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No. 19154
  So, erm... Have we given up on TheUnknownAutobot, /cwc/? Because, if so, that's a damn shame.
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>> No. 19156
He tries way too hard.
>> No. 19157
You could argue TheUnknownAutobot is the next step in the evolution of tards like A-Log.

He's sort of taken the Troll Hunter's schtick but is being deadly serious with it, speaking out against trolls and cyberbullies, whereas the Troll Hunter kind of threw the audience a knowing wink that he wasn't really taking all this seriously and really, was just trying to troll Chris too, in a different way.
>> No. 19158
>He's sort of taken the Troll Hunter's schtick but is being deadly serious with it, speaking out against trolls and cyberbullies

That's because The Unknown Autobot himself is ripe for trolling and mockery and is all too aware of it. He only cares because it affects him directly.
>> No. 19159
Then he goes all "They're just trolling me because I help innocent victims of trolling!"
>> No. 19160

And then all the tards stick up for him, because he's their hero, and he's able to surround himself with an army of persons...

Goddamn, if you look at it that way, The Unknown Autobot is actually a Machiavellian genius.
>> No. 19161
File 13181701241.png - (85.07KB , 207x191 , oogie-boogie.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, well, well, what have we here?

>> No. 19162
It's funny. I was about to say we could make him ED article by copy+pasting ALog's article, but first we'd have to find UnknownAutobot's furshit.
>> No. 19163
File 131817165110.jpg - (182.91KB , 1200x760 , 1302876284_anthos_1302843131_dreamersdestiny_ponya.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Yes... I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a brony. And here now is my Equestrian form... a quixotic adventurer with a brave heart and a huge sword, who considers himself champion to both Pinkie Pie and Rarity... though Rarity only considers him a dear friend, Pinkie Pie is too busy bouncing around Ponyville to care, and Spike has filed Silverflash here under "Romantic Rival." Still, the four-legged knight errant can be counted on in a time of need, and is perhaps the only pony in all of Equestria who isn't scared to death of the Everfree Forest.
>> No. 19164
>>I may not be a father IRL, but I've RPed in the role of a parent many a time, and I generally consider myself a Friend To All CHildren.

Ah ha ha ha ha!!
>> No. 19165
>>O.O Bizzaro Anthos, or What I COULD Have Become...
...had I not decided to get a job, learn some basic social skills, or had the ability to adapt (though slowly and painfully, I must admit) to my current environment.

Hairy Balls Of Rassilon, is THIS what I might have turned out to be?

By now, I'm sure some of you with at least passing knowledge of 4chan or the Internet in general have heard of "Sonichu," a rather poorly-drawn and badly-written webcomic created by a resident of the state of Virginia name of Christian Weston Chandler... being the curious sort I am, I stumbled across the Sonichu page on TVTropes, as is my wont... and holy STUFF, did I uncover a right can of worms.

This dude is ten months my senior... we were born in the same year, he in February of 1982 and I in November of that year. Like me, he possibly has that "weird-kid condition" known as Apersoner's Syndrome, though CWC will swear up and down that he's autistic and "Aspies" like me give autistic folk like him a bad name. And like me, he is a collosal Man Child... video games, action figures, take your pick.

But thank the Allspark that THAT is where the similarities end. Good LORD, this fella's health and hygiene are straight "ka-ka nasty," to use my "Mah-Maw" Maxine's vernacular. His rage issues trump mine by a long shot... I stopped throwing constant hissy-fits when I joined the Navy. And more to the point, he's got ALOT to learn about interacting with folk, treating others with respect and engaging in behaviors that will make him ATTRACTIVE, not REPELLANT to women.

But I can't help but thinking to myself, "SELF! That could have been YOU! In fact, it still might be if you don't get yourself out from under the roof of your OWN parents..." At least I have a job, minimum-wage though it might be. And I don't drive women away by loitering about places, holding up a sign advertising my services as a potential mate. I've cut back on large portions of fatty foods and caffienated drinks, and I shower regularly- in fact, working in the food-service industry, it's a virtual pre-requisite.

But yeah... this Sonichu-fella. HOLY SHIT. I don't know whether to take pity on this guy or join the Internet Hate Machine in saying he's a waste of oxygen. My fellow FAers... your thoughts?
>> No. 19166
File 131817198724.jpg - (4.93KB , 144x198 , 169554.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19167
Oh man, he really is the archetypal nerdy failure.

28-years-old, fat, single obsessed with childish things like Transformers, anime and My Little Pony, Apersoner's syndrome and to top it all off, working at McDonalds.

Goddamn. God damn.
>> No. 19168
Someone ought to introduce this guy to A-Log. They'd get on like a house on fire.
>> No. 19169
*sighs* And then my muffler decides to quit muffling.

A minor inconvenience, you say? I'm flat broke 'til payday and I've no interest in getting pulled over. SO I ask you, good people of FA... throw this Autobot a bone? If have you ANYTHING to spare, even a dollar or two, I'd appreciate it.

My PayPal is [email protected] And if ya do this thing for me, I promise you will be recognized for your kindness and generosity.
>> No. 19170
File 131817271352.jpg - (109.48KB , 518x777 , 1252433524_anthos_dsc02278.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> This pic's a little dated, (taken in December of '07) but I consider it to be the best pic of me... <w< So now you bozos can know what I look like without the silver skin and such... I DO have the Badass Longcoat and the long hair, at least.

> So what say you? Am I cute?

I take this means that his outfit on youtube is his actual fursona or something.
>> No. 19171
Oh, we gotta find this:

>>Oy... ya know, it really blows when the two most important girls in your life suddenly decide you're slag on a sillicon wafer... I'm sure you've heard of my falling-out with the girl I once called Sparkmate. Well, she decided to rant about how much of an asshole I really am... suffice to say that didn't make me too happy.
>> No. 19172
File 131817279637.jpg - (251.24KB , 1002x1280 , 1316781245_kiddenkatt_1316571910_conejoblanco_kone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found from his favourites.
>> No. 19173
File 131817304293.png - (43.86KB , 280x260 , ForeverAutobot.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Soapbox time again, gentles... doesn't it seem like this is always the case for us nerdboys? We're usually the Dogged Nice Guy in a relationship- we adore a beautiful, intelligent girl deservedly, and have done so for a very long time... and put up with being "just friends," watching our unrequited sweetheart date an endless procession of every flavor of ego-stroked douchebag imaginable. Some of us eventually break through the clutter of ultra-choads and wind up with the girl... sadly, most of us get so fed up with being ignored in favor of the "bad boy," despite most such relationships ending in disaster (or worse), that we finally throw up our hands when the girl finally shows up on our doorstep, saying "Screw you, honey... THAT ship has sailed."

>Believe me, I've been there. Part of the reason I don't do monogamy anymore... why waste time pining over the ignorant dame when there are so many out there who would actually APPRECIATE a dude what opens doors, pulls out chairs and keeps his profanity on a leash instead of a constant barrage of Cluster F-Bombs... a guy who provides not only a fun romp in the sack, but a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear.

>So to you gents who know a girl you'd love to date, but she passes ya up for the fella with the washboard abs and the six-figure income... keep on keepin' on, boys. If she doesn't come to her senses and realize that Mr. Right was staring her in the face, you bozos will find someone that will. And that's an Autobot/Time Lord guarantee.

Confirmed nice guy.
>> No. 19174
Fucking e-beggars.
>> No. 19175
His journal never stops giving...!

>>That's right, kids... Rule 63. Even I'm not safe from it... and ya know what? I love it. I can say with absolute conviction that I make a hot chick. Most guys'd probably balk at the idea of being stripped of their masculinity... but I'm more in touch with my feminine side than most dudes.

And there's even poetry!
>> No. 19176
Seen the list of furry fandom 'trophies', which is basically a checklist of his various perversions?
>> No. 19177
I really don't get the logic behind this guy. If you're going to style yourself as a 'troll hunter' or whatever, an occupation where you're going to come up against people who'll criticise you, surely you should make your embarrassing secrets fairly clandestine and not post them somewhere they can be easily accessed by a simple Google search?
>> No. 19178
Found the female furry who broke his heart by cutting off the fursona cybersex: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/trixiefaerie/
>> No. 19179

What the fuck does he mean in the Navy? Was this slob actually in the US Navy?
I find that hard to believe somehow.
>> No. 19180
Be sure to read the comments on her journal where they bicker back and forth... Here's a taste:

You toyed with my emotions. I thought everything was okay, then you throw me under the bus again... because I BORE you? Have fun being a lonely teenage girl pining for men who wouldn't give you the time of day. You had good love and a caring mate, and you tossed him aside and spat in his face.

You did to me what your father did to you... one lame-ass-excuse after another, then you were gone.

So stop trying to throw a pity-party for yourself. You betrayed me, end of story. Stop trying to turn people against me... is this what you call moving on?

I loved you once... but I've replaced it with hatred and bitterness. Don't ever come near me, the TKT Forums or FA ever again... find somewhere else to be a smug, pretentious teenager who thinks the world revolves around her. Come back to me when you grow up. IF you grow up.
>> No. 19181
Daybreak, Jakarta. The proud men and women of the Navy are protecting America's interests overseas, but you're in Lubbock, Texas hosing down a statue, because your in the Naval Reserve. Once you complete basic training, you only work one weekend a month, and most of that time you're drunk off your ass.

The Naval Reserve: America's 17th line of defense, between the Mississippi National Guard and the American League of Women Voters.
>> No. 19182
His furry ex:
>> No. 19183
>commitment just isn't me, ESPECIALLY when you KNEW that I still had a desire to experiment and explore...

My money's on him wanting a 3 way. With another man.
>> No. 19184
Well, my boy-virginism is getting the better of me yet again... Seems to me the kind of pretty boys I like are like parking spaces... all the good ones are taken. So in my desperation, I've made an entire harem of former sex-slaves, many of whom adore my author-surrogate, Anthos the Crimson Impulse... a mech among furs. Who knew?

>I'm starting to lose hope. Am I EVER gonna find a cute boy to snuggle and treat like a prince?

Yep. You were right.
>> No. 19185
Please keep in mind that TheUnknownAutobot also attempted to sever the only tie we have with Chris just so he could become an EPIN WEEN TROLL, and might have sent Chris into a permanent dry spell if he wasn't so retarded.
>> No. 19187
Any more information about that? Sounds interesting.
>> No. 19188
If I remember correctly he sent a letter to Chris and explained that the dox he has on trolls isn't real or something like that.

Chris figured out it was a plan to troll him and contacted thorg about it.
>> No. 19189
And when you're outsmarted by Chris-chan, you know you suck.
>> No. 19191
File 131818403037.gif - (1.55MB , 450x253 , shocked-spit-out-drink_o_gifsoup_com.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 19192
  HA HA HA, OH WOW - The Video.
>> No. 19193
  He looks and acts exactly like this other fatty, but I really doubt it's the same guy.
>> No. 19194
File 131826770374.png - (67.94KB , 304x847 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, he sounds like a retard, maybe I should check his channel to further convince myself of his retardation
And then, the three first comments are furfaggotry and Intellectual Checkmate.
>> No. 19195
>> No. 19196

And it's still not as embarrassing as Unknown Autobot...
>> No. 19197
I like this Captain Crazy chap. He actually made me laugh, which is more than TheUnknownAutobot's ever done.
>> No. 19198
File 131827651760.jpg - (73.65KB , 400x500 , judi-dench-riddick.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sometimes, the only way to conquer evil is to fight it with... Another kind of evil.
>> No. 19199
  Oh hey, Chris isn't the only one who's stolen that song. Though autobot actually understands the message and thinks that instead, the best way to deal with trolls is to feed them. Go figure.
>> No. 19201
I hate that song so much.

The sound of that guy's voice is disgusting. This doughy, white neckbeard whining out the high notes and feeling unbelievably clever and accomplished.
>> No. 19203
Did he get kicked out for his faggotry? Or did he leave because he couldn't take it?

To be honest, I can't imagine this little piggy putting up with all the gruelling physical exertion required for a navy post.
>> No. 19205
File 131835120632.jpg - (15.51KB , 298x359 , Smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or would you say, a flipping burger?
>> No. 19207
Ha, it's nice to know he's throwing around his little 'I was in the navy' card, even though he wasn't even anything admirable or badass. He wasn't some noble admiral or courageous marine.

He was a cook, hidden away in the hull of the ship, peeling spuds.
>> No. 19209
Didn't Chris ALSO work at Wendy's?
And have an obsession with a girl named Megan?


But seriously, I want to punch this guy in the face.
>> No. 19212
Guys, like he said, just sit back and watch the fireworks, no need to shoot some off yourself.

Just trust him on this.
>> No. 19213
Guys, like I said, just sit back and watch the fireworks, no need to shoot some off yourself.

Just trust me on this.
>> No. 19214


trust him or trust you. I guess since your 2 posts are identical except for that you are the same poster and you were talking in the 3rd person in one?
>> No. 19215
I suspect this anon of BEING TheUnknownAutobot.
>> No. 19216

How does that count as being outsmarted by Chris? Chris assumes everything is an effort to troll him due to Pavlovian conditioning, yet confides in the only people in a position to continue trolling him.

Jessica Rabbit isn't a furry, but it does make TheUnknownAutobot a toon fapper and further convinces me that he's A-Log's long lost twin brother.
>> No. 19217

There was a double post saying "like I said" before >>108951 posted "like he said", they've been deleted, apparently.
>> No. 19218
I gave you a chance. You didn't last an hour. Tsk, tsk, Anthony.
>> No. 19220

And who the fuck are you again?
>> No. 19221

Who the fuck are you?
>> No. 19222

You should just delete your post. I feel so embarrassed for you.
>> No. 19223
What the fuck is goin' on in this thread?
>> No. 19224

congratulations. you fucked things up. please stop trying to troll.

fuck it, all of you stop trying to troll. you're not good at it and you can't fucking organize shit on an imageboard anyway.
>> No. 19225
How the fuck to do you expect to troll someone on a public image board that they actually read?

How do you think a laggard like TheUnknownAutobot found out about Chris?

He was one of you /cwc/.
He was one of you.
>> No. 19226
D'you mind telling me what's going on?
>> No. 19228

someone fucked everything up in a pathetic attempt to troll. that's all you need to know.
>> No. 19230
TheUnknownAutobot reads /cwc/

What the fuck were you thinking? That you could troll him from here? You guys can't even troll Chris who is probably the easiest mark on the net.

/cwc/ should close its doors in shame.
>> No. 19231
Is that you, Anthony?
>> No. 19232

TheUnknownAutobot is also a furry, and furries are known as 'Babbys First Trolling' for a reason, namely because you can sit there and announce "Hey moron, I'm going to troll you. This is how I intend to troll you. Ok, here I come, come to troll you!", and it will still work.
>> No. 19233

Yeah, except nobody said they were doing anything to troll you, except for you with your samefagging Anthony. Big fat niggerdicks are still coming your way, it's just not being talked about here, obviously.
>> No. 19234
The fuck happened in this thread?
Is "Anthony" = TheUnknownAutobot?
>> No. 19235
TheUnknownAutobot's real name is Anthony Christian Bapst.

Funny, really, when you consider he shares his names with two other lolcows, A-Log and Chris-chan.
>> No. 19236

Do we have enough shit on TheUnknownAutobot to dox him?
>> No. 19237
I don't think so. Quick, somebody become his Blanca!
>> No. 19238
I did a Whitepages search.
It said his phone number is (517) 543-3856
Mailing Address
6870 Lakeview Dr
Bellevue, MI 49021-9486
There is only 1 Anthony Bapst in the United States, and he lives in Michigan. In a previous thread someone said that he had a Michigan accent.
>> No. 19239
File 131848136376.png - (680.96KB , 1349x988 , Lansing State Journal-News_1318481225251.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You are correctomundo good sir!
>> No. 19240
  Congrats girl, you get to ride with Neckbeards!
>> No. 19241
Is that the female Ickyris?
>> No. 19242
So, he's part of a group opposing Internet trolls, yet is only too happy to divulge his real name, despite 'Bapst' being a very unusual name, thus marking him out.

Smart guy.
>> No. 19243
'Bapst'? What is that, Greek?
>> No. 19244

You forgot that he's a fucking troper too.
>> No. 19245
He uses tropes so often in his FurAffinity journal it's painful.
>> No. 19246
It could be a contraction of the name 'Baptist'.
>> No. 19247
What part of "stop trying to troll him, you guys fucking suck" do you not understand?
>> No. 19248
File 131851355037.jpg - (79.40KB , 450x600 , 1315794572631.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah guys, quit digging up easily exploitable and highly embarrassing tidbits on this boy who has clearly stated his intention to fight trolling head on, you're obviously not very good at it...
>> No. 19249

What part of "Hi Anthony, go suck a dog's dick" do you not understand?
>> No. 19250

is that julian assange in the background
>> No. 19251
It sounds like your boy-virginism is getting the better of you yet again.
>> No. 19252
It saddens me that this faggotry all spawned from something that was obviously just a joke someone was making, trying to troll Chris-chan.

But these spurgs, naive fuckheads that they are, assumed he was serious and so created trollbusting personas of their own and fucked everything up and now it's a giant ball of faggotry.
>> No. 19253
File 13185242238.jpg - (33.21KB , 520x306 , 1295922268_anthos_sonic_scattergun.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guys, I don't think we should be messing with TheUnknownAutobot. He is armed, after all.

>I am particularly proud of this piece... my first customized Nerf blaster, the Sonic Scattergun! Based on the Nerf N-Strike Barrel Break IX-2, I've taken it and modelled its new appearance on the "sonic blaster" that has appeared in the new series of Doctor Who (in the hands of both Captain Jack Harkness and River Song)... it isn't visible in this pic, but it even includes a tactical-light mounted above the barrels, made from a Tenth Doctor Sonic Screwdriver flashlight! Basecoated her in black, with Boltgun Metal for the topcoat and drybrushed highlights in Mithril Silver.

>As stated, I'm VERY proud of this piece... now I just need a holster for her.
>> No. 19254

Asspies are notorious for not being able to understand humor, what can you expect.
>> No. 19255
It's all aspies and furfags who want to stand up to the trols, rather than, y'know, examine the reasons they might get trolled in the first place and stop doing that shit.
>> No. 19256
  Was it already posted? If not, it is now.

>Well, apparently trying to HELP Chris was a bad idea... too many jackasses convinced I'm just another troll. Well, rather than convince them otherwise, I'm just goin' to take one last stab at the Internet's Very Own Village Idiot before turning him to my rudder, ne'er to return.
>> No. 19257
The troll hunter was pretty funny. These other jack asses ruin everything he was doing.

I am still ashamed he was on that sonichu panel at some con, though. He was better than getting roped in with those painfully unfunny faggots.
>> No. 19258
the comments for this video are great. I can't believe he took trollbuster seriously it boggles my mind
>> No. 19259
File 131853002353.jpg - (6.16KB , 300x300 , 31XqgI78G1L__SL500_AA300_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is he playing a Nerf Mace?
>> No. 19260
What version of the Skyrim theme is being played in the UnknownAutobot's section of this video?

I kinda like it.
>> No. 19261
  You rage, you lose...
>> No. 19262
Anthony, if you're reading this, I'll make a deal with you.

The trolling will cease, but only on the condition that you first cut up your Yawning Squirtle medallion and shove it up your ass, making sure that you record it and take pictures for posterity. And, while you do it, I want you to scream really loud, "Trollbusting to the extreme!"
>> No. 19263
Is it possible he's trolling those viewing his videos?

The background noise is louder than he is, makes it hard to make out what he's saying. Not to mention the cheap attempt to offer his "protection" to Hannah Minx. Everything about him is so irksome. He looks clean enough, but something about his face just makes me think he smells or some reason.

He tries so hard to sound intelligent, but the overdramatic way he says everything, the way he tries to sound like an expert when speaking about things everyone knows, and the arbitrary and awkward place of video and sound clips all suggest to me he's chewing on some ass burgers.
>> No. 19264
I don't know how he makes the audio quality of his videos so poor.
I bought a $4 microphone a few years ago that sounds infinitely better than whatever he's using to record. He sounds like one of those guys who've had their larynx removed and have to speak through a metal tube.
>> No. 19265
It sounds like the gain on the preamp is too high.
>> No. 19266
why do people make posts like this one?
>> No. 19267
  We haven't heard much from TheUnknownAutobot in a while... D'you suppose he's given up?
>> No. 19268
File 131877267599.png - (9.92KB , 590x65 , Hiding From The Trolls.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19269
File 131884923322.png - (15.07KB , 618x189 , TUA.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You ding dang dirty trolls are just after TheUnknownAutobot's e-fame!
>> No. 19270
Thorg, you need to repost Autobot's letter to Chris.
>> No. 19271

Seconded. I can't find a copy anywhere.
>> No. 19272
File 13188507159.png - (414.81KB , 353x500 , The Fag And The Fatass.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't quite believe that TheUnknownAutobot is real. He's the spitting image of A-Log. For a while, I was convinced they were the same guy.

It's eerie how uncanny the resemblance is. They could be brothers.
>> No. 19273
>For a while, I was convinced they were the same guy.
This. The same autistic smugness. I...I think I just didn't want to believe two different people so full of fail could exist.
>> No. 19274
It was the voices that gave it away. TheUnknownAutobot has a nasal, whiny voice and a Michigan accent. A-Log has a New York accent and a jowly, throaty voice. Both are equally smug, though.
>> No. 19275
I think one of the funniest parts of UnknownAutobot trolling was when he was told the letter he sent Chris was stolen, and he ranted in blind rage how the dang elitists that don't know how to troll don't let anyone have fun. It was like Sagechu and ALog combined.
>> No. 19276
I'm working on an ED page for this douche as we speak. I don't know if it'll ever see the light of day, though.

To be honest, to make an ED page on TheUnknownAutobot, you also have to create one for The Troll Hunter, if only so people who aren't familiar with CWC trolling can understand a lot of what he's talking about. He mentions The Troll Hunter quite often as well as parroting words like 'Hopequeduct' and such.

Like most persons, he has no originality to him. He merely takes things that others have done and mashes them together. Sonichu is a great example of this sort of behaviour, but at least Chris had the decency to just mash two copyrighted concepts together, Sonic and Pikachu.

TheUnknownAutobot, however is an Autobot/Jedi Knight/Timelord/Brony/Trollbuster.
>> No. 19277
Don't forget furry.
>> No. 19278
And Doctor Who fanboy.
>> No. 19279
never watched even one of his videos, dont know a single fact about him... he is not CWC, so i dont give a fuck about him... he has done NOTHING to cwc either, so no interest... delete this thread at once and never speak about him again.

>> No. 19280
1. He's part of the annoying little clique created in the wake of Troll Hunter.

2. He mailed a letter to Chris trying both to sabotage the current saga by telling Chris that he was being trolled, and take control of Chris and start his own saga by urging him to go to his youtube channel and do as he said.

He holds the distinction of being one of the only trolls so stupid Chris saw through him, and passed the letter on to Thorg and Tito.
>> No. 19281
File 131885748886.jpg - (18.23KB , 307x488 , 728a2ac5-d281-4ed6-8895-6acb5a2243fc_Full.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so he had no impact on chris... good reason to delete this thread... its even worse than ADF threads.

>> No. 19282
File 131885763427.jpg - (251.55KB , 1024x2142 , the-joker-jossielara-2040271327.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For me, there's only one real reason for trolling anyone - would it be funny?

I think, in the Unknown Autobot's case, the answer is a resounding yes.
>> No. 19283

He contacted Chris and made a total tard of himself. He also flew into a tard rage about the trolls being elitists keeping Chris for themselves when he found out they had his letter, believing they'd "intercepted it" and Chris never saw it.

That, on top of his ridiculous costume and videos make him a lolcow, and thus worthy of discussion here.

The exact opposite of some whiny twat obsessively posting a celebrity no one gives a shit about. I'd rather all your posts be deleted, honestly.
>> No. 19284
File 131886498188.jpg - (37.33KB , 500x485 , 88.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

haha oh boy.
>> No. 19285

>go to lolcow and chris discussion board
>insist that everyone stop talking about lolcows that aren't chris
>minor things about chris shouldn't be discussed either

so, in essence, you don't want to be here. you're free to leave, you know.
>> No. 19286

You're being trolled, just stop talking to him.
>> No. 19287
actually, you're being trolled. figure it out, tough guy.
>> No. 19288
Link to these accusations?
>> No. 19289
Sorry, bro, I don't have one. I've got a link to some friendly crustaceans, though. Here...

>> No. 19290
That's your solution to everything: to move under the sea. It's not gonna happen.
>> No. 19292
  I'll just leave this here...
>> No. 19293
File 131895930236.jpg - (74.01KB , 433x991 , Autobot the comic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19294
File 131895995059.jpg - (13.32KB , 280x210 , Karzai.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So now we gotta deal with one faggot trying to get a saga about trolling a faggot that wants a saga.

Fuck you guys. Seriously.
>> No. 19295

That dude may possibly be more of a tryhard than the Unknown Autobot.
>> No. 19296
File 131896359681.jpg - (21.92KB , 259x194 , Butt Hurt Personal Injury Lawyers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anthony, is that you?
You might want to give these guys a call...
>> No. 19297
I think this is the unknown autobot, creating a 'nemesis' for himself, or some buttmad weirdo from a forum he used to be on. At any rate, this can be ignored to be honest.
>> No. 19298
I'm sure you'd like that, Anthony, but no. Man up and admit that this dude has some dirt on you - dirt which, apparently, you've been only too happy to provide for him, like the attention-seeking furfag that you are.
>> No. 19299

No, I'm not unknown autobot. It's just this guy talks like he wants to be EPIC WEEN so hard it hurts him

If you are to troll somebody, don't talk like a faggot while doing it.
>> No. 19300
You made that video, didn't you?
>> No. 19301
I think this is a very interesting development. I don't know if what the guy's talking about is true, but Jesus, I hope it is. And I want to know more.

What was that about diapers? And TheUnknownAutobot shoving a potato in his butt?
>> No. 19302
>Have we given up on TheUnknownAutobot, /cwc/?
Who cares about this idiot?
>> No. 19303
Whoever controls the 'ALogIsAHuegFaggot' account is obviously in on it.

Knowing that same man frequents /cwc/, I'd like to ask him to please drop this retarded gimmick now, and not become a parody of a parody of a parody. I know we'd all love our very own saga and you think this is you're way to get one but... no.
>> No. 19304

The people who post in this thread, fucktard.
>> No. 19305
File 131896581514.png - (9.44KB , 522x127 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Continuation from the Troll Hunter thread. Autobot is still mad as fuck.
>> No. 19306
>> No. 19307
File 131896619911.png - (202.42KB , 501x352 , Dat goddamn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dat tinfoil hat
>> No. 19308
TheUnknownAutobot posted this, a transcript of a conversation he had with what he calls a 'failtroll' on his FurAffinity account. It's worth noting that the 'troll' in question merely expressed a negative opinion about anime on the channel of someone called Otakuman29. This, apparently, was enough to inspire TheUnknownAutobot on a little e-crusade...

Nice username, Miss Manners... yeah, you're definitely a troll.

Welcome to being ON NOTICE by the Trollbusters. My lord the Troll Hunter is gonna LOVE you, buddy-boy.

Lol, you think you're doing something important on the internet. How cute!

Judging from your videos, you're a fat queerbait that can't even contend with my skills. Don't even try, I'm a killa on the mic and a made man on the streets.

Haters like you make me laugh, because you can't do shit either on or off the internet so you fixate on me. Go back to playing dungeons and dragons with your other fat loser friends while I write some rhymes that'll get me covered in hot asian bitches.

You actually think I'm only targetting you? Oh, that's precious...

"Well, idn't that cute.... BUT IT'S WRONG!!!"

And at least I showcase MY work, such as it is. What do YOU have to show for your "talent," eh? Besides the swagger of an overconfident jackass and the social niceties of a spidermonkey in heat?

You know, instead of wasting my time on a punk ass hater like you, all I have to do is sit back and find solace in the fact that I'm not a fat queerbait nerd who obsesses over mythical creatures that rape children under bridges. Maybe you have this deep seated resentment for trolls because you were raped under a bridge as a child, who knows?

Don't hate on me because I have skills, hate yourself for not putting down the jelly doughnuts and not going to the gym.
>> No. 19309
You actually think I HATE you? No, actually, you're wrong. I hate that you put down other people, and I hate that you're an arrogant, egocentric prick who thinks he's hot slag in a champagne-flute, when he's really cold exhaust-fumes in a Dixie Cup.

Lemme tell you something about all your "skills..." To me, and to the record-labels, and to anyone ELSE in the music industry you'll inevitably piss off, THEY MEAN PRECISELY DICK.

Of course you don't really hate me, your fuckin jealous and wish you could contend with my skills.

No... wrong again. I completely disagree, if you don't mind.

For one thing, I'm not a rapper. Ergo, I was never in any competition with you to begin with. For another, you attracted my attention not because of your "mad skills," but because of a rather scathing and impolite comment you made on Otakuman29's channel, making it clear you think "weeaboos" are beneath you. As self-appointed "Guardian Of The Furry And Weeaboo Kindreds," this is exactly the kind of thing I stand to rid the Internet of. That and I cannot STAND hubris or arrogance. Only when one humbles himself can he ever hope to be exalted.
After listening to your track, I drew this conclusion... you're not a bad rapper. ^^ Ergo, I'm willing to extend the olive-branch of peace. Let's let by-gones be by-gones, shall we?

Fuck that, I don't get my paper with no olive branch, especially since I know this is some disingenuous shit where you'll turn around and say "HAHA, WE BEAT CHAD!!".

Keep hatin, cuz I know y'all are jealous troll motha fuckas who hate on me cuz you ain't doin shit. I'm a made man BEEEEOOOOOTTTTTCCCCHHHHHH!!!!!¬!!


"I have made my peace gesture. The forms of kanly have been obeyed."
A shame... we might have been friends, but your ego got in the way. So much the better... you're just another man who fancies himself a god... and who will soon feel a very human chill crawl up your spine. Good day to you.
>> No. 19310
Lol, you subscribed to that trick ass tranny ho. I never figured you'd be into chicks with dicks, lmfao!!

I protect people like her from arrogant lackwits like you, sir... Hello, TROLLBUSTER? I made the coat of arms as a symbol of a good and righteous endeavor, not as a cry for help, which is what YOU'RE doing.

And incidentally, it's none of your Gallifreyan bee's-wax WHO I find attractive. We are not brute beasts, constantly having to prove our sexual and territorial dominance.

That ain't no "her", but some jigallo motha fucka pretending to be a chick. I'll beat his ass with CDs on a fuckin stick, then leave that cocksucker lying half dead in Central Park like the piece of shit he is.


And that tells me you have absolutely no respect for yourself, or your fellow human beings. No appreciation of the wonderous variety this planet has to offer. People to you are naught but tools, to be used and discarded at your discretion. And you're convinced THIS attitude will get you stardom and a recording contract?

And before you hit me with this "You don't know me, motherf****er" nonsense, know this... I know merely what you bring to the table, what you present to myself and others. And thus far, you've presented nothing but spite, hatred and hubris. You consider Tony Montana to be a role model? Need I remind you that character died in a bloody gunfight after snorting his body-weight in cocaine, remembered only as a statistic? Another casualty of shady underworld dealings and a walking lesson in "crime doesn't pay?"

Lol, I didn't read what you wrote me. It was too long and probably whiny anyway. I'm gonna make a diss song on all you haters instead of wasting my energy just typing shit out to ya.

<w< A troll with the attention span of Pinkie Pie on a sugarcube-bender... why does that not surprise me?

tl;dr: People hate on you 'cause you're an arrogant, rude and standoffish cockbite, not because you're the next Dr. Dre.

" Bricoleur, adventurer, hero... I am known by many titles, but my friends call me Anthos.
I am Time Lord, for I walk in eternity and dance in infinity."

Homie that's the gayest thing anyone's ever written on their channel, you sound like some queerbait ass nerd who probably collects old Star Wars toys and rubs them on your dick. Yoda don't wanna fuck some creepy ass nigga like you!!

Anthros, nigga please!! Your name's probably Steve and you live an unfulfilling life, therefore need some queerbait fantasy shit to keep you from offing yourself. You probably hate trolls just out of this fact alone. I bet some football players beat your ass crazy in high school, HAHAHAHAHA!!! I would too you queerbait!!

>> No. 19311
This coming from someone who fits the very description my lord the Troll Hunter once gave of trollkind-
"The chin is weak, the brow is sloped like some pre-human Piltdown Man or Cardiff Giant. The facial hair, when it exists, is not full and manly, but rather bedraggled and pubic."

I really enjoy this conversations, by Primus, I do. Because the more you open your mouth, the more ammunition for my arsenal you give me. You're ignorant, homophobic, and frankly a no-talent hack who couldn't rap his way out of a CLOUD OF COTTON CANDY.
^^ And I'm not some hip-hop poseur lashing out at anyone who isn't a lickspittle toady hanging off of his every word... I'm a costumed adventurer. I'm Green Arrow, the Scarlett Pimpernel and Darkwing Duck all rolled into one... with the Doctor's brains and Optimus Prime's courage and conviction thrown in for flavor.
I HAVE stepped up... you have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.

"I'm a costumed adventurer. I'm Green Arrow, the Scarlett Pimpernel and Darkwing Duck all rolled into one... with the Doctor's brains and Optimus Prime's courage and conviction thrown in for flavor."

HAHAHHAAHAHaHA!!!! You ain't none of that shit homie, you're just some fat nerd on the internet hatin' on a guy who's infinitly more talented than you. You ain't got nothin on me, it's not like any of you cocksuckers can do much other than talk.

Talk is cheap bitch, and I'm all out of quarters. I'm through wastin my time talkin to you haters when I have an album to finish. Keep hatin all you want, but I'm not giving you haters the attention you desperately crave anymore.

Oh, and if you do so happen to get the idea to flag me down like what happened to my other accounts on this site, motha fucka I'll flag your ass and all your queerbait ass troll groupie friends. I ain't takin' none of your shit, stupid monkey minded ass nincom-fuckin-poop!!!!

If I did that, I wouldn't be a Trollbuster, my friend. The Trollbusters are vigilantes, delivering an online version of "frontier justice." So far you've proven a worthy opponent... and you never cease to bring a smile to my face.

"Therefore be silent, and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I did not travel through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a serving-man 'til the lightning strikes."
Good, so we understand each other then. So really, you can't do anything except talk. HAHAHAHA!!!! And here you motha fuckas are thinking you're Batman or some shit when in all honesty, you're just typing shit on the internet. You haters think you weild more power than you really do, stop hatin and you'll probably get ahead in life.

Lol, you subscribed to that emo queerbait apseudotragedy. Of course, I knew you were a fag by you sticking up for that tranny ho.

*chuckles* Son, if that was supposed to be insulting, you'll have to try harder than that. Read a book, my friend, and stop pretending to be FiftyCent. You're more like "Penny-And-Some-Pocket-Lint" as it is.
Man, fuck Fifty Cent. I don't listen to that queer ass club shit. My rhymes are inspired more by Atmosphere and Bone Thugs motha fucka, check yoself before you break yoself!!!!


That's the problem with you wannabe gangsta-rappers... no sense of humor.

Maybe if you listened to Weird Al Yankovic, or Spike Jones And His City Slickers, you wouldn't be wound so tight. I know "Corona" by The Minutemen, AKA the theme from MTV's Jackass, always puts a smile on MY face.
>> No. 19312
You jackin off to ponies puts a smile on your face you sick ass pedophile motha fucka!! You're a goddamn queer ass child rapist!!

More asinine assumptions... didn't you get the memo?

When you ASSUME, you only make an ASS out of U and ME.

You speakin some Gary Busey shit now, speak english motha fucka or I'm gonna get Samuel L Jackson on your junkie ass. Stop hiting the crack pipe, go to the gym and quit jacking off to children!

"Excuse me, stewardess! I speak Jive!"

Obviously I'm casting pearls before swine here... so dig the wax out of your ears and listen up. You're making light of what I like and what I fave on this site, calling me all sorts of derogatory things, not a one of which is true... and you still want to command respect in the "rap game?" Primus... no one respects an arrogant douchebag, son.

Stop hatin' if ya wanna stop bein' hated. That's all I've been trying to tell you.

Some dude called me a nigger, I feel as if I've completed a right of passage.

Let us review a few facts, shall we? Justin Bieber has more talent than you do. Any one of your "raps" that you have on here easily make "Friday" by Rebecca Black sound like Stairway to Heaven by comparison. And deep down, I think you know this is true, and that's why you're picking fights with all of us: you realize you have nothing going for you.
You have no talent as a rapper, no talent as a music producer, and you have zero marketability. I hate to break it to you, but in today's music industry: marketability takes precedence over talent. How else did Justin Bieber get to be the phenomenon he is now, despite his shaky vocals and asinine lyrics? He's marketable! You act like a douchebag, yet you look like your average neckbeared hipster douchenozzle. Compound that with your lack of talent as a musician, and kid, you aren't going anywhere but down from here.
Oh sure, we Trollbusters are having our fun with you right now, but what'll happen once we get bored of you and leave you be? You'll come CRAWLING to us and try to provoke us to continue to make you feel more relevant than you need to be. The fact of the matter is this: you act like you're some hotshot up-and-comer when you're a fucking nobody. You act like a hardened thug when in reality, you're just another neckbeared hipster attention whore.
Now I guarantee you're gonna bombard my profile with nonstop comments calling me a faggot, a nerd, a loser, a "hater", or whatever, and really, I'm breaking my own ethics unblocking you and venting all of this out on you, because I really shouldn't be wasting my time on somebody who can't keep up with me on a creative or intellectual level. But chad, you have GOT to be put in your place. Now whether you're smart enough to realize this or not (and I highly doubt you are), is up in the air, but I'd be willing to bet after this post right here, you'll fire back with your generic, infantile insults flung at me like monkey feces. But this will be my last post right here: your rhymes are weak and your disses are whack, you ain't even hittin' my knees while you're aiming for my sack.

I'm done.
>> No. 19313
TL;DR - Retard vs retard, retard claiming victory.
>> No. 19314

>As self-appointed "Guardian Of The Furry And Weeaboo Kindreds"
>> No. 19315
Lol, took me to school? If it takes some stupid ass 5 paragraphs to talk shit about me, he ain't winning shit!!

You have a warped perception of what ownage is, and either way I don't even give a fuck what you stupid ass haters have to say. I'm coming up smelling like roses at the end of the day while y'all reek of stinky 7/11 paki motha fuckas. You can't change the fact that I'm better than you and none of you can contend with me.

Trolls like you paved the way for Soulja Boy's faggot ass, now it's time that they pave the way for me. And no, I ain't dependent on none of you trick ass motha fuckas, me and my main man PC are hitting fresh new targets to spread the name of Chad and mark my words, you'll be bowing at my feet like I'm the motha fuckin king.

Oh, and you're still a queer for watching pony shit. Just putting that out there you fat turd

Is... is there an echo in here? 'Cause you keep regurgitating the same tired argument and the same tired catchphrases over and over and over.
Learn to tell the difference between trolling and negative comments, Piltdown Gangsta. Besides, if seek you a true troll, you need only look into the beady-eyed, pasty, neckbearded face staring back at you in the mirror.

Of COURSE it took Sean five paragraphs to pwn you... because just as real men can watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and not have it diminish their masculinity one iota, REAL MEN TALK IN COMPLETE SENTENCES, USING WORDS WITH MORE THAN ONE SYLLABLE.

Where's your crown, King Nothing?
>> No. 19316
Weird Al Yankovic is NOT. FUCKING. FUNNY.
>> No. 19317
They're both losers, but TheUnknownAutobot is the bigger loser. By miles.
>> No. 19318
Dr. Steel, Weird Al Yankovic, DragonForce, among others

The average basement dwellers catalog. Even Chris's tastes are more eclectic.
>> No. 19319
File 131896992989.png - (19.41KB , 661x294 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"No, I didn't just flip because I don't get to troll Chris. YOU'RE BUTTHURT! U MAD! U MAD!"

Just how retarded can it get? Let's find out.
>> No. 19320
>> No. 19321
File 131897027845.png - (3.76KB , 531x61 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't need to add anything to this one.
>> No. 19322
Sorry to be a slow-in-da-mind but can someone explain to me exactly what's going on here? So this guy finds "trolls" on youtube and tells them off? Why did he try to troll chris? What's the group?
>> No. 19323

Short version: He saw the troll hunter and thought he was serious, and formed a little nakama based on it

Long version: He is a troll-sheilding weirdo who wants to get a group of aspies who are E-loyal to him around him so he can never be trolled. The troll hunter was a good way to start that in his mind, so he went for it.
>> No. 19324
Imagine A-Log. Except, that he saw the old Troll Hunter trolling attempt, and took it seriously and gathered a hugbox of other autists he calls "da Troll Busters". He's autistic as fuck, and claims to be saving the YouTube...by getting trolled. Or something.
>> No. 19325
  Read the comments

I honestly think he is unable to take anything as a joke at all ever
>> No. 19326

So what was the thing with Chris? Why would he try to troll him if he's this self-proclaimed "trollbuster"?
>> No. 19327

He tried to white knight him as seen here >>111743

He almost broke off the last contact we had with chris
>> No. 19328

Oh okay bro, thanks. All these TUA threads are getting hard to keep track of!
>> No. 19329

Oh wait one last thing - wasn't the Troll Hunter or whatever just a /cwc/ member or similar being a faggot?
>> No. 19330

Depends on your definition of faggot. I mean I thought we was ok but he was not serious at all in his troll huntins schtick


As you can see in that video's comments UA literally cannot take a joke ever
>> No. 19331
And now he's apparently mad at Troll Hunter, demanding to become the leader of the Trollbusters NOW NOW NOW!

And yes, he is serious.
>> No. 19332
File 131897820361.jpg - (49.35KB , 479x358 , Whoyougonnacall.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Silly TheUnknownAutobot everyone knows CWC is the true and honest creator and leader of the Trollbusters.
>> No. 19333
I suspect this new character, TVsbradpitt, Lobster Shoulders, whatever you want to call him, IS the Troll Hunter.

Think about it.

This individual, if his claims are to be believed, was obviously in contact with all of the Trollbusters and so deep in their circle of trust that they would talk to him freely and frequently and confide in him all manner of embarrassing personal details, even coming to him for advice with their personal problems - which suggests he was held in high esteem by them and respected.

I've watched a couple of his videos and he also seems to like doing silly voices, the first was a slightly effeminate upper class fop, the second, a sort of funky, jazz/disco-type babylemmetellya. Who do we know who also does silly voices? Why, the Trrrrohll Hunter!! With his rolling R's and exaggerated, theatrical English accent!!

Needless to say, if this individual IS in fact the Troll Hunter, trolling his bumblefuck aspie followers, I take back every negative comment I have ever made about him.
>> No. 19334
Curious theory, fairly refined logic as well.

Certainly a possibility.
>> No. 19335
It's a possibility, but it's also a bit of a shot in the dark. It's him because he does silly voices? Millions of people can do silly voices.
>> No. 19336
Why do all these trollbusters end up being worse than Chris.
>> No. 19337
I don't know I mean it's kind of creepy how much knows about this guy.

Although saying that on this board might be a little hypocritical of me.
>> No. 19338
To be fair, Anthos posted a lot of embarrassing information publically freely and of his own will. Check out his journal on FurAffinity. It's a goldmine of lulzy content.
>> No. 19339
TheUnknownAutobot is a furry. Furries are all attention-seekers who need very little prompting to talk about their shameful fetishes and wear them like badges of honor.
>> No. 19340
To elaborate, I think of Anthos as an alternate timeline version of A-Log.

A-Log watched TGWTG and thought he could use that style to make himself seem cool. All he needed was a stupid hat and coat, and some like-minded aspies, and fame and praise would just wash over him.

Anthos instead saw a HunterofTrolls video, and tried to do the exact same thing as A-Log, just with an even more ridiculous hat and an even more ridiculous coat, and instead of being a phony internet reviewer, he proclaims himself an internet vigilante and hunter of trolls.

He was accepted into Troll Hunter's silly little clique -and it's obvious the Troll Hunter doesn't take any of this seriously, and I wonder if he feels embarrassed about the community that's sprung up around his silly little videos.

Anthos mailed a letter to Chris telling him he was being trolled, and all the dox he was dropping on the trolls were fake, and advising Chris to visit his youtube channel and obey him.

Chris being Chris sent the letter to Thorg and asked him if Anthos was a troll. Thorg said yes, and Chris continued to believe what he was being told. Anthos was told that the trolls "intercepted" the letter before Chris ever saw it, and of course believed it and flew into a tard rage about them being elitist trolls trying to keep him from interfering.

As Troll Hunter winded down losing interest in the character, Anthos thought he could take over the whole thing. Then Troll Hunter comes back with another video and Anthos immediately starts commenting to demand leadership and control over the little clique, with the Troll Hunter seeming genuinely confused by his posts.
>> No. 19341
He did seem pretty damn confused by the whole thing. I guess Anthos left alone long enough starts to stew in whatever he stews in and comes up with more wild and crazy ideas.
>> No. 19342
TheUnknownAutobot is something else. I think he's up there with A-Log, if only because not since A-Log has so much unwarranted self-importance and undeserved smugness polluted YouTube.

He's more than merely annoying. He's abrasive. I want him to get trolled, hard and abusively. I want someone to go BlueSpike on him. I want him to be forced to shove his Rarity MLP action figure up his anus.
>> No. 19343
Given how thin-skinned he is, are steps being taken to archive TheUnknownAutobot's failure in the increasingly likely event of him deleting fucking everything in the days to come?
>> No. 19344
  Guess who's back, bozos!
>> No. 19345
I think that if Timbox choken on his autism, UnknownAutobot might very well be the most autistic person in the internet.
>> No. 19346
Ha ha ha! What a butthurt little bitch. I hope that The Troll Hunter ignores him.
>> No. 19347
Looks like he broke the crest on his stupid hat.

He can fix that right up with some Crayola Model Fuckin' Magic.
>> No. 19348
It's Crayola FUCKIN' Model Magic, you dang dirty troll!
>> No. 19349
File 131905028125.jpg - (3.60KB , 119x150 , Anthro_Canada_Goose.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice to hear Madame Goosefeather and her friends heckling him towards the end of that video.
>> No. 19350

>the Trollbusters need a leader, and they decided that I was it... given that I'm the most colorful and vocal member of the Trollbuster order.

>most colorful and vocal member of the Trollbuster order.

>I am a giant douchebag and annoying too
>> No. 19351

He has a bright red retard coat and he won't shut up. LEADERSHIP MATERIAL.
>> No. 19352
So, erm... How did one of the Trollbusters die, exactly?
>> No. 19353
File 131905878795.jpg - (6.69KB , 174x175 , dissap2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19354
Painfully, one hopes.
>> No. 19355



He got bored and made a video where he "Died"

Autobot thought it was real because you could tell him that the sky is purple and KFC i now only serving burgers and he would believe it
>> No. 19356
I used to just think this guy was annoying until I watched this latest video. He's almost worse than A-Log.
>> No. 19357
>> No. 19358

Jessica Rabbit is a human character
>> No. 19359
D'you want to stick that in an envelope and mail it to about a week ago, bro?
>> No. 19360
he has to be a troll. Not even Chris is this dense
>> No. 19361
Wow, he actually deleted my comment on his video. There are people calling him Hitler, and he deletes the comment that outlines the repetitive format of his videos.
>> No. 19362

He's totally buttfrustrated with all the autisms.
>> No. 19363

>Flip, that "shithead" is of no consequence. In fact, his comment will be erased from my channel's history BECAUSE it is of no consequence. Combusting Herpes is just a stable of morons who want to be Internet-famous, and they're trying to use me to do it. So screw 'em and the boat they came in on.


From the comments. He deletes plenty that makes him assinfuriated.
>> No. 19364
Maybe criticism of him should be focused on the troll hunter's videos? I'll bet it annoys him he can't delete what's said there.

Also maybe post comments in support of Troll Hunter as the leader of their little clique? Or set up a poll somewhere? I'd like to see how he responds to a poll telling him everyone prefers the Troll Hunter.
>> No. 19366
@TheUnknownAutobot By the way, TROLL HUNTER IS NOT BEING SERIOUS! Troll Hunter wanted to Troll retards like you into believing him, and it worked.

@HorseCockHenry Wow... you know absolutely nothing about me, or the Troll Hunter.

Thanks for wasting my time and killing my brain-cells with your butthurt.

That's amazing, I didn't think anyone could be more naive than Chris.
>> No. 19367
I've actually been blocked from posted anything on TheUnknownAutobot's channel since I beat him in an argument. Nothing annoys the man more.
>> No. 19368
File 131910338850.png - (37.01KB , 649x114 , Screen shot 2011-10-20 at 2_35_45 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I subscribed to him to watch him be a fuckhead..

I wonder how many subscribers of his are just watching the shit fly
>> No. 19369
  >Related Videos

what the fuck am I watching
>> No. 19370

The fuck is this? It's like one of those choose your own adventures games!


(click on the screen and shit goes on)
>> No. 19371

and so 30 minutes if my time was lost.
>> No. 19372
  TV's Brad Pitt has another video on our favourite trollbuster...
>> No. 19373
  And Anthos responds...
>> No. 19374
Anthos really is autistic. He's just taking unrelated audio and video clips, and using them in place of a reply. It's funny how he doesn't actually refute nearly any of it. A couple of things he says "Okay, that was dumb..." and the rest is either not responding at all with a series of video clips, saying "You want me to be mad, but I'm not!" or avoiding the question. Like when he was called on being a "ponyfucker" he doesn't say he doesn't want to have sex with ponies, he instead attacks the other guy on the basis that he's somehow claiming all "bronies" want to have sex with ponies and children. And he just laughs about the potato thing, but again, doesn't refute it.

That's practically an admission.

Also, the fact that for being such an attentionwhore he replied in text suggests to me that audio or video would have shown his anger.
>> No. 19375
I couldn't watch either of those in their entirety it's like an autism overload.
>> No. 19376
I haven't been able to sit through more than 20 seconds of one of his videos yet. The second-hand embarrassment is excruciating.
>> No. 19377
File 131922261537.jpg - (17.02KB , 300x271 , corinth the azure strike.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was just snooping around this guy's FurAffinity account and look! He has his own Naitsirhc!

>Meet Anthos' evil clone-brother, the Vergil to his Dante- Corinth the Azure Strike. The story goes that Megatron created a Sword Strike Gundam drone in order to destroy the meddlesome space-pirate Autobot who'd become a monkey-wrench jamming his gears... a drone which was handilly defeated by the Crimson Impulse, but not before severing a lock of the Autobot-Sword Impulse Gundam's hair.

>Megatron had recently entered a covenant with other tyrants who'd been humiliated at the servos of Anthos the Crimson Impulse, and one of them- the Eternian despot Skeletor- hatched a plot to improve on Megatron's original plan. Recovering the ruined Mobile Doll and ANthos' hair-sample, Skeletor bonded metal to DNA with his dark magicks... and created a clone of Anthos based around Sword Strike rather than Sword Impulse. Megatron wasted no time in convincing the techno-organic man to join the Decepticon ranks, and Prysmonian tyrant Darkstorm gifted him with a flying chariot to carry out the dark will of the Tyrant Trifecta- the Darkling Lords Sky Claw.

>Now armed and armored with weapons and magicks to match those of his clone-brother, Corinth the Azure Strike seeks nothing less than the destruction of the Autobot space-pirate, ANthos the Crimson Impulse.
>> No. 19378
What the fuck is this shit?

There's so much autism there, it hurts me.
>> No. 19379

>There's so much autism there, it hurts me.

Hm...If we could somehow weaponize autism...WE COULD RULE THE WORLD!
>> No. 19380
/cwc/ would be the MOAB
>> No. 19381
>become a monkey-wrench jamming his gears...

I think he means 'spanner in the works', doesn't he? Jesus, what awkward fucking phrasing.
>> No. 19382
File 131926244326.jpg - (127.77KB , 500x375 , 3965457110_0c1a213506.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
is it sad that I recognized the sword in the pic right away?
>> No. 19383
Bit by bit, little by little, I'm building up an ED page for this faggot. It's difficult, though, because there's just so much here. It probably won't be up for a while.
>> No. 19384
That lobster-shoulders guy is as autismal as UA in his vids.
>> No. 19385
  I like this guy
>> No. 19386
I don't understand the dislike of Lobster Shoulders. He's getting under The Unknown Autobot's greasy, acne-marked skin and making him sweat, that makes him pretty baller in my book.
>> No. 19387

That's kind of the point. There's a reason why he's there and it's not what it appears to be. Be patient.
>> No. 19388
OK, enough now. Believe it or not, Anthos is not taking this as seriously as it looks. He is fully aware nobody is taking the Trollbuster stuff seriously.
Saying someone is guilty of something because they don't deny it is pretty retarded.
Your problem with him is that he tried to white knight Chris and spoil your fun. This may have been ill advised, and the manner in which it was done going a bit too far, but it certainly wasn't done in the hopes of an "epic win."
If Anthos annoys you, fine. You don't have to watch his stuff. But I haven't seen anything lulzy come from trolling him so far.
>> No. 19389
Not sure if Troll or Anthos...
>> No. 19390
You're trolls. You're anal enough to look into this sort of thing. Look at some of Anthos' comments and see if our writing styles match up if you think I may be him.
>> No. 19391
I think I'll just continue to torment him endlessly anyway, just for my own bemusement, thanks. But if your plan of inaction and bitching here yields better lulz, be sure and report back!
>> No. 19392
Anthos is an oversensitive fursona retard who has been wearing a shitty costume thrown together from elements of various fandoms he wants desperately to insinuate himself into, pathetically pretending he has special abilities when he's actually a fat schlub with a horrible double-chin.

He has incredibly unwarranted self-importance and speaks of things like he's a figure of authority when he's always delivering common knowledge with a shitty sarcastic tone.

He's also extremely thin-skinned as he's deleting any legitimate negativity from his videos and page.

If you're him, I'm glad you just read all that.
>> No. 19393
Lolcows can be self-aware?
>> No. 19394

Not sure if you know what that means.
>> No. 19395
This reeks of backpeddling.
>> No. 19396
Can we have the mods trace his IP, to see if it is Anthos? If the poster's IP is from in or around the Michigan area, we'll know for certain.
>> No. 19397
Anthos can't talk about anything without slipping in transformers references or some other shit, and he talks almost entirely in tropes. It isn't him.
>> No. 19398
File 131946550273.jpg - (120.08KB , 790x1229 , 130573357492.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You guys, I'm aware that something created as an overwhelmingly obvious joke wasn't serious.

And and, just because I- he made a video for the express purpose of refuting claims made against m- him doesn't meant that if I don't refute them I haven't totally refuted them!
>> No. 19399
>If Anthos annoys you, fine. You don't have to watch his stuff. But I haven't seen anything lulzy come from trolling him so far.
I have. You should have seen his retard rage when he was told his letter to Chris was stolen and he would never get his own saga.
>> No. 19400
File 131946576430.png - (32.31KB , 570x478 , schizo ponyfag.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 19401

I live in Michigan. He isn't the only person who lives here, you know, unless- OH GOD I COULD BE ANTHOS RIGHT NOW AND NOT KNOW IT
>> No. 19402
Also, can someone link to the legendary letter? I've still never seen it. Anyone got a copy?

Is he the one who threatened to suicide if the CWCki didn't come back?
>> No. 19403
Awww, shit nigga. Fucking five star post.
10/10, lol'd, would lol again and would recommend to others interested in lol'ing.
>> No. 19404

Contains some other analplundered fail of UnknownAutobot as well.
>> No. 19405
Unwarranted self importance... like there's not alot of that on this forum.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think Anthos would comment here.
>> No. 19406
ok anthos if you say so
>> No. 19407
>Unwarranted self importance... like there's not alot of that on this forum.
Well since you showed up Anthro, we've had plenty. Seriously, this is embarrassing to watch. Maybe your autism makes you unable to see how obvious you make it to everyone. You could as well write "HAI GUISE THE LOLCOW'S HERE" to the subject field.
>> No. 19408
If this really is Anthos, perhaps we should take this as an opportunity for him to do a little Q&A session with the dang dirty trolls. I'm sure there's a lot of questions people have to ask him.
>> No. 19409
I'd be willing to bet money Unknown Autobot thinks that everyone is laughing at him because we really think he's trying to help Chris and not because he's just a try-hard, failtroll faggot.

Like really, I genuinely think he's so far gone that he doesn't understand why people are making fun of him and it's killing him not to be able to scream "GUIZ SHUSH, I'M MID-SAGA HERE AND YOU'RE MESSING ME UP! :(".
>> No. 19410
Let's be realistic about this. Whether I am Anthos or not doesn't make a difference because either way you're gonna assume I am him.
Fact is, we are all aware of this forum and we all keep an eye on what's being discussed. I do not want to see Anthos get trolled. I may not be able to stop you doing it but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
>> No. 19411
>I do not want to see Anthos get trolled.

Ok, but thing is; why?

I don't think "I don't want ______ being trolled" has ever been anyones opinion. People might think someones not as funny or interesting to warrant being trolled to such an extent, but nobody ever says "I don't want to see ADF trolled". You have a personal interest in seeing A-Log 2.0 unscathed, explain why that is.
>> No. 19412
> Let's be realistic about this. Whether I am Anthos or not doesn't make a difference because either way you're gonna assume I am him.

... Especially if you say things like that.
>> No. 19413
Because he's actually an all right guy. I think he blurs the lines between himself and his youtube persona so close that it's hard to tell he's not being serious but look at the whole Trollbuster thing. A bunch of guys fighting trolls. It's clearly ridiculous. This isn't another Chris-chan here... the guys has a job. It may not be glamourous but he is working. He has his flaws but doesn't everybody?
You aren't trolling someone because they need putting in their place here, you're trolling someone because you see them as an easy target.
>> No. 19414
He's an autist in denial friendzoned furfag who things he can be smug. And now he's come here to defend himself. This is a lolcow.

And he sent a letter to Chris and got super asspained when he heard his letter had been intercepted and he's always raging about PVCC HOGGING THE LOLCOW! NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO TROLL EXCEPT ME!

And now he's being trolled. Just look at that.
>> No. 19415
File 131947383116.png - (11.11KB , 445x431 , 1306838439040.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You aren't trolling someone because they need putting in their place here
>implying people are trolled because of some retarded sense of justice and not because they're inherently amusing/retarded

Fuck off Anthos.
>> No. 19416

>I think he blurs the lines between himself and his youtube persona so close that it's hard to tell he's not being serious but look at the whole Trollbuster thing.

I so fucking called that. >>114206
>> No. 19417

>Because he's actually an all right guy.

What are you basing that on? Who are you if you aren't Anthos?

>You aren't trolling someone because they need putting in their place here, you're trolling someone because you see them as an easy target.

And? Not everybody trolls because they feel they have to extract some kind of punishment on the target, they do it because the lolcow reacts to it and it's funny.
>> No. 19418
File 131947426092.jpg - (27.88KB , 365x389 , smug 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Because he's actually an all right guy.
Like, a nice guy?
>> No. 19419
Anthos, who is your favourite Pony? Is it Rarity? Did you really jack off onto a Rarity action figure?
>> No. 19420
I heard Autobot masturbates by shoving his once-white Rarity doll, now covered by a thick, permanent layer of shit, in and out of his hairy asshole while shouting "LOOOGGAATTOOOOO!!""
>> No. 19421
Fair point. Most trolls troll just for a reaction. I was asked why I didn't want to see Anthos get trolled. If you are going to troll him, you will troll him.
I guess I'm just a moral fag, speaking out. And I know how the majority of you feel about moral fags.
Have fun speculating who I am... the list of likely suspects probably isn't a long one so we'll see if any of you figure it out.
>> No. 19422
A moralfag on /cwc/? Dude, that's like a nigger turning up at a Klan rally.
>> No. 19423

It's an even shorter list than you and Anthos think. See you around.
>> No. 19424
hers the list guys

>> No. 19425
Anthos took a Trigun cosplay coat, put an Autobot symbol on a Gundum... thing, slappedot on a hat, put on some goggles and a scarf, and uses a Doctor Who sonic screwdriver. I'm sure there are other fandoms dumped in there I didn't notice, but after throwing together this costume of fail he created an ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL using crap from all these various things, proclaiming himself a super hero with traits from all these things. Do you not see how that's the exact same thing as Sonichu?

You could claim it's a joke, but all the evidence is against you. You've been wearing this costume for years, and your "art" of the character goes back a long time as well, both long before you started creating these terrible videos.

One of those Trigun coats can run upwards of 750 dollars, and while probably very simple in construction, those sonic screwdrivers probably aren't cheap either. This would suggest you have a large disposable income, but then we can see your bedroom has a small, old tube tv. This suggests to me you get a check from the government, live with your parents, and can't afford a newer tv. You have a few hundred dollars you're allowed to waste every month.

You take this character out in public, as you've shown you wear it to conventions. You don't get why that's pathetic, do you? Why it would make people laugh at you? Have you seen the Dakari-King Mykan thread while you were here? That's exactly what you're doing. At least he has the excuse of a horrible internet community encouraging the creation of his bullshit self-insert character. You were doing it long before the Troll Hunter videos started.

And you weren't white-knighting. We've all read the letter, and it's obvious you were trying to take control of Chris-chan. You asked him to go to your youtube channel, and heed your "wisdom" as if anything you were saying was remotely intelligent or noteworthy. And since then you've made numerous videos insulting Chris-chan. You just thought you could ruin a saga and make it your own.

On top of all of this, you're a furry and you fap to ponies.
>> No. 19426
Well, I do recall there being a number of people who find sailormoonred1, Ulilililia, and "black Chris-Chan" endearing and not particularly worthy of scorn. Not like those people fall anywhere near Anthos's position.
>> No. 19427
It's like comparing puppies to dogshit.
One is adorable in a retarded way.
The other is dogshit.
>> No. 19428
The way I see it is that no one should be off limits. Once you cross the line and start harassing a mentally retarded autistic man, you should be comfortable harassing anyone. Many complain that Chris blames many of his problems on da autusm, but I think that most of his problems are either directly caused by or are a derivitive of some sort of his autism and mental retardation. The internet has the unique advantage of unleashing retards on the public, and some people take advantage of that fact. It is what it is. This stuff about sailormoonred1 or Ulillillia or whatever and fatman not being trollable is nonsense.
>> No. 19429

They are trollable. However, it's just like kicking babies.

Are you a babykicker, Anonymous?
>> No. 19430
Because what they say and do generally is adorable. They're unlikely to be perverse as they're basically asexual. They're all fairly empathetic, and none of them has an unwarranted sense of self-importance. If anything they tend to have very low self-esteem.

People like A-Log, Anthos and Chris are on the opposite end. Incredibly inflated ego and self-importance, no empathy to speak of, extremely perverse.
>> No. 19431
Is Chris like babby?
>> No. 19432

Unknown Autobot, we all know it's you. You might as well put your name in the namefield.
>> No. 19433

No, Chris is like that creepy mouthbreathing kid who always tries to feel up the girls and smells like he shat himself.
>> No. 19434
Frankly, it's a grown man in a room full of toys making fun of a room full of toys. That alone is all I need, personally. You can sit there and say "No no it's not like that, he has a job and and isn't like serious or anything and if you look at it like this..." all day long, it's a manbaby not only trying to troll another manbaby, but was actually outsmarted by him to some extent.
>> No. 19435
Sounds like babby. Chris = sailormoonred1, Ulillila, fatman, etc
>> No. 19436

Haven't seen sailormoonred1 or Ulillila attempt to molest girls or shit themselves.
>> No. 19437
Chris wants it illegal for women to be asexual so they can't refuse him sex. Chris wants all men other than himself killed. Chris thinks he should rule the world. Chris wants everyone else to do everything for him.

Can you make any of those statements about Sailormoonred1, Ulillillia or Black Chris-chan?
>> No. 19438
This thread delivered.
>> No. 19439

It's been a couple of hours since UA's last post.
I think he ran off to some hug box elsewhere (or maybe Mcdonalds).
>> No. 19440
Actually, he apparently works at Wendy's.

Think he wears his costume to work?
>> No. 19441

Oh, yes. Some fast food joint, either way.

>Think he wears his costume to work?

No, but, I would be amused if he did; the thing would end up covered with grease stains, along with his normal stupid look.
>> No. 19442
Suppose he ever talks to his co worker?
>> No. 19443
Wow, they deserve some award for giving both Chris and this guy a chance to work.
>> No. 19444

It's seanstrife.
>> No. 19445
File 131948989150.png - (474.71KB , 424x479 , TheUnknownAutobot.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How's this look, bozos?

>> No. 19446

Let's assume for a minute that you aren't Anthos, why the hell are you white knighting him? He's an egotistical manchild that lives with his parents, faps to ponies, blows all of his money on toys, and tried to troll Chris. If Anthos really is the misunderstood nice guy that you so say he is then post some proof.
>> No. 19447
Good job, bro.
>> No. 19448

It's his e-pal seanstrife. Pay no attention to him
>> No. 19449
Nice, I wonder how long it'll take for him to try and edit it.
>> No. 19450
>> No. 19451

Very good. Nice job sahib.

Now lets see what happens when he finds it. 10 rupees on him making a 10 min video where he shows us how much he doesnt care in graphic detail.
>> No. 19452
God until I saw this picture I never thought about how bad he would smell. Disgusting.
>> No. 19453
Samefag here. I'm not entirely happy with the page, just yet, I think it could stand an edit. Plus, there's a few things I'm not 100% sure about and can't really talk about with any real authority.

If anybody wishes to add anything or make a few edits to up it's quality, I'd appreciate it.
>> No. 19454
A user calling himself Sean Strife has just tried to remove Anthos' dox from the article.
>> No. 19455

I guess he took a break from white knighting himhere then lol

Seanie, you know you cannot remove shit on a wiki right?
>> No. 19456
The banner labeling him an aspie was removed.
>> No. 19457

That's paxilrose not SS. Don't worry
>> No. 19458
File 13194970598.png - (21.31KB , 519x331 , Anthos Discovers His ED Page.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Heh, hey /cwc/,
Look at this!
>> No. 19459
what a waste of oxygen
>> No. 19460
My god, Anthos's warriors will be at the gate soon! LIGHT THE BEACONS
>> No. 19461
File 131949766212.jpg - (53.13KB , 600x450 , Derplevel7outof10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why would a compass have a GPS?
Has he ever used a compass?
>> No. 19462
I think The Unknown Autobot is one of the better lolcows we've had on /cwc/. We actually get a response out of him, as opposed to the likes of A-Log or Chris-Chan.
>> No. 19463
  Anthos teh Unknown Autofag is SOOOOOO not bothered, u guise....
>> No. 19464
I like how he implies trolls don't have friends. We're all friends here, right?

>> No. 19465
Was anybody else reminded of this classic CWC video? Specifically, the section beginning at 1:10.
>> No. 19466
It's the same shitty editing with the same shitty gestures that are meant to invoke fear, but only look hilariously stupid in the process.
>> No. 19467
>lol we need 2 hav a sweathart 4 antos. den we can get n00dz frum him and den we kan get him to shuv teh sonik screwdriver up hiz ass and hav him yel JUUUUULAAAAAAYY
>> No. 19468

I'm you're friend
>> No. 19469
File 131950140664.jpg - (35.07KB , 600x450 , IllStabYouCunt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're no friend of mine.
>> No. 19470

So much butthurt and its a shitty entry to try and win a prize.

Sounds like a certain Chris-Chan and his rap sweepstakes video.
>> No. 19471
Very phallic, isn't it? That cane of his. He wants to smash a troll with his penis. Perhaps he wants a troll to take his boy-virginism?
>> No. 19472
I'm still waiting for him to get all the trollbusters together to invade 789chan.
>> No. 19473
File 131950370485.jpg - (161.77KB , 480x646 , 1304742495678.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Same here. I've already got my popcorn ready.
>> No. 19474
Are there any pics of actual action figure commissions he's done, if he's ever even done one? I saw his shitty Anthos figure on the ED page, and was wondering if there were any others

we're going to be friends forever
>> No. 19475
I have a serious question here... Is Anthos here really gay? I read one of his forum posts about how he wanted to find a boy and snuggle with him. If that means he's gay, I'm surprised more people haven't bought that up yet.
>> No. 19476
He's bisexual. It's covered in his ED page.
>> No. 19477
He says he's bisexual, but I've only seen him express interest in guys. I think the term the gay community uses for his kind is "a fag with a window in his closet".

Or it's similar to ADF, and he's just trying to attach himself to as many groups as possible.
>> No. 19478
He has had girlfriends in the past, including, like Chris, a sweet panda bear of his very own. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shadowsnowwhite/
>> No. 19479

Fuck, some idiot flagged down his video about ED. Did anyone download it?
>> No. 19480
It wasn't about ED. It was a contest entry for some faggot called Doctor Smash.
>> No. 19481
": to cause to have feelings of wry or tolerant amusement <seems truly bemused that people beyond his circle in Seattle would be interested in his ruminations — Ruth B. Smith> "

Get it now?
>> No. 19482
In what dictionary, might I ask?
>> No. 19483
>> No. 19484
Well, fuck me.
>> No. 19485
TV's Brad Pitt should include TheUnknownAutobot (all one word) in his tags, so his videos show up as related vids when you watch Anthony's.
>> No. 19486
Anyone archiving these? It'd be a shame for all this nice autism to go to waste.
>> No. 19488
Yes! My love quest is finally over!
>> No. 19489
Post-ED discovery butthurt is now archived on the Unknown Autobot ED page.
>> No. 19490
File 131953831831.png - (3.94KB , 281x80 , Lolcows Joining Forces.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, well, well, look who The Unknown Autobot's palling up to now...

Lolcows travel in herds, it seems.
>> No. 19491
They both are friends of A-Log sr., by the way.
>> No. 19492
I wonder what is about these losers that makes them band together? Is it the illusion of safety in numbers? It can't be mutual protection or anything like that, because when one is attacked, the others never step up to defend them.
>> No. 19493
Hugbox mentality.
>> No. 19494
Yeah, pretty much this. In their little aspie circle of friends, no one is ever criticised and they praise one another excessively. Dissenting opinions are never heard.
>> No. 19495
Is it possible Anthos thinks if he can't get in close to Chris and troll him, perhaps he can troll A-Log, and then if he does that he'll somehow redeem himself in our eyes and we'll leave him alone?
>> No. 19496
But that would be mean guise!
>> No. 19497
I would love to see that. A ridiculously dressed fat neckbeard picking on a slightly less ridiculously dressed fat neckbeard.

There is no way either of them could come off well if they did that.
>> No. 19498
Damn! SpaceScreaminJohn is under the protection of Da Trollbustas! He's out of our reach now, fellows!
>> No. 19499
File 13195416623.jpg - (18.75KB , 180x320 , 275354_1809914071_1164773405_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys! SpaceScreaminJohn here. U mad? U mad?
>> No. 19500
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
>> No. 19501
I would like to troll you but fear for the consequences, please don't make it any harder than it already is!
>> No. 19502
I want this guy to be leader of the Troll busters.

>> No. 19503
So um, are you him or something? There seems to be exactly one person who keeps flipping out about his almost as embarrassing videos.
>> No. 19504
Even if it is for the sake of trolling and isn't meant to be taken seriously, why would anyone do this...
>> No. 19505
Someone is an aspie who misses the joke. He's SUPPOSED to look pathetic and silly, he's a parody of The Troll Hunter and morons like him.
>> No. 19506
Yes, that's obvious, but parody isn't automatically funny. Sometimes when you set out to look like a retard you succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
>> No. 19507
File 131963118717.png - (29.38KB , 1180x313 , New Edit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A mysterious edit has been made on The Unknown Autobot's ED page by a user calling himself Sean Strife, who I'd taken to be a friend of Anthos', since this self-same user previously attempted to blank the Dox section of the page.

I think it's very interesting because this, coupled with the reaction to Anthos' bitching about his ED page on NeoMonster Island forums, suggests that Anthos surrounds himself with a proper bunch of backstabbers who're only too happy to throw the Unknown Autobutt under the trollbus when it comes.
>> No. 19508
That's what I thought at first and then I found out he has a transformers persona who dresses similarly to the way he does in the videos - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1425058/
>> No. 19509
Please tell me someone is archiving videos like a boss.
>> No. 19510
Ohh you were talking about someone else sorry.
>> No. 19511
Captain Crazy is just doing this for fun and to mock The Unknown Autobot for taking everything deadly seriously and treating the Internet like he's the hero in a comic book or something.

I also think that the Troll Hunter is doing all this for fun, as is Trollbane/Lolbane. To be honest, I think there's probably a lot of people in that whole 'Trollbusters' clique who are irritated by The Unknown Autobot's faggotry.
>> No. 19512
+1 Captain Crazy fan.
>> No. 19513
I have mirrored all of the videos featured in the ED article, just in case. I don't plan on archiving all of his videos, though, because a lot of them, especially the earlier ones, are shit and boring.

I only intend to put them up on YouTube if TheUnknownAutobot thinks about removing the videos and spoiling our fun. I'm slightly concerned about doing so, though, as Anthos, as we've seen with the whole TV's Brad Pitt thing, is quick to flag anything he doesn't like and try to get it pulled from YouTube.
>> No. 19514
Make a new channel for them, so if he flags them, and can just make a another new channel for them, and so on.
>> No. 19515
File 131972091356.png - (64.31KB , 1105x456 , Antho's virginity.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Something you all wanted to know about
>> No. 19516
File 131972481785.png - (63.85KB , 1256x442 , Antho's quiz results.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is with him and his desire for "femboys?"
>> No. 19517
File 131972502980.png - (21.39KB , 494x344 , six inch monster.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's safe to say that he's had about as much sex as his big brother has, and they're trying to counter it with sex addicted fursonas.

>I've had sex (dramatic pause) more times than I can count
I'm sure you have.
>> No. 19518
File 131972524865.jpg - (40.55KB , 232x191 , SchuSoneeRosey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ugh... That Lil' Anthos character on his talks EXACTLY the same way as the Sonees and Rosees from Chris' comics.
>> No. 19519
I love The Unknown Autobot's costume. It really sets him apart from all the other lolcows, who at least dress sort of normally.

His costume instantly marks him out as someone you should laugh at. It's like Chris and his Ernie shirts.
>> No. 19520
It's made all the funnier by the fact that TUA clearly thinks that this outfit makes him look totally cool and awesome, just like the characters in all those animes he watches.
>> No. 19521
Who's his big brother?
>> No. 19522
A-Log, of course.
>> No. 19523
Oh, /cwc/, there's so much delicious drama going on on NeoMonsterIsland forums right now and we're missing it!
>> No. 19524
The way he says he's not a virgin just makes me more confident he is one. I'll bet his defense is that his character isn't a virgin, even though he is.
>> No. 19525
Anything TUA related? If so, screencaps
>> No. 19526
Sounds like Chris's "Rockin' 4-way" defense.
>> No. 19527
File 131973610716.png - (8.68KB , 970x113 , ED NMI.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
These people are TERRIFIED of ED. Anthos was quite a high-profle member there, so having him turn up on ED has thrown them all for six.

They've created a thread called 'Teh Drama', which I'm reasonably sure is about this, but they've also blocked all of the forums from the sight of new members, no doubt fearing a massive troll invasion that's never gonna happen.
>> No. 19528
File 131973620363.png - (73.66KB , 1299x723 , NeoMonsterIsland1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I kind of wish I could see the forums, because to be honest, they all appear to be turning on Anthos like crabs in a bucket.
>> No. 19529
File 131973753670.png - (4.46KB , 642x84 , WE'RE DOOMED! DOOOMED!!.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19530
hahahaha one less hugbox for Anthos
>> No. 19531
>notable detachment with the real world

Oh, Anthony, the divide between you and Chris is shrinking every day.
>> No. 19532
It seems Anthony subscribed to SpaceScreamingJohn's YouTube channel a day or two ago.

My, my, what a close-knit cricle jerk of faggotry this has turned out to be.
>> No. 19533

>They've created a thread called 'Teh Drama', which I'm reasonably sure is about this, but they've also blocked all of the forums from the sight of new members

Fucking shit.
>> No. 19534
This makes me wonder what, exactly, they have to hide. A forum wouldn't just lock down entirely because of the actions of one member unless there was a damn good reason for them wanting to avoid the attentions of trolls.

There's something potentially embarrassing lurking on that forum - something that they're all too aware could result in them recieving an ED page of their own. The question is, what?
>> No. 19535
File 131976707511.png - (179.44KB , 475x353 , Jared%20Milton%20eyes%20hq.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone hasth to hack them! Pleathe you guise, we're mitthing out on the lulzth!!
>> No. 19536
So... How long do you have to be around before the thread becomes viewable?
>> No. 19537

>Furries masturbating over Neopets

My guess.
>> No. 19538
I assumed it had something to do with kaiju. I don't know, I watched a lot of Godzilla movies growing up, and I have a friend who's really into anything giant monster related. Monster Island is a location in the Godzilla series, and Neo is a common prefix in the genre, most commonly NeoTokyo.

I could be -and probably am- way off though.
>> No. 19539

Could be. I remember stumbling upon a site long ago that made all the kaiju into monstergirls; could be related?
>> No. 19540



Oh, so just a part of the same site.
>> No. 19541
So... they're not just a giant monster fansite, they went to slap hair and breasts on the giant monsters and have sex with them...?

Might be what they're afraid they'll be made fun of for.
>> No. 19542
Found something rather interesting on their forums, by accident, while using the search function, just by entering words like 'trolls', 'Anthos', 'invasion', etc. trying to find out more about what they're up to...

Try entering the word 'flood' into the Search function, /cwc/...

>> No. 19543
File 131980634270.png - (18.40KB , 1147x110 , Anthos Tries To Edit ED.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not even two days.
>> No. 19544
File 131981548262.png - (103.38KB , 665x598 , 1319402482010.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh wow. No wonder they were so confident they'd end up on ED.

>>... he stiffened beneath her and she felt his hot seed suddenly flood into her being, welcoming it into her core. That was ...

>>... off-color glint at her crotch. “Huh… whadaya know, they did manage to flood my intake tank.” Kaze muttered while shaking her head. “Silver ...

>>... moaned passionately as they tried to lap up every drop of semen and each other’s juices. They traced rivulets down to the ...

>>... stimulate the others, but then that's 3 dicks worth of wasted semen that way.........

And based on the thread titles, most of this is occurring with Godzilla monsters.
>> No. 19545
And there I was thinking at NeoMonsterIsland was a harmless Godzilla fansite. How wrong I was.
>> No. 19546
So is there a name for people who like to pretend they are robots?

They might be the new furrys in terms of lulziness.
>> No. 19547
File 131982502142.jpg - (132.68KB , 550x413 , m2824_WTFmanSloth.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well I don't know much about furries, but I googled "furry subcultures scalies robots" hoping to find a list of some sort, and nothing relevant came up. I did find this though:

>> No. 19548

I'd call them clankers, for the CLANK CLANK CLANK sound of metal mashing against metal.

All that robosex.
>> No. 19549
File 131984706698.jpg - (45.62KB , 500x354 , Please assume the position.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19550
>> No. 19551

How about this:
>> No. 19552
File 131984819044.png - (29.39KB , 1318x359 , How Anthos recruits new members.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19553
Where did you get this? Did you manage to get into the forum?
>> No. 19554

Robophile is alright, but not very slang-y, if you know what I mean, unlike furry, scaly, and etc.
>> No. 19555
I liked clanker. But do we REALLY need a specific term for someone who wants to fuck robots?
>> No. 19556

Not really.
>> No. 19557

Where is this from? Does he just FAPPINGTON random forums (Not counting where he faps) to recruit people?
>> No. 19558
It's pretty clear he wants to turn the troll busters into a personal army. But it's not to prevent trolling, it's so he wont be able to get trolled (in theory). He clearly doesn't care about the people in Trollbusters, he just likes that he can send people to spam trolls accounts, which gives him more time to play with his toys.
>> No. 19559
Has NeoMonsterIsland been breached? I bet there's some hilarious stuff in the 'Teh Drama' thread.
>> No. 19560
All this troll busting shit reminds me of this crap that was posted here a while back.


Basically a furry version of Troll Busters. Furri*er*, anyway.
>> No. 19561

It's from Neomonsterisland. He probably does.
>> No. 19562
File 131985246861.png - (69.43KB , 1310x690 , Bipolar much.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>I quit!! Oh wait, I'll actually help who have been trolled!
>> No. 19563
File 131985277051.png - (36.27KB , 1315x319 , UVA on cwc.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aww!! He really loves us!
>> No. 19564
Would anyone object to someone from here creating an account there and replying to what he's saying? I'd really like to say something there, in front of his hugbox, where he doesn't have the power to delete it, but I know some might object to letting them know we're watching.
>> No. 19565


Who's that? Doesn't sound as exciting as UA.
>> No. 19566
I don't have a problem with it.
>> No. 19567
File 131985551160.png - (274.79KB , 270x500 , 1308264837209.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Me either. Also I bet he'll be back within a week on youtube making new videos.
>> No. 19568
He's referring to this thread: >>113144

He seems to be under the impression that we only focus on one lolcow at a time, or assume just because a new thread pops up, everyone's focusing on it. If nothing else it proves he's either coming here, or one of his little friends is giving him updates.

Did he assume we just stopped following Chris-chan, ADF, PixyTeri, and A-Log the second he popped up?
>> No. 19569

>following Chris-chan, ADF, PixyTeri, and A-Log

Who the fuck are they? Definitely not UA, that's for sure.
>> No. 19570
I tried to register an account on the forum but no luck in finding any of the topics. :(
>> No. 19571

I'm pretty sure they hid it from new users sahib :(
>> No. 19572
I think you have to wait like 3 days to be able to do basically anything on the site. I can't search, look at member profiles or anything. Whoever's posting the screenshots probably created their account a few days ago.

For now, we wait.
>> No. 19573
File 131985958554.png - (46.61KB , 1318x429 , TUA the brony.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More brony personing bullshit
>> No. 19574
Is there a sauce that the Bronies copy from for that argument, because I think I've seen that exact one before.
>> No. 19575

>Pinkie Pie is my favorite
>The Lolrandum XD one
>> No. 19576
Ok, I guess I just have to wait too.
>> No. 19577
Of all of those DANG DIRTY Ponies, Pinkie Pie would be the one I'd kill first.
>> No. 19578

Fuck, every spеrgs excuse is the same - enjoaied by EAVERYONN - intereastan STORRI - compleks KARAKTERZ

Fuck you, faggots. I know ponyfags irl, and the vast majority of them are fucking sad losers that never ever even held a girls hand .

Theres much more interesting/funnier cartoons to obsess about, and they choose the most girly one. Yea, way to not be raging dang dirty homos
>> No. 19579
this is a message for anthos
I promise you this won't blow over. I will bump old threads and make new ones everyday. Tell all of your faggot bronies and dick sucking furry friends you are a marked man
>> No. 19580
File 131986388889.png - (46.41KB , 1307x400 , UVA ponyfucker.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He faps to ponies . . .
>> No. 19581
So, how long do you have to be on the board until you can see these threads? I'm itching to post a reply to him.
>> No. 19582
I signed up two days ago. You just click on a forum and try to find his posts that way

>> No. 19583
Yeah, I've tried that, but when I try to search for a thread of name, I just get an error message that I'm not allowed to search yet. Same thing if I try to look at a profile, even my own. If I click on a link to one of the threads (I noticed the search strangely does work if you're not signed in) I just get the error "[#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in."

At the moment I'm trying to find the "teh drama" thread.
>> No. 19584
File 131986534446.png - (27.79KB , 1311x299 , UVA and women troubles.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, you can only go into forums and browse through until you find him. I haven''t been able to find that thread either.
>> No. 19585
Oh well, the rant thread was locked. I went ahead and posted a massive wall of text in a new thread, but got a message that it'll have to be approved by a moderator before it's posted. I doubt it will be.
>> No. 19586
File 131986647054.png - (16.98KB , 1319x171 , Tasteless hurricane joke.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, it probably isn't going to be.
>> No. 19587
File 131986708979.gif - (37.41KB , 1235x449 , Anthos.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More goodness
>> No. 19588
File 131986793924.png - (37.44KB , 1191x384 , Anthos.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not even other furfags can stand him
>> No. 19589
File 131986806141.png - (21.24KB , 1181x291 , Anthos.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Last post for the night
>> No. 19590
>This man is suffering from 3rd degree butthurt!
>>I've got some salve right here.
>That'll do for now but we have to get him to a hugbox soon or we'll lose him!
>> No. 19592
File 131986967056.png - (180.90KB , 272x352 , L-U-L-Z.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
An Heroing is painless...
>> No. 19593
>> No. 19594
Can you get us some screenshots of the post and their reaction?
>> No. 19595
I think he's saying that actual post was his message for Anthos reading it here, on /cwc/.
>> No. 19596
>> No. 19597
Y'know what the worst thing is? That not once has Anthos considered that he is directly responsible for all of this happening to him. Not once has he ever blamed anyone other than the dang dirty trolls.
>> No. 19598
There's a thread on the forum now called 'Anthos a reply from /cwc/'

I'd be interested to see what's going on in there.
>> No. 19599
Link please?
>> No. 19600
Even if I gave you one, you wouldn't be able to see it. The forum is locked down to non-members.
>> No. 19601
File 131989600976.png - (28.83KB , 1263x216 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19602
File 131989784282.png - (31.42KB , 949x238 , DO IT.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm guessing that Anthos is growing tired of his toy screwdriver.
>> No. 19603
File 131989882158.png - (202.32KB , 753x1044 , 1214886482_anthos_complaints_department.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh wow he made some terrible sprite comics too
>> No. 19604
File 13198988373.jpg - (172.35KB , 579x1280 , 1214889231_anthos_what_is_a_scientologist_png.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also crooze
>> No. 19605
File 131989893979.jpg - (305.46KB , 823x1280 , 1233362605_anthos_history_png.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think this his last one, it's pretty awful.
>> No. 19606
Someone hasn't seen ADF threads.
>> No. 19607
TUA? There is no telling if he has or not
>> No. 19608

>It's my right to fuck Monstergirls as an Amurikan Hero!
>> No. 19609
What a jerk, intruding on Anthos' love quest!
>> No. 19610

That's what all furries do when they get trolled.
>> No. 19611
"Those dang dirty trolls, how dare they tell people things I said publically!"
>> No. 19612

>No one wants to see your wet-dreams!

I must agree with him...though I hear that the site has plenty of people writing fapfiction all over it.
>> No. 19613
File 131990453148.jpg - (64.08KB , 927x395 , neomonsterisland.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, I'm the guy who said last night I was trying to post a wall of text about Anthos on their forum, but it's under admin review.

Well they e-mailed me, they seem pretty cool about the whole thing. They're saying they welcome /cwc/ if we're not going to invade the board, and they're happy to hear both sides of the story. The thread might get posted.

If they do post it, they've got thick skin and can take a joke, because I did briefly mention we were laughing about the kaijugirls stuff.

Apparently you have to make five mod-approved posts before you're granted full access.
>> No. 19614
JetJaguar, you're a fucking bro, son. Keep us updated, won't you?
>> No. 19615
I really would love it if they did post it and opened their doors to /cwc/. It'd be so funny if, even in his little hugbox, his self-declared favourite forum on the internet, Anthos' faggotry STILL won't be tolerated.
>> No. 19616
You have been granted the rank of /cwc/bassador.
>> No. 19617
File 131991180652.png - (48.09KB , 1325x508 , Anthos profile.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
(Not jetjaguar, but another person in on the fun). Here's Anthos' profile:
>> No. 19618
The fact that he put friends as an interest shows that he probably has none.
>> No. 19620
File 131991436081.jpg - (63.26KB , 471x574 , neomonsterisland2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Got another e-mail from the guy running the site. Thread's not going up, but he said he copied all of the text and sent it to Anthos. They've all been chewing him out apparently.

Mentioning the Kaijugirls hit a little too close to home for him. He seemed to think it was strange I claimed to be a Godzilla fan, but did not want to have sex with female versions of them. Oh well, he still says we're welcome there. I wonder how much of what I wrote Anthos will actually read. I saved it to a text document to post again if an opportunity comes up.

I think as long as I'm not banned I'm going to start posting there, it might stick in Anthos craw that I wasn't outright banned.
>> No. 19621
>and moist boy wizards

Well that's an...odd phrase.
>> No. 19622
Is there any chance of seeing JetJaguar's message to Anthos from /cwc/?
>> No. 19623
File 131991730918.png - (57.83KB , 848x352 , Signature.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Use this as your signature. It took me 5 minutes to make in MS paint!
>> No. 19624
What an odd man.
>> No. 19625
Please, JetJaguar, if you're still here, can we please see your message to Anthos that you posted?
>> No. 19626
It's like 31 paragraphs long, and pretty much one long rant.

I could pastebin it, but to summarize, basically I say /cwc/ is more like an audience to trolls than actual trolls, and rarely does anyone from the board actually participate in trolling. That documenting stuff someone's done publicly, or saying to them or amongst ourselves that their antics are making them look dumb isn't trolling, that to be trolling him we'd have to be tricking him into posting nudes or something, and that neither /cwc/ or ED really does the whole invasion thing and at most they'd get a few loudmouths like myself posting on the forum.

Then I just explained that Anthos trollbusting persona was complete BS as the Trollbusters are an obvious joke, meaning Anthos is either lying about his intentions, or so stupid he saw the Troll Hunter call ADF a "flower of womanhood" and sing showtunes to Chris-chan and took him seriously. And explained how he came to our attention, and the letter he wrote to Chris-chan trying to troll him himself, and how what largely made him a lolcow was his reaction when it didn't work.

The rest is just pointing out the similarities between his actions, and those of A-Log with his fox persona, ADF with Sakura, and Chris-chan with Sonichu. And explaining to him that it won't go away, /cwc/ follows over a dozen lolcows at any given time, and just because a new thread on a new one shows up doesn't mean everyone's forgotten about the old ones, and that basically the only way for him to stop being a lolcow is for him to actually stop being a lolcow.
>> No. 19627
Let's not forget that Anthos also showed up to a few youtube channels and acted like a complete douchebag.
>> No. 19628
Pastebin dat shit. I wanna read.
>> No. 19629
After googling his msn email I found another forum he posts at:

(I had to add REMOVE since linking to zeta boards is banned for whatever reason.)
>> No. 19630
It's already on the ED page.
>> No. 19631
Oh okay, I just never saw it mentioned on these threads. :)
>> No. 19632
To be honest, there's not much there worth looking at. He's only made ten posts and they were months and months ago.
>> No. 19633

>> No. 19634
In his defense, he probably means "Godzilla and Friends", as in Godzilla's other Monster friends.

Because he doesn't have any IRL friends, amirite?
>> No. 19635
Any updates on what's going on at da hugbox?
>> No. 19636
Not much. Everything has went back to normal (as normal as it can get on that site), Anthos is a no show, and the rant thread that Anthos posted in was locked for obvious reasons.
>> No. 19637

>Anthos is a no show

Probably ran off due to all the DRUAMAA!
>> No. 19638
How long do you think he'll be off the internet for?
>> No. 19639
I'm still hoping for a look at JetJaguar's message to Anthos, to be honest.
>> No. 19640

It's just one long rant. I thought if it went through it wouldn't stay up for long.
>> No. 19641
You beautiful man.
You've made me proud to be a /cwc/-tard.
>> No. 19642
Would it be alright if I put some of this on the ED page, JJ? You made some really great, eloquent funny points.
>> No. 19643
File 131999472791.gif - (186.38KB , 250x219 , clapping.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19644
Yeah, that'd be fine with me.
>> No. 19645
JetJaguar, are you going to become a regular member of the forums? Maybe screencap any lulzy posts made regarding The Unknown Autobot?

It's great that /cwc/ has a 'guy on the inside', so to speak.
>> No. 19646
File 131999584260.png - (50.25KB , 1265x349 , NEVAR 4GET.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19647
CinoxFellpyre (what the hell kind of name is that?) is hording all the lulz!

I honestly seriously doubt Anthos will be able to keep to his word here. Even if he drops the costume, videos of him ranting about random shit will always be autistic and stupid and this will eventually snowball into him becoming just as bad or even worse than he is now. That's just my view on it.
>> No. 19648
I'd quite lie to see The Unknown Autobot drop all the crap and just make a video as Anthony, not Anthos.

Let's see him without all the pomp and ceremony and ridiculous costumes.
>> No. 19649
If he drops the costume, doesn't he just become A-Log?
>> No. 19650
aren't we all 3 or 4 bad decisions away from becoming A-Log?
>> No. 19651

Nah more like 2 bad decisions

we are all 3 or 4 really bad decisions away from Chris, and 10 bad decisions away from Keven
>> No. 19652
So, we would be 5 or 6 bad decisions away from becoming The Unknown Autobot? That's comforting to know . . .
>> No. 19653
Eh, honestly, it seems like Chris, A-Log and other lolcows are sort of in a constant state of idiocy. It's more of a mindset than bad decisions.

2 or 3 bad decisions away from being an internet laughing stock? Maybe.
>> No. 19654
File 132002078727.png - (28.62KB , 1270x308 , New TUA.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New journal entry on FurAffinity. In it, we see the usual substitution of swear words with Transformers terminology and interest in programming he is not in the appropriate age demographic for.

Wow. We really ARE being returned to our regularly scheduled shenanigans.
>> No. 19655
File 132002165591.jpg - (32.97KB , 400x411 , 9543_artist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The spurg is back online (the person is back online)
The spurg is back online (the person is back online)
I said
The spurg is back online (the person is back online)
The spurg is back online (the person is back online)
>> No. 19656
File 132002280570.png - (25.94KB , 1319x245 , Anthos is back.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's even posted on Neo Island
>> No. 19657
This is the toy sword he's talking about... http://www.museumreplicas.com/p-1718-airship-pirate-cutlass-latex.aspx

Seventy-five dollars.
>> No. 19658

Is it common amongst "clankers" (as that one dude put it) to replace swears with transformers jargon? I notice bronies do that to when they replace "Everybody" with "everypony" and "fap" with "clop". It's like if I liked James Bond films a whole bunch and would say "by Daniel Craig what is going on here" whenever something bad happened
>> No. 19659

By Optimus Prime's metal balls, of course it's not common! In fact, we autobots never use unusual jargon. For us, it's entirely normal.
>> No. 19660
File 13200534105.jpg - (10.15KB , 185x185 , 1269425730708.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've never really heard people abuse the terminology like that, but then again I don't tend to associate myself with robosexuals.
>> No. 19661
>IPods Down and Listen Up
>> No. 19662
Well the pony puns are a part of the show so I guess the fans are just copying it.
>> No. 19663
I liked the responses to this. Two people said no, one guy said it was OK and the last guy said he was watching Breaking Bad instead. Y'know, a show for grown ups.
>> No. 19664
File 132010031894.jpg - (59.21KB , 490x370 , 1318656191446.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice baiting for Breaking Bad comments
>> No. 19665
It's all good man.
>> No. 19667
everyone knows that tito is a breaking bad fan.
>> No. 19668
Any new developments on TUA? Someone mentioned they were in a skype chat with him over Halloween.
>> No. 19669
I pretty sure they were joking
>> No. 19670
File 132019373997.jpg - (10.17KB , 304x171 , d11s02e07_monk_304.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If this post >>116521 is to be believed, he's working in a haunted house, dressed up as a Doctor Who character.

So, y'know, playing pretend, like always.
>> No. 19671
I notice he talks a lot about boys, but never men. Femboys, wet wizard boys, skinny androgynous children.

I have an epic ween idea, but we know he reads /cwc/ so I'll keep it to myself.
>> No. 19672
What is a wizard boy anyway? Does it involve Hogwarts?
>> No. 19673
More then a hogs warts I would say
>> No. 19674
It's in this thread
>> No. 19675
>> No. 19676
File 132020051753.png - (142.50KB , 306x312 , Husky Is Irritated.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's a great link for the whole two people on /cwc/ who can actually SEE the fucking forum.
>> No. 19677

Like, I understand why whoever does this keeps doing it, hoping Anthos gets all in character and humiliates himself more and more, but these videos come across more PC Assassins-esque attention whoring than epin ween trolling.
>> No. 19678
He's building to something. He wants The Unknown Autobot to come out and confront him, so he can play his trump card, whatever that may be.

Personally, I enjoy his videos.
>> No. 19679

He could just post screenshots of these conversations.

Harder to disprove than some guy ranting.
>> No. 19680
Naw guys, Anthos is pretty cool. >w>
>> No. 19681
File 132020239297.jpg - (31.43KB , 412x600 , 1319411256235.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hello Anthos
>> No. 19682
I'm not anthos you bozo. Anthos would not bother with you LOW CLASS trolls.

For the love of Primus...
>> No. 19683
That's not Anthos. He's offline right now, unless he blocked me on Skype, but I don't see why he would do that.
>> No. 19685
How the hell did you get his skype?
>> No. 19686

Try not being a fucking dick to him and maybe you'll get lucky. He's very paranoid, understandably. He does flirt a lot, though.
>> No. 19687
heh can you get on the #sonichu irc sometime tonight Indi?
>> No. 19688

>He does flirt a lot, though.

Can you explain this part?
>> No. 19689
My guess, Anthos is like CWC.
If you're a dude, he'll write you off as a JERK (or troll, in this case).
If you're a girl (or pretend to be one), he'll fail his hardest trying to impress her with his trollbusting tales.
>> No. 19690

I was thinking Indi could be a guy, what with all of Antho's talk of boywizards and boyfems.
>> No. 19691
Negative there, Charlie. He likes his fembois.
>> No. 19692
I take it he's flirted with you many times? Any advice you can give as far as getting in good with him?
>> No. 19693

Can't unless you can find me an IRC app for Android, but if you want my email it's in the field just this once. I'm sorry but for all I do, I have no hard keyboard even. ;_;
>> No. 19694
File 13202282792.jpg - (102.30KB , 640x480 , IMG_20111024_164657.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Requesting due to the sensitive nature of the issue that all Anthos questions be sent to my included email. If you don't trust me, just make a free spare gmail or hotmail account or whatever. I don't mind.

>>117435 >>117459

He flirts a lot. It's harmless really. Mentions things about skimpy outfits. He's in an open relationship but he's taken a liking to a woman named Taylor who works at Deja Vu in Lansing so I think it will be fine. If I don't fuck this up (read: don't fuck this up for me) I might get to meet him face-to-face.

He's been really upset about the whole doxxing thing. I have his house number and apparently so too do you all. He told me someone called his house two nights ago and left a message for him that he's a faggot or something.

I think that whoever did that is a JULAYfag who should be shot, though. If it matters to you, I really am who I told him I am. If I'm supposed to be trolling I'd rather be a genuine friend like Ivy seemed to be, not like Bluespike whose actions against CWC were hilarious but taken too far.

I only started talking to him a week and a half ago because someone made a thread about him and I was curious. To be honest, he's relatively normal when we chat on Skype. I've only ever communicated with him in text format.

He says he doesn't check here often at all, that "/cwc/ can fucking HANG!" but he might not be being honest with me, hence the email request.

To the guy who called his house, if you're from here: thanks for making him even more timid. :| It's hard to get him to open up to me as it is.

I don't mean to be a LULS HAOREDR but please don't be so abjectly terrible to him outright. He has an overinflated ego, but I haven't seen anything worth mentioning.

A direct component of whether or not he will even speak to me is my not mentioning anything that isn't already public knowledge, or "leaking info" if you prefer.

Oh and I wasn't kidding, I did chat with him on Halloween. Sorry about the IRC inaccessability on my part. It's frustrating for me too.

If I left anything out, or piqued your interest, go ahead and ask another question. If not, heh, I'm not Clyde Cash so... I haven't actually betrayed him, if he should happen to see this post. He works pretty much all day I think, now that his other part-time job (season over, holiday related job) has ended. He held two jobs at once and wasn't fired. Still works at Wendy's, he told me.

I hope he isn't upset with me if he does lurk here. Again, he says he doesn't, but if it were me, I would lurk threads about me. Guess that makes me a tinfoil hat.
>> No. 19696
Top work, Indi.
>> No. 19697
Indi aren't you concerned he's going to read this thread and realize your plans?
>> No. 19698
>someone called his house two nights ago and left a message for him that he's a faggot or something...I think that whoever did that is a JULAYfag who should be shot, though.

This is going to be a very unpopular opinion on here, but... get fucked. Calling people up and fucking with them is how 99 out of 100 of trolling works. Don't get upset because God forbid someone who doesn't have hours to sit around chatting up some asspie called him up and did what people have done to lolcows for years.

I don't mean to say whoever called him wasn't a faggot, per say, but you guys take the whole "lets pretend to be his friend for months on end so e can GIT DAT CONTENT XD" crap far too serious. Especially when people like Anthos tend to leave shit laying everywhere anyway and obviously isn't going to learn to stop being a faggot like a regular person is.
>> No. 19699

>Especially when people like Anthos tend to leave shit laying everywhere anyway

>> No. 19700

He didn't leave that shit lying around everywhere because someone called his home and called him a faggot, that sort of action is just going to scare him off completely and he won't leave anything of interest lying around anywhere. Also, 99 out of 100 of trolling sucks bawls.
>> No. 19701
I agree with you. The Unknown Autobot is the sort of person who deserves to have that sort of shit happen to him. He's a faggot and he needs to be told he's a faggot regularly.

You can't compare it to calling Chris and saying "JULAAAAAAAAAY!!" which has never been funny and is really boring.
>> No. 19702
You know, for some reason I think Anthony started dressing up like that before the whole Troll Busting s­pergfest.
>> No. 19703
Indi, can you speak to Anthos about the ED page? Specifically, how he feels about it, whether he's read it, that sort of thing?

I'd be interested to know if the ED user calling himself 'Anthos' who attempted to blank the article was really him.
>> No. 19704
So Indi, I take it you're the white knighting fag he's been mentioning as of late?
>> No. 19705

No, because he said he doesn't read 789chan more than once to me.

I'm not telling people what they can and can't do. If you want to call him, just call him. There's no "INNER CIRCLE" with Anthos, but if you're going to troll at least make it fresh and original. Calling someone and leaving a message telling him he's king fag isn't going to get a video out of him. I guess saying they should be shot was a bit extreme. How about "I don't approve because it doesn't accomplish anything." I'm not on a quest for content, I just planned to let that happen naturally. Sorry if it takes a while, read some old Sonichu to hold you over or something, Christ.

He is and he does, but once again, that shit will scare him right off.

If he hasn't blocked me for posting here, I'll ask him about that.

I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said "I'm retiring as a Trollbuster. I'm not going to make any new videos until the attentikn blows over." Of course there were more >w>s involved. I don't know if he tried to blank his page or not, but he has a friend calling himself SeanStrife who tried to blank his dox. I don't know anything about a user named Anthos on ED.ch but I'll ask him.

Maybe you're thinking of SeanStrife? I haven't whiteknighted him at all. I literally just talk to him on Skype sometimes. I'm sorry if I don't call his house and scream TAYYYLORRRR into his phone like you want me to.

Would you rather have new pictures, or should I just give this up since you guys are invariably dicks to everybody who attempts to troll anyone anywhere? Sorry he hasn't been filmed shoving a sonic screwdriver in his ass for you, but fuck, not every lolcow is as stupid as Chris and not all ORIJANUL CONTINT is extreme.
>> No. 19706
What are these new pictures of which you speak?
>> No. 19707

I haven't taken them yet because I haven't met him face to face. I could be talking to a guy pretending to be Anthos for all I know, but he lives an hour and a half away from me. Mods can check my IP if they want. That's a long drive and my boyfriend is the breadwinner in the family, so he has my car all day. Maybe if I ask nicely he'll take a picture for me. He's not usually online until later. I think he might work mornings.

Look, if you really want noodz, he likes big busted ladies who are on the curvy side. He's in an open relationship with a girl from Seattle who I've suspiciously never seen photos of. Godspeed, whoever wants to be his heartsweet.

I'd do it but it feels wrong to me. I'm not against other people trying though. It's not like I bought the rights to exclusively trolling him, this all started because I was curious why you guys hated him so much, so I just asked him politely, and bam, he talked to me about it.

He says I'm already one of his best friends, and invited me to a gentleman's club, in which I have no interest outside of getting pix.

He doesn't use pony/transformers jargon around me really. I think that's something he does only on his little forums.

Feel free to scream at me for not having pictures of his dick from three different angles.

I think most of /cwc/ was spoilt by CWC. It's not that easy all the time. I'm not trying to protect him, and if he should happen to read this, I guess he'll probably hate me, but I hope he'd at least let me talk to him and explain it.

I said already I'm not much of a FA. I talk to him on Skype- if he says anything particularly interesting, I'll share.

His new persona is "Dr Strangelulz", "to heal and aid the trolled". I think he MIGHT be getting a new costume. I'll encourage him to make a new video. Hopefully he will, so I don't look like a lying sack of shit.

I troll badly, maybe, but at least he sort of trusts me. That's kind of cool I guess. I was honest from the very beginning and it turned out to be super effective.
>> No. 19708
Indi, don't leave. I for one appriciate the work that you have put into this and I find it pretty funny. Most people are enjoying this, its the handfull of bitchers that are always the loudest.
>> No. 19709

Thank you, I really do appreciate it. My AIM is indiglogrey if you had questions. I'll try to answer as best I can. It's a delicate situation, and he's pretty broken up right now. I imagine if he reads this, all my effort is undone, but I could only blame myself.
>> No. 19710
File 132025636547.jpg - (125.57KB , 692x530 , motherbrain_4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Indi, check your email.
>> No. 19711
>> No. 19712

Just did, but there was nothing new. Indi(.)[email protected], right? I checked the spam filter too, but got nothing.

Nah, that ain't me. Ask Seanieb.
>> No. 19713
File 132025718666.jpg - (102.85KB , 600x612 , Mother_Brain_by_JonFreeman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Connection poopy on my end. It should have gone out now.
>> No. 19714

Got it. Have done as asked. Carry on then lads.
>> No. 19715
I find it funny that he makes a bunch of videos calling out the trolls, but gets scared when he gets a phone call and an ED page. He really has the autism.
>> No. 19716
I think it's more cowardice than autism, personally.
>> No. 19717
  another hilarious video from captain crazy.
>> No. 19718

Meh, more like the SMART thing. Ignoring trolls is the only way to throw them off. Who cares about someone who doesn't produce lulz?

Doesn't mean his an idiot for firing his mouth off, though.
>> No. 19719

I like captain crazy but don't post "DURP GUIZE NOTHER HILARIOUS VID FRUM HIM"

It looks really dumb
>> No. 19720
File 132027035689.jpg - (41.07KB , 640x480 , herp_a_derp_by_xnatashaxnarcoticx-d4epknq.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Because I am his biggest fan.

here is my deviantart http://xnatashaxnarcoticx.deviantart.com/

>> No. 19721
Um... OK.
Who cares about that?
>> No. 19722

I do

>> No. 19723
In that picture... you look like Linetrap... but fat.

What does this have to do with anything?
>> No. 19724
Because he's trollin' y'all
>> No. 19725
I'm slightly wary of Indi... How do we know that YOU'RE not Anthos?
>> No. 19726
I'd like some proof that Indi is who she claims to be. There's a lot to her story which, to me, raises questions and makes me think that what we're dealing with her is an elaborate version of JenkinsJinkies.
>> No. 19727
File 132027672499.gif - (1.64MB , 126x126 , vjLuR.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I agree, this is way to convenient. Everything she says, paints him with a pretty rosey lense. She hasnt really given us any real information about him.
>> No. 19728
Anthos is incapable of talking without using tropes in every fucking sentence and capitalising them, he's autismal as fuck and can be spotted a mile away, this isn't him.
>> No. 19729
I know my opinion on here is considered dirt but I'm with a lot of other people in asking Indi to provide evidence she isn't Anthos. Mainly because I find it suspicious she's 1) Painting Anthos in a good light and 2) Blatantly trying to stamp out trolling via phoning Anthos's house. Obviously if this upsets Anthos one of the things he'd try to do would be make people think she's got it under control stopping people from actively trolling Anthony by phoning him up.

Seems suspicious to me.
>> No. 19730
I'm thinking worst case, trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.
I really don't think Anthos = Indi.
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