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File 132046119241.jpg - (57.52KB , 640x480 , HNI_0021.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
20307 No. 20307
Expand all images
>> No. 20308
File 132046122976.jpg - (61.28KB , 640x480 , HNI_0022.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Second photo. All gotten from the cwcki.
>> No. 20309
So Chris stalking him now? I'm guessing that who the photos are from via a troll.
>> No. 20310
NEW CONTENT GAIZ!!!!111oneone{'o','n','e'};
>> No. 20311

>> No. 20312
File 132046141250.jpg - (71.43KB , 640x480 , HNI_0020.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Last photo I could find. Micheal snyder in his natural habitat.
>> No. 20313
>> No. 20314

Thanks thorg and whoever else is responsible. New content is always appreciated.
>> No. 20315
Mike the Joo is one of the good guys. Leave him be.
>> No. 20317
Huh, the game place is a lot more spacious and well-lit than I thought it'd be. Every geekporium I've ever been inside is a dank shoebox.
>> No. 20318
Michael Snyder is a faggot, he's just a faggot who has a tiny piece of authority over Chris.
>> No. 20319

There a story behind this yet, Thorg? Any particular reason Chris is bothering ol' Michael "Kike Face" Snyder again?
>> No. 20320
So, um, someone decided to visit Game Place snap some clandestine photos of Snyder and crew?

Oooh, oooh! Let me guess! A field agent is trying to get Chris back in good standing with him so he can come back to the store! Am I right?
>> No. 20321

I heard from a reliable source he has his own child molestation skeletons in the closet.
>> No. 20322
He doesn't, that's the OWNER of the gameplace (fuck those random captials). Mike is just the manager.
>> No. 20323

No, I fucking love any new Chris content whatsoever, this will keep me going for at least another 14 minutes before I start accusing you of hoarding hidden troves of Chris material that I absolutely have to watch before I get the shakes and start cramping up again. I NEED MY FUCKING FIX THORG, STOP HOLDING OUT ON ME, I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK FOR ANOTHER KACEY CALL!!!
>> No. 20324

My "reliable source" was what Chris said in a video. Kind of defeats the purpose if I have to explain this shit to you.
>> No. 20325

I hope thorg isn't like O-dog.
>> No. 20326
SPOILER ALERT: Chris ran over Michael Snyder.
>> No. 20327

If he wasn't shouting JULAY when he did it then I don't fucking care, come back when you've got some real Chris info to put on the table.
>> No. 20328

Looks like I'mma have to change my tripcode.
>> No. 20329

You didn't figure that out in the other thread where this guy posted as you?
>> No. 20330
Hey, just a quick thought, did Chris never put Snyder in the Sonichu comics as a villain? Seems strange for considering how much he hates the guy.
>> No. 20331
Which one is the real Thorg?
>> No. 20332
I do like how everyone in this photo is staring at the photographer. Whether it be Chris or a retarded field agent it's kind of amusing.
>> No. 20333
In the original thread Tito said this was "organic" implying this was Chris's idea or he did it himself.

Now though it's kind of looking like someone took pictures of Snyder to try to get Chris's trust, but the photos were uploaded to the cwciki by Chris I think someone said?

So is there going to be more, or does the pictures being re-released simply mean the plan didn't pan out?
>> No. 20334

>Now though it's kind of looking like someone took pictures of Snyder to try to get Chris's trust

What are you basing that on?
>> No. 20335
File 13204669294.jpg - (32.14KB , 534x302 , snipsnap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh Snip Snap Boobaty Crap! Its Snyder out in the open! Hopefully will find the details behind the photo.
>> No. 20336
I had pictured Snyder differently.
>> No. 20337
Yeah, he looks oddly German...
>> No. 20338

Pics were taken on a 3ds, which seems to be Chris' only method of outside photography.
>> No. 20339

Actually, I think it's been pointed out before that Snyder is of German origin, weirdly enough, as opposed to Schneider being of Jewish origin.
>> No. 20340

Not that, I just thought he would be around his mid-30's and slimmer.
>> No. 20341
I love how nearly everyone in the store is looking at Chris (or whomever the photographer is) like "WTF?"
>> No. 20342
I wouldn't have thought he was so fat and old. The store actually looks pretty nice though. Probably good for hobbyists.
>> No. 20343
The three day wait and supposed backstory.
>> No. 20344

Why does that mean it wasn't Chris who took them? Thorg said elsewhere in relation to this that if Chris doesn't do something you ask him to do in 3 days then you know he isn't going to do it, they've probably tried to get Chris to make a video talking about it. These pics were taken on a 3ds which makes it pretty damn likely that it was Chris that took them.
>> No. 20345
Is nobody going to mention the campaign poster chris has made against Snyder on the same page on the cwcki?
>> No. 20346
File 132046902531.jpg - (106.93KB , 450x450 , AskMichaelSnyder.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What, you mean this? That's old news bro.
>> No. 20347
Snyder appears to be posing.
>> No. 20348

Through a car window?
>> No. 20349
you see guys, this right here is why we pulled back on the pictures, in hopes of getting shit like this.
>> No. 20350

It's not new though, Chris didn't just put that up with these pics, it's from April of last year.
>> No. 20351
Oh shi-. I forgot about this. I'm just getting up from a nap, gonna look into it.
>> No. 20352
Speculation: He's planning on submitting these photos to the police.
>> No. 20353

Yeah, but to me he appears to be waiting for the police to arrive while blocking Sonchu's path, preventing Chris from escaping. All depends on interpretation. The pics were still taken on a 3ds though.
>> No. 20354
Does your hand hurt from all the straws trying to grasp? man you're retarded.
>> No. 20355
Date Time Digitized: 2011:10:28 17:26:20
>> No. 20356
Thats what someone would do if a manchild was snapping pictures with a 3DS.
>> No. 20357

Not seeing the significance, am I missing something?
>> No. 20358
>> No. 20359
>this thread
Man, ya'll niggas gonna be sucking thorg's dick for weeks.
>> No. 20360
I didn't know it was taken with a 3DS or that it was taken through a car window. Since an inner circle troll has confirmed that it was taken with a 3DS...

Yes, I'm an underage fag, but at least I don't scream Julaaaaaaaaaaay.
>> No. 20361
3DS is in the exif data bro.
>> No. 20362
I don't understand the 3 day waiting period. Why not just explain now if whatever you've been brewing is over
>> No. 20363

>or that it was taken through a car window.

Are you looking at these pictures in fucking Braille or something? They're in a car park and there's a pane of glass covered in rain drops covering the shot.
>> No. 20364
>Since an inner circle troll has confirmed that it was taken with a 3DS...
It's in the fucking exif data, did it really take me to confirm that?
>> No. 20365

Because there's a chance Chris could give us an explanation of what went on himself, and it would be a whole lot funnier that way.
>> No. 20367
>> No. 20368
>> No. 20369
Chris goes to GAMe PLACe. Announces something when he walks in, hence everybody staring at him. Snyder gets pissed and chases him out of store. Chris locks himself in car with Snyder standing outside. Chris takes pictures of Snyder outside.
>> No. 20371
My guess is chris went down to confront mike with his misguided theory that he's a peado and got chased out of the store back to his car
>> No. 20373
this seems to be the most likely thing to have happened. especially since the chandlers think the game place is a troll meeting place. my bet is that the 'trolls' in contact with chris are waiting for him to make a calling out video.
>> No. 20374

Yes, that's the boring version we would've been given by Tito / Thorg, now imagine what Chris' take on the situation might be. Think it might be entertaining than that?
>> No. 20375
I don't know what exif data is. I'm an ignorant hick.
>> No. 20376
having a bottle of bud while im waitin' on da dartboard vid
>> No. 20377
It is a mystery.
>> No. 20378
If you guys are waiting for something on a 3rd day to happen it wont. It was just a # that was pulled out of our ass on guessing how long it would take cwc to upload those pictures on his own.
>> No. 20379
>> No. 20380
File 132047282154.png - (305.14KB , 1349x998 , CWC charge 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Than you guys don't mind me releasing some docs? Number one.
>> No. 20381
File 132047283931.png - (305.18KB , 1349x998 , CWC charge 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Number two.
>> No. 20382
File 132047285428.png - (305.11KB , 1349x998 , CWC CHARGE 3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Number three.
>> No. 20383
File 13204728732.png - (305.90KB , 1349x1023 , Barbara chandler charge 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Barby's number one.
>> No. 20384
File 132047289899.png - (305.88KB , 1349x1023 , Barbara chandler charge 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Barby's number two. It's good i don't have to hoard these anymore.
>> No. 20385

Okay, so is there anything more to what happened that we don't know? Did the police get involved? What prompted him to start up with taking pictures of Snyder again? Did Chris go in the game place first and say anything, or demand to be unbanned again? Julay?
>> No. 20386
No probs, Thanks for the leak!
>> No. 20387
Good man!
>> No. 20388

Holy fucking shit, WHAT? And Barbara was with him while he was there taking pictures? What the fuck was she doing going there with him, why were they there?
>> No. 20389
Holy fucking shit.
>> No. 20390

Assault on fucking law enforcement? Oh yes.
>> No. 20391
Introman, are you aware that we have a rule that if we have galpals or someone that can't be expendable we won't leak it, but we do depend on outside factors like the PSN hacking to leak that tomgirl shit to get stuff out without chris suspecting that said person.

Again, thank you for this.
>> No. 20392

How'd you find these?
>> No. 20393
>> No. 20394
So no wonder the inner circle was keeping quiet, they didn't want to get caught up in this.
>> No. 20395
We wanted Chris to tell the story.

We also tried to look it up in newspapers or police blotters, but didn't find anything. Thank you introMan, thank you very much.

What prompted you to look for this?
>> No. 20396
So you were holding out for Chris's hearing?
>> No. 20397

From the looks of things he just searched by name on that site.
>> No. 20398
Pretty much this.
While you guys were bitching, introman decided to investigate on the matter.
>> No. 20399
i hope the judge throws the book at both of them
>> No. 20400
Chris vs SNyder would equal jail time. I also had a premonition since Ahuviya got arrested in october. Chris might of as well.
>> No. 20401

It's not that big a jump to make if you think about it, Chris goes down to the game place, Snyder calls police, maybe it's worth searching for chandler on the online records, and bam, they're up in court.
>> No. 20402
It's too bad Chris won't make a follow-up video explaining the incident this time 'round.
>> No. 20403
>Assault on Law Enforcement
Haha wow
>> No. 20404
I'm totally fanboying over this.
>> No. 20405
...and the mood in the room changes.
>> No. 20406
well these records also implied chris might've had a room to himself in the pokey.
>> No. 20407
I guess Bob really was the one holding the funny-farm together.
>> No. 20408
Time and time again, it doesn't matter what the trolls have done to Chris in the past, Chris always manages to outdo them. He truly is his own biggest troll.
>> No. 20409
>> No. 20410
Hmm. If Chris was in a holding cell or something, I wonder if he was someone's girlfriend. Er, galpal.
>> No. 20411
So basically, he trespassed at the gameplace, michael synder called the cops and blocked chris from escaping, chris probably tried to push michael synder out of the way with sonchu and probably lightly tapped michael, michael pressed charges, and when the cop tried to arrest him chris probably pushed the cops arm away from him or maybe spit on him or something? That seems like the most likely scenario.
>> No. 20412
Well Barb is the one with "assault on law enforcement" charge.
>> No. 20413
>> No. 20414
File 132047381375.jpg - (16.44KB , 100x150 , Head Shot 2007.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rob Bell, the man defending Chris in court. That looks like a pretty fucking good troll face to me.
>> No. 20415
I kept telling you shit was going to be organic.
>> No. 20416
What do you mean?
>> No. 20417
You had to release this shit when I was having a good fap to PixyTeri didn't you?
>> No. 20418
"in Virginia, the crime is a felony if the accident causes death, injury, or damage to attended property in excess of a certain dollar amount"

Did they actually run someone over?
>> No. 20419
didn't snyder call the cops on chris last time? doesn't seem like that big of a stretch that he would do it again.
>> No. 20420

Hahaha, I love that we both went looking for him.

Oddly, Chris has an attorney, but Barbara does not.
>> No. 20421

No, the assault on law enforcement was Barb, not Chris. Chris got failure to stop accident, assault and trespass. Barb's got the same failure to stop accident and assault on law enforcement.
>> No. 20422
HE ASSAULTED AN OFFICER IN BROWN! How does he not spend time jail cell time.
>> No. 20423
Pokey. Jail.
>> No. 20424

Damn straight, the man paid to defend Chris? Such a bizarre idea, I had to see what he looked like.
>> No. 20425
how?... you can smell her through the pics
>> No. 20426
Yeah, but why a cell alone is what I mean
>> No. 20427

If I were that guy, I would rupture myself to keep Chris from speaking on his own behalf.
>> No. 20428
wow thorg was really holding out.
>> No. 20429
Would you put chris in another room with anyone?
>> No. 20430
Well, we don't know if he was alone, but he might've been without mommy. Holding cells are sex segregated, right?
>> No. 20431
We need a field agent in the court hearing on Monday.
>> No. 20432

Motherfucking THIS. CFA, tell your boss you have jury duty.
>> No. 20433
Oh shit, this sounds like a mission for CFA.
>> No. 20434
Any nerves on this? Chris could start squawking about trolls and the officers see he's retarded, talk to his mom, put together some weird story in their head, and think that a group of trolls convinced him to do that after they see a wiki about one single retarded man?
>> No. 20435
How likely is it that he'll release a captains log? Cause I feel like if he does it will be the first good thing we've gotten from him in a long time
>> No. 20436
implying the inner circle ain't on it.
>> No. 20437
I don't know if that'll make Barb's charges go away.
>> No. 20438

He's being charged with a felony...that's at LEAST a year in prison.
>> No. 20439
Hmm. I wonder who posted bail for them.
>> No. 20440
so let me get this straight, the trolls didn't want to say or release the shit themselves cause they didn't want to be caught up in this court shit?
>> No. 20441
Because we weren't at liberty to release it. But it's public info, so, it's fair game.
>> No. 20442

As soon as Chris tries to convince his defense attorney to show the cwcki as evidence in court that the whole world is against him and his mom assaulted a police officer because of a troll conspiracy that his dead dad believed originates from a game store he's going to be told to shut the fuck up. There's no way that's going to be brought up in court short of Chris shouting about it in the court room and getting himself in even more trouble.
>> No. 20443
heres the thing, we were more or less expecting Mike to spout about it, but seeing that he's going to court about it, he would keep his mouth shut.
>> No. 20444
Um, since when?
>> No. 20445
Yeah, I suggest pulling the CWCki down or something.
>> No. 20446



As far as they were aware the court info wasn't public anywhere, talking about it would've put a connection to Chris at risk.
>> No. 20447
Wait, a troll got involved in this and was apprehended?!

>> No. 20448
>> No. 20449
That's why we changed our mind when we originally dropped the pictures. Having Chris drop them provides an opportunity for him to soapbox about the injustices he suffered at the hands of the popo. That would get the story out without risk.
>> No. 20450

"For Class 5 felonies, the jury or court may choose imprisonment for one to 10 years or jail for up to 12 months and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both."

>> No. 20451
You're crazy if you don't think a defense attourney won't pull up the CWCki and look for instances of Chris being coerced. There's a boatload of 'em, and the defense will probably argue in part that Chris did it because he has a track record of being easily coerced because of his autism. Why is that so hard to understand?
>> No. 20452
Just so that faggots would go in a tangent all over again begging for their fix?
>> No. 20453
Michael snyder, jackass
>> No. 20454
He wasn't coerced this time.
>> No. 20455
I can see people ignorant of web trolling finding sympathy in a retards life being recorded.
>> No. 20456
That doesn't explain Barb. Maybe Chris has diminished capacity because he's easily persuaded (except he wasn't this time) but if Barb was present she should've restrained him and certainly not get charges herself.
>> No. 20457
Oh boy... You don't get the judicial system, do you? All he has to do is prove to the jury that there is a track record of him being coerced, and throw attention onto the evil kids on the net who make the retard dance. That's all the strategy would have to be for that portion of the defense.
>> No. 20458

He wasn't coerced this time and there's nothing to show that he was. Showing that he was coerced to do stupid shit in the past doesn't make any difference to that.
>> No. 20459
The second option was jail UP to 12 months with a fine of 2,500, meaning he could only be there for a month
>> No. 20460
It doesn't need to explain Barb, barb's case is separate from Chris. Hell, they could also try to blame it all on her, and in the separate case blame it all on Chris. That's law.
>> No. 20461
Especially now that people's hearts are bleeding for this internet bullying suicide fiasco.
>> No. 20462

But there's the fact that it's not his only charge so the possibility of him only getting one month is incredibly unlikely.
>> No. 20463
Nothing has to show he was this time, just has to show he has been in the past.
>> No. 20464
Oh wow, it's funny how you crack babies change your moods when new info comes up, just awhile ago you were all about lynching Thorg and Tito.
>> No. 20465
>Chris will Plea out.

>Chris will get probation.

>Barb will get probation.

>Barb will be forced take power of attorney over Chris.
>> No. 20466
Okay so I'm going to go ahead and say the CWCki is a very clear example of stalking and there are very clear examples of people coercing Chris into doing humiliating things on it, which, despite what the idiots there would like to believe, will cause paranoia and irrational behavior, however if the admins pull it down just to cover their asses, that puts them way in the wrong. Just sayin.
>> No. 20467

The prosecutor could easily use the CWCki to show that he's had unprovoked outbursts in the past, had a grudge against Michael Snyder, and hasn't been online in months.
>> No. 20468
>> No. 20469
I'll bet Barb tried to stop the cops from handcuffing Chris. He was probably crying about how they were hurting him and cutting off his circulation, and she charged in trying to keep them from cuffing him, and maybe smacked a cop with her purse or something.

I really hope there are mugshots. Beyond that, I really hope Chris was in tomgirl mode for the mugshot.

"Two transvestite prostitutes arrested for assault at a children's hobby store."
>> No. 20470

It's irrelevant, he broke the law of his own volition this time, showing that he is easily coerced into doing things has got nothing to do with it if he wasn't coerced into doing this. The only bullshit sympathy card they have is the autism, there's no doubt they'll be playing that one for all it's worth anyway. Fuck it, we'll see in a couple of days, we shouldn't be arguing on a day like this.
>> No. 20471

We'll get back to that in a few days once the court cases are done with.
>> No. 20472
File 132047529742.png - (13.13KB , 910x185 , hoarding.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20474
Oh God, please please PLEASE let there be mugshots.
>> No. 20475
File 132047539896.jpg - (18.70KB , 500x333 , tumblr_ks1vjzq5pP1qzaz00o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You're implying that chris has enough money for an attorney to dig up all of his history. Than persuade the prosecutor to allow heresay(the cwcki is heresay. Since it isn't written by the defendant or anybody verifiable. ) as evidence for Chris's defense. While micheal has videotaped proof of Chris entering the store on multiple occasions while being banned.
>> No. 20476
>> No. 20477

No, I'm implying the cwcki isn't the damning evidence people are claiming, for multiple reasons.
>> No. 20478
Yeah, people are claiming that the cwcki will somehow get Chris off.

But yeah, great find. What prompted you to check Virginia court cases?
>> No. 20479
heh introman
>Than you guys don't mind me releasing some docs? Number one.
like we would've had a choice in the matter?
>> No. 20480

I think other people have followed the logic since he did it, Encounter with Snyder at the game place = cops getting called. Police involvement = possible charges and court case. Search for Chandler and hope for the best / worst.
>> No. 20481

Yeah, I think he meant that to be a statement, not a question lol.
>> No. 20482
Speaking of the CWCki, shouldnt this shit go on there?
>> No. 20483
No. Chris reads the Cwcki. Let's let this play out first.
>> No. 20484
don't think that would be a good idea.
>> No. 20485
Oh it absolutely should. Well, unless someone has any reason why not.

If someone wants to upload it to the cwcki, I'd be most grateful. I'm too lazy to.
>> No. 20486
don't fuck with the cwcki, let's see if chris adds anything on his own
>> No. 20487
He gave up after he got those pictures up. I mean, maybe there's a tiny chance he'll come back, but I seriously doubt it.
>> No. 20488
File 132047616667.jpg - (68.01KB , 892x734 , 4 replies a minute.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20489

Like what? He isn't going to put anything about his own court case up on there, is he? Unless you mean it might scare him off from putting anything else on there about Snyder. Thanks to introman finding these records, as long it says they were found by trolls on the district court site then it's safe to put them up there at least.
>> No. 20490
leave it off of the cwcki for a while.
>> No. 20491

It looks as if under VA cyberstalking law, the Cwcki would have to contain actual death threats or threats of bodily harm to Chris--and even if there were, it wouldn't be applicable to any of the charges here. And the coercion claim isn't going to fly because nowhere on the Cwcki is there any suggestion that Chris should run over Mike Snyder and I am assuming that no one in communication with Chris has ever written him an email suggesting it. Cwcki is a moot point. Let it go and enjoy the schadenfreude.
>> No. 20492
I wonder how long you guys are going to keep up with this until you say this saga sucks.

I'll be waiting.
>> No. 20493

What saga, the Chris gets arrested for assault saga? A single event in Chris' life is not something you call a saga.
>> No. 20494
So... What now?
I think much of this will be dismissed and Chris will be given Probation for like 5 years. People don't get thrown in prison willy nilly, especially slow-in-the-minds like Chris.
>> No. 20495
Tomgirl wasn't something spawned off of the trolls either and people say it sucks.
>> No. 20496
this isn't a saga cwckifag. it's chris trolling himself. hope we get some new sub-episodes out of this. 'course i doubt that will actually happen.
>> No. 20497

We wait and see what happens, we'll be able to see the results on the site.

Am I reading this right btw? Barb has already gone to court on her charges on halloween, now waiting til a week or so before Christmas for the case to continue?
>> No. 20498
Barb's looking at a lot of jail time. Even if Chris just gets probation, unlikely, but still, even if, he's going to be on his own potentially for years.
>> No. 20499
I don't want to scare anyone, but is out of the question that at a possible Chris trial that the trolls might be dug up like a certain dog and well... you know?
>> No. 20500

What the fuck are you talking about, how has that got anything to do with what I was talking about?
>> No. 20501
yeah, I bet those trolls are with holding that too.
>> No. 20502

Yes, the judge is going to hear about the trolls and start a court case against us. That's how law works.
>> No. 20503
next year, the room mate saga!
>> No. 20504
File 132047712219.gif - (875.50KB , 296x166 , Goddamn kids.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>mfw Barb gets probation too.
>> No. 20505
Well it depends on what she actually did. I would guess her charges will be dropped, though. I think this is much ado about nothing, legally speaking. Funny as hell, but I don't see anyone doing jail time. It is hard as hell to get put away.
>> No. 20506
Okay I'll explain it to you slow in the mind.

Tomgirl was something organic, no troll told him to put on lipstick and shit. People exclaimed with joy when first released but as days got by, people bitched how it sucked.

Now we got a new bit of info that is praised for now, which will soon just grow to rot.
>> No. 20507
I know it's hip to keep yourself on the outside of things and laugh so you don't get called lame, but is it that hard to look at it from the perspective of a paranoid victim of stalking? The phone calls on there alone are enough to prove that he really believes the people at the GAMe PLACe are out to get him. This doesn't even involve the Love Quest. It's straight up schizophrenia-like voices-in-his-head delusional fear. To be more precise about the CWCki's applicability here, this could be the thing that gets Chris institutionalized.
>> No. 20508
like Kim or CFA would ever let Chris move in with them while Barb's in jail.
>> No. 20509

Yeah, great, except the post you were pointing at in this post here >>119195 was me talking about putting this on the cwcki, so completely fucking irrelevant.
>> No. 20510
File 132047732272.png - (136.36KB , 544x354 , NOOOO.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



>> No. 20511
i mean let's wait for chris's TRUE and HONEST interpretation first, if he doesn't talk then add it to the cwcki
>> No. 20512
File 132047742619.jpg - (31.48KB , 632x476 , teef.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>like Kim or CFA
Who says it's gonna be them?
>> No. 20513
Looks like he raged too hard against the Jerkops.
>> No. 20514
That god dang Michael Snyder…

>> No. 20515
Barbara's Jail time consequences are if found guilty of the original charges given.

The failure to stop is 1-10 years in prison.
The assault on an officer is 1-5 years in prison. Both of these are felonies.

Chris is facing.
The failure to stop which is 1-10 years in prison.
The misdemeanor assault is 0-1 years.
The respassing is 0-1 years as well.
>> No. 20516
I'm sorry post was really aiming at, >>119192
This thread is getting mad bumps you see, the most activity in a while.
>> No. 20517
Damn! Tito's gonna fuck Chris! Hope he's in TomGirl at least.
>> No. 20518
that's what happens when something of substance actually gets posted on here
>> No. 20519

Yes, that was also me but your reply still has nothing to do with what I said, all I said was that a single event doesn't constitute a saga, I said nothing about whether or not people are going to say it's shit in a few days.
>> No. 20520
Are you aware of the concepts of pleaing out and getting charges dropped? They will only get probation, how hard is that to understand?
>> No. 20521
File 132047768843.png - (333.99KB , 554x429 , jurrr.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
well guys, I gotta go to bed, I got this jury duty thing on Monday, I hope they don't pick me.
>> No. 20522
like Chris would trust anybody else besides Kim or Thorg at this point.
>> No. 20523

I said if they were found guilty of the original charges given. Knowing the justice system and it's love for tards. Chris is going to get like 100 hours of community service and a year of anger management.
>> No. 20524
Did you look at both the criminal and civil charges, or just the criminal charges?
>> No. 20525

>100 hours of community service

Well at least he'll have something to put on his resume for that office job now.
>> No. 20526
While a sub episode would be the best thing ever, it will not happen, he hasn't made one since like 2005.
>> No. 20527
Hey, 100 hours of community service is work. It might be good for him. Or for lulz.
>> No. 20528
can't wait to see some stalker-ish pictures of him doing his time.
>> No. 20529

Me again, and I totally understand where you're coming from. I don't doubt Chris will try to introduce the idea of the internet being out to get him, and his lawyer might even look into it (and like I said before, I think his lawyer will do his damnedest to keep Chris from speaking on his own behalf if it comes to it). But it isn't likely anything relating to trolling is going to be applicable to this case and anyone who tried to introduce it would do more harm than good, especially when Chris has a string of documented behaviors IRL that would stand up better in court.
>> No. 20530
Well, it's possible they might try to fight it and demand all the charges be dropped. They're both irrational enough. Barb seems to be defending herself.
>> No. 20531
File 132047810636.jpg - (144.10KB , 1189x910 , chrsicivil.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As pointed out here, there's also the civil cases.
>> No. 20532
File 132047812555.jpg - (142.69KB , 1198x886 , barbcivil.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And here's Barb's.
>> No. 20533
like what? Chris getting a conjugal visit from the picklesuit man, giving him a cake? Leading him to believe there is a nail filer inside?
>> No. 20534
think this should stay off the cwcki if only because that means that stuff is more likely to be leaked on here without 'trolls' worrying about Chris seeing it.
>> No. 20536
File 132047821732.jpg - (7.85KB , 180x262 , ChrisRoommate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris' new roommate checking in!
>> No. 20537
What happened? I just woke up, you guys were just cannibalizing on each other awhile ago.
>> No. 20538

Schadenfreude. You seem....familiar.
>> No. 20539
way to go, introfag, you just did them a favor. Now we can't fuck with them and press them.
>> No. 20540

Sweet, sweet content appeared, all is right with /cwc/ for a few hours.
>> No. 20541
File 132047834932.jpg - (1.11MB , 2560x1706 , snap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
by doing his time I meant the possible 100 hours of community service, Suf. It's not like Chris hasn't been stalked before when he's outside.
>> No. 20542
>for a few hours.
Alrighty I'm going back to bed, I'll accuse tito of with holding gameplace footage later.
>> No. 20543
>for a few hours
fuck off pvccfag
>> No. 20544
it ain't pvccfagging if it's true.
>> No. 20545

Calm the fuck down, it was a joke, I'm not even pvcc.
>> No. 20546

No sir, I'm just a lousy speller.
>> No. 20547

But then after surrendering his butthole to the pickleman in exchange for the chance at freedom he reaches into the cake only to find MORE PICKLES. You're a fucking trolling genius Tito, I can't believe we've never done this before!
>> No. 20548
Barb seems to be out of her mind. Perhaps she and Chris just snapped.
>> No. 20549

But they seemed so normal!
>> No. 20550

Nah, it isn't him, I thought so to for a moment but that guy always capitalises it. Not that I have any sort of seething rage that makes me look for signs of him constantly or anything, oh no.
>> No. 20551
File 132047990596.png - (67.37KB , 935x625 , greenecounty.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sparks are going to fly after Greene County puts a lien on Barbara’s house. She paid them as soon as she got the bill in 2010 and for many years before, but she’s waiting until the last minute to pay this one.
>> No. 20552
I've been 2 years back before. No big deal.
>> No. 20553
Hey, at least we know Casa de Chandler is all paid off.
>> No. 20554
Yeah, but the point is that Barb (Borb?) used to pay as soon as she got the bill, and would actually pay six months in advance. This year Barb paid slightly late, and now Barb is late again. Their financial situation probably isn’t good, and bail and retainer fees won’t make it better.
>> No. 20555
so why was it that Introman was the only smart one to check records while you all sat and bitched?
>> No. 20556
We know Chris won't get jail time for this, but lulz are sure to come .

I cant help but think what a perfect end to the Chris saga it would be if he did get jail time for this , Chris trolling began with the game place and the jew Micheal Synder, and now years later he and the legion of Jerkops put Chris away once and for all. Its like a movie yo
>> No. 20557
>> No. 20558

My father was a corrections officer my whole life. I can assure you that even though Chris is autistic he can and may be put in jail. There are several "high functioning autistics" and aspies in the correctional system. Chris also has a history with the police. This isn't the first time he's been arrested and the prosecuting attorney will bring that up in court. He may not go to prison, but the county jail may be his home for several months or even a year. At best, if convicted, he will face a fine he probably will not be able to pay off, especially if Barb gets jail time, and will have hundreds of hours of community service that he probably won't be able to complete, thereby forfeiting any plea deal or light sentencing he receives and will get jail time.
>> No. 20559
>> No. 20560
>durr chris gonna get butt sexed
Jail =/= prison fuckers. I think i liked it better when you were a pack of rabid crack babies.
>> No. 20561
Chris is gonna be like Toby on OZ lol
>> No. 20562
Even if he goes in a few months, he will come out a different person... a man.
>> No. 20563

Do you honestly think anal rape is exclusive to prisons? It happens in county lock up just as often as the most hardened federal prison.
>> No. 20564

It rarely happens in county. No one wants to pull that time!
>> No. 20565
Chris self defense mechanism is like that of a skunk meets a slippery platypus.
>> No. 20566
Oh man trolls gonna go jail with him~
>> No. 20567
This couldn't have gone any better. DRY SPELL OVER
>> No. 20568
Now see wasn't the wait worth it?
>> No. 20569
Someone should call Cole and tell him his mom is in Jail lol lol
>> No. 20570
Only was Chris tops this is if he's placed in a halfway house with some homo predator who turns him gay.
>> No. 20571
File 132048279512.jpg - (8.45KB , 200x166 , timeloop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
as a man with asburgers whom held someone hostage this is how it will play out

Pre-trial ,chris waves his right to it he is then either sent rightaway to a insane asylum or waits till trial/sentecening
Trial-doesnt happen he pleads guilty

If defendent wants him purcuted to fullest extent to law excpect 1-2 year sentence in insane asylum,these people can keep you past your court sentence and usally do because MOAR money
If they don't expect 1 year probation

All in all he ends up with a disorderly conduct on his record
>> No. 20572
Thread is pretty long so I'm just glancing over it.
My guess is that Chris was doing his skulking around the Game Place again and taking pictures, but this time Snyder got in front of Chris' car, preventing him from driving off once the staff noticed him. That building in the background is across the street from the parking lot entrance, as seen on Google Maps.
>> No. 20573
Oh god, brace for the 12 year dryspell
>> No. 20574
File 132048356151.gif - (1.85MB , 180x157 , kjj6P.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20575
Not sure if Chris will face any time, but considering the IF scenario.
Give Chris some Crayola and paper during a conjugal visit. He only has him and his thoughts to himself. Imagine the shit he would raw out of his rage of being there.
>> No. 20576
So now do you crack babies understand why they couldn't show you this?
>> No. 20577
>> No. 20578
No more Family Guy, no more PSTriple. He’ll start talking to “Sonichu” (read: himself) like he did in Mary Lee Walsh’s office, but he’ll do it for days on end.
>> No. 20579
This attitude is kind of stupid, to be honest.

The reason they weren't telling is was because they wanted to give Chris an opportunity to tell his side of the story on the cwciki. Chris didn't. He uploaded the photos himself, but that was it. No new page, no rant, nothing was given to us that wouldn't have anyway.

introMAN found the public stuff, and if we'd been given specifics, he or someone else probably would have found it even sooner.

I'm not saying there was anything wrong with them not telling us, overall I think it was for the best, but we didn't get anything we wouldn't have out of it. Unless Chris still decides to upload something before the 7th. In fact you could argue that now that his arrest record is out in the open, that may spur him to want to tell his side even more.
>> No. 20580
>>119280 >>119300
Oh look! It's that douche on /cwc/ nobody likes. How's the view all the way up from being a douchebag?
>> No. 20581

Not at all.
>> No. 20582
File 132048485232.jpg - (33.60KB , 332x500 , do you know how mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20583
File 132048520431.jpg - (44.24KB , 450x600 , 450px-Colonel_Sanders4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't get why people think I would be derriere devastated if someone else was able to reveal this. As before, we're in a situation where leaking would only fuck everyone over. We thought chris would go all jenkinJinkies with the details, by saying "Yo, I was torturing a puppy, but then i saw that ugly Jew Michael Schneider calling cops to beat up that handsome, not gay, well endowed, Christian Weston Chandler. I think we should troll the shit out of him!" and open his mouth up some more.

All I can tell you is that he is like really really furious. He wanted us to release it, but we weren't sure if the photos wouldn't come back to bite us in the ass, so we just insisted he did it instead. His logic is "theres a picture of this guy, I say we troll him" nothing new than what he usually does.
>> No. 20584
I don't understand why the photos are such a big deal.
>> No. 20585
Incidentally, in the somewhat unlikely event Chris does end up institutionalized or imprisoned for a reasonable length of time, would you guys then deem it safe to just dump all the chat logs and everything since Chris probably wouldn't have any internet access anyway?
>> No. 20586
The story behind the photos is the big deal. Unless you're asking why it was a big deal about them getting posted, in which case, like it has been said about 20 times in this thread, they wanted Chris to post the pics himself in the hopes that he would tardrage and fill people in on the situation.
>> No. 20587
File 132048568150.jpg - (118.24KB , 445x327 , 1318749710408.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So what I'm picturing is this: Chris runs over Michael Snyder, the cops intervene, Barbara attempts to get in a fight with one of them, and Chris gets out of the car and starts having a violent bout of autism, probably yelling something about a violent conspiracy, Barbara thinking this is where it all began.

Chris collapses in the street as Michael Snyder feels blinding white hot rage. Chris curls over on the street, lies down, and shits himself and farts endlessly while Michael Snyder orchestrates it with lawsuit threats.

Barbara is being handcuffed. It's the middle of an intersection at 12 Noon.

The man in the pickle suit comes out of the bushes with a gigantic dragon dildo and screams "JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" and chris farts a rocketing 25 feet in the air, falls down and breaks every anemic bone in his body, killing him (especially his rib cage breaking apart to rupture his lungs).
>> No. 20588
Where were people like you when everyone was flipping out over them being taken down? Also what this anon said >>119314
It was pretty much our chance just to hear cwc's side of the story, and also an excuse for him to flap his gums to public about it, on shit that we probably can't release yet.

If we have as much as you think we have, then yeah we would dump it.
>> No. 20589
i'm guessing this is old news, but- seems our buddy mike owns the game place now. not only that, he's renamed it. see:




>> No. 20590
he probably thought a new name = a new manager.
>> No. 20591
More likely he thought cville sounds awfully like cwcville and thought that GODDAMN MICHAEL SNYDER was trolling him, so he went to confront him.
>> No. 20592
i just doxed michael snyder. not posting though, im sure others will find it
>> No. 20593
not to white knight, but no one fucking cares. He's not the cow.
>> No. 20594
>> No. 20595
Am I the only one who finds this debacle genuinely sad? Not in a "NO MOAR CONTENT IF THEY GO TO JAIL :(" sort of way, but in a sincere "my god, they're fucking losing their minds" way. Poor Barb and Chris.
>> No. 20596
Isn't this a bad thing if he gets in jail/prison? Then we won't have *any* CWC content as a guarantee
>> No. 20597
What better way to end it though, did you prefer where chris was stuffing his face with pizza?
>> No. 20598
File 132048950975.jpg - (17.54KB , 300x400 , 58485.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No matter what. No matter what happens, or what's the outcome. A field agent NEEDS to record the trial by tape (as filming it would be too obviously illegal) if in any way possible. This could turn out to be the biggest piece of Christory ever. Just like how Sonichu ended with a trial, this too may very well end with a trial.

Make it happen Field agents near Virginia!
>> No. 20599
i'm pretty sure that
>> No. 20600
oh god i derped
i'm pretty sure that the facebook stores are different places, the GAMe PLACe's fb is still up and liked by the other store:
>> No. 20601
Pretty sure there is dire consequences for that shit if caught, no one is that stupid.
>> No. 20602
(The one you replied to here)
True Surfshark, just woke up and didn't think that one through.

Have an awesome Hawaiian day!
>> No. 20603

The best part of this whole thing is when the CWCki, the PVCC, and #sonichu are investigated by the police.

You wanna talk about lulz? The lulziest thing that has ever happened will be the 'inner circles' lives being destroyed. Oh god, I cannot wait.
>> No. 20604
didn't direct my post.

That's illegal you know. (Honestly I'm not sure but i wouldn't suggest anyone to do it.)
>> No. 20605
Yeah, remember that one time that the police found out about ED and then arrested everybody involved?
That sure was a warning call to people who own even milder wikis.
>> No. 20606

So, because it didn't happen once, it'll never happen under any circumstances?

You're adorable. I wish I was as innocent as you.
>> No. 20607
how cute, babby trying to grasp for straws.
>> No. 20608
what would they be arrested for, exactly? Most, if not all, info that's on the cwcki is either publicly available information or shit that manchild has said himself.

Besides, PVCC is just a gated community for old trolls and #sonichu is... #sonichu.
>> No. 20610

*sigh* Sorry Surfshark, I'm pretty new to imageboards, thanks for pointing these things out though!
>> No. 20611
Yup and Chris is gonna be on every news broadcast? With all the celebrity gossip and probably more important shit that is hardly getting reported, where does "MANCHILD DOES CUHRAZY ANTICS ON THE INTERNET" fit in on the block?

Oh wait, I forgot, you're retarded!
>> No. 20612
actually both are just museums dedicated to people as sad as chris
>> No. 20613
and so, the tom FAPPINGTON saga begins
>> No. 20614
There were hundreds, even thousands of "harassment" cases exactly like Chris on ED, every single one of them completely ignored by police.

This may be a difficult concept for you to grasp, because you have the intelligence quotation of a slice of uncooked beef, but talking about a bunch of publicly information isn't illegal.
>> No. 20615
I remembered I had jury, it was the suck. had to get in this big ass line and be metal detected. I'm not sure how it applies to the defendants who show up to it but I'd imagine there is a policy where phones had to be kept shut off.
>> No. 20616
super cool story brah
>> No. 20619
Coming up next on Fox, Parakeet parrots racial slurs in Chicago zoo!
>> No. 20620
So what exactly has Chris done? I don't really get what "assault" means in this context…
>> No. 20621
could mean "resisting" but overall, the point is He didn't go out peacefully to where he's going to court.
>> No. 20622
Anyone trying to enjoy content without whining about /cwc/ must be a crack baby. it's obvious.
>> No. 20623
thats the thing, I'm starting to not like this content anymore, now it sucks.
>> No. 20624
File 132049257733.jpg - (52.17KB , 376x490 , 17_tom_cruiselarge_image-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sorry, i just dont see any reason to get mad about it, thats all
>> No. 20625
you got FAPPINGTONd, bitch.
>> No. 20626
our savior returns
>> No. 20627
Notice how he has no tripcode. It's NOT the TRUE and HONEST tom FAPPINGTON
>> No. 20628
/cwc/ is apart of the nest too.
>> No. 20629
FAPPINGTON, the only person worthy of trolling cwc. Rest of you are small time.
>> No. 20630
Well, it sounds very similar to what happened last time, except that Barb was there this time.

Chris got a little drunk, and decided to drive to Game Place to take pictures of Snyder to "use as a dart board". When he went there, Mike called the police, said he was trying to take pictures of his daughter. Depending on the version of the story you believe, Mike either tried to block Chris's exit or "he JUMPED onto my windshield! It was horrifying!"

The cops showed up as Chris tried to escape, now either Mike and another woman both try to jump in front of his car again, or Chris tried to run over them, or was just driving recklessly in his autistic panic.

That time he was charged with trespassing for going to the store, and failure to stop because he tried to drive away when the cops showed up, but they let him go with a warning. This time that happened again, but he'd already been warned, so they arrested him.

The assault charge is for Barb, and it's assault on a cop. I'm guessing she tried to keep them from arresting Chris, and ended up getting charged herself.
>> No. 20631
THIS is what happens when Bob isn't there anymore to keep The Monster on a tight leash, see?
This is also the ultimate proof that Chris is his own worst enemy.
>> No. 20632
Will the conjugal visit be like the ones where there is a screen seperating the two and they have to talk by phone? This would be our chance to yell the song of our people over the phone and at the same time see him.
>> No. 20633
Alright, so from what i can gather:

Chris trespassed at the GamePlace for whatever reason, got into an argument with Snyder, and took pictures during said argument.

Then the police come, arrest Chris, Barbara tries to stop them, and she gets arrested (or at least charged) too.

Any details i'm missing here?
>> No. 20634
>called me mad
>posts tom FAPPINGTON photo
Oh yeah he sure shown me.
>> No. 20635
Possibly the best post ever on 789chan

>> No. 20636
I know it hurts, here cry on my shoulder
>> No. 20637
File 13204958659.gif - (36.17KB , 180x148 , side.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here you go
>> No. 20638
File 132049736897.gif - (533.20KB , 400x263 , littleriddler.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris is clearly a manchild and Barb is just as insane. The lawyer will use the CWCki to show that there is an organized effort to troll Chris, who will break down crying at some point in the proceedings. The jury will find sympathy for him (since they don't know him), and he'll get away with a light fine/community service.

Also, Michael Snyder's a faggot for starting a civil case. What's he going to do, sue for Chris's PS3?

"Chris should have done jail time!" is the 2011 "Chris should lose his tugboat!"
>> No. 20639
i honestly hope chris and his mom will not suffer any setback by these events, although sadly i am sure they will
>> No. 20640
>>Chris is clearly a manchild and Barb is just as insane.

But, that's not a picture of Captain Obvious you posted.

>>Also, Michael Snyder's a faggot for starting a civil case. What's he going to do, sue for Chris's PS3?
>>"Chris should have done jail time!" is the 2011 "Chris should lose his tugboat!"

Why do you have to whiteknight Chris in every thread? This is Chris's third strike AFTER being banned from the store. A private business has the right to refuse service to anyone it chooses. Snyder's pressing charges not because he wants money from Chris, but because he's sick of his shit and wants to hit him as hard as he can, and do everything in his power to keep Chris from coming back again.
>> No. 20641
>The lawyer will use the CWCki to show that there is an organized effort to troll Chris
Ah I get it now, the cwcki made Chris to go to the gameplace and helped Barb assault an officer. Well Played.
>> No. 20642
calm down brah
>> No. 20643
File 132049988134.gif - (489.08KB , 400x238 , mygoons.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Simmer your vagina, there, friend. I wasn't whiteknighting Chris, I was pointing out how much of a faggot Michael Snyder is. Michael Snyder is starting a civil case against Chris coming into the Game Place. It's frivolous, because you don't sue someone and automatically get their money, especially if they don't fucking have any. If Snyder wanted to be rid of Chris, he could just get a restraining order.

During the Gamer Paulo shit, he stated that he was okay with digging up patti. Not in a joking, "JOOLAYY" way, but seriously. He was so concerned about Chris "taking pictures of his daughter"...but brings her into a store owned (at least at the time) by a child molestor.


OR...the lawyer would just use it as a play for the jury's sympathy.
>> No. 20644
If there's a God in heaven who answers prayers and performs miracles, then Chris or, dare I dream, Snorlax performed a curse-ye-ha-me-ha on the arresting officer. And someone has a video of it.
>> No. 20645
idk, why don't ask the trolls, they obviously have it, and they also have the Target Video where he tried running.
>> No. 20646

Chris was charged with assault so it's possible the civil case is related to that. Secondly, it's actually pretty difficult to get a restraining order.

But I agree about his daughter. That was pretty backwards.
>> No. 20647

Wait, the owner is actually a child molester? I thought that was a completely baseless accusation made by Chris.
>> No. 20648
I kniow the civil case had something to do with the assault/trespassing. But he called the police and Chris was arrested, along with the bonus of his mother. What does Snyder think a civil case would do? It's one thing if the charges were wiped away and Snyder said "No, fuck that, he has to pay," but the ink isn't even dry on the arrest report and he's already proceeding with a civil case.

For all I know, they count filing restraining orders as a civil case and the whole thing is moot. I just hate when I see people suing just because they're pissed off.
>> No. 20649
What information can we legally obtain from CWC's trial?

I mean, I've seen pdf of moot's testimony from that anon who "hacked" Sarah Palin's email. Is it usual practice to release that shit?
>> No. 20650
The owner (or former owner if Mike really owns it now) was a registered sex offender. When Chris was given this information he tried to insinuate Mike was too.
>> No. 20652
I think moot's testimony was revealed because someone "hacked" into a vice presidential candidate's e-mail. I don't think we'll be hearing much in the media about a bumbling oaf and his attempts to get inside of a hobby shop, regardless of who assaulted whom.

I've tried to get information on trials before on people I've known who've been arrested...there's not much out there.
>> No. 20653

Being a registered sex offender and being a child molester are two very, very different things
>> No. 20654

Do we actually know how old his daughter was at the time? There's a "Becca Snyder" as a Facebook friend, who is around Chris's age(graduated from HS in 2001). It seems reasonable to assume that she's Mike's daughter, since Mike was born in 1959 and she was born in 1983.
>> No. 20655
stop talking about 4chan... seriously...
>> No. 20656
Oh god CWC in court, are court hearings available for the public to view?
>> No. 20657
So which one of you wants to be the next CFA and record the hearing?
>> No. 20658
I'm too lazy to read all of this shit, but from what I've read, Chris is goin' to the pen?
>> No. 20659
The following is verbatim from a Jackie email:
As for the Game Place, you should totally go in and do that, I love when men are assertive and take charge! I think you should go in and tell them that it's only fair that you be allowed back in now after so much time, and if they make a fuss you should demand to speak to the manager so you can hash things out like adults. Let me know how that goes, I want to know!
>> No. 20660

He's probably got more than one daughter dude, If Michael was trying to insinuate some pedophile shit then obviously he wasn't taking pictures of a 28 year old "girl".
>> No. 20661
It's illegal. Of course, the way da trolls have beaten Chris (you can see the bruises in the Manwich pictures), they're probably hardened thugs anyway. They'll doubtless find a way. If we don't ever see it, they're probably just hoarding it or something.
I don't think so. The police will probably record it, but the recording will probably just be put on file rather than released.
>> No. 20662

I don't see anything telling him to assault Snyder in that.
>> No. 20663
I read this, but I don't see anything about running the manager over/resisting arrest. Sounds like someone is grasping for straws.
>> No. 20664

You're not half as clever as you think you are.
>> No. 20665
You're not half as caustic as you think you are.
>> No. 20666
File 132050449359.jpg - (9.78KB , 257x196 , images (2).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20667
File 132050450418.jpg - (39.85KB , 384x310 , supreme-court-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This isn't going to end well for Chris. If he's allowed to speak at all, he'll most likely go off on a myriad of tangents about trolls, the CWCki, and how he's tormented by every business in the Charlottesville area.
>> No. 20668
File 132050495094.jpg - (22.21KB , 320x115 , News.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What'll happen to the CWCki? There's no doubt that the site will come up i nthe hearings.
>> No. 20669
If the Bob death showed us anything, massive suicides would occur without people getting their cwcki fix.

Also, no.
>> No. 20670
Chris already had a restraining order against him by Snyder (supposedly). Snyder had to do something.
>> No. 20671
The site doesn't break any laws. If it did, it wouldn't even have a host. Nothing's going to happen to it.
>> No. 20672
Yeah and then Tito is going to show up to court over the extortion Chris demanded.
>> No. 20673

What if it does? They're not going to start a motion to bring the cwcki to court on charges, Chris himself would have to attempt to sue them for defamation, which isn't going to happen because of this.
>> No. 20674

If that was true wouldn't there be a charge for it in the records as well?
>> No. 20675
>OR...the lawyer would just use it as a play for the jury's sympathy.

No dice. To introduce new evidence or material, the judge has to determine it's relevant to the case. It would be a pretty big stretch to say that an internet site modeled like a gossip tabloid about your client is somehow relevant to your client bursting into a game store and assaulting people.

Even if you could find some kind of dubious link, any prosecutor worth their salt would object to it, and any judge worth their salt would listen to him.
>> No. 20676
Lawyerfag here, I see no way the cwciki could be brought into court under hearsay rules if Chris did this organically. It has nothing to do with anything he did against Snyder.
>> No. 20677
>Lawyerfag here
Get in line, everyone else is claiming to be an expert.
>> No. 20678
Guys, there won't be any jury or investigation of the cwcki or lawyers giving impassioned speeches about trolling. This isn't the trial of the century, prosecutors aren't going to spend money, defense isn't going to raise money... They're going to stand in front of a judge for two minutes each. "Your honor, defendant entered store after. eing forbidden, pushed store owner, then tried to flee the scene of an accident." "Does defendant have any priors?" "Arrest but no conviction, your honor." Sentence decreed and next case.
>> No. 20679

Hooooly fucking shit. This is bad, this is real bad. No wonder Chris hasn't been making videos. He isn't in mourning, he is way too busy with these what, 5 misdemeanors / felony charges against him (!)

This is awful. So far the state of Virginia has been lenient against him but will they be this time? Worst case scenario the DA will have Chris committed for some time. Barb will probably only get a slap on the wrist, that is, depending on what she did....

Why couldn't he just leave Michael Snyder alone? I honestly can't blame Snyder, dudes just looking out for his family. Also, it did NOT help that Chris made angry videos about Michael Snyder and basically confesses to the whole other thing in a youtube video as well.
>> No. 20680
i dont' mind chris getting a minor sentence like comunity service, as long as he finally gets punishment for what he did

remember guys: chris is lazyness incarnated, to him doing the house chores is a terrible tragic torment, now imagine him doing comunity service... he will be wishing he was in jail insteaad
>> No. 20681
I better break the news to this guy
>> No. 20682
Oh finally someone guessed it right.
>> No. 20683
The only way to have CWCki related to the case, in Chris' point of view, is by his theory that Michael Snyder is behind all the trolling, you know, along with Megan and a bunch of gays.

And to those who say that CWCki does nothing illegal, I'm not sure about that considering the hacked emails and the nudes.
>> No. 20684
nudes that chris has provided to galpal #82424897?
>> No. 20685
Nudes sent privately.
>> No. 20686
If I were Chris's lawyer I'd put a pretty big leash on that puppy, because if it goes anything like the "Casey's dad"-call the whole thing will turn in to one giant cluster fuck.

Chris to judge: "OH COME ON!"

"Don't call judge Bernstein a dirty jew, Chris"

I'd give him lots of candy to eat in court and bring a pickle to scare him in to shutting the hell up or his whole defense goes to shit.

And give him a new hand held vidya game to play in court while everything is going on. And what to do if Barb brings up crazy shit like Megan and everybody else being involved?
>> No. 20687
File 132050698119.jpg - (18.82KB , 248x382 , SonichuOriginal.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If the CWCki gets investigated, then Chris still loses. A majority of the content on the CWCki has been provided by Chris himself at many points throughout the past.

Chris will probably be slapped with a deal that involves no or very little jail time as long as he doesn't use a computer. They normally do this to sex offenders, but Chris could be considered mentally ill, not to mention that they can easily prove that Chris is irresponsible and dangerous to himself, his family, and others when using the internet.

This would be a fate worse than jail for Chris, seeing as how police would have a warrant to search his house and seize all devices that connect to the internet, including his PS3.
>> No. 20688
Hey, did you see that civil suit over The amazing atheist suing that one person for leaking that banana video?
>> No. 20689
Nothing. The case against Megan, the trolls and the CWCki has to be addressed to the attorney who then addresses it to the judge and jury. If Barb and Chris just stand up talking about da trolls then they only make themselves look worse.
>> No. 20690
I don't follow the Amazing Atheist. What happened?
>> No. 20691
Remember how there used to be all those underground celebrity gossip sites? I sure am glad the police caught on to those recently. They even had nude photos of some of the celebrities! Sent privately!
>> No. 20692
He made a video for a "girlfriend" of his that showed him dripping coffee and chocolate syrup all over his ass, and then he fucks himself with a banana.
>> No. 20693

>> No. 20694
>Chris will probably be slapped with a deal that involves no or very little jail time as long as he doesn't use a computer.

I don't think they'll say anything about computers; this is about in-person trespassing, assault etc. The only way the internet might be brought up at all is if Chris and Barb start ranting about the man in the pickle suit, and they will be instructed to STFU.
>> No. 20695
>doesn't provide citation
>> No. 20696
I meant could anyone just turn up to the court and watch it? (I have no idea about US law)

Here in the UK I think with most cases the public can turn up to the courtroom and watch proceedings from the public gallery. (With no cameras, but you can take notes)

Also don't courts have someone that transcribes proceedings?

There must be some way to get that after the case?

Remember Chris thinks the GamePlace is somehow the hub of troll operations.
>> No. 20697
>Remember Chris thinks the GamePlace is somehow the hub of troll operations.
and yet he still wants to be unbanned.
>> No. 20698
File 132050769250.jpg - (4.88KB , 126x126 , 131760212859.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>OR...the lawyer would just use it as a play for the jury's sympathy.
Lol no,"sympathy" and character stuff isn't admissible during the innocent/guilty phase. They'd only listen to about the facts about what happened, not hearsay. At best they'd admit it into the sentencing phase, but that'd only be after he's been convicted. Unrelated online bullying isn't going to keep him from being branded a felon.
>> No. 20699
I'm not a lawyerfag or anything but like I said in the other thread I think a suspended sentence would make more sense as a warning/threat not to do it again or there or he knows what will happen.
>> No. 20700

>No wonder Chris hasn't been making videos. He isn't in mourning, he is way too busy with these what, 5 misdemeanors / felony charges against him (!)

What the fuck are you talking about, this shit happened like a week ago.
>> No. 20701
/cwc/ - Attorney At Law
>> No. 20702
Rather than jail couldn't this end up with Chris in an institution? And for Barb perhaps house arrest, where she'll die unnoticed under all of her junk.
>> No. 20703

Filming the trial is NOT illegal. It's free for everybody to watch.
>> No. 20704

I think the worst thing that's going to happen to Chris is that he'll probably lose his license or have it suspended, and that given the circumstances he'll end up with probation and some court-ordered counseling. No idea what they might do to Barb, but given her age and that she's Chris's only caregiver, she'll probably get a slap on the wrist, too.
>> No. 20705

Because there's nothing to cite, that's his point you idiot.
>> No. 20706
Guess I misunderstood. I'm in the UK, too, though, so I can't help you much with that. That said, I've been to a few trials myself (not my own), and it's remarkable that even the most rowdy asshats are calm and quiet in court. Considering how timid Chris usually is, I can't see him doing anything remarkable other than MAYBE starting an interesting story before being cut off for talking about irrelevant bullshit.
>> No. 20708
>Celebrity nudes that were stolen, not sent.
try harder
>> No. 20709
There will be no trial; it's in nobody's interests. The judge will issue them a soft sentence in or them not wasting the court's time/money, and the defense will keep quiet and take what the judge decreess for not giving them a harsher sentence.
>> No. 20710
File 13205082398.jpg - (11.98KB , 153x200 , LeVar_Burton.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow, you guys really don't get anything that isn't spelled out, do you?
>> No. 20711

The original point was the nudes that were sent somehow had legal implications for the cwcki, you're kind of reinforcing his point by showing that difference there.
>> No. 20712
The good news is Chris will be out of the house and get a boyfriend-free boy. Barb will also find a new lover in the big house.

The bad news is Chris won't be able to play vidya games and will get an ass whooping.
>> No. 20713
Perhaps his Tomgirl ways where practice for the big house?
>> No. 20714
I've read it the wrong way, I apologize. This thread is just getting crazy.
>> No. 20715
I'm curious about the civil cases... As others have pointed out, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. And yet he did it, presumably with legal counsel. Could they caused a lot of damages? Maybe the accident they didn't stop for was smahing into Snyder's car in a panicked getaway attempt?
>> No. 20716
I wonder with Barb if they'll take in to account her husband recently died?
>> No. 20717

Why would they accidently smash into Snyder's car in particular?
>> No. 20718

>> No. 20719

I don't doubt her attorney will bring it up, but it probably won't carry much weight.
>> No. 20720
>They'll use the sympathy card

Bullshit, getting sympathy from a jury is like squeezing blood out of a stone. They never even wanted to be there but they were the poor fucks that got their name chosen by bad luck.
>> No. 20721

>husband dies
>assault police officer

probably not.

i interned at the DA's office for a bit (hurr durr e-lawyer), >>119469 is the only person here who knows whats going on. the american justice system is extremely busy and bloated, the chandlers are going to be shuffled through without any kind of dramatics. not from the lawyers and judges, at least. the cwcki and pvcc will never be investigated or brought up at all.
>> No. 20722
You guys are talking about jail, but is it possible that they might deem Chris too much of a retard for jail and instead send him off to some crazy house?
>> No. 20723

Not sure of VA law but I doubt they'll even bother with a jury. It'll probably just be a bench trial.
>> No. 20724

Crime-psych here (hurr durr, e-shrink). It's really hard to be too retarded/crazy for jail in this country. People here love them some jails. It's also really hard to get anyone institutionalized these days unless they are much, much worse than Chris. This case is peanuts, legally. I'm about 90% sure he's going to get sentences to some kind of court-ordered counseling.
>> No. 20725
New Saga idea. Have Chris up all night talking to a internet sweetheart, he oversleeps the morning the day he's schedule to apppear in court and misses. The court issues a bench warrant for Chris! LOLZ!
>> No. 20726
I wonder what Chris is doing right now. Do you think he's nervous about the hearing?
>> No. 20727
You dumb fuck he's playing Phoenix Wright on his DS to prepare for it of course
>> No. 20728
The thought of Chris screaming "OBJECTION....y'all!" at at the hearing makes my heart warm.
>> No. 20729
It was nice having the CWCki...
>> No. 20730
The CWCki is staying up no matter what. The only "illegal" things on there are things regarding hacked E-Mails and leaked, private pics.
>> No. 20731
File 132051185583.png - (12.82KB , 704x577 , ready_to_eat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If this doc and the date is legit, OH SNAP OH SNAP OH SNAP!

This better be a HUUUUUGE pre-Thanksgiving feast coming in from the Illuminati within 72 hours. Serve it up!
>> No. 20732
That's pretty much what was supposed to come out in 3 DAYS.
>> No. 20733
Positive factor if Chris goes to jail, he will not have his PS3 which means the best way to consume his time is with making Sonichu comics.
>> No. 20734
It exists only as a tool for the harassment and documentation of harassment of a mentally retarded man. It encourages others to join into the harassment and disseminates information gained through fraud.

The rules are different for Chris because of his mental incapacity, what do you not understand about that?

What will likely happen is the Prosecution and Chris' lawyer will go to discovery, and the CWCki will be brought up, I am sure that the defense attorney has people combing it right now, and it will be displayed how it was used to push a mentally dificient man into bizarre directions. The track record of suggestion => performance will be the major point made by the defense, and it will be brought up that they will want to subpoena a bunch of trolls to find out if it was suggested to Chris to go to Snyder. The judge will take that all into consideration and the CWCki will get a subpoena for known troll IP addresses. It's a goose chase, but the rope-a-dope and burning taxpayer money is often a good strategy to get a better deal from the prosecution. Regardless, it will be suggested to Chris that he sue the CWCki, or at least get a restraining order against them for harassment and defamation. The CWCki can barely afford staying up, let alone a defense.
>> No. 20735
So only major trolls and presumably Cogsdev himself will get in trouble?
>> No. 20736
Who is CASON (the guy who made the complaint)?
>> No. 20737
> H-hey you, I need you to sneak in a carton of Crayola markers in your butthole
>> No. 20738
Police officer acting on behalf of the People of Charlottesville
>> No. 20739
Probably. Sending subpeonas to the hundreds and hundreds of people making edits would be useless.
>> No. 20740
subpoena does nto equal trouble. Just that they would have to provide information.
>> No. 20741
Well, I'm really referring to users that only make edits, and not ones that release docs/pics/information.
>> No. 20742
What is they skipped out of town while on bail and wen to stay in Cole Smithy's basement
>> No. 20743
The worst that could happen to the CWCki is that it gets a cease and desist and goes down forever.

Although the CWCki contains a lot of embarrassing information about Chris, it acts as a showcase/museum of sorts, rather than a tool to harass and/or stalk.
>> No. 20744
HE is still trying to sell his fucking beer thing , just mentioning it because I cant find the Cole thread
>> No. 20745
Alot of you morons have watched too much Law and Order/CSI

The trial will last almost literally 5 minutes and little time will have been invested in it from everyone involved

You're living in an autistic dream state if you think lawyers are trawling the cwcki night and day for evidence lol
>> No. 20746
>In a civil case under tort law, there is a possibility of punitive damages, if the defendant's conduct is egregious and had either (1) a malicious intent (i.e., desire to cause harm), (2) gross negligence (i.e., conscious indifference), or (3) a willful disregard for the rights of others. The use of punitive damages makes a public example of the defendant and supposedly deters future wrongful conduct by others. Punitive damages are particularly important in torts involving dignitary harms (e.g., invasion of privacy) and civil rights, where the actual monetary injury to plaintiff(s) may be small. <
>> No. 20747

I wish there was a way to get Chris & Snorlax assigned to a "hangin' judge" who won't put up with any of that shit from Chris about having deh autism and his speech about wanting a gal-pal and his war against the trolls.
>> No. 20748

>I am sure that the defense attorney has people combing it right now

Yes, the state appointed defense attorney has a crack team of investigators working day and night on this case. Seriously, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
>> No. 20749

It isn't a guy. Who the fuck do you know called Cason?
>> No. 20750
Oh my fucking Godjesus you are not this retarded. Oh wait I forgot I'm on /cwc/.
>> No. 20751
I wonder if Chris will go to court in drag? Are pearls & heels appropriate for a sentencing hearing? LOL!
>> No. 20752

>State appointed defense attorney

>Rob Bell
>Rob Bell is an honors graduate of the University of Virginia and the University of Virginia Law School. At the Law School, Mr. Bell served as the Executive Editor of the Virginia Law Review and was selected for the Order of the Coif.
Mr. Bell served for five years as a state prosecutor in Orange County, Virginia. During this time he prosecuted thousands of criminal and traffic cases.
In 2001, Mr. Bell was elected to the Virginia General Assembly as the Delegate from the 58th District. As Delegate, he serves on the Courts for Justice Committee and the Virginia State Crime Commission. He has authored numerous criminal laws, including laws dealing with drunk driving, sex crimes, and criminal procedure.
Mr. Bell joined Davidson & Kitzmann in 2005 and tries cases in all state and federal courts.
>> No. 20753
remember when people thought chris would be in drag for Bob's Funeral?
>> No. 20754

Meaning, he is smart enough to know that this is not the hill he wants to die on.
>> No. 20755
So he was a state-appointed attorney, now he's a pro who's just not trying... you're a goofy boy.
>> No. 20756

And? He's still being paid to go through the motions, this isn't going to be the case that makes his career, he hasn't got "people" tracking down people over the internet based on a site that says bed things about Chris and shipping them in from out of state / country to prove he didn't commit a crime here.
>> No. 20757

Not talking to the samefag.
>> No. 20758
You don't understand how professional services like the law work do you? The lawyer will interview their client to find out any way that they can possibly gain some advantage, and they will follow up on it. It takes no more than $100 in labor costs if he were to decide to look into the harassment angle, follow up on it, and decide to try and get subpoenas issued. It's not that difficult.

Don't care.
>> No. 20759
I just want to thank Thorg, Tito, and everyone involved for making this possible. Chris' antics are, crazy as it sounds, one of the few things that make me smile.
>> No. 20760
For a lawyer, every case makes their career. There really isn't any mailing it in for doctors, CPAs, lawyers.
>> No. 20761
They didn't do anything
>> No. 20762
How does this get turned around to where Barb slaps officer's shit?
>> No. 20763
File 132051539614.jpg - (161.53KB , 752x496 , cwcville jail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lemme out you dang dirty ole Jerkops!
>> No. 20764
>> No. 20765
And there goes the Jengatype white knighting machine. Vroom!
>> No. 20766
So let me get this straight, Chris and Barb got arrested for trespassing the Game Shop again? This is Delicious!

I wonder if the trolls are gonna give Snyder the videos of Chris saying that he was a pedophile and so on. Since Chris has been arrested for loitering and from the last summer incident, this might not look good in this case.
>> No. 20767

It would be nice to think that Chris finally gets the book thrown at him, but chances are Chris & Snorlax will only be fined and given strict Probation to stay the f*ck away from The Game Place.

Of course, Chris will violate it because Chris thinks he is above the law and Snorlax will never, ever do anything like saying "no" to him. I mean WTF? The stupid fat broad rode shotgun on this little adventure, and not once did she bother to say "Chris, you get into trouble there, so just steer clear of that place"?
>> No. 20768
I sent Snyder the video as a Facebook message. I'm not sure he'll see it.
>> No. 20769
No. They got arrested for trespassing in the "Hobbies, Games and Toys" store, for vehicular assault and for assaulting a police officer.

The Inner Circle even wrote a song about it.
>> No. 20770

Because Barb has raised Chris into being King of the Universe. In her mind, anyone daring to defy her precious snowflake is a threat, and Momma gonna fight tghat threat.

Chris may have gotten some of his more archaic and somewhat old-fashioned & racist tendencies from Bob, but the batshit stuff is all from Barb.
>> No. 20771

Never heard of the Hobbies, Games and Toys store in the CWCwiki. Is it also owned by the owner of The Game Place or did Chris manage to get himself banned from a totally different game store as well?
>> No. 20772
and thank fuck too, this shit is a mess.

Thank introman for being the outside factor in being able to leak it.
>> No. 20773
>>119623 No, its just the Game Place since he took pics of Snyder
>> No. 20774
S o what did he exactly do? Run SonChu through the building and start screaming about JEWGOLDS?
>> No. 20775
So do you guys know anything more about what the fuck he did? I'm considering popping into IRC and asking, but I'm very familiar with how much they don't like to talk about Chris, and I'd rather not cause them undue stress and torment.
>> No. 20776
introMAN is the man around here for a while, sorry Tito. You could extend your e-cock a bit if you give us details on how the manchild is taking this...
>> No. 20777
So a short five minute trial then. What do you guys think will happen then?

Chris'll get some kind of probation order or suspended sentence or whatever. Worst case for Chris is him breaking the restraining order again and going to prison, but more likely he'll have to do a little community service or some bullshit.

Barb I wonder about. She's pretty old and out of shape though, doubt she'll get prison. Home arrest? Fine? Could she even get up to do community service?
>> No. 20778
They’ll be fined, and since the Chandlers don’t have too much spare cash lying around they’ll probably end up in financial trouble.
>> No. 20780
I'd guess no trial, both sides probably know what the plea deal will need to be. 5 years probation, pay back for all damages, lifelong restraining order from Snyder and the GAMe PLACe, maybe a year of house arrest.
>> No. 20781
I'd love to see a jury trial where there was one of his galpals from high school on there, and Chris got smug and started cracking random-access humor on the stand, then he got the book thrown at him.
>> No. 20782
Recording the trial, even on tape, is a near impossibility. I've been to court a number of times, once as a defendant, twice as a witness and I did jury duty for 2 weeks.

When you go through the metal detector you have to remove everything that will set it off before being allowed inside. They gave me my phone, belt and keys back. Kept my everything else, including ipod, until I left.

There is next to no chance of somebody being able to record with a phone in a courtroom without being spotted.

Also I live in Britian, not sure how it works in the U.S. but I can't imagine it being too different.
>> No. 20783
Quit embedding stupid videos on the top of the page you fags. If you are going to do it, at least don't make it autoplay.
>> No. 20784
A-Log inner circle troll here.
I just wanted to let you all know that he thinks it's "about time" that chris gets put away, but he's distrustful of the "jail rumors" because it's not up on the CWCki yet.
>> No. 20785
File 13205178105.jpg - (73.40KB , 500x382 , 1318917164453.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thorg here. New tripcode, Dagon's gonna confirm for me. While it's illegal to record the trial, would it not be possible to request a transcript after the fact through the freedom of informaiton act?
>> No. 20786
I was going to suggest this. Yeah, you could.
>> No. 20787
If Chris or Barb goes to jail, it won't be the start of a new saga or a dry spell. This is the END. Chris' life as he knew it will be over forever. Right before 2012...coincedence?
>> No. 20788
No, but you can request a transcript of the court hearing from Charlottesville General Court. And you’d better, because this introman fellow is making you obsolete.
>> No. 20789
File 13205184219.jpg - (48.51KB , 500x447 , tumblr_ltqxg96ycA1r2sj26o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is indeed the true and honest Thorg. He is wearing both his medal and high school ring.
>> No. 20790
What do we do if Chris goes away for a year?
>> No. 20791
>>119640 Plus we got Online Statuses on the trial itself so we can see if he is guilty or not. Plus you can call them and ask if they can print out the transcript, but it will cost money.
>> No. 20792
>implying i do this for e-peen
Whats the problem?
>> No. 20793

Oddly Barb apparently had her trial a few days ago and it was bumped to mid-December. Maybe Chris will get the same thing.

But yeah Chris probably won't get thrown in jail, more than likely he'll be institutionalized at worst, have his drivers liscence revoked and face heavy fines at best.

I just want a copy of the transcript to hear Chris start rambling about "DA TRWOLLS AH HAB HAD TA DEAL WIHD FER DA PAST 4 YEARS, including dat JEW Michael Snyder" and get shot down by the judge.
>> No. 20794
I bet he's been strictly briefed by his lawyer about what to say.
>> No. 20795
If we could in any way get our hands on a transcript of the trial, Barb's, Chris's or even the civil trial with Snyder vs Chandler I'd die a slightly happier man.

To what extent would this be possible and for how much?
>> No. 20796
I don't think it'd be that difficult to do if you find the right people.
>> No. 20797
Cool stuff. Hope "the right people" are willing to provide this to the cwcki and 789chan then
>> No. 20798
>>119664 I tried to search for anything about obtaining the copy of transcript on the website but couldn't find, that's why its best to call them or even go up to them in person.

From his insanity now, you're right, there are greater chances of him being institutionalize.
>> No. 20799

HAR HAR HAR! As if Chris listens to anyone but himself.

But my prediction is that Chris will get fined and put on probation. Incarcerating special needs autistics means taxpayer money. If it involved a car in the assault, Chris will probably have his license revoked.

It'll take a grand mal CWC brainfart tantrum in the courtroom to motivate the judge into tossing Chris into a rubber room.

But I do wanna read the court transcripts to see if Chris goes into a blather about deh trolls and jooz.
>> No. 20800
>HAR HAR HAR! As if Chris listens to anyone but himself.
He'll listen if it's in his best interest. No PS3 being the motivator.
>> No. 20801

Light up a cigar, pour some brandy, and consider it "Mission Accomplished".
>> No. 20802
I love how, whenever he encounters an authority figure, Chris starts rambling about da trolls to justify himself.

I wonder if any of them think he's truly delusional, and believes he's being persecuted by mythical bridge-dwelling creatures.
>> No. 20803
I think somebody needs to be an eyewitness by going to the courthouse themselves and tell their story. But NO JULAYFAGS!
>> No. 20804

It was his own best interest to keep the f*ck away from these game places. Notice that he still went there anyway.
>> No. 20805
File 132052018260.jpg - (56.25KB , 200x200 , GWBush_Mission_Accomplished_25_RE_Trolling_LOLZ_Pa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20806
did you just censor yourself?
>> No. 20807
>> No. 20808

And so what if I muther fucking did? :)
>> No. 20809
File 13205206848.png - (86.55KB , 204x255 , 1308421337434.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why is Chris going to court?
>> No. 20810
this is the end. Bob is dead and Chris is going to jail

>> No. 20811
Soliciting gay sex near the game place.
>> No. 20812
>> No. 20813
I'm guessing the reason we're not getting more information until Monday is because Monday is the day of the trial, and it wont be safe to put this stuff up until afterwards.
>> No. 20814

Pretty much - I just hope we get a transcript from everything
>> No. 20815
CWCki is down! I repeat, CWCki is down!

Uncle LEO stepped in! Chris is fucked now.
>> No. 20816
File 132052144683.png - (183.37KB , 330x327 , Man.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He will consider the lawyer to be working for him, instead of giving him help. I'm sure every time the lawyer told him what needs to go down at the trial he responded "Hmm, yeah, ah will consider dat. Now tell may how to get back at dat DANG GREEDY JEW SNYDER. Remember, I am da captain ob dis boat, and mah rebenge is more impordant dan winnin' dis case."
>> No. 20817

I intern at a public defender's office, and it's always remarkable how entitled and annoying clients are in cases where they're completely in the wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if two things come out of this:
1. The dang dirty lawyer gets pissed at his demanding client.
2. The judge gets long rambling letters about why the TRUE, HONEST AUTISTIC VIRGIN deserves a break, complete with Sonichu on them.
>> No. 20818
File 132052253754.png - (225.85KB , 400x299 , themovement.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who knows, maybe a local news station will pick up this story, and Chris will have supporters
>> No. 20819
Could have sworn Nick Bate would go to jail before CWC.
>> No. 20820
This is going to be fantastic. Now that Chris is entangled in the legal system it's only a matter of time until his lawyer starts looking through all the shit he's claimed about for years.

They'll bring up screenshots of ED, the Cwcki, vivithegs and others youtube videos. Not to mention this board as well as the archived stuff on SA from the beginning.

By the end of this they'll feel so bad for him they'll probably give him a lollipop and order an investigation into da "trolling".
===== THE FUTURE =====


"Breaking news tonight in Virginia where the trial of an autistic man is brining national attention to the issue of cyber bullying. We turn to our reporter Karen at the courthouse. Karen"


"Yes thank you Chuck. It was only a few days ago that the jury in the case involving a Christian Weston Chandler heard evidence from the defense about the nonstop abuse the young man has been subject too for over 3 years now and already the nation is up in arms.

From multiple websites and online resources a history of abuse has been chronicled which revels in the torture of Mr. Chandler from having him inflict physical harm on himself to the theft of financial data. Never before has bullying been seen on this level.

Washington is already getting involved with the head of the head of one senate oversight committee saying that if new laws need to be adopted than so be it and that the perpertartors of these crimes would not go unpunished."
>> No. 20821
File 132052306429.jpg - (6.88KB , 137x204 , Merried Seinor Comic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Assuming Chris and Borb don't just plea out with no jail time (a distinct possibility), I seriously hope Chris stress shits himself during the trial. It would go from being Snyder v. that creepy, paranoid, autistic who should know better and his equally paranoid mother to being Snyder v. a pants-shitting retard and his poor, recently widowed caretaker. How great would it be if a recess had to be called so that Chris could clean his DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS? Not only would he be more likely to get a reduced sentence, but we'd get to read about it in the transcript.
>> No. 20822
I couldn't care less about what happens as long as we get a transcript. It's Chris, and therefore it is going to be great.
>> No. 20823
Can somebody make CWC version of Bob Dylans hurricane? It would be much appreciated.
>> No. 20824
Alternatively, the lawyer could be so repulsed that he'd join in on the trolling.
>> No. 20825

How do you spell the sound of sharting on a court transcript? "PBBBBBBBT", "PLBLBLBBPBPBPBT!" or "PPLLBBPPT! PLLBLBLBLBLBBBBPPPHHHHTT! PLP! PLPP!"?
>> No. 20826
(Another, I think) law student here. I'm not gonna hold myself out to be some sort of expert, but I can clear up some misconceptions people may be worried about:

- It's highly unlikely that the cwcki or other crap would be introduced into trial. Even if an attorney wanted to somehow plead insanity or some crap, it would be incredibly stupid for him to use the videos, as they would not only waste court time, but they would put Chris in a bad light. Medical documents are much more easily introduced and, in conjunction with Chris' testimony, would do the same job.

- Insanity doesn't work like you guys seem to think it does. Modern insanity defenses really only work when you can't distinguish between right and wrong, and even then are hard to fulfill. Autism spectrum problems may result in some sort of confusion as to societal norms, but not to the degree that one becomes bulletproof from prosecution. This is something that may be useful in sentencing, but that's about it.

- Keep in mind that the law isn't exactly as hard-and-fast as it may seem. CWC's lawyer could plead down the charges, get things entirely dismissed, or otherwise negotiate with the prosecution (and/or work shit out with the presiding judge) to the point where sentencing could look radically different than what most people predict. Case in point, if Barb's "assault" of a cop was a little bit of pushing, it could possibly be plead down unless Barb acts like a total fuckhead.

tl;dr: The cwcki is not evidence for trial, and I doubt it would even be considered relevant. Chris won't qualify as "insane" or the like, especially since (IIRC) all of those crimes don't require specific intent. All of this is preliminary and will probably drastically change once the proceedings begin.
>> No. 20827

wow, thats one tenuous grasp of reality, please try to appear intelligent
>> No. 20828
hey lawfag... what is the legal term typically used in documents and proceedings where there is an attempt to invoke the "insanity defense" and from what case is precedence found?
>> No. 20829
I can almost hear the "karmageddon" fag's overexcited breathing...

It's kinda unsettling.
>> No. 20830
1. I've actually heard it as "insanity", "mental disease or defect", "involuntariness"... it's all part of that general fuzzy line between insanity, intoxication, etc.

2. What, M'Naughtens? Depends on jurisdiction, who knows if Virginia is about that or MPC 4.01 or whatever. I have no desire to practice in Virginia so fuck researching it, haha.
>> No. 20831

>> No. 20832
Magnum Sonichu Opus
>> No. 20833
File 132052471031.jpg - (67.03KB , 500x334 , cameraincourt_truscott_2857512.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's not illegal to tape a trial.

How the fuck do you think TV stations get away with it? The only time you can't is if the judge specifically orders the cameras out or if it's a supreme court case.
>> No. 20834
I'm seeing lots of people (one person?) tossing around statements using the word "grasp" and I gotta say, you're a faggot.
>> No. 20835
They don't tape court cases though. They usually have artists to draw what happened.
>> No. 20836
that sounds like a volunteer, trolls don't wanna do it, maybe you're the savior.
>> No. 20837
I think the odds were in Chris's favour just because he leaves his house more.
>> No. 20838
President Obama: "Well the Americans, you know how this uh cyberbullying is uh becoming a pandemic in our society. And, uh I think we need to continue our assault on injustice by launching a war on trolling. I think that the previous administration role in fighting, uh, terror was done with quality work. And, uh, we need to fight this trolling in the same manner. I think that the poster of the, of the Cwcki need to be interrogated in our first step to implement this plan."
>> No. 20839
Oh god that's going to be hilarious
>> No. 20840
File 132052538952.jpg - (39.96KB , 949x200 , Traffic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Business is picking up!
>> No. 20841
How do you draw DIRTY, CRAPPED BREIFS?
>> No. 20843
Court sketch arists only do high-profile cases. Usually when the judge has prohibited video and audio recording.
>> No. 20844
I can't tell if you're trying to funny or believing any the bullshit you typed...
>> No. 20845
I thought they drew pictures since it got round the laws of no photography/filming otherwise why not just just photos of everything?
>> No. 20846
The trolls should get chris to do his own Court Sketch art.
>> No. 20847
I guess someone could be paid to go and do it.
>> No. 20848
I wonder what will happen if Barb has to go to jail and Chris is left in the house himself?
>> No. 20849
Craigslist add for roomie
Must be 18-29 females
No Males.
>> No. 20850


Cameras streamed the Casey Anthony trial live online. Cameras streamed the Conrad Murray trial live online. There's a whole television network dedicated to court coverage.

"In the courtroom, the press has the right to record the proceedings and pass the information gathered there on to the public, as all proceedings are matters of public record. As noted above, the press generally has access to every proceeding to which the public is admitted, and only in cases where there is a strong showing of imminent harm to the defendant's right to a fair trial will there be cause of a judge to close the courtroom to protect the defendant's Sixth Amendment rights."

Now please explain why cameras are allowed in court for a high-profile case like Casey Anthony and not for the case of some retard and his mother trespassing at a store.

All a field agent needs to do is go and bring a camera. If they tell you to stop, stop. If they don't, bring the lulz home for the rest of us.
>> No. 20851
Shout out to my nigga Christian C, keep yo head up my boy, dem cracker cant keep a good nigga down. You was doing yo thang trying to provide for dem sonichus and whitey want to keep you down. Dont worry my nigga lil rosie and S-Dubb will be taken care of, shit my nigga when you get out I make sure you be eating good my nigga. One love cuzz, we all we got, keep you head up my nigga

You main nigga, Lil Boscoe
"Free Da Hood"
>> No. 20852
>> No. 20853
Oh, didn't know that.

CFA, We've got a job for you...
>> No. 20854

What makes you an expert on law? Do you have a degree in it? Because to me, it sounds like you're just talking out your ass like everyone else.
>> No. 20855
This is terrible, I can't just stand by doing nothing.....

I will start calling the game place and make death threats to Micheal Snyder. I will have to threaten him to drop the case or I will hurt him on behalf of Chris.
>> No. 20856

I was a witness in a trial and recording devices were confiscated before entering the court room. It varies from state to state.
>> No. 20857
I commonly work closely with our legal/compliance dept where I work and have talked about stuff like this with people I wotk with
>> No. 20858
This plan is foolproof.
>> No. 20859
File 132052690238.jpg - (40.10KB , 640x480 , pound-me-in-the-ass-prison1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the JURAAY, how do you find the defendant?"
>> No. 20860

So you should know that bringing up something irrelevant doesn't fly in court. It would only be worth investigating if Snyder was the one supposedly doing the harassment, in which case it could be argued that whatever the fuck Chris did was provoked, but even that's a stretch.
>> No. 20861
There's no point in trying to record the court proceedings.
Chris and Barb will both plea out. They'll be called forward for a couple minutes while the prosecutor and judge talk over the charges. They won't say anything other than "Yes your honor." and "No your honor." Then they'll leave to fill out some paperwork.
Chris will end up with a few years probation, fines, community service, and maybe house arrest. Part of his probation will be mandatory counseling/psychiatrist meetings. He'll be issued a restraining order against Mike/Gameplace.
Knowing Chris though he will eventually fuck something up and get sent to jail for VOP.
>> No. 20862
Join me, maybe Michal will be impressed and moved that Chris would have so many friends willing to intimidate people for him. It'll let him know how seriously annoyed Chris is about being banned, then he will lift the ban and drop the charges.

It will all sound better if we threaten him the same way, have fun with it, but try to work in "Stick your broken hand into your ass" and if he asks who you are say "I'm with the chandlers buddy"

That way it'll seem like a team effort
>> No. 20863
Don't forget to grab some Eye of Judgment cards.
>> No. 20864
There's a pretty obvious difference between the Press and someone recording shit on their own.
>> No. 20865
Public interest vs non-public interest. If it's press-worthy it's the former, if not, it's the latter.
>> No. 20866
Ok, I am thinking

"Back off Jew bag, If the Chandlers go down Im going to start mailing cocain to the gameplace and kick your ass shiteater"

Whadda ya tink?
>> No. 20867
It's missing something...
>> No. 20868
>543 posts and 50 images omitted.

Jesus fuck. I don't suppose it'd be too much to ask for an abridged version of all this? From what I can gather, Chris went and harassed Michael Snyder at the Game Place with Barb, and the both of them actually got arrested. Any new developments, or is that all going to be revealed after this "2 DAYS" thing?
>> No. 20869
2 days is the court date for Chris I think. (Barbs got presponed till December)
>> No. 20870
Right! A proper death threat! ok,

"Back off Jew bag, If the Chandlers go down Im going to start mailing cocaine to the gameplace , then im gonna kick your ass and stab you! AND YES THIS IS A THREAT, stop playing kick the autistic or else......"

>> No. 20871
Barb might be dead before then.
>> No. 20872
Ah, I see. Very nice.
>> No. 20873
It's on the tip of my tongue...
You get what i'm saying?
>> No. 20874


Great Scott! Thats it!
>> No. 20875
>> No. 20876
  If Chris wins his trial, do you think he'll make another Victory Rockout using this song?
>> No. 20877

I don't know, but while you fags sit there and argue about cameras in court and watching clash videos, I'm going to go save the Chandlers.

Im going off get a calling card, head straight to a university payphone and call this Snyder up and make as many loud and scary death threats that I can.

No problem /cwc/, Im doing it,, because I wan't to help Chris out.

Inner Circle are going to be so impressed, and Chris will be so conflicted when Micheal invites him back into the gameplace and tells him, it was Clyde Cash that FORCED him to drop the charges and cease being such a jewish faggot.

This will definitley make me an inner circle elitle level master troll.
>> No. 20878
File 132052892741.png - (9.87KB , 429x410 , 1253779285592.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20879
Also I am thinking it may be appropiriate to call/mail in a few bomb threats to the courthouse, portesting the treatment of Autistics in our legal system.

I am thinking "Sons of Sonichu" for the name of my terror cell.

Christian must go free! - Sons of Sonichu
>> No. 20880
I dunno if I'm slowpoking here or what, but I was interested in what these codes were exactly, so, uh.. here they are.

Failure to stop, I think this is the most interesting one because of this:
>Any person convicted of a violation of this section is guilty of (i) a Class 5 felony if the accident results in injury to or the death of any person, or if the accident results in more than $1000 of damage to property

Assault and trespassing are straightfoward, but still, here's the exacts.
>> No. 20881
i see that the 4chanfags have come. oh well. this is why /cwc/ doesn't get to know new things without somebody that's not trolling chris leaking it.
>> No. 20882
File 132052969486.jpg - (42.75KB , 419x594 , 1319303956747.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>CFA, Mary Lee Walsh, Megan Schroeder, and various employees from Target, Walmart and the mall who have had to deal with Chris get called in for jury duty.
>>Chris doesn't recognize any of their faces, so no objection is made.
>> No. 20883

First death threat made! He seems angry and shaken up, I think it's going to work!

Get a cwcki pAge ready for me!

Next threat coming up! (I'm going to do it in a lady-voice......)
>> No. 20884
Even if it's not relevant to the case itself, is there a reason a lawyer use the CWCki to show that Chris is a fucking retard? Especially if he's going to try to say that Chris isn't responsible for his actions or some shit.

Also, I'm currently building an electron field in order to harness the butthurt rage that will erupt from this site when Chris's charges are dismissed and he gets off with a light fine, an order from the judge to stay away from the Game Place, and probation.

>> No. 20885
is there any way this thread can defend chris in court?

Like we have 20 legal experts, we could be Chris' best chance.....
>> No. 20886
I personally would find humor in chris being allowed back into the game place.
>> No. 20887
Chris is not getting off because of his autism and a lawyer isn't going to point out the cwcki in court because it won't do a god damn thing.
>> No. 20888
chris probably won't get buttfucked in jail, but he will probably be beaten up/targeted because he is such a holier than thou, patronizing, self assured asshole. i don't think Dopesmoke McCracker and his gang of sinewy old jailbirds will like that very much.
>> No. 20889
Why is it that I get this feeling some people think Chris is going Pelican Bay?
>> No. 20890
>> No. 20891
>> No. 20892
Surely Chris must believe that if he goes to jail, he will be raped. He constantly watches shit like Family Guy that relies on prison rape jokes. We're told he's more angry than anything else. I'm surprised he's not freaking out more. Maybe the lawyer told him everything will be okay, and he believed that unconditionally.
>> No. 20893
Reminds me that i need to find and watch that one prison documentary narrated by Danny Trejo.
>> No. 20894
>> No. 20895
Chris should be fine in Jail/prison. He will let everyone know he is a Straight Tom-girl and the other inmates will have to repect that. He is also famously resistant to all forms of coercion.
>> No. 20896
  Do you think Dirty, Crapped Briefs would dissuade inmate interest in Chris's booty?
>> No. 20897
File 132053291245.png - (339.16KB , 1241x462 , Screen shot 2011-11-05 at 6_39_57 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20898
File 13205331897.jpg - (58.18KB , 640x480 , tomgirl_chandler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 20899
File 132053399846.jpg - (170.17KB , 720x480 , SeinfeldFinale34.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Imagine it's like the Seinfeld finale where all the people Chris has wronged come to court to testify against him
>> No. 20900

That would be the funniest thing ever

Especially when Officer Bagget (JERKOP DAIETENZEN) or some other ridiculously obscure CWC character shows up.
>> No. 20901
  Will it be a problem if the DA shows the jury this video?
>> No. 20902
I can see him blurting that out in court as a reason why he shouldn't be prosecuted, even as his lawyer tries to shut him up.
>> No. 20903
I've been following this pretty intensely since this morning and I honestly can't believe Chris has once again done this sort of thing, without prompt. This is once again the worst thing Chris has ever done.

One other thing I'm curious about though, is why did Chris upload these photos of Snyder to the CWCki? That doesn't make any sense to me in the slightest and I'm sure it mustn't make sense to others either. Why would he upload three photos of Snyder to the website that documents information on him, why would he take photos of Snyder in the first place in fact?
>> No. 20904
>>why would he take photos of Snyder in the first place in fact?

Because he always does things that don't make sense.
>> No. 20905

11 death threats made, busy day, going to try to get at least 20 tomorrow!

Free Chris! - Sons of Sonichu
>> No. 20906
He wanted a new target yo , he already shot up the picture Adam Stackhouse, so now he needs one of Mike
>> No. 20907

He wanted a new target yo , he already shot up the picture Adam Stackhouse, so now he needs one of Mike
>> No. 20908
I applaud this.

I'm satisfied that Snyder did it and sent Chris to jail where he BELONGS.

I want to see Chris make a video begging the trolls to defend him.
>> No. 20909

Knowing Chris, he will return to the GAMe PLACe and this time he will try to kill Micheal Snyder because on his HFA brain, killing the guy will automatically undo all of his problems and everything will be right.
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