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File 131707045455.jpg - (31.27KB , 300x366 , LizardCreatureHood.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
22202 No. 22202
Because you asked for it Here is a TGWTG megathread. Don't know what TGWTG is?


Imagine if that guy/girl you knew in College the one weirdo who spent the entire day going OMG IM SO WACKY AND RANDUMM and freaked out when you called him out on his/her shit?
Imagine he created a website where he can be a DEADPAN SNARKER DARK AND EGY as much as he wants at movies and blocked all criticism.

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>> No. 22203
There's so much to hate about these faggots. Their lack of talent, their forcing of shitty unfunny memes, but for me, I think the most irritating thing about them is the massive fucking fanbase that they have, entirely composed of sub-TV Tropes neckbeards and YouTube ranters who have seen what they've done and cried out, "Me too! I can be an Internet critic too! My opinions matter!"
>> No. 22204
Spoony is the worst out of all of them , at a charity event a guy donated 500$ so he got to call them to get to talk to the critics, spoony basically told the guy to fuck off and leave him alone after he donated that much money to them, I've hated him with a passion since
>> No. 22205
So...how do "DARK AND EGY", unfunny people fit the definition of lolcow?
OP, /cwc/ is not your personal army.
>> No. 22206
The Cinema Snob is the only good one. He's actually funny and doesn't resort to meme shouting and lol random humor, and he actually seems like a pretty nice level headed guy.

All the other ones are human garbage.
>> No. 22207
Now, now, there's no need to get upset. Tell me, has the OP offended you in some way? Perchance we might discuss this like adults?
>> No. 22209

Agreed. I wouldn't mind having a beer with Brad, he seems like a pretty awesome dude in real life. Can't say the same about the rest of them.
>> No. 22210
Would you pay $11,100 to buy him beers though?
>> No. 22211
Yeah. I really love Brad and find myself sharing a lot of his opinions on movies when he does reviews out of character.

I also really like Phelous and, when he's out of character, Doug Walker. It's only when Doug gets into his Nostalgia Critic character that I want to beat the shit out of him.
>> No. 22212
Despite everything, I'd still hit both the Chick and Marzgurl.
>> No. 22213
Just adding to this, but there's a video he does where he talks about his top 10 least favorite movies that everyone likes but he can't stand. He goes about it in a very articulate way without yelling or screeching and comes off as more funny that the NC.

I think at one point he even says something along the lines of "all that matters is how well you can present your opinion". The irony is hilarious because I think immediately after that he released some shit NC review where all he does is scream.
>> No. 22214

in b4 someone posts the guro art of nostalgia chick and marzgurl
>> No. 22215
Didn't the Chick brag about getting an abortion?
>> No. 22216
Already on the article.
>> No. 22217
Yeah I fucking hate over his dramatic comedy. It's so forced and irritating as hell. Being over dramatic is only funny when it is unintentional, ie bad B-movie acting.
>> No. 22218
The thing is, these cunts have built their careers on ragging on how bad people are at acting in movies... Yet their little skits are the most wooden, unfunny, awful performances I've ever seen.
>> No. 22219
Only thing I can think of that caused a lot of drama as of late was the Bart's Nightmare LP that the Critic churned out, and then made a public apology for it in his next review that reeked of passive aggressive.
>> No. 22220
nah man the hottest bitch there was that black one.

I'd tap that.
>> No. 22221
Lol , watch his top 10 mistakes video , every single one he ends with

" But I still think I am right and you all are wrong"

Huge fucking ego
>> No. 22222
File 131707279151.jpg - (44.69KB , 186x230 , IronLiz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22224

Terrible actors that became "famous" by exclusively ripping on terrible actors and "Critics" that react to criticism of their own output like a caveman might react to fire complete with legions of neckbeard try-hards to swarm to protect their idols doesn't strike you as funny?

Are you retarded or something?
>> No. 22225

What was in it? Can I get a TL;DW?
>> No. 22226

Retsuprae did a 40 minute smackdown of it because the whole video was basically:


It was so bad that even his most hardcore fans called him out on it.
>> No. 22227

I agree, Cinema Snob is one of the best reviewers they have. I've watched the movies he made with his friends that are on his site, he's a pretty good actor and his scripts are pretty good. I wish he'd had better equipment for filming them because the lighting is terrible, but I still enjoyed watching them.

I adore Obscurus Lupa, I think she's adorable. I like Linkara, his reviews are concise and he checks his facts. Sometimes I'll see a review from Nostalgia Critic and wonder if he actually watched the movie or just read the synopsis on wikipedia.

When I saw Diamanda Hagan I thought she would be terrible, because of the make up, but when I started watching her fist review, (Story of Ricki), I thought she was really funny. I think her reviews run a little long, but I really like her.

I like Paw's music movie reviews. At first I really disliked the Nostalgia Chick, but recently I've liked her reviews a lot more.
>> No. 22228

In a nutshell: NC played the game, got killed every three minutes or so, went off into a shrieking shitfit for another three minutes, then tried again. Over and over and over. For every single level on the game, giving the impression that either the game is geared to be unplayable or that NC has the hand-eye coordination of an epileptic toddler. It was very repetitive and very one-note and just not very funny.
>> No. 22229
I like vintage porn. I have no shame about this. That shit's hilarious. Ergo, I like the Cinema Snob, if only because he tends to have the same expression I do when watching bad vintage porn: "HAHAHAHAHA omg what the fuck did I just see it's so bad but I can't stop watching."

Related: this is also how I tend to react to Chris.
>> No. 22230
Sure is TV Tropes ITT
>> No. 22231
Meh, she's not the greatest looking, but she's not bad. No skin off my back.

Good reviewers:

Doug as himself
Brad/Cinema Snob
Obscurus Lupa
Luke Mochrie
Todd in the Shadows
Nostalgia Chick (surprisingly, she gets better every year)
Ashens (does he count?)

Iffy reviewers:

Linkara (good points, bad storylines)
Doug as a character (hit-or-miss, if anything)
Film Brain (grating voice, but really good points)

Bad beyond all possible belief:

Everybody else.
>> No. 22232
I forgot to add Oancitizen to the "iffy reviewers" list. Has good points about indie chic and art house, but sometimes comes across as a bit of a film snob.
>> No. 22233

good sir may you elaborate
>> No. 22234
I really think lolcows work best when there's some sort of consensus on how awful they are. Right now, we've got about half the thread saying they actually like some of the Channel Awesome people while the others think they're overdramatic assholes.

I just roll my eyes at all the people who look at these people and think they're the "WORST THING EVAR." If you want to actually talk about the shitty aspects of the various people that's fine (like Spoony being a thin-skinned douche,) but when you load up on the negativity for negativity's sake, you come off looking even worse than the reviewers. At least they try to make their stuff humorous.

Then again, this is /cwc/, so it's par for the course, I guess.
>> No. 22235
Snob's the best thing on TGWTG. Not to sell Brad Jones himself short because most of his work is pretty good. He comes across as an alright guy too.

Roo's decent also. Maybe because he's a change from the "angry internet reviewer" persona so many of these lame douchebags use and he covers some good titles.

I don't follow any of the others so much anymore. The fanboys and stifling of criticism are comical to behold on a site featuring critics.

Like someone else said that was a dick move by Spoony to tell that donor to basically "fuck off." I didn't like the guy before that but that sealed the deal for me when I heard about it on ED.

Angry Joe's misadventure at the VGAs or whatever is great for a laugh.
>> No. 22236

Except not a sing person has said anything close to "WORST THING EVAR", and most of the peo0ple shitting on the guys have laid out very valid reasons. Oddly enough, actually, the erratic moaning and whining bitching about being "par for the course" on /cwc/ is exactly what your average TGWTG video is.

tl;dr you're a butthurt TGWTG fan who'se looking for reasons to enjoy watching a grown man shriek and nitpick but don't want to see nitpicking the shit you enjoy.
>> No. 22237
You know who I like? Red Letter Media. His reviews make me all tingly.
>> No. 22238
I think the only real consensus we can come to is that, regardless of their quality, they have a fanbase that makes /cwc/ during a dry spell look like a group of patient, thoughtful, polite people.

Go on the Channel Awesome forums and give just a tiny bit of negative crit for the Critic and you're guaranteed to be attacked for it within the first few replies.
>> No. 22239

When he did his Lost World review, there were a few people upset by his comments on Pete Postlethwaite as it was posted a few days after he died. All of those comments and ones which pointed out (the quite large) number of mistakes he'd made got fanboys screaming at them to shut up.
>> No. 22240

Pretty much.
>> No. 22241
Except no one's actually doing that. If anything, we're giving credit where it's due and admitting that, okay, the Nostalgia Critic is a shitty, unfunny character but the guy playing him is really decent when he's out of character. And there's been nothing but praise for the Cinema Snob here.

Spoony's the only one who I've seen brought up with nothing redeemable to his name. Nostalgia Chick, too, if what was said about the abortion thing is true.
>> No. 22242
That review kind of pissed me off for another reason. If I may be autistic for a moment, it kept irritating me that he ran the "DURRRR JEFF GOLDBLUM IS A BAD MATHEMATICIAN HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW MANY PPL DIED ON THE ISLAND HERP" joke into the ground without considering once that the character wasn't even present for the majority of the deaths on the island and it'd make sense for him not to know the exact number.

I think I even mentioned that on the forums and people still defended him after that.
>> No. 22243
Spoony can be a total dick to fans, but one thing I'll give him is that I enjoyed his Let's Plays.

I think Doug's best thing are the bum reviews, they always make me laugh, except that weird one he did for Rango, his Johnny Depp impresssion was pitiful.
>> No. 22244
>When I saw Diamanda Hagan I thought she would be terrible, because of the make up, but when I started watching her fist review, (Story of Ricki), I thought she was really funny. I think her reviews run a little long, but I really like her.

Is there some kind of a joke here or is he a tranny? Or is she just very manly?
>> No. 22245

That review just pissed me off in general, he'd point out a supposed plot hole, then the next clip he'd play would explain it perfectly, I was quite convinced he didn't bother watching the movie for that one and relied on memory.
>> No. 22246

I think it's the make up and filter effect she uses as when she's just in front of the camera she looks normal.
>> No. 22247
No mention of DIstressed Watcher?
>> No. 22248
Spoony´s FFIX videos were his high point along with the Reb Brown movies. After that his Ego grew huge and he turned into a prick
>> No. 22249
I don't think TJ is doing that anymore. Most of the TGWTG community hated him. He was just a ploy by TGWTG to bring over his two-hundred thousand viewers.

He does better work ranting on Youtube anyway.
>> No. 22250
>>102710 here. If I may elaborate on what I said earlier...
When I think of the term "lolcow", I imagine a human with some degree of wretchedness in their day-to-day existence, as well as somebody whose resulting lulz are entirely unintentional on their part (usually the result of them trying to convey rage). As far as TGWTG and his minions are concerned, I'm fairly sure they fit into the standard Youtube mold of postmodern deadpan snark (whether it's well done or not), and it's pretty clear that they're trying to entertain their audience somehow. I don't get lolcow vibes from them, and, if I did, Youtube would be even more full of lolcows than it already is.
>> No. 22251
can someone post links to the Bart's Nightmare stuff? The apology and the video itself?
>> No. 22252
Are you that fucking lazy? Go to the site, go to the Nostalgia Critic's videos, and voi-fucking-la.
>> No. 22253
>> No. 22254

It's right there on the front page, you don't have to do anything other than type in the web address and click the links, they are pretty much at the top of the page.
>> No. 22255
This thread is just a nostalgia critic/spoony hate thread. Since non of the others are that bad.
>> No. 22256
Nostalgia Critic actually made a joke about her abortion in his Christmas video , not even kidding

It was a wonderful life parody and he made the Nchick act out a scenario where she didn't get an abortion
>> No. 22257

Just Googled; she made a documentary about it for her Master's Thesis.
>> No. 22258
James Rolfe is another ass-hat who deserves a page of his own because all of his avgn videos are terrible.
>> No. 22259

True, but his monster madness is something I look forward to every year and he seems to be like a chill dude IRL.

He is just like Brad Jones
>> No. 22260
I don't like the chick,
it might be because I'm a girl and I find no redeeming qualities in her....

She's too feminist cliche, it's annoying
The abortion thing also, it's so cheap, "I'll make it as my thesis, no one is going to fail me no matter how much it sucks"
I don't think it was cathartic by any means
>> No. 22261
It's a pretty good idea though. I mean, you've paid all that dosh to go do your masters, so you might as well guarantee yourself that you're not going to fail.
>> No. 22262
Linkara bitched at his fans because they asked him to update a Power Rangers series of videos. These videos are seriously "Revive Zordon" levels of pathetic.

Oh yeah, and he's a "feminist" and as we all know feminists have to go out of their way to make sure we know how much of a feminist they are. He writes women into difficult spots where a man saves them, then the woman will hit whoever captured them or something. It's unwatchably bad.
>> No. 22263
So are they being trolled right now or is there no good reason why this thread isn't on /b/?

Not many of them look to be lulcow worthy. And I think one of them is/was an actual troll of Chris-chan.
>> No. 22264
You mean Guru Larry videos? He's not with TGWTG I think he's IGN or something
>> No. 22265
ITT: /cwc/ does shitty reviews of shitty reviewera who review shitty movies.
>> No. 22266
File 131708546080.gif - (827.13KB , 350x262 , 1298703096597.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Has anyone else enjoyed all the butthurt TGWTG fans that keep complaining about how people that think the Critic is a tool are just whining, complaining asspies even though not a single thing they're complaining about has happened at any point?
>> No. 22267

102832 here....
I lol'd
>> No. 22268
TJ is actually starting his own website similiar to the TGWTG.com

But I'm sure it's going to fail like all the other websites he has tried.
>> No. 22269
Apparently the guy in charge of web design just backed out.
>> No. 22270
I lost whatever little respect I had for Doug after the way he acted when Tommy Wiseau took down his review of The Room. He has never acted like more of an immature douche than he did when mocked Tommy Wiseau. The rest of his videos are total shit too, he does nothing but screech and pretend to get angry while shooting an airsoft gun. I can't believe he makes a living doing this.

The two people on that site I like even a little bit are the Nostalgia Chick and JesuOtaku. The Nostalgia Chick actually knows how to say something insightful about the movies she's reviewing, her videos on how formulaic Disney and Ronald Emmerich's films were awesome, but she keeps uploading stupid shit nobody cares about, like a psuedo-reivew where she just filmed herself talking about nothing while strolling through the park, and one where she just posted a video of herself dicking around on the V train. JesuOtaku is the only anime critic on the Internet worth a damn (Every other self-proclaimed anime critic is fucking retarded, their "reviews" usually consist of them mumbling stuff into a mic along the lines of "da chrructurs wurr gud 10/10 anime of the year every year!" Not to mention that a huge number of them have the gall to say things like "What is wrong with you Japan?", after watching BnP or something without realizing how offensive such a stupid generalization is), and even then, she's been getting worse, shoving in longer and longer horrible live-action skits, like every other fucktard on TGWTG.

Everbody on that site pales in comparison to Red Letter Media, Stoklasa/Plinkett are on a higher plane of existence compared to those scumsucking chumps.
>> No. 22271
Nostalgia chick is so fucking boring. Some of Doug Walker's stuff is okay, but the rest of that website is 99% a sinkhole of unfunny trash. Half of me thinks that its main goal is to make Doug look like a comic genius by surrounding himself with people without a modicum of wit, timing, charisma, acting, or editing ability.
>> No. 22272
Whyyyy am I getting flashbacks to "Freespeechtube?"
>> No. 22273

and that turned out so well...
>> No. 22274
File 131709545112.jpg - (51.52KB , 381x347 , alex4488lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's not forget this guy: The Game Dude. He's so bad he begged to get on TGWTG, and got rejected.
>> No. 22275
Geez, it's kind of hard to hate a guy who can make a face as ridiculous as that.
>> No. 22277
  I guess A-Log is the that guy with glasses of the lolcow world.

Yeah Plinkett and Half in the Bag are pretty awesome, they really aren't many entertaining critics on the internet sadly (I guess humour is subjective though).

The only other person I enjoy watching is Raocow and his let's play videos but he won't be to everyone's tastes.. (Video related)
>> No. 22278
Phelous and Cinema Snob are by far the best on the site (excluding ashens who really doesn't belong in that shithole), but I suppose it really isn't that hard being better than a bunch of unfunny cocks. Worst has to be linkara simply because of his godawful storyline shit.
>> No. 22279
File 131710134742.jpg - (19.40KB , 445x514 , Happy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22280
I always wonder what the hell ashens is doing being associated with them.

That being said, I have never and would never watch any TGWTG anniversary vids.
>> No. 22281
scott pilgay irl
>> No. 22282
I enjoyed some of the Spoony experiment's old stuff, likewise I'm a fan of ashens. But, TGWTG? Yea...fuck no.
>> No. 22283

Oh lord. He looks like a combination of several ex-boyfriends. I'll go kill myself now.
>> No. 22284

Film Brain's accent just grinds on me. I know he's vaguely from the south, but I have no idea what region, it's just odd.
>> No. 22285
I'm sure it's not too bad. *Loads up a video*.....his voice is a fucking breeze-blocks of shit.
>> No. 22286
Linkara truly is the worst of the bunch, coming from someone who actually reads comic books unlike, apparently, most of his fanbase. Are you guys aware of his Sonichu-level webcomic?
>> No. 22287

you mean lightbringer? That is the shittiest comic i've ever read in my lifetime. It's a watchman rip off with the worst dialogue ever. Each dialogue box is literally a person sentence(2 paragraphs of self-righteouesness and pretentious "intellect")
>> No. 22288
Yet he has explicitly stated he'd never review the Sonichu comics.
>> No. 22289
File 131712591949.jpg - (58.69KB , 686x983 , lightbringer1cover.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't forget about the awful art!
>> No. 22290
Linkara is the worst because if you have a voice like malfunctioning brakes and the charisma of an afterbirth you shouldn't try to do comedy reviews.
>> No. 22291
I lol'd
>> No. 22292
Didn't someone claim they went to school with Linkara? He just looks and sounds like he got beat up a whole lot in high school.
>> No. 22293
I didn't think there was a single man who could out-CWC CWC.

Until I saw this.
>> No. 22294

Yeah, I'd kind of like some elaboration too.
>> No. 22295
File 131714442342.jpg - (19.36KB , 180x221 , a3465f8932.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22296



...Linkara was Sagechu...
>> No. 22297
Sweet Jesus, what the fuck.
>> No. 22298
It was in the "lolcows you met IRL" thread.

Basically, the guy stated that Linkara was a fedora-wearing nerd who hung out with a bunch of autists. Nothing extremely bitter, but nothing that would point to Lewis being this creative force that he so claims to be.
>> No. 22299

I'm not surprised honestly.
>> No. 22300
Neither am I.
>> No. 22301
File 131715582713.jpg - (207.71KB , 1025x720 , 1317155177453.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22302
Linkara is not camera shy. He doesn't practice what he preaches, but he does know how to preach effectively.

Chris, on the other hand, goes into a screaming mess and mumbles lines from forgotten cock rap songs.
>> No. 22303

Earlier this year some guy did a very interesting analysis of the first few issues of Lightbringer. Here's his website: http://chitownsveryown.blogspot.com/
>> No. 22304

He abandoned the project :(
>> No. 22305
Well, if you had to go through that, you'd abandon it out of concern for your own sanity.
>> No. 22306

You got a point there.

I abandoned an audiobook of Lightbringer for the same reason.
>> No. 22307
I tried reading the Lightbringer, but wtf were my eyes seeing? Here is a pretty choicy quote I found about him:

>His college education helped, too: As an English major with a focus in creative writing at Hamline University, he studied how to analyze and construct narratives.
>> No. 22308
Doesn't say what grade he got.
>> No. 22309
...what the fuck?

You don't need a college degree to learn how to critique shit. Or write it. You just read great examples of critique and literature, take English courses to get down different styles of writing, and go at it. Practice, practice, practice.

Don't go in believing that you're going to be some genius. Sadly, that's what CWC and Linkara think.
>> No. 22310

She doesn't look manly without the supervillain makeup, but her voice is a bit androgynous. Still not as bad as Iron Liz though.
>> No. 22311
Hey, Iron Liz isn't THAT ugly...

...though I did confuse her for a hippie man once.
>> No. 22312
I meant Liz literally sounds like a dude voice-wise.
>> No. 22313
File 131718560578.jpg - (21.60KB , 200x209 , cocklaser.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Linkara for me was the anti-Spooney. People say in real life he's an awkward nerd, but has real bro sensibilities. Chill, doesn't like to argue, and goes out his way to make the fans that see him know that he appreciates them.

As far as the actual quality of his show, it's only gone downhill as he's gained weight. It went from occupying the niche of enjoying the silly flaws in legendarily poor or bizarre comics to affected synopses of series and storylines of which he has questionable knowledge or zero perspective.

Based on his easy targets and pedestrian complaints it's rather apparent that his fans are composed of two specific people for the most part:

1.) Those whose only knowledge of comics are secondary from whatever comes out of the recent Hollywood dairy built around the characters or the cartoons and video games using them as source material. They don't know any better to find fault with Linkara's bitching about bad anatomy when it's actually correct because "huehuehuehue ripping into shit is so funnay and irreverent!"

2.) Comic fans who dislike tights-and-capes superhero series, look down on them, and laugh at Linkara because his reviews reinforce their condescending opinions.
>> No. 22314
While I've learnt that Spooney is a dick in person, I really enjoyed his LP of phantasmagoria.

...Not random film reviews though, fuck no.
>> No. 22315
>...Not random film reviews though, fuck no.

Check his Reb Brown film reviews, they are worth it.
>> No. 22316

I'm glad more people had trouble identifying Iron Liz...
The only reason I kept watching Linkara's videos was because I wanted to know what she was.
>> No. 22317
>>Everbody on that site pales in comparison to Red Letter Media, Stoklasa/Plinkett are on a higher plane of existence compared to those scumsucking chumps.

The dude makes eight hour long videos with a voice that sounds like a combination of Linkara and Ben Stein. He belongs on TGWTG.
>> No. 22318
I love this guy, I watch him like every day.

Speaking of this guy, did any of you see TGWTG's piss-poor excuse for lets' playing a game? Pretty much "FUCK SHIT WSDKGHADGKHASDG SCREAM AAAAAAAAAAAA" and about 1% actual content, 99% screaming and cussing.
>> No. 22319
Even his biggest fan-boys hated it , NCs ego just got so huge he thought he could shit out a video that week with zero effort and they would love it
>> No. 22320
I am convinced Iron Liz, whatever s/he is now, was not born a girl and that s/he is not fully honest and forthcoming about his/her gender identity and history, whatever it is, in his/her videos.

I don't say that to mock Iron Liz, like "ha ha she looks like a man!". I'm just saying what I honestly believe to be the case. And I'm genuienly surprised at how many people seem to accept his/her word that s/he's just a less than perfectly attractive female. There is just no way.

Also, a video or two I've seen from Liz (including one calling out Linkara for not understanding the plight of a gay, transsexual Lady Gaga fan) pretty well gives away that s/he was a publically identifying member of the LGBT community in the past, Liz went out to some trouble to explain away how she just innocently happened to fall into those circles, but it felt very much like a lie. And overall I found it pretty telling.
>> No. 22321
It made these goons (http://blip.tv/slowbeef/retsupurae-vs-the-nostalgia-critic-5535142) rage their fucking cages, if you don't want to watch the whole thing, the last 5:30 mins of the video sums up my opinion
>> No. 22322
Iron Liz is pregnant.
>> No. 22323
The big 3 on TGWTG are huge Ego fags
NC, Spoony, Linkara
All so full of themselves and force out stupid memes in place of real humor

Most of the others are hit or miss
Nchick is ok, she can be irritating at times
Snob is good
Phelous is ok
Marzgurl knows some interesting shit at times
Lupa is good

I don't know who the fuck oancitizen is , I am guessing they REALLY want him to become popular since he's made a cameo in every single fucking video it seems
>> No. 22324
>> No. 22325

Holy shit, really?! Sauce, please.
>> No. 22326
You guys are idiots , people who got sex changes to become women can't get pregnant
>> No. 22327
Yeah, that's the point, being pregnant would prove Iron Liz isn't a transsexual.

sadly, i can't find the source, so i'm a retard and it might not even be true.
>> No. 22328
Oan basically looks at arthouse films like "Anatomy of Hell" and "A Serbian Film."

I found it somewhat "meh."
>> No. 22329
>> No. 22331
The CWCki is solely about Chris. The reason that it does not address Linkara being a manbaby is because doing so would be off-topic.
>> No. 22332
I realized that the really funny thing about Linkara being a comic book reviewer is that the comic he wrote was made of pure shit by itself. But he decided that it was actually suitable to publish.
>> No. 22333

And plug it IN EVERY VIDEO HE MAKES. Only dude allowed to do that is that guy on Cracked who wrote John dies at the end
>> No. 22334
Why in the world is Linkara criticizing Sonichu anyways? Linkara's comic's art is just as shitty (with the whole using MS Paint to type in a lot of the text) and the plot is almost as bad, but a lot less entertaining.
>> No. 22335

Isn't Slowbeef like 31? When are his testicles finally going to descend?
>> No. 22336
silly, that's not how you spell Brad Jones
>> No. 22337
He never criticized Sonichu. He made a video explaining that he had no interest in ever critiquing Sonichu specifically to avoid opening a can of worms.
>> No. 22338

If anyone from TGWTG deserves shit, it has to be Harry Patridge. This guy wasted his fucking talent on shitty Sonichu/Cwc references no one gives a fuck about when he had his, "Jooolayfag" moments, and his Skyrim video is just embarrassing.
>> No. 22339
I think he's down to making one animation a decade.
>> No. 22340
I think Linkara may be my least favorite. Everything about him annoys me. His opinions are often shit, his reviews are often shit, and his comics? Beyond shit.
>> No. 22342

Because Linkara isn't really a manbaby. He finally moved out of his parents' basement, caught a girl who shares his interests, and actually has a job.

Sure, that job is appeasing the autistic spectrum with often badly-researched or inaccurate critics interlaced with LARPed fanfiction, but that just makes him dork, not a manbaby.

When did he ever plug Lightbringer? He even owned up to its shittiness in the same show where he talked about why he won't review webcomics. Did he start another piece of trash?
>> No. 22343
Well, he made Revolution of the Mask...

Then again, he is successful at what he does. Chris, on the other hand, can't sell shit.
>> No. 22344
But those animations a decade seemed like he wasted them on getting a manchild's attention or to be like the "jooolay" fags that are made fun of. Most of the animations he makes/made sucks (I think his last one was a shitty short based on L.A. Noir after that horrible Skyrim one).
>> No. 22345

I liked his Akira video, but I see your point everything else seems very "omfg I'm so random XDXDXDXD"
>> No. 22346
While he isn't a member of TGWTG, I think I'd like to take a moment to say that I dislike Confused Matthew.
>> No. 22347
Easily the worst writer on cracked.
>> No. 22348

His articles are mediocre. But JDATE is hilarious
>> No. 22349
Il get shit for it but I like Spoony's stuff.

Not him as a person,god no,but his videos can be damn entertaining (though I'l admit,theyv been going downhill)

As for other folks,linkara annoys the ever loving shit outa me,NC hasnt made a good episode in years and I couldnt give a flying fuck about the rest of the site.

....well with the exception of Brad who I fucking love.I think hes easily the most talented one on that fucking site and deserves better.
>> No. 22350

Agree with you there.

And Brad gets alot of respect here which is deserved. If ED is to be believed he laughed at being featured there which tells me he's also a pretty good guy aside from doing good work.
>> No. 22351
File 13172676633.jpg - (47.26KB , 491x720 , 37825_409436378970_830093970_4363766_5107237_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think the thing I like about him is that unlike 99% of those other fuckwads he isn't just a one trick pony.

Yeah,he does reviews like all the others,but the dudes made like 3 different characters to do it,and does each one in a completely different style.Not to mention the fact that he does some pretty good sketches and the movies he makes are pretty fucking watchable.

He also fucking busts his ass for that site of his.You can go there practically every day and theirs something new.

TL;DR Hes a pretty cool guy
>> No. 22352
EVERYTHING about that site is shitty. It is astounding that people obsess over videos that are so horrible in quality that they should be laughed at. The people who run it are jokes, they like to play as if they're some sort of celebrities. They should be laughed at all the time for the moronic things they do rather than what people think is their humor.
>> No. 22353
File 131727208069.jpg - (19.01KB , 250x180 , the-nostalgia-critic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

When you're on a website filled with nothing but mouthbreathers and asspies and you're still the outcast, you got a problem.

That said I don't have a problem believing a lot of that website is run specifically to be a Doug-centric circle jerk.
>> No. 22354
Since I don't want to listen to ten minutes of the unfunny fatass bitching about shit, I gather from the comments that "boo-hoo TGWTG is too PC" or something?
>> No. 22355
The final straw (apparently) was they didn't want the site to be associated with a vocal atheist. You know, because America is mainly filled with inbred christ-tards (not being sarcastic when I say that).
>> No. 22356


>My bro who wanted it to be a hub for e-entertainers and not just The Doug Walker site got shitcanned
>I got higher views but not top billing
>I was too dark for em dog
>They said I couldn't make fag jokes because the fanbase would enjoy it too much and start unleashing a torrent of fag-bashing all over the place
>> No. 22357
I'm that guy who went to HS with Linkara. This pretty much sums it up.

AFAIK he was never bullied, but the school was very white/suburban and there wasn't a whole lot of bullying going on. Not like people anywhere are very nice to persons, but if they didn't try to impose their awfulness on other people they'd be left alone. Pretty sure he wore that fedora/trenchcoat getup every day, wouldn't be surprised if he still does.
>> No. 22358
I didn't know he wore that shit outside of his vidyas. Thats mofo hilarious.
>> No. 22359
Isn't it a good thing when you don't fit in with aspies and mouth breathers?
>> No. 22361
Speaking of Linkara this was posted on 4chan's /co/ board a few weeks back from someone that claimed to be from TGWTG.

>let me tell you a story about Linkara and why he is a huge faggot.

>years ago he was making a movie Kickassia or some shit. so after a day of filming all of the cast got together and did what 20 somethings do. party. drinking, smoking, hooking up, playing vidya games, and other such activities.

>while everyone was having fun and enjoying them selves he stayed in his room pouting. only coming out to get something to drink/eat and to mutter loudly that "only losers drink alcohol and smoke" and refused to hang out with the rest of the cast.

>When people tried to get him to loosen up he acted like a spoiled brat and demanded that people stop drinking and smoking. he is a very stereotypical white upper middle class person that has been extremely sheltered all his life.
>> No. 22362

Not when you tried to fit in and failed.
>> No. 22363
It is hilarious to me that Linkara is a conservative christian.
>> No. 22364
It was his website originally though, then they started expanding with other reviewers. So... I guess my question is why are you surprised?


Really? He has a fucking martyr complex? About atheism? Also it was probably because his videos were painfully unfunny and he had the balls to try and rip off the Red Letter Media Star Wars reviews.


What's the sauce on that shit? Because frankly it doesn't sound true and just sounds like a story of stereotypical Chris-chan behavior. I mean, pretty sure dude's pretended to drink in his videos before to express how shitty a comic is.
>> No. 22365
  This is too awful to exist. I'm sending this to the retsupurae guys. Here's hoping an all out butthurt war will break out.
>> No. 22366
File 131731706222.jpg - (48.00KB , 975x488 , olo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh yeah I remember this guy. I still don't understand his motivations because he's fucking weird.
>> No. 22367
kinda late for the party... i heard those guys commentated on it already
>> No. 22368
They already covered it.
>> No. 22369
Nostalgia Critic's humor is SooOOO RRRAAAAANNNDDDOOOMM XD XD
>> No. 22370
Pretty sure this is bullshit. Linkara is definitely a more by-the-book, straightlaced guy, but I really can't see him getting in people's shit about drinking and stuff. It somewhat contradicts a lot of his views too, as he's implied that if something is legal, that it's okay. I could see him getting uncomfortable with underage drinking, but this just sounds like horse shit made up by someone who's butthurt at Linkara.

Yeah, I actually think that Linkara's stuff kinda sucks, too, but I still kind of like him. He's got a big ego, that's certain and a lot of his stuff is face-palmingly self-indulgent, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy and someone you'd like to hang out with.
>> No. 22371
Yeaaah, alot of TGWTG hate seems to be nerds on the internet raging that other nerds on the internet are getting cash monies for making videos about being nerds on the internet.
>> No. 22372
Also, he was on a Brad Tries where there were several people drinking in the same room as him.

He turned down the alcoholic drinks because he wanted to save that occasion for one of his cousins' weddings.
>> No. 22373
Someone bullshits on an imageboard and people fall for it, news at 11.
>> No. 22374

Sup, TJ.
>> No. 22375
I've genuinely liked some of Doug/NC's earlier works, and you have to give him credit for things like showcasing the cast/writers of Animaniacs and trolling legions of asspies and mouth-breathers who couldn't tell that his "feud" with the AVGN was staged (all while gaining viewers in the process).

Unfortunately he's a victim of the same thing that eventually happens to most/all internet reviewers: he's out of ideas.

That being said, now he's a tryhard unfunny faggot who openly admits to trying to force memes by repeating lame gags/one-liners in his videos ad nauseum in the hopes his legions of asspies will spread it to TVtropes and the *chans like so much herpes.

Brad/Snob is tolerable. I don't find most of his content hilarious, but I give him credit for being the only member who hasn't been infected with USI and taking his ED mention like a good sport.

One of the worst thing about the site is the plague of crossovers. Sorry TGWTG, you actually need characters with actual style and personality before you can even hope to have a crossover.
>> No. 22376

The story I heard was that he had drinks but stopped after like 3 because he doesn't drink to get shitfaced. I don't know why anyone who isn't a douchebag undergrad would equate that to teetotaling.
>> No. 22377
Nnnnnope, not buying that.

Saw someone in the comments mention that they hope he starts his own TGWTG-type site. Yeah, wouldn't that be wonderful.
>> No. 22378
You give him credit for showcasing the creators of a cheap nineties show that no adult should care about at all?
>> No. 22379
Every post in this thread:

>Well...I kind of like...X sometimes...
>But no you guys are right he's a TOTAL FAG!
>> No. 22380
>>I was born in 1998
>> No. 22381
>> No. 22382

doug's facebook:
"I was introduced the other day as "Having fans who include Roger Ebert, Paul Dini, and the creators of Animaniacs. Appeared on PBS, written about in the New York Times, worked with the stars of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, and awarded Entrepreneur of the Year at the 4th Annual Mashable Awards." If somebody told me this five years ago, I'd say not only was it a fabricated work of fiction, but a lousy one at that. Thank heavens God is such a wonderfully horrible writer."
>> No. 22383
What a load of bullshit
>> No. 22384

Look at those comments. Goddamn.
>> No. 22385
We get it: Doug has a massive ego.
>> No. 22386
I like how he says "I was introduced as" so he doesn't outright say that he believes Rodger Ebert is his fan, saying someone else believes that. Because he knows he's talking like a lunatic.
>> No. 22387
Requesting sexy picture of Iron Liz for fapping. Anybody? Anybody?
>> No. 22388
There is a video of her in a bikini top.

Too many people made the connection that her horse-face looked eerily like a man's, so she felt the need to make a blog about absolutely nothing while wearing a bikini.
>> No. 22389


>> No. 22390
>seanieb watches raocow
I feel much better about myself now
>> No. 22391

Nostalgic Critic fans are the best. Say he's awful, you need to write a thesis complete with no less than 3 cited examples, or else you're just a nitpicking whiner. Point out that Doug got "famous" for being a nitpicking whiner, then "It's the character". His character is unfunny shit, well, better start getting those well though out and valid examples of why you think that...

Spuurg logic for the fucking ween.
>> No. 22392
...well, isn't the idea of the Nostalgia Critic to be a awful nitpicking reviewer who wants to be famous?
>> No. 22393
File 131742943234.jpg - (6.13KB , 170x170 , Angry Movie Dork.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If this thread is about TGWTG, than by all means, this guy should be mentioned. I'm surprised there is not even a word of him on ED. He is the Chris chan of angry web critics. Besides TJ, this guy was the worst person on that site.

His moniker was "The Angry Movie Dork", and, you guessed it, he was a mash up of Confused Matthew, James Rolfe, and Doug. He had ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL reviews that were, word-for-word, plagiarisms of all of their reviews, and I don't mean in an Irate Gamer rephrasing kind of way. I mean that they were the exact same reviews, but recited by an 10 year old boy.

You heard me right, he was a 10 year old boy on the internet, without adult supervision.

He gained real infamy by being a stupid shit stain on the TGWTG comments. Whenever he posted, it was always something that was either nitpicky, whiney, or attention whoring as he would constantly promote his website and assburger reviews. Eventually, some honorable soul took up the call to arms, and trolled him by making an "imposter account" and made outlandish, over-the-top posts in the forums. Yes, it was practically like a "Liquid Chris" saga in and of itself as everyone liked the imposter more and despised the original. The AMD would once more, top his previous action, and make himself even more of a fool, by making posts that tried to tell everyone that he was the original and that the imposter was "worse than Hitler" and that the day the imposter made his account was the "worst event since 9/11". People to shut the fuck, and posted that million face palm macro in response.

He would eventually get permabanned. Sometime during these events, Doug made a character named "Douchey McNitpick" for his NC vids. Commentators wondered whether or not Doug based the character on The AMD, or just a juxtaposition of every nitpicky commenter on comments boards in general. Being realistic, most assumed that it was the latter, but Doug later admitted in an interview that his character was indeed, specifically based on The AMD.
>> No. 22394
File 131743024610.jpg - (526.85KB , 1920x1080 , 1317174529034.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>that feel when you once thought that Doug had talent, NC isn´t a role and that he would get a cameo on tv or a hollywood film in no time
>> No. 22395
File 131743083663.jpg - (110.97KB , 900x720 , distressed_watcher_by_marobot-d2xhp52.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Speaking of TJ ( AKA The DistressedWatcher or TheAmazingAtheist), here is some artwork Marobot (the guy who does the artwork for NC's vids) made in response to TJ's review of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, where he said that everybody who went to see that film over Scott Pilgrim should be sent to extermination camps.

I remember when you could post macros in the comments at TGWTG, but you can no longer do that anymore as of now. I wonder if the site moderators took that feature away because someone posted a picture of TJ's tiny, lumpy penis in the comments of his videos. Because, from what I heard from ED, showing him those pics really pisses him off, and is thus, a super effective troll tactic.
>> No. 22396

I have a friend who hates it, but it matches the kinda shit I find funny, call it XD SO RANDUM but there's a reason why /b/ was named that for like the last 3 years.
>> No. 22397
>where he said that everybody who went to see that film over Scott Pilgrim should be sent to extermination camps.

I agree, and I didn't care for Scott Pilgrim.
>> No. 22398
His reviews were just smug and unfunny. I remember I looked at his "Top 10 Movie Speeches" thing, and it was just dull, dull, dull.

Until at the end of the second part (why the fuck does that kind of thing need to be split into two videos?) when he launches this phenomenally nauseating rant about how "aww, we don't get movies like this anymore."
>> No. 22399
>His reviews were just smug and unfunny.
That's almost every "reviewer" on that site.
>> No. 22400
DW was worse.
>> No. 22401
The Amazing Atheist was right then, Transformers is the worst movie I've ever seen in my life.

And that artist is not very good at all, him and all the rest of those man-children all love to draw in that awful cheap cartoon rectangular fingers style.
>> No. 22402
  You know what? This lol-niggo-satire-humor guy is more entertaining than any of TGWTG, which isn't hard, and he's yet another unashamed attention whore. If he reviewed the movies Doug does, I'd actually watch that.
>> No. 22403
I want to see a giant nigger beat the shit out of the nostalgia critic
>> No. 22404
File 131750851462.jpg - (63.70KB , 640x400 , 1311047645828.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The way I see TGWTG is the same way I see ICP or anything else with a horrible fucking fanbase: First I watch it from a neutral viewpoint and I see if it has any merits. If it dosen't or I rage during it, then I won't watch it.

That being said, NC has his moments. It isn't so much his opinion as much has him and his brothers. His brother has almost zero charisma so he sits in the background like a fedora wearing Darh Siddeous and pretends to pull the strings. Certain reviews where the "memes" and rage fits are kept at a minimum are entertaining and informing. But as of recently the cameos and crap reviews has caused me to stop watching as much as I have.

As with the other reviewers on that site there are a few that are quite good at what they do. Take for instance Brad Jones. Brad actually knows what he's talking about when he reviews his films as "The Cinema Snob" He has had over two collections of thousands of B Movies and awesome pornos. He has a passions for the films as well as the history behind him. Even if he's doing a few more crossovers and shit for TGWTG he still gets paid to do what he loves and has a passion for. All the crossover shit is just what he has to do to keep getting paid. He's also not a bad writer or actor.

Phelous is pretty cool, sometimes he can get annoying but I suspect he is secretly apersonian. Thats all good though because he knows a thing or two about some silly horror movies. His Birdemic review was pretty dope. He could write better material though and rely a little less on shitty special effects. I don't watch him so much though, so whatever.

Film Brain is a double edged sword. He's by far one of the youngest reviewers and that's caused a lot of flack. There is also the issue of his ego and god complex on the forums but I'm leaving that aside. He makes very good points in his reviews and he is very thorough. He also rarely uses those godawful story lines. Still he's not that bad.

Everyone else on the website I don't waste my time with because what I've seen is stupid. I don't post on their forums and I don't talk to anyone about them. I'm a movie fan and I like hearing peoples opinions, even if their awful and misinformed.
>> No. 22405

I really doubt that's true. Linkara is an annoying manchild, but not even he's that socially retarded.
>> No. 22408
>turning one of the TGWTG contributors into a Mega Lolcow.
>Weeaboo, Furfag, Ponyfag, most likely has assburgers, and probably lives in his parents basement.

Sounds pretty much like /cwc/, brah.
>> No. 22410
File 131758707350.jpg - (13.92KB , 400x378 , high-five.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22411
Is this board full of passive-aggressive hipster neckbeards?
>> No. 22412
>> No. 22413

Wait, so was he a contributor or juts a forum poster? If the former, what the fuck were they thinking adding a 10 year old kid as an contributor?
>> No. 22414
Not a contributor. Just a spazz in the comments. Desperately wanted to be a contributor, though.
>> No. 22415

Honestly, she wouldn't look like a man if she had even a slightly more flatteriing haircut
>> No. 22416
Patrinage, learn it.>>105726
Most forums don't want anyone less than thirteen to even participate.
>> No. 22417
And if she didn't dress in jeans and a t-shirt all the time.
>> No. 22418

...and flattering makeup
>> No. 22419

So is mocking Marilyn Manson. He apparently has a groupie like love affair for the guy, he even broke up with his internet BFF FakeSagan because he said Marilyn Manson "sucked".
>> No. 22420
File 131763348666.jpg - (30.29KB , 250x250 , marilyn_manson_fat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22421
...And have a penis.
>> No. 22422
This just convinces me more that TJ was probably raised in a heavily Christian family and/or town and still thinks being an atheist is "awesome" or counter-culture or something. You know, like a 15 year old boy who just learned what atheism is.
>> No. 22423
Curse you word filter!
>> No. 22424
Funny you say that because I find that he makes some of the best videos on the site. They're usually informative, to the point and well researched. Also, he didn't even put his face on camera until like, his 20th or so episode and even after he revealed his face, didn't plaster it over every episode. I mean, yeah, he's probably a bit of a weirdo, but who the fuck isn't?
>> No. 22425
Youtube religious debates have some painful and delicious drama.
>> No. 22427
>Don't forget the fact that he has fantasies about fucking the green m&m.

Why do people only have fantasies about the green M&M? Why don't the other ones get any more love?
>> No. 22428
Why the fuck do people feel the need to defend Internet personalities against criticism? If you think they're funny, fine whatever. That doesn't mean you have some moral obligation to throw your bullshit opinion in whenever someone insults something you like. Its fucking pathetic and makes you look autistic.

Anything imported from Japan sucks, MLP is beyond fucking retarded, and the Internet needs to burn in hell. Fuck you all and good day.
>> No. 22429
You forgot Boris and Akira Kurosawa.

Also, fuck the Internet's opinion. I listen to people.

inb4 hipster film snob
>> No. 22430
>Also, fuck the Internet's opinion. I listen to people.
So you are discussing with machines?
>> No. 22431
File 131768835967.jpg - (145.14KB , 600x448 , derpdog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Also, fuck the Internet's opinion. I listen to people.

LOL internet what is it?
>> No. 22432
The other M&Ms aren't sexy.
>> No. 22434
>> No. 22435
This seems to always happen to token chicks among cartoon casts made up of male characters, her only character trait is "sex appeal". This is why people fetishize fucking Lola Bunny.
>> No. 22436
I'm a replicant. I make sure that every terrible thing on the Internet stays on there.
>> No. 22438
If I were a menopausal substitute teacher, your post would have been hilarious.
>> No. 22440
Itchy vagina detected.
>> No. 22441

I remember theangrymoviedork. That kid was hysterically stupid. Does he still make videos?
>> No. 22449

Lmao, wow. Did Rocco make that or did one of his fans make it for him?
>> No. 22450
Samefaggin'. What the fuck happened to all the pics I just dumped? Is CR an admin here or something?
>> No. 22451

If the mods deleted the pics post links to all of them in one post.
>> No. 22452
File 131846902773.jpg - (93.30KB , 724x1103 , Fur-Sperg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since it's not up for some reason, picture dump 2, Asspie boogaloo
>> No. 22453
File 13184690415.jpg - (212.62KB , 753x1062 , Ponysperg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22454
File 131846911197.jpg - (116.31KB , 600x450 , troll fail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22455

Who made this pic?
>> No. 22456
File 131846926654.jpg - (218.79KB , 642x608 , Kissup.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22457
the man himself did!
>> No. 22458
File 131846970210.jpg - (54.52KB , 545x680 , of a-log proportions.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22459
File 13184697248.jpg - (75.46KB , 507x836 , of a-log proportions2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22460
File 131846973751.jpg - (134.35KB , 1024x693 , Chris can fap to this.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22461
What is this faggotry? Family Guy in an anime style? Fuck....
>> No. 22462
File 131847014044.jpg - (223.38KB , 417x551 , this actually costed him money to draw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22463
File 131847031474.jpg - (134.09KB , 337x570 , Sonifaggotry 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22464
File 131847034079.jpg - (122.42KB , 443x570 , Sonifaggotry 2 ROSECHU.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22465
File 131847040321.jpg - (69.39KB , 400x518 , SHE SHOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22466
Where the fuck did you find all of this shit?
>> No. 22467
File 131847049396.jpg - (99.60KB , 800x449 , WHY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22468
Chad Roccos deviantart
>> No. 22469
File 131847055053.jpg - (183.91KB , 392x838 , SWEET MERCIFUL JESUS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22470
File 131847063325.jpg - (69.66KB , 800x727 , Mr_ Krabs sandy rape porn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22471
File 131847070415.jpg - (191.25KB , 474x628 , S and MandM.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22472
File 131847076796.jpg - (83.11KB , 600x952 , Stan__s_Mom__s_Boobs_by_ChadRocco.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Didn't have to change the title
>> No. 22473
I'm done posting these. Too many pervarts.
>> No. 22474
We're though the looking glass here, people...
>> No. 22475
File 13184716185.jpg - (135.47KB , 900x675 , Talking_Heads_by_ChadRocco.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Look at this bullshit.
>> No. 22476
File 131847221077.jpg - (97.11KB , 800x600 , FREE UR HEAD.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lets see how deep this rabbit-hole really goes
>> No. 22477
File 131847246248.jpg - (99.53KB , 600x670 , Shitty Fairly odd parents fan comic 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22478
File 131847255910.jpg - (206.86KB , 794x1006 , part 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22479
File 131847257415.jpg - (172.04KB , 600x1120 , part 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22480
I find it weird that there's not a single mention of him on the ED page.
>> No. 22481
I remember reading a thread some time back, here or on /co/ about MovieBob that made him sound like a complete autistic, and the few videos I saw of him reinforced that completely.

One had this insane rant about a cult of Nintendo defending his childhood, another argued that Bayonetta was the ultimate female video game character, with arguments often conflicted by the video he paired it with while conversely arguing that all other female characters fell into either being a child, or a heartless bitch, and finally a video where he argued that it was a good thing Anthony Weiner was cheating on his wife because "Kennedy probably cheated on his wife, and Bush and Carter probably didn't" but then carried it farther to argue that foreveralone single guys who can only get laid by hiring a prostitute would make the best presidents.

Also he looks like A-Log.
>> No. 22482
His "Heavens to Metroid" video had to be his nadir.

"Guys! The word stoic totally means something different than what you think it means, i read it in an outdated dictionary! That's why it's okay for Samus to be a blubbering whining uterus taking orders from an asshole!"
>> No. 22484
In other news, I am a dumbdass.
>> No. 22485
Jesus he'll fap to anything won't he?

And I think he's not on the ED page because no one watches his shit.
>> No. 22486
File 131848406541.png - (398.30KB , 1560x792 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
TRUE and HONEST edit
>> No. 22487
He stills owns all his Happy Meal toys
>> No. 22488
holy shit

It's very obvious: CR isn't a fan of cartoons. He likes making them sexy. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
>> No. 22489
Of all of the TGTWG contributors, CR is the most Lolcow like.
>> No. 22490
>Owning toys and jerking off to cartoons makes you a lolcow.

Don't tell that to /co/.
>> No. 22491
He didn't say Lolcow, he said lolcow like. Probably meaning that he shares more characteristics of a lolcow then any other TGWTG member.
>> No. 22492
File 131850528522.jpg - (88.11KB , 718x917 , CR.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The M&M episode in question

also, that face.
>> No. 22493

Wow, the man openly admitted to his fans that he wants to fuck the green m&m and all of his fans seem to be perfectly okay with this. There isn't a single comment calling him out on his sick attraction. Are there any other contributors on TGWTG that are as fucked up as Rocco?
>> No. 22494
Like the "Iron Liz is a tranny" comments, the comments calling him fucked up where probably deleted.
>> No. 22495
Again, TGWTG's admins besides Film Brain (who actually takes criticism positively) don't like you "smashing on da reviewers." They'll delete your comment and ban you just because you call a reviewer out on their stupidity (whether it would be Linkara's hypocrisy, CR's weird obsession with fucking cartoon character, Doug being unfunny for long stretches of time).

Even though the reviewers come across as bold and willing to take criticism (hell, Linkara admitted he was a shitty comic book writer in one of his videos), the admins still feel as if it's their duty to make these guys seem like total pussies and lolcows.

Watch a Sam Peckinpah movie. Women actually have other character traits than just being sexy or being quirky. Hell, they even become villainous at times.
>> No. 22496
Also, I still don't get why you guys absolutely hate Iron Liz.

Yeah, her voice is pretty boyish, but so what? She's decent-looking - but then again, I don't look for naturally beautiful supermodels and actresses when I look for girls. And I don't look for bearded muffin-top hambeasts either.
>> No. 22497
She looks like a man. Even the ugliest girls I know still retain a look of femininity.
>> No. 22498
>her voice is pretty boyish, but so what?
>she's decent-looking
>misses point of Iron Liz trolling entirely because Iron Liz is 96% man
I feel ashamed I even try to defend fags like yourself.
>> No. 22499
Everything about that womans appearance screams "I'M A MAN!".

No seriously, even the ugliest woman still retain feminine characteristics. Her skull looks like it should be on the most manliest of men.
>> No. 22500
There isn't very much info on CR. All I can find is that he's American. I'm not even sure of what state he lives in
>Current Residence: A little town callded "Noneaubizniz"

He's also only shown his face twice. I could assume that he has a fear of getting doxed.
>> No. 22501
Well, I guess he's a self-aware man-child.
>> No. 22502
In my humble opinion, there could be many lulz had with CR. Like >>109933 said, he seems to be aware that he's a manchild. So any info we get on him is bound to be good. Though how we mik him is a different story. Though not one of the top TGWTG members, he's still a contributor.
>> No. 22503
Well, much like what happened to the Amazing Atheist, if you can dig up enough dirt, TGWTG may give him the boot to save face.
>> No. 22504
>>Watch a Sam Peckinpah movie. Women actually have other character traits than just being sexy or being quirky. Hell, they even become villainous at times.

Well I did say its something that tends of plague cartoons. Smurfette is another example. But I'm sure it does happen in live action stuff too.

The only episode of his I saw was the Batman one which happened to be a pity crossover with the Critic (and also the first time he showed his face.) It seemed harmless enough, but after looking at his art... there's got to be a potential gold mine out there.
>> No. 22505
File 131854817659.jpg - (21.81KB , 320x240 , 320px-Photo_8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sage's game reviews are great, almost on par with gametrailers.
>> No. 22506
gametrailer sucks.
>> No. 22507
I remember that crossover. Nostalgia Critic was doing his same shtick and CR was a spurgin'.

The only reason he got on the site was because he was constantly jerking off Spoony and Doug. While I admit he has artistic talent, he wastes it on being a manchild.
>> No. 22508

It's been up for almost a day.

Proof that not even most TGWTG users give a
>> No. 22509
shit about him
>> No. 22510
>> No. 22511
File 131855670899.jpg - (303.64KB , 510x765 , Humanity.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The man is beyond change.
>> No. 22512
Yep, get ready for another Chad Rocco pic dump!
>> No. 22513
File 131855684587.jpg - (86.87KB , 800x742 , I DON'T KNOW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22514
File 131855686978.jpg - (82.38KB , 600x830 , DAT FACE JESUS CHRIST.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22515
File 131855691068.jpg - (52.70KB , 400x849 , BWAH.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22516
File 131855704093.jpg - (53.45KB , 600x644 , I WILL FUCK ANYTHING AS LONG AS IT ISN'T IRL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22517
File 131855708775.jpg - (152.69KB , 470x532 , Fosters home for perverted manchildren.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Interesting fact, Frankie from Fosters home was apparently modeled after Lauren Faust.
>> No. 22518
File 131855716070.jpg - (91.92KB , 600x1314 , of a-log proportions 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Like A-Log, CR has a fetish for married women.
>> No. 22519
File 131855718741.jpg - (74.63KB , 600x948 , All hope is gone again.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22520
File 131855723898.jpg - (340.19KB , 765x821 , NO.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22521
File 131855729125.jpg - (90.79KB , 231x464 , HE DA PEDOFORK.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22522
I'm finished with pics again. I'll look through his comment section to see if there's anything of interest.
>> No. 22523
Haha, with every image dump, this guy comes off looking worse and worse.
>> No. 22524
Jesus Christ, what doesn't this guy fap to? Does he like vore?
>> No. 22525
File 131855793211.jpg - (86.59KB , 900x675 , UFUNNY CHARACTERS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This actually reminded me, time to post kissing up images!
>> No. 22526
File 131855799444.jpg - (125.23KB , 480x360 , He actually likes Spoonys shitty character.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22527
File 131855809896.jpg - (203.06KB , 636x945 , LOL EPIC WEEN SPOONY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22528
File 131855817267.jpg - (139.55KB , 800x600 , WILL YOU GIVE A SPOT ON YOUR SITE NOW DOUG PLEASE .jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22529
File 131855820639.jpg - (54.63KB , 800x617 , sick pun brah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22530
Believe it or not That's all his kiss-up pics.

Now for some of my personal favorites of his videos!

The pity video

The video where he swoons over Spoonies lazy writing.

Piggybacking off something Doug was doing so he could get more views. Yep
>> No. 22531
that opening goddamn
>> No. 22532

That picture demonstrates poor trigger discipline.
>> No. 22533
Tard rage tends to do that.
>> No. 22534
Another example of a token chick in an animated show whose only character trait is "she's 'sexy'". Lazy writing created furries. SHAME on you animation industry.
>> No. 22535
File 131857157638.jpg - (62.31KB , 600x450 , NOTHING IS SACRED.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gonna dump a couple more CR pics. Not many are left.
>> No. 22536
File 131857160139.jpg - (37.29KB , 400x665 , NIGGOS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22537
File 131857166347.jpg - (186.43KB , 1048x762 , LOL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seems like CR has something else in common with Chris
>> No. 22538
File 131857168811.jpg - (67.55KB , 400x611 , PHONE SEX.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22539
File 131857176461.jpg - (70.36KB , 800x600 , Fappin' to mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22540
File 131857179427.jpg - (289.89KB , 688x763 , OH GAWD MY EYES.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22541
File 131857189325.jpg - (125.72KB , 800x794 , Well.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know who this character is, but I should be freaked out.
>> No. 22542
File 131857195881.jpg - (298.40KB , 711x660 , OH JESUS NOT THIS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22543
File 131857204549.jpg - (168.27KB , 386x438 , CR's Warcry.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22544
File 131857209629.jpg - (37.90KB , 400x385 , IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE AUNT MAY IS OLD AND OLD PE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22545
Jesus christ, so he just slaps giant tits on the most obscure female characters ever doesn't he? So his show that, on the surface, is about celebrating minor characters is really just a display of his sickness.
>> No. 22546
File 131857213929.jpg - (389.27KB , 1280x474 , RPG FAP FAP FAP.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22547
File 131857216773.jpg - (58.01KB , 600x556 , UR DA PEDOFORK CHUBBY CHASER.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22548
File 131857222799.jpg - (83.16KB , 800x559 , Furry Vore.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
About there only being a few left

I lied.
>> No. 22549
File 131857231628.jpg - (156.72KB , 596x769 , Liberals.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He likes Colbert, so we can assume that he's a leftist... that or he just likes Colberts "lol so randumb XDXDXDXD" humor.
>> No. 22550
File 131857234385.png - (175.98KB , 640x477 , ChipOff5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay maybe she already had giant tits on account of being a fatty, but it takes a special kind of mind to turn that into fetish fuel.
>> No. 22551
Hit the nail right on the head my good man!
>> No. 22552
>Fetish fuel

>Well THIS TROPER fully supports CR. I hope that CR sends me some autographed drawings so I can fap to them whilst wearing my badass longcoat.
>> No. 22553

How can you find a phone sexy?
Does he get aroused every time he answers his phone?
>> No. 22554
I bet you have no girlfriend, brah.
>> No. 22555
In that guy's defense, while I'm sure Iron Liz is a very nice person, I would put down money that Liz is transgendered. Liz might not even be aware of it, like that olympic runner Caster Semenya.
>> No. 22556
>Oh look somebody's calling me. Oh yeah, fap fap fap
>> No. 22557
Oh right no one is ever allowed to use words or phrases that have been co-opted by TV Tropes.
>> No. 22559
Holy shit, A-Log favourited this picture on his deviantArt. It's on his ED page and everything.

The lolcows are merging, /cwc/.
>> No. 22561

Soon we shall have them merge into one ultralolcow, and Chris-Chan will be reborn once again.
>> No. 22562
I wouldn't say he's a lolcow, but he has potential.
>> No. 22563
I don't think he could ever be a lolcow. He looks like the type of person who would ignore advances or simply pack-up and leave.
>> No. 22564
He wouldn't have to do anything. His fanbase would do all the work.
>> No. 22565
Alright, so here's the first step in trolling CR: getting more info about him. I'll talk with him on Deviantart and ask him questions. I'll start with minor shit (favorite cartoon ect.) to more important shit (what city do you live in. Do you have any siblings ect.) Once we have that stuff we'll be able to find out more about him.
>> No. 22566
He admits he's a monster. My god the dirt we could dig up on this bastard.
>> No. 22567

Also needs his own thread when said dirt is dug.
>> No. 22568
Fat larry got him on board (after he joined and took some part in running the gaming bit)
Why would ign employ larry, with not much digging around you can see what a liability he would be to a proper media outlet.
>> No. 22569
The only good thing that Larry did was interview Chris. His videos are usually just okay.
>> No. 22570
File 131870773111.jpg - (198.33KB , 1280x1504 , Autisism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It seems like it's harder then I first thought. He rarely seems to reply to comments on his comments page. I'll see if PM'ing him works better.
>> No. 22571
Even in that video, he's kind of a knob, making faces and pretending to throttle himself. Lolsofunnii!! XD
>> No. 22572
Still, we did get some info on Chris, so that's pretty good.
>> No. 22573
Actually that interview has some great things in it. I found it funny how Chris was seemingly oblivious to Gary's actions.

Some other great things were Chris thinking Spax was too obsessive. It also showed Chris might have a thing for 9 year old anthropomorphic rabbits.
>> No. 22574
It gave us a lot of shit we'd never have found out about ourselves.
>> No. 22575
I thought chris caught on to his actions and just got through it politely.
>> No. 22576
On some level, Chris probably thought he was being trolled, so the extent he believes everyone is a troll, but he only complained about the Bulk & Skull theme being used to introduce him and said he was "trolling stupid" and he'd only continue if a different song was used.
>> No. 22577
File 131874678749.jpg - (30.49KB , 298x403 , waiting.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Still waiting on a reply from him. However, I guess he hasn't replied because he's probably personing at Comic con.
>> No. 22578
What I'm interested to know is what Rocco lives in? His videos don't get enough views to earn enough money to live off of. His Wiki page says he's a graphic artist, and I don't think they make much. My uncle used to be one when I was 7, but even then he had another job as well, and all he could afford was a one bedroom apartment. As well, from what little we've seen of his room, it looks like it was furnished by a middle aged woman. So I guess we can conclude that he lives with his parents.
>> No. 22579
File 131889741864.png - (23.65KB , 599x442 , ROCCO HAS RESPONDED.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have made first contact.
>> No. 22580

Great, have you sent him any other messages?
>> No. 22582
Yeah, I asked him if he went to NYCC. No response as of yet.
>> No. 22583
File 131896376197.png - (6.32KB , 579x111 , Rocco replies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chad has crashed into a slumber
>> No. 22584
Oh, he has a cold. That's so fucking lulzy.
>> No. 22585
File 131896664169.png - (700.66KB , 758x601 , Spooning.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just like his hero
>> No. 22586
I haven't asked him anything lulzy yet. I guess I should just wait until he says something lulzy.
>> No. 22587
File 131896817091.jpg - (24.18KB , 428x372 , mightymorphinaspietits.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Linkara in a Power Rangers costume, ladies and gentlemen. Note the clear display of bitchtits, despite wearing a chest covering.
>> No. 22588
Dem titties
>> No. 22589
I bet his backflips look more like sitting on his ass eating fatty foods.
>> No. 22590
It's eatin' time!
>> No. 22591
>> No. 22592

His dorky trenchcoat (seriously, what is it with nerds and fedoras/trenchcoats?) always made him look skinny to me.
>> No. 22593
>>Reach for Dragon Dagger to summon the Dragonzord.
>>Spaghetti falls out of my pockets...
>>I didn't even know this costume had pockets.
>>Frantically try to wipe off my hands on my costume.
>>Orange greasy stains everywhere.
>>Pink ranger starts laughing at me.
>>Run home crying.
>> No. 22594
File 131900515139.jpg - (114.40KB , 600x338 , spaghettiday.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Spaghetti keeps falling out of my pockets as I run home
>slip on some spaghetti and fall over
>try to get back up and my pants accidentally fall down
>Yellow Ranger laughs at me
>trying to pull my spaghetti-stained pants back up as I slip around
>I slide across the spaghetti floor to her
>"b-back that zord up"
>she laughs in my face and her ridicule makes me soil myself out of embarrassment
>a car loses control on the spaghetti and kills the Yellow Ranger
>I stand there alone covered in spaghetti, piss, and shit, as the world collapses around me from all the spaghetti falling out of my pockets
>> No. 22595
The new Nostalgia Critic has him without a shirt on showing off his hairy sagging man tits and spitting food at the camera

16:40 http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/32868-blair-witch-2-book-of-shadows
>> No. 22596
When Tito showed his sagging mantits it was EPIC but when these faggots do it it's so FAAAILLL
>> No. 22597
File 131904592766.jpg - (13.93KB , 400x302 , sk_incredulous.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22598

>Implying that Tito showed his real mantits
>> No. 22599
To spare y'all from having to watch that travesty, he's whining that a stupid but rather forgettable horror movie doesn't answer every question it raised. Cause that's totally not actually a mark of good horror. And rips about a quarter of his jokes from South Park.

Scene in question is a parody of the drunken celebrity eating a cheeseburger vid that was popular a few years back. Since I don't follow pop culture really, someone else will have to give the names.
>> No. 22600
What's happened to Spoony since Scarlett broke up with him?
>> No. 22601

I think he decided to buy a dog (LOL MEEEMEZ GUIZE) and that's about it.I haven't been able to follow spoony anymore because he makes a video once every 4 months and every time a new one comes out it has more cameos and shit.
>> No. 22602
That dog is not going to be around for very long, it has way too much energy. One of Spoony's videos just has the dog tearing up his carpet for a few minutes. Look at Miles during the vlogs, you can tell he hates it.

These constant chis-like updates of his life will accumulate into his own wiki someday.
>> No. 22603
Isn't he supposed to have some disease he was using to excuse his lethargic, apathetic, and surly behavior in public?
>> No. 22604
Yah, he doesn't even make videos anymore, maybe one a month if your lucky, he just does Vlogs because it doesn't require editing, one of the reasons I really don't like him anymore

Is he even still popular with the TGWTG fans?
>> No. 22605
They have massive boners for Spoony still. And like every other TGWTG fan, insulting him will result in them coming to his aid!

One show I like on Blistered Thumbs is Video Games Awesome. Mainly because the humor in it is natural and isn't just LOL SO RANDUMB! Their other show, Awesome Video Games is just ADD candy.
>> No. 22606

Used to be that even TVtropes was honest about what a douchebag he is. Then they edited his article to pretend that he's only rude to trolls.
>> No. 22607
Isn't the reviewer thing Spoony's job? I thought it was al lhe did now. But he hasnt made a real video in one month , instead he put up a dozen vlogs , 4 about his dog. And he puts up videos that other people make too.

If he didn't have his brother to leech off of this lazy asshole would be on the streets.
>> No. 22608
I know he literaly covers his videos in ads (full length ad at the beginning, full length ad at the end... banners keep popping up across the bottom even if you close them. Sometimes ads pop up in the top right corner. And the last video of his I looked at stopped playing midway through and asked me to answer a marketing survey), but even so - does blip really pay out that much money that he could make any kind of real income? Are there really THAT many people still regularly watching whatever the fuck he posts?
>> No. 22609
I know he literaly covers his videos in ads (full length ad at the beginning, full length ad at the end... banners keep popping up across the bottom even if you close them. Sometimes ads pop up in the top right corner. And the last video of his I looked at stopped playing midway through and asked me to answer a marketing survey), but even so - does blip really pay out that much money that he could make any kind of real income? Are there really THAT many people still regularly watching whatever the fuck he posts?
>> No. 22610

So today Doug posted that he liked the new Lola bunny...
and people are actually saying that the writers change the character based on his review of space jam...

any thoughts about this /cwc/?
>> No. 22611
Why is this even remotely relevant?
>> No. 22612
Yeah. I don't give a shit.
>> No. 22613

sorry, I thought the comments were retarded enough to share :(
>> No. 22614
So, has Chad Rocco made anything really fucked up lately?
>> No. 22615
File 131968064060.jpg - (115.90KB , 754x1059 , Yes he did.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22616
This is the guy who tried to get the dox on Chad. He stopped replying to me last week, but I decided to search him on white pages today. It shows that there's only five Chad Rocco's in the US, so one of them listed is bound to be him.
>> No. 22617
I don't believe in demonizing someone over actions they've commited at one point or another in their lives so i'll just go ahead and say that I like spoony. He's just an easily aggravated nerd of yore who got in over his head with internet popularity. sometimes it is a shame that things need to end like this but this board is thirsty for blood sometimes
>> No. 22618
Oh hey Spoony, what are you doing on our humble board?
>> No. 22619
391 posts and nothing of value
>> No. 22620
Spoony hasn't bothered to make an actual video that involves editing in all of October, that is just fucking pathetic , is he even a reviewer anymore? I don't think a site that has vlogs of a guy talking about his dog and shit can be consider a game review site.

Also who doesn't use adblock to watch videos anyway?
>> No. 22621

Nah, he's just realized his douchebag fanbase is going to let him slide with things like that. If there's anything to be said about TGWTG fans, they're retardedly loyal and it takes a lot for them to pry themselves off someones dick once they've latched on.
>> No. 22622

The backlash does kind of speak to the frivolities of the internet though: Spoony is awesome because he's ranting and insulting! What? Spoony is ranting and insulting irl? He's a douche now.

Though Spoony's fans are scarier than general TGWTG fans considering their reactions every time there's a cameo. Either way he's gonna start losing fans, hits, and revenue if he doesn't start having a regular update schedule, same thing happened to AVGN when he couldn't keep up with his once a month nerd videos because he's working on a movie no one asked for. There are other reviewers out there with like actual jobs who still manage to do a once a week or twice a month update.
>> No. 22623
> Either way he's gonna start losing fans, hits, and revenue if he doesn't start having a regular update schedule

Eventually, yeah. There's just a massive grace period with his demographic, since fans of "ranters" tend to be retards anyway. Even if people got sick of him and left, one "good" video and they'd be right back.
>> No. 22624
Ever notice how the Nostalgia critic will take a phrase the character says and then says it sounds like something sexual then go on about it for 30 seconds , ya that pisses me off

Girl in movie " Can you hand me your chalk ?"

>> No. 22625
Some of his bits do have a tendency to go on too long. He seems to be getting better about it though.
>> No. 22626
So, are there any furries on TGWTG besides Chad?
>> No. 22627

>> No. 22628
So he's like the Beavis and Butthead of movie reviews?
>> No. 22629
Eh yeah 0o Dena is a furry, openly so too.
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