No. 21170
Well, this one I have told a few times online. It's weird, it's concluded, and yeah.
I graduated Highschool, and had to work a year to get enough money to really go to college (I didn't want to be drowning in debt), so I managed to land myself a job working in a kitchen as a line table/shift supervisor, etc. Basically, it wasn't a McDonalds, Burger King, etc. It was a sit-down restaurant, not fancy, just middle of the road stuff.
Anyhow, if you've ever worked in a kitchen, you know how you always have a core few people who stay, and you always have people coming, working for a month or two, and getting fired/leaving. Pretty standard of minimum wage work.
We get this employee, we'll call him R, seems really nervous all the time, he's hard to really understand sometimes, he doesn't know when a joke ends, or when a joke is going too far. He's really socially backwards in a way.
Well, I have to train the guy. So I'm dealing with him all the fucking time. He's annoying, and we have absolutely nothing in common. So he starts opening up to me about things. His favorite bands are Blink 182, Good Charlotte, and most of all, Linken Park. He's twenty-two, twenty-three, and likes music for 13-year-olds. It gets worse. Stairway to Heaven comes on the radio, he turns it up, and remarks "Man, I love Pink Floyd."
I go, "haha, good one." I figured it was a joke. It was sort of an inside joke to remark that you liked an entirely different band that was playing.
He says "No, really, I love them." It was at this point I realized he was genuinely serious.
"You do realize this.. Isn't Pink Floyd at all"
"Yes it is, I can prove it, it says so on Rock Band."
At this point, we all realized he's fucking retarded.
Now, at the restaurant, sometimes there would be something to gawk at at a table, for example, some guy who's dressed horribly? "Guys, check out table 13." Everyone will pretend to have to do something up front and gawk. Yes, it's terrible but you know.
Anyhow, R comes back, "Guys, check out all the hot girls at table 12."
A co-worker goes up, and immediately comes back, R looks at him and goes "Seriously, happy new years hahaha" (It was January 2nd or 3rd, I remember this because I was off the 1st).
The girls were about 11-12.
R did not realize anything was wrong with this, and proceeded to take a picture on his cell phone.
I took his cell phone and made him delete it, since it was completely fucked up.
I sent him home and told him that his actions were unacceptable.
This sort of stuff continued, we'd get a new female worker, who was under 16 years old, and all he'd do is stare at her and laugh at anything he said. He claimed to have a girlfriend, according to my co-worker who added him on Facebook (Really, he did it to laugh at him), she was fat as all Hell and looked to be about sixteen-seventeen.
He starts talking to us, suddenly, about how he has a court date. It's weird how much he trusted us, but it was fucked up.
He soon started trusting us, a lot, and telling us exactly what happened.
He fucked a 14 year old.
When he was 21.
And then proceeded to have a three month relationship with her.
He knew that she was 14, too.
We were all genuinely creeped out by R now, seeing as how he would be pleading guilty to having sex with someone who is that young.
This is getting lengthy, but there's basically one last thing.
One of the reasons I am tight on money right now, my father has terminal colon cancer. He can't work, so I've been trying to help out the family. My lack of a degree means I can't do much, but I still help out. We get insurance and stuff, but it's one of the reasons why I had to work a while before attending college.
So, I'm talking to my manager about it in the office, this is with the door mostly shut, and the office is out of the way enough that nobody should hear it.
R is standing right outside it.
My manager tells me, basically, if things get really fucked up, or I need time off to deal with the issues at home, it's absolutely no problem.
R remarks, "It's true, you never know when somebody is going to die."
He was fired about 10 minutes later.