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File 132554485953.jpg - (9.68KB , 80x84 , avie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
25876 No. 25876
Alright you guys, Kid Brujah send me here for Q/A. Let me say that I don't really have deep info on A-log since I only talk to him 3 times, but I guess I can tell you my experience with the inner circle. So fire the torpedo!
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>> No. 25877
What do you know about ISLAVERDE29?
>> No. 25878
Did you know I was a lolcow formerly known as PaganDeathKnight?

I made some stupid shit comments about Christianity in 2010, and had some misunderstandings with Cwcki. Now I'm trying to put that behind me.

But in all seriousness, what are some of your favorite video games other than CarnEvil?
>> No. 25879
Does A-log talk about anything other than Chris and mommy fucking?
>> No. 25880
>>148964 I know that his family is from Puerto Rico and he goes there sometimes to visit.
>> No. 25881
Of all of A-Logs friends, which one did you talk to the most?
>> No. 25882
File 132554519122.png - (403.50KB , 656x599 , 656px-ISLAVERDE29.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have reason to believe that ISLAVERDE29 might've had a crush on you. Do you think that's true?

What do you think of him?
>> No. 25883
MsUmlaut, can you provide a picture as a way of proving that you are who you say you are?

And no, this is not a thinly-veiled 'Tits or GTFO' request. A shot of your face will suffice.
>> No. 25884
>>148967 No I don't know about PaganDeathKnight. Hey we all make mistakes here and its good to move on. My Favorite Video games besides CarnEvil is American Mcgee's Alice, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Bayonetta, Legend Of Zelda (note the tattoo, lol), and so on. What can I say? I'm a huge gamer.

>>148968 I don't recall him talking about his mom, but damn he sure likes to talk about Chris Chan everytime I talk to the group to the point its nothing but Chris.
>> No. 25885
MsUmlaut, I want to let you know that I respect you for approaching a hive of trolls like 789chan. That takes balls.

Can I ask you how you discovered Chris-Chan? Was it through A-Log or one of his friends, or did you know of him before you met that unfortunate little gaggle of Youtube degenerates?
>> No. 25886
What sort of music do you listen to?
>> No. 25887
MsUmlaut, have you read A-Log's ED page? Or the ED page on the Friends of A-Log? If so, how accurate would you say it is?
>> No. 25888
How exactly did you discover we where talking about you? Do you lurk the site often, or did somebody tip you off?
>> No. 25889
Does A-Log really wanna bang his mom?
>> No. 25890
You said you've only talked to A-Log three times. What exactly happened when you talked to him? Did he try to flirt? Did he say any hilariously stupid shit?
>> No. 25891
A related question - when your details were uploaded to the Friends Of A-Log ED page, did you really delete all your YouTube videos out of fear as an attempt at damage control, or was this merely coincidental?
>> No. 25892
Why do people think A-log is funny?
>> No. 25893

Thanks, I'm also a huge Resident Evil fan. I love Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, Fallout, and Time Crisis. I also LOVE Vampire: The Masquerade and The World of Darkness.
>> No. 25894
As an addendum to this anon's question people say you deleted your account within minutes of stuff appearing on ED. Is that true and how did you find out so quickly?
>> No. 25895
Will you go out with PaganDeathKnight?
He's not VERY ugly.
>> No. 25896

In the PM she sent me on DeviantArt, she says she doesn't want to date anyone at the moment.
>> No. 25897
I think we scared her away, guys.

Are you still there, Ms Umlaut?
>> No. 25898
>>148970 Neu and Islave, Wackyben some times

>>148972 I would believe every reason you think up with, although I ain't that attractive, lol.
I thought he was an okay guy at first but just like Alog he would talk about Chris alot and then I found him creepy since he said he had a crush on me although we NEVER met face to face.

>>148974 So you can use my pic to have a penis inserted in my mouth? Nice try...

>>148976 Thank you! I admit I was hesitant at first, but now that my PM has leaked might as well spill the beans so I can leave all this behind me. I was browsing through ED to check on the sonic fags and bad cosplay, then all of a sudden I found Chris chan and thats when I start to know more about him.

BRB Dinner!
>> No. 25899
>she says she doesn't want to date anyone at the moment.

Naturally, we respect that.
>> No. 25900
File 132554628166.jpg - (13.17KB , 352x298 , A Hirsute Albino Nigger Is Amused.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>So you can use my pic to have a penis inserted in my mouth? Nice try...
Ha ha, fuck! I genuinely fucking lol'd. You're alright, Ms Umlaut!
>> No. 25901
>I thought he was an okay guy at first but just like Alog he would talk about Chris alot and then I found him creepy since he said he had a crush on me although we NEVER met face to face

REALLY? Tell us more!
Did you know that ISLAVERDE29 claims to be a proud misogynist on Facebook, because apparently 'all women hate him'? Did you also know that he's very fiercely anti-gay and homophobic?
>> No. 25902
File 132554648253.png - (40.27KB , 288x139 , Rule34Exploitable.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>So you can use my pic to have a penis inserted in my mouth? Nice try...
It's not like we can't do that already
>> No. 25903
Now, now, MsUmlaut's been decent enough to us so far, there's no need to be like that.
>> No. 25904
Didn't say I was going to. Just stating anything and everything can be shooped thanks to that.
>> No. 25905
So, is MsUmlaut coming back, d'you reckon?
>> No. 25906

I thought that was hilarious too. I have to say that she's probably smart to be paranoid even if that's taking it a little far.
>> No. 25907
Clearly, I think she was enjoying this.
>> No. 25908
Didn't she say she had dinner? She's not online at DeviantArt.
>> No. 25909
I really hope 'BRB Dinner' wasn't an excuse to run out on us. I want more information. Besides, she actually seems pretty cool.
>> No. 25910
MsUmalaut, I strongly suggest you use a trip incase someone starts being a homosexual deviant and tries to impersonate you.
>> No. 25911
Back, lol

>>148977 Metal, Industrial, Vocaloid, Jrock, Jpop, etc. Love Rammstein!

>>148979 Yes, I've read the article including mine, thought it was pretty funny
and I have to say it s a little accurate, but there is no way I'm dying as a virgin lol.
>> No. 25912
Have you seen A-Log's fanfiction? If so, what did you think?
>> No. 25913
If you're unsure of how to, just go to the name field, and after your name put a # and then type any word after it. Don't make it too obvious though
>> No. 25914
Yeah she should.

To make a trip yourname#password
>> No. 25915
Ms Umlaut, this might've already been asked, but are you still in contact with any of the so-called 'friends of A-Log'?
>> No. 25916
>>148980 Kid was PMing me about wanting an OC and how he wants it all yaoi and shit, and from that moment I thought he was bluffing so I went to 789chan and there I was on Alog's page as usual.

>>148981 Nah, I doubt that. He likes Furries and Milfs as far as I can tell.

>>148982 He didn't try to flirt with me, since he is too busy talking about Chris.

>>148984 I did this because I don't want some dumbass troll pestering me about the shit that Alog does and then flood my inbox with stupid messages. I'm not gonna stand here and be targeted just because I happen to know Alog, which it isn't fair since I didn't do as much stupid shit he does, you know?
>> No. 25917
What is your opinion of A-Log now? I sense a more than casual dislike.
>> No. 25918
File 132554806794.jpg - (34.33KB , 388x289 , Batman Honestly Can't Believe It.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He didn't try to flirt with me, since he is too busy talking about Chris.
That should tell you everything you need to know about A-Log, right there. Pretty little thing like MsUmlaut right there in front of him, and all he wants to do is talk about how much he hates Chris-chan.
>> No. 25919
>I'm not gonna stand here and be targeted just because I happen to know Alog

Good for you, that ƒaggot would have dragged you down with him. He was just elevated to "epic lolcow" status on ED. You were smart to get away before you got in too deep.
>> No. 25920

Thing is, that OC Kid Brujah sent you is an actual OC from a fanfic he wrote for Vampire: The Masquerade. He was probably serious to some extent.
>> No. 25921
I was curious, so I just checked YouTube to see what A-Log was up to.

Whilst PDK and Ms Umlaut are here, being bros and generally decent, reasonable people, A-Log's hiding in his little hugbox, leaving unfunny comments on stupid ass anime videos.
>> No. 25922

Kid Brujah here, yes, that is an actual OC I made and I'd like a drawing of it.
>> No. 25923
Also, MsUmlaut, what animes do you like?
>> No. 25924
Hope this works, lol

>>148986 I have no idea, haven't seen his standup yet.

>>148990 I admit that I go to 789 just to talk about Bob's death and the tomgirl saga, then I noticed that Alog have a page and so I was curious to read it and then I realized that I was found.

>>148991 Nope.
>>149002 Really? No wonder he refused to watch the yaoi anime I sent him, lol.

>>149025 Yes, I did read the fanfics. I must say that its very uncreative since its basically the same thing over and over again when it comes to writing style and plot. I can write a better one, although not much of a good writer.

>>149031 Nope, however Alog did tell me about the information on a the troll who got us and to be honest I don't give a shit since he was the one who put the bad spotlight on us and he is on his own.
>> No. 25925
Is SpaceScreamingJohn as big a homosexual deviant as we all think he is? Him yelling at an 8 year is pretty fucking retarded.
>> No. 25926
File 132554860177.png - (498.54KB , 496x577 , Elena LoGatto.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Have you met A-Log's sisters? One of them, Elena, is considered by some to be /cwc/'s waifu.
>> No. 25927
MsUmlaut, do you genuinely hate Chris-Chan?
>> No. 25928
You mentioned him contacting you about a troll, we've never really experienced first-hand what reaction he's having to the trolls, only that he's scared enough to drop everything and run, what was the tone he took when he contacted you then?
>> No. 25929
How old are you MsUmlaut? I'm curious because I think you're way younger than A-Log and if I'm right I think it would explain why he was able to mislead you into doing stuff like working with him.

Also I saw your tattoo on ED and I have to say that whoever the artist was did a really impressive job, especially the details on the headpiece.
>> No. 25930
>>149034 All I have to say is that wow this guy is as much as bad as chris although he doesn't want to admit it. I personally want to be away from this guy before he admit his crush on me as well.

>>149037 Oh cool, give me the references and I'll see what I can come up with just as long as you guys won't make fun of it, otherwise I will lose my trust on you guys.

>>149040 Hellsing, Black Butler, Death Note, Devil May Cry, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, and Hetalia
>> No. 25931
I'd like to build on that question, if I may. Does A-Log know about his ED page? And, if so, what was his reaction to it?
>> No. 25932

I'll send you some info on Vampire: The Masquerade and the fanfic that he's in. Be forwarned that the fanfic is a dead fic as of right now, but I have plans to revive it and improve it.

The description I gave in the PM I sent you is basically how he is.
>> No. 25933
>Oh cool, give me the references and I'll see what I can come up with just as long as you guys won't make fun of it, otherwise I will lose my trust on you guys.
I can't speak for everyone, Ms Umlaut, but I personally consider you and PDK to be 'one of us', now, if that makes sense. So, for what it's worth, I won't make fun of you.
>> No. 25934
hay msumalaut hers som fnficton i wrot about gaylog 4 u i hop yu enjoy it lol

On a dark and stormy night, the Alog when sitting in his room commentating a really shitty lolcow "and the why this lolcow is butt munching piles of ass balls fuck" the Alog threw the lolcow down at the floor. alright said the Alog as he pooped and drank beer at the samm time what should i commentate next? suddenly the ADF knoked on Alogs door and the Alog went up to answer it and it was his enemy the ADF hello he smild you dont know me but i am the ADF what the fuckin ass ballshit do you want nigger said the Alog angerly what i want? what i want is for u to commentate ME! as he ripped off his shirt to revel his muesly abs
oh **** no! cried aolg as he tried to get awy but the ADF grabed him and stated rapping him he kept rapping him really hard but then he stopped rapping him and stated raping him. shit piss **** balls! scramed the Alog but no-one heard him nick bate unknown autobot u guys take the front i got this bitch comanded the ADF and unknown autobot and nick bate were rapped before so they started raing him as well but there was no hole 4 nick bate so he got a nife and then used to to slice Alog's balls off, it only got a quarter the way but it managed to cut many arteries was blood sprayin everwhere nick bate kept cutting and fapping at the same time his fingers plunging into each and evry cut he eventully gav up and made a single verticl slice dwn da mddle nd Alog now had two peniss nd i thnk he screemed wit joy but blood went eerywere but the Alog was tird of beng rapped so he went to sleep and then woke up when Chris came in oh my god chris is that you yes it is Alog wow your so sexy chris can i feel your coke yes yu can Alog but not you adf your a fag the ADF then cried and then went to go fap
as chris chan got out his cokc it was reveld to be about as big as a football field now get ready for it "oh fuk! said teh adf as he held his dik an squitled it inta niggers n shit yes yes yes nd thn pixiteri cam long an sed o ho hoe, u've ben very noty adf and ADF screamed an tried to avoid rapping but he got rapd a pixiteri was liek wat r u gay u fag ill kill you now and then he got out a samurai sword and slowly shoved it into his colon it slowly whent in as poop came ot lol ADF scremed and cam at teh sem tam and then Alog and sexy chris cam
in all his 5 urethras Alog needed 2 4 his split dik
>> No. 25935
File 132554912262.png - (90.53KB , 175x239 , Sleep-Deprived Bob Dylan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cool copypasta, bro.
>> No. 25936
MsUmlaut, you mention that you occasionally lurk 789chan. Have you been following any other lolcows - ADF, The Unknown Autobot, Pixyteri? And, if so, which ones are your favourites?
>> No. 25937
>>149042 To be fair, he actually is seeing his flaws on A-log as well since we talked on DA during the beginning of the ED page.

>>149043 She's Pretty!

>>149044 I'm actually starting to feel bad for him since Bob died and he might lose his house thanks to Rocky, but he needs to learn his lesson when it comes to the law.

>>149045 He found out that PDK was the troll who cause him misery and he told me his real name and where he lives. I dunno how he found out about that, but like I said, I don't care.

>>149046 20. I think the guy did an awsome job on the tattoo as well since it took like 4 hours to do it and cost like 250 dollars, so the price was good and everything!
>> No. 25938

Hi A-Log!
>> No. 25939
>as long as you guys won't make fun of it, otherwise I will lose my trust on you guys.

Just keep a sense of humor about yourself and don't come off as wanting a lot of attention every time you are on the board and I'd say you'll be in the clear as far as /cwc/ is concerned.

Key thing is: there are actually some pretty nice people on this board who just happen to enjoy various internet drama (I suspect you can relate).

These people inevitably warn anyone they see as bringing negative attention on him/herself. Most people just don't take the hint, so make sure you pay attention to that. Remember this stuff and you'll be golden.
>> No. 25940

Oddly enough, I was a lolcow before I came into contact with you. I am PDK.

A-Log actually thinks I'm a master troll? Wow, that is sad.
>> No. 25941
File 132554937380.jpg - (60.37KB , 500x500 , troll3 excellent post.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're fagging up this thread for what reason exactly?
>> No. 25942
Roll with it dude. You've never been in a better position, amazing as it is.
>> No. 25943
>To be fair, he actually is seeing his flaws on A-log as well since we talked on DA during the beginning of the ED page.

Can you tell us more about that, please?
>> No. 25944

Can do, I'll go with the flow.
>> No. 25945
MsUmlaut, do you really think that, as A-Log and those like him are so fond of declaring, Chris-Chan gives autistics a bad name?
>> No. 25946
Do you know anything about A-Log's mom and what her reaction is to her son's behavior? Does she know about A-Log's ED page, for example?
>> No. 25947
>>149049 Of course he did! He did everything to Apologize to me for putting me in, I have to admit that I appreciated the apology , but I also tell him that he needs to stop making more chris videos and the fic otherwise they will hunt him like a dog.

>>149051 Thank you! I feel very welcome here.
>>149054 That's very dark fic there, how about working on the spelling?

>>149057 Nickbate, Pixy, and Peacockfeather are the ones I'm interested in. Nick is fucking creepy for having thoughts of his little sister, as a person who has a 7 year old sister, I feel dirty from reading the story. Pixy is such a bitch man, I'm size 14 (6"1 as well) but I don't have the balls to cosplay something so revealing. PF is my main trollbate since she is doing everything to stalk that stuck-up cosplayer just because of a photoshoot! Plus I wouldn't bother to do so since I've heard Kara is a bitch.
>> No. 25948
>To be fair, he actually is seeing his flaws on A-log as well since we talked on DA during the beginning of the ED page.
Really? You could have fooled me since he's troll shielding by going after ADF now.
>> No. 25949
MsUmlaut, do you see yourself ever making commentary videos again, in the future, perhaps against a more deserving target... *Cough* A-Log! *Cough*
>> No. 25950

If the board gets more organized in trolling him would you be interested in getting in on it? I think a female troll could get a lot accomplished with him.

I know we have Maddi but since she's only 15 it kind of disgusts me to have her even talk to that deviant. Especially knowing he sent her nudes when she was 12.

Anyway not proposing a specific plan or anything, just brainstorming.
>> No. 25951
>>149064 Well he asked me why I deleted my account and I told him what I told you guys and he said this:

"I understand. I too am on ED due to my association with A-Log. Out of all of us, I've been in most of his videos (a co-op commentary, his videos on "Chris Tran" and on C.M. Punk's RAW worked shoot).

Honestly, I'm thinking about distancing myself away from A-Log. I don't see what that'll do, but much like yourself, I don't feel like dealing with trolls (especially if they're going to hunt down my real-life friends and family). And now I'm starting to notice his flaws (his god-awful fapfics, he can't go through one Skype
call without him mentioning Chris-chan, etc)."

>>149066 Pretty much so, although I don't really care about my Apersoners anymore since I'm actually started to grew out of that although I still have slurred speech and do have obsessions.

>>149067 What did my first post said? But It would suck for him if his mom see his fics and stuff. But he does need to be careful on the web.
>> No. 25952
Does A-Log consider himself to be an internet celebrity and if so does he act arrogant because of it?
>> No. 25953
>>149073 Unfortunately no since I don't have a mic on my laptop and I suck at commentaries.
>>149074 I'm not that type of person who would make a person's life miserable, but I do voice m y opinion on him and use my sense of logic.
>> No. 25954
>especially if they're going to hunt down my real-life friends and family

Did that happen to you?
>> No. 25955
>>149077 He didn't tell me that, but I'm sure he is as Egotistical as Chris Chan.
>> No. 25956
On a related subject, whenever A-Log appears in a video, he seems quite pompous and smug. Has he ever displayed weakness? The Unknown Autobot, for example, another lolcow, would frequently appear smug and arrogant in his videos mocking Chris-Chan, but in private was apparently cripplingly insecure about himself and frequently broke down, comparing himself to Chris.

Is A-Log the same?
>> No. 25957
>>149079 No, since I am smart enough to not post up my personal information like phone number or street address. All of this is first grade stuff!
>> No. 25958
>Unfortunately no since I don't have a mic on my laptop and I suck at commentaries.
Gotta be honest, MsUmlaut, I never actually saw any of your commentaries. However, I have no doubt that if you WERE to do a commentary on A-Log, you would gain a good number of new fans!
>> No. 25959
MsUmlaut, do you have a YouTube account? I'm not even gonna troll you, I just ask because, to be honest, you seem kind of cool and I want to be friends.
>> No. 25960
>>149082 I'm sure he is worried about his reputation on the internet and IRL and so far I don't think he broke down on camera about the whole ED thing and so on. I know that deep down he must've been hurt of all this.
>> No. 25961
why do you type like a retard?
>> No. 25962
Was A-Log scared when the trolling of him began to get organised and his ED page went up?
>> No. 25963
>>149086 I do, but I don't make videos, I only watch them and favorite them.
>>149084 Trust me you don't wanna see them! But I was in his Shounen Maid Kuro Kun reaction video as Neru from Vocaloid as my Icon
>> No. 25964
Not to mention that he also gave away his lust for strippers and one in particular.

Makes me wonder: does A-Log have any specific vices that we don't already know about? Like if he was a babyfur or something.
>> No. 25965
Does it bother you having a mention on ED, MsUmlaut?
>> No. 25966
>>149088 Sometimes I forgot to add in words in my sentences.
>>149090 Haven't talked to him ever since the page got up. But I know he is trying to stop making videos on Chris so the trolls will leave him alone.
>> No. 25967
>he is trying to stop making videos on Chris so the trolls will leave him alone.
I'm going to be honest and tell you right now - that ain't EVER gonna happen. A-Log is now, officially, an epic lolcow. His every move is under scrutiny by trolls, he can't make a move to any of his favorite haunts on the Internet without us knowing about it. This will never, EVER go away.
>> No. 25968
>>149092 All I know is that he is a Furfag, a MILF lover, and love BBW.
>>149093 Kinda, since I don't want people to give bad impressions on me since I'm just a typical yaoi fangirl who does simple mistakes sometimes. But also, I'm there just because I happen to talk to one of his inner circles and did a few videos with them, which is rather ridiculous.
>> No. 25969
Were there any among the little circle-jerk that you would consider a genuine friend?
>> No. 25970
>>149097 Couldn't agree with you more!
>> No. 25971
How do you feel about Furries?

Also, here's A-Logs standup video
>> No. 25972
>>149099 I see them all as Acquaintances and nothing more
>> No. 25973
Did A-Log ever offer to show you his famous six inch foxdick?
>> No. 25974
>>149101 Whatever floats their boats.
>> No. 25975
On a related note, if you had to list the people on the 'Friends Of A-Log' ED page in order of how much you disliked them (including A-Log and excluding yourself, of course), what would that list look like?
>> No. 25976
>>149103 Hell no, thank god.
>> No. 25977
Are you able to confirm, as the trolls have long suspected, that A-Log is still a virgin?
>> No. 25978
>>149105 Like-->Hate

1.Pikachu0Z (never talked to him)
>> No. 25979
>>149108 Can you tell he is? I dunno his personal life!
>> No. 25980
File 132555140068.jpg - (48.45KB , 450x338 , black_knight.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I feel like this is a case where trolling had a relatively positive effect in the long run. In the short run I don't doubt it was kind of rough but it did convince someone to change her ways before it was too late.

Agree or disgree MsUmlaut?
>> No. 25981
File 132555146242.png - (85.21KB , 231x300 , WackyBen86.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So you hate Wackyben more than A-Log? That's interesting. Why is that?
>> No. 25982
From reading his fanfiction, it seems kind of obvious that A-Log has no knowledge of sex outside of pornography.

Trolls have long suspected he was a virgin, there was even a plan to hire a hooker for Chris just so that Chris-Chan, the Internet's biggest laughingstock, could get laid before A-Log to enrage him.

I just wondered if he'd ever mentioned it.
>> No. 25983
>>149111 I do agree actually, although words do hurt sometimes. My mini-article wasn't too bad to read actually (and is pretty funny), but it did give me an idea that I was in the den of lions by associating with an epic lolcow, just like the wallflower or megan
>> No. 25984
File 13255515954.png - (13.75KB , 450x547 , cwc_red string of fate.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who was the worst in terms of hitting on you and whatever?

Can you talk about some schemes that some of these guys had to try to get you interested?

Did anyone use the red string of fate?
>> No. 25985
Do you have any good memories of your time in A-Log's pwnage funbunch?
>> No. 25986
>>149112 This guy wouldn't stop talking! Its like him talking about Chris and his radioshow and so on! Its like dude: I DONT CARE OK!
>> No. 25987
Who was the biggest perv in the group? I suspect it was probably A-Log, but you never know.
>> No. 25988
>>149116 Islave actually said happy valentines to me and would say he has a crush on me! And no red string was apart of this.
>> No. 25989
>>149117 The best thing was I get to make the guys watch a yaoi anime and its hilarious to hear them suffer through that.

>>149120 Certainly Alog
>> No. 25990
How did you respond to ISLAVERDE29's confession of his crush on you?
>> No. 25991
>>149124 I felt very awkward on that part and just said "thanks...whatever..."
>> No. 25992
>The best thing was I get to make the guys watch a yaoi anime and its hilarious to hear them suffer through that.

At the time, did it not cross your mind that there was an irony in that A-Log, SpaceScreaminJohn, NeuGristle and WackyBen, who were so quick to attack Chris for being homophobic then made some quite homophobic comments of their own in that video?
>> No. 25993
Isn't there something on A-log actually liking that kind of stuff?
>> No. 25994
File 132555209068.jpg - (13.57KB , 300x180 , ThompsonVenables.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Has A-Log ever mentioned his rather troubling fixation on the murder of James Bulger, a three year old boy from Liverpool, England, who was murdered by two older boys, Robert Thompson and John Venables? So much so, that he at one point, declared that Chris was more twisted than the boys in question?
>> No. 25995
>I don't make videos

Even if some people would like to see vids of you ragging on A-Log I think you're smart to not want to. If you were all for it I'd be worried you hadn't learned from your experiences but it seems like you really have. There's no bigger mark of the non-lolcow than learning from past mistakes.
>> No. 25996
>>149127 Am not surprised about that since I know they are only doing this for me because I'm a girl. But I hate it when somebody lies about their discrimination just to impress somebody. I mean why bother since they are gonna find out someday
>> No. 25997
File 132555221997.jpg - (20.50KB , 216x367 , tim cruzet0r.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
who is kid brujah?

who is MsUmlaut?
>> No. 25998
I sent you the PM about my Vampire OC, Takeru. What do you think of it?
>> No. 25999
File 13255522551.png - (46.69KB , 317x257 , Forever A-Log.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MsUmlaut, I made this, do you like it?
>> No. 26000
Post your feet.
>> No. 26001
>>149129 Really? Chris being as bad as the murderers? Dude, how low can you go? I know chris may ran over Snyder, but he wouldn't have the balls to ever be in a real fight.
>> No. 26002

Kid Brujah, also known as PaganDeathKnight is a former lolcow who turned against A-Log and convinced MsUmlaut to do this Q&A

MsUmlaut is a girl who once was friends with A-Log but has since come to her senses
>> No. 26003
>>149137 Um...no
>>149136 Not bad
>> No. 26004
MsUmlaut, do you think there's any chance of A-Log returning to Youtube to make more videos?
>> No. 26005
>>149142 Probably, since he does like to do dubbing and commentaries on anything
>> No. 26006
I'd like to expand on this and ask if you think A-Log will ever directly acknowledge his trolls or attempt to confront them, or do you think he's too cowardly to attempt that?
>> No. 26007
Do you know if A-Log likes My Little Pony? He had a few peices of 'sexy' anthro fanart of the ponies in his deviantArt, but we were just wondering if there was any confirmation.
>> No. 26008
Do you consider yourself a goth?
>> No. 26009
I'm sorry, but am I the only one who sees this as terrible troll-shielding of the highest order? Nothing of value has been gained by this thread, no new information, no nothing.
>> No. 26010
Do you have any saved conversations between yourself and A-Log that you could leak to /cwc/?
>> No. 26011
>why bother

I agree but there is this thing called getting laid. I guess all of them must have heard about it and figured being compliant to your wishes was a good step in that direction.

I only read your ED for the first time earlier today and as such I'd never heard of you before. But the more I think about it the fact that is mentioned on the page is pretty hilarious.

Making a bunch of insecure homophobes watch something like that. If I didn't know better I'd think it was done for the lulz.
>> No. 26012
File 13255526048.jpg - (34.72KB , 512x399 , wotw18.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i see. wow this is far over my head, too much to take in.

i just follow the funny lolcow (cwc), so i dont really know about all these other non funny ones.

anyway thanks for clearing that up for me.
>> No. 26013
Yes, you are.
MsUmlaut's given us loads of information we didn't already know. Shut up.
>> No. 26014
'Sup A-Log? Plz post a timestamped picture of your 6 INCH FAWKS DICK
>> No. 26015

Not so much troll-shielding, but shedding light on a lolcow from an entirely different perspective.

Not so much new content on A-Log, but a different point of view at the content we already have.

Strangest thing is that PDK of all people arranged this.
>> No. 26016
Your ED page paints you in rather a manipulative light, claiming that you're something of a 'nerd princess' who used her attractiveness and status as a girl to exploit the guys in the group. Would you say that that's untrue?
>> No. 26017
File 132555283162.jpg - (68.65KB , 600x800 , Stalked_by_CWC_by_Umlaut91.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MsUmlaut, I know that this wasn't your intention, but I think that your drawing of Chris in your Stalked By CWC artwork is adorable.
>> No. 26018
I doubt you're the only person that feels that way but I personally don't since she was specifically invited to do this.
>> No. 26019
>PDK of all people arranged this
>Not so much new content on A-Log, but a different point of view at the content we already have.

Exactly. PDK was trolled, and now he sees turning on A-Log as a way to clear his name. MsUmlaut is doing this to prevent herself from being trolled. Not one new piece of interesting information has been revealed.
>> No. 26020
To be honest, I don't think MsUmlaut was actively being trolled in any way to begin with. Furthermore, of all of A-Log's buttbuddies, she is probably to least offensive. Lighten up, bro.
>> No. 26021
>>149144 Maybe one day he will lose his senses and start to confront the trolls himself since he is losing his allies.
>>149145 I wouldn't be surprise if he did. I'm starting to like MLP myself so that would haunt my mind.
>>149146 Sorta since I like to wear black most of the time, but I am a down to earth type of person who just enjoys life and love the gothic culture.
>>149148 Sure I'll post up once I'm done answering.
>>149147 Dude, I only talked to him 3 times!
>> No. 26022
With this in mind, MsUmlaut, have you encountered anybody who has judged you negatively because of your association with A-Log or your mention on the Friends of A-Log ED page since it went live? Has anybody ever attempted to troll you?
>> No. 26023

I think PDK originally did this to clear his name, but in all honesty, /cwc/ was losing interest in him as a lolcow by this time. MsUmlaut wasn't very active before this and the least offensive of A-Log's buddies.

This isn't so much troll-shielding as actual troll success.
>> No. 26024
File 132555318881.jpg - (8.41KB , 244x207 , imagesCAB7NESK.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sure I'll post up once I'm done answering.

Marry me, MsUmlaut.
>> No. 26025
>>149158 Thanks, but I'm trying to get better at the drawings, lol.

>>149156 First of all, I don't think I'm THAT attractive. I'm only part of the group because we have similar interests, I'm here to tell my story of being in the so called "Inner-circle", I'm not going around to spread rumors.
>> No. 26026
No but it is pathetic how they're asking her about her favorite games and music.
>> No. 26027
>Dude, I only talked to him 3 times!

Yeah... That's kinda been my point. I have absolutely nothing against you or even PDK, but it shocks me that /cwc/ would go along with this, considering how much they went after PDK just weeks ago and how they hated him for troll-shielding... and yet that is exactly what he is doing all over again.

Whatever. Carry on.
>> No. 26028

On that note, PDK didn't turn on A-Log because he was never with A-Log to begin with. PDK is listed under the Friends of A-Log ED page as a "Wannabe", but in all honesty, he started to distance himself from A-Log once he discovered that A-Log was a full lolcow.

A lot of autists who know about CWC and don't know the full story behind A-Log might find him appealing on the surface. PDK was one of them, he saw one of A-Log's commentaries, thought it was amusing, and commented on his video, that is it.
>> No. 26029
>>149164 I've been having LOADS of comments on the Stalk CWC pic of saying that he is giving Autism a bad name, etc. And hell I have one person who wants to meet up with me just because I'm going to the same anime con as he is.
>> No. 26030
MsUmlaut, did A-Log ever mention having friends in real life?
>> No. 26031
Did you have some kind of huge trolling scheme that's getting ruined now or something?

If nothing else she is an interesting example of a person who was brought to her senses through being trolled.

Regardless you can't even blame her for what she's doing. If she had told us to fuck off (which she did initially) there'd be a thread on here about ruining her. She's doing the right thing.
>> No. 26032
File 132555350158.jpg - (60.35KB , 741x538 , You Gonna Get Considered.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, I think I'd avoid that guy, if I were you. Bit creepy.
>> No. 26033
From the DA message:

"I understand your concern at this predicement, but at the moment I'm trying my best not to talk about Chris-chan. Hell, I'm not acknowledging the trolls on my recent videos. I apologize for dragging you into this involuntaringly. Let me explain. I did the right thing and ignored these trolls. Thus, I never gave them my personal information; they found it on their own. Plus, once more, I never gave them any acknowledgement, knowing that my response is their cue to screw me over.

Furthermore, it's the work of at least one failtroll, and it all followed suit. Once more, I'm sorry for dragging you into this, and I can hope you can forgive me for my big fuck up. I'm still doing the right thing in ignoring them. Besides, Sean Strife, an editor from ED, has said that I'm not worth trolling. And neither are you, NeuGristle, Ben, SpaceScreaminJohn, Pikachu0z and the others. It's all just one failtroll guiding a ripoff chan site into a war he can't win.

Besides, I've had two other trolling attempts on me, but both ended in failure. Third time will not be the charm this time around. Once more, I apologize for this misgrievance, and I'm hoping you'll to be able to forgive me.

Thanks for providing me with a few laughs on your videos,
>> No. 26034
MsUmlaut, is A-Log genuinely unable to see how similar he is to CWC? Did any of you (you, SpaceScreaminJohn, WackyBen, etc.) ever think to mention that perhaps he might have more in common with him than he might like to think? Or did you genuinely not notice until the A-Log ED page went up just how similar the two are?
>> No. 26035
where are the nudes?
>> No. 26036

Sorry for the lack of update, but I've found out something about ALogIsAHueghomosexual deviant via /cwc/fag Pagan Death Knight. He's really punipunipunisher, one of the usual trolls against Chris-chan; real name is Michael Manna and he lives in New Jersey. Plus, he's 18. Plus, I found out the reason why he hates my guts is because of my hatred for Chris-chan; you see, he only sees humor in Chris-chan, not evil. Hope this explains a lot.

>> No. 26037
File 132555374334.jpg - (40.07KB , 384x450 , successful-troll-troll-demotivational-poster-12411.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ha ha, I love how he uses the term 'failtroll'. It's wonderfully ironic.
>> No. 26038
>>149180 There ain't gonna be nudes from me, so go on and whack off to some Sonic Hentai
>> No. 26039
Or A-Log's fapfiction! 31 Tricks, 31 Treats, anyone?
>> No. 26040
>>149175 I don't think so.
>>149179 I started to notice is before the ED page came up since he talks about him all the time.
>> No. 26041
File 132555396490.png - (345.81KB , 344x500 , 1296177389342.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sean Strife, an editor from ED, has said that I'm not worth trolling
I have a feeling that that's complete bullshit.
>> No. 26042

A-Log doesn't realize that I later found out Michael Manna didn't exist and that he was a fake character put out by trolls.
>> No. 26043
I have a question.

In a conversation with one of /cwc/'s insiders, A-Log was asked if he'd ever visited /cwc/. He replied that no, he had never been here and that, furthermore, he thought it was beneath him.

I suspect that to be a lie. I think A-Log has been to /cwc/ on many occasions, hiding under anonymity. What do you think, MsUmlaut?
>> No. 26044
Michael Manna was supposed to be PaganDeathKnight's Clyde Cash - right down to the alliterative name and the guido picture.
>> No. 26045
Wow. It really says a lot about A-Log that he fell for that. He really is even more dense than we thought.
>> No. 26046
>one person who wants to meet up with me

Yeah, be careful with that kind of thing though. Did you see the thread on here a week or two ago about the weird anime con dude who tries to get with all the 15-22 year old chicks? I can only assume he is not unique.
>> No. 26047
>>149191 That has to BS right there, he has to look up once in a while since alot of topics is about him!
>> No. 26048
File 132555414941.png - (187.39KB , 304x350 , Anthos_The_Frogboy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not THE Sean Strife, Anthos' friend?
>> No. 26049
Not MsUmlaut, but I know for certain he is at least aware of it and has visited. He was whining about his initial legi0n thread on another forum. He directly linked to the thread, too, if I remember correctly.
>> No. 26050
I fucking knew it!
Is A-Log the sort of person who'd keep an eye on what his trolls are saying about him?
>> No. 26051
>>149195 Haven't seen that, but I know that this guy was wearing a sonic costume and made abysmal artwork on DA
>> No. 26052
>>I only talk to him 3 times

>>lose my trust on you guys

>> He found out that PDK was the troll who cause him misery


MsUmlaut is English your second language? Or are you just functionally retarded?
>> No. 26053

Sad part is, I wised up to it in a few weeks as I learned more about Clyde Cash, but A-Log still probably believes Manna is real. I had an excuse because I didn't know the trolling subcultures or the full story of Clyde Cash. Once I learned more about Clyde Cash and put two and two together, I began doubting Manna's existence, even if he was tied to a specific YouTube account.
>> No. 26054
>ALogIsAHueghomosexual deviant

I crack a smile every time I see that screen name anyway but this version of it is even better.
>> No. 26055
File 13255543637.jpg - (75.46KB , 407x584 , And Then There's This Asshole.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26056
File 132555441367.jpg - (71.58KB , 602x572 , 1309589415756.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuck if I know. I'm still calling bullshit on it though since ED bumped him to epic lolcow status.
>> No. 26057
>>149202 You must be trollin here. I'll leave you to it!
>> No. 26058
MsUmlaut, do you regret your time with A-Log and his fellow spurgs? If so, what do you regret most?
>> No. 26059

Isn't it natural to be curious about why some American white girl writes like a 401 scammer? Is MsUmlaut neurotypical?
>> No. 26060
It must be really annoying for A-Log that in order to reference the screenname of one of his trolls he has to inadvertantly tell everyone that he's a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 26061
File 13255546402.jpg - (50.54KB , 512x640 , furries sure you're not kidding.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>a sonic costume

For some reason I think you should blow him off.
>> No. 26062
MsUmlaut has Apersoner's syndrome, I think.
>> No. 26063
Pretty sure she's on the spectrum and the way she types (random capitalization for example) seems pretty consistent with that.
>> No. 26064
>>149211 Pretty much, didn't know they were gonna be this bad as chris chan. I understand about making one rant video, but more than 5 times is just as insane as he is! I didn't know Alog was similar to chris with his homophobia and all that jazz, and whats worse is the rest of the guys have a crush on me. One thing I hate about men is that they only do shit for me because I'm a girl who is only trying to do what everyone else is doing.
>> No. 26065
>>149215 Yep.
>> No. 26066
Does the depth of their f.aggotry surprise you?
>> No. 26067
>> A-log & co
>> men

>> No. 26068
>>149214 He is only wearing Street Clothes and a sonic hat.
>> No. 26069
File 13255548905.jpg - (15.83KB , 430x311 , Robotnik Lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26070
Wait, if he lurks, does that mean it's possible he was that guy who was defending A-Log in one of the old threads?
>> No. 26071
Eh, it isn't that bad really. But a perceived as obtainable, white, 20 year old girl who is interested in Chris AND posting here? I honestly don't think you will find many of /cwc/ers joining you in criticism.
>> No. 26072
MsUmlaut do you plan on getting your tubes tied as a favor to humanity, or are you going to further the Apersonian race?
>> No. 26073
>>149221 Not surprise once I've read the ED page
>> No. 26074
You mention that A-Log was forever talking about Chris-Chan, even in unrelated discussions. Can you remember anything specific that he said that might amuse us?
>> No. 26075
Do you know how loyal other members of A-Log's hugbox are to him, nowadays? People like ISLAVERDE29, SpaceScreaminJohn, etc.?
>> No. 26076
>>149229 Not that I can remember. Its been long since I've talked to this guy
>> No. 26077
>because I'm a girl

Fair enough but watch where you say stuff like that, it doesn't always bring the best kind of attention.
>> No. 26078
What do you see happening to A-Log in the future? Do you think, as he gets older and older, he'll become increasingly like the manchild he so vocally despises?
>> No. 26079
>>149231 Somewhat loyal, even after the ED page. They kept defending him on how its not his fault that he was being noticed and then how I should not blame him for it. Um, he was the one who do the stupid actions and putting the spotlight on us.
>> No. 26080
>>149233 True, since there might be trolls who would jump on me like the inner circle did, lol. Plus Ms. already gave them the idea.
>> No. 26082
>>149234 I dunno, only time will tell. Just look him up on news article
>> No. 26083
Who would you say is the most loyal of the bunch?
>> No. 26084
>>149240 Wackyben and Neu.

Wow, so much questions for me to ask XD
>> No. 26085
A-Log is directly responsible for his own actions. He can't blame the trolls for making him a furfag pervert who writes horrible fanfiction and makes trollshielding videos about Chris-Chan.
>> No. 26086
File 132555544843.png - (2.07KB , 239x258 , so_then_im_like_fuck_you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow so they seriously think it's the 100% the trolls' fault? Un-fucking-believable those guys.
>> No. 26087
Is there a reason for those two in particular to stay loyal to him? Is it out of friendship? Are they just clueless to his true nature? Do they seek to gain anything from being friends with someone like A-Log - I know WackyBen is a failed radio host, perhaps he hopes that by sucking up to A-Log, he can work on his radio show. Likewise, NeuGristle is an aspiring noise musician, perhaps he thinks that being friends with A-Log will advance his career in some way.
>> No. 26088
File 132555563033.png - (46.77KB , 198x205 , Sad Harley.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ms Umlaut, I actually feel really sorry for you, now.
>> No. 26089
>>149244 Probably because the same reason as I did by only being his friends because they are somewhat clueless on his actions and have a thing in common for having interest in chris.
>> No. 26090
>>149245 For what?
>> No. 26091
Are the stories true about A-log being trolled by callers on his radio show?
>> No. 26092
I feel like you've been tarred with the A-Log brush when really, you're nothing like him. That kinda sucks.
>> No. 26093
>>149248 I have no idea, but I would feel sorry for him if that happens since his life shouldn't be ruined entirely. We're all human, but this is what happens if you post personal information
>> No. 26094
MsUmlaut-- thoughts on steampunk?
>> No. 26095
Hey Anthos. Stopped running away from TVsButtHurt I see
>> No. 26096
>>149252 I thought it was pretty cool, might give that a try one day.
>> No. 26097
File 13255561034.png - (474.71KB , 424x479 , TheUnknownAutobot.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, hey there, Anthos. We're just having a Q&A with MsUmlaut. You're welcome to join us.
>> No. 26098
Any plans for the future, MsUmlaut? What do you want to be when you grow up?
>> No. 26099
>>149256 In College at the moment, getting more into art and animation. Hopefully one day working for a gaming company
>> No. 26100
MsUmlaut - kiss, marry, kill.
Chris-Chan, A-Log and ISLAVERDE29.
>> No. 26101
>>149259 Kill all 3
>> No. 26102
>>Hopefully one day working for a gaming company

>> No. 26103
File 132555637153.jpg - (21.07KB , 585x384 , ronnie-jersey-shore-laugh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26104
Yeah, consider studying something practical too, you'll thank me later.
>> No. 26105
It'd only be aspierations if she wasn't taking any steps to actually achieve it. She's in college, studying art and animation - why wouldn't she want to consider a job in a gaming company?

It's not like A-Log wanting to be a voice actor for animes and not actually making any effort to achieve that besides sitting at home and waiting for a job to come to him.
>> No. 26106
If you could control what happens next in the whole A-Log saga what would you do? How would you have it end?
>> No. 26107

People with degrees can't get normal jobs, never mind coveted ones.
>> No. 26108
>>149269 I would have him admit what he did was wrong and it was his fault for bringing in the trolls. He'll delete his account and stay away from the internet for a couple of years and try a new start.
>> No. 26109
Even then people will remember him and laugh.
>> No. 26110
Would you ever be friends with A-Log or any of his pals again?
>> No. 26111

People won't forget. It will never go away. Even if the interest dies down, they'll still be a page on ED and people will still watch his videos and think, "Get a load of this fag!"

Richard Kuta, for example, is YEARS old as a lolcow and people still make jokes about him. Unfortunately for him, A-Log is forever going to be remembered as an Internet lolcow, whether he likes it or not.
>> No. 26112
>>149278 probably not since I'm trying to stay away from them after what they've done. I'm trying to move forward.
>> No. 26113
Maybe it's just me but you sound a bit upset about that. Are you? Are there a few people in that group you genuinely like?
>> No. 26114
>>149285 Neu seems like a cool guy since he doesn't admit his crush over me or something, and he is actually the only person who doesn't mention chris too much. I know these guys are nice and all, but I have to stay away from the drama that's happening, or else it will get worse.
>> No. 26115
I'd like this thread to be archived when the time comes, if it's at all possible. This is arguably the best thread on /cwc/ right now.
>> No. 26116
>>149289 because of the new info on Alog?
>> No. 26117
File 132555769556.jpg - (24.05KB , 400x300 , mata-hari2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How do you think A-Log would react if he knew you were feeding his secrets to the trolls like a sort of lolcow Mata Hari?
>> No. 26118
Absolutely. You've been awesome, MsUmlaut.
>> No. 26119
>>149293 I have a feeling that we would be mad at me and yell at me at DA, but I'm only just telling you guys what I experienced and how it sucks that Alog's actions made me apart of this for no reason.

One question to you all: Since most of your opinions changed, what will happen to the article now?
>> No. 26120

I dunno, PDK/Kid Brujah and several others are pushing for the sections on you and him to be either removed or rewritten to include this. You're definitely getting a rewrite at least.

PDK/Kid Brujah has some stupid shit from when he was first discovered floating around, but I think an addition/epilogue to his section is reasonable. A rewrite or removal could work, but I don't know.
>> No. 26121
I would be in favor of rewriting MsUmlaut's section of the article to reflect recent events, but I am aware that there may be some opposition to this idea.

I'm kind of sorry that MsUmlaut had to be a part of this to begin with because really her only crime was making friends with A-Log.
>> No. 26122
Would you mind if the article remained unaltered? You don't seem massively bothered by it and it doesn't appear to affect your day to day life or how people react to you. You haven't experienced any negative reactions since it was uploaded, have you?
>> No. 26123

Same here, and I'm fine with giving PDK a break as well, after all, without him, MsUmlaut wouldn't be here to answer our question. Even with the stupid shit he did back when he was first discovered, he should at least get this added to his ED section.
>> No. 26124
>Besides, Sean Strife, an editor from ED, has said that I'm not worth trolling.

I told A-Log that an ED admin was going to try to get the page deleted because he didn't think it was lulz-worthy. Of course, I was just making this up so he'd start to feel comfortable enough to go back to making videos.

How the fuck he interpreted my lies that way just boggles my mind. What a delusional moron.
>> No. 26125
Is anything of value lost by removing MsUmlaut's section of the article?
>> No. 26126

If anything, augment it. I see a Great Potential Lolcow considering she is illiterate and not disgusted by steampunk.
>> No. 26127
>>149308 I think rewriting it would be better since I haven't done anything bad ever since and I flat out said that I have no association with A-log whatsoever besides interacting with Ben, Neu, and Islave. Plus this interview gave everyone a new view on me
>> No. 26128
>>Doesn't admit crush

USI to boot
>> No. 26129
>>149315 I meant the fashion in general
>> No. 26130
'Sup Wackyben?
>> No. 26131
I think we should rewrite it to portray her as mislead into ƒaggotry by A-Log and show her as a success story since she was able to escape his evil clutches as well as changing her ways.

I would be nice to have a story where a person has stuff work out and trolling isn't a completely destructive force.

Also I think showing her as "turned" will cause a ton of butthurt to all the other people in the article (excluding PDK here) since they all wanted her as their waifu.
>> No. 26132

Nope, nothing of value will be lost if MsUmlaut is removed and PDK is rewritten or given this credit added to him.
>> No. 26133

Obvious asshole is obvious
>> No. 26134
>> No. 26135
File 132555888978.jpg - (22.62KB , 333x350 , judge.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think the case is fairly open and shut. MsUmlaut, I find you innocent of the heinous crime of YouTube ƒaggotry and you may leave this court with not a stain on your character.
>> No. 26136

Rewriting MsUmlaut's section is a definite must. Maybe we can do the same for PDK, but I dunno.
>> No. 26137
Aw, I do so love a happy ending!
>> No. 26138

I don't think it's PDK, several people have suggested this, as it is PDK who brought MsUmlaut to us.
>> No. 26139
One last question perhaps?

How often would A-Log person about there being no dubbing gigs in New York?
>> No. 26140
She should probably get a "Recently decided to spill A-logs hilarious secrets on /cwc/" nod, but as for a total "Oh look at this good, decent woman being tricked into a spurfilled circlejerk of mouthbreathers, but she sured learned the deal and played them fine!" rewrtie, nah.

PDK shouldn't get one, either.
>> No. 26141
Archive this, please.
>> No. 26142

PDK should at least get an honorable mention for his hand in MsUmlaut's turn-around. I'm not on board with a total rewrite of his ED section, but give credit where credit is due.
>> No. 26143
>>149332 I only see those on his forum posts.

>>149322 This
>> No. 26144
Guys, we need to think about the big picture here.

If we change some of MsUmlaut's entry to show her as switching sides and play up the angle that she is involved with the trolls now it could potentially provoke some good reactions when the other people lash out at her. As long as she'd be willing to hand over pertinent messages and stuff it could be pretty funny.
>> No. 26145
Guys, it was nice to take part in MsUmlaut's Q&A and I'm glad I brought her over here, but I think it's my time to leave /cwc/ before I get cocky and fuck up. It was mentioned on another thread and it hit me that while I lucked out and earned some brownie points for /cwc/, I'm not out of the woods yet, so it's best to leave gracefully while things are okay.

Besides, in a week, I won't be able to have the time to be an effective troll or agent.

MsUmlaut, I enjoyed talking to you and I'm glad you had this Q&A.
>> No. 26146
Now you're thinking dude.
>> No. 26147
you're being trolled right now, fyi
everyone still thinks you're a retard and just considers this new content
>> No. 26148
I think PDK is a pretty good troll. Hell, he's better than a lot of the namefags here.
>> No. 26149
>>149353 Now lets get this straight, I'm not trying to troll here, I just wanna give you some info on being in the inner circle and answering some questions.
>> No. 26150
I'm looking at MsUmlaut's section of the Friends of A-Log page now, mentally drafting a rewrite. It shouldn't be too difficult. There's the matter of striking out all the present tense stuff and replacing it with the past tense...

'MsUmlaut is a bisexual goth with Apersoner's syndrome who WAS the token girl of the group, although since discovering just how deep the A-Log rabbithole goes she's distanced herself from from Chris-Chan 2.0 and his homosexual deviantry.'
>> No. 26151
I like the rabbithole metaphor. It ties in nicely with MsUmlaut's love of Alice in Wonderland.
>> No. 26152

I don't think PDK is being trolled entirely, at least not by more than one or two people, but he's smart enough to get out of here before the wonder of MsUmlaut's revelations wears off. If he were to stay here and not give us new content, he'd get cocky, fuck up and be a full-blown lolcow once again.

He may be a retard, but he was smart enough to get MsUmlaut to come here and of all the plans to get more A-Log content, his actually worked.

In short, goodbye PDK.
>> No. 26153
>>149359 I like that :)
>> No. 26154
Yeah, I'm quite prepared to let PDK go now for now. But, if he does fuck up and start personin' out again, he should know that the trolls can and will catch up with him.
>> No. 26155

He was very lucky, his plan to get A-Log content worked, and he softned his lolcow status greatly in doing so.

I don't think he'll be a great troll (save for some field agent work), but then again, he never really went out to troll MsUmlaut or A-Log, he just went to get information from MsUmlaut, and succeeded in doing so.

Now he's leaving /cwc/ while he's still ahead, which is a wise thing to do.
>> No. 26156
I realize that but you want your section changed right? You wrote "This" in response to my other comment about changing it so that should tell you that I'm not thinking way off point or anything.

Deal is that there are plenty of people that would like to see it changed, some people say removed. However ED is known for resisting certain things and I'm just trying to come up with a way to find some middle ground. For some people it's all about the lulz, if we can tell them that changing it will not only be nice for you but that it will troll everyone else that's going to be harder to argue with.
>> No. 26157
There's a lot more work to do on it, but it really shouldn't be too difficult to rewrite it, given the information we know now. The one thing that worries me is some epic ween kiddie going "HURR DURR NO WAY SHE'S TROLL SHIELDING I'M REVERTIN DIS SHIT! LOLOLOLO EPIC WIN!"

For what it's worth, I don't think you're troll shielding. I think you just fell in with a bad crowd and paid the price for it. You've explained yourself and proved to be a reasonable, cool and mature person - nothing like A-Log and the rest of his cronies. I think your conduct has been admirable and you should feel good about yourself.
>> No. 26158
We should also consider adding the new content to the Articles.
>> No. 26159
>>149365 True
>> No. 26160
I'd second this. ISLAVERDE29's crush on Umlaut, long suspected but now confirmed, is DEFINITELY getting added.
>> No. 26161

MsUmlaut definitely needs a rewrite, but rewriting PDK's section is a lot harder to justify. I do think we need to give him credit for his role in it, and maybe even mention his "graceful retreat" from /cwc/, but a full rewrite is stretching it.

MsUmlaut is the epitome of a matured and reformed "lolcow", as she woke up and saw through A-Log's bullshit, and moved on with her life.
>> No. 26162
Is it worth creating a new heading for MsUmlaut's section?

'The Ex-Friend Of A-Log' or something?
>> No. 26163
>>149367 Well, I was thinking about explaining myself earlier but I have a feeling that some people will think that I'm just a lolcow.
>> No. 26164
Honestly, I don't think you could've handled yourself and this whole situation better. You chose just the right time and really endeared yourself to /cwc/ by providing us with information and content. Well done.
>> No. 26165
Might work. I think we have a reasonable idea of how people want to see it. The specific stuff is going to come in once changes have been made. We'll have to see if anyone reverts it. Change it but not so radically that it pisses people off.

We'll probably need to put some screenshots from this thread in there too.
>> No. 26166
Out of curiousity how many, if any, anonymous posts did Paul make tonight?
>> No. 26167
Sup A-Log, this is Michael Manna. Just letting you know, I'm coming for you. And when I do, your friends wont be there to defend you.
>> No. 26168
ITT: People who enable GOTIS.
>> No. 26169
First edit's been made.
>> No. 26170
It was just good luck and timing that things worked out so well. I'm glad it did, you're alright. Thanks for answering the questions and all that, it's been a fun thread.
>> No. 26171
I don't think anyones opposed to *updating* the section, but I think it's moronic to redo the entire thing like she was never a geeky tool.
>> No. 26172
>>149390 And I'm glad to talk to you guys!
>> No. 26173
Except that people were being nicer to PDK too.
>> No. 26174
I don't think we should try to wash away what she did, just cast it in a slightly different light. It's a wiki so there will be some degree of compromise no matter what.
>> No. 26175
Can we archive this thread, please? It was brilliant.
>> No. 26176
Maybe Whoreos or someone will check.
>> No. 26177
Any progress on those edits
>> No. 26178
Hi Paul.
>> No. 26179
I've made a few minor edits, but I'd really appreciate some help, because at present the article looks absolutely fuckugly.
>> No. 26180
I have a sneaking suspicion that the movement to update the ED pages were initiated by him, and that this was just a ploy by the two to have their pages removed or revised.
>> No. 26181
Gotta be honest, I think you're giving PDK way too much credit. He's not nearly that Machiavellian.

This is a man who genuinely thought he could charge $25 a time for field agent work and honestly believed that Clyde Cash was a real person who trolled Chris because his brother committed suicide.
>> No. 26182
How does this look? Needs more work, obviously, but still...
>> No. 26183
I really don't think it's a conspiracy. PDK is terrible at concealing himself and he said that he wasn't trying to bargain with us to get us to change the article.
>> No. 26184
Seems good so far.
>> No. 26185
I can't help but think her dox should probably be removed. There's very little there that could be used to track her down, but even so.
>> No. 26186
>>149425 Its getting there
>> No. 26187
How can you be A-Log if I'm A-Log?

I just asked because of all the samefagging, thread bumping and anonymous posting Paul's done since his retardation came to light.
>> No. 26188
/cwc/ just seems uncharacteristically friendly, and for no apparent reason. I'm not a malicious person, but everybody seems to be acting like this MsUmlaut has given us all of this great content, and also seems to be giving the once fiercely ridiculed PDK a degree of forgiveness for no apparent reason.

The only reason I can think of is the fact that Umlaut is a girl or that there is a high amount of fake anon posts by PDK and whoever else. Or /cwc/ is going soft or something.
>> No. 26189
you spеrgs, thats not the real msumlaut.
"hurr hurr you will draw teh peen on my face if i post pics" is a very lame excuse for somebody who already posts videos and pics online.

also, fuck you PDK, youre still an asspie foreveralone in my book
>> No. 26190
Can't tell if trolling...
>> No. 26191
>>149437 He is
>> No. 26192
/cwc/ seems to be mellowing somewhat in its old age. The big lolcows like CWC and A-Log can still expect to recieve no mercy, but JustinRPG, Sailormoonred1, MsUmlaut and PaganDeathKnight seem to get away fairly easy.

I'm not complaining, to be honest. It's quite tiresome if things are a total grudgewank all the time.
>> No. 26193
Where's all this 'NEVAR 4GET NEVAR 4GIVE' nonsense coming from? MsUmlaut was never a lolcow in her own right in the first place - the only reason she was ever on ED was because she happened to be friends with A-Log. On her own, she's not lulzy.

She's not a lolcow, she was never a lolcow. The most she was was an ACCESSORY to a lolcow.
>> No. 26194
>>149436 I gave out information about Alog with Actual quotes and everything else, what more do you want?
>> No. 26195
He's angry because you didn't post tits
>> No. 26196

Most of /CWC/ are whiteknights. A lot of members have this fascination about justification of trolling. Here is a fact from a not so master troll: trolling isn't some divine punishment delivered to the person being trolled. Trolling is ridiculing people and trying to elicit a response. This includes, collecting information they posted themselves about stuff you can make fun of. Pretending to be a trusted person and extracting information/making them do stupid shit on video.
>> No. 26197
I've done a bit of work on rewriting MsUmlaut's page. It's far from perfect and, all things considered, I don't think it's very good, but you chaps can always revert it, if you don't like it.
>> No. 26198
IntroMAN I'm a fan of your work so I'm not trying to say you aren't right. But a person can want to see someone like Nick Bate brutally trolled into oblivion while at the same time enjoying someone like Sailormoonred1's antics enough to argue against trolling him at all.

I don't think anyone needs to be 100% troll or white knight, if someone wants to be that's fine, I just think most people aren't. /cwc/ is full of selective white knights but that also means it's full of selective trolls.
>> No. 26199
File 132556719287.png - (493.73KB , 640x487 , Shamefur Dispray.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ugh, reading it again, I'm kind of in favor of removing MsUmlaut's entry completely, because I really don't think I handled the rewrite very well at all.

Sorry, /cwc/.
>> No. 26200

Screenshots of conversations with A-log and the other friends should be good; those can be thrown on the article if they reinforce other parts.

Just black out the personal info if it appears in them before posting them.
>> No. 26201
File 132556819549.jpg - (77.84KB , 484x424 , Alog1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is proof
>> No. 26202
File 132556823275.jpg - (34.90KB , 463x195 , alog2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26203
File 132556834640.gif - (48.98KB , 400x250 , Good Form Says Hook.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Goddamn, Umlaut, you fuckin' deliver.
>> No. 26204
Kid Brujah. You like WOD and from the looks of it oWOD. What do you feel about nWOD and what other games than Vampire(both nWOD and oWOD.) do you like in both versions?
>> No. 26205
Hell yeah, that one is great.
>> No. 26206
this. the /cwc/ userbase has shown unbelievably high concentrations of pathetic recently.

also, how do a couple of pm screenshots prove anything?? how do we know they werent released by somebody for somebody else already?? is it really that hard to post a face pic with a timestamp?
>> No. 26207
I've an idea, if MsUmlaut doesn't want to post her face.

She has a very distinctive tattoo of Midna from the Zelda games on her back. She could show us that, maybe with a timestamp?
>> No. 26208
>> No. 26209
>>149468 It has my screename dumbass
>> No. 26210
File 132556931130.jpg - (17.17KB , 300x300 , Audrey Hepburn Reacts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stop being a homosexual deviant, dude. There's no call to impress anyone, so you can stop trying to be hardcore.
>> No. 26211
The fact that the person we're talking to even gives a flying fuck about the article or how MsUmlaut is portrayed should be a tip off.

Seriously who else could it be?
>> No. 26212
I just want to put in another request for this thread to be archived. The information revealed by MsUmlaut is just too good to be lost.
>> No. 26213
have it your way. any sensible person will realise youre a troll
>> No. 26214
Where's MsUmlaut from? A simple IP check for her location should settle this.
>> No. 26215
I want this to be archived in case we have an A-Log Wiki.
>> No. 26216
Shit, the way things are going, an A-Log wiki might not be far off, nowadays.
>> No. 26217
Huh? The only thing of any value are the two screencaps of the DA posts. The rest seemed pretty useless, considering she admits to only having spoken to him like 3 times ever.

Seriously, guys. She didn't give much, and if she was WackyBen or whoever else deciding to defend himself against future trolling, you wouldn't give a shit and would ridicule him out of here.
>> No. 26218
I have a feeling 2012 will be A-Logs year. I mean, we already start the year off with a Q&A with one of A-Log's former friends, I'm just wondering what sort of good shit may be coming up. Perhaps A-Log will release a sex tape!
>> No. 26219
I'm getting a bit tired of people implying that the reason /cwc/'s being lenient with MsUmlaut is because she happens to be female.

She's the least offensive member of A-Log's group. She's really only on the page in the first place because she had the misfortune of being namechecked once or twice in one of A-Log's videos. She doesn't have any wierd fetishes and her behavior on its own would not be lulzy enough to warrant mentioning, since it's not entirely different to every teenage girl on deviantArt ever. She's provided a lot of new information and a fresh new outlook on A-Log trolling.

Jesus, can you just get over the fact that she's a girl and accept that maybe, just maybe, her gender has nothing to do with this? You sound like fuckin' ISLAVERDE29.
>> No. 26220
permavirgin detected
>> No. 26221
He'd be fucking a blow-up doll screaming "MOMMAAAAAAY!! MOMMAAAAAAY!!"
>> No. 26222
Look at the thread again. Look at many of the questions asked, look at the reactions relative to the content provided, look at the kindness showed.
>> No. 26223
Vid related: it's you, brah.
>> No. 26224
Why exactly shouldn't people be kind to MsUmlaut? Our quarrel's with A-Log, not with her. To be honest, I think a lot of people were surprised she actually had the nerve to come to /cwc/ in the first place - that's what won a lot of people over to her side.
>> No. 26225
My username has a "MS" in it, so you guys should have an idea XD
>> No. 26226
nah brah, if somebody came in here claiming to be wes iseli or michael snyder, id be just as reluctant to believe them
>> No. 26227
You can go to her deviantArt and see PDK talking with her, if you need more confirmation. It's obviously her.
>> No. 26228
Snyder was here earlier but refused to post tits so we told him to gtfo. You would have appreciated it.
>> No. 26229
I like this guy's thinking that someone would go, "Yeah, I'm going to pretend to be an obscure bit player from the whole A-Log drama and go on /cwc/ and pretend to do a Q&A! Oh, that'll be hilarious!"
>> No. 26230
obviously, this is /cwc/ after all
>> No. 26231
File 132557255855.png - (23.89KB , 675x224 , DOCSAMSATURN.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just dropped by A-Log's deviantArt... What is this?
>> No. 26232

That's what we in the business like to call "baby's first EPIN WEEN"

It occurs when someone thinks "trolling trolls" is the be all end all, whether or not it ruins something far, far greater than itself.
>> No. 26233
Isn't DoctorSamuelSaturn PDK's alt account? Have we been bamboozled?
>> No. 26234
Apparently some shit-stirring. Done pretty well if it works, A-Log and his buttbuddies will likely rage over this thread if they see it.
>> No. 26235
He told me via Youtube he was going to do this. It's with the intention that A-Log with rage at this topic, and feel betrayed.
>> No. 26236
Well since they may found this thread, personally I would say who cares, he is the one who started all this.
>> No. 26237
If it is PDK I suspect it's an attempt to get a little more milage out of this thread.
>> No. 26238
You're right, they'll see it eventually, they were always going to because no one is trying to be secretive and any changes in your ED are because of this too.
>> No. 26239
Perhaps that explains the sudden surge of posts attempting to cast doubt on MsUmlaut's authenticity toward the end of the thread?
>> No. 26240
Could very well be. I had to look again to find out that those posts were made 4-5 hours ago. So that's how long they could potentially have been aware.

Hey ƒaggots.
>> No. 26241
Well, I'm off to sleep. So if anyone else is trying to portray me, Ignore them. lol
>> No. 26242
Maybe some of the other players in the A-Log circle-jerk will see what MsUmlaut achieved here tonight and try to come forward with their stories, too? Perhaps we can look forward to watching A-Log's little nakama collapsing around him as they all scrabble to discredit him.
>> No. 26243
You've been fantastic, MsUmlaut. Fuck the haters, they're probably just a butthurt A-Log samefagging anyway.
>> No. 26244
Archive? Please?
>> No. 26245
This. Would anymore of you guys like to redeem yourselves, or should I start contacting A-Log's fans and showing them how hypocritical you assholes are?
>> No. 26246
anon who cast doubt first here.

just like to say that im not related to any of this is any way, just a casual /cwc/ user here.

a youtube commentator who refuses to give a pic of her face because " hurr mspaint cocks durr" just seems suspicious dont you think?

umlaut if you post your face i will shut up and admit im a spеrg
>> No. 26247
>a youtube commentator who refuses to give a pic of her face because " hurr mspaint cocks durr" just seems suspicious dont you think?

No, not really. I'd say the PMs she posted are enough confirmation.

Lolcows are the ones who are gullible enough to post anything just because people tell them to, if it will prove their worth.
>> No. 26248
I would like to point out that you are still a lolcow, PDK.

That's all.
>> No. 26249
>trusts screenshots
yeah, ok.

and how is posting a picture gullible? unless you look ugly as sin but thats another topic
>> No. 26250
I'm sure those comments are enough proof anon

You're still a raging homosexual deviant though
>> No. 26251
what exactly do you see there that proves the msumlaut in this thread is the real one?
>> No. 26252
Oh hai ISLAVEREDE29, still buttpained that MsUmlaut never sent you any n00dz?
>> No. 26253
The fact that she said she was willing to do a Q&A.
>> No. 26254
Wow, consider the devil advocated fellas. I'll concede that we don't have direct evidence that couldn't be faked.

However I still think it was her and I bet anyone that wants to go to one of her accounts and asks via pm will find out it was her. I'll admit I might be wrong but I seriously doubt it.
>> No. 26255
Jesus fuck. Of course it is really her. There are plenty of other things to find bad about this whole thread... but that? Come on.
>> No. 26256
Archive please mods
>> No. 26257
This thread got 377 posts in one day?

>> No. 26258

Multiple Sclerosis?
>> No. 26259
File 132559338755.jpg - (39.19KB , 800x600 , Takeru.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
PDK here, to clear a few things up.

First off, I would like to thank MsUmlaut for her cooperation and this wonderful Q&A. If you're reading this, may your life be long and prosperous.

Secondly, it's not me who's samefagging. As others have stated, I conceal myself very poorly and I outright stated that I don't want to bargain with ED. Giving me some credit for my hand in MsUmlaut's Q&A would be nice, but not entirely necessary.

Third, I find it fucking hilarious that A-Log not only still believes Michael Manna exists, but that I'm some sort of a "master troll". All I did was ask MsUmlaut to do a Q&A.

Finally, I'm a fan of both Old WOD and New WOD, Vampire is my favorite for both lines, but Mage: The Ascension and Changeling: The Lost are good too.

Pic is MsUmlaut's drawing of Takeru. Thanks, MsUmlaut!
>> No. 26260
You just had to person when it was all going so well?
>> No. 26261
I thought baiting A-Log was a decent touch. I don't really think he was here though. Anyway probably time to chill with the long posts and all that.
>> No. 26262
Well, now that I am kinda respected around these parts, I do believe I deserve some recognition for turning my reputation with the trolls around, what's wrong with that?
>> No. 26263
Don't blow your second chance.
>> No. 26264
Talk to the hand, heathen!
>> No. 26265
>Well, now that I am kinda respected around these parts, I do believe I deserve some recognition for turning my reputation with the trolls around, what's wrong with that?
This has to be a real troll, I refuse to believe even PDK would be this autistic.

And the answer to your question: USI. Only homosexual deviants troll to get INTERNET RESPECT.
>> No. 26266
Careful where you swing that ego you could land back into being a lolcow.
>> No. 26268
File 132560242326.gif - (1.04MB , 200x115 , haha no2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, now that I am kinda respected around these parts
Uh..no? Not at least after that post. Person some more. And didn't you promise you'd leave /cwc/ FO REALS THIS TIME at least five times?

>Finally, I'm a fan of both Old WOD and New WOD, Vampire is my favorite for both lines, but Mage: The Ascension and Changeling: The Lost are good too.
That's super interesting. How is it related to anything?
>> No. 26269
You mad?
>> No. 26270
Not the slightest. Just trying to help you keep your image before you ruin it.
>> No. 26271
File 132560263972.png - (39.43KB , 434x314 , U MAD.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Welcome back to the lolcow herd. We missed you.
>> No. 26272
Posts like this are why you are a lolcow.
>> No. 26273
PDK's ego is almost as big as his eyebrows.
>> No. 26274
You know, once upon a time there was this guy called Ickeriss...
>> No. 26275

>> No. 26276
He was talking about the lolcow but both work quite well actually.
>> No. 26277
Ickeriss69 here.

YOURE da lolcows!!!

>> No. 26278
Like he ever left?
>> No. 26279
No PDK, he's just some WEEN kid trying to ruin his reputation. PDK is a homosexual deviant, but he's not that big of a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 26280
>trying to ruin his reputation
>his reputation
...what now?
>> No. 26281
Okay, this is the real PDK, and I would like to make a note that the Kid Brujah who's going around saying things like "Talk To The Hand, Heathen!" and shit like that is NOT me.

Check the IP's. My last post was the one with Umlaut's drawing of Takeru. I mentioned my love of World of Darkness because someone asked about it, but I forgot to link the post.

I'm not trying to be a troll here and I don't want to blow my good graces that I earned by getting MsUmlaut here, hence why I'm kind of retiring, save for some lurking, but this shit where someone namefagging as Kid Brujah is trying to get me back into the fold is pissing me off.

Can I get a trip or whatever it's called, the thing Thorg and Tito have to keep others from duplicating my name?
>> No. 26283
He's much less of a deviant now, actually.
You can trip by putting a # after your name then typing anything you want. Don't make it obvious though,
>> No. 26284

This guy is NOT me, he's just a namefagging EPIC WEEN troll. Check the IP's just to be sure.
>> No. 26285
To make it clear, this other Kid Brujah is NOT me. My last post was with MsUmlaut's drawing of Takeru, where I wished her well and answered the WOD question.
>> No. 26286
I say we archive this before we fuck shit up
>> No. 26287
>good graces that I earned
>namefagging as Kid Brujah is trying to get me back into the fold is pissing me off
>the thing Thorg and Tito have

These three things. These things right here man. Overstating what you've done, admitting to being pissed off by trolling, and a display of USI through an offhand comparison of yourself to other somewhat successful trolls. You're just asking for it.

If you really want to be left alone, just stop. No more of these "trolling" stunts, no more posting here with a name, nothing.
>> No. 26288
File 132561009385.jpg - (40.76KB , 358x338 , whatevs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moving this to /L/
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