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File 132342922729.png - (277.60KB , 422x525 , rocky.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24713 No. 24713
So... somebody registered in CWCki forum and posted what's supposed to be a phone call to Rocky Shoemaker in which she says that the Chandler house is so full of shit that Bob stayed the last days of his life in quarantine because he had his body covered with bug bites, not to mention that it could be the reason of his death.


PS: I tried to upload the call here, but I got an "internal error" twice. Instead, pic related.
Expand all images
>> No. 24714
File 132343007110.jpg - (49.49KB , 624x437 , 862680_0c3d_625x1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this could explain why chris is "sick"
>> No. 24715
File 132343116258.jpg - (34.51KB , 400x400 , 1320547309628.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's legitimate.

Ristened to all 17 minutes.
>> No. 24716


I don't usually post serious messages to you guys, but I have to ask something serious this one time.

I just listened to the call.

Do you feel sad? I'm not trying to guilt trip you or anything - didn't you find the whole call just awful and sad? Poor Bob - that's no way for anyone to go. You know?
>> No. 24717
Finally get to hear the bitch's voice.
>> No. 24718
So, when Bob was yelling at Chirs about the house tour vids... if he health department sees their house... Chris was actually that close to saving Bob's life.
>> No. 24719
The health department of Greene County finally got there.
>> No. 24720
She actually sounds somewhat indifferent to the whole Chandler situation, kinda makes her seem considerably less imposing in the whole scheme of things.
>> No. 24721
She sounds like a stuttering bumbling moron.
No wonder Chris is such a wreck with people like that influencing him.

''I'll call back in two hours''
''I'm sorry how many hours?''
''In about 2 hours I'll call back or someone else will''
''So uh..2 hours fro...2 hours?...2 hours from now or 2 hours from...''
''I'll call back in two hours''

>> No. 24722
File 132343374560.jpg - (110.15KB , 624x833 , 862148_c5e9_625x1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24723
As an American who moved to England about 7 years ago, I can safely say that understanding foreign accents can be very difficult when you've only been exposed to American english.
Seriously, nowadays it's easy to understand new accents, but that first one was really difficult. Being on a phone (abd possibly being old) only compounds that problem.
She still seems pretty thick, but I don't think that's a good example.
>> No. 24724
File 132343791952.jpg - (10.37KB , 219x230 , z.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Whoever did this deserves a medal.
>> No. 24725
Chris stays in one room to avoid the infestation. Jesus fucking Christ this is more depressing than any of us realized.
>> No. 24726
Anyone else get reminded of that urban legend about the girl who was killed by bugs living in her hair?
>> No. 24727
I can just imagine Rocky talking to the lawyer and referencing "Dr. Perron" and how he never called back.
>> No. 24728
Oh wow. The way Rocky hesitated when she heard they were going to the house. If she's a mandated reporter, she's lucky no one's sued her ass by now.
>> No. 24729
Someone wanna embed this mess? I'm too much of a newfag to know how.
>> No. 24730

I agree with this. I haven't listened to the call yet, but I never even thought of the bugs that such squalor would attract. Now I'm having a hard time not vomiting.

Also, it would be sad that Bob, who actually lived a life of some accomplishments, died from such a downright horrific thing, brought about by Snorlax and Sonichu turning the house into a haven for Caterpies and Weedles.
>> No. 24731

Izzat some white-knightin' I'm hearing?

No one wants Chris dead (well, some do), but let's just get right down to it. There is an overwhelming urge from 99% of humanity to see Chris receive some sort of karmic consequences for his actions and lifestyle.
>> No. 24732
>Doctor Perron
I'm surprised there's never been a Chris the Hacker thread on here, the guy is hilarious.
>> No. 24733
The way Rocky says 'yeah' is exactly the way Chris says it, must be a Virginia thing.

I wonder if anything will come of this, if they can really get chris into temp housing. The intended meeting arranged in the call is for this Saturday but I doubt anything will happen without Rocky seeing some paperwork.
>> No. 24734

Didn't factor in the bugs? Hell! I had been pondering about those roaches forming their own version of Spore inside all of the mountains of trash. They should have reached spaceflight ability by now.

LOL'ing at the idea that Chris stays in just in one room because even the insects are avoiding Chris' bedroom.

If 14 Branchland Court finally gets condemned, will Blarb goes meltdown from losing her lifetime of collected filth, and will Chris have a super-sad by knowing that Patti's grave is no longer under his protection from shovel-bearing trolls?

I just hope those poor cats can get a new and loving home. Fuck Chris & Blarb. They can go live in Patti's old doghouse for all I care.

Knowing that Social Services is at long last involved is probably what is making Chris worried sick. Knowing the way that Chris views shrinks and social workers, Chris must be dirtycrapping his briefs 24/7 and fighting his imminent fate with every ounce of his being.
>> No. 24736
  What Public Health encountered when they set foot inside of 14 Branchland Court.
>> No. 24737
PDK, how did you get here?
>> No. 24738
I just realized something.

Why does everyone that do phonecalls do "funny voices"? I understand they're trying to be characters for "sagas" and shit, but has anyone thought to just try a regular southern accent? Like why the hell is some strange fuex-British man going to be calling from Virginia about some random retard?

I don't know, just wondering out loud I guess.
>> No. 24739
haha, I wonder just how many times Rocky has been fooled by troll's phone calls, especially since she is so quick to bring up "phone abuse" to a stranger.
>> No. 24740
Oh dear!
>> No. 24741
I imagine it's an attempt by the troll to preserve their own anonymity, and possibly also a rather sad attempt to sound older or more mature than they actually are.
>> No. 24742
File 132344350237.jpg - (45.84KB , 500x423 , SirEltonJohn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

...Suck my dick, PVCC
>> No. 24743
TL;DL version:

. The Greene County health dept. visited the house due to a bug infestation.
. Chris stays in his room to avoid the bug infestation.
. Bob was quarantined when in the hospital due to the amount of bug bites they found on him.
>> No. 24744

Thing is, even if they get a new place to live in, Blarb will simply get the urge to fill that place up with Goodwill garbage as well.

Only way for either of them to be rehabilitated is if the two of them are separated and kept from having any contact. They seem to have a symbiotic mental illness going on between them that feeds off of each other. Poor Bob must have been in a living hell these past 29 years being trapped between them.
>> No. 24745
Who said Bob didn't hoard or treat himself irresponsibly?
>> No. 24746
Go back to your thread PDK.
>> No. 24747

Forgive me, but who is PDK, and why are you such a f.aggot?
>> No. 24748
Nice try, PDK.
>> No. 24749
So... where is the "2 hours later" call?
>> No. 24750
File 13234452143.jpg - (3.43KB , 100x142 , HGPYA02F51FF859394125.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
* Green County Dept. of Health & Social Services are involved. Nurses visited the home and either found it to be uninhabitable or were just plain not able to complete their assessment.
* just prior to his death, Bob was hospitalized and under QUARANTINE due to being covered in bug bites
* Chris and Barb have consistently refused any offers to be relocated to temporary housing while the infestation problem is taken care of.
* Chris and Barb have systematically refused visits of any sort from anyone. Even Rocky has never been there.
* Chris thinks he is safe from the bugs as long as he stays locked in his room.

>> No. 24751
Let's speculate on the Chandler's newest pets, the bugs!

My guess, they're bedbugs. Bob clearly wasn't getting around much before his death, and it would make sense as to why he would have bites all over his body. The problem with bedbugs is they're easy to transfer (they can spread via clothes, luggage). I suspect they got them through shit used clothes or stuff that Barb hoarded. If they aren't in Chris's room (or that bad in it), he's pretty lucky to not have them as well.

Their home is ripe for any sort of infestation though. I'd imagine its a menagerie of insects, with not just bed bugs, but ants, silverfish, fleas, carpet beetles, maybe even cockroaches.

Now go clean something. You know you're as disgusted by this as I am.
>> No. 24752
File 132344550626.jpg - (59.40KB , 200x194 , 132079211820.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, Rocky's official title is ̶M̶s̶.̶ ̶S̶h̶o̶e̶m̶a̶k̶e̶r̶ REVEREND Shoemaker
>> No. 24753

Cockroaches can/will bite. There've been a lot of DHR cases of babies and elderly people in squalid homes who've been covered with roach bites.
>> No. 24754
I don't get why would Chris want to force himself to fuck her when he was "JenkinsJinkies".
>> No. 24755
>carpet beetles
christ, no wonder I have nightmares about moving back into our old house. the previous owners were like a light version of the chandlers!
>> No. 24756
File 132344687564.jpg - (34.10KB , 640x476 , filthyshower.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So the Greene County Health Department doesn't really give a shit, I take? I mean, they visited the house, they know it's a pigsty, one of the residents was QUARANTINED and the others don't even leave their respective rooms, and no action is taken?

Apparently Bob's worries were unfounded. Also, RIP. What a crummy way to go.
>> No. 24757
That's even more disgusting than bedbugs IMO. Gross.
>> No. 24758

More dangerous too. Bedbugs would only spread whatever diseases are between members of the household. Roaches crawl all over everything. Jesus Christ, it's not surprising if Chris is sick. Honestly this court thing might be the best things that's happened to that family in a long while.
>> No. 24759
>House is biohazard
>New Content

Don't make the call any less interesting, but really?
>> No. 24760
Behold, ladies and gents. The TRUE CWCville! An Empire of the Roaches.

And to think that no gal-pal would go there and live with him and his Mommy. Bet they're sorry now to miss out on all that splendor.
>> No. 24761

The philosophy of the Greene County social services (as it is probably most places) seems to be that, even if a house is disgusting and unfit, that's still someone's right. It's only when it begins to threaten the health of others, or if there are children there, etc.

Even so, it seems to me that Barb could be on the hook for some kind of abuse/neglect--Bob was elderly, and Chris receives SS payments for being a slow-in-the-mind.

Also, how the fuck has the house not burned down yet? It's only a matter of time before something chews through the wrong wire, and then boom. The place is a deathtrap.
>> No. 24762
Ha, I forgot how to English. I meant to write, "the health dept. is probably only able to act unilaterally in a situation where it impinges on the rights of the community, or if children/eldely/tards are living there.

Hmm. Maybe there's grounds for at least a call to the humane society?
>> No. 24764
File 132344974566.jpg - (26.96KB , 400x223 , creepshow-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pictured: Bob's final moments.
>> No. 24765

If Rocky was a mandated reporter, APS could get involved. Unfortunately it doesn't look as if she is by Virginia law. The nurses who were supposedly in the house, however--they WERE mandated reporters but I don't know wtf was up with them. Probably they just wanted to get the hell out of there.
>> No. 24766
File 132344987340.jpg - (24.64KB , 333x347 , 1323220529195.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This guy was smooth and cool. Anyone else here would've lost it at this point.
>Rocky: You'll have to check up with Rob Bell...
>Anon: Well, you see the prob-JULLLAAAGH~
>> No. 24767

Agreed. In addition to being sweet, glorious content, it's a great example of social engineering done right.
>> No. 24768
In general, the attitude of the Dept. of Health and Social Services is to provide help for those who want it. The Chandlers do not want help.

A case where they would intervene against the homeowner's/caregiver's wishes would be if a child or disabled person is involved. And in the case of someone disabled, even then it's extreme cases, like someone bedridden, unable to feed or clean themselves, etc.
>> No. 24769
I'm not really sure the health department will do anything at all. My estranged grandmother recently died and lived in similar filth with my estranged aunt. Aunt has simply returned to the house to continue soaking in it.
>> No. 24770

PaganDeathKnight detected. Why haven't you killed yourself yet Paul? Also, you're still fucking posting here, why can't you stop like you said you want to?
>> No. 24771

Some of you are getting highly retarded about the way you accuse posts of being written by someone you don't like. Stop wasting space with your wild accusations.

Yeah, I guess I'm ADF now or something. Sure. Why not?
>> No. 24772
File 132345288188.jpg - (15.53KB , 292x197 , Troll infestation.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Let's speculate on the Chandler's newest pets, the bugs!
>> No. 24773
File 132345322262.jpg - (20.50KB , 267x400 , 8097856.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just wanted to clarify, the Dept. of Health, and Social Services, are two different entities.

Dept. of Health can condemn a residence (deem it uninhabitable) and will do so if it poses a danger to the health of the community or if it's a health risk to residents unable to fend for themselves (children and disabled elderly).

Social Services handles public assistance money, such as welfare and food stamps. So basically, they write the monthly tugboat checks. Also, I'm not sure how much it is in Virginia but in NJ food stamps are $200 a month for single individuals with no children.
>> No. 24774

Not if Chris is pulling in the $1200 a month that he is. That much money disqualifies Chris and Blarb from getting any food stamps. I know someone who was getting only $500 a month for a disability, and Human Services told him that amount put him above the criteria needed to receive a SNAP card.
>> No. 24775
I didn't think you were PaganDeathKnight earlier, but now I do. My rationale is that if you weren't, you would just ignore people referring to posters as PDK and move on.

Anyway, why does Rocky think the bug bites caused Bob's death? The combination of the chronic heart problems he had (and ignored, based on his diet) plus his age seem way more likely.
>> No. 24776
The guy who made this call played it very well. When Rocky asked for some official dox being faxed and he suggested her meeting him at the Chandler house it just clicked the right switch inside her head for her to say "no way am I am stepping in that roach motel" and being blabbing lots of things.

Obviously, there's loads of other stuff that would be really interesting to know and stuff about the case that we're in the dark about, but overall I think he did very well to get what he could out of Rocky.
>> No. 24777
File Rocky_Shoemaker_discusses_Chris's_case_notes.ogg - (5.12MB , Rocky Shoemaker discusses Chris's case notes.ogg ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
The reason you got an error is because you exceeded the file size limit. This is a phone call, so compressing the file to hell and back isn't going to affect the audio any. enjoy.
>> No. 24778
I think once Rocky talks to ole Rob Bell about this phone call, he's going to realize the extent people will go to get to chris. I don't know if that'll affect anything, since he probably couldn't give less of a shit, but who knows?
>> No. 24779
Worst case scenario, a field agent will rip off Rob Bell's skin and wear it as his own for as long as deemed necessary. JUUUUULLLAAAAAAY
>> No. 24780
I'm wondering if Rocky would say anything to Chris. She might because she may feel a need to be honest with him, but then again, she may not because she doesn't want him to lose his trust in her
>> No. 24781
  I must say, this fellow's English accent is pretty convincing (yes, I am English myself). His voice reminds me very much of that of the man who made the Pledge of Allegiance video as part of the JenkinsJinkies incident.

What do people reckon?
>> No. 24782
Guy who called her is one good ass troll.
>> No. 24783
File 132345730643.jpg - (20.02KB , 460x337 , cockroach.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, at least Chris got some new pets to play with.
Unfortunately, not even cockroaches want to crawl inside of Chris's room.
>> No. 24784
File 132345759152.png - (10.30KB , 512x448 , Breath of Fire II (U)_00048.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris and Patti need to be shopped in.
>> No. 24785
From some cockroach site:

Cockroach disease can affect humans. Cockroaches are known to carry diseases like dysentery, typhoid and poliomyelitis, as well as gastroenteritis. Cockroaches can live just about anywhere, and can live on fermenting products, septic dressings, hair, leather, wallpaper, feces, rotting food, and more. Because many of the products that cockroaches feed on are spoiled or simply unsanitary, it's easy to see where cockroach disease comes from. Many of the substances that they feed on are already contaminated, and as the cockroach moves from one location to another it spreads the disease along the way.

Not only can people get sick from the diseases that cockroaches contaminate human living space with, many humans are allergic to cockroach feces. Of course, no one exposes themselves to cockroach disease and feces on purpose, but it can happen by inhaling particles of dust in the air that has been left behind by the cockroach. Food can also be contaminated with the smell of cockroaches, which is very distinct. Food can have particles of feces, salivary gland secretions, as well as dead insects if it has not been stored properly. If people eat food that has not been properly stored they can be exposed to all of these things, which can cause asthma as well as other health conditions to those that are sensitive.
>> No. 24786
Is that a Breath of Fire game on SNES?
>> No. 24787

>Somebody phoned my client's church counsellor pretending to be a doctor

>Case is dismissed and Chris goes free
>> No. 24788
>Breath of Fire II (U)_00048.png
>> No. 24789

Sure Paul, whatever you say.
>> No. 24790
An accurate representation of Brb (NPC) and Chris (PC) trying to rid of the roaches.
>> No. 24791
Wow, this is some Chris content I am not sure I want to listen to, seeing the people talking about it in this thread.

It sounds sad and depressing.
>> No. 24792
It's not sad at all. 90% of the call are the two of them stuttering and interrupting one another, followed by 5 minutes where rocky basically says what we already know. The house is filled with bugs, Chris stays in his room (albeit to stay away from the bugs), and a bit of new info explaining that Bob was quarantined in the hospital due to all of the bug bites he had from sleeping on the couch.
>> No. 24793
Is it safe to put this on the CWCki, or would it be "iffy" when it comes to the case, and all that legal shit?
>> No. 24794

I'm enjoying it, actually. The secret haven known as 14 Branchland Court has been identified as a "problem house" by the powers that be, and events down the road are sure to rattle Chris greatly. It's gonna be like his grade school days all over again, with shrinks and nurses and social workers galore.

But this time, no Bob Chandler to whisk him away to safety in a nearby county. Chris & Blarb are stuck there, and Greene County has em by the nuts this time.
>> No. 24795

No, not really. It's their fault they live in such a shithole, as well as their fault that Bob went through that.
>> No. 24796
Thorg, what were you and Chris "arguing about" yesterday?
>> No. 24797
You apparently have developed some sort of relationship with Chris. Can you give us some indication what his mentality is when he's not having emotional outbursts online?
>> No. 24798
Thorg was trying to get Chris to wear a black dress with matching stilletos to the trial. Chris thought it was a bit much and wanted to go conservative with a grey pant suit and flats. Thorg told Chris if he showed some ass maybe the judge would let him off, but Chris said he wanted his case to stand on it's own merits and not resort to such a lack of integrity.
>> No. 24799
File 132346309486.jpg - (87.62KB , 604x470 , Osho.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
true this.
I don't know what the fuck they're doing now, but going for several-month-long stretches without so much as a peep...at this point I'd even welcome the PC-assassins back.
>> No. 24800

>You apparently have developed some sort of relationship with Chris.

Thorg confirmed for sweetheart from the ground up.
>> No. 24801
So does Barbs vagina act as a sort of cock(roach) repelling bubble around herself? This is a bad joke, and I feel bad. JULLAAYYYY and all that.
>> No. 24802
File 132346465222.jpg - (53.34KB , 227x227 , tomcruisee.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24803
The general consensus over at CWCki seems to be that holding off until after the trial would be prudent.

As for the legal implications, I don't think it's any worse than the boatload of content obtained through fraud/unauthorized recording/hacking already (the only difference being that Rocky is more likely to do something than Chris about it).
>> No. 24804
First one sounded mad, second sounded just happy to have any content.
>> No. 24805

Pretty much how I feel too.

I mean, we all knew that 14 Branchland Court was a pigsty, but holy fucking shit. A bug infestation? Been that way for MONTHS? Bob went to the hospital with BUG BITES?

Jesus fuck, that is depressing indeed.
>> No. 24806
File 132346739599.jpg - (66.09KB , 200x194 , 132079211820c.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24807
Yep. And it wasn't just the room Chris lived in, whole family is disgusting. We knew all this already. What is the surprise? I barely even followed this shit before n0chan closed and even I knew that was no place to live
>> No. 24808
File 132346813631.jpg - (142.53KB , 600x849 , infestation.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait a minute...so Chris is sick SICK? Like, physically sick?
>> No. 24809
Well yeah.
>> No. 24810

Yfw that is the cleanest room in the house.
>> No. 24811
Probably not. The infestation has been there for months, or at least since before Bob had passed. His "illness" is basically him being stressed out and worried over the upcoming trial.
>> No. 24812
Stress likely exasperated the problem, plus it could be Barb who's making the mess and without pops to clean it up...
>> No. 24813
It wont affect anything because chris's case pretains to micheal synder for a hit and run, tresspassing, etc etc. I dont know why u retards think that anything on the cwcki will affect the case. Do you fags know how court works?
>> No. 24814
It's clear and evident that Chris is "mentally disturbed" in many ways. If they decide to probe further and find out why he's so paranoid and agitated, he could easily bring up the CWCki, and from there, the owner/sysop in addition to major trolls could get in trouble for invasion of privacy and harassment.
>> No. 24815
Oh my god. You're right!

Everyone! CODE RED! CODE! RED! Remove and smash your hard drives! Thorg is gonna place the C4 charges around the sonichu.com server.

Does everyone have their cyanide capsules ready? Good! On the count of three. One.....two......
>> No. 24816
Jesus christ are you retarded? That has nothing to do with this case. The judge want to know why chris was tresspassing (because he saw a under new managment sign), and why he did a hit and run (cause he and barb are morons) now tell me what does the trolls, cwcki, and internet has to do with this fucking case. This isnt phoniex wright, this isnt night court and this isnt CSI, this is court in a bumblefuck town that makes the court in my cousin vinny look like the supreme court.
>> No. 24817
File 13234714272.jpg - (6.74KB , 225x224 , obo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

mfw MiHiVidz actually does this.
>> No. 24818
How old are you btw? Cause you dont know how real court work for a small town
>> No. 24819
How old are YOU?
>> No. 24820
Old enough to be your damn daddy bitch boy
>> No. 24821
File 13234719738.jpg - (46.24KB , 568x390 , 2007_-A-Palestinian-youth-038.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 24822

It would go into his mental evaluation and be brought up as extraordinary circumstances, meaning that under normal circumstances Chris might not have acted out so badly. They do this to make the sentence more lenient.

It could all slide down hill for this site from there.

Well nice knowing you guys. Where will n0chan go next?
>> No. 24823

I think it's more plausible that they'd use the fact that his dad had just been eaten by giant insects/had a heart attack as the reason he was stressed.
>> No. 24824
I could actually see that happening. Bell is giving his closing arguments and Chris is fed up with him not being as bizarre as everyone around him and pops out of his seat and is all like "MY FATHER WAS JUST EATEN BY GIANT BUGS AND TROLLS ARE WATCHING MY EVERY MOVE! THEY SET ME UP AND NOW YOU'RE NAIVE ENOUGH TO THROW ME IN JAIL!"
>> No. 24825
I'm sorry, were you hit on the head as a child?
>> No. 24826
Mental evaluation? Dude still they are not going to come after the site. Jesus whats is going to happen is "my client is autistic he cant pick up social ques and have a hard time with right and wrong, so please give him the lightest sentence possible"

Dude just stop trying to make chris case some eleborate case where the lawyer have to dig deeper to get his client off.
>> No. 24827
You realize it's not an invasion of privacy if you volunteer the information, right? Also he has made countless youtube videos where he has threatened to kill people and basically cataloged every insane and disturbing fact about himself. His attorney would spend 5 minutes on this site and refuse to use it in court because it's basically more in depth than his Autism papers about himself. It also shows his slander and libel against Snyder and others by accusing them of molesting kids and that the principal of his being a kid diddler with no evidence. If anything the Cwcki would hurt him far worse. The cwcki is just a TMZ of Chris. He provides all the content willingly. So no, moron. It's not an invasion of privacy.
>> No. 24828
I wish the trolls would some kind of legal ramification, not because I don't like them, but it would make every homosexual deviant s.perg who posts here shit his pants simultaneously.

Also I know that this is not possible, so don't jump down my throat, s.pergs.
>> No. 24829

>If they decide to probe further and find out why he's so paranoid and agitated, he could easily bring up the CWCki, and from there, the owner/sysop in addition to major trolls could get in trouble for invasion of privacy and harassment.

>and from there

You see, this part is where if falls apart, just what exactly do you think will lead one thing to the other? The people involved in the case with Snyder and Chris aren't just going to go on some kind of fucking legal tangent and start up some harassment case of their own volition just because they see it happening, that isn't how shit works.
>> No. 24830
And i wish fags like you would get ban, not because i dont like you but because you are almost more retarded the chris
>> No. 24831
What the hell would they even charge JULLLAAYY homosexual deviants with? Chris has done way worse than any troll by making death threats. The gun comic alone is enough to show how disturbed he is in his comic. Hell, his chat with Lars about how he'd shoot Snyder would get him into some really hot water given the charges against him.

I hope Chris tries to use the Cwcki in court. He'll be in the loony-bin his the rest of his life. Might be a huge improvement on socialization and diet.
>> No. 24832
THANK YOU, this what half the tards dont understand is that this whole case has nothing to do with trolls, or the internet. It between Chris and Synder thats it
>> No. 24833
Nobody likes you, take that name off before you humiliate yourself further.
>> No. 24834

I hope you do take a cyanide pill.
>> No. 24835

But some hacked his phone and then we have the cyberbullying.

>> No. 24836

You can't just say he has autism. It's required that he has a full work up, and then you have to explain circumstances which aggitated his issue. Simply pleading "he's mental" isn't enough, unless your plan is to have him locked up for life. He needs it to be temporary insanity. That's a bit tricky.
>> No. 24837
Your trying too hard and your argument doesn't make sense.
>> No. 24838
How doesn't it make sense? Chris would try to point out the Cwcki. Prosecution would look it over and go "Ah, Mr. Chandler in a taped conversation you stated you would use a deadly weapon on Mr. Snyder. Care to explain that?"

"W-w-ell he's part of a conspiracy to troll me and my family!"

Jury and Judge *poker face*

Bingo bango, you're a homosexual deviant and coney.
>> No. 24839

No. They would likely submit tapes of him being trolled and explain how this could have played into his mental state. It wouldn't go much further than that... I hope.
>> No. 24840
File 132347561787.jpg - (32.44KB , 411x474 , 2048837.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
britfag detected
>> No. 24841
I bet right now they have received links to the Cwcki in hopes of getting Chris committed by a bunch of homosexual deviant julay cheese conies. EPIC WEEN TROLLING!!!
>> No. 24842
Listen, you're the one who has to deal with not understanding how to construct a logical argument, not me. Just letting you know that what you said did not make sense.
>> No. 24843

Kansas city actually. I'm not all that familiar with modern english law.
>> No. 24844
I imagine you're probably a very simple-minded person. Either way, it's not my ass on the line in court so I don't really give a shit either way. Nice job being a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 24845

No. This would likely happen during the sentencing phase and it would be snippets of the site and such. It's unkown if they jury will even get to hear about his mental condition. That all really depends on how the judge calls it.
>> No. 24846
Out of curiosity, has anyone emailed Chris's lawyer that phone recording where someone called Snyder and asked if he had a message for Chris and Snyder told Chris he should come down to the store. Because that's probably going to help more than playing the jury an hour long phone conversation where Kacey bitches at Chris and Patrick Warburton causes him to stress sigh.
>> No. 24847

That could come into play. When was it recorded?
>> No. 24848

A week or two before the incident if I recall correctly.
>> No. 24849

Yes. That will likely be submitted as evidence. That should be interesting.
>> No. 24850
If Chris says the bugs aren't in his room, that suggests that he's able to actually see the insects.

My guess is it's cockroaches.
>> No. 24851
Man it would have been funny if Hoarders was able to make a show about them. It would have topped that dumb hick with bluto arms in Illinois who was hoarding animals.
>> No. 24852
For invasion of privacy, you need the element of "expectation of privacy" You have no such expectation when you're on the phone with someone else or uploading a video to youtube. Similarly any other privacy action such as intrusion upon seclusion would fail for similar reasons.

There's also the action of false light, which is related to defamation, for which some might claim the CWCki guilty is liable. However, you probably wouldn't be able to get over the "malice" element. Plus, false light is pretty new and not pursued very often.

There's also public disclosure of private facts, however the CWCki doesn't disclose anything. Others (like Rocky, Chris, Bob) are the ones who've disclosed this material.

But you should still take cyanide pills anyway.
>> No. 24853

His phones voice mail was hacked, also you can't record a phone conversation on someone without consent, especially given the acknowledged intentions here.
>> No. 24854
the legality of one sided phone call recordings varies from state to state, actually. perfectly legal in my jurisdiction.
>> No. 24855
I think they'd be more concerned about the guy who has shown to be consistently a threat to others and has drawn disturbing comics and trespassed multiple times at places in that town than a bunch of faceless assholes online. Also, he has a history with the police in his town (arrested at Target, remember?) and this is kind of the boiling point of all of his shennigans.
>> No. 24856

Wow! So much hate and for what? I made a video and I dared to get some credit for putting it together? Maybe it did sound a bit self-centered at the time, but if I recall, I did post a few early drafts and gave you guys a chance for input.
>> No. 24857

Looks like VA law is one-party consent, meaning that only one party has to agree to and be aware of the recording. It also means that the person who consents to recording can be the person doing the recording.
>> No. 24858
i meant strike the word "guilty" from that post...

but then i `tarded.
>> No. 24859

Well you still have cyber tresspass as well as a couple other common stalker laws to deal with.

I look forward to the drama
>> No. 24860
Cyber-trespass / unauthorized access is handled the same as trespass to chattels as far as analysis. No way will that ever stick to the CWCki. Individual trolls perhaps, but good luck finding them, much less serving them :P
>> No. 24861

Ugh fuck off
stop trying to turn everything into an argument about yourself you pathetic moron
>> No. 24862
its pretty fucked up that anyone would seek personal recognition on the internet, especially on an anon image board.
>> No. 24863

And yes, I admit that now. I fucked up with that.

But I guess some people want to think I'm one of those lulcows who never learns from their mistakes. Someone else can feel free to make a 2011 Year In Review if they want.
>> No. 24864
File 132347932944.gif - (18.88KB , 698x855 , seedubyahsee.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi everybody, MiHiVidz here!
Just letting you know that I'm putting this into my latest MiHiVidz production "MiHiVidz presents: Chrissy goes to Court"!
That's right, MiHiVidz, giving you video recaps of your favorite manchild. So remember, chck out the MiHiVidz youtube channel for the upcoming epic. Be sure you like my vids, MiHiVidz!
>> No. 24865
File 132347935386.jpg - (26.39KB , 376x490 , sweet times.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sorry but this is an impostor.

my trip code says "guidocock"
>> No. 24866
>claim to learn from mistakes
>Still thinks anyone gives a shit about his videos
>> No. 24867

I'm not forcing you to watch any am I, bitch?


Well okay then. STFU. I was just commenting about how some still seem to have a bloody tampon over a faux pax made months ago. I know this is /cwc/ where no shit is too minor, but take it from me. I'm a very, very poor Chris substitute.

Now that I'm done whining, let's get back to seeing how some people are thinking that they're gonna do hard time in Leavenworth for trolling Chris. That shit's funny!
>> No. 24868
File 132347995889.png - (62.41KB , 327x330 , Madd.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 24870
Mmm, But you do seem delightfully butthurt over how nobody cares about your videos, how your lazy "year in review" videos haven't gotten you any sort of popularity.
>> No. 24871
>> No. 24872
Oh yeah, he flustered.
>> No. 24873
Define irony:

People paying attention to someone by ridiculing him with accusations that he wants people to pay attention to him.
>> No. 24874
Hi MiHiVidz! It's good that you took the name off, now you just have to get that "not acting like a dipshit" thing down.
>> No. 24875

Our input was telling you to just stop. You ignored it.


Look, it's quite simple, you came to this board with a name, made yourself look like a complete homosexual deviant, got laughed at, and are now continuing to post with that name, and also always get butthurt whenever people still point out how much of an idiot you are whenever you come back. This is going to keep happening.
>> No. 24876
Audio JP and Bryan - Naked Chicks Day - (195.20KB - 112 kbps - 44.1 kHz , old people.mp3 ) Length: 0:14 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>the lawyer have to dig deeper to get his client off.
Tom FAPPINGTON and Leonardo DaCaprio are doing a gay porno?

the way you said that made me think of this
>> No. 24877

Yeah, except you were posting with a name that specifically draws attention here. You should know what sort of reaction you bring now, unless you really are that stupid that think this was going to be the time we let it slide.
>> No. 24878
>minor faux-pax
>> No. 24879
timmothy cruzetor!guido4oCzk

>da TRUE and HONEST tom crooze
>> No. 24880
Chris may have gotten in contact with somebody who was infected with bronchitis even with his nonexistent social life. It’s highly contagious. With Chris’ obesity and his vitamin and mineral deficiency, he’s highly vulnerable to diseases that an average human will get over in less than a day.†

The air supply in Chris’ room is mostly independent from the rest of the house. If you look at the latest videos, you’ll see that Chris has his own air conditioning (and, presumably, heating) unit. Even if the rest of the house has mold growing in it, and even if Chris leaves the vents open, the mold won’t hit him as long as the HVAC system doesn’t turn on.‡

† Either that, or Chris is so melodramatic that he believes coughing for one day is a sign of extreme sickness.
‡ Of course, Chris still has to LEAVE his room and crawl through the rest of the house, so that would expose him to mold.
>> No. 24881
Ordinary bronchitis is NOT contagious.The cold that caused it may be, but usually that sympton is only seen in a small percentage of the people who caught that particular cold. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002078/

Now there are a few strands of influenza which usually end up giving people that symptom, but this is usually only in the initial phase after it jumps a species... because if a virus is that severe you get something known as burn out. That's when the symptoms cause people to not interact as much, often because it's hard to interact with people when you are dead. The result is the virus not being spread as fast and it's usually overtaken by a less dangerous mutation of the same virus. You get the weaker one you become immune to it's big scary brother.

Ordinary bronchitis is a secondary infection, caused by minor inflamation of the lungs via the common cold. This ordinary only happens when your immune system is weak from say STRESS, ALLERGIES and old age. Where would he have picked up a secondary infection living in that pristine mansion of his, what with all that maid service and all those expensive allergen free detergents and body washes he goes through...
>> No. 24883
File 132350260097.png - (52.22KB , 500x300 , 4ee04ab9360e09d446000162-3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi everyone, have a transcript.


Enjoy the frequent stuttering.
>> No. 24884
MiHivids you're a real loser and should probably spend some time away from the internet so you will learn to be less of a moron.

Seriously, I'm going to teach you a lesson right here about how your social ineptitude has made you fuck up so repeatedly.

1: You make some supercilious comments. Anon dislikes that you've got such extreme unwarranted self importance and tells you that you are a fag.

2: You get mad and become trollbait. Through it all your fucktarded self keeps namefagging.

3: You keep identifying yourself even though the whole reason you fail is that people dislike your USI. You probably haven't realized this because of da autism.
>> No. 24885
File 13235039398.jpg - (80.41KB , 625x468 , 862512_d468_625x1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>dat autism

pic somewhat related... tom FAPPINGTON working at wallmart
>> No. 24886
ITT: A guy pretends to be MiHiVidz and the autistic people who can't understand the concept of "impersonation" trollshield by getting supermad.
>> No. 24887

What I thought of
>> No. 24888
Audio C.M Burns - (11.74MB - 95 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Rocky Shoemaker discusses Chris's case notes_.mp3 ) Length: 17:15 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Here's a mirror I cleaned the sound up on and compressed a bit.
>> No. 24889
File 132350548794.jpg - (22.36KB , 444x366 , love this thread.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This was pretty interesting to listen to. Can't wait for Chris to go to jail so that the trolls can leak more fun crap.
>> No. 24890
Either the "fun stuff" is self incriminating or it's just not all that lulzy. There is a reason why it hasn't been released. This is like expecting unaired episodes of your favorite show to be good. You are going to be disappointed.
>> No. 24891
if someone is actually impersonating mihivids the joke is entirely on that individual.
>> No. 24892
File 132350645663.jpg - (61.99KB , 640x480 , 20060917131316!James_breasts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not really, seeing as so many of you are getting furious over it.
>Unaired epsiodes
>> No. 24893
File 132350677540.png - (180.10KB , 720x404 , whateva.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>or it's just not all that lulzy.
Chris hasn't been all that lulzy in years. I was able to enjoy the Kacey calls for what they were as well as the Jackie emails. So seeing and hearing him trying to interact with normal people is better than nothing.
>> No. 24894
Remember guys, PDK thinks that My Little Pony is more mature than this.
>> No. 24895
A man didn't shower for a few days and went shopping at Goodwill. On his way home some local teens thought he was homeless and laughed at him.

This what 'impersonating' Mihi amounts to. You are the dirty man. That's not trolling.
>> No. 24896

Calling him a retard and laughing at how he reacts isn't getting mad.
>> No. 24897
Oh, I'd only skimmed that part of the thread and I was under the impression you were all getting mad at posts like this one:
I see that's not the case now. Nevermind.
>> No. 24898
Quick question for Thorg or Tito. I was on /v/ a few weeks ago (such a reliable source, I know), and someone said that Chris was finally evicted because the house was in too much of a mess. I knew right away it was fake, because there was no mention on the CWCki or here, but now I'm starting to think, was it actually true? Was that actually a random PVCC member on /v/ actually giving content that was washed away in a sea of children arguing about which console is better?
>> No. 24899
I am not Thorg, but if you reread your post I think the answer should be clear.
>> No. 24900
>Herp derp people will release content on 4chan but not here
>Herp 4chan is a secret club where it's totally fine to do that sort of thing derp derp
>> No. 24901

>> No. 24902

Reading the stuttering is giving me a headache.
>> No. 24903
Use spoilers next time. Ruining the saga.

It's being released in installments for a reason.
>> No. 24904
Rocky's pretty slow, I've noticed.

Did she get hit on the head or something?
>> No. 24905
File 132352132632.gif - (2.00MB , 177x238 , 1321759511245.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It seems she may be a little hard of hearing and way burnt out on the whole issue of Christian Chandler.
>> No. 24906

She's a borderline retard redneck from bumblefuck nowheresville.
>> No. 24907
Getting mad about someone telling you you got mad because you got mad is getting mad, brah.
>> No. 24908
I'm a tripfag namefag on /cwc/ and I'm still not as much of an attention whore as you are, Mihividz.

No one likes you, no one cares about the shit you do. Go away and never return.
>> No. 24909
The fact that he isn't a tripfag indicates that he could be multiple 'tards spamming this board to rile people up.
>> No. 24910
I stand by my knee-jerk overreaction.
>> No. 24912
>Look at me trying to make this discussion more about me!
How do you live with that kind of hypocrisy?
>I'm bad, but at least I'm not that guy! Right?
>> No. 24913
Over at the CWCki Forums, they're debating when they are going to put the phone call on the CWCki, BTW.

The CWCki Forum hoarding content!? I'd thought I'd never see the day!
>> No. 24914

How is that classed as hoarding?
>> No. 24915
Because the people who only keep up with the CWCki, and not the forums, won't be able to see it until it's posted.
>> No. 24916
File 132356237194.png - (86.14KB , 339x322 , 132317615244.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi there, guys! Oh, don't mind me, just checking out this new content, that's all!
>> No. 24918
File 13235696618.jpg - (10.74KB , 296x222 , top scorer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's about damn time. The cwcki is now only for shit that trolls don't mind Chris seeing.
>> No. 24919
Unless Chris is cut off from the Internet due to his verdict in court, or Thorg is outed as a troll. Then possibly the CWCki could possibly become a useful resource tool about Chris for once.
>> No. 24920

Implying he has never been here
>> No. 24921

Does anyone else feel this guy just needs to get laid?
>> No. 24922
My nine inch penis provides me with some comfort.
>> No. 24924
They call themselves "Christorians" - which I believe is retard speak for "fucking idiot 5p3rg."
>> No. 24925
The word "Christorian" is basically a way for them to troll an autistic manchild, and then deny they're monsters at all. We, on the other hand, fully admit it.

Seriously, the CWCki could have been great, since it offers a way to organize all of the information. Unfortunately, it turned into a tool to fuck with Chris. At best, it'll be a legitimate wiki to collect info about Chris when he cuts off all contact with trolls.
>> No. 24926
The CWCki was always just for documentation.
>> No. 24927
Some of them have talked about doing school projects/documentaries on CWC/the wiki, and then acted really surprised when people mention that a documentary about the international conspiracy to stalk an autistic manchild might not be well-received.
>> No. 24928
Pics or it didn't happen.
>> No. 24929
File 132358161074.png - (142.96KB , 600x600 , heehaw.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying that he checks 789chan as religiously as he checks the cwcki
Though him checking the cwcki did work out very well this year when his posts to the tomgirl/boy forum were leaked and made Chris buttmad. Ah well, I'm sure there will be plenty of content next year when Chris continues hibernating away from the internet.
>> No. 24930
File 13235823827.jpg - (38.41KB , 581x659 , 1261133521957.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>No, this would be uh, in Christian's home. Yeah, Christian's home, uh, 14 Branchland Court. He uh, well I don't know, he um, requested that we [unintelligible], and um, Mr. Bell seems to have gone along with this. It's uh, a little unorthodox, but uh, we wouldn't mind seeing him inside his uh, inside his home. To get a kind of sense of everything that is going on? From maybe his mother as well?

>Rocky: Whu whu Where...
>> No. 24931
>Unfortunately, it turned into a tool to fuck with Chris.
You clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. 0/10 not even mad.
>> No. 24932
The CWCki is a tool to fuck with Chris.

Exhibit A: All information about current trolling operations are either kept off of the CWCki, or made to look like what Chris believes it to be. Look at the Thorg article, it's basically who Chris believes Thorg is.
>> No. 24933

Thorg's real identity doesn't matter whatsoever in relation to Chris. His troll identity, however, does matter.

It is a wiki about Chris.
>> No. 24934
So Thorg's troll dox is real, according to the CWCki, because the CWCki is about Chris?
>> No. 24935
File 132358522525.jpg - (37.07KB , 470x610 , halloween not amused.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The cwcki has almost always been written from Chris-chan's perspective. So named trolls that Chris doesn't know about typically don't get their own pages.

The cwcki, for example, doesn't cover that when trolling started there were multiple trolls calling themselves Clyde Cash or that Brian Bash and Tito are the same troll. Or who actually linked the Wallflower to the cwcki.

LURK MOAR newfag.
>> No. 24936

This vid is Tito's response to Chris.
It's real to Chris.

Chris's responses to it are what matter, not whether or not Tito is really Surfshack Tito from Rocket Power.
>> No. 24937
This only tells me one thing:

>> No. 24939
Rocky really sounds like an idiot. I love that she feels the need to protect Chris from trolls but not from a diseased shit hole with an insane mother.
>> No. 24940


>NOTE: Although names ending in s or an s sound are not required to have the second s added in possessive form, it is preferred.

Why is it preferred? To avoid confusion. It marks it clearly as a singular noun that posesses an object, in this case, Chris and his responses.
>> No. 24941
File 132358616787.jpg - (11.34KB , 256x197 , trolly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nice trolling, bro
>> No. 24942
That's because the trolls actually call and bother HER. The killer roaches don't show up at her office.
>> No. 24943
Tito and Bryan Bash were the same? Huh, didn't know that.
>> No. 24944

/v/ threads about Chris-Chan quickly become venting circle-jerks for jilted troll-shielding chucklefucks, jaded conspiracy theorists, and borderline moralfags who think the PVCC represent the line at which trolling becomes "not okay."

The last one I saw was 1/3rd spazing over how the PVCC are hoarding content, spend all day long laughing about their secret videos (which makes them pathetic and worse than CWC), and have a "leader" who lives near Chris and constantly uploads random photos of 14 Branchland Court.

I was accused of being Tito on damage control when I tried to say that /v/irgins don't have any knowledge or interest in krapplefag politics. Unfortunately, more than a few anon chimed in to tell me I was wrong and that they wanted to hear more "insider info." so they could troll Chris's trolls.

tl;dr, /v/ is more interested in arguing software piracy or the merits of PCs vs. consoles for the hundredth time than it ever used to be in trolling sonic persons.
>> No. 24945
>She sounds like a stuttering bumbling moron.

Take out "sounds like" and insert "is".
>> No. 24946
File 132360115174.jpg - (100.49KB , 540x720 , american education.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Like why the hell is some strange fuex-British man going to be calling from Virginia about some random retard?

Yeah! I know! It's not like someone from Britain could ever actually be living in Virginia - right? Obviously no-one *EVER* moves between countries and medical and health professionals *NEVER* seek any kind of experience in foreign countries.

Seriously, chucklefuck: there is a world outside of your hometown in Oklahoma.

Also faux, not "fuex".
Also he actually is British.
>> No. 24947

>> No. 24948
Why so butthurt over such a small thing, brah?
>> No. 24949
Or maybe they're honest with themselves and admit that they're not really trolling Chris.

Also, talking about Chris on here is not trolling, nor is talking about what you think should be going on with trolling. Likewise, neither is calling Chris and leaving a voicemail of "JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" or sending him a letter he never reads.
>> No. 24951
File 13236137819.jpg - (46.59KB , 376x490 , tom-hanks-picture-2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Alright! Enough with this ''MAD'' thing already!
>> No. 24952

is that furry porn behind that image? why were you posting furry porn?
>> No. 24953
Look at the full size picture.
>> No. 24954
Am I the only one that noticed a voice in the background of Rocky's home telling her how to respond during multiple portions of the phone call?

She probably had Perron on speakerphone with someone listening.
>> No. 24955
File 132363738021.png - (16.82KB , 560x604 , perron.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I liked how "Dr Perron" sounded more qualified and intelligent than the person actually tasked with safeguarding other people, least of all fucking Chris.
>> No. 24956

I couldn't tell if the background voice was on Rocky's side or Doc Perron's. In context it could have been either someone on her side saying it wasn't okay to go to Chris's house or Perron completing Rocky's sentence.
>> No. 24959
Yfw he's real. I know shrinks who moved here from other countries for school and stayed. Getting a green card with a phd from a major American university isn't that hard.
>> No. 24962
Now on the CWCki:
>> No. 24964

So what happened to all of that talk about waiting until after the trial?
>> No. 24965
They're still debating that in the talk page of the article, but they determined that making public a conversation with the consent of one of the parts isn't illegal in Virginia.
>> No. 24966

Dr. Parron isn't in cahoots with us, he's freelance.
>> No. 24967
Rocky must be as dumb as Chris if she was fooled by that little fag. He didn't sound convincing for even a seccond.
>> No. 24968

If what Rocky said is true about Chris and Barb being really defensive about their shithole of a home, Chris is going to be pissed at Rocky for letting the infestation slip.
>> No. 24969
With all the shit that's happened to them, living in a run-down, filthy house, and money woes too, do you think Barb and Chris got arrested on purpose so they could go to jail to avoid having to buy food for themselves and so they wouldn't have to live in the biohazard that is their home or put up with trolls?
>> No. 24971

Chris and/or Blarb? Able to devise a cunning plan? I assume you're joking.
>> No. 24973
Fuck off, ed gyfag.
>> No. 24974
That plan isn't exactly cunning.
>> No. 24975

If Chris does get pissed at this leak by Rocky, will Chris start to clam up and never talk to Rocky ever again? Chris has a talent for turning white knights against him, and Rocky seems to be the only person left that defends him. If Chris starts to think that Rocky is also a dang slanderous troll, things really will get ugly for him without her being around as a hugbox.
>> No. 24976
We're three days away. Any luck on paying Attorney Bell to show up to court in a pickle suit with a large Samoan bodyguard and an entourage of spray tanned guidos?

The least we could do is get the judge to wear a yellow paper Sonichu medallion and swap out the Bailiff with a fat neckbeard with long greasy hair.

All we would need to do then is switch the Prosecutor with Bob's rotting corpse with an mp3 player in the voice box with JULAY on repeat.
>> No. 24978

Why do you keep fucking saying "Blarb"? What even is that?
>> No. 24979

It's a cross between Barb and Blob (since you couldn't figure it out yourself).
>> No. 24980
It's just one guy trying to peddle his shitty wares. Adding random letters to words is about is hilarious as spelling 'cool' with a k.
>> No. 24981

jesus christ how retarded
>> No. 24983

Rocky is prized china to chris, as evident by the time he wanted the trolls to tell him to rape her.

He will never turn his back on her. Maybe she'll even let the little rascal live with her when their house is condemned
>> No. 24984
Well, even for a lolcow board, it's juvenile and fucking retarded, Paul.
>> No. 24985
Hint: only PDK uses "Blarb".
>> No. 24986

Not only is it completely unfunny, it's also inaccurate to boot, Barb's lost a shitload of weight.
>> No. 24987
>> No. 24988
If you legitimately thought that Chris wanted to rape Rocky, you are even more retarded than he is.

He was A)trying to blend in with the trolls, or B)trying to make it look like the trolls were going to go after Rocky
>> No. 24989

I'd go with A.

He believes that and other sexual deviantry is the sort of thing trolls do on a daily basis.

He's not cunning enough for B.
>> No. 24990

While I'm inclined to agree with you, I'm not sure that's how subtle his mind works...

For example the JenkinsJinkies video and ''WRISS WOSSES'' video.

While the likelihood is what you're saying is right I wouldn't put it past him to use some moron logic like that
>> No. 24991
Is is possible that Chris NEEDS trolls around in order to have a convenient excuse to use whenever he gets caught at something (like the way he accused trolls of stealing Bob's credit cards)?

Was he actually trying to somehow counter-troll the trolls (in his mind) into having them troll him into raping Rocky, and then he could say "Well you see yer Honor, yeah, hmmmh, you see it was some damn slanderous trolls that put me up to it an all. Yeah."

Yes, I know it sounds bizarre, but this is Chris Chan "logic" we are talking about here.
>> No. 24992
I'm fairly sure the whole "rape Rocky" sockpuppet thing was Chris' sad attempt to get trolls to incriminate themselves. Maybe not in a legal sense (though with Chris, who knows what he was thinking) but just so that he'd have something to show to Rocky...so he could sit back and wait for her to fix his problem for him. Basically he was trying to take advantage of the only person who listens to him.
>> No. 24994
No lie, I'd rock the shit out of that shirt. MERKA
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