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File 131891765133.jpg - (5.91KB , 200x150 , cole smithaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
21958 No. 21958
seeing as the old thread hit 500 posts, its time for a new cole smitthhhhhaaaaaaaaaayyyyy thread.

he relisted his ebay auction once again. so, who is going to pay to have dinner beer with "the worlds smartest film critic" ??
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>> No. 21959
auction is here... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Drink-Beer-NYC-Film-Critic-Cole-Smithey-/290621464585?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43aa63a009#ht_500wt_1202
>> No. 21960
someone from Europe or australia should win the auction. The auction clearly states that the drinking takes place in NYC. Since the auction only mentions the winner paying for the bar tab, start harassing Cole, asking him when he's going to send the plane tickets. Plane tickets from Europe or Australia to the US are fare more expensive than $250.
>> No. 21961
I like that none of the bidders had any feedback and were obviously all trolls. You'd think that with no one else bidding he'd get the idea that nobody wants to pay to buy him drinks.

>> No. 21962
Another auction?

Well now this is just getting plain silly.
>> No. 21963
File 131891965363.jpg - (27.97KB , 500x333 , hahaha2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MFW chris is a bigger "celebrity" than cole smithey ever will be.
>> No. 21964
Cole and Chris are exactly alike.

They are both failing at something, then doing the exact same thing over and over, in the hope that the result is different.

Seems like the weston side of the family is the retarded side, while the chandler side of the family isnt as bad. (doctor, bob, that girl etc)
>> No. 21965
How many times has he tried this? This has to be at least the third.
>> No. 21966
Its actually the sixth or seventh I think
>> No. 21967
Why the hell does he keep putting these up? I mean, hasn't it become clear enough that no one's interested by now?
>> No. 21968
Is this some sort of parody of those "lunch with Warren Buffett" auctions?
>> No. 21969
It's getting really hard to look at OP's picture of Cole without realizing he's an already-bald Chris wearing stupid glasses.
>> No. 21971
I just see the claws of fail turned into mitts.
I think he's trolling you guys.
>> No. 21972

>implying that person wouldn't lose his money
>> No. 21973
Did anybody see his YouTube page? Its so sad he barely gets any views...
>> No. 21974
win auction, harass about plane tickets.. dont get tickets, dont pay.

seriously, put your brain back in
>> No. 21975
No it isn't lol
>> No. 21976
lol without even trying, chris is more popular than cole who tries his hardest.
>> No. 21977
i hope some JULAY-fag with rich parents wins the auction and meets him and talks about chris
>> No. 21978
Has anyone been asking him questions about the auction? I'm assuming people have and he just deletes them.
>> No. 21979
I doubt he'll answer any of them, since he is quite clearly under the assumption that he's hot shit and doesn't need to be answering any questions from peasants like us
>> No. 21980
I'm not saying he reads them, just wondering whether or not anyone's even tried posting questions. I don't have an ebay account, personally.
>> No. 21981
I asked him if Chris could come along if I paid to fly him out. Needless to say, he didn't respond.
>> No. 21982
Chris should do an auction like this
>> No. 21983
You'd think by the second time this auction crashed and burned he'd learn to cut this shit out.

Barb's genes must be a powder keg of 'tard.
>> No. 21984
I think we should DDOS his site, brahs.
>> No. 21985
No. /cwc/ doesn't violate the law. Besides, DDOS accomplishes nothing.
>> No. 21986
No one who would pay is old enough to drink.
>> No. 21987
Well perhaps they could meet for a nice conversation over a coffee or soda.
>> No. 21988
He is such a pathetic fuck. Observing his attempts to whore himself out for money fail repeatedly is quite enjoyable.

Also, why the fuck did he write the description in third person?
>> No. 21989
File 131899089557.jpg - (14.89KB , 304x380 , tom-cruise11_0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so he can seem sophisticated.

it must piss him off that he is from such a redneck family, so he tries his hardest to compensate that.
>> No. 21990
nobody has placed a bid yet. lol.
>> No. 21991
The last two times he posted it no one made any bids.
>> No. 21992
someone please troll this auction
>> No. 21993
File 131904185758.jpg - (63.21KB , 256x256 , BOBLOAD_256.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I really hope you're trolling and not just an autist.
>> No. 21994
Robert Franklin Chandler

Loaded September 4, 1927

Unloaded September 6, 2011
>> No. 21995
God loadeth, and he unloadeth.
>> No. 21996
That explains why he feels a need to use dem fitty cent werds all da time
>> No. 21997
Cole and Chris are so much alike it's no wonder Cole never visits anymore. It's like how a lot of sane autistic people avoid Chris because some of his weird tics remind them of themselves and that's uncomfortable. Only the stuff that reminds Cole of himself has nothing to do with autism.
>> No. 21998
He's been getting active on his yt recently.

>> No. 21999
This must be a new youtube channel. his old one was http://www.youtube.com/user/JSlivocka
Maybe he thought that his legions of fans couldn't find his channel, so he changed it.
Still, for being the smartest critic in the world, he gets very few views.
>> No. 22000

It's a couple years older than it even, guess it was just his personal account that he's now decided to use for his reviews.
>> No. 22001
>Producer's Log, September 6th, 2011. Well, that fat fuck Bob finally dropped. I celebrated with a bottle of Wynwood beer, microbrewed nearby. Most of the scurillious masses haven't tasted the amber gold of Wynwood, but if any of my legions of fans would like to participate in an eBay auction to share a drink for 250 dollars, the link is in the description.
>> No. 22002
I suggest we make a project out of this faggot. He's got too much invested in his internet fandom to run away if he gets rocked around by some trolls. His USI will keep him in the fight for a while too.
>> No. 22003

Christ. What a bastard.
>> No. 22004

Uhh...you do get that he never said that, right? Jenga was joking.
>> No. 22005
I love how he has a random, poorly-taken photograph that appears to have been taken out of a hotel window in Cannes on his homepage. Just to prove that he's BEEN TO CANNES GUISE

Also how all the photographs on his site are links. The thing's a mess, goddamn.
>> No. 22006
I fucking hate that bastard, my god I want to fucking kill him.
>> No. 22007
After seeing this auction and considering he's re-listed the auction 6 or 7 times, what is he trying to accomplish, who does he think that he is impressing?

I just get the feeling he wants someone to spend money on a plane ticket, hotel stay, and travel expenses, and buy him drinks just he can rub his cock in their face and belittle them. Anyone else get that feeling?
>> No. 22008
I somewhat suspect Barb had something to do with this. Perhaps she's forcing him into raising her and Chris some money, and Cole, being an egotistical douche, thinks this is the way to.
>> No. 22009
Love you too!
>> No. 22010
Does he know yet who's his father? lol
>> No. 22011
So... when are we going to start doing some more direct trolling of him?
>> No. 22012
I think that Cole is well aware of the events in Chris's life and knows better than to respond to anyone attempting to troll him.

I know he doesn't really have contact with the Chandlers, but I'm painfully sure he's been contacted by plenty of trolls and knows what to do.
>> No. 22013

Barb couldn't force him to do shit.


Right now. GO!
>> No. 22014
Has anyone ever taken into consideration that maybe he might just may possibly maybe be joking?
>> No. 22015
I wonder if he has a real life job.
>> No. 22016
File 131906085724.gif - (886.05KB , 282x211 , xnt4l5.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yes. He's been joking again and again and again and again. He keeps relisting to make sure sees his not at all serious and super hilarious joke.
>> No. 22017

He's spending a decent amount of money on relisting this joke...
>> No. 22018
If he does, he's keeping it under wraps so he can pretend he's a legit film critic who makes a living reviewing movies. Given the amount of time it looks like he spends watching weird movies no one gives a fuck about if he does work it's probably part time.
>> No. 22019
What is "decent"?

Exactly. I'm glad you understand.
>> No. 22020
He might work full time. You could go to a movie once a night if you felt like it, especially in a major city like New York. Work, go home and change, have dinner, all that, go see a movie, go to bed. Most people do the same exact thing, only they watch TV instead.

More likely, since he is a film major, he sits on his ass and collects unemployment and blames the economy for why he can't work.
>> No. 22021
340 total views? 174 channel views? 5 subscribers? There's no way someone with numbers that pathetic can honestly believe they're famous and worthy of expensive time in their company is there?

I have a feeling like we're missing what's perhaps an obvious joke and chastising this guy when it's not deserved.
>> No. 22022
Possible, I guess. But he seems like he spends a lot of time online and doing stuff relating to his film reviews. I think he's either on unemployment or living off his wife or both.
>> No. 22023
Also I've decided to launch an elaborate, genius trolling plan on the comments section of his profile channel. It's certainly sure to kickstart the next major chapter in Christory, the Clyde Warren saga, I guarantee it!
>> No. 22024
File 131906419734.jpg - (223.68KB , 715x706 , 1238026085295.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go out and troll to the extreme!
>> No. 22025

Now hold on just a fucking second ClydeWarren, he only just started using that account for his film reviews 3 weeks ago, on his old account that he was posting film reviews to for over a year he has 34 subscribers! He even got 337 views on one of his videos, give the man the credit he deserves you dick.
>> No. 22026
Well, he is one of Barb's spawn.
>> No. 22027
thank you father! i will!
>> No. 22028
File 131907271815.jpg - (24.91KB , 500x375 , ColeWork.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder what he tells his wife.
>> No. 22029
Wow, look at that mystical glowing pen! Why, it must hold some sort of... divine power! It's almost like his reviews are so brilliantly written that they were penned by Zeus himself!

And those film books from Borders... those are much sought after and coveted by the most knowledgeable and skilled film reviewers...
Yes... this Smithey fellow is really something. Say, I'd be willing to hand over a large sum of money just to be humbled by his presence and the privilege to buy this genius beer!
>> No. 22030
Take your Assburgers back to the CWCki.
>> No. 22031
you mad brah, you mad.

>> No. 22032
i heard it holds the power of count graduon and the anchuent prophecy
>> No. 22033
File 131907582030.jpg - (10.68KB , 175x256 , cole_med.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The smartest film critic in all of CWCville.
>> No. 22034
Only 165 Twitter followers, too.
>> No. 22035

God, pick one.
>> No. 22036
>thinks twitter followers matters...
>> No. 22037
Neither do YouTube subscriptions. I just found it funny that there is another example of the "world's smartest film critic" having a smaller following than the average high-school girl.
>> No. 22038
His voice is a lot higher than I imagined.
>> No. 22039
same... his voice doesnt match his look at all.
>> No. 22040

Ahahahaha. I have the same amount of twitter followers and I don't even create any kind of "content" whatsoever.
>> No. 22041
File 131909774529.jpg - (34.76KB , 597x299 , cole.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22042
fake as tits, don't even need to check.
>> No. 22043

>> No. 22045
you must have trolled him pretty hard, because he delete all the JOOLAY comments from his youtube :(
>> No. 22046
Cole is exactly what Chris would be if he didn't have autism. And it's not much better.
>> No. 22047
Smug, bald, thin-skinned redneck who thinks his shit doesn't stink?
>> No. 22048
All I did was posted "JOOOOOLAYYYYYYY," on his wall. I thought it was an epic win troll that would take a long time to possibly be matched by any other user of /cwc/. Shame he deleted all his Chris related comments and blocked me cutting the ClydeWarren saga short.

Ah well, my next epic win trolling plan to dig up Bob and throw Cole of a bridge is sure to be a huge hit with my fellow trolls!
>> No. 22049
ClydeWarren saga? That sounded pretentious.
It ended as it was expected lol
>> No. 22050
File 131912599310.jpg - (228.45KB , 1241x877 , epic win t0m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fuck yeah
>> No. 22051
I love how the recommended PayPal donation on his site is $1,000 fucking dollars
>> No. 22052
And right below it is $75.
I guess he's trying to cash in on the hope that someone accidentally donates the wrong amount.
>> No. 22053
Something like that, yeah.
>> No. 22054
>$1000 donation

Are you fucking serious?
>> No. 22055
File 131914751037.jpg - (30.23KB , 400x250 , coleexpectsunrealisticdonations.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22056
He probably donated the money to himself to make it seem like he's really popular
>> No. 22057

He might not want to know it, but he's a lot like his brother in regards of USI.

I suggest taking him down a notch.
>> No. 22058
Hell, with Chris it's not even his fault. Chris is constantly bombarded by people telling him how great Sonichu is and that they're big fans. He's also a retard so he can't tell they're fucking with him.

What's Cole's excuse?
>> No. 22059
>> No. 22060
Apparently, directors that no one gives a shit about them tell him that he's "the smartest critic in the world".
>> No. 22061
File 131919517739.jpg - (10.20KB , 268x188 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well played good sir.
>> No. 22062
how do we know this is the real cole smithey making auctions, and not some slanderous troll?
>> No. 22063

>Member since: Aug-27-02
>> No. 22064
His facebook fan page is equally sad. No one gives a fuck about him.
>> No. 22065

How would you do that including any sales? I mean if you sell them you gotta deliver.
>> No. 22066
Exactly. The first time he listed it someone bought it for ninety-nine cents and left a posiive feedback indicating they got what they paid for. Probably just some gay guy who misunderstood the auction, but Cole did show up.
>> No. 22067

I wonder what he'd have if not for the Toy Story 3 review and the fact that he's related to the greatest lolcow of all time.

Seriously, that's all he has to his name.
>> No. 22068

He would have what every blonde in NY who says "I'm not really a waitress, I'm actually an actress" has. And what every philosophy major-turned-blogger has. And what every "amateur scriptwriter" in LA has. And so on, and so on.

tl;dr Nothing but ego and self-delusion.
>> No. 22069
Is Cole still married? If so I think he lives off his wife.
>> No. 22070
So he actually did Chris's dream and got a mommy he could fuck while sitting on his ass watching movies all day.

>> No. 22071
What do you mean dream? That's a quickly arriving reality.
>> No. 22072
File 131922181117.jpg - (28.95KB , 468x458 , internet-bro-fist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was not expecting that response.
>> No. 22073
File 131922444897.jpg - (15.36KB , 320x240 , 545682672497.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, is it a general consensus that Cole actually doesn't have a job outside his film critic reviews? I mean, he's not published and while his website does have adspace on it, considering how he's pretty much an unknown outside the /cwc/ circle of trolls, I doubt it generates enough income to make a difference.

On that note, a lot of people keep saying that he graduated from university with some bullshit liberal arts degree. Do we know this for sure and if so, what was it and from where?
>> No. 22074
If Ahmedinejad dies next, I'm going to lose my shit
>> No. 22075
File 131922756887.jpg - (66.49KB , 750x600 , 1239121886255.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oddly enough an English degree (Cole doesn't have one) with the right type of business classes and a minor in a foreign language (ie to the point your fluent in said language) can actually net you a wide variety of jobs. A family friend works at a large accounting firm as client relations to their larger clients. Essentially she gets to do what Cole wants us to pay for here. Except she actually secures contracts with wealthy folk and discusses culture and what not over expensive meals.

Basically she wines and dines rich people to stick with the accounting firm. Talk about a cushy job.

Then again she's nothing like Cole or Chris, she actually is quite an enjoyable person to be around and she doesn't have USI.

Cole probably has some lame "Film" degree that is easier to get than shitting.
>> No. 22076

He won't

I guarantee it will be the Syrian dude
>> No. 22077
File 131922975657.jpg - (12.57KB , 512x372 , assad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But he's pretty boring, besides his ridiculous neck.
>> No. 22078

Unfortunately :(

All the interesting dictators died already. The only ones left is Kim Jong il (fat chance he will get revolutionized any time soon) and the crazy motherfucker princes of Saudi Arabia.
>> No. 22079
File 131923177213.jpg - (27.10KB , 250x309 , imgRobert Mugabe1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How about Mugabe?
>> No. 22080
Mugabe is dying of prostate cancer.
>> No. 22081
File 131923269311.jpg - (44.01KB , 406x512 , alexander-lukashenko_852.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well there is always the dictator of Belarus and Dr. Phil look-alike, Alexander Lukashenko.
>> No. 22082
File 131923439265.jpg - (24.99KB , 400x371 , badassputin9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What about Putin? Oh wait, Putin's awesome!
>> No. 22083
Man, the whole world is one big orgnized crime syndicate.
>> No. 22084
File 131923600490.jpg - (30.49KB , 470x325 , Kadyrov_GoldenGun_Putin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Putin's got nothing on his underboss Ramzan K., like Putin never even really killed/kidnapped/tortured anyone personally.
>> No. 22085
That's the mark of true gangsta, you don't kill people, you have people you pay to do that.
>> No. 22086
No, Putin's just incredibly gray and boring, and he's aware of it - all these silly staged photoshoots and videos, as fake as ADF's stupid cosplays, are in part to satisify his complexes.

The vid is about the time when dictators were actually genuinely interesting (and his equally thrilling family). The miniseries is pretty good, but could have been much better - http://www.amazon.com/Was-Saddams-Son-Latif-Yahia/dp/1559703733 is a superior account. Saddam was hardcore, even as a teenager he was a criminal hitman for his uncle. He killed some of his best friends, he killed his wife's brother, he killed his daughters' husbands, he almost killed his elder son, he killed multiple people personally, and even his entry into the politics involved directly taking part in the assassination attempt against the then-dictator of Iraq (Saddam took a bullet and escaped by swimming through the Tigris). He was like an evil Theodore Roosevelt, while Putin is like this high functioning autistic chicken-farmer Himmler but without even anything like Himmler's occult shit to make him any interesting.
>> No. 22087
  Putin is just totally phony, everything now is fake following his life as a completely unknown faceless bureaucrat, his family is as bland as it could be (his wife is basically locked home), he has never been in a real action of any kind whatsoever (not even in the KGB), and his image-handling people let him go live instead of staging and managing everything in the stunts the results are the painful shit like in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbkGkr0iceI (and even this was not real, as nothing from this concert really went to any charity, of course).

The video is a Russian parody of this show.
>> No. 22088
Pretty much.
>> No. 22089
It's pretty ridiculous that everyone is assuming Cole is lolcow worthy. We know next to nothing about him aside from an email exchange with chris and that he's a failed movie critic. Maybe he has a job, maybe this is just a hobby, maybe his wife has an incredibly good job, etc. There are so many possibilities. Secondly, do you really think he's going to react exactly like Chris just because they have the same mother? Really?

Everything is speculation based on very little information. You guys have nothing here.
>> No. 22090
Then why not throw out a line and see what bites, eh?
>> No. 22091
Cole tries to use big words to sound like he has a big brain. That's a sign of someone compensating for a tiny-cerebral cock. Just because you have a decent vocabulary it is no reason to try and inject it in casual speech. You come off sounding like a douche bag. His bullshit review of TS3 was patronizing to say the least. That one was made for people who were kids when the first two came out. It was our coming of age story regarding Andy growing up and going off to college. That's what happens to toys. Unless they hold some sort of sentimental value (I have the Star Wars toys my late father bought for me before he died unexpectedly) you tend to discard your toys.

Cole is a pseudo-intellectual just like his brother. Barb's womb is an idiot factory. Cole talks shit about Bob but Bob had a degree that required real work to do. At best Cole has a pathetic film degree. Let's see him try his hand at the hard sciences. Yeah, that's what I fucking thought. Cole's a colossal failure and deserves to be mocked just like his virgin-with-rage brother.
>> No. 22092

>Barb's womb is an idiot factory.

>> No. 22093

Mock him all you want but don't expect him to tard rage on youtube.
>> No. 22094
He already tard rages preemptively with his pseudo intellectual opining of movies. I know plenty of Cole Smitheys in real life. They are all sad people who think they're so profound and wise.
>> No. 22095
This. Take a college-level liberal arts class and you'll see at least 10 Cole Smitheys. The giveaway is if they refer to movie's by director: "Kurosawa's Seven Samurai" instead of just saying "Seven Samurai," for instance. And let's not forget the blind belief that anything they disagree with is evil, backwards, and unintelligent.
>> No. 22096

And if you are in a Ph.D. program that attracts a lot of liberal arts faggots, prepare yourself for 4-alarm faggotry. You haven't lived until you've had to sit through an hour long discussion about how cartoon characters made in Japan are really as alive as you and me, and that 50 year old men can identify as young Japanese girls.
>> No. 22097
Guy you're replying to.

It's very frustrating trying to explain certain things to some of fucks I meet in school. Example, I was explaining why feral hogs in the south are hunted constantly given that they are an invasive species that destroy millions of dollars of crops and cause environmental damage. One of the aspies I deal with goes "I don't know about you guys but I don't feel invaded by no little pigs." Never mind this dude has never been face to face with a large boar that is easily capable of slicing you up. Never mind he's never actually talked with farmers whose crops have been damaged severely by an intelligent and elusive pest. Just because he can cite specious reasoning in front of his other pseudo-intellectuals, instantly a legit solution to a legit problem is dismissed by the unwashed little Cole Smithey's in some bullshit class I have to take.

This is a common occurrence. Anyone who disagrees with them instantly becomes this evil ignorant asshole who can only dream to be as enlightened as they are. They lack the concept that people will hold opposing/differing views than their own.

I've dealt with Cole's type way too long to have nothing but contempt for them. Essentially what they are all hipsters. Self-absorbed, conspicuous consumers of culture. It's not enough that they read about obscure subjects, YOU HAVE TO KNOW THEY DO IT!!! They're reading a Gore Vidal novel? Oh you better believe they'll quote it constantly. They just watched some obscure foreign flick? You better be prepared to be sneered at and mocked for hours by them for not giving two shits about some ho-hum film.

Frankly, they're just CWC but without the sonichu comic out and about.
>> No. 22098
Have you read tilly? Look up War Making and State Making as Organized Crime by Charles Tilly, it gives some insight into this although I don't agree with it per se.
>> No. 22099
lol you probably go to a shit school and you're already mad
>> No. 22100
>you're already mad

I'm not the guy who wrote that, but I do believe that was the point.
>> No. 22101
Go to a crappy school? It's an okay school,I ain't even mad bro. I just call it as I see it.
>> No. 22102
Not to thread derail, but I was >>113188 , and I would like to thank you for the suggestion.
>> No. 22103
How many has he listed this auction? You'd think the first dozen times would make it clear no one wants to pay money to buy him drinks. Jesus was a delusional blowhard.
>> No. 22104
I once took a film analysis class because I needed a humanities credit. Holy shit, you should have seen the tryhard hipsters in that class.

I know a lot about the movie making process. Not enough to become a writer or anything, of course. I just really like movies, and I always listen to director's commentaries.

But I don't quote them in polite conversation, because I'm not a raging faggot with a need to feel intellectually superior.
>> No. 22105
I wonder if Cole believes trolls are somehow preventing legitimate bids à la Chris' claims of the Green County school board sabotaging the sale of 14 Branchland Court?
>> No. 22106
>Jesus was a delusional blowhard.

I chuckled.
>> No. 22107
Np, I love philosophy so talking about it is always something I enjoy
>> No. 22108
I love the fact that when you google Cole Smithey, you get a link to the CWCki on the first page of results and there is no wikipedia article about him
>> No. 22109
LOL I didn't even notice my mistake! I meant to say "Jesus what a delusional blowhard". Then again, that statement is kind of accurate as well.
>> No. 22110
Guy you're quoting. I love listening to commentaries on DVDs and if it's topical I'll mention something a director says on a movie. I don't do it like some hipster faggot. I have a buddy who's a total hipster now and thinks his film degree is so amazing. He's a try-hard culture fag to say the least.
>> No. 22111
I took this humanities course on African American Literature once. There was this 18 year old hipster-type kid in there who always liked to swear, and it sounded like he felt like he was getting away with some shit. The instructor was some early 20's fag who couldn't talk without shaking like he was having a seisure, especially since when he was quoting stories he would have to bust out with an N-bomb and about half the people in the class were black. Long story short, we were talking about some 1700's bullshit and hipster busted out with "WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SAY NIGGER TODAY?" This short black guy got up and ran through the row to his seat and was like "were tired of your mouth" or some shit and hipster just giggled. The black kid grabbed his book and ripped it in half. Hipster started appologizing and the instructor kept saying "ITS NOT WORTH IT!" but he wouldn't leave the front of the hall. Guy grabbed hipster in his seat and pulled him out his seat on the ground and was like "get up trick, I'll knock you down." His friends went from just laughing to pulling him back. The tension was thick. Hipster got up and was like "I'm sorry, okay?" Black guy caught him on the button of his jaw with an overhand shot that made my jaw hurt. His friends backed off He grabbed him by the shirt and started kneeing his chest and ran out. Didn't see too much of Steven after that.
>> No. 22112
File 131936390146.jpg - (506.58KB , 1920x1080 , mfw caesar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because he's Julius Caesar.
>> No. 22113
>Cole and Chris are so much alike it's no wonder Cole never visits anymore.

They're not really alike. Cole is just very, very insecure about his redneck background. As a result, he tries waaaay too hard to sound clever and comes over as a pretentious pseudo-intellectual fuck. He makes ostentatious use of big and comparatively unusual words, regardless of whether they make sense in context, because he wants to show us all how educated he is.

It makes him an annoying fuck and definitely the kind of jerk-off you'd go out of your way to avoid in social settings but he's also fairly typical of a certain type of Boho art school/film school faggot that's all too common in major cities.

If you go to some areas of NYC or Seattle and throw a rock, chances are you'll hit a Cole Smithey clone. Chris is different. Chris is unique. There's no-one else on the planet who's quite like Chris.

Which I suppose is why, four years after discovering him, I'm still here.
>> No. 22114
File 13193643929.jpg - (198.45KB , 1028x1513 , jokes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a joke. Smithey didn't actually write that.
>> No. 22115
>Just because you have a decent vocabulary it is no reason to try and inject it in casual speech.

Actually, if he has a decent vocabulary, he would understand how to use the words appropriately. As it is, it looks like he's gone through a thesaurus picking up every four syllable word he can find and liberally sprinkles them in conversation regardless of whether they're appropriate or not.

Coley Boy does not have a good vocabulary. He just has a scratchpad full of words he's lifted from other sources and which he uses over and over in the hope that we're all as retarded as he is and won't see through him.
>> No. 22116
That's nice. What's your point?
>> No. 22117
File 131936648677.png - (360.54KB , 525x365 , 1298964292837.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so glad you're here to clarify something from last week, anon
>> No. 22118
File 131936872622.jpg - (14.93KB , 276x345 , 1294865070005.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe because his mom got scared and sent him to live with auntie and uncle in Bel-Air?
>> No. 22119
Kind of like people who use the word "redundant" incorrectly.
>> No. 22120
File 131937106541.png - (109.63KB , 648x864 , kill yourself.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22121
Anyone who refers to their stepfather as a "mean spirited Republican cur" and uses the phrase "isolate herself with scurrilous mates" while talking to their retarded half brother is a tryhard faggot with access to a thesaurus.
>> No. 22122
I used to work with this guy who would say "I must make my egress now!" every single fucking day like he was a genius for using that word. He also thought perpetual motion devices could work and that people were not allowed to make them because of the power companies. He didn't get the concept of entropy.
>> No. 22123
> And let's not forget the blind belief that anything they disagree with is evil, backwards, and unintelligent.

As opposed to the blind belief that anyone who is better at arts than sciences is pretentious, lazy and stupid?
>> No. 22124
I have no doubt that Cole goes to the sodomize Wall Street protests.
>> No. 22125
Maybe, but then it'd be more of a case of competing retards. Sure, he'll want to show how he's against Republican curs and try to famewhore, but he'd also have to make himself accountable for his own doucheyness. IMHO, he does the video thing for the same reason Chris does: to make himself an unchallenged voice or something.
>> No. 22126
>> No. 22127
i like how people haven't bothered to even put in fake bids on his last 7 auctions. they just don't care about cole ;_;
>> No. 22128
>> No. 22129
He blocked bids from users with 0 feedback. No one's willing to bid with an account they're actually using.
>> No. 22130
>And let's not forget the blind belief that anything they disagree with is evil, backwards, and unintelligent.

Bro, that's not a characteristic of having an arts degree. It's a characteristic of being an American.
>> No. 22131
>> No. 22132
>>That's a characteristic of being human, from any place on Earth, if I'm being honest and not an idiotic troll.

>> No. 22133
>> No. 22134
Murder Mitten checking in.
>> No. 22135
And it only took him relisting the auction half a dozen times to figure that one out. God damn.
>> No. 22136
He is the smartest film critic.
>> No. 22137
Hey, I'm in Ohio as well. I know this is sudden, but would you like to meet up (in pickle suits, obviously) and drive to Chris's house and dig up Patti and use one of her leg bones to go ASS TO ASS in a crowded club full of hungry homosexuals?
>> No. 22138
For some reason, I believe him when he says he's from Ohio.
>> No. 22139

*proclivity to isolate herself with scurrilous mates
>> No. 22140
Cole is Chris without da autisum. It's been said before and I'll say it again. Here is what we would have if Chris wasn't autistic
>> No. 22141
in the WORLD
>> No. 22142

Such a simple summation of it all, but it makes a lot of sense.
>> No. 22143
His point is that he is a nigger
>> No. 22144
whats that mean? that your stupid?

>> No. 22145
Follow politics in Europe. Then follow politics over here.

In Europe, they can actually accept that the other guy can be wrong without insisting that he's an evil lieberal baby killer or a pussy america-hating faggot liberal.

It's probably the result of our two-party system but we've got a really unhealthy "With me or against me" attitude in this country that you don't find (or at least not to the same degree) in a lot of the other developed nations.

Cole is a good example. He hates republicans because they're evil. He can't take on board the idea that maybe they're republican because they agree with the party's policies or ascribe to its ideologies. No. They're republicans because they're evil and stupid.

The same applies in reverse. Say you're a democrat in a lot of states and you'll get asked why you hate Jesus and want to kill babies.
>> No. 22146
What about my stupid?
>> No. 22147

Damn my autism meter just flared up.
>> No. 22148
SHIT YEAH! You dig up Patti, I'll provide a distraction by throwing pickles at Chris.
>> No. 22149

Yeah. Nobody seriously uses the word "cur" as an insult these days.
>> No. 22150
He put it up , again.....what the fuck this is just getting plain pathetic now
>> No. 22151
>> No. 22152
Aw, it's just kind of embarrassing now. The least watched guys on reviewtopia get more hits than he does and he STILL thinks someone will pay $250 to buy him beer.
>> No. 22153
What does it cost to list an ebay auction? He could have bought a 6 pack instead and paid a bum to listen to him talk about movies.
>> No. 22154
I wonder if Chris would get any bidders if he made a auction to talk about Sonichu with him at a mcdonalds or something.
>> No. 22155
*Serious bidders
>> No. 22156
In other words he'd still be failing at some creative field, and have a huge case of USI. Something about Barb's parenting turns her kids into huge narcissists. I have to wonder if Cole realizes the main source of his "efame" is because of his retarded brother.
>> No. 22157
I'd bid if it was less than 250 dollars
>> No. 22158
Realistically, what would be your maximum bid limit be?
$50? $100? $5?
>> No. 22159
That and the ones who don't know him for Chris know him for his retarded e-Freud analysis of TS3. Fuck him, TS3 was for the fans from the 90's. Of course being an unhappy little hippie, he can't stand other people having fun. Ever notice Bob wasn't out to stop other people's fun? Yet Cole, the ahem "enlightened" individual, does?
>> No. 22160
probably 100
>> No. 22161
I think my max bid for Chris would be $25. I never go much higher than that when I donate to charity, so I certainly wouldn't go higher than that for Chris.
>> No. 22162
I know this was said before in the last thread but I fucking hate the little viewfinder thing he does with his hands at the start of his reviews, it makes me want to hit him
>> No. 22163
>The bar tab will be on you, but Cole will buy the first round of beer.
>The bar tab will be on you

I have to keep re-reading this part to make sure I'm not going insane.
So, not only are you, the esteemed bidder, paying for the UNPRECEDENTED PRIVELEGE of drinking with Cole, but will be expected to pick up the tab of 3 hours worth of drinking (minus the first round; what a generous guy, that Cole!).

...How the fuck does this man not get punched in the face on a regular basis?
>> No. 22164
What a fucking douchebag.
>> No. 22165
I've read thousands of times that "Cole is Chris without autism".
To me he's as autistic as Chris.
>> No. 22166
Cole definitely isn't autistic since he appears to have communication skills, and his mental age is almost his actual age.

You seem to be confusing autism with sociopathy. Both Chris and Cole are sociopaths.
>> No. 22167
So has anyone thought of contacting Cole and telling him about us?

Seriousy. His ego is clearly huge and maybe we can get some laughs out of him trying to justify himself.
>> No. 22168
Cole disregards anything relating to Chris and doesn't reply to queries from inferior beings, so he would ignore a forum full of peasants like us.
>> No. 22169
i thought about it, but im not sure if it is a good idea though. what does everyone else think?
>> No. 22170
He's had that silly auction up for weeks now with not a single serious bid.

Can't he take a clue?
>> No. 22171
No, it appears not.
He's relisted AGAIN, unsurprisingly.

>> No. 22172
so what does that make it now? 5 dollars for re-entry?
>> No. 22173
>Cole will hang out with you for three hours at a West Village bar of his choosing to drink great craft beer (think Green Flash Imperial IPA)
>drink great craft beer
>craft beer
God, what a fucking douche. Don't get me wrong, I like micro brewed stuff. But I doubt this faggot can even tell the difference. He probably just likes it because it's "artisan".
>> No. 22174
lol, nope
>> No. 22175
You know, typically, people either say "He likes it but so do I so it's fine" or "He likes it and I don't so that's why he's a douche" but you've gone and taken the unprecedented third option. "He likes it and so do I but he probably likes it differently from how I like it so he's a douche."
>> No. 22176
You have a point, but considering Cole's all-but-confirmed douche status, I agree with that anonymous hero.

I wonder if Cole will stop when he realizes he's spent the 250 on relisting this shit.
>> No. 22177
How much does it cost to relist? Is it the same as listing the first time?
>> No. 22178
How much does it cost to re-list something on ebay?
>> No. 22179

In the 5 days no one replied to you, you could have fucking googled it.
>> No. 22180
  Editing skills worthy of his brother.
Don't worry, you only need to watch the first 12 seconds.
>> No. 22181
File 132078868833.gif - (491.16KB , 250x139 , POSE.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


gif related
>> No. 22182
I've never listed in the services category, but they've been giving everyone 50 free listings a month recently, plus the older thing where you can relist for free and only pay fees if it sells.

As much as it would make us laugh, Cole's ebay monument to his own ego probably isn't costing him a penny.
>> No. 22183
Then there's the fact that he'll only drink craft brews. So not only are you paying the small fee of $250, you're spending ~$10 times however many beers two guys can suck down in 3 hours. It wouldn't surprise me if the fucker started ordering food either.
>> No. 22184
File 132079440437.jpg - (36.99KB , 660x436 , don't-believe-his-lies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22185
"There are only two kinds of movies, good or bad." - Cole Smithey

>> No. 22186
File 132079501054.jpg - (18.23KB , 307x488 , 728a2ac5-d281-4ed6-8895-6acb5a2243fc_Full.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22187
File 132079559340.jpg - (117.87KB , 436x454 , davidcrossgetty[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Really, REALLY reminds me of this guy.
>> No. 22188

I loled
>> No. 22189
Every time casting for a fantasy Chris-chan movie comes up, he's always the first choice to play Cole.
>> No. 22190
File 132080495535.jpg - (46.84KB , 600x395 , tobias-funke-never-nude.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's because David Cross is good at playing ridiculous characters
>> No. 22191
File 132080779297.png - (146.00KB , 330x451 , son_of_a_bitch.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22192
I guess every time he puts it up and it doesn't sell it hurts his ego a little.
>> No. 22193
he removed the video?
>> No. 22194
Hmmm. If that is the case then why not bring up the possibility that it is a dumb hipster joke? People always shoot down that possibility because it costs money, but apparently it doesn't.
>> No. 22195
>dumb hipster joke

Are you saying Cole himself is perpetrating this joke, or a spoof account pretending to be Cole?
Because either way, it would still be a dumb hipster joke.
>> No. 22196
Cole himself of course. He's not retarded I don't think, so either he actually has a bigger ego than Roger Waters or he's just doing it for fun/no reason. Cole knows his fanbase consists of people who like fucking with his family, so why not play along?
>> No. 22197
oh wow he reuploaded it and edited out the mistake.

is he lolcow material?
>> No. 22198

Damn, that sucks.
>> No. 22199
I remember a while back some troll had bid thousands of dollars on this. What happened with that?
>> No. 22200
Cole changed it so only accounts with a high user rating could place bids. Anyone here who actually uses ebay regularly didn't want to sully their accounts, or even possibly dox themselves.
>> No. 22201
He won and paid up. Cole is relisting to collect further funds.
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