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File 132150289677.gif - (555.90KB , 256x192 , pbbt.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
23066 No. 23066

Alright. In >>126546 some people expressed interest in this board, since I am so burned out, so I am letting you persons vote with your wallets.

I tried a donation drive in 2009 and it was great until some wonderful person decided to donate like $100 on a CC # and charge it back. Thus, I have been running this board out of my own pocket for almost 2 years now.

If you appreciate it, give us a few bucks. If any of you guys want custom trips or something, email [email protected] with a copy of your PayPal receipt.

Note: This is NOT an anonymous donation. I will get your verified information. This is to prevent chargebacks. If you charge back, I will send whores and pickles to your house. However, I will not reveal any information to anyone else. So in that sense, you can be publicly anonymous, but just not with me.

There's a little thanks after you donate, and you'll let me know that you really want it to stay around.

I'm not particularly hurting for $ personally right now, so all the proceeds will go towards domain renewals coming up, and some extra stuff I have to pay for to run this site.

Click here to donate.Put what name you'd like to be identified as in the "Message to Merchant" field for later on.

Thanks for reading!

Sorry about the triple posts, kusaba is retarded with html
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>> No. 23067
How long do you expect this to go for?

Money's tight right now but I'll probably throw a few dollars your way when I'm done with Christmas shopping.
>> No. 23068
Only a few days, but you can always email me (my email is on the main page under the FAQ and I will give you info to donate
>> No. 23069
Would you still send whores and pickles to us if we requested it?
I'll donate this friday. Probably won't be much. But whatever, I like /cwc/. I don't really want a trip. Will shoot you an e-mail this Friday.
>> No. 23070
yeah I might be down for a few pickles and some whores
>> No. 23071
Will you give me a memorial board?
>> No. 23072
Maybe, but I'll need full access to the man-child for at least an afternoon.

No questions.
>> No. 23073

Kidding. I'll see what I can do, it really depends on whether I get an extra shift Friday. Donate to the extreme, bozos.
>> No. 23074
Everyone's getting overtime on Friday except for me. :(
>> No. 23075
Let's fucking do this. I'm in.
>> No. 23076
I read that other thread, and you were saying people were giving you grief. If anything, whenever we have a thread about the Mods here, everyone speaks very highly of you. Kidding aside, I think you do a kick ass job, and I probably spend more time here than any other site. You stepped up during that Atlus bullshit and took care of business, and I applaud you for it. If you do decide to shut down, can you at least give us a couple days notice? Also, how about giving us a breakdown of how much you need and why it is that it costs whatever it costs? If people knew what their donations were going towards, you would probably get more. Hell, you deserve some off the bottom when all is said and done. Wish there was a way you could better monitize this site. Best of luck, seanieb, and if anything else, great job and thank you for the past couple years here.
>> No. 23077
I can make a donation next friday fosho
>> No. 23078
I busted my tranny tonight, but I'd like to donate. How much do you want?
>> No. 23079
It doesn't happen every time, I'll give you that. Lots of major things that have gone badly, though. It's really a "mixed bag".

As I explained, the donations will simply go twords' paying for the extra expenses I incur running the site. I pay for this thing called CloudFlare, that makes the site fast all around the world and protects us from DDoS attacks.

Plus the bandwidth it uses on top of that probably would make this site cost somewhere around $40/month if I was charging someone else to host it. Fortunately since web hosting is my business, I can kinda do stuff like this a lot cheaper than I'd charge someone else.

I already have someone else paying for Cloudflare for their sites, so I just pay the fees to add on additional sites for my own use. (of course, with permission). I still have to pay for the bandwidth for things that Cloudflare doesn't handle (uploads, downloaded files, certain other things). It's a little shy of 50% me and Cloudflare.

If I could get enough to pay for the domain renewal which I'm pretty sure is up soon for a couple more years (I paid for two years at the last donation drive) and maybe a couple months of CloudFlare, I'd be happy.

Whatever you think it deserves, and you can afford. If it's less than like, $5, though, a lot of it will get eaten by stupid fees, so maybe it's best for the thought to count there.

I'll probably leave this up til Monday (let the weekend lurkers see it) and then I'll post the thank you post..

I think there was some guy asking how to donate, but I think he deleted his post or something. I linked it in my OP. It might be hard to see, but the donate button wouldn't work embedded in a post, so I had to put it at an offsite page: http://789chan.org/donate.html
>> No. 23080
I've got alot of shit going on with xmas and wedding expenses coming up soon, but I might be able to scratch up a few bucks. Just curious, ballpark figure, how much does hosting actually cost every month?

If Pixyteri was able to get money just by asking for it from Paypal donations for her "dream" I don't see why people wouldn't donate just to keep this board going.
>> No. 23081
That's kinda hard to estimate, considering I just pay to lease servers. I can only really base it on how much I'd charge for similar services. Another thing to consider is, you know how the CWCki goes down like crazy? They run out of RAM on their DH account. Every time someone posts to CWC, it uses quite a bit of memory on the server. Every time the board gets regenerated (usually on board changes or every few days for some reason) it will fail unless it has a 256MB memory limit.

Most shared hosts would have said "lol no" by now on a site that needs 256mb of RAM to re-generate.
>> No. 23082
Disregard about what I asked about hosting cost. You answered before I could finish writing my post. Anyways, I might be able to find a few bucks.
>> No. 23083
I'm gonna be frank with you,pretty much no one is going to donate aince we think were gonna be scamed.

For all we know you just need $100 a year but you could make $200 in donations and then go buy some pickles and whores with the rest

If you want donations you need to release some proof of costs
>> No. 23084
dont be a faggot
>> No. 23085
>> No. 23086
Yes, 789chan was created years ago at great long-term expense to the owner in the hope of stealing $5 off of you in 2011.
>> No. 23087

You know you persons just get tiring after a while.
>> No. 23088
File 132154827543.jpg - (253.49KB , 1031x1036 , money.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is almost the last two years of payments to my datacenter company. Give or take a few that are off screen/from my bank account
>> No. 23089
seanieb is going to Mexico.

789chan dies.
>> No. 23090
brb, soup
>> No. 23091
I'm just saying how it is so maybe he can try a new approach to getting more people to donate.

Either way I have strict policy about donating and if i knew what a custom trip was I might just donate
>> No. 23092
$1,938 for two years? Sweet chocolate Christ.

I wish I could donate $2000. Unfortunately I'm not a trust fund baby or a neurosurgeon, so that's not gonna happen.

Maybe $20 or $30 if you could leave it open for a week or two- no offense but this was pretty much the worst time to ask. I barely have anything. Seeing what you spend to keep us running, I wish I had more to give.

I have $13 in my checking account, can you extend this to the end of next week if it doesn't cost you anything?
>> No. 23093

See the shit after my name? It's that, except if I donated $50 I could have it say something of my choice, like BrOwNnoseR420 or something.

I don't even know what I'd do with a custom trip though. Anyway stop being such a Jüden or just admit you're poor. You're coming off as very entitled and it's a bit irritating to those of us who have real expenses in our lives.

You know, like the guy that set this fucking website up. Derp moar.
>> No. 23094
You can always bookmark the link in the OP for whenever

A good chunk of those were paid for. I selected the payments I had and the only cash I had to come up with is ballpark $900, maybe $1000 and change.
>> No. 23095
I sent $30. I can probably give some more next week when I get paid.
>> No. 23096
anon did indeed
>> No. 23097
You're still being a faggot.
>> No. 23098

Well there's proof of expense for you right there then >>126978 so get donating.

As for the custom trip, well the clue's in the fucking name, isn't it? You're using a tripcode right now, you can have it customized to be whatever you want it to be, I'd suggest you go with 1'mAf4gg0T.
>> No. 23099

Maybe he thought "free trip" meant seanieb would send him mushrooms in the mail.
>> No. 23100
imo, Mr Frank is probably a very juden gentleman. All with asking for proof of costs, then saying he has a "strict donation policy"

AKA: I like money. And there's nothing wrong with that. But if you don't wanna give back to me, then don't, but there's no need to talk about it.

I don't have much to hide, Mr Frank. If I was gonna embezzle $5 out of you I'd have done it by now.
>> No. 23101
imo, Mr Frank is probably a very juden gentleman.

i just thought he was a cunt
>> No. 23102
He can be very convincing in bed.
>> No. 23103
lol jew.
>> No. 23104
I think this should be on the front page.
>> No. 23105

Second, but keep this thread too.
>> No. 23106
tl;dr this
>> No. 23107
Seanie, question; have you been deleting posts from this thread or is /cwc/ being genuinely less hostile here? Because it's kind of jarring.
>> No. 23108
Tossed ya a 5$. Hope my coffee money helps a tiny bit.
>> No. 23109
>> No. 23110
Nope. I think one guy deleted his post with the delete password, but I haven't fucked with this thread.
>> No. 23111
File 132156162012.png - (11.48KB , 335x104 , Screen shot 2011-11-17 at 12_26_19 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I knew a silly one was coming. Thanks for the quarter! (lol paypal fees)
>> No. 23112
You should have one of those faggot thermometers at the top of the page listing how much you've gotten so far and how much you need to go. Throw in an extra couple hundred for having to put up with our shit so you can relax for a night and eat some fucking pizza. I will throw in either tonight or tomorrow, when I know how much I can throw in.
>> No. 23113
>faggot thermometers

I should make it look like a dick, and it gets longer as it goes higher :D
>> No. 23114
can it be bent?
>> No. 23115
Actually, just make it get more and more bent :D
>> No. 23116
Yes. It would be like 4chan's Donate or Die 2005, but with less longcat and more bent duck.
>> No. 23117
As soon as I get paid, I'll try to donate. (still gotta pay rent/buy groceries/etc), and if I have enough left I will. Gotta keep julay fags from contaminating further.
>> No. 23118
Just donated $1.25. Sorry, its all I had in my Paypal after a really fucked up situation where someone tried to scam me out of 1 dollar (LOL) on Ebay.
>> No. 23119
Proceed, sodomite.
>> No. 23120
damn dirty trawl

Anyway, to all you Friday donator people, you may not hear from me during the day tomorrow, cause I gotta work, but I will eventually crash into computer and thank all ya'lls.
>> No. 23121
That was me. I couldn't get the donation form to load using the link in your original post, but I used the 789chan.org/donate link in your second or third post and figured it out. Sorry about that.
>> No. 23122
As a Jew I say take it. Quarters add up.
>> No. 23123
I'll donate if you buy n0chan and combine the two into one imageboard. That would mean a few more posters per week, and new posts attract new posts. Eventually this site could be half as big as 7chan.
>> No. 23124
  how much would i have to donate in order to get you to sing this
>> No. 23125
Honestly, that's probably gonna happen with how few fucks Atlus gives.
>> No. 23126
I'll do it for $100. :D
>> No. 23127
File 132166161743.jpg - (395.59KB , 2865x1089 , beeeees.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm ok with this, so long as we don't take ourselves as seriously as 7chan
>> No. 23128
if I get like 5 of them (maybe) I can get a candy bar!

anyone else remember when candy bars were like 75 cents?
>> No. 23129
File 132166927593.jpg - (42.65KB , 200x291 , Grandpa-Abe-Simpson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's nothin'! Remember when it used cost a whole nickel to take the ferry?

And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say.

Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.
>> No. 23130
well played sir
>> No. 23131
I am going to give my money to the police to have this dang board taken down.
>> No. 23132
File 132168708995.jpg - (79.33KB , 400x272 , Stop it sir.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm pretty sure bribing police is a felony.
>> No. 23133
I'll send in detectives, I'll send in police, I'll send in EVRYTHING IN MY POWAR!!
>> No. 23134
Fuck the police, I don't give a call.
>> No. 23135
I'll give you nothing and you'll like it!
>> No. 23136
Audio Ice Cube - (2.88MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 14-Straight Outta Compton_Fuck Tha Police.mp3 ) Length: 3:08 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 23137
schooly d would rape everyone in the nwa 10x
>> No. 23138
also you couldn't even post the real version, you had to post the live "drunk karaoke" version.
>> No. 23139
I don't have the original.
I have the Dope white boy edit if you prefer.
>> No. 23140
Start singing, bubs.
>> No. 23141
File 132173862268.jpg - (28.11KB , 417x175 , holyshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh god XD

I'll have it to you by tomorrow night
>> No. 23142
anyone got a version of this song that's just the music? a youtube is fine.
>> No. 23143
Sing that shit Chris-style, over the lyrics and all
>> No. 23144
to be honest, I have a cold right now so I probably actually sound a lot like Chris.
>> No. 23145
Buh Bye Bay Nose
>> No. 23146
Audio - (1.28MB - 106 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 1:41 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
I hope you're happy as fuck, jecos.
>> No. 23147
Worth every penny :)
>> No. 23148
seanieb confirmed for most kawaii admin
>> No. 23149

>> No. 23150
pretty sugoi too imo.
>> No. 23151
fuck, i want more seanieb singing you are the cutest. same guy who called you kawaii before. not even ashamed.
>> No. 23152
seanieb I fucking love you!
>> No. 23153
btw >>128625
i was the one who asked for it, but i couldnt pay til thursday so THANK YOU! You are a hero in the truest sense of the word. You so bad, they call you boss, BOSS NIGGA. :3
>> No. 23154

This is the greatest thing to ever happen on this board.
>> No. 23155
Baws nigguh.
>> No. 23156
thursday im throwing down $50 fuckin a seanbaby you made my night
>> No. 23157
You should cancel this board, you fagcunt
>> No. 23158
File 132176038773.png - (152.72KB , 769x595 , lolbadass.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23159
lol, you actually sound kind of like me.

fukken saved
>> No. 23160
No, seriously.
Why bother giving aspies and furries attention?
>> No. 23161
Why do comedians bother making fun of people?
>> No. 23162
There is no reason not to rename /cwc/ Boss Niggers.
>> No. 23163
>implying there are comedians here...
>> No. 23164
there are unintentional comedias here. It's a board of sp­ergin retards
>> No. 23165
How does that imply that there are comedians here?
>> No. 23166
File 132182285797.jpg - (35.54KB , 400x273 , assburgers-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23167
I really preferred having person as the wordfilter. It reached a point where I was reading the word person outside of /cwc/ and finding it funny due to its newly acquired context. Bozo just doesn't have the same effect. I wasn't even letting the wordfilter do its job most of the time, I would just use the word person or persons. It felt right.
>> No. 23168
Oh you don't like changes in your environment? Sounds like you have autism.
Also lern2 evade wordfilters you sp­erg.
>> No. 23169
>> No. 23170
Why was the board name changed to Burritos?
What does that even mean?
>> No. 23171
"Little donkeys" in spanish.
>> No. 23172
File 132190071486.jpg - (43.44KB , 423x222 , 1320518187738.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know what was more shocking. It's either you actually singing it, or anon going through his end of the deal and actually donating.
>> No. 23173
OP is a fag
>> No. 23174
Stupid homosexual deviants feeding off each other, like AIDS niggers 69'ing.
>> No. 23175
>> No. 23176

fuck no. i never get that BOZO.y
>> No. 23177

and you guys should've stopped being julayfags and got me some goddamned taco bell
>> No. 23178
File 132192293285.png - (11.69KB , 333x104 , Screen shot 2011-11-21 at 4_47_15 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
your post was just endearing enough. :D
>> No. 23179

God dammit, bozo was my suggestion too. Ah well.
>> No. 23180
You're a good person, seanieb.
>> No. 23181
I had a mental picture in which Sean starts running towards a ball and a jerkop pulls it away at the last second. Then I felt bad.

You might get rid of this board but we'll always share the same name, Seanieb. That's of course unless you change your name. Or I change mine. Hm. Well you might get rid of this board.
>> No. 23182
Much like most of the people here I don't get paid til Friday but when I do I'll pop €20 in the box.

Worth it alone for BOSS NIGGA
>> No. 23183
Just make sure if you aren't using AMERICUHN dollars that you use a dollar sign (feel free to use this one: $) so it doesn't end up giving me a double balance. I dont know why they dont just convert the currency on the fly, but it'll end up giving me a balance in USD and GBP both at the same time.

Paypal is retarded.
>> No. 23184
Have the donations been going well? I'm hoping you're getting good proof of interest in the board.
>> No. 23185
Hopefully you're still taking donations when I get a job...
>> No. 23186
The biggest unmilked lolcow there is.
>> No. 23187
Cool story bro
>> No. 23188
Bunch of people said "thursday and friday, but I didn't get anything last Friday. I'll keep it going til Wednesday of next week and I'll stop and do the thanks post.
>> No. 23189
File 132219742191.jpg - (2.07KB , 157x160 , images-35.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I vote you leave the page up forever. I intend to donate after all the major gift-giving holidays are through, and if there's no "donate" page, well, I can't really donate. I hope it won't piss you off if I can't donate a legit amount of money until January. I'm not just saying that; I'm seriously just that poor right now. Still posting from mobile. ;_; Can't even afford cable/internets.
>> No. 23190
Like I said, only do if if you can afford it. If you're that bad off, don't worry about it.
>> No. 23191

But I enjoy this page and I really do want to help you out. I don't want to be a dick. :< I'm gonna donate when I know I can afford to. I know that doesn't mean much without proof, but I'm doin it.
>> No. 23192
I'm in the same boat as you, dude. I just blew my tranny and I have to buy xmas gifts. I love this board, but I also like eating, and really think it would be irresponsible if I were to invest in donating to his cause right now. If you can keep the board open another month and a half, I could kick in a good amount when I get my stipend.
>> No. 23193
>blew my tranny

Chris, is that you?
>> No. 23194
>I just blew my tranny
>In addition, my car needs repairs
>> No. 23195
do cwc'ers like to do clutch starts at lights or something?

seriously how do you wreck so many transmissions

or maybe you're not talking about transmissions.
>> No. 23196
Tranny blower guy here. I am referring to the transmission on my car, not a TomBoy, lol. In September the engine seized on a car I had previously, and I had to go to a charity that sells cars dirt cheap and buy whatever I could afford. I was hoping the transmission would last until at least January, but it didn't. I get a stipend becasue I am on a Doctoral Fellowship, and that's really my only income right now.
>> No. 23197

>Tranny blower

Sounds like a possible source of additional income to me.
>> No. 23198
Clutch starts are a great way to troll your transmission
>> No. 23199
I think it's more that they wanna impress the GIRLIES AND DYKES but they do it wrong and fry their cars.
>> No. 23200
There was some guy revving his engine in my neighborhood for 10 minutes straight last week. I can only assume he was trying to impress someone seeing as I live in a fairly new development.
>> No. 23201
That would be a pretty sweet job in theory, but in practice, not so much.
>> No. 23202
You're worse than Jimmy Wales you fucking jew!

Just kidding. Keep up the good work.
>> No. 23203
File 13223727471.png - (68.68KB , 386x378 , jimbo-anal-bleaching.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Requesting Jimmy Wales banner in board header.
>> No. 23204
File 132237754611.png - (60.88KB , 1280x300 , PAY ATTENTION.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23205
File 132243781623.png - (20.49KB , 299x276 , 127138379925.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
can someone photoshop this over jimmy's head?
>> No. 23206
File 132244459252.png - (87.07KB , 386x378 , 13223727471.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
very well
>> No. 23208
File 132244687295.jpg - (113.45KB , 650x426 , 0_34a2b_3d7cf0ee_XL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23209
Why is this place filled with such tremendous homosexual deviants? Why do the admins and mods all gangbang eachother?

What is all this homosexual deviantry?
>> No. 23210
Shit you guys I think I was banned again but the ban isn't taking.

Any advice seanieb that does not involve my cock?
>> No. 23212
Wow so a bunch of homosexual deviants saved a bunch of pedo pics just to do this with them?

Well if this shit isn't epic ween I don't know what is.
>> No. 23214

>just to do this with them?
>Implying he is not posting while fapping furiously
>> No. 23215
What impressive trolling we have all been certainly trolled
>> No. 23217
Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary in this board..

Wonder if we can get multiple loljimbo banners for the site.
>> No. 23219
I will donate 100 bucks if you ban the pedofaggets.

[spoilers]not really[/spoiler]
>> No. 23222
File 132247291796.jpg - (91.20KB , 235x560 , 1319346975776.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lolibrah is out

party time
>> No. 23223

>mad as fuck at jimbo banner

>jewlay is perfectly fine

>> No. 23224
What if you appeared in livestream and every time you JJJJOOOLLLAAAYYYOOLLAAARRGGHHHAAAYYY'd, each viewer gave you a dollar?
>> No. 23225
I'd have to buy a webcam.
>> No. 23226
ITT: We make Seanieb do embarassing things for money
>> No. 23227
File 132251475786.jpg - (25.39KB , 480x340 , 131392119498.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dat banner
>> No. 23228
I miss the random banners. Not as in "THEY'RE SO RANDOM XD XD", but as literally random, as in randomly selected from a collection of banners.
>> No. 23229
I wish someone would remove the banners for dead boards and add the new ones on /ban/
>> No. 23230
I'd donate but right now I have only debt.
>> No. 23231
> implying anybody uses their real dox on paypal
>> No. 23232
>implying that everybody is as paranoid as you
>> No. 23234
>implying whales are a kind of fish
>> No. 23235
>implying implications which may or may not have been implied
>> No. 23236
File 132259473942.jpg - (8.45KB , 210x240 , images-27.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23237
the pen0r used harden haha
>> No. 23238

I was going for "That's so meta", but a cock is fine too.
>> No. 23239
Please unlock this thread >>132922 I want to see the OP get more mad.
>> No. 23240
File 132261666476.jpg - (121.15KB , 600x450 , haters3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Request approved. Prepare for incomming butthurts.
>> No. 23241
If you do decide to hang it up, just wanted to say thanks for the board.
>> No. 23243
The FBI has been contacted, you sick fuck
>> No. 23244
Just a friendly reminder - we have a few more boards now with the whole n0chan merge, and I'm gonna be ending this drive on Monday morning and posting the thank-you thread.
>> No. 23247
What's up with everyone needing donations now? ED, CWCki, here, wtf?
>> No. 23248
Hosting service isn't free and its about to get a lot more expensive if a certain bill passes...
>> No. 23249
What bill?
>> No. 23250
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