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File 132406164536.jpg - (806.00KB , 1920x2560 , 2b2f966d67b576f81a82d8871d7523c7-d3akd8k.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
25255 No. 25255
The current Justinrpg thread is getting too large.
The third Justinrpg thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 25256
Oh lord, I haven't seen this guy before. He could be related to Chris.
>> No. 25257
File 132406191270.jpg - (95.95KB , 720x540 , 222677_216287438397738_100000494517633_853824_5505.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25258
Michigander here. Why is it that all the lolcows from Michigan have a shit fetish. Doesn't Chris have family up here?
>> No. 25259
File 132406226621.gif - (500.95KB , 400x325 , 132081969839.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Probably because shit fetishism is still better than anything you'll find IRL in PURE MICHIGAN

(Sent from half an hour from the D, before you get mad.)
>> No. 25260
As much as I enjoyed the Justinrpg literal shitfest, what more can be done? He knows about /cwc/ trolling and isn't gonna come back. Too bad.
>> No. 25261
If your state didn't have a shit fetish, it wouldn't be bordering Indiana.
>> No. 25262
There must be something done to him.
>> No. 25263
WTF is up with that door? It looks like he had a tard fit and ran head first into it. Also, why are there all those stains all over his wall. What gross fuck this guy is.
>> No. 25264
ugly Christmas sweaters get all the bitches
>> No. 25265
File 132406367433.jpg - (13.88KB , 180x267 , mousefucker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This guy needs an ED page
>> No. 25267
I archived the old thread
>> No. 25268
File 132407208146.png - (1.40MB , 1370x8060 , 132406375158.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25269
Justin creeps me out because I used to look exactly like him when I was 16, minus assburgers and the horrible fetishes.

(I got better)
>> No. 25270
I think it's drywall patching that nobody bother to paint over
>> No. 25271
Even in his fantasies he hovers his hand.
>> No. 25272
File 132409867910.gif - (208.79KB , 307x400 , tc anim.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>MFW it says "bad boy" on your pic.
>> No. 25273
I'm not sure at that distance it's even considered "hovering"
>> No. 25274
File 132410130293.jpg - (33.27KB , 400x400 , 131340721756.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
any photos of him with reshirim??
>> No. 25275
Culd you do it for http://789chan.org/cwc/res/128525.html too?
>> No. 25276
SHUT THE FUCK UP Timmothy nobody wants you here.
>> No. 25277
File 132417474853.png - (35.92KB , 371x515 , you got mad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hi alog
>> No. 25278
I am NOT alog but you DELIBERATELY spelt it RESHIRIM even though I asked you politely not to
>> No. 25279

How should you spell it?

>> No. 25280
File 132417590599.jpg - (28.70KB , 500x333 , updated tc laugh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25281

>> No. 25282
>> No. 25283


>> No. 25284
File 132417777280.jpg - (34.92KB , 295x358 , he mad malcolm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25285
Reshirim compels you.
>> No. 25286

>> No. 25287
What the fuck is even going on in this thread?
>> No. 25288
>> No. 25289
>> No. 25290
Motherfucker's got nothing on Zekrem.
>> No. 25291
Dude, these new pokemin fucking suck. I'll stick with the old school ones, like squartle.
>> No. 25292
A wild Justin appears!

P.S. I also played pokeymens black. Guess what I did with rashrom? I traded it online for a gen II derp. It's really worth that little. Have fun, son!

P.S.S. Reshirim.
>> No. 25293
I nearly got all the Gem Badges.

Of course it was easy when I stole Justin's sexy fire type Moltrays.
>> No. 25294
So Justin came here and instead of defending himself, he was spurging about the name of a fucking Pokámen?
>> No. 25295
File 132420560441.jpg - (199.19KB , 900x675 , married_to_reshiram_by_justinrpg-d48b292.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25296
Justin, use a name with a tripcode so we can identify you.
>> No. 25297
File 132420738783.jpg - (285.16KB , 1224x864 , fearow_hat_by_justinrpg-d4b0awk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25298
im pretty sure that wasn't actually him. i'll have to confirm with my inner-circle troll contacts.
justin is currently being trolled on facebook via a field agent who goes by the name of zekrom blacksomething. he's a friend of mine and he'll confirm or deny whether or not justin posted here.
>> No. 25299
Cloaca the Anthropomorphic Bird Girl?
>> No. 25300
ReshirAm is worth far far more than a generation II derp! What even is a derp?!?!

And it's RESHIRAM. R-E-S-H-I-R-A-M. Got it yet?!
>> No. 25301
File 132421327863.jpg - (68.95KB , 640x480 , 1247968336105.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What even is a derp?!?!
For instance, you. Also, Resharom.
>> No. 25302
Oh, you're right, we've been spelling it wrong this whole time!

Our mistake, Justin: Reshurem.

I hope we didn't upset Reshurem by calling her Roshuram.
>> No. 25303
File 132421494537.jpg - (106.99KB , 500x375 , 5769712886_dd71043c90.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Justin I think your "wife" has been cheating on you with these two dudes. Care to respond? Also guys it's totally Rashirim.
>> No. 25304
That rishirum have a penis?
>> No. 25305
Cloaca is the worst name for a bird-anything. It'd be like calling your baby daughter 'Vaginal Orifice'.
>> No. 25306
Cloaca: sewer in Spanish.
>> No. 25307

And English. And Latin. And Italian. And Portuguese. And person person person
>> No. 25308
OK I think you're spelling it wrong on purpose just to get at me and RESHIRAM! Well stop it you idiots because you're not funny!!! We don't give a damn if you want to offend RESHIRAM and make yourselves look stupid! Sorry MORE stupid!
>> No. 25309
If you try to impersonate Justin, try to be more creative, you're just being too repetitive.
>> No. 25310
File 132421930059.png - (350.61KB , 602x602 , hmm.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

mfw he really is Justin
>> No. 25311
just watch as the mods wordbutter "reshiram" or something.
>> No. 25312
I want this, please.
>> No. 25313
>> No. 25314
k, got it.
>> No. 25315

No clue what you are talking about.

Why would we want to offend Rashirim?
>> No. 25316
Would you rather we flirted with "her"
>> No. 25317
Can someone tell me what a rasharam is?
>> No. 25318
Who is this pretty lady?
>> No. 25319
File 132422942446.png - (437.08KB , 909x1000 , roshorom.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought that Roshorom was genderless.
>> No. 25320
Rushyourmom is a dude pokemon?
>> No. 25321
#1. that hasn't been me posting idiots!!!!

#2. you guys can troll me all you want!! but I have God and God takes care of people in need!!! this song comforts me trough all this:

Even though I walk through the valley Of the shadow of death Your perfect love is casting out fear And even when I'm caught in the middle Of the storms of this life I won't turn back, I know You are near

And I will fear no evil For my God is with me And if my God is with me Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go Through the calm and through the storm Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low Oh no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me

And I can see a light that is coming For the heart that holds on A glorious light beyond all compare And there will be an end to these troubles But until that day comes We'll live to know You here on the earth

Oh no, You never let go Through the calm and through the storm Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low Oh no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me

Yes, I can see a light that is coming For the heart that holds on And there will be an end to these troubles But until that day comes Still I will praise You, still I will praise You

Oh no, You never let go Through the calm and through the storm Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low Oh no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me

Oh no, You never let go Through the calm and through the storm Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low Oh no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me
>> No. 25322
Speaking of comforting songs...
>> No. 25323
God doesn't exist and if he did, he'd want nothing to do with you because you think about fucking Pokemon (an animal) and that is against his law.
>> No. 25325
File 132423349264.jpg - (37.15KB , 580x320 , 301-tl-dr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25326
that Pokemon isn't even based of a real animal!!! come back with that phrase when I am dating a Pikachu or Flareon or something like that (it'll never happen)
>> No. 25327
It's not human and it's not even real. God won't let you into heaven if you insist on being married to it.
>> No. 25328
File 132423660114.jpg - (33.80KB , 460x612 , justinrpg hoverhand looks legit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who is Justin with in this picture? I don't play any video games so I've never seen her before. Won't his wife get jealous if he has all these women hanging off of him like this?
>> No. 25329
>> No. 25330
I think it's a summon from Final Fantasy 8 or 9. Not sure.
>> No. 25331
Aside from the hand hovering, it looks like she's pushing him away. Even his fantasy shoops reject him.
>> No. 25332
you need to read the bible... God sent his only son to die just so all my wrongdoings are cleansed (including that Pokemon marriage) and God asked was to worship God and Jesus in return... this same price has been paid for you trolls too... all you need to do is lift you sins to God and ask for his forgivness and worship... even you being trolls like this can be cleansed... there is no sin too powerful to be forgiven by God

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
>> No. 25333

Funny. I read a similar thing in the Quran. How do I know which one to follow?
>> No. 25334
I still need to know why there are pics of you with other women besides your wife.

A lot of people that see them probably think you're an adulterer.
>> No. 25335

don't you know anything? Jesus is white and not a DIRTY ARAB
>> No. 25336

Listen to the WHITE and HONEST Jesus
>> No. 25337
Erm... do you even know where was Jesus from?
>> No. 25338

That's not him you asspie. Justin doesn't use Chriscaps.
>> No. 25339
that was before I married her... there is 0 pictures of me with other women made after August!!! ever since I married, it has just been me and her!!! she said I could keep those images!!
>> No. 25340
The funny thing is that he talks about Reshorem and God as if they exist.
>> No. 25341
>Implying god doesn't exist
Nice try TJ
>> No. 25342
God exists... the other is just fantasy... I don't believe my Pokemon wife exists in real life!!
>> No. 25343

I have met your kind before. The only way to save yourself is to grow out of your autism and finally realise what a stupid cunt you look.

But since you're a stubborn little cunt, you wont do that.

Only a miracle will change you, and I doubt your godjesus will grant that on you.
>> No. 25344

There is no proof god exists. How can you be sure he's there and cares about you? A mean god could possibly exist.
>> No. 25345
>she said I could keep those images!!

If you say so, I just don't want to hear that anyone's heart got broken later just because you have a wandering eye.
>> No. 25346
God has a reason for everything... If God gave me Autism, there is a reason!!!
>> No. 25347
I don't even look at them anymore!!! they are so buried now!!! it would take a long time for my friends or I to go back and find them!
>> No. 25348
You forgot the bit about repentance, newfag. You can't just say, "Welp. I believe in Jesus and now I can do whatever the fuck I want." You have to perpetually try to stop sinning or you are not saved at all. Salvation is not a free pass to sin. You still have to behave like a Christian.
>> No. 25349
File 132423885511.jpg - (33.34KB , 500x500 , sin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25350
why do you think I only stay with my wife now... I am not a 'any woman' person anymore... either way, there has been a lot of things I 'have' repented on!!
>> No. 25351
The fact that you are married to someone- sorry, something that isn't a part of God's plan for you is sinful and needs repentance. You must divorce your Pokemon wife. In God's eyes, your marriage is sinful because it is not with a female Christian person.
>> No. 25352
that seems logical...
>> No. 25353
Today is Sunday. Did you miss church today?
>> No. 25354
only God can make that decision , you can't tell me if it is or isn't part of God's plan for me!!! this wife actually made me not a 'any woman' person!!! who knows God works in mysterious ways!!!
>> No. 25355
No, I was there I got out 3 hours ago!! (12PM EST)
>> No. 25356
File 132423925427.jpg - (16.51KB , 300x300 , 51LR8-EsqDL__SL500_AA300_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hear you guys are interested in classic cinema.
>> No. 25357
Are you going to get to see Pastor Tony today?

You're lucky to have him as a pastor because he seems like a really cool guy.
>> No. 25358

I fucking lol'd.
>> No. 25359
“If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal. If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” Deuteronomy 27:21

Sorry, looks like we're going to have to kill Reshiram.
>> No. 25360
Justin, be a namefag so we can recognize you.
>> No. 25361

You can't take us alive! RESHIRI HA ME HAAAAAAAA
>> No. 25362
Tony isn't my pastor!!! we was a Pastor at a church in a different state... Troy Gentz is my pastor and he still is my friend on Facebook... he thinks this wife is actually doing me good... I have behaved more and more since my pretend marriage started... Tony now is just a member of my church!!
>> No. 25363
Gen. 2:18, 21-24

>The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'...and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.

>Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

God intended you to be with a human woman only, not with a Pokemon.
>> No. 25364
it isn't even a real animal!!! come back with that verse when that Pokemon is real (it'll never happen)
>> No. 25365
sorry I don't see the word 'human' in there anywhere!!
>> No. 25366
You can't be a Christian and have Rasherum as a wife.

>Christian and eternity in Heaven
>Reshiram and eternity in Hell

Pick one.
>> No. 25367
You dumb homosexual deviant, he made a woman out of man's rib. She's human, not a Pokemon.
>> No. 25368
Well if the marriage is working out for you then I think you should just keep doing what you're doing.

If it helps you to talk with her on facebook like that I think you should keep doing it and not let any haters scare you off the internet.

The best way to deal with haters is to just keep doing the things that you love to do and not let them get to you.
>> No. 25369
Just because I have Reshiram, doesn't mean I am going to hell!!! there are lots of examples in the Bible where people have done something wrong and still go to heaven!! nobody is perfect!!! the way you are saying is you have to be perfect to go to Heaven!!
>> No. 25370
File 13242400588.jpg - (71.88KB , 368x437 , 132354663825.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25371
Real or imagined. Doesn't matter. Jesus had plenty to say about sinful thoughts:

>But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed ADULTERY with her in his heart

>For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.
>> No. 25372
that makes perfect sense!!! (I cannot believe I am having a normal logical conversion on a board that makes fun of me!!)
>> No. 25373

You don't have to be perfect to get to heaven, you just can't marry pokemon in defiance of god's natural laws.
>> No. 25374
You have to try to perfect to go to heaven. How difficult is it to divorce your fake wife? Not that difficult. How much of a fuss are you making about it? A huge fuss. God is watching you and waiting for you to make the right decision, otherwise he'll see that you won't repent and send you to Hell.
>> No. 25375

my church talked about those verses once, and the pastor said that it really doesn't apply to your wife... if you are married... if I were to look and a 'different' woman, there that verse comes in!!
>> No. 25376
It doesn't say "different" woman, idiot. It says woman. Even if you aren't married, lust is a sin and you are continually doing this because you can never be legally or spiritually married to Reshiram and you lust for her all the same.
>> No. 25377
there is nothing in the Bible about marrying a Pokemon!!! and besides, my pastor is ok with it!!! if there was anything like that in the bible, he would have told me!!!! I ask bible questions all the time!!! is this in the bible? is that in the bible? those kind of questions!!
>> No. 25378
you didn't hear what my pastor said then idiot!!! reread my post!!!
>> No. 25379
There's nothing specifically about Pokemon, but bestiality and animal marriage is clearly, explicitly in defiance of God's law. Are you saying God's book didn't have the foresight to be vague enough so that this same law could forbid Pokemon marriage? Are you saying the Bible isn't the word of God?
>> No. 25380
Your pastor is sinning by saying that. He is not speaking for God. If he's telling you it's okay, he is working for the devil! RUN!
>> No. 25381
I don't know why you guys keep banging your head against the wall!!! I already said this Reshiram marriage has helped me better myself and my Pastor is OK with it... hey you never know, it may even improve me even more to the point where I am no longer trolled because of my ways... ever since this Reshiram marriage, I have progressed more this year than all the years combined going to church (6 years) ask my pastor!!
>> No. 25382
Justin, it should be clear that your god wants you to divorce Rushirim. Or you'll go to Hell for eternity. You should read the Bible for yourself.
>> No. 25383
>But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
Matthew 5:21-23
>> No. 25384
Like I said before you don't need to let people get you all worked up.

I know that people said that everyone on this board are trolls but actually the people who said that are just haters themselves.

I know this because there are plenty of people here who are not trolls.

So please understand that not everyone is trying to be mean when they ask you something.

Some people obviously have concerns that it may not be proper for a God-fearing Christian to marry a Pokemon, but if your pastor says it's fine in this case it must be ok.
>> No. 25385
this marriage isn't even real!! come back when I marry a 'real' animal... (it'll never happen)
>> No. 25386
everybody listen to this guy!!!! he know what he is talking about!!!
>> No. 25387
Marriage with an animal wouldn't be real either, but the Bible forbids it. This applies to your fake marriage as well. You are going to Hell if you don't divorce Reshiram.

It is one thing to sin and be sorry and repent for that sin, but to continually wish to sin (be fake married to a fake animal) is going to put you in Hell where you can get raped by all the Pokemon you want.
>> No. 25388
I don't know if you guys are right or wrong about this marriage and God thing... but there are examples in the bible where something will apply to one person and not another... it depends on the situation!! God may be using this Reshiram marriage just so I can progress in my life after years of struggling!! who knows? it may be!!! I have gotten better sine it!!! that is a good thing!!!
>> No. 25389
The Flying Spaghetti Monster lets you marry with Rashurom.
>> No. 25390
>> No. 25391
God wouldn't use a sinful lifestyle to better your life. That doesn't make any sense. This is you sinning, not God making you sin so you'll be happier.
>> No. 25392
yes he would

Genesis 50:20

as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

what Man intended for evil, God intended for Good!!!
>> No. 25393
Justin, look at it this way. What if God, in his mysterious way, is speaking through us to get you to divorce Reshiram?
>> No. 25394
'Justin' is trolling y'all hard, guise.
>> No. 25395
It seems kind of pointless to talk to this guy. He's the usual whiny person who only hears what he wants to hear and throws a fit whenever anyone disagrees with him.
>> No. 25396
Justin, honey, this is Rasharam. Stop arguing with the trolls and come to bed.
>> No. 25397
maybe so maybe not... but like I said, I have progressed so much with this Reshiram marriage!!!what if this marriage helps me so much that I'm capable of having a 'real' relationship (I currently not capable) and I find a 'real' woman... then hey, I am no longer married to Reshiram
>> No. 25398
The most important thing is that it feels right for you.

If something can make a big difference like this has I think it's great that you put it out there where interested people can see and learn about it.

Who knows? Maybe these ideas could help someone else in a similar position, please keep putting them out there.

A lot of people have brought up good points. There are some very knowledgeable Christians on this board though no one will ever give us the credit and they call us trolls even though many of us have faith and are concerned for peoples' eternal souls.

But you've convinced me Justin, I want to wish you and your wife a very happy marriage.
>> No. 25399
You know what? I have been your harshest critic on this board, but I think you have me convinced that this is good for you. Continue to be married to your Rusherman if it's okay with your pastor and God. I think we can have many discussions here on the board. Maybe we can even become friends.
>> No. 25400
File 132424199317.gif - (625.69KB , 480x358 , Optimized.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ask and ye shall recieve

same person, most likely justin:
> >>141380 <seems less than legit

definitely not justin:
>> No. 25401
ok... see this marriage isn't a bad thing!!! and I don't think it'll be permanent... believe me, when a real relationship shall occur... why would I need my Pokemon wife??
>> No. 25402
File 132424234935.jpg - (18.22KB , 365x300 , aeui.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, not a single post personing about the spelling of Rashomon is by Justin...
>> No. 25403
nice, you got me just right!!!
>> No. 25404
File 132424243420.jpg - (47.02KB , 420x558 , 5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25405
Exactly. That's really smart when you put it that way. You should post that to Facebook and get other people to see it that way.
>> No. 25406
>when a real relationship shall occur...

That's the spirit! If you ever need any dating advice feel free to come to us and ask.

There are a lot of people here who are in long-term relationships and some who are even married.

I even met my girlfriend after talking to some of the people on here. Might work for you when you're ready.
>> No. 25407
Can you explain us in which aspects have you progressed thanks to your marriage?
>> No. 25408
I've found that the best way to fish for women is in public with a sign asking for a boyfriend-free woman to talk to me. It does away with the awkward walking-up-and-asking part, since they come to you. It really works because they're intrigued by your odd sign and then you can strike up a conversation and they'll actually get to know you and like you instead of ignore you.
>> No. 25409
Justin, what kind of woman are you looking for? Specifics, please.
>> No. 25410
I love that one, it really works. But having a heart on a red string can be a fun way to reel in the ladies as well.
>> No. 25411
File 132424325820.jpg - (76.56KB , 600x450 , justinheartsreshy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is a great pic, Justin. How long did it take to make?
>> No. 25412
Like a lot of you I was a little concerned the first time I saw that because I didn't know if the Bible supported these types of things.

I'm really glad that Justin was smart enough to ask an expert so we don't have to be worried about him.
>> No. 25413
File 132424349428.jpg - (711.10KB , 1268x2544 , justin marriage.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I will post this to Facebook one I outline what is me and what isn't
>> No. 25414
Yes. Good idea!
>> No. 25415
I am not sure right at the moment... when the right time or girl comes I will know...

I am a lot calmer... I don't go after any woman or girl anymore... I can converse with people better (becuase of with the practice of my conversations with my wife) I am not as closed minded...

I used PiZap editor... a Facebook app... I would say it took me 20 minutes...
>> No. 25416
File 132424379638.png - (6.75KB , 419x249 , mysterious solicitor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Show us your cock Justin. That'll scare away us trolls!
>> No. 25417
With things like this, I don't know if believing that he's married to Rashomon is worse than believing in god.
>> No. 25418
File 132424432436.jpg - (16.28KB , 464x270 , 1318278259303.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Snivy is disgusted by you justin
>> No. 25419
why are you guys still posting this stuff??? I thought we were Ok now???
>> No. 25420
Many of us are okay. Just ignore the latecomers.
>> No. 25421
That is all great to hear.

What was it like when you used to go after girls and women though? Did you get to go on any dates?
>> No. 25422
Sometimes trolls come here and act like JERKS.

We hate it too because they just do it to give our board a bad reputation. Most then are from ponychan which is a real troll board.
>> No. 25423
Justin, feel free to come here and post original pictures, stories, and songs yourself. You might even get a fanbase going here!
>> No. 25424
actually I would scare them away... take my sister's friend Candace... she used to hate me!!! now we get along just fine!! she hated me up until this fall.. I chased her around a lot, she hated it!!! now we're even friends on Facebook... happened about maybe a month and a half into the marriage!!!
>> No. 25425

Don't forget ebaumsworld.
>> No. 25426
I have to leave for evening service now!!!... in a couple of hours I'll be back home...
>> No. 25427
OK, next time you post, type in the name field Justin#something so you'll have a tripcode and we can recognizze you, and troll won't impersonate you.
>> No. 25428
Ok have a good time.
>> No. 25429
Good point, they are the worst.
>> No. 25430

Cool. Have a nice service, Justin.
>> No. 25431
>> No. 25432
I wish I would have been able to tell my pastor the good news about this board!!! I got to the place where the evening service is held at... it is only two blocks from my house... there was a sign on the door... "evening service cancelled due to an illness in the family" I'll just share it on my pastor's wall I guess!!
>> No. 25433
I hope everyone's going to be ok. You think it was someone in Pastor Troy's family?
>> No. 25434
so I take it it is ok to continue my music uploads to FurAffinity without the fear of trolls!!! ever since I heard about that Zekromsbabe post I stopped production!!! am I safe to upload what I have made now???
>> No. 25435
I don't know... Pastor's Wife's mother has been in and out of the hospital since it got cold... my best guess it her...
>> No. 25436

In fact we wouldn't mind if you came here and posted a link when you have something new. A lot of us are interested.

But I need to say that there probably will be some JERKS that will continue to troll you. I want you to know that they DO NOT represent the way the majority of us feel here on this board.

If someone is a troll and they claim to be from /cwc/ I'd bet anything that they spend way more time at ponychan or ebaumsworld with the rest of their trollkind.

So what I'm saying is that we want to to keep everything going forward and we wish you luck and hope you'll visit us but we cannot stop every troll. Does that make sense?
>> No. 25437
I want to share with you what my wife typed the other day in response to all of the trolls trolling me lately!!! you know that song "pumped up kicks" by "Foster The People"??? well my wife said this on Facebook!!

all those kids who troll my hubby, better run, better run, faster than my Blue Flare!!!!!

it was making fun of that song!!!
>> No. 25438
Justin, what is it that makes you incapable of having a real life girlfriend?
>> No. 25439
can you try to spread the word about what just happened today to those boards to try to cut that trolling of me down there too???
>> No. 25440
although it has gotten better since my Pokemon marriage, mainly my social skills... also my Autism... and the fact I lack a little street smarts and confidence... I think I'll be capable someday because I AM improving...
>> No. 25441
Hey justinrpg, just want to say that you have some major balls, son. Kudos to you, and don't stop because of a few trolls.
>> No. 25442
I don't go to those places because they are just a bunch a jerks and they would just give all of us a hard time.

The main thing to learn from all this is that you can never make every person happy, especially on the internet.

Just keep doing your thing and don't let them stop you.

Sure you can tell them off or even ignore them but they win if you stop doing the things you love to do.
>> No. 25443

Are Autism and Apersoners the same thing? Cause I know a guy who says they are completely different.
>> No. 25444
File 132424849441.gif - (149.47KB , 700x589 , 64996_knightvstroll_lg.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25445
there similar Apersoners in in the Autism spectrum... Apersoners is a high functioning form of Autism
>> No. 25446
now that we get along... can we now stop wordbuttering the Pokemon name and the disability name?
>> No. 25447
Are you a virgin Justin? Do you have hopes of finding a real life girl and starting a family?
>> No. 25448
yes I plan to someday when I am able to sustain a family... and have a job that isn't only once a month...
>> No. 25449

Surely you must receive a monthly 'tugboat' of financial assistance from the government on account of your disability?
>> No. 25450
yes, only a small amount 80% goes to rent and bills...
>> No. 25451
Do you live at home with your mother?
>> No. 25452
Do you realize that your marriage is akin to idolatry, a sin punished by god?
>> No. 25453
I think those are there because we like to have a sense of humor about ourselves.
>> No. 25454
Go back to the cave from whence you came, troll! Leave Justin alone. He's cool.
>> No. 25455
sorta, I am home alone 80 or so percent of the time... it IS her house... she is usually home only after 9PM and on the weekends!!! she isn't home now because she is at her boyfriend's house... before that I was in a independent living group home (that's where the first picture on this board was taken from (that home)... at mom's house a year now (moved in Nov 2010)
>> No. 25456
The coffee filter Aspberger's has been here for quite a while Justin.

It wasn't put there to make fun of you or anything like that. It is a reference to Chris Chan's refusal to admit that Autism and Asperberger's are related.
>> No. 25457

Sounds like your mom has had a lot of boyfriends.
>> No. 25458
Do you like her boyfriend?
>> No. 25459
I have a question... is this Zekrom Black troll cool with me too?? or do I need to keep him blocked??
>> No. 25460
Why? What has happened?
>> No. 25461
Go suck Eric Bauman's tiny dick ƒaggot!

Leave Justin alone.
>> No. 25462
File 132425018292.jpg - (92.34KB , 750x1017 , kruzibit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dude, marriage should be FOREVER and permanent, you need to understand marriage is not supposed to be for convenience
>> No. 25463
yes... he is cool... he is super nice easy to get along with!!! nice and calm easygoing person
>> No. 25464
But he could always get divorced when the time is right. I'm sure Rashomon would understand.
>> No. 25465
File 132425032432.jpg - (48.94KB , 500x327 , maverick.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I even met my girlfriend after talking to some of the people on here.

are you liquid?
>> No. 25466
He'll just need to ask his pastor about that if it ever comes up.
>> No. 25467
What influenced you to make awesome dance music, Justin? - Your #1 fan!
>> No. 25468
there was a post on here saying he was a troll...
>> No. 25469
I've noticed that you use an inordinate amount of exclamation points. Do you type the way you normally speak? Are you always shouting?
>> No. 25470
What about your father, Justin?
>> No. 25471
It would be easy to frame someone here, though. So take it with a grain of salt.
>> No. 25472
No, that would be pretty awesome though.

Dude, you know that /cwc/ sometimes gives great relationship and dating advice. A lot of people have benefitted from that aspect of this community.

Remember that thread where we helped MiHividz get a date with a cute guy? It was pretty recent, I could have sworn you were in there giving him good advice too.
>> No. 25473

I just make songs about what I like!! dance seems to be the easiest for me to make!!! I hope to get a really nice Microphone for Christmas!!! my influence is "If I want a song about something, Make it yourself"
>> No. 25474
File 132425061781.jpg - (10.99KB , 318x258 , tom-cruise-mad-atpattinson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
justin please reply what i wrote before about marriage...
>> No. 25475
just the way I type... there is even more with my wife's typing!!! I just put periods and other punctuation in threes...
>> No. 25476
Your "I'm a furry" song was something else though. It was very avant garde and it was a little bit haunting. A very interesting piece of sonic art.
>> No. 25477

Sounds like you could really go a long way with your music Justin. I can't wait to hear your singing once you've got your microphone :)
>> No. 25478
File 132425075441.jpg - (52.93KB , 540x500 , sonichu2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yeah that was me, i was helping you to give mihividz some dating advice. its so great we hooked him up with a boyfriend who he really seems to love.

ah.. /cwc/ we really are a great bunch
>> No. 25479
Do you know about Chris-Chan? What do you think about him?
>> No. 25480
Justin, don't answer Timothy Cruzetor's questions, he is an idiot and a troll. I heard he also prefers the company of men.
>> No. 25481
true... but this isn't a 'real' marriage... I suppose if I NEVER get a 'real' girl it will be forever...
>> No. 25482
timmothy cruzetor also helped me with my marriage. He gives really wonderful advice, my marriage would have failed without timmothy and his advice.

thanks timmothy.
>> No. 25483
you were a little late...
>> No. 25484
Justin, can I request a song about how /cwc/ (pronounced See-Double-You-See) is your ally in the fight against trolls? Maybe try it with some dubstep remixed in?
>> No. 25485
Ahh, he's not that bad of a guy. When he first came here from ebaumsworld he was pretty bad but he's gotten a lot better recently.
>> No. 25486
no I don't know him or of him...
>> No. 25487
File 132425102745.jpg - (78.61KB , 586x879 , 862504_3934_625x1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
please leave here you dang dirty troll. stop slandering my already slandered name and dragging it through the mud, you slanderous troll.
>> No. 25488

He's a JERK. thats all you need to know about him
>> No. 25489
It's not important. Don't worry about it.
>> No. 25490

Confirmed for mad.
>> No. 25491
can we at least remove the Pokemon name filter???
>> No. 25492
>> No. 25493
File 132425119693.jpg - (10.82KB , 180x128 , Gorilla.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I forgot that most of the english speaking world is filled with atheist and new age homosexual deviants.

Back to my cave.
>> No. 25494
He's a pretty cool guy. He to likes making music and talking about Pokemon
>> No. 25495
Don't make anything of it. It'll go away eventually. It's just there to remind us to be humble and not worry too much about words and their meanings because we're all children of God and we need to be meek and humble.
>> No. 25496
Hey justin, why are you even here
>> No. 25497
He's a really famous internet personality, he's well known as a troll too. The person that asked was probably a troll too. Chris Chan tends to troll our board sometimes so there is a lot of stuff about him here.

Here is one of his videos.
>> No. 25498
Justin, don't bother with watching any of these videos about Chris-Chan. They're boring and not worth your time.
>> No. 25499
He's talking to his fans. What does it look like?
>> No. 25500
Only a few people can actually do that and I bet they are at evening services right now. Don't worry about it, we like to be silly on here sometimes. Besides it's not like it's something bad.
>> No. 25501
because I heard this board was the center of the cyber-bullying that I have been receiving... a friend linked me to this board... I lurked for a while just to see what people were saying... today's church service and songs was my inspiration to post on here and try to fix the problem... the song lyrics that I posted was sang today at church...
>> No. 25502
Justin, use a tripcode.
>> No. 25503
Audio Linear Pair of Angles - Jingle Reshiram Bells - (3.12MB - 128 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 3:11 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Just sharing this cool remix. I was listening to Justin's stuff before many of you even heard of him. Now he's popular, lol!
>> No. 25504
This board discusses issues related to cyber-bullying. That's different than being a center for cyber-bullies. That is why people sometimes get confused.
>> No. 25505
It's nice that he even has songs that are appropriate for the holidays, that one is neat.
>> No. 25506
Justin, to make a login that only you can use and so we'll know it's you, enter justinrpg# and a password after the #. Then we'll know it's you so trolls can't pretend to be you and troll us.
>> No. 25507
/cwc/ - Dating Education
>> No. 25508
>>141610 ok... we'll see how this works...
>> No. 25509
Good to go!
>> No. 25510
Do you have any unreleased songs or pictures that you could share with us? I'm kinda looking forward to them now.
>> No. 25511
You should make videos for your fans online Justin.
>> No. 25512
now that I know that this isn't a bad board... I guess I'll remove the poor reputation I gave this site on the 'Web of Trust' website reputation rating tool... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOT:_Web_of_Trust
>> No. 25513
Glad to see you have put /cwc/ up a notch on your Scale of Respect, Justin. You see now we are not all bad :)
>> No. 25514
Audio Linear Pair of Angles - Reshiram Battle (Powerhouse Remix) - (2.97MB - 175 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Reshiram Battle (Powerhouse Remix).mp3 ) Length: 2:19 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
yes, check out this Rashomon's battle theme remix I made... I made like 10 remixes of Rashomon's battle theme after I stopped production...(I know it will be wordbuttered though)
>> No. 25515
Nonsense. Sure, there are unlikable jerks here, but we mostly sit around and laugh at people who do dumb shit -or- are unlikable, overdramatic jerks. Like, all those people in the banner.

Yes, we have laughed at the dumb (literal) shit you've posted on the internet, but it's in a harmless "get a load of this guy" way.

While we are not cyberbully central (that's 4chan /pol/), we can certainly get nasty with people just to get some laughs. It's been mostly with the dickwads I mentioned earlier, but it's been done. You're lucky everyone's interest on you is plain amusement (with some disgust relating to the bird poop pics) and not contempt.

By the way, Justin. This has been probably been asked before, but I'm curious. Did the poop fetishism end when you married Rashomon? If not, do you only fantasize about Rashomon's dragonpoop or do you fetishize other fictional beings' poop?
>> No. 25516
File 132425318953.jpg - (34.76KB , 600x400 , tom_cruise-600.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
nice remix, this one is very good
>> No. 25517
feel free to watch my FurAffinity account, I will slowly but surely release everything I have made since I stopped production on that website...
if I do anything... it will be on YouTube... just subscribe to justinrpg on YouTube...
>> No. 25518

Either this is an imposter...

...or Justin just gained a sense of humor.
>> No. 25519
File 132425331933.gif - (1.01MB , 480x360 , 129157477066831452.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25520

wordbutter bro
>> No. 25521
>coffee filter
>> No. 25522
it wasn't a true fetish... I only like pictures of it!!! I wasn't into that in real life!!! it was a 'Just on Paper' type thing...
>> No. 25523
They wordbuttered Rashomon now?

Ahahahahaha, that's awesome.
>> No. 25524

Lots of things are like that.
>> No. 25525
Sounds good!

Cool battle mix by the way.
>> No. 25526
Ok, we understand that now. Don't be put off if people ask though, they are just curious.
>> No. 25527
Very well, so it's just on paper. I understand, I've got my own things I like "just on paper", so there's no judging here. Just was curious if your imagination marriage to Rashomon involves poop, or if that Saga of Justin has ended already.
>> No. 25528
now I don't have that annoying "You Gave this website a poor reputation. are you sure you want to visit this site?" warning every time I go on here now that I removed the bad reputation!!!
>> No. 25529
I think the poop stuff was a joke not to be taken too seriously. "On paper" make sense if you think about. Toilet paper.
>> No. 25530
That's good! We don't want to turn away the bullied people of the internet because of a bad rating.
>> No. 25531
Hey guys, remember this thread?

Because this reminds me of it.
>> No. 25532
is any of you guys conversing with me the Zekromsbabe that was mentioned on the previous board who watched my FurAffinity account???
>> No. 25533
Not me. Why?
>> No. 25534
They must not be here if no one is saying anything. No one here has ever used that name either, not on this board I mean.

Doesn't mean someone doesn't know them on another board I suppose. It's really hard to know if the person who was calling troll was being TRUE and HONEST or if they were trolling you and the other person at the same time, they think that stuff is funny at ebaum's and ponychan so I wouldn't be surprised if they are behind it.
>> No. 25535
I just want to know if that guy is aware of the change on how I am treated around here... because I don't want him to troll when I upload more music...
>> No. 25536
File 132425438351.jpg - (16.66KB , 326x324 , 132300251252.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i think sometimes trolls will tell slanderous lies and slander the name of TRUE and HONEST people, just so the troll can gain an advantage over other people.

before a guy was slandering my already slandered name, but im ignoring it, because i know im a good honest person.

if anyone slanders you justin, please ignore them.
>> No. 25537
a post on here said he/she was going to create a seemingly legit account named zekrombabe to track him (me)
>> No. 25538
I would wait to make any judgments until you can talk to that person here. Get everything out in the open and have a heart to heart.
>> No. 25539
Then just keep him blocked until you he becomes nice or just never unblock him

Justin you need to understand that we can't control individuals. If he is as big a jerk as you say then he won't care what we say to him.

If he comes back just ignore him and remember how many people love your music. Whenever someone is popular online haters come out of the woodwork. Maybe he'll relax and be cool, we can't be sure.
>> No. 25540
who on here is Facebook that I either blocked or still is friends with Rashomon or Moltres?? I'd like to know... I could unblock... and I'd like to know who is friends just so I know...
>> No. 25541
Did you block a lot of people? I don't have a facebook so I'm pretty clueless as to how it works.
>> No. 25542
I have even progressed so much I don't think we'd be having this 'normal' conversation right now If my marriage has progressed me!!
>> No. 25543
I'm... surprised by this. From the looks of it, Justin is becoming a second Sailormoonred.
>> No. 25544

Because he doesn't have a huge ego, doesn't blame others for his problems, and acknowledges what he needs to do to improve.
>> No. 25545
It seems like you're doing quite well.

It's possible that many of the people you had to block are at those other sites and only visit here infrequently, most likely to troll us.
>> No. 25546
Not to mention that he plans on uploading more cool songs and other things a lot of us are getting excited for.
>> No. 25547
File 132425561785.jpg - (123.47KB , 500x864 , 862624_cf20_625x1000.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i, timmothy cruzetor support his marriage to Rashomon
>> No. 25548
sounds like you had me all wrong before I explained my point of view on this (today)!!! right, guys... I am not a bad person!!!
>> No. 25549
Yeah, that's true. I hope you have a better impression of our board too.
>> No. 25550
Wow, Justin even won timmothy over.
>> No. 25551
a new release on FurAffinity!!!! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7057108/
>> No. 25552
I enjoyed it.
>> No. 25553
File 132425655499.jpg - (40.97KB , 853x705 , Tom-Cruise-35625.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
thats right my friend, i now have a good understanding of justin and i can tell he means harm to nobody, and his marriage to Rashomon is beneficial.
>> No. 25554
apparently my mom isn't convinced that you guys like me now!! I told her the whole story and she thinks this is all lies and creeps and is telling me to stay away... but I believe you guys... she is just over protective... (kinda like my Rashomon wife)...
>> No. 25555
Can you tell Liz 'hi' from me? I can't wait to meet her and take her out to dinner some day soon.
>> No. 25556
Finally I can sleep at night!!! XD
>> No. 25557
I can see where she's coming from but the truth is that the majority of us just want you to keep up the good work.
>> No. 25558
I'd post the image of that post to Facebook, but it is all wordbuttered!!
>> No. 25559
Maybe include a footnote to the image explaining that.
>> No. 25560
I wish I had a section on this site where I can just keep posting my releases... and that would be it's only purpose (I'd welcome comments too though)
>> No. 25561
explaining that would make this site look bad I think...
>> No. 25562
Maybe you're right, well the most important thing was that you saw it.
>> No. 25563
Hey Justin, I don't know if it's been asked already, but what was it that made you interested in Rashomon in particular? If Rashomon had never been created who would have been your second choice for a wife?
>> No. 25564
Nice, good work Justin.
>> No. 25565
I just liked how Rashomon looked... it would have still been Rydia from Final Fantasy 4 if Rashomon wasn't created... or the bird-girl...
>> No. 25566
Forget the image if it's too much trouble, Justin. Just post to Facebook about how you have a legion of fans now.
>> No. 25567
so you guys would agree I am nothing like that Chris guy you guys were talking about??
>> No. 25568
I wanted to prove it!!
>> No. 25569
Justin, can you now make video blogs for YouTube to keep us updated on your work and life? Like a real celebrity vlog?
>> No. 25570
Of course you're nothing like him. You're cool.
>> No. 25571

The thing most people hate about Chris is the way he treats others. He sees others as being beneath him and has said and done very offensive things.

You've been pretty cool.
>> No. 25572
You really aren't much like him at all actually.
>> No. 25573
You can believe us when we say you are worlds away from CWC, Justin. :)
>> No. 25574
I don't know how to do that!! the best advice I can give is, watch my YouTube and FurAffinity Accounts...
>> No. 25575
That would be really awesome!
>> No. 25576
No, Chris-chan is a jerk with a huge ego, you're not.
>> No. 25577
Do you have a webcam? You could use a webcam or maybe a video recorder and upload to youtube.
>> No. 25578
Just get a cheapo webcam from a bargain store or something. Record your thoughts and feelings about anything in particular, keep us updated on your work, and upload the video to your YouTube account.
>> No. 25579
no I don't I do all my videos from my crappy digital camera and Sony Vegas Studio!!
>> No. 25580
This thread belongs in /l/.
>> No. 25581
I think that would work just as well.
>> No. 25582
Aw, your digital camera might work though.
>> No. 25583
Hey Justin what is it you like about Rashomon anyhow? :)
>> No. 25584
I make a lot more music than I do videos... So I don't think a video blog is the best move... maybe a music blog somewhere!!
>> No. 25585
the whole Rashomon!!! the complete picture!! everything!!!
>> No. 25586
Music is good. Why not add lyrics to your songs. You seem to have a good voice.
>> No. 25587
File 132425934278.jpg - (8.53KB , 300x300 , 41hg+YIueQL__SL500_AA300_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a decent one for a good price:

>> No. 25588
I agree it's really nice to listen to.
>> No. 25589
Speaking of pictures what software do you create your artwork in? I'd get photoshop if I could afford it, but GIMP is a good free substitute at the moment.
>> No. 25590
Hey Justin, what if I wrapped my cuntlips around your wang?
>> No. 25591
Begone atheist.
>> No. 25592
Do a video blog about your music then. It's the best way to make new fans and keep the ones you have entertained and informed.
>> No. 25593
It was me that did the whole Rashomon spelling thing, and I just wanted to apologise to the board for trolling and to Justin for impersonating him. It started off as a silly joke about how people sometimes get angry about trivial details, then some people assumed I was Justin and I just went along with it.

Justin, I meant no offence and I'm sorry if any was taken.
>> No. 25594
that's what I use for pictures... Gimp...
>> No. 25595
Wow. You can't even tell it's a free program you're using. You're quite good at it, I'll say!
>> No. 25596
I agree, your quite good indeed.
>> No. 25597
because I need a new microphone!!
>> No. 25598
Wow. Sarcasm. But Gimp is actually pretty good, especially when paired up with blender.
>> No. 25599
Wtf is going on in this thread?
>> No. 25600
Justin I don't mean any offence but what do you enjoy about vore?

I just ask because I don't know what is the appeal but would like to find out!
>> No. 25601
Hopefully you'll find one under the tree this year.
>> No. 25602

How should I punish myself? Should I slowly insert Rosary beads into my rose colored anus?
>> No. 25603
Oh, that makes sense.
>> No. 25604
vore fetishism is kinda hard to describe why people like me like it... it has to do with being inside a stomach... I just like the idea of being inside some girl's stomach... anyway that saga is close to being kicked off the air... (saga almost over)
>> No. 25605
That might work.
>> No. 25606
Pleasant, polite conversation between reasonable, friendly people. Sorry if this is an unfamiliar concept to you!
>> No. 25607

Why's that?

Are you just growing away from it or is it because people have been mean about it at some stage?
>> No. 25608
I am growing away from it... It isn't entirely gone though!!
>> No. 25609
Justin, will you consider doing a vlog for your fans?
>> No. 25610
Why not have a sexual fetish that you would actually be able to indulge, though? It's not like anyone will ever be able to swallow you, at least not without the unbearable agony of having your flesh ripped apart and ground into bolus.
>> No. 25611
I don't think I can really handle that... that would be a lot of work... and to come up with things to say like every week... not worth the frustration... a weekly music release I would be able to handle!!
>> No. 25612
It wouldn't have to be every week. It could be monthly. And we wouldn't expect you to put a major production into it. Just say what's on your mind. It's not just for us, but for potentially new fans as well. I guarantee you'll like having a heap of subscribers who genuinely like you.
>> No. 25613
You should just do it whenever you feel like it. A few times a year or something when you have something to say.
>> No. 25614
I understand but why not have a monthly vlog then. You could say practically anything. Talk about your wife Rashomon or pokemon.
>> No. 25615
I prefer to keep doing what I have been doing with YouTube!! some of my music goes on there, I put things I discover and things I find that are WTF! such as... (I see I cannot post my YouTube Video I am talking about!! I get the following error "Invalid Video ID" so I'll just link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmAX6mFSr-4 )
>> No. 25616
Whatever works for you.
>> No. 25617
Just so you know for the future, you only put in the string of letters and numbers at the end of the Youtube URL when you're embedding, that's why it came up with the error.

I've embedded your vid in this post for you. :)
>> No. 25618
so HmAX6mFSr-4, in this case.
>> No. 25619
Excuse me, I was gone for a while, is justinrpg still here?
>> No. 25620
Justin, have you been bullied all your life?
>> No. 25621
Possibly, he was here awhile ago.
>> No. 25622
You would be in horrible agony though, digestion is essentially being melted in acid.

Do you have a desire to be reborn? Do you feel alone and unloved? Your fantasies all involve being put inside of part of something bigger than you.

Or being shat on by them. Do you get an erection from these things?
>> No. 25623
One question though... You talk about a Girl stomach... but what if its a boy? Does the fetish becomes a Nightmare? Or less fetishy? What is your opinion on boys in general ?
>> No. 25624
I'm not sure why everyone is taking a liking to him all of a sudden.
>> No. 25625
>implying they're not just desperate for content and willing to whiteknight him for the sake of prolonging their epic ween interactions with him
>> No. 25626
Remember how when Jennfer started posting here, everyone gushed about how they were her biggest fan, and praised her and took back every insult, and explained how they wanted more art and youtube videos to enjoy?

>> No. 25627
Because he is nothing like Chris Chan and doesn't deserve to be trolled.
>> No. 25628
>Implying Chris in any way deserves to get trolled
>> No. 25629
I don't remember Chris posting about his disgusting fetishes on facebook, and his fetishes have never included being shat on or eaten. I don't want to get into an argument about who's "worse" but in terms of being a shuddercow, Justin is somewhere between JohnofE and Nick Bate.
>> No. 25630
If only Chris found out this way to stop trolling.
>> No. 25631
This thread needs to be archived.
>> No. 25632
Maybe, but he's so skittish that we can either chase him away and call ourselves epin or we can just enjoy the stuff he makes for it's own sake. I choose content over being mean to a guy who folds the instant he's insulted.

JohnofE and Bate are both huge attention whores that you couldn't scare off if you tried. I see what you mean but I see them as very different in how they need to be handled.

Duane is a more apt comparison from my point of view.
>> No. 25635
He is not coming back.
>> No. 25636

You guys said this last time, too.
>> No. 25637
I sort of see him as what Timbox would be if he was half as depraved as Nick Bate. Certainly I don't think Justin is remotely as potentially dangerous as Nick Bate or JohnofE, but he's not remotely as innocent as Duane.
>> No. 25638
I think he is a pretty cool guy.
>> No. 25639
eh marries a Rashomon and doesn't afraid of anything.
>> No. 25640
Justin, ignore these homosexual deviants. They don't know what they're talking about.
>> No. 25641
I went to bed...

less fetishy...
>> No. 25642
because of all the trolling I had recently, I think my internal clock has been messed up!! I have been waking up 4AM hours due to it... same for today... I guess I will be waking up still at 4AM until my internal clock can finally be fixed on track...
>> No. 25643
I think you need a Sweetheart from the Ground Up to reset your Biological Clock.
>> No. 25644

Seconded. Come on, Justin is just a slightly more disturbing Ulillillia, a harmless zany who does his own thing and is gutsy - or naive - enough not to care about what people think of him.
>> No. 25646

Hey Justin, exactly what kind of trolling? Is your mother aware of it and your activities?

By the way, waking up at 4 AM is not a bad thing at all. I wake up at 3 AM sometimes. The early bird...
>> No. 25647
yes she was... she was linked here before I was even... she did not like the trolling!!! and my sister hated the fact that I was trolled too... like I said, they still aren't convinced this is a legit site...
>> No. 25648
I don't understand what you are trying to say... and Google doesn't know a couple of those word in there...
>> No. 25649

Which ones?
>> No. 25650
Ulillillia & zany
>> No. 25651
They may never be. For some people this site isn't "legit" there are some people that we frankly don't like and we give them a hard time. Nick Bate is a good example, he's a jerk and is abusive to underage kids.

But the truth is that you seem like a decent guy and that makes all the difference to people here.
>> No. 25652

Sorry Justin, I didn't mean to offend or troll.

Ulillillia is a guy who is obsessive about other things, and sometimes we talk about him as well. His "fetish", more or less, seems to be numbers, which you'll concede is way less baffling than imaginary creatures defecating in your backyard.

Regarding the words, I don't know.
>> No. 25653
File 132428672520.png - (83.75KB , 225x338 , 10ElementalMastersBookCover.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He wrote the book in this link:

>> No. 25654

You can read about Ulillillia here:


"zany", as a noun, means "a person given to extravagant or outlandish behavior."
>> No. 25655
i did say that was only on paper, didn't I??
>> No. 25656
Hey justinrpg, could you write us more porn? More fetishes the better.
>> No. 25657
You mentioned it before, but sometimes people miss some of the earlier posts.
>> No. 25658

This site will seem ok to some, definitely not legit to others. Depends on the person. Admittedly we like to make fun of certain people whose behavior we find worthy of contempt, and those people will definitely flag this site as "trolling grounds" "unacceptable" or whatever, in either defiance or anger.

In your case, we simply like to talk about you because you are interesting. We find your behavior bemusing and your fetishes downright bizarre. 99% of the people here don't mean any harm. They are simply curious about what you will do next.
>> No. 25659
Justin, can you explain who bird-girl is?
>> No. 25660
when I get ideas in my head... I usually write when something pops in my head...
>> No. 25661
some anthropomorphic bird-girl picture I found on FurAffinity that I implemented into my Cat Team Force + RPG...
>> No. 25662

Yes, but it doesn't make much of a difference. Of course you don't actually do those things, that much is clear. Fetishes don't need to be acted upon to be considered as such, though.
>> No. 25663
I didn't like the trolling I was getting... It has been going on since the middle of November... I just kinda gave up (not really) I said to God... "I don't like all this cyber-bullying, Please help me end this right now, It is in your hands, God... help me find the right words to prove that I am not a bad or person that should be trolled. please help me end this trolling. it is stressing me out."

and I just let God work his magic... Yesterday's church service was my inspiration...
>> No. 25664
I only made like two pictures of the poop one... Vore on the other had is a different story... but I haven't made any vore since March or so...
>> No. 25665
the color contrast on this site kinda messes with my eyes... then I switch over to the Facebook tab (which is the opposite) and I am like "MY EYES!!!" lol
>> No. 25666
Try drawing some poop/vore art yourself. I'd love to see the result.

Have you told your church/mom about your fetishes?
>> No. 25667
You're not the first one to say that actually. But the color scheme is considered to be a historical part of the site, it has been like this for years.
>> No. 25668
and too many words also, hey
>> No. 25669
>not the first one to say that

(tries to hold in laughter)
>> No. 25670
This color scheme has been studied and it has been found to have autism repelling effect.
>> No. 25671
You can change the color in the "Styles" box at the top.
>> No. 25672
I can't really draw from scratch... I have really never been able to...
>> No. 25673
How about taking a picture of a game and adding yourself and some shit/vore in it?
>> No. 25674
You know Justin, if you just kept all your weird fetish stuff to yourself instead of posting it on the internet where everyone can see it, and especially the youtube and facebook videos, no one would know about it or laugh at how warped you sound. You know the vast majority find your desire to marry a Pokemon weird, right? So why tell them about it? Think of something you find repulsive and disgusting. Now imagine someone you've friended on facebook posts about it there all the time, you wouldn't like being subjected to it, would you?
>> No. 25675
no its not wierd to marry a pokemon
>> No. 25676
Marrying a Pokemon isn't the worst thing on the internet imo... in fact I have several friends who support my marriage... the vore and poop I can understand where you are coming from...
>> No. 25677
>> No. 25678
Justin, claiming to be married to anything that isn't real is considered unhealthy. You would agree that someone claiming to be attracted to an anime character that was human was far more widely accepted, right? So look at this guy: http://789chan.org/cwc/res/140876.html

Is that what you want to be? This guy claims to be married to an anime pillow. His scorn is practically universal. You seem reasonable. If you want to fantasize about it, no one can stop you. However, it is weird, and it's not a matter of whether or not there are stranger things out there, it's still very, very weird.

Put it another way, Risharem is a bird pokemon, right? Pokemon are animals. Marrying an animal is illegal, it's bestiality. In fact, it's listed as a sin in the Bible. Ask your preacher if bestiality is a sin, ask him about Sodom & Gammorah. He'll tell you God destroyed two entire cities for acts like that. Just looking at it was enough to get you turned to a pillar of salt. Is that what you want Justin?
>> No. 25679
oh, btw... if you are wondering about the whole riding Moltres thing... I just always thought (Since December of 2000) it would be fun and interesting to ride that Pokemon... plus you don't hear about that type of Pokemon as transportation too much.. anyway, it has stuck with me all those years...
>> No. 25680
File 132429029534.jpg - (92.35KB , 750x1017 , kruzibit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i support your marriage to Rashomon. good on you, dont let anybody tell you not to married to Rashomon
>> No. 25681
Justin, you wrote a story expressing interest in dragon woman or whatever, right? Several I think. So why'd you get so upset about Rashomon being called one?
>> No. 25682
I am not THAT bad...

I know that it isn't real and it is just fantasy...

that guy seems to take it to a higher level than I do...
>> No. 25683
I don't get upset about Rashomon being a dragon... where did you get THAT info??? I know Rashomon is a dragon... it's type is Fire/Dragon... is this a rumor that I get mad???
>> No. 25684
Justin, just if you want to answer this... How did you become interested in bird poop?
>> No. 25685
I'm seriously loving this guy because of this thread.
>> No. 25686
Sorry I'm late to the party but, was it ever verified it was actually Justin making these posts? If it is, he's way more coherent than I expected.
>> No. 25687
There was a rumor that you didn't like it when creatures that are birds are confused as dragons I think.
>> No. 25688
Maybe I have it backwards. There was an exchange you had with some preacher guy on facebook that lead to you blocking him, and part of what he was saying that was upsetting you was that it was a dragon, or maybe it was that he was calling it a bird? It's been a while since I've seen it, but whatever he was saying was getting you pretty upset.
>> No. 25689
Yeah, Whoreos checked IPs.
>> No. 25690

that is kinda of an on paper thing too... it just looks pretty to me...
>> No. 25691
he was talking about Moltres... which is a bird... that wasn't my actual pastor.. he was a pastor in a different state and he moved to MI and attends our church...
>> No. 25692
Oh, right. So why did it upset you? I know Moltres is a bird, but why would you get upset about someone claiming it's a dragon?

Oh, and I haven't played a Pokemon game in over a decade, but couldn't you teach Moltres the HM Fly and ride around on it in the actual game? I'm pretty sure you could.
>> No. 25693
yes you could... that was always my go to Pokemon for that!!! I don't know anybody who chose Moltres for that... I still choose Moltres to this day for the HM Fly... but I kinda wanted to ride it for real though... (but that'll never happen)
>> No. 25694
it upset me because he took it too far... I got sick of his constant teasing... he promised to stop, he didn't...
>> No. 25695
That pastor on Facebook seemed to be really bothering you. Does he talk to you like that in real life?
>> No. 25696
As with many of your preferences, do you simply find Moltres pretty? Why don't you have a similar interest in Articuno or Zapdos? Do you not like any of the other non-bird non-dragon Pokemon? What about the female trainers?

...You know Justin, if you were to be caught in a Pokeball, you would be shrunk quite a bit. In the cartoon the balls themselves are shrunk to the size of marbles before being used. In that stat you could probably be put any number of places, and the ball would probably keep you safe from the stomach acid as well.
>> No. 25697
>> No. 25698
Meganium is a non dragon/bird that I like...

Moltres is just my transportation interest Pokemon... Articuno? that is my go to Pokemon to cool me down on a hot summer day... Zapdos? I imagine racing against Zapdos on my Moltres...

I like the female trainer in Pokemon Black/White...
>> No. 25699
>> No. 25700
and also Flareon...
>> No. 25701
You added a crowd to make it sound more like it's live! Genius!
>> No. 25702
the friend who linked me to this site mentioned this right here and said you were all lying to me... and said I shouldn't trust you guys!!! he said he though maybe the board wasn't bad and now he thinks it is bad again!!! is that true???
>> No. 25703

I also played around with the instruments levels and Gverb and stuff for the instruments to sound like it is live as well!!!
>> No. 25704
Of course not! We are getting along! ... aren't we? :(
>> No. 25705
he said people were starting to say stuff after I went to bed... idk if it is just some people that still don't like me or what the deal is...
>> No. 25706
There are trolls everywhere on the internet, just ignore them.
>> No. 25707
it would be nice if you would stick up for me when a troll posts on here then...
>> No. 25708
Well, we've been trying to when we can, but sometimes arguing with the trolls only makes them troll more. They're in it for the buzz of getting a reaction, you see, and they know that nothing that people do on the internet will ever hurt them so they aren't afraid to act like douchebags for the kicks. So sometimes it's best just to pretend they never said anything at all.
>> No. 25709
ok, I see where you are coming from... sounds logical...

it like if Rashomon were to type *Rashomon uses Blue Flare on Justin* it doesn't hurt me, it is just text... same thing, am I right?
>> No. 25710
Exactly! And if a troll came along and said something mean, and we were to reply and say "Go away or you'll be sorry", or get angry at them, they wouldn't care because we're all just strangers on the internet who'll probably never meet in our entire lives. In fact, trolls usually post because they WANT people to get angry.
>> No. 25713
Hey Justin, here's some advice from someone who has a vagina.

If you keep doing what you are doing and expect things in your life to change for the better, like a woman to be impressed with you. Then you'd be mistaken. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a change in result will not get you any where near your goal of having an actual girlfriend.

Maybe if you put the same effort you put into mixing music and pokemon into getting healthy, losing weight and finding a job you'd actually succeed. Not just in being productive but finding a woman who admires you for putting effort into thing in reality instead of in fantasy.

As it is you're sending women the message that you don't care about yourself, so why should they care about you? Most women who might date you don't want to be your mom. They expect you to be motivated. They expect you do do what is healthy for you. Those are signs of being mature and those are what is keeping you from having a girlfriend.
>> No. 25714

He seems to be pretty content.
>> No. 25716

The two things are not mutually exclusive, first of all. But he doesn't come off as stupid nor oblivious. In fact, he seems pretty aware of his issues and doesn't seem to care that much.
>> No. 25717
If he were really content then he'd have a real girlfriend, not something he imagined up to fill the void.
>> No. 25718
>> No. 25719
right!!! I just use Pokemon to deal with my problems... make a joke out of it...

here is an example that just happened... I just got done walking 4 1/2 miles... (2 and 1/4 miles each way) to and from the bank!! and I am worn out now... this is the joke I'll post on Facebook...

"I am so tired from all that walking, I wish I would have rode Moltres instead" then I'm not mad about it anymore, I took away the frustration with Pokemon!!

I am not really in a fantasy world... really!!! it may come off as I am... but the truth is I am not!!!
>> No. 25720
That's hilarious and a healthy way to deal with your problem.

I know many girls just as enamored with Pokemon as you, Justin. Why, my girlfriend is a TRUE and HONEST pokefanatic!!!
>> No. 25721
why would you be frustrated about being worn out? its healthy to put in effort into something and feeling tired means its good for your body

Also, pokeymans dont real
>> No. 25722
He knows they're not real! He just said that.

And it's hardly unusual to begrudge having to take a long walk when you don't feel like it, otherwise people would have no use for cars and buses. It's annoying to be tired and uncomfortable.
>> No. 25723
How does it feel to know that nobody beside your family even remotely likes you?
How does it feel to know that nobody wants to be around you?
How does it feel to know that no woman will ever love you as a partner?
How does it feel to know that you will die alone and it would be weeks perhaps months before anybody finds your rotten corpse?
How does it feel to know that Moltres, Shararam and all other pokemon do not exist and will never care for you when you fall ill and will never comfort you when you feel down?
How does it feel to know that you have to pretend to be Shararam yourself to get any reaction from it?
How does it feel?

Also, this person >>142100
is just sucking up to you so you stay on here for longer thinking someof us are "nice". Guess what? nobody here is. they all hate you. They are just as sad as you, just as lonely, and just as ugly, and are picking on you to feel better about their own sorry lives.

I hope to fuck you read this before the mods delete this you stinky shit.
>> No. 25724
Wow somebody is a mad ƒaggot!

Why do you give a shit if some of us like Justin?
>> No. 25725
Too bad Justin has done more with his life and you have to try and bring him down to your level!!! He has done much charity work and has many fans of his music.

You're pathetic to try and bring him down, jerk!!!
>> No. 25726
Man you think you're married to a non-existent bird-monster. Not even /a/ or /jp/ get down to that level of fictional character love, Jesus.
>> No. 25727
>Not even /a/ or /jp/ get down to that level of fictional character love

You're kidding yourself, there have to be a few people on there that have pokemon waifus, they probably don't bring it up as often but still.
>> No. 25728
Hey Justin. Most people at this board find you to be a likable fellow and we don't mind if you post here in relevant threads.

In addition to that I wanted to bring your attention to another board you might enjoy. It has a set up like this one but it is only for pokemon discussion.

People I have met online who are from this board say it's a great place so I thought you might like it too.

>> No. 25729
Actually yes. Yes we're lying to you. We absolutely loathe the shit you make. It's just that with every post you make, we come closer to deciphering your SSN and credit card numbers. So keep posting, please! :)

I've seen people who want to fuck Pokemon and people who want to be Pokemon, not to mention those who want to be Pokemon so they can fuck Pokemon. JustinRPG marks the first time I've seen someone who wanted to be MARRIED to a Pokemon. Why is it always the retards who fantasize about being married? I mean guys, it's your fucking fantasies. Skip all the red tape and prenup and just FAP.
>> No. 25730
You look so mad that it seems it's you who has absolutely no friends.

Justin, these are the kind of trolls we were talking about before, just ignore them.
>> No. 25731
File 132431570734.png - (109.63KB , 1208x1424 , waifu FAQ.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Every person with a waifu who is serious about it considers themselves married as far as I can tell. What Justin is doing is no different but he has shown tangible behavioral benefits from it and that's why it's not maladaptive in his case.

He says that he wants to move on to a human relationship later. That's better than saying fucking 3DPG like some of those guys do.
>> No. 25732
Good work, Antonymous! He'll definitely keep falling for our trolls if you keep posting like that! :)
>> No. 25733
>> No. 25734
Except most of us aren't trolling him. He won a lot of people over by being reasonable.
>> No. 25735
I wish there was a 'like' link I could click on those and like it!!!
>> No. 25736
Not sure what is going here
>> No. 25737
justin, if god doesnt stop the trolling, would that make you stop believing in god?
>> No. 25738
no... sometimes God makes people wait... anyway nothing lasts forever... I'll keep praying about it... God has already helped me a lot by getting a lot of people on here to like me and my views... God gave me the right words to say... and I thanked him!!! God doesn't guarantee a perfect life... everybody has problems and nothing or no one is perfect... if I continue to have trolls then oh well, God said No...
>> No. 25739
It's not the end of the world if there is one person in the world who pretends to be married to a Pokemon... life moves on...
>> No. 25740
Protip: there is no god, Justin
>> No. 25741
Justin, can you tell me why you are so ugly?
>> No. 25742
May you SHUT THE FUCK UP, you slanderous trolls?! We, true fans of Justin, don't want to pollute this glorious artist's haven with your uneducated, untolerant "opinions"!

- Justin's true fan

I love you, Justin!
>> No. 25743
I am getting mixed feeling about this board... it is either one extreme or the other... it seems like there is no middle ground... I don't know if people here like me or not!!! the problem is, that everybody posts an Anonymous... makes it difficult to tell who is who...

what would help would be... there has been a couple of comments about archiving this thread and not starting a fourth... or moving this thread to a better place ( /i/ was mentioned)... if one of those two were to happen, I would feel at lot better about this site... right now it is kinda up in the air!! I am unsure if they like me or not... one of those two being done will prove to me that I am liked here...
>> No. 25744
If you kill yourself you'll get to be with Rashomon for realz.
>> No. 25745
/i/ means invasion, whoever said that is a troll, don't post there.

The reason that there is no middle ground is that a person in the middle would not care one way or the other and therefore would not post in this thread.

There are legitimately some people here that like you and think you are a good guy who is a little eccentric, I am being sincere when I say that. While there is also apparently a group of people determined to give you a hard time as well.

It's just like any group of people, some will have different opinions.

If you're uncomfortable here you should try the pokemon board I mentioned earlier (/vp/ but it's on another site). There is no pressure for you to post here, the people that like you won't be angry and the trolls are going to be jerks regardless.

It's up you but don't let people stop you from your music and other activities.
>> No. 25746
The majority here seems to be trying to help Justin, so I'm trolling the majority. What's more fun, trolling one or trolling many?
>> No. 25747
Ok but Justin doesn't understand that stuff and he's obvious confused from all this so I did my best to explain it.
>> No. 25748
You just gotta toughen up a bit. Know that there are enough people on your side here that will stick up for you at any given chance.
>> No. 25749
You're more retarded than he is.
>> No. 25750
Justin it's not too late for your mom to get an abortion.
>> No. 25751
Justin, try that /vp/ board on 4chan. Post a picture of you riding Moltres or something and talk about why you got married to Rashomon. I'm sure lots of likeminded individuals will want to share their pokemon marriage stories as well. Remember to use a tripcode (your justinrpg#password) so we won't lose track of you on there.
>> No. 25752
Don't do it Justin! /vp/ is a troll board, they're trying to trick you into giving away your Facebook passwords!
>> No. 25753
I already got a majority of the people who trolled me to stop by being reasonable and explaining myself and how what I do is beneficial... I already got the majority of people to like me... I know you can't please everybody... and some people will be trolls no matter what... if those trolls don't like I pretend to be married to a Pokemon, that's their problem then... I already explained how it is beneficial, there isn't much more I can do I guess... I can't force them to change their opinion... if I am happy with my Pokemon wife and it is beneficial to my life... that's all I need to care about!!!
>> No. 25754
No, it's not. This guy is trolling. The board is about Pokemon, plain and simple. The people there obsess about Pokemon probably more than you do, so your marriage won't be weird to them.
>> No. 25755

listen to this man right here, Justin.
>> No. 25756

Justin, make a journal post on FurAffinity and bring up this thread and the choices you are torn between. On FA, you can see account names and keep track of who's who.
>> No. 25757
Justin! When are you going to make a Rashomon dubstep anthem!!!
>> No. 25758
>> No. 25759

It's understandable to be confused. There seems to be some kind of schism here, some of us want to string you along and have you do silly things, and some of us found you surprisingly likeable. It will probably stay this way, but I think that over time you could get more and more genuine fans on this site. Good or bad, people find you interesting, and it's evident you have already changed the minds of some. Before you came to the board, I was fully supportive of people trolling you, but now that you're here, I think you're a cool guy.

I think since you came to the board, they've discovered that there is more to you than funny quips on facebook and odd pictures of yourself with your pokemon. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your time here, you're a good guy.
>> No. 25760
Don't worry, we're watching it too, we'll cover your back from here so nothing wrong can happen.
>> No. 25761
Now that's just retarded. You don't have to go to /vp/ and stay there. It's just a suggestion. And we'd prefer it if you could stay here and hang with us anyway.
>> No. 25762
Justin, you need to stop posting on this board. They're coordinating plans on IRC, right now, no one is really trying to help you! They're trying to confuse you and steal your FurAffinity and post a picture of Reshirom with her head cut off for the lulz! Get away from this board while you can!
>> No. 25763
This guy is retarded and a supreme homosexual deviant. He's trying to get you to leave us after all we've been through. He's trying to create a rift between you and your true fans here.
>> No. 25764
And there is no IRC chat going on about you. He's lying.
>> No. 25765
>Implying we need his want his furraffinity, when we already have our oww, and he shares all the good stuff he produces anyway.
Stop spreading lies your dirty pony.
>> No. 25766
no they are not!!! My AV and several of my browser extensions (including Web of Trust) would have stopped it!!! I already too a look at it!!!
>> No. 25767
I have sampled various Pokemon boards and forums in the past... there is only one I really liked... and that is PokeCommunity forums!!
>> No. 25768
I have a sneaking suspicion that your mean pastor from a different church might be here in the thread. Would he have some way of getting to this board and trying to mess up your fanbase here?
>> No. 25769
>Justinrpg listening to logic
He prolly shouldn't respond as God isn't his personal army.
And judge lest ye be judged, or turn the other cheek.
And ye shall not worship graven idols
>> No. 25770
he wouldn't be... he isn't even on the internet much... his wife even begged him to even get a Facebook and he only did so he could keep in touch with his friend in that other state... he isn't a mean guy... he just never knows when to stop teasing!!!
>> No. 25771
Hey justin, see >>142215
The power that be are removing the wordbutter, as a proof of our support, you should speak freely of Reshiram now.
>> No. 25772
File 132432591915.gif - (161.31KB , 107x84 , Reshiram.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Seriously, Justin, >>142200
>> No. 25773
being married to Reshiram make me happy!! even if it isn't a real marriage!! if I am down, I just think about Reshiram or listen to Reshiram's battle theme... a great pick me up!!!

yes, some may find a Pokemon/Human marriage weird... but as long as I like it, their opinion shouldn't interfere...
>> No. 25774
If Justinrpg were any less stupid, he'd continue posting about Rammin reshiRam
>> No. 25775
File 132432624229.jpg - (38.57KB , 441x310 , irclog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25776
This thread ia an abomination against all that is holy.
>> No. 25777
Shut up, you mean troll.
>> No. 25778

>> No. 25779
Oh, look, it's babby's first photoshop. Fake.
>> No. 25780
But I like bein a cyberbully
>> No. 25781
Nice try, troll
>> No. 25782
It's fake. You can tell by the pixels. Don't pay this any heed, Justin. This guy is a tryhard troll out to upset you and your fans.
>> No. 25783
OKOKOK, I'm sorry Justin, I was trying to troll you, because I'm bored. We all like you, you're cool in my book.
>> No. 25784
Seriously, almost every post in this thread makes me cringe with embarrassment.

It's the intwerebz version of kicking the shit out of a defenceless puppy that has no idea what the fuck is going on or why you are kicking it.

A fat, ugly, retarded, poop-obsessed puppy.
>> No. 25785
there has been internet connectivity issues in my area all day... I am trying my hardest to respond to you guys on this board... but I have had lots of problems connecting to this board because it is so big!!! it just times out a lot part way loaded!!! and it just got 10x worse in the last 20 minutes... I don't know how well I'll be able to post here today!!
>> No. 25786
What do you think of transvestites? I know one that is currently boyfriend-free
>> No. 25788

How you dare?! This is TRUE and HONEST Justin, not some sort of liquid impostor!
>> No. 25789
Justin, I'll give you a bit of free advice right now, just because I like you.

You should probably stay away from this board and the chans, there isn't much for you on this board, it's about finding and laughing at idiots with USI, which I doubt is your cup of tea. Also, considering how we thought you were a said idiot, staying here (especially with a trip), could be dangerous for your internet presence.

So if you want my advice, I would at the very least minimize your presence here, anyone who truly wants to befriend you will follow.
>> No. 25790
File 132433320421.png - (116.61KB , 1659x367 , righthere.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, to get the board to load easier, click the link which says "Last 50 posts".
>> No. 25791

We get that a lot ourselves Justin, it's because the threads have too many posts in, you can fix it by clicking on "[Last 50 posts]" at the top of each thread on the main board page, that way it will only load the most recent posts.
>> No. 25792
Justin, I'm going to be straight with you because weird as you are, you don't come off as malicious or dangerous. There's a certain innocence to your weird fetishes, and I think you've displayed a fair amount of maturity in your posts here.

Do you have any reason to doubt your friend? How long have you known them? If they've never lead you astray before, you should probably listen to them.

As to which replies here are sincere, compare the responses here to those you've gotten from people in real life. You stated there's no middle ground here. Let me put it this way.

I do find your fetishes weird, I do think it would be better for you if you got over them, but like I already said you seem harmless. Some of the people saying they like you merely want you to create more content for us all to laugh at. Some others find you entertaining simply in how bizarre what you've posted online has been. Anyone who says they hate you is either joking or mentally ill. Anyone encouraging your "relationship" is merely doing so in the hopes of getting more content at you, to laugh at.

Does it bother you if we're laughing at your fetishes? Because that's all anyone here really wants. No one wants to harm you.
>> No. 25793
I am a friend of Justin's from Facebook. I am a Reshiram. I thank those of you who have been supportive and kind. THose of you who have been bullying my friend and meaning to cause him harm, please back off. He doesn't do anything to anyone and is not deserving of this treatment!
>> No. 25794
I don't like people laughing at me... I was picked on all through school... it does bother me!!
>> No. 25795
this is Reshiram Unova the Reshiram account I added as a sister-in-law (my Reshiram wife's sister)
>> No. 25796
What were you picked on for at school?
>> No. 25797
everything under the sun!!! I had very few friends that supported me!! and this was before I even had ANY type of fetish or anything weird about me!!
>> No. 25798
Than I would seriously get the hell off of this board, Do not reply, react or respond to anything on this board or that seems malicious, or beneficial. The shitstorm will overtake your life and you will be mined for lulz
>> No. 25799
>> No. 25800
or not, the choice is his. I really doubt he will listen at all
>> No. 25801
Please, stay with us Justin. These people trying to shoo you away, they only do this because they do not want to help you socialize. I can guarantee you that if you stay here, there will be friends ringing your phone off the hook trying to talk with you. They will even form relationships with your family. These are good people with strong moral fiber. These trolls who with to dissuade you from staying, they don't want you to be a part of a family, much like we have here. I want you to stay, and I want to hear your story. I care about who you are, and so to most all of us. Stay, my friend.
>> No. 25802
but that doesn't change the fact people are making fun of me here!!! I would like that to stop regardless if I leave or not!!!
>> No. 25803
lol anonymous is legion
>> No. 25804
Shut the fuck up and let him talk to his fans. Jesus.
>> No. 25805
Or that if ya wanna be a dick
>> No. 25806
It's simple. If you stay, they will get to know and like you. They will not want to make fun of you because you are our friend. If you leave they will feel spurned and really attack you then. You've opened the door, don't deny us your brotherhood.
>> No. 25807
This. A million times this. Holy fuck these trolls are annoying.
>> No. 25808
That makes more sense, just don't flaunt your marriage to much
>> No. 25809
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
>> No. 25810
I kinda believe you more than the other people telling me to leave!!! you guys did remove the WordButter... that says something right there!!!
>> No. 25811
And so the cycle begins ANEW
>> No. 25812
ok... I'll just keep it on my personal Facebook then... because all my current friends support me and Reshiram... and I have maxed out my privacy setting so much due to all the trolls!!! so no one that isn't happy can try to get in!!!
>> No. 25813
Are you into trannies Justin? Ones that pretend to be brown haired genies really get my rocks off
>> No. 25814
I don't really know what that is!!!
>> No. 25815
It's really hot. It's a woman who was born with a cock and balls, but also has a sexy ass and soft mouth.
>> No. 25816
Justin, what is your all-time favorite childhood memory?
>> No. 25817
File 132433699769.jpg - (50.62KB , 300x300 , ackbar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a trap!
>> No. 25818
no, not my cup of tea...
>> No. 25819
Who are you, exactly? Shouldn't only the people who matter be posting with names in any thread?
>> No. 25820
Why must you fill his head with lies? Is it like with child molestation? Something bad happened to you and you feel compelled to make it happen to others as well?

5'oclock shadow a soft mouth does not make.
>> No. 25821
File 132433727851.jpg - (128.02KB , 800x600 , KaKa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rate me Justin 1-10
Would you hit it?
>> No. 25822
Look, to the people pretending to be fans of Justin, do you really want to sour the lolcow? The best content is organic, regardless of the lolcow. Anything you convince him to make will only be cheapened by the fact that it wasn't his idea.
>> No. 25823
Who's pretending?
>> No. 25824
The fuck are you on about?
>implying he doesn't actually have fans
>> No. 25825
someone already soured the potential lulz by whiteknighting and telling justin about this thread in the first place.
granted, everyone wants to be the next surfshack tito and become an epic ween inner circle Justin troll, but it also seems like there needed to be some intervention on our part in order to get him to not go A-Log on us and just disappear from the internet and hide from the trolls until they forget about him
>> No. 25826
Also, aren't pokemon supposed to be of two genders? What if the Reshiram you married is Male? How do you know he isn't?
And /cwc/, go argue about him somewhere else, some people are really trying to evaluate the situation here.
>> No. 25828
Great point.

Pokemon are of two genders anyways, I think you and Kaka would make a magnificent couple.
>> No. 25829
Justin, please answer: >>142304

I'm curious. Also, what would your worst childhood memory be?
>> No. 25830
Ya think Justin would let us sniff his mom's panties?
>> No. 25831
>Complaining about irrelevant name users.
My my, you are learning fast of how this place is running, dear!
>> No. 25832
The warning guy, derr
>> No. 25833
Actually, out of curiosity I googled and found this one Pokemon site, serebii.net I think, and according to that, you cannot breed Reshiram because it has no gender.
>> No. 25834
Justin! Stay and face your enemies!

If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, then you become something else entirely: a legend, Mr. Coolidge... A legend!

We were in this together, and then you were gone. Now this evil rises. JustinRPG has to come back. He must. He must.
>> No. 25835
ok... I will...

trolls, seriously, does it REALLY even matter if I date a Pokemon, come on really??? it's not killing you!!!
>> No. 25836
only applies to the game!!! in the anime, all Pokemon have genders... they made the powerful ones without in the game so you can't get many of them!!! any Pokemon fan knows THAT!!!!
>> No. 25837
File 132434150578.png - (5.52KB , 491x379 , nope.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw not even one of those names is from 789 irc
>> No. 25838
are you a mod??? can you do something here???
>> No. 25839
Where did it state in the anime that they have gender? I don't watch it myself, as it's a formulaic cartoon for children and all that.
>> No. 25840
Do you have an email I can contact you on? Perhaps we can sort this whole mess out, cutie x

>> No. 25841
File 132434414011.png - (432.60KB , 628x475 , ilold.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

ilu real mods
>> No. 25842
Depends. I can't just ban all the haters because they're being mean; they're allowed to express their own opinions.

This guy however >>142354, is impersonating a mod, which is against the rules.

When posting as a mod, there will be a red ## Mod ## next to their name. Admins will have a multicolored ## Admin ## next to their name, like this post.
>> No. 25843
I've seen it in a few different episodes... I have one on DVD where a Lugia was a mother of a baby Lugia...
>> No. 25844

can you at least try to calm them down and try to get them to make peace... I have made peace with this website for crying out loud... you have probably seen my conversation that happened on Sunday, right? admins usually see everything that goes on... Archiving this thread without starting a fourth may help the problem as well...
>> No. 25845
those who was wondering about a song with lyrics on Sunday...

due to everybody in my family's different work schedules we opened presents today (today was the only day everybody was free) I have a really good studio Microphone now... I'll try to release some stuff soon...
>> No. 25846
>>142343 -- so is this guy impersonating your username??? there is no multicolored ADMIN there... it is the same username...
>> No. 25848
That's great.
>> No. 25849
This thread needs to be archived.
>> No. 25850
It's the same guy. He just doesn't flaunt his admin status.
>> No. 25851
That's a Lugia though, is there one where they specifically refer to a Reshiram as female? And even if Lugia did have a baby, maybe it reproduces asexually.
>> No. 25852
File 132435828469.gif - (277.74KB , 1280x800 , jerstunrgp.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Justin, care to regale us with an interesting anecdote from your childhood or perhaps a bedtime story about the inside of a bird's stomach?
>> No. 25853
nah, that's really me. If anyone else tried to post with my name they'd get a red ban message attached to the end of their post.
>> No. 25854
are you trying to find every excuse in the book to corrupt me Reshiram marriage???

Role-Play, FanFic, Waifus, etc doesn't have to be exactly as it is in the Anime/Game... many people change this to match the storyline or whatever they are using that character for...

like I said, seriously it's not the end of the world if I pretend to be married to Reshiram... and I have already shown benefits from it... seriously does being married to Reshiram really matter... no!! I know some of you guys like to troll but seriously it isn't worth trolling, especially when I benefit from Reshiram... Just because I am different than other people?? no two people are the same... and nobody is perfect!! please quit trying to make me have a perfect life...

in the words of Billy Joel: "Don't worry about me it's my life"
>> No. 25855
File 132438341153.jpg - (132.10KB , 452x919 , roroshom.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 25856
File 132438372386.jpg - (91.63KB , 576x654 , roroshompenis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
roroshom is obviously male. just look at that penis!!
>> No. 25857

I am not talking about the game or whatever statistics!!! I already said that people change things for FanFic or whatever reason... yes, the original creators made Reshiram genderless... but that doesn't stop people from using a gender for whatever reason... people has done this for years!!! seriously, is this news to you???

it is fur not a penis!!! you know nothing about Pokemon, do you????
>> No. 25858
and not to mention... there was a poll on PokeCommunity Forums back in March regarding genders for legendary Pokemon... around 85% of the people selected female for Reshiram!!!
>> No. 25859
File 132438643494.png - (142.51KB , 566x599 , 566px-Coat_of_Amrs_of_Bashkortostan_svg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

well most people here seem to think its male - >>142575
>> No. 25861
that's because the people on here are trying to troll me!!!
>> No. 25862
File 132438747398.jpg - (13.98KB , 360x270 , 23136.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
youre not the center of the universe. why do you assume everything is about you?
>> No. 25863
That Pokemon has a big pokedick, Justin. Are you gay?
>> No. 25864
You're in denial. Even if it's fur, it gives the illusion of being a penis. They knew what they were doing when they unleashed this design on the world. Maybe your subconscious is attracted to phalluses.
>> No. 25865
File 132440079941.gif - (486.56KB , 500x250 , _.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yfw the fur is covering the penis
>> No. 25866
seriously, is this worth arguing over??? it not important... come back to me to argue when you have an issue that involves life or death!!!
>> No. 25867
(I wonder where are the people who 'actually' like me?? there has not been a peep out of them!!)
>> No. 25868
Wouldn't you die of shock when you're getting ready to be stuffed into that pokebird vag, and instead discover a throbbing phallus radiating with the very same energy it's tail produces? That sounds pretty life or death to me!
>> No. 25869
We're here, but you abandoned us in our time of need. We were overwhelmed by the trolls and left to rot.
>> No. 25870
I was gone all day at my volunteer work!!! every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30AM - 5:30PM EST... Just to let you know... I( cannot post here at those times!!!
>> No. 25871
you have every argument in the world!!! you should write a book!!! the tail thing you ask about?? as long as I am not behind the tail, under it is fine!! the fire comes from behind, not under!! nice try!!! you cannot win a Pokemon argument against a guy who is obsessed with Pokemon!!
>> No. 25872
for the people on here who actually like me... I have constructed my first song with my new studio microphone!! I made a 12 days of Christmas song... but this is '12 Legendary Pokemon of Christmas' each Pokemon used in this song also has it's cry associated with it... http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7068815
>> No. 25874
Post here >>142808
>> No. 25875
is there a reason why there is a 4th thread if people actually like me now???
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