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File 132244047530.jpg - (76.72KB , 424x283 , asdfsdafawsgfawsdfsd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
23837 No. 23837
What the fuck happened with the JustineRPG thread?
Expand all images
>> No. 23838
Holy shit, it's gone!
>> No. 23839
>> No. 23840

>> No. 23841
confirmed for deleted, not sure why though.
I can post an archive after I remove the IPs.
>> No. 23842
>> No. 23843
Could've been because it had so many posts.
>> No. 23844
I was just wondering the same thing. This show must go on, he's super entertaining.
>> No. 23845
Ah man, I bet right now he has like fifty more facebook posts about eating his dragon wife's shit.
>> No. 23846
Is this the new JustinRPG thread?
Because there are some more friends-only videos he's posted on Facebook.
Specifically, one where he's petting a cat and says "Kitty, kitty" over and over again. It reminds me of Timbox's Lucy Liu video.
>> No. 23847
>> No. 23848
Obtain them for us at once.
>> No. 23850
Since the videos are friends-only, I can't get any of the online video downloading services to work.

Does anyone have a solution?

Really, only one of the videos is worth watching.
>> No. 23851
File 132245564872.png - (26.03KB , 467x281 , bird feces.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23852
I mean, I guess you could use something to tape the screen playingthe video. It'd be shitty as hell, but you've piqued my curiosity.
>> No. 23853

How is it false?
>> No. 23854
So, any progress with that? That thread was fantastic. I thought it would get archived for sure.
>> No. 23855
I just googled "how to download facebook video" and I got a few results. I have no idea how they work, but it's worth a try.
1. http://www.downfacebook.com/
2. http://www.facebookvideodown.com/
3. How to use the one above: http://hellboundbloggers.com/2010/07/25/download-facebook-videos/

:D Hope it works out!
>> No. 23856
Like I said, those downloading services don't work because the video is friends-only.
The sites' solution is to ask the owner of the video to change the status to public. lol okay
>> No. 23857
herp didn't look too closely. you can't copy the link address though? :O I'm not sure how facebook video works though. It's weird that you can't even copy the link address for it... I guess you could use a screen recorder? I've heard good things about camstudio.
>> No. 23858
Shouldn't something like video downloadhelper be able to download (really copy the temp flv or mov or mp4 or whatever) it without having to go through some stupid 3rd party?

If that fails, just find another way to capture the stream instead of trying to have someone else (the download sites) do your dirty work for you.
>> No. 23859
how bout recording it with camtasia or other screen capture sofware. It works for LPs, and the quality'd be better than if you recorded it with a RL cam.
>> No. 23861
This would be the best option. Play the video, record the thing, then post it on ze tubes, or share it around here if you aren't certain Justin can find out you're leaking his friends-only stuff.
>> No. 23863
Get a screencap video recorder or just a camera and film the screen.
>> No. 23864
You could try either downloadhelper or downthemall. I forget which it was, but there was a program for firefox that popped up a little icon whenever anything downloadable was loading on a page.

It would be as simple as clicking play, then quickly clicking the icon and selecting the proper file (usually saves as .flv) and clicking to download it before the video finishes loading on the page.

At least, that's how I used to download po- er, youtube clips.
>> No. 23865
Never checked the JustineRPG thread. Anyone give me a quick summary?
>> No. 23866
File 132248930542.jpg - (428.06KB , 1280x1085 , moltresabomination.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23867
File 132249284177.gif - (1.39MB , 240x252 , 1293455754983.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It appalls me that this guy is from the same town as I am.

At least with Chris I have a few hundred miles of distance from him.
>> No. 23868
File 132249442328.png - (331.69KB , 492x341 , 132146283386.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Zomg mayeb ysou cango take picteurs as a FEISLD AGENt!!1 maybe PVCC wilk pay u for it tHHAT WOULD BE EPUN WEIIIIN LULZ MOLTRAAAAYS.

No, but really, you shouldn't say things like that. It's not relevant to the topic at hand that he lives in your town unless you've actually interacted with him at some point in your life, or at least have a story to share. Otherwise, you're just reaching for attention. I know I'm not contributing anything but raeg, but /cwc/ thrives on it anyway.

In other news, has anyone seen him online lately? I was somehow under the impression he knew he was being watched, and DFE. Am I thinking of a different lolcow? I can't remember his tumblr or photobucket or wherever he posts his BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDER ART and I don't give enough of a fuck to look it up on my own. /r/ link, plox. It would be greatly appreciated.
>> No. 23869
It's perfectly relevant to the topic at hand. This board is for the discussion of lolcows last time I checked.

Just because I feel appalled that someone like this lives so close does not mean I am a field agent.

I'm sure there are a lot of other people from my region on this board who feel the same way about this awful excuse for a human being.
>> No. 23871

Just when you thought you were safe, huh? Crazy to imagine being so close to someone like that. Have to wonder, do you know the place that he was meowing karaoke in during that vid of his?

And it's related to topic at hand, no clue why >>132419 even countered that (then requested stuff as if doing that is any more related), hilarious image or not.
>> No. 23872
File 132251140883.jpg - (29.04KB , 655x557 , fsjal.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Apparently I am all over a website dedicated to trolling people!!!
>> No. 23873
>> No. 23874
One day, Justin Coolidge was walking in the jungle and he found a remote like object on the ground with one button on it. Curious, Justin pushes the button, then before Justin Coolidge realizes it, he is shrunk down to an inch tall.
Justin Coolidge hears a booming voice that says, "my experiment is almost complete, I have shrunken my first human ha ha ha ha ha, now time to get my orange bengal tiger ready"
Justin Coolidge is picked up by the person who’s voice he heard. It was a female human.
Justin asks "who are you, and what are you going to do with me?"
"my name is Jenna Russell and I will let the orange bengal tiger decide what to do with you, but first I am going to put you in a cup"
Jenna then puts Justin Coolidge into a glass, and Jenna takes off all her clothes and squats down above the glass with her vagina about 6 inches above the glass.
Jenna then pees in the glass.
"Help!" Justin Coolidge yells. Justin Coolidge closes his eyes as the glass fills with urine. Upon opening his eyes, Justin Coolidge notices that he is floating with only his head above the urine. Justin then looks up and is disappointed because he cannot get to the top. after about an hour of Justin Coolidge being in the glass of urine, Jenna Russell then takes Justin Coolidge out of the glass, and says "now, lick my vagina until I say stop"."
Justin Coolidge then says, "but I'm only an inch tall, your vagina is three times the size of me"
"I don't care," Jenna Russell says. Justin Coolidge starts to lick jenna's vagina. after an hour Jenna russell allows Justin to stop.
Then a girl named Kayla Klotch walks in and says "here is your orange bengal tiger." Jenna Russell then says "finally my plan can start."
Kayla asks, "can I mess with the shrunken man, first?" Jenna allows. Kayla then sticks Justin Coolidge up her vagina. Jenna and Kayla sit down to a game of Texas hold em Poker. after 2 hours, Kayla grabs Justin out of her vagina.
Jenna Russell and Kayla says together "time for the orange Bengal Tiger to do her work, Ha ha ha ha ha."
Kayla asks "may I do the honor?" Jenna allows.
Kayla then takes Justin Coolidge and puts him in the orange Bengal tiger's vagina while Justin Says, " don't put me there!"
Kayla says, "too late!" then Heather Strouse comes in with a male orange bengal tiger.
Jenna Russell says to Kayla Klotch and Heather Strouse, "you thinking what I'm thinking?, let's make the two orange bengal tigers have sexual intercourse."
All three girls say "yes!!", the male orange bengal tiger is brought to the female orange bengal tiger, the male orange bengal tiger is attracted and mates with the female.
Justin Coolidge inside the female orange bengal tiger's vagina feels the male tiger's penis, "Shit, Why is this happening to me? This is not nessessary!"
Moments later Justin Coolidge is swimming in the male orange Bengal Tiger's semen. upset, but cannot do a thing about it. The two orange bengal tigers mate for about an hour, then the male orange bengal tiger takes his penis out of the female orange bengal tiger's vagina, Justin Coolidge falls out of the tiger's pussy in the process. Jenna Russell picks Justin Coolidge up.
Justin asks, "can i go home now?" Jenna says, "no, I have another plan for you!"
Justin says, "oh no!"
Then Heather Strouse asks, "may I?"
Jenna allows. Heather Strouse then puts Justin Coolidge in the female orange bengal Tiger's mouth, the bengal tiger swallows Justin Coolidge whole. Justin inside the orange bengal tiger's stomach screaming and hollering but no one can hear Justin. a few hours later the orange bengal tiger's digestive juices start doing their work, digesting Justin Coolidge alive, after another hour Justin Coolidge is fully digested And leaves the stomach, on through the liver, into the small intestine and into the large intestine, then the orange bengal tiger poops out what's left of Justin's remains, his bones covered in poop.
>> No. 23876
>Justin Coolidge was walking when Justin Coolidge saw something and then Justin Coolidge Justin Coolidge Justin Coolidge Justin Coolidge.
>Justin Coolidge Justin Coolidge Justin Coolidge.
>Justin Coolidge Jenna Russell Justin Coolidge Jenna Russell.

(At first I thought you were just fucking with us, but a quick google seach with the first sentence told me otherwise.)
>> No. 23877
>> No. 23878
File 132252093339.jpg - (8.46KB , 295x175 , naked_strip_poker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Kayla then sticks Justin Coolidge up her vagina. Jenna and Kayla sit down to a game of Texas hold em Poker.

I can't stop laughing at this part.
>> No. 23879

Do the people that he mentions in the story actually exist?

If so, it might be funny to link them to the story Justin wrote about them.
>> No. 23880

Samefag here. Did a google search on the story.

>>i wrote my first vore story, since i didn't get a response on my tiger story request. I decided to attempt to make one myself, the story is about me (justin Coolidge) the girls names are my old high school girlfriends (before I graduated) and is written in third person,
>> No. 23881
Did he really have girlfriends, or is he talking like Chris and he means "friends that are girls"?
>> No. 23882

Which do you think.
>> No. 23883
Going by Facebook, I don't think any of them are still in contact, unless they've gotten married and changed their last name. I think I *might* have found the Heather he's talking about but I don't really see the point in messaging a complete stranger and being like "hey this retarded guy you might vaguely remember from high school wrote a really gross story about you lololol". Especially if it's not actually her.
>> No. 23884
File 132252302718.png - (5.10KB , 532x170 , books.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23885
File 132252415431.png - (736.55KB , 745x663 , Justinrpg_Facebook_kaylagirlfriend.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23886
File 132252428477.png - (6.45KB , 504x164 , justinrpgreading.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23887
And creep them out and lead them to lasting feelings of disgust, self-loathing and insecurity?

Sounds good bro, get on it for great justice!
>> No. 23888

Use Realplayer or the youtube downloader from Free Studio, they rip youtube vids well.
>> No. 23889
this image is so creepy hes like 30+ and his g/f still looks like a teen... and he didn't think this picture would make him look like a pedo at all? lol
>> No. 23890
The video is what would happen to them.
>> No. 23891
Plus he's obsessed with Shit.

Guize, I think Justin is turning into Nick Bate
>> No. 23892
what the fhtagn?
>> No. 23893
>Take one look at a Lovecraftian Cosmic god
>eyes explode

Yeah, that seems about right.
>> No. 23894
Did you see that on /x/ too? I always wonder how much cross-over that place has with /cwc/.
>> No. 23895
File 132255738383.jpg - (3.12KB , 126x125 , 1322117248166.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Actually it's the other way around. I created that thread on /x/ after I saw the video here.
>> No. 23896
File 13225902858.jpg - (39.48KB , 500x375 , o R'lyeh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23897
Here's a scary thought:People are going to go in that pool room later. They'll never see it coming.
>> No. 23898
File 132260002090.jpg - (11.11KB , 254x250 , 07-01-08_TomBaker_03.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23899
RealPlayer's flash video downloader for Firefox should do the trick.
>> No. 23900
Okay, enough Lovecraft sper­ging, lets get back on topic.
>> No. 23901
Facebook and MySpace for the lazy:


>> No. 23902



>> No. 23903
>> No. 23904
Ok , lets get some pickle suits and go Christmas Caroling everyone ! We got a song.
>> No. 23905

>The EPIC Battle between the High-Functioning Autistic Warrior who was only searching for TRUE LOVE, and the EVIL WITCH of the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens who previously SHATTERED HIS HEART AND SOUL by making it OBVIOUS that it was ILLEGAL to have a Sweetheart of the opposite gender in Virginia... "VIRGINIA IS FOR VIRGINS!"
>> No. 23906

I'm so sorry 789

I'm so so sorry
>> No. 23907
Well, if I'm ever a serial killer, I know what the soundtrack will be while I hunt my victims.
>> No. 23908
File 132261493151.gif - (727.82KB , 180x120 , 5f33a6c0fb8625f7def5b16ce4fd8cde.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is like a song they would play at an insane furry rave party in hell
>> No. 23909

I really want to know what it sounds like to Justin.
>> No. 23910
I'm kind of drunk right now but for a second I thought I saw Rosechu in the middle of that.
>> No. 23911

what what what what what what
>> No. 23912

I just tore out my ballsac

Thanks 789chan
>> No. 23913
Does anybody here listen to the Residents?
Because I could imagine that being on a Residents album.
>> No. 23914
I was able to stand the full version of "I am James" and the music from The Demon Rush but this is just too much for me.
>> No. 23915

>> No. 23916
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5925832/ I love to ride moltres aaaall night long riding moltres is my transportation
>> No. 23917
the archive is posted on /L/, since that board allows zip files.
>> No. 23918
>>133002 another one, I think it's even better.
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5952398/ I'm addicted to the pokemon Reshiram, oh yes, reshiram.

It gets so much better (?) as it goes on. Highlight at 3:11: if I don't have something to do with Reshiram in a hour I go through withdrawals thats how much I like...thats how much I'm addicted to the Pokemon Reshiram, Reshiram.
>> No. 23919

I'm really considering putting these three songs on a loop and going to sleep.
>> No. 23920
Is he still reacting to Facebook trolls ? Haven't seen any post of that yet except for the one near start of the thread
>> No. 23921
Yup. Say goodbye to sleep for the next 5 years.
>> No. 23922
Yeah, this, and how are things going on the new Reshiram account?

That's very dangerous. Be careful.
>> No. 23923
Chris chan has a Frank Sinatra or Bing Crosby flavor compared to Justin.
>> No. 23924
Here's one he uploaded 13 hours ago.

>> No. 23925
I'm waiting for one of you to make an account and look "legit" and be his number one fan and request songs. Although I'm kinda feeling like http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zekromsbabe/ might be uh... "on our team"?
He's also taking requests kind of. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2954039/

Why don't I do it? Because I'd like to sit back and see this saga un-FUR-l into the splattered bird feces that it is encompassed by. I might drawfag it up at some point for rage instigation, but we'll see if that's ever needed.
>> No. 23926
Draw Reshiram cheating on him with his pastor.
>> No. 23927
That fucking retard logic

Playing the resihirim sound effect over other songs = wonderful music
>> No. 23928
I hope no attempts have been made to show this to his friends/family.
>> No. 23929
My God... what the fuck was that? I... I... that was like something out of a shitty creepypasta.
>> No. 23930
>> No. 23931
Terrifying homosexual deviantry, or a brilliant piece of outsider music?
>> No. 23932
Oh god the memories....
I love you guys.
>> No. 23933
File 132269474756.jpg - (5.02KB , 183x275 , bamast.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23934

Don't stop believing, as sung by justinrpg.
note: all lyrics are meowed.
>> No. 23935
File 132269678077.jpg - (36.47KB , 283x397 , 210.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>note: all lyrics are meowed.
>> No. 23936
I'm on it. got a pic of the pastor? also you're gonna have to excuse the shitty quality of it since I'm not sure where my tablet is. forgive me if I laptop rage-quit.
>> No. 23937
Oh god that sounds so creepy.
>> No. 23938
I used to love that song.....now I will think of a shit eating retard meowing like a cat when i hear it
>> No. 23939
You're not supposed to admit to liking Journey unless you're an orange cheerleader mom.
>> No. 23940
File 132270797895.jpg - (309.83KB , 553x368 , journey_05.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Haters gonna hate. I've performed Journey songs live.
>> No. 23941
That's almost as bad as the Glee cover.
>> No. 23942
Fuck. That's his mom there isn't it?

I feel for that poor woman, I really do.
>> No. 23943
File 132279595091.jpg - (479.19KB , 1500x1200 , 1247520005815.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
no words can describe the horrors of that so called song.
>> No. 23944
File 132280194463.jpg - (83.54KB , 788x548 , justinrpg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Alright, here's a shit drawing thing I did, since I got Flash recently I wanted to play around in that. So here you go, I wasted too much time playing around with it to not share. Excuse the terribadness, I have no idea where my tablet for drawing went.
>> No. 23945

"I have a sharp pain in my butt."
Words to live by.

Oh my God, what the fuck... this is an unholy abomination. It must be violently murdered, perhaps using some method of burning.
>> No. 23946
So, has he posted anything on FB recently?
>> No. 23950
Sorry for the samefagging, my computer was being stupid and i wasnt sure if my posts were loading or not
>> No. 23951
...If you feel that strongly about it, there's a checkbox next to your posts, and a delete button at the bottom right hand corner of this page...
>> No. 23952

Whoa a whole new single track from Justin RPG!
>> No. 23953
Anybody know how to download the songs? I want to upload "I'm a Furry" onto Youtube.
>> No. 23954
>take techno music
>add Reshiram's call to the background at random places
>> No. 23955
  I found this on the profile of one of those guys who uploads videos fron Nico Nico, the weeaboo youtube.

Someone should show it to this guy
>> No. 23956
Audio 1308170069_justinrpg_i_m_a_furry.mp3 - (469.61KB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:30 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
there's a download link on the page, just right-click "save as"
>> No. 23957
  Uploaded to Youtube so that it may disturb a wider audience
>> No. 23958
zero dislikes
>> No. 23959
...What, pray tell is that noise that is repeated over and over in the background?
>> No. 23960
It's the noise Reshiram makes in Pokemon.
>> No. 23961
File 13231328974.png - (17.40KB , 438x216 , pokemarriage.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 23962
File 13231589512.jpg - (105.54KB , 500x500 , 9b082a1a1f713e580715f66c455c7377.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Zekrom and Dawn's wedding
Isn't Dawn 12? And wtf is a Zekrom?
>> No. 23964
File 132315994420.png - (279.00KB , 594x778 , Zekrom.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought everyone in the show was permanently 10. Maybe they changed that in the many years since I watched the show. Pic related is Zekrom, apparently it is to Reshiram as Ho-oh was to Lugia or some shit.
>> No. 23965
File 132316038079.jpg - (14.82KB , 356x336 , 1315534757727.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Pic related is Zekrom, apparently it is to Reshiram as Ho-oh was to Lugia

>> No. 23966
Shaka, when the walls fell.
>> No. 23967
the white thing is to the black thing as a giant orange bird was to a giant flying whale with a really long neck
>> No. 23968
File 132319919195.png - (11.53KB , 449x75 , technicaldifficulties.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's stealing more music from YouTube to call his own.
>> No. 23969
  He created another video about Moltres.
>> No. 23970
It's so bad that it looks like it's on purpose...
>> No. 23971
On related videos.
Justinrpg shamelessly ripping artwork from other people.
>> No. 23972
Do you think it would be possible to get Justin to post on /cwc/?
>> No. 23973
File 132337693227.jpg - (50.20KB , 608x480 , 132148955481.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You don't even know Gen II? lol gentoo
>> No. 23975
He seems pretty passive aggressive. If he finds out about this board he will probably just lurk rather than talk.
>> No. 23976
He's already aware of it.

This might disappoint or annoy some of you, but I'm actually very close friends with him on Facebook. He trusts me so much that his Reshiram account asked me to become its sister and to become Justin's sister-in-law.
There's a lot of crazy shit that he sends me from all of his various character accounts and he's on Facebook pretty much non-stop.

Anyway, the disappointing part is that it's really boring and not that entertaining to keep up with all his insane and stupid bullshit. I have a buttload of content in the form of private messages and images and videos that are only visible to friends/family, but it's just not that entertaining. Keeping up with him is just too much work and not worth the amount of time necessary to maintain his trust and interest.
>> No. 23977
I guess that somebody with a fetish of eating bird poop and being eaten by giant girls that likes to think that he's married to a pokemon that only shouts "GRWAAAAAURGH" can't be any more surprising or amusing at this point.
>> No. 23978
you guys asked me to post on here so I will... here are the rumors that really aren't true there are four so far that aren't entirely true...

#1 I don't believe I am Married to a Pokemon, I just pretend, it's called role-play

#2 no, the music I create isn't stolen, it is created in this program by scratch http://www.modplug.com/trackerinfo.html program is called ModPlug

#3 the YouTube to Mp3, I don't call it my own, those go on my mp3 player and I write the artist tag as the original username who uploads it as 'their' credit

#4 no, I don't really like bird poop, just on paper, no I would not go out and do something like that in real life... I just like to make those kinds of things...

well yes, I do like to ride Moltres. but that is just for me to have fun with my spare time... and that is just role-play too

I am well aware Pokemon aren't real, but what's wrong with trying to have fun with my life using them??? I just want to get over my problems and that's how I do it

please don't make up there rumors if you don't know the whole story... you guys were stupid enough to post who you were creating accounts as, I reported all of them...
>> No. 23979
consider this your inner-circle confirmation; yes, this is the real justin. yes, he reads his thread on /cwc/. some whiteknight linked him to it a while ago.

hi justin.
>> No. 23980
>you guys were stupid enough to post who you were creating accounts as, I reported all of them...
Them's (internet) fightin' words.
>> No. 23981
Awww man, Modplug Tracker? That takes me back, good times good times.
>> No. 23982
Justin, if you're reporting my Pokemon RP accounts, I'm going to do the same to yours. Facebook doesn't really aprove of fake accounts for cartoon characters.

Say goodbye to your wife and your army of furry friends.
>> No. 23983
File 132354290594.jpg - (75.85KB , 630x420 , bird-poop-camry.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Justin.
Are you interested in buying a Toyota Camry?

There's this one that comes with free food for a year.
>> No. 23984
Justin eats the bird poop. Justin puts all of the bird poop in his mouth. Justin shoves himself up an orange Bengal tiger's vagina and stays there for 1.562 hours
>> No. 23985
I did not say Facebook did I? I meant the Fur Affinity and the YouTube accounts... I didn't report Facebook anything!!! ~Justin
>> No. 23986
can't we work out some kind of deal to stop this nonsense?
>> No. 23987
Tell your mom that you're sorry about what an ass you've been about the retarded Pokemon shit and turn your life around (at least no more I'M MARRIED TO A POKEMON, GUYS, ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM). Stop liking Pokemon so goddamn much to the point of fetishizing cartoon monsters. Then we'll stop because there would be nothing much to gawk at.
>> No. 23988
Justin gets a great deal on a used car covered in bird poop. Justin scratches the bird poop out of the car with a spatula. Justin scratch all off the bird poop. Justin eats the poop.
>> No. 23989
Justin, I get that you're probably autistic, or have some other disability, and that Pokemon lets you deal with your life. The thing is, to most other people, it seems weird and creepy, and when you add things like sex stuff, or putting the names of high school classmates in your sex writings, it's nothing short of disturbing.

It's none of our business what you decide to think about, but you should know that when you upload the sort of stuff you do onto the Internet, people are going to think you're weird and sick.

Some advice I've given other people who've been trolled on here is simple: Before you say something, or post in on the 'net, ask yourself, "What will people think about this? Is it what I want them to think about me?"
>> No. 23990
If you decide to get another Facebook account, try to at least look like a normal person and get rid of the Pokemon shit. Your friends and family are laughing in disgust at you. Think about how other people see you.
>> No. 23991

This. The trolling you're getting isn't because anyone dislikes you; it's because you upload stuff that's really really odd/amusing onto the Internet. Few, if any of us dislike you. The power is pretty much all yours, both in this situation and in real life: If you minimize the things people can make fun of about you, fewer people will make fun of you.
>> No. 23992
/cwc/--Autistics, Nazis, and high school guidance counselors.
>> No. 23993
your songs suck. Find another hobby. Seriously. For fucksakes listen to this shit:


Does that not scare the living shit out of you? It should.
>> No. 23994
File 132354611497.jpg - (50.43KB , 243x512 , white-knight-chronicles-playstation-3_40325-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why are you telling him to change?
There's hardly any new lolcows worth disscussing anymore and you do this?
>> No. 23995
ok, I know of a deal I can make... If you can stop this nonsense I'll remove the sex stuff from Fur Affinity and just leave the music... I'll be a music only account on Fur Affinity...
I can keep keep my Pokemon stuff as long as there is no sex involved... for example you are probably aware of when I type, I need a Fire Type Pokemon to put me on Fire in Bowling... all of you probably know about those posts!!! I'll keep my Reshiram wife too though because I am incapable of having a real wife... because that is just role-play too!!! it will be limited to those stuff... (but I will let my wife type she loves me)

do we have a deal?

btw, I do have a disability it is called Apersoners
>> No. 23996
That's how we gauge how good a lolcow is. If they're resistant to whiteknighting, then it's even better. Look at Chris. So many tried to get him to change in long phone calls, chat sessions, etc.

Besides, he already deleted his Facebook. What else is there to do?
>> No. 23997
Apersoners *typo
>> No. 23998
I see my typing keeps getting changed on here... my typing was changed twice
>> No. 23999
if you want to read about my disability http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apersoner_syndrome
>> No. 24000
No. No pokeywife or no deal.
>> No. 24001
apparently I cannot link you to my disability because this website keeps changing my typing of that disability
>> No. 24002
No. You have to make a third account, a male pokemon, and pretend your pokeyman wife is cheating you with him. Then you must announce you're breaking up with that whore.
>> No. 24003
File 132354663825.jpg - (71.88KB , 368x437 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24004
Not needed. Everyone On The Internet knows about assburgers.
>> No. 24005
Don't worry, we're quite familiar with your "disability".
>> No. 24006
Aspersoner Syndrome?
Are you still roleplaying? I've never heard of such a disability and I'm a professional mental health counselor.
>> No. 24007
come on... I am proud of my Pokemon wife... I already agreed to remove the sex... please allow me to keep her and still make this deal...
>> No. 24009

>proud of my pokemon wife

>> No. 24010
No. Stop being fake married to a fake thing. Try to obtain a real wife from your church. I'm sure a nice Christian woman is waiting for you to wed her.
>> No. 24011
Why don't you get a new wife, and life in a platonic relationship with her? As they both are entirely fictional, you could make up years of history of your relationship.

But you're unable to satisfy her sexually so she fucks REAL pokemons while you're eating tacos
>> No. 24012
>pokemon wife
She isn't a pokemon, because "she"'s you, and she's not your wife either because you're not married.
>> No. 24013
did I not tell you that I do this to get over my problems? here is another offer, If you allow me to keep my Pokemon wife, I won't take it as seriously as I have been...

even my current church doesn't mind it!! and I did not block my pastor, that is a pastor from a 'different' church
>> No. 24014
Justin, I'm curious: Why is it that you're so attracted to a Pokemon?

Like, I'm honestly curious about this.
>> No. 24015
>did I not tell you that I do this to get over my problems?
No, this is what I'd call "avoiding" problems. Like pretending you're in a relationship when you're not. Get in shape, socialize, and you'll get someone. The funny thing is, you can actually choose between a real wife and a pokemon wife that is really you.

PS: Why do you dig shit? How/why does it turn you on? Does it matter who shits, or are you just attracted to shit itself?
>> No. 24016
Idk really... just looked appealing to me... why are people attracted to furries? probably same answer
>> No. 24017
like I said it is 'on paper' I don't dig shit in real life!
>> No. 24018
Learn to cope with your problems by facing them head on. Do something valuable with your time. Volunteer at a foodbank or something, get a job at a grocery store, read the newspaper to old ladies at a retirement home. In the process, you'll realize that all of those social anxieties were only in your head and you can make the best out of your situation.... Or jack off to your fake pokemon spouse every night before going to sleep, doing nothing, being nobody, and unloved.
>> No. 24019
Justin, give us naked pictures of your mom.
>> No. 24020
Justin, you should make a YouTube video explaining why you like the things you do.
I'm not one of your trolls, I actually respect you.
But I think people might stop bullying you if they understood you.
>> No. 24021
Post a naked image of yourself. That's all we want really. I'd masturbate it to furiously.
>> No. 24022
I do, I volunteer at a place called HOPE Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I Bowl on Fridays, Church twice on Sunday's (that's half the week)
>> No. 24023

are you the Reshiram Unova account? *hey I learned how to reply to a number*
>> No. 24024
Get a job then. That's the next logical step. Get your own money. Just don't spend it on Pokemon shit.
>> No. 24025

Nah bro I think it's because some people are nice
>> No. 24026
I have a Job though HOPE Center... I cater when needed.. I catered for a dinner dance yesterday... this is only a once a month job though
>> No. 24028
Get a real 9-5 job, man. That once a month stuff is for pussies who can't get laid because they don't have the money.
>> No. 24029
You had my respect and support, but then you accused me of being a troll and blocked my accounts!
That's not fair. Just because of something someone typed on here and you believed it, even though it wasn't me. People can say whatever they want here, but I am the only real me because we talked on Facebook!
>> No. 24030
are you sure... I can unblock you if you are telling the truth... we can start over fresh
>> No. 24031
What is it about Reshiram that attracts you anyway? A body part? What?
>> No. 24032
the whole Reshiram attracts me... not just one part... why am I telling you this? are you being legit, or looking to troll?
>> No. 24033

>> No. 24034
File 13235485089.png - (36.61KB , 260x240 , 132.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
who wouldn't want a pokemon wife? look at this ditto, IT CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE
>> No. 24035
Yes, I am sure.
I even had Melody's trust. She sang at your wedding and I wish I could have been there too...
>> No. 24036
Something you need to do right now, Justin: Remove (Moltres Rider) from your Facebook name. Change your profile pic to a picture of you or not of a pokemon.
>> No. 24037
File 132354860057.jpg - (47.66KB , 448x336 , IMG_1370bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Erhm, Justin. Do you have the modplug track of 'Im a furry'? The harmony in it chilled my spine to oblivion and I want to know what notes are used, please brah.
>> No. 24038
would you agree to restart anew if I unblocked you and started over and re added as family?
>> No. 24039
cut this Jackie shit out.
do you really want him to just be perfectly normal and boring? way to kill a lolcow, you homosexual deviant
>> No. 24040
Justin, about that "I'm a Furry" song that >>137556 refers to... Were you aware that it would frighten people and forever haunt their nightmares?
>> No. 24041
File 13235487961.jpg - (44.00KB , 677x461 , 1314481411912.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24042
no, because that one was on lost when I had to format due to a virus.... I don't have anything prior to Sigilyph Dance?
>> No. 24043
Cry me a river, bro.
>> No. 24044
You have a vow from me of continued support and respect, as long as you give me the same and don't accuse me of things I didn't do...
>> No. 24045
Sorry, looks like you were Framed!
>> No. 24046
Justin, does >>132416 give you any feeling of shame?
>> No. 24047
yeah, and it wouldn't have been created if the power wouldn't have gone out!!!
>> No. 24048

So when the power goes out you want to eat pokemon shit and be shoved into a dragons butthole?
>> No. 24049
Care to elaborate?
>> No. 24050
Justin, where do you see yourself in five years?
>> No. 24051
Justin, what is your mom's bra size?
>> No. 24052
if I maxed out my settings how in the world are people still seeing my Facebook?
>> No. 24053

black magic granted to us by the machine gods
>> No. 24054
Reshiram gave us the keys behind your back.
>> No. 24055
Justin, just exactly how retarded are you? Autism?
>> No. 24056
He claims he has assburgers.
>> No. 24057

Really? Well, fuck this pokemon fucking homosexual deviant and his awesome hamburger poster then.
>> No. 24058
a s p e r g e r s...... that's what it is called (had to space it out to get it to type right)
>> No. 24059
No. Assburgers.
>> No. 24060
Justin. What does your mom think about your Pokemon wife?
>> No. 24061
she said she was fine with it...... it's my life, I can do what I like with it [her quote]
>> No. 24062
Really. She said that... Did she then disown you?
>> No. 24063
Do you realize that you're destroying any chance of having a real relationship with a real female by obsessing over Pokemon so much?
>> No. 24064
no she didn't... I am going to ignore you guys now... I am who I am and if you don't like it that is tough!! I don't have time to sit here and discuss this!! you can't change others that's all there is to it!! it is not worth my time to argue this!! *leaves*
>> No. 24065
Justin, my advice to you

1. Stop obsessing over Pokemon
2. Get a real job
3. Stop acting childish
4. Stop being a furry
5. Lose some weight and start taking care of yourself
6. Find yourself a TRUE and HONEST sweetheart from the ground up.
>> No. 24066
File 132355490329.jpg - (136.25KB , 1024x768 , TG20.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fine. Just know that if you continue on the same path that lead you here, this is what you'll become.
>> No. 24067
Your time has worth? How? What are you doing today?
>> No. 24068
I don't think it'll last forever... obsessions have come and gone my whole life!! bye!!
>> No. 24069
Let the man obsessive over what he will, my weird obsessions don't appear to stop me from getting laid... Or apparently gotten in the way of "serious relationships" no matter how many times I tell her I don't want it to be that serious... Anyway tldr he needs to be himself and work from there.
Maybe he could expand his horizons instead of trying to "change".
>> No. 24070
Obsession maybe isn't the right word. This guy tells everyone he knows that he's married to a Pokemon. Some kind of change has to happen.
>> No. 24071
Anon is a furry?
>> No. 24072
File 13235615775.jpg - (35.86KB , 407x594 , 383774_407925974979_81512169979_1417632_1163393122.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
was that the TRUE and HONEST justin??
>> No. 24073
My fetish is more complex... Anyway point is you can't change what you are into. That's wiring. You can however find more things to love. Branch out a little.
>> No. 24074

lolcow sense tingling

tell us more
>> No. 24075
Pretends to marry a Pokemon and takes it seriously.
Slew of badly photoshopped pictures
And good God, that music...

Seriously, explain to me how anyone could listen to that "I'm a furry" thing and think "nope. This doesn't sound more disturbing than 'Revolution 9,' 'Wozzeck,' and 'Threnody to the Victims at Hiroshima' thrown into a blender."
>> No. 24076
I said it before, and I'll say it again:

You could sneak the I'm a furry thing onto just about any album by The Residents and it'd be right at home.
>> No. 24077
*sniff* He's just like our little CWC.
>> No. 24078
Is he still around?
>> No. 24079
No he left, unfortunately.
>> No. 24080
He'll be back.
>> No. 24081
He won't. I'll make sure of it. I made a vow to protect him and his wife from the cyber bullies.
I will not go back on my Pokemon word!
>> No. 24082
He needs an ED page.
>> No. 24083

I like her to watch, but only because she doesn't like to. She cries afterwards and then I get to comfort her and have more sex. As to why she doesn't just leave me or refuse... beats me.

I'll admit that I'm deeply disturbed and dragging my girlfriend through hell.

You can't have my personal info, so good luck trolling me.
>> No. 24084

Cool story, liner notes from a Nine Inch Nails album.
>> No. 24085

>Anyway point is you can't change what you are into. That's wiring.

Nope, you can be conditioned to like and dislike almost anything with enough effort put into it.
>> No. 24086

Marcus Bachmann, is that you?
>> No. 24087
Justin, if you read this, let me tell you some things.
Don't excuse yourself with having As.pergers. You know what? Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon, has As.pergers as well, yet he has been successful at life.
I don't know what are those problems you are "getting over", but it doesn't take a wild guess what kind of problems they are. Making this kind of shit (no pun intended) surely makes those problems even worse, is that what you want? If you feel better thinking that you are married to a Pokemon, or that you are trapped in a giant stomach, do it in your own mind. If you don't want to be judged about it, just don't roleplay on Facebook nor put crappy shoops in fur affinity, it's common sense.
So you still think that we are blackmailing you or something? We are trying to help you.
If you decide to change, we'll applaud you. If you don't, we'll laugh at you, it's that simple.
>> No. 24088
Am I so jaded that I find attempts to help lolcows more amusing than attempts to actually milk them?
>> No. 24089
What album would that be? Has Trent gone soft in his old age? I didn't think it was THAT bad of a thing. Consenting adults and all.
What is your fetish?
>> No. 24090

Cooking shows.

Awwwwww yeah, watch that pasta boil!
>> No. 24091
He locked down his Facebook. Anybody still friends with him? Let him know he has some fans that would like to speak with him on /cwc/.
>> No. 24092
He won't come back here to cwc. He knows this is a board to troll people. Maybe try to get in contact with him on Pokecommunity. He goes there a lot.
>> No. 24093
Wild Moltres Shit eater appeared

Trolls used internet harassment

Wild Moltres shit eater fled

Oh well better luck with the next lolcow guys
>> No. 24094
File 132381999831.jpg - (143.35KB , 803x1024 , SchuComic9Page10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yeah maybe one that is actually funny
>> No. 24095
Julay storm in 3...2...1

>> No. 24096
File 132390180047.jpg - (110.02KB , 720x538 , 224814_216287348397747_100000494517633_853823_1140.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24097
File 132390207380.png - (24.14KB , 1379x307 , justinrpg_ekaportal_voredream1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24098
What a fascinating tale he weaves.
>> No. 24099
There's something depressing about people on this thread offering him advice on life, only to ignore it all and go back to making this.
>> No. 24100
File 132390235895.png - (29.03KB , 1382x390 , justinrpg_ekaportal_birdcrop.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24101
He is not coming back anyway.
>> No. 24102
His favourite animal is 'the bird'.
>> No. 24103
Fuck, and I thought the content was bad. But the grammar, man...
>> No. 24104
File 13239096631.png - (153.49KB , 1379x1500 , justinrpg_ekaportal_immentallyill.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apersoners isn't a mental illness.
>> No. 24105
File 13239103123.png - (15.67KB , 1383x252 , justinrpg_ekaportal_youngRydia.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24106
File 132391039789.png - (52.17KB , 1049x359 , Justinrpg_pokecommunity_marryingResiramdisturbing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24107
File 132391043776.png - (26.56KB , 789x163 , Justinrpg_pokecommunity_notinreality.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24108
File 132391049414.jpg - (73.74KB , 604x420 , 35909_133095490050267_100000494517633_285925_82963.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24109
File 132391054089.jpg - (116.05KB , 604x619 , 36019_133135870046229_100000494517633_286186_14902.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24110
File 132391066586.png - (50.03KB , 479x437 , Justinrpg_Facebook_JesusCrimony.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24111
File 132391071361.jpg - (62.90KB , 554x720 , 33577_166541866705629_100000494517633_488470_66595.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24112

That's pretty damn funny
>> No. 24113
File 13239110639.jpg - (188.73KB , 1280x962 , 132160686985.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24114
File 132391129117.png - (20.94KB , 479x160 , justinrpg_Facebook_angerproblems.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24115
Justin's mum is just awesome. And possibly criminally neglectful. But still awesome.
>> No. 24116

Why did this make me laugh do hard?
>> No. 24117
What I like about this guy is that his pictures straddle the line between disgusting and derp due to his god awful photoshop skills. If he was really competent at photoshop then this guy would be way creepier. As he is now, he just makes me laugh.
>> No. 24118
Man, I leave this thread for a few weeks and Justin comes and goes? Fucking week.

His mom's nudes haven't dropped, have they?
>> No. 24119
File 132392392294.jpg - (1.11MB , 1920x2560 , justinchic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24121
>his dreams have a narrator
what the heck? he really has watch too much pokemon...

so, by that guys logic, cursing out any mexican guy named Jesus is blasphemy or some shit.
Jesus titty-fucking nigger christ balls.
>> No. 24122
File 132392617841.png - (79.29KB , 482x654 , justinrpg_Facebook_Dealwithpokemonobsession.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24123
File 132392641377.png - (57.35KB , 479x462 , justinrpg_Facebook_rageabouttheinternet.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24124
It's like the Net is somehow self-aware, and trying to defend itself from the abominations he uploads.
>> No. 24125
File 132392682435.jpg - (82.52KB , 755x955 , Weavel_Drunk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We can only hope that such a thing is true.
>> No. 24126
File 132392708732.jpg - (45.69KB , 540x720 , 167332_195545153805300_100000494517633_698802_1509.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24127
File 132392713815.jpg - (100.56KB , 720x540 , 29070_128173663875783_100000494517633_257855_80851.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24128
File 132392774896.jpg - (11.35KB , 251x255 , Asbestos.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I didn't see it for a while, but then I did.

Kill me, I'm already dying inside
>> No. 24129
>nobody else in the pool
>> No. 24130
File 132392846141.jpg - (56.24KB , 720x503 , 247325_225272934165855_100000494517633_924383_3321.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24131
File 132392855863.png - (12.38KB , 458x94 , justinrpg_Facebook_noBlueFlareonJustin.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24132
File 132392865548.png - (14.03KB , 472x82 , justinrpg_Facebook_remindsmeofchris.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sounds a little like Chris Chan.
>> No. 24133

Whoa, looks almost normal.
>> No. 24134
File 132392871047.png - (124.62KB , 481x1166 , justinrpg_Facebook_cofeehabit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24135

They're actually pretty nice to him.
>> No. 24136
File 132392892329.png - (39.90KB , 481x395 , Justinrpg_Facebook_BribeBlueFlare.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24137
Pastor Tony is my favorite thing about this whole JustinRPG saga.
>> No. 24138
Despite everything you guys do his Mom and Pastor remain his biggest trolls lol
>> No. 24139
>Can't bother to do anything early saturday or need to drink coffee.
My fucking god I actually prefer the "stand alone silent in a corner" autist than this self centered douchebag.
>> No. 24140

No. We asked about it, and for his mom's bra size, but he left before anything was revealed.
>> No. 24141
File 132394341355.jpg - (221.46KB , 850x1200 , Yoda.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>English, I suck at
>> No. 24142
The positions he chooses to put the characters in those 'shops makes it seem like he's humping them.
>> No. 24143
That's because he is.
>> No. 24144
File 132400146265.png - (17.65KB , 490x124 , Justinrpg_Facebook_withdrawls.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24145
I feel so sorry for Reshirim

When the next Pokemon generation comes out he will move onto another legendary to fuck and leave her on the street like the cheap whore she is
>> No. 24146

>> No. 24147
>Implying I give a shit about a pokemon's name
>> No. 24148

>> No. 24149
I usually go with it.
>> No. 24150

>Implying anyone gives a shit about fictional birds.
>> No. 24151

Hi Justin.
>> No. 24152
File 132401860989.jpg - (63.39KB , 1037x402 , full on mad3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
brah u mad brah! why u mad tho brah??

we all stylin on u breh.

>> No. 24153
It's NOT ReshirIm PLEASE stop calling her that!!!!
>> No. 24154
How to troll on /cwc/:
>Pretend to be one of the most known lolcows in the simplest way.
>Don't worry if it looks like an obvious parody.
>> No. 24155
I'm not a troll and I'm not Justin either ok! Why don't you find something better to do than troll /cwc/?
>> No. 24156
If that's so, you're just a person.
>> No. 24157
It happens to me fairly often.

I politely correct them and then move on.
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