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File 131770969032.jpg - (65.20KB , 723x765 , what.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
21331 No. 21331

Does anyone know anything about this?

It's like this guy is trying to make Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, only it's serious
Expand all images
>> No. 21332
File 131770994447.jpg - (39.43KB , 603x279 , 1317708699023.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is apparently the author cosplaying as one of the characters
>> No. 21333
Mother of god.
>> No. 21334
Ladies and gentlemen, I think we've found our new lolcow.
>> No. 21335
File 131771477420.jpg - (105.50KB , 599x806 , 124106408dc514ee31ecd3289b0203801766954640.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is this I don't even

The guy is even a shittier drawer than Chris is!
>> No. 21336
File 131771489498.jpg - (100.13KB , 679x947 , shit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This has to be a troll.

It is, isn't it? OP is trolling?

I mean GOD DAMN.
>> No. 21337

>> No. 21338
File 131771518618.jpg - (565.46KB , 808x595 , troolrite.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21339
At least with Chris you have that minor hope to see him succeed and get smug. This person I just feel really really sad for.

Why the hell do we get drawn to Chris with other lolcows just elicit a passing laugh?
>> No. 21340


>> No. 21341
Oh hi /co/.
>> No. 21342
If you haven't seen how they respond to criticism you don't know whether or not they can be milked.

Also this has been posted all over 4chan. Surely some children, that believe that the pinnacle of trolling is telling people how much they're butthurt, have already decided to try and contact this person.
>> No. 21343
File 131773293629.jpg - (5.30KB , 222x280 , asperges.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Looks promising though. She says she is a 44 year old woman who suffers from the Genetic Hereditary Disorder called: “GYNECOMSTIAGIGANTISM DISORDER“ (direct quote, I'll just call it Apersoners)


Top 1 is
To be an well known Yukoner

1. To be a cartoonist - or a similar type of good job
2. To be real woman
3. To live with another woman together (as wife and wife)

4. To write a book about my life
5. To have enough money to live nice on
6. To have a good computer that's up to date

7. Some day to drive and own a mini (the only car I will drive or own)
8. To have a house
9. To have friends the same as like friends and me that see me as who I am
10. To be far away from my family, except for Xmas and special occasions
11. To lose pounds
12. To have big bust, I know this is never happened but you never know
13. To make a relaxing CD of my own relaxing words with the voices
Of friends that I care about
14. To meet Jeff Lynn (the man behind the group E.L.O.)
15. To own all of E.L.O CD's, tapes, 8tracks, 45's of the band
15a. To own all of E.L.O's and Jeff Lynn's songs

16. To be loved
17. To live long
18. To be happy
19. To be caring
20. To be in my own way
21. To not to have no big disappointment that I can't handle
22. To have a real vacation
23. To have a good night's sleep
24. To see my cartoon emanated into a show

She's also diabetic and she was almost raped I think. I dunno, just read all that shit yourself.
>> No. 21344
File 131773327781.jpg - (41.46KB , 453x604 , 1317708622362.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wait, it's a woman?

I have this other pic here that's allegedly the person
>> No. 21345

>Wait, it's a woman?


>2. To be real woman

So it's definitely a Chris-chan. Somebody find this personers jewtube, and quick!
>> No. 21346
File 131773673124.jpg - (47.41KB , 800x600 , trailer_park_boys_bubbles-with-kitties.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Separated at birth?
>> No. 21347
File 131773730815.jpg - (92.91KB , 816x612 , 65a7472f6979e2716d9817cc10a81a31202338319.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I found this when looking at random comics.
>> No. 21348
That particular disorder is caused by an over active pituitary. I've got a similar thing due to a tumor, however, I did not know it caused typing in all caps with no grammar.

If they're using the disorder as some kind of crutch then fuck them, as far as the list of causes for that "genetic" disorder go I'll put money on heroin dependency. If only to try and make sense of this comic without my brain melting.
>> No. 21349
>6. To have a good computer
>16. To be loved
>> No. 21350

We need a youtube. Please god let this guy have a youtube.
>> No. 21351
I don't even... I just...

why do i keep coming back here.
>> No. 21352

>Gynecomastia or Gynaecomastia, is the abnormal development of large mammary glands in males resulting in breast enlargement

>Gigantism, also known as giantism (from Greek gigas, gigantas "giant"), is a condition characterized by excessive growth and height significantly above average. In humans, this condition is caused by over-production of growth hormone in childhood before the long bone epiphyses closes.

Hm. How large does the author appear compared to normal people? How large are his breasts?
>> No. 21353

>Jennfer’s Story by Jenffer–A Jay kicked up some stink here and there with some people objecting to people enjoying a strip supposedly created by someone with obvious learning difficulties, but I read and enjoyed it with a clear conscious and have a new favourite strip. The stilted language reminds me of the ‘cut up’ style of writing done by William Burroughs and worked for this dyslexic reader. The misuse of language is coupled with some bizarre characters and some naive but suitable cartooning. It could all be made up by a non-trans gender cheeky funster, but I bought into it.

Also, apparently, the giant-boobed redhead is the author's Mary Sue who the author also desires to be.
>> No. 21354
Jesus, this is giving me flashbacks to classic Gonterman.
>> No. 21355
lol caring about others is nowhere near as important as THE ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA ON 8 TRACK.
>> No. 21356
File 131774703094.gif - (537.09KB , 320x240 , 127193992465.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So.... Basically Chris, again.
>> No. 21357
>> No. 21358
I thought Chris was bad until I look at that manboob site he was featured on.
>> No. 21359
File 131774776934.jpg - (41.33KB , 700x656 , 632ece4cbe58773c0b69f966038df172415965659.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh hay
>> No. 21360
File 131774786878.jpg - (35.34KB , 502x449 , 5fe492cf043c9f6773b96a47f20ca1ae192861163.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21361
>Just curious but what is this character supposed to be?
>is bretea a zip and long friend of jen i have drawing then sice 1974
>> No. 21362
What the fuck? When you said Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff I thought you were joking. This is some of the most lulzy art I've seen in awhile
>> No. 21363
I saw this on /v/ earlier

it is truly horrifying
>> No. 21364
File 131775347488.jpg - (852.95KB , 1512x2158 , 8acf2e9b18ab326ca09d8bd13913929a530146851.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21365
...how in the fuck is this like "Naked Lunch"?
>> No. 21366
This lady reminds me of this one lardass goth chick I went to school with. She would draw shitty weaboo comics of herself and her friends.
Keep in mind that she went through art school drawing like that.
Coincidentally, her name is Jennifer too. I almost thought it was her at first when I read OP's post, but it's just another fatass woman with no talent.
>> No. 21367
You might have missed it but she used to be a he.
>> No. 21368

Used to be? Still looks like one to me.
>> No. 21369
File 131776502128.jpg - (181.64KB , 604x405 , 0bc41c4400d6cad2ba3c86e8d74144f7890108000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not exactly sure why Hitler is in this page. Also do we know if this guy is from the US or at least an English speaking country?
>> No. 21370
File 131776657490.png - (497.20KB , 578x448 , MMcWTFamIReading.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...the fuck?
>> No. 21371
File 131776773197.jpg - (7.27KB , 226x223 , oldmanlaff.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the following is a joke

Any time you read that, you know you're going to be in for some HI-LAR-ITY.
>> No. 21372
File 131776907847.jpg - (241.33KB , 948x1368 , 8823b1562bddb5811676f713a484187d479708015.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21373
File 131776991836.jpg - (98.67KB , 700x493 , obamahacked.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21374
File 131777014484.jpg - (72.21KB , 330x247 , GooniesRamsey-thumb-330x247-40463.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dude looks like the mom from the Goonies
>> No. 21375
File 131777107398.jpg - (174.87KB , 600x800 , Cosmic carrots.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I am a huge fagot please rape my face
>> No. 21376
File 131777407152.jpg - (77.51KB , 699x772 , 0 a iwwyh 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i see you loved my work .... i think...
>> No. 21377
oh buy the way.. i have videos on youtube ...
and bio on facebook too
>> No. 21378

>i have videos on youtube ...

Then post them. Also, prove that you're the real jenffer a jay.
>> No. 21379
Wanna know what I think is really pathetic, a bunch of fucktards hiding behind a computer screen, sitting in their mothers basement, bitching about a comic, acting like tough guys. Grow the fuck up and find something better to occupy your time with.

(sup kimmo?)
>> No. 21382
File 131777898877.jpg - (3.60KB , 125x125 , 131734545785s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21383
Oh I don't assume that you're basement dwellers I know this to be factual.

So you do this in your spare time? Between what, arguing with your middle-class fat-ass mother, wanking it, playing video games, and attending community college? How DO you find the time?

Oh no! I'm calling you out on your bullshit so I MUST be a white knight right? Better call it quits now that you've discovered my true identity.
>> No. 21384

>> No. 21385
Disregard that, I suck massive cocks and enjoy semen on and around my face. Mmmm cocks.
>> No. 21386
Disregard that I'm a pussy and don't like when the tables are turned. So I need to resort to typing like I have tourette because I lack the ability to say anything intelligent.
>> No. 21387
Man, this ashes person seems to be really angry and upset over things said on the internet. I do hope he sees how silly he looks getting that angry.
>> No. 21388

I can't believe you used your actual email address. Welcome newfriend.
>> No. 21389
Did you turn Jedi while I wasn't looking? Saying I'm upset won't make it true. I'm seeing more ruffled feathers on your end.
>> No. 21390
Ashes: [email protected]
>> No. 21391
Of course I used my real e-mail [email protected]...There you go kiddies, I have nothing to hide.
>> No. 21392
Oh this is simply adorable!
>> No. 21393
File 131778089027.jpg - (45.76KB , 640x525 , 7pcZa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well this is special.
>> No. 21394
>> No. 21395
>> No. 21396
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ko2L5cX4A6A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
>> No. 21397
Jesus Christ the amount of fail in this thread is astronomical.
>> No. 21398
File 131778139118.jpg - (35.93KB , 411x500 , trollthread.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21399
Lol, epic win, Ashes! You guys got trolled. lol
>> No. 21400
>> No. 21401
>talking to ashes
>posting as ashes

>> No. 21402
>> No. 21403
Really that hard to figure out? Anyone can enter this e-mail and use the name Ashes.
>> No. 21404
File 131778179110.jpg - (114.37KB , 600x725 , id_kitty_cat_by_nocturnalsupremacyxx-d3n419q.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We are being misled, surely.
>> No. 21405
You found my DA, congrats, gold star for you.
>> No. 21406

If people are going to pretend to be me I'd better tripfag. Am I doin it rite lol
>> No. 21407
>> No. 21408
People pretending to me is much more entertaining at least. Let's see what else I'll say.
>> No. 21409
You seem to be missing the point
>> No. 21410
Then please educate me, what is it that I'm missing?
>> No. 21411
do i need more poff that i am jenffer a jay /
>> No. 21412
I'm also bisexual so if you HATERS are mean to me YOUR just homophones.

(That makes you half straight, which makes you full retard.)
>> No. 21413
>> No. 21414
File 131778234265.jpg - (57.69KB , 481x600 , 0 a 56.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21415
I'm going to venture a guess and say that this about my e-mail. Either way someone can still impersonate me, which is fine.
>> No. 21416
File 131778271915.jpg - (17.41KB , 300x225 , shiv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing makes sense in this thread!
>> No. 21417
Oh and buy the way, before any of you PREPS complains, yes I AM goth. Deal w/it. If you don't understand it stop being sheeple and open your mind.

>> No. 21418
I have trouble seeing what’s staring me right in the face and have sat in on so many circlejerks here on the threads that I’ve forgotten (or never knew) what it mean to be a proper troll.
>> No. 21419
File 131778318368.jpg - (26.10KB , 450x582 , i-want-to-believe-its-not-butter.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21420
My god I love this.
Now am I to believe that we have a genuine fan of a comic that makes SBHJ look pleasant? Or am I supposed to think that this is the creator of the comic himself?
Or is this just some bored asshole on /cwc/ who's decided to turn an otherwise boring thread into a giant case of trolls trolling trolls?

I would appreciate an answer.
>> No. 21421
Hm. The way she (he?) writes seems more to me like English isn't her first language, rather than just poor grammar.
>> No. 21422
"some bored asshole on /cwc/ who's decided to turn an otherwise boring thread into a giant case of trolls trolling trolls? "

Because really, who wants a boring thread?
>> No. 21423
1 about me i am a trangrander mtof and a cartoonest of jenffersshow.thecomicseries.com and going to be 46 this oct
2 miss j on the stirp have that big boob disoder

3 the story plot is this..Miss J and her rock band called "Miss J and the AM" and their life in New Wolf Creek. See, Miss J is a lesbian and just married Jenffer Jay, her friend
>> No. 21424
Fuk u haters
>> No. 21425

>> No. 21426
File 13177837523.jpg - (30.07KB , 450x600 , mm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The pointing towards hippogoth still baffles me, a little too sophisticated for /cwc/ so I'm left to believe WK is actually taking place.

Jen´s cool with me, tho.
>> No. 21427

What day in October? We need to know so we can party hard and get really drunk.
>> No. 21428
Pointing at the hippogoth (which is actually me BTW) was completely intentional. Though I do prefer the term lard-ass because I'm not much of a goth. I don't know anything about Jen to be honest, I just saw a thread on ComicFury and decided to have a little fun with this one.
>> No. 21429

>> No. 21430
You're sill trying SO hard aren't you.

I didn't win anything, though I did get a few laughs out of all this.
>> No. 21431
File 131778466612.jpg - (12.45KB , 300x269 , kisamexitachi_good_morning_by_nocturnalsupremacyxx.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuk u hater ur the 1 trying too hard

Here's some of my kawaii artwork btw ^_^
>> No. 21432

No, please post something that will undeniably prove you're the real Jenffer A Jay.
>> No. 21433

Why go for the Yaoi? I'm sure I have far worse in my gallery. Did that one just catch your eye? Is there something you would like to tell us?
>> No. 21434
File 131778508014.jpg - (305.59KB , 1600x1200 , 1236796418248.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

< reality
>> No. 21435
File 131778515578.jpg - (30.11KB , 300x400 , id__this_is_what_i_say_to_that_by_nocturnalsuprema.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I already told you I'm bisexual, hater. Or did you already forget? 1/10
>> No. 21436
This thread used to be fun.
>> No. 21437

I guess I did.
>> No. 21438
Yeah, I'm done. Piss poor job, Ashes.
>> No. 21439
I'm far more inclined to believe the one with the tripcode.
>> No. 21440

See, here's a fellow who knows what's up. Come back when you can trip, hater.
>> No. 21441
Got your panties in a bunch and momentarily derailed this thread...I'm rather pleased.
>> No. 21442

Yeah, you really got me there. Lol! ^___^
>> No. 21443

Derailing a thread on /cwc/ is tantamount to simply mentioning ADF's name.

Try harder.
>> No. 21444

Which just goes to show that you aren't worth the effort.
>> No. 21445

Most of this thread is your EPIC WEEN trolling attempt. I don't quite follow your logic.
>> No. 21446
Okay, so I sound like the person that would say EPIC WEEN?

If you'll look you'll see that I said I didn't win anything. I just got a few laughs.
>> No. 21447
I believe that you mean to say "do I sound like a person who would say EPIC WEEN"

That was a bit of an exaggeration.
I'm curious, though: was it you or the other guy who called the general population here 'basement dwellers?'
>> No. 21448

It wasn't me if you were wondering.
>> No. 21449

Yes, that's what I meant.

And yes I was the one that called the general population here basement dwellers because it was one of the most overused and lame insult that I could come up with.
>> No. 21450
Anyway, let's get back on topic. The real Jenffer might be posting in this thread!

>> No. 21451
File 131779074260.png - (3.59MB , 1898x3126 , glamor_2_by_nocturnalsupremacyxx-d4bs1yr[1].png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So let me see if I have this right... Ashes is a fatty defending a transsexual fatty with a fat empowerment comic, but she's really a self-loathing fatty because all her shitty CG art is of skinny chicks with giant fake boobs?

Maybe the models are just stolen and she doesn't know how to morph them into fatties.
>> No. 21452
Or Ashes is a fatty who has never read the comic in question and posts tits because she’s caught on that the world of DA revolves around them (and Yaoi) and is comfortable enough with her fat-ass to not be intimidated by skinny chicks.
>> No. 21453
>>I'm Ahses or a basement dwelling white knight who wants to fuck Ashes
>> No. 21454
File 131779275465.jpg - (239.98KB , 768x1024 , captain_obvious_by_qsec-d4b0ec7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21455
>[email protected]
Isn't Jashinism that narutard fake-religion that SephirothPrincess941 and some other DA lolcows claimed to follow?
>> No. 21456
Figure that out all by yourself?
>> No. 21457
Rhetorical question.
>> No. 21458
http://www.youtube.com/user/missj21j - I'll just leave this here anyhow for the lazy crew.
>> No. 21459
File 131782485988.jpg - (592.19KB , 1920x1080 , Snapshot - 96.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
his me this pic is not on me web page yet
>> No. 21460
File 13178270371.jpg - (112.59KB , 700x589 , PhotoFunia-74d493.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here a list of my other stirps there
>> No. 21461

Are you Canadian?
>> No. 21462
I'm just shocked nobody has banned the real Ashes yet for being a faggot white knight. This board is going downhill.
>> No. 21463
1) They are stock models, with not much work/modification involved.
2) I wish her art would qualify as the rock bottom of CG.
>> No. 21464
Is ashes a lolcow or something?

I haven't heard of her before.
>> No. 21465
yes i am candaian whitehorse yukon
>> No. 21466
File 131785188894.jpg - (112.54KB , 720x480 , Anonchris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
•One of the best ways to get all the trolls up in arms is, to claim something as epic trolling and brag exuberantly about it.

•It won't be long before the ragefaced trolls come out of the woodwork to tell you exactly why you aren't a troll and just how stupid you are.

•The best part about trolling trolls is, when you get a handful of trolls in the same thread, it's like tying badgers on crack to each other by the tail.

It was pretty straight forward and looks like someone was actually smart enough to catch on after the first post. I don’t think a ban has be issued because it’s funnier that shit to watch you try to cling to whatever dignity you may have had to begin with.
>> No. 21467
File 131785385494.jpg - (522.57KB , 1280x1275 , A troll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread went really wrong somewhere along the lines.

Maybe i should lock this thread and let you guys make a new one?
>> No. 21468
i am posting in this thread! and i dont like this ashes guy
>> No. 21469
This thread desperately needs to get back on topic. For fuck's sake, the real Jenffer A Jay might be posting in this thread!
>> No. 21470
File 13178596826.jpg - (53.06KB , 952x637 , toloveru_7_640.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
a am posting here if you dont belive ask me something about my work...
>> No. 21471
Then ask him some questions, Jesus Christ. I'm done tormenting Ashes. I got him to leave and that's all that matters.

Go crazy.
>> No. 21472
that's is goo that ashes is one big pain in the but
>> No. 21473

Why is the punisher about to assassinate the two boobgirls?
>> No. 21474
Attempted to read that website. There is no possibly way to make sense of it.
>> No. 21475
File 131786231444.jpg - (66.67KB , 720x592 , 0 a page 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
now any question ?
>> No. 21476
Why is the punisher about to assassinate the two boobgirls
why you are going find out soon let me finsh drawing that page ok
>> No. 21477

>> No. 21478
File 13178630231.jpg - (185.93KB , 924x1037 , 0 a page26.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here is the finsh page
next page jen will why his ather her so say tooned
and remeber to read new storys just go to..http://jenffersshow5.thecomicseries.com
>> No. 21479
So are we gonna see the thrilling conclusion?
>> No. 21480
yes you will that page i am doing now
>> No. 21481
File 131786427474.jpg - (82.43KB , 480x600 , 480px-Butthurt-ad-de.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's okay, you got raped up the ass pretty hard but you'll get through it.
>> No. 21482

Nah dude, nah. But thanks for your concern.
>> No. 21483
that buthurt is cool can use that from over at comic fury
>> No. 21484

>She moves faster than Kingpin
Can she outrun the Flash?
>> No. 21485
i don't know yet
>> No. 21486

Wrong universe, brah.
>> No. 21487
at jenffer's show universe it a meating pot of all universe in the comc universe
>> No. 21488
Even Orson the Pig from Garfield and Friends?
>> No. 21489
>> No. 21490

Was the cat girl bitten by a radioactive cat to become Catboobgirl, and her massive mammaries are where she stores her powers?
>> No. 21491
no ..a book full magic and dry out zip shit
>> No. 21492
then got blood from miss j
>> No. 21493
oh i all most forgot she arm bands that give her the rest of there prows
>> No. 21494
Can you post a picture of yourself please, Ms Jennfer?
>> No. 21495
File 131793824427.jpg - (92.56KB , 552x877 , 0 a kate 1 026.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here you go and my name spelled jenffer
>> No. 21496

>> No. 21497

What did that poor pony ever do to you?
>> No. 21498
that is not a pony kid that a small horse
>> No. 21499
How is your search for a wife going?
>> No. 21500
i gived up on that when i was 35
>> No. 21501
What's it like up in the Yukon?
>> No. 21502
rigth now its fall the start cold days and soon snow
>> No. 21503
Why have you given up on finding a wife? Do you feel sad about giving up?
>> No. 21504

Do you like the feeling of a rock-hard nine-inch dick getting jammed in and out of your asshole, his balls slapping against your body with each thrust?

Just curious, Jennifer.
>> No. 21505

why do you draw like a two year old jenffer?
>> No. 21506
Have you taken any art classes? You should always try to improve.
>> No. 21507
Doesn't draw like a 2 year old faggot
>> No. 21508
why looking for a wife not gay gay with a big dick
i not trp for gay
i am lesbian trapped in the wrong body looking for woman
>> No. 21509
What would be your ideal wife?

Do you mind about looks, age etc?
>> No. 21510
Jenffer, if I give you a photo will you draw it in your style, pretty please?
>> No. 21511

translation: I'm a sick pervert who wants to be a woman and a lesbian.

Again, why do you draw like a two year old?
>> No. 21512
btw if you truly were a "woman trapped in a mens body" you would want nigger cock crammed up your mutilated penis because thats what all women want.
>> No. 21513
that is way draw live with
and other web comics out there that draws the same way like 2 year old
>> No. 21514
t want to wants to be a woman and a lesbian.
not some dick sucking ass hole
it may sound sick to you
but that the tpy of transgender i am "woman trapped in a mens body" and loves women
>> No. 21515

yeah well good luck being a man with a mutilated penis and two salt water bags in your chest.


Not all of them, but I tend to think most men who wanna be women are sick perverted assholes like you.

However there are truly women trapped in mens bodies, just not you, you only care about having fake tits and fake pussy and playing with those all day and having them licked by your sad silly pony horsey.
>> No. 21516

this is true, they are all on DevianTART.
>> No. 21517
so that you feel about people like me so what big deal it's you view on people like me i dont care a lone you love read my work that all i care...
>> No. 21518
>However there are truly women trapped in mens bodies
>just not you because <superficial bitchy comment>
>> No. 21519

Did you even read what I said or are you just typing randomly because you really want to post a response?
>> No. 21520

I don't give a rats ass if you mutilate your penis either, I just wanted to tell you how I think about people like you.

The reason I think you're a sicko isn't because you "are a transsexual" (I use this phrase very lightly in your case) but because of the crap comics you made.

Any psychiatrist who would look at those who'd have to make a decision whether you are truly a transsexual and need the operation would stamp a big fat DENIED on your application.

The other comparisons I made as your fellow sicko fake transsexuals are people I've seen who had the operation and went to work in sex clubs etc just because they are perverts.

I've seen TRUE and HONEST transsexuals but they are rare.
>> No. 21521

Reading through your posts, I can't help but feel you have some deep-seated anger issues. Are you a transsexual who feels the need to vehemently defend the sacredness of TROO N HONEST transsexuality, or are you just trolling hard?
>> No. 21522
File 131801750935.jpg - (99.33KB , 392x300 , Coolface.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm super serial for all the tomgirls out there.

I feel this sicko is giving us a bad name.
>> No. 21523
"I've seen TRUE and HONEST transsexuals but they are rare.'
will thanks at time i do feel like that and that some thinks i am a troll not say as it is
i am hosnst and that is rarely on the web those days i dnot hind behing a mask like some i am the with no mask to hind from it ia out they being me what i feel in me..
>> No. 21524
File 131801777782.jpg - (61.98KB , 916x641 , miss j m2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21525
File 131801798319.jpg - (9.72KB , 189x266 , images-10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was expecting a typical "OMG IM NOT FUKIN TROLLIN" but I was pleasantly surprised. Carry on then, brother.
>> No. 21526

No you aren't, pervert.
>> No. 21527

and your drawings are shit.
>> No. 21528
to those two anonymous post on this post that dont like me ..i have a question to you
.. why are here if dont like who what am and my works why you keep on posting for dose bullying on some like me give your joy or you have nother better to say..
>> No. 21529
File 131802318741.jpg - (12.42KB , 289x175 , images-18.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good job lads, you scared Jenffer off this board.

EPIC WIN! Good thing we don't have to worry about him posting in the thread dedicated to him anymore.
>> No. 21530
no just dont like any one at any place beening asshole
>> No. 21531
You know, Jenn, improving can be fun, too.
>> No. 21532
File 131802544489.jpg - (37.22KB , 656x608 , 0 a nude miss j 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
now that is out the open here an anther pic
>> No. 21533
Why do they have such ugly faces?
>> No. 21534
I'm not trying to be a dick.

But Jenffer, you kinda can't deny you're a pervert if you mostly draw chicks with comically huge breasts and you draw them nude/sexually posed etc.

Whether your perversion has any effect on your gender orientation is not for me to judge but you can't sit here and say you're not a pervert.
>> No. 21535
Also- using gynecomastia as an excuse for the huge tits is clever but you didn't think it out all the way. A lot of the people with that particular disorder have misshapen breasts which are swollen looking and hard, not really sexy/soft etc how you are intending for your characters' to be viewed.
>> No. 21536

Learn to for english for the speaking, no?

In other words: Learn some fucking english, you gender bending freak pervert from hell.
>> No. 21537
Jennifer you're pretty ugly.
>> No. 21538
jenffer on jenffer
>> No. 21539
>> No. 21540
so i am a pervert but not the typ that make the news every day on tv with kids
>> No. 21541

I don't get that remark but I LOVE the fact that you speak like a mongoloid.

I highly appreciate that. Keep on making videos please.
>> No. 21542
Why do they have such ugly faces?
miss j face is base on mine see the video
>> No. 21543
I'm not going to watch your ugly face, no. Besides, BOTH characters have the exact same face.
>> No. 21544
So do you wear a medallion of your work out in public? It'd be cool if you did.
>> No. 21545
hey jenffer, when did you start making comics? where do you get ideas from?
>> No. 21546
I'd take those two giant titties and douse them with maple syrup. Then I'd have a good old fashioned American style breakfast on them. YEE HAW!
>> No. 21547
They aren't ugly Jen, don't listen to these asses I think they must be jealous or something. Your comic is getting really really popular so expect haters.

Anywho, we want to know more about y-o-u you! Please tell us more, it's really exciting to have you in this lil' ol' forum.
>> No. 21548

yeah I agree, you seem pretty cool to me Jen! :)
>> No. 21549
File 131808662092.jpg - (54.29KB , 848x608 , 0 a 1anime-love-kiss.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i like give thanks to all the one who like my work here you are i call ture fan. slowy i will more about me over time here
>> No. 21550
to the one who like put maple syrup i hope you a 45 gal drum of that to put her
>> No. 21551
For some reason, Jenffer gives me a Duane vibe, but instead of Sailor Moon, there's a comic about women with massive mammaries in a SBaHJ style.
>> No. 21552

Did you lose all your teeth in a fire, jenffer?
>> No. 21553
You do requests Jennfer?
>> No. 21554
>why looking for a wife not gay gay with a big dick


>> No. 21555
Do you shed your teeth for the wintertime Jenffer?
>> No. 21556
You do requests Jennfer?
yes if not porn with guys
Do you shed your teeth for the wintertime Jenffer?
no do you
>> No. 21557
You do requests Jennfer?
yes if not porn with guys
Do you shed your teeth for the wintertime Jenffer?
no do you
>> No. 21558
Did you lose all your teeth in a fire, jenffer?
no not takeing good care of them
>> No. 21559
What does that consist of, Jennifer? Did you just never brush them?
>> No. 21560
why do people link lolcows to this board? It always ends up fucking stupid like this 100% of the time
>> No. 21561
>> No. 21562
File 131812492115.jpg - (74.45KB , 535x522 , 0 a quiet at the bar 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21563
i like this soung where i can get a copy
>> No. 21564

It ends up cool because they actually come to the board. Soon, people like Jennifer will outnumber us and they'll create all of the threads. Let's make it happen.
>> No. 21565
File 131812527573.jpg - (4.86KB , 120x180 , images-15.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jenffer can you draw my comic book character? His name is Sonichu and I'd really love to see him in your style!

Here is a picture of him I drew back in 2007.
>> No. 21566
ok i will work on him in the morring 7;08 pm here
i do my best in day light...
>> No. 21567
Ok, take your time. My friends on this board also made their own characters, maybe they will post their hedgehogs too!
>> No. 21568

did you lose your teeth to be better at sucking cock?
>> No. 21570

yeah, sorry about that. he doesn't like teh cock.

It's just that his mouth is so pretty.
>> No. 21571
right now i doing you art
>> No. 21572
Quit trying to scare him off, faggot
rule one
dont post something as the you try to scare are reading this post i will back fire
>> No. 21573
File 131818175530.jpg - (62.12KB , 602x643 , 131812527573.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21574
Quit trying to scare him off, faggot
rule one
dont post something as the you try to scare are reading this post i will back fire
as you see now
>> No. 21575
Wow! He looks awesome! You areva really good artist. Your art kind of looks like my friend Alec Benson Leary's. He posts on here too. Maybe if he sees this he will post a picture of his character Asperchu. Or maybe my friend Patti will see this and ask you to draw her character Rosechu (who she invented to be Sonichu's girlfriend.)

I sure hope my friends see this picture of Sonichu. Thank you so so so much! :)
>> No. 21576

>> No. 21577
It's amazing!
>> No. 21579
Asperchu. did i drew him when he had this stirp on comic fury
>> No. 21580
i will draw him
>> No. 21581
keep up the good work jen! I think you're great and very original, not to mention pretty brave to come on here. :)
>> No. 21582
File 131819841190.jpg - (11.11KB , 220x246 , frightnight-evil-ed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 21583
I don't know, maybe you drew him before, he is like a fatter Sonichu except with glasses, a striped red and blue shirt, a goatee and a cool medallion. Alec if you're reading this, post that cool picture of Asperchu you did at my mom's house yesterday! :) I want Jennfer to see him.
>> No. 21584
File 131819913115.jpg - (83.36KB , 638x877 , 0 a kate 1 001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21586
>> No. 21587
I'll knock you up on my Scale of Respect by ten points.
>> No. 21588
That'll do, pig... That'll do.
>> No. 21589
This is a confirmed troll, right?
>> No. 21590
File 131820848128.gif - (1.49MB , 320x130 , axt.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21591
File 131820997192.png - (237.33KB , 589x648 , 22-401-600-the_punisher_comic_book-0_0_401_600.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21592
Why exactly the Punisher? What did he do to you?
>> No. 21593
to find out why just go to

>> No. 21594
I'm out of my mind.
>> No. 21595
Jenffer, you have brightened my day. I hope to see more work of yours in the future.
>> No. 21596
This is more awesome than any "real" ADF fanart
>> No. 21597

jennfer could you please say:

"I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits."

on video?
>> No. 21598
File 131825518298.jpg - (71.35KB , 600x750 , 0 a motivato cada 2010.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21600
Jenffer who would you say your biggest art influences are?

Do you read any comics or webcomics these days?
>> No. 21601
Why is Miss J so ugly? Is that a statement?
>> No. 21602
Jenffer who would you say your biggest art influences are? all the great ones

Do you read any comics or webcomics these days?
yes many
>> No. 21603
Why is Miss J so ugly? Is that a statement?
not all big bust ladies out there look like someone from playboy
>> No. 21604
Is it not suspicious to any of the above posters an anon posts his artwork here, and the author/artist/whatever is magically here as well to answer criticism? This obscure board that nobody but followers of the Chris Chan sagas even know about?

Are we all just going to believe that this strange creature just happened to answer the summoning ritual that is posting a picture here?
>> No. 21605

Any specific comics you read? Do you read the Punisher?
>> No. 21606
File 131827509337.jpg - (134.80KB , 800x667 , 1-en-a8e4c22ec7814bfdc61e424c3f380b27.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are we all just going to believe that this strange creature just happened to answer the summoning ritual that is posting a picture here?

yes belaeve it..it make me better at anwter question no matter bad it it with beening a dick
2 i am real it am posting my work here
>> No. 21607

I beg your pardon but what is happening in this picture?
>> No. 21608
few of the people posted about on this site have come here. could just be someone here just messaging them saying "hey look what they're saying about you!"
>> No. 21609

Yes please say that on camera Jenffer. Thank you.

It's also to prove you are really you and not a troll.
>> No. 21610
There's some program or e-mail function or something that sets it so every time your name is posted online somewhere, you get a notification and a link to where it was. That's how many of them find their way here.

Others are simply linked by counter-trolls.

Nick Bate, ADF, Chris-chan, JohnofE and FayeKane all are aware of or have posted here. Someone always e-mails the subject of every thread that comes up, Cole Smithy, A-Log and that Fanfic Critic all were lead here after they were posted here.
>> No. 21611
i will make that video for you
>> No. 21612
Wait, when did Cole and Alog at least mention they were aware of this place?

And I'm pretty sure Chris isn't aware of 789chan. Just because he namedropped it in that dig up patti video doesn't mean he actually knew what he was saying.
>> No. 21613
Chris was aware of /cwc/ back when it was on Legion; reportedly he tried to lurk it but the colors hurt his eyes so he gave up.

A-Log has posted here, I'm fairly sure it was how we became aware of him.
>> No. 21614
Cole hasn't mentioned this place, but people were e-mailing him about the thread. Same with A-Log, I can't count how many people have messaged him on YouTube about his ED page and /cwc/ threads.
>> No. 21615
i hope this the proff you need
>> No. 21616
You make your case eloquently and indeed persuasively. Thank you, Jenffer!
>> No. 21617
Jenffer, why are you so adorable and loveable?
>> No. 21618
holy shit
Jenffer I actually kind of love you.
>> No. 21619
File 131829613247.jpg - (42.54KB , 465x606 , 0 a be 815.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
wow thank i shound do more of these videos
next one shoud be all miss j ...mmm
>> No. 21620
Wow Jennfer you might just find a wife yet. ;)
>> No. 21621

Jenffer, I'd like to take back everything I said. About your teeth, about the transsexualism, everything: You are awesome and I love you now.

And yes, you will be famous.

Because your awesome.

I love you jenffer. And your comic is awesome.

Thank you.
>> No. 21622
File 131832322376.jpg - (79.58KB , 433x600 , 1315529275088.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You sicken me.
>> No. 21623
You're not that kind of person I'd like to know IRL but your video was nice. Thank you very much for it, you can consider me your fan now.
>> No. 21624
>> No. 21626
http://youtu.be/jDV-TkUt0Cw miss j and the am -jenffer's show newest video e.l.o's magic
>> No. 21627

I'm very sorry jenffer but we are really going to need you to say:


these words:

"I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits."

on camera. Since then we know its really you that posts here.
>> No. 21628
>> No. 21629
>> No. 21630
>> No. 21631
I know this is just about the weirdest comment ever
And possibly it makes me a creep
But either you're wearing contacts or your eyes are a very pretty blue color.
>> No. 21632
i was read that poem off the sreen and i have suckly web cam too
>> No. 21633
i dont wear contacts and my eyes are blue.
>> No. 21634


Thank you very much!
>> No. 21635
Jenffer can you recommend me any comics or webcomics to read? (Not including your own :P)
>> No. 21636
Jenffer, do you plan on having your comic published by a major comic book company?
>> No. 21637
epic ween! lulz incoming!
>> No. 21638
Is Jenffer ever coming back?
>> No. 21639
Jen come back we miss you! :(
>> No. 21640
>> No. 21641
File 13187447117.jpg - (14.23KB , 181x238 , oh my.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this thread is surreal...
>> No. 21642
  Okay whos the fucking white knighting asshole who told?
>> No. 21643

Awwwh. I liked Jenffer, like Sailormoonred1.
>> No. 21644
Jesus Christ, that's a downer. I totally thought Jenffer was a troll. It's just a matter of time before some failtroll ass asian ween fags consider this their opportunity to rise to e-fame at the expense of some sad retarded manwoman's sanity.
>> No. 21645
I'm still not sure about jenffer's gender...
>> No. 21646
File 131880828111.jpg - (48.61KB , 392x338 , OneHourPhoto-3-big.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well it was fun while it lasted
>> No. 21647
Seriously, this trolls trolling trolls business has to stop.

This is why we can't have nice things.
>> No. 21648
So... she's going to bring us down? That could be fun, I guess.
>> No. 21649
  He's got some quality vids on that channel
>> No. 21650
Feels like I just watched Madman Rising part Deux! She even ended the video properly!
>> No. 21651
Even for how handicapped she is, the quality of her work far surpasses that of Chris and ADF.

Also, so we know exactly what disorder(s) she suffers from? She doesn't strike me as autistic.
>> No. 21652
No, I'd say Chris and ADF's "art" are both better than Jenffers, just from the perspective that however horrible the anatomy or subject matter, I can generally tell what idea they're trying to convey.

With Jenffer, it's all sameface doodle girls with ginormous breasts, and the dialog is incomprehensible.

Now when I say "better" I mean like, ADF and Chris took a shit in the kitchen sink, while Jenffer took one in the refridgerator.
>> No. 21653
I feel a bit of pity for him/her. From what we know he/she did not harm anybody, he/she's a person in his/her forties just trying to be known and loved, but is awful at drawing and even expressing himself/herself in English, has weird perversions, and... is quite ugly.
>> No. 21654
You could be saying this about Chris 4 years ago.
>> No. 21655
Holy hell this thread is actually starting to deliver
>> No. 21656
>> No. 21657
>> No. 21658
> he/she's a person in his/her forties just trying to be known and loved
>> No. 21659
While I agree with that, I'll also have to disagree at the same time.

One thing that is clear is that neither Chris nor ADF would ever have the patience for animation, and yet this gender-ambiguous creature at least attempted to do so. Even though his animation was stiff and essentially tween-less, he at least put in the effort to do it.

On the other hand, everything else of his/hers/it is abysmal. Whereas ADF's work is clearly coherent, "Jenffer" is really hard to decipher and is essentially nothing but exaggeratedly large breasted women standing around doing weird things. It's more like the comic is written in a haze than anything else, like something you would see in the middle of a dream. There's stuff happening, but you can't read the words and there's no context to any of their actions.
>> No. 21660
Notice how he uses TV language in a comic, like Chris.
>> No. 21661
That's exactly what I was thinking.

There seems to be some underlying structure to the artwork that defines an individual's style. While it's clearly not done to the same expectations as most people, it seems to be genuinely developed in a way that is suited for children's books. Aside from the explicit depictions and otherwise taboo subjects like huge boobs and lesbians.

The art of young children is predominanty similar in style and individual works are not immediately distinguishable as unique, save for a name. Even at a glance, you can identify every image here as being done by the same person.

On the other hand, I think there is some amount of unintended styling which occurs naturally when working loosely within digital media.
>> No. 21664
Apparently the people in a webcomic forum where he posts are annoyed by him
>> No. 21665
A page of funnies, including what appears to be just a stretched version of jennfer's comic cover.
Makes sense.
>> No. 21666
File 131893573163.jpg - (11.43KB , 450x347 , 1235718830383.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>spamming i do spam and not driveng other a way if they like post at my forums besuse they care if you whan a war on this that will to be seed but noone noone call me me spamer i just like to take to others
>> No. 21667
Is this thread going to be archived?
>> No. 21669
So, is there anyway for us to lure Jennfer back here?
>> No. 21670
File 131970550016.jpg - (137.35KB , 1200x900 , jennfer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We missed his/her birthday :C
>> No. 21671
File 131970951350.jpg - (23.36KB , 389x290 , occupy-wall-street.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the hell happened in this thread?

Jennfer arrives, goes along and trolls Chris and ADF, then... what?
>> No. 21672
File 131972232431.jpg - (49.72KB , 378x480 , f-Confused-Cat-is-Confused-10099.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread...
>> No. 21673
File 131972452043.jpg - (109.99KB , 500x563 , 1313446751520.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21674
  he/she is back with a shit ton of videos complaining about comparisons to chris-chan and ED.
>> No. 21675
File 132001504574.jpg - (19.33KB , 424x331 , fab4f90cd06d8f70d64b4e842c61d0dc831669623.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21676
I really like Jennifer A. Jay, I think it's pretty obvious she (I'm aware Jen is biologically a "he") is a bag of Doritos short of a Taco Bell $5 Box but she seems pretty genuine with what she does.

Despite her articulation flaws she's got a lot of sound and coherent things to say. Her comic might look like some avant garde Dadaist nightmare of art but like she said: "I'm not fucking things up like Chris-chan." XD

Pretty ballsy and cool of her to be so down to earth with her apology and stuff, especially considering how volatile ED and its related sites can get. :)
>> No. 21677
Does Jennfer even have an ED page?
>> No. 21678
I know it's wrong to person over such a minor detail, but... why would you post on /cwc/ with this or any other emoticon?
>> No. 21679
newfag checking in, 'sall
>> No. 21680
File 132005873378.jpg - (159.03KB , 363x412 , stfu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Definitely does a good job of making Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff look like it was written by Shakespeare
>> No. 21681
Im just going to come out and say it. This person, Jenffer or whomever, Is clearly retarded. And I actually mean that in the medical sense. Listen to the videos and llook at the stuff she is trying to draw, and how she is activly participating in this clear trolling thread of posting her works, supposivly thinking we are fans or something to that effect. Then finally, listen to her in her videos. She sounds like she has Downs Syndrom or something. Do with this as you will.

TL;DR Jenffers retarded
>> No. 21682
File 132008699816.jpg - (31.40KB , 672x612 , 130933899689.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thank you Captain Obvious.
>> No. 21683

Who cares? I just loved his ADF pic and I wish she did more.
>> No. 21684

Both of you are faggots and totally wrong. Jenffer is not retarded. Have you listened to her/his videos? What he/she says makes a lot of sense about not being Chris-chan, nor retarded.

You both, your mission should be to stfu here on /cwc/ from now on. In fact, the thought of that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you festering newfags.

Just because somebody has a speech impediment and can't spell for shit, does not mean they are retarded. If you had listened to his/her videos you would notice he/she actually has some interesting shit to say.

That doesn't mean by the way he/she shouldn't be trolled, just that he/she isn't retarded.
>> No. 21685
File 132008999112.jpg - (16.04KB , 214x293 , holiday spirit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 21686
It could be the successor to the wildly popular and mainstream "intredasting".
>> No. 21687
Tell us more.
Is Nick Bate gross? Is fat man... fat?
>> No. 21688
Does he cut his own hair?

also, Decyropedia Druhmanica
>> No. 21689
That still doesn't beat Christian Waltson Chauncellor.
>> No. 21690
File 132010217258.gif - (43B , 1x1 , spaceout.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just low hanging fruit isall
>> No. 21691
File 132010222419.jpg - (15.07KB , 254x200 , low-hangingfruit--254x200.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
forgot img lol
>> No. 21692

Haha, oh wow.
>> No. 21693
>a bag of Doritos short of a Taco Bell $5 Box
>like she said: "I'm not fucking things up like Chris-chan."
Go back to bed, A-Log.
>> No. 21694
I still think if someone showed Jennfer's comic to A-Log he'd write an "erotic" story about it.
>> No. 21695
So, what mental disorder does Jenffer have?
>> No. 21696

All of them.
>> No. 21697
Why do i laugh at that
>> No. 21698
>Jennfer thread not archived.
>There isn't a jennfer article on ED

Something just doesn't feel right here...
>> No. 21699

ED is about Drama.

Jenffer just makes shitty comics. Haven't seen any stupid drama come out of this.
>> No. 21700
Yep. What's funny is that a villain follows it, and the only reason these asswipes do is either because they want to be all awesome and cool or they think he's hot.

Talk about lulzcows.

On topic though, this Jennifer kid (yeah she's 25 years older than me, still acts like a kid though) doesn't seem like a bad person, just a little... Ehhh in the head. I don't see anything funny coming from this unless you feel like being bullies or whatever.
>> No. 21701
There was a bit of drama after she was here and discovered she was being mocked, she made that "lolocows" video...
>> No. 21702
File 132129989242.png - (11.88KB , 429x410 , 1308700783989.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why are we describing Robin Williams with a lobotomy and a foreign accent as female?
>> No. 21703
I liked Robin Williams when his schtick was to just be mildly racist with impressions of Mexicans /columbians.
>> No. 21704
>today's comic
>> No. 21705
Oh, god, that was completely unexpected.
I wonder if jennfer notices that Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff is an intentionally bad comic, or just a bad comic, for that matter.
>> No. 21706
i think it's way, way too perfect. they have to be done by the same guy or something.
>> No. 21707
actually now that i'm looking at some of his links i'm convinced they're the same person.
>> No. 21708
File 132130523492.jpg - (30.05KB , 248x248 , george1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Jennfer is Andrew Hussie
>> No. 21709
File 132131841730.jpg - (18.82KB , 214x293 , supposivly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
something like this, maybe?
>> No. 21710
this tard... wow
>> No. 21711

Well, Both have creations made by retards so honestly, I would say that it makes too much goddamn sense.
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