her up. It is also more likely than not that the whole rape thing was made up.

Learn to tolerate people of different race and people with different political opinions. For example, he doesn't need to give up communism, but accept that not everyone likes it, and he isn't probably going to get cheered for praising the USSR. He can't even get along with other communists. The best thing he could do is probably ask CaptainCommie to teach him how to get along with people. Captain's friends with Trey and that other guy who are anti-communists.

If he thinks transsexuality is the thing, that he'll be transsexual for the rest of his life, he should try to pass even if just a little. Not torture himself for it, but just to show everyone he's serious and not "IM A TRANNY U MAD HATERS!". He's not gonna get friends with that attitude.

Same thing with religions. He can be an atheist/jew and still tolerate Christians. Not all Christians rape children on daily basis, and not all communists want to exterminate 60.000.000 people.

See a doctor. He is mentally ill, but we are not sure how. They aren't gonna kill him or tell him to become a man, they just want to help. Seriously.

This would be a good start.
>> No. 18973
File 131914384615.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , Hitler smiling2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I reccomend you gals record transway.
Don't worry, we've got it.
>> No. 18974
I used to think that trannies were regular people who decided to swap hardware. Now I think they're idiots and attention whores.
>> No. 18975
File 131914506848.jpg - (47.31KB , 430x552 , ObamaZombie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Well for one, I think everyone takes the communism shit way to seriously.

Actually, I don't think anyone besides ADF takes it seriously at all. It's just hilarious to see how simultaneously defensive and ignorant he is of it.
>> No. 18976
But it's not like 50% of Philadelphian trannies represent all trannies!

>swap hardware
I'm stealing that.
>> No. 18977
File 131914564320.jpg - (72.01KB , 550x745 , MICHELE-BACHMANN-NEWSWEEK1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Yeah I got a shitty voice, Nobodys perfect so go fuck yourself if you hate it, get over it.
Isn't there supposed to be voice therapy? I thought the exercises were supposed to make a difference.
>> No. 18978
Not even ADF takes it seriously. He saw one anime with commies and BAM now he's a commie.
>> No. 18979
That's the joke. He's serious. He literally asked to be killed as a martyr of communism, the ideology he picked up after watching an anime.
>> No. 18980
Orogonol do not steel
>> No. 18981
ADF is actually seeing a therapist now thank god.

Here ARE some differances I noted between Jordman and ADF.

ADF has way better hygene and manners. She has never trashed my place, and when she crashes here she always cleans up. She will even respectfully fold the sheets she borrowed before she leaves. She also to never raids my fridge or trys to pillfar food.

JORDAN on the other hand, will utterly trash your bathroom, take your food without asking, then proceed to leave the trash from the food all over the floor. Will lazly crash your couch without saying much of a word before.

ADF you can atleast chill out with some Just Cause 2 which she loves to play. The only thing really unclean about ADF is that beard which Im trying to help her get rid of. I recently showed her how to pluck, Its just up to her to go by the tweezers and mag mirror to do it.

ADF doesnt talk to herself like that skitzo lard.

ADF has never lied to me. Jordan has.

She just really needs to change the commy shit, It is indeed repulsive to most people who dont know her on the inside. I dont agree with her communism (while sometimes it is hilarious)

She is SLOWLY beginning to change, Im trying to speed it up. The other day I saw her wearing converse as oppossed to army boots. Me and Jen are gonna try to give her a make over next week. Its honestly time to ditch the army uniforms.

Shes an overall fun person to hang out with. Ive been trying to even convince her that this whole internet shit just aint worth it and there are better things to put your time and energy into.
>> No. 18982
I should be shocked, but then I remembered that this is ADF.
>> No. 18983
>ADF is actually seeing a therapist now thank god.
Doesn't seem to be making much progress, sadly. What were you thinking when you filmed that newest piece of total retardation in .avi format?

>She also to never raids my fridge or trys to pillfar food.
That's good, I guess. But the ADF I know wrote a note that would decide if his boyfriend would stay with him or not on a receipt. He had bought bagels.

>ADF you can atleast chill out with some Just Cause 2 which she loves to play.
Oh, that's funny. To us he tolds he doesn't "sit on his fat ass and play video games."

>Its honestly time to ditch the army uniforms.
I agree, they're ridiculous. But I remember him raging in a video that wearing women's clothes would mean he's trying to fit social norms, so he has to wear military uniforms to not be mainstream.

>ADF has never lied to me. Jordan has.
I think you know Trey. You can ask him about his great record of being honest to people. You just wait.

>ADF doesnt talk to herself like that skitzo lard.
But he speaks like to "skitzo lard" to us. "They're after me! They're gonna kill me! RABBLE RABBLE!"

>Ive been trying to even convince her that this whole internet shit just aint worth it and there are better things to put your time and energy into.
That's actually good because when he sits on his fat ass playing hexbawks and crapping his briefs, the field agents are getting bore-

>> No. 18984
Why do you refer to ADF as "she" when he's clearly put in about as much effort as Jordan, whom you refer to as "he"? And when I say effort, I mean do nothing to advance to the female gender.
>> No. 18985
Think of what kind of person would be friends with ADF. These aren't your ordinary trannies, they're also retarded. Retrannies.
>> No. 18986
Doesn't most of this thread make up of EX-Adf friends? Your kind of insulting yourselves.
>> No. 18987
fuck you asshole Rika is a good person. Just has a whacked out friend.
>> No. 18988
File 131914761471.jpg - (196.22KB , 900x743 , a beautiful woman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF having problems with his beard? Inconceivable!
>> No. 18989
There there, (s?)he just needs to learn it the hard way.
>> No. 18990
File 131914797448.jpg - (45.62KB , 399x610 , Medvedev.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika, thoughts on ADF's alleged pedophilia? ADF said he, uh..."had fun" with jailbait trannies and wrote a pedophiliac rapefic.
>> No. 18991
John was not his boyfriend, except imaginary.


John McCain
Angelo John Delici

So many Johns in this show!

Also no darkies.
>> No. 18992
I know, but ADF was deluded and thought he was.
>> No. 18993
@Pedophillia Proof that these FTMs were underage. Also to was this fanfic the fucked up one on the wiki which was written like a Hentai Porno, Cause I still got to read it.
>> No. 18995
File 131914935985.png - (76.30KB , 467x156 , Jailbait.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Interpret it as you will.
>> No. 18996
There's nothing wrong about imaginary partners!
>> No. 18997
as far as I'm aware--and correct me if I'm wrong--Libya is not featured in Hetalia.

So he probably won't give two shits.
>> No. 18998
I'm not even in that timezone. I just organized communication.
>> No. 18999
the colonel was a regular poster here man, now he's dead dude. He posted some funny shit.
>> No. 19000
hey wait a second, adf might have been behind killing the colonel. Wonder who he's gonna off next? fuck
>> No. 19001
Rika, tell us why ADF doesn't like Trey? I never figured that out. I mean, now that he's joined the trolls I can understand it, but before that?
>> No. 19002
Rika might be hanging out with Jordman at T-way tonight.
>> No. 19003

Because he didn't spend every waking second with his tongue lodged inside ADF's crusty arsehole and actually tried to help him improve himself. You know, like real friends do.
>> No. 19004
Rika if that is you posting this response I want to be your friend!!!!!!! Evelyne you can spell it any damm way you want for some of that.
>> No. 19005
What is it with some Americans pretending to have some other ethnicity? I mean I never see it with people from other countries it's pretty bizarre.
>> No. 19006
Because other countries are, like, so exotic and different and America is so white and boring?
>> No. 19007

For Americans I guess it's because they don't have an identity like someone who grew up in Europe and can talk about how their ancestors rubbed shoulders with Robert the Bruce. Even then it doesn't go beyond telling you what parts irish/german they are, Jordan's ancestral identity is whatever is most convenient to him at the moment (just like gender.) He needed a reason to criticize ADF's stupid communist notions, so hey there's the polish in him. He wants another piece of that victim pie, so hey his extremely questionable and/or tenuous native american ancestry makes him a full-on war chief or tribal princess depending on how he feels that day.

I can only imagine how a real native american who grew up in a time when their tribe knew nothing but poverty and poor education feels about all these palefaces waltzing up declaring their tribal membership because great great great grandma on dad's side dated Geronimo back in high school.
>> No. 19008
That makes sense. ADF claimed to be Israeli after he become a jew, so that he could say he's always been semitic. He said he was Canadian so he wouldn't be boring mainstream American . I'm positive he started to claim German heritage after cosplaying Germany from Hetalia. He probably threw Hispanic in there to be able to say he's not totally white.

So, what race next? I think I'll say French, so he can use it to "justify" his support of genocidial regimes by saying "it's totally cool because my greatgrandfather was persecuted so I know what it's like".
>> No. 19009

Also Jordan and ADF live in a world where criticism doesn't exist, because unfortunately the GLBT world has devolved that holding anyone accountable for anything (except for white, Judeo-Christian, straight, and wealthy) is pure Nazi bigotry.
>> No. 19010
I like how ADF doesn't know what "fascism" means and uses it to describe everything he doesn't like. It's like his version of JERK, but it can apply to corporations and whole countries as well.
>> No. 19011
>GLBT world has devolved that holding anyone accountable for anything (except for white, Judeo-Christian, straight, and wealthy) is pure Nazi bigotry.
I know a few traps in irc who would call bullshit on this hand-holding hugbox mentality that ADF and Jordman are a part of.

I could elaborate if anyone is interested. Haha yeah right.
>> No. 19012
File 13191712092.jpg - (154.88KB , 498x487 , faggot ass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sure, go ahead. Sounds like a larf.
>> No. 19013

go right ahead. If a good portion of the Philly GLBT community is actually reading this thread, it should prove to be cathartic at the least.
>> No. 19014
File 131919216387.jpg - (70.54KB , 346x310 , Hitler smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ADF is actually seeing a therapist now thank god.
News from the Field Agents of the Hohol Squad: ADF has been spotted twice going to Mazzoni Center, 809 Locust Street, Philadelphia. Want to spot the lolcow live? Now you know where to go! Infiltration being mapped out. Information about Mazzoni Center's big shots publicly available on the Facebook page. Connections are being enstabilished as we speak, just in case they have some interesting/useful information.
>> No. 19015
File 131919936183.jpg - (200.30KB , 462x599 , ADF's_Thought_Process.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Has anyone taken a really close look at this picture? I think it's fabulous. ADF is pro-life and can't get three words of Spanish right.
>> No. 19016
Well, actually his username, VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE is misspelled as well. What's it with these manchildren and bad Spanish?

If you've read the wiki's Language page, it pretty much confirms English is the only language he speaks, and even his English is so full of autism.
>> No. 19017
I know--there's just something so delightfully ironic about fucking up the language in your proclamation that you speak it.
>> No. 19018
File 131921063983.jpg - (30.13KB , 354x402 , p_l_a_y_i_n____w_i_t_h__g_u_n_s_by_verganza_de_sas.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fridge related.

Rika, are you trolling him with these photos you make or is it just actually impossible for him to not look retarded?
>> No. 19019
I remember hearing someone on here say that ADF molested their little brother, but that can't be confirmed.
>> No. 19020
File 131921373871.png - (24.11KB , 510x184 , Bawwing about shit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's new posts. Wait, is ADF planning on becoming an hero?
>> No. 19021
the misspell is actually hilarious...
since verga means penis, in a very vulgar kind of way.

...or maybe it's intentional? dun dun dun
>> No. 19022
It's funny because in ADF's case you'll never know if it's his autistic English or a new word he's just made up.
>> No. 19023
Is he referring to Rika?
> I need to leave this house...
>> No. 19024
File 131921466681.png - (23.47KB , 939x397 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi /cwc/, are you ready to laugh?

>near total loss of appetite
Maybe that'd work better than Sasuke diet?

>Last week I was witness to my mother almost being sexually assaulted in a Northeast Philadelphia bar
>almost being sexually assaulted
>I was ready to almost kill that asshole punk who touched my mom
>rape attempt
New theory: ADF's dad hugged him in 1997, and that was totally a rape. And if he was one that was thrown out, he can only speculate he's misunderstood something with his autistic social skills and flipped over some insignificant shit.

>Mom and I discussed the whole 'what ifs' if this time it were me...again
"Mom, what if you had left those Tequila bottles alone when you were pregnant?"

>I already suffered mine in 1997 at the hands of my father - I know if something like that happens to me again, I will kill my attacker
Considering he must himself know he wasn't raped, but he seriously thinks his mother was nearly sexual assaulted, that was really, really uncool of him.

Also ADF, you can kill people with pepper spray and a toothpick. Actually I think even your fists are more dangerous, even though the layer of fat would soften up the punches. I dunno. Ask your mother how your hits felt, maybe she can give some insight.
>> No. 19025
ADF's lurking /cwc/ and found out Rika doesn't worship him as a god, and now he's all depressed.
>> No. 19026
File 131921571695.jpg - (52.47KB , 350x450 , 130626002874.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, on his wall, he did say that Rika and Jen were taking him to get a makeover. I guess it didn't go so well.
>> No. 19027
File 131921587617.jpg - (117.62KB , 500x967 , Ahuviya gets Her Nails Done.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think we should cut him some slack where it's due, it seems he lost a lot of weight since he has became homeless. Just compare the said fingers now and in November 2010, pic related.
>> No. 19028
And I was right - it wasn't his willpower that made him lose weight, but the fact that he couldn't eat. As homeless, because he was broke. And now, because of all da stress.
>> No. 19029
File 131921676096.jpg - (82.47KB , 500x444 , J6F526IMRHZK76PNVPYJMND3IFXKPKQE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>almost being sexually assaulted

"Description: ....And probably Sex afterwords, deedeedee!"

Also Rika, watch out, and take care.
>> No. 19030
File 131921749286.jpg - (56.06KB , 600x449 , he threw the first punch.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Newsflash, nobody wants to rape someone that looks like Quasimodo. Also, he gets really pissed when people state that he is lying about his father raping him.
>> No. 19032
File 13192181015.png - (15.54KB , 586x366 , JUST LOOK HOW LITTLE I CARE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I am so fucking sick of being told I have a disability or I am not a Woman
You're not a woman, you're a closeted straight schizo BPD aspie.
>> No. 19034
Hm, why won't he call it a "hunger strike"? After all, China-related hunger strikes, and "occupation"-type protests, have such a history of happy end.

>The Tiananmen Square visit would be Zhao Ziyang's last public appearance. He would be purged from the party days later for "grave insubordination" and lived under house arrest in Beijing until his death in January 2005.
>> No. 19035
What is new from the front lines? No new reports. Also, lets see some more Hitler gifs
>> No. 19036
File 131923222971.png - (8.90KB , 503x136 , Cuomo Refuses To Fund Transition Health via Medica.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Jordan is on the rampagel He wants to destroy gay marriage in new york.
>> No. 19037
I want to go down there and document this shit. IT would make one hell of a magazine article.
>> No. 19038
Something tells me this won't end well for ADF.
>> No. 19039
What if /cwc/ was overran by trannies?
>> No. 19040
This guy is an asshole. Yes Jordman do an adf and tear down the community. Fuckin idiot.
>> No. 19041
Then /cwc/ would rule the world. hhhhhaaaaa-hhhhhaaaaa-hhhhhaaaaa-hhhhhaaaaa-hhhhhaaaaa
>> No. 19042
So does ADF have the guts to threaten someone in real life?
>> No. 19043
File 131924068249.jpg - (95.24KB , 537x720 , hotChiks.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
what if the sky was blue?

Alright then.
Trans groups need to be segregated in order for there to be any actual support value to them. If you're a mtf attending a group with a bunch of ftms, you're alienated simply by the fact that you're the only one interested in makeup-applying techniques and where to find shoes that fit your larger feet. Everyone else wants to know how to shave their face without cutting themselves. A topic you know well enough, but every time it comes up it's a reminder that you've lived someone else's life.

It's easy for gays and lesbians to support each other because they aren't there to talk about their sex lives, they're there to deal with the societal issues of bigotry and discrimination. But trans are specifically trying to help each other better represent their target gender, and that involves very personal discussion of private matters. As much as political unity would be helpful in the public realm, a coed group of trans individuals cannot effectively provide each other with the sense of community and advice that they need.

They have enough trouble just handling clowns like ADF and Jordman who treat the whole thing like a joke. Jordman could at least be mistaken for an ugly woman in some photos, but the lack of hygiene must give him away in person. ADF is just a trainwreck. He just declares himself female and wears a dirty pink wig and paints his dirty nails vomit green.
>> No. 19044
I don't understand why they aren't stricter with the likes of ADF and Jordman, like if you are harassing/bothering other members repeatedly or just causing pointless drama you get warned then banned.
>> No. 19045
just checking something.
<span class="spoiler" onmouseover="this.style.color='white';" onmouseout="this.style.color='black'">Haha yeah right.</span>
>> No. 19046
use [spoiler ] and [/spoiler ] except without spaces.
>> No. 19047
I kinda think you nailed that one.
>> No. 19048
thank you
>> No. 19049
File 131924581957.png - (91.47KB , 480x272 , snap112.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In b4 dat knack for offending people who try to help him.
>> No. 19050
Thats tomorrow. Jen is hot if anyone can help adf she can. Jen make me so hawney.
>> No. 19052
File 131925682630.jpg - (334.47KB , 1024x1454 , 105.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Er, then just give it a day or two
>> No. 19054
Basic guide for trannies for passing for /cwc/ user:

Want to delete a message? eg. trying spoiler and failing at it/wanting to rewrite a message because you typo'd? Click the little box in the left upper corner of your post, scroll to the end of the page, and on the right corner you see "delete"-button.

There are also some unwritten rules you should be aware of:

Want to post with a name? Insert your name to the "Name" field above the post. However, unless you have a point for doing so, you shouldn probably post as anonymous. These boards are "anonymous imageboards" for a reason. So unless you're someone who has contact to ADF (Rika/Inner Circle) or are considered a cool guy (Trey) or have known him and have something to contribute, you perhaps should stay anonymous. Keep in mind, not even all Inner Circle members "namefag", meaning they also post anonymously.

Others choose to "avatarfag", this means they attach certain images to their posts, like Hitler or Gaddafi. This is also frowned upon, unless you're Inner Circle or a known namefag like Gaddafi. Especially if you use anime pictures. Some here are very allergic to anime, maybe because the greatest shitposters here have used anime pictures and they have subconsciously associated anime with shitposting. Or maybe because /cwc/ has nothing to do with anime. You should be considerate of these people. I have anime reaction images, but I keep them in /a/ where they belong to.

Act like you represented all trannies. Be a good example, so good ADF could see you as a role model and become a better person if he acted like you did. And politics. This is something we all should know: No one gives a shit about politics. This sodomize event has caused many to shitpost, thinking their opinion matters. It doesn't.

And for the love of God, don't cry about misjustice or oppression. Though 789chan's users are mostly from America, we have posters from all over the world. Norway, Germany, Russia, Finland, Norway...They never ever cry about their local politics. Once we had a poster from Israel who was about to join the IDF. He didn't cry about terrorists shooting his cities with missiles. When you are about to whine about a nigger who said you're a man/some naughty poopoo head said sodomize Wallstreet is gay, remember you aren't getting shot at with missiles and they don't shoot at the protesters with live rounds.

Thank you.
>> No. 19055
>sodomize Wallstreet

Wordfilter, you card.
>> No. 19056
>He didn't cry about terrorists shooting his cities with missiles.

That's cause they're throwing what's basically bottle rockets at them.
>> No. 19057
Don't you try.
>> No. 19058
File 131929005497.png - (18.39KB , 627x316 , The pot and the kettle.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyway, does anyone have screencaps of ADF's bitchfits over Teruchan? They're kind of needed at the moment.
>> No. 19059
I know it's old drama, but . . .
>> No. 19060
File 131929096916.png - (23.82KB , 300x83 , header_logo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Want to delete a message? eg. trying spoiler and failing...
yes i guess i should have done that. (pic unrelated unless you are one of us whiney homo's)
>> No. 19061
It's okay, we are all newfags at first.
>> No. 19062

Did they call a toll truck for ADF? Assuming that's him in the video.
>> No. 19063
>Among the groups many and detailed demands were that police end their "stop and frisk policy,"

Terry stops, Terry frisks?
So if a cop sees someone acting in an incredibly suspicious manner, they should no longer be able to stop them and ask what the hell they're doing?
If the cop in the same situation has reasonable situation that there is danger, he can't patdown the outside of the person's clothes just to check simply for weapons?
>> No. 19064
File 131940247268.png - (18.92KB , 472x179 , busted_by_da_fuzz.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yep, that's him.
>> No. 19065

>>"racist, classist, ageist Emergency Curfew Law"
>>Emergency Curfew Laws


>> No. 19066
They forgot "sizeist".
>> No. 19067
>The group of 15 were blocking traffic
I thought ADF could have blocked traffic alone with his Sasuke diet.

But hey, that's great, maybe ADF will become a martyr now?

>list of demands did not speak for sodomize Philadelphia as a whole.
Even the sodomize even trolls him. No one wants him, trannies, cops or protesters.
>> No. 19068
File 13194055696.png - (21.63KB , 396x321 , Update- The group____1319405437255.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ahuviya was arrested and booked with the females due to an agreement. For being a martyr he sure likes to negotiate with the fuzz.
>> No. 19069
  Our Field Agents have been busy. Enjoy. Or not.
>> No. 19070
>> No. 19071
File 131940786810.jpg - (153.71KB , 600x450 , rally.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dat bald spot.
>> No. 19072
File 131940872474.jpg - (120.17KB , 600x450 , rally.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Highlighted it for you.

Did you take this photo?
>> No. 19073
Nah, the credit goes to the Field Agents.
>> No. 19074
File 131940931160.png - (7.52KB , 390x99 , adfacts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It would help if you could have gotten a higher resolution picture.

I’m very surprised that he was allowed to be in a female jail cell. I mean, he isn’t really a she, and it isn’t as if he’s gay. He still has a penis.

P.S. Today is the 23 October, not 24 October. I have no Wiki account so I can’t change this.
>> No. 19075
Oh, my bad. I'll change it. It's 24th here already.
>> No. 19076
File 131941572949.jpg - (113.31KB , 470x264 , 002.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Artists rendition of ADF with his crew.
>> No. 19077
I told you he'd be arrested.
>> No. 19078
Damn. Now, he will see this as solid street cred against the evil, established capitalist empire.
>> No. 19079
What photoshop filter is that?
>> No. 19080

If he was carrying "little sasuke" with him then he'll be detained a lot longer than 14 hours and they sure as shit won't put him with female prisoners since he's legally and physically a male.
>> No. 19081
Harel is staying for another 7 hours in custody. Don't expect it to be out now. It should be at least 6 am(UTC -4, october 24th) before it's released.
>> No. 19082
So, how does everyone think he's taking all this? Is he having the time of his life, acting like some big damn phony revolutionary while being belligerent to the police? Or is he a fucking coward and has been crying this whole time, now that he's in a situation where no one will take his bullshit and he might have to face some real consequences?
>> No. 19083

>Or is he a fucking coward and has been crying this whole time, now that he's in a situation where no one will take his bullshit and he might have to face some real consequences?

This, but, he will lie and claim the first once he gets out.
>> No. 19084
>Or is he a fucking coward and has been crying this whole time
He looked timid and very stressed in the video. It's possible he's been crying and shitting his pants once he got to taste that sweet sweet oppression. Just wait when he gets to the internet, he'll tell how he was nearly executed and he's a proud revolutionary hero.
>> No. 19085
Oh wow, is there any chance he might be held under a mental health act/involuntarily committed?
>> No. 19086

>>“A disproportionate number of police brutality victims are not just people of color but are members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. I myself as a transgender person, male to female, am afraid of the day when I will get beaten up by Philadelphia police.”

The police seemed pretty peaceful when him and others were blocking traffic
>> No. 19087
ADF is quickly trumping Chris as my favorite lolcow. This fucker produces! AND LOOK! YOU DON'T HAVE TO CONTROL HIS LIFE OR MONITOR HIS COMMUNICATION AND BABY HIM TO GET CONTENT!!
>> No. 19089
File 131943836932.gif - (3.63MB , 240x186 , Mannerheim like a boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Monitor his communication
Our agents in Riga searched the decrypted file with ADF's emails, and found an email from the host which had his password. So now, we are monitoring his email. But I promise, I won't ever delete anything you send him, even if it was another shitty attempt to whore a saga. No smokes or mirrors.

However, TheUnknownAutobot had sent him an email, and I deleted it. Just that I could tell him I had once again foiled his epic ween plans. I hope you can forgive me.

If you need his email for anything, it's in the email field. Enjoy!
>> No. 19090
File 131943860344.jpg - (199.68KB , 680x1024 , 6270769453_5852ff950b_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tranny Gear Solid: Puns of introMAN
>> No. 19091
Hahaha, that patch on his bag.
>> No. 19092
File 131943954528.png - (46.61KB , 493x415 , SEPTA_Discrimination.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Especially since he's had military clashes with mexican private military companies aka a hispanic janitor at the bus terminal.
>> No. 19093
File 131943954885.png - (32.08KB , 1109x417 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And as we promised before, we try to keep hoarding to the minimum. There isn't really much worth seeing, just trivial FB notifications of messages we already have an access to. Don't worry, we keep posting interesting messages to /cwc/ and the wiki as we have done before.

Getting his email was extremely easy. Our field agent knew the people who host and administrate the site, and ADF violated the terms of use so he had no right to have an account on the site in the first place.
>> No. 19094
introMAN is now my favorite namefag. Sorry jengatype.

Which bathroom does he use?
>> No. 19095
File 131943967555.png - (149.65KB , 600x546 , attraction sign.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19096
File 131944037782.png - (66.97KB , 1349x657 , Today there was an____1314099594673.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ADF tries to first find a neutral gendered bathroom(The type of bathroom where only one person can use it at a time). If that's not available he tries to use the female bathrooms. Last time we read ADF's red cross report on the dangerous connundrum of gendered bathrooms. He has had 4 incidences of stepping on landmines(aka people telling him he's going in to the wrong bathroom).

Some of these landmines included a homeless women and a hispanic janitor.
>> No. 19097
You're doing God's work, my friend.
>> No. 19098
Corny question. Is it easy to be able to friend ADF on his facebook? I want regular updates.
>> No. 19099
>Is it easy to be able to friend ADF on his facebook
Let's put it this way: He has never refused a friend invite.
>> No. 19100
I'm starting to legitimately hate this guy. It's one thing to be a drama queen because most people think it's creepy that such a poorly presented tranny is using the women's bathroom, but he's got to make up these fucking LARP stories all the time.

Where are all the fat black hoodrat chicks when you need them? He needs a good ass whoopin.
>> No. 19101
File 131944138129.png - (646.56KB , 645x753 , N_Philly_Basketball_Incident.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's funny because no one could have seen ADF is a tranny because he looks like (and is) a man.
>> No. 19102
Maybe they thought he was a FTM. But that would be giving ADF too much credit and would be an insult to real FTM who actually try, unlike him.
>> No. 19103
It could just be his ridiculous communist army clothes with pink wig.
>> No. 19104
Or... it's possible some children were playing basketball, and one threw it to another, but he missed and it hit that window accidentally, and ADF just assumed it was a vicious attack on him.

Or he could be making the whole thing up since we don't see anyone in the picture.
>> No. 19105
File 131945283688.png - (142.31KB , 846x720 , adf-fb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
did someone start a new Ahuviya page of FB?
>> No. 19106
That page is months old, I don't know what it's for though.
>> No. 19107
Wonder if the idiot will be getting an anal enlargement procedure done at the roundhouse (police station for the non-local reader)
>> No. 19108
Well he's at the female jail so probably not.
>> No. 19109
I'm having hard time trying to comprehend why they would have put him in female jail. I have a theory:

The male jail was full but they still had empty female cells. Then they arrested the autistic tranny who started s­perging he's a woman. After laughing at his face, the police decided they could as well throw him to female jail.
>> No. 19110
I'm guessing they just didn't want any bad publicity or lawsuits.
>> No. 19112
File 131946674466.jpg - (60.11KB , 315x315 , skeptic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Throw a guy in male jail
>bad publicity or lawsuit
This has be some "America" thing again.
>> No. 19113
What if adf runs into one of them ckick's with a dick. I've heard talk about them.
>> No. 19114
I'm guessing the whole MtF tranny self-identification (impossible to tell by non-batshit-insane individuals) led the police to assume ADF was a FtM, hence still biologically female, and put "her" in a female jail cell.
>> No. 19115
i thought each person would get a stip and dip during processing.
>> No. 19116
i think there's a simpler answer; the police don't want to be the target of a discrimination lawsuit by a transgender group due to the mishandling of a lunatic buffoon. So if they arrest a handful of those anarchist protesters and they claim that one of them is transgendered, why would they gives a fuck in what cell he goes?
>> No. 19117
File 131947131691.png - (60.60KB , 466x513 , ADF's arrest.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF was put in a Men's jail. I guess the cops did confuse him for a Ftm
>> No. 19118
File 131947139170.png - (1.28KB , 153x200 , thoughtful.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd think that every single legitimate tranny wants to disassociate him/her/itself from ADF. Actually, I think standing up for ADF would be bad publicity because a quick googling reveals what hideous human shaped pile of shit he is. But yeah, still.

>> No. 19119
File 131947187884.gif - (4.99MB , 400x220 , Hitler laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I might sue the city for treating a man like a man
Haha, oh wow. If he did that, he would be homeless again in no time. He can barely afford cosplay (judging by how shitty it is) and estrogen bimonthly at the best. Imagine him going to court wearing his pink cumwig and waving a red flag. You know he can't dress properly, seriously, if a single picture of ADF wearing clothes normal human beings wear, I'll eat my shit stained computer chair. Even Chewbacca Defence couldn't make him win the case.

Oh yeah, and those bombing threats and McCain shooting fantasies might come to haunt him.
>> No. 19120
Here we go, the cops saw the dick and treated his fat assburger's ass accordingly. For the police, this is a lose-lose situation: If he's sent to a woman cell, they will claim the hazard of sexual violence. If he goes in a man cell, he's discriminated. This is one of the things that irks me from the Liberal types; their capacity to find something to be oppressed in anything.
>> No. 19121
Was it really necessary to block a highway instead of say peacefully protesting outside a police station or something?
>> No. 19122
you know what he could have done to make sure he didn't have to worry about what section of jail he was in. HE COULD HAVE NOT BROKEN THE FUCKING LAW
>> No. 19123
That's crazy talk. As a fearless revolutionary, it's his duty to fight the oppressive capitalist regime by any means necessary. If those means are just sitting around and doing nothing, then so be it! It's the responsibility of everyone else to make sure his special needs are met.

I must say though, ADF once again undermines everything the protesters are trying to accomplish by simply being there. Those people were trying to make a statement of how the police use excessive force, and the worst thing this freak can complain about while being arrested is not being put in the specific jail he wanted. So now the media can spin the story by saying that not only do the police not brutalize protesters, they even attempt to make concessions to the needs of the transgendered.
>> No. 19124
he cock-blocked Maria because making him have offspring is "emasculating" him. he won't sexually rape any of the women in his cell. Mentally, emotionally, or ideologically, on the other hand...

>I might sue the city for it
shit, I would pay to see that trial in person.

>He can barely afford cosplay (judging by how shitty it is)
He could be a millionaire and his cosplay would still be shit because he has no taste. It'd just be appallingly expensive shit.

but that would mean not giving the police an opportunity to prove him right about how sexist/sizist/ageist/racist/captialist they are by having to sort out a legal mindfuck like him. basically he instigated a situation for the purpose of proving his point, which would otherwise be a strawman.
>> No. 19125
File 13194875618.png - (11.34KB , 452x66 , ADFSasukeEvolution's Channel - YouTube_131948.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Certain trolls have told me that they think ADF is gangbanging. Here's an east side blood gang symbal. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2297/2152523025_d0d848555c.jpg Than look at the image I uploaded. I think ADF might be a blood.

Here's what BLOODS mean. "Brotherly Love Over Oppression and. Destruction" It sounds like something ADF would write.
>> No. 19126

>"Brotherly Love Over Oppression and. Destruction" It sounds like something ADF would write.


>> No. 19127

Not to mention he'd actually have to prove he's transgendered, which he can't. Aside from the fact that's he's still legally a male and hasn't done anything to change that status, there's the fact that he has no documentable proof that he's even been trying to transition. Deviantart journal entries and crossdressing don't count in court. No sane lawyer would take on his case, especially not for free.
>> No. 19128
Or, you know, he just chose a new style of a red star he thought looked cool.
>> No. 19129
File 13194906593.png - (346.29KB , 1714x648 , commentsDawnMunro.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is some typical Philly tranny talk about adf
>> No. 19130
File 131949070311.jpg - (24.43KB , 320x320 , adfCommie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is the pic they reference at the end.
>> No. 19131
Hey it's that Transpanther Zion guy again, isn't he a friend of Jordman?
>> No. 19132
New here, aren't ya? ^_^
>> No. 19133
File 13195214152.jpg - (78.27KB , 640x440 , latviesupropagand.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or maybe that post was a joke. It isn't a big secret that the USSR used the red star, and ADF being a huge fan thought it would look cool on his channel.
>> No. 19134
File 131952744546.png - (39.94KB , 518x416 , torturous slander.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I noticed when you search for ADF in Facebook, you get ADFki.
>> No. 19135
File 131953009521.png - (116.52KB , 384x364 , 1305448910558.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love this
>> No. 19137
File 131953609370.jpg - (32.31KB , 413x395 , 1319535563360.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, ANYONE can post on ADF's fan page. Anyone wanna stop by and give ADF the attention he craves? Hint, hint.
>> No. 19138
  Someone made a WHAT IF demonstration of ADF being oppressed by an imperialist aggressor. (Personally I think he would rather start squeeling or something.)
>> No. 19139
Does anyone have that troll /new/ style comic of ADF trying to go to WC for women?
>> No. 19140
File 131957980953.png - (51.46KB , 549x640 , Girls of Gaming 3 - Page 096.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

pic unrelated
>> No. 19141
ADF really has no idea how the law works, does he?
>> No. 19142

>> No. 19143
File 131958972737.jpg - (59.67KB , 600x409 , 1299830344723.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Certain trolls have told me that they think ADF is gangbanging.

Oh god, I read that so wrong.
>> No. 19144
Same here, I never hear people use that term in a street gang-sense anymore
>> No. 19145
>> No. 19146
Surprised adf hasn't posted anything about his "time in prison".
>> No. 19147
Imagine his disappointment that no one tried to rape him.
>> No. 19148
He's probably trying to figure out how much cash he can try to get out of the city for the "Crime Against His Womanhood."
>> No. 19149
So has anyone from the transgroup heard him talk about his time in prison yet?
>> No. 19150
In jail (detention), not in prison.
>> No. 19151
Prison, jail, gaul, now your just being pedantric.
>> No. 19152
File 131965431496.png - (39.65KB , 838x982 , adf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19153
He was in for less than a day. Odds are he sat in the lobby with a bunch of other people while they watched TV and waited to be processed. After filling out a bunch of paperwork they'd go back to the waiting room until they were released with a notice to appear.
Jails are over-crowded already and they aren't going to book someone and throw them in general-pop for shitty misdemeanors that won't result in anything more than a fine/community service.
If you too would like to experience ADF's jail adventure just head on down the the local free health clinic or ghetto-hospital and sit in the waiting room for half a day. Jails are usually cleaner and less crowded than those places too.
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