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File 13209656577.png - (16.67KB , 721x117 , chrissy been lying.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
21712 No. 21712
Just posting this here. Chris did lie about snyder's injuries.
Expand all images
>> No. 21713
>> No. 21714
This women is married to micheal snyder.
>> No. 21717

>implying clydewarren isnt the largest faggot here
>> No. 21718
Someone delivers honest content multiple times in a dry spell when everyone wants to know what is happening

/cwc/ hates him and calls him a faggot

God fucking dammit /cwc/ your bigger hypocrites then Chris-chan is
>> No. 21719
Wouldn't be any really surprise that he did, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't playing this shit up either. Also, why the fuck would it be reported? Shit happens every day, climb down out of your own asshole you stupid bitch.
>> No. 21720

Chill out, it's one guy purposefully trying to piss people off, just ignore him.
>> No. 21721

Yeah, sauce plox.
>> No. 21722

I've got a feeling it might be on facebook. I could be wrong though.
>> No. 21723
>your bigger hypocrites
Whose bigger hypocrites?
>> No. 21724
File 132096736369.png - (93.11KB , 1059x343 , that sauce.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 21725
Yours, obviously.
>> No. 21726
No sir, we are not autistics who are worse than Chris.
introMAN is mic and TubularMonkey is the internet's largest faggot.
>> No. 21727
It's legit; Introman again gives us win,so people should stop bitching.
>> No. 21728
Fuck... I'm as angry as she is about this shit! I hate Chris Chan so god damn much!
>> No. 21729
introMAN, may I have your autistic babby?
>> No. 21730

Hi A- wait, are you trying to cheat me?
>> No. 21732
File 132096911687.jpg - (82.26KB , 478x719 , 665463.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Uh NO actually because, actually, there are pictures on Michael Snyder's profile with comments dating back to 2010. Actually.

>> No. 21733

He knows it's real, just ignore him.
>> No. 21734
File 132096923352.jpg - (55.11KB , 500x455 , Hitler bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Should we tell him how it was really the Field Agents who beated the shit out of Snyder to set up Chris and send him to prison where we could control and observe him around the clock?
>> No. 21735
Hell yes this is awesome. Well done introman.
>> No. 21736
Thank god we finally have another side story beside's Chris' bullshit version. So far Michael is winning by a long shot!
>> No. 21737

I know he knows. Hence the obviously fake MAD.
>> No. 21738

i think about these kinds of possibilities every now and then.

is it really possible for someone to know everything about chris chan now? there's so much information about him and he'd have to watch the youtube videos and read the corresponding articles in chronological order in order to get a full understanding of what's going on.

another issue is that chris completely blows things out of proportion. the trolls, his former real life friends.. he just doesn't have a firm grip on what is actually going on in his life. a person (like his lawyer) would probably be confused if he had to read both the cwcki and listen to chris's claims.
>> No. 21739
Commenting looks open on the comment she made. Also on Michael Snyder's profile:

>Activities and Interests
>"I don't want to die of natural causes"

So what's his fucking problem?
>> No. 21740
File 132097098977.jpg - (32.48KB , 315x448 , dsafdr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

lol @ some anon not doing anything and criticizing introMAN for providing insights into what's going on while no one else does.

Intredasting find.
>> No. 21741
Bout time you dropped this unhealthy obsession, autist!

And this is very interesting, it seems a little bitchy and self important of Snyder's wife to ask for media coverage but it's interesting to hear another side of the story definitely.
>> No. 21742
rectal decimation
>> No. 21743
Excellent work introman.
>> No. 21744
Somebody on the CWCki forum said that TubularMonkey was the guy from Magical Man Potion and Rollin and Trollin. I doubt it though, because TubularMonkey is too big of a faggot to do that.
>> No. 21745
My God.

It all makes sense.
>> No. 21746

>> No. 21747
Good find, introMAN.
>> No. 21748
The tomgirl on the poster is Chris.
>> No. 21749
File 132097176149.jpg - (23.62KB , 454x188 , derp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good work once again introman.
This woman however is not Mike's wife

Or at least if she is, she has a bad case of amnesia
>> No. 21750
Or she was making some pedantic point about him being (say) the general manager and not the proprietor, or the fact that perhaps she owns half of it or something like that, I don't know.

Her saying 'you own it, huh?' doesn't read like a totally ingenuous question.
>> No. 21751

She's making a joke that she part owns it too, autist.
>> No. 21752

Oh, exploitable.
>> No. 21753
So Chris hits Michael, and Barb takes the wheel from him, but then ends up hitting Michael herself as well. She calls the cops, but decides to flee the scene.

If Michael did have to go to the hospital, then yeah it's bullshit they were released so quickly.
>> No. 21754
Every time somebod is hit by a car they have to go to the hospital overnight, even if seemingly nothing happened due to the risk posed by a brain injury that may not be aparrent until hours after the incident.
>> No. 21755
File 132097376616.jpg - (15.96KB , 400x389 , tron_guy-thumb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Separated at birth?
>> No. 21756
File 132097387143.png - (144.28KB , 902x481 , Justin Cabrera.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Faggot alert.
>> No. 21757

Is that hat hair or a hair hat?
>> No. 21758
hey guys what's going on in this thread?
>> No. 21759

Julay fags are so ween!111!!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXD epic fail so randoM! WAFFLES!
>> No. 21760
baww i want to be on tv! how DARE CBS19 NOT REPORT THIS!
>> No. 21761
"Yeah I like apple juice in a box, not a bottle. Problem?"
>> No. 21762
The autism levels in this thread: skyrocketing.
>> No. 21763
Thank Christ the teen suicide rate has spiked in recent years.
>> No. 21764
No one has to go to a hospital after any accident as long as they're conscious and able to legally consent. Don't make shit up.

Also, there's no risk of brain injury from a guy getting hit in the legs. They'd only want him to stay overnight for a head injury if he actually got hit hard in the head and showed symptoms of a concussion.
>> No. 21765
EPIC WEEEN!11!!!!!111!
>> No. 21766

>They'd only want him to stay overnight for a head injury if he actually got hit hard in the head and showed symptoms of a concussion.

>> No. 21767
He was knocked down.
>> No. 21769
Go to bed, Tubular, you Autismal fucktard. Ans quit lying to your friends about the time you EPIC WEEN TROL'd Chris.
>> No. 21770
Once again, if you don't show signs of any head trauma, you're not kept in the hospital.

Hospitals don't keep everyone overnight who is in any sort of minor accident involving them falling down on the off chance they are having a hematoma, you need to actually have serious damage to the head to be in any real risk of one.

No one I know who's been in a car accident with only minor injuries had to stay overnight just in case something else popped up. It would be expensive and a waste of resources.
>> No. 21771

He goes to st charles north in Illinois. Won't post his phone number and adress.
>> No. 21772
Call me slow in the mind but where exactly does it say he was kept overnight at the hospital?

Madeline only wrote that the Chandlers where arrested and released, on bail, before Snyder even went to the hospital.
>> No. 21773
This wouldn't happen on Cwcki Forums. I'm a regular poster there and I'm only coming here for the new content.
>> No. 21775
File 132098094222.png - (45.79KB , 514x282 , how much rocky gets paid.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since it would be kind of faggy to make a new thread for the small info I found. I'm just going to post it here. Rocky Shoemaker's salary, since she did bail CWC out of jail. That has to be semi relevant to this incident somehow.
>> No. 21776
The CWiki forums are filled with hundreds of WHAT IF OP WAS/DID THIS? threads.
>> No. 21777
Dat wordfilter
>> No. 21778
Where did you get that?
>> No. 21780

The virginia annual methodist 680 page report. It says the salaries of all the people in their church. (PDF is huge ) http://www.vaumc.org/ncfilerepository/Journal2009/2009Journal.pdf ctrl+f shoemaker and you will find it. 2010 has the same info but it's not a searchable pdf.
>> No. 21781
File 132098292596.jpg - (8.20KB , 283x255 , 1319781746230.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
IntroMAN persons so hard, that it's cool when he does it.
>> No. 21782
File 132098407730.png - (81.61KB , 439x400 , thumbs_up.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
introMan delivers!
>> No. 21783
So now we know Justin Cabrera. We can assume that all Julayfags are him.
Also he's a faggot who tries to look like Justin Bieber.
>> No. 21784
AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA she's poor as shit!
>> No. 21785
Church work is a side-line. Looks like she and her husband also do real estate.

In an unrelated note, I just found out I'm distantly related to Rocky. That's like Six Degrees of Chris-Chan. I'm not comfortable with this.
>> No. 21786
Priests or ministers (whatever) make a lot of money under the table. You'd have to see her bank account to get the full picture.
>> No. 21787
I didn't expect Mike to be so weird-looking. I thought he'd be kind of trim, in his 20s, with dark hair, from the way he sounded.

Also, she likes the Steelers. Nice gal.
>> No. 21788
and, this is why we can't have nice things.
>> No. 21789
It's okay, the little Bieberfag took down his comment and now people are dox'ing Chris in that comments section.
>> No. 21790
File 132099199541.jpg - (221.55KB , 478x719 , snyderfixed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21791

Anus = blown
>> No. 21792
On God.
>> No. 21793
On God.
>> No. 21794

I thought it, you did it.

Thank you.
>> No. 21795
I noticed how even though they both resisted arrest and assaulted the police, only Barb got charged with assault.
>> No. 21796

I love this. Because it really sounds like something he'd say.
>> No. 21797
Chris must be using his Curse-ye-ha-me-ha magic autistic powers to suppress the media.
>> No. 21798
File 132099934179.gif - (56.51KB , 320x240 , 16135.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

<-- What I was expecting.
>> No. 21799
It probably also means his daughter is a teenager or even an adult by now, so he's pretty crazy too if he threatens to kill someone for taking pictures of her.
>> No. 21800
If a self-proclaimed enemy of mine got near my daughter for nefarious purposes, or simply to take "random" pictures regardless of her age, I'd be pissed off and defensive. And idiotic or not, Chris has made threats against Snyder and his family.

I don't think his daughter is of age yet, anyway.
>> No. 21801

I'm a dad and you bet your ass I'd break somebodies camera if they took pics of my kid unasked and on the street.

And no not trying to be a tough guy, but thats my kid we're talking about. You wanna keep em safe.
>> No. 21803
  >I thought he'd be kind of trim, in his 20s, with dark hair, from the way he sounded.
You all expected him to look like his South Park version in Vivian's video.
>> No. 21804
Chris was taking pictures of Snyder, there is no proof of anything otherwise.
>> No. 21805

It doesn't say it anywhere >>123509 said it was a given because he was hit by a car, people are arguing that's not always the case.


Not the point, if you're in his position and that's what you think is happening then you're going to react to it, not wait for proof.
>> No. 21806
I'm relatively certain Chris wasn't trying to take pictures of Snyder's daughter. I could see why Snyder thought that, but I can also see how Snyder is a whiny bitch.

>Christian is in my parking lot right now being grilled by the police. He took pictures of my daughter and tried to run me over with his car. they witness this, and I bet they still do nothing about it.
>> No. 21807
Jenga, shut the fuck up. Chris went back and put Michael in the hospital with his car. It was fine you having doubts last time, but this has happened twice now. You act like any questioning of Chris's character is unwarranted, like you have to either believe he's a perfect angel, or a horrible monster. Just stop.

The man was put into the hospital this time, and you call him a whiny bitch. Fuck you.
>> No. 21809

The police did actually look at the pictures Chris took and just told him to delete them, if they were pictures of Snyder's kid then it probably would've been a much bigger deal.


So because he went to hospital you think any questioning of Snyder's character is unwarranted?
>> No. 21810
File 132101611869.jpg - (14.08KB , 310x201 , BustACap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think thus far he's given no reason to doubt his character, by Chris's own admission there was "scarring" on Michael's legs (though of course he claims he somehow did this to himself by flying towards the car) Barb thought it was bad enough to call 911 before driving off, and the cops chased them down and arrested them for it.

Or do you think everyone's wrong, and Chris is some autistic angel, who would never actually act on his numerous statements that various people should die, in this specific instance wanting a dart board with Snyder's face on it, wanting the store to burn to the ground, accusing Michael of being a child molester grasping as some pathetic association to the former owner, and saying he wants everyone in the store to rot in hell.


Chris lacks the means to follow through on his threats generally, except when he's in his car. He's proudly stated he's run over animals intentionally before.

I'm not saying "CHRIS IS THE WORST PERSON EVER" I'm just saying, you have to be nearly as retarded as he is to look at these chain of events and go "Hm, nah, I think Barb, Michael, and the cops were all overreacting. Chris is harmless."
>> No. 21813
>He's proudly stated he's run over animals intentionally before.

I was with you until this. When has he ever said that? I remember he proudly stated he almost backed his car into a mall security guard once, but nothing about running over animals.
>> No. 21814

Sure, and I'm not saying Chris is an angel, I'm just saying that we still don't know what actually happened beyond the testimony of two people who clearly dislike each other a lot, and if you're going to believe everything Snyder says just because he's saying bad stuff about Chris then you have to be nearly as retarded etc, etc.


He's talking about the snake, it was in an email to a troll girlfriend, I forget which.
>> No. 21815

>Barb thought it was bad enough to call 911 before driving off,

do you seriously think barb called the police for anybody but herself? she called them because mike was trying to stop her from leaving.
>> No. 21816
File 132101783299.jpg - (11.85KB , 240x251 , 1319340209333.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I think thus far he's given no reason to doubt his character.

Are you referring to when he gave his tacit approval to digging up patti, or when he stated he wanted Chris to come into the store just so he could call the police?

>Or do you think everyone's wrong, and Chris is some autistic angel

I wasn't aware I said that, but no, I don't think that. Do you take it seriously when a 9 year old yells "I wish you were dead!" at his brother?

>Chris lacks the means to follow through on his threats generally, except when he's in his car. He's proudly stated he's run over animals intentionally before.

Except that Barb was the one who actually hit Snyder this time, if Chris had attempted to hit Snyder last time, he would have been arrested, and he ran over a snake like 3 years ago. CRIMINAL MASTERMIND.

>I'm not saying "CHRIS IS THE WORST PERSON EVER" I'm just saying, you have to be nearly as retarded as he is to look at these chain of events and go "Hm, nah, I think Barb, Michael, and the cops were all overreacting. Chris is harmless."

This is a man who thought someone from the internet was going to kill him, so he shit his bed, put a bear with sunglasses in its place, and then hid under a pile of stuffed animals. Clearly we're dealing with the next Ted Bundy here.

PROTIP: Just because Chris is a shitty person doesn't preclude the possibility that Michael Snyder isn't one too.
>> No. 21818

>I think thus far he's given no reason to doubt his character

That Michael was saying that Chris actually tried to run him over the last time, and yet has no misgivings about getting in Chris' way when he's in a car again kind of looks suspect to me. You think if his side of it was fully truthful he'd stay the fuck away as soon as Chris got behind a wheel, right?
>> No. 21819

>He's proudly stated he's run over animals intentionally before.

Ever see an 8-year old act like a hero for squashing a spider?

>> No. 21820
>>Are you referring to when he gave his tacit approval to digging up patti, or when he stated he wanted Chris to come into the store just so he could call the police?

>>I wasn't aware I said that, but no, I don't think that. Do you take it seriously when a 9 year old yells "I wish you were dead!" at his brother?

I'm just going to point out the irony in you saying an angry, literally retarded person with the mentality of a child should be cut some slack, but a functioning member of society should have his character called into question because he agreed with obvious jokes.

Do you seriously think that Snyder was seriously suggesting Patti should be dug up you fucking idiot? Yes, he wants Chris arrested, because Chris was a nuisance who harassed his customers. And again, this is backed up by the statements of the other employees and Megan.

>>Except that Barb was the one who actually hit Snyder this time, if Chris had attempted to hit Snyder last time, he would have been arrested, and he ran over a snake like 3 years ago. CRIMINAL MASTERMIND.

Wrong. Chris hit Michael the first couple times, this is when he describes the "leg scarring" on Michael, before Barb takes the wheel from Chris. Why would she tell him to switch places with her and call 911 if not Chris hitting Michael? This is the exact same thing that happened last time, except this time Barb was there. Do you think him changing the name of the store was a trap to lure Chris in too?

>>This is a man who thought someone from the internet was going to kill him, so he shit his bed, put a bear with sunglasses in its place, and then hid under a pile of stuffed animals. Clearly we're dealing with the next Ted Bundy here.

Okay, first thing, when did I say Chris was a criminal mastermind, or a serial killer? Oh wait, no that's not what I said at all, you're retarded.

You're trying to argue that because Chris has poor judgment and makes poor decisions, that... makes it less likely he would exercise poor judgment and make a bad decision? Listen, Chris hit Snyder. For all YOUR bitching and whining, it fucking happened. He has a court date and charges for it. You've been proven wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt you fucking imbecile.
>> No. 21821
No? He wanted Chris to get arrested for trespassing. This is the third or fourth time Chris has gone there and made a scene after being banned. Because someone stands in front of your car doesn't justify running them down.

This is a 29 (or I guess he was 27 or 28 at the time) year old being proud of intentionally killing something outside of his car that posed him no threat whatsoever.
>> No. 21822

>This is a 29 (or I guess he was 27 or 28 at the time) year old being proud of intentionally killing something outside of his car that posed him no threat whatsoever.

No, this is a retard stuck with a 8-year old mentality well into his late twenties, proud to have "saved" people from a "dangerous" animal just like any 8-year old would be.
>> No. 21823
File 132102458549.jpg - (93.04KB , 525x525 , Son-ChuBot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I said it before and I'll say it again: I don't think this jackass should be allowed to ride anything but the short bus.

The thought of him driving a car FREAKS me the FUCK OUT, MAN.

If I were the judge in this case, which sadly I'm not, I'd have the car demolished in front of his autistic eyes, take his license and prosecute the person that let him pass his drivers license to the full extend of the law and make sure that guy, or girl, never ever works at the DMV ever again.

I'm not against autistic people driving a car, I'm just against HIM driving a car, and given the circumstance I'd say I make a pretty strong fucking point.
>> No. 21824

I find it so sad-hilarious that Jackie, for all of her credentials, only makes SLIGHTLY more money than a greasy sharting manbaby like Chris does with his post-Bob $1200 per month tugboat ($14400 annual, all tax-free).
>> No. 21825

I meant to say Rocky, not Jackie (I know some of you spelling Nazis are gonna start yowling like retarded baboons about it)
>> No. 21826
My guess is that Rocky is virtually retired and doing this for kicks, doubt her salary counts for much.
>> No. 21827
The PS3 was also run over repeatedly by Son-chu like this snake, might happen to a JEW one day.
>> No. 21828

Hopefully, the judge will declare Chris unfit to handle such a responsability as a driving license, indeed.

It would be funny (and ironic as fuck) to watch Chris try to keep his license by squealing and crying to convince the jury that he's a very normal and responsible person after a lifetime of playing the crippled card and saying "I'm autistic, I'm not responsible for anything I do" to get out of trouble.
>> No. 21829
I think Chris hates Snyder even more than Clyde.

Why? Because Snyder represents what Chris fears and hates the most; someone who has dared to say "no" to Chris and refuses to back down. Chris thinks all of humanity is put on this Earth by GodBear to serve Chris. Michael Snyder has dared to disobey that World Order by not giving Chris what Chris wants.

Why, the dirty joo has even banished Chris from a piece of territory that Chris demands to sodomize! Jews really are minions of Satan!

Out there is a man who has stood his ground and refuses to let Chris get away with his shit any longer. To a spoiled rotten manbaby like CWC, this completely skullfucks his whole worldview of humanity as either being servants or as opponents that Chris can easily punish. Michael Snyder is an anomaly that neither serves Chris and is immune to every curse-ye-ka-me-ha thrown at him.
>> No. 21830
>He's proudly stated he's run over animals intentionally before.

Dear God, I know Chris is human garbage, but I never thought even he would sink so low, and even brag about it as well. Is there a link to this claim?
>> No. 21831

He thought it was a dangerous animal, he's stupid enough to think snake = poisonous.
>> No. 21832
he was in his car at the time, poisonous or not, it couldn't hurt him in there.
>> No. 21833
File 132102811163.jpg - (266.85KB , 900x1238 , sonichu_comic_3_by_necrypt-d3kmtod.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I really wonder what made him to finally abandon his vendetta against Mary Lee Walsh.
>> No. 21834
It was in one of the e-mails iirc, he spoke of always swerving to try to hit snakes, and of one specific instance where he ran over one, then backed over it to make sure he got it.

I'm not saying Chris is a violent murderer, but putting him behind the wheel of a car is like giving him a loaded gun. I have no doubt he wanted to scare Michael with his car, and felt empowered behind the safety of it.
>> No. 21835

Yeah, you see the problem there is you're trying to apply a logical way of thinking to Chris and that doesn't work. In his retarded mind it was a poisonous snake that was a threat to people and he performed a public service by killing it, it made him the good guy. This is obviously completely wrong, but what I'm saying is he didn't think "There's a harmless living creature, I'm going to kill it because I want to kill things."
>> No. 21836
File 132103341525.jpg - (13.50KB , 226x311 , 1311671743767.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw people are complaining about Snyder's wife being angry about Chris and Barb being released
>mfw people called Synder whiny because he wants to get Chris to arrested

If a giant autistic retard who smells like rotten watermelons kept trying to come into my store, and if he had spent the last ten years when he was allowed in the store being a jerk, shouting, scaring children, being racist, bringing in his Wii to play on the store television all day, stalking girls, and causing a general ruckus (not to mention taking pictures of my daughter/myself, making threats against me, and accusing me of being a pedophile) then I'd want him gone too.

Synder's wife has every right to be pissed off that those two failures got released from jail before he even made it into hospital, just like Synder has every right to be pissed off that Chris seemed to be above the law the last time this happened.
>> No. 21837

I agree. I'm not the kind of guy to go "I hate that autistic fuck, I hope he suffers!" but I can totally see Mike's viewpoint. He's sick and tired of Chris's shit, and I'm sure his wife feels the same way.
>> No. 21838
and thats exactly why youre not a judge you fucking spеrg
>> No. 21839

Finally a believer. Thank you.


Great comeback, bro.

>> No. 21841
File 132103994399.jpg - (27.72KB , 189x267 , 132050091551.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just wanted you to know I'm high as fuck and didn't read a word of that.
>> No. 21842
He's a retarded evangelical redneck, so I wouldn't rule-out some Adam and Eve bullshit, either.
>> No. 21843
Imagine, Chris waddles his fat ass as fast as he can towards SONCHU to get away from the dark reach of the damn, dirty jew MICHAEL SNYDER. He shuts the door, and starts the ignition just as the jew gets in reach of SONCHUs megapunch, powered by the powerful 1.9 LITER ENGINE
he screams as he powers SONCHU forward towards the damn, dirty jew. Snyder jumps just out of the way, his knee hitting SONCHUs eye, bending backwards. Chris looks into his rearview mirror to see that the deed is done. He grins "FINALLY, MY VENGEANCE QUEST IS OVER". But the celebration ends all too soon, when JERKOPS appear right behind him. "AUTOBOTS, ROOOOOOOOOOLLL OUT." yells Chris, as his tires screech before careening him into a nearby van.
>> No. 21844
This has probably been suggested already, but I wonder if this second documented case of Chris trying to hit someone with a car will result in his license being taken away?
>> No. 21845
There's doubt to whether or not Chris actually hit Snyder, or if Snyder ran in front of his car trying to stop him, so it's probably not on record anywhere.

inb4 stop white knighting chris
>> No. 21846

It's probably the same as last time; Chris (or Barb, according to Chris' email to honestinjun) tried to drive away and Snyder got in front to try and stop them, only this time he may have actually got hurt in the process.
>> No. 21847

Why are you such an annoying faggot?
>> No. 21848
File 132105861962.jpg - (8.53KB , 266x213 , sotough.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There's this thing called hunting, the whole point of which is to go out of your way to kill animals that pose no threat whatsoever. A lot of people enjoy it. I'm not saying it makes it okay, but Chris's having proud of killing a snake has no bearing on the situation.

Chris is an angry, bitter, but relatively harmless idiot with an entitlement complex and a warped perception of how the world works. I wouldn't doubt for a moment that Chris was trying to nudge Snyder with his car, but I don't think Chris intended any real harm and Snyder was a moron for having deliberately stood in his path, especially after previously accusing Chris of trying to run him down. Snyder and his wife have every right to be angry with Chris, but I don't understand why anyone on this board gives a shit, save for the CHRIS IS A MENACE TO SOCIETY AND SHOULD BE LOCKED AWAY sorts (and the trolls posing as such). Just let Snyder deal with his own problems and enjoy the lulz that ensue.
>> No. 21849
introman will you wed me
>> No. 21850
Come to think of it, Chris actually may be able to drop the trespassing charge.

It's usually only considered trespassing when you ask a person to leave and they refuse, or if they're explicitly banned from a business.
1.) Chris was banned from Game Place. Since the store had switched hands and was renamed it could be considered a different business. Chris had no way of knowing that Snyder was running things and that he was banned from this business as well. Not saying that Snyder purposely tricked Chris but the trespassing charge is definitely on shaky grounds.

2.) After being told to leave, Chris apparently did so and tried to drive away. By standing in front of his car in the parking lot and blocking their exit, Snyder was actually unlawfully detaining them.
>> No. 21851
Some people in this thread have made judgement positive and negative towards Mike, and while I don't know if Mike is a good guy or a asshole for whining. All I have to say is you got to look at his feud with Chris through his perspective.

I mean we only get glimpses of Chris, imagine him smelling bad as Pixyteri hanging out at where you work constantly. His outbursts and scarring little kids at card games will cause parents to avoid that establishment knowing this kind of customer is frequently there. It can potentially hurt the business and his ass would now be on the line. Now since he owns it Chris's scaring off customers would have more direct financial consequences.

Plus if you tell Chris to stop doing something he gets melodramatic, ie all the times people have told him to leave because he is loitering.

I don't know if Mike is a good or crummy guy, but the years he has spent dealing with Chris, in person, would make anyone bitter.
>> No. 21852

I think it's a combination of the two ideas. Mike's just some dude with a business and a family. As much of a pain in the ass as Chris has been, Mike probably hasn't wasted a lot of his time brooding over how to get back at him, but now that he has a chance to end the bullshit, he's bringing the hammer down as hard as he's allowed.
>> No. 21853
Chris didn't claim Mike stood in front of their van to keep them there this time. That was last time.

And yeah, the trespassing charge might get dropped but Snyder filed a civil suit which is probably a restraining order and then there are the other, felony charges.
>> No. 21854

>Chris didn't claim Mike stood in front of their van to keep them there this time. That was last time.

Actually, according to Chris, what Snyder did last time was:

>He- as a matter of fact, he jumped on to the top of my hood! He was looming over my windshield!

So we can probably assume Chris isn't being 100% accurate in his story.
>> No. 21855
Why are you so mad? I think Chris is a pretty cool guy that I would totally hang out with and play vidya.
>> No. 21856
This raises a question I haven't seen brought up yet: Why did Mike put himself in a position to get hit by the car? If he wanted to make sure they left the premises, he could have stayed safely on the sidewalk outside the store and seen them to their car/van from there. Instead, he walked out into the parking lot. More or less in arm's reach of a car being driven by a guy who, by Mike's own admission, has tried to run him over before.

>> No. 21857
>>There's doubt to whether or not Chris actually hit Snyder, or if Snyder ran in front of his car trying to stop him, so it's probably not on record anywhere.

Who's doubts? The doubts of Chris who described Michael as getting "leg scarring"? The doubts of Barb who took the wheel from Chris and called 911? The doubts of the paramedics that took Michael to the hospital? The doubts of the police who pulled Chris over and arrested him? the doubts of the documents that charge him with trespassing, assault, and failure to stop?

Or... the personal doubts of one idiot who thinks Mike's a "whiny bitch" for being upset Chris didn't get arrested last time this happened?
>> No. 21858
Snyder has called the cops on Chris before and seems to have a general interest in getting some kind of police action on Chris. It seems like Mike saw a chance to hold Chris until the cops came. Otherwise, they would probably tell him there was nothing that could be done. Chris has been an irritance to Snyder for a while and this was probably Snyder's shot at putting an end to it.
>> No. 21859
That doesn't make any sense.

"Thank God you're here, officers. This trespasser was just trying to leave, so I had to stop him!"
>> No. 21860
That's what I mean. I translated "jumping up on to the top of my hood!" from Chris speak to mean "stood in front of my car to keep me from leaving." This time he wasn't terribly explicit, just that Mike got hit or something (again, in Chris speak, "made his own leg scarrings" or whatever) but I don't know if it was him trying to keep Chris from leaving. Maybe it was, I guess we need more info.
>> No. 21861
No. It makes perfect sense. Michael Snyder wants Chris to be punished for the crime he committed — trespassing — so he stopped Chris.
>> No. 21862
File 132107357788.jpg - (50.96KB , 406x480 , 131267438269.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was referring to the previous GAMe PLACe incident, my ass devastated friend. Of course this incident is on record, he was arrested. I hope the inflatable tube you sit on eases the stinging of your bruised anus.
>> No. 21863

1) Chris lies, and quite often, especially to make himself look better.

2) This is the second incident involving the GAMe PLACe and the police. It's quite likely the first happened a lot like this one.

3) Most importantly: You're an annoying faggot.
>> No. 21864
>Madeline answered "I am cleaning up my Facebook friends... Let me know if you would like to stay friends with me" with "No."

Dat bitch is cold, man, cold.
>> No. 21865
So, you admit it's on record that it happened this time, yet you don't want to believe the exact same thing happened last time?

You have doubts, speak for yourself. Who else has doubts besides you? This isn't a wikipedia article, don't try to act like there's some general sentiment of doubt that the functioning adult gave a more reliable account of the story than the autistic manchild who believes cartoons talk to him and refuses to accept responsibility for anything he says or does.
>> No. 21866
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>> No. 21867
I don't want Chris to go to jail, but i'd love to see that idiot get at least some kind of punishment, like house-arrest or probation.

And he definitely shouldn't be able to drive a car anymore, seeing all the awful things he's tried to do.

>I nearly backed up onto him with my car, and I gave him another finger. Then I dashed off.
>> No. 21868
I could be wrong here, but I think Chris was forbidden from going onto the store's property. If Snyder prevented him from leaving then at the very least he could claim a citizen's arrest. Also, in the past I think Snyder has called the police but as Chris had long since gone by the time they arrived, the police basically said they couldn't do anything.

Not that I agree with Snyder's decision. It's stupid to stand in front of a vehicle controlled by a couple of people who are known to be mentally unstable. He couldn't have seriously expected them not to hit the gas pedal.
>> No. 21869
I hope Chris gets sent to the county jail for a couple of weeks, that way, the trolls can release some of the content from the last 10 months.
>> No. 21870
File 132107704285.png - (3.99KB , 200x150 , welp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 21871
Seriously. The dude has almost run you down at least once before. Why the fuck would you go anywhere near him in a car?
>> No. 21872
>> No. 21873

It's been recorded that he almost backed over another manager at Wal-Mart.
It's been recorded that he hit Michael Snyder in this recent situation.
It's completely believable that he did the exact same thing when visiting the GAMe PLACe before.

It's a fact that you're a fucking retarded faggot who needs to shut the fuck up.
>> No. 21874

Nope, unless Michael said something along the lines of "You're under citizen's arrest", it was unlawful detainment.
>> No. 21875
Nah, they could back up. And hell, they could get out and walk away if they really needed to. I'm not a lawyer, but I doubt that's unlawful detainment.
>> No. 21876
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>> No. 21877

Admittedly I don't know where exactly in the parking lot where it took place so I can't argue whether or not they could back up. Unlawful detainment can also deal with property so if the case were that they couldn't back up and decided to walk home, being forced to leave their car there, same thing would apply. It's not something Snyder would be thrown in jail for but Chris's lawyer will probably bring it up.
>> No. 21878
Also he took photos again, and was threatening to post them on the internet. Last time, Mike was able to have the cops erase the photos, but couldn't if Chris sped away.

But, basically, yeah. Chris could enter and run away hundreds of times... Mike needed to keep him there 'till the cops arrived so more action could be taken.
>> No. 21879
Pure speculation, but if Chris was taking photos from his 3DS they may not have realized it was a camera or that he actually got any picture.
>> No. 21880
>IntroMAN contributing content while Tito & Thorg don't
>U Mad
>No U
This is why we can't have nice things.
>> No. 21881
Snyder has good reason to want to get rid of chris so I wouldn't blame him hamming up the threat posed by him.

Guys here on the other hand, talking about how he once ran over a snake making him a menace to society really need to get a grip! When you're trying to convince other trolls who know as much as you do (and not say, strangers) that he is a bumbling force to be reckoned with its a pretty baffling.

Are you actually pleading with people who laugh at him to take manchild tantrums seriously or are you trying to convince yourself you're fighting a worthy opponent and not a handicap? If so, you must have been in the can during most of nemesis handout day.

The other alternative - people are actually scared of him - doesn't bear thinking about.
>> No. 21882
Yeah, if you guys really think Chris is a great evil menace to society, then you clearly live sheltered lives. Most of his crimes result from stupidity or panic rather than true malice. His racism, homophobia, insensitivity, etc amounts to nothing more than words spouted off to strangers on the internet (do you take great offense to *chan posts, too?). And his suckling off Uncle Sam's boob? Go to any project and you will find a plethora of ugly sows who breed constantly just so they can get more gubment money and sit around the apartment all day, waiting for their thug boyfriends to impregnate them again.
>> No. 21883
I think you've kind of missed the point. The snake example is just evidence of an overall trend. The snake wasn't banning him, or yelling at him or trying to chase him away, and he killed it for no reason other than he wanted to.

Not because it posed him a threat, not because he was afraid of it, because he wanted to. In his car, Chris is safe, Chris has a small amount of power. Killing the snake isn't being mentioned as evidence he's a cold-blooded serial killer, it's just demonstrating the pattern. He said he nearly ran over an employee at Target, and he's now TWICE nearly done the same with Michael Snyder. Snyder had to go to the hospital this time.

What more evidence do you need? Chris shouldn't be driving. Not because he's a homicidal maniac, but because he's an autistic retard who believes cartoons talk to him, that he can put curses on people, and that everyone who disagrees with him should be put to death. Because he has a clear, escalating history of misusing his vehicle.
>> No. 21884
are you so butthurt about Chris driving that you need to use something like "He ran over a snake and bragged about. ZOMG monster !!!!1!!1!"

srsly, Chris is autistic. He probably drives more safely then most people on this board.
>> No. 21885
You're posting in a thread about another person who Chris put into the hospital with his car, and you write that?

You're demanding an example of him intentionally killing something with his car be stricken as an example of a larger trend. It's not about Chris being some horrible monster, it's about Chris being autistic, and having four separate instances of using his car inappropriately.
>> No. 21886
I like how you think having a mental deficiency makes you a better driver.
>> No. 21887
Chris really is pretty slow and careful driving.
>> No. 21888
File 132111861827.gif - (604.79KB , 292x242 , dance.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I heard that they're pulling Michael Snyder's life support if he doesn't wake up by the end of this weekend. RIP Michael Snyder, you're a hero to us all.

lol, yep that's me alright...better stop making you mad before mom makes me leave the internet forever!

Are you seriously trying to justify Chris being a monster with the death of one snake on some backwater road in the middle of Virginia that was ran over by a retard, of which the only proof you have is that retard's word when he was trying to impress a girl? Because that's what it sounds like.
>> No. 21890

>Are you seriously trying to justify Chris being a monster with the death of one snake on some backwater road in the middle of Virginia that was ran over by a retard, of which the only proof you have is that retard's word when he was trying to impress a girl? Because that's what it sounds like.

Yeah, there are easier ways to do that, like the numerous death threats he made, and how he hit a man with his car and is going to court for it.
>> No. 21891
Truly, a terror greater than all we have face. His impotent death threats have instilled fear across the nation.

Is /cwc/ aware that there are people much more worse than Chris is?

For god's sake, hop off of your high horses. He's a giant stupid oaf who shits his pants and thinks that there is an ongoing conspiracy in his life to destroy him. This is a man who, when he thought Clyde Cash was going to kill him (because that was so likely) SHIT HIS BED AND HID UNDER A PILE OF STUFFED ANIMALS.

But for shits and giggles, let's take a look at those "death threats."

There's 12 listed on the CWCki. Of those twelve, only three are real people. Only one of them is someone he could conceivably murder (Michael Snyder), because he doesn't know where the hell Adam Stackhouse and Liquid Chris live (I'm counting him as "real" since Chris has actually seen his face). The majority of those "death threats" are things like "DIE YOU CLYDE CASH!" As far as "threats" that have been followed through with, he's only done .5 of them. I'll credit Snyder getting hit with the car as a half a murder, since it's obviously on par with the Holocaust around here.

Of course Chris hitting Michael Snyder was wrong. Of course he and Barb resisting arrest was wrong. Hell, his arrest for loitering around the Target was wrong, and yes, his behavior is reprehensible. Anyone can see that. But to consider him an actual threat is ridiculous.

I posted a video of one of those death threats. I hope you guys are okay with that, I know how terrifying Chris can get.
>> No. 21892

>There's 12 listed on the CWCki. Of those twelve, only three are real people. Only one of them is someone he could conceivably murder (Michael Snyder)

>Death threats against an actual person he could conceivably murder just coincidentally happens to be the same person he injured with his car

>Implying also that just because he failed this time that he couldn't just do it again later and succeed
>> No. 21893
File 132112085765.png - (864.52KB , 837x617 , burnsmith.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tell you what, if Snyder gets ran over by Chris at any point in the future, I owe you a Coke.
>> No. 21894
I miss that Chris
>> No. 21895
File 13211212752.jpg - (18.98KB , 684x141 , Jengatype eventually owes me a Coke.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Can't wait to drink it...It will taste glorious.
>> No. 21896
Chris did also get done for follow to close, which is not exactly indicative of a careful, road-rule following personed up driver that some seem to suggest he could be.
>> No. 21897
I can't tell anymore whether you're trolling, or seriously fucking retarded.

All of the people Chris made death threats to were real people, some of them just weren't who they told him they were, but they were actual people. It would be like you arguing that The Joker had no intention to kill Batman because he didn't know he was really Bruce Wayne.

Again and again you go back to trying to exaggerate people's claims because if you respond to them as they are, you look like an even bigger retard than you are.

Whenever anyone points these things out, you immediately accuse them of saying Chris is a terror, or a monster, or a serial killer, or a criminal mastermind. Who besides you has said ANY of these things you fucking idiot? All they say is that he's an angry, selfish retard with a track record for making threats of physical violence who has repeatedly exercised bad judgment behind the wheel of a car.

None of your whining and bellyaching will undo this, no matter what lengths you go to in order to stretch whatever they're saying into something unreasonable.
>> No. 21898
You're right. Chris totally could dox someone, get all the way to their home, and kill them. He's completely capable of that. Do you actually read what you post?
>> No. 21899

He did well enough finding Michael Snyder and hitting him with a car.
>> No. 21900
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>> No. 21901
Chris is an idiot and deserved to be arrested. Maybe court will wake him up a bit (as remote as that seems). His death threats, however, are impotent. But do you know what someone who stands behind or in front of an especially idiotic autistic manchild's car is?
As bigger retard as Chris. Did he really think Chris wouldn't be stupid enough to move the car? Really? Chris? The man knows him. I'm not blaming the victim but it's pretty damn stupid.
>> No. 21902

I don't really blame Snyder for blocking his escape until the cops showed up. He's trying to run a business and he doesn't need some banned retard continually making these hit and run antics. Especially since the cops never do anything if said retard is gone when they get there.

I'm not saying it was the smartest thing to do, just that I can understand why he did it. I seriously hope this court case ends with a decent punishment for the Chandlers. They BOTH need to learn that Chris isn't above the law. Otherwise Chris will just continue these "missions" until someone is actually hurt. (I could easily picture a scenario where Snyder is chasing him off, and in the retard's panic he accidentally hits a kid)
>> No. 21903

If he doesn't need him making these hut and run antics then why does he keep getting in front of his fucking car.
>> No. 21904
>Especially since the cops never do anything if said retard is gone when they get there.

Reading comprehension bro.
>> No. 21905

Ah, so the best way to stop getting run over by Chris is to get in front of his car and wait for the police to arrive to arrest him after he runs you over, gotcha. Funny, I thought it would've been easier to just not get in front of his car.
>> No. 21906
Moron, he needed Chris there so the police could do something about the continual trespassing and harassment, Way to not read.
>> No. 21907
>Since the store had switched hands and was renamed it could be considered a different business. Chris had no way of knowing that Snyder was running things and that he was banned from this business as well. Not saying that Snyder purposely tricked Chris but the trespassing charge is definitely on shaky grounds.
I think the fact that he brought his camera and took more pictures of mike kinda defeats the whole "it was just an innocent mistake!" claim.
>> No. 21908
>three occasions in 4 years
>Chris leaves each time
>Snyder fears for his life
>> No. 21909
>Fears for his life
When did I ever say this? There you go with your ridiculous hyperbole again.
Don't you think it's kind of bad for business to have a nearly 30 year old manchild taking pictures in a place filled with young kids, throwing a fit, and shouting racial epitaphs?
Snyder has a good reason to want to press charges.
Also, you don't need to be a "monster serial killer" to hurt someone with your car. You just need to be impulsive and stupid, which Chris undeniably is. He should not be behind the wheel.
>> No. 21910
>implying the hyperbole is unintentional
>> No. 21911
And it has already been explained by people more eloquent than me why your use of hyperbole is so fucking stupid
>Whenever anyone points these things out, you immediately accuse them of saying Chris is a terror, or a monster, or a serial killer, or a criminal mastermind. Who besides you has said ANY of these things you fucking idiot? All they say is that he's an angry, selfish retard with a track record for making threats of physical violence who has repeatedly exercised bad judgment behind the wheel of a car.
I'm starting to think you're as autistic as Chris.
Also, greentext is for quoting, keep that >implying bullshit in /b/ where it belongs.
>> No. 21912
I like how his response to that post pointing out his misuse of hyperbole was to respond with more hyperbole.
I'm starting to think he really is a troll. I hope so, at least.
>> No. 21913
Unless his fat ass gets jammed in a building's only fire exit during a fire, he's tossed from an overpass through a car windshield or his body is cut up into pieces, served in a restaurant, but dangerously undercooked, he poses no threat to anyone with basic motor functions.
>> No. 21914
Alright, time to set the tripfaggot and this moron >>124193 straight before they get too uppity.


>srsly, Chris is autistic. He probably drives more safely then most people on this board.

June 22, 2005 - Chris almost backs up into a manager of Wal-mart.

July 25, 2005 - Chris rear ends a car, causing a fender bender and damaging the other car.

June 4, 2010 - Chris nearly runs over Snyder and admitted to being INTOXICATED while driving.

October 11, 2011 - Chris hits Snyder.

Yup, Chris is a very safe, honest, responsible and cautious driver. Don't feel bad kids, I was used to be stupid too, but then I grew out of it.

PROTIP - Just because he doesn't intend to hurt anyone it doesn't mean he is safe driving car, Jenga. Try reading what others are saying instead of attentionwhoring.
>> No. 21915
> November 12, 2011: Chris drives his car into my ass; the devastation is great and the womenfolk weep.
>> No. 21916

>say something stupid
>someone proves you wrong
>essentially go 'u mad?'

Your tears are delicious.
>> No. 21917
Wow dude, played the music from http://theunfunnytruth.ytmnd.com/ in the background while reading that harrowing account. Maybe you should make one.
>> No. 21918
File 132114899120.jpg - (37.97KB , 512x402 , calm down brah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
seriously, its just the internet... calm down brah.
>> No. 21919
File 132116325313.png - (72.68KB , 744x1340 , fuck-off-retard.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread.
>> No. 21920

Chris wasn't intoxicated while driving. You're an idiot for thinking that. He drank ONE BEER and then waited an hour.
>> No. 21921
It saddens me to realize just how many people do this nowadays.
>> No. 21924
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>> No. 21925
>a bottle of bud
>a bottle
That's not really "one beer"
>> No. 21926
Are you serious right now? Do you think bottles of beer are served in two liters or something? How old are you?
>> No. 21927
FYI a bottle of Budweiser is 3/4 of a US pint.

Not that either would have Chris even tipsy I'm guessing with the size and weight of him.
>> No. 21928
I sincerely hope you're a troll and not honestly that dumb.
>> No. 21929
The indefinite article "a" means one you fucking stupid faggot.
>> No. 21930
File 132117052465.jpg - (26.60KB , 300x300 , pryor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is dis nigger serious?
>> No. 21931
somebody's ignorant
>> No. 21932

Too bad it's perfectly legal to take pictures of kids without permission while on public property. At least in the United States.
>> No. 21933
if chris actually injured snyder, why did they charge him with the "damaging property" code instead of the "injured victim" code? they're two separate charges.
>> No. 21934

One of the charges was for assault, but I guess if it was with a vehicle there would be a specific code for that as well?
>> No. 21935

if chris hit snyder with his car and drove away, it would be felony hit and run, injured victim. that's not what he got charged with. both injury and $1000 damage fall under the same code, but they're two different charges. chris didn't hit snyder with his car, he hit something else.
>> No. 21936
He was charged with "failure to stop" and assault. I'm guessing he hit Snyder, but they decided it was due to incompetence rather than being intentional? Or his injuries weren't that severe?

The bit that gets me is Chris describing "leg scarring". What the hell does that even mean? Scars don't form that quickly. I assumed there were cuts on his legs.
>> No. 21937
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I was under the impression that they charged him with assault because he hit Snyder with the car, but didn't do too much damage to him. If he hit Snyder any harder than giving him "scars", which I'm guessing is just some cuts, he probably would have been charged with felony hit and run.

Of course, we only have Chris's word to go on. He may be leaving out the whole story.
>> No. 21938
>>Of course, we only have Chris's word to go on. He may be leaving out the whole story.
Which is pretty much a given. If one sentence could describe Chris' life it'd be "From Chris' perspective".
Michael Snyder seems to be a drama queen though. Assuming The Place has CCTV against shop-lifters, corroborating what happened shouldn't require an attempt to detain Chris at the scene by standing to block his car. There were other witnesses as is evident from the photo Chris took from the door. He was maybe even on CCTV taking the picture. Surely that'd be enough for a restraining order (or whatever it's called in Virginia)? There's maybe even CCTV covering the exists of the car-park. If the attempt to capture the wild manchild hadn't happened there would have been a great deal less drama.
>> No. 21939
So much of missing the points...

According to Chris' emails, he did admit that Michael pointed those two out the door, but he also admitted that he took out his 3DS and yell at the top of his lungs: "FOR THE INTERNET". Therefore, he threatened him by taking the pics and ran off.

Last time he was suppose to delete the pics he took of Snyder by the order of the cops, and this time he did the same actions again. Therefore Snyder had to do something by blocking them and having the police do something about the pictures. And then Chris tried to ran him over before Barb took over the wheel and tried to escape without hitting Snyder. And that's how the arresting happened.
>> No. 21940
>Last time he was suppose to delete the pics he took of Snyder by the order of the cops

Yeah, and instead of doing that, Chris uploaded them to the CWCwiki on a pathetic attempt to one-up Snyder by making fun of his obesity and calling him a child molester. (Delicious irony)

Shooting his own foot doesn't even start making justice to Chris's self destructive acts.
>> No. 21941

Yeah, it starts becoming really difficult to feel bad for Chris's position in all of this when you consider what a vindictive little prick he's been, doesn't it? The fact that he snapped off those pictures and issued some retarded battle cry which landed both himself and his mom in jail over it, yet still has the gall to upload those pictures as some sort of spoils from his righteous war against Snyder? It's pretty awful.

I'm very much a moralfag about Chris-chan and feel like the trolling against him is entirely inexcusable, and I normally feel pity for him. Sometimes he makes it pretty damn hard, though.
>> No. 21942
File 132121495818.jpg - (161.36KB , 744x561 , racial epitaphs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>racial epitaphs
>> No. 21943
>I'm very much a moralfag about Chris-chan and feel like the trolling against him is entirely inexcusable, and I normally feel pity for him.<

Then why are you here?
>> No. 21944
Because it's possible to enjoy how strange and unique Chris is without wanting him to be hurt.
>> No. 21945
Implying trolls want to hurt Chris.
>> No. 21946
Kumbayaaaa personlooooord...kumbayaaaaaaa. Peeeerson loooooord, kumbayaaaaa.
>> No. 21947

Trolls just want to take advantage of Chris for their amusement, which sometimes hurts Chris and sometimes doesn't.
>> No. 21948
Oh hai CWCkifag.
>> No. 21949

Implying that the rest of us are here for altruistic reasons.
>> No. 21950

Nothing ever serious happens when he gets trolled. I wouldn't say he gets hurt.
>> No. 21951
Well, he has been sexually abused repeatedly for the past couple of years. I'm sure you could say it doesn't count because he was tricked into it and not physically forced, but in the real world of right wing redneck law you're talking about a ring of men on the internet who have preyed on a heterosexual mental retard and swapped videos and photos of the sex acts they've groomed him into performing online.
They've turned him into a transvestite sexual deviant by pretending to be girls on the internet.

Of course that's hilariously biased and there are a lot of hoops and half-truths to paint that picture, but since everyone is doing the exact same to paint him as a serious criminal threat, it needs said just to counterbalance the scary snake brigade.
>> No. 21952
Has anyone suggested that while he may not intentionally be, has been, or will be a criminal threat. He's ultimately too stupid for his own good, or the good of anyone around him? He needs his drivers license taken away. Period. While we all have our marks on our driving records. Tickets, possibly wrecks, etc. I doubt most of us have hit/nearly hit someone an upwards of four times now. One of these times while intoxicated, including being pissed off about being banned from a fucking kids store.
>> No. 21953
>>124787 Even Chris' flimsy "I was tricked by the Under New management sign" excuse is vaporized by his act of whipping out the camera and shouting "FOR THE INTERNET!".

And I thought the Chris hated the Internet, btw. Why was he doing what he thought was a favor for it by taking pictures of the Den of Trolls and Joos?
>> No. 21954
I'd imagine he meant that he was going to put the picture on the internet, as in the picture is for the internet.

Chris seems to think that anyone who puts their personal information on the internet will get trolled, so Chris putting a picture of Michael on the CWCki will get trolls to go after Michael.
...I doubt he realizes that Michael Snyder has a facebook with his picture on it.
>> No. 21955

Right, people seem to have misread "For the internet!" as some kind of Thor-like battle cry. Although it is funnier that way.
>> No. 21956
You guys beat me to it. At first I thought FOR THE INTERNET was a battlecry, but it's pretty obvious that he was frantically declaring his intention with the pictures.
>> No. 21957
I like it better when it's a battle cry in my head.
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