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File 132028456033.jpg - (92.16KB , 417x600 , 417px-Activism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
23251 No. 23251
Wiki: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Main_Page
Deviant Art: http://verganza-de-sasuke.deviantart.com/
IRC: http://chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.lostsig.com&channel=%23ADF
Expand all images
>> No. 23252
in before personin' gets this one into /fail/
>> No. 23253
I really don't know why he's bothering calling himself a woman anymore, there is literally nothing feminine about him.
>> No. 23254

You don't understand lolcows, do you?
>> No. 23255
Kill this shitty thread please
>> No. 23256
File 132028675928.jpg - (67.19KB , 864x569 , 1285149299658.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
inb4 tranny asspain and this moving to /fail/
>> No. 23257
File 132028970894.jpg - (87.58KB , 400x381 , bob_marley_black_and_white-2891.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Harel, just because you smoked a joint. It doesn't make you a rasta. Maria and Pam are disgusted with your recent drug addiction to marijuania.
>> No. 23258
Was the old one already autosaging?
>> No. 23259
it was moved to /fail/
>> No. 23260
Can we please make an adf section so that the 4 people that care about him can be happy and everyone else can be happy?
>> No. 23261

Also my compliments to Seanieb for moving the last ADF thread to /fail/. I hope this one is soon to follow.
>> No. 23262
but it's not pi day yet :(
>> No. 23263
>> No. 23264
Haha, actually no.
u asshurt, trannyfag?
>> No. 23265
Huge problem with the wiki: NOTHING ON THE WIKI. More articles thanks.
>> No. 23266
Agreed, the adfki is lacking
>> No. 23267

This. In addition to a general lack of content, the articles are littered with spelling and grammar problems.
>> No. 23268
If you spot typos, you can probably fix them. There aren't terribly many users, and one isn't even English first language, so if you can contribute, that would be awesome.

Feel free to suggest an article. We're planning to make "ADF and the law" that would include new leaked photos, him trying to claim copyright to his naruto drawings, poor understanding of the law, hypocrisy and CYBERPOLICE he threatened would take down 789chan.
>> No. 23269
I promised to contribute more, but right now I'm being busy being autistic with vidyagaem characters articles on Wikipedia. I also promised to post the ultimate archive of the classic pics, but I'm yet to do it too. I'm sorry, maybe later this month.

It died of cancer from a tranny/dickgirl drama, it's resting in /fail/ now.
>> No. 23270
Not in this case, the only reasons I can think he's still doing it is self loathing and for attention.
>> No. 23271
So he can claim he's being oppressed. That's kinda his thing. It's not clear if he even understands sexuality, because he's been straight, homo man, homo woman, bi and a straight woman.
>> No. 23272
>because he's been straight, homo man, homo woman, bi and a straight woman.
More like:
>because he has pretended to be a homo man, homo woman, bi and a straight woman.
I still don't know what his "true" sexuality and gender self-identification, though when do you think he'll realize the tranny schtick is getting old and move on to something else?
>> No. 23273
I like to think he'll become male bisexual nazi when commietrannysona becomes boring.
>> No. 23274
  >The police treat him with respect and without any violence
Fuck you, ADF.
>> No. 23275
People always screech about brutality when the police do something they don't like.

Because police would totally like to wade into a crowd of angry protesters with no weapons, not knowing what the angry, worked up crowd has on hand.
>> No. 23276
File 132043694933.jpg - (37.95KB , 591x296 , Expect-Delays-sign(1).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
According to my sources. Harel has crashed in to a slumber and hasn't been in contact with many of hir close friends. Content will resume at a later date.
>> No. 23277
File 13204377275.png - (78.61KB , 353x357 , cc-00874.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dude, please don't do that. It's a shitstorm waiting to happen. ADF looks like a man, dresses like a man, talks like a (faggy) man, and probably smells like a man.
ADF is a man. seriously.
>> No. 23278

Fuck, I was reading some tranny literature to understand ADF and Jordman's position. They used hir a shit load of times, so the past two days. i keep subconsiously putting hir instead of him on everything I write.
>> No. 23279
They're right, not only does the wiki suck, but so have the last threads. Is anyone even doing anything to him or does posting his pics and talking about him count for what everyone here calls trolling.
>> No. 23280

No need - ADF trolls himself the best.
>> No. 23281
You know, why don't WE troll ADF?
>> No. 23282
I thought hir was something only furries used. I honestly don't think I've *ever* heard anyone use it besides furries.
>> No. 23283
I am pretty sure it's crazy feminists that do that.
>> No. 23284
I have never seen it used in context of furries, but I avoid them if at all possible.
>> No. 23285
I'd tend to say he's bisexual because of that one gay guy he was obsessed with and all the gay art he's drawn, but at the same time he hates men. On the other hand, he seems to prefer underage girls who think they're guys.

Nothing about him makes sense.
>> No. 23286
File 132049889642.jpg - (192.05KB , 900x1200 , i_was_born_this_way_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d3iozwu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's now claiming to be "Queer and Pansexual with Polyamorous tendencies".

It's a quote from his current DeviantArt profile.
>> No. 23287
File 132049907387.png - (451.39KB , 900x1751 , identity_spectrum__completed__by_verganza_de_sasuk.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, of course.
>> No. 23288
>> No. 23289
File 132061323460.gif - (809.56KB , 225x183 , Judgejudy.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone up for helping to revive his ED page?
>> No. 23290
Alex Jones on ADF

>> No. 23291
also Alex wants to talk to him, someone call him and get him to call into Alex Jones show, potential for hilarity.
>> No. 23292
Got any specific time when he talks about Adf?
>> No. 23293
he starts talking about ADF at about 6 mins, he goes off on ADF being an idiot who wuld get shot in China that he should go find himself a girl to make babies with, it;s pretty awesome.
>> No. 23294
ADF vs Alex Jones would be awesome.
>> No. 23295
"we don't wanna look at your ferret teeth, we dont care if you want to dress up like Marie Antoinette." - Alex Jones on ADF.
>> No. 23296
yeah i fucking lol'd at the ferret teeth bit.
>> No. 23297
isn't there a vid of him protesting the Fed? I'm going to assume it was inspired by Alex Jones so it's one of ADf's heroes making fun of what an idiot he is. I'd love to hear ADF try and "educate" Alex Jones who is already nuts himself. It would be Alex Jones shouting and ADF crying his eyes out. Hilarious.
>> No. 23298
I don't know if he is actually as crazy as he seems, he makes a LOT of money from doing this.
>> No. 23299
the man is intelligent, it's his presentation that makes him seem nuts.
>> No. 23300
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jPvH5Pw5ic&t=5m10s is around where he talks about communist protesters and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jPvH5Pw5ic&t=11m10s is when he talks about his ferret teeth.
>> No. 23301
File 132064954577.jpg - (58.89KB , 461x741 , 131013441327.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found this. So that means he's not a first time offender?
>> No. 23302

considering how he didn't go into detail, i'm inclined to believe he was lying.
>> No. 23303
>Herp hey guise I just checked on the internet and it turns out the police are searching EVERYWHERE for me! They have a warrant out for my arrest! Herpity doo!
Yeah, bullshit.
>> No. 23304
  I asked in another thread but I can't find it now, are is he facing any charges from this attempt to sodomize the Jerkop Place?
>> No. 23305
ADF does have ferret teeth, huh?
>> No. 23306
File 132066659557.jpg - (387.65KB , 618x608 , b9boyd1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Perhaps introducing him to post-industrial music could speed up the process?

>> No. 23307
File 132066852455.jpg - (46.47KB , 467x241 , prison_rape.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
All he needs is to go to prison and join an Aryan gang or else the niggos would oppress his ass for real.

(He's workin' on it.)
>> No. 23308
"Fresh fish"?

Does Jack Chick secretly watch softcore porn about women's prisons or something? Not that that would surprise anyone....
>> No. 23309
>Cross between Che Guevera and Justin Bieber
>> No. 23310
File 132068469392.jpg - (70.40KB , 275x380 , Cross between Bieber and Guevara.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Cross between Che Guevera and Justin Bieber

Not a particularly good look if you ask me.
>> No. 23311

>Hey guys, the ASS police are after me for BITCHCRAFT

>I want them to fuck me up the ass and dominate me
>> No. 23312
It sounds like some kind of prison porno
>> No. 23313

He wrote some prison fapfic.
>> No. 23314
No, he didn't.

>> No. 23315
File 132069365052.png - (712.15KB , 800x522 , 1320647109099.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He only written a chapter to Forgotten Lillies, but Zabukawaii cock-blocked him from writing a fapfic.

Anywho, this is the only fapfic that we've read of his so far . . .
>> No. 23316
Not to mention that one of those individuals (Che, obviously) is masculine.
>> No. 23317
File 132070471846.gif - (473.29KB , 350x188 , bullshit.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>zabu tries to set up the characters with a plot and backstory
>ADF tosses it out the window and has the dom do a 180 and rape the sub.
there you have it folks: hard proof that ADF thinks exactly like a stereotypical horny teenage boy.
Honestly, I could punch him sometimes...
>> No. 23318
His sexuality is so confusing, he claims to like lesbians and ftm transexuals but has never actually dated anyone like that?
>> No. 23319
A person need not have an actual relationship to validate their sexual interests. But even if he did try to pursue one, he's destined to fail. Actual lesbians wouldn't touch him because he's, y'know, a MAN. And though I don't know how much interaction he's had with the female-to-male community, but I'm sure there must be some word of mouth going on between them and the male-to-female groups, which he's alienated himself from almost completely.
>> No. 23320
He was pseudo-engaged to a ftm a while ago, but they never actually met irl.
>> No. 23321
Yeah, and I had a pseudo-girlfriend over AIM when I was 14. That shit doesn't count.
>> No. 23322
File 132071683954.png - (197.76KB , 361x361 , adf in twenty years.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23323
File 132074496546.jpg - (55.74KB , 500x669 , 131881171162.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Could you do with some of his prison cosplays? Apparently I can't.
>> No. 23324
>lack of wrinkles on forehead
they could definitely improve their results.
>> No. 23325
>I have court on Tuesday at Philadelphia Municipal Court

It was over a week ago, and no news from him except some retarded Halloween videos. So, anyone knows what happened in the court?
>> No. 23326
File 132080161377.jpg - (579.68KB , 800x3226 , 123.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I saw this cartoon and thought of you transway
>> No. 23327
File 132080769516.jpg - (135.59KB , 396x300 , WWWAAAAA--.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23328
File 132083118640.jpg - (68.22KB , 445x610 , Arrest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Once again the same question, http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/November_2011 has no sources nor details (and the fucking category system is as completely broken as ever).
>> No. 23329
The court papers are here; http://789chan.org/fail/res/1345.html
>> No. 23330
File 132084149597.png - (2.52MB , 1275x1754 , 131977458293.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's funny how all the supposedly redacted info (like "BROWN, DAWN" as for his arresting officer) is easy to read because they used a very dark gray instead of just black.

So, what is he facing for "Obstruction Highways"?
>> No. 23331

wth did that faggot really change his name to that crap?
>> No. 23332
File 132085281286.jpg - (173.28KB , 666x892 , 4c045b774a6d1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Also about the supposed meaning of his stupid name:


>Its Hebrew That's Right, as in ISRAEL!
>Ahuviya means Loved by God
>Harel (My Surname) means Mountain of God
>Therefore I am a Loved Mountian of God
>I picked Ahuviya because I do not have to suffix-around With Felipe/Felicia anymore, And I do not want treated like Israeli? Ah Ha, That's Why You are so Stubborn, You Sasuke-teme!

(for once the wiki is useful for something, but only because I made the journal articles)
>> No. 23333
>Therefore I am a Loved Mountian of God
He's a mountain of something all right...
>I picked Ahuviya because I do not have to suffix-around With Felipe/Felicia anymore, And I do not want treated like Israeli? Ah Ha, That's Why You are so Stubborn, You Sasuke-teme!
The fuck am I reading?
>> No. 23334
I think that was around the time he talked like he was a anime character all the time.
>> No. 23335
File 132087404612.jpg - (198.12KB , 900x600 , s_e_x_y___k_u_n_o_i_c_h_i_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Makes me wonder why he didn't change his name to "Sasuke Teme".

Or, at this point, rather Sakura.
>> No. 23336
shut up for a minute: does anyone know where the one video of ADF looking through his photos is? it was on the united crossplay thing... He was talking about the one pic that captured his sasuke angst
>> No. 23337
We started following ADF late 2010, right? He's provided us lulz for nearly a year now. The time just flies.
>> No. 23338
Here it is
>> No. 23339
File 132103875590.jpg - (5.60KB , 300x300 , thumbnail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF is currently now homeless and living at sodomize Philly in a tent with five other people, he apparently drew Little Sasuke at the woman who was hosting him, and its been causing a lot of shit at Evolutions.
>> No. 23340
he's so good to his friends!
>> No. 23341

Wait, you mean he pulled a knife on someone?
>> No. 23342
Didn't Rika say he lets ADF sleep at his/her place for free? Or did they too become mortal enemies?
>> No. 23343
> Little Sasuke
Sorry but this makes me think of his little tiny FAS penis.
>> No. 23344
Now he can be homeless for the queer revolution.

But guys... provide photos, videos, stuff, come on.
>> No. 23345

Jordman has been blabbing about this shit dissing harel. Harel attacked Maria at a barnes and noble. Rika/Maria is pissed off at ADF and doesn't want anything to do with him.
>> No. 23346
wait, people are still sodomizeing shit? it was just supposed to be for the month of October...
>> No. 23347
File 132104586082.jpg - (32.35KB , 580x530 , lmao7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rika/Maria is pissed off at ADF and doesn't want anything to do with him.
Totally didn't see this coming.
>> No. 23348

I hope she presses charges.
>> No. 23349
So how long did that friendship last? Three weeks?
>> No. 23350
are these attacks literally attacks? physical or what? Needs moar details.
>> No. 23351

So this is the one who was most recently defending him against people like jordman, right?
>> No. 23352
File 132104939192.jpg - (434.35KB , 900x1200 , sakura_haruno___all_grown_up_by_iamjustahuviyahare.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika several months, Maria a bit longer.

Btw, who was he living first, after leaving his home? I mean those people who eventually told him he has 1 week to GTFO.
>> No. 23353

Melanie and Maria Reynard. Jordman is talking a lot of shit about these situations. It's like he doesn't understand that his word comes back to us.
>> No. 23354
File 132104969694.jpg - (181.83KB , 900x1060 , orange_cherry_blossom_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d3ckr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maria =/= Rika

(I think)

Also Rika wasn't banned here, right?
>> No. 23355
hey, i don't really follow ADF (but hes much funnier than those two fat steampunk fags that there are millions of threads about) but i have a question: why don't you refer to him by his birth name? wouldn't that piss him off really bad? why don't you refer to him as 'phil' constantly?
>> No. 23356

>Jordman is talking a lot of shit about these situations. It's like he doesn't understand that his word comes back to us.

Anything that can be posted up here?


Because saying something that pisses him off when we're not talking to him is pretty pointless. Besides, calling him by any of his previous names pisses him off really bad.
>> No. 23357

Jordmans online stuff avoids harel but in real life bitch is always talking about harel. I mean we have a backlog of journals and photos of Jordman. We just need to release them,
>> No. 23358
File 132105237673.jpg - (106.67KB , 300x428 , Hitler approves.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Indeed. Intro, show up in the Inner Inner Circle forums so that we may share the goodies with the lulz-starving world.

And Trey's certainly not forgetting to celebrate Polish Independence Day, hint hint...
>> No. 23359
God I fucking love that picture.
>> No. 23360
File 132121506088.png - (86.95KB , 635x381 , It returned.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess who's back?
>> No. 23361
>It returned

I chortled.
>> No. 23362
The Che of chalk.
>> No. 23363
>wishful thinking for my enemies

Ohhh, ADF, still thinking that anyone here wants you dead?
>> No. 23364
So he's a vegan now too?
>> No. 23365

Harel is a whatever it's convienant food source. It's vegan because the hippies have free vegan food. Harel's not a vegan when he used to go out with Maria to eat sandwichs at the diner.
>> No. 23366
He's every single fucking minority that exists.
>> No. 23367

Except for blacks, seeing how they wanted to beat the hell out of him with a basketball.
>> No. 23368
File 132122223612.png - (16.72KB , 241x230 , 131182086428.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nah, a couple of them just threw some rocks at him and another group of black kids accidentally threw a basketball at his window when he was on the bus.
>> No. 23369

That's pretty funny to think Harel's step mother is a black woman. Gelo told me her name was christin or something but she was definitely a sister from the pics shown.
>> No. 23370
Wow, really? Is that why ADF is so butthurt at his dad?
>> No. 23371

No, they wanted to kill him!
He had to go get Red Cloud and Little Sasuke to show them who's the boss the next time they meet.
>> No. 23372
It's gonna be great when Phillip pulls out that crappy pocketknife on some nigger for calling him a faggot.
>> No. 23373
Or when he tard-rages against a cop or some government servant.
>> No. 23374
>accidentally threw a basketball at his window when he was on the bus.

Was that bus driving through the courts?
How does that even happen?
>> No. 23375
File 132123007640.png - (646.56KB , 645x753 , N_Philly_Basketball_Incident.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The joke is that no one could have known he's a tranny.
>> No. 23376
  Trey digged the previous "ADF in the Red Army", so I promised him continuation. Here you go, bro.
>> No. 23377
>It's vegan because the hippies have free vegan food
I support the actual idea behind sodomize wall street, the goal that was set out before the event started. (About ending corporate influence in government and removing officials who vote by the weight of their wallet.)
When I heard that people were copying it in lots of other places, I thought "the purpose is getting lost in the hype".
When I saw the menu in the news with an article about food workers protesting vagrants who come for a free meal, that's when I said fuck these faggots.
All that organic food stuff is just corporate shielding to insure themselves against fat people lawsuits. They offer healthier options, but it usually costs twice as much and comes in smaller packages. It's not economical to feed a family on it when you're living in poverty, so the only people who buy it are spoiled hipsters, and new agers.
>> No. 23378
CatholicSpaceNazi, are you actually a neonazi or is it just a trollsona thing?
>> No. 23379
File 132124283013.jpg - (43.97KB , 383x498 , catholicspacenazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a /tg/ thing.
>> No. 23380
>>ADF shat himself

I chortled. Why do I get the feeling that would've happened IRL?
>> No. 23381
I figured that out, it's more about comments like this on his channel:
CatholicSpaceNazi (2 months ago)
Oh goddamn it feels good to live in a judenfrei country. Also thanks to this fact I am largely unable to do that which I really cannot see as a bad thing.

Well, obviously people were taken to the camps, and obviously people died there. But the testimonials are inconsistent and, heh, obviously they cannot tell any stories about gas chambers because in that case they'd be dead. And the whole idea of people being killed by dropping pellettes into a room with wooden doors is pretty stupid.

When the soviet propaganda machine was running on full speed, with stories of steam and electricity chambers and human soap and all that good stuff, they always found survivors to nod and tell how those things were real and horribul. And great job those magical chambers did, with all those hundreds of thousands of survivors.
>> No. 23382
Oh, my mistake, probably should have had a look at the channel before posting.
>> No. 23383
File 132126205762.jpg - (137.52KB , 625x878 , 1137708_e8ff_625x1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think he might cry a little when ADF inevitably rejects his fake Jewish heritage (or did he already) and embraces National Socialism.
>> No. 23384
File 132126593837.jpg - (6.46KB , 205x197 , Hitler's face when he ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just trollsona. People took CatholicSpaceNAZI seriously, and I just played along. I thought the name was so silly it should have been an obvious joke, but looks like I was wrong.

As much as I detest YouTube trolling, Antifa keyboard warriors are so incredibly easy and fun to troll I can't feel bad about it. They're like...neonazi skinheads in denial who are mad at everyone who isn't a communist. It's hilarious.
>> No. 23385
File 132126773629.png - (80.53KB , 1240x1136 , ADF_explaining.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There is nothing in this that doesn't confuse me.
>> No. 23386
File 132126932146.png - (771.54KB , 900x685 , people__s_republic_of_china_by_verganza_de_sasuke-.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23387
File 132126955865.jpg - (240.57KB , 900x656 , don__t_play_with_fire_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d3jpx.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>skeletal structure

"Big bones", eh?
>> No. 23388
File 132127036961.jpg - (133.87KB , 900x600 , sakura_haruno_x_sasuke_uchiha_by_iamjustahuviyahar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Btw, ADF with another victim of Sasuke Diet.
>> No. 23389
Intersexed when did he add that to the list?
>> No. 23390
File 132127139080.jpg - (85.52KB , 545x600 , ADF_shit_his_pants.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because he shits his pants when stressed. Seriously.
>> No. 23391
>I am legally recognized as female by my jurisdiction as female.
>> No. 23392
Tall female was a female.
>> No. 23393
Lol that made me realise that ADF is as fucked up as Mr. Garrison.
>> No. 23394
Except that Mr. Garrison had a job and could afford getting his dick chopped off.
>> No. 23395
File 132128009142.jpg - (42.12KB , 400x495 , 129391633382.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, and the picture's OP does question was pretty stupid, sex and gender are two different things, and the trans-sexuals do not not necesserily do it to be to have sex with dudes as a woman (I could easily imagine a trans-sexual that is even completely asexual).

But speaking of ADF's, his sexuality is a clusterfuck, and really not unlike this of Mr. Garrison. Pic related, taken just after he became a 'militant' gay, following his years of an euqally futile non-homo Love Quest (and something like "I HAD 5 GIRLFRIENDS FAIL ON ME BEFORE I BECAME GAY!" was on one of his profile pictures).
>> No. 23396
File 132128036087.jpg - (16.35KB , 250x435 , herman1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And I actually meant a transgender person.

The picture is of a reputed Nazi Tomgirl.
>> No. 23397
Oh I just love his reasons for thinking he's intersexed.
>Brain functioning.
I'm thinking that he's read a few blurbs about how how men and women solve problems differently or whatever and decided that that just fits how he thinks perfectly!
>Skeletal structure.
I really don't see how he could even mistakenly believe this. As far as I know, the major difference between men and women skeletal wise is the pelvis. And he certainly doesn't have baby making hips, he's just fat.
Nope. Just look at any picture of him.
I'm not fat, I'm just intersexed!
>skin softness
Maybe he though his list of characteristics needed some padding, because this seems like a really weird point to try to use to demonstrate that you're womanly. Plus he's probably confusing greasy and fat with soft.
>Chromosome makeup
Now he's just lying

Plus, aren't truly intersexed people messed up in weird ways? Like a dude having ovaries and shit like that.
>> No. 23398
File 132128609626.jpg - (291.13KB , 900x758 , r_o_c_k_s__o_f__k_o_n_o_h_a_by_iamjustahuviyaharel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The real joke here is that his manboobs were never even any big (check out his shirtless pics, when he's showing his "growing breasts"), his fat going everywhere but not there.
>> No. 23399
>Plus, aren't truly intersexed people messed up in weird ways?
There are a lot of variations of intersexed.
I'm trans and it makes my skin crawl when a trans person learns what intersexed is then starts claiming it. Claiming it is way to common in the trans community.
>> No. 23400
I figured, it's just all the variations I've heard of are manifested in rather obvious ways.
>> No. 23401
Some are but some people go thru life never knowing. I know one tgirl from WWCC that started having bad abdominal pain, week later she had under developed ovaries removed. She never knew she had them.
>> No. 23402
How tall is ADF?

Some of the symptoms for XXYY might fit:
Developmental delays
Speech impairment
Behavior outburst & mood swings
Learning disabilities
Intellectual impairment
ADD symptoms
Autism spectrum disorders
>> No. 23403
File 132129473790.jpg - (196.37KB , 900x598 , gonna_kick_sum_ass_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d3idu4x.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't you know?

Tall female is a tall female.
>> No. 23404
Speaking of which...

>> No. 23405
Isn't actual intersex something like... a woman starts having chest pains and a medical examination reveals that her ovaries are actually testicles, or something like that?
>> No. 23406
I don't know why Zabu saw the effort to rewrite ADF's abort of a story, but she had somehow managed to make it tolerable. And that's something.
>> No. 23407
There is nothing in this post that doesn't confuse me.

Can you English?
>> No. 23408
File 132129626814.jpg - (148.17KB , 630x800 , 5457549653_217356b6c4_b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not a chance. We’ve looked at his physical traits time and time again and they certainly aren’t along the lines of what you’d expect with Kleinfeter’s. His craniofacial deformities like his eye shape/distance, lack of an upper lip, malformed teeth and flatfish face are all trademark FAS signs.
The autistic like behavioral/cognitive problems also fit closely into FAS, many children with milder FAS are often diagnosed as autistic, the ”Developmental delays, Speech impairment
Behavior outburst & mood swings” are all standard FAS signs where as they aren’t as often present in Kleinfeter’s. ADF’s academic problems such as taking 6 years to get a special ed HS diploma again are also dead common with FAS kids, where as the median intelligence in Kleinfeter’s is in the normal range.
And then there’s the sex traits, the balding, broad skeleton and manly features pretty much rule out XXY. He’s too manly for Kleinfeter’s to be in the range of possibilities. Things like androgenic hairloss at an early age and thick facial hair never happen.
>> No. 23409
I can't English, can you?
>> No. 23410
>taking 6 years to get a special ed HS diploma
ADF took 6 years to get his diploma, but I'm pretty sure you're confusing him with his ex-comrade Jordman as far as going to a special ed school.

I'm a Dr. in Englishing.
>> No. 23411
File 132129765097.jpg - (13.11KB , 226x226 , Nigga is you serious 5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think he tries to say not all trannies become trannies to get laid.

I can feel the shaking of the foundations of my world view.
>> No. 23412
File 132129925059.jpg - (99.44KB , 800x600 , gayvsfag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What I meant: not all male-to-female transgenders become women so they can have vaginal sex with men.

I mean, what a retarded idea. What else, that every single gay man is a complete fucking faggot that you'd like to punch in the face? That every lesbian is an angry man-hating fat butch riding a Harley motorcycle?

And yes, I know Chris Crocker has ceased being a fag. Good for him.
>> No. 23413
Somehow ADF manages to be all those things.
>> No. 23414
i'm sorry but both pictures look like faggots
>> No. 23415
Like most queers they both look like kiddie diddlers too. They also exhibit that sickly gaunt appearance that most AIDS patients have.
>> No. 23416
fuck you asshole. I know a number of people that are HIV+ and i would rather hang with them than an asshole like you.

>> No. 23417
Well, if you really did have those friends then you'd know the difference between HIV and AIDS.

Your friends don't include a well-dressed African American who hangs out near pools, do they?
>> No. 23418
What was the point of coming here and admitting that you hang out with fags?
>> No. 23419
So what?
>> No. 23420
File 132133633779.jpg - (21.67KB , 256x384 , 1307343316995.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What's the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?

>> No. 23421
I propose that the mods start to ban butthurt trannies.
>> No. 23422
>> No. 23423

How many ADF threads were thrown into /fail/ because of some tranny-trash decided to debate and argue about their supposed genders? At least the politics-fags stopped derailing threads.
>> No. 23424
These ADF threads seem to pull them out of the woodwork.
I can't read through one of them without seeing someone bitching about gay-rights, sexual-discrimination, or referring to 'wymyns'/'zyr'/'ze' or whatever other stupid names these idiots call themselves now. Hell, theres people still calling Philip a 'she' because "That's the gender pronoun she prefers and it's discriminatory to refer to her under a masculine name!"
>> No. 23425
Hey faggots, dressing as a woman and taking estrogen doesn't make you female.
>> No. 23426
When philly cracks down on the sodomize group what kind of trouble would adf be in for a second arrest? He is living there as far as I know.
>> No. 23427
Your fault for derailing the thread so you could argue. If you don't like your threads ending up in /fail/ then don't go off topic.

>> No. 23428
You guys seriously should film Phil at sodomize Philadelphia more when it's still going on.
>> No. 23429
Oh look, another mad tranny.
>> No. 23430

Hey you. I got you something. Something just for you.
>> No. 23431
>implying that telling a whiner it's their fault their threads suck = mad
>> No. 23432
File 132147595083.jpg - (14.55KB , 230x199 , mahmoud ahmadinejad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We already know you're mentally ill for wanting to mutilate your genitals. Now you're also coming off as a retard with no reading comprehension.
It's ok though, we truly pity you and your kind.
>> No. 23433
I unfortunately have to agree, proposal accepted
>> No. 23434

Goodbye ADF threads.
>> No. 23435
Who would miss them though?
>> No. 23436
File 13214826034.png - (3.12KB , 379x426 , =3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23437
biological male here

transgenderism is not a shameful thing

being a cosplaying fake jewish retard who identifies trans just to get pity is a shameful thing

being hateful towards trans people is just as ridiculous as calling gay people the devil. i am sure most of you have encountered a 'passable' trans person that you didn't know was trans before. they are not all ADFs and jordans. chill out and attack ADF but all of you neckbeards talking about 'mutilating genitals' come off very...rural south.
>> No. 23438

biological female here, seconding what biological male is saying. It's just justification for the ADFs and Jordans of the world: "They're being BULLIES because they're TRANSPHOBIC! :(" There's far better reasons to dislike ADF.

But having drawn-out arguments about it on /cwc/ is stupid on both sides. This is the last thing I have to say on the subject. inb4 the personing
>> No. 23439
yeah jk i am a biological female too but i pretend to be a boy on here for obvious reasons
>> No. 23440
The problem is that they invariably come in here and try to turn the threads into another stupid PC tranny hugbox, when there are many many many forums on the net to do so.
>> No. 23441
true, but trashing all trans people is just as derailing and dumb

lets drink, be merry, and have a discourse about s p e r g s instead :)
>> No. 23442
Two words:


ADF is not at sodomize Philadelphia at this time
>> No. 23443
You cause drama you're banned no matter who you are
>> No. 23444

I saw
in your post.

Seems much more pleasant to me than a Maoist one, if moist safehouse=vagina.
>> No. 23445
After finally being able to chat with ADF on facebook and only getting rehashed info, I managed to discover something new: apparently, ADF smokes weed now. I will post a screencap of this later.
>> No. 23446

I'm with >>126474. They're both pretty fucking stupid things to do.


He was online? I thought he was "living" at sodomize?"
>> No. 23447
File 132149605427.png - (13.55KB , 393x163 , adf.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ha, yes. I saw this too.
>> No. 23448
This is pathetic.
"Yeah guys, I smoke weed now, when I can mooch it off others, are you shocked yet?"
I'm unsure of which is the more likely scenario, Phil grabbing at the joint like it might bite him, Taking a few pathetic puffs and boasting about it later. Or maybe it snatched at that thing, desperate for anything that could give him rebel cred.
>> No. 23449

Either way, I'm quite sure this started during sodomize Philly, where he ended up running into some nice potheads who he then began to mooch off of once he found out he liked to smoke.
>> No. 23450
How much longer until we see him in photos holding up his toy guns with candy cigarettes or rolled up bits of toilet paper in his mouth?
>> No. 23451
Eli May is pissed.
>> No. 23452
I know man! Someone he loved died from overdosing on marijuana!
>> No. 23453

Lol at you guys finding out about harel smoking weed today. I hope maria didn't hand in the report when Harel Sasuke'd that Naruto. If that happens when Harel goes in for it's court date. It might get arrested and charged for that chidori.
>> No. 23454
He did what now?
>> No. 23455

It allegedly attacked Maria in a barnes and nobles. Jordman has been talking shit about that incident IRL. That's how I know and this is one of those Jordman claims that I believe are semi true. Maria might of tard raged on Harel since she isn't the smartest ursatonkachi in the room.
>> No. 23456
Did he (He, he he he, him he his him him man man man) pull out lil Sasuke on them or something?
Oh if he were to be charged with assault or battery or something!
>> No. 23457
File 132150286059.png - (2.64KB , 504x73 , VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE on deviantART.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I honestly don't know. Jordman is in my opinion worse than Harel. I just got the info and dipped out . If you ever heard Jordman speak, he sounds like buffalo bill.

BTW, here's what harel added to it's deviant art.
>> No. 23458
File 132150334196.png - (29.02KB , 464x271 , ADF not attending events.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>BAWWWW They no like me ;_; I won't attend the same events as them! That'll show them!
>> No. 23459
Funfact: he's actually gone with his family that day.
>> No. 23460

Doesn't like self-appointed leaders but wants to be an imaginary dictator. Got it.
>> No. 23461
ADF is a communist guerilla warrior who eats lead. His only weakness are mean words.
>> No. 23462
File 132151402697.jpg - (89.43KB , 650x354 , jewtopia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey ADF, I heard you like Russia.
>> No. 23463
File 132151787981.jpg - (90.61KB , 532x793 , 60637897.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It should be mentioned that the Ukrainians are recruiting. Now that ADF no longer has a place to stay in, he is much more vulnerable and spy-able, and we need every able-bodied troll to join the Field Agents. If you spot him, record him and take pictures of him. ADF admitted that he's hitting a bong, they have planned to give him sativa half-free Mexican shit and record what happens. Apparently there are pictures of him high and sitting on his white ass. This is a rather pleasant turn of events, last time the Ukrainians were taking pictures of him in a disco/bar they nearly got caught. But when he's on little high, they can immortalize his fail to their heart's content. Not that ADF could have harmed them or anything, but we dont want him to be even more paranoid than he already is, now do we?

For plotting the downfall of ADF or just for good times:

800 N 23rd St
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Neighborhood: Fairmount

Bar downstairs.
>> No. 23464
>inb4 someone goes there and gets raped by trannies
>> No. 23465
It belongs to the Ukrainian League of Philadelphia. I'm quite positive madhurt trannies are kicked out pretty fast because it's a normal club and not PC hugbox.
>> No. 23466
File 132153171261.jpg - (223.62KB , 900x1166 , omon_kakashi_hatake_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d4av6bg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Unsanctioned events led to crackdowns by riot police and nationalists.

And guess what (pic related).

>"We know no mercy and never ask for it." - OMON Motto

>Kakashi Hatake, as Russian OMON
>> No. 23467
>inb4 someone goes there and gets raped by Ukrainians
>> No. 23468
File 132154064594.png - (548.70KB , 530x575 , stalker.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just let it happen.
>> No. 23469

Well... requesting rule 34 of ADF getting raped by bloodsuckers and snorks.
>> No. 23470
I wonder how long it will be before he begins picking up the 420 SMOKE WEED ERRDAY image.
>> No. 23471

Won't weed just make him more paranoid, though?
>> No. 23472
He's already paranoid to the max. And it's not like he could ever really harm anyone. He (thinks he) sees an Ukrainian, he sighs, shits his pants, takes another hit and mumbles something about male pronouns.
>> No. 23473
File 132158312885.png - (4.11KB , 196x59 , dykemarchlol.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This amused me.
>> No. 23474
File 132159035213.jpg - (142.42KB , 1024x683 , occupy mao.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23475
His face annoys me beyond any comprehension.

Fuck, I've never seen more punchable face than that.
>> No. 23476
The return of the fake book cover!
>> No. 23477

He's smart.

sodomizeing stuff taught him alot.
>> No. 23478
>> No. 23479
Dat double chin
dat stubble
dat mussed up, unwashed hair.
dat attempt at making a serious face but it only makes him look more repulsive
>> No. 23480
>A beautiful woman
>> No. 23481
Unnecessary to point out but I don't think he knows what it means.
>> No. 23482
File 13215989215.jpg - (119.69KB , 786x343 , sbhjbeautifulwonan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23483
File 132160722190.jpg - (288.37KB , 900x1206 , Convict_Itachi___Regimented_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not as much double chin as just no chin.

Could someone re-post this profile photo where he looks like a fucking fish? For a pic related and for me to save.
>> No. 23484
File 132160815646.jpg - (220.22KB , 2048x1365 , invisible cocks in my ass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This one?
>> No. 23485
File 132161902547.jpg - (283.67KB , 900x1348 , Convict_Itachi___Shaving_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, completely from the side view and only his head. Taken a few months ago. It was an amazing pic.
>> No. 23486
File 132162292381.jpg - (66.72KB , 432x288 , 1320880927899.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know. We can all smell him through the screen.
>> No. 23487
The one used in this >>125025 vid?
>> No. 23488
File 132162820084.jpg - (60.75KB , 695x507 , Untitled-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Something like that, I think it was taken in a bus.
>> No. 23489
File 132163740574.jpg - (46.43KB , 540x720 , looking like a fish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23490
IntroMAN Delivers
>> No. 23491
>dat painting, wtf maeng
>> No. 23492
In b4 FAS Baby
>> No. 23493
Jeeze he has a tiny face in that picture.
and look at ho w low his shirt collar is.
>> No. 23494
just for posterity


dont click any link from ync if you dont like having your entire brain fucked

but yeah just search for "RUSSIAN" on that website
>> No. 23495
a.k.a. every Internet video from Russia.

These people are fucking retarded.
>> No. 23496
File 132167674146.jpg - (1.39MB , 1354x2046 , Tacos and burritos.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh Lordy. Dustin gave me this picture. I don't know if it's in the archive but it's too funny not to post again.
>> No. 23497
Why hasn't someone broken his arm? I would not want to walk in the street at night looking like a tranny stereotype.
>> No. 23498
why does the nametag say "Jennifer"?
>> No. 23499
oh my god that's a Wawa nametag. Fired for being trans my ass.
>> No. 23500

For halloween Harel dressed up as jennifer lopez. It seems suspect that the evil wawa " who fired him for being transgender" would allow Harel to dress up like that and work on the store.
>> No. 23501
  LiveLeak is full of Russia's "funniest home videos" of all kinds.

Also, pimp my army.
>> No. 23502
File 132170120541.jpg - (52.41KB , 391x400 , nazi wtf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gentlemen, meet our poor oppressed tranny.
>> No. 23503
Wow it's like he's wearing Weird Al's old clothes.
>> No. 23504
I believe the she in introman's last sentence was referring to Maria as not being too bright. It's a given that ADF is a tard.

OMG drinking beer and smoking pot! so "fuck tha police" hardcore!

this was in the archive
>> No. 23505
File 13220067299.jpg - (321.04KB , 900x755 , Breivik's October Surprise.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF fanart tiem.
Thanks to Ocular-penetration for the idea.
>> No. 23506
You draw almost as well as ADF.
>> No. 23507

Weird that ADF hasn't said anything about Breivik. That would have been a perfect change for him to whine about persecution and dang dirty KKK ring wing republican nazi gay bourgeois.
>> No. 23508
But knowing ADF, he probably doesn't follow the news unless if it has something to do with Philadelphia, I guess.
>> No. 23509
I have a juicy tale about ADF fuensalida. Back at zenkaicon 2009 I had sex with this cosplayer. I was wasted and dressed up as Itachi. Their was late night festivities and I started to talk to Fuensalida. It's name was phillip but he must of changed it nao to something even more stupid. I asked phillip to escort me to my room because I had 14 beers in 2 hours. I invited him to my room to talk and the sex happened. The only thing I could remember was the fact that Phillip was a bottom and his penis was around 4 inches uncut. I don't remember the day afterward but I ended up in the bathroom of the convention center 12 hours after the act.

Before the sex. He kept talking about me being his semi. I was too drunk to even understand that shit. He also called me a yuke or something. He kept making naruto references about sexual stuff. I didn't understand the references back then but I do now. I'm slowly remembering the night. More details will come when my brain decodes that fateful night.

Phillip was tipsy off of a smirnoff ice yelling about a girl named Karin writing an article on an encyclopedia.
>> No. 23510
That's a real cool story, but...


And I really, really don't want to know.
>> No. 23511

>I invited him to my room to talk and the sex happened.

>with ADF
>> No. 23512
Never has the phrase "fake and gay" been so applicable.
>> No. 23513

>yelling about a girl named Karin writing an article on an encyclopedia.

Trying way too hard.
>> No. 23514
It's possibly a work-in-progress (and possibly sucks).

Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the article
On Encyclopedia Dramatica
The conversations we share
Seems to be everywhere
I've lost my mind
I toss and turn, I've shit my pants

Once I ran to you (Kourine)
Now I'll run from you
These fascist lies you've given
I give you all an uke could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Fascist lies
Fascist lies

Now I know I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
John don't really want any more from me
To make things right
I need a dobe to hold me tight
My dobe thinks love is to pray
I'm sorry I hate

Once I ran to you (Canis)
Now I'll run from you
These fascist lies you've given
I give you all an uke could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Fascist lies
Fascist lies

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way men tease
I’m not gay though I claimed myself so
Now I'm going claim mis-and-ry!
Troll me badly, ZabuKawaii
Troll me badly, Andrew
Troll me badly, Trey Pepe
Troll me badly, /cwc/

Once I ran to you (Daddy)
Now I'll lie about you
For a rape you've never given
I give you all an uke could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Fascist lies
Fascist lies
Fascist lies
>> No. 23515
File 132229517051.jpg - (118.26KB , 445x800 , feminazi_party_by_staatsreport-d3ay44c.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It was in his favourites, along with several other "feminist" devs.
>> No. 23516

>> No. 23517
not sure why but I lol'd
>> No. 23518
This thread has already been around for a while, tard raging won't make it go away.
>> No. 23519
File 132235394282.png - (74.83KB , 646x282 , activist is back from dales.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23520
>>Oh no! They took my free meal away!! The horror!!

Why can't ADF admit that he doesn't actually give two shits about the sodomize movement and that it only serves as a way for him to receive free asspats and free food?
>> No. 23521
we should convince ADF that if he wants to achieve true charismatic radical status, he must do LSD regularly.
>> No. 23522
File 132237425643.png - (18.80KB , 468x201 , the regime.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23523
File 132237440622.png - (13.17KB , 561x91 , Revolutionary executed.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Harel is serious!
>> No. 23526
Why doesn't he realize he has no power whatsoever and nobody takes him seriously largely because of the lack of effort he puts into anything?
>> No. 23527
>implying lolcows can ever achieve self-awareness

>> No. 23528
File 132241215784.png - (5.73KB , 491x379 , nope.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADFLJedi Grand Master in the art of ban messages.
>> No. 23529
that L was supposed to be a colon
>> No. 23530
The Ukrainians have encouraged everyone interacting with ADF to refer to HIM as HIM/HIS. So far the body count is zero.

Stalin may have been a colossal asshole, but at least he carried out his threats. Oh yeah, and he didn't crossdress or be mad because of the fact that he had a dick.
>> No. 23531
First of all, why does he keep refering to his transition? There is no transition, in fact all of his efforts at a transition seems to have stopped because he's putting more effort in attempting to look like some badass revolutionary. Yet he still expects and childishly demands that everyone treat him as if he's done anything.
Plus, what the hell does transitioning have to do with his commie obsession?
I really hope that someone kicks his ass at one of these protests.
>> No. 23532
Nah, it'd be better if everyone just ignored him, beating him up would vindicate his victim complex.
>> No. 23533
unless it was a bunch of ftm trannies or proper communists.
it would beatiful to watch him try to explain away a head-on physical confrontation with his own beliefs.
>> No. 23534
Dem commie trannies are so bigoted against true and honest PANSEXUAL GENDERQUEERS!
>> No. 23535
We at the ADFki have been hoarding lulz for way too long. We've had a JenkinsJinkies moment when ADF created an account here: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/User:VDV-Nemesis

We quickly knew it was ADF and was playing along the whole time. Anyway, his time has been documented here: http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/The_ADFki#Does_he_think_we.27re_stupid.3F

Have a nice day everyone!
>> No. 23537
File 132244347560.png - (40.38KB , 823x405 , VNV-Nemesis.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Screencap of the lulz
>> No. 23538
ADF used male pronouns to refer to himself. Does this obligate him to send himself to the gulags?
>> No. 23539
File 132244489974.png - (11.19KB , 839x122 , VNV-Nemesis 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it does. ADF was trying soo hard not to be detected that he resorted to using them!

He even asked when we were going to kill him. His paranoia is high these days . . .
>> No. 23540
Woah, he's making an album?

This is going to be hilarious.
>> No. 23541
Seriously, why is he so obsessed with people trying to kill him? What would it take to convince him that none of us want him dead, just to laugh at him?
>> No. 23543
File 132244664720.png - (18.24KB , 381x234 , His album.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Kind of. He's been writing songs and claiming that they're a part of his album called "Oedpus Complex"

Here's some of the songs on it:




>> No. 23544
It's no fun if he's not singing them.
>> No. 23545
And just so we're clear, by "songs" we mean "terrible lyrics about himself?"
>> No. 23546
>> No. 23547
Oh god, those titles. This is on the level of stuff some moody 14 year old would write. How old is he now?
>> No. 23548
And then /cwc/ realizes that writing song parodies is something that many of the major lolcows have done in the past. Domo Arigato Mr. Logatto is about as funny as these songs are threatening.
>> No. 23549
I hate the way he always refers to himself as a cunt and a bitch, as though simply deciding he's a woman means he can start using misogynist language without being a misogynist.
It's like painting yourself black and calling yourself a nigger.
>> No. 23550
File 132245748973.png - (6.17KB , 400x400 , lmao2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is....oh God...he's so similar to Chris only his autistic lack of self-awareness keeps the cognitive dissonance from tearing him apart.
>> No. 23551
File 132245777928.png - (32.75KB , 473x330 , Strapped up.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chairperson Harel is getting armaments.
>> No. 23552

If he gets a real gun, I'm actually a bit worried he may use it.
>> No. 23553
Someone fill me in on US/PA gun laws--can he get one, considering his arrest record?
>> No. 23554
Well, if you wan to conceal your weapon you need to take classes right?
I do like the idea of him being berated for this dangerous and childish attitude he has about guns.
>> No. 23555
At any rate it's not legal to just get it passed off to you form a friend...right?
>> No. 23556
So is there any chance he's going to get cocky around people knowing he has a gun and start waving it around as a way to settle arguments or something?
>> No. 23557
Wait, he did try to pull his knife on someone, right?
>> No. 23558
I doubt. He told he nearly had to use the pepper spray once. So yeah.

He won't get a gun, and we all know it. He obviously doesn't know anything about them (I'm gonna get Desert Eagle!) and is piss poor. Plus already told he'd get one. Two years ago.
>> No. 23559
>I doubt. He told he nearly had to use the pepper spray once. So yeah.
So oppressed.
>> No. 23560


(c) Duty of other persons.--Any person who is not a licensed importer, manufacturer or dealer and who desires to sell or transfer a firearm to another unlicensed person shall do so only upon the place of business of a licensed importer, manufacturer, dealer or county sheriff's office, the latter of whom shall follow the procedure set forth in this section as if he were the seller of the firearm. The provisions of this section shall not apply to transfers between spouses or to transfers between a parent and child or to transfers between grandparent and grandchild.

Related parts:



>> No. 23561
File 132246097177.jpg - (107.20KB , 900x600 , deliciousredarmband.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gee how can anyone be mistaking him for a guy with all the effort he puts into transitioning.
>> No. 23562
File 13224613823.jpg - (543.91KB , 2048x1536 , p_o_l_i_c_e___r_e_v_o_l_v_e_r_by_verganza_de_sasuk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...or perhaps not. Though there's no doubt ADF's dangerous. Seeing him threaten you may cause your spleen to rupture of laughter.
That vomit colored nail polish.
>> No. 23565

You seem upset.
>> No. 23567
File 132247146835.png - (21.14KB , 462x237 , ADF and the Luger.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's getting a gun, thinking that it would solve all of his problems!
>> No. 23569
Oh my.

He could get arrested on the spot for illegal gun ownership/carrying a concealed gun.

While having him forcibly turned into a woman in prison is an amusing thought, that would probably bring an end to the ADF saga. Shamefur dispray.
>> No. 23571
If his knife is Little Sasuke and his pepper spray Red Cloud, how would he name his gun? Asstickler?
>> No. 23572

Harel will probably name the gun, amaterasu or something.
>> No. 23573
File 132248203362.jpg - (95.69KB , 500x673 , J2GC6ZOEV63SCMPAUU7N2R4VXTAN55DH_preview.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
About 26 or 27.

>Why I love Prison Uniforms, its a sick fetish I have DX
>> No. 23574
File 132248332496.jpg - (218.70KB , 900x1570 , trigger discipline.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're overstimating ADF (and mistaking him with PDK), he probably wouldn't even know what you meant. It would be more like "Sasuke's Death Glare" or something.
>> No. 23575
File 132248563588.gif - (6.01KB , 290x401 , 1300639336544.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Philly won't issue carry permits to anyone who isn't rich and politically connected anyways. So even if he did get a gun he couldn't have it with him on the streets. His homeless ass would have to find someones house to leave it at.
Hope this leftist retard is enjoying the stupid gun-control laws liberals/socialists/communists love. So much for his communist revolution.
Kel-Tecs are fucking garbage too. It wouldn't surprise me if it stove-pipes because he shoots it like a girl, yet still manages to get slide-bite due to his beefy man-hands.
>> No. 23576
>Kel-Tecs are fucking garbage too. It wouldn't surprise me if it stove-pipes because he shoots it like a girl, yet still manages to get slide-bite due to his beefy man-hands.
He would have wanted to get Israel-made Desert Eagle. Reality sucks, huh, ADF?

Not that he would have been able to shoot with it.
>> No. 23577
I would have thought he'd have gotten a Jericho 941 like all the other wapanese homosexual deviants with a boner for kikery.
Guess spending your money of cosplay shit is more important than saving for a functional handgun.
>> No. 23578
>Guess spending your money of cosplay shit is more important than saving for a functional handgun.
Or, you know, actually changing your sex. Or getting a place to live in.
>> No. 23579
>Or, you know, actually changing your sex. Or getting a place to live in.

incidentally, getting a place to live in can be solved by a handgun; If he waves it one time too much, the police might help him realize his kinky wish of owning a prison uniform.
>> No. 23581
File 13225067205.gif - (384.62KB , 325x187 , aww_heeelll_yeahh_niguh.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The jail's already like a second read: only home to him.
>> No. 23582
File 132250909955.png - (61.79KB , 500x300 , 4eb20d4904dc507e0800015d-11 (1).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wow, just wow.
>> No. 23583

Not really. Sasuke Uchiha has an eye ability where his eyes shoot out indestructable black flames. Going with the naruto theme. He will probably choose something like that.
>> No. 23584
>enjoying the stupid gun-control laws liberals/socialists/communists love
Sure am, they keep the crazies like ADF from packing heat.
>> No. 23585
File 132253921816.jpg - (116.09KB , 949x787 , 1307319828616.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you think being denied a CHL is going to stop him from walking around with an illegally acquired handgun to protect himself from the 'niggos' and 'fascists', you're as delusional as he is.
>> No. 23586
There's very little things I believe one's can assume of life. This being said, I assume that the hallmark of a lolcow is his blatant desire to live his ridiculous ideals through regardless of societal and legal norms.

So, yes, I assume that our favorite trans-something Commie WILL buy a firearm and WILL carry it, with or without a licence. After this, I just hope he wouldn't had any money left for actually training itself at shooting with it. Failing to properly use it's firearm might save a life.
>> No. 23587
>If you think being denied a CHL is going to stop him from walking around with an illegally acquired handgun
Never said it would. Getting caught with an illegal firearm will have hilarious consequences like getting sent to a men's jail and a nice trial. Ergo not letting him legaly carry has good consequences regardless of whether he obeys the law or not.
>> No. 23589

Hey! All of you, would you please take it to /id/ or something? This is pretty much getting onto a political debate; /cwc/ can't really do that. It's not the point. Discussing ADF's antics; his hypocrisies; even just talking about what he would do with a gun - that's on topic, that's good.

But don't bring your political opinions here. No one cares. You aren't making your side look better here; you're just making yourself look like fags for derailing a discussion.

So I ask again, would you please not do this here? Please?
>> No. 23590
>Ahuviya is now using Facebook in Русский.

>Ahuviya is now using Facebook in English (US).

>> No. 23591
File 132256320357.jpg - (161.56KB , 600x900 , spielsperg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay, let's put the thread back on tracks.

Hey ADF, before you compare yourself to Stalin, there're a few things you should know. Stalin wanted to give a home to jews in the Soviet Union. But later he realized exterminating them was even better idea.

To be honest, considering ADF's faux jewry and boner for the Red Army, I'm surprised he hasn't drawn himself sucking off Trotsky.
>> No. 23593
Reasoned arguments seem to escape him I mean on his deviantart page he tells everyone to get a job because "Communist society frowns upon those that do not work" even though he clearly has no interest in getting on himself.
>> No. 23594
File 132256552055.jpg - (192.56KB , 900x1350 , c_r_i_m_s_o_n___b_a_n_n_e_r_by_verganza_de_sasuke-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't you realize? His job is being a revolutionary now.

If he gets a firearm the effects would be hilarious but scary, very much like a chimp with an SMG.

>orange flag
>> No. 23595
Every one of those posts was about ADF...
>> No. 23596
File 132263138131.jpg - (47.83KB , 512x341 , Ahuviya building a dam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23597
File 132265196494.png - (659.81KB , 424x745 , prettygirl.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Friendly neighbourhood Beaverman.
>> No. 23598
File 132265341773.jpg - (279.36KB , 900x2382 , Bishie_ADF___At_179_Pounds_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With a special dedication for Rika Stiles

>There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)
>There's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)
>With a trembling heart, he's coming through your door (How much longer?)
>With his straining sex in his jumping paw (How much longer?)
>Ooh, there's a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)

>And he's old and he's stupid and he's hungry and he's sore
>And he's blind and he's lame and he's dirty and he's poor
>Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, gimme more, gimme more (How much longer?)
>There's a devil crawling along your floor

>WOMANMAN! Haha! And here I stand
>Forever, amen
>> No. 23599
File 132265964527.png - (109.54KB , 900x891 , fuck yeah.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Holy shit, the original "Lolcow Interviewed" has almost 100.000 views. For comparison, Chris's most popular video "GOD AND THE BEAR" has 160.000 views in YouTube and it's over two years old.
I wonder if ADF can even comprehend how much he's being laughed at.
>> No. 23600
>> No. 23601
yeah but that's because it's sodomize philedalphia and it's topical and relevant and full of dungus. like I would print screen the "sodomize PHILEDALPHIA LET'S CHILL" status i found on facebook but i dont want to sully anyone.
>> No. 23602

There's a line in "Silence of the Lambs" describing Buffalo Bill: "He did not look much like a woman. He looked like a man inclined to fight with his fingernails."

And so help me I thought it the first time I saw a picture of ADF and now I can never get it out of my head.
>> No. 23603
Someone please switches his nipples and eyes like in that one CWC shoop!
>> No. 23604
File 13226739684.jpg - (866.67KB , 760x1800 , PansexualGenderqueerMTFTranswomynWithLesbianTenden.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23605
File 132267412765.png - (16.34KB , 558x567 , why.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I threw up a little.
>> No. 23606
File 132267537477.jpg - (32.51KB , 600x546 , 131074057572.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you very much. I loled.
>> No. 23607
the naruto symbol drawn on his helmet with silver sharpie cracks me up
>> No. 23608
File 132271892496.jpg - (48.03KB , 450x328 , 1322105551001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If he ever tries to talk in Russian I'll get upset.
>> No. 23609
In his hilarious video where HE threatens to shoot anyone using male pronouns, he attempts Russian. I think. ADF says speaking languages other than English makes him sounds more feminine. Yeah.
>> No. 23611
File 132272791621.png - (68.81KB , 689x491 , 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not sure how many but the Alex Jones show has a lot of listeners/viewers and he tore into ADF regarding both with his appearance and ideologies.

Also I sent him a message about it and got a response!
>> No. 23612
>AJ hurt mah tranny feelings :(
And let's not forget Glenn Beck!
>> No. 23613
File 132273951144.jpg - (35.45KB , 640x427 , glenn-beck-crying.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23615
File 132273988186.jpg - (52.31KB , 338x450 , protesting at rittenhouse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Harel protesting at rittenhouse. Bourgeois beware!
>> No. 23616
I like how:
1. No one can read that, and
2. What you can read is grammatically inaccurate.

you go, phil
>> No. 23617
Could you post a higher res? Because "she" appears to be REALLY unshaven.
>> No. 23618
I noticed that too. Looks like "Maoist safehouse" doesn't have any razors.
>> No. 23619
File 132274091092.jpg - (126.57KB , 576x768 , bigger picture.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The highest resolution I could find.
>> No. 23620
File 132274096335.png - (9.11KB , 616x129 , newspaper article about harel.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23621
File 132274106999.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , Hitler smiling2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the Philadelphian police has invented a new sport
Kick the Autistic?
>> No. 23622
File 132274251825.jpg - (77.91KB , 426x476 , 93ce4e4227c359ef17dde6455b2f27dd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That face he's making strongly reminds me of the Van Camp's pork and beans kid. It's very unfortunate, but that seems to be his "default" face. ADF makes the weirdest unintentional facial expressions I've ever seen.
>> No. 23623
File 132274276866.jpg - (25.46KB , 448x474 , The face of autism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This. I've seen more personers than I care to count but ADF man...ADF's autism face is even worse than Chris's awkward rape face.
>> No. 23624
Kick the tranny
>> No. 23625
Oppress the Tranny.
>> No. 23626
File 132275211586.jpg - (111.75KB , 600x977 , _S_A_K_U_R_A___H_A_R_U_N_O__by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's actually pretty mild.

Let me post a few of my all time favourite ADFaces.
>> No. 23627
File 132275217749.jpg - (85.25KB , 900x540 , adf_as_sasu_in_gorman__s_album_by_adf_fuensalida-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The best a professional photographer could make of ADF.
>> No. 23628
File 13227522601.jpg - (242.29KB , 900x1740 , Ahuviya_gets_Her_Nails_Done_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23629
File 132275235512.jpg - (74.39KB , 900x599 , Convict_Itachi___Tough_Uchiha_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
prison fetish
>> No. 23630
File 132275240755.png - (520.48KB , 900x496 , icc_2010___sasusaku_lovin___xd_by_adf_fuensalida-d.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
not creepy
>> No. 23631
File 132275257524.jpg - (178.12KB , 900x1350 , little_japan_x_big_china_by_adf_fuensalida-d31o928.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
still not creepy

(this kid appears to be distressed, held tightly by a huge perverted retard)
>> No. 23632
File 132275264686.jpg - (148.96KB , 900x1200 , mtf_hrt_update___10_11_2010_by_adf_fuensalida-d32j.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the retard in question, turning into a tall female
>> No. 23633
>no hoverhand
Say what you want, but he's more alpha than you fags.
>> No. 23634
File 132275272525.jpg - (138.98KB , 900x808 , naruto_and_sherrie_cohen_by_adf_fuensalida-d30kzc7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A tall male with a short female was a tall female.
>> No. 23635
File 132275301146.jpg - (104.67KB , 900x600 , SAKURA_BEATING_UP_NARUTO_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Che Beavara liberating a banana republic, full retard mode initiated! But seriously, he looks like someone with Down's syndrome.
>> No. 23636
What the fuck is wrong with his face? I mean, even Chris-Chan has pictures where he look good, or at least normal (the Carlos Chantor pic, for example). ADF looks the same in every pic: like a retarded fuck.
>> No. 23637
ADFki needs "Creepy stare" article.

Of all ADF's retard faces, this one is my new favourite:
>> No. 23638
File 132275663453.jpg - (55.11KB , 500x455 , Hitler bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm on it. The article's long overdue. Keep retard pictures coming.
>> No. 23639
File 132275995672.jpg - (148.25KB , 900x1218 , ID__Girl__Imprisoned__For_CNN__by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
unshopped, dA ID
>> No. 23640
oh adf you are sooo smexy
>> No. 23641
File 132276006834.jpg - (93.30KB , 536x720 , 67701_154318741270737_100000778373584_237860_46871.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More "creepy stare" pics? Okay.
>> No. 23642
File 13227600821.jpg - (260.51KB , 900x1201 , Call_me_Felicia_X3_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23643
File 132276009516.jpg - (124.50KB , 900x815 , hd___10___russia_and_china_by_adf_fuensalida-d31h4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23644
File 132276010829.jpg - (133.35KB , 900x769 , rochu__an_unstoppable_alliance_by_adf_fuensalida-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23645
File 13227602041.jpg - (943.77KB , 1688x2260 , ADF__The_Skater_Teme_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll just post some more in "the retard" series.
>> No. 23646
File 132276024844.jpg - (701.65KB , 1573x2109 , ID___Rollerblading_the_Park_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23647
File 132276027429.jpg - (220.56KB , 900x1633 , Sasuke___Wrathful_and_Majestic_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this title
>> No. 23648
File 13227603043.jpg - (595.18KB , 760x1140 , U_C_H_I_H_A___A_V_E_N_G_E_R_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Artistic Retard"
>> No. 23649
What is going on with his third and forth finger?
>> No. 23650
That picture, I lol'd
>> No. 23651
>Catching up on the ADF wiki
>Read this:

With this ongoing battle with the McCain supporters on the Interwebs, you'd think that in itself would be enough on my plate with regards to the Election Campaign. The last thing I'd expect would be snide commentary from none other than the former GSA President *cough* The lame-ass seme called Dusty! *cough* He, once again, even after his graduation, attempting to insert himself into GSA politics and plays the Apersoner's card like the Ace of Spades in a game of Blackjack!
For those of whom who are in my GSA at my school, this is gonna be really good reading for you guys. I am going to give you insight about the former GSA President, Dusty, and how plays the Apersoner's Card when dealing with me and uses it for undue negative influence for those around him. Most notable of those people he has influenced was the Anime Club I was formerly President of, and of course as aforementioned, no longer seeking re-election for because he with Corrie, sad to say have successfully turned them against me on cheap Anti-Apersoner's propaganda.

A couple of questions:
Can anyone give me the background info on what really happened?
Any more info on ADF during his time in the GSA?
Was is his current status with the GSA?
>> No. 23652
Looks like he tries hard not letting it look like a hoverhand. Like "if I touch her with two fingers it's the same as hugging her."
>> No. 23653
Basically, Dusty and Kourine wanted to help him, because most of the people within both clubs started to notice how weird he was and he threw a person-fit over it.
>> No. 23654
And the long version?

Also I think you should interview more people, like you did with his dad.
>> No. 23655

>Now I have a gun and those dang dirty capitalist homo nazi KKK fascist cisgender revisionist skinhead trolls will leave me alone and I will become a woman!
Heh heh, nah.
>> No. 23656

Anyone else thinks that he looks like Doofy from Scary Movie in that picture?


He's so full of shit. They're not going to give him a carry permit, especially not after they pull up the police record of the time he was interviewed by the police over his picture of McCain.
>> No. 23657
File 132293599333.jpg - (180.81KB , 648x680 , 12956229821.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
anyone else think he specifically put socialism into his search bar just to show off how hardcore he is in that screenshot? there's no other tabs open to indicate he's actually searching it- just facebook and hotmail.

that. fucking. hair.
>> No. 23658

So much bullshit. First of all he has no money for the application fee. He has no references who would vouch for his character. A simple background check (google search) would show how unstable he is and finally, it doesn't take 3 months to get approved.
>> No. 23659

>anyone else think he specifically put socialism into his search bar just to show off how hardcore he is in that screenshot?

Kind of just makes him look like he doesn't even have a fucking clue what it is.
>> No. 23660
here's a collection of cropped face pics you can use
<a href=>>/b/8418</a>">http://789chan.org/b/res/6711.html#8418>>>>/b/8418</a>
>> No. 23662
Ok, html on here is fucked up. If I post the raw link, it just treats it as any old hyperlink. If I format it for html, it makes the internal link right, but still spits out the html as junk text. fuck.
>> No. 23664
>Should all heteronormative republican homophobes, cisgender KKK-conservatives and gender-advantaged men of all sexual orientations fear for their lives now?
LOL'd hard. It's just hilarious to imagine ADF "protesting" (leeching off Sodomize event) constantly glaring over his shoulder for gender advantaged male homosexual nazi skinhead Ku Klux Klan conservative Tea Party cisgender heteronormative capitalist revisionist Ukrainian JERKS stalking him. The two (badly) drawn pictures of how he imagines his trolls give a good image of how he views his "enemies". I mean, how could someone who isn't pure evil POSSIBLY oppose his message of equality?
>> No. 23665
...JERKS who are also drug-using holocaust revisionist Transway antisemites. Not sure about that drug part anymore though, since ADF's now cool and E-D-G-E-Y and uses weed whenever he doesn't have to pay for it.
>> No. 23666
File 132294624915.jpg - (157.27KB , 1425x478 , nimetön.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
According to the wiki, ADF's a fan of Latuff. Didn't stop him from plagiarizing him however.
>> No. 23667
It's like ADF has a little knob in his head that controls his facial expressions but it's stuck on "rape"
>> No. 23668
I wonder why he changed the banner of al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia (Latuff's idols apparently) into a flag of Islamic Army of Palestinians in Iraq or something, I don't know.

(The real Palestinians in Iraq were not very combative and just lied down, allowing the Iraqis to victimise the shit out of them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Iraq#Persecution_of_Palestinians_in_postwar_Iraq - and guess what, like always no one cared, like always when Isreali are not involved.)

I'm not even asking "why Naruto".
>> No. 23669
File 132295017636.jpg - (40.90KB , 470x519 , Petercasadelosgritso.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd cast this guy right here to play ADF.
>> No. 23670
Not an Amerifag, what's the GSA?
>> No. 23671
I'm gonna assume gay straight alliance.
for kids that can't befriend gsy kids normally or just really like patting themselves on the back over how open minded they are
>> No. 23672
File 132295285126.jpg - (114.87KB , 727x563 , SasuNaru_-_Prop_8_Imprisonment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm not even asking "why Naruto".
Because ADF identifies with Naruto characters, and they are gay/trans/omnisexual communist/democrat anti-Bush depending on what he is at the moment.
>> No. 23673
google search bar in firefox retains the last search in the browser session, it doesnt clear itself. so probably not.
>> No. 23674
File 132297782196.png - (58.34KB , 838x983 , 1302910578450.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The fat fag's full of shit.
First off, Philly does everything they can to deny carry permits because they're a liberal city and hate the idea of people owning guns.
Second, you can't get a permit if you're currently facing criminal charges.
And third, you need to be a non-felon with no misdemeanors in the last 3 years to be approved.
So the question now is if he's lieing about the whole thing, or if he's going to walk around illegally with a handgun. Either way, I'm sure Philly PD would love to know that a developmentally disabled individual who believes he's on a quest to destroy capitalism, has talked about and drawn pictures of himself executing US political figures, and has been arrested multiple times at the sodomize Philly event while calling for a communist revolution, now owns a pistol and brags about killing people with it. After Loughner and that idiot who took pot-shots at the White House they take crazies with guns and a political agenda seriously now.
Kel-Tecs are fucking garbage too. I wonder how much jap shit he had to forgo to save up the ~$200 to buy one used.
>> No. 23675

Someone's giving it to him. So not only is he going to be carrying it around illegally, he probably won't even have it properly registered.
>> No. 23676
>And third, you need to be a non-felon with no misdemeanors in the last 3 years to be approved.

I thought about that, but...


>misdemeanor of the first degree.

"Obstructing Highways" is only a third degree misdemeanor. I understand that it still might weigh a good deal upon the background check, but it doesn't explicitly disqualify him.
>> No. 23677
File 132300693951.jpg - (27.88KB , 365x389 , smug 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If there really is a gun, I like to think it's like the laptop given to Chris, a small monetary sacrifice to ensure that the lolcow continues to give us some of that sweet, sweet milk. All friends ADF makes end up hating him very soon. If ADF really gets a gun, it isn't too hard to imagine what happens next: A new explosion of drama and lulz as ADF becomes even more hated by his fellow trannies. He'll probably make a few videos where he poses with his pea shooter, rubbing it in ecstasy, thinking he's finally a badass communist. And the Field Agents continue their valiant mission without interruption.
>> No. 23678
The best thing that could happen to ADF right now would be for some troll to dress up smartly and meet up with him with a carefully prepared neo-nazi presentation. Just act reasonable while pushing him to join their movement.

We've all been taking bets on how long till he switches to the far-right. I want somebody to speed it up. Sadly I am 5000 miles away.
>> No. 23679
All in all, ADF wants to belong. Belong to some loud, "rad" group that is totally shocking and unacceptable.

Memorial parades for the Waffen SS in European ex-communist countries are pretty popular. Although it's just mostly harmless gathering of people who wish to respect the veterans who fought Stalin, there's always a handful of ultranationalists as well. CaptainCommie told that Russian immigrants had erected a memorial to the Russians who fought Stalin in German forces and celebrate their memory twice a year.

ADF's a commie, but I've had the image he's one of the Rev "Stalin wasn't a real communist we're really the good guys" Left kids. He's so Russaboo that I could imagine him going there, and "slippery slope", he's a nazi. He blows everything out of proportions and does everything over, it isn't even unrealistic. Considering he shifted from Republican to gay Democrat just like that.

Though, I am afraid that event isn't held in Philly. Our best bet would be the Ukrainians but...yeah.
>> No. 23680
I think Nazi ADF would be hilarious, considering he takes pride in being queer, Jewish, and Russian, three of the betes noire of National Socialism. It would be like the Chappelle skit where he plays a black white supremacist.
>> No. 23681
Wait, ADF was a Republican too?
>> No. 23682
"Damn ZOG Gender Police oppressing da Aryan Princess!"

Oh yes. What, are you surprised?
>> No. 23683
ADF was everything except attractive or a woman.
>> No. 23684
There were fag Nazis (original Nazis), even very open like Ernst Rohm.

As mentioned, there was a plenty of Russian Nazis, and today like half (at least) of all Neo-Nazis in the world are in Russia.

There were many partially-Jewish Nazis (most famously Goering's deputy and war criminal, Field Marshal Milch), many Nazis were also rumored of being partially Jewish and this included Hitler himself (and a drunk Heydrich - Himmler's deputy - even once fired his pistol at his own image in the mirror, uttering "you filthy Jew"). There were also 100% Jewish Neo-Nazis (they were mostly hiding it), even Neo-Nazis in Israel.

Anyway ADF's Jewishness might be as fake as him being a Canadian etc.
>> No. 23685
it is. he picked it because it's an oppressed group/religion.
>> No. 23686
Talking about princesses, how is the "Native American princess" Jordan doing?
>> No. 23687
If I recall correctly, our nazi artfag Torture88 was Russian as well.

>even Neo-Nazis in Israel.
There's a Jewish Nazi Communist (NazBol) party in Israel. The concept itself is so bizarre I can't believe it has nothing to do with ADF.

In the 20s and 30s there was this jewish lolcow, Abba Ahimeir, who wanted fascist Israel. He also supported Mussolini. Nothing weird yet, Mussolini digged jews and didn't really care about race, there were many jews in Da Party. But here comes the funny part: He also supported Hitler. Yeah. He really liked nazism but wasn't all that into that whole antisemitism thing.

IIRC there was a borderline fascist party in Israel that got banned. It used a fist as it's symbol, history persons might be able to name it.

>Anyway ADF's Jewishness might be as fake as him being a Canadian etc.
And if it wasn't, it would cause him no trouble whatsoever to do another "180". But it is, one day he just said "Hey everybody, I'm a jew now!". He's claimed to be part Israeli. But according to him he's part every race in the world so it's quite safe to say that's just him wanting to be non-white and unique snowflake again.
>> No. 23688
Also regarding the fag Nazis, there was for example a horribly disgusting French homosexual (VERY into adoscelent boys, he was writing books about it) and enthusiastic collaborator, whose name escapes me now. He was pardoned after the war and spent the rest of his life hating America.

And speaking of writing, and Nazi fags, this novel is shockingly great and greatly shocking: http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2009-03-11-kindly-ones-controversy_N.htm - and really, really well researched.
>> No. 23689
File 132302561652.jpg - (161.36KB , 800x615 , I dont know seriously i swear i would tell you if .jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I once read a book about Finnish SS written in 40s-50s?, during Stalin-era anyway, horror propaganda book based on "well researched material". It was normal Soviet propaganda, trying to demonize everyone who fought peace-loving Uncle Joe. SS men murdering and raping Chechnyan women and children, all that. But the author was probably a closeted homosexual himself, as he had some unsettling fixation in gay sex, and went into lenghts describing the SS men fucking each other. It was unique book in all its weirdness, I should totally try to dig it up.
>> No. 23691
Nah, Nazbols are just punks. Literally. They're not racist and they're harmless.

I meant real Neo-Nazis, very much into Hitler and good ol' ultraviolence. They were calling themselves Patrol 36.
>> No. 23692
>They're not racist and they're harmless.
>"Slavic master race will rule over Eurasia!"
Harmless? Probably, no one will ever take them seriously. When ADF stops being cool, I say ADF becomes NazBol. NazBol or strasserist.
>> No. 23694
Or what if ADF became Antifa? That would fit his pseudocommunist and it would be perfectly retarded for him.
>> No. 23695
This is likely a retarded question, but does ADF have a rev left account? I'm sure he's likely been attacked by even those morons.
>> No. 23696
Not that we know. Actually, I think RevLeft is one of the few sites he'd fit in. I remember lurking "Antifascism" forum and I facepalmed so hard it almost flayed the skin off my face.

>I oppose fascism but I believe all those who do not actively support the revolution should be executed
>> No. 23697
File 132302933334.jpg - (37.58KB , 450x600 , smertzhidamup1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Totally harmless, I remember them "attacking" Russian and NATO officials with pies and flowers (and getting to prison in Russia for this).

But apparently there's some offshoot faction that totally digs antisemitism. Pic related. As opposed to the mainstream Nazbols at http://www.nazbol.ru/
>> No. 23698
No, it's really well-researched. The author's a French historian (atheist Jewish and born in America), and also a former humanitarian worker. Some people also speculated he was just a ghost writer for "the real author", who was a real former SS, it all felt so real. Anyway the author even travelled to all the places that he writes about.

Incidentally (speaking of Chechnya), there's even a part of it set in the North Caucasus, regarding the Nazi debate about what to do with the region's Mountain Jews once they got there: http://www.socialistreview.org.uk/article.php?articlenumber=10831
>> No. 23699
Anybody ever realize that PDK is like a reverse ADF?

They are both contrarian assholes who are extremists for the sake of being extremist, and they are obsessed with anime and fringe movements, and both have obsessions with Russia.

Only thing different is that PDK hates Irish, Scots, Christians, Muslims, and Jews(To the point that he even stated that the Celtic peoples were descended from the Ancient Israelites, to make them subhuman shock troops of the Abrahamic God) while ADF hates anything male

Yeah, ADF is like a lolcow Rosie O'Donnell, PDK is a lolcow Varg Vikernes
>> No. 23700
File 132303637195.jpg - (181.21KB , 1011x1225 , hannah-minx-cleavage-youtube-minxy-sexy-convention.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
why havent i seen this before
>> No. 23701
File 132303671194.jpg - (97.48KB , 900x675 , 1283839801865.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Because you haven't lurked long enough.
>> No. 23702
Got the name now, it was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_de_Montherlant

And there was also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abel_Bonnard (also a homo) and I kind of mixed them each other and into a one person. Anyway Montherlant was still a fascist homosexual deviant (literally, he was an active pedophile), and a collaborator.

>Giono’s pacifism, Montherlant’s nihilistic ethics and sexual politics, and Châteaubriant’s Christian mysticism, no matter how diverse, and largely contradictory, these passions were, all led them to collusion with Vichy, Fascism and/or Nazism. The one question of major interest to Golsan is posed in the chapter on Châteaubriant, but could be asked of all three of the interwar writers he discusses: “In historical terms, if Châteaubriant’s collaborationism and his Hitler idolatry cannot be explained through recourse to what might be described as a French Fascist template or paradigm, what factors or beliefs account for and explain his complicity?” (p. 55). Golsan’s analysis shows that each of the three writers’ worldviews represented a specific component of the broader constellation of reactionary thought. None of them were strictly speaking “literary Fascists” (although Montherlant came close to fitting the mold), but they all shared some aspect of antimodernism.

>Giono’s idealization of peasant life, profound distrust of urban modernity and of the democratic politics of the Third Republic (especially the Popular Front) was a classic example of the antimodern primitivism and rural utopianism of which the work of Martin Heidegger represents the most influential philosophical elaboration. Giono’s views before the war were so congruent with Vichy’s Barrèsian retour à la terre that it is no wonder he actively supported Pétain’s regime. His contempt for the interwar Third Republic politicians naturally transferred to the Resistance, leading to his acceptance, and at times open support, of Nazi occupation. Montherlant’s cult of youth, virility and misogyny, contempt for slave races, and exaltation of heroic virtues and the beauty of the male body were closer to Fascist politics and aesthetics. Golsan argues that the tension in Montherlant’s work between “force and charity” and his obsession with a kind of individual, personal transcendental asceticism eventually led him to a pessimistic disenchantment with and disengaged indifference to the historical fate of Nazism. Because of the centrality of Montherlant’s sexuality to his male-centered warrior ethics, his acts of collaboration were also a means to an apolitical, self-serving end, “the freedom to roam the streets and movie houses in search of adolescent boys with whom the writer could have sex” (p. 49). Montherlant’s nihilism, whose roots were both metaphysical and sexual, ultimately led to self-deception and allowed him “to convince himself, at least, that he maintained his own ‘freedom’ during the war, despite compromising involvements and pronouncements, and to claim after the Liberation that he had not collaborated” (p. 50).
>> No. 23703
File 13230421541.jpg - (505.30KB , 770x1000 , ADF's Love Quest is finally over.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I couldn't fucking resist making this shoop.
>> No. 23704
can someone shop ADF into a hot girl?
>> No. 23705

Oh dear god, no.
>> No. 23706
File 132306014877.png - (14.32KB , 297x62 , Screen shot 2011-12-04 at 11_40_06 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just got an amazing captcha I had to share with you guys.
>> No. 23707
Ahuviya is fighting the court case. Expect more updates on the 23rd of February. Rika is going to be pissed.
>> No. 23708
File 132309749365.gif - (169.41KB , 350x197 , nod.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Karma's kicking ADF in the nuts. For once.
>> No. 23709
File 132310069321.jpg - (7.21KB , 191x187 , images-29.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Court case? I haven't been following ADF threads recently, but what charges is he facing and why? This is way more interesting to me than the trannies crying at each other and people bitching about ADF threads.

But there's no other mention of it in "Last 50 Posts" and there's no way it'll load the whole thread; you know how it is.
>> No. 23710
ADF and his hippie friends sodomized a highway to protest jerkop brutality, refused to move.
>> No. 23712
  I bet the professional revolutionary ADF would like to be more like this guy.

That's why he's not shaving!

>> No. 23713
I don't feel like screencapping, but Phil wasted no time labeling himself as "antifa" after seeing the word on /cwc/ and now he's making jokes about beating Jordan with a baseball bat to fight Nazism.
>> No. 23714
File 132312082331.jpg - (74.41KB , 532x454 , adf1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23715
File 132312084059.jpg - (103.98KB , 498x547 , adf2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23716
File 132312085611.jpg - (129.02KB , 531x532 , adf3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23718
File 132312329022.jpg - (122.76KB , 1196x666 , tranny kombat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
an artist's depiction
>> No. 23719
File 132313235073.jpg - (90.78KB , 640x480 , 30066_577701704339_34800029_33638852_7038473_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordman it's time to put you on blast. While you were oblivious and being the fake transgender. We passed a note around transway voting on whether we should expose you or not. We had a unanimous decision. Time to post them pictures and statuses.
>> No. 23720
File 132313258252.png - (30.62KB , 519x326 , calling jordman out.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Me and Rika calling your ass out. I'm a gayman but my transway agents have been informing me of your shenanigans. Even when we're not facebook friends, we still send each other messages and texts. keep this screencap up. I'm 100 percent okay with my identity being known.
>> No. 23721
I hate to make a "What-if?" post and run the risk of getting banned, but I wonder what an encounter between PDK and ADF would be like? They're both friendless losers, potential psychopaths, anti-Christian, and join fringe groups just to be extreme(ADF with Communism, PDK with Paganism). One wants to be a Maoist Sasuke with female genitals, the other wants to be the next Varg Vikernes and bang Megan Schroeder.

They have a lot in common, though PDK is marginally more sane(And I may be wrong about that, as we don't know as much about him as we do ADF)
>> No. 23722
I'm interested to see how this tard fight would carry out
>> No. 23723
File 132314752377.png - (10.27KB , 470x168 , PDK subscribed to ADF.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess who subscribed to ADF?
>> No. 23724
Already established he lurks here.
>> No. 23725
this is made of awesome
>> No. 23726
File 132315933860.jpg - (23.77KB , 226x320 , antifa+faction[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>is it possible for a tranny to be anti-semitic Nazis
Antifa Action is basically a skinhead gang for kids who aren't enough hardcore to become genuine skinheads, so they beat up people FOR EQUALITY. ADF, here's some food for thought: Antifas usually support local far left/communist parties, and threaten and assault people who vote for central-right/right parties. Who else did that? Sturmabteilung

I'm temptated to make RevLeft account just to let them know that ADF exists. Though I'm quite sure they would be like autistic sonicfags and whine that he gives True and Honest antifas a bad name.
>> No. 23727
File 13231636633.jpg - (65.47KB , 640x428 , Autonome_Nationalisten-Schwarzer_Block.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gentlemen, I give you ADF's next step towards nazism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonome_Nationalisten
>> No. 23728
Dunno, in my country they mostly just brawl with the Neos and actually protect normal people.

But then last month we had some visiting German Antifas and some of them were assholes, wanted to stir up shit and fight jerkops for no reason, in the end 6 of them had to be isolated. Guess it was sort of guys who would join the Red Army Faction if it still existed.
>> No. 23729
  >Dunno, in my country they mostly just brawl with the Neos and actually protect normal people.
In my country they're pretty harmless, but total lolcow material. There's "antifascist committee" of ten or so people who mostly shout at Mannerheim's statues and wave red flag at Winter War memorials. They're led by a neckbearded guy called Bäckman who lectures how Finland is ebul, and actually got banned from Estonia for making a scene/trying to make a scene in a memorial parade of people who fell protecting Estonia from Red Army. He also went to Russia to salute Otto Kuusinen's statue. A good allegory would probably be Norwegian saluting Vidkun Quisling's statue. If he had been born some 20 years later he'd mostly definitely be an internet lolcow.

Video, fun starts at 2:30.
>> No. 23730
File 132316865742.jpg - (103.25KB , 434x584 , rated r for retarded.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think PDK actually hates Vargie for the murder of Euronymous.

Another fanart, 88 minutes and 14 minutes in MS Paint.
>> No. 23731
File 132316875115.jpg - (44.90KB , 350x473 , lmao6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"get a latte"
>> No. 23732
File 132316922755.png - (36.20KB , 1230x1229 , 1310044065209.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I heard from my Swedish friends local antifas mostly attack pro-Israel demonstrations and beat up jews with muslim immigrants. And there was a couple of times in newspapers how Antifas had raped their own female members. And times one time they tried to murder some Democrat minister...someone. Can't recall, but there was huge drama around it.

Guess you've been lucky and met some balanced and rational people instead of total raging retards that antifas usually seem to be.
>> No. 23733
Beating up Jews, raping women, trying to kill officials... Fuck. They are acting like Nazis.
>> No. 23734
That's the joke.
>> No. 23735
It's no joke son
>> No. 23736
Makes you feel tough
Makes you think you're a badass
Like you're part of something
Like you are what you dress

And cool too
Part of the baddest crew
Where opression seems to be wrong
unless its fucking used by you

It's funny because it describes both antifas and skinheads equally well.
>> No. 23737
File 132317475532.jpg - (10.75KB , 394x319 , 132132478941.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23738
...and then back to ADF before this turns into arguing which E-D-G-A-Y group is, like, totally cool and badass.

Could someone tell me about this Jordman guy. Is he another extremist tranny or just plain insane? Any particular reason why ADF called him a nazi, or was that just normal ADF labeling everything he doesn't like either nazi or fascist?
>> No. 23739

Might it have something to do with the sign in o.ps picture...
>> No. 23740
File 132317577759.gif - (1.02MB , 190x167 , www_portalversus_com_br_wp-content_uploads_michael.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...I...am actually even more confused now.

There is nothing in this thread that does not confuse me. Oh well, guess constant confusion is something you have to learn to deal with if you want to follow insane lolcows. Perhaps I'm retarded myself if I'm trying to rationalize a tard war. Guess I should just sit down and enjoy the show.
>> No. 23741
Not a minister, but the Swedish AFA might be indeed the closes thing to a far-left terrorist organisation in Europe today.

The video is of how the things used to be.
>> No. 23742
Hahaha, that just never gets old.

>As a person who has trolled-
Stopped reading there. I seriously hope you don't say that.

>hating homos and lying about sexual abuse
Sounds like Jordman and Manhuviya have more in common than I thought.
>> No. 23743
I wonder if it was this case: http://www.therightperspective.org/2010/09/14/leftists-cut-swastika-into-far-right-pol-forehead/
Yeah, sorry, but try to find a neutral American news site writing about something that happens in Europe.
>> No. 23744
It's like when blacks accuse orthodox jews of being racist for offering large amounts of cash for apartments near temples which happen to be in black neighborhoods. They do this because they can't drive on Saturday and have to go pray. The black racist say "see they are trying to drive us out" with cash.
>> No. 23745
File 132318073975.jpg - (309.58KB , 742x600 , JordMan VS ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More JordMan vs. ADF fanart for y'all.
>> No. 23746
File 13231814354.jpg - (8.19KB , 204x247 , Hitler oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just want you to know that I love your art. Here, have a ticket. With it you can have one (1) Hoarded Lulz™ of your choosing. It cannot be exchanged for cash. Expires in 2015.
>> No. 23747
File 132318176251.jpg - (45.22KB , 387x577 , Hitler serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...and this reminded me. ADF, you were supposed to post the drawing of the Inner Circle in SS uniforms months ago. Don't force us to play Oppress the Autistic.
>> No. 23748
ADF actually has no jewhair.
>> No. 23749
File 13231826797.jpg - (81.73KB , 274x300 , Black Gestapo sm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Judging from >>135198 it's gotta be something like that.

>niggos, my only weakness (besides illegal immigrants)
>> No. 23751
My mother still hasn't gotten those. Fat faces don't always get all wrinkly, they droop.
>> No. 23752
File 132318796292.jpg - (8.41KB , 300x225 , clockwork_orange_4x3mtd_na-151.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nazi ADF and his Little Sasuke
>> No. 23753
File 132319190511.gif - (1.68MB , 254x275 , Colbert laugh.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What I would pay to see ADF joining those shu badass and edgy antifas and tard rage at some random guy.

Please tell me there's some AFA group in Philly.
>> No. 23756
So did ADF actually stalk Jordman? Given ADF's past stalking behavior it seems likely
>> No. 23757
I wonder. Was Jordan the "girlfriend" from http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/DeviantART_journals_2011_(ADF-Fuensalida) ?
>> No. 23758
Hey, can you illustrate ADF's recent JenkinsJinkies moment on the wiki?

Here's the info of the event; http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/The_ADFki#Commie_Tranny_Infiltration_Extravaganza
>> No. 23759
Could be http://adfki.wikinet.org/wiki/Melissa .
>> No. 23760
But Mellisa was an e-relationship, and here it is:
>and today I was on a date with my Naruto Uzumaki for New Year's Eve
>Went to the Movies, We saw Black Swan

Oh, and also!

>However that may be closer than you think , I have someone in one of my Trans support groups who seems interested in me. She's a Genderqueer Female who does really like me, and she would make a wonderful Uzumaki Naruto
>I would sit next to her and she would pet my right hand (even when I have my gloves on)
>I mean we are only just friends but I see something happening soon with her -- I just do not know yet and can't say and won't say until I am certain -- its just flirting for now IDK
>We will see if this Dobe is real


Definitely Jordan. Also lol.
>> No. 23761

Apparently PDK and ADF are friends on Facebook and have even begun corresponding
>> No. 23762
File 132320389082.png - (81.22KB , 468x971 , PDK ADF what the hell.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've noticed
>> No. 23763

Now PDK is clogging ADF's page with Black Metal videos

Let's start taking bets at how long it is before ADF becomes a Trve Kvlt Tranny
>> No. 23764
I read this and

>Paul David Smith
>overthrow the trannies of the United States

wait, what?

>overthrow the tyrannies

ah, okay.
>> No. 23765
File 132320439035.jpg - (8.75KB , 205x197 , Hitler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I never doubted you guys could pull it off. Thanks PDK Inner Circle. Lolcows have this fascinating amplifying effect on lulz. When two or more lolcows are brought together, the lulz grow exponentially.

What will the lolcows do next? That you will see in the next episode.
>> No. 23766
File 132320478472.jpg - (20.57KB , 291x465 , 384958_287735901262353_100000778373584_779321_1003.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's new profile picture.
>> No. 23767
File 13232049901.png - (127.00KB , 320x240 , cozy homer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not gonna draw any conclusions here. I'll just wait and see.
>> No. 23768
Well, compared to Lurch there, ADF looks pretty normal in that pic.
>> No. 23769
But keep in mind he's supposed to be a woman in that picture.
>> No. 23770
I wonder how long it's gonna be until ADF sees PDK's Anti-Communist/White Army/Tsarist posts and flips out?

I'm surprised he didn't tard rage when a cisgender straight male sent him a friend invite.
>> No. 23771
File 132321287829.jpg - (246.09KB , 718x800 , VDV-Nemesis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here you go. A little something based on CWC's original "JenkinsJinkies" image.
>> No. 23772
File 132321302439.jpg - (158.69KB , 506x800 , Antifa ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...and here's one for the anon that requested an Antifa version of ADF.
>> No. 23773
You know what's the funniest thing in that whole JenkinsJinkies thing?

"This user is ADF" template was created on 19 August.

VDV's first edit was made on 28 September.

Is he predictable or what?
>> No. 23775
Liking them.

In ADF's mind, his trolls are fascists. So, Antifa must be like trollbusters to him. If he ever joined some local AFA group, he'd sigh at the number of immigrants hanging out with antifas. Then he would probably start raging about dang internet trolls mocking his good name.
>> No. 23776
ADF is funny to me because he's one of the most annoying people I've ever seen, but the person I respect most is a friend of mine who is (no lie) a transwoman and a Marxist. Its so bizarre that these two individuals who are at the opposite ends of my Scale of Respect both have these really obscure attributes. Obviously for my friend's privacy I can't show you her, but I think you would all go NUTS for this 'Anti-ADF'. Liquid ADF, if you will. She ain't a jew or a zionist though (thank god).
>> No. 23777
File 132321790279.png - (166.51KB , 1025x150 , aalal.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She ain't a jew or a zionist though
Jewish Internet Defence Force.

Aka JIDF. Extremely butthurt group of insane conspiracy epin leejun anaonomus "raiding" jews who are led by a jewish girlvinyl who tries to make profit by selling shit with JIDF logo.

Can we get ADF to join it? I mean, he already declared himself an antifa. It would be just another drop in the sea of retardation, but out of all labels he's collected, I think "JIDF" would be amongst the funniest.

Image related, I'm not making this shit up.
>> No. 23778
File 132321875377.jpg - (15.34KB , 230x150 , VSalKickA-JewDay230x150-EN.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I apologize samefagging, but I started to read the site and holy shit it's some hilarious shit.

The image is from the site, unaltered.
>> No. 23779
File 132322686320.jpg - (20.47KB , 500x312 , omarlittle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordan is the biggest hypocrite I met. Here is a sample of jordan's facebook journal. I got from my transway spys. You're ableism shows when talking about ahuviyas mental state.

by Jordan Gwendolyn on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 2:59pm

This is an open letter not to pass judgment, but on how I feel the radical community in general has a dismissive attitude towards people with disabilities, especially those with mental health issues. I fear I may never go to demonstrations/actions again because I feel an incident similar to what happened at the World Bank/IMF protests last April will repeat itself.

Let me give you an overview of what happened. I was at the convergence space for the WB/IMF protests in late april (some church in DC). I was mostly minding my own business and volunteering for legal aid when I get a call from my friend telling me to come back to the convergence space IMMEDIATELY. I then have to walk about 3 blocks, get on the metro for 2 stops, then walk another 6 blocks just so my friends could tell me I was creeping somebody out. CREEPING SOMEBODY OUT!!! I wasn't even bothering anybody and was respecting people's boundaries and somehow, somebody accuses me of creeping them out. I felt so bad, so scared, that I could not return to the convergence space and stayed with a friend of a friend, which then resulted in a complicated comedy of errors leading to a delayed return to NJ. (for those of you who have never met me in real life, I have some neurological ailments, plus mental health issues from both pre-existing and traumatic sources).

To be dismissive of the struggles that people like myself have with mental health is not only attacking someone based on something that is not their fault, but it is also classist, since governmental support for the disabled is extremely poor compared to many other countries, wait times, poor medical care, stigma, etc. I am beginning to feel as if being surrounded by Babylon is no different than being surrounded by anarchists in terms of acceptance.

I also would like to disclose that I too have made life hard for some people. Sometimes, somebody would do something to me to so trigger me, I would lash out at them. This has been quite costly to me, and I am the first person to admit I need help controlling my rage. I just want everyone to know that because of certain traumas (schoolyard bullying, 2 sexual assaults and people not believing me), I might react badly to certain things. This is not an excuse, but lets face it, people are like dogs, if you socialize them well from the start, they will fare well, but if you mistreat them, they will live with that for life and it will be harder for them to be socialized well.

I just want people not to be afraid of those with mental/neurological issues and to not stigmatize them, because stigmatization is what leads to violence, resentment, and tearing of the fabric of community. I want everybody to feel safe and have a safe space too, but I want to feel safe too knowing that I am not being stigmatized or judged because of my disability, because ableism is as much of a pressing issue as sexism (esp. manarchism), racism, homophobia, etc. etc."
>> No. 23780
i am actually mad for once at /cwc/ content. Not sure how to feel about it. Has Jordan ever even been diagnosed with anything?
>> No. 23781
File 132323036561.jpg - (51.07KB , 506x316 , The_Wire_Butchie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He has PTSD, Apersoners. Here's an article about his hate crime incident. Even a blind man can see the evil in Jordan's husky frame.

by Jordan Gwendolyn on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 8:37pm
Apparently, the Bergen County Prosecutor's office does not believe that responding to the statement "Haven't you ever seen a transgender persyn before" (in response to taunting over my gender expression) with "we slap n*ggas like you where I'm from, get outta here" is bias intimidation, thus, the charge is downgraded. I didn't bother asking, but its something only hearable in Mahwah municipal court; the. matter will be heard on April 6, 2010 at 7pm in the Mahwah Court House

It's time to get outraged at the fact that Mr. Prosecutor refuses to prosecute this as a hate crime (probably was told by Governor Christie not to prosecute this matter), and I feel it may be time to take action!!!!
• Jordan Gwendolyn

I go to a drag show and the abovementioned interaction happens. Then I go down to Ramapo Public Safety (basically RCNJs rent-a-cops) and fill out a statement, as do two witnesses. The person who said it was identified by security and g...ave a statement in which he did not completely deny what he did. Then, the Mahwah police collect mine, the two witness', and the culprit's statements and student is suspended
A week later, I sign the complaint at the Mahwah PD
A week after that, I receive mail that the student was indicted for bias intimidation
I discover that the address was botched
I discover that Ramapo is totally going soft on this kid, even thouggh this kid made a threat and should have been dealt with judicially
Today, I get a copy of the police report and check with the muni court to see if they actually served him (refer to abovementioned botched address), and they did, but the prosecutor downgraded the charge to something only hearable in municipal court
>> No. 23782
But....I thought it was an anarchist and hated laws and cops and stuff.

Anyway, it's hardly an outrage; charges get downgraded all the time because it's easier for everyone to do a plea bargain. The idea that Gov. Christie would give a nano-fuck about this case is side-splitting.

Also, I can't believe it uses that stupid feministard "yn" spelling; it realizes the etymologies are pretty seperate, right?
>> No. 23784
Damn jerkops!
>> No. 23785
Jordan got diagnosed with PTSD? Has it ever been proven? I call bullshit. You don't get PTSD from "schoolyard bullying."
>> No. 23786
So some nigger calls a him a fag and he tried to press charges.
Just want to let all you gays and trannies know that this is the reason most normal people don't like you. You all come off as whiny bitches because you don't tell people like Jordan to shut the fuck up.
>> No. 23787
Thanks Ryan!
>> No. 23788
File 132323333818.png - (11.27KB , 359x229 , fuck you .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"Allegedly". I don't know but Jordman claims it. Here is Jordan lying about racial slurs.
>> No. 23789
File 132323343451.jpg - (55.28KB , 640x400 , 262382_648254276419_34800029_34853925_7695854_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Double posting but this was the picture leading up to the gook comment.
>> No. 23790
Wow, you missed the part where I give a shit.
>> No. 23791
>Kalina Isato

Made her own fake Wikipedia page:
>> No. 23792

To be fair, it's not so bad. She's actually done shit.
>> No. 23793
Writing a wikipedia page about yourself makes it kind of obvious you have massively inflated ego.
>> No. 23794
Kalina is actually a very friendly person.
>> No. 23795
Tranny Kombat:


>When I got there, I was struck by the sight of the two former leaders of Transway whom had caused all the drama, and was nervous they were going to come after me
>> No. 23796
>Jewish Internet Defence Force.
>Australatina Defense Force
it's perfect!

I never understood why people felt the need to write a personal article about themselves on their user page. Do they think it's going to get them laid or something?
>> No. 23797
File 132328126268.png - (12.89KB , 264x233 , extreme and utter shock.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>her site
I'm just a dang dirty KKK cisgender heteronormative fascist oppressor here, so my opinion is automatically void...but...

...well, at least they're better than ADF.

ADF's next account: JIDF-Sasuke-teme.
>> No. 23798

Now, it may not be my place to say since I don't wear make-up, but it looks like she slaps it on pretty thick. Even for a photo shoot.
>> No. 23799
File 132330931258.jpg - (5.40KB , 126x123 , whattheshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>We did “mic checks” at various points in Center City. I would do one about drama in the trans community and how we need to band together despite our differences, a sentiment that was met with applause.
>> No. 23800
Is it just me or is adf a master troll? Even his name is designed to troll orthodox Jews.
>> No. 23801
>> No. 23802
File 132331298095.png - (29.68KB , 452x388 , harel is not friends anymore with maria.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pupo is not friends with Harel anymore. Trey and James with the ukranians confirmed this.
>> No. 23803
On that note, was Jordan's facebook deleted?
>> No. 23804
File 132331378878.jpg - (34.85KB , 314x420 , future trunks.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's up. Jordman just blocks everyone. That fat dude blocked you harel. Don't get down. If you want to talk about a plan to make jordman recede. message me on facebook. you know who I is.
>> No. 23805
No, you were probably blocked. Heh, join the club . . .
>> No. 23806
File 132331521154.png - (67.07KB , 495x933 , adf wall.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fresh from ADF's wall
>> No. 23807
Why does ADF proclaim himself Jewish? I know he doesn't practice Judaism in actuality, but why would a transgender accept the religion whose holy texts condemn queer individuals. In fact, those Jewish texts were the first religious texts to condemn homosexuality and transgenders. Christians and Muslims would later adapt them.

Given his hard-on for communism, I'd think ADF would be atheist, but not so.
>> No. 23808
File 132331584725.png - (15.01KB , 442x168 , PDK nazi.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of which. Guess what PDK wrote on ADF's wall
>> No. 23809
Wow, PDK has some issues. Did someone claiming to be a Christian kill his family or something?
>> No. 23810

I KNEW it! PDK is a Nazi. Still don't know why he hates Celtic peoples such as the Irish (He's also attacked the Scots and the Appalachian-Americans, but the Irish bear the brunt of his attacks)
>> No. 23811
No, his Christian family trolls him on a daily basis and now he's butthurt
>> No. 23812

At first, I thought PDK was just a retarded lolcow. Now I think he's not so much retarded as he has deep psychological and emotional issues.
>> No. 23813

Any clue on his hatred of the Irish? His hatred of the Irish/Scots/Celts is even more virulent than his hatred of Christianity.

I'd think his Irish troll family would be the cause, but given the intensity, they're probably not the sole cause.
>> No. 23814
It's not that they are less hardcore, it's that they have a different ideology. Antifa kids and neo nazis are only the same in that they both are kids acting like primitive fucktards. Hence all the violence. The reason why these people are attracted to these movements is that they lack complexity in their world views. Simple minded crap for simple minded children.

Fuck the skinheads and the boneheads. Oi
>> No. 23815

American antifa is more the type to support obama than an actual socialist or communist. American politics run to the right of europes. Our left is what they would call central right.
>> No. 23816
Funny part is that he deleted the gassing Jews comment faster than a ninja
>> No. 23817
>they both are kids acting like primitive fucktards
Guess someone had to point out the obvious, but now that everyone agrees, we can stop spe­rging and replying to comments posted over 50 comments ago, m'kay?

Fuck AFA and ARA.
>> No. 23818
Interesting that he is so virulent in his hatred of the Irish and the Scots, but the Welsh, who are also a Celtic people, seem to have completely escaped his notice.
>> No. 23819
So that he can further feed his own persecution complex. According to him, it's "more accepting" of him than Christianity. Yeah.

I also suspect it's because so many big names of communism were jews, but considering how much ADF knows about history and communism, I somehow doubt.
>> No. 23820
Hmm this could be an interesting involvement since PDK has supported the White Army of Russia in the past, and is something ADF abhors
>> No. 23821
PDK is a big fan of Stalin.
(I blame Euronymous.)

Nobody cares about the Welsh.

>why a Jew, a lonely Jew on Christmas

Later this evening -- My Mother, Her chump boyfriend Dale, and I will be seeing my one aunt over in Woodbury, New Jersey for her annual Christmas Eve Dinner (Tradition for over 25 years) -- I will be of course dressed up....as Sakura Haruno...because I am girl and can do that XD
Tomorrow -- I will be at the Holiday Potluck Dinner (dressed as Ossi Prussia) at William Way LGBT Community Center -- I believe dividing my time from family and my LGBT Community is the winning strategy for me coping with the holidays plus I get to meet new queer friends in the process
This Christmas is very different for me -- I am no longer a Christian, now as of this past Spring, a Secular Reform Jew/Borderline Agnostic -- So Christmas has really depreciated in its meaning with me over the years -- My political beliefs have changed too reinforcing that Christmas is one cruel greed-fueled over-commercialized Capitalist profit power play for the Retail Mall Economies of the West
Also -- its going to be different for me because I am changing my gender to Female and I still have family and friends who are gonna struggle with grasping this change
I think my pink hair and Sakura Outfit will get the point across rather quickly
Wanna tell ADF your Holiday plans?

>> No. 23822
Does anybody have a screencap of his status update where he said he didn't need to take part in some Jewish holiday because he was going through critical phase in his transition?
>> No. 23823
Oddly enough the religion actually can make exceptions for that sort of shit. If you are on meds that require food you don't need to fast for the holidays sort of things... this can extend to mental issues as well. Like they don't want your bad chi in temple or some shit
>> No. 23824
I know. But we all know ADF's "transition".
>> No. 23825
Read what the charter for reform judaism has to say about that some time. I believe that is why he chose the religion. He is reform right, because if he's conservative or orthodox I'm going to shit myself laughing.
>> No. 23826
And if he turns into a popular acid guru or turns out to be the next Hunter S Thomson, then what will we have unleashed upon the world?

I'm in.
>> No. 23827
>He is reform right, because if he's conservative or orthodox I'm going to shit myself laughing.
He is zionist to the extreme at least.

Oddly enough, he also digs Latuff.
>> No. 23828
That really doesn't answer the question. One is a political view and the other is a religion. They can be linked, but in this case it's extremely complicated.
>> No. 23829
What's going on at Transway? Who's the leader now? Did they realize their mistake and kick ADF and Jordman out?
>> No. 23830
File 132334654920.png - (16.86KB , 530x179 , Jordman_threatens_to_sue_.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
By the way Jordman, I'm still waiting for those brutal Philly police to come to my door and beat the shit out of me.

Maybe their boat ran out of gas in the middle of Atlantic Ocean?
>> No. 23831
Lost at sea.
>> No. 23832
Posting publicly information=violation of privacy?
>> No. 23833
Ain't it a miracle how lolcow brains work?
>> No. 23834
A lot of people discover the joys of 789 from the lolcows.
>> No. 23836
File 132339546811.jpg - (7.27KB , 183x158 , Bwahahahahahaha!!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this is a pretty clear cut case
< pic related
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