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File 131706963214.jpg - (40.28KB , 600x450 , A-Log.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
19731 No. 19731
/cwc/, can we have an A-Log thread?

We haven't had an A-Log thread in a while and we have about eleven ADF threads.
Expand all images
>> No. 19732
But A-Log's terrible.
>> No. 19733
Just post old stuff. It'll make it just as valid.
>> No. 19734
That's all the ADF fags have been doing.
>> No. 19735
File 131707690947.jpg - (149.15KB , 900x1200 , __you_must_be_new_here___by_verganza_de_sasuke-d48.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Actually ADF has much more content than Chris had in 2008 (he was discovered less than 1 year ago).
>> No. 19736
File 131709135125.jpg - (15.42KB , 579x103 , alogtarget.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ALog has defeated SailormoonRed1 and is moving on to destroy his next target - beware!
>> No. 19737

That's a damn shame.
>> No. 19738
Congratulations, A-Log. You might have been partially responsible for making a retarded kid who likes to play with dolls feel unwelcome on the internet. Write a fanfic where your fursona fucks an aging pornstar to celebrate this accomplishment.
>> No. 19739
I hate this son of a bitch as much as I hate the excessive ADF threads. If A-Log was responsible for SailorMoonRed1 closing his account, I hope he gets what he fucking deserves. He's just as bad, if not worse than BigAl2k6.
>> No. 19740
what was wrong with bigal2k6. i remeber him being a fat turd but nothing on alog level. i always thought spax was worce
>> No. 19741

I think somebody mentioned in the unknownautobot thread that bigal2k6 leaped on an 8-year-old for being an Irate Gamer fan.

Sure, Chris Bores is a first class cunt polyp. Shouldn't a kid whose balls haven't even dropped be entitled to a stupid opinion or shit taste once in awhile, though?

When it was pointed out that aggressively trolling a young child might be seen as undignified or bullying by some, he copped an attitude with the critics and blocked them.

He's basically an overgrown epic ween faggot.
>> No. 19742
That was SpaceScreaminJohn that made the video ranting at the little boy who was an Irate Gamer fanboy, actually. He's one of A-Log's little neckbeard friends - a greasy looking little Mexican wearing a fedora - the obligatory symbol of nerds trying to look cool everywhere, who while claiming to not be an autist displays a lot of autistic traits and similarly nerdy interests.

Now, I don't know who the Irate Gamer is and, frankly, I don't care to know, but as dreadful as he may supposedly be, I'm of the opinion that, when you're eight years old, you're kind of allowed to have dumb opinions and like retarded things. You can see the actual commentary he made, here, if you're interested.

I called him out on it, saying that as a grown man, it was cheap and cowardly to mock someone who's clearly only a little kid, and his response was: 'Hmmm, that's funny, because when I saw his video, I didn't see an 8-year-old boy, I saw an ignorant Irate Gamer fanboy.'

He then blocked me, so I couldn't comment any more to made it look as though he'd won the argument.
>> No. 19743
wow what a piece of shit, i remember when i was young my taste was shit too. i think i liked CAD because it had lol so random humor or violence. boy was i wrong
>> No. 19744
File 131712775197.png - (890.25KB , 5000x4068 , Trollface.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
SpaceScreaminJohn actually had to create a new account on YouTube - SpaceScreaminJohn2 - after trolls flagged his videos. He has only recently managed to reupload all his old videos onto his new channel...

Be a shame if something were to happen to his new channel, don'tcher think?
>> No. 19745
Oh noes!
>> No. 19746
File 131713481599.png - (103.89KB , 351x355 , Johnny Depp Swears Vengeance.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You will be avenged!
>> No. 19747
You know what? I didn't used to give a shit about A log, beyond avoiding his stuff because I thought it was boring. But why he would want to fuck with SailorMoonRed1 I can't even fucking grasp.

He got nothing funny out of it, so "for the lulz" can't even be used to here. He just found the one guy one the internet more screwed up than he is and picked on him.

What a dick.
>> No. 19748
He went after him because he was an easy target. Same as with Chris-chan. It's easy to make fun of Sailormoonred1.

A-Log is exploiting that to gain prestige and increase the size of his e-peen among his little gaggle of aspie cronies.
>> No. 19749

>My name is John and I am known as "SpaceScreaminJohn" on your site.

>I believe the video removals were uncalled for because the person who flagged my videos are only doing it to harass me. The user in question is "DaBaddyIsBack," someone who really hates me and is flagging my videos just to harass me. In fact, "DaBaddyIsBack" is doing this not just to me, but to many other users as well.

Ruh roh.
>> No. 19750
File 131713808938.jpg - (357.09KB , 1200x897 , 1312089214980.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have to say, I really feel bad for SMR1. I've seen his videos, and he genuinely never did anything bad, unless you count talking through dolls as bad. And when he did, which wasn't all that common, he always apologized sincerely to the people he thought he'd wronged. He seems like a very decent young man. It's a shame he got taken off youtube com because that's about all he had going for him at the time.

His other account is JORDANMULANLONG.

I know it will never happen, but I wish I could see the person who got him taken offline punished. Or have SMR1's account reinstated, since it was taken down for bullshit reasons. I get that a lot of people didn't like him, or didn't think much of him, but he really wasn't that bad and didn't deserve that.

From what I understand, a bunch of people falsely flagged his videos. I think CuteChong had a lot to do with it, if you know who she is. Not that it means anything, but she has an encyclopedia dramatica article.

Anyway, people tormenting Duane have this misunderstanding that he's a creep. He's a little strange, to be sure, but I know for a fact he's never creeped on anyone. He's just a little retarded, but not a bad person.

Sad day.
>> No. 19751
File 131713818892.jpg - (245.69KB , 539x756 , JohnRecolor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"SpaceScreamin" John Quinteros Jr posted this on his Facebook, where all his real life friends and family members have seen it.

Dealing with a real winner here, friends.
>> No. 19752
Shit, man, we need more information on this SpaceScreaminJohn faggot.

I think we've found us a new lolcow.
>> No. 19753

Dawksin' now. Something I find incredibly funny about these wanna-be ween troll youtube idiots is how much of their own personal information they leave laying around for anyone to find.
>> No. 19754
File 131713887022.jpg - (13.00KB , 180x230 , 273440_1809914071_7508316_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
pic related
>> No. 19755
All this shit's being compiled later, for now I figured I'd drop some funny shit as I came across it. Such as this;

>> No. 19756
I'm mentally drafting the opening paragraphs of his ED page now...
>> No. 19757
Hell, I feel terrible for Duane because, unlike Chris-Chan, he was that nice, albeit oddball we come across in our lives. Duane McAllen really didn't deserve people forcing him to close his own account down because they didn't like what he produced regularly.

I do recall Duane having a falling out with CuteChongALT on FaceBook and YouTube earlier this month, to the point where Duane posted a video, tearfully admitting that he wronged CuteChongALT for revealing her real name.

Now, I tried adding Duane on Skype to chat with him, but he has yet to confirm my add-request.
>> No. 19758
Is there really enough known about SpaceScreaminJohn to justify the creation of an ED page about him? The guy sounds like a gigantic faggot, don't get me wrong, but there's something missing - that X factor that makes a good ED page.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is 'has he got any weird or lulzy fetishes we should know about?'
>> No. 19759
Came to drop evidence of Johns furfaggotry (of Crash bandicoots sister no less), was surprised to learn ProBoards URLS are blacklisted, went to post again with a tinyurl and came to find out I had gotten banned after the fact.

Which probably isn't the best way to handle matters, but ok.
>> No. 19760

We could just do one of "The A-Log Family Tree" as a group, and every one of his friends just gets a little section.

Frankly I wouldn't worry, ED nowadays is just furfags and Deviantards making unfunny attack pages on people that they don't like and the Admins don't seem to have a problem with it, at least John has a hook.
>> No. 19761
It doesn't surprise me that SpaceScreaminJohn would be drawn to Crash Bandicoot.

Stands to reason that the most obnoxious video game mascot should appeal to someone similarly obnoxious.
>> No. 19762

He closed his Skype. PM him on his alt youtube. Please let me know how it goes, I do really care about the little guy. He's so innocent.
>> No. 19763

Also, he didn't close his own account. "Flaggots" (his term) got him 3 community guideline strikes and some lazy admin didn't even check to see if they were inappropriate before cuttin' his account down.

All in all, it really pisses me off. He was trying so hard not to be offensive to anyone. Sure, he made a rant video here and there, but they were really harmless. Anyone who was that offended by a retard is just retarded themselves.
>> No. 19764
File 131714182967.jpg - (7.03KB , 249x213 , Tom Has Lost Control Of His Life.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ED nowadays is just furfags and Deviantards making unfunny attack pages on people that they don't like...

This really, REALLY saddens me. ED used to be a name to be feared, now it's just a bitchy clubhouse for drama whores.
>> No. 19765
File 131714205670.jpg - (27.96KB , 400x320 , Captain_Hook.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is John's hook, exactly? We know he makes Youtube commentaries, is A-Log's friend and has drawn his own Sonic/Crash Bandicoot recolor to parody CWC.

That's not really enough for an ED page, much as I hate to admit it. Am I missing something?
>> No. 19766
  SpaceScreaminJohn takes on /cwc/'s beloved manbaby in this video.
>> No. 19767

Did John make any other commentaries on our favorite manchild?
>> No. 19768
He did several. They were very much an in thing with A-Log's little circle-jerk of aspie permavirgins.
>> No. 19769

jesus christ this faggot
>> No. 19770
If it helps in the hunt for dox, I can tell you that John sometimes goes under the online handle 'coasterfreak14'.
>> No. 19771

Got everything short of his phone number, may or may not try to get ahold of relatives of his on facebook and see what they'll hand over.
>> No. 19772
On a related subject, did anyone ever get hold of A-Log's phone number?

Because, if there's ever anybody who'd appreciate a complete stranger bellowing JUUUUUULAY down the line at him, it's A-Log.
>> No. 19773
>> No. 19774
Why is it no surprise that A-Log has basement dwelling friends like himself that "review" a child's YT rants?
>> No. 19775
John hid his coasterfreak14 YouTube channel and pulled all the videos. I'm left to assume he's reading this thread.

Dear John;

Too little too late.

Sincerly, Epic Ween Trolls etc
>> No. 19776
I friended his new YouTube channel. His Skype name was still active when I made the request.

I'll try messaging him and fill you in. Duane doesnt deserve the shit that CuteChongALT and that dipshit, fat fuck A-Log give him. He's too kind hearted for the harassment he gets.

Duane does appreciate and thank his subscribers, friends and supporters.
>> No. 19777

I know it happens from time to time, people claiming to live around/be familar with lolcows, but the guy doesn't live that far from a friend of mine if his dox are accurate. I've never seen him but seeing as how he fucked with a harmless guy like Duane perhaps on the off chance I do run across him I'll shout "JULLLLAYYY" at him.
>> No. 19778

Yeah. Do you actively comment on his videos? I do. I think he appreciates the support, plus his videos are funny in their own little way. Like watching him cycle through pictures and get pissed off at his computer in his Wu Yen videos on WUYEN10.
>> No. 19779
No, but I told him not to let the flaggers discourage.him and that Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts will be missed, prior to discovering his new Sailor Moon channel.

I want to give Duane a heads up about A-Log because part of.me wants to hear.him innocently mispronounce his name.

>>Hi ev'ryone, its me, Saila-Moon, an' it's me, Saila-Mars, an' this a rant biveo on Amfony A-Blog Gilatto...
>> No. 19780

All fun and games until you get exposed as a complete loser yourself. Poor John.
>> No. 19781
I've just been on A-Log's channel page. The comments section is a thing of beauty at the moment.
>> No. 19782
File 131717314244.jpg - (13.73KB , 288x316 , Clone Wars.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Begun, the tard war has...
>> No. 19783

I had to play "kick the autistics."
>> No. 19784
>>Why would you be proud of bullying a guy like Duane? Or at the very least get enjoyment from it? I'm just curious. I'm out on S.I. once in awhile around your way so perhaps there's DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS in your future since I'm not a basement dwelling, permavirgin, retard like you. You're no different than CWC by the way but you hear that enough don't you? I'm sure there's alot of people embarassedļ»æ to be from the same borough as you not just below poster.

I couldn't have said it better myself. A-Log is both a dick and a piece of shit at this point.
>> No. 19785

>> No. 19786
You're quite welcome. I'm surprised that there aren't much commentaries about this douchebag.
>> No. 19787

There should be. I don't ever comment on anything or troll anyone but I'm familar with A-Log and Duane from lurking here and being a longtime CWC follower. Picking on a guy like Duane? Really? It's pathetic and it affects the guy's life when he obviously has problems. Clearly being autistic affects A-Log's ability to see himself in a mirror and that's what bothered me.
>> No. 19788
I totally agree with your statement. It's A-Log's big fish, little fish mentality that gets me. There are easy targets that are more deserving than Duane, and yet, Amfony A-Blog Gilatto thinks he's above others. I bet the source of A-Log's powers is his unwarranted self-importance and self-entitlement. He's basically a pathetic fusion between BigAl2k6, Cris-Chan and an unfunny, amateur stand-up comedian who fails at humor.
>> No. 19789

Yep that pretty much sums it up. USI? Extreme. Entitlement? Of course. He's an overweight manchild... which reminds me of someone else... His troll shielding is hilarious. Slightly moreso than the fact that his equally pathetic friend lurks here as he might very well do himself.
>> No. 19790

Samefagging: The source of his power is his mother I'll bet. He's a special snowflake. For a guy in his mid 20s that's sad and it's only exacerbated by the fact he critiques and picks fights with people on the internet.
>> No. 19791
I was so disappointed that Alog didn't attack BBC, I don't follow him, but a shit storm would have brewed to epic proportions. Though I imagine he might make a video about him when hes off at boot camp because Alog isn't the kind of guy to challenge someone who will debate back.
>> No. 19792
File 131717867466.jpg - (20.53KB , 378x495 , lovely clown.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> For a guy in his mid 20s that's sad and it's only exacerbated by the fact he critiques and picks fights with people on the internet.
>> No. 19793

I don't follow BBC either but it would have been hilarious I agree. I've only seen BBC's CWC video and I guess A-Log felt the pangs of jealousy because he couldn't critique our manchild that well. And it would be an A-Log move to pick a fight at a time when there's no shots getting fired back considering his being an autistic pretty much ensures he'd fail at taking on BBC. Oh what might have been...
>> No. 19794
That but probably because BBC apparently criticized Capcom, who's fanbase are nearly as rabid and retarded as the Sonic one.
>> No. 19795

Don't know enough about what basement dwelling autists get offended over so I'll take that as valid in lieu of my theory. I'll ask a rhetorical question but what is it about Sonic that makes these mouth breathing simpletons rage?
>> No. 19796
Actually it's currently in vogue for entitled manchildren to hate EVIL STUPID CRAPCOM because they canceled a couple of Mega Man games.
>> No. 19797
I honestly don't know how Sonic attracts these window-lickers. In all fairness, I wanted to see what this tubby piece of shit had to say about Duane and the BLACKBusterCritic.

I bet Anthony had sand in his vagina when he saw BBC's Sonic BrainFart segment on Chris because he was upstaged by someone with superior skills as a YouTube commentator.

In the same token, I would've loved to see what this dipshit had to say about Duane, just to hear Duane's response on this fucker, mispronunciation of A-Log's name included because it'd probably get a rise out of this dipshit.
>> No. 19798

And Duane would've won right there.
>> No. 19799

"...Hmm... Hi ev'ryone, it's me, Saila-Moon, an' it's me, Saila-Mars, and this is a rant biveo on Amfony A-Blob Gilatto..."

I can hear Duane's voice as I read that line. It would've been so sweet, seeing this innocent YouTuber call out the real Chris-Chan 2.0.
>> No. 19800

Exactly. I figure most people are inclined to leave a guy like Duane alone because he seems pretty simple minded whereas "Amfony A-Blob Gilatto" would feel massive amounts of tard rage being "special" and all.
>> No. 19801
Samefagging here. Mickabe, if you're reading these posts, I want to thank you for calling out this douche on his pathetic YouTube channel.
>> No. 19802
I've gotten pms that were so long it could be used as someone's dissertation.

Well it is Megaman, but if you criticize a game even in the slightest they flip the fuck out. Ie I made a comment that She-Hulk was a retarded addition to MvC 3 and the above mentioned pm spam occurred.
>> No. 19803
Oh, yes. One negative comment about Mega Man will set these retards off on a wild tangent.

Capcom and SonicFags are no different from Bronies. Although they're different fandoms, what makes them incredibly similar is the tardrage produced by the fans.
>> No. 19804

Internet fandoms are retarded. This is not news.

I think we need to have someone record a phone call with A-Log, ask a couple questions. He's probably sensing that people aren't responding to his oh-so-witty commentary in the typical circle jerk fashion, and wants approval from the faceless internet horde desperately.

Offer him a chance to explain himself, and watch him shoot himself in the foot. Just ask questions that'll make him funny, please.
>> No. 19805

Yeah I'm here. I've been posting all along which I usually don't do since I usually just lurk in here. But no problem. I could use a laugh so I hope his autistic followers say something in his defense because he is very much like CWC. You run the A-Log mirror channel by any chance?
>> No. 19806
ALogIsAHuegFaggot? I assume that's yours. If so, nice job.

I'm doing some digging around, and found out that A-Log has a Skype and Blip account.

On Skype: a-log_1985

On Blip.tv: http://a-logtv.blip.tv

I'm sick of his Chris-Chan commentaries because he thinks he's so much better and no different from Chris. They're like inbred, retarded brothers.
>> No. 19807

Nope, not my channel. I was wondering if it was yours actually. But I just noticed it tonight for the first time and watched a few videos I hadn't seen. And yeah, he's not much better than CWC and the only difference is he's not from Bumblefuck, Virginia otherwise he would be CWC.
>> No. 19808
No, it's not mine. I wouldn't waste my time with creating an Anti-A-Log YouTube channel because I don't find it worthwhile. However, I did find his FaceBook page. Just search for Anthony LoGatto. He's relatively easy to find.
>> No. 19809

Are you "Skinnyoompalumpa?" I lol'ed at that second comment.
>> No. 19810
No, I am not. I didn't comment on A-Log's channel. I wanted to send you a PM or friend request on YouTube, but I'm getting a "not available" message when I click on your channel's name.
>> No. 19812

No I am.

And he is almost s bad as the guidos here. But at least some of the guidos here are funny.
>> No. 19813
>>At least some of the guidos here are funny.

Unlike A-Log.
>> No. 19814

Exactly my point sahib ;)
>> No. 19815

there is guidos here? u serious? i had no idea
>> No. 19817
File 131718431896.jpg - (247.40KB , 648x1023 , shehulk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


She-Hulk was the only good comic Marvel did in the 00s.
>> No. 19818
How did A-log troll SMR1?
>> No. 19819
He basically ousted him from the internet, or so I hear.
>> No. 19820
It's what he claimed himself, but it may be all in his bloated mind.
>> No. 19821
File 131720855599.jpg - (239.70KB , 598x828 , Finest Hour.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't think I've ever been more proud of /cwc/ than I have at this moment...
>> No. 19822
File 131720868973.jpg - (99.02KB , 441x408 , Mr_ Sulu Is Amused.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He wasn't responsible, he hadn't even made his commentary yet, but he was crowing about it as if he was.

But, to be fair, even if he ISN'T responsible, /cwc/ doesn't really NEED a reason to attack A-Log. It's A-Log.
>> No. 19823
I was disappointed to see a lack of abusive comments on SpaceScreaminJohn's channel.
>> No. 19824
I really want to post A-Log's newest piece of fapfiction for us all to laugh at but, unlike A-Log's genitalia, it's very long. I figure I'd better ask you guys if it's OK to storytime it. Is that OK?
>> No. 19825

That's because he blocks everyone like a little bitch
>> No. 19826

Yes, it's OK. Please post it.
>> No. 19827
File 131722160090.jpg - (53.72KB , 430x599 , A-Log.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Neapolitan New Year
Synopsis: A-Log and his ladies start 2011 off with a bang!
M/F/F/F, Four-way, tit-fucking, Furry/human, crossover

World's Luckiest Guy presents: A Neapolitan New Year!
Hello Nurse (Animaniacs)
Sierra (porn star)
Maria Rivera (El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera)

New Year's Eve; Friday, December 31st, 2010. The city itself is already aglow with the coming new year. As 2010 draws to a close and 2011 draws near, everyone is in Times Square on 42nd street getting ready for the celebration of a lifetime that can only happen once a year. We also see the bars and dance clubs in full swing as the year comes to a close. We then spread through the crowd and see four familiar figures at the bar. The first figure is a male fox, aged 25, sports a short moppet of brown hair, wears a green sweat shirt and black jean pants and green sneakers. The individual in question is also hatless, since he does have common courtesy of being in a public indoor area. We immediately recognize him as Anthony LoGatto, aka A-Log; well-known comedian and DJ; but even more so remembered for bedding many a beautiful woman. His record has given him the nickname of ā€œThe World's Luckiest Guyā€ since he gets many a woman with just his kindness.

Speaking of which, we also see three woman watching along the partiers as well. The first is a white woman with long blonde hair, red lips, an hourglass figure complete with a bust of 34DD and wears a red dinner dress with slits on the sides. The second is a black woman with long black hair, a 36F bust and wears a black dress that shows off the cleavage perfectly. The last woman is of Latin decent with long flowing black hair, a bust of 40DD, and wears a lime green cocktail dress with black heels. The other two women have red and black heels as well, respectively. In order, they are the aptly named Hello Nurse, one of A-Log's many lovers from way back when, who works in the hospitals in the city; Sierra, a black porn star that moved to Staten Island alongside her protege, Chaka T, whom A-Log met back in February; and Maria Rivera, the divorced mother who moved from Miracle City to get away from the crime and villainy, but has become one of A-Log's lovers as well, thanks to an introduction from another lover of his. The four of them are out on the town for one thing, and one thing only: partying in the new year.

ā€œIsn't this exciting, guys?ā€ Maria said with a tone of excitement in her voice, a drink in her hand. ā€œMy first year in New York City is capped off with being where the action is!ā€

ā€œSame here, Maria baby,ā€ said Sierra, taking a sip of her drink as well. ā€œI've been to many parties in LA and Miami, but never in New York City; especially on New Year's!ā€

ā€œEnjoy while you can, ladies,ā€ Hello Nurse says with a grin on her face. ā€œ'Cause we've just begun when it comes to the kissing 2010 goodbye! Isn't that right, A-Log?ā€

ā€œDamn straight, Nursie!ā€ A-Log said cheerfully. ā€œWhat better way to ring in the New Year than spend a night with the women I love!ā€

All three are touched by his words, especially Maria, who couldn't help but titter at his modesty. (Either that, or the martini is setting in.) As a matter of fact, the drinks are alcohol, but not too much to drive them in a drunken stupor.

ā€œEither way,ā€ says Nurse, ā€œWe're here to party until the sun comes up!ā€

As the music starts to get louder, Maria tries to get the others on the dance floor.

ā€œCome on, guys,ā€ she says, ā€œLet us dance the night away!ā€

ā€œWhy not?ā€ says Sierra. ā€œIt's New Year's.ā€

All four leave the bar and head over to the dance floor. They see many people dancing on the dance floor; many of the couples were grinding on each other, without being too obscene for a bar. As soon as they hit the floor, they start to dance. Anthony dances with Hello Nurse, her body gyrating over his. Maria and Sierra follow suit as Maria dances besides Anthony, rubbing her big Latina ass across his hips; Sierra dances behind him, her big breasts rubbing against Anthony's back. All three ladies rub and gyrate themselves on Anthony, their bodies making contact with his as they danced alongside their fellow New Yorkers, tourists and partiers. He can feel how hot and horny they're feeling as they rubbed themselves all over him, nearly anticipating the erection that will pop up any second.

As they dance, he then notices one of the television sets above the bar. He sees that the moment is about to come. As quick as a flash, he drags the girls off the dance floor.

ā€œA-Log?ā€ says Hello Nurse, in a confused tone, ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€

ā€œWe're leaving the club,ā€ he says.

ā€œWhat for?ā€ asked Sierra. ā€œI was about to get my groove on.ā€

ā€œSave it, Sierra,ā€ he says, ā€œWe're going to have a change of scenery.ā€

ā€œChange of scenery?ā€ asked Maria. ā€œWhatever for?ā€

ā€œIt's nearly midnight. I know of a much more appropriate place to ring in the new year!ā€ he said as he pays the tip, as does the girls, and they walk out of the club.

Minutes later, Anthony comes into a hotel room with his girls in tow; Maria has become a little tipsy at this point from the drinks at the bar earlier. He turns on the light to reveal the room with a huge bed, a big screen TV, and several other accommodations for the room.

ā€œYou booked a hotel room for us?ā€ asked Sierra.

ā€œNot exactly,ā€ says Anthony. ā€œMy friend V-Dogg lent it to me for special occasions such as this.ā€

ā€œDoes the fact that Maria's drunkenness qualify?ā€ says Hello Nurse, who is supporting Maria by her shoulders.

ā€œOh, please no worry, Nurse,ā€ Maria says, tipsy but reassuring. ā€œI'm usually fine in this situation.ā€

ā€œEither way, I know how we'll end 2010!ā€ Anthony says with a smile. ā€œBut a dance club would be too miniscule in comparison.ā€

ā€œHow do you mean?ā€ asks Sierra.

He then answers their question by walking towards the windows, which are obscured by the blinds. He pulls them away to reveal that the hotel they're in is close to where the ball drop is located, near the building to be precise, where they can see the ball in plain view. The girls have become really excited by this development.

ā€œOh my God!ā€ exclaims Hello Nurse, her eyes glued to the ball from her view.

ā€œDios mio, I've always heard of this ceremony, but I've never been this close to the action!ā€ Maria says, her eyes big as saucers.

ā€œDid V-Dogg hook you up with this?ā€ asked Sierra. ā€œ'Cause I can tell how he chose the appropriate places for the right occasions!ā€

ā€œWell, normally V-Dogg brings his girls up here,ā€ A-Log said, ā€œBut he loaned it to me while he parties with Rouge, Chaka T, Donna and Delilah at his place. I'm sure given his luck, he should be tired before dawn breaks.ā€

As he spoke, he goes over the mini-bar and picks up a bottle of champagne and four wineglasses. He gives three of the wineglasses to his girls, and sits on the be with them as they watch the window, where they can see the ball drop.

ā€œIt's a nice place and all, and I appreciate V-Dogg for lending it to you,ā€ says Hello Nurse in her caring, soothing voice. ā€œBut isn't it a bit much?ā€

ā€œLadies,ā€ he said with a hint of reassurance, ā€œIt's perfect for tonight. Now let's watch the ball drop; it's almost midnight.ā€

All four of them sit on the bed and they watch the ball drop, second by second.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!
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The city itself is amassed with joy and laughter as 2010 became 2011. Everyone is dancing on the streets, blowing out their party horns, throwing streamers and singing Auld Lang Syne as midnight struck.

Back in the hotel, Anthony and his girls celebrate as well, with him popping the cork off the champagne bottle and pouring wine into the respective glasses of his girls and pours one for himself. They begin to drink the champagne in celebration for the new year.

ā€œHappy New Year, ladies!ā€ A-Log said with pride. ā€œLet's party!ā€

On cue, he receives an overenthusiastic hug from Maria, who is beyond tipsy at this point.

ā€œSenor LoGatto,ā€ Maria said with a mix of drunkenness and seduction. ā€œNow that 2010 has ended, how about we start 2011 with a bang?ā€ Her boobs pressing against his chest as she says these words. Sierra and Hello Nurse cannot help but smile seductively as well at this moment.

ā€œIt's healthy for us to celebrate with as much vigor as we can,ā€ Nurse said. ā€œSo why not have your first sexual pleasure of the year with us?ā€

ā€œYeah,ā€ said Sierra. ā€œIt's just you, me, Nursey, Maria, and the city lights of New York. Why not make this night complete?ā€

Anthony gives it some thought: should he start the new year with a bang with all three of his lady friends? On the first day (well, early morning portion) of 2011 busting his nut? It soon becomes clear on what his decision is.

ā€œWhy not?ā€ he says with a sly grin. ā€œWhat better way to start the year off then making love to the three of you? Let's do it!ā€

And with that, Anthony shares a kiss with Maria, tasting a bit of the champagne she drank as well. As he helps Maria out of her dress, Hello Nurse and Sierra come up to Anthony kneel down towards his lap. They soon notice the bulge protruding from his jeans. Feeling wet in their nether regions, they decide to caress his bulge as he kisses Maria and feels up her breasts.

ā€œI remember him telling me about you, Nurse,ā€ Sierra said to Hello Nurse. ā€œI recall him telling me about that orgy he made a while back, as well as his visits to the hospital you work for.ā€

ā€œSame here about you,ā€ said Hello Nurse, as her hands softly strokes his bulge. ā€œHe told me about you and Chaka T; I recall hearing that he was a big fan of yoursā€

ā€œHey, I have fans around the world that wanna fuck me. I'm happy to live in the same area as one of my biggest fans.ā€

ā€œAnd I guess you know how he tastes?ā€ asked Nurse.

ā€œOh yeah?ā€ says Sierra with a raised eyebrow. ā€œLet's see how a petite white woman like you can handle this monster?ā€

ā€œYou're on!ā€ Nurse said.

And with that, Hello Nurse unzips his pants and pulls them down to reveal the bulge that is still seen through the boxer shorts he wears. As the pants come off, along with his shoes, of which Sierra takes off for him, they both pull down the underwear, thus releasing his six-inch monster of a dick. Both are in awe of his size as they begin to softly lick his erect shaft. Slowly and softly, their tongues connect with his tool and they go up and down to create stimulation for their famed lover. They then start to alternate: Sierra sucks on the head of the cock, while Hello Nurse continues to lick his shaft. Sierra feels the precum on the tip of his penis as she sucks on the head, also feeling how warm it is. Ditto for Hello Nurse, as she feels the warmth around her tongue. They switch parts and repeat the process until an idea comes to them.

ā€œWhy not make this appropriate, Nurse?ā€ says Sierra in an erotic tone.

ā€œReally? How?ā€ asked Hello Nurse.

ā€œHaving our personal ball drop with his... little friends below,ā€ Sierra said, eying the testicles below the shaft.

ā€œTeabagging?ā€ asked a surprised Hello Nurse, ā€œI never thought I would try this on him. But, since the it's New Year's...ā€

Nurse and Sierra then place their tongues onto each testicle and begin to lick and suck on it, thus giving A-Log the teabagging treatment. They suck onto their respective testicle with much force, that although it would normally hurt a man when being kicked, it feels more pleasurable as if it was being massaged softly by hand. Hello Nurse does her best to hold up his black cock as she and Sierra continue to suck on his balls.

While this is going on, Anthony is still feeling up Maria, sucking on her big breasts and paying very close attention to her nipples. As he sucks her nipples, Maria notices the teabagging below her being done by Hello Nurse and Sierra.

ā€œA-Log, sweetie,ā€ Maria said, slightly pushing Anthony off her breasts, ā€œI see that the others are doing their own personal ball drop?ā€

ā€œI know; I'm feeling it right now,ā€ says Anthony.

ā€œDo you mind if I help them out?ā€ asked Maria.

ā€œBy all means, Maria,ā€ says Anthony. ā€œAs long as I eat you out as well!ā€

ā€œAnother 69?ā€ Maria asked in mock surprise. ā€œAlright, you naughty boy. I'll let you pleasure me as I will you.ā€

Maria sets A-Log down on the bed and places herself on top of him, her pussy smack dab on his face. She leans over and immediately begins to suck on his six-inch tool with much vigor. Her tongue making contact on the shaft and her lips providing the suction. Anthony also does well in pleasuring Maria orally as he moves her thong out of the way, and digs in to her honeypot. His tongue goes in deep to lap up the juices that emanate within her pussy. As Maria blows A-Log, Hello Nurse and Sierra take notice.

ā€œHey Maria,ā€ says Nurse, ā€œWhen you're finished sucking him dry, wanna help us down here?ā€

ā€œI bet you haven't had this before?ā€ says Sierra.

Maria momentarily takes A-Log's dick out of her mouth and says, ā€œI'll join you soon. I'm also getting some action as well.ā€

As she continues to suck him off, Anthony continues to lick her succulent cunt. Anthony does his best not to blow his load, despite the combined efforts of Maria's BJ and the twin teabagging done by a porn star and a health specialist. After a few seconds, Maria releases Anthony's cock from her mouth, saliva emanating from her bottom lip, and she gets her pussy off Anthony's face.

ā€œMaria?ā€ Anthony asked. ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€

ā€œJoining Nurse and Sierra on the ball drop,ā€ says Maria, getting herself between Hello Nurse and Sierra. ā€œI'm sure you'll enjoy it!ā€

She then joins them in licking Anthony's testicles. Her soft tongue gives his furry nutsack a tingle as Nurse and Sierra join in the act of teabagging. Anthony has never felt a teabagging from three women before; 2011 has already started, and he's enjoying the first sexual pleasure of the year from three gorgeous ladies; human ladies to be exact! To him, this feels like heaven.

They then finish the job with one last lick from each of them, still letting his penis stay erect. Their variation of the proverbial ball-drop is complete.

ā€œThat was awesome!ā€ said Anthony. ā€œLooks like this year's getting off to a great start!ā€

ā€œAny idea on how to make it even better?ā€ asked Hello Nurse, hands on her hips.

Anthony thinks for a second and then eyes the still open champagne bottle.

ā€œI think I have one,ā€ he said. ā€œCan you ladies give me the first tit-fuck of the year?ā€

Hello Nurse, Sierra and Maria look at each other in confusion over his request.

ā€œBaby,ā€ says Sierra, ā€œYou know that there's three of us and one of you?ā€

ā€œYes,ā€ Maria agrees. ā€œOnly two women at a time can tit-fuck a man. Surely you know that?ā€

ā€œI know. But, I would like to see some volunteers,ā€ he said. ā€œBut first, I have an idea for this bottle of champagne.ā€

ā€œReally?ā€ asked Nurse. ā€œWhat's that?ā€
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Take it away.
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ā€œWhy not make your breasts taste sweeter with this?ā€ he says, holding up the champagne bottle with his right hand. ā€œI'm sure you ladies can get an idea with this?ā€

ā€œDamn right we do!ā€ Sierra says with excitement and grabs the champagne bottle from his hand. She then summons both Hello Nurse and Maria over to stand in front of her. She motions Nurse to pull down her dress top, which she does, exposing her large breasts, and an already topless Maria to set one boob in between her's. Sierra then proceeds to pour the champagne all over their breasts, the liquid sliding across their mammoth melons. Anthony smiles wide at the sight as his penis becomes even harder.

ā€œDios mio!ā€ exclaims Maria. ā€œI feel so wet!ā€

ā€œDamn right, girl!ā€ says Sierra. ā€œThis beats tanning oil any day!ā€

ā€œI got an idea,ā€ said Nurse, ā€œWhy don't you two tit-fuck A-Log, while I get him drunk off of me?ā€

ā€œI like that idea, Nurse baby!ā€ says A-Log in joy. ā€œCome on over here!ā€

Hello Nurse releases a girlish giggle as she takes off her dress and leaving it on the floor, thus only leaving her high heels on. She then sits besides A-Log on the bed, and softly kisses him on the lips. He then decides to lick and caress her champagned soaked breasts. Nurse bites her lower lip to hold in a moan as he gets drunk off her boobs.

While this is going on, Sierra helps Maria out of her dress and then takes off her own before they kneel forward towards his lap, with Maria on his right and Sierra to his left. From their vision, they can see his erect penis stand perfectly upright; waiting for even more pleasures.

ā€œSierra,ā€ Maria said, ā€œThis may be a dumb question, but have you ever tit-fucked anyone before?ā€

ā€œHave I?ā€ said Sierra. ā€œGirl, you're talking to one of the most popular big tit ebony girls on the market! Many dicks have penetrated my bust! I suppose you only had that with your ex-husband?ā€

ā€œSadly no,ā€ Maria said. ā€œRodolfo had no interest in my bosom. Only my culo.ā€

ā€œDamn,ā€ Sierra responds. ā€œYour ex was an ass man?ā€

Maria nods.

ā€œWell, he don't know what he's missing with tits like yours!ā€

ā€œBut yours are bigger than mine!ā€

ā€œNo worries,ā€ Sierra said in reassurance. ā€œThe most important thing is, you've put your titties to good use other than being sucked on! I'm sure the last time A-Log gave it to you, it felt real good, didn't it?ā€

ā€œI know. It's been a while.ā€

ā€œSo why don't we give lover boy here his first titty-fuck of the year?ā€

Maria nods and says, ā€œSi!ā€

They place Anthony's hardened rod in between their breasts and with their combined bustiness, they start to rub his cock with their tits. Anthony's eyes shoot out of his head as he feels the combined bustiness of Sierra and Maria as they give him the first tit-fuck of 2011. As they move their boobs up and down, they can feel the warmth of his cock from between their respective bosoms.

ā€œOh, shit!ā€ A-Log says in joy. ā€œThis feels so good...!ā€

ā€œAnd I know how healthy this is for a growing boy like you,ā€ says Hello Nurse as she kisses him on the cheek as he continues sucking on her breasts.

Nurse looks down and smiles seductively to herself as she sees Sierra and Maria pleasure A-Log with their double tit-fuck. If she had a chance, she would be in their position. But, since it's New Year's, she feels that she'll give it to him before the night is through.

ā€œI can't believe I'm even doing this!ā€ Maria says, with a blush. ā€œIt feels like a disappearing act!ā€

ā€œI'm sure the magic is done by our boobs,ā€ says Sierra, as she and Maria continue the tit-fuck. ā€œBesides, our boobs are so big, the little guy disappeared before our eyes. Yet, we could feel him within!ā€

ā€œWow, that's deep!ā€

ā€œWell...ā€ trails off Sierra, ā€œThat's not the only thing that's deep!ā€

They continue their tit-fuck as they feel Anthony's cock getting warmer and warmer, and they feel it twitching in between their respective bosoms. Anthony tries his best to hold in the inevitable, but he couldn't hold it in any longer.

ā€œOh god...!ā€ he said, his mouth escaping Hello Nurses' breasts. ā€œI'm gonna cum!ā€

ā€œDon't worry, baby,ā€ Hello Nurse said in a soothing, yet reassuring voice. ā€œI'm sure you'll save the rest for later! The night is still young!ā€

As he is about to lose it...

ā€œIs he...?ā€ asked Maria.

ā€œA little early,ā€ says Sierra, ā€œBut I'm sure he'll go another round!ā€

With just about one more squeeze, they force A-Log to shoot out several dollops of cum, giving them both a pearl necklace and a facial as well. Each drop of his love milk splashes onto their already champagned soaked breasts, which gives off an alluring smell in the process. Sierra and Maria let their breasts off his penis and start to lick the mixed amount of champagne and cum off their breasts. Hello Nurse watches on and smiles to herself.

ā€œI see you two are enjoying the taste?ā€ she said with an amorous smile.

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ said Sierra, licking off some of the cum from Maria's breasts. ā€œI'm still surprised that he can shoot out this much!ā€

ā€œI'm sure you've been used to that back in your career?ā€ said Nurse.

ā€œNurse is right,ā€ Maria said, containing her laughter. ā€œBut I've been used to how much cum he sprayed unto me from time to time.ā€

ā€œAt least he's careful to avoid the eye!ā€ Sierra joked.

Nurse continues to smile as she looks downward to Anthony, who is tuckered out with his head in between her breasts. She then concocts another idea.

ā€œLadies, it appears that A-Log has fallen asleep on us,ā€ says Hello Nurse.

ā€œReally?ā€ says a confused Maria. ā€œIt's a little early, isn't it?ā€

ā€œHe must've had too much of us at the same time,ā€ deduced Sierra.

ā€œWell,ā€ says Nurse, ā€œI have an idea on waking him up...ā€ she then eyes his head between her bosoms, ā€œBut I need your help to do so.ā€
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Sierra and Maria took a second each to conjure what Hello Nurse meant, but they get the idea as fast as lightning. They both get on the bed with Nurse and A-Log, with Sierra on his right and Maria to his left. Nurse lifts herself up with A-Log still in between her breasts. She nods to them and Sierra presses her bosoms onto Anthony's face, as does Maria.

ā€œWakey-wakey, A-Log!ā€ says Sierra in a teasing tone.

ā€œTime to get up, baby!ā€ says Maria, also letting Anthony get a taste of her breasts.

ā€œYou know the night is still young,ā€ teases Hello Nurse, ā€œAnd it's still the first day of the New Year; so why not get off your little funk and continue this party?ā€

With the combined efforts of their respective boobs, A-Log manages to wake up to see this piece of heaven happen. Seconds later, Nurse notices A-Log's dick standing up in attention once more.

ā€œI knew this would work,ā€ said Nurse.

ā€œI had a feeling he still had more in the tank!ā€ said Sierra in agreement.

ā€œUgh... where am I?ā€ Anthony says in a groggy tone.

ā€œYou're in heaven, A-Log!ā€ chuckled Maria. ā€œOr a more pleasurable version.ā€

ā€œNow that you're awake after coming to a conclusion,ā€ Nurse says, ā€œWhat's next on the agenda?ā€

Anthony looks upward in thought. Seconds later, he gets an idea.

ā€œLadies,ā€ he said, ā€œI want you to stay on the bed on all-fours; your asses facing me!ā€

ā€œWhatever for?ā€ asked Maria.

ā€œYou'll see...ā€ he says as he jumps off the bed.

The girls do as they're told and get on all-fours, their bodacious asses presenting themselves to Anthony. In order, Hello Nurse is on the left; Maria on the right; and Sierra stuck in between them. Anthony cannot help but look onto this beautiful sight: three women-- beautiful, busty, bootylicious-- lined up in front of him on the bed like Neapolitan ice cream; with Hello Nurse as Vanilla, Sierra as Chocolate, and Maria as Strawberry. His dick hardens in thought of the sweet flavor this human ice cream treat in front of him. All he needs to do is pick a flavor. He feels like a kid in line in front of the ice cream truck... he couldn't decide which flavor to choose.

ā€œSeeing the three of you like this is just scrumptious!ā€ he said in joy. The girls also noticing his little ice-cream imagery at hand. ā€œBut it's so hard to choose!ā€

ā€œI see where you're getting at, baby!ā€ said Sierra erotically.

ā€œI love a man with creative energy!ā€ said Maria.

ā€œCome on, honey!ā€ Nurse said while shaking her ass in a teasing fashion. ā€œPick a flavor; any flavor!ā€

Once more, all A-Log can do is study his bevy of beauties and choose which one to penetrate. After thinking it over, he decides to choose the best flavor. He walks right up to Sierra and proceeds to stick his penis into her moist vagina. Sierra moans in ecstasy as she feels A-Log coming in inch by inch.

ā€œOh, baby!ā€ Sierra screamed in joy. ā€œNow that's what I'm talking about!ā€

As she speaks, A-Log quickens his pace, slow, and then fast. Nurse and Maria look at each other in jealousy.

ā€œSurely he hasn't forgotten us?ā€ Nurse said to Maria.

ā€œWell, judging from Sierra's body, he does seem obvious he would pick her,ā€ said Maria, despite the fact her juices are wettening in anticipation.

ā€œDon't worry, ladies,ā€ A-Log said as he continues fucking Sierra in doggy-style, ā€œI haven't forgotten about the two of you!ā€

Before they can say anything else, Nurse and Maria immediately feel two sets of fingers penetrate their pussies. The shock surprises them at first, but they then feel more comfortable as he penetrates them with his fingers from each hand; Hello Nurse with his left; Maria with his right.

One by one, the three beauties feel an immense amount of pleasure as Anthony fucks them in each respective way.
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ā€œNurse! Maria!ā€ A-Log said. ā€œI want you to spread Sierra's ass! She wants me to go deeper!ā€

Hello Nurse and Maria complies and spreads Sierra's ass cheeks, which causes Anthony to hit harder and deeper. Sierra moans louder and louder as he continues to fuck her. Her feelings are absolutely clear: she doesn't want this to stop as the new year comes.

Feeling that he gave Sierra much as she needed, he immediately pulls out and starts to fuck Maria with much ferocity. Maria is taken by surprise, but lets her pussy take in his six-incher as he rams into her latina pussy with much force. After a few minutes of that, he switches over to Hello Nurse, and proceeds to fuck her doggy-style as well; giving Sierra and Maria a break from the action to catch their breath.

ā€œNow this is how to start the New Year!ā€ A-Log thinks to himself as he fucks Hello Nurse with all his might.

Moments later, Anthony and his girls find themselves in a different position. Maria is upside-down on the floor by her neck with her ass in the air. She's familiar with this position from her first encounter with A-Log. As he teases her pussy by slapping his penis on top of her pussy, she's going into the piledriver position. Hello Nurse and Sierra sit by and watch on. Sierra is familiar with the position, but Nurse is curious about it.

ā€œI've never seen anything like this before,ā€ she said.

ā€œBaby, it's called a piledriver,ā€ says Sierra. ā€œI've been in the position a few times with my old co-stars, but I never seen any woman enjoying it after the first time.ā€

ā€œAll I know about that is when he puts someone upside-down.ā€

ā€œLike a tombstone piledriver?ā€

ā€œLike that!ā€ Nurse says, snapping her fingers. ā€œBut I've never seen him do it like this! I hope her neck is ok.ā€

ā€œYou ready, chica?ā€ asks Anthony, as he teases Maria's pussy lips with his cock.

ā€œDo it, papi! Fuck me senseless!ā€ shouts Maria, begging to be fucked immediately.

He then shoves it into her pussy and he thrusts himself in and out as Maria moans and squeals for more, much to the delight of Nurse and Sierra. He starts slow, but baited onward by her moans, he quickens his pace; his nutsack slapping themselves on Maria's backside. Maria is enjoying this with much ecstasy, but hopes her neck will make it out with all this on her.

ā€œAy, papi! Ay, papi! Ay... PAPI!ā€ Maria screamed in delight. ā€œYou know Rodolfo would never do this to me!ā€

ā€œOh, mami... you've come a long way from your ex!ā€ he says with enjoyment. ā€œAt least I know to give you pleasure in many different ways 'til Sunday!ā€ And with that, Anthony continues to furiously pound into her pussy as she stays upside-down. While Maria is enjoying this amount of pleasure, Hello Nurse and Sierra grow a bit bored and impatient. A-Log soon notices this and says to them, ā€œDon't you two sit there! There's a little something for the two of you in the bedside drawer!ā€

ā€œThere is?ā€ Nurse asked, as Sierra gets up to find the object in question.

ā€œYes,ā€ he says. ā€œV-Dogg always has a little something for the ladies in case of preoccupation!ā€

As he continues to pound the upside-down Maria, Sierra opens the draw and digs through the various objects and knick-knacks until she finds what she was looking for: a long, purple, double-ended dildo. She's surprised to see this in there.

ā€œDamn!ā€ she says in bewilderment. ā€œI didn't know your homeboy had prepared us for this!ā€

ā€œWell Sierra,ā€ says Nurse, a slight purr of seduction in her voice, ā€œAnthony did say that he wants us to keep ourselves busy as he fucks Maria, right?ā€


ā€œSo why not pleasure ourselves with this! It'll keep us busy until Maria tuckers out.ā€

Sierra shares a smile and proceeds to kiss Nurse on the lips. As they kiss, Sierra places her end of the dildo in between her massive breasts, as Nurse does the same. To them, the dildo represents A-Log's penis, and they proceed to tit-fuck with the double-ended dildo. They also take the time to lick the tip of each end as well, also adding fellatio into the mix.

As they do their impromptu tit-fuck, Maria is getting nearer and nearer to her orgasm as A-Log continues to fuck her in the piledriver position. Maria bites the lower end of her lip as her pussy tightens onto A-Log's dick. (Also hoping that the blood doesn't rush to her head from being upside-down.)

ā€œAntonio... Antonio... I think I'm going to cum...!ā€ Maria says in between the pussy pounding.

ā€œSay it in Spanish, mami,ā€ A-Log says. ā€œSay it in Spanish!ā€
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ā€œĀ”Voy a venir! Ā”Voy a venir!ā€ she shouted repeatedly as her pussy continues to grip A-Log's cock like a vice. Seconds later, the moment finally comes. She gives out a long, drawn-out moan as she goes into a huge orgasm. After a few seconds, A-Log pulls out, leaving Maria's pussy spasming during the orgasm. Maria catches her breath slowly and lowly as she feels tired from the pounding.

ā€œLooks like Maria needs to rest for a bit,ā€ he thought to himself as Maria continues to catch her breath. He then turns his gaze towards Hello Nurse and Sierra and says to them, ā€œI'm done with Maria now. Why don't the three of us go at it?ā€

ā€œAbout time,ā€ says Sierra. ā€œAnything you have in mind?ā€

A-Log then thinks of something for the three of them in thought...

Moments later, A-Log finds himself with Sierra on top of him, eating her out as she grinds her pussy on his muzzle, and also placing his hands on her ass. Hello Nurse, on the other hand, sucks on his cock; her tongue connecting to his shaft once more. A-Log is laying down on the bed as his girls continue giving him pleasure as he does for Sierra.

ā€œOh yeah baby...ā€ Sierra moans. ā€œLick that motherfuckin' pussy! Lick it good, fox boy!ā€

Anthony can only respond by continuing the pussy licking, as well as squeezing a handful of ass. As Sierra grinds herself on his face, Hello Nurse continues to suck his cock. She even starts to get it harder by sucking on the head and stroking the shaft. It doesn't take Sierra too long to lustfully gaze on as Nurse blows A-Log.

ā€œNurse baby,ā€ says Sierra, ā€œAre you gonna have that dick all to yourself?ā€

Nurse releases the blowjob, faces Sierra, and says, ā€œIf you want some, why not share with me?ā€

Sierra nods her answer to her as she bends forward and joins Hello Nurse in the oral sex. A-Log can feel both of their tongues connecting to his penis as he digs his tongue deeper and deeper into Sierra's pussy. The combined effort of Sierra sucking his dick and Hello Nurse teabagging his balls makes him as excited as before in anticipation.

After several minutes of the double BJ, Sierra lets it go and holds it erect with her hand.

ā€œSetting that baby up for me?ā€ Nurse asked, coyly. ā€œYou shouldn't have.ā€

Nurse then proceeds to get on the bed with Anthony and Sierra. Sierra holds up his dick as Hello Nurse proceeds to insert it into her pussy by connecting her pussy to his hardened dick and sitting on his lap. Now that his penis is inside her, Nurse starts to slowly grind herself on his lap, but goes faster with each thrust from her hips to his. Sierra, meanwhile, is still in extreme bouts of pleasure as Anthony eats her out and slaps her bountiful buttocks.

Throughout this whole fucking, Maria begins to stir and regain consciousness She is now awake, thanks in no part to the sounds of the fucking going on above her, and sees that Nurse and Sierra are enjoying their lovemaking given to them by A-Log from below.

Nurse is the first to notice the newly awakened Maria. Before Maria says anything, Nurse places a finger on her own lips, and gestures her to come below her. Maria puts two and two together and decides to follow her lead. Maria then crawls back onto the end of the bed and sets herself up below Hello Nurse; as she sees her being fucked in the cowgirl position, Maria gazes onto the only free area left: his balls. She then decides to make this feel even better for A-Log as she begins to connect her tongue onto his balls and proceeds to teabag them.

Immediately, A-Log's eyes shot out as he begins to feel Maria soft tongue rolling his balls around in a circle and suckling on them as if they're gumballs. The shockwave of pleasure causes him to grab Sierra's ass even tighter, letting her release a surprise yelp as she continues to grind her pussy on top of his mouth, letting him lap up her juices in the process.

Once more, the year 2011 has already started, and yet here he is being pleasured by three lovely human women at the same time, as well as giving them some as well. This would be a very good year of sex like this keeps up. Eating out Sierra while she's on top; fucking Hello Nurse in the cowgirl position; Maria teabagging his balls down below; the first day of the new year has become one huge fuck party for him.

Suddenly, Sierra decides to turn herself around. She releases A-Log from the pussy lock as she turns around so she can face him before replacing her pussy to his face. ā€œOh, Anthony honey,ā€ she said erotically, ā€œYou ain't done licking my pussy yet! I want to see that handsome face before I continue!ā€

ā€œDon't worry,ā€ Anthony says, reassuringly, ā€œYou'll see it afterwards. Now face fuck me, baby!ā€

Sierra obliges and places her pussy to his muzzle once more. She buckles her hips and grinds them on his face as he licks her out, even thrusting onto his face in the process. Hello Nurse then decides to cop a feel as she grabs a hold of her breasts. As he's eating her out and being face fucked at the same time, he decides to reach one hand onto her right breast, while placing his right hand on one of her buttcheeks. From this combined force of pleasure (no doubt Maria's teabagging helping throughout the way), A-Log, Sierra and Nurse all feel an orgasm coming; A-Log, however, chooses to control it this time, not wanting to pop the cork too soon unlike the earlier tit-fuck. Moments later, Sierra and Hello Nurse simultaneously hit their respective orgasms, cumming over his mouth and dick, respectively. Maria licks his balls one more time and releases them from her tongue as Sierra and Nurse catch their breath.

As Sierra removes herself off of his mouth, he says, ā€œNow that's how you ring in the New Year. But I'm not done yet.ā€

Maria, just finished licking his ball, says, ā€œNot done? How much more can we do?ā€

ā€œI think I know a way,ā€ he said. ā€œWhy not the three of you pleasure each other? I'll show which position to go; but I'll join you when it's appropriate.ā€

ā€œYou mean eat each other out?ā€ Sierra asked.

A-Log nods. ā€œBesides, I need to get my second wind before we end this.ā€
>> No. 19834
File 131722242915.jpg - (11.40KB , 264x212 , A-Log7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He then gets off the bed and gestures what each girl should do. He points to Maria and gestures her to get on the bed and hold on to the headboard. He then instructs Hello Nurse to lie back first on the bed and eat out Maria. He finally instructs Sierra to get on the end of the bed on all fours and eat Nurse out. Each of the girls comply.

Hello Nurse is the first to get back on the bed and awaits for Maria and Sierra. Maria then gets on the bed and sets herself on Nurse's face and eagerly awaits for the end result. Sierra then gets to her position and begins to lick Nurse's awaiting pussy. A-Log watches as each of his girls pleasure themselves and starts to jack off to get his stiffness back; the sight of them licking each other does help in a way.

ā€œAy, yai, yai...ā€ Maria moaned. ā€œI didn't know you had a nice tongue, Senorita Nurse!ā€ Maria then gyrates her body onto Nurse's face so she can dig in more of her honeypot. Sierra, meanwhile, eagerly licks Nurse's pussy and also licks the clitoris in order for Nurse to feel a better form of stimulation. To see this lovely sight, A-Log regains his hard on, and starts to fondle Sierra's bountiful ass.

Sierra stops for a moment and says, ā€œA-Log? I guess you're ready to join now, huh?ā€

ā€œSierra...ā€ Nurse moaned. ā€œDon't stop...ā€

ā€œYou bet I am!ā€ says Anthony, erect with anticipation. ā€œHow else are we going to finish the first fuck of New Year? Get ready!ā€

He grabs a handful of Sierra's ass and proceeds to slowly insert his penis into her pussy; letting Sierra release a slow, satisfying moan of pleasure. A-Log then proceeds to thrust back and forth into Sierra's pussy and fuck her as she licks Nurse faster and harder. Hello Nurse, also feeling Sierra's intensity, also licks Maria with increased speed, thus making Maria moan louder. The room is filled with muffled moans and cries of pleasure coming from all four of the lovers as they proceed with this fuck chain as the early morning darkness shines on them with the city lights in the background.

ā€œMan, V-Dogg is gonna be so jealous!ā€ A-Log said in thought, as he is currently balls deep in Sierra. ā€œI know he's probably fucking the others back at his place, but I know he hasn't thought up how many positions I'll be in. I'm gonna fuck each of these girls until I pop!ā€

With that thought in mind, he furiously fucks Sierra at an extremely fast pace; her ass jiggles every time it hits his pelvis After several more thrusts, he slaps Sierra on the ass and says, ā€œAll right, it's Nurse's turn now!ā€

Sierra complies and releases her liplock on Nurse's pussy as A-Log pulls out of her pussy. With Sierra out of the way, A-Log strokes himself in anticipation as he gets on top of Hello Nurse and proceeds to fuck her in the missionary position. Sierra watches on from the side of the bed and fingers herself in pleasure.

With each thrust from A-Log, Nurse intensifies the pussy licking for Maria, who continues to buckle her hips with each loving lick from Nurse. A-Log can hear Hello Nurse's muffled cries of joy as he continues to fuck her; his penis swiftly going in and out of her tight pussy and reaches over with one of his hands to fondle her boobs. He can feel that Nurse will come on his dick from the combined efforts of him fucking her and Sierra eating her out, but he still wants to fuck one more girl before he cums.

ā€œOk Nurse,ā€ he says, stopping for a moment. ā€œYour turn's up! Maria's the last to ride!ā€

Hello Nurse stops licking Maria's pussy and says, ā€œOk. I need a little rest after this.ā€ She taps Maria on the butt and tells her, ā€œOk Maria, your turn!ā€

Nurse moves out of the way and Maria looks back at A-Log and says, ā€œAlready? Ok papi, let me finish you off!ā€ as he shakes her booty up and down, teasing him in the process.

ā€œAlright mami, let's make the New Year complete!ā€ He immediately moves up to Maria on the bed and proceeds to insert his erect penis into her vagina, and begins to fuck her in the doggy-style position. Anthony can feel how tight she is, even though she is a mother with a child. He can tell that her birth giving hips were made not just for childbirth, as he strongly remembers from their first meeting months prior. The sound of skin hitting skin fills out the room, but not as much as Maria's pleasure filled moans and groans from her booty hitting Anthony's pelvis throughout the fucking. Hello Nurse and Sierra watch on with excitement as A-Log continues to plow his Latina lover.

ā€œDamn, I'm still surprised he can go on with the three of us!ā€ Sierra exclaimed.

ā€œDarling,ā€ Nurse said, ā€œYou should see him in an orgy. He's like a machine when it comes to this!ā€

ā€œRemind me to invite him to few shoots with that cat girl he knows,ā€ Sierra says. ā€œI would love to see him with my fellow starlets.ā€

Nurse nods in agreement as they continue to watch A-Log fucking Maria's brains out. The entire room is filled with her calling A-Log ā€œpapiā€ over and over again, much to the chagrin of the tenants in the other rooms, let alone the rest of the hotel. As he continues fucking her in a furious pace, he feels his penis writhing and twitching inside her pussy; it seems the inevitable is about to happen.

ā€œOh Christ... I'm about to cum!ā€ he exclaimed.

ā€œCum all over me, papi!ā€ Maria said.

ā€œDon't leave me out of this!ā€ said Hello Nurse. ā€œI want that white stuff on me too!ā€

ā€œMe too!ā€ exclaims Sierra. ā€œBust your first nut of the year on us, baby!ā€

ā€œAlright ladies,ā€ he says pulling out of Maria's pussy and furiously jacks himself off. ā€œI'm about to pop the cork!ā€
>> No. 19835
File 131722244547.jpg - (16.83KB , 269x234 , A-Log3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hello Nurse and Sierra come towards him, with Maria in the middle, and eagerly await for him to cum. Their tongues hang out in anticipation as he furiously strokes himself in front of them. After several strokes, he finally shoots out several ropes of cum on each of their beautiful faces, giving each of them a facial in the process. They also catch his cum into their mouth, and several dollops of the white stuff also lands on each respective breast from these lovely ladies. He keeps stroking himself until he runs out of for the time being. The first nut he's blown for the New Year was for these three sexy ladies.

As his girls lick the cum off each other, A-Log immediately collapses on the bed. The New Year's sex has really tired him out this close to 2 in the morning. After the girls are finished cum swapping, they lay down with him and watch as he catches his breath.

ā€œNow that's how you ring in the New Year!ā€ says Hello Nurse, a dollop of cum on her cheek.

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ says Sierra. ā€œIt's better than the dance floor for once!ā€

Maria lets out a girlish tickle and says, ā€œI can't believe this is how I spent my first New Year's Eve here in New York!ā€ She then notices A-Log breathing and then says, ā€œI think we've worn him out.ā€

ā€œDon't worry girls,ā€ Nurse says with a reassuring tone. ā€œHe's used to this. He'll be back on his toes tomorrow.ā€

ā€œBut what would we do on New Year's Day?ā€ asks Sierra.

ā€œI think we should have some more fun with him before we get home,ā€ Nurse says seductively, her cumstained breasts pressing on his chest. ā€œIf you you're up for it, that is?ā€

After catching his breath, he says, ā€œLadies, I'm always up for everything. But we must sleep. Tomorrow's a new day.ā€

ā€œAnd a new year,ā€ Maria chimes in.

All of them share a little chuckle as Anthony pulls up the blanket to cover all four of them; Hello Nurse, Sierra and Maria snuggle up close to him.

ā€œGood night ladies,ā€ Anthony said, kissing each of them on the lips.

ā€œGood night,ā€ they said in unison and he reaches for the light switch to turn it of.

As they sleep, A-Log continues to think of what the rest of 2011 will hold for him. As well as how many more women he'll bed before the year's over. But one thing is still in agreement: he let the New Year start off... with a huge bang.


With the voices of:
Anthony LoGatto: Himself
Tress MacNeille: Hello Nurse
Sierra: Herself
April Stewart: Maria Rivera

Hello Nurse is Ā© Warner-Bros. Animation
Sierra is Ā© herself
Maria Rivera is Ā© Nickelodeon and Mexopolis
>> No. 19836
Urgh... I feel so unclean...
>> No. 19837
File 13172246847.jpg - (53.26KB , 300x562 , ___.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>With the voices of
>A-Log voicebooks
Now that I think about it, do not want.
>> No. 19838
Fuck. It's like Penis Comic, featuring A-Log. I wish he'd get mercilessly trolled, like Chris because they're so alike.

I'd give anything to have the "Father Call," but with A-Log in lieu of Chris.
>> No. 19839
So, I take it A-Log is a virgin?
>> No. 19840
>Hello Nurse does her best to hold up his black cock as she and Sierra continue to suck on his balls.

>his black cock


Does he just copy other pieces of erotic fiction and change names or what?

>his six-inch monster
>> No. 19841
Embellishing his penis size, just like Chris. God dammit, I hate you, A-Log. Fuck you very much.
>> No. 19842
Oh, never mind. I guess he's supposed to be a fox or some shit.
>> No. 19843
Still, it's fucking gross. Guess I was spot on about this being much like Penis Comic.

Does this faggot draw comics, by any chance? I know he's got some furry art on DeviantART.
>> No. 19845
File 131722617844.jpg - (33.61KB , 332x500 , do you know how mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
calm down man
>> No. 19846
File 131722720499.jpg - (118.43KB , 960x540 , SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY - A-LOG VERSION.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19847

>one of the girls has the same name as my sister
>> No. 19848
>ā€œI think we should have some more fun with him before we get home,ā€ Nurse says seductively, her cumstained breasts pressing on his chest. ā€œIf you you're up for it, that is?ā€

>After catching his breath, he says, ā€œLadies, I'm always up for everything. But we must sleep.

Reminds me of a Flight of the Concords song. You say you want some more/I'm not surprised, but I am quite sleepy. Anyway, confirmed for sexual inadequacy.
>> No. 19849
fuck off weeaboo
>> No. 19850
So, "Cwc rockin 4-way" but in written form? Ye gods.
>> No. 19851
Hello Nurse?
>> No. 19852
File 131723315021.png - (103.50KB , 482x644 , Maria_Rivera.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wasn't sure who Maria Rivera was, so I Googled her.

This is what A-Log faps to? She's a glorified doodle. How can you sexualise that?
>> No. 19853
File 131723374878.png - (482.71KB , 1062x718 , ꁄ恚恋恗恄.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But I didn't even post...

>> No. 19854
>they both pull down the underwear, thus releasing his six-inch monster of a dick. Both are in awe of his size

>> No. 19855

>> No. 19856
Hey, that's quite big for a fox. It's about a fifth of their average total length.
>> No. 19857
Made all the worse by the fact that A-Log made this commentary on the 'CWC Rockin' Threeway' picture without irony.
>> No. 19858
I'm telling you, A-Log is just as bad as CWC. All we need now is for A-Log to have his own Mary Sue comic, and to be mayor of LoGattoston, which would be like a Brooklyn-esque CWCville.
>> No. 19859
In which A-Log fights evil using the power of his awesome comedic stylings...
>> No. 19860
>everyone is in Times Square on 42nd street getting ready for the celebration of a lifetime that can only happen once a year.

>celebration of a lifetime that can only happen once a year.
>> No. 19861
A-Log: Entycing Comedic Power! *Microphone* [Insert Sailor Moon-esque sequence, with A-Log turning into that fox thing] *Foxxy A-Log-Chan!*

Foxxy A-Log-Chan: You cannot stop me, for I fight for love, trust, and an autistic sweetheart to viciously cum on and rape later!

Target Security Guard: (Gives A-Log the dirtiest, awkward look) [Pauses] You're one sick motherfucker.
>> No. 19862
File 131723673979.jpg - (47.86KB , 325x415 , Chris-Chan Encounters A Magician.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ā€œI can't believe I'm even doing this!ā€ Maria says, with a blush. ā€œIt feels like a disappearing act!ā€

>ā€œI'm sure the magic is done by our boobs,ā€ says Sierra, as she and Maria continue the tit-fuck. ā€œBesides, our boobs are so big, the little guy disappeared before our eyes. Yet, we could feel him within!ā€
>> No. 19863
Goddamn. I mean, there's fanfiction. That's dweeby. Then there's self-insert fanfiction. That's dweeby AND pathetic.

Then there's this. That's... there are no words.
>> No. 19864
File 131723792168.jpg - (120.28KB , 754x1059 , hello_nurse_by_pixyteriyaki-d47ue4h.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I did the same. Look who pops up on the first page of GIS for 'hello nurse'.
>> No. 19865
at first I read poodle
...and it still kind of made sense
>> No. 19866

...so these women normally have sex with foxes, and only foxes?
>> No. 19867
A-Log is worst than Chris. Chris is a naive retard but he doesn't go around TRYING to make other lives miserable. Even at his worst with people like Megan or the 'Wall flower' or whatever the fuck her name, he is completely socially retarded to even know what harm he was actually doing. A-Log is just a bully who 'picks' on others to make himself feel better. Fuck that guy.
>> No. 19868
I suppose A-Log's attraction to her would be because she's 'motherly', if that makes any sense. Wide hips, big boobs... What A-Log really wants is a mom he can fuck.
>> No. 19869
I'd love to hear someone doing a dramatic reading of A-Log's fapfics, similar to how they did with the Sonichu audiobooks.
>> No. 19870
Has anybody considered sending some of A-Log's fanfiction to his mom?
>> No. 19871
Telling ya, she could make a mint in the BBW porn market.
>> No. 19872
File 131724372611.jpg - (28.11KB , 392x321 , Promotion.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would fully support this idea.
>> No. 19873
Somebody should really do this.
>> No. 19874
Does anyone have the phone number to A-Log's radio show? We should give him a call.
>> No. 19875
It's on his ED page.

A-Log's On-Air Request Line
(718) 982-3060
2800 Victory Boulevard Rm 1C-106
Staten Island, New York 10314

>> No. 19876
I'm going to have to request A-Log's mom's dox so that this plan may be carried out.

I'd recommend that we don't go full retard and JULAAAAAYfag it up. I think we'd have more luck if we were to sound concerned.
>> No. 19877
Looks like we have more of A-Log's creepy fapfics coming our way very soon, if this post on the WWOEC forums is anything to go by...


>Hey guys, A-Log here. So far, I have chapter 1 of 31 Tricks, 31 Treats finished; and chapter 2 is almost finished. But I'm a little unsure of posting them now, since I would have to write faster if I want to post one for each day of October. So, I ask you this: should I continue, or should I save it for next year, and place another lemon (which is a prequel to one of the stories in the 31 Tricks set) for the Halloween season for now?

>Your thoughts?
>> No. 19878

>chapter 1 of 31 Tricks, 31 Treats finished
>31 Tricks, 31 Treats
>1 of 31

Fuck, that's a lot of shit.
>> No. 19879

I was about to say that if this landwhale came onto me I'd rip out my cannula and run, but you're right. Fetishists would pay to see this.

That said I haven't seen many Japanese BBW lovers on the internet.
>> No. 19880

>Fetishists would pay to see this.

Depends on the fetishist. Personality does matter.
>> No. 19881
>> No. 19882
Y'know, I wish somebody kept the videos of his Chris-Chan routine. I would've loved to see how stoic the audience was, during this guy's performance after he shouted "JULAAAYYY!!"
>> No. 19883

I'm shocked nobody did, actually. CWCfags are usually the first to leap on anything even vaguely Chris related, I was under the impression there'd be dozens of mirrors.
>> No. 19884
I know, right? With all the CWC chronicling, you'd think that there'd be several mirrors available. This has me wondering if A-Log still has those performances, still.
>> No. 19885
Does A-Log still do stand-up?
>> No. 19886
  Just a reminder of the gold that is A-Log's stand-up comedy routine... Everybody's Free To Watch Anime.
>> No. 19887
The people filming him at 2:34
> anybody listening?
> ... very sad
> unbelievable
>> No. 19888
I wonder if there is a hipster listening thinking to himself "Oh my god this meta dadaist humour is incredible"
>> No. 19889
File 131731471917.jpg - (43.18KB , 316x399 , You Make Boromir Smile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The guy says something like 'D'you think I should get up on stage and help him?' at one point.
>> No. 19890
Ha ha, A-Log's Youtube channel is now flooded with abusive comments. Good work, /cwc/.
>> No. 19891
Do you know who is filming him in all of his comedy vidyas?
>> No. 19892
His loser friends, I imagine.
>> No. 19893
Do we have enough shit on John to make an ED page about him?
>> No. 19894
John's made a new YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/SpaceScreamJohn91
>> No. 19895
Why? Did you guys successfully flag down his old one?
>> No. 19896
Ha ha! Look who he's friends with!

>> No. 19897
I'd really like to, believe me, but to be honest, looking at him as he is, he's kinda boring. You can't just make an ED page for every loser who pisses you off.

Looking at it objectively, all he really does is makes whiny videos on YouTube and blocks people from commenting because he's a butthurt crybaby.

I mean, sure, you could make an ED page for him, but unless there's some shocking revelation or some hidden perverted secret he has, it won't make for terribly interesting reading.
>> No. 19898
File 131733484581.png - (31.19KB , 243x289 , LINK_STOP_LAUGHING_MAH_BOI_by_Aethios.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
SpaceScreaminJohn is obsessed with theme parks and rollercoasters. His life's dream is to become an Imagineer at Walt Disney World and design rides - presumably by drawing on all the knowledge he gained in the field by playing all those hours of Rollercoaster Tycoon.

Now, I'm not sure how we'd go about doing this or even if it can be done for that matter, but I am aware that Disney have a very strict, dickish screening process and are quick to turn down potential employees if their extracurricular activities don't fit with the wholesome, whiter-than-white, politically correct, all American image that Disney wants to portray.

How pleasant it would be if someone in the capacity to employ John for the role of Disney Imagineer were to discover that he'd made several videos on Youtube dedicated to mocking vulnerable individuals, such as children and those with learning difficulties? If John, in his haste to fit in with A-Log and the rest of the cool kids had scuppered his chances of getting his dream job?
>> No. 19899
> in his haste to fit in with A-Log and the rest of the cool kids had scuppered his chances of getting his dream job?
> A-Log and the rest of the cool kids
> A-Log cool
> A-Log cool
> A-Log cool
>> No. 19900
The use of irony there was obvious, you individual afflicted with Apersoner's syndrome.
>> No. 19901
File 131733661050.jpg - (56.98KB , 720x540 , A-Log In Water.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What? Isn't it obvious that A-Log is a fuckin' cool guy, capiche?
>> No. 19902
No it wasn't your just a troll whose backtracking because you realised that your dumb
>> No. 19903
File 131733691368.jpg - (29.65KB , 554x551 , yous-a-troll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19904
ha ha caught me!
>> No. 19905

I agree with this sentiment to a degree. I think A-Log is worth writing about on ED because he injects himself into dramatic situations involving retards and autists as a form of troll shielding all the while being oblivious to his own shortcomings.

But I don't think he deserves some 15,000 dossier all about the uninteresting details of his life or those which only say the same thing about him being a tasteless schlub. Going that far would make it no different than the rest of the furry/tartlet grudgewank that characterizes this brave new era of ED.
>> No. 19906
A-Log's ED page works because he's also a total pervert as well as being a moronic autist who fails at comedy.

SpaceScreaminJohn on the other hand, from what we've seen, is just boring. Although, that said, I live in hope that some embarrassing details about him will be dropped.
>> No. 19907

There is such a thing as a stub, folks. No, not everyone needs a wall of text about every mundane detail in their life, but a lot of ED pages actually are just tight, consistent bullet points, not huge articles where " no shit is too minor".

Which was actually the point when it was first suggested; each of his friends had humiliating fatcs dug out about them and then plastered on a "Friends of A-Log" type page. Especially considering so many of those idiots guest in his videos fairly regularly.

>> No. 19908

What's important is how his perversion factors into his oafish posturing before an internet audience. ED is supposed to document phenomena that caused or result from internet drama and emotionally intense events that find their way to the internet for further dissection by people with their social filters removed. It's not supposed to be "huehuehue look at this fat moron who is also black!"

For example, I could go on FurAffinity and find gigabytes of badly written, disgusting fetish porn typed by early-thirties shut-ins. None of it merits giving the authors their own ED page because at this point that's not interesting by itself. We already know furries write kinky trash that makes most people ill, but if the porno is related to a spectacular loser it might be worth using as corroborating evidence.

So A-Log's cartoon smut is important to mention because it highlights his hypocrisy in trying to expel those he deems embarrassments from the nation of Apersonia, but the fact that he writes stupid porn and fails at comedy isn't "dramatic."
>> No. 19909
Can someone tell me why the fuck Lucky Star is considered good? It's not. It sucks.
>> No. 19910
This is the most intelligent post I've read today. What separates A-Log from the rest of the litter is his hipocracy. The fact that he judges Chris and does similarly should tell you.
>> No. 19911

It's aggressive, unmitigated catering to the preferences and tastes of otaku culture. It's all about cute little girls who love anime and videogames who also happen to have "funny" and "awesome" attitudes.

Brimming with cringe-worthy in-jokes (read: blatant references) to subjects of interest to greasy, moe-lusting neckbeards and you've basically made a show that may as well be called Weaboo Kibble.
>> No. 19912
File 131735020355.jpg - (19.66KB , 404x404 , nailed_it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19913
I think that A-Log's ED page is great personally.
A-Log has a lot wrong with him - his obsession with cartoon porn, his awful self-insert fanfiction, his rampant weeabooery, his Oedipus complex, his unrealistic dreams of becoming an anime voice actor despite his utter lack of talent, his abysmal attempts at stand up comedy, there's a lot to mock about A-Log.

His worst crime, though, what makes him deserving of trolling and ridicule, is his total lack of self-awareness, his utter hypocrisy and his snobbery. He thinks he can justify his faggotry on the grounds that he's not Chris-chan ("If Chris does a drawing of himself having interracial sex with three women, that's sick and pathetic! But if I write a fanfic in which I do the same, that's A-OK!)
>> No. 19914
I think A-Log is a bully, plain and simple. He must, on some level, be aware of how sad, pathetic and slightly creepy the sight of a pudgy man in his late 20's still living in his mom's basement watching children's programming and fapping to it appears to other people, so he makes unfunny videos dedicated to delivering 'verbal pwnage' to those he sees as weaker and more pathetic than himself. He only ever goes after soft targets who are unlikely to respond, so he suffers no reprisal. And he goes after them primarily because he recognises how similar they are to him - There, but for the grace of God, go I.
>> No. 19915
I was just snooping around SpaceScreaminJohn's new YouTube. John is apparently going to make a video tomorrow explaining why he's had to make a new account. Tee hee!

It might also be worth noting that John recently favourited this video about guilt by association and being judged negatively by the company you keep.
>> No. 19916
I'd have more sympathy for his "guilt by association" if SSJohn wasn't just as guilty of making his own CWC commentaries, going after children on YT etc.
Granted, he doesn't do awful stand-up or fanfic porn (as far as we know so far), but I'm sure any hard times people are giving him they're giving because of who he is, not who his friends are.
>> No. 19917
A-Log is definitely the pot calling the kettle black, who is more than deserving of getting trolled. I'd forgive the bad art, fan-fiction and unfunny stand-up comedy if he wasn't such an arrogant, egotistical, self-entitled hipocryte with unwarranted self-importance, who picks on undeserving people, like Duane.
>> No. 19918
Some lolcows, like Duane, I almost have some sympathy for. Then there's pricks like Chris, A-Log and ADF.
>> No. 19919
Ooh, maybe we can look forward to A-Log coming onto YouTube to whine about the trolls breaking up the best friendship, the closest he could ever have in this pitiful adult life?
>> No. 19920

I wouldn't classify Duane as a lolcow, because from all that I've seen from him, he's a pretty decent person, just a bit different. You know, not a total asshole.
>> No. 19921

Took the words right out of my mouth. Duane migt be a little bit odd, but he's not like Ass-Log.


Seeing A-Log tard-rage on YouTube would be so delicious.

I'm surprised nobody's made any commentaries about A-Log. He's clearly just like Chris. --Well, he's obsessed with the ol' boy.
>> No. 19922
File 131741537179.jpg - (48.77KB , 537x164 , JohnsMad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I believe this qualifies as "asking for it".
>> No. 19923
Care to entertain us with a little context for this new content?
>> No. 19924

Went asking his relatives for his cellphone number, since I was "a friends who can't seem to get a hold of him lately" just to see if they'd hand over a cell number, just on the offchance they would. We found just about everything else, but the idea is to wait and see if he'll go e-warring so we're gonna hold off on dropping shit for now.

/weentroll faggotry
>> No. 19925
File 131742145299.jpg - (409.85KB , 1189x1424 , angry-old-person.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>so we're gonna hold off on dropping shit for now.

>> No. 19926
Does A-Log have any friends that make awful commentaries besides SpaceScreaminJohn?
>> No. 19927
Oh yes.
>> No. 19928
  There's a whole squad of winners (videos related).
>> No. 19929
  It's a whole clique of awesome!
>> No. 19930
File 131744188255.jpg - (187.05KB , 707x1594 , A-Log Comedy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19931

lold, goddammit.
>> No. 19932
3:03-3:05 is pretty funny.
>> No. 19933
File 131745774689.png - (151.58KB , 336x328 , Toothless Jeremy Kyle Show Guest Is Amused.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ha ha, I love wackyben. He's so wacky! One time, he saw a girl and said, "Hello!" So wacky!
>> No. 19934
Ha, look at his weird, slightly collapsed, droopy face.
>> No. 19935
File 131745806576.jpg - (4.44KB , 170x128 , Ickeriss.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know very little about NeuGristle, save that he's a goth and has autism. He desperately tries to cultivate an aura of being creepy and mysterious, but doesn't really succeed, perhaps due to his aforementioned autism.
>> No. 19936
File 131745857883.jpg - (51.61KB , 500x625 , Gothapotamus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MsUmlaut is also a goth, makes AMVs on YouTube and is obsessed with Alice In Wonderland. She appears to be the token girl of their little Internet clique and there's a lot of clumsy aspie implied flirtation directed towards her.

I don't know much about her, or even what she looks like, but judging by how jowly her voice sounds, she must be a major fucking gothapotamus.
>> No. 19937
This is wonderful and I intend to add it to the A-Log ED article. I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of making it a bit more realistic by giving A-Log manboobs, acne and that huge, gross mole he has above his eyebrow.
>> No. 19938

Moar liek SpaceScreaminBUTTHURT!!! Amirite?
>> No. 19939
In all fairness, it's actually kinda cool that he apologized to that kid and swore off going after people under 15 (though 18 seems like a more sensible number, no?(.
>> No. 19940
I don't think he's entirely altruistic in his motivations. Personally, I think he's probably been lurking in this thread and saw this post >>104465 and is now trying to remove anything incriminating as a kind of damage control.
>> No. 19941
File 13174747291.jpg - (23.57KB , 205x316 , John Quinteros Jr_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, hey, Anon. I found your picture!
>> No. 19942
File 131748114715.jpg - (127.82KB , 636x475 , NeuGristle87pic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Does this help?
>> No. 19943
Ha ha! Wow! Is that really him?
>> No. 19944
File 13174843971.jpg - (189.16KB , 640x480 , me_and_my_peavey_by_neugristle87-d36r4dv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yep. So is this.
>> No. 19945
What does Ms Umlaut look like?
>> No. 19946
He looks like one of those photoshopped images where you put a babies head on an adult.
>> No. 19947
File 131749416866.png - (123.62KB , 354x332 , SSJTurtle.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, SpaceScreaminJohn here...
>> No. 19948

Prove it.
>> No. 19949
File 131750792060.png - (54.51KB , 155x250 , Rouge2006.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gather 'round, /cwc/, it's story time! A-Log posted this shameless bit of Sonicfaggotry on the WWOEC forums this afternoon.

Welcome ghouls and ghosts! Welcome to the month-long set of erotic stories called "31 Tricks, 31 Treats". This set is very special because it features several women that are A) dressed in costume or B) monster babes. All month long, I'll post a chapter each day (God forbid if I'm late, I'll post them up posthaste.) and we'll see what you think. Enjoy the first one so far!


31 Tricks, 31 Treats

A Set of Halloween lemons by Anthony ā€œA-Logā€ LoGatto

NOTE: The setting is simple. There will be women that are either dressed up in costumes or actual monster femmes. All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?

Trick #1: Rouge the Bat (Witch)
>> No. 19950
>month-long set of erotic stories

>> No. 19951
File 131750806288.jpg - (104.65KB , 559x540 , A-Log1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Halloween. It's the one time of the year where ghouls and goblins go out to haunt the night. It is also the time of year where normal people dress up as their monster, ghoul or character of choice and go out trick or treating for candy and other treats. However, many of those who are mature have also used costumes for their own devices as well.

Case in point for this tale. We cut to a house where decorations are being set. Our foxy, yet nerdy, casanova, Anthony LoGatto (better known as A-Log) is helping out someone with decorations for a Halloween costume party. Now we all know that A-Log is many points shy of a pimp, player or playboy, but his niceness and personality has garnered many a women as the usual lover. In this case, the woman in question is one of his personal favorites.

Rouge the Bat, the female jewel thief, is setting up some decorations in her home. She is wearing a purple witch's outfit, although made a bit more sexier. She does have the pointy hat, but she's wearing a purple corset, tightening her bountiful bust, especially the orange pumpkin-like top, purple gloves and boots, pantyhose and a long purple cape.

Anthony himself is not in costume, but he cannot help but gaze his attention to Rouge and her costume for the evening. It has been known that Anthony and Rouge have been fooling around with each other ever since that one night. Shadow, the dark furred hedgehog and Rouge's boyfriend, has been kept in the dark about their sexual shenanigans; it still hasn't stopped Rouge from having fun with him. And this night is no different.

ā€œHow are you doing on the decorations, babe?ā€ Anthony said.

ā€œI'm doing fine, A-Log,ā€ says Rouge, placing a candle in a jack o'lantern. ā€œI'm glad you're helping me out with my Halloween party. You know how much I love Halloween, don't you?ā€

ā€œNot as much as me,ā€ A-Log says. ā€œNext to Christmas, I've always loved holidays that are fun.ā€

ā€œNot at all concern for the religious aspects of them?ā€ she asked as she places the jack o'lantern on the table.

ā€œNope. Just for fun!ā€ he says with a smile.

Rouge smiles back at Anthony as she grabs another decoration; a big spider with eight long legs and a string on top for hanging. She turns to Anthony and says, ā€œCan you help me with this decoration? I need you to help me keep my balance while I hang this baby up on the ceiling fan.ā€
>> No. 19952
File 131750819533.png - (145.86KB , 271x303 , A-Log2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ā€œSure thing!ā€ he says, rising up from his spot on the couch.

He takes a chair with him and places it below the ceiling fan. Rouge then takes the decoration and steps up on the chair and tries to put the decoration in place. As she does so, Anthony cannot help but notice her curvacious, firm, perfect booty sticking out from beneath her cape as she sets the decoration up. The roundness of her ass tempted him, since he cannot help but gaze as it jiggles as she does her work.

Rouge is still trying to set the decoration up on the ceiling fan. As she places the last few legs on the blades, she suddenly lets out a surprised yelp. She glances over to see Anthony caressing her curvy buttocks with his hands; slapping it at certain points.

Rouge cannot help but smile seductively and said, ā€œI see that there's something you like?ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ he says, caressing her booty all the way.

ā€œYou can't help but grab a handful of my ass, can't you?ā€

ā€œYou know I can't help myself when it comes to that!ā€

ā€œWell...ā€ Rouge trails off with a seductive tone, ā€œOur guests won't arrive for another two hours, so why don't we have a little fun of our own?ā€

ā€œThat,ā€ he said with glee, ā€œI can get down with!ā€

He then scoops Rouge onto his arms and carries her to the couch. A-Log then sits on the couch with Rouge shifting herself to sit herself, facing him, on his lap. They then start to lock their lips towards one another, and kiss each other with a mad passion. Their tongues also meet each other in contact throughout this impromptu make out session. Rouge, feeling absolutely aroused, rubs her shapely ass onto Anthony's lap, making sure she grinds her goods onto his junk. Anthony also cannot help himself as he uses his right hand to cop a feel on Rouge's ass, and another hand on her bosom.

ā€œYou're absolutely enjoying this, are you?ā€ Rouge asks, as Anthony continues his work.

ā€œFunny,ā€ he says, letting her lips free from his mouth, ā€œI was about to ask you the same thing!ā€

ā€œWell,ā€ she says, lightly pushing him off and standing up in front of him, ā€œI know something else that will make our night even better.ā€ She then glances to his engorged penis; pitching a tent on his jeans before her very eyes. With her hands on her hips she says, ā€œYou know witches uses brooms to fly, right?ā€

ā€œRight,ā€ A-Log said with a nod.

ā€œWhy don't I work up that broomstick of yours and give it a little taste?ā€ she said erotically, licking her lips at the thought of his six-incher.

She then kneels down in front of the seated Anthony, who has his arms outstretched on the couch. Rouge then places her hand on the zipper of his jeans and pulls it down to unleash his six-inch monster. Without even a second thought, she engulfs his dick into her mouth and starts to give him a blowjob.

Anthony takes in several deep breaths of satisfaction as Rouge goes down on his tool. He finds this even hotter with her in her witch costume; the way her pointed hat bobs back and forth in motion with her head, and her gloves as she places her hand on his rod. She stops a moment to pull down his pants and then continues to suck on his dick with intense velocity.

ā€œOh yeah, baby...ā€ Anthony moans in satisfaction as Rouge treats him right orally. ā€œKeep on suckin' my cock, you sexy witch...ā€

Rouge stops for a moment and says, ā€œOh, you're gonna love the spell I'll put you under, baby!ā€ and continues sucking his cock.

As she continues the blowjob, she reaches one of her own hands below herself and starts to rub her vagina through her outfit. From her touch, she can feel herself getting wet with anticipation as she continues to suck Anthony off. The thought of his tongue entering her pussy and licking the honey within drove her to utter ecstasy.

ā€œRouge baby...ā€ Anthony said, as he takes in a deep breath, ā€œShow me your crystal orbs!ā€

Rouge releases his dick from her mouth and asks in a confused tone, ā€œCrystal orbs?ā€ She then takes a second to think and realizes, ā€œOh, you mean these?ā€ as she gestures her 50DDD boobs. ā€œWell, what do you wanna do? Suck on them?ā€

ā€œNot appropriate for now,ā€ A-Log said. ā€œI just want to play a little 'Divide and Conquer'.ā€

ā€œYou mean--?ā€

Anthony nods.

Rouge smile becomes more amorous and says, ā€œYou really do have a boob fetish, don't you?ā€

ā€œYou know it can't be helped,ā€ Anthony said.

ā€œAll right. If that's how you want to make it more exciting,ā€ she says as she pulls down her top to reveal the two massive mounds of love she calls breasts, ā€œSo be it!ā€

As A-Log remains seated on the couch, Rouge sets herself up to give him a titty-fuck. She places his erect penis in between her soft mounds of flesh and gives it a tight loving squeeze. With her hands cupping the undersides of her breasts, she moves them up and down, and squeezes his penis to give the satisfaction that is guaranteed when it comes to this position. They both know fully well how big Rouge's breasts are, and how soft and ample to the touch. Many a man have sucked and fucked those boobs to their delight and Rouge is proud of her assets.

ā€œOh Rouge, baby...ā€ Anthony moans as he enjoys the tit-fuck, ā€œI bet Shadow is jealous of your feat.ā€

ā€œOh?ā€ Rouge asks as she continues her work. ā€œI wouldn't say he's jealous of me doing this... even to him.ā€

Even after revealing one intimate detail between her and Shadow, she decides to further the amount of pleasure given by not only giving A-Log a tit-fuck, but as she does so, she licks Anthony's dick once again; thus amplifying the sexual pleasure up to 11.

Anthony's eyes roll back and breathes deep and hard as Rouge gives him a combination of loving. She goes even further by enclosing her mouth onto the head of his penis and sucks on it hard. With every stroke, she can feel his penis twitching in between her boobs and feels warmer and warmer.

ā€œOh Christ, Rouge...ā€ he said, closing his eyes hard. ā€œI'm about to cum!ā€
>> No. 19953
>she asked as she places

How do I used tense?
>> No. 19954
File 131750834290.jpg - (53.99KB , 455x540 , ALOG2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even though it's early, she knows that he needs to come to a conclusion. She decides to fasten the pace by squeezing his dick hard in between her boobs until he finally shoots out several ropes of cum, which thankfully go inside Rouge's mouth. Even he doesn't want to sully her costume before the party starts. With every amount of semen released, she swallows each drop until her drops. Afterwards, she releases his dick from her mouth and still sees it hard in between her breasts.

ā€œDamn baby,ā€ she says in between breaths, ā€œStill hard as a rock, huh?ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ Anthony states as he catches his breath. ā€œHope I didn't ruin your costume. It'll be a shame if I left at least one sperm splattered on that hot outfit of yours.ā€

ā€œDon't worry about it,ā€ she said with reassurance. ā€œI know a few ways to get rid of them if it happened.ā€

ā€œSo,ā€ Anthony said as his hardened dick glistened with Rouge's saliva, ā€œWhat's next?ā€

ā€œWell,ā€ she said with a sly giggle and rises to her feet. ā€œYou had your fun. But now it's my turn.ā€ She then motions A-Log to get off the couch so that she can sit herself down. As her bountiful booty makes contact with the cushion, she moves the bottom part of her costume to reveal to him her vagina, plump and ripe for pleasure. The wetness from glistened from her vaginal walls; her clitoris standing erect from the thought of his cock. Anthony cannot help but gaze into her pussy as Rouge beckons him over with her finger and her crawls by her lap.

ā€œI'm sure you know what to do?ā€ asks Rouge, while holding the fabric open to Anthony.

ā€œYou don't have to tell me twice!ā€ he said as he immediately digs in. Rouge moans softly to herself as Anthony proceeds to eat her out. With every lick, he uses his tongue to into every crevice of her sugar walls. He guides it every which way as it laps up Rouge's sweet, succulent honey from her vagina. Rouge places one hand on his head, as if to push him down deeper, and places the other on her breasts, caressing it as she feels A-Log's tongue go deeper, and deeper, and deeper, and deeper within.

ā€œOh yeah, baby,ā€ Rouge moaned with an erotic tone. ā€œYou really know how to treat a lady.ā€ She then takes a moment to lick her own breast, releasing the nipple with a satisfying pop. ā€œI know how much you, V-Dogg and the others love how I taste!ā€

ā€œI guess that would make Shadow a jealous man,ā€ he said. ā€œIf he ever finds out,ā€ then continues eating her snatch.

ā€œDoubt it,ā€ she said with an erotic giggle.

Rouge's vaginal walls tighten with each stroke from his tongue, as if the inevitable will come. (No pun intended, of course.) As his tongue goes in deeper and deeper, Rouge catches her breath as she feels an orgasm coming, but tries to keep it under control; it would be too early to do so. This gives a signal to A-Log to further intensify the situation. He starts to lick her clitoris with his tongue and proceeds to stick two fingers inside her pussy. The feeling of these fingers inside her body sharpens up her senses as her vaginal walls clamp his fingers like a latch.

Just as Rouge feels like she'll explode with pleasure, Anthony releases her pussy from his mouth, licking off the juices from his muzzle in the process.

ā€œAw, baby please,ā€ said Rouge in a mock pouting tone. ā€œYou know how I don't like being teased.ā€

ā€œSorry babe, I can't end it like that,ā€ he said. ā€œI want to fuck you so hard right now, I can't even wait!ā€

Rouge smiles amorously and says, ā€œWell, tell me the position and we'll get into it!ā€

ā€œAll right, but let's hurry before the guests arrive.ā€

Anthony motions Rouge to spread her legs wider, of which she complies. He then guides his pecker by his hand and places it on top of Rouge's pussy lips, teasing her in the process. Seconds later, he sets for her entrance and shoves it inside her pussy, thus letting Rouge giving out a long satisfying moan, thus bringing them in the missionary position on the couch.

He starts out slowly, thrusting into her vagina with easy pumps to get themselves settled. With Rouge's pleading, he starts to move fast, humping her with furious strokes. The sound of skin against skin fills the room as Anthony fucks her with much ferocity.

ā€œYou like this, baby?ā€ Anthony asks as he fucks her.

ā€œFuck yeah!ā€ says Rouge, with an erotic tone. ā€œI thought you didn't like this position.ā€

ā€œDon't worry,ā€ he said reassuringly, and he kisses her on the lips. ā€œThe best is yet to come!ā€

He gives a few more thrusts before deciding to take Rouge's suggestion to heart. He motions her off the couch and he sits in her place.

ā€œI think I can see what you want to do next?ā€ she asks with an air of seduction.

She then comes over and sets herself down on his lap and straddles him. Rouge then lifts her booty up as Anthony sets his erect penis up for position, with her help as well. On cue, Rouge then inserts his rod into her pussy, thus bringing them into the cowgirl position. Rouge gyrates her bountiful butt onto his hips and gives out a moan as she feels his dick going up into her vaginal walls. With every gyration her hips convey, the more pleasure she receives from A-Log.

ā€œOh, god damn this is good!ā€ she says in ecstasy. ā€œNow only if Shadow can be as good as you...ā€

ā€œI'm sure he'll give it a chance, if he does,ā€ he says as he decides to further the pleasure by sucking on her tits. With each feeling from his tongue, she can feel even more amounts of pleasure. It then comes over tenfold as he decides to take one of his hands and places it on her bodacious buttock. His hand on it, he pushes Rouge onto his dick as he drives his pelvis upward to drive them into total ecstasy.

ā€œOh yes, A-Log! Yes! Yes! YES!!!ā€ she shouts in erotic joy. ā€œDrive that foxdick further into my pussy! Drive that big, massive foxdick into my sweet, succulent pussy! You know you want to!ā€

With those words, A-Log drives his penis further and further into Rouge's pussy. Rouge arches back and moans loudly as she feels his thrusts drive deep into her. As he fucks her, he decides to try something else.

ā€œTurn around, baby,ā€ he said whilst driving his penis into her insides. ā€œI wanna take a look at that fine ass while we do this!ā€

ā€œOk then, honey,ā€ Rouge says with an erotic tone. ā€œLet me take this cape off first. Don't want to block the view now, would I?ā€

ā€œWhy not? You'll put it back on anyway!ā€ he said with joy.

Rouge giggled a bit as she took off her cape. The purple fabric fell off her shoulders and onto the floor as she gets herself off his dick, turns herself away from him, and inserts his penis into her lovehole once more. Rouge gyrated her hips and proceeds to get herself fucked by A-Log's huge organ. A-Log is especially enjoying this, mostly for the fact that he can see her ass jiggle in front of him as she gets fucked.

ā€œOh yeah...ā€ A-Log thought to himself. ā€œThis is a great way to spend Halloween!ā€ After having this thought, he grabs a handful of Rouge's bountiful booty and gives them a squeeze as he thrusts back inside her.

ā€œOh my god!ā€ screams Rouge in erotic joy. ā€œThis is way better than getting some candy!ā€

ā€œAren't we a little old for that?ā€ A-Log teased.

Rouge cracks a smile and says, ā€œOh yeah. But still, we're having more fun than those little rugrats any day!ā€

Anthony nods in agreement as he continues to fuck her in the reverse cowgirl. Seconds later he looks at his watch and tells her, ā€œRouge, baby! We've got to finish this quick. The guests will be here in another hour!ā€
>> No. 19955
File 131750844333.jpg - (6.90KB , 210x258 , Ronnie Is Shocked.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The guests will be here in another hour!
So, that only took you an hour?

Goddamn, even in his fanfiction, he's a one pump chump
>> No. 19956
File 131750854220.jpg - (47.68KB , 453x604 , ALOG5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ā€œYou're right!ā€ she said. ā€œAnything you want to do to finish this off?ā€

ā€œI think you know what position I want you in!ā€ A-Log grinned happily.

Rouge grins back to her lover and stands up to release his cock from her vaginal regions. A-Log strokes himself to remain stiff as Rouge goes on the left side of the couch and bends over as she goes on her knees, her hands resting on the couch arm; her ass being presented to him. As she eagerly awaits him, he teases her by slapping his cock on one of her ass cheeks.

ā€œGet ready to ride the broomstick!ā€ A-Log says, rubbing his cock on her pussy.

ā€œYeah baby,ā€ Rouge says erotically. ā€œHit me with that magic stick of yours! Fuck this sexy witch!ā€

That's all the motivation he needed as he shoves his six-incher into her pussy once more, thus putting them in the doggy-style position; a personal favorite of A-Log's. He quickly thrusts his whole penis inside her pussy, his balls hitting the outer flaps in the process. Add to the fact that Anthony is squeezing Rouge's ass as he fucks her in this position, and he knows how to drive her wild when it comes to sex.

The room is filled with the sounds of skin hitting skin, and Rouge's erotic moaning. Her ass is making contact with his hips as she lets his penis in her treasure cove. She bites her lower lip as every inch of his cock penetrates her with break neck speed. As much as she enjoys being fucked by Shadow, it doesn't compare to how A-Log fucks her without accidentally ending early due to his speed.

ā€œOh yeah baby...ā€ she says as she gets fucked by her foxy lover. ā€œKeep workin' that magic on me! I feel every inch of that magic stick of yours!ā€

Anthony can only comply as he continues to fuck her senseless on the couch. Keeping in mind is the fact that the guests will be arriving soon, so he and Rouge must keep going quicker before they arrive. Moments later, he feels his dick pulsate around her tight pussy; feeling the vaginal walls squeeze his dick like a vice is all he can take before he comes to an inevitable conclusion.

ā€œRouge...ā€ A-Log says, in between breaths during the love making. ā€œI think I'm gonna cum...!ā€

Rouge looks back, cracks a smile and says, ā€œI think you know where to shoot that hot load of yours! Let it all out, baby!ā€

Anthony fucks her harder like a piston until he pulls out and strokes himself off, aiming for her buttocks. After a few seconds, he shoots off several dollops of cum onto her round ass, thankfully missing the fabric of her witch costume in the process. Rouge lets out a contented purr as she feels his hot sperm hitting her ass cheeks. After several seconds, A-Log is know drained and tired from his love making and the conclusion he made.

ā€œDamn Rouge...ā€ Anthony says, catching his breath, ā€œI never knew a woman like you can be this sexy as a witch!ā€

ā€œWell, there's a little bit of witch in us girls,ā€ she says with a giggle. She then stands up from the couch and softly kisses him on the lips. ā€œI think it's best that you should clean yourself up. Don't want the guests to become suspicious on what we were doing.ā€

ā€œYou're right!ā€ A-Log said with an embarrassed grin. ā€œI guess we've got some cleaning up to do. I'll hit the shower and come down when the guests arrive.ā€

ā€œOk, babe. And don't forget your costume!ā€

ā€œI won't,ā€ he said as he grabbed his clothes and heads upstairs to take a quick shower. Rouge, on the other hand, reaches across the table and grabs some tissue to wipe the cum off her body. She thinks to herself, ā€œIf this is what he has to offer, I hope he and the others will give me a few more during the party tonight?ā€ She smiles wickedly as she has this erotic thought in mind.

End Trick #1

With the voices of:

1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself
2.Kathleen Delaney: Rouge the Bat
>> No. 19957
File 131750861658.png - (115.71KB , 247x265 , Cryus The Virus Is Unhappy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And this man DARES pretend himself better than Chris-chan.
>> No. 19958
I think we need to create a term for the attempt to prove superiority by attacking retards.
>> No. 19959
I think that's covered in "troll shielding."
>> No. 19960
(verb) - To proclaim superiority over retards on the Internet whilst ignoring ones own obvious failings.
To A-Log.
>> No. 19961
A-Log posted this comment shortly after posting his story. It's strangely prophetic.

>Well, so far, the first chapter is up:


>Read it and weep!

Oh, we will, A-Log. We will.
>> No. 19962
I like it.
I A-Log, you A-Log, he she or it A-Logs.
>> No. 19963
Because A-Log is a sad forever alone neckbeard loser who has no friends, job or any other obligation to leave his bedroom, allowing him to spend the entire month of October writing wish-fulfilment fapfiction about cartoon characters. And furiously masturbating to it.
>> No. 19964
But a term meant for total full-blown autist lolcows, like Alog and ADF who are completely capable of attempting to troll equally mad tard without the slightest sense of irony.
>> No. 19965
I like 'A-Logging'.
It'd be nice if A-Log went down in Internet history as a name synonymous with patheticness and ignobility.
>> No. 19966
>went down in Internet history
>as a name synonymous with ignobility
I still like the thought.
>> No. 19967
The Aristocrats!
>> No. 19968

"ā€œRouge baby...ā€ Anthony said, as he takes in a deep breath, ā€œShow me your crystal orbs!ā€"

Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Jesus, even in his awful fapfiction he makes incredibly cheesy jokes.
>> No. 19969

How about no? Seriously, "hypocrisy" ought to suffice. Let's not be fucking tropers here.
>> No. 19970

This stub has appeared on Encyclopedia Dramatica...
>> No. 19971
Tv tropes? You mean that filthy hive of persons and autism?
>> No. 19972

The sky? You mean that blue place with clouds in it?
>> No. 19973

Good, now let's send that to A-Log and his friends.
>> No. 19974
Not before everything's been archived. We don't want the aspies to go into DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING mode just yet.
>> No. 19975
I've found this. I suspect it to be MsUmlaut's deviantart profile but I need confirmation.
>> No. 19976
File 131758585069.jpg - (68.65KB , 600x800 , Stalked By CWC.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If it's not her, she's at least familiar with our beloved manchild.

>Here is another thing I hate in this world... Chris-chan!

>To those who don't know who the hell his is, this manchild is the biggest troll on the internet and no other trolls can beat him. He is the creator of Sonichu (which is a combination of Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu) and he creates his own comics which is Abysmal for the crappy drawings. Oh and he claims that its an original creation. FYI, ITS NOT! ITS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT! He even threatens to sue Shigeru Miyamoto for not making his game featuring Sonichu after he received a letter from Miyamoto himself.

>This retard creates videos for years about something nobody cares about and always get into bitch fits over nothing. He claims that he has girlfriends but in reality its all in his imagination. Lets not forget that he admits things that shouldn't been said over the internet such as crapping in his pants or show off his sex skills. And speaking of sex, he FILMED himself masturbating with a blowup doll and upload it on the internet. Not only that, he filmed himself taking a shower, going around the room naked, masturbate again, and drinking his own semen with fanta! (Here is my reaction to one of his vids, [link])

>He lives with his parents and he is 28 years old virgin! He thinks that his Autism and everyone else was the reason for all of his problem. Let me tell you, I have Apersoner Syndrome myself and I am way more mature than he is. (I'm 18 btw). He is a racist, homphobic, Anti-Semitic, and a Sexist Pig!

>What I drew here is me getting freaked out when I see him walking near me as he does stalk women everywhere. Ladies, if you see him walking on the streets, RUN!
>> No. 19977
Ha, just noticed the link to her reaction video in my quote. Derp.

It's definitely her.
>> No. 19978
>another thing I hate in this world
oh boy, here we go!
>the biggest troll on the internet and no other trolls can beat him
she must be the one person who actually fell for "rollin' and trollin'"
>such as crapping in his pants or show off his sex skills. And speaking of sex, he FILMED himself masturbating[...]
>she watched all this and that doesn't make her more of a sick fuck than him.
>(Here is my reaction to one of his vids, [link])
>I have Apersoner Syndrome myself and I am way more mature than he is. (I'm 18 btw).
>> No. 19979
File 131759087639.jpg - (23.01KB , 306x397 , elvira.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chapter 2 of A-Log's month-long series of Halloween fapfics is up...

And now, a well known mistress of the dark appears as Trick #2. Unpleasant dreams...


31 Tricks, 31 Treats

A Set of Halloween lemons by Anthony ā€œA-Logā€ LoGatto

NOTE: The setting is simple. There will be women that are either dressed up in costumes or actual monster femmes. All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?

Trick #2: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
>> No. 19980
File 131759101866.png - (49.21KB , 132x169 , A-Log1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Halloween. It's the one time of the year where ghouls and goblins go out to haunt the night. However, there are moments where these haunts have a different mindset. Although many are there to frighten the pants off of anybody, there are those who would rather make a man receive an early case of rigor mortis.

Such as the case as this night. We see our foxy, yet nerdy casanova, Anthony LoGatto, aka A-Log, walking up to a castle deep in Transylvania. The wind is howling, the night was pitch black, you can hear the children of the night making their music throughout the night air. A-Log does feel a chill behind his spine; feeling nervous, he checks behind him, seeing nothing but air. He gets to the door, which is wooden and has two golden heads of gargoyles for the knockers. Feeling timid, he uses the knocker to knock on the door. He awaits for who would come to the door.

ā€œI sure hope Enchantra is right about her,ā€ A-Log thinks to himself, the night air giving him goosebumps in the process. ā€œBut why does she want me to meet her here? Seems a little too spooky for my taste.ā€

Before he decides to change his mind and run, the door opens. What is revealed to him is a sight to behold: a statuesque beauty with pale skin, sports long flowing black hair, but has a bouffant on the top, and wears a long, form fitting black dress showing off her legs and ample cleavage. Her bust size was also an attention grabber, being around a DD cup or bigger. She placed a hand beside the door, thus giving him perfect view of her ample bosom.

She gives him a tender smile and says, ā€œHello there, darling! What brings you here to my humble abode at this hour?ā€

Still awestruck at her beauty, he regains his composure and says, ā€œWell, Enchantra sent me here.ā€

ā€œOh!ā€ she exclaims. ā€œYou must be A-Log? Well darling, the old boy killer told me a lot about you! I'm very interested to see what you're like!ā€

ā€œReally?ā€ he asked.

ā€œOf course, sweetie!ā€ she said coyly. ā€œBut come in; you might catch a cold out here. Wouldnā€™t want you dead before you see me!ā€

ā€œWow, thanks!ā€ he says as follows the strange woman inside her castle. As he walks with her down the spiraling stairway, he says, ā€œI almost forgot to ask, what's your name?ā€

She looks back as she holds the candelabra with a lit candle to guide the way, and says, ā€œAh, don't tell me you haven't heard of the lovely Mistress of the Dark, have you?ā€

ā€œWait,ā€ he says, in a sudden realization, ā€œYou're that ultra busty horror hostess Elvira!ā€

She blushes and says, ā€œWell, suffice to say, my boobs have gotten me a ton of fans.ā€

ā€œBut you know Enchantra?ā€

ā€œOh yeah, me and that little sexpot of a succubus have been tight for many years. I've been friends with her mother Marlena for a long time as well,ā€ she says. ā€œYou can say that she...ā€ and as she speaks, moves her hands across her hair for a second, ā€œGot her style of seduction from me!ā€

A-Log gives off a nervous style, surprised to think that Enchantra got all that she knows about love making from her, a vampiress with such amazing beauty that would make any man's blood boil-- whether they be man or vampire.

After several minutes walking down these stairs, he and Elvira enter her living quarters. He sees a lavish setting complete with a long black and purple couch, a bat-shaped rug, a chandelier on the top of the room, a mahogany coffee table, and many candles strewn about the room, thus giving the room a luscious glow. A-Log cannot help but set his gaze towards the dark beauty of the room where this goddess of the night sets herself up when relaxed, let alone air on her television show.

ā€œQuite a sight, isn't it?ā€ Elvira asked in a smug, yet kind, tone, looking over her shoulder with her gaze.

ā€œI agree,ā€ he says. ā€œBut I'm still wondering what Enchantra told you about me?ā€

ā€œOh?ā€ she said coyly. ā€œYou're surprised that she told me how you and her fuck like rabbits?ā€ As she says this, she sets the candelabra down on the table.

Surprised on her knowing this, Anthony cannot help but blush beet red. ā€œHow did you--?ā€

ā€œDon't worry darling. She didn't say anything mean about you,ā€ she says with a reassuring tone. ā€œShe told me about your sexual stamina, and how she didn't steal your life force to begin with.ā€ She places her hands on her hips, raises an eyebrow and asks, ā€œDid you strike some sort of deal with her?ā€

ā€œWell,ā€ he says with uncertainty in his voice, ā€œShe did help me get through the ladies in high school.ā€

It didn't take long for Elvira to put two and two together on their relationship. ā€œOh my God, she was your first, wasn't she?ā€

Blushing with surprise over her conclusion, he says, ā€œYes! But--?ā€

ā€œWoman's intuition, darling,ā€ she said with a smile. ā€œI can tell from a mile away. But that's not why you came here.ā€

ā€œIt isn't?ā€ he asked.

ā€œOf course not, silly!ā€ she says as she places herself on the couch in her usual pose. ā€œI've been a whole lot about your stamina from Enchantra, and I asked if I could take a look for myself. She agreed, of course, but I'm you know where this is going?ā€

ā€œYou mean--?ā€

ā€œThat's right, honey... drop 'em!ā€
>> No. 19981

Umlaut91 looks like a potential lolcow that desperately needs to be milked. Take a look at what she posted in her DA journal last year: http://umlaut91.deviantart.com/journal/30140840/


>Hey Everyone, I'm having a moment of ranting over here. Last night I found an interesting discovery that youchew poop forums ([link]) claiming that few of my arts was considered the 'Worst' because of three things: 1. Anime Style drawing 2. My drawing style in general 3. The Yaoi pair. I admit that I was surprised and I don't really what to think until I got advice from my fellow aariners on what to do about that. And now I know how to respond to this shenanigan thanks to good night sleep and taking real critism from someone who claims to be a tough but honest. I'll talk about the easy subjects first.

>Now...First of all, what is wrong drawing anime style of characters that isn't even from an anime? There are many ways to draw such as realistic, original, western style cartoon, anime, chibi, or even your style. Wouldn't it be boring to just draw the orignal way? Why not try to do something different, think outside the box. I've even seen an impressive fanart of the Simpsons in anime style. Someone as closed minded would think that its inappropriate to draw western cartoons into japanese anime. Even the Japanese were inspired by the Western Cartoons like Mickey Mouse or even Batman.

>Second we have the yaoi pairing. I understand that fanboys can't stand yaoi in general because that is how men are. But what pisses me off is the way they handle it like a kid hearing about sex. Example: "EWWW", "Dude WTF","That shit is gross". Seriously, what are they? 10? Since they are on the internet and like people who post fanarts like me, they need to prepare for th worst of it. Hard to believe but yes, just like Rule 34 If there is a series, then there is Pron! And since there is pron, there are chances for yaoi to be involved! As a yaoi fangirl there are some pairing that I may not agree upon like Mario and Luigi for example, but hey if they like those two being together then whatever. Don't just post it up as the worst just because of the yaoi fandom (especially when the artwork was superb!)

>Last but not least, my drawing style. I can understand that my art needs ALOT OF IMPROVEMENT and proper criticism is the way to go. But that's not what I am mad about, what I am mad about is people ridiculing the other artists out there because the artwork isn't as good as they want it to be. If they don't like my work then fine, but if they are going to use it as humiliation instead of telling them how to improve it then there is a problem. How would they like it if I post up their fanarts and claiming it as trash. I bet they would feel like shit. I bet that there are some artist that felt miserable to the point where they don't want to draw anymore because of the humiliation they are receiving by other insecure people. Let me say this real quick: If they think that my art today is so bad, then you probably didn't see the worst of it as my work from 2006 is TRUE CRAP as my lines were too straight and less relaxed it looks like the character is lying dead! I admit I didn't practice as much for the past 2 years because I have school and personal stuff, but today I have the opportunity to practice some more to become a better artist. I also learn from my mistakes, the more I learn the better I will become. Picasso wasn't too perfect either, but he had to do something about it in order for his work to become famous.

>Anyways, the people from youchew poop forums who've criticized my work were just trolling and have nothing better to do. I don't give a Rat's Ass if they hate my work for no reason. I'm doing fanart for ME and for my dream to become a game designer! Even Samuel Crider and Scott Pikulski (the people who used to work for carnevil) was fascinated by my drawings.

>Here is to people from the forums if they are reading this now: "Fuck you guys! You are just jealous that you can't draw like I can. I want to see you draw and maybe other people can call it trash. Even if the other fanarts by the other people makes you gag, then deal with it and don't say anything unless you criticize the correct way as they were just having fun and they would like to share it with the world. Try not to post it up behind their backs, because the internet is a small world. I mean you can't even do a proper criticism. Proper criticism is telling them how they can approve and point their strength and weaknesses even if you said that the drawing isn't that good. But telling everyone how much it sucked isn't criticism, its TROLLING! And if you don't like what I said: Then you can go Fuck and Fuck your fucking self! Oh and guess what? I'll be posting more of my fanarts and can do a very hot TokkentakkerXUmlaut fanart just to piss you guys off. So fuck off, kiss my ass, and grow up!

>I'm Umlaut91 and I am a Tokkentakker X Umlaut yaoi fanatic! ^^
>> No. 19982
File 13175911608.png - (177.54KB , 180x440 , a-loga.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She then gestured to him with the old ā€œcome hereā€ finger curl and he willingly steps up in front of her, but not before taking off his shoes and belt. He is still surprised on how interested she, a famous horror hostess, is in his physical form. He then pulls down the zipper and pulls down his pants, thus exposing the erection that is contained in his boxers. Elvira looks pleased at this development.

ā€œI assume you've had that the moment you saw me at the door, didn't you?ā€ she asked.

Blushing, he says, ā€œYeah, that happens when I meet a beauty like you.ā€

ā€œNow let me release that little beast,ā€ she says, now sitting up and reaches to pull down his boxers. She is then surprised to see his large, six-inch penis standing erect in front of her. Her eyes go wide in astonishment; surely Enchantra wanted Elvira to be surprised when she saw this. Mission accomplished.

ā€œHoly crap!ā€ Elvira said in amazement. ā€œI seem to recall the wolfman being well hung, but not a fox boy like you!ā€

ā€œYeah,ā€ A-Log said, ā€œEnchantra did help me out on that. You can thank her if you want.ā€

ā€œI'll bet...ā€ she said as she places a finger on his foxdick. ā€œI've been with much furrier men, but a nice anthro like you will do nicely!ā€

Before A-Log can say anything else, Elvira starts to insert his dick into her waiting mouth, thus starting off a blowjob. His eyes shot out in surprise as he feels how warm her mouth is when it's constricted onto his penis like a vice. He is amazed on how a horror hostess such as her can suck a dick like a porn star. He assumes that it's a part of the job, since she does meet a lot of fans after her show. But this lucky guy beats them to it by getting sucked off away from the studio lights and cameras.

Her head bobs back and forth, letting her mouth take all his dick and her tongue caressing his head and shaft. Elvira sucks on his cock with much erotic joy and velocity; even her boobs are shaking as she sucks him off. She places one of her hands onto his stomach, feeling his average build as she sucks him off. He's only happy that she's not sucking out his blood.

ā€œOh God...ā€ A-Log moans as Elvira sucks him off. ā€œYou give this attention to many of your fans, don't you?ā€

She stops for a moment, but still strokes his dick with her hand, ā€œWell, they're not the only ones. Let's just say I've also get more... comfortable with the other main monsters.ā€ She then sucks on the head, thus resuming the blowjob.

ā€œReally?ā€ Anthony said, intrigued. ā€œLike who?ā€

She stops again and says, ā€œI'll explain a little later in our alone time. In the mean time...ā€ she trails off and sucks on his dick once more.

As she continues sucking him off, her breasts continue to sway back and forth until she decides to take them out of her dress. A-Log notices and gets turned on even more based on the fact that she flashed her famous bosoms to him.

ā€œElvira...ā€ he says, ā€œI love it when you're giving me head, but I really want a golden opportunity to fuck those gorgeous tits!ā€

Elvira stops the blowjob for a moment and says, ā€œReally? I can tell that you want to fuck these boobs,ā€ she says and points to her boobs as she says this, ā€œBut I really want to see you work for it.ā€

ā€œReally? Why?ā€

ā€œIt's just to early, that's all,ā€ she says, and she stands up and sits herself down on the couch. ā€œBesides, you've got to give me some attention as well.ā€
>> No. 19983
File 131759125648.png - (156.69KB , 207x303 , alogb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ā€œHow so?ā€ he asked.

ā€œWhat else, darling?ā€ she says as she spreads her legs apart and lifts the lower part of her dress to reveal to him her pussy. Of special note is the design of her pubic hair in the shape of a bat, which has been a rumor for years, but she's shown her secret design to him, thus making the rumors true.

ā€œSo the rumors were true!ā€ he exclaims.

ā€œWhy don't you take a closer look, darling?ā€ she says to him.

A-Log obliges and walks over to her on the couch. He then kneels down and places his hands on her thighs and makes his way to gaze into her pussy. He starts off by licking the clitoris softly and gently, giving his Vampira-esque lover a slight tingle in her spinal cord. She is surprised on how good he is at licking pussy. He then surprises her by inserting two fingers from his right hand in there, and starts to finger her, slowly at first, but goes faster with each moan he hears coming out of her mouth.

ā€œMmmmm, I'll be damned,ā€ Elvira said erotically. ā€œEnchantra said you're good, but not this good!ā€

ā€œI can do a whole lot more, babe!ā€ he says as he continues licking her haunted honeypot.

Elvira extends her arms on top of the couch and lets A-Log do all the work. After several minutes, she can feel an orgasm coming, but wants to hold it in; she doesn't want it to be too early. Afterward, she pushes his face off her pussy. Confused, he asks, ā€œWhat's wrong?ā€

ā€œNothing, darling,ā€ she says. ā€œI just think you're ready to stick that stake into my dark cavern.ā€

He smiles and says, ā€œYou don't need to tell me twice!ā€

Elvira smiles at him as he strokes himself to keep his penis erect. He then stands back up and proceeds to shove his six-inch monster into her pussy. As it starts to enter her body, Elvira feels his girth and shudders in delight as he starts to fuck her missionary style on the couch.

ā€œWoah!ā€ she exclaims. ā€œAnd I thought the Creature From the Blue Lagoon was this big!ā€

ā€œBut I'm sure that he's not a softy like me!ā€ he says as he fucks her brains out.

The sounds of skin meeting skin fills the room, and also is heard throughout the castle. It even begins to stir several of the bats from the outside. A-Log continues to fuck her as she moans and groans with every thrust of his hips. At one point, he leans forward to suck on her ample breasts. He pays attention to each nipple as he sucks and licks them, as well as kneading her breasts as he continues fucking her.

ā€œYou look so cute when you suck on my boobs!ā€ she says.

ā€œThank you,ā€ he says as he continues the fucking and sucking.

As his balls slap the underside of her pussy, he can feel her pussy tightening around his cock like a vice. Seconds later he says, ā€œFlip it over, Elvira! Flip it over for me baby!ā€

Nodding her approval, Elvira lets Anthony slide his cock out of her pussy and she turns herself around, holding on to the base of the couch and her knees on the cushions as she shows her ass to him. Anthony can't help but smile at the fact that Elvira not only has a pair of big boobs, but a nice round butt as well. Before she can say anything else, he starts to fuck her once more, this time in the doggy-style position; a personal favorite of sexual positions.

ā€œI see why you love this one, darling!ā€ she says erotically, as she gets pounded from behind.

ā€œJust to see that sexy behind of yours,ā€ he says, fucking her in the process. ā€œI'm sure I'm better at this than those other monsters you were with!ā€

ā€œOh?ā€ she says. ā€œWell, Frankie is a little bigger than you, but at least he didn't have problems putting it all the way in like you do!ā€

ā€œYou were fucked by Frankenstein?ā€ he asked. ā€œI'm sure his bride wasn't too happy when she saw you two going at it!ā€

ā€œReally? She was still eager to join in. Still surprised she and Frankie are lovers of the menage a trois!ā€ she said.

Surprised of the fact that even Frankenstein's Bride had some of Elvira, it made him even harder as he continues fucking her. Her ass moving back to feel the length of his penis made this even hotter for the both of them as the candles flickered throughout the sexual escapade.

He still cannot help as he grabs a handful of her ass as he rams his cock into her pussy like a piston. Her breasts sway back and forth below as she shouts out words of encouragement as she screams in erotic ecstasy. All these words do is coax A-Log to fuck her faster, her ass bouncing in the process. Minutes later, he gives in a few more thrusts and finishes the job... for now, at least.

ā€œHow did you like that, my dark beauty?ā€ he asks.

ā€œThat was wonderful, darling,ā€ she says. ā€œBut you need a little break. Why not sit down and let me do the work?ā€

ā€œYou mean--?ā€

ā€œThat's right.ā€

She gestures him to sit on the couch. He complies, and he sits down, holding his still erect dick and strokes it in anticipation. Elvira then takes one leg over him and sets herself above his dick. She helps him stroke off as she gets herself ready for the next position.

ā€œReady, darling?ā€ she asked.

ā€œDo it, baby!ā€ he says.

She then shoves herself down on his still erect cock and shudders in delight as she takes all six inches into her pussy. She shudders in delight as she faces away from him and lets it all in. She then starts to gyrate her hips into the rhythm, thus putting the horror hostess and her lover into the reverse cowgirl position. She keeps herself steady as she arches her back and lets him hold her by hips as she pumps herself onto his tool.

ā€œOh my God!ā€ Elvira thought to herself. ā€œI can't believe that Enchantra was right about this mortal! This fox boy is like an unstoppable sex machine. Not even the Invisible Man can match him; and I still can't see what size he has down there!ā€
>> No. 19984
File 131759136210.png - (188.87KB , 267x363 , alogc.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even though Elvira does all the work, A-Log cannot help but thrust upward as well; he even decides to cup and knead one of her breasts with a free hand as he continues fucking her in this position.

ā€œYou really are a breast man, aren't you?ā€ she asked as she is fucked from behind.

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ he said, ā€œI just can't get enough of a woman's mammary glands! It's like an addiction... but I love it! Please let me fuck those gorgeous tits, Elvira!ā€

ā€œTut tut, my dear boy,ā€ she coos softly. ā€œYou'll get your chance soon. You've just got to give my own variation of the so-called little death.ā€

Knowing that she meant an orgasm, he nods his approval and fucks her harder by thrusting upward; her ass hitting his hips as they fuck. ā€œYou love that foxdick, don't you?ā€

ā€œYes, darling,ā€ she screamed erotically. ā€œI can't live without that fine foxdick of your's! It's better than a stake through the heart any day!ā€

ā€œThat's all I need to hear!ā€ he says as he continues to ram his cock upwards into her pussy with much speed and vigor. Several more pushes then cause Elvira to come into an orgasm, the sight of her shuddering as her pussy tightens around her dick helps him remain hard. Seconds later, her orgasm subsides and she gets off of his cock and his lap in the process.

ā€œGood job, A-Log!ā€ she says, her arms once more in akimbo. ā€œNow you get what you wanted!ā€

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ he said proudly.

ā€œNow,ā€ she trails off a bit for a moment, ā€œHow shall we do this?ā€

ā€œWhy don't I get on top of you?ā€ he suggested. ā€œIt'll give me some more exercise throughout this love making!ā€

Elvira chuckles a bit and says, ā€œWhatever you want, A-Log darling. You're gonna love how my tits feel around that big cock of yours!ā€ She kisses him softly on the lips as he gets off the couch, thus letting her lay down on her back, her breasts still out of her dress and awaiting the monster from down below his waist. He then gets on top of her and places his hard dick in between her big, bountiful boobs. She gives his dick a playful squeeze with her boobs, making it appear as an appetizer.

ā€œYou ready, darling?ā€ she asked, with baited breath.

ā€œI've been waiting for this since I saw you on TV!ā€ he said with joy. ā€œYou bet!ā€

He then starts to thrust his hard cock between her boobs and proceeds to start this tit-fuck into overdrive. With every thrust from his hips, he can feel the warmth of her bosom driving him further and further. The sheer size of her memorable cleavage has set many a man's heart on fire. But none of them can say they fucked the tits of a horror goddess like her.

Elvira is overjoyed with his enthusiasm as she feels his warm, erect cock being pushed by her furry lover, not to mention how much she can squeeze them together to drive him even farther. Several known horror icons have had their parts in between her bosom, but never that of a loving fan. She licks her ruby red lips as she sees the head of his cock go in and out of her view from beneath her bosom. She spits on it to give it more feeling in between her boobs.

ā€œYou love that foxdick in between your tits?ā€ A-Log asked as he fucks her tits.

ā€œHell yeah, baby!ā€ Elvira exclaims. ā€œLooks like my tits and your dick will be really comfortable now, aren't they?ā€

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ A-Log said. ā€œBet Enchantra didn't tell you about this, huh?ā€

ā€œShe was one for surprises, isn't she?ā€ she said, licking her ruby red lips in content. ā€œI'll give her a little thank you when I see her again.ā€

A-Log nods as he continues to thrust his hips onto the underside of her boobs. As he continues to fuck her tits, he feels his penis twitching in between them and getting warmer and warmer. It appears that Anthony Jr. can't hold it in any longer.

ā€œOh shit, Elvira!ā€ he exclaims. ā€œI going to cum!ā€

ā€œCum on my tits, darling!ā€ Elvira said with erotic joy, ā€œYou know you want to!ā€

After several more thrusts, as well as Elvira squeezing his dick harder in the process, he takes his dick out of her breasts and starts to stroke himself off on her ghoulish gourds. After several strokes, he shoots off several streams of cum onto her breasts; each dollop of semen stains her bosoms and lands around her nipples and aureoles. A dollop or two also lands on her chin and cheeks, which she seductively licks off with her tongue. After several strokes, his ejaculation subsides as his erection remains, for the time being at least.

ā€œDid you enjoy that, Elvira?ā€ he asked.

ā€œDefinitely!ā€ she responded. She then licks the cum off of her left nipple. ā€œEnchantra was right about you; you are a monster in a sack.ā€

Blushing, he says, ā€œWell, I may not be a player, but I do get the ladies with my kindness.ā€

Smiling, Elvira sits upwards and kisses him on the lips. ā€œUnless you're too tired, we can continue this in my room; I'm sure we have all night before the sun rises to continue.ā€

A-Log smiles and kisses her on the cheek. He then picks up his clothes and starts to head to the stairs. He stops for a moment and asks, ā€œWhere is your room exactly?ā€

ā€œGo a couple flights past the entrance, and pass through the hallway. Trust me, darling, you can't miss it!ā€

He smiles and walks up the spiraling staircase, eager to continue the action. Elvira gets her footing back up and places her breasts back into her flowing dress. She then gives it some thought and decides to let her dress simply fall down to the floor. ā€œWhat the hell?ā€ she thought. ā€œWe have all night!ā€ She giggles softly to herself and walks up the spiraling staircase to follow him, fully knowing that he wouldn't expect her to be completely naked when he sees her again.

End Trick #2

With the voices of:
1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself
2.Cassandra Peterson: Elvira

Elvira is Ā© Cassandra Peterson, 2011.
>> No. 19985
File 131759156780.jpg - (23.67KB , 186x240 , angry-old-man.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>This fox boy is like an unstoppable sex machine.
>> No. 19986
Holy God, it's like Sonichu times 9/11.
>> No. 19987
File 131759202085.jpg - (46.80KB , 600x450 , New_Photo_I_D__5_31_09_by_Umlaut91.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Too hot for /cwc/
>> No. 19988
>she asked as she is fucked from behind.

Why is it that out of all of this shit, it's his tenuous grasp on tenses that pisses me off the most?
>> No. 19989
> ā€œI can't live without that fine foxdick of your's! It's better than a stake through the heart any day!ā€

Master of compliments.
>> No. 19990
File 131759236126.jpg - (5.07KB , 225x225 , Scared Boy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm slightly disappointed that she's not the fat, jowly gothapotamus I had anticipated, but she's not that hot either. She's pretty average, really. Besides which, she's a total fuckin' weeaboo.

In any case, let's not turn her into PixyTeri 2.0, with all you losers going 'HURRR DURRR, I'D DO HER!!' 'K?
>> No. 19991
>Even though Elvira does all the work...
Even in his fantasies, he's lazy.
>> No. 19992
File 131759259673.jpg - (11.69KB , 268x188 , imagesCAIK237V.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Would you rather - Have sex with A-Log or be impaled on a wooden stake?
>> No. 19993

Hm...Can this be a snuff film? A-Log in the starring role as soon-to-be-corpse?
>> No. 19994
File 131759616656.png - (116.29KB , 264x370 , Enchantra.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For anyone who doesn't know, the character of Enchantra, whom A-Log constantly refers to in this story, is his ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL that he created in high school. She's a Sonic the Hedgehog fan character and is apparently some sort of magical furry succubus.

A few things stand out about this story for me, looking at the details of it, particularly a few lines of dialogue which - in typical A-Log fashion, tell us more about than A-Log intends to say.

>"Did you strike some sort of deal with her?ā€

>ā€œWell,ā€ he says with uncertainty in his voice, ā€œShe did help me get through the ladies in high school.ā€

We know that A-Log created Enchantra during his high school years, much as CWC did for Sonichu. However, this seems to imply that, unlike Chris who created Sonichu as an idealised version of himself - a way past cool Sonic equivalent whom he could identify with and try to emulate, A-Log created Enchantra as a sort of coping mechanism for the rejection he faced from girls. A sort of fantasy lover, who as well as putting up with all his bullshit and providing the horny, teenage A-Log with a female companion, could do wonderful things for him with her magical powers...

>It didn't take long for Elvira to put two and two together on their relationship. ā€œOh my God, she was your first, wasn't she?ā€

>Blushing with surprise over her conclusion, he says, ā€œYes!ā€

Like ridding him of his pesky (and obviously still intact) virginity.

Later on in the peice, A-Log reveals another, more miraculous aspect of Enchantra's powers.

>She is then surprised to see his large, six-inch penis standing erect in front of her. Her eyes go wide in astonishment; surely Enchantra wanted Elvira to be surprised when she saw this. Mission accomplished.

>ā€œHoly crap!ā€ Elvira said in amazement. ā€œI seem to recall the wolfman being well hung, but not a fox boy like you!ā€

>ā€œYeah,ā€ A-Log said, ā€œEnchantra did help me out on that. You can thank her if you want.ā€

Here A-Log implies that, through her succubus magic, Enchantra has actually made his penis bigger. On it's own, this might appear inoccuous, but consider this.

We, here at /cwc/ have been giggling at A-Log's boasts about his 'six inch monster' for some time, now. He goes on about it in practically every sex story he writes and seems unaware that this isn't as impressive as he thinks it is. Now, he's telling us that his organ has been magically enhanced, implying that it was smaller than six inches beforehand.

Now, while six inches is an average (on the small side of average, mind, but still) size for an adult male, A-Log apparently views this as large and impressive. And what do people tend to do, in self-insert wish fulfilment fanfiction? Exaggerate certain desirable aspects of their character that they wish they possessed. This is why in crap fapfiction we so often hear of men with fourteen-inch-cocks and other unlikely measurements. A-Log apparently sees having a six inch penis as equally desirable and aspirational.

Thus, I put it you, /cwc/, that A-Log is confirmed for having a TINY little micropenis.
>> No. 19995

I've been thinking the same thing. In A-Log's fapfiction the females he fucks always are amazed and admire his 6 inch penis. They act like it's gigantic, even though 6 inches is the average penis size for an adult. I have no doubt that A-Log's dick is laughably small.
>> No. 19996
>he even decides to cup and knead one of her breasts
>ā€œYou really are a breast man, aren't you?
'decides' implies he had to think about it. someone with a breast fetish doesn't need to think before they go for it during sex.
could he honestly get any lazier?
>> No. 19997
I have seriously never heard anyone use that word outside of making bread.
>> No. 19998
He also seems to have trouble maintaining an erection, even in his fantasies, if this section of the text is anything to go by...

>Elvira smiles at him as he strokes himself to keep his penis erect.
>> No. 19999
Well, I heard that usage in a song - character having an affair with a baker.

It's actually a very good musical - "Sunday in the Park with George." Won a Pulitzer.
>> No. 20000
It's not that uncommon. I'd start worrying if he covers the breast in a damp blanket and leaves it in the airing cupboard until the yeast has done its work, though.
>> No. 20001
/cwc/-we critically analyze your fapfiction in order to find the worst about you.
>> No. 20002
For the people wondering what A-Log's BlackBusterCritic attack video would've been about, I think this pretty well confirms it:
>> No. 20003
I really don't understand the logic behind this. Why would SpaceScreaminJohn be so butthurt about this and be defending Capcom so passionately when everything BBC has said about their lack of respect for their audience and shoddy, exploitative business practices (releasing unfinished games, then expecting people to pay extra for DLC that should've been in the game to begin with) was correct?

Why would you defend that? Because he hurt your feelings?
>> No. 20004
File 131762845356.jpg - (12.45KB , 140x123 , Doop's Face When___.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"No. No, companies don't have to serve us. We meet them halfway. That's how business works. For the companies to cater solely to us is a really bad idea."
>> No. 20005
Sounds like someone's a Libertarian...
>> No. 20006
So, who's looking forward to part three of A-Log's 31 Tricks, 31 Treats fapfiction series, tonight?
>> No. 20007

>So, who's looking forward to part three of A-Log's 31 Tricks, 31 Treats fapfiction series, tonight?

Why would you look forward to that?
>> No. 20008
Maybe it's just me, but having read A-Log's fapfics in my opinion he's DEFINITELY worse than Chris.
>> No. 20009

It's not just you, I also think that A-log is definitely worse than Chris.
>> No. 20010
But is he funnier? Personally, I don't think he is. I suspect might be linked to being his ever so slightly more self-confident than CWC. A-Log is certainly at least as obnoxious, deluded, pompous, deviant and generally awful as Chris, to be sure, but the way it manifests itself seems (at least to me) that little bit less melodramatic, bumbling and fundamentally harmless, instead coming across as grotesque, disconcerting and deeply, deeply annoying.

tl;dr Chris makes you laugh as you facepalm, A-Log makes you want to punch him in the face.
>> No. 20011

Counterpoint; a LOT of what Chris does isn't funny, and people often argue that it's good enough just "because it's Chris", which is why CWCfaggotry for years hasn't been anything funny or amusing, but merely 'content'. Doesn't need to be content that makes you laugh, doesn't need to be content that reveals more about how his mind works, so long as Chris has done something, anything, at all and for any reason, it's golden.

By that logic, yeah, A-Log counts. Probably more so, since most of the shit people are digging up is still new and fairly interesting.
>> No. 20012
Definitely, and yet, A-Log, being the hypocrite that he is, criticizes Chris for doing similar things in his ridiculous YouTube commentaries.
>> No. 20013
Look at the greasy fat fuck... he looks like he's in his 60s.
Way to take care of yourself, A-Log.
>> No. 20014
A-Log makes me think that all those newfags who want to inflict physical harm on Chris-chan are missing a far better, far more deserving target.
>> No. 20015
File 131766800968.png - (61.31KB , 618x519 , A Challenger Appears.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ha ha, the A-Log Defense Force has turned up, look!

Nice Sonic avatar, bro.
>> No. 20016
Sonic avatar shows he means business.
>> No. 20017
File 131766910398.jpg - (13.17KB , 352x298 , A Hirsute Nigger Is Amused.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What the fuck is wrong with you retarded faggots? You have no proof of Anthony Alog being any worst than Chris Chan!
>> No. 20018

I'd argue that a decent amount of CWC material in the last couple of years has been quite amusing, to be honest, although obviously this year's a bit of an exception. It's true that a fair amount of 'content' is more interesting than it is funny, though.

But at the end of the day I guess CWC is just a more interesting person than A-Log, not least because A-Log acts more like how you'd expect an asspie basement-dweller douche to behave, whereas Chris' behaviour is generally intriguing because it's so bizarre.
>> No. 20019
File 131767429566.jpg - (4.87KB , 126x139 , aloga.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stand back, you motherfuckers, 'cause chapter three of A-Log's Halloween fapfic is now uploaded.

Day three, and here's the latest chapter! This will also be the first one where you'll see one of my OC's. Enjoy!


31 Tricks, 31 Treats

A Set of Halloween lemons by Anthony ā€œA-Logā€ LoGatto

NOTE: The setting is simple. There will be women that are either dressed up in costumes or actual monster femmes. All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?

Trick #3: Nina Quacketta (Naughty Cop)

Halloween. It's the one time of the year where ghouls and goblins go out to haunt the night. It is also the time of year where normal people dress up as their monster, ghoul or character of choice and go out trick or treating for candy and other treats. However, many of those who are mature have also used costumes for their own devices as well.

Such as the case with this night. We set our tale at a house loaded with decorations for the festivities. Inside the house, we see our nerdy casanova of a fox named Anthony LoGatto, or A-Log to his friends. This time, he is dressed in costume; he is wearing the classic prisoner uniform with black and white pinstripes throughout the outfit. Also wearing a small cap of the same color scheme, he patiently waits for his companion. He is set to go to a Halloween party with friends; of which of course, has them dressed in costume for the occasion.

ā€œHey Nina!ā€ he shouts as he sits on the couch. ā€œAre you ready yet?ā€

He then hears a voice from above saying, ā€œJust about!ā€

ā€œAlright then, we've got a party to attend to!ā€

Seconds later, footsteps are heard coming down the stairs. From there, we see the person he was talking to: a female duck with long, shoulder length blonde hair, 38C cup breasts, and wears a naughty cop costume, which has her wearing a police officer's hat, fingerless gloves, a blue police shirt tied at the bottom to not only show off her midriff but exemplify her cleavage, and black biker shorts complete with handcuffs, nightstick and a fake gun. The fine water fowl is Nina Quacketta, normally referred to under her last name from time to time, a decorated police officer from NYPD and one of A-Log's many lovers. The outfit does make her normal work outfit somewhat quaint in comparison.

A-Log gives off a low wolf whistle and says, ā€œNow that's what I call the love of the law!ā€

ā€œCharming,ā€ she says in a dry tone, ā€œNormally whenever a perp tries that line on me, I'll arrest them on the spot; but, of course, you're the exception.ā€

ā€œYeah, with an outfit like that, I wouldn't mind a night at the station as long as you're on guard,ā€ he says, whilst checking her out in the process.

ā€œBesides,ā€ she states as she fixes her clothes up a bit, ā€œIt's easier to go through what you have than to get a more expensive version at those costume shops! I'm still surprise this still fits me after a while.ā€

ā€œBut still, as a cop, do you think the guests will mistake it for your actual uniform?ā€ he asks, with somewhat of a curious yet mischievous tone.

Quacketta arches an eyebrow and asks, ā€œYou really think that would happen?ā€

Anthony nods.

ā€œWell...ā€ she trails off with a seduction in her voice, ā€œBefore we head for the party, why won't I show you what I could get away with in this get up.ā€

ā€œHow do you mean?ā€ he asked.

ā€œFirst off,ā€ she says as she slaps the handcuffs on him, ā€œLet me restrain you so you won't have any bright ideas.ā€ And she starts to place the handcuffs on his wrists, but places his arms behind him, for the hell of it.

Worried, he says, ā€œAre you sure this is a good idea? It won't get too extreme, would it?ā€

ā€œBaby, you can trust me,ā€ she says seductively. ā€œBesides, you know I can never lay a hand on you.ā€

ā€œTrue, but--ā€ he says before he is cut off by Quacketta shutting him up by kissing him on the lips with a wild passion. A-Log fights back with a kiss of his own intensity, which she finds as competitive. As they kiss, A-Log feels her breasts press onto his chest; he wants to caress her, but he can't do so with his hands cuffed from behind. He does, however, feel his erection poking her stomach from inside his prisoner pants. She then notices this and breaks off the kiss.

ā€œOh, hiding a concealed weapon on me, eh?ā€ she asks with playful suspicion.

ā€œI don't know what you're talking about,ā€ he denied, knowing full well what she was mentioning.

ā€œWell, let's take a look at this weapon you got,ā€ she says seductively and kneels down in front of him, facing his hips and erection. She then pulls down his pants to reveal his erect six-inch foxdick standing in attention in front of her. Amazed she says, ā€œOh ho, I see that you're packing some heat!ā€

He gulps and says, ā€œI still don't think it's loaded.ā€

She then smiles seductively and says, ā€œWell, let me cool this gun of your's down a bit.ā€

Before he says anything more, Quacketta takes his erect penis and inserts it into her awaiting mouth, thus bringing the cop and robber couple into a BJ. She bobs her head back and forth as she engulfs his foxdick with much vigor. A-Log can only breathe sharply as he feels Quacketta's tongue wrap itself onto his shaft. As she sucks him off, she takes the nightstick off her belt and moves it up and down in between her legs like a dildo. She can feel that this will get her wet with anticipation, but with A-Log, it could come in tenfold.

ā€œOh Christ, officer!ā€ A-Log says. ā€œIf you keep this up I'll fire my weapon.ā€

She takes his dick out of her mouth and says, ā€œDon't even think of firing your shots yet! You'll know when the time comes.ā€ She then continues to suck his cock, her free hand also juggling his testicles as well. A-Log does his best not to fire an early shot, but keeps his composure. After several more minutes of this BJ, she gives his dick one last, long lick and finishes it by kissing the head of the penis.

ā€œHow did I do, officer?ā€ A-Log asked.

ā€œYou did fine, you sexy perp,ā€ she says with her usually seductive tone. ā€œNow let's see how you do me.ā€

Before A-Log asks about the cuffs, she cuts him off and says, ā€œHold it! I'm still leaving you handcuffed. That'll teach you think I dress up like this when I'm actually doing my job!ā€

ā€œBut what are you going to do?ā€ he asked.

ā€œDo you really need a calculator to figure this out?ā€ she said as she turns around, unzips the zipper on her biker shorts and proceeds to pull them downward, thus showing off her round booty. She knows that she lacks a little more bounce in the breasts department, but this sexy water fowl has some junk in the trunk. Anthony cannot help to gaze into her delicious derriere. ā€œGet on your knees, perp!ā€

ā€œBeg your pardon?ā€

She points the nightstick playfully at him and says, ā€œDo it!ā€

Like an obedient pup, A-Log gets on his knees. Quacketta then turns to face him and she places herself by his face, thus showing him her wet pussy.

ā€œIf you don't, you won't get an encore after the party,ā€ she commanded.

A-Log then starts to lick her vagina, paying close attention to her inner lips and her clitoris. He cannot finger due to the obvious fact that his hands are currently useless at the moment. Quacketta closes her eyes as she feels his tongue go in and out of her pussy as she feels a tingle go up her spine. Even as a police officer of the NYPD, she still doesn't want to hurt the poor guy, being one of his many lovers and all.

ā€œMmmm, you're doing good, baby...ā€ she moaned. ā€œIf you keep this up, I'll be sure to let you go on good behavior!ā€
>> No. 20020
File 13176743448.jpg - (42.32KB , 453x604 , alog1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Although intrigued by the role play of cop and criminal, he still licks her pussy with much ferocity and vigor, lapping up her honey in the process with every lick of his tongue. Quacketta couldn't help but release a moan and groan as she feels him licking her every nook and cranny. Just as she is close to hitting an orgasm, she pushes him off her vagina by placing her hand on his forehead. At that moment, A-Log stops.

ā€œWhy did you want me to stop?ā€ he asked with concern.

ā€œI'm not ready to cum yet,ā€ she said erotically. ā€œBut I do need you to lay on your back for this.ā€

ā€œYou mean--?ā€

ā€œThat's right,ā€ she says as she places him on the floor and gets on top of him, ā€œI want you to fuck me! Right... now!ā€

Before he responds with a single ā€œyesā€, she inserts his still erect penis into her wet pussy, thus putting them into the cowgirl position. She gyrates her hips slowly to get the rhythm, but speeds it up as she feels his six-inch wonder jamming her insides. She places her hands on his chest to keep her balance as she feels her firm buttocks slam down onto his thighs, enjoying his foxdick with every gyration and thrust of her shapely hips.

ā€œGod damn that's a big weapon,ā€ Quacketta shouted erotically. ā€œHow can you get away with concealing something like that?ā€

ā€œAnd ruin the element of surprise?ā€ he said jokingly ā€œThat's a secret, you know!ā€

Before Quacketta can make another witty retort, A-Log starts thrusting upwards with his hips, making the fucking between them even hotter than before.

ā€œYeah, baby...ā€ she moans as she bites the lower lip of her bill, ā€œKeep this up and you'll get parole in no time!ā€

ā€œNot to mention more fun with the guests when we get there!ā€ he said.

A-Log keeps thrusting upward as Quacketta continues gyrating her hips, putting these two lovebirds in an intense fuckfeast. Quacketta then decides to turn herself around and places herself back on his penis, thus continuing the fucking in the reverse cowgirl position. Not only that, A-Log can know see that beautiful ass of her's as she gets fucked by him.

ā€œHow do you like the view, baby?ā€ Quacketta says with much eroticism.

ā€œLovin' every minute of it!ā€ he says.

She thrusts herself downward a few more times before finally stopping.

ā€œOk, Anthony. Since you're a model prisoner, I'll let you fuck me in your favorite position!ā€ she says teasingly.

ā€œYou've read my mind!ā€ he says with much excitement.

Quacketta gets on all fours and lets him get to his knees, despite being handcuffed. As he is on his knees, Quacketta moves herself back to his hips and lets him thrust to insert his still hardened cock into her pussy. Amazing that he did it while handcuffed.

Quacketta pushes herself back and forth to gain the full length of his cock going through her pussy with each thrust of her body. She retains her balance as her arms keep her up, but she grips the floor just in case. A-Log enjoys the sight of his personal police girl using his meaty nightstick to her advantage. Unknown to her, A-Log sneakily produces a claw from his finger and proceeds to unlock the handcuffs, but keeps it on, as not to spoil the surprise.

ā€œYou're liking this punishment, don't you?ā€ she asked with a mix of taunting and eroticism.

ā€œOf course,ā€ he says. ā€œBut let me speed this up a bit!ā€

He then lets one hand go free from the handcuff, while the other hand is still cuffed. With both hands, he grabs Quacketta's ass, giving her a big surprise in the process.

ā€œWhat the fuck?!ā€ she screamed in shock. ā€œYou got out of your handcuffs!ā€

ā€œAdvantage of being part of the canis set of species: being able to pop your claws out for good measure,ā€ he says in a matter of fact tone. ā€œBesides, I've retracted it so I wouldn't hurt that sweet ass of yours!ā€

ā€œI know, but...ā€ Quacketta tries to say, but feels him pushing his dick forward and more faster as goes balls deep into her pussy. All she can do now is moan and groan in content as he continues to fuck her from behind.

At one point, A-Log lets go of one ass cheek to reach over and fondle one of her boobs. The combination of fucking and fondling drives Quacketta over the edge as she quacks and screams in erotic joy on this October night.

ā€œOh God A-Log, that feels so fucking good!ā€ screams Quacketta. ā€œI want you to shoot your cum all over my face!ā€

As he continues fucking her, he says, ā€œGood call! Besides, we still got the party to attend to!ā€

He thrusts his penis into her pussy several times before pulling out, jacks himself off, and Quacketta turns herself around to await for his upcoming discharge. After several strokes, he shoots several loads of cum onto her face, several landing on her bill as well. Several dollops also drop into her awaiting mouth and she licks it up as well.

ā€œHow did I do, officer?ā€ he asks, finally out of nut juice.

ā€œPerfect,ā€ she said. ā€œNice to release some tension before we get to the party, huh?ā€

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ he says. ā€œBut we got to get ourselves cleaned up before we go. Do you know where the towels are?ā€

ā€œThey're in the bathroom,ā€ she says, pointing towards her left.

A-Log pulls his prison pants up and walks towards the bathroom. He comes back to wipe the cum off her face, making sure she didn't get some on her hair and hat. When he's done, she places her boobs back in her shirt and ties the bottom, and pulls her shorts back on.

ā€œI'm still surprised that you got out of my handcuffs,ā€ she says. ā€œI'd expected it to be quicker, but why the wait?ā€

ā€œElement of surprise, baby,ā€ he says, kissing her on the cheek, ā€œElement of surprise.ā€

She jokingly rolls her eyes and says, ā€œRight. Now let's get going! The party starts in an hour, and you know what happens if we're late?ā€

As they walk out the door, he says, ā€œAs long as if I get some more that fine ass of your's, it'll be worth it!ā€ And he also grabs a handful as they stand at the open doorway.

ā€œSave it for the party, loverboy,ā€ she teased. ā€œWe got a long night ahead of us!ā€

With that, they close the door and leave the house, shutting the light off. Next stop, the party. And who knows what fun will be had there?

End Trick #3

With the voices of:

1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself
2.Grey DeLisle: Nina Quacketta

Nina Quacketta is Ā© Wacked-Out Productions and Anthony LoGatto
>> No. 20021
Who wants to bet that A-log has never been to a Halloween party in his life?
>> No. 20022
File 131767539177.jpg - (53.31KB , 340x510 , Swan-Mute-24.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh God... Is 'Nina Quacketta' Madame Goosefeather's porno alias?
>> No. 20023
File 131767577679.jpg - (6.43KB , 230x230 , DuckScared.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This Quacketta character is A-Log's original creation, right... So, why is she a duck?
>> No. 20024
File 131767649379.jpg - (791.40KB , 1583x1440 , FriendsofALog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20025
Not complaining, because, let's face it, this'll piss off that bunch of persons, but shouldn't A-Log himself be a featured article at some point, too?

He couldn't be asking for it any louder.
>> No. 20026

I'm sure it will be at some point, but if it helps, this is just as good, since anything titled "Friends of A-Log" is obviously going to have people clicking on Anthonys own article in order to understand a lot of it.
>> No. 20027
File 131767718234.jpg - (54.65KB , 470x640 , BOtears.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20028
Yes, this is fine work.
>> No. 20029

>Nina Quacketta
>fucking a duck

>> No. 20030

Because A-Log is a furfag.
>> No. 20031

Yes, but, why a DUCK?
>> No. 20032
Because life's a hurricane, here in Duckburg.
>> No. 20033
I'm alright, how are you? I say, here is a little peninsula, and here is a viaduct leading over to the mainland.
>> No. 20034
Could someone post A-Log's video about Chris's rocking 4-way drawing? I've been looking all over for it.
>> No. 20035

It's been posted in this thread already, bro. Look here. >>103765
>> No. 20036
File 131773280797.jpg - (5.18KB , 100x91 , trollface-100x91.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MsUmlaut closed her YouTube account about half an hour ago, around about the same time her particular section on the 'Friends Of A-Log' page was posted up.

>> No. 20037
She can pull off an "Ugly Zoey Deschanel" look pretty well.
>> No. 20038
File 13177441985.jpg - (53.28KB , 800x533 , 800px-Ms_Umlaut.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20039
File 131774842517.jpg - (115.06KB , 1600x1200 , 12780362827.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>I lol'd.
>> No. 20040
>>The combination of fucking and fondling drives Quacketta over the edge as she quacks and screams in erotic joy on this October night.
>> No. 20041
Are we looking at the end of A-Log's little YouTube gang, d'you think?
>> No. 20042
Why do these people defend A-Log? I have never once seen him stand up and defend them. He lets them rail against the trolls for him on his channel, but whenever they get trolled, he's all like 'Look to your own defenses'. I don't get it.
>> No. 20043
That's because A-Log doesn't know how to treat his friends right, assuming he even HAS any friends.
>> No. 20044
File 131775609736.png - (258.80KB , 550x510 , 453404-23470174.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another day, another girl, another chapter. This one features another OC of mine: the female Mewtwo pokemorph, Mewtha. Hope you'll enjoy her as I did writing this chapter. Enjoy!


31 Tricks, 31 Treats

A Set of Halloween lemons by Anthony ā€œA-Logā€ LoGatto

NOTE: The setting is simple. There will be women that are either dressed up in costumes or actual monster femmes. All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?

Trick #4: Mewtha (Jessie of Team Rocket)

Halloween. It's the one time of the year where ghouls and goblins go out to haunt the night. It is also the time of year where normal people dress up as their monster, ghoul or character of choice and go out trick or treating for candy and other treats. However, many of those who are mature have also used costumes for their own devices as well.

As is the case for tonight; Anthony LoGatto, a young comedian and DJ whose friend refer to him as A-Log is dressed as a familiar, yet bumbling fool, and he's checking in the mirror if he got it all correct.

Checking the blue moppet of hair he's using as a wig, he then asks an individual from out of the room, ā€œMewtha!ā€ verifying the person's name, ā€œYou sure this is ok for me to dress like this guy?ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ says Mewtha, from across the hall. ā€œIt's appropriate enough that you wear this alongside me for the party. You and I will be a shoe-in for the costume contest!ā€

ā€œBut don't I look a bit goofy in this?ā€ he asks. ā€œI mean, the guy I'm dressing up as doesn't play with a full deck.ā€

ā€œAnd he's one fry short of a Happy Meal,ā€ she says from across the hall, ā€œSo?ā€

ā€œIt's a little ironic that's all,ā€ he said with uncertainty. ā€œEven you would find it ironic.ā€

ā€œReally?ā€ said Mewtha, whose footsteps are now coming towards his room. When she makes it to the room's door, we see that Mewtha is a beautiful female Mewtwo pokemorph with 40DD cup breasts and a sexy build. As a Mewtwo, she doesn't have hair of any sorts, but she does don a red wig that is familiar to a certain group of fans. As a matter of fact, along with the ā€œRā€ on her shirt, that is split in the middle to accentuate the size of her cleavage hidden under that and the black top under it, as well as the black thigh high boots and white min-skirt, as well as the round earrings and long black gloves, she is dressing up as Jessie, the female half of Team Rocket. A-Log, on the other hand, is dressed as James, Jessie's dimwitted right hand man and partner, as if the blue mop of hair wasn't enough of a clue.

ā€œJosie loaned me these costumes from her porn parody a while back, so I'm putting them into good use!ā€ she said with much pride. ā€œPlus,ā€ she feels up her breasts as she says this, ā€œThis costume really fits my every curve!ā€ As if her frank talk about her outfit wasn't clear the first time, Mewtha works nightly as a stripper, but in the daytime, she is a teacher. How she can pull this double identity off without getting in trouble is something only she knows.

ā€œIt's all true,ā€ he said, ā€œBut isn't a tad ironic?ā€

ā€œIronic? Like how?ā€ she asked.

ā€œThat we're dressing up as two infamous pokemon hunters who are part of an organization that forces pokemon into battle and things I can't even mention,ā€ he says.

ā€œI know,ā€ she says, ā€œBut there are some advantages to dressing up as them.ā€

ā€œSuch as?ā€

ā€œWell, we could do what those two haven't done in a long time,ā€ she says as she walks up to him, her hips swaying to the beat, getting close to him, her breasts pressed upon his chest.

ā€œI can see what you mean,ā€ he says with a sly grin.

He and Mewtha get in close for a kiss, but before their lips meet, the doorbell rings. Slightly irritated, she goes out of the room for a second, with A-Log patiently waiting for her.

We cut to outside where we several kids waiting outside her door; three or four to be precise. One young dog boy wearing a cowboy outfit; a duck girl wearing a Lady Gaga outfit; another boy, a Eevee pokemorph, wearing a John Cena costume; and a young girl, a collie, wearing a fairy princess outfit. She then opens up the door to be greeted by these youngsters.

ā€œTrick or treat!ā€ they shout in unison.

ā€œAww, aren't you little guys cute?ā€ she says. She then gets a bucket of candy, which is a mock jack o'lantern, and gives out some candy to each of the kids. Each of the kids say thank you and run off. One of the kids' mothers, the mother of the young dog boy, who is a saluki with a medium sized bust, hangs back for a moment and says, ā€œMs. Mewtha?ā€


ā€œI just wanted to thank you for helping out my son, Max. Thanks to you, he's been doing well in his studies,ā€ she says.

ā€œI'm sure the tutoring I've given him has helped in a lot,ā€ Mewtha says with pride. ā€œI'll be sure to discuss with it you at the next PTA meeting.ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ the mother says and nods. ā€œHappy Halloween!ā€ And she leaves with her son and the rest of the trick-or-treaters.

ā€œYou too!ā€ Mewtha says and waves goodbye to the group. She closes the door for a moment, only to reopen it by placing a sign up that reads, ā€œWill be back in a few minutes.ā€ She then closes it and rushes back upstairs to her guestroom, where A-Log is still waiting for her.

When she enters the room, she sees him sitting on the bed, awaiting for her return. ā€œTrick-or-treaters?ā€ he asked.

ā€œYeah,ā€ she said. ā€œA couple are students from my class, and one of their mothers complimented me on helping her son throughout the school year so far. But...ā€ she then changes back to seduction, ā€œWhere were we?ā€

A-Log doesn't need to respond as he stand back up and he and Mewtha start to kiss passionately as the October wind blows outside the window. They intensify the kiss by going into French kiss territory, as their tongues dance within their mouths. He also has time to guide his hands throughout her body; from caressing her big breasts with one hand, to caressing her ass with the other. As long as he knows her, she has always been a willing lover and friend in his life. A sexy woman with the heart and mind of a caring soul, he can see why she became a teacher, still keeping her stripper life a secret, let alone get some extra cash.

A-Log then breaks the kiss and starts lowering the bottom half of her top, releasing her bosoms, and leans forward to suckle her boobs. Mewtha breathes sharply as her ā€œJamesā€ gives praise to her breasts. She then reaches down his waist and places her hand on the erection that emanates from his pants, thus releasing a muffled moan from him.

ā€œOh, does my little Jamesy feel sensitive down there?ā€ she says with a teasing tone.

He stops suckling her breasts and says, ā€œI can't help it! Every time you dress like that, I think of so many things!ā€

ā€œWell, why don't I help relieve you of that tension!ā€ she says in a seductive tone. She then pushes him down on to the bed, and places herself in between his legs, still grasping his erection. After feeling it, she decides to pull down his pants to reveal his six-inch foxdick standing erect in front of her eyes.

ā€œDamn, baby!ā€ Mewtha says in awe. ā€œHow long have you been holding this monster hostage?ā€

ā€œI would say since I came by, but that would be redundant, wouldn't it?ā€ he says with a hint of blush on his face.

ā€œEither way, why don't I relieve you of your little trouble maker,ā€ she says with an erotic tone. With a lick of her lips, she engulfs his dick into her mouth and starts to suck on his tool in a slow, yet sensual fashion. A-Log moans as his lover sucks on his dick on the day everyone of all ages dress up. He can feel her soft tongue wrapping itself around his shaft, as well as her hand gripping to the base of it.

ā€œOh yeah, Mewtha...ā€ A-Log moaned. ā€œSuck it slowly for me baby!ā€
>> No. 20045
File 13177561338.jpg - (10.66KB , 180x239 , 180px-Mewtwo_Melee.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mewtha continues to give him oral satisfaction. She thinks to himself that he may not be as big as a Charizard, a Geodude, nor a Nidoking, but he does have the size to still keep her satisfied and content. With another free hand, she massages his testicles to keep him happy. Seconds later they hear the doorbell ring.

ā€œTrick-or-treaters again?ā€ A-Log said in an annoyed tone.

Mewtha releases his dick from her mouth and says, ā€œDon't worry, baby. I placed a sign on the door to let them know of the delay.ā€

A-Log smiles and says, ā€œAnd you don't want to tell them why?ā€

ā€œExactly,ā€ she said erotically as she resumes sucking on his cock. After several seconds of this, she decides to make this even hotter by placing his dick in between her breasts and continue to suck it while giving him a titty-fuck. The soft pressure of her boobs makes his eyes roll back in joy as her mammary glands give him a huge amount of pleasure on Halloween.

ā€œOh yeah... now this is a two for one deal!ā€ says A-Log in content.

All Mewtha can do is wink to him in response and she continues to suck and tit-fuck his dick. A-Log can feel his penis writhe around her mouth and boobs and tries so hard not to cum too early. But knowing how her sexual prowess is, he cannot hold it in any longer and shoots his load inside her mouth. Mewtha swallows whatever amount of cum he shoots out until he is finished with his discharged. When she takes her mouth of it, it still remains erect, much to her delight.

ā€œNice to see that you're still standing in attention!ā€ she says. ā€œYour little friend never ceases to amaze me!ā€

ā€œThanks,ā€ he says, while catching his breath. ā€œNow what?ā€

ā€œWell...ā€ she says, and stands up, ā€œWhy don't you stay there, and let me do all the work?ā€ She hikes up her skirt and pulls her panties down and takes them off. She tosses them to another area of the room and crawls on top of A-Log. She then goes face to face with him and says, ā€œYou've been a bad member of the team, James! Looks like you've gotten me all wet down there!ā€

ā€œYou know I can't help it with the body you have!ā€ he says.

ā€œBut the only way you're going to keep me calm is to fuck me,ā€ she says with a hint of seduction. ā€œBut we can't take too long; we have a party and trick-or-treaters to attend to. Shall we?ā€

ā€œDo it!ā€ he says.
>> No. 20046
File 131775620464.png - (651.12KB , 447x610 , Mewtwo_Trophy_Render.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mewtha grabs a hold of his still erect dick from behind, and slowly inserts it into her pussy, thus putting her and A-Log in the cowgirl position. Her round booty goes up and down on his pelvis as her pussy feels his big six-incher going in her as it hits her womb in the process. A-Log cannot help but assist her by grabbing her ass and slamming it down and also thrusting upward to make it even hotter for his Jessie. Mewtha's boobs sway up and down, and her Jessie wig is thankfully still on, and A-Log decides to have a taste of her boobs. Mewtha smiles at her lover, noticing how cute he looks when he suckles her.

A-Log takes the time to slap her ass as it gyrates all over his dick. The home is filled with the sounds of skin slapping and moaning from the lover lovers dressed as Team Rocket. A scene like this would make any fan-fic writer jealous over those who actually make it a reality.

ā€œOh yeah, baby! Oh God..!ā€ Mewtha screams in erotic joy. ā€œStick that fuckin' foxdick deeper in my pussy! Oh God, you're so big!ā€

ā€œNot as big as those other guys, but I'm a whole lot nicer!ā€ he says as he keeps thrusting upward.

After several more thrusts from his penis, Mewtha succumbs to a powerful orgasm of her own. Mewtha takes herself off of A-Log for a moment and says, ā€œThat was great, baby,ā€ and kisses him on the lips. ā€œWhat now?ā€

ā€œHow about I get a taste of that kit-kat while you do an encore for my little friend?ā€ he says, with a sly smile on his face.

She softly giggles and says, ā€œI'm sure it's fair that you have a taste of me as well!ā€

She then turns around and lets her pussy face A-Log, who is eager to dig deep. After she sets herself on him, rubbing herself on him in a teasing way, she sets her sights on his still erect cock. She then engulfs it once more, going faster than before; her mouth and tongue making contact with his erect shaft.

A-Log is all too eager to start licking her pussy as he is getting sucked off. He softly licks the vaginal opening and heads straight for the clitoris above it. He also grabs a hold of her ass as he digs a little deeper into her honeypot. The sounds of sucking fill the room as well as their respective moans. Mewtha is still thankful that she placed that sign on her front door; God forbid anyone comes in asking where the candy is would come for this. That would be really awkward.

A-Log than spanks her, thus giving off a muffled moan from her as he continues to eat her out. ā€œOh God, he's still good!ā€ she thinks to herself. ā€œIt's been a while since we did it back on our trip to Jamaica a while back. Still glad that he's still stocks up on that sperm count of his.ā€ She decides to go even further by going in deep throat. A-Log's eyes bug out as he feels his dick going as far as her throat.

ā€œDamn!ā€ he thinks in delight. ā€œSince when did she go into deep throat territory? I'd be surprised if she had to do that for the bigger pokemorph customers back at the strip club she works for, but this is a first for me!ā€

Mewtha continues to bob her head up and down on his six-inch monster as A-Log continues to eat her out and give her the occasional smack on the ass to give her more satisfaction. This lasts for a few more minutes until he stops licking her and says, ā€œMewtha... I want to fuck you again!ā€

Mewtha stops sucking his dick and says, ā€œReally? Well, what position do you want to finish with?ā€

ā€œYou what position that would be,ā€ he says. ā€œThe one I love the most!ā€

She smiles and says, ā€œYour wish is my command, baby!ā€

She gets off of him and stays on all fours, her booty shaking in anticipation for him to enter her from behind. A-Log sets himself up in a kneeling position; he and Mewtha are facing the headboard of the bed. He strokes himself to regain from erection and then slowly inserts it in her wet pussy. Mewtha slowly moans in satisfaction as she feels his six-incher going through her body. A-Log then starts to thrust himself into her; slowly at first, but he quickens his pace every time he hears Mewtha's moans for him. Mewtha responds by moving her ass back to him to get more of his dick inside her.

ā€œHeh, you know how to work that ass, don't you?ā€ he says with a sly tone.

ā€œI've been with many other men during my night job,ā€ she says erotically. ā€œI know how to work my body to its maximum satisfaction! Now keep fucking my brains out!ā€

Anthony can only comply as he thrusts himself even faster inside her vagina. He also grabs a handful of her ass as her rams his cock into her further and further. Mewtha also grabs hard on the headboard with all her might as she feels his penis hitting her womb hard. Then, the inevitable happens.

ā€œOh shit!ā€ he screams. ā€œI'm gonna cum! I'm about to blast off again!ā€

Mewtha glances at him and says, ā€œCum anywhere you want, baby!ā€ But with an annoyed furrow in her eyes she then says, ā€œAnd if you do one more 'Team Rocket is blasting off again' joke, kiss your encore performance for the night goodbye!ā€

ā€œSorry,ā€ he says, as he furiously fucks her from behind, ā€œCouldn't contain the reference thanks to the outfit! Now let me cum on those poke-pumpkins of yours!ā€

He then pulls out of her pussy and furiously strokes himself off, preparing for a discharge. Mewtha turns herself around and presents her bosoms to him as he strokes off in front of her. After several strokes, he shoots several loads of cum onto her breasts, some get on her top, but they still make their mark. After finishing off his load, Mewtha licks off the cum on her breasts in pure content.

ā€œNow do you see what I mean by dressing up as her?ā€ she says.

ā€œYes, it does have its advantages,ā€ he says. He gets off the bed and puts his white slacks back on and puts on his boots and gloves. Mewtha goes towards her bathroom and wipes off the remainder of A-Log's spunk off her boobs. She places the lower part of her top back on and searches for the panties she discarded earlier.

ā€œSo, are we ready to attend to party?ā€ he asks.

ā€œOf course!ā€ she says as she links her arm onto his. ā€œFirst, let's see if any more trick-or-treaters at the door.ā€

ā€œSure thing, can't keep them waiting forever!ā€

They exit the bedroom and walk downstairs to the front door. As soon as Mewtha opens it, she sees hundreds upon hundreds of kids and their parents waiting for her to fork over the candy, much to their surprise and shock!

ā€œHey, where's our candy?!ā€ says one kid.

Surprised, Mewtha says, ā€œThey were waiting this long?ā€ A-Log face palms over the fact that these kids were that patient for their Halloween candy. 'Tis the season, they suppose.

End Trick #4

Featuring the Voices of:
1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself
2.Mewtha: Meredith McCoy
3.Kids: Tara Strong, Maxey Whitehead, Lisa Ortiz and Veronica Taylor
4.Mother: Rebecca Soler

Pokemon is Ā© Nintendo & Gamefreaks
Mewtha is Ā© Wacked-Out Productions and Anthony LoGatto

Last edited by A-Log; Today at 02:10 PM. Reason: Missing chapter # and wrong punctuation.
>> No. 20047
> Mewtha is a beautiful female Mewtwo pokemorph with 40DD cup breasts and a sexy build

>> No. 20048
Anyone else notice that A-Log is obsessed with comparing himself to other men sexually?

In the Rouge fapfic it was Shadow, in the Elvira one he was getting off on the idea of Elvira having been with all those monsters and in this one, he's comparing himself to Charizard, Geodude and Nidoking.

What a fag.
>> No. 20049
File 131775810029.jpg - (61.09KB , 640x480 , Jeremy Kyle's Face When.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Still glad that he's still stocks up on that sperm count of his.

I don't understand this.
>> No. 20050

>Still glad that he's still stocks up on that sperm count of his.

>Boy, that A-Log can sure cum a lot

>hidden fears that he actually can't cum much/that he is infertile
>> No. 20051

He is Chris-Chans long lost sibling and doesn't realize it.
>> No. 20052
'Stocks up' on a sperm count? Wut?
Do we have confirmation of A-Log recycling his own semen, now, ala Chris-chan?
>> No. 20053
Cole Smithey is the eldest, the sort of mature, smug, arrogant older brother.

A-Log is the ignored, attention-seeking middle child who didn't get enough attention from Mommy and thus has an Oedipus complex and an obsession with MILFs and big boobs.

Chris-chan is the baby of the bunch who Mommy coddles and lavishes attention on, hence A-Log's hatred of him.
>> No. 20054
Looks like another of ALog's friends, BlisteredBlood (he's not on the ED page, but did a couple collab videos with him, like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lpnVhTG1hA), has set all his videos to private.

It's like now that we've switched on the light, the roaches are scattering.
>> No. 20055
I've never heard of Blistered Blood. What was his schtick?

Evidently, he has something to hide, some faggotry that he's ashamed of.
>> No. 20056
I dunno; but he sounds like a huge fag in this stupid drama bickering.
>> No. 20057
I'm really pleased with how this is panning out. All of A-Log's spurgtastic little friends, withdrawing from YouTube, one by one.
>> No. 20058
File 131780963592.jpg - (93.31KB , 320x262 , Darth_Sidious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wipe them out.

All of them.
>> No. 20059
The aspies are being destroyed, one by one.
>> No. 20060
Now all that needs to be done are some Anti-A-Log videos on YouTube. I'd love it if the BLACKBuster Critic did a video on A-Log. Come to think about it, A-Log is on par, if not worse than with MichaelDragon800, Guptill89, AND CWC.
>> No. 20061
Agreed. Anyone who makes such horrible fapfics as this >>105385 deserves to be run off the fucking internet.
>> No. 20062
>>sort of mature

I used to believe this. After reading through the thread on his eBay auction, I no longer think that's the case.
>> No. 20063
A-Log expressed an interest in attacking BlackBusterCritic in a commentary after his Marvel VS Capcom video. I hope he does. BlackBusterCritic will have PLENTY of ammunition for his response video.
>> No. 20064
Speaking of which, did anything other than rampant personing come of that thread?
>> No. 20065
Samefag here... Does anybody know if A-Log is a SonicFag?? His furfagfiction suggests that he is.
>> No. 20066
He's not a Sonicfag to the extent that others are, but he does like Sonic. He has drawn Sonic fan characters and admits to reading the comic.

He also seems to take an interest in the voice actors for the anime, if this video is anything to go by...
>> No. 20067
File 131785434536.jpg - (22.70KB , 360x400 , face1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another day, another chapter, boys and ghouls! Today's chapter features the super-MILF, Helen Parr aka Elastigirl. The story also mentions a story that has yet to be written, but this one is the second time they met. Enjoy!


31 Tricks, 31 Treats

A Set of Halloween lemons by Anthony ā€œA-Logā€ LoGatto

NOTE: The setting is simple. There will be women that are either dressed up in costumes or actual monster femmes. All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?

Trick #5: Helen Parr/Elastigirl (Elastigirl)

Halloween. It's the one time of the year where ghouls and goblins go out to haunt the night. It is also the time of year where normal people dress up as their monster, ghoul or character of choice and go out trick or treating for candy and other treats. However, many of those who are mature have also used costumes for their own devices as well.

It is the early evening dusk, and it is getting windy out there. We see our young fox loverboy, who may be two points shy of a pimp, but still gets the ladies, in the living room of a nice house waiting for someone. He thinks to himself as he sees the pictures of superheroes scattered throughout the living room until he hears footsteps coming from the kitchen. A woman enters the living room and A-Log sets his gaze on her. The woman has reddish-brown hair in a medium bob, brown eyes, wide birth-giving hips, and a bust size of 44DD. She wears a light green blouse and light brown slacks and black heels. This lovely woman is Helen Parr, the wife of Bob Parr, mother of Dash, Violet and Jack-Jack Parr; better known as the superheroine, Elastigirl. Of course, her husband is off on duty, while her kids are attending a Halloween party. Since they're heroes, the secret identity thing comes easy when they get away with this at costume parties.

ā€œEnjoying your time at Metro City?ā€ Helen asks.

ā€œOf course I am,ā€ A-Log says with content. ā€œIt's a very nice city, and hero population works to protect it.ā€

ā€œYes, of course,ā€ she says with modesty. ā€œThanks again for accepting my offer on being my escort to the Halloween party Edna is hosting. Bob would've gone with me, but duty calls, I suppose.ā€

ā€œHey, anything in return for the fun we had back in the League of Heroines,ā€ he said. It appears that A-Log first met Helen in her super heroine form of Elastigirl several months prior thanks to fellow heroine Yankee Poodle, one A-Log's many lovers, introduced him to the rest of the girls; but, that's another story for another day.

ā€œI'm still surprised that Bob hasn't been suspicious afterward,ā€ she says with some reluctance, especially since she suspected the same for him years ago.

ā€œDon't worry,ā€ he assures her. ā€œI'm that lucky that many husbands are still not suspicious in any way, shape or form.ā€

Helen smiles and says, ā€œAs much as I love Bob, I still have some needs to be met.ā€ She then kisses him on the cheek and heads upstairs. ā€œI'm going to get my costume for the party.ā€

ā€œShall I guess what it'll be?ā€ he asked.

ā€œOh,ā€ she says as she stops midway, ā€œI don't think guessing it would be too hard,ā€ and heads upstairs to her room.

A-Log then sits himself down on the living room couch and patiently waits for her. As he waits for her, he thinks back to the fun he had with her at the League of Heroines, along with the other heroines. He even thinks of the first time he fucked this stretched out MILF. The thought of caressing that round ass of her's causes him to form an erection from within his jeans. As he is alone with his thoughts, a gloved hand comes up and taps him on the shoulder. It soon disappears as he turns around to see her, as her hand stretches back to her arm. She is dressed in a red unitard with an orange, black and yellow "I" insignia on the chest that houses a homing device, along with a black mask, long black gloves, black bottoms, an orange belt, and thigh-high black boots. A-Log is amazed to see that Helen is dressed as her supers form, Elastigirl.

ā€œHoly shit!ā€ he exclaims. ā€œYou're going out in that?!ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ she says with a hint of modesty and smugness. ā€œIt's the closest to a costume I can find for such an occasion such as this.ā€

ā€œBut wouldn't people recognize you regardless?ā€ he asked, knowing full well about her secret identity.

ā€œDon't worry, Anthony,ā€ she reassured him. ā€œI'm sure no one well tell the difference at the party. For all they know, the guests will think I'm an Elastigirl impersonator.ā€

ā€œGood point,ā€ he says as he gets up and walks up to her. He then starts to gaze at her figure as he says, ā€œI still remember how hot you looked while wearing that back at the League of Heroines.ā€

ā€œReally?ā€ she says, bemused. ā€œI'm still surprised that you even liked my... well...ā€ she struggles to say, but knows about the excess weight going to her buttocks.

ā€œDon't worry so much about that, Helen,ā€ he says with reassurance, as he then places his hands around her booty, ā€œI told you that I prefer with either big breasts, a big butt or both. Either way is fine with me! You know I don't discriminate.ā€

Helen smiles at him as he plays with her ass and makes it jiggle with his hands. She always had issues with the size of her ass, but she is pleased to see that another man has some taste when it comes to looks and body structure.

ā€œYou know,ā€ she says seductively, ā€œBefore you give me some fun down there, I need see your... super power, so to speak.ā€

ā€œOh? An encore performance of A-Log, Jr. I see?ā€ he said. ā€œAlright,ā€ he says as he unzips his pants and takes off his belt, ā€œTime to show you my not-so-little secret power.ā€

Helen laughs at his humor and she kneels down and watches him pull his pants off. She helps him pull them down and she sees his boxers, still showing off his erect penis from within. Intrigued, she pulls them down and his erect six-inch cock bounces in front of her surprised face.

ā€œHow can you keep it like this?!ā€ she says in shock.

ā€œBeats me,ā€ he jokingly said. ā€œI've never figured out how to control it when the ladies start coming.ā€

Helen can't help smile at little jab at himself. ā€œWell, why don't I tame that beast of your's?ā€ she says with a hint of seduction.

ā€œDo as you please,ā€ he says. ā€œYou are a super, you know?ā€

Helen places a gloved hand on his penis and feels how warm his penis is. ā€œHow long has he been holding this one out on me?ā€ she thought to herself. ā€œMight as well give him the satisfaction he needs.ā€

She then inserts the engorged foxdick into her mouth and engulfs it, thus starting off the blowjob. A-Log breathes in and out as he feels her warm mouth sucking his cock like a vice. He also feels her tongue stretch across the shaft; twirling itself around it like a boa constrictor on a mouse. He is still surprised that woman who is a housewife by day and a super heroine by night can still suck a dick like any woman would-- married or otherwise. He grips on the couch behind him as he continues to feel pleasure of Helen's oral skills.

ā€œOh shit...ā€ he says, ā€œNow that's how a heroine sucks a dick!ā€
>> No. 20068
File 131785446226.jpg - (76.75KB , 720x540 , 67046_445640937216_505057216_5735825_7680305_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Helen continues to suck him off, paying close attention to his head and shaft of the penis. He stretches a finger onto his nutsack and proceeds to give it a nice tickle, making him laugh a bit. Seconds later, she decides to go further by tilting her head to the side to go into deep throat. He is still surprised that the rubber woman is able to do a complex move like that, where most women would usually have a poor gag reflex.

ā€œKeep at it, keep at it, keep sucking that cock, baby!ā€ he says as he then grabs her head and helps her bobs her head forward. She keeps on sucking his foxdick until releases it from her mouth to give it one last, long, slow lick from her tongue. Her tongue also twists itself around the shaft for one more playful squeeze.

ā€œHow do you like that?ā€ she asked. ā€œIt's been a while since I had that nice foxdick to taste.ā€

ā€œYou haven't lost that magic touch, Helen!ā€ he says with pride. ā€œNow you've got to give me your end of the promise.ā€ As he says that, he eyes her round and perfectly big ass.

ā€œYou're really obsessed with my ass, aren't you?ā€ she asked in a dry tone.

ā€œYou know I like big things,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd with your stretch powers, you could make that bad boy bigger. You know what they say: more cushion for the pushing?ā€

ā€œAlright, you've been a good boy, so I'll let you have a go, for old time's sakes,ā€ she says as she faces the backside of the couch and places her hands on the top and bends over, showing him the glory that is her gigantic ass.

A-Log cannot help but grab a handful of her ass cheeks, as Helen releases a yelp when she gets goosed. A-Log starts to rub his hands over her ass and also nuzzles it besides his face. ā€œShake that ass for me, baby!ā€ he says, fully engaged to her buttocks.

Helen complies by shaking her booty back and forth as the still clothed ass cheeks. The rhythm of her buttocks as they clap across his face is nothing short of erotic. Helen is happy to at least give another man this form of pleasure; she wished Bob would feel the same way about her ass. It's not every day a man would want to motorboat on a chick's ass cheeks.

After several seconds of this intense joy, he pops his face out and says, ā€œNow that we got that out of the way, let return the favor for that blowjob you gave me earlier!ā€

Before Helen could say anything, he pulls down the lower part of her super heroine costume, which now makes her ass bare. He then quickly inserts his tongue into her wettened vagina (he can tell it has been wet since she was sucking him off earlier), as well as keep his hands on each butt cheek for support.

Helen can only moan and groan in erotic content as her pussy is licked by her furry lover and her ass checks jiggling from how he's handling them. ā€œOh, damn!ā€ she exclaims in thought. ā€œThat's the same tongue that ravaged me back in the League. I'm still surprised on how well he's licking me from down there. Maybe Bob would get an idea from him one of these days.ā€

A-Log digs even deeper into her pussy as he feels the honey coming from her vaginal walls connect to his tongue like water on flesh. He also gives a few slaps to her ass, making it jiggle, turning her on even more.

ā€œAnthony, honey...ā€ Helen said, while trying to keep her breath, ā€œYou're doing great down there, but I really want to feel you... inside me again.ā€

He stops for a moment and says, ā€œYou mean?ā€

ā€œYes... fuck me! Fuck me hard!ā€ she commanded him. ā€œIt's been a while since that foxdick has been in me!ā€

He smiles wide and says, ā€œIt's been a while since I fucked some super ass, so let's get this started!ā€

He stands himself up and strokes himself to regain its hardness. He then teases her a bit by sliding the shaft onto her outer pussy lips up and down. After a few short seconds, he shoves his six-inch monster into her pussy, letting Helen give out a long drawn out moan of satisfaction. She does know that Bob is twice as big than A-Log, but she doesn't want to dwell on the comparison too much; A-Log's penis was equally big enough to fit her pussy all the same.

He then starts to slowly thrust himself into her pussy, letting her give out a moan or two as he fucks her from behind. He then changes the pace to faster and faster as he hears her cries of passion.

ā€œOh yeah, foxy boy!ā€ she screams in erotic joy. ā€œKeep ramming that big foxdick inside me!ā€

He keeps fucking her in the doggy-style position as her ass cheeks continue to bounce off his hips in response.

ā€œCome on, Elastigirl,ā€ he says, ā€œI know you a lot better than that! If you want to defend yourself, you've got work that ass back to me!ā€

Helen looks back and nods. She then moves her ass back in forth in rhythm to his hips as she continues to get fucked by him. She holds on tight to the couch as her pussy continues to tighten up around his cock like a vice.

ā€œI'm gonna cum, baby!ā€ she screams in delight. ā€œLet me cum on that foxdick of your's!!!ā€

ā€œAlright,ā€ he said. ā€œBut first...ā€ he grabs her hips again and begins to stretch her lower body by the staircase so he can sit down and continue to fuck her until she hits a powerful orgasm; her cum juices spill onto his penis. She then stretches herself back to normal off of his still erect dick and she catches her breath in the process.

ā€œStill ready for another round?ā€ he asks, his penis pointing towards the ceiling.

ā€œWait,ā€ she struggles with her footing for a second before keeping her balance, ā€œI need to get something first. Excuse me.ā€

Before he responds, she stretches her upper part of her body upstairs to her bedroom. As she stretches herself to get the item, A-Log is tempted to play with her rubber body like a guitar string. Before he does so, he hears from upstairs, ā€œDon't even think about playing me like an instrument while I'm away!ā€ ā€œWhoops, sorry!ā€ he says.

Seconds later, she stretches herself back down to normal, finding what she was looking for: a condom. A-Log is surprise to see this and asks, ā€œWhere did you get that?ā€

ā€œI got it from Violet's room,ā€ she says. ā€œI didn't want to risk getting myself pregnant with you before we fuck again. It's a good thing that I came first; imagine if we came forever. I wouldn't know what to say to Bob if that happens.ā€

ā€œDon't worry,ā€ Anthony says with a reassuring tone, ā€œYour secret's safe with me. I'm guessing Violet is taking things slow with her boyfriend?ā€

ā€œTrue, she is,ā€ says Helen as she hands him the condom in its wrapping. ā€œBut I doubt she'll get that far very soon, so I figured 'what the hell?' She might not use it often.ā€

ā€œAgreed,ā€ he says as he unwraps the wrapping and places the condom on his penis. ā€œReady for another round?ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ she says with erotic glee. ā€œWhich position would you like me to be in this time?ā€

ā€œHow about I fuck you on the couch in the reverse cowgirl?ā€ he says. ā€œIt'll give me another view to check that sweet ass of your's out!ā€

Tittering in delight, she says, ā€œWhatever sets you off, baby!ā€ She kisses him and she follows him to the couch. She gives his dick a quick stroke with her stretched out hand to make sure it's still ready to go. She then places herself on his lap and slaps his dick on her pussy until she inserts it into herself once more. She lets herself get used to having it in again, until she slowly starts to gyrate herself on his erect foxdick and lets herself get fucked by his six-inch monster. A-Log can only watch as her ass gyrates back and forth to the beat. Once more, she does have some insecurities about the size of her buttocks after giving birth to three kids, but he does appreciate that it still made her attractive to the opposite sex even while married to a well known super hero such as Mr. Incredible.
>> No. 20069
File 131785457289.png - (200.26KB , 318x312 , ALOG1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rather than letting do all the work, he grabs her hips and thrusts his dick upward, hitting her womb in the process. He also takes the time to reach over and grab a hold of her boobs, which have yet to be unleashed from her costume. When she feels his hands on her tits, she gasps sharply, since she was taken by surprise.

ā€œI have yet to see those delicious milk bombs that you possess!ā€ he says. ā€œI'm sure you're keeping Jack-Jack well fed with these boobs!ā€

ā€œI do recall you being a breast man,ā€ she says as she's getting fucked. ā€œI can remember how much you loved being with Power Girl during your stay a while back.ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ he says. ā€œBut now I want a taste of those babies! And I think you know how to do that!ā€

Helen smiles as he lets him move the top part of the outfit over to reveal her swollen breasts. ā€œI think I've read your mind,ā€ she says as she twists her upper half around to face him, while the bottom half is still getting fucked.

A-Log wastes no time in suckling her swollen bosoms, even if they're still reserved for breastfeeding her youngest child. She moans from the combined forces of her tits getting sucked and being fucked in the reverse cowgirl position below. If there's one thing she loved about A-Log is that he is creative when it comes to making love.

A-Log further thrusts harder as he continues to suckle her boobs. Helen tries her best not to yell, biting her lower lip to keep herself shut, as the combination of sucking and fucking have driven her over the edge.

It takes several more thrusts for Helen to hit another orgasm, as her pussy squeezes his dick like a vice. Seconds later, Helen lays down on her side on the couch in exhaustion; A-Log, on the other hand, remains erect; even with the condom on. Seeing this lovely lady of elastic sprawled on the couch, and it gives him an idea.

ā€œHelen,ā€ he says, ā€œI want you to stay in that position!ā€

ā€œWhat for?ā€ she asks.

ā€œHave you ever tried spooning?ā€ he asks.

After giving some thought she says, ā€œNot that I can recall.ā€

ā€œThen let me show it to you,ā€ he says as he lays behind her on his side. He guides his still erect penis in to her pussy and thrusts forward. Helen has never been fucked on her side before, but the feeling is definitely different from the positions her husband fucks her in. As her left leg is held up for him go deeper, she feel his hardened foxdick reaching her womb once more.

ā€œAren't you glad you got the condom now?ā€ he asks, while fucking her in the spooning position.

ā€œOf course...ā€ she tries to say as she gets fucked. ā€œI don't want to risk Bob knowing I cheated on him after that misunderstanding a while back!ā€

ā€œUnderstood,ā€ he says. After giving a few more strong thrusts, he stops. Confused, Helen asks, ā€œWhat's wrong?ā€

ā€œThere's one more place I want to fuck you in before we go,ā€ he says, as he eyes her ass. Helen puts two and two together and says, ā€œAre you sure? I'm still a little sore from the last time you fucked me down there!ā€

ā€œBut I still remember how much you liked it down there,ā€ he said slyly. ā€œBesides, a woman with an ass like that has to be an anal freak. So let's finish it with a bang?ā€

Helen reluctantly nods her head and she gets on all fours on the couch. A-Log gets on his knees and strokes his member once more. He aims for her tight asshole. As he shoves it in slowly, Helen can feel a mixture of pleasure and pain as he feels his six-incher go all the way up her ass. As soon as he gets in balls deep, she becomes a little bit relaxed. She remembered how he fucked her in the ass the last time, but it has been a while since then. He starts to slowly go back and forth as he fucks her ass, letting her moan and groan in ecstasy. It has been a bit rare for Bob to fuck her anally, judging how big he is, but at least she's fucked by a dick that can easily fit inside her tight asshole.

ā€œCome on, Elastigirl,ā€ he says as he fucks her anally, ā€œIf you want to defend yourself, put that ass up in the air and work it!ā€

She nods and hikes it up a bit higher and moves back towards his cock, thereby driving him further and further down her asshole. She tightly grips the couch arm as her eyes well up in tears; but she is still enjoying him going balls deep in her anus.

ā€œOh God, baby!ā€ she screamed in erotic joy. ā€œShove that foxdick deeper in to my ass! It's been so long since I felt good down there!ā€

ā€œDamn straight!ā€ he said.

ā€œI want you to cum on my ass!ā€ she shouted. ā€œI want you to squirt that hot love juice all over my heroic ass!ā€

With those words, A-Log pumps his dick into her ass even harder until he feels his penis writhing around her tight ass. After a few more pumps, he pulls himself out, takes the condom off, and proceeds to stroke himself off on her shaking ass; Helen doing so to egg him on. After several strokes, he shots several loads of cum onto her round and bodacious ass, slightly smearing each ass cheek in the process. As soon as his cum subsides, Helen catches her breath and sighs in content.

ā€œThank you, A-Log,ā€ she says. ā€œNow we have to get ourselves cleaned up for the party. I'm not even sure how long we fucked each other for?ā€

ā€œGood point,ā€ he says, reaching for his shirt and pants. ā€œI'll get you a towel to wipe that cum off your ass.ā€

ā€œNot to mention clean the living room up a bit,ā€ he reminded him. ā€œRemember, I don't want Bob to find out about this.ā€

ā€œRight,ā€ he said. ā€œLord knows I don't want to be socked hard by your husband. You know how strong he is?ā€

ā€œOf course I do,ā€ she says, standing with her arms crossed, ā€œI fight crime alongside him and the kids.ā€

Even though she was stern to him in that little reminder, he cannot help but give her a peck on the cheek and say, ā€œThanks for letting me escort you.ā€ And he goes off to find some cleaning supplies.

Helen finds a few tissues nearby and wipes the cum off her ass. She then puts her supers costume back on; as soon as she does, she reels back a bit from the literal pain in the ass she had from the anal sex a few minutes ago.

ā€œNext time Helen, don't make him go overboard,ā€ she thinks to herself. ā€œHe doesn't mind your big butt, but it's still not a toy.ā€ She sighs to herself, checking her costume is ok and awaits for him to come back downstairs. Even as a super heroine, she still must keep it a secret. But she does think on the possibility of a three between her, Bob and A-Log. Again, her thinking will be answered another day; she has a party to attend to.

End Trick #5.

With the Voices of:

1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself
2.Helen Parr/Elastigirl: Holly Hunter

Helen Parr/Elastigirl is Ā© Disney & Pixar.
>> No. 20070
Who, exactly, is the audience that A-Log is writing for?
>> No. 20071
File 131785501415.jpg - (37.34KB , 325x345 , A silly man in a fur coat who needs a shave.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now i'm picturing a guild of creepy, shribbling pale-skinned nerds, in the dark of their mother's basements, furiously wanking to A-Log's fapfiction, thinking it's this amazing erotic poetry that hits all their fetishes perfectly.

I'll never sleep again.
>> No. 20072

You're not alone.
>> No. 20073
These were all posted in one thread on the WWOEC forums. Amusingly and, perhaps, thankfully, A-Log is the only one posting in it. He's recieved no replies or feedback. People just seem to be ignoring it, I think.
>> No. 20074

Does A-Log have any interesting friends on the WWOEC forums?
>> No. 20075
As has been said before, I don't think A-Log has any actual friends.
>> No. 20076

fucking laughed

even amongst losers, a-log sucks
>> No. 20077
What the fuck did I just read? After seeing this, I have no idea how anyone could doubt that this guy isn't worse than CWC.
>> No. 20078
>Helen Parr/Elastigirl is Ā© Disney & Pixar.

It's the little things that make these things so terrible. Like the idea that you should designate copyrights, reminding everyone of the vastly superior source material that you're desecrating.

>rather than letting do all the work
>> No. 20079
File 131786892071.png - (180.25KB , 292x348 , contempt%20me%203.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ā€œI want you to squirt that hot love juice all over my heroic ass!ā€
>> No. 20080
Fuck you, A-Log, fuck you very much.
>> No. 20081
File 131788255916.jpg - (133.87KB , 800x600 , 13030 - Chris-chan Christian_Weston_Chandler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>reverse cowgirl
>> No. 20082
I can't help but think these atrocious fapfics should be archived on ED.

Lest we forget.
>> No. 20083
  I'm watching this A-Log video. While there are a lot of lulzy foolish and ignorant statements made which beautifully reveal how naive A-Log is, skip to 4.45...

It would seem that Chris-chan isn't the only one on a lovequest!
>> No. 20084
File 131790525272.png - (151.00KB , 400x250 , Xzibit Weighs In.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20086
File 131791201953.png - (24.01KB , 1309x272 , The Nice ā€¢ View topic - BG's Zoo Crew_13178.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Starting archiving A-Logs internet involvement. Some of it is shit but it's for archival purposes.

>> No. 20087
File 131791861668.png - (164.60KB , 1349x1665 , MYSTERY SOUND BITE CONTEST WINNERS!_1317870370541.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I like this image, personally. Mainly because every single one of these people looks like a sex offender.
>> No. 20088
Good Lord David Tanny is on that list, the dude is the definition of failure.
>> No. 20089
And he BEAT A-Log.
>> No. 20090
Is there something about novelty records that attracts retards?
>> No. 20091
Now THAT'S just sad.
>> No. 20092

>just wait awhile

>> No. 20093
File 131793053365.jpg - (65.72KB , 338x450 , The Fox And The Sour Grapes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"True love is overrated."
>And he'd know this, having NEVER experienced it.

Y'know, from an Aesopian point of view, it's very fitting that A-Log's fursona is a fox, because damn, dem sour grapes.
>> No. 20094
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She's creepy and she's kooky; mysterious and spooky; but we all know she's sexy, she's Morticia Addams! She's the next trick in the 31 Tricks, 31 Treats anthology. Enjoy!


31 Tricks, 31 Treats

A Set of Halloween lemons by Anthony ā€œA-Logā€ LoGatto

NOTE: The setting is simple. There will be women that are either dressed up in costumes or actual monster femmes. All of these chapters will have a Halloween theme with a side of horror as well. Besides, who doesn't want to see actual Vamps getting it on?

Trick #6: Morticia Addams

Halloween. It's the one time of the year where ghouls and goblins go out to haunt the night. However, there are moments where these haunts have a different mindset. Although many are there to frighten the pants off of anybody, there are those who would rather make a man receive a near case of rigor mortis.

It's another normal day in a suburban neighborhood. We see Anthony LoGatto, better known as A-Log, walking down the sidewalk. He is about to visit someone, another friend of her succubus/echidna girlfriend, Enchantra. He checks a paper, checking to see if he has the right address and not going around in circles, let alone lost. He looks at the paper; the address reads ā€œ0001 Cemetery Laneā€.

ā€œ0001 Cemetery Lane?ā€ he says in disbelief. ā€œSince when does an address start with a zero; let alone more than one?!ā€ He grumbles to himself in annoyance and says, ā€œThis better not be a prank, for if I see her again, I'll--ā€ but he cuts himself off as he sees a dark Victorian mansion which is surrounded by dark clouds, which contrasts the beautiful sunshine around the neighborhood. The house is also set around a cemetery and a nearby swap. He takes a look at the mansion, then back at the paper containing the address and says, ā€œWell, looks like the address is rather appropriate.ā€

He walks up the entrance path of the house, where he is lead to the front door. There he spots a doorbell. Out of reflex, as well as common courtesy, he presses the button, only to get a horrifying scream. It shocks him a bit, but not as much as the door opening for him to see a huge, blue Frankenstein-like monster wearing a brown suit. His look is even more dead then the corpses six feet under in the lawn.

ā€œYou rang?ā€ the mysterious being said in a deep, monotone voice.

A-Log gulps out of nervousness and says, ā€œHi, I'm here to see your mistress. Is she home?ā€

The hulking monster nods slowly.

ā€œWell, can you show me where she is?ā€

The creature nodded again and said, ā€œUgggh...ā€ and walks off. Curious, yet nervous, he follows the blue behemoth.

We then switch the garden where we see a beautiful woman tending to her plants. And when we say plants, we mean giant, man eating venus flytraps; an African Strangler, to be precise. This woman has pale skin, long black hair, wears tightly form fitting black dresses with a hobble skirt, ruby red lips, and sports a huge set of F-Cup sized breasts, thus giving the dress a formidable set of cleavage.

As she tends to her plants, the big butler and A-Log enters the garden. ā€œYou have... a guest... Mrs. Addams...ā€ says the butler.

ā€œAh, that must Enchantra's friend, Anthony,ā€ she said in a soft, alluring voice. ā€œThank you, Lurch. That'll be all for now.ā€

Lurch, the big Frankenstein-like butler, walks slowly out of the garden, leaving her and Anthony alone.

ā€œMorticia Addams, I presume?ā€ he asks.

ā€œYou are correct,ā€ says Morticia. ā€œWelcome to the Addams' humble abode. I'm sure you're not too... nervous of my company.ā€

ā€œNo, of course not,ā€ he says. ā€œEnchantra told me a lot about you and your family.ā€

ā€œFunny, she told me a lot about you as well,ā€ she says. As she tends to her carnivorous plant, she then asks, ā€œYou're a comedian, right?ā€


ā€œAnd you've also had a radio show, do you not?ā€

ā€œOf course.ā€

ā€œI'm surprised that a handsome creature such as yourself has that much credential,ā€ she says with pride in her voice.

ā€œWell, I do have a lot of creative energy,ā€ he says in a modest tone.

ā€œShe also told me about another place where you get your energy from,ā€ she says.

ā€œAnother place?ā€ he said in a quizzical tone.

ā€œBut let's not bother with that now,ā€ she says. ā€œLet me introduce you to my beloved African Strangler, Cleopatra.ā€ She then gestures to the carnivorous plant that is besides her.

ā€œIt's a strange creature, isn't it?ā€ he asks in a nervous tone.

ā€œBut you need to know of Cleopatra a little more like I do,ā€ Morticia says in the plant's defense. ā€œShe does need to be taken care of everyday, just like any other plant. She needs water and sun to help her grow, several pieces of meat just to keep it well-fed...ā€

As she keeps talking, A-Log cannot help but gaze at her beautiful body structure. He is amazed on how her dress can handle to huge breasts that it contains; seeing them wobble to and fro as she continues her lecture. He also sets his gaze towards her hips, where he can find that her buttocks do have a round and firm shape to them for a mother that gave birth to three kids. Try as he might to pay attention, he cannot help but set his gaze to her lovely, yet haunted figure.

ā€œNow, tell me what you about...ā€ she stops herself as she notices A-Log's gaze, as well as a not to subtle surprise down below. Smirking, she places her hands on her hips and says, ā€œGrowing a little something down there, I see?ā€

A-Log snaps out of it and notices he has an erection. Embarrassed, he says, ā€œWoah, I didn't mean for that to happen, it's just--ā€

ā€œDon't worry,ā€ she says reassuringly, ā€œEnchantra told me all about that, too.ā€

ā€œShe did?ā€

ā€œYes,ā€ she said, with a slight hint of seduction. ā€œAnd don't worry about the rest of the family; Gomez is still at work, the children are still in school, Uncle Fester and Grandmama are doing their own respective thing; and as for Thing, it's his nap time.ā€

ā€œAnd Lurch?ā€ he asked, making sure the huge butler wouldn't be around.

ā€œHe'll be playing the organ all day,ā€ she said as she gets closer to him. ā€œIn the mean time,ā€ her body now pressing itself onto his, ā€œWhy don't we have a little fun of our own?ā€
>> No. 20095
File 131793975134.jpg - (66.36KB , 480x319 , addamsfam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ā€œYou mean it,ā€ A-Log said with a wide smile on his face.

ā€œOf course,ā€ Morticia said. ā€œNow let me see what Enchantra was talking about.ā€ She gestures to his pants, letting him know that she wants to see the beast within.

ā€œOk,ā€ he says, ā€œIf you really want to give this a test drive.ā€

He takes of his belt, unzips his pants, and then pulls down his pants and boxers, thus showing Morticia his six-inch foxdick. Morticia is surprised to see how big he is. ā€œMy my,ā€ she says in surprise. ā€œEnchantra didn't tell me about this!ā€

ā€œI'm guessing she wanted to keep him as a surprise,ā€ he said.

Morticia kneels down to his waist and say, ā€œI'm sure that he's a big fellow, but I'm sure it'll be good enough for me!ā€ She then softly licks his penis a few times before engulf her mouth onto his dick, thus starting off this haunting fellatio. A-Log breathes low as his dick is sucked by the matriarch on the neighborhood's only gothic family. Morticia pays close attention to the head and shaft of the penis as her saliva coats his penis to perfection. Her ruby red lips act like a suction cup to his penis, and the sight of her heaving boobs makes him harder than before.

ā€œOh God, Morticia...ā€ he moaned. ā€œI can tell you're very good at this...!ā€

She takes his penis out of her mouth for a moment and says, ā€œWhat makes you think my marriage with Gomez was a success?ā€ She then resumes the blowjob; sounds of her suckling his cock are heard throughout the garden.

ā€œThis feels so great,ā€ he said. ā€œBut I want to see something else before we go any further!ā€

Once more, she releases his cock from her mouth and asks, ā€œOh? Like what?ā€

ā€œI would love to give your tits a test drive!ā€ he says.

ā€œOh, these things?ā€ she says, pointing to her massive set of boobs. ā€œI've heard that you preferred mammarial intercourse, but do you think you handle me?ā€

ā€œBabe,ā€ he says, ā€œI can fuck any set of tits of any size! Bring those puppies on!ā€

Giving a seductive chuckle, she says, ā€œBe careful what you wish for, cherie...ā€ and she takes her boobs out of her dress in the process. ā€œYou might get something a little unexpected.ā€

She inserts his hardened dick in between her huge breasts and gives his dick a playful squeeze. A-Log then starts to thrust himself forward as he fucks Morticia's haunted pumpkins as he places a hand on her shoulder to hold his balance during the tit-fucking.

Morticia moans in delight as she feels how warm A-Log's foxdick feels when it's wrapped in between her gigantic bosom, and is turned on by his enthusiasm as her boobs get the fucking of a lifetime. The sounds of his hips hitting her fleshy mounds fill out the garden; thankfully, the rest of the family that is still home are unable to hear the action.

ā€œHow do you like my bosom, Mr. LoGatto?ā€ she asked, as her tits get fucked with much vigor.

ā€œThey're wonderful,ā€ he says. ā€œThey feel so soft...!ā€

Giggling, she says, ā€œThat's because they're real!ā€

Hearing this made his dick writhe even harder, but not yet ready to cum. So he fucks her breasts even harder, letting release a moan of satisfaction. It has been a while since her bosoms were praised in this fashion, but it certainly feels good. The harder she squeezes her tits, the more please her guest's cock is. A-Log gives off a few more quick thrusts and ends it by letting Morticia take a satisfactory lick of the penis head with her tongue. What he didn't know was that the tit-fuck also caused her to feel wet down in her nether regions.

ā€œThanks for the tit-fuck, Morticia,ā€ he says. ā€œWant me to return the favor?ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ she says. ā€œI want you to give me a little taste before we fuck.ā€

ā€œRight, but is there a chair out here?ā€ he asked.

Morticia gestures to the big wicker garden chair and says, ā€œHow about this one? This one is my personal favorite around the house.ā€ She then walks over and sits on it and then lifts her long dress to the side and spreads her legs, showing him her shaved, wet pussy. ā€œDinner is served, foxy boy! Dig in!ā€ she said with eroticism.

A-Log comes over to her and kneels down. He then dives in and licks her pussy with a mad passion. Morticia moans in satisfaction as her guest lovingly licks her vaginal walls and gives special love to her clitoris. Morticia also caresses her bosoms and lets her fingers run through her erect nipples. She sucks on them as A-Log continues to lick her pussy with move love and attention. He then intensifies it by inserting his finger and fingers her while he licks her clitoris.
>> No. 20096
File 131793982127.jpg - (32.69KB , 400x476 , morticia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ā€œOh yeah, baby...ā€ she moans. ā€œDig a little deeper in me!ā€ She then thinks to herself, ā€œI'm surprised that Enchantra kept this part of him a secret. I wonder how he'll manage for anything else during his visit?ā€

Several seconds pass before Morticia pushes his face off her pussy with her hand. ā€œYou did a good job,ā€ she says with a hint of seduction. ā€œBut I need a little more from you before we finish.ā€

ā€œYou don't mean--?ā€

ā€œThat's right,ā€ she said. ā€œI want you to fuck me... right... now!ā€

ā€œYou don't have to tell me twice!ā€ he says as he stands up and strokes himself off in anticipation. He rubs it up and down on her pussy in a teasing fashion before finally pushing it in, letting her give off a low, erotic moan. He then starts to fuck her in the missionary position, while she is on the chair, and starts a little slow so he can get used to her vagina, with feels tight, much to his surprise. He then goes faster as he hears her moan over and over again as she feels his big dick harpoon her from down below.

ā€œOh my!ā€ she says while being fucked, ā€œEnchantra didn't tell me that how big you are!ā€

ā€œShe is the one for surprises, isn't she?ā€ he says as he continues ramming his cock into her gothic snatch. Morticia wraps her legs around his ass and pushes him forward. As he fucks her, he leans downward and licks and sucks her breasts. He pays close attention to licking the nipples and letting them stay erect as he continues to go balls deep in her pussy.

ā€œCareful, Morticia,ā€ she thinks to herself. ā€œMake sure he doesn't go off inside you. I don't want to risk being pregnant; Gomez would figure it out by then.ā€

A-Log gives a few more thrusts from his hips until he's finished, once more, without shooting off too early. Morticia gives him a kiss on the lips and says, ā€œThat was wonderful!ā€

ā€œI'm glad that you've enjoyed it, Morticia,ā€ he says.

ā€œBut why don't I have a little fun as well?ā€ she says seductively. ā€œLet me do all the work.ā€

A-Log then obediently lays himself down on the ground and awaits for her. Morticia takes off her dress and places it on the chair, making her as naked as a skeleton. She then stands above him and squats downward as she grabs a hold of his erect penis and slowly inserts it back inside her pussy, letting her release a long, drawn out moan, thankfully not loud enough for the whole house to hear. She then places her hands on his chest to hold her balance as she thrusts her pussy onto his foxdick. A-Log feels relaxed as the matriarch of the Addams is getting fucked by a nice guy like him; not to mention being happy that Enchantra recommended him to her to begin with.

ā€œOh my, this feels so good!ā€ she says as she arches her back. ā€œIf Gomez ever decides to try a menage a trois, I'll be sure to invite you!ā€

ā€œBut what if he refuses to do so?ā€ he asks, as he thrusts upward to her pussy.

ā€œDon't worry,ā€ she says with reassurance. ā€œHe'll do anything as long as it's in French. It's second nature to him!ā€

ā€œI see,ā€ he says as he continues to thrust upwards to her pussy, hitting her womb in the process. Morticia continues to wail in erotic joy as she feels every inch of his penis hitting her womb.

ā€œTurn it around, baby! Turn around!ā€ he says. ā€œI want to see that fine ass of yours before I cum!ā€

Nodding her approval, Morticia gets off his penis for a second and turns herself around, facing away from him. She kneels down this time, letting her knees rest on the ground, and reinserts his erect penis again, putting them in the reverse cowgirl position. As she gyrates her hips to feel every inch of his cock, A-Log grabs a handful of her ass and starts rubbing it and slapping it, driving her even more crazy and turned on in the process.

ā€œOh God, that foxdick feels so good!ā€ she screams as her ass slams on his hips. ā€œI want you cum all over my face!ā€

ā€œCan do, Morticia!ā€ he said with pride. ā€œCan do!ā€

He gives in several more thrusts to combat her gyrations before slapping her in the ass and letting her get off. He stands up and starts to furiously stroke himself off in front of Morticia's waiting mouth. After several pumps, he shoots out several dollops of cum that lands not only in her mouth, but also on her cheeks and her boobs as well. When he is finished shooting out his load, she starts to suck him off one more time to get his dick clean.

ā€œGlad that Enchantra told you about me?ā€ he asks.

ā€œDefinitely,ā€ she says erotically.

Seconds later, an explosion is heard from inside, as well as a laugh from the distance.

ā€œOh dear,ā€ Morticia says. ā€œIt's Uncle Fester! Quick, put your clothes back on! We don't want him to get suspicious!ā€

ā€œGood call!ā€ he says as he puts his clothes on and Morticia puts her dress back on.

Seconds later, a being falls down from the sky and onto the garden's ground work; just in time as both Anthony and Morticia are clothed once more. The man is a stout individual, pale, has yellow eyes, bald as a cueball, and wears a light brown trenchcoat. He then notices Morticia and says, ā€œHey, Tish! I just dropped by from one of my explosions!ā€ and he laughs the whole thing off.

ā€œGood to know that you're having a good time, Uncle Fester,ā€ she says.

ā€œSay,ā€ he says as he notices A-Log, ā€œWho's the new guy?ā€

ā€œOh, this is Anthony LoGatto,ā€ she says. ā€œBut his friends call him A-Log. He came by to visit me after my friend Enchantra told me about him. Mr. LoGatto, this is Uncle Fester. He's usually downstairs with his explosions.ā€

ā€œPlease to meet you, Fester!ā€ he says, as he extends his hand in gratitude.

ā€œPleasures all mine, buddy!ā€ Fester says, as he shakes A-Log's hand with much speed. ā€œSay, why don't you help me out with a few bombs I've planted? I've got a few new ways to explode myself!ā€

He grabs him by the hand, and A-Log, unwillingly, comes along with Uncle Fester. Morticia smiles in content over the lovemaking she and A-Log were in moments before Fester busted in. She then notices a little dollop of cum on her hair. She picks it off and says, ā€œHe does need to work on his aim a bit. But the young boy does have a healthy cum supply.ā€ She then continues to tend to her plant, Cleopatra, knowing that A-Log might drop by before the rest of the family returns home.

End Trick #6

With the Voices of:
1.Anthony LoGatto: Himself
2.Nancy Linari: Morticia Addams
3.Jim Cummings: Lurch
4.Rip Taylor: Uncle Fester

The Addams Family is Ā© Charles Addams, 2011.
>> No. 20097
File 131794009211.jpg - (12.88KB , 318x235 , Wednesday Begins To Consider Her Revenge.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mister LoGatto must be stopped.
>> No. 20098
File 131794093075.jpg - (53.15KB , 247x286 , infertility-sperm-count_default.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ā€œHe does need to work on his aim a bit. But the young boy does have a healthy cum supply.ā€

Yep. Confirmed for being worried about not cumming enough/being infertile.
>> No. 20099
File 131794115319.jpg - (24.63KB , 360x270 , Mr_ Adams.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This story is repulsive, horrific, and terrible.

It'll look great on our living room wall!
>> No. 20100
Read it in his voice. Fucking lol'd. Well done, sir.
>> No. 20101
>ā€œOh, these things?ā€ she says, pointing to her massive set of boobs. ā€œI've heard that you preferred mammarial intercourse, but do you think you handle me?ā€

>ā€œBabe,ā€ he says, ā€œI can fuck any set of tits of any size! Bring those puppies on!ā€

>> No. 20102
File 131794632264.jpg - (11.25KB , 400x300 , dawson-crying-thumb-400x300-21422.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know how people say that Chris has ruined things for them forever - Games, TV shows, cartoons, songs, stuff like that?

I think A-Log has ruined sex for me forever.
>> No. 20103

I refused to let CWC ruin gaming or anything else associated with him for me.

I will not let A-Log deprive me of my cartoon character masturbation.
>> No. 20104
Another thing, has anybody else noticed that in all his stories A-Log always eventually cums by 'pulling out and stroking himself', to use his own words? Look at all his stories again. It's always the same. The only way he can cum is by his own hand.

Reading between the lines, it becomes apparent that what we're dealing with here is a 26-year-old male virgin with an abnormally small penis, wracked with feelings of insecurity about his potency and fertility, who cannot maintain an erection and is only capable of orgasm through masturbation. It makes CWC and his bent duck look like Don Juan by comparison.
>> No. 20105

>mammarial intercourse

Who says this to a person in a serious/sexy manner?
>> No. 20108

>26-year-old male virgin with an abnormally small penis, wracked with feelings of insecurity about his potency and fertility, who cannot maintain an erection

These parts are not explained yet by your statement.

As for the small penis, it is a well-known fact that being fat can obscure part of the penis.
>> No. 20109
Actually, these statements have been discussed previously in the thread.

>> No. 20110

Every opportunity must be taken to mock A-Log and his premature ejaculation, small penis, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, and horrible writing skills.
>> No. 20111
Perhaps the fanfiction section of A-Log's ED page ought to be added to and extented, now that we know how deep the rabbithole goes.

We could have a nice little section detailing exactly how much we've learned about A-Log's sexual failings and nueroses simply from reading his awful fanfiction.
>> No. 20112
ā€œI'm surprised that a handsome creature such as yourself has that much credential,ā€ she says with pride in her voice.

>ā€œWell, I do have a lot of creative energy,ā€ he says in a modest tone.

Yeah I bet he's really humble alright.
>> No. 20113
>ā€œI'm surprised that a handsome creature such as yourself has that much credential,ā€
This whole line sounds weird to me. 'Has that much credential'? Surely credentials are something numerous, something one has expertise or training in. Shouldn't it be 'I'm surprised that a handsome creature such as yourself has SO MANY credentials?'

I mean, it doesn't really matter, because there are far worse things about this peice than awkward sentence structure and poor word use, but it bugs me.
>> No. 20114
Do the 'Friends Of A-Log' all know about this ridiculous porn shit?
>> No. 20115

IDK. I do know that he joined fur affinity and has like 8 friends on there. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/a-log/

Focusing more on other lulcowz nao instead of golden goosing ADF. Expect more updates here and the nick bate threads as well.
>> No. 20116
Why is everything written in present tense?
>> No. 20117
File 13179625009.jpg - (178.87KB , 989x700 , ancienttentaclerape.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ha, ha, ha! He's hitting the big fetish names in his watchlist.

But seriously, nobody cares about Nick Bate.
>> No. 20118
File 131796289519.jpg - (26.53KB , 412x352 , beard kid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He's hitting the big fetish names in his watchlist
>implying familiarity with those same names
>> No. 20119
I'm betting he wrote it as he would on the assumption that "credential" was like credit or potential, or a combination of the two.
>> No. 20120

I am familiar with a lot of them. You don't have to be a furry to know about their bizarre porno. I learned from following trolling efforts like four years ago. Big names in the furry community mean big egos and therefore big melodrama.
>> No. 20121
Have we recieved any news about A-Log's state of mind, at the moment. He's known about his ED page for a while, but now it seems like shit's really going down. All his dorky friends are either closing their YouTube accounts, moving their videos elsewhere or setting them to private. His YouTube channel page is flooded with abusive comments. ANOTHER ED page has popped up, this time full of embarrassing details on all his little friends.

A-Log must be kinda nervous, right now, I'd have thought.
>> No. 20122
File 131798030590.jpg - (22.19KB , 529x554 , donald_depressed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So basically you persons have been leaving rude comments on his videos and those of his friends and they're all running away?

I didn't really expect them all to be such easy, uninteresting targets.
>> No. 20123
He's blocked a lot of the rude comments as spam. To be honest, he doesn't seem to be worried at the moment, despite his little e-gang collapsing. At the moment, he seems more preoccupied with posting his awful fapfics on the WWOEC forums.
>> No. 20124

I notice that a lot of them are trash-talking A-Log because he bullied a "harmless target." It makes me wonder if his most enthusiastic trolls are just trying to get a rise out of them or if they think that their punching bags actually harm anybody, and meanwhile sailormoonred1 deserves white-knighting.

I'm all for slapping the stingless beehive of autism for kicks, but is there actually any plan to exploit their stupidity for comedic effect or is the goal to bully the bullies because some krapplefags think an arbitrary line has been crossed?

Because if it's the latter, then I don't see how chasing these obviously disgusting troll-shielders off YouTube is any more worth it than said troll-shielders trying to purge YouTube of typical 9-year-olds and slurring retards.
>> No. 20125
I can't speak for everyone, but personally, I'd like to see A-Log deflated of hot air and unwarranted bluster, humiliated, vulnerable and afraid, having to make a mewling, snivelling apology video on YouTube - partly because he truly does deserve such treatment, being no better than the retards he is trying to build a career out of mocking, and partly because it'd be funny.
>> No. 20127
File 131798898743.jpg - (83.75KB , 333x500 , 92858032_7da56f6e9d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In my opinion, the best way to lose interest in the idea of cumming in a girl's face is to actually do it in real life. Feels amazing... Until the initial buzz of the orgasm wears off and you look down at her. At which point you feel nothing but deep shame and self-loathing. It's one of the most awkward things in the world.
>> No. 20128
Sleep with him then tell him he was disappointing in bed.
>> No. 20129
A-Log posted this up on the WWOEC forums, begging and pleading for recognition of his Halloween fapfics.

>So far, five out of 31 are posted; chapter 6 is being written as we speak. But I want to ask this question: what do you guys think so far? I would really like to hear your thoughts on how the set of lemons are coming along. Your feedback is welcome in my book.

Maybe we /cwc/ posters should sign up for accounts on the WWOEC forums and express our appreciation of his work?
>> No. 20130
That depends, by signing up in the WWOEC Forums and giving A-Log feedback, do you mean buttering him up and telling him how good his fan-fiction is, despite how terrible it is, or do you mean honestly tell A-Log to stop embarrassing himself with these fanfics?? Personally, I'd prefer the latter, over the former.
>> No. 20131
I think we should inform A-Log that his fanfiction makes it embarrassingly obvious that not only has he never actually had sex, but that he has a tiny, dysfunctional penis and severe mommy issues.
>> No. 20132
WWOEC is kind of a hugbox, from what I can see. A-Log feels safe there. We need to change that.
>> No. 20134

Be careful tho, if their mods ban you, a-fag will just realize youre trolling. Also, doesnt he visit /cwc/ as well?
>> No. 20136

>Sleep with him then tell him he was disappointing in bed.

Fuck no. That would just show that he could get laid.
>> No. 20137

I second that fuck no. Just wait til he takes his pants off, and then start laughing uncontrollably.

Ironically, doing that will mark the first time A-Log's ever been funny.
>> No. 20138
Part of me really hopes that one day, Chris-chan eventually does lose his virginity and brags about it in a YouTube video. Just so A-Log will be filled with tardrage and feelings of inadequacy.
>> No. 20139

Him and all the other troll shielding faggots. I'd love to see the reaction of half the posters on this board if it ever did happen.
>> No. 20140
Perhaps 'tis time to execute Operation Buy-CWC-A-Cheap-Escort?

>> No. 20141
A-Log would feel inadequate if Chris did lose his virginity, but I don't think it'd piss off A-Log as much as it'd depress him, knowing that Chris got laid and he didn't.
>> No. 20143
File 131800293859.jpg - (16.40KB , 287x480 , mystery.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Only if we specifically request Mystery.
>> No. 20144
Confirmed for never having a girlfriend.
>> No. 20145

LMAO Anyone else think he looks like Cleavland from Family Guy????
>> No. 20146
File 131801790914.png - (43.90KB , 835x544 , The Mad Music Archive - Read A Blog_1318017871494.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20148
Can we post his fapfics to his employers? Please? He'd never work again.
>> No. 20149
I always thought A-Log was Black.
>> No. 20150
Taking a facial is trendy...?

Every girl's different, but I've never dated a girl who wouldn't do that, though certainly there are many who wouldn't. I know several girls who are most aroused by facials, some like swallowing, if she's not worried about diseases or getting pregnant, most girls are most aroused by the notion of their partner cumming inside them.

I don't know, I avoid girls who act like they're allergic to cum.
>> No. 20151
Oh, there's plenty of girls in the world willing to do it, anon.
They just don't want to do it with you.
>> No. 20152

>But unlike a certain individual from Ruckersville, I know it was all my fault

Goddamn, even when he's talking about something that's completely unrelated to Chris he feels the need to point out how he's much better than him.
>> No. 20153
I can't believe he used the terms "gothic snatch" and "haunted pumpkins".
>> No. 20154
Oh God, swallowing vs. facials thread ahoy
>> No. 20155
Samefagging >>107687.

I don't remember Morticia having size F breasts either, but that show was just a little before my time. Also, someone should show him a picture of what that actress looks like now, in 2011.
>> No. 20156
File 131801989833.jpg - (44.48KB , 290x200 , cleveland.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20157
Is anybody else having trouble seeing the whole of this thread? I seem to be having issues loading the page.

I might make a new A-Log thread.
>> No. 20158
I've been having this issue, too.
>> No. 20159
>[Last 50 posts]
Use it.
>> No. 20160
New A-Log thread.
>> No. 20161
Don't apologize to us; you're the one who's missing out.
>> No. 20163
>> No. 20164
>> No. 20165
Seeing as semen isn't blood... No, that's not similar at all. A girl taking a facial is akin to what happens to a guy while he's eating her out, if he's any good at it. Actually, what you're suggesting is like a guy eating a girl out, and just when she's about to orgasm suddenly pulling away and trying not to touch or look at it.
>> No. 20167
You can't be that retarded, you're obviously trolling. Period blood is not the egg you dumbass.

And no, female ejaculation is not urine.
>> No. 20168

Of course not, since it comes out of a girl's vagina, and we all know that girls pee out their butts since they don't have a penis.
>> No. 20169

>> No. 20170

Yes they do! How do you explain how they get rid of excess cooties they don't use up infecting boys with it?
>> No. 20171

I love you guys
>> No. 20172

Suspected samefag.
>> No. 20173

Samefagging just aids the spread of cooties.
No sane boy would do that.
>> No. 20174
What's a girl?
>> No. 20176

Gross, there are girls who want nasty jizz on their face?
>> No. 20177

Why does Youtube allow any comment to be marked as spam? Shouldn't there be some kind of process to make sure only actual spam gets marked?
>> No. 20179
Please archive
>> No. 20180
To answer your question: no, no one really gives a fuck about sailormoonred.
>> No. 20181
Archive please.
>> No. 20182
Wow, I thought this already was archived.
>> No. 20183
why? he's hardly even a lolcow. there's nothing funny about this guy except his comic routine
>> No. 20184
>implying A-Log's comedy routine is funny.

Hi, A-Log!
>> No. 20185

We found unknown autobot and decided that A-log is a boring version of him

Thing is, Autobot is terminally in the dust.
>> No. 20186

>there's nothing funny about this guy except his comic routine

>Implying his comic routine is hilarious

The only person who would believe that is A-Log.
>> No. 20187
or anyone who isn't buttsore about a regular guy who enjoys his life just coz he did some stand up about Chris-chan
>> No. 20188
While they're undoubtedly similar, since they both look eerily alike and have both made commentaries on Chris-chan, I wouldn't say The Unknown Autobot was a more interesting version of A-Log. They're very different.

I think A-Log is more perverted than The Unknown Autobot, who in turn, is more smug than A-Log.

You're comparing apples to oranges and saying that one is a more interesting version of the same fruit, basically.
>> No. 20189
OK, you've GOT to be A-Log. Or one of his little faggot friends.
>> No. 20190

Is there any way you can be even more A-Log than you are already?
>> No. 20191
apples and oranfes are two different friuts. You would know that if you weren't mentally retarded.

>> No. 20192
Yeah, simple. By me not being A-Log at all.
Maybe it's time for him to stop roasting Chris-chan and do some stand-up about /cwc/ since it's full of you sperrging lolcows!
>> No. 20193
He could be posting pictures of some Cartoon Mom getting fucked by his 6-INCH MONSTER FOXDICK
>> No. 20194

>apples and oranfes are two different friuts.

>> No. 20195

>Maybe it's time for him to stop roasting Chris-chan and do some stand-up about /cwc/ since it's full of you sperrging lolcows!

Roasting Chris-chan?

You mean failing miserably on a stage while people wondered who was the autismal fatass babbling about another autismal fatass.
>> No. 20196

So, where is this hilarious comedy routine?

I could use a few laughs.
>> No. 20197
A-log, go back to fantasizing about having a threesome with your Mom and Sister while jerkin' your 6 INCH MONSTER
>> No. 20198
Better than beign an autismal fastass who dwells in his basement all day and does nothing with his lif.e

For the last time I'm not A-Log
>> No. 20199
Give us evidence, nigga.
>> No. 20200
like what?
>> No. 20201

>Better than beign an autismal fastass who dwells in his basement all day and does nothing with his lif.e

>misspelled being
>period in the wrong place

>> No. 20202
You're A-Log, you should know
>> No. 20203

Easy. Just post a timestamped picture of yourself that clearly shows that you are not Anthony LoGatto.
>> No. 20204
Oh no don't caps lock me to death bro!
>hurrr durrr I can point out typoes EPIC WEEN!

>> No. 20205
Almost as hilarious as your Chris Commentaries
>> No. 20206
i dont have to do shit for any of you. Espeicially not on an image board where I'm ANONYMOUS!! Looks like you guys are dyslexic as well as retarded.
>> No. 20207


Thank you for telling me that you actually did not find it funny. For a moment, I thought you did, but the part in the parenthesis was a cue that you were not actually amused by the previous post.
>> No. 20208

You're not Anonymous.

You're A-Log.

We all know this.
>> No. 20209
I'm having a hard time believing anyone, even A-Log, could be this stupid.

Please be a troll, please be a troll, please be a troll...
>> No. 20210

A-log and his followers are dumb as fuck. We already have proof of this: All of their videos.
>> No. 20211
A-Log has actually posted anonymously on /cwc/ before. And, just like now, he was identified and called out on his faggotry immediately.
>> No. 20212
File 132054557534.jpg - (153.15KB , 1024x693 , Chaddy boy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't deny it A-Log, the art of Chad Rocco makes your dick hard in lust
>> No. 20213
Hey A-Log, your sister is actually pretty cute. How she could be related to you, I have no idea.
>> No. 20214
A-Log has two sisters. I think their names are Angela and Alana. One of them is, as you say, pretty cute. The other is a fucking monster.
>> No. 20215

Who knew A-Log had another sister that we haven't seen before?

A-Log did.
>> No. 20216
File 132054592048.jpg - (100.51KB , 720x540 , 41279_435535452216_505057216_5522754_2190534_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20217
A-Log rates his sisters. Why am I not surprised?
>> No. 20218
File 132054599690.jpg - (66.74KB , 720x540 , 60492_435535517216_505057216_5522758_3590297_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20219
She looks like a Mexican laborer
>> No. 20220
They're both too similar looking to A-Log for my liking.
>> No. 20221
File 132054616327.jpg - (9.24KB , 225x224 , butthurt_dweller.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The one in the cowboy hat's not bad. The other one, yeah, no.
>> No. 20222
Everyone on /cwc/ is butthurt about A-Log's talent and success.
Evidence: All of the threads.
>> No. 20223

Even if they weren't, imagine:
A-Log as a brother-in-law.
A-Log at family reunions.
A-Log as the uncle to your children.
>> No. 20224


>> No. 20225
Yeah, but on the plus side, you'd be fucking his sister. How hilariously jelly would he be?
>> No. 20226
>Implying being unemployed and living with your mom is successful

Yeah, she's not hot enough to be worth it.
>> No. 20227
He still has his mommy to fap over.
>> No. 20228
Which is the hot one? Angela or Alana?
>> No. 20229
Alana sounds like the name of a fat chick.
>> No. 20230


This one is the hot one (I think).
>> No. 20231
It's Elena, not Alana.
>> No. 20232
>mfw not A-Log
So I come into this thread, say A-Log isn't an interesting as a lolcow so ur all like "hi A-Log" and then post pictures of his sisters! EPIC WEEN guys! you guys are more autistic than I thought!
WHat next? Gonna drop A-Log's docs?

>> No. 20233
Ah, it's nice to see this thread back on the front page. I remember when it was all brand new...
>> No. 20234
File 132054674256.png - (723.43KB , 540x720 , Luigilog.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Kissing a guy in a Mario costume
>A-Log dressed as Luigi for Halloween
>His sister is dressed as peach
>A-Log is jelly of Mario
>> No. 20235
Please, someone, archive this.
>> No. 20236
Why would he be jealous of something he was doing too?
>> No. 20237
You're trying to get us to stop talking about A-Log, and then call us Spe-rgs/Retards.

By the way, still waiting for you to finish those fapfics, you lazy fucker.
>> No. 20238

The rest of those are on Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Full Name: Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto
Address: 90 Braisted Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314
YouTube: ALogTV
BlipTV: http://a-logtv.blip.tv
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/anthonylogatto, http://www.myspace.com/anthonyaloglogatto, http://www.myspace.com/alogontheairwaves.
deviantArt: http://a-log.deviantart.com
FurAffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/a-log/
WWOEC: http://wwoecforum.com/member.php?u=1548
FanFiction.net: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/77205/Anthony_LoGatto
LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/a_log008
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: a-log_1985
AIM: WeirdnessAnime
MSN: [email protected]

I just got the facebook from the pictures posted.
>> No. 20239
File 132054685886.png - (92.59KB , 214x287 , Dot's Face When.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw you're right
>mfw this all falls together like a well-oiled jigsaw
>mfw it becomes obvious that A-Log wants to fuck his sister

Well, shit...
>> No. 20240

Just because he wants to doesn't mean he has.
>> No. 20241
I'm pretty sure his Sister could kick his fat ass if he tried.
>> No. 20242
File 13205470447.jpg - (96.60KB , 540x720 , 59045_435535592216_505057216_5522764_6943584_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't hit on me, silly /cwc/!
>> No. 20243
>Don't hit on me, silly /cwc/!
>Don't hit on me, silly A-Log!
>> No. 20244
lol u actually docs'd him just coz I, some random guy, said so.
Awesome, see if I give a shit!
What next? Gonna spam his pages with EPIC WEEN TROLL comments?
Or just gonna do to him like you do to Chris-chan: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
>> No. 20245

>lol u actually docs'd him just coz I, some random guy, said so.

I didn't have to find his documents. They were already provided by others on ED, like I mentioned earlier, and I merely copied and pasted them here.
>> No. 20246
good job, SpĀ­erglock Holmes.
>> No. 20247
>Makes a big deal about how we do nothing about Chris

Try harder, A-Log.
>> No. 20248
Elena has a really pretty smile. It's a shame about her brother.
>> No. 20249

You're welcome, A-Log.
>> No. 20250
Seems like the only reason she has her privacy settings so secure on her Facebook is so people don't try to use her to get info on her Autismal fuckup of a brother
>> No. 20251
u mad

It's a shame you wouldn't have a chance with her or any other girl on this planet.
>> No. 20252

True. If I was related to A-Log, I'd distance myself from the drama he stirs up as much as possible.
>> No. 20253
>It's a shame you wouldn't have a chance with her or any other girl on this planet.

Well, I suppose I could always console myself with anthropomorphic duck policewomen and echidna succubi... Oh wait, that's what YOU do, right, A-Log, ol' buddy?
>> No. 20254
Same with you, A-Log.
>> No. 20255
keep thinking A-Log is posting in this thread. Eventually it might come true. At least in your little mind.

Oh look! Autosage! Later, faggots! XD
>> No. 20256
File 132054796461.jpg - (57.00KB , 424x447 , George Lucas Thinks It's Glorious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh Lord, I'm having fun in this thread tonight. A-Log, if that really is you, you should congratulate yourself. Your stand-up's shit, your commentaries are shit, but goddamn it, tonight, I think you've finally found your comedy niche - impotently raging at people. You're fucking hilarious when you do that.
>> No. 20257

how orignal.
>> No. 20258

Sure, run off because of the autosage.

We still have another A-Log thread to fill. This one was supposed to be archived already before you started posting in it, A-Log.
>> No. 20259
Archive this NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW for the love of God and the bear!
>> No. 20260
>> No. 20261
File 13205484127.jpg - (13.04KB , 209x168 , trollface11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw this thread will never be archived
>mfw I bump other threads to hide it
>> No. 20262
File 132054854443.jpg - (15.42KB , 249x234 , A-Log.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20263
File 132054854870.png - (73.06KB , 755x1255 , 12796302242846789.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20264
oh so it's 550 to autosage on this board. no problem

>> No. 20265
>> No. 20266
From whiny UR DA ASSPIES A-Log, to LOL I TROL U A-log.
>> No. 20267
>> No. 20268

Bumping other threads to hide this one doesn't seem to be a working strategy.

You should develop a better one.
>> No. 20269
>> No. 20270
>> No. 20271
>> No. 20272
>> No. 20273
>> No. 20274
>> No. 20275
Why would you want to hide this thread? I don't get it. Why would anyone who wasn't A-Log want to do that?
>> No. 20276
>> No. 20277
>> No. 20278
>> No. 20279
>> No. 20280
>> No. 20281

>oh so it's 550 to autosage on this board. no problem

>If I hide this thread from the front page, they will surely forget about me!
>> No. 20282
>> No. 20283
>> No. 20284
>> No. 20285
>> No. 20286
>> No. 20287
>> No. 20288
>> No. 20289
>> No. 20290
File 132054881258.jpg - (49.47KB , 402x604 , I Bet The Jews Did This.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I bet the Jews did this.
>> No. 20291
>> No. 20292
>> No. 20293
>> No. 20294
>> No. 20295
>> No. 20296
>> No. 20297
>> No. 20298
>> No. 20299
>> No. 20300
Classic A-Log.
>> No. 20301
Hey, A-Log!

There is another thread about you on the front page.


Just letting you know.
>> No. 20302
A-Log, this isn't going to go away. The only way to stop being a lolcow is to STOP BEING A LOLCOW.
>> No. 20303
No, just wanna make sure this thread isn't archived to see how mad you guys get.

>> No. 20304
> Implying A-Log is able to cause butthurt.
> Implying that poster is A-Log.
>> No. 20305
We aint even mad, brah.
>> No. 20306
That's a damn lie and you know it, A-Log.

You're trying to make sure that there's no way people can copy and paste your fapfics, then print them out and send them to your mom.

That's the real reason.
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