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File 132137744515.png - (54.44KB , 901x594 , pdkmillennium.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
22630 No. 22630
We started discussion of this in the A-Log thread, but I'm going to start a separate thread on this guy: PaganDeathKnight.

He came to our attention when he suggested to A-Log that they could collaborate on a Chris-Chan video.

He's currently active on the CWCki forums, where he began his career there yesterday with a series of creepy posts about Megan and where she was living because he'd like to meet her.

The kicker is that he's a hardcore pagan who considers himself an acolyte of Pluto (no doubt because that's the most hardcore of all gods), and has a massive chip on his shoulder about his fucktarded beliefs.

I did a little research last night and couldn't find anything useful, but I'll just leave this here for now.
Expand all images
>> No. 22631
File 132137757410.png - (381.40KB , 588x441 , paulus.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is what a PaganDeathKnight looks like.
>> No. 22632
File 132137771876.png - (52.01KB , 904x420 , pdkwantswoman.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I posted this in the A-Log thread already, but this is his first post. It quickly got ridiculed for looking like a bizarre and creepy LoveQuest2.0
>> No. 22633
File 132137781679.png - (52.21KB , 751x622 , wantmegan2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One final tidbit, and then I need to stop stalking manchildren on the Internet and get some work done.
>> No. 22634
File 132137820818.jpg - (15.00KB , 390x382 , nigga is you serious 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Hellsing fanboy
>"apart from the Nazi fascination and otaku tendencies would seem to be a decent person to meet"
>> No. 22635
File 132137825981.jpg - (6.32KB , 251x251 , 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I just figured I could theoretically make it to NC, and see her. I'm not actually going to see her. It's hypothetical thinking.
>> No. 22636
File 132137928075.png - (23.20KB , 735x291 , confirmed for lolcow.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22637
Do A-log and his ilk really not understand that there isn't a Internet cabal of people who want to punish and humiliate Chris? That, detailed and comprehensive as the CWCki is, it is more about the fascination with one of the most bizarre people every to get notoriety online? It isn't about attacking Chris and hositing in effigy to angry mobs as it's a glimpse into his train wreck of a life?
>> No. 22638
File 132137948536.png - (13.15KB , 624x161 , TVT.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Also, it's no surprise as to how he found out about CWC....

(which means he's not even a friend of A-Log, he's a wannabe friend of A-Log, and that's just awful).
>> No. 22639
File 132137964784.png - (65.83KB , 526x664 , any info on.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay, here's a two-parter, because I suck at big screencaps. This is another thread Spurgin'DeathKnight started last night, asking for info about Chris, although he TOTALLY doesn't want to troll him (he just hates him).
>> No. 22640
So this xXPaganXx person is pretty much just looking for any excuse to creep on Megan?
>> No. 22641
File 132137982916.png - (33.25KB , 748x345 , pdk and retaliation.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay, part two now, in which it turns out he wanted to troll Chris the whole time. However, he just wants to go spy on him, and will only troll him if there's retaliation.

Yes, he fears (or secretly hopes for) retaliation.
>> No. 22642
>>Still don't want to troll him, at least not yet. If things get worse, I might be persuaded to.

It's like he's asking for validation, for someone to encourage him to drive to another state so he can "observe" Chris-chan, not unlike Chris's trip to Ohio to rescue Julie.
>> No. 22643
Ironically all of these people hating chris for "giving bad name to autism" have affected my views on autism/apersoner much more than chris alone ever could have.
>> No. 22644
I can just see it now:
"Dear Ms. Schroder,
Blessings of Jupiter and Pluto upon you. My name is Paulus, and I am a Death Knight in service of the pagan gods (who are TRUE and HONEST gods, not like that DANG DIRTY JEW who died on a cross).

I was wondering if we could arrange a meeting so I could understand more about you for the fanwork I'm writing, in which you head a cadre of neo-Nazis and vampires in an assault on CWCville."
>> No. 22645

Well, he actually lives in Roanoke but (he said somewhere else on the board) he's just 18 and has no car (it would probably cut into his trenchcoat budget anyway).
>> No. 22646
I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up here in his own defense.
>> No. 22647
Actually, if he's trying to follow Pluto/Hades, he's on the right path: The god of the underworld famously abducted a young woman to make into a queen of the underworld from the ground up.
>> No. 22648

Very much so.

Just look at the slew of them who trollshield using Chris-Chan: They're all horrible.
>> No. 22649
File 13213837746.png - (100.35KB , 728x802 , picklesuited pagan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22650
Insane religitards/atheistards always make me laugh.

>I am not Chris. I hate that motherfucker

He's confirmed for buttdestroyed asspie.
>> No. 22651
I really hope he hasn't read the story of Persephone. I don't know, despite being an aspie this guy seems fairly passive in his posts. I doubt he'd act without encouragement. A lot of what I'm seeing sounds like he's seeking approval.
>> No. 22652
He fits right in amongst the Furfags, Bronies and Weeaboos of the CWCki forums.
>> No. 22653
File 132139647138.png - (28.56KB , 617x352 , PDKliebtFrauMegtune.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Even they are starting to turn on him. In the meantime, he continues to show his Megan obsession for what it is.
Pic related.
>> No. 22654
What the hell am I reading, some kind of roleplaying forum?
>> No. 22655

It's the forums for the CWCki. So you're pretty much right.
>> No. 22656
File 132139804236.png - (4.31KB , 382x53 , Fake Pagan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22657
LOL, this guy is downright creepy. Also Megan isn't even good looking. I'm waiting and hoping to see if more creepiness will transpire on the cwcki forums.
>> No. 22658
The autism level continues to rise.
>> No. 22659
File 13214031046.png - (19.60KB , 1065x138 , ohones.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22660
Hey, anybody want some dox on Pagan Death Knight, aka Paul David Smith?

>> No. 22661
Relationship status: Single

Imagine that...
>> No. 22662
File 132140600327.png - (22.38KB , 629x249 , hes onto it.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
PDK is now shitting bricks.
>> No. 22663
"It doesn't bother me. I mean, it totally does bother me and it's scaring me, but it doesn't really bother me."

Am I reading that right?
>> No. 22664
File 132140647945.png - (32.24KB , 622x341 , oh noes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I also love how the guy who was talking about fucking with a retard's head is now freaking out because he's been partially doxed.

Man, all he wanted was a girlfriend free Naziotakette's china and maybe some validation for his irrational hatred of a mentally disabled man, and now he's getting this? For shame.
>> No. 22665
File 132140655726.jpg - (57.00KB , 424x447 , George Lucas Thinks It's Glorious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ha ha! Oh, /cwc/! I could kiss each and every one of you! This is hilarious!
>> No. 22666

No, you are. It's like when he didn't want to troll Chris, except he actually wanted to troll Chris, but not really.
>> No. 22667
Alright, which one of you did this? We've lost a good lolcow before we even got started!
>> No. 22668
The lesson here is not to be a retard of the highest magnitude.

It is really hilarious when they never see it coming.
>> No. 22669
File 132140679727.png - (31.19KB , 243x289 , Laughing Elf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he's not even a friend of A-Log, he's a wannabe friend of A-Log
>> No. 22670
File 132140682166.png - (30.48KB , 662x370 , pdk is unnerved.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, the fact that a bunch of tards on /cwc/ have been documenting and partially controlling a manchild's life for years doesn't bother him, but the fact that his information is floating around does?

I love it.
>> No. 22671
These people don't seem to understand how embarrassingly easy their dox are to find. They leave of personal information just lying around like delicious lulzy breadcrumbs.
>> No. 22672
They are also too stupid to just drop off and lay low.

Posting a panicked reaction about trolls to a troll forum is a virtual attraction sign.
>> No. 22673
Please God let him make a Youtube video
>> No. 22674
It was inevitable, because he tried to get in contact with Alog, who probably gave him or would give him some notification about /cwc/.
>> No. 22675
I just don't understand how he didn't see this coming. Will we ever know why these people are so shortsighted?
>> No. 22676
>> No. 22677
For what it's worth, if we never hear from him again, I won't really care. The minutes of absolute hilarity I experienced reading this thread are more than enough.
>> No. 22678
So, is this guy a goth? Because, y'know, goths are fucking hilarious when trolled.
>> No. 22679
File 132140839832.jpg - (24.64KB , 385x329 , EYEOFWHOREUS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's also either lying bout his age to avoid being called out, or he's literally retarded. Like hardcore Downs Syndrome bad.
>> No. 22680

>Pagan Death Knight
>Worships a god of the underworld
>Claims to be a monarchist on his facebook
>Is a big fan of a show about gothic vampire fighting nazis

I dunno, you tell me.
>> No. 22681
You know what one of the best parts is?

His thread title.

"Line up, Time to confess"

It's like he's trying to make himself sound like this unfazed hardcore badass who's calling out the world. And then you actually read the thread.
>> No. 22682
Just out of interest, can you be a pagan and worship Pluto? Pluto's a classical Roman god, isn't he? I thought pagan gods were the gods of the heathen tribes, worshipped outside of civilised Rome?
>> No. 22683
Are goths quite fond of the monarchy?
>> No. 22684
Pagan is now popularized to include classical gods too. Many modern classical god followers call themselves pagans. I'm sure hardcore followers might object though.
>> No. 22685
Y'know what's awesome about this?
Paul David Smith is, I imagine, quite a common name. But even with that in mind, we were STILL able to find him.

That other guy, ISLAVERDE29, was called Robert Price - another name I'd imagine is quite common. And yet he was found in seconds, as well.
>> No. 22686
File 132140924922.jpg - (91.43KB , 610x549 , Anthos1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How do, bozos? Pagan acolyte of Primus, here!
>> No. 22687
File 132140991752.png - (46.23KB , 745x346 , WTF.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
From the same thread...
Who the fuck is this guy?
>> No. 22688
Ahhh, TacoWiz. If you hang around the personier fandoms you'll see him pop up.
>> No. 22689
I'm also noticing he's panicking over crap happening to HIS FB. You think the guy would be a little bit more worried about actual friends of his on FB (if he has any) getting dragged into this.
>> No. 22690
Most of the people on the CWCki forums tend to be huge persons. We could probably find a whole mess of lolcows if we looked hard enough.
>> No. 22691
He was a babyfur when he was NINE? Is that a typo? Did he mean to say 19? How can you be a babyfur when you're 9?
>> No. 22692
It's just an excuse to be "HURRR SO DARK AND awesome SPECIAL LOOK AT ME"
>> No. 22693
I think he's a teenager.

I think he actually came onto /cwc/ once in an attempt to dox someone from TVTropes that he was pissed at. This backfired, however, when he got doxed right back, and he panicked and deleted the thread.
>> No. 22694
File 132141126097.png - (114.35KB , 405x241 , myname vatican.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
After looking through his buttdevastation over Christianity, this seemed relevant.
>> No. 22695
Mods deleted it for being full of faggotry.
>> No. 22696
File 132141192998.jpg - (35.73KB , 290x150 , Fool The.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I found this fitting.
>> No. 22697
File 132141195697.jpg - (37.56KB , 281x150 , Loser The.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22698
File 132141199136.jpg - (35.65KB , 268x150 , Unloved.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22699
>> No. 22700

The only thing I did was Google his name and got his dA...


>> No. 22701

He's 18-19 according to Facebook.
>> No. 22702

10/10 i mad
>> No. 22703

Is this his new account? http://exclusive-cheese.deviantart.com/
>> No. 22704
File 132141479752.png - (554.44KB , 1959x768 , Oh god not this again.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh great! Another Hetaliatard who jerks off to history and claims to be an expert
>> No. 22705
Let's abbreviate this TacoWiz stuff and I'll just give you what we compiled last time.
He's fuckin strange, for sure, but he's also 15. Are manchildren who are still children manchildren?
>> No. 22706
File 13214150905.png - (78.06KB , 466x735 , Blood or cock.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One way to gross him out . . .
>> No. 22707
File 132141520216.png - (63.34KB , 493x369 , Pagans facepalm at this idiot.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pagan shit
>> No. 22708
File 132141530732.png - (11.52KB , 306x105 , PDK about cumming on priest.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So not sexual, guys . . .
>> No. 22709
File 132141538975.png - (23.16KB , 235x169 , PDK an hero.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>BAWWWW! Why am I still alive?
>> No. 22710
I AM STRAIGHT you dang dirty homos!
>> No. 22711
File 132141554332.png - (13.96KB , 449x130 , PDK and German.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another idiot that tries to speak in another language to hide the fact that he's 110% American?
>> No. 22712
File 132141589618.png - (88.61KB , 498x604 , PDK butthurt about Christianity.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Bawww! Fuck Christians and the Vatican!
>> No. 22713
File 132141601054.png - (140.83KB , 700x614 , PDK list.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pagan Death God in a nutshell. Do we have enough to start an ED page yet?
>> No. 22714
File 132141608267.png - (39.13KB , 464x381 , PDK on Death Penalty.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Continuing dump
>> No. 22715
Actually, in light of his love of black metal, paganism, and megan the nazi, use of the nazi word for subhumans is. . .telling.
>> No. 22716
File 132141626248.png - (127.85KB , 466x871 , PDKs mom even laughs at him.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His mom even laughs at him
>> No. 22717
File 132141634423.png - (38.57KB , 465x328 , PDKs mom about her children.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More of his mom laughing at him
>> No. 22718
File 132141639386.png - (38.76KB , 394x361 , PKD and music.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pagan Butthurt is a hipster as well.
>> No. 22719
His mom looks to be his biggest troll.
>> No. 22720
How did you guys get him to friend you on facebook? Is he like ADF who friends everyone?
>> No. 22721
I'm a moralfag I guess since I see him as a little kid. Annoying aspie sure but a little kid.

PaganDeathKnight on the other hand...
>> No. 22722

Nice to see his mother's taking this nonsense from her son in stride. "It's just a phase" or some other reasoning along those lines?
>> No. 22723
I wonder if he's in a Red Army or White Army mood, if he's in the latter I would love to see him and ADF duke it out.
>> No. 22724
My point exactly.
>> No. 22725
So I'm not the only moralfag. Dumb kids can be dumb kids.

PaganDoucheKnight on the other hand is old enough to be a man and not a whiny emo who gets made fun of on his FB page by his mother.

More content anon. I need a laugh.
>> No. 22726
Looks like our friend really does accept everyone who friend requests him.
>> No. 22727
Somebody has to make a ED page about this trenchcoat-wearing Goth lolcow
>> No. 22728

eh Tacowiz is just weird. Nothing really lulzy, just another run of the mill asspie. I remember he made a post asking people if it was a good idea to visit Chris.
>> No. 22729
Seconded; I might get on it tomorrow if I'm not too busy. In the meantime, we should be telling his mom that her son was thinking of driving two or three hours to stalk a mentally challenged man.
>> No. 22730
>Death Note guy as his facebook icon
>Everything he posts is about his command over the darkness
>His mom makes fun of him at every turn

Hahaha Jesus Christ, this guy is perfect in the way that he's not too far gone from reality to be totally fucking nuts but he's still such a loser that it makes up for it
I don't know, it's not like he's anything particularly special but it's just that old-fashioned xXDarkSephirothXx junk, so endearing
>> No. 22731

I've seen some shit but I've never seen a lolcow mom make fun of their kid. That's fantastic. Any other posts from her?
>> No. 22732
The most outright irritating thing about this guy, to me anyway, is that he's one of those pseudointellectual would-be critics who can't shut up about how much he hates Twilight but can't say anything about it other than "She changed vampires!" because he lacks the cognizance to point out any of its other many flaws.
>> No. 22733
I'm looking at the CWCki forum and Tacowiz is registered as being female. Am I Slowpoke or...?
>> No. 22734

PixyTeri's mom criticizes her as well, btw. It's also pretty great.
>> No. 22735
Her reaction to the secret Japanese father windchime conspiracy is my favorite Pixyteri moment.
>> No. 22736
File 132145133797.png - (5.37KB , 482x104 , hahahahah.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not exactly sure why he has this weird racist thing against the Celts, although I think it has to do with Irish Catholicism. Which makes no sense, because the Irish weren't really at the forefront of Catholicism.
>> No. 22737
File 132145145536.png - (24.39KB , 485x233 , bullying is bad mkay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
One of those stupid repost if you agree statuses.

The irony is that he was intending to take part in bullying an Internet-famous retard.
>> No. 22738
>I started reading because you called me stupid

Oh nooooooooooo.
>> No. 22739
File 132145169181.png - (41.10KB , 507x362 , wuttt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because the Ancient Romans never engaged in conquest, subjugation, and general dickbaggery.
>> No. 22740
>I'm a huge pussy who can't take a verbal punch
What is wrong with kids these days
>> No. 22741
I love how he comments on his own comments when no one is paying attention to him.
>> No. 22742
File 132145380367.jpg - (70.03KB , 425x566 , 8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I started reading because you called me stupid.
>> No. 22743
File 132145412958.jpg - (19.45KB , 221x239 , Batman Laughs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This guy says a lot of dumb shit, for sure, but this really stood out for me...

>The Punisher can beat Batman
Nigga, please.
>> No. 22744
No, my favorite fictional character can beat your fictional character.
>> No. 22745

Please hold back your austistic urges to tell us why you want to fellate Batman.
As for the lolcow at hand, I say he's nothing too special, but perhaps he might develop from here.
>> No. 22746
His mom sounds fucking cool.
>> No. 22747

I don't think I've ever seen Champ upset before, but, if I'm not mistaken, you succeeded.
The real question now is: who do you want banned from the CWCki forum? All you have to do now is make a thread.
>> No. 22748
File 132146361213.png - (10.67KB , 641x189 , pdk goes under the bus.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is...an interesting response to the whole thing from champ.

Shades of Fast Eddie!
>> No. 22749

Ah, you beat me to it. But yeah, I don't really get the butthurt there. Dude always seems pretty chill, actually.
>> No. 22750
This is fucking great. I found this guy pretty boring right up until that. I like his mom.
>> No. 22751
I think I can understand his frustration. There are some cool people on the CWCki forum, and some interesting discussions take place. Despite that, the forum gets a (arguably justifiable) bad rap because of the minority of the posters being fucking retarded. The good posters deserve a better atmosphere.
I think it's interesting that the rule is so reactionary. Rather than just banning retards (which would imply that the retards themselves are the problem), it's about whether or not the retards get their own thread (which seems more of a reputation sort of thing than anything else).
I don't like to play e-psychologist, so tell me to fuck off if it's too pretentious-sounding, but that's what I think is going on.
>> No. 22752

I don't think he's deserving of a whole page; even though there's a decent amount of content on him, only a little is related to his drama generating activities. This seems like it should go under friends of ALog (or, as someone put it, wannabe friends of alog)
>> No. 22753
File 132146473331.png - (21.20KB , 629x328 , champ explains in greater detail.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Champ has clarified his position, which is more or less what I thought it would be. It looks like it was at least as much Tacowiz's faggotry as PDK's that made him lay down the law.

Also, lol.
>> No. 22754
We did Good today, fellow Bozos.
>> No. 22755
>>the forum gets a (arguably justifiable) bad rap because of the minority of the posters being fucking retarded.

Like /cwc/?
>> No. 22756
Thing about /cwc/ is that everyone's anonymous, so you can't pin the retardation on any one person. I'm sure if the guys who religiously posted TC for MONTHS thinking people were getting mad when they weren't had handles, there would be threads mocking them, too.
I think this new rule is a good rule, even if it's implemented in a sideways manner, because it creates the opportunity to finally purge the forum of the Julayfags.

That said, I enjoyed laughing at them as much as the next guy, and they will be sorely missed. Godspeed, Julayfags.
>> No. 22757
In the words of Billy Mays:
>> No. 22758
11/16/2011: The Day the JUUUULLAAAAAAAAAAAAY Died.
>> No. 22759
Make a thread about Champ for EPIC WEEN
>> No. 22760
I'm sorry, but whatthefuck did this guy expect? He goes on a forum inhabited entirely by social rejects whose only enjoyment in life is tormenting a fucking retard from Virgina and he wants what, exactly?
>> No. 22761

I fucking hate furries. Let's get Mew banhammered.
>> No. 22762
I still think it's great that the emanations of (for lack of a better word) failure from Chris and his unwitting prophet, A-Log, are strong enough that they can scorch someone who comes into contact with them just a tiny bit.

I keep imagining Paul/Pagan as some sort of moth flying too close to a flame.
>> No. 22763
cwcki is one huge watering hole for 5pergs.
>> No. 22764

A lot of it comes, I think, from the whole idea of a "Christorian," and that they're like Werner f'n Herzog or something. People on there have, at various points, mentioned using the CWCki as the basis for documentaries or school papers, which I find truly mindboggling.
>> No. 22765
>>126294 I am the shadow of the night. Good luck.
>> No. 22766
Perhaps an 'honorable mention'?
>> No. 22767

What's mindboggling is that these asshats actually think they're separate from the PVCC when both sites are owned by the same troll. The whole point of the cwcki is to fuck with the retard's mind, but these dumbass "christorians" think it's a real fucking wiki.
>> No. 22768
They also say that it's not supposed to be anything like ED.
>> No. 22769
Haha, what? Of course it is a real wiki. Sure, it also serves to mess with him, but still, if that was the whole purpose then the mods wouldn't give a shit about editing for quality, removing useless piping, etc.

Though, I do get the feeling that forums, no matter what the subject, bring out the spurg in people. It also does not help that everything is tied to a name. If /cwc/ were to be instantly converted to a forum with the same users as now, there would be bitchy fighting, furry avatars, obsessive posting, cool stories, "oh woe is me" stories, countless epic win plans, and "fuck you guys I 'm leaving forever" posts.
>> No. 22770

Don't forget everyone would be sucking modcock.
>> No. 22771

lol. the cwcki is a 5purg farm if they think that.
>> No. 22772
File 132147868953.png - (420.04KB , 580x359 , Spegergtap.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"5perg farm asspie, I'll be your hired hand
5perg farm asppie, I'll let my offer stand
5person farm asppie, don't you hear my tractor rumbling by?"
>> No. 22773
File 132147978566.png - (18.03KB , 744x165 , Buttsandwhich.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll just drop this here
>> No. 22774
[holds up lighter] DO 5PERGHENGE!
>> No. 22775
In ancient times,
Hundreds of years before the dawn of history.
There lived a strange race of people...the Asspies.
No one knows who they were, or...what they were doing...
But their legacy remains...
Hewn into the living rock of 5perghenge...

Where the furries dwell
Where the Weeaboo's live and they do live well
Where a fags a fag, and the Manchildren dance
To the pipes of Pan...

Tis' a magic place,
Where the moon doth rise, with a minecraft face
Where the virgins lie
And the prayer of Bronies fill the midnight sky...
>> No. 22776
Will PDK get any mention on ED, I think he will.

He's got enough material for a section on "Friends of A-Log", and maybe even a full page.

Think about it...

1. He's an asspie, the scum of the Internet
2. He's a Pagan, worshipping outdated ideas
3. He's a Goth and utter lolcow
4. His mom trolls him
5. He's a hipster
6. He actually thinks positively of A-Log
7. He's possibly a Nazi
8. He's a weaboo
9. He's obssessed with Megan Schroeder
10. He's a Black Metaller
11. He faps to Bible Black
12. He's racist towards the Irish(Nevermind that the 1930's are over)
>> No. 22777
If he's not got enough to warrant his own page, I would love to see an honorary mention for him on the Friends of A-Log page, where it's mentioned that he's a wannabe friend of A-Log and how sad that makes him.
>> No. 22778
/cwc/ has been quite productive where ED is concerned. A lot of the lolcows have been catalogued - Pixyteri, ADF, A-Log, Nick Bate, The Unknown Autobot.
>> No. 22779
Who is that fucking freak with the loli as his sig? He is the weirdest one there
>> No. 22780

I know, at this point /cwc/ is best during Chris dry spells
>> No. 22781
The thing I notice about the CWCki forums is that most people who join up don't stay for long, and move on to /cwc/ or #Sonichu. I guess the PVCC set it up to be some sort of Assburgers filter.
>> No. 22782
I wonder how he took his banning from the cwcki forums, if he found out already. Hopefully it might result in some butthurt.
>> No. 22783

I'm guessing that the Paul Smith (Pagan Knight) who lists the Williams Guild Entertainment thing on his Youtube is the same as the Paul Smith mentioned in the above link.
>> No. 22784
actually i think /cwc/ might be the most contributing members to ED right now
>> No. 22785

>doesn't this give a lot of power to /cwc/?

This guy is under the assumption that people will get a thread made about them if they as much as make a single dumb post.

That's kind of amusing. PDK had a thread made because he's got a lot of dumb shit out there, and his facebook is super fucking amusing, but this guy seems to think it could happen to any one of them.
>> No. 22786

>Who is that fucking freak with the loli as his sig? He is the weirdest one there

Who? I've just seen a crapload of fanfics.
>> No. 22787
It saddens me to think this is probably true. ED is full of furries and aspies, nowadays, making unfunny attack articles about their ex girlfriends and shit.
>> No. 22788
I've seen him before. Can't recall his name for the life of me, though.
>> No. 22789
Wasn't that really just one article about a Charizard that sleeps around or some bullshit?

If there really were a lot of them, I wish someone had saved them. An article on failed articles would be an entertaining read, andat the same time discourage people from making them.
>> No. 22790
PT was around and trolled long before /cwc/ found her. Her pictures were just lost when ED became OhInternet.
>> No. 22791

>this guy seems to think it could happen to any one of them.

If they're all aspies, then that's true.
>> No. 22792

Oh, I agree with you. The only ones that have anything to 'fear' are the ones that don't know how to lay low. Which could be any number of them.
>> No. 22793
Don't fuck with me. I'm the Pagan Death Knight, warrior of Pluto, the son of Varg Virkenes and Reika Kitami, a product of watching Bible Black and playing Vampire: The Masquerade too many times, and I will take my katana from my trenchcoat and hack you up.

lulz...Goth asspies are so funny
>> No. 22794
>"Celtic by blood"
Not with a name like "Paul David Smith". I couldn't come up with a more generic Anglo-Saxon sounding name if I tried.
>> No. 22795
He seems to have some sort of weird self-hatred thing going on, too.

His mother's aunt's barber's roomate's girlfriend might've had a Kerry Blue Terrier at some point. I think in America that makes you like 50% Irish.
>> No. 22796
I don't think I've ever come across anyone who despises Celts. It's not like it's a powerful culture or race that's dominated the globe or anything. Yet he has an erection for the ancient Romans? Who for all the things they contributed to civilization also wiped out and enslaved the Celts and plenty of other groups of people?

Why am I analyzing the musings of an emo aspie who thinks his make believe gods are better than other's make believe gods? Think I'm becoming autistic myself by reading this shit. Thanks /cwc/!

Though I'll miss the amusement he provided. Godspeed DoucheKnight.
>> No. 22797
File 132148942539.jpg - (23.81KB , 455x322 , spartacus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Its like hating Basque people.

Also Romans ain't got shit on Spartacus.
>> No. 22798
I was actually going to say that about the Basques. I can see a Spaniard not liking them because of some sectarian violence, like an Anglican in Belfast not liking people of Celtic culture, but I figured I was rambling on as it was. Great point.

But he bases his opinons on archaic religions and not real world matters so I guess I'd have to be an aspie to understand.

DoucheKnight probably doesn't like Spartacus. Or Hannibal. Or Arminius. Things that occurred thousands of years ago are serious matters. As serious as Mom ruining one's "dark vibe" on FB.
>> No. 22799
This is true.
>> No. 22800
So, I say we add a stub about PDK to the A-Log section.
Focus on his hysterically brief career at CWCki forums, but include some of the other lulz from his profile (mainly that hes a pagan warrior who gets bitch slapped by mommy), and his pic/name for shits and giggles. Also have a brief thing on the fallout from his campaign of failure.
>> No. 22801

It's like hating the Mongols. Sure they ruined the middle east but at this point it's way too late to keep being mad
>> No. 22802
The whole "self-hating Irish" thing perplexes me.

I mean, doesn't a whole lot of the neo-pagan stuff come more from Celtic and Norse stuff than from Greco-Roman?
>> No. 22803
The Punisher could kick their asses.
>> No. 22804

Shhhh, he's too busy being super cool by hating his heritige.

Seriously, how do you hate the Irish? We haven't done much besides preserve some old Roman books and Write the greatest works of literature ever.
>> No. 22805
Someone explained it above. Neo-neo paganism says it's okay or some retarded bullshit nobody cares about.

He's not just self hating he wants to "wipe them out" or something in one of those FB screencaps.

But he's not a bully and respects other people's feelings and is a sensitive, tortured soul. Or whatever angsty children with an internet connection are.
>> No. 22806
Being Irish I don't know. I think we're rather fun but I don't hate groups of people who are different and proceed to advertise it all over the internet like an idiot either.

Maybe he needs to get out more. Where he isn't a superhero/warrior or whatever he pretends to be online.
>> No. 22807
File 132149468495.png - (54.89KB , 516x256 , genocide.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow, this is just downright genocidal.
>> No. 22809
File 132149517428.png - (7.82KB , 433x89 , autism speaks.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Beginning another PDK dump; I tried to go back far enough to get stuff that others haven't, but there might be some duplicates.
>> No. 22810
He likes Autism Speaks? Can we get him to fight ADF?
>> No. 22811
File 13214953144.png - (72.88KB , 508x528 , this aint no disco.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I like Giorgio Moroder myself, but these two disco related statuses juxtaposed this way made me lol
>> No. 22812
But he's sensitive about bullying. Just ask him.

I was raised Catholic though I don't practice any religion now that I'm older but there were plenty of nice people who did nice things for others because of something they learned from it... Like other religions. But according to this douchebag they should all be killed just the same. Y'know, because some phony god would be pleased and Constantine betrayed him and he's mad his allowance was cut in half for saying a swear word online. ANGST.

He blocked me on YT for asking him a non insulting question about his beliefs. He has less balls than CWC.
>> No. 22813
File 132149541040.png - (143.76KB , 562x633 , Fagandeathknight.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On the subject of disco...
>> No. 22814
File 132149565111.jpg - (168.87KB , 800x1067 , aHR0cDovL2dhbGxlcmllczYucHRjbGFzc2ljLmNvbS8xNy9wYX.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
(Sorry I suck at embedding; have a random picture of tits as a reward).
>> No. 22815
>The lyrics shall be rewritten to exclude Catholic references.

Unnecessary, given that the poem doesn't contain any Catholic references to begin with.

Fuck, this is retarded.
>> No. 22817
I guess he doesn't know Catholics spoke Latin at services and learned Latin in school until 50 or so years ago. And that makes Mel Gibson mad. Pretty much, kept his glorious language alive unlike something like Gaelic which he doesn't like. So what's his point? I guess he'd need a non-internet education and experience with people in the real world.
>> No. 22818
File 132149579984.png - (64.78KB , 402x561 , pownage.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More PDK and music:
>> No. 22819
Maybe this is just me, grasping at straws or seeing something that isn't there, but I find his love/fascination of Ancient Rome and his hatred of Celts and wish to see them wiped out rather troubling.

Not least because I believe he may be using 'Rome' and 'Celt' as more socially acceptable euphemisms for the words 'Nazi' and 'Jews' respectively.

Now, I'm not one to just accuse someone of being a Nazi, but consider the following.

He expressed an interest in Megan because of her Nazi fetish. He even submitted an idea on the CWCki Forums for a parody of Hellsing with a Nazi princess Megan leading an SS unit into CWCville. A lot of socially awkward gothic youth go through a sort of Nazi phase - the long trenchcoats, the iron crosses, the aura of evil and villainy, it's very attractive to the lonely anti-social gothtard demographic.

Historically, we can see that the Nazis were a bit weeaboo for Rome, themselves, stealing a lot of their iconography from Roman designs (eagles, laurels, that kind of thing). The Romans, like the Nazis, also hated Jews.

This might sound a bit kneejerk, and I'm probably wrong, but I'm just putting it out there? Is it concievable that he might have secret Nazi sympathies?
>> No. 22820
File 132149593443.png - (52.17KB , 579x386 , wait whawt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He got pwnt by his whole family.
>> No. 22821
That girl's last comment is great.

Moar plz.
>> No. 22822
File 13214961523.png - (15.07KB , 525x198 , familypown.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess which of these groups his family signed him up for.
>> No. 22823
File 132149625687.png - (75.17KB , 434x616 , part 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 2 of that thread is good too.
>> No. 22824
You know your worse than CWC when even your own family trolls you
>> No. 22825
File 132149630349.png - (48.50KB , 408x410 , part3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
and part 3:
>> No. 22826
File 132149632113.png - (1.96MB , 761x1050 , NaziCWC.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He expressed an interest in Megan because of her Nazi fetish.

>> No. 22827
I see your point. It's a very good point actually. I think it partially explains things though I also see his "beliefs" as simply a basement dwelling moron trying to be "cool by being different." Without knowing a fucking thing about actual history or the world he lives in and how it's a product of history.

Mom needs to cut down his internet and make him go outside.
>> No. 22828
File 132149641396.png - (25.65KB , 547x179 , prussianazi.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, here's some more evidence for you to do what you like with:
>> No. 22829
Nicholas Smith is awright.
>> No. 22830
File 132149651362.png - (31.22KB , 551x261 , someone else zaps him.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm increasingly convinced he's the family lolcow.
>> No. 22831
Apparently black metal is WAR.

Oh my!

As if he'd know the first thing about that. I must say I do enjoy the people who comment on his FB stuff.
>> No. 22832
File 13214967519.png - (53.26KB , 1167x248 , musical tastes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On their own, neither of these two justified a post, but together they prove an amusing refutation of his claims to hate hip-hop and alternative.
>> No. 22833
File 132149690747.png - (71.22KB , 359x638 , hammerparty.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The best part is that all of these people are just gangbanging him.
>> No. 22835
File 132149701216.png - (23.95KB , 523x169 , bloodand iron.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, he's gay for Russia, and many of its less than savory aspects
>> No. 22836
Quoting Mayhem on FB...

Makes sense. They would be "deep" to a turd like the DoucheKnight.
>> No. 22837
File 132149715561.png - (21.66KB , 442x169 , commie bastard.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Although he claims to hate communism (you'll see), he makes exceptions for BLACK METAL COMMUNISM.
>> No. 22838
He's like my nephew who we poke fun at on FB.

He's 14 of course.
>> No. 22839
Is it possible when he says he hates hip-hop, he just hates black people? Because, y'know, the Beastie Boys are the whitest fucking rap group in the world ever.
>> No. 22840
I lol'd.
>> No. 22841
Then my work here is done.
>> No. 22842
File 132149742644.png - (100.11KB , 535x600 , god save the czar.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know nearly enough about the Russian Revolution to make sweeping statements, but I'm pretty sure both sides sucked (as is often the case in these things). Paul David Smith, on the other hand, would have loved to be a Pagan Death Knight for the Czar.
>> No. 22843
The worst kind of idiots are the ones who like to believe themselves intelligent - PaganDoucheKnight here is a great example.
>> No. 22844
File 132149766340.png - (50.06KB , 512x253 , jmswin.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More of the inimitable Mrs. Smith putting her son in his place.
>> No. 22845
File 132149781635.jpg - (18.42KB , 294x294 , 2101_Podge_H_262579t.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Funny thing, given PDK's hatred of all things from Ireland, this music was actually used as the theme tune for Rodge and Podge, two foul-mouthed puppets who told horror stories on late night Irish television.
>> No. 22846
File 132149785740.png - (24.58KB , 447x208 , pope not god.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not to like claim that the Church hasn't done some really hideous stuff, but to talk about people refusing to accept the pope's "divinity" is doubly hilarious: First, because it suggests he thinks Catholics worship the pope like in some Jack Chick tract and second, because the political leaders of his precious Rome also claimed to be gods.
>> No. 22848
He's not Russian in any way that I can tell. I've known and dealt with Russians and they seem to care less about this stuff than he does. Because they live in the U.S. and kind of assimilate because they've come here in the first place and like being "American." He's like ADF in a way so where do their autist/internet addicted minds get their info from? Anime? I don't watch any of it so sorry if that's a dumb question I'm just curious what this connection is between Russia, bad knowledge of history, cartoons and being a misunderstood martyr.

And fine work it was.
>> No. 22849
File 132149798977.png - (56.10KB , 548x416 , one of these things doesnt belong.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The contrast in this screencap is just dazzling.
>> No. 22850
Why you never let Mom be your "friend" on FB.

Or if you do? You act like a grownup.
>> No. 22851
oh wow
>> No. 22852
PDK a Nazi? I KNEW IT! I can see it now....

PDK: Come one! Come all!

Pagan Death Knight and Megan Schroeder present a celebration to commemorate the arrest of Christian Weston Chandler...


Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi Party! Join our Holocaust Hoedown!

Train stops at party grounds! Dance to the best Techno, Disco, Oldies, Bluegrass, Black Metal, and J-Pop, as we give CWC a boot party, shoving an SS Long Dagger up his ass screaming "FOR ZE FATHERLAND!"

It's the Final Solution to the Sonichu Problem at HOUSEWITZ!!!!

Partying will set you free!

Dress Attire for TRUE AND HONEST Normal People: Cool SS Uniforms

Dress Attire for Asspie Tards: Pajamas and Yellow Stars

For all you stinky basement dwelling asspies, shower service is provided.

For TRUE and HONEST normal people, dance your ass off to the tunes of Black Metal and the Roman Empire! No Alternative or Hip-Hop!

Blessings of Pluto upon you! He's a TRUE and HONEST God, unlike that DIRTY JEW who died on a cross!


The Final Solution to Boredom!

Brought to you by PaganDeathKnight and a kidnapped Megan Schroeder

Megan: HELP ME!!!

PDK: Silence, my sweet Persephone....

Lol, PDK would do something like this....
>> No. 22853
File 132149813120.png - (74.98KB , 177x201 , Bill Is Unimpressed.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Denis Leary
>> No. 22854
I find that hilarious because most Catholics really don't give a shit about what the Vatican says. For example Catholics are horny motherfuckers and you have to be naive to think Catholics abstain from premarital sex just because the Pope says its bad. Hell there was a survey in the U.S. and barely half of White Catholics, let alone any other ethnic group, knew what transubstantiation is.

It's the same thing with Cubans, most younger Cubans don't care about Castro while so many non-Hispanic Americans do
>> No. 22855
File 132149835891.png - (34.79KB , 533x298 , white wolf masters of things.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's just about it for truly lulzy stuff, I'm afraid. I might have to return to the lolmine if people are still enjoying this thread.
>> No. 22856
he so cleverly regurgitates the same complaint that's been made a million times before him

i am impressed
>> No. 22857
The Church didn't bring about the "Dark Ages." The collapse of a bloated, Christian empire attacked by pagans did because these things go in cycles but enough historyfagging.

You bring up a good point. Nobody follows some guy in Rome around like this is 1123 A.D.. and as far as I know recent Popes have made it a point to apologize for crimes committed against innoncent people and have extended the proverbial olive branch to other faiths. Like civilized people living in the modern day should do especially if it's part of the tenets of one's faith. But DoucheKnight is a professor who waxes intellectually or something.

And yes. Some Caesars were living gods. Damn he's fucking stupid. But it's fun to read.

Being awesome on FB is cool too I guess.
>> No. 22858
File 13214984722.png - (35.80KB , 549x261 , whaaat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How does he even think of this stuff?
>> No. 22859
As far as I'm aware, Byron and Baudelaire didn't fucking write about vampires, so I'd be interested as to how he enjoyed their interpretations of the vampire myth.
>> No. 22860
You are awesome.
>> No. 22861
File 132149859743.png - (12.32KB , 545x106 , JULLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIII.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I spoke too soon about the lulz running dry. This status, in light of his all-too-short career on CWCki, is stunningly prescient.
>> No. 22863
File 132149871722.gif - (357.88KB , 240x203 , lus9syzAEp1qdf5ag.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22864
File 132149877478.jpg - (10.75KB , 394x319 , facepalm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw he gets all his Ancient Historical knowledge from Rome Total War
>> No. 22865
We need to send PDK an invitation to HOUSEWITZ!

But not as a TRUE and HONEST Nortmal Person, but as a DIRTY JEWISH ASSPIE!

Seriously, he's a lolcow
>> No. 22866

>Dress Attire for Asspie Tards: Pajamas and Yellow Stars

PDK has Apersoners.
>> No. 22867
Actually, I stand corrected. Byron did write a fragment of a novella entitled The Vampyre, but threw it away. It was rescued from his bin by his doctor, John Polidori, who finished it, falsely attributing it to Byron.
>> No. 22868
I know he has Assburgers, but does he know that?

He is pretty stupid, and he would throw a Holocaust Party with Megan as hostage, while killing members of his own kind. He's a moron. That's how he rolls.
>> No. 22869

He liked the group Autism Speaks on his facebook, and he hates Chris because 'he makes people with Apersoners/Autism look bad'
>> No. 22870
I continue to agree with you. My parents are Catholic and go to church like most older people from their generation and background do where I come from but they're both previously divorced and seem to be pretty open minded on things that are black and white when it comes to church law. As are alot of people I know. From different religions actually. Which is okay by me but PDK probably thinks their terrible people just the same or pretends to anyway. Even his family thinks he's a joke and this is a "phase."

I'd actually wager and say King Diamond is a Republican. He's also a midget this is true.
>> No. 22871
Game is awesome.

And yet somehow... this is spot on and I didn't think of it.
>> No. 22872
File 132149919816.png - (132.73KB , 523x622 , pagandeathknightofthekukluxklan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
PDK's ancestors fought for the Union, and he doesn't support slavery, but CONFEDERACY FUCK YEAH anyway.
>> No. 22873
Just out of interest, do we know how PDK reacts to being called a Nazi or accused of Nazi sympathy? Does he tard rage or not care?

Just thinking, could be a good button to press.
>> No. 22874
Someone discovered Wikipedia!
>> No. 22875

I'm a Catholicfag, and I'd say people are spot on; I still have tremendous respect for the good parts of the Church, hate the corrupt parts, and hope that it can adapt itself to the modern world.

Hell, even my priest thinks that Catholic teaching on premarital sex needs to be modified a fair bit, and he's a Jesuit.
>> No. 22876
I think he probably says all this shit out of a juvenile contrariness.
He WANTS people to question him and be offended, so he'll go, "Ah, well, ha ha ha, you don't know your history as well as I do, because blah blah blah, blah blah blah, I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T. Look at how smart, I am, guise, srsly..."
>> No. 22877
I'd say yes, push the Nazi button
>> No. 22878
Who knows? He just turned up. Maybe he'll run away never to be heard from again? But one thing I'm certain of is he'll be reading this thread. He does know about /cwc/ now.
>> No. 22879
Will he?

He seems to be the sort who'd announce himself and try to defend all his bullshit. If he was watching /cwc/, I'm sure we'd now about it, by now...
>> No. 22880
File 13214996707.jpg - (26.94KB , 460x300 , americanpsycho460.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 22881
Someone needs to make a parody of this asspie douchebag
>> No. 22882
Jesuits are like that. The hippies of the chuch. I knew one who drank, smoke and swore constantly like one of the boys. He actually was nice to us when we'd get in trouble.

How about letting priests be married and have children? You'd get alot more people coming back to the flock and you'd get more people considering taking on a role which is known for child diddling in today's world.

But it's all economics too and I don't want to derail this thread into Vatican talk.
>> No. 22883
File 132149981991.png - (24.75KB , 511x184 , what the actual fuck.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His family members are the best trolls ever, because they infected him with the Irish violence.

I just imagine him watching Gangs of New York and trying to smooch Daniel Day-Lewis's character.
>> No. 22884
>And if any barbarian tries to shame this song by singing it in Gaelic they shall surely be put to death!
Tá Eoraip aontaithe anois...
>> No. 22886
How's that ED page/honorary mention on Friends of A-Log coming along? Surely we have enough on him now?
>> No. 22888
Yeah no. I've been posting here all along because I find this particular guy amusing. Have a mod check my non Roanoke IP. But no, I'm not PaganDoucheKnight.

He was aware his dox were dropped here. Why would he forget about /cwc/ now? He blocked me on YT which means he might not like criticism which is why I said he might run away.
>> No. 22889
File 132150006722.png - (24.85KB , 517x243 , ireland.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I get the distinct sensation that none of PDK's Facebook friends actually like him.
>> No. 22890
File 132150009024.png - (560.10KB , 472x598 , Conan Is Happy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can someone tell me what's so wrong with being a 'barbarian'?
Barbarians are fucking badass.
>> No. 22891
What the fuck is with his hatred of Ireland? It just seems... So completely irrational.
>> No. 22892

I'll start on it tonight, maybe have something up by tomorrow. It'll be my first crack at an ED page, so it might be full of AIDS and such, but it'll be a start.
>> No. 22893
Good man. Or possibly lady.
>> No. 22894

Nothing at all. PDK's heroes in the Empire didn't like them. The Celts for example.

He's a 'tard.
>> No. 22895
File 132150051471.png - (27.58KB , 582x184 , his mom doesn't care.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Paul David Smith, your mother is wonderful.
>> No. 22896
She is SO CASH.
>> No. 22897
Basically The Romans didn't like Barbarians because they wore trousers, they used soap, and they treated women like equals. None of which are acceptable to a true and honest champion of Imperium Romanum like PDK.
>> No. 22898
I think it's because he has a hard-on for Russia, Italy(because of Rome) and probably Germany but he's none of those. Like a Euraboo version of PixiTeri.
>> No. 22899
Poor, poor PDK, he doesn't know that his precious Nazi and Roman heroes would consider him, as he would put it, an Untermesnch.
>> No. 22900
>> No. 22901

But Ireland is so damn non confrontational. I can understand (not sympathize mind you) hating say, Britain because they fucked up India something serious. But Ireland has pretty much kept to itself and just focused on writing the best books for the last 2000 years.
>> No. 22902
>Bram Stoker
Wait, what the fuck? I thought he hated Irish people.
>> No. 22903
And we're pretty fun. Our cuisine sucks sure but we're pretty fun anyway since some stereotypes are kind of true. But he probably doesn't leave his mom's house either.

He's never read anything let alone knew anything about the author. He just thought it'd be cool.
>> No. 22904

Bram Stoker is obviously Russian/Prussian/German/Roman, seeing how he could write such a good story about vampires.
>> No. 22905
File 132150159833.png - (554.05KB , 1017x512 , cenobitepdk.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pluto wept.
>> No. 22906
When his ED page is up, someone post the link

Let the world know about this Nazi tard
>> No. 22907
File 132150171189.png - (14.27KB , 565x90 , bs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

PDK thinks otherwise.
>> No. 22908
That's just wrong. He was born in Clontarf, and both his parents were Irish. He moved to England when he was like, 30 and went back and forth between the two countries for the rest of his life. He advocated Home Rule, for fuck's sake.
>> No. 22909

Yeah, so I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing on ED, but I feel bound to deliver on my promise. If someone would be willing to put the shit into wiki-markup, I'll write up the TRUE AND HONEST facts about Alog, post them on pastebin, and then upload a bunch of the screencaps and such for the EDitor to use. They can have any e-peen that such an article or sub-section may generate.
>> No. 22910
Butterball FTW. It's like a combination of Butterball and a weak version of the Undertaker rolled into one for me now.

I doubt he's seen the movies let alone read any Clive Barker.

Being Irish, sure people hate the English that I've known but it's like PDK's retarded idea of the world seems to work the same way as theirs... it's always something autistic like "some guy in (fill in the year) that wasn't you did something to this other guy who wasn't me so you suck and I'm going to tell everyone!"
>> No. 22911
You're just a dang dirty GAEL! Bram Stoker was a TRUE AND HONEST ANGLO!
>> No. 22912
So he's like alot of writers, artists and famous thespians that get confused for being English simply because they lived and worked in the UK proper?
>> No. 22913

PDK is now one of my favorites.
>> No. 22914
Oh yeah, happens all the time. It doesn't help that a lot of them have really English-sounding names, like Yeats or Swift.
>> No. 22915
Check his Facebook, he's got a new profile pic worthy of lulz
>> No. 22916
True. At least someone like Joyce or Eugene O'Neill (though American) was never confused for being English.

But they couldn't hold a candle to the creativity and intelligence of the PaganDoucheKnight.
>> No. 22917
File 132150302089.png - (33.90KB , 533x329 , i love mrs smith.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Actually, nevermind; I'm getting over my retardation and figuring out wikimarkup. I should have a bare bones article up by tomorrow afternoon, and I'll be uploading screencaps to ED as well. When that's done, I'll give y'all the link to my user page so if you faggots want to add piping or shit you can do that.

Right now, it's gonna be focused on his CWCki drama and some examples of his hilarity (mainly his family owning him on Facebook, and his genocidal musings). If anyone wants to make it into a separate page, be my guest.
>> No. 22918
Does his mother ever stop mocking him? She seems like a hip, hip lady for mocking her son so often.

Provide link when it's time. I enjoy this particular lolcow.
>> No. 22919
File 132150333211.png - (35.90KB , 516x306 , i think too much.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 22920
No nudes thank you very much.
>> No. 22921
He also is really cool because he knows who the band Bathory is. And must explain to the sheeple on FB who probably ignore him.

He's a little too old to act like a 15 year old girl.
>> No. 22922
Pixyteri is a weaboo

PaganDeathKnight is a Euraboo
>> No. 22923
File 132150381172.jpg - (29.06KB , 400x450 , boxty6-2-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Racism rarely if ever, is rational. I think he just wants to be unique and hate on a country that rarely gets hated on. Or it could just be some emo self loathing bullshit as well, I imagine.


Our cuisine for the most part isn't too special but boxty is the shit. Love that stuff.
>> No. 22924
File 132150389920.png - (52.22KB , 516x453 , usitiem.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I for one welcome our theocratic ChiCom overlords.
>> No. 22925
I'm quite partial to potato bread, myself. I know this family that owns a farm and they make potato bread with apples in it, and it's absolutely gorgeous.
>> No. 22926
File 132150424319.png - (53.98KB , 571x523 , empire.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait, so the only Irish he doesn't hate are the IRA??

That makes negative sense.
>> No. 22927
Why did a Paganistic Goth Nazi chose a Neko Sasuke as his new profile pic?

He's a Euroboo and a Weaboo
>> No. 22928
If anyone understands the real world and how it works? It's our savior PaganDoucheKnight!


Google "PaganDeathKnight" for fun if you're bored and find more retardation amusing. Did you know Jesus was a DANG, DIRTY JEW who got what he deserved? Not that a message of peace and understanding regardless of one's religion in the present is important or a good idea for mankind... he just wasn't Roman or something. And typing "SPQR" into one's comments is kewl even if one doesn't speak or understand Latin or know anything about the Romans by merit of being a basement dweller in 2011.
>> No. 22929
Also true.
>> No. 22930
What a fucking dick. I've known one or two IRA men who could never return home and they? He'd know nothing about. And a terrorist is a terrorist to me and that's my own personal belief. But to use rebel music that's actually good despite my beliefs? It's not black metal and he's a sellout. Varg would be disappointed.
>> No. 22931

In one of his CWCki posts he talked about how he hates the mean nasty Abrahamic god; sure, there's some fucked up stuff in the Old Testament, but everything I've read about the Greco-Roman gods paints them as absolutely horrible and petty.
>> No. 22932
Good old YHWH killed a few people in his time, yeah, but he chilled out a lot in the New Testament. Sacrificing his son to save mankind from eternal damnation and all that.

Zeus, if I remember right, seemed to spend most of his time turning into animals and raping people.
>> No. 22933
B-but those are LIES by the God of the DANG DIRTY JEWS!

The Greco-Roman Pantheon are TRUE and HONEST GODS!

>> No. 22934
Exactly. So there's no real difference is there? And I say that from a Catholic background though I'm a DANG, DIRTY HEATHEN GAEL now. If you want to believe something fine, but don't be an idiot either. He's an aspie idiot.

Although he seems as serious as a spoiled autistic brat can be since I still doubt he's absolutely serious. Judging from Mom's comments on his FB.

I don't recall his precious "gods" ever talking about forgiveness or taking care of other people. Which seems like a nice idea to me even if you're Richard Dawkins.
>> No. 22935
PaganDeathKnight is what would happen if Varg Virkenes raped Hinata from Naruto, and that child was born with Down's Syndrome
>> No. 22936
Zeus was an old school troll.
>> No. 22937
THAT should be on any ED page written about this asshole.
>> No. 22938
CWC: I'm looking for a boyfriend-free heartsweet to build from the ground-up!

PDK: I must avenge Rome and kill all the filthy Gaels and Christians! Because this is war, huh, WAR!


Maybe CWC doesn't seem as bad in comparsion
>> No. 22939
I kinda want to send him a really friendly message in Irish, but I don't know exactly what I'd say.
>> No. 22940
I don't think he'd understand it. He'd tard rage at you for being a DAMN DIRTY GAEL!
>> No. 22941
CWC has amused me for years so I have to give him that in comparison. This idiot? I don't RAGE but he just annoys me.

I tried sending him a message on YT regarding his grasp of history and world religions looking for a discussion and he blocked me.

Tell him "póg mo thóin."
>> No. 22942
What does that mean, just out of curiosity?
>> No. 22943
That's the plan. I want him to launch into one of his pseudo-intellectual tangents about how I'm a dirty slow-in-the-agriculture and he is a misunderstood, frustrated Romanus with Ira.
>> No. 22944
"Kiss my ass."
>> No. 22945
I'll tell him

How's the progress on his ED page?
>> No. 22946
PaganDeathKnight is to Rome and the Nazis as PixyTeri is to Japan and Anime
>> No. 22947
He gets around. I'm looking at comments he's made, if it is him, where people have told him to fuck off for being an idiot. And he's on boards where people feel CWC "gives us Sonic fans a bad name."
>> No. 22948
This is TRUE and HONEST.
>> No. 22949
I've just about finished a draft on the stub on the A-Log friends page; that'll cover the drama on the CWCki, and provide an overview of his lulzy nature (ie; his obsession with paganism and black metal, his hatred of the Church and the Irish, his musical tastes).

Then there could be a stand-alone article that analyzes his political, religious, and cultural views, as well as his status of a lolcow in his own family.

I'm going to bed now, but in the morning I'll put my nose back to the grindstone.
>> No. 22950

I'm off too. Had enough of reading his dumb comments on YT. He seems to be fairly new to the internet based on dates from what I've seen.

Hail Pluto!
>> No. 22951
>Capitalist Catholic Theocracy

>> No. 22952
Nazi princess namefag, fun fact: if you want to reply to a specific post, click on its number
>> No. 22953
I hope this gets Library'd. This thread rules.
>> No. 22954
Vērusne lingua latīna nōn intellegit? Ergō conplētus stultus estne? Dīxerat "Karthāgō dalenda est", sīcut duonī Rōmānī? Ne? Gallia dalenda est? Sed sōle stupidī dīcent ēo longe pōst Cātōnem dīscere.

Merda edendus idiōta.
>> No. 22955
  Let's make him sing this instead of "It's Okay to be Gay".
>> No. 22956
>Woah, this guy is speaking a language other than English! What an intelligent badass!
Is that what you were expecting? People who speak in other languages without a good reason just come across as desperate. I mean, you KNOW everyone's going to have to Google Translate it, so why not just type it in English?
>> No. 22957
Apologies. It was meant to be more of an in joke for anyone who's taken Latin. I didn't mean to be a jackass. Sorry.
>> No. 22958
To be frank, you're probably looking like less of a jackass than I think you are. I have an exam in about 20 minutes and I'm just trying to direct some energy at something. You still look like a jackass to me, but it's probably just skewed perception. It's my problem.
>> No. 22959
Oh. Good luck with that.

I'm still a jackass though. In jokes are retarded. The sentences reference Cato the Elder's habit of ending every speech with "And I think Carthage must be destroyed", no matter how irrelevant. When Latin students learn a certain amount, they come across this and then the whole class will not stop saying it for months on end. By then, the classes have a tendency to want to lynch the next person to say it, because the person who says it is an unfunny fucktard. I was basically saying something to the effect of "Hey, those who get this, isn't it funny how he's not even remotely at the sophomoric stage yet? Shit eating moron."
>> No. 22960
Pagans suck. All of them.
>> No. 22961
This guy is a tool
>> No. 22962
So, how's the ED page coming along?
>> No. 22963
Well, the original "pagans" was a "kulak"-like brand for all non-Christian religions of the Roman Empire (which was very tolerant and inclusive, one had just to accept to revere the Emperor too, which was more like a political act, and that was all) from the time of the struggle by Christians to take over the full control over it (and the Christians persecuted "even" the Jews too, already).
>> No. 22964
Check his Facebook, apparently he's planning to sue WASP for child support.

Nevermind that it's impossible and even if he could do it, he won't get any money from a has-been hair metal band from the 80's.
>> No. 22965
File 132154014150.png - (57.75KB , 402x522 , waspp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's coming; I should have a link in an hour or so.
In the meantime...

Paul's mom likes W.A.S.P. She's even more awesome than I thought.
>> No. 22966
Spartacus was actually Roman, reportedly even a former Roman soldier (albeit from the Balkans), just not a Citizen. It was a proto-communist rebellion of slaves of various ethnicities, poor Italian peasants and various local criminal riff-raff, not any kind of foreign invasion.

Also the Briton/Irish Celts were awesome and I love their history and mythology (Continental Celts are meh), and even the history of the Roman remnant there is fascinating (its connection with the King Arthur myth etc.). I don't know what's PDK's problem with Celts, other than him being a faggot. But no, I seriously don't get it.
>> No. 22967
Okay bozos, here's what I've got so far. It needs a bit of piping, and moar pix (which I can add; I just don't really know how to do some of this formatting without shitting on myself), and Pluto knows what else, but here you faggots go.
I'll work on it more in a bit; if anyone else wants to fuck around with it, please do.

>> No. 22969
File 13215429635.jpg - (51.86KB , 412x700 , tumblr_lmtf4f25BL1qa8kz9o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also wtf, he's now cool with the Celts? I don't get this boy. He's so contradicting himself all the time.

And he's anti-capitalist and pro-Chinese, too? In addition to enjoying Hetalia? I wonder if he's also cosplaying, shitting his pants, and has a sex/gender identity problems.

Pic related, another "CWC troll". (I would post ADF's pagan pics, but I don't have them on this computer right now.)
>> No. 22970
Actually the Nazis rather meant the Holy Roman Empire, that had usurped the Western Roman legacy 1 millenium earlier. The "Third Empire" (Dritte Reich) was about another one after this and the second one - the (unholy, I guess) German Empire that was destroyed in WWI.


It was rather Mussolini who was obsessed with the original Roman Empire, and how the south shall rise again.
>> No. 22972
I like it!
>> No. 22973
The Whites and the Reds were both faggots, but there were MANY sides in this war (like in many other civil wars, just look at Lebanon, or Afghanistan since 1979).

There were factions that sucked less, mostly local and/or ethnic. For example the Georgian Mensheviks (social-democrats) or the Ukrainian Green-Black Army (peasant anarchists) or the Caucasian highlanders (murads and republicans), or the Polish Army (if you can count it).

The Allied interventionists and the Germans and the Czech Legion stranded in Siberia were mostly behaving okay-ish too.

But some ethnic/local forces also fucked up things, for example the Ukrainian People's Republic massacred the Jews, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (and the Ottomans) massacred the Armenians (in response to the Russian massacre of Muslim), and the Finns massacred their Reds.
>> No. 22974
File 132154711640.jpg - (51.97KB , 223x237 , Pluto.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And by murads I really meant murids, that is a sort of local Sufi mujahideen that resisted the Russian Empire.

It was economics of the middle ages, today there would not be much problem with this (look how, say, the Protestant priests are not starving to death).

The pic is PDK's shrine.
>> No. 22975
I think he might like the CSU justy because the Rebs shot a shitload of paddies when the Yankees used them as cannon fodder for Washington.

Also it might be that his self-loathing hate of all things Irish because he hates his family for constantly making fun of him, a glorious Roman conqueror.
>> No. 22983
This lolcow needs his own page, a section on the A-Log page(while good), is not enough to do this asshole justice.

Where else can we post his facebook jackassery?
>> No. 22988
I can't believe this guy is only 18. He looks like he's in his late 20s.
>> No. 22989

And we're live! I'll upload more pictures soon.

Blessings of Pluto upon you all, especially those who helped!
>> No. 22990
Personally, I'd like to see this loser get his own page. You should make that your next goal.
>> No. 22991
Yeah, but I want to get a little more drama out of him first; otherwise, it's like there are a million guys like this--community college goths with unnerving political views.

Someone tip him off to this page on his JewTube (or FB) and cap the response.
>> No. 22992
Is it worth me copying and mirroring some of his videos? He only has ten, but they're boring as fuck and there's very little lulzy content in them.
>> No. 22993

It probably couldn't hurt to have them on hand in case of DFE syndrome, but if you don't think they're worth saving I wouldn't waste the space.
>> No. 22994
  I dunno, what do you guys think?
>> No. 22995

His mannerisms remind me of Anthos a little bit.
>> No. 22997
When will internet nerds learn that putting on a fedora doesn't automatically make you look cool or unique?

I mean hell, the least you could do is get a suit to go with it. A brown fedora with a dirty white T-Shirt does NOT make you look like Rorschach.
>> No. 22998
why does every shitty YouTube commentary lolcow have wear a fedora.
>> No. 22999
The fedora has been co-opted as the official 'nerd' hat.
>> No. 23000
That's being too kind. I'd say mid 30s.
>> No. 23001
I don't want to White Knight, but I think we need to lay off this guy, despite how funny he is right now.

Face it, he's onto us, and he's probably going to take extra measures to prevent further leaks. Yeah, he's a dork, but if you watch his videos, he actually tends to use logic against his detractors(Like the Black Radical dude he called out), so he doesn't have the means to become a new Chris-Chan. His FB posts are full of shit, but looking at his videos, he can be logical when he wants to be.

Yes, we've got some good lulz from what we have so far, but I don't think we'll get much more from this loser.

He's already set his profile to private. He's probably going to do the same to his videos.
>> No. 23002

Not sure if PaganDeathKnight or just some other kind of knight...
>> No. 23003
Not PDK, and not a White Knight(At least, not intentionally)

I'm just saying that if we want to troll this asshole, we gotta lay off and wait a month or two. By then, he'll let his guard down and do something retarded, then we can resume the lulz.
>> No. 23004
You're probably right about that actually, a young kid like that is bound to be skittish.
>> No. 23005
File 13215643914.png - (80.59KB , 525x513 , fallout.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I agree entirely; I'll start drafting material for a possible stand alone ED page, but for now I think we should all be proud of our rapid turn-around time, from first contact to ED page, in under a week (especially to whoever Cleveland Bay II is, because they helped immensely).

In the meantime, we should watch how this whole thing will change the tenor of CWCki forums...pic related.
>> No. 23006
Yeah I knew that, I was simply referring to the overall ethnically diverse slave rebellion against the Roman Army.

Also for one who loves Roman culture but is homophobic, PDK should know the Romans were very open when it came to male on male sexual relations.
>> No. 23007
How do we know he's a homophobe? I wouldn't put it past him, considering he hates the Irish of all people. Just wondering.
>> No. 23008
  >Russian Uncivil War, continued

Oh, and Paul is such a hero of the White Army that Stalin is second only to Julius Ceasar in his role models.


And also on the list there's Oda Nobunaga - who was famously/infamously (he's now often a demonic villain in the Japanese pop culture) a Christian fanatic in the society that was very un-Christian.
>> No. 23009
As others have stated, let's give him a break, but don't let him off the hook

Let's lay low for now, wait till he pops that tard head of his. We've got enough for now, don't want to get overloaded.

lol, knowing him, he's probably scared shitless and afraid to do anything. No activity=No stupidity

He's marginally smarter than Chris-Chan(Which isn't saying much), so he's probably not responding for a reason. After his ban from cwcki, I think he's getting the message.

Otherwise, he would've gone full person and posted another stupid video by now.

Let's just watch him quietly for now, see what's next, and take proper advantage when the opportunity presents itself.
>> No. 23010
That said, while I agree with this, he's still quite the lolcow to get this much infamy so fast
>> No. 23011
Oh come on Mr. Fowler, everyone knows he's using "Romans" as a code word for "Nazis"
>> No. 23012
Seems like the typical autist "history buff" who prides himself on knowledge gained by playing RTS games.

The facebook screencaps were lol, though.
>> No. 23013
By going light on him you will just giove him time to cover his tracks, also he's likely to be more cautious in the future.

This and the low attention span of the Internet.
>> No. 23014
Autists don't learn from their mistakes, at least not long-term
>> No. 23015
File 132163507637.jpg - (33.22KB , 474x600 , Patrick_Cleburne.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I think he might like the CSU justy because the Rebs shot a shitload of paddies when the Yankees used them as cannon fodder for Washington.

That's an interesting take on it and I wouldn't surprised if it's true for the DoucheKnight, especially because it ignores the fact that tons of Irish fought for the South too.

Pic related, it's Patrick Cleburne who was called the Stonewall of the West, dude was a great general and was Irish as fuck. A lot of Irish felt unable to side with the Union because the Confederacy's fight for independence was a mirror of their own homeland's fight against England. However I don't expect a retard to be aware of this.
>> No. 23016
File 132163604828.jpg - (30.09KB , 297x420 , bill-the-butcher-cutting-7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
To hell with those whiskey-swilling swine and their Roman papery! AMERICA FOR THE NATIVES
>> No. 23017
Why was his facebook profile public to begin with? Who does that?
>> No. 23018
File 132164286351.jpg - (617.35KB , 818x1000 , Boudicca.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And yet I still think not trolling him anymore now when he's still fresh (and presumably has left behind a lot of stupid shit from his internet presence so far to explore) pretty much guarantees no will bother later. So far, /cwc/ is doing a great job with him.
>> No. 23019
The problem is, there were only two years worth of materials on his FB page, and his YT presence is limited. There are a few other avenues I'm looking into, but right now it seems like the best thing is to craft a good ED page and troll him on youtube.

Of course, if he just shuts up and hides his faggotry away from the eyes of the many, then that's a victory of sorts anyway.
>> No. 23020

Yeah, he's essentially a nobody, probably not a major lolcow in the making, and definitely not the next Chris-Chan. He's just another angsty wannabe Goth on YouTube who wishes he was Varg Virkenes.

He's still a good minor lolcow, and as we have stated, craft a good ED page and troll him on YouTube. He'll crack eventually.
>> No. 23021
Sometimes just making the ED page will cause the person to geek out and make a bunch of lulzy content in response, maybe PDK will go that route.
>> No. 23022
Knowing autistic tards like A-Log and CWC, he most definitely will give us more lulz when he discovers that ED page of his
>> No. 23023
Anthos is a great example of this. Just rereading the journal entry he made on FurAffinity when he discovered his ED page makes me giggle.
>> No. 23024
What's A-Log done? Since his ED page went live, he's pretty much withdrawn from the Internet. I mean, sure he went to WWOEC and started his ridiculous 31 Tricks, 31 Treats shit, but I always got the feeling he was doing that DESPITE having an ED page.

As far as I know, he's not done anything about it.
>> No. 23025

Ah, I see. Don't really follow A-Log like I do Chris-Chan.

A-Log's just uninteresting, Chris-Chan's good for lulz
>> No. 23026
A-Log is entertaining for his hypocrisy and utter lack of any kind of self-awareness.

It'll be interesting, if he ever comes back, to see him attempting to come to terms with the fact that he has been exposed as actually being worse than Chris-chan, the manchild he has made his name on YouTube by so vocally despising because he 'gives autism a bad name'.

At the end of the day, he has an ED page. That's never going to go away. Every time anyone ever types his name into Google, that page will be among the first set of results.
>> No. 23027
File 132170154252.png - (76.36KB , 325x347 , fairies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 23028
Ehh, no. Poland wasn't a participant of Russian Civil War, though there were Polish units in Russia most of them quickly left the Whites to join army of their freshly liberated fatherland. Some of White Generals would ask Poland for help, but they couldn't make up their mind about future of Polish state and its eastern borders, while Bolsheviks at least officially recognized Republic of Poland. It didn't prevent the Polish-Bolshevik war in 1919-1921, but that wasn't still a part of Russian Civil War. As for Makhno's Black Army- sorry, but I can't understand why people who murder those who are even a little bit richer than average Ukrainian peasant would be a "good guys"... And I don't know why you wrote that the Whites were fags too. They had variety of political views, despite popular misconception that they were all ultra-conservative pro-absolute monarchy imperialists. Basically, they were people who defended order from before so-called "October Revolution" (which was actually a coup inspired by Germans)- and in 1917, after February Revolution, there were no monarchy in Russia.
>> No. 23029
File 132170850613.jpg - (31.12KB , 468x550 , ac10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know,

1. Eastern Poland (and this included Warsaw) used to be in the Russian Empire, before being seized by the Central Powers forces early in WWI. Lenin officially recognised independence of EVERYONE in the former Empire, but you know, it was *wink wing nudge nudge*, and when the Russian Civil War was over only Poland, Finland, and the Baltic states managed to get away from Moscow. You know, this Soviet Union thing?

2. Polish forces were heavily involved in the fighting in Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania (against the Reds and also various other forces, because the situation was fluid and also everyone wanted to get independence).

3. Red Army invaded Poland (just re-created in 1918) and almost got to Warsaw in 1920.

The Reds even called the Polish Army "White Poles". The "Red Poles" were in the Red Army, or in the Cheka (later known under various names such as GPU, OGPU, NKVD, NKGB, KGB, FSB, etc.), like its founder, Felix Dzerzhinsky.

The pic is members of Russia's Internal Troops (VV) crack Dzerzhinsky Division in 2011. "Bloody Felix" arguably killed more Russians than any other Pole in history, but the Russians still greatly honor him because they're such a maniac nation.
>> No. 23030
File 132171165211.jpg - (21.76KB , 270x400 , alien-vs-predator-whoever-wins-we-lose-paul-ws-and.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now, for the White warlords...

Denikin's Volunteer Army literally burned their way through the North Caucasus, in particular in Chechnya and Ingushetia, because he could not stand idea of them (or anyone) getting an independence. What a great and progmatic policy! His pacification operations tied up a third of his forces that would be better spent on, I don't know, marching north towards St Pete and Moscow or something? And before he was done with, he also made it easier for the Bolsheviks to take control of the region.

Denikin also had this cute slogan: "Strike at the Jews and save Russia." He meant it, and this sentiment was not unusual.

In Siberia (and Mongolia), there was the Bloody Baron, aka Black Baron, aka Mad Baron. And as the nicknames say, this general was motherfucking insane: http://christopher-eger.suite101.com/themadbaronofmongolia-a1691 - is that someone to root for?

And so on. They were all losers, literally, and you know why? Because, generally speaking (it was of course a very fragmented warlord movement), they were too stupid and bloodthirsty for their own good.
>> No. 23031
File 132171204254.jpg - (74.29KB , 458x628 , PDK LOL WUT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's Pixyteri all over again.

>>My father must've been this guy, cuz . . .
>> No. 23032

What does W.A.S.P have to do with the Federal Government?

At least he's admitting he doesn't know how law actually works. And his new profile pic is shota-licious! (The Death Note one kinda sucked, this one's more lulzy)
>> No. 23033
Why do weaboo(and Euraboo) pedoforks like cat-people? I never understood that
>> No. 23034
I kind of liked the vapid yet enthusiastic expression on the Death Note one, but KAWAII-NEKONSAN is funny too.
>> No. 23035
Probably because cat people often combine two kinds of cute responses: One based on sexual attraction, and one based on the evolutionary instinct to respond favorably to infantile characteristics (and thus keep the species going).
>> No. 23036

Yeah, you're right. I think it's cool that his mom likes W.A.S.P, but they've never said anything political, so I don't see the whole "Federal Government" angle of his reasoning
>> No. 23037
Dude, I checked his YT, and yes, he's onto us.

He just posted a video minutes ago and claims he has friends online that will help him.

He called out a guy by name and claimed that more identities will follow.

I think we rattled his cage, but what puzzles me is that he claims his "friends" are "in our ranks"?

Is he delusional?
>> No. 23038
  >It has come to my attention that recently a number of trolls of /b/tard variety have found me and begun harassing me and cyber-stalking me online. They have hacked my computer and found my Facebook, and begun a campaign of senseless and stupid trolling.

>Fortunately, I have some friends, some of which are in their own ranks, who can help me counter their attacks. You have been warned
>> No. 23039
It would literally not surprise me one bit if at least one /cwc/ poster sided with a-log
>> No. 23040
  This guy reminds me of the likes of http://www.nypress.com/article-7077-old-smoke-the-death-of-daniel-burros-a-jewish-klansman-who-did-more-than-just-hate-himself.html and (this is very recent) http://www.thejc.com/news/israel-news/57748/israeli-neo-nazi-sentenced-horrifying-case
>> No. 23041
I heard about your plans to do deep hacking into my computer to find embarassing information.

That's right, party's over. Your plans were spoiled by one of your own.

I won't let you do this. After I get a hold of your dox(or maybe even before), I will format my hard drive to ensure you get nothing.

I can always reboot my computer. Any files I want to keep will be backed onto my flash drive.
>> No. 23042
Soon, I will get dox of you guys, and I will release them for everyone to see.

I'll give you one last chance for redemption.

End this cyber-stalking. End the hacking and the dox-leaking.

>> No. 23043

>> No. 23044
3/10. Too obvious.
>> No. 23045
>I will get dox of you guys

Um, how the fuck do you plan to that exactly? And you realize that most of the people here haven't trolled you at all right? We're just laughing at shit you left out there for anyone to see.

Anyway, enjoy your ED page PDK, I think you're well on your way to getting your own at this point.
>> No. 23046

Sing the Irish national anthem on camera, with your face, first.
>> No. 23047
If this is real, then this person actually thinks he can dox people who are anonymous.
>> No. 23048
File 132172279488.jpg - (3.12KB , 104x124 , 33243.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But everyone here is good looking and successful so why would we bother if you released dox?
>> No. 23049
  >Okay, /cwc/ tards, you called down the thunder, well now you've got it!

This guy can't be serious.
>> No. 23050
Someone here asked if PDK's videos deserve to be archived.

Well, the answer now is clear!
>> No. 23051
>His name is Michael Antony
No it isn't.
>> No. 23052
File 132172417913.jpg - (46.09KB , 375x580 , hackers_ver1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So...posting pictures of his facebook is hacking.

That term has changed so much over the years.
>> No. 23053
Next time I play New Vegas, I'm going to associate that song with an Asspie Pagan.
>> No. 23054
This shit is hilarious! Is Michael Anthony supposed to be ALogIsaHuegFaggot?
>> No. 23055

So somebody is giving him troll dox, huh? This sure sounds familiar.
>> No. 23056
File 132172674578.png - (294.88KB , 580x440 , PDCWC.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23057
Mods, please archive
>> No. 23058
True. Chris took 3 years to reach this phase, this guy got there in a week.
>> No. 23059
You know he's fucking serious, because he used the word 'lest'.
>> No. 23060
I don't get how people like him or Alog can follow Chris' misadventures, laugh at and feel superior to him while at the same time learn absolutely nothing from his mistakes and repeat them even.
>> No. 23061
Please archive
>> No. 23062

>> No. 23063
I would love to see this thread archived, solely for how quickly everything escalated. He was literally discovered, had his dox dropped, an ED page made up, hearty lulz had by all, then he made the typical lolcow "I'M ONTO YOU, YOU DANG DIRTY TROLLS!" video ALL IN THE SPACE OF A WEEK.

It's a really nice testament to how fast /cwc/ can work when it wants to.
>> No. 23064


This is our best new lolcow IMHO
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