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File 130999945427.jpg - (361.01KB , 1264x648 , joe.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
26289 No. 26289

Sprite comic made by an unemployed, uneducated 40-year old bum who calls himself a "professional cartoonist" and considers himself at the same level as guys like Bill Watterson.
He steals, whines, screeches and sends menaces to kids 25 years younger than him, and closed his blog comments so nobody could say anything bad to him.
He has been making that shit of comic for over a decade, including other sub-comics where he writes himself as a marine who gets to kill people and have sex with Sailor Moon.
Expand all images
>> No. 26290
Sprite comics? It's like I jumped into my DeLorean and emerged in 2001.
>> No. 26291

He claims he has been doing that comic since 1987.
Must have been kinda hard, since the games he ripped off didn't existed back then, and browsing the internet with an Atari 800XL or a Commodore 64 to post his comic on a BBS.

Either way, he's full of shit and constantly menaces people with sues, including some kids who discovered him stealing his recolors and passing them as his own characters. (Joe nearly traumatized them with a lawsuit menace to keep their mouths closed about him stealing from kids.)
>> No. 26292
Can you submit any funny examples?
>> No. 26293
Homestuck :

Made by some FAGGOT, Who steals plot lines from videogames and has generic trolls.
>> No. 26294
File 13100055885.png - (61.82KB , 774x257 , 1698_0621.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

His future daughter talking to his (converted) lesbian waifu. (Yes, his self-insert character can "heal" lesbians.)
On the right is a pile of sprites stolen from other comics.
>> No. 26295
File 131000565657.png - (24.08KB , 774x257 , 1695_0616.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is this stolen from Sonichu?
>> No. 26296
File 131000571837.png - (26.99KB , 774x257 , 1681_0523.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 26297
File 131000580091.png - (21.02KB , 774x257 , 1684_0527.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Breaking the 4th wall to mmake bad jokes and self-depreciation as a mean to justify it, is a common factor of bad sprite comics.
>> No. 26298
Wait, what? Did the hallucinated girl just say she couldn't possibly pass up a chance to kiss her OWN FATHER?
>> No. 26299
File 131000588655.png - (24.52KB , 774x257 , 1679_0519.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

See that thing made with MS-Paint shapes tool? It's his prized OC and he will take you to the court if you steal it.
>> No. 26300

Hs comics are full of lesbian, pedophilia, toddlercon, incest and stuff like that, with badly edited or plain RECOLORED SPRITES.
If you don't like it, you are automatically homosexual and deserve to die, because that's Joe's answer for criticism: Gay and die, gay and die.
>> No. 26301
uhh, excuse me he is not STEALING anything from video games Homestuck is a comic of a parodic and satirical nature!
>> No. 26302
>Hs comics are full of lesbian, pedophilia, toddlercon, incest and stuff like that...
We need examples of this.
>> No. 26303

This is also Mr Joe's sub comic where he portraits himself as a super hero.
According to his auto biography, he served as a marine during the first desert storm war, but he was kicked out very soon and has been trying to sue the army since then.
He made that comic to show everyone how things would have been if he could have stayed and fight FOR FREEDOM, and insists on calling these comics the real thing.
Basically, he tries to replace reallity with his own and refuses to move from there.
>> No. 26304
File 13100068887.png - (19.63KB , 770x221 , 18 (005).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More stolen edits, this time pilfered from Psyguy's community.

Take a tour through his comic to find them all and more. (It's a resized Ciel sprite from Megaman Zero breasfeeding her newborn daughter (another resized Ciel sprite), the mother and the daughter are getting off at the breast sucking thing and both of them think it's the most normal thing to do)
>> No. 26305
File 131000694149.png - (15.74KB , 770x221 , 18 (020).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More golden comedy for all the family.
>> No. 26306
File 131000714183.png - (18.11KB , 770x221 , 18 (034).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bestialism is comedy too.
>> No. 26307
Isn't that just a rip-off of the "stick my thumb up its butthole" Steve Irwin joke that South Park did like 10 years ago rather than bestiality?
>> No. 26308
File 13100073221.png - (18.31KB , 770x221 , 18 (047).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can't make a sprite comic without talking about Bob and George.


Hmm, maybe.
>> No. 26309
To conclude, this comic is the ONLY thing this Joe Pullin guy has done for over a decade. He doesn't have a job, he doesn't have an education (he purposely sabotaged his education and feels proud of it) and does nothing but play videogames, google his name to see if anyone says bad things about him, and leech off his parents and the USA all day long.

His website is a goldmine for nuggets of fail if you take the time to read the stupid things he writes about himself and how the goverment should be remade to suit his own needs and demands.
>> No. 26310
I hope everyone now realizes that Bob and George was garbage.
>> No. 26311

Unfortunately, everyone realizes it now and not 5 years ago, when it still could have made a difference.
According to what I've heard, Dave Anez was an unusually nice guy, though.
>> No. 26312

What the dick is that site and what the fuck is wrong with that guy?

I took a look at the link you posted and the first thing I saw was him remembering with love the day he was kicked out from the army.

Fuck, replace "High School" with "Boot Camp"and this Joe Pullin guy is a pixel perfect older version of Christian Chandler.
>> No. 26313
All the major ones have moved on at least, even 8-Bit Theatre which I think was still making decent money stopped since they realized sprite comics are awful.
>> No. 26314
>prized OC

What the fuck?
>> No. 26315
>he purposely sabotaged his education and feels proud of it

I am both morbidly curious and depressed.
>> No. 26316


My God, he wrote this crap when he was over 35.

"f course, I can't by any means over look Inside the Box. I originally ran across this comic back in 2004 doing something that few if any body else does: copyright research. I needed to know if after almost twenty years of doing Ravy Comics if I could actually use that name. After a while of perusing all the hits Google came back with, Inside the Box popped up. I got really concerned. Here was a character that had some similarities to mine. There's even a rabbit. I had a rabbit in my comic a long time ago. (Back in the hand drawn days.) A run for president and we both did parodies of the Terminator. (One day I'll just scan some old comics. I'll have to update the bad guy form the Clinton-ator to the Bush-inator or how about Obama-Tron?) Being me and not having learned a damn thing from all the crap I had just went through at the time, I just had to say something. Marlowe is a grown up and mature individual and we both agreed that we're not arguing over Snoopy and called it good."

This is just sad.


This is beyond sad.

>> No. 26317
You'd think by now every webcomic hack learned that sprite comics are terrible, and they should stop raping the sprites from Mega Man 7 (MM7 isn't even good).
>> No. 26318
I was in the air force and afterwards when I was done I went to college.

In a community college you mean a lot of fucking weirdo's like this that come out of the military. In and out of the military there are people that are just FUCKING WEIRD.

More so than anything else I would meet guys that came out of every other branch BUT the air force and they were all a little weird.

One guy that I knew came from the navy, was a little nerdy but then when I went over his house I found his entire house packed with anime shit. I'm talking wall to wall anime shit. The place was a fucking mess. Covered with animal fur and smelled like shit. His fiance was this flabby drunkard that was slamming wine and advil the entire time. She looked like a former heroine addict. She was.

As time went on I realized just how disconnected to the world he was. He didn't know a god damn thing about anything. When it came to anything going on in the world he would always blame "Obama is doing this wrong" and "Obama is doing that wrong" "If I was running things it sure would be a lot different." And eventually I started calling him on his bullshit and that didn't turn out so well as all he would do is get huffy and short about everything and retaliate with "Well you see that's not what I'm sayin, what I'm sayin is. . ." Then bullshit answer.
>> No. 26319
THE NEXT guy was from the army.

He had always told everyone in the class that he went to prison but he never said for what. Being that I'm oh so witty I just googled his fucking name and within 3 classes of people just asking him what did he do I finally answered for him.

"He's a pedofile. He went to prison for having sex with a 14 year old girl when he was the age of 21. And then he had child pornography on his computer." OH that went just as well as could be expected. He turned to me a bit shocked but like he had this happen all the time. He just laughed it off like "Nooo she wasn't 14. She was like 17." Then I turned my computer monitor twoards him and pointed directly at his arrest record.

Immediately I think I pretty much destroyed this kids credibility as being a human. I'm pretty sure about that.

After that he never really talked to anyone in that class and started talking to the other outcasts. This kid also started dressing up like Indiana Jones IRL after a while. Don't fucking know why but he did.
>> No. 26320
Almost forgot about the older guys. I had put them out of my head.

There was generally two mindsets from the older guys that I had. I'm not even going to begin talking about the old fucks that I work with who are vets. They are fucking dumb as a bucket of rocks. Maybe that's for another thread entirely.

Steve wanted to be a 3D artist but he is a fat lazy, douchebag piece of shit who has no concept of time management. STEVE Wanted to work with me on an assignment. Steve blames the Army for everything.

Whenever things got into a heated discussion about who the fuck knows (Lets say movies in this case) He would somehow bring all topic, conversation and everything to a hault, focus it on himself and relate it all to himself. I don't know where it came from or what the hell it was for or why it was necessary to do that but I'll tell you what. It made me want to punch him in the damn face every fucking time. The guy was probably 40 + years old and the guy had no fucking social skills.

Turns out in the Army all he did was bullshit work. Like chow hall shit. Like he cleaned the mess hall, cleaned the latrines from inside aircraft. Bullshit work.

Long story short in all 3 of these posts. People that join the military aren't exactly the brightest bulbs.

Generally people that join the military are stupid as fucking hell in fact. Homophobic, Racist, have no idea whats going on with the world and have the religion stick up their ass. Occasionally you'll have someone that joined and it's like seeing this nice clean flower growing out of a pile of shit that you know is going to just be trampled on and abused not after too long.
>> No. 26321
>> No. 26322
What the FUCK. This is Joe's answer to a chick who bitched to him because Joe stole her webcomic and posted it on his own website as it were his own:
(For the record, the chick's comic was a hand drawn comic.)

<Joe> "I once said that web cartoonists that use sprites have no room cry about people stealing stuff. That applies to hand drawn as well. Have I or Capcom ever demanded you remove comics? Certainly not me. I do the same exact thing you do, use other people's characters to make comics. I couldn't begin to count the number of guess stars that were poorly drawn in my comic over the last twenty years. Dr. Wily's robot masters among them.

There is a lot about computers I don't know, but here's something I do know: When browsing the Internet with Internet Explorer, all images viewed (unless otherwise designated) are automatically downloaded to the Temporary Internet Files folder on the C drive. I went to this folder and found your comics, transferred them to another on my hard drive. Later on choose Number 204 for obvious reasons to upload to the server I rent.

I will never understand why web cartoonists hate their fans and each other so much. But right now I have more important things to worry about, suing the Army and suing the V.A., than to let some whiny hypocrites who don't read my comic drag me down."

Can anyone make heads or tails about Joe's rambling? And why the fuck does he menctions his suing attempts against his own country? (For the record, he was assraped by the state, which he interpreted as a conspiration to deny him of the money and easy life that rightfully belongs to him.)

So yeah, this asshole is an older version of Christian Chandler.
>> No. 26323
>this asshole is an older version of Christian Chandler.
with the exception that this guy acknowledges that a lot of his work is not actually his

>When browsing the Internet with Internet Explorer
what is it with tards using IE?

>all images viewed (unless otherwise designated) are automatically downloaded to the Temporary Internet Files folder on the C drive. I went to this folder and found your comics, transferred them to another on my hard drive
>>implying he can't <right click> [save as...]
I can't tell if he thinks he's being 1337, or this was written 15 years ago.
>> No. 26324

>I can't tell if he thinks he's being 1337, or this was written 15 years ago.

For what I've seen so far, this guy's mind is frozen on the 80's and mid 90's, AND he tends to parrote out catchphrases and stuff to "outsmart" people who disagrees with him.

When everything fails and he can't get what he wants, he simply claims that his antagonist is homosexual and should be killed RIGHT NOW because being gay is a sin. (I'm having mixed feeling about this Joe Pullin blog. He's incredibly stupid, greedy, delusional and degenerate, but at the same time, all of that concentrated fail is kinda fun, like watching a trainwreck.)
>> No. 26325
>guess stars
idiots like this guy are a diamond dozen
>> No. 26326
Quoted from Joe's blog, where he yaps about Bin Laden's death:

"Thursday, May 5, 2011
Release the photos as JPEGs, please.

Mr. President, I will admit to my hypocrisy on this issue. I will never look at the photos. Not my thing. However a majority of Americans and even a majority of the Muslim world want to see these photos. And from what I'm hearing, in the Muslim faith, such photos do harm to the character of that person. Now Bin Laden was not well like in the Muslim community to begin with. Releasing these photos will do no real harm and will serve to prevent him from becoming a martyr.

If these photos are released, please put them out as JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs, or whatever graphic file you seem fit. Please don't use PDF. Remember the even greater stupidity that erupted over the release of the birth certificate? As if the flat birthers weren't bad enough. Now we are getting flat deathers. And I am so sick of Donald Trump death certificate jokes.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments"

... not sure if he's serious, or if he's trying to be funny.
Or perhaps he's just that stupid.
>> No. 26327
And this is just WTF.

"Saturday, March 5, 2011
How could it have ever been 8 to 1 for hatred?
When I look at the make up of the Supreme Court I see some Justices I agree with 90% of the time and Justices I disagree with 90% of the time. I am totally mystified as to how these two groups could possibly come to the conclusion that a bunch of God damned phony Christians can be allowed to do what they do.

Now I could rant all day and well into next year about these people and the Supreme Court on this one.

But, I had a better idea. I went through the rusty old scrap pile of humor on my harddrive and found this gem of a joke. I'll take it and reword it for the times.

Becky and her girlfriend are on the beach applying sunscreen to each other.

(Let me take a minute to enjoy that visual.


I'm back.)

Where was I? OH-YEAH! Becky and her girlfriend are on the beach applying sunscreen to each other. When at that moment all around loud mouth, desperate for attention, party-pooper extraordinaire: Freddie Felching Phelch Phelps (who cares) comes running over to ruin all our good times.

As the turd of the human race is running, he stubs his toe on an object in the sand. This causes it to come flying out and lands in Becky's bikini-clad lap. She picks it up it and examines what looks like a lamp. You know, the one from every TV show and movie about genies. Then it begins to a rumbling and a shaking. A cloud of smoke erupts from the business end and it forms a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman dressed as a genie. (Think Barbara Eden.)

"Thanks to this man I have been freed from a thousand year imprisonment. He may have three wishes."

"I WISH..."

"WIAT A MINUTE!!!" Becky interjected. "I"M the one holding the lamp when you came out, don't I get any consideration?"

"You're right, he gets two wishes, and you can have one. Now, sir, what are your wishes?"

"Oh I can't wait." Becky murmured.

"I wish for a 100 foot tall impenetrable wall all the way around my land." Genie crosses her arms, nods her head and a loud 'boing' is heard.

"Done! Your next wish?"

"I wish for all true believers like me to be inside this wall. We will be safe from satan's temptations and when The Rapture happens it will be easy for The Lord to find us." Once again Genie does the voodoo that she do so well and the self-professed reverend disappears.

"Done. Now you wish is..."

"You know, we could just end the bit right here where everybody is happy....... NAAAAAAAA! It's time for me to poop on their party." Becky said. "Genie, I have some questions: this wall describe it to me."

"It's 100 feet tall, 10 feet wide, goes all the way around and nothing can get in or out."

"'...Nothing can get in or out.' Check. Now, every piece of (bleep) that goes around protesting funerals of fallen heroes and little girls shot to death are inside this wall?"


"Genie, I wish for you to FILL IT FULL OF WATER!"

"Done! Well, I guess I should get back in the lamp now."

"No way! Stay out and enjoy some time in the sun. But first, you're looking kind of pale after being in that lamp for so long, you need sunscreen. Me and my girlfriend would be more than happy to help you apply it.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"
>> No. 26328
The real punchline of that joke being "0 comments"
>> No. 26329

He stole that joke. It's supposed to be about a Texan and a Native American. The Texan asks the Genie to build a wall around Texas, and the Native American asks him to fill it with water. I also think that they get a wish each.

I heard this joke from one of my friends a while ago, I doubt that this guy was the first to create it. It's probably been around for a while.
>> No. 26330

His blog had been getting zero comments since he opened it, so he was sockpuppeting to post praises and support to his fucking stupid opinions. The bad grammar, poor redaction and the choice of words gave him away on the spot, though.
Then, after a random guy called him on it, Joe locked the blog and all posts had to get his approval before being shown, so he began to sockpuppet as trolls so he could outsmart them and look like a brave, powerful internet warrior or whatever he was calling himself. Still no real comments are posted there.

The guy himself admits that his blog uses the word "Rosenkreuzstilette" (A japanese videogame) over and over because that way he can steal hits from google searchs and mislead people into his shithole of a site. (And he feels proud of it, to boot)

His posts and opinions about the army, politics and gun control, plus his obsession with tween girls are outright creepy.
>> No. 26331
Any examples of these sockpuppet comments?
>> No. 26332
>If these photos are released, please put them out as JPEGs, GIFs, PNGs, or whatever graphic file you seem fit. Please don't use PDF.
I agree that pdf is a stupid format but what the fuck is his point?
>> No. 26333
File 131102457339.png - (83.07KB , 774x257 , 1713_0718.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
... is this supposed to be a joke?
>> No. 26334
A staple of sprite comics, I guess.
"Let me point out my recolorings before anyone else does, in an effort to be ironic and self-aware!"
>> No. 26335
Bob and George was full of "I'm a talentless hack lol!" non-humor. He probably learned it from there.
>> No. 26336

Thievery is Thievery.

Homestuck is just a better Sonichu.
>> No. 26337
>> No. 26338

Ravycomics is a worse Sonichu then, as it's author is older than CWC and unlike him, he doesn't have the autism excuse to justify the incredibly sick, agressive and stupid things he does.

I mean, jesuchrist. Stealing from little kids and then harrasing the fuck out of them to keep the theft as a secret?
That thing alone is enough to send an alarm ringing down my spine.
>> No. 26339
File 131111264145.png - (22.77KB , 774x257 , 1714_0719.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Or he will *really* try to sue you IRL.
>> No. 26340
OK, so I know what Rozenkreuzstilette is (Megaman-esque doujin game). I know what sprite comics are like (recolors, lame jokes). I know that "thing" is his prized OC (does it even have a name?).
But I don't understand the intended "punchline" of this strip. At all. What are the colored dots supposed to represent?
>> No. 26341
The color-palette Rozenkreuzstilette uses, I guess.

Now that you now this, the comic is naturally hysterical, right?
>> No. 26342
i pissed my bed laughing my ass off
>> No. 26343
"Wednesday, July 20, 2011
It's all water under the bridge.
This water has long since traveled down river. Drunk by a dear. Peed out by the dear. Sucked up into the intake of a bottling company. Bought and drunk by someone. Peed into a toilet and flushed into the sewer system that leads to a waste treatment plant. Dumped back into the river and through a hydroelectric dam. And possibly a beaver dam. It makes its way through a delta marsh and maybe even an oil spill. Gets caught up in the current of some gulf, bay, or cape. Washed out into the middle of the ocean were it supposed to settle. That is unless someone has paddled furiously to find this water. In his single minded haste he forgot to bring a glass or canteen, so he sucks up the water into his mouth. Then furiously paddles back through the oil spill, the gulf, the marsh, up the salmon ramp, past the treatment plant and bottling company, busts through the beaver dam, takes a second to pee and poop in the river. Comes back to the bridge to spew that water out at someone only to find that the bridge is all burned up and demolished. The guy that was supposed to get spewed upon, has long since traveled down the road of life.

My dad is a very wise man, and a very wise guy. He told me once when I was complaining about a some idiot that cut me in traffic last week “Son, do you want to be that guy you're bitching about standing next to bridge with a mouthful of water that maybe has been through the kidneys of a beaver that you just pissed off?”
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

What the dick is he trying to say here? I see words being put together, but I fuck if I can understand what the hell is Joe saying here.
Beaver piss and water?
>> No. 26344
Dude holds grudges. That's what I was able to get out of his batshit rambling, at least.
>> No. 26345

Well, reading his archives and asking his name around some communities, I discovered that this guy has been carrying several grudges for almost a decade, just because some webcomic circles refused to let him claim their comics as his own, and because some kids and a chick refused to work for him.

Menctioning Psyguy's community is enough to make him play dumb to "outsmart" you, or simply start spewing out insults, menace you with a sue and calling you homosxual.

What I can't comphrend is how a man who brags non stop about being a super genius, is still getting himself kicked out from the army and completely fails at getting a job for over a motherfucking DECADE.
>> No. 26346
>Drunk by a dear. Peed out by the dear.
>Bought and drunk by someone. Peed into a toilet and flushed into the sewer system that leads to a waste treatment plant.
>takes a second to pee and poop in the river.
>the kidneys of a beaver that you just pissed off?
I think he's saying he wants to be a human toilet.
...that or he's just obsessed with bodily functions.
>> No. 26347
Well, that wouldn't be too much of a surprise, given his incest, pedophilia, and toddlercon leanings, as mentioned in >75181.
>> No. 26348
>I think he's saying he wants to be a human toilet.

Well, kinda fitting, since this Joe Pullin guy is full of shit. (hurr hurr)

He has been carrying a grudge against the author of Bob and George, apparently because he was bugging Dave Anez to host his comic on BnG's front page and (of course) his fucking idiotic request was rejected.
Browsing through his horrendous site I found a delirious rant about "coincidences" where he attempts to convince himself that a lot of people (Dave Anez included) have been stealing ideas and concepts from him, therefore all of their e-fame belongs to him and the "thiefs" should be sued and jailed.

So yeah, besides of being a dumbass, this Joe Pullin guy is a paranoid, pretentious and delusional dick as well. Shit.
>> No. 26349
>he was bugging Dave Anez to host his comic on BnG's front page and (of course) his fucking idiotic request was rejected.
Bod and George used to host a lot of comics with links on the front page, so that's less insane than it sounds. They were almost all Megaman sprite comics, though (several better-constructed and more clever than Bob and George itself) so it is kind of weird to ask to put his crappy general sprite-comic on there.

I mean, at least a sprite comic is pretty appropriate for a parody of the video game the sprites come from.
>> No. 26350
exactly. this guys is basically too lazy to actually make characters for his bizarro world, and just uses sprites as an easy substitute for making an effort.
>> No. 26351
File 131127394763.png - (26.65KB , 774x257 , 1715_0721.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He doesn't makes the sprites, he just steals them from others and then writes a fucked up essay about how the character just happens to look like the one he had created years ago, therefore the sprite belongs to him instead of belonging to the kid that sprited it in the first place. When that deranged argument fails, he then switches to claim that you lose all rights over anything as soon you post it on the net, so is OK for him to steal from you, but if you steal from him, he will sue you for everthing you own as your fair punishment for being a thief.

When Joe finally bothers spriting something on his own, you can tell right off the bat because the sprite only have a single pose and looks like concentrated shit.

Pic semirelated: it's today's comic of fail.
>> No. 26352
When I said he used sprites as a substitute, I assumed that "sprite" implied it was stolen from a video game since that's where sprites traditionally come from.
>> No. 26353
Well, he once tried to claim Tenchi Muyo's franchise for himself, under the excuse that by merging it's universe with his own, he had "perfected" it so neither Pioneer or Kajishima Masaki and Hiroshi Hayashi (TM's authors) deserved to own it anymore.

Part of his fucked up claim still ramains on his shitty site, as he is hosting some Tenchi Muyo spritesheets (stolen from Shyguy's Kingdom) where he pasted stuff taken from MegaMan and MegaMan X games.
>> No. 26354
>Well, he once tried to claim Tenchi Muyo's franchise for himself

Well, this is certainly something I don't see many lolcows doing.
Sure, they will demand the franchise cater to their insanely stupid ideas (ie Sonichu), but wow.
>> No. 26355

During the past decade, this creep used to stalk and harrass the fuck out of people to make them give freebies to him, especially if Sailor Moon sprites were involved. (Bob and George, Psyguy's site and ShyGuy's Kingdom were his habitual hunting grounds)
When he couldn't get people to give him free stuff, he stalked and harrased other people, asking them to find "tricks" to steal from others or just trying to manipiulate them into stealing for him. Of course, everyone asked him to go fuck himself, and thus began the long, lomg chain of grudges and deranged claims he has been carrying until today.

After being rejected everywhere, he simply began to steal whatever he wanted and spew out hatrd against anyone who discovered him doing that. (Joe developed his trademarked answer of "Bwahaha, nobody will belive you because you are homosexual" around that time as well.)
>> No. 26356
Jesus Christ, this guy needs a good trolling.
>> No. 26357
File 131135162423.png - (27.83KB , 774x257 , 1716_0722.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail.
>> No. 26358
Why would he write that. That is horrible. That is dog shit.
>> No. 26359

What the fuck is with that SQUEAKY bullshit?
>> No. 26360

Be glad he stopped using THIS bullshit instead: >>75169
>> No. 26361
Funny story, George Lucas originally wanted to make Indiana Jones a paedophile. Coincidence or...
>> No. 26362
"Wednesday, January 12, 2011
"What's up with Toni, I thought she was a lesbian?"
That question was asked of me years ago while giving a sneak peak of Season 19 to a friend of mine. There were two ways to answer that question: The smart way, and the stupid way. You have probably already guessed which one I went with.

"These are my characters and I'll have them do what I want."

While true, It's a very dumb reason. Ravy Comics has developed over the years as more of a character driven comic. Such as my personal favorite Bloom County; rather than a random comic like the great Far Side. When someone asks a question as to why a character does something, you have to be prepared with an answer. A real one. Comic number 1607 being posted on January 13 2011 answers the question as to why Toni gave up being a lesbian and married a man.

Simply put she fell in love with Op.

However there is an answer behind the answer. I based a lot of this particular comic and ones over the years on real life events, situations, and conversations I have been party to. One such case is a lesbian friend of mine and I were have an engrossing conversation about the ins and outs of our favorite subject: sex with women. When it just popped out:

"Do you think it's possible for you to fall in love with a man?" She said yes. "Then I have a chance." I remember coming to hours later with a big purple bruise on my forehead. Months later another friend of mine seemed down in the dumps. She told me that her partner got herself pregnant and married the guy. I asked her who she wanted me to make cry and how about some revenge sex. I remember waking up hours later with now two purple bruises on my forehead.

"These are my characters and I'll have them do what I want." Has haunted me for years and now I think I can lay it to rest.

Posted by Joe at 12:11 AM 0 comments"

What the hell is this, who's is he talking to and why does he thinks anyone is interested on that? Fuck.
Also, loled at the "0 comments".
>> No. 26363
>"What's up with Toni, I thought she was a lesbian?"

>Simply put she fell in love with Op.

>"Do you think it's possible for you to fall in love with a man?" She said yes. "Then I have a chance." I remember coming to hours later with a big purple bruise on my forehead. Months later another friend of mine seemed down in the dumps. She told me that her partner got herself pregnant and married the guy. I asked her who she wanted me to make cry and how about some revenge sex. I remember waking up hours later with now two purple bruises on my forehead.

>"These are my characters and I'll have them do what I want." Has haunted me for years and now I think I can lay it to rest.

Tl;dr version: Some lesbian I liked a while ago rejected me so I made her like me in my comic.
>> No. 26364
File 131142351928.png - (240.83KB , 514x312 , leonidas.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26365
File 131143899282.jpg - (30.83KB , 500x283 , minogarin-500x283.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26366
File 131145107669.png - (41.24KB , 774x253 , 1501.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is this.

Look at these fucking legs.

How in the dick can Joe "make a comic for 20 years" and still fail so bad at basic human anatomy?
>> No. 26367
Speaking of dick, is "little Dallas" supposed to be a euphemism? Is that the entire fucking punchline?
>> No. 26368
wow. it's like a joke written by bluespike himself...
>> No. 26369
I think it's a recolour, Megaman sprites generally look like that.
>> No. 26370

The future daughter made out with her own father?
>> No. 26371
It's OK, since it's all just a dream/hallucination/projection. OF THE MOTHER.
Yeah, it's totally not creepy at all!
>> No. 26372

Ok, I just wasn't sure that I understood that right. At first I thought that this guys just made bad comics, but that's just terrible.
>> No. 26373
"Monday, October 11, 2010
I can't wait for 2013 as well.

Not because it will be finally the end of the 2012 election season. (Which started January 21, 2009. And, more poignantly will wind up being the beginning of the 2016 Presidential Election.)

Starting about nine years ago I looked forward to that special day in that special month that matched the year. So on all my paperwork I could write 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, blah-blah-blah, yadda-yadda-yadda. Just an icksy-cutesy thing that I found fun, and kept to myself. Apparently unbeknownst to me, this is the scourge of the internet. Millions of trolls going to forums, blogs, and sites with commentary telling us that the date is 1-2-3, 2-3-4, or 3-4-5. (My goddess! Somebody change the combination on my luggage!)
While trolling one of my favorite news sites: Maximum PC, I saw this phenomenon. Unfortunately, (or fortunately,) reality prevented me from making an observation:

That in 2013, all those flat twelvers will finally have to shut up about their end of the world conspiracies.
Posted by Joe at 12:01 AM 0 comments"

... what is he trying to say here and what's that weird obsession with numbers and dates?
>> No. 26374
My best guess? He's stuck in kindergarten math, and these dates help him remember the base-10 system in some autistic manner.
>> No. 26375
>That in 2013, all those flat twelvers will finally have to shut up about their end of the world conspiracies.

Well, I think he's referring to the 2012 Mayan apocalypse theory (read: fucking retarded, like Y2K).

That's a point in his favor. Shocking, I know.

The "flat" part may refer to "flat earth" nonsense, which would give Joe another point in his favor.
>> No. 26376

>That's a point in his favor. Shocking, I know.

>The "flat" part may refer to "flat earth" nonsense, which would give Joe another point in his favor.

Yes, but then he confuses the two together when they are totally separate entities, one predicting the end because of a Mayan calendar, the other being closely related to groups who desire the Rapture to happen soon.
>> No. 26377
"Wednesday, February 24, 2010
And Now Presenting: Ass Zombies.
Many the expert has said one of the most important features of a web site is the title bar. You should place the most pertinent information there so search engines can index it better.

Of course I'm not one to pay attention to those who are alot smarter than me.

Last year one of the local newspapers ran a "bad cartoon" contest. I was all over that. I must have been one of a few to actually send some in because I was chosen to be published. I guess I can toot my own horn here and say this: How many sprite comics can say that they have been published in a newspaper without having to pay the advertising fees?

To be included on the same page with Ass Zombies, I'm honored.

I sent in six cartoons, all five of Mayor's Aid Plea Agreement and the only up for a couple days 2009 Halloween comic. To be honest, I really wanted the Halloween comic published, just hoping that someone would ask what all the costumes are.

I was really wanting to publish the Ass Zombies cartoon so you all could see it, but do to copyright reasons I can't.

I can hear you now: "BULLS**T! You routinely post other people's comics!" Yes, I do. Here's the difference: You see, Dave Anez lives a couple thousand miles away from me. In order to sue me he will have to file in the superior court of his state. Then go through the superior court of my state. A very expensive proposition. However, VK Cleary can go to any phonebook, find my address, and beat the crap out of me.

So instead I'll do my own Ass Zombies and tweak it to my twisted humor style.
Posted by Joe at 12:03 AM 0 comments"

... this is the same as when Christian Chandler made his own fake page to announce himself as the winner of a contest. Jesuchrist.
>> No. 26378
>However, VK Cleary can go to any phonebook, find my address, and beat the crap out of me.

I can't be the only one who wants to see this happen.
>> No. 26379
Someone should try to inform this person when whatshisname rips off his comic.
>> No. 26380
File 131154402424.png - (289.14KB , 600x450 , 1292805889876.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>considers himself at the same level as guys like Bill Watterson.

Calvin and Hobbes was one of my favorite comics as a kid. This man deserves to be beaten to death with a shovel.
>> No. 26381

Heh. This one made me chuckle and I wish this Joe guy could see it.
>> No. 26382
What's really sad is how much sonichu.com is worth.
>Wiki detailing all aspects the life of an autistic manchild
>Worth thousands of dollars
I'm sorry, but if that's how the real world works I'm just going to go make my briefs quite DIRTY and CRAPPED.
>> No. 26383
>Sonichu.com Estimated Value $9,081 USD

>> No. 26384

Here's a few more that I did out of curiosity. It's pretty funny that the resurrected ED and Oh Internet are worth practically the same price.

What exactly does this website use to calculate the value, web traffic?

>789Chan.org Estimated Value $2,330 USD

>Ohinternet.com Estimated Value $125,053 USD

>Encyclopediadramatica.ch Estimated Value $130,557 USD
>> No. 26385

Web traffic and relevance, so the search engines could catch it.

Joe Pullin himself admits he filled his front page with Rosenkreuzstilette blabber to mislead people into his page, but not even that he can get a decent traffic.

Which means he has been uploading comics that nobody reads and has been talking to himself because nobody posts on his blog, not even before he disabled the comments.
>> No. 26386
He disabled the comments on his BLOG?
What the fuck is the point of him even having a blog then?
Sure, he won't get negative comments which point out his failures as a person, but then he can't add sockpuppet comments to make it seem he's worth a shit.
>> No. 26387

Originally, he used to post sockpuppet praises and requests to "Leave Mr. Joe alone" when people pointed out at his thefts, lies and stupidity (The grammar and wording gave them away on the spot) but then he decided to disable the comments by enabling blog moderation.
In other words, you can post, but nothing gets published unless he wants to, and since Joe hates critics, corrections and anything that could make him feel unconfortable or admit he's a thieving manchild, you can guess the rest.

Basically, he wasted ten years of his life to run and defend a crappy website that nobody except for himself visits or cares about.
>> No. 26388
File 131160890579.png - (30.51KB , 774x257 , 1717_0725.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail.
>> No. 26389
So are we just going to talk about how horrible this guy is or are we actually going to try and troll him?

Saving to counter spam.
>> No. 26390
"Rosenkreuzstilette Oddities."

4 Comments - Show Original Post
Collapse comments
Anonymous said...

why have you left this posting on the front page of you site for 5 months now?

April 10, 2011 1:26 PM
Joe said...

Search Engine Optimization. Ever since I posted those pictures, hits to my site have gone up and stayed at ten fold.

April 17, 2011 12:43 PM
Anonymous said...

In other words, you use the images to mislead people into visiting this hellhole of yours.
Why am I NOT surprised to see you using these stupid cheats to get some attention?

May 9, 2011 8:37 PM
Joe said...

Once in a while I'll get an email saying that if I pay them they'll get me a higher Google ranking. I'm smart enough to listen to those that are smarter than me when they say that if someone is selling snake oil if they are charging for SEO.

I can imagine a person's rage if they paid a guy $50, $100, $200 and they go down in Google ranking. Then there's little ol' me in the deepest, darkest, dankest, dorkest corner of the internet, who happens upon a moderately decent combination of SEO quite by accident and happenstance, and does it all for free.

Lot easier going out and kidnapping people's cats and holding them hostage to force people to click on my site.

May 14, 2011 1:12 PM"

Very classy, Joe. Very respectful as well.
>> No. 26391
>Very classy, Joe. Very respectful as well.

Obvious sockpuppet is obvious.
That, or my sarcasm meter is broken.
>> No. 26392

You need a new sarcasm meter.
>> No. 26393
He's chastised for cheating and all he does is ramble about how smart he is?
>> No. 26394
File 131170719021.png - (28.07KB , 774x257 , 1718_0726.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, including crappy sprites, self depreciating humour and the obligatory ICE CREAM shit stolen from Bob and George.

"Professional cartoonist" my ass, Joe.
>> No. 26395

That fucking weird ass..I guess dog thing freaks me out.
>> No. 26396
Jesus, even Bob and George edited the sprites so they were actually HOLDING the ice cream.

And if it needs to be said, the ice cream running gag was never funny and a mere crutch for when Anez had no ideas (often).
>> No. 26397

Well, Dave Anez often said that most of time, Bob and George was nothing but things he pulled out of his ass at the last minute, and he never understood why his fanbase loved it so much, or why they made all of these fucked up theories to explain things that Dave himself didn't cared about.

The difference between Dave Anez and this Joe Pullin fella is that Dave was considerably nice and humble, while Joe screeches "I'M A GENIUS AND IF YOU DISAGREE YOU ARE HOMOSEXUAL!" whenever he doesn't gets the answers he wants.
>> No. 26398
Shit is shit, but thank goodness someone had the humility to know what they were doing for once. And on the internet of all places!
>> No. 26399
It's difficult for me to imagine this guy has been doing this shit for a decade.
>> No. 26400
Rereading the post, I realize that my confusion was due to the lack of greentexting, which would have helped me differentiate between the blog comments and the /cwc/ poster's comment.

tl;dr I dun goofed.
>> No. 26401
File 131173041021.png - (60.66KB , 258x249 , 1298416417080.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's like I'm witnessing something done by an alien species. I have no clue how any human being could ever find this funny.

Can anyone explain to me this comic and why it might seem funny to a member of the human species?
>> No. 26402

Fine, I will try to read it to try and explain.



It's shit.


That's right, captcha. It's so derp.
>> No. 26403
I guess I'll check the ground a bit. I made a quick blog and a small cover story for it. I ripped few of his comic, edited them just enough and presented them as my own. I'll wait few days adding more comics one per day and some fake comments too. Then I'll tip him off and see what happens. I'm not exactly sure how intelligent this guy is tho so I'm not sure if he'll fall for it.
>> No. 26404
>"I'm thinking of bringing you a special "boxed" lunch."
>"boxed" lunch

Do I find this hilarious?
>> No. 26405

Tell him you are going to be hired by a local newspaper to get the comic published and he will try to sue you.
Check OP's image, Joe Pullin REALLY will try to sue you for everything you own under the excuse that you stole his stolen sprites.
>> No. 26406
SomeFaggot here :

http://codiekitty.com More unfunny sprite comics guise. Incase joe wasn't enough.
>> No. 26407

Make a new thread if you want to talk about another lolcow, please.

Also, Joe's blog has been updated, he's demanding for free tits.
>> No. 26408
"Post a Comment On: Ravy Online
"I want boobies, lots of them, and I want them NOW!"

No comments yet. - Hide Original Post

This rant is a long time in coming. Since about 2009. Back then I kept going to movies not expecting to have wiener shoved in my face all the time. Even in the Hangover live on screen. These guys are in Vegas for a bachelor party and we the audience get no naked females? At least Watchmen had some boobage, for about five seconds. That's why I loved Hot Tub Time Machine so much: breasts on the big screen.

Now in 2010 I picked up season nine of Family Guy and was quite shocked to see uncensored Peter's peter. What was the message being sent here? What social commentary needed to put out? Can anybody tell what episode we saw Lois or some other female cast member topless? When Peter said to the cutout of Kathy Ireland that he is "out" under the table, that was funny, showing it wasn't.

Recently on American Dad the did the similar joke. First they used a word for wiener that I hadn't seen since a 1980's issue of Hustler Humor. Then they actually showed Stan's wiener falling out of his pajamas. Censored of course, but on the DVD it won't be. What was the joke? That Stan stood there until Francine put it back in his pants, just to fall out again?

Ya'll probably wondering what's my beef? This stuff is many years apart. What set me off?

I finished the second collection and thought that while it was a bit schizophrenic and riddled with ADD, it was a big improvement over the first set. It seemed as if the writer was throwing a bunch of ideas at once in the hopes that the Inukami manga would get picked up as an ongoing series and could fully explore them for many years down the road. I also noted the fact that nudity was next to nothing or just barely out of shot.

"Hold it, isn't Inukami is all about female nudity? Why do you have a problem with that? So far you've been whining and moaning and bitching about wiener." Inukami manga is rated 16 and up, it should have been rated 18 and up. Now I fully reorganize that Japanese sensibilities and American sensibilities are very different. I think that nudity of any kind has no place in comic books and cartoons that can be easily purchased by kids or unsuspecting parents perusing the graphic novel sections of Hastings or Barnes and Noble.

I gots no problem with Hustler Humor or Penthouse or Playboy. I know what I'm getting into. After watching that episode of American Dad I was pissed at what slapped me upside the head the next day. Inukami the anime.

(Editor's Note: As of this writing I am about 20 episodes in.)

The writers decided that what was needed to improve this series was as much wiener as possible and as much male erotica as can be shoved in our faces. If I hadn't read the manga first, I would have quit not even half way through episode one.

I accept that the Japanese are much more open than we Americans about about what we call adult material being seen by a younger audience. There was no warning about what happened in episode one. I was expecting lots of nudity of Yoko and even Nadeshiko, but KEITA!? And almost every other guy in that episode!? What audience are they going for here? Obviously not those of us that read the manga.

Granted, the nudity was "cleverly" hidden by an elephant's head. That got really irritating after more than a minute. If they were really clever, they should have used an elephant's butt to cover up the butt shots. It wasn't just once or twice, it has been through out the whole series. Even ruining a boring episode. The one with the fight on the blimp with the shinigami. I found it boring because it was almost just like the manga. The writers must have been thinking "What can we do to spice it up? We can have magic frogs shot from Keita's groin area!"

Like I said they covered up the naughty bits. I have to admit they engaged in a strange bit of self censorship. It was strange in how they implemented it. At no time did we ever see any female nudity. If the writers were clever enough to use an elephant's head to cover up the guys, couldn't they have used a cat's head to cover up the woman's lower fun part? Or watermelons to cover up their boobs? In the panty thief episode, the main villain eyeballed Tomohane and said no, but was looking forward to it down the road. Thank you for NOT stealing the little girl's underwear. Later on in the ranking episode it was decided to change from the manga. They had Imari and Sayoka just stand there in their normal outfits instead of the sailor suits lifting up their skirts showing off their gym shorts.

However for some strange reason it was perfectly alright to have a little boy naked and uncensored.

I just spent this entire time trashing the anime of Inukami. Let me tell you what was done right. When they stuck to the manga and/or explored side stories or throw away bits from the manga the writers of the anime had a 90% success rate. The story of Kayano and Hake was top notch. The date between Keita and Gokyoya gave a purpose to a character that really had none to begin with. The fight between Yoko and Kaoru's Pack was superbly animated and the expressions on Yoko's face made me believe that she was out for blood. Also she kept her clothes on.

Now my final question: I was asking myself this by episode 2, why is Yoko's shirt still on?

posted by Joe at 12:00 AM on Apr 13, 2011"

>What the fuck are you trying to say here, Joe?
>> No. 26409

For Christ' sake, it's a dick. It's called ''humor''. Get over it. Not everything is supposed to pander to your unfulfilling sex life.
>> No. 26410
>Not everything is supposed to pander to your unfulfilling sex life.
There are a significant number of anime fans like that.
>> No. 26411
File 13118667136.png - (25.17KB , 774x257 , 1719_0728.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of concentrated fail.
>> No. 26412
goddamn. it's like he doesn't realize that drawn out filler doesn't work in daily comics. there's not enough content here to create any interest to continue reading.
>> No. 26413
"Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's bugging me the most this week:
Between President Obama's State of the Union and Steve Job's press conference, who said the word "I" the most?

Now to this weeks real problem. Two things have been bugging me for awhile first is Rosenkreuz Stilette. Not the game but a lot of people's insistence that some bit of Megaman, Castlevania, anime, manga, or image burned into a piece of toast is a reference contained within RKS. Admittedly I've done some of that, but I made sure to use ones that nobody else has pointed out. (I hope.) Frankly I'm tired of it and could spend all day blubbering on about it.


There has been a hell in the cell steel cage debate going on in my mind for months now: What is a better use of my time? Staring at my lawn in December? Or. Reading Lucky Star? I've been meaning to talk about Lucky Star for months on end, but my oh so busy schedule has prevented that from being able to happen. (Re: laziness.)

Which on of these to subject should I make your eyeballs bleed over? I decided to split the difference:

(Times I said "I", "me", or "my" not counting this line: 13.)
Posted by Joe at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Heywood Banks, Lucky Star, Rosenkreuz Stilette, whale fat"

>It's like watching one of Christian Chandler's aimless ramblings where the just spews out crap to see if he flukes on something funny or entertaining.
>> No. 26414
>Rosenkreuz Stilette
Why is it this of all things that he keeps mentioning in hopes of getting more views? Seems pretty obscure...Is it like his aspie obsession?
>> No. 26415

>Lucky Star

I'm not surprised that he's a lazy fat ass.
>> No. 26416



Jesuchrist. The deeper I dig on that guy's site, the creeper it gets.
The guy is like 40, yet he STILL fantasies with preteen anime girls?
>> No. 26417

Noticed the size of the customized T-Shirts he displayed here?
Yep, Joe is a fat guy. Why am I not surprised?
>> No. 26418

No doubt that me and a bunch of others had an effect. I always felt there was more I could do. I was going to the Anime Convention anyways. Might as well and see if I can get anybody to listen to me proselytize about Rosenkreuzstilette and at least take a copy to shut me up. (I could say something snarky about those that go do to door and try and get people to read their magazines, but I'm sure they [one] come to this site too and I don't need to drive off any more fans.)
>> No. 26419
What is going on? I'm confused. Are these comics trying to be funny? I look at these and I just feel baffled. Does he think it's funny or something? Does he have any fans? Like at all? Is he autistic or something? What the fuck?
>> No. 26420

The author is a 40 year old manchild who desperately tries to be funny and desperately tries to impress kids 25 years younger than him.

Judging for the things he does, his immense ego, his delusions, lack of a job and the things he wrote about himself (such as him sabotaging his education on purpose, or him being butthurt because he joined the army and they expelled him) it's kinda easy to guess he must be a genuine mental retard or suffer other kind of mental illness.

Basically, he stillm wants to behave like a kid and his mind has been frozen on the mid 90's to early 2000's.
>> No. 26421

The earliest stuff on his archives other than this one post:


Not sure which is shittier: His old stuff, or his new stuff. Both are appalling.
>> No. 26422
File 131196222117.png - (6.43KB , 373x307 , Ravy (19).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26423
File 131196237172.png - (119.82KB , 779x225 , 16 (001).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"I'm a lazy ass, but, since I'm making fun of my laziness, it's ok!"
>> No. 26424
My God. He must have been on his late twenties when he made these, and they still look like ass.

How in the fuck can he feel proud about that shit?
>> No. 26425
File 131196313584.gif - (47.33KB , 776x225 , 16 (83).gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No clue.

They are made of ass and giant ego and retardation.
>> No. 26426
File 131196325664.png - (19.17KB , 776x225 , 16 (95).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not posting main plot comic. The plot is fucking indecipherable.
>> No. 26427
File 13119633885.png - (19.72KB , 776x225 , 16 (103).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26428
File 131196367975.png - (18.42KB , 807x197 , 16 (111).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So apparently his OCshits meet up with Saddam and Osama and Cobra Commander and fuckthisshit.
>> No. 26429
File 131196374127.png - (34.76KB , 607x401 , 16 (112).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26430
File 131196392330.png - (16.29KB , 611x201 , 16 (114).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's a laugh riot down at www.ravycomics.com

Ha. Ha ha.
>> No. 26431
File 131196411560.png - (19.18KB , 776x224 , 16 (155).png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>175 I don't get out a whole lot.

>Fourth Wall breaking
>fanfics about aliens and their periods

I never would have guessed.
>> No. 26432

He spelt "Alien" as "ALEIN".

>On his blog, Joe Pullin brags about how instead of listening to his "boring teachers" during his school days, he instead made comics to prove how gnarly he was.

Jeez. I would have never guessed, Joe.
>> No. 26433
File 131196690750.png - (17.50KB , 774x225 , 19(078)1278.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Professional cartoonist my ass, Joe.
>> No. 26434
Sooooo, is his comic even "about" anything?
>> No. 26435

Fuck no.

I tried reading it. I made it around 300 stupidass strips in. No fucking plot.
>> No. 26436
>Sooooo, is his comic even "about" anything?

Just like Sonichu, this crap is all about Joe Pullin and how he's better than everyone else, as Joe always wins, always gets what he wants, always gets the last word about anything and everyone do whatever he says.

Something went wrong IRL? Kicked out from the army, forever alone, unemployed and nobody wants to his personal slave? No problem, he will make a comic to "correct" these silly details and then he will adopt that comic as the real thing. Also, if you disagree with him, you are automatically an evil homosexual and he will talk about it during years.

Speaking about homosexuality, Joe uses male homosexuality as an insult, but for him, female homosexuality is OK because he can fap to it (and his OC can "heal" lesbians by sticking his dick into them, he wouldn't do that to men.)

That's what RavyComics is all about. Just a big, sad escapism tool from how shitty his real life is.
>> No. 26437
File 131197637943.png - (28.08KB , 774x257 , 1720_0729.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's new dose of fail.
>> No. 26438
So is this guy trollable or anything? Or are we just going to sit here and talk about how horrible he is.
>> No. 26439
Could this be the next Chris? Could we have lulzy Sagas with this guy to rival Chris's?
>> No. 26440
i doubt it. do we even know what this guy looks like? or anything about his life beyond the crappy comics?
>> No. 26441
This board is to discuss lolcows. Not make them fuck blow-up dolls.
>> No. 26442

>So is this guy trollable or anything?

Well, the guys is extremely protective of his crappy comic, so reposting edited versions elsewhere should be enough to make him fill his blog with delicious tantrums and tears, that's for sure.
Reposting his shitty life outside of his blog, where he cannot censor what other people say about him, should be lulz worthy as well.)
>> No. 26443
Does he actually look at the comments? I tried to comment on one of his shitty comics (in a not blatantly trolling way) and he doesn't appear to have seen it...
>> No. 26444

Apparently he looks at them, but only approves the ones he likes.
Still, that means he will read them, even if it's just once.
>> No. 26445
....Why do the Troll Accounts have Favorites of Alvin-Earthworm the Super Douche?
>> No. 26446
"The Adulterated and Censored

History of Ravy Comics.

As best as I can remember, or what I tell you it is.

Back around the fall of 1987, following the afternoon recess, my teacher would have the class rewrite some moronic saying he'd written on the white board. I found this tedious to say the least. After each phrase (such as "Winning isn't everything, wanting is") I would draw some sort of stick figure doodle. One day I was reading some environmentalist wacko newsletter everybody was forced to read, I saw a silhouette of a mountain lion. "Hey! That looks like Ravage!" I traced it and added some holes for the tape reels and started on a very incomprehensible Transformers fancomic to accompany writing assignment. To top it off, I didn't know how to spell 'ravage' so I shortened it to 'Ravy.'"

> Joe's age confirmed as late 30's to early 40's.
> Joe's stupidity confirmed as well.
>> No. 26447
File 131208225416.jpg - (31.74KB , 360x450 , shAQ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If he's 40, he would've been about 16 in 1987...

mfw 16-year-old can't spell ravage...
>> No. 26448
File 131208342333.png - (44.73KB , 693x338 , originalravy001.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He couldn't draw either...
>> No. 26449
Well, somebody posted some comments on Joe's blog, and Joe tried to outsmart him like the smug moron he's is.
Looks like he failed, because the comments are now gone. Butthurt much, Joe?
>> No. 26450
Monday, May 2, 2011
Great News!
With the great news that has happened, I have decided to dig up this old joke.


(For most people that would be enough. However:)

Bin Laden finds himself in a very bright cloud like area. Suddenly he is confronted by George Washington. Who then proceeds to give Bin Laden a boot to the head. Next is Thomas Jefferson, who also gives Bin Laden a boot to the head. Behind him we find: Martha Washington, Martha Jefferson, Henry Clay, Ella Fitzgerald, William H. Harrison, Patrick Henry, Sam Houston, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Meriwether Lewis, James Madison, Dolley Madison, John Marshall, Cyrus Hall McCormick, James Monroe, Elizabeth Monroe, Powhatan, Pocahontas, Walter Reed, George C. Scott, Winfield Scott, John Smith, James Jeb Stuart, Thomas Sumter, Zachary Taylor, John Tyler, Julia Tyler, Letitia Tyler, Nat Turner, John Tyler, Booker T. Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Edith Wilson, and many many more.

In the midst of this bedlam, Bin Laden calls out:

“Allah! Allah! What is this?”

“It is your eternal reward for the life you have led.”

“This! OWWW! (Stop that!) OWWWW!”

“Yes. 72 Virginians!”
Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM
Anonymous said...

Jesuchrist. What kind of fucked up monster would use a human being's DEATH as an excuse to make a mediocre joke and flap his arms for some attention?
Oh right: YOU.
May 5, 2011 7:04 AM
Joe said...

I had thought unscheduling the next post, but instead I'll go ahead and keep it.
May 5, 2011 5:56 PM
Joe said...

By the way, do you like Johnboy and Billy? If not, how about Robin Williams?
May 5, 2011 5:59 PM

>This was copied from his blog comments about the death of Bin Laden.
>> No. 26451
Monday, May 2, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 18.
Click Here.

I spent a couple of hours making a new background. Then moronically deleted it and emptied the Recycle Bin. I still have the part that appears in the panel, but not the rest of it. The parts I need to do a camera shift left or right.

I can either spend the time remaking the whole she-bang and having look a bit off kilter from the one before. Or I can just do what I always do: fake it.

Of course that background doesn't appear at all this week, or next, or for several more months. Making this post's jabbering rather silly. Or what I euphemistically call "normal."

(I almost put in that Ricky Martin video. Then a rare fit of sanity hit me.)
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM
Anonymous said...

You're nothing but a talentless manchild that has to steal from Psyguy because you can't make anything original.
May 4, 2011 9:30 AM
Joe said...

Heap many moons ago a bunch of flat birthers and national socialists took exception to an article I wrote detailing the historical perspective of President Obama's re-election chances in 2012. I had to spend the better part of an afternoon cleaning out some of the most vile and disgusting heap of crap I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. In fact I had to go re-read Artemis's Lover just to clear my mind of it.

Because of that I had to institute call screening. This will be up until such time as these people learn they have plenty of breathing room on their sites, they don't need my couple of megabytes. Of course I do realize they never will have enough.

Now, caught in the cross fire are those that are just trying to strike a mighty blow against the nasty-wasty blogger with their rather goofy and willfully ignorant false accusations. Normally I'd just shuffle it to the spam folder or give it the Mystery Science Theater treatment.

But something caught my attention. It had to do with a very strange pattern that seems to be developing. I went back and double-checked, sure enough, the other times that this call has come in was when a Rosenkreuzstilette comic was posted.

If there is some kind of issue going on that I will admit to my ignorance about, I have to say that I'm the wrong guy to contact. You need to go tell Psyguy, Spriter's Resource, who ever did the box art for Final Fantasy 4 and 5, Tasogare Frontier, Isemiya, and Womi.

I just have to wonder why this false accusation didn't come in a few weeks ago when a Psyguy sprite actually appeared in a comic.
May 5, 2011 6:03 PM

> Joe is being called on his stolen material and he tries to act smug and play dumb to deny it- well, at least the "Dumb" part was done right.
>> No. 26452
File 131222314522.png - (33.47KB , 816x257 , 1721_0801pngclear.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, crappy graphics and unnoriginal "jokes"
>> No. 26453

I don't get any of his jokes. He continued some from his previous comics, it's clear. What the hell is the giant colored triangle supposed to be again?
>> No. 26454
Look: He added hands to the newest one

unlike these ones, where the ice cream just floated.
>> No. 26455

A Color Pallete apparently. No Rhyme or Reason it's just there. He Seems to have a think for obnoxious shit in the background.
>> No. 26456

He seems to have a thing for obnoxious shit in the foreground too.
>> No. 26457

He seems to have a thing for obnoxious shit, period.
It's as if Joe had the mindset of a little kid, purposely being annoying as hell to cause a reaction and then bask on the free attention received.
Negative attention, but attention anyways.
>> No. 26458
"Monday, August 1, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 31.
.ereH kcilC

Not sure which is better: transparent PNG or transparent GIF. Both require at leats a $50 program to make possible. And both can't render the graphics from Rosenkreuzstilette correctly.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>Joe confirmed for being cheap as fuck and still going strong with his Rosenkreuzstilette obsession.
>> No. 26459
Eh, can't he just use GIMP or something?
>> No. 26460

Evidently, Joe can't even use Paint, so the odds of him learning to use Gimp are the same as his bank account: Zero.
>> No. 26461
File 131230709391.png - (97.46KB , 774x257 , 1722_0802.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail includes... FART JOKES.

Professional cartoonist my ass, Joe.
>> No. 26462
Quick question: does Joe actually expect to make money off of his comics?
OP noted that Joe calls himself a "professional cartoonist"; a delusion, obviously, but how far does the madness go?
>> No. 26463
> Quick question: does Joe actually expect to make money off of his comics?

Joe has said lots of time that "his" characters are for himself only and he will sue anyone who tries to use his (stolen) lesbians or his Jhonny-5 ripoff.

Plus, this "comic" is ALL what he has done for the past decade, and all what he has accomplished on his entire life so yeah, he DID said once he expected to see his crap published on a comic strip, hence the 4 panel format he uses.

Hence why so many people on this thread has called him an older version of Christian Chandler.
>> No. 26464
Does Joe have an actual job?

I mean, he must pay for web hosting, and I read in one of his articles that he blew money buying 10 or so copies of RosenkreuzStilette, for some reason.

Unless he was just saying shit out of his ass, surely he must have some form of income, right?
And it sure as hell can't be from his comics...
>> No. 26465

His poor redaction, bad grammar and general ineptitude at handling software, without menctioning his antisocial behavior and perpetual state of denial suggest that Joe is happily enjoying a sheltered life at daddy and mommy's expenses.
>> No. 26466

Joe bitching and screeching about his life in the army and how cruel, corrupt and unfair they were with him. (He admits doing absolutely nothing of value, then whines because they didn't stuffed him with promotions, medals and tons of free money.)

Also, notice how the dates he posted there and the ones he posted on his blog doesn't match.
>> No. 26467
> Joe bitching because his favorite animu shows too many tits and butts:

"Maybe I'm just being too conservative on that particular subject. Strange considering my mom let me read Hustler Humor when I was ten."

> Joe's previous blog posts had him bitching because his favorite animu DIDN'T had enough tits and butts.

Well. Looks like somebody is trying to backpedal to save face and look less creepy.
>> No. 26468
>Not sure which is better: transparent PNG or transparent GIF. Both require at leats a $50 program to make possible. And both can't render the graphics from Rosenkreuzstilette correctly.
*open, patent-free losslesss image format designed to replace static gif images while achieving better compression with deflate and supporting full 24-bit color plus an alpha channel.
*ancient image format using lempel-ziv-welch compression in linear succession (essentially run-length encoding) only supporting 256 color, palleted images. 255 colors if you want transparency, and you only get on or off, no blending/smoothing of edges. semi-lossless, as early gif creation programs shat out images with cross-hatches, whether you actually needed dither shading or not. protected by a patent which expired over a decade ago, yet people still consider it a proprietary format. also not a feasibly enforcible patent anyway, just like mp3. only useful for small 4-bit 16x16px images and universally supported image animations.
so this guy has been using the internet for 20 years and he's still outranked by newfags.

lrn2 GIMP
lrn2 IrfanView
lrn2 Paint.NET
lrn2 del C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32
>> No. 26469
File 131247414323.png - (82.71KB , 774x279 , 1723_0804.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's version of concentrated FAIL.

Seriously, Joe? You brag about been making comics since 1987 and THIS is the best you can do?
Fart jokes and crappy sprites?
>> No. 26470

Yes, it's the best he can do, even though he is stealing shit as well.
>> No. 26471
File 13125031868.png - (49.69KB , 774x279 , Hammer time.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now with a punchline! And transparency!
>> No. 26472

Joe spews out bullshit about his shitty lesbian character to convince himself they are something more than his chappy sexual fantasy fap material.
Notice how he simply goes around grabbing premade stuff and attempting to claim the merit for himself.
>> No. 26473
File 131257103737.png - (24.93KB , 774x257 , 1724_0805.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's new dose of FAIL.

What the hell is Joe trying to narrate here, anyways? Nothing of what he does makes any sense.
>> No. 26474
my guess is he's trying to make fun of the way wwf become wwe because the world wildlife federation had the acronym first. so the joke is that this place specifically changed their name to make it abbreviate to wwf out of spite/tard humor.
also, wading is pretty much just standing around in shallow water, while swimming requires actual physical activity. freudian fatass slip detected.

and I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the farting moth jokes either.
>> No. 26475
>>83285 and I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the farting moth jokes either.

Farts and sterotyped lesbians are all what Joe seems capable to do.

http://www.ravycomics.com/Fanfics/CommonMistakes.htm <-- Also, check out how the dumbass doles out hypocrital advice that he refuses to follow, and menctions over and over the names of kids that were "popular" a fucking decade ago, as if saying their names made him popular as well.

Nobody gives a fuck about these kids or their shitty comics anymore, not even the kids themselves (all grown-up now, after all) but Joe refuses to stop living in the past or attempting to impress an audiences that doesn't exists anymore.
>> No. 26476
> Joe: "Unlike some other people, I don't get "involved" with my characters. I will make the innuendo, and will usually wind up getting my ass kicked. I'm reminded of a story, many years ago some guy said he "heard" I was gay. I decided to mess with his mind. On the comic, I think this is a case where I should have gone with the original idea."

So says the guy who makes comics where his self insert OC sticks his dick everywhere and can even "Heal" lesbians by fucking them. (And let's not forget the creepy comic where he tongue kisses his own daughter.)

Oh, Joe. The more shit I dig out from your site, the funnier and sadder you get.
>> No. 26477
Hey, Joe doesn't do Pokeyman References. Or any mention of Pokemon at all...
>> No. 26478

Joe does Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, BOB AND GEORGE and Rosenkreuzstilette references because he got plenty of premade sprites to use (either free or stolen) but since he never found suitable Pokegirls sprites, he cannot put them into this nightmare.

I wonder how long will take him to start adding My Little Pony references, since there's a lot of custom sprites around, ready for him to steal and claim as his own.
>> No. 26479
File 13127520828.png - (139.88KB , 405x254 , eddy my eyes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The same "Pokegirls" shit that's about having slave women? He's into that, too? Or does he just want women that look like Pokemon as sprites?

Either way, yuck.
>> No. 26480

If you read his shit of a comic, you will notice that Joe treats women (all of them) as nothing but sex objects that behave like complete cunts to everyone EXCEPT to his shitty self insert, who "healed" lesbians and turned them straight after fucking them, but they are only straight for Joe and noone else.

On his blog, Joe also throws around the word "lesbian" as if he were obsessed with them, claiming that "his lesbian friends" approve his crappy comic and even feel lust for his fucking pathetic Beacky and Toni Megaman recolors. (Strawmen and sockpuppeting to the extreme.)

So yeah, probably he meant "Pokegirls" as sex pets. (Freud would have a field day analyzing Joe's fantasies.)
>> No. 26481
File 13127949261.jpg - (203.32KB , 850x850 , Pokepeople.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pokegirl usually refers to human girls from the show/video games.
>> No. 26482
Where can I find the posts on his education?
>> No. 26483
File 131282156358.png - (33.08KB , 774x257 , 1725_0808.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's vesion of FAIL and FARTS.


>> No. 26484
But isn't it also some kinda furry thing?
>> No. 26485
I question the value of posting his comic here every day. They're not that funny, even in the unintentional lolcow way. They're usually pretty dull when he isn't putting out something like self-insert incest fantasies.
>> No. 26486
Tinfoil hat time: Joe himself is posting his comics on here for increased web traffic to his site.
>> No. 26487
Yeah, honestly, I only go to this thread to hear what antics he's gotten up to lately. Has anyone actually bothered reading all of his comics? There's absolutely nothing funny or entertaining about them, intentional or otherwise.
>> No. 26488

Only made it up to ~375 or so.
They're bad.
>> No. 26489

The funny part is watching how a 40-year old man feels proud of making this shit of a comic and how said shit of a comic is ALL what he has accomplished after 40 years of life.

Watching Joe criticrizing other people way, way more sucessful than him, of watching Joe spewing out idiotic pieces of "advice" about things he doesn't knows jack is kinda fun as well.
>> No. 26490
They comics are just unspeakably dull. I mean... it's just astoundingly half-assed. Even moreso than Sonichu.
>> No. 26491
"Monday, August 8, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 32.
Click Here NOW! Before it's too late!

I did do a Google search on fart jokes. Wasn't at all surprised at the number of sites that bubbled out. Just disappointed at the constant trumpeting of the same jokes.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe actually stole fart jokes from Google. He fails even at doing his own bathroom humour, the cheapest of all humour ever.
>> No. 26492
File 131291616545.png - (33.56KB , 774x257 , 1726_0809.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dode of Joe's fail.

You know, I've seen little kids getting better at this after a while, but Joe has been doing this crap for over 2 decades without any improvement, yet he considers himself to be "special"

So I agree with the above comments, the lulz here isn't the comic itself, but the old retard who finds enough time to churn out a comic a day and still fails at getting a job, a life or anything else.
>> No. 26493
>This thread

What is this.
>> No. 26494
>> No. 26495
"Wednesday, August 10, 2011
My annoyances with Mac.
Recently I built a Hackintosh. Wasn't all that difficult. I had a spare Intel machine and Mac OS X costs only $30. (You hear that Micro$oft?) After a couple of days of downloading various Linux distros used to install Mac on a PC I found the right one. I got annoyed.

My mouse has a back button on it. Instead of moving the cursor to the back button on whatever explorer or browser window. Or even just hitting the backspace key. I just tap the back button on the mouse with my thumb. Not with Mac. Hell, XP has had this feature for 10 years.

Closing programs is a hassle. Even in Windows the most you do is hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete if a program hangs up. In rare cases hold the power button. (A few time I actually had to unplug the power cord.) Mac on the other hand. Hit the red button, Itunes keeps playing. Do what? You have to click on the menu and then click quit Itunes?

This isn't the result of the vulgarities of a Hackintosh. I went to an Apple store to fact check this. I even went into preferences menu to find the check box that says to quit a program when the big red button is pressed, not there.

Even Microsoft is falling for this. Adding in all kinds of extra steps to everything. Ctrl-Alt-Delete now has an extra step to it.

This one isn't a Mac annoyance, but it's Apple's fault, mostly. You know Quicktime? I'm sure we all do. I have it just because. On some random sites that I download podcasts from, instead of just opening up the download manager, out poops Quicktime. Adding all kinds of extra steps to listen to listen to my favorite bunches of goof. It's not all Apple's fault. Sometimes it's the web designer, and of course Firefox which doesn't make it easy to calibrate that damn Quicktime plug-in.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe feeling all proud and smug for doing something that even a kid can do nowadays.

His mind is frozen on the past centuty indeed.
>> No. 26496
File 13130831571.png - (45.20KB , 774x257 , 1727_0811.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, directed against this very thread by Joe himself because we don't like his fart jokes.

You even fail at making generic witty comebacks, Joe.
>> No. 26497
Punning by capitalizing letters is weaksauce.
>> No. 26498
File 131308858633.jpg - (20.13KB , 400x300 , ravage3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is it true he based that Ravy character on Ravage from Transformers?
>> No. 26499

Based it? Ravy IS Ravage, since the comic started as a Transformers fancomic.

He just couldn't spell worth dick.
>> No. 26500
A note to all aspiring comedians:

"Yeah, that joke wasn't funny" does not retroactively make it good.
>> No. 26501
File 131308965622.jpg - (28.70KB , 356x294 , 00000ca.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Joe completely ravaged Ravage.
>> No. 26502
Holy dicksauce, is THAT what his abomination ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL is supposed to be?
>> No. 26503

Yeah, except Joe genderbended it because on his comic, the only active male is Joe himself and nobody else.
>> No. 26504
Wait, that THING has a gender?
>> No. 26505
Jesus Christ, this is somehow even LESS funny than A-log.

Wait, what? We barely interact with him, afaik. How does he know we exist?
>> No. 26506

A dumbass posted on his blog to warn him about this place.
Considering how Joe filters out any messages that doesn't please him, I wonder what else he didn't allowed to get published.

But again, Joe being Joe reacted by trying to be a smug asshole, and as usual, he failed.
>> No. 26507
File 131311994419.png - (50.77KB , 774x257 , 1603_0106.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the everling fuck is this supposed to be?

Joe, what the fuck is wrong with your cognitive process? This shit makes even LESS sense than Sonichu, and that's saying something.
>> No. 26508

Girls melt into a puddle when his suave OC tells them he loves them.

>> No. 26509
Link to his reaction?
>> No. 26510
Guys I just came up with a great EPIC WEEN trolling idea: We make a GOOD sprite comic.
>> No. 26511
>We make a GOOD sprite comic.

There's the problem.
>> No. 26512

"Monday, July 25, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 30.
Press the button just to the left of the scroll wheel on you mouse. Your mouse has one, doesn't it? If not why not? Catch up to the 90's already.

Wait a minute, does a Mac mouse have a scroll wheel? I don't ever remember seeing one. Hold it, some don't even have buttons to press. Poopie.

I was going to talk more about the Daisukino sisters, ran out of time.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM
Anonymous said...

Hiya! Nice comic you have here! Too bad it seems people on 789chan.org/cwc have been ripping on it lately...What with your already low internet traffic, that can't be good for your reputation...
July 28, 2011 11:22 AM
Joe said...

When I first started publishing online I knew I would become a target of criticism both deserved and undeserved. I will admit to being taken aback at how vicious it can be. But I must give credit where credit is due: a few people have found my comic through said criticism. Whether you laugh with me or at me, at least people having a good time.

Well, except maybe anybody named Ravy or who ran for congress a few years ago.
July 30, 2011 12:09 PM"


Eh, making a good sprite comic isn't that difficult, you only need to think before assaulting MSPaint and also need to stop to see what are you doing, that's all.
Of course, patience, planning and attention span are attributes not present on people who makes sprite comics, so you have a point anyways.
>> No. 26513
see below
>> No. 26514
"Friday, August 12, 2011
Spidery Instict.
I'm willing to bet that spiders don't just build webs across doorways and hallways out of their instinctive need for food, but to annoy me personally.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

No, Joe. Spiders build nests and webs around you because you are a fucking pig that never cleans the pigstry you call home, that's why.

So by now you have revealed to be old, morbidly obese and now, DIRTY. And you still wonder why did you got kicked out from the army...
>> No. 26515
File 131341422236.png - (78.94KB , 774x257 , 1729_0815.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, still dragging a long and unfunny bathroom joke.
Professional cartoonist my shiny black ass, Joe.
>> No. 26516
"Monday, August 15, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 33.
Click here.

I know that there is someone out there going (using overly nerdy voice): "Sichte is a woman of fine breading and culture and would never stoop to telling scatological humor." (End nerdy voice.) That's what makes it funny (I hope.) It's a tried and true humor technique. Assigning lines to those who may never speak them. I have a comedy bit somewhere of a guy impersonating Nixon, Carter, Barney Fife and other as if they were high on marijuana.

Don't like it? Do your own comic. There's plenty of web space out there and lots of it for free.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>Very classy, Joe. You are nearly 40 and you still wonder why nobody wanted to marry you.
>> No. 26517
File 13135196137.png - (64.19KB , 774x257 , 1730_0816.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, where Joe is apparently, trying to outsmart le critics.
>> No. 26518
Heh, I remember when I made sprite comics. They were shitty, but not as shitty as these ones.
>> No. 26519
>catch up to the 90's
pardon me, but scrolling mice weren't introduced until around '98. And the left click button is universal to all mice. It just happens to be the only button on Macintosh models.

>does a Mac mouse have a scroll wheel?
actually yes, some do. but it's a scroll ball that goes vertical and horizontal.

>some don't even have buttons to press
the entire top of the mouse is the button.

>Even in Windows the most you do is hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete
not since Win2000...

>You have to click on the menu and then click quit Itunes?

>blah blah quicktime blah blah
he still hasn't figured out how to eliminate quicktime. goddamnit.
>> No. 26520

He sounds like a cranky old guy bitching about technology he doesn't uses or knows what's for.
>> No. 26521
Well, he's a 40yo virgin who's been making the same shit-tier webcomic for half his lifetime and accomplished nothing else whatsoever. I'd say your assessment is dead-on.
>> No. 26522

>The best we get is scatological humor?

He hasn't addressed the issue here either.

It's still horrible, and the jokes are not funny.
>> No. 26523
"Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Final Thoughts: Inukami.
When I did my initial reviews of Inukami many months ago, I had to recognize that fact I hadn't watched all of the anime. Well I have, and even the movie (that's an hour of my life I'll never get back.)

Let's start with the anime. To reset, I thought that the anime of Inukami was very well animated and the stories and character development were outstanding. However I was very much disappointed at the incessant display of rather uncleverly censored male nudity. That's just not my thing. It wouldn't have bothered me so much if some balance was struck with Yoko topless once in a while. I'm against nudity in cartoons, but I recognize the fact that there is a substantial demand for it. If you can make money off of it, go for it. However, after reading and liking the manga, I wasn't expecting to have enormous amounts of wiener shoved in my face.

Now with the final few episodes, all the good writing was pretty much thrown out the window. It became the hack premise of delay tactics to fill out a bunch of unnecessary episodes. It is one battle after another with the badguy using some fanfic like plot contrivance to win. Dai Yoko is about to beat Sekidosai when Sekidosai says he is more powerful and defeats Dai Yoko. When everybody is about to beat Sekidosai, he's not Sekidosai he's actually Jasei and beats everybody. Then the truth behind Nadeshiko is revealed. I was seriously expecting her to be Yoko's sister or even mother. The writing was that good. But no, Nadeshiko is the most powerful Inukami ever who destroyed a village and sealed her powers. Ho-hum. As she is about to totally defeat Jasei, he turns back time a few minutes to before Nadeshiko unlocks her powers and beats her.

Like I said, the writing took a downturn. And it got worse.

All the while where was Keita? He got turned into a baby and flung to the other side of Japan. He has to crawl his way back and every negative element of this series helps him out. Anime had a really tough time at first. From the poorly animated stuff being brought over, to bad writing, and bad voice acting. Now we have the celebration of nudity, guys hugging painted pillows, sadomasochism, poopie diapers, panty perverts, furries, and on and on and on. Let's not give anti-anime people anymore bullet points to use. (On several occasions Bob Kevoian mentioned that is what he thinks anime is all about.)

This is one reason why I say fact checking is a bitch. Sitting through all that so I will have some idea of what it is I'm bitching about.

Back to the action. At the last possible moment Keita and Yoko reach the wish machine, Keita is turned back into a grown up and confesses his love for Yoko. They beat the badguy and wiener is shoved in our face one final time.

The one positive part was Kaoru's back story. While essentially just filler, it was well written filler and tugged at the heart strings. The the fight between Keita and Kaoru was good and unexpected. I knew Keita was going to win, I just didn't know how he was.

The movie. I did a quick check, it turns out that it is only 25 minutes long. Sure felt like a hour. The animation was once again top notch. But, all the stuff I liked about the anime was pretty much absent, all the stuff I didn't like was there times 100. Let's just ignore all that and focus on Keita's speech. Towards the end Keita had a good line about people being left alone to enjoy what gives them pleasure in life. It really was the solid gold moment of the movie. While I certainly don't share in these perversions, I have no problem with CONSENTING ADULTS having a good time.

I just don't want to be blind sided and have it shoved in my face. (Like when I'm picking up a shrink wrapped triple volume of Hustler Humor and sandwiched between is a magazine of a "family way.")

To sum up. Parents, don't let your kids anywhere near Inukami. All because of the nudity. Female in the manga, male in the anime and movie. Still, it is some of the best animation and story telling I have seen.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe attemppting to poase as a moral guardian, not long after he threw a tantrum because this anime didn't had enough nudity on it.
I assume he didn't liked it because it had male nudity and he can't fap t that.
>> No. 26524
File 131368327869.png - (47.71KB , 774x257 , 1731_0818.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, where Joe desperately tries to be funny by dragging an old and unoriginal kind of humour down the ground.

40 years of life to accomplish this level of failure, his parents and family must feel so proud of him.
>> No. 26525

He's only doing Toilet Humor to spite us.
>> No. 26526

I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
His blog has proven that Joe Pullin always had the maturity of a three year old kid, so him being idiotic on purpose to "troll" us would be completely in character for him.
Of course, it only makes him look more like the pathetic loser he is, being a 40 year old guy tying to outsmart some strangers young enough to be his sons.

Keep working on that downspiral, Joe. No wonder the army kicked you out, as you are nothing but a disgrace and a burden for your country, oh yeah.
>> No. 26527
Good job, anon. You'll sure show him when he reads this.
>> No. 26528

If Joe reads that, he probably will make a revenge comic to crank his retardness up to eleven, actually.
Or probably will repost the message on his blog and add "BWAHAHAHA!" after it, whatever suits him better.
>> No. 26529
Who is this sperg?

Does he have an ED? I need a summary.
>> No. 26530

Dude, just check >>75127

Practically all of the info posted here was uploaded to the web by the sperg itself.
>> No. 26531

It's Amazing Really, Joe and Chris are willing to shit up their own comics just to spite some Trolls.
>> No. 26532
File 131377761964.png - (55.56KB , 774x257 , 1732_0819.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fa- huh?
... what the FUCK is this supposed to be, Joe?
Are we supposed to find this funny, dramatic, intense, what?
>> No. 26533

It's a buildup to yet another shit joke.

That's so Joe.
>> No. 26534
> Checks thread, then checks Joe's blog.

I love how that old dumbass bitched and baaawed about not receiving medals, promotions or awards during the time he served in the army, and then he bragged about how he managed to skip his duties, used a militar laptop to make his fucking sprite comic and instead of engaging in combat, he just drove a truck to deliver supplies while his buddies were miles away, fighting for their lives.
No wonder they kicked him out, this Joe Pullin guy was a complete waste of space, training and resources for the American Army.

Reading his stupid tantrum about him trying to sue the army was like a replay of Christian Chandler's graduation, where he cried a river and made a complete ass of himself because he didn't got an award or a prize just for being "special"
>> No. 26535
Oh Joe..
>> No. 26536
File 13148161171.png - (36.15KB , 774x257 , 1738_0830.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, I suppose.

Now Joe is stealing "Author" jokes from Bob and George, which stopped being funny a decade ago.

... no, change that. "Author" jokes never were funny to begin.
>> No. 26537
File 131489329588.png - (43.41KB , 774x257 , 1739_0901.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not an expert, but I'm sure that Meta Humour doesn't works this way, mister Joe.

Also, the eyes on your stolen Roll recolour aren't even facing that blocky atrocity that is supposed to be Ravage from G1 Transformers.
>> No. 26538
You can't even understand these comics.

If you can't understand them, how is this "lolcow worthy?"

>> No. 26539

The lolcow aren't the comics, the lolcow is the 40-year old faggot who churns them out every day thinking they are pure gold and that make him be on par with guys like Bill Watterson.

Joe Pullin REALLY expects to get this shit published someday, and throws a tard rage fit whenever somebody tries to explain him why that isn't possible.
>> No. 26540

I don't get it, Does Joe really think he has Fans that view this and pay attention to his stupid blogs? I mean surely the lack of views he gets would speak for it's self. Or is Joe his that Egotisticaly Blind?
>> No. 26541

Looking on his blog and checking his comics, I can tell he doesn't have any fans (or friends)
Instead, Joe Pullin tries to piss people off and then tries to "outsmart" them using his crappy comic or his tard blog comments to feel like he won or something. Either way, this guy is a dumbass.
>> No. 26542
File 131498149785.png - (144.88KB , 774x257 , 1740_0902.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A 40-year old faggot who brags about being awesome, while everyone else are classy homosexuals who deservge to die, and this is the best he can do? Ripping off shitty Bob and George jokes?

... this guy is worse than Christian Chandler, because unlike Chris, Joe doesn't have the autism excuse to justify so much concentrated FAIL.
>> No. 26543
"Monday, September 5, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 36.

A long time ago I used to be about two years ahead of schedule. That has since withered down to about six months. Mostly because I spent a year trying to get a date with Yuffie on Final Fantasy 7.

Six months ago there was this huge controversy over Michelle McCool using A.J. Styles finishing maneuver. Then there was Wrestlemania 27 with several wrestlers using Kurt Angle's five moves of doom.

Of course there's me trying to poke fun at all this six months later.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"


(Also, who the fuck still plays FF VII? That shit is ancient, man)
>> No. 26544
>2 years ahead of schedule
you have to be the definition of shit-tier to have that much backup content on a daily comic
>> No. 26545
He knows that working so far ahead ruins his ability to do topical jokes but he does it anyway?
>> No. 26546

>Mostly because I spent a year trying to get a date with Yuffie on Final Fantasy 7.

... wow.
I don't know what's sadder, a 40-year old guy trying to score a date with a videogame character, or the fact he spent a whole year trying to get it and (apparently) still failed.

Shit, at least Chris-Chan manages to get trophies from his videogames, but THIS level of fail has left me speechless.
>> No. 26547
Wait, why did he take a year? And how did he even fail? There's guides on how to do that.

And why didn't he just watch the sequence on Youtube? It's like five minutes long.
>> No. 26548

I expect he's exaggerating for comic effect.
>> No. 26549
File 131532917335.png - (29.08KB , 774x257 , 1742_0906.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Looks like he's serious, brah.
The only funny part of this is that Joe honestly expected people putting up with his crap for 2 years on a row so they could "get" the joke. Also...

>"Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Win Great with Win 8. Part Deux.
I have been hearing that there might be a major overhaul to the interface. My initial reaction is don't. The start menu and My Computer has been working fine since 1995. Then again, the way iOS works is to just put an icon on the “desktop.” (I don't have an iPad or iPhone, so I'm not familiar with the terminology.) That's exactly what I do. For the common stuff I use all day it's right on the desktop. I just don't want to be locked out of my harddrive. I also don't want to be forced into sticking all of my music in My Music. I don't want to use a Libraries system which is nothing more than an overly complicated version of what I do anyway.

This is something from Win 7 that I love: the Favorites Menu in Explorer. It's easy to add location to it. What’s so great is say I'm in my comic folder and need to go to C drive. I just click on it without having to click on the back button, going to the Start menu, or minimizing a dozen windows to see the hard drive shortcut on the Desktop. I would really like to see that feature kept in Win 8.

Compatibility Mode has been garbage since day one. With Vista and 7 it does have its one good point. If a program won't install, set Compatibility Mode to “Run this program as an administrator” and it may install. However that doesn't mean that program will actually run as it did in XP and 9x. Or at all. Is there a way to get it to work as it was promised to do?

XP Mode made that promise as well, but it was a disappointment. From the overly lengthy startup times to programs not working because the detect that they are on a network. It's one great feature is that I can install an app in XP Mode to test it out. If it is no good, or if it was dangerous to begin with, then it is contained in an easily deletable folder that is not connected to my Win 7 Registry.

Just like a sandbox. What that is just simply an app that is contained in its own folder. Like Rosenkreuzstilette (haven't said a word about that game in a while.) You don't have to install it. It doesn't hook itself into the Registry and a hundred hidden folders. If you get a new computer, just transfer the file and keep going.

Sandboxing is quite the step up from that. The app is locked from being able to access anything else like the Registry. So if you get a virus laden deathtrap, just delete the app. In addition, it tones down DLL hell and won't delete DLLs needed by other programs when it is uninstalled.

The big disadvantage to this system is that it makes it easier to pirate software. But hey, let's be realistic. Hackers and pirates don't care. If you put some protection program in your app, they will find a way to break it. In some cases, upstanding citizens will look for hacks. Especially if they have to go through the twenty page registration process each and every time they click on the app. They will immediately go to Google and look up how to hack a way around such an annoyance. (Or so I hear.)

I think the best way around all that is an app store. I have Intel AppUp. I used it to get Angry Birds up and running. I just registered once and that was it. I can download what I want and uninstall at will. If someone tries to pirate the app by uploading the file folder to a file sharing site, it won't work.

However (didn't see that coming, now did you?) that is an app store's biggest weakness as well. If you can't get the app to work after transferring the file folder, how do you back it up? And no, you can't depend on being able to re-download it. After having installed Win 7, I tried to install Bejeweled 2 that I had downloaded from Popcap. I couldn't play the game because Popcap had lost all my registration information. What if that happens to your copy of Photoshop?

Windows has always had some basic free apps, but some improvement are needed. How about spell check in Word Pad? Or a better GIF filter in MS Paint? Layers, fades, and gradient fills? Just fix the damn transparency bugs.

The one thing that Microsoft should do that they are talking about not doing is an extended public beta testing. With Win 7 MS did what they hadn't done before: get feedback from the everyday user. Granted, up until a few years ago, MS would have had to mail out beta version of software. Only those that had the Technet subscription service could get betas. Just too expensive to mail out to a million people at once. Now that most have high speed internet, it can now be cost effective. Now MS can hear about and fix that MP3 bug before thousands of copies are sold in stores and installed on OEM computers.

If Microsoft had done a public beta test on Vista, there probably never would have been Windows 7.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

Joe's world is changing and HE DOESN'T LIKES IT.
>> No. 26550
I mean, the date sequence is on disc 1 of that game. It should only take like a few hours to get there. How could he possibly spend a year on it?
>> No. 26551

>Looks like he's serious, brah.

No it doesn't, it just looks like he's trying to be funny and failing at it is all.
>> No. 26552
"Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Browsing for a Better Browser.
When I first got on the net way back when. I used what came with Windows: MSN Explorer. I always found it rather slow and unwieldy. A friend pointed me to Internet Explorer. (I got him back, I hooked him up with his now third ex-wife.)

IE was great.


I kept hearing about this foxy little upstart browser. All the magazines and online reviews said it was fast, safe, and easy to use. When I saw that one of my favorite webcomics was saying "Best viewed in Firefox." I decided it was time to take a peak. At first I thought that it was really no different than IE. Until that fateful day that when I went to paste in a password. Instead of hitting Ctrl/V, I hit Ctrl/B. My bookmarks came up. I no longer had to click twice to get them. It's a keeper.


Since then Firefox has become bloated, slow, and unwieldy. I figured it was time for a change. To get me to change browsers, one had to pass two tests. The first is what brought me permanently to Firefox: bookmarks. Could you just import your bookmarks from another browser or a backup file and go forward? Like with Firefox? The one that stuck out like a sore thumb was Safari. For the life of me I couldn't figure out to import my bookmarks and make it look like it does everywhere else. I can drag and drop the backup HTML file onto the Bookmarks Bar then I would have to click twice to get anywhere. Or I can set the bookmarks as my homepage and center click to open the link as a new tab and then click on the tab to see the page.


So how do the others I tested do? Internet Explorer did okay. It alphabetized my bookmarks. Now I get to spend all day reorganizing them back into the order I want. Plus I still have to click once to get to see them. But they stay open during the entire session.

Chrome: They are on a toolbar that autohides. So I have to click twice to get to any page. They imported in the same order as I had them in Firefox.

Opera keeps the bookmarks pane opens and stay open for each session. Alphabetized again and you can't reorganize them. Wait? What's that? I have to check "Sort by My Order." Why doesn't it sort by my order to begin with?

On to test two: my site. I have to admit that one of the things I have failed to do over many years is to see how my site looks on other browsers. Does it function the way I intend? The answer is yes. The CSS, Flash, and links work the way they are supposed to in every browser. For the looks, I get that my site looks basic. I care more about being able to access the comic than spending time designing some super flashy interface that can't be seen because it turns into a mush of CSS and Java-scripting and doesn't work on an iPad. (That is one thing I need to fix: Change the Flash content to YouTube or simple HTML. No big rush since most of that is buried in the archive that isn't visited anyway.)

Firefox, Chrome, and Safari display just fine. I really can't see a difference. Internet Explorer and Opera really stand out. For opposite reasons. IE makes my site look bad.(Who can I blame beside me? I know! Micro$oft!) The links on the darker background are almost impossible to see. There is a setting buried in Internet Options that you can uncheck to make things look the way they are supposed to. But will the average user go that far? No. I've talked to many people. All they really care about is just being able to click around and have a good time. Not dig around in the bowels (literally) of some program to fix what some guy that gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars should have fixed in the first place.

I don't get paid that much. I'll never get paid that much. Maybe that's why I recognize the fact that I will eventually change up the color scheme so it doesn't A: Blind anybody visiting; and B: Doesn't cause any unnecessary squinting to see the links.

Opera is the lone standout. My site looks great (to me. I don't trust my eyes. I've been up all night typing this out.) Turned out better than intended. Everything is nice clean, clear, and crisp.

Final verdict: I'm sticking with Firefox. None off the others have that perfect combination to make me switch. Firefox has all the great add-ons I like and have spent years figuring how to make work. I don't want to start from scratch.

bonus: spelling suggestions:
Ctrl-Carl, Curl
CSS-CUSS, ASS (boy is that spot on)
iPad-paid, IPA
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

Joe doesn't gets paid much.
>> No. 26553
File 131549736465.png - (21.95KB , 774x257 , 1743_0908.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fails, where Joe tried (and as always, FAILED) at Meta humour.
>> No. 26554

I like how he equivaltes someone introducing him to an internet brower to meeting you future ex-wife.
>> No. 26555

You are talking about the manchild who bitched and tried to sue the American army out of butthurt because they didn't gave medals and prizes to him for driving a truck during the brief time he was in the army.

His blog is full of his butthurt and envy against the "corrupt" people who got awarded instead of him, just like Chris-Chan bitching about his graduation.
>> No. 26556
This thread is excellent. His comics are so terrible, yet I can't stop reading them.
>> No. 26557
File 131558084723.png - (22.24KB , 774x257 , 1744_0909.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's doese of fail and a wasted life, where...

- Joe implies he has readers. (Gag stolen brom Bob and George)
- Joe pretends that by lampshading how shitty hs comic is, it retroactively becomes good. (Gag stolen from Bob and George as well.)

These things weren't funny 10 years ago, much less now that every hack around ripped them off to kingdom come.


The charm of this thread isn't the comic, but watching the struggle of a 40-year old manchild who is desperately trying to be funny to impress kids young enough to be his SONS.
>> No. 26558

>The charm of this thread isn't the comic, but watching the struggle of a 40-year old manchild who is desperately trying to be funny to impress kids young enough to be his SONS.

He's old enough that some of them could have kids of their own.
>> No. 26559
>> No. 26560

No, brah. You are doing it wrong.

This isn't the place to link shitty comics, this is the place where we make fun of the dumbasses who make sprite comics, but ONLY if their lives are pathetic.

Gather some info and if what you find is good, then open a new topic and we will laugh together at them.
>> No. 26561
File 131583563688.png - (78.58KB , 774x257 , 1745_0912.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of fail, misery and fucking OLD jokes. Also, today's dose of Joe's diarrhea of the mouth:

"Sunday, September 11, 2011
“No Great Economic Sacrifice;” Are You Kidding Me?
Tooling around trying to find something on the radio to listen to, I fall upon a daytime talk show. The guest on at the time was talking about the War on Terror. He made a point that there has been no call for economic sacrifice. He meant stuff like Victory Gardens, scrap metal recycling, buy war bonds, and bring back the Steel Penny. While true, the guest hadn't thought it through and I was ticked that the host hadn't challenged that statement.

I'll pick up the slack.

There has been great economic sacrifice. One way is the call to duty by the military. The military is essentially divided into two main parts: Active and Guard/Reserve. The Active Duty's impact on the economy is that when a unit deploys that's anywhere from 100 to 1000 people no longer participating in the local economy for at least a year. That number of people not buying food, gas, clothes, music, books, movies, manga, going to baseball games, dry cleaning, military surplus, and going to strip clubs. That can really hurt a small community that is completely dependent on the military customers for its business. And businesses can go away for good leaving employees without jobs.

I will put myself into a potentially hazardous situation and say the when a Guard or Reserve unit deploys, that can even be more detrimental. Why? Who makes up one of these units? Unlike an Active unit that is made up of people from all over America, and in some cases all over the world. A Guard unit is made up of people from the local towns, cities, counties, and states. These people are not soldiers 24/7. When not doing the two weekends a month and two weeks out of the summer; they are going to their day jobs. People like plumbers, carpenters, truckers, managers, telemarketers, cops, firefighters, lawyers, judges, politicians, and strippers.

These citizen soldiers are activated and become full time soldiers for at least two years. A year to train up and deploy then redeploy. And a year on the actual deployment. That's two years of not participating in the local economy. Especially if you are making less as a soldier than a garbage collector. On top of that businesses have just lost several employees and now must scramble to fill those positions. It costs a business a lot of money to hire someone, even just temporarily to fill a slot. These businesses are losing customers because they can't fulfill the customer orders. Those customers are losing business because they are scrambling to fill slots left open by deploying Guard/Reserve employees.

Two years later the citizen soldier comes home gets their job back (hopefully, I've heard stories) and one year later does it all again.

So even though you are not seeing a flood of ads to join the Army in the national interest, doesn't mean that there hasn't been a call for great economic sacrifice.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"
>> No. 26562
File 131584116637.jpg - (40.03KB , 562x437 , Ha Ha Ha OH WOW.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The big disadvantage to this system is that it makes it easier to pirate software. But hey, let's be realistic. Hackers and pirates don't care.
>>this guy is against piracy
oh lawdy

>Especially if they have to go through the twenty page registration process each and every time they click on the app. They will immediately go to Google and look up how to hack a way around such an annoyance. (Or so I hear.)
quit being so modest

>What if that happens to your copy of Photoshop?

>The one that stuck out like a sore thumb was Safari.
seriously? the only reason Safari for Windows exists is for macfags who can't transition to Windows.
>> No. 26563
File 131586321577.png - (30.02KB , 260x257 , scrunchy man.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Monday, September 12, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 37.

I do an occasional comic for my Facebook friends. Yes, I still have some. I call it Penelope for Your Thoughts. It's news with Cajun Bob Vivant: Penny Bell. The format I use is is a news broadcast with Op and Penny. (Ravy is currently on another assignment.) I've been using that system to kind of explain in long, drawn out, and painfully inaccurate ways on how I make these comics.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe implying that real people wanted to befriend him.
>> No. 26564
File 131597897580.png - (97.06KB , 774x257 , 1746_0913.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I- I don't know what to think of this.
Well, if anything, it confirmates that Joe keeps a Facebook account, so a possible trolling appeared on the horizon.
Also, his e-mail is [email protected]
>> No. 26565
I don't understand any of this guy's fucking comics! WTH are any of them ever talking about? I read one, then go back and read a;ll the preceding strips to see what they're referring to, and they still make zero sense.

Is there a secret nerd culture that these all make sense to? Or has he gone so far up his own ass writing this series that he's gone completely insane?
>> No. 26566
He's so far removed from reality that he doesn't realize that most of his comics only make sense to him.
>> No. 26567

>>Or has he gone so far up his own ass writing this series that he's gone completely insane?

Basically, This.
>> No. 26568
Anyone ever think that these lolcows create threads here to get publicity?
>> No. 26569

It's a possibility, but there's also the thing of them posting on a place where they have no power.
If there's a trait that all lolcows share is their complete aversion to go to places where they can't control what other people says.

Now go to Joe's shitty page and notice how everything posted there must be approved by him before you could read it.
>> No. 26570
"Wednesday, September 14, 2011
How Other Comics Annoy Me Personally: Part One.
Another multiparter, This one is tentatively planned for three. No promises.

As a reader of several webcomics, there are things in the web design that annoy me. When talking about it I'm not doing it as a programmer. I'm going to say my peace as a consumer. (What's that saying? Those who can't... criticize?)

The first is on navigation. There's more than one comic, so how do you navigate to those others? Sometimes funny symbols are used. The symbols blend into the background. Java scripting and Flash is used and therefore is not usable because they are blocked by the browser. With text sometimes the background color obscures the text link. People will use words not native to themselves. And I'm left guessing what it is I have to do to find the previous comic. Other times you can't find home link in the real tiny text on the bottom left underneath all the blogging.

Is there any real solution to archives? Drop down menus, calenders, lists, to just flat out nothing at all. I understand that there may really be no silver bullet especially for those letting a free service do that archiving for them.

Don't blind the reader. And don't give them an epileptic fit. Use colors that let the text be readable. Bright pinks, reds, yellows will send me away getting the eye drops and an insulin shot. Don't send people from a really dark page to a white page. That really hurts my eyes. As an example go to Page 50 of Season 20. Click on the Dr. Wily logo at the top. Just remember, you don't have to click on it. It's not like I have your cat or anything.

Hiding the comic. I hate this. I go to website that is abstemiously about a comic strip. Instead I'm greeted by the cartoonist's Bob Zany like zeal in selling merch. So you have to scroll down to read the comic. Keep the comic above the fold. So that it can be read first thing. Have some title graphic, some links that you think are important, but please center the comic at eye level. If you must tell us about how much up some other cartoonist's ass you nose is or how you can't get enough of some obscure Japanese video game; PUH-LEASE put it below the comic or a link to some other page.

Don't put the comic on some other page. I'm going to your comic's home page I would like to think I'm going to see a comics strip. I don't want to have to click on “current/newest/latest comic” just to have to click on link to click on a thumbnail view to click on another thumbnail to get blinded because now I'm staring center of a white background.

And why are there still “click here to enter” pages that are just “click here to enter?”

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>Joe being his usual hypocrite self.
>> No. 26571
>urge to kill...rising
oh look, he ripped off Alice's fist of death from Dilbert. classy that nothing is off limits with him.
>> No. 26572

Thought that line was from the simpsons.
>> No. 26573

Either way, Joe stole it and completely ruined it.
>> No. 26574
Now that you mention it, that does sound familiar.
>> No. 26575
Hell, I'm a weeaboo and reading this guys site makes me feel like Ron motherfucking Jeremy.
>> No. 26576
File 131605264694.jpg - (71.39KB , 1074x572 , birdiesaint.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What the fuck 21 and 14 is fucking common om Mexico, really TALL AMERICAN SCUMS are fucking Christians of the EUGENIC caliber.
>> No. 26577
Well, Joe seems to have taken his site down.
Apparently, he couldn't withstand criticism anymore so he took the easy route: DELETING EVERYTHING.
>> No. 26578
File 131612554983.png - (20.63KB , 774x257 , 1747_0915.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nope, he is back and apparently, he's throwing a revenge comic against these people from who he stole from.
>> No. 26579
File 131612858415.png - (20.51KB , 640x360 , Template.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...is there supposed to be a joke in these comics?

I can't understand what the hell he's getting at, and it doesn't help it's a sprite comic that never changed, with over a thousand pages.

Is it like his story-blog? Or... wh...

My head hurts.
>> No. 26580

Same here. I just read this entie thread to get away from "EDGYMORALFAGRIPBOB" and I still don't get it

Although I do have to say, this dude probably has worse mental facilities than Chris
>> No. 26581
File 131613773570.jpg - (18.65KB , 260x225 , l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So I found this on his MySpace.

Latest posts are from 2005 and sadly, there isn't more information.

This could be interesting:
I'm tired as fuck right now so I didn't read enough of of his post, but the fact that this user thinks that Audacity is illegal might be proof enough to say it's the same guy OP was talking about.
>> No. 26582
>"My Web Site
>A shameless promotion: ravycomics.com. This is based on a comic I have been doing for over 18 years now. Unlike most other web comics, I actually have characters who ARE NOT Megaman recolours. Okay, three."

Joe's characters were stolen from Psyguy's community and they WERE recolored versions of shoddy Megaman edits anyways.
>> No. 26583
File 131618130762.png - (394.93KB , 1224x432 , www_planetlakay_com 2011-9-16 15:50:19.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Couldn't get the direct link to the video.

>> No. 26584
File 131618585885.png - (26.87KB , 774x257 , 1748_0916.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Wait, so this old fart was nothing but a glorified mechanic rather than a REAL soldier?
No wonder he never received a medal then.

Also, Joe's dose of diarrhea of the mouth:

"Friday, September 16, 2011
Win 8: Fail Great.
I know it's too soon, but I am annoyed within five minutes of using it. Greeted with the touch interface. Click on desktop and goes to what looks like Win Vista. Want to play Solitaire? Click on the Start button and go right back to Touch. Click on Explorer to get to Libraries. Then you can get to My Computer. Now I'm really annoyed because I now have to dig through many folders to find Solitaire. Then I realize that I have forgotten the filename used. You see the name you see in the Start menu is not what is used in Programs and other folders.

There's MS Paint. Just as buggy as it is in Win 7. XP Paint still works. I transferred it over it open and works fine. Except the fact it adopts all the bugs too.

I only tried the Ink Pad app, much to my dismay I couldn't close it. I'm guessing that there is supposed to be a button on whatever pad device Win 8 is going on the closes apps, but you still need that close button in the app itself. Had to Ctrl-Alt-Delete to close it.

I've only tried it for an hour, not loaded any other programs, and don't have any drivers. I'll continue looking at it and report back.

Download it here:
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>> No. 26585
Can I ask you guys, what's funny in this guy?

Funny, as opposed to just stupid.
>> No. 26586
File 131618608377.png - (244.89KB , 1664x944 , facebook_com 2011-9-16 17:10:34.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes, it's him. Wis wall is completelly empty and his photos are hidden, while I'm not expecting to find there any.

His 25 friends seems to be IRL friends or relatives at least they're all American. I'm not sure if I should send him a request.
>> No. 26587

Joe is funny because his entire existence is made of fail and unlike Chris-Chan, he doesn't have the excuse of being autistic or crap. And he's a decade older than Chris, but shares his same tastes for toys, animu and VEEEDEOGAEMS as well.

And unlike Chris, who has been kicked out from malls, stores and college, Joe never went to college and was kicked out from the fucking ARMY. You know that someone is a complete loser when not even the army wants him there to do grunt work.

Basically, this crappy comic is all what fills his empty life, and he truly expects to get this shit published someday: with the correct push, Joe Pullin could become the next Christian Chandler or at least, keep us entertained until Chris starts making videos again.
>> No. 26588
Joe Pullin
PO Box 756
83644 Middleton, ID
[email protected]

Is that a real phonenumber? I'm not American and nut quite familar with your PO Box / phone system.
>> No. 26589

It looks a a legit number, but that area code (253) is in Washington, not Idaho.
>> No. 26590

Joe's doman is paid until 2012-06-21 but it's not locked.
Which means anyone could register the domain after it expires, leaving Joe without the only thing he really cares about?
>> No. 26591
Just remember what happened when the trolls took over the Cwcki, it was funny for a short time but ended up with Chris not updating on the site any more and losing a lot of content generation.

(I haven't read this thread before but just noticed this post)
>> No. 26592
God damn, I try to make 3-panel comics as unfunny as his, but I keep ending up with a punchline.

How does he do it?
>> No. 26593

He has been doing it non-stop since 1987, you can't compete with that level of FAIL experience.
... and remember, Joe claims to be on the same level of people like Bill Watterson, Joe even says "us cartoonists" when he talks about professional comic authors and REALLY BELIEVES that someday, his "Ravy Comics" could get syndicated to get published on a newspaper.

At least Chris-Chan only took half of a decade before he realized that Sonichu was going nowhere and dumped it, while Joe has been doing it for TWENTY-FUCKING-FOUR YEARS and still doesn't gets it.
>> No. 26594

So, that's Joe?
Man, he looks like a pedo, which may explain his fetish with Sailor Moon and the father/daughter creepy incest shit he seems to love so much.
>> No. 26595
File 131645699766.png - (24.08KB , 774x257 , 1749_0919.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26596
So, any ideas how to troll him? We've got his email and FB, nothing else.
Anyone wants to try out how arrogant he really is by pretending to be his fan? I'm not a troll, I have no ideas.
>> No. 26597
  >Joe trying to be funny, but in video form

Also, Joe's youtube account
>> No. 26598
>So, any ideas how to troll him?

Well, Joe is extremely defensive of his crappy comic and is known to throw tantrums whenever he's reminded of how much he sucks or how much stuff he stole, which is one of the reasons why he locked the comments on his crappy blog and all opinions posted there must get his approval before being posted.

A guy suggested making a dummy page and uploading Joe's comics there, then tipping him off and see him trying to argue with people on a place where he holds no power to control what's said.
>> No. 26599
File 13165602005.png - (63.46KB , 544x629 , audacity.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Audacity is illegal
wait, what?
>> No. 26600
>REID Alert

Is there a reference I'm missing?
>> No. 26601
I'm guessing it's a reference that either
a) he stole from bob & george
b) is RanDomM aCceSs hUmOR
c) doesn't exists outside of his own mind
>> No. 26602
"Wednesday, September 21, 2011
How Other Comics Annoy Me Personally: Part Two.
Continuing where I left off with web design and go in a more attitudinal direction.

Overdoing the graphics. Now the choice of a simplistic design versus a grandiose is a personal one. (Sometimes it seems as if the cartoonist spends more time on the back and next buttons than he does the actual comic). I believe that the comic is the most important part. That is why I said previously is to put it at the top and centered so it loads quicker. Putting up a bunch of surrounding graphics drastically slows down load times. Especially if you are on a slow server.

I use a cable modem, four GB of ram, Phenom 2 3.0, and a VelociRaptor. Some comics still take more than 20 seconds. Some of those comics are in JPG. You can say I'm being impatient, but think of all those people that are still on dial up. Combine a slow server with dial up and you can just forget about ever having an audience or even having a guy come back twice.

So what you can do is change servers. Which may mean a new URL. Please be sure to leave a note on the original site saying you have moved. I have given up on many a comic because I had thought the cartoonist had given up. Only to find years later that that I am now years behind in reading and collecting.

You have your nifty new high speed server. So now you think it is time to retool everything with all the new Java scripting, CSS, and layouts you have been studying on for months. Please don't shut down your site. Leave it up. You can do all this retooling on your hard drive without having to upload anything. Please continue updating the comic as you do this or else people will think you gave up. If you take your site down and only leave a message about it being under construction, and it may take longer than you think (it always does) and people will think you gave up. Also you won't get any new readers because the search bots can't crawl your site. So if there is an explosion of interest in some obscure Japanese video game, and you did some comics about it, you may wind up missing the boat.

You’re done with the retooling, spent weeks testing, retesting, and testing some more to make sure everything runs correctly. And you tested it some more. You've uploaded it. No complaints, or no complaints worth paying any attention too. Now's the time to take that extended vacation.

Please TELL US give us a time frame as to your expected return. Remember, these can take longer than you think (it always does.) When it does, give us a note saying that updates will resume a little later than expected.

Oh yes, updates, the thing that annoys me the most. Even if you have no regular update schedule, you have one. You fall into a habit of posting new comics at a certain time all the time. Fans are very smart and figure it out real quick. If you think that just because you don't have an announced schedule and you can skip today's, this week's, or this month's update, think again. Because of the fact you will fall into the habit of screwing off updates. It is always better to piss off readers with the content of the comic or your blog than it is by not updating because you're trying to get the date with some chick in a video game.

You must always update at the same time all the time. Us true fans are always forgiving of down servers, bad weather, melted CPUs, or a total loss of interest. Just be sure to tell us that you have found out that this thing called “woman” is more interesting than some comic about obscure Japanese video games, magic girls, and lesbians.

Next week: The comics themselves.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe's diarrhea of the mouth (mixed with his trademarked hipocricy) keeps flowing and flowing.
>> No. 26603
File 131661912128.jpg - (7.78KB , 183x158 , Bwahahahahahaha!!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>It is always better to piss off readers with the content of the comic or your blog than it is by not updating because you're trying to get the date with some chick in a video game.
>>he thinks other people have also done this
>> No. 26604

It's pitful to see a grown-up man disgracing himself with these kiddy attempts to get attention, yes.
Also, it's pathetic to watch the guy writing these walls of text where he pretends to "educate" people into disliking what he dislikes and convince them that his shitty comic is pure gold.
>> No. 26605

>Just be sure to tell us that you have found out that this thing called “woman” is more interesting than some comic about obscure Japanese video games, magic girls, and lesbians.

"Woman" is more interesting than what Joe creates.

Then again, watching puke swirl in a toilet after you threw up is more interesting than what Joe creates.
>> No. 26606
> Joe creates

And by "creates" you mean "Steals from people 20 years younger than him", right?

Also, Joe treating women like non-sentient sex objects on his comic and then implying he knows jack about women only confirmates him as a frustrated virgin with RRRRRAGE.
>> No. 26607
> I have given up on many a comic because I had thought the cartoonist had given up. Only to find years later that that I am now years behind in reading and collecting.

Reading this I can't help but think that they did it on purpose to keep Joe from reading their comics.
>> No. 26608

Or to keep him from stealing from them.
>> No. 26609
File 131670768026.png - (37.92KB , 774x257 , 1751_0922.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of Joe's unestable ramblings, diarrhea of the mouth and piddly attempts at being smug.

"Win 8: Fail Great."
4 Comments - Show Original Post
Collapse comments
Anonymous said...

Your website is shit, and your comics are completely unfunny.

September 17, 2011 6:56 PM
Joe said...

Dammit, I screwed up, I was supposed to post that comment in the article with me bitching about other people's web designs and comics.

September 19, 2011 6:01 PM
Anonymous said...


September 20, 2011 6:53 AM
Joe said...

I finally got to listen to Leo Laport's show and it seems as if he ran into some of the same problems I did. Also he noticed something I didn't: Win 8 loaded much quicker than 7. He's right. I tested it on a five year old P4 3.0 with 2GB of ram and on board video and it was really much faster overall. It was a little choppy but probably only because I have yet to take the time to plug it into the internet and download some drivers.

September 20, 2011 6:02 PM"
>> No. 26610
>I didn't how to handle that
>I didn't how

>> No. 26611
File 131674099410.png - (38.63KB , 774x257 , 1752_0923.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Joe's new dose of broken dreams, wasted life and 354,619,509th Bob and George ripoff.
>> No. 26612
Holy crap, this joke is actually coherent.
>> No. 26613

Yeah, because he stole it. See, Joe's jokes are always good an original, however...

- When the joke is good, it wasn't original, aka he stole it from elsewhere.
- When the joke is original, aka from Joe himself it isn't good.
>> No. 26614

What the fuck is this.
>> No. 26615
Atleast Joe's Comic isn't Homestuck.
>> No. 26616

Of course not, because even Homestuck has fans and the author openly says he writes it with his butt just to see how long will his fans endure the crappiness.

Joe doesn't have a single fan and he genuinely believes he's pure gold and whoever disagrees is automatically a homo who must be killed to keep the country's purity.
>> No. 26617
As much as I hate Homosuck, I can't deny it's well done, these .gif/flash combos are indeed interesting.

Ravycomics on the other hand are purest crap, it's not even so-bad-that-it's-funny as Sonichu.
>> No. 26618
File 131714987648.png - (46.00KB , 774x257 , 1754_0927.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fail, daily dose, Bob and George ripoff, etc.
>> No. 26619
"Wednesday, September 28, 2011
How Other Comics Annoy Me Personally: Part 3. Take your pinky off teh shift key.
I'd bet you're probably thinking I have certain people in mind. Of course I do. I'm constantly taking the time to quickly look at their webpages and comics as I type this out. But I'm not going to name names. Why not? Because I keep seeing these annoyances repeated over and over. Just because teh really cool kids did it, doesn't mean you'll (me) be cool as well. Just because they did this spectacular effect, doesn't mean it was any good to begin with. Count how many times it was used. If was used once, or even a few times, (or even in every comic,) probably wasn't a good idea to begin with and is not worth repeating.

In this rambling misgiving I am going after the comics themselves. What I am NOT going to do is criticize story, jokes, writing, or even the art. What's good and what is not good is subjective. One person finds stick figures a number one, the next finds it crap. Someone may think jokes about lesbian twin sisters are funny, or maybe they think it's just gay.

I just got done reading a comic about a fairly popular video game amongst a group of hardcore fans and discovered that while the art style was very distracting, I found myself ignoring it and reading the text. It was well written and the jokes were pretty funny.

Another reason I won't name names is that I don't want to piss off certain people. SO I'll just go back to my random ramblings.

Headers and footers. Sometimes these can be excessively too large. I opened up one of these comics in MS Paint with the magnification set at 100%; I took a tape measure to my monitor and measured it. The whole comic was about seven and a half inches tall. The header and footer was two and a half inches. Really? Inch and a quarter apiece? Really? That really is annoying. You got to have some way to identify your comic sure, do a cover page. (Please not a “click here to enter.”) Put in some fancy, but small and undistracting title bar and if you must have a copyright statement keep it short, sweet, to the point, small, and undistracting.

Keep in mind how people read. Since I come from a European background I read left to right so I construct my comics the same way. I try and keep it so that there is no question as to which speech box is to be read first, second, third, and so on. The second will usually be to the right or below the first. Only rarely do speech boxes cross panels. I try not to cover up the characters at all costs. Though sometimes I have no choice or I need to hide something for a while. The text is clean and crisp (usually for easy editing if years later I find I mispelled a word,) and it is on a flat white background.

However, people still haven't learned from other people's mistakes. I've seen this font that puts a halo around the text. This would be a cool effect for angels, but not every character. It gets to be very difficult to read with the background showing through. Speaking of that, FOR GODDESS SAKE DON”T FADE THE TEXT BOX INTO THE BACKGROUND! On top of that DON”T USE A FONT LESS THAN A TEN AND THAT IS ANTI-ALIASSED! You do this, people won't read your comic because they can't. You may have Superman like vision, not everybody else can see through Lois Lane's clothes.

Now the occasional misspelled word is okay, but not okay in every line. Use a word predecessor to type everything out first and then copy/paste it into the comic. Get one with a spell check. You can download Open Office for free. (Buy the weigh, spell chucks wont cats gamma.)

How do we read? Typically you don't move your head , you don't move the book, you don't move the monitor. You move your eyes. (And sometimes lips.) So make sure you consider this: NO LEFT TO RIGHT SCROLL BARS! It is annoying to have to stop reading, move the mouse to the bottom of the browser and move the screen, continue reading, stop, scroll back to the left, continue reading, stop..... you get it? Be sure to chose a panel format that prevents left/right scroll bars. Consider the flow of the comic. Will the reader be able to at least understand which way to read it? I've seen comics constructed like it was a game of snake. You start in the upper left, then it's up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, and Mr. T as B.A. Baracus.

One final bit about flow is once in a while I'll see the up to down method. It's not just a webcomic thing. Some nationally syndicated cartoonists and my local paper will often chop up comics to do this for space. It's annoying.

Here is one thing about writing and flow: This comic I was reading last year seemed as if it was changing stories halfway through the comic. Out of an eight panel or so comic, it felt like I was reading a different comic at around panel five. Not really annoying, just confusing. It was beautifully animated, just not a consistent read within one single comic.

Oops, Am I criticizing something I said I wasn't going to criticize? Put it to you this way, writing to me is the most important part. So what about stick figures? Good writing will overcome that every time. Then again, what's that song by Tim Wilson?

Plan ahead on your publication destination. If you have your own site which allows for the format, size, and color depth you desire, great. But not everybody can spend the money. So you decide to use a freebie site instead. These freebies can have many limitations. Some are not mentioned. Facebook changes all formats to JPG. They say you can upload a GIF, but it is re-GIFed at a lower quality or even changed to JPG. I have to consider that. One of my local papers runs a bad cartoon contest every year. I have to print out the comics, then they scan them in and resize for the paper. I've learned to make compromises of number of colors and what colors to use. For one comic I had to change the color of Penny's speech box so it wouldn't blend into the background.

Keep in mind that site providers will often shrink large comics down. So the reader will have to click on a thumbnail to see a slightly larger version, click on another thumbnail to see an even slightly larger thumbnail, to click on that to be blinded by white background.

Filenames. Keep your comics organized. If someone is asking about comic number 1495 you can look it up real quick and give an answer immediately instead of stalling for days trying to track it down. Plus, some readers save comics, they do like to reread them in order. A number of free providers have this strange tendency to generate completely random filenames. Like comic number 1 suddenly becomes 34r78106re2807314 b1bx018exb7t1e82t7bex871290te087.

If you can't control the file name, put the comic number in the header or footer.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe's diarrhea of the mouth keeps flowing nonstop.
>> No. 26620
>Use a word predecessor

>up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right
did he really just...

>Like comic number 1 suddenly becomes 34r78106re28073141bx018exb7t1e82t7bex871290te087
it's called an md5 hash, and it's used to ensure that all files have a unique filename. also, they never have R X or T in them.
>> No. 26621
File 131731815180.png - (72.17KB , 774x257 , 1755_0929.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of Joe's autistic chaos. What the fuck is this supposed to mean?
>> No. 26622
It's abstract art. Trust me. It is.
>> No. 26623

His comics give me a feeling of anger and confusion.
>> No. 26624

His comics makes me feel pity at seeing how a grown up man has wasted 24 years of his life on a piece of crap that never got good and was never good to begin.
He doesn't have a job, he never got married, never formed a family of his own, he achieved nothing of value on his entire life.
The only thing Joe Pullin can show as his life achievement is this fucking sprite comic, and that's sad beyond words.
>> No. 26625
File 131740752982.png - (90.93KB , 774x257 , 1756_0930.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26626
not knowing how to actually utilize dramatic buildup=/=abstract art
my best guess is joe thinks he's using dramatic buildup to keep people on the edge of their seat.
but in reality, that only works if they have something to anticipate. since any one of joes comics taken alone looks like a buildup strip; and even when put together in order, they still make no sense; the anticipation is instead replaced with frustration.

tl;dr joe thinks he's being dramatic be he doesn't understand how dramatic pause really works
>> No. 26627

He has been doing this for 24 years. This is just my opinion, but I don't think Joe has any idea of what the fuck is he doing.

But don't say it to him, because he will point a finger to you and call you homosexual.
>> No. 26628
File 131765693633.png - (82.36KB , 774x257 , 1757_1003.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Today's dose of concentrated FAIL.

"Monday, October 3, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 40.
Long long time ago I made mention that I spent hours pasting together a new background, then forgot to save the extra stuff not used in the panel.

A week later I found it.

I have a not new, but new to me way of making these. I save them as JPGs. The dithering gives backgrounds and objects a "rough textured" appearance. I like it. Of course I then resave them as PNGs to prevent any further dithering.

One more thing:

Click Here.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

Oh, and Joe is MAD: http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=7211290368536642212&postID=1208396609023857639
>> No. 26629
I just read 20 pages of back strips.
I have no idea why; but I really didn't think that it could possibly leave me more confused than before.
>> No. 26630
File 131767007577.jpg - (52.21KB , 678x444 , chinese_cheezeman_having_a_seizure.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Of course not, because even Homestuck has fans and the author openly says he writes it with his butt just to see how long will his fans endure the crappiness.

God damn it, you made me picture the Husslips squeezing his tablet pen between his buttcheeks crouching over his computer, and the shitty fans with their home-made hats and costumes just scarfing down a flood of shit shooting out of their monitors.

And now I've gone and spit my soda all over this screen again.
>> No. 26631
This post motivated me to find out what the hell homestuck is.
I remember reading their detective thing a while ago. Seemed pretty okay until they got out of their offices, and I quit when it became bullshit anime space fighting for over 1000 pages.
>> No. 26632

Problem Sleuth was fun and wacky, but yes, it dragged too much and near the end, you could tell it's author was trying too hard.
Homestuck was an attempt to repeat the formula, but this time it didn't went so good.

Joe's comic began as wish fulfillment crap and after 24 years, it continues being a wish fulfillment wankfantasy to fill the void on Joe's heart after -literally- wasting his life and going nowhere with it.

Oh, and he reads this thread. It upsets him, and he has tried to post here to derail the discussion. How do I know this?
Haha, you wish I said it. Eh, Joe?

Have fum messaging your friends, or at least the people you think are your friends.
>> No. 26633
File 131768166730.jpg - (9.95KB , 256x170 , 1259284991885.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>makes a big deal out of knowing Joe's here
>doesn't tell us how he knows
>misspelled "fun" as "fum"
>> No. 26634
File 131768473524.gif - (63.92KB , 356x294 , 0000ca.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>misspelled "fun" as "fum"

He fumbled it!
>> No. 26635
File 13177578595.png - (29.23KB , 774x257 , 1758_1004.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, this was Joe's great reveal.
Now, if we just could have a fucking idea of what the dick it means...
>> No. 26636
"Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Addendum to Economic Sacrifice.
I forgot to mention this earlier, and it was quite the controversy years ago in my state. When Guard and Reserve Units would come back form Afghanistan and Iraq, they would leave their equipment behind. I can only guess at the reasons: expedites transitions for one unit to another. You can deploy quicker if you don't have to spend weeks prepping gear. You can can continue working up to the last minute if the equipment is staying. You won't have to waste time washing it. The equipment will be available immediately upon a new units arrival. Often Guard/Reserve gear doesn't have as much wear and tear on that Active Duty gear does.

That left a jurisdictional dispute between the states, the Feds, and the Four-H Club. In times of natural disasters states would use that equipment to fight fires, floods, and such and such. It was bad enough losing all these people and the economic input the were providing, then losing the use of the equipment permanently. The states were expecting this stuff back.

I'm a little bit very hazy as to the command/control and who pays what, but in the five minutes I spent looking it up I saw why states would object. Without that camouflaged equipment, states would have to negotiate with local contractors and pay 100% of everything. So states would have to come up with additional revenue out of an already strained budget.

There is an upside, that equipment needs to be replaced. And I have been seeing a lot of brand new M916A3s getting delivered over the past several years.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe goes and runs his mouth off talking about things he obviously knows nothing about.
>> No. 26637
So, what the fuck is his blog about?

Let me try to get it straight, he nuked his Windows version to install "some Linux distributions" to install Hackintosh (well I know nothing about this, I don't even have an idea why someone would willingly use Mac OS on a PC) just to bitch about how much the paint tool sucks? Why don't he fucking stick with "some" Linux distribution where he could get GIMP and some MSPaint clones within few mouse clicks legally for free? Ah, well, he rather save up some money for some crappy 30$ software that supports transparency in .png files.

And that's the message of his posts? That Hackintosh and Linux suck because he wont even try to understand it? What the fuck? Is he mentally challenged or something?

And what's up with his Win8 "reviews"? Does he just judge an entire OS by it's paint tool?

Also, as much as English is my third language and I usually have no trouble understanding anything on the internet; I can't fucking understand a single sentence from his posts. Is it some kind of high-level philosophical language that only the high-educated can understand? I don't get it.
>> No. 26638
>Is it some kind of high-level philosophical language that only the high-educated can understand?

Nope, it's just autism.
>> No. 26639
File 131785503210.jpg - (12.88KB , 441x408 , George_takei_grins_at_your_failures.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>And what's up with his Win8 "reviews"? Does he just judge an entire OS by it's paint tool?

Well, it sure is all he uses.
>> No. 26640
> Also, as much as English is my third language and I usually have no trouble understanding anything on the internet; I can't fucking understand a single sentence from his posts.

Well, Joe has recently answered to 2 comments... by linking to some stupid YouTube videos. I don't know if he's trying to be smug or if he's just a fucking idiot uncapable of communicate anymore.
No wonder they kicked him out from the army, a dumbass like him isn't even suitable for grunt work.
>> No. 26641
>as much as English is my third language
Congrats. You're more more literate than most native speakers.
>> No. 26642

Well, at least more than Joe Pullin.
>> No. 26643
File 131786438314.jpg - (40.72KB , 700x442 , dose.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sure is a fuck load of purple and green.
>> No. 26644
File 131794255731.png - (29.18KB , 774x257 , 1759_1006.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And so, Joe moves from bathroom humour to lolicon and now to a cheap attempt at drama and social bullshit.
Nope.avi, Joe.
>> No. 26645

Seriously, look at the second panel. GODDAMN.
>> No. 26646

Go ahead, go to Joe's shitty blog and comment about that.
He will laugh at you, call you homosexual and post a link to a youtube video as his smug answer, then he will post another wall of text explaining how his wall of texts are pure genius like his cartoonist fellow Bill Watterson.
>> No. 26647
File 131794966883.png - (27.31KB , 774x257 , 1760_1007.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Joe quickly made another comic to get rid of the wall of text.
>> No. 26648
File 131804289013.jpg - (30.43KB , 500x375 , stop_posting_cat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Joe, if you're reading this thread...

It's time to give up, brah.
>> No. 26649
" Anonymous said...

You should use a gradient fill instead of saving as jpegs because that keeps all the color inside the object. Cleaning up all the extra pixels must take a long time.

October 6, 2011 3:15 PM
Joe said...

I think it's supposed to go like this:

Caller: "I've searched this forum/blog and I'm not sure if this is the right place to say this..." Then proceeds with statement/question.

Then I chime in with:

Joe: "No it isn't." And then respond to the statement/question.

To deal with excess pixels caused by saving as a jpeg I have already saved a version as a png. In the case of the storage unit I drew a box around the png version, and whited out the storage unit so it now looks like a cutout. A big block of color with a white center in the shape of a storage unit.I paste it over the jpeg storage unit thereby wiping out all the extra pixels.

Then DAMMIT! I hit "save" instead of "save as" causing me to have to do the process all over again.

October 8, 2011 6:27 AM"

> Joe is either sockpuppeting or once again, trying to sound smart while vomiting diarrhea from his mouth.
>> No. 26650
"Monday, October 10, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 41.
Click Here.

When coming up with character names, I have two versions: One is the real one, the other is the back story I make up at the last possible second for the comic.

Sera's name is directly from Megaman Dash 2. In the comic however, let's say that only those who have for some strange reason been hanging around long enough would know what other character has that name.

On top of that, I'm about half way done with next year's run of comics and I have yet to reveal why Toni thinks she's heard the name "Hanakoganei" before.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>Confirmed; Joe does nothing but stay on his room all day long churning out his crappy comics.
>> No. 26651
File 131836866091.jpg - (93.19KB , 576x384 , disgruntled starfish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>On top of that, I'm about half way done with next year's run of comics

>> No. 26652
File 131836940789.jpg - (17.76KB , 211x372 , 211px-Hibari_Hanakoganei.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


5 seconds after searching. Confirmed for more unoriginal BS.
>> No. 26653
File 13183742727.png - (29.59KB , 774x257 , 1762_1011.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Joe keeps stealing animu shit to pass as his own.

I posted on his crappy blog to tell him that "Toni" and "Becky" (His lesbian OCs) were names fitting two pornostar bitches and he not only refused to post my comment but also deleted some old ones.

So I guess he defends his crappy Roll recolors because he's in love with them? It could be, as these crappy lesbian characters have been with him during 3/4 of his life and who knows what kind of sexual adventures has Joe been thinking during 30 years.
>> No. 26654
"Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Winning Great with Win 98: Fluxed Capacitors.
No I didn't change my mind about Win 8 and misspelled it in the title.

If you're expecting this to be one of my long drawn out diarrhea of the keyboard sessions with lots of unrelated twists and turns and ultimately ends up with me realizing that what I wanted was in front of my face the whole time making all that work moot, you're right. Let's get started.

A while ago a friend of mine got a butt load of ancient copiers and was tearing them down for the scrap metal. I blundered by and took a look around to see if there was anything worth saving. I saw nothing and told her to make sure to separate out the aluminum. As I was getting ready to leave I stumbled over this:

Cool. "Do you mind if I take it home and look at? If it's good enough I could take it to the auction and sell it for you."

"I was hoping you would. I know nothing about computers."

Skipping ahead to my workspace. I open it up and was surprised to see a couple of SATA ports and a stick 1 GB, 256 GB, and 128 GB of ram. Somebody must have added that ram in at some point. Now I plug everything in and peek through the bios and see a 2.6 Celeron. Nothing fancy but an interesting choice for a computer meant to run some copiers. I leave the bios and note on the post screen the option for a boot menu. Now even more surprising is that I can boot from a USB. Now I'm impressed. For a pretty old machine it has a function my brand newer rig doesn't.

Alas it turns out that hard drive is scrap metal. Throw in another and proceed to find the drivers. Going from HP's home page I drill down until I find the HP Compaq D530 SFF. That page says "Huh? We don't know what that is." You got a picture of it right there! "Huh? We do?" (By the way, I just looked again, it's worse, they won't even show me the page.)

It's Google time. First page is drivers for XP. Good good. But I need drivers for Vista at least. I click the link on the left and am presented with a whole list of OSes. Usually when presented with such a list all I typically get is the drivers for XP and maybe a network update for everybody else. Well not quite, OS/2 had audio drivers. Meanwhile 2000, XP, Vista, and 98 and audio and video drivers.

HOLD IT! You mean this thing has drivers for Windows 98? I have been wanting this for such a long time. I have some old games that won't work on 7. (I've tried DOS Box and it's a real pain in the ass.) Driver for Win 98? Especially on a machine this new. It was probably built in 2004, maybe 2005. I have a couple of machines from the 90's, but they're like bottom of the barrel even then. So I try downloading the drivers and the links are surprisingly good. (By the way, I'm not sure if that website is an actual HP site or a clone of it.) I go to my Windows Museum and grab out a copy of Win 98 SE. (Again, by the way, it has to be SE. I made the mistake of loading up Win 98 and the drivers didn't work.)

Drivers are all loaded up. Things are going great. I decide to keep it for myself. I go back and pay my friend. She wasn't too happy about it. She'd seen computers go for $200. I told her that was one of mine. I also sold one just like it a week later for $20. Minus a ten percent commission. I'm giving you a guaranteed $100. "$100!? Oh I'll definitely take that!
(My words. Hers were more like "(Bleep) YEAH!")

Back home it's time to load up all those great old games, everything goes to crap. Change out the DVD, ram, reconfigure the PATA setup, (I hope it's not the power supply, it's one of those proprietary ones,) even Lunix wouldn't load up, and lastly I try the CPU. I removed the heat sink and find that 7 out of 10 capacitors are corroded over. This motherboard is crap.

I take the board to another friend's computer store. (My family has put his grandkids through college by now.) He lets me dig though his pile of similar machines. Unfortunately the boards are different and don't have Win 98 drivers. I keep digging and find an unlabeled one with an almost exact motherboard in it. The numbers are different, but hey, it's worth a try.

I am now happily playing Discworld Noir. Let's see if I can get Discworld 1 and 2 loaded. Wait, what's that? They're available on Scumm VM and it works in Win 7?


Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe's diarrhea of the mouth is like staring at an intellectual black hole, that sucks out all wisdom from whoever reads it.
>> No. 26655
Is he trying to trademark the term "shooting myself in the foot"? All of his blog posts seem to end that way...
>> No. 26656
>>1 GB, 256 GB, and 128 GB RAM
srsly you guys
>> No. 26657
File 131846913876.png - (4.97KB , 168x264 , He has french fries for hands.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm still lost, guys.

Sorry to say, but I still can't see what Joe had going here. He... thought maybe he was egotistic enough to not even bother with effort or jokes in his comics?

Reading back months and years, it's still... surreal.

It's like really, really bad, surreal humour.
>> No. 26658
I've read through the 'best' part of his comics and I don't get the story. The jokes he ushers out are so lame you need to double check he meant to be funny and didn't do it by mistake.
>> No. 26659
File 131852721810.png - (24.90KB , 774x257 , 1763_1013.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26660
File 13186006947.png - (22.65KB , 774x257 , 1764_1014.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Friday, October 14, 2011
Double checking ones self.
Believe it or not, I do take the time look over my work several times before it is published. Every few weeks I'll reread all the comics waiting in the queue and I'll often catch spelling and graphic errors. Often I'll miss a few and wind up correcting them while placing the comic on the page for publication.

Every few years I'll go through a read over a season and I'll still find mistakes and correct them. (Of course by that time I have forgotten whether or not it was intentional.)

For the blog first I'll usually write everything out in a word processor. Proofread it for spelling, grammer, and fact check. Then copy/paste it over to the blog. Then proofread it again. Then usually the day before I'll take a look and wind up adding in some more or even deleting some.

And of course much later I'll find that I overlooked something still because spill chucks wont cats gamma.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"
>> No. 26661
>I'll go through a read over a season
>And of course much later I'll find that I overlooked something
no shit?
>> No. 26663
>This guy is a shitty cartoonist.

No he isn't. He may call himself a cartoonist, but all what he does is cut and paste some fucking SPRITES.
His "scripts" are nothing but a mashup of stolen jones and even the term "seasons" he uses to sort his crap by year was a term he stole from a webcomic called "Twisted Kaiju Theater" which is made by another nerdy old fart who, unlike Joe, is an adjusted middle aged man with a job, a house of his own and even a wife.
Joe, on the other hand...
>> No. 26664
File 131886554859.png - (118.49KB , 774x257 , 1765_1017.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Monday, October 17, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 42.
Click Here.

Recently discovered that the upgraded web editor I use has decided to scrunch all the code on a page down to about a couple of lines. Fortunately there is a right click option to "Reformat HTML." Not going to fix everything. Pointless. Too much work to retinker with something that isn't really broken.

But hell.

Why was it necessary to jam all the code together from what had been working fine for the past seven years anyway? Thank a lot Micro$oft.

In other news: Currently working on comic 1800. After about two weeks of messing with stage size and test uploads to YouTube I finally got the third scene done. I was stuck trying to get a five second bit with a carrot topped bikini wearing paranoidal Deutschlandic magic girl to work. I could get it to work fine in its own FLA. But when I copy/pasted the frames over to the actual movie, everything screwed up. Eventually I discovered quite by accident (usually the way) that I needed to click don't replace existing items in the library. (Note: I didn't put that in quotes. I don't want to fact check it because there's the possibility of a crash that would ruin everything I typed out so far. Thanks a lot Adoobie.)

The next part may be a scene from a show about a pill popping doctor that is very similar to a sci-fi movie from the 60's about the future that has long since come to pass, and is best enjoyed while popping pills.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"
>> No. 26665
File 131886943844.jpg - (34.18KB , 301x261 , DMINSPACE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
why do retards think this is funny?
>> No. 26666
> why do retards think this is funny?

For the same reason Joe thinks he's being funny.
>> No. 26667
holy shit I forgot about that guy
>> No. 26668
File 131895121871.png - (137.99KB , 774x257 , 1766_1018.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Real classy, Joe.
>> No. 26669
File 131912848276.png - (112.91KB , 774x257 , 1767_1020.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't fucking explain the joke, you cretin manchild.
Of course, you still would need a joke, because there's none here.
>> No. 26670
File 131924081977.png - (118.40KB , 774x257 , 1768_1021.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Daily dose of Joe's wasted youth and broken dreams.
>> No. 26671
File 131925900563.jpg - (17.56KB , 180x142 , SperGin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he's being chronologically correct by finding a substitute because the game he stole the sprites from takes place in a time without internet.
he won't bother to make a coherent story lin, but he'll obsess of one invisible plot point that literally nobody besides him would even notice.
>> No. 26672

I don't get it.

Is it a masturbation joke?
>> No. 26673

>I don't get it.

That pretty much sums up this entire thread.
>> No. 26674
File 131946148253.png - (27.13KB , 774x257 , 1769_1024.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Ravy 2011 Pg. 43.
Click Here.

Ghosts of Vista.

My biggest complaint about C 64 was having to type in that command every time and wait forever for the game to load. Imagine my pleasure with Win 98 at having to just double click on an icon and just go.

Had some difficulty moving from 98 to XP, but most of that was resolved by downloading updated versions of my software. This week I got reminded why I went form XP to 7.

Ubuntu 11: Onerous Ocelot. The great thing about earlier versions of Ubuntu is that even though you had to do some deep digging to get some stuff to work, it was still pretty straight forward. The commands were there in the menus. You might have had to look up what they were, But hell, I could figure it out.

So why do programmers that are way smarter than me do dumb stuff like remove the easily clickable restricted drivers option and the Synaptic Package Manager? Now we have Ubuntu Software Center which was no help what so ever in getting the wireless on my laptop to work. It's always worked before. After about five hours of reading one tutorial and forum post after another I accomplished screwing up the install and having to start form scratch. Then I found some obscure site that I forgot to book mark that had the real instructions. It wasn't Canonical by the way.

Look, I love Linux. It has saved my bacon many times over the years. Mostly due to my own errors. But this was frustrating as hell. If that was pissing me off, think of everybody else that just wants to turn thier computer on and go. Why in the hell should anybody have to type in some long and easily misspelled command line in Terminal, or XTerm, or is it UXTerm?

My dream job would be a tester with hire/fire authority. The only thing I would tell some dumbass programmer that removed the two pixel wide option is fix it. If I get any sass, then your ass is going out the nearest exit. Especially if it's a window that's not exactly on the first floor.

You'd think people learn from Vista.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>> No. 26675
File 131946247160.png - (482.60KB , 431x595 , god damn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> After about five hours of reading one tutorial
God damn, I'm a lazy-ass linux newfag and it took me few minutes to figure out how to install and import fourth-party packages in the terminal.
Not sure about ubuntu, but iirc he could get synaptic from the ubuntu wiki page within two mouse clicks.

But thanks Joe, I learned much from this very important blog post.
>> No. 26676
>My dream job would be a tester with hire/fire authority. The only thing I would tell some dumbass programmer that removed the two pixel wide option is fix it. If I get any sass, then your ass is going out the nearest exit. Especially if it's a window that's not exactly on the first floor.

Wow, and he wonders why nobody likes him and why everyone consider him as a fucking asshole.

That's why you don't have a "dream job", Joe. That's why you don't have a job, period.
>> No. 26677
>My dream job would be a tester with hire/fire authority.

Thankfully, this will never exist, right?
>> No. 26678

Considering how Joe is old, antisocial, never studied management or programming and is painfull incompetent on anything he tries, at the point that not even the Army wanted him around to do grunt work?

Yep, that will never happen.
>> No. 26679
Joe seems to just want to be the boss from The Office.
>> No. 26680

Or Joe is just showing more of his piddly power delusions where he desperately tries to compensate for his crappy life.

We are talking about the same uncultured redneck who tried to sue the Army for not bathing him with medals and promotions, then tried to manipulate little kids into working for him and his shitty sprite comic, and then blocked his blog's comments so nobody could post anything that could make him feel unconfortable.

The same kind of power fantasies shated by Chris Chan.
>> No. 26681
So redneck was the right word from the beginning? I don't know very much about this American "culture"/state of mind, so i was afraid to use this word before. It seems like his "friends" and relatives are redneckish simple people, I wonder what they think about Joe being a halfassed weaboo, with a shitty comic that no one understands pretending to be a computer expert while going full retard in every review he writes.

I mean seriously, ubuntu lets you install packages straight through the browser, every kid would understand it after a minute of google search a bit of reading trough the wiki. I'm a halfassed linux user myself who uses this OS because my PC is too shitty to run Windows over several days without fucking around; and even I'm facepalming hard over his inability to click on a downloaded ubuntu package and execute it with the built-in installer.

Damn, this guy makes me sick.
>> No. 26682
> I don't know very much about this American "culture"/state of mind, so i was afraid to use this word before.

Joe openly says that during his school days (waaaaaaay back on 1987!) he ignored his "boring" teachers and instead had exciting fun by drawing his crappy comic during his classtime.
The comic was about Ravage the Decepticon, but the fucking cretin mispelt it as "Ravy". 24 years later, he's still using the wrong name but who-fucking-cares because the comic became an absurdely life embellished sex fetish fantasy for Joe, where he gets to do what he never could during his youth or adulthood.

Seriously, Joe Pullin is a worse retard than Chris, because at least Chris can use the autism excuse while Joe is just a fucking imbecile.
>> No. 26683
File 131956182979.png - (142.89KB , 774x257 , 1770_1025.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ANOTHER fart joke AND a racist comment, Joe?
Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
>> No. 26684
File 131956981610.jpg - (437.17KB , 900x893 , Tuning_fork_on_resonator.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I honestly thought she was holding some kind of tuning fork this whole time.
(Yes, I know it says "LEVER", but I try to ignore what ever words Words WORDS Joe shoves into his comics.)
>> No. 26685
Quoted from Joe's blog:

""Ravy 2011 Pg. 43."
2 Comments - Show Original Post
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Pierce Smoulder said...

"My dream job would be a tester with hire/fire authority. The only thing I would tell some dumbass programmer that removed the two pixel wide option is fix it. If I get any sass, then your ass is going out the nearest exit. Especially if it's a window that's not exactly on the first floor."

Wow, really classy, Joe. But I agree with the "dream job" part.

Because an old, immature, incompetent, irresponsible guy like you, who lacks a degree, studies, talent and even basic social skills, only would get a job like that on his dreams.
Hint: not even the army wanted you around to do grunt work, so the chances of you getting an important job that involves knowdeledge and responsability are zero.

You can't even deal with commoner's software, so what makes you think you can tell a professional programmer how to do his job?
Hell, you can't even make a decent sprite comic, that sums up how incompetent and useless ou are.

October 24, 2011 7:00 AM
Joe said...

A long time ago now I went into some detail as to why I implemented call screening. I don't need to rehash it all, but suffice it to say that I am still having problems with certain groups of people that can't tolerate an African-American President that was born in America, and now some phony christians who don't have a sense of humor have joined them.

There is a bonus to call screening: it gives an added layer of protection from foot in mouth disease. Many a time has been that I have regretted clicking the “Publish Your Comment” button and wished that the blogger or moderator had call screening and would see fit to save me from myself.

I have magnanimously extended such a courtesy to those that only seek to strike a mighty blow against the nasty-wasty blogger and his overly obscure sprite comic hidden in the deepest, darkest, dankest, dorkest corners of the net. Those that should have taken a deep breath, review, research, and rethink the demagoguery spewed at the 99% and right-click on the words(?) with squiggly red lines underneath them.

I've learned the hard way not to be dependent on the moderator to not accidentally hit the “Publish” button.

October 25, 2011 6:02 PM"

>Joe is Buuthuuuuuurt.
>> No. 26686
"Wednesday, October 26, 2011
New Schedule.
I'm changing the update schedule for the website.

It will change from
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

I have already been doing a double update in Thursday anyway. Mostly because I like not having to worry about doing anything on Friday. So I might as well set it in stone now, or more precisely: HTML.

There is a secondary change to the unannounced schedule. I would try and get the site updated by noon Eastern Standard Time. Reality demands a change. I am going to move it later in the day, somewhere around ten PM Eastern. I'm not going to bore with any more details.

I do this out of respect for the guy that stops in once in awhile. I've said before one of the things that annoys me is when people make these kinds of changes and don't tell anybody.

These changes will take effect on the 31st of October and will probably last until about April of 2012.

Or until I arbitrarily change it sooner, or later.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Implying that anyone gives a fuck about your pathetic comic, Joe? Bahaha.
>> No. 26687
I must admit, I didn't understand anything in Joe's comment. It's like 12yo trying to sound smart by not making sense and being as meta as possible.

Would someone kindly explain what he tries to say with his comment? I really don't understand it.
>> No. 26688
The gist, as far as I can see:
>Joe: WORDSWORDSWORDS imnotevenmad.jpg u cant spel!!!!111oneoneeleven
Meanwhile, the point goes flying WAAAY over Joe's head.
>> No. 26689

He's like a spoiled child who doesn't likes to be told about the idiotic things he says and does all the time, like the fat kid who tries to be smug to hide his butthurt at the other kids, who always pick him the last or they don't pick him at all whenever they get together to play.

Joe is stupid as fuck, lazy as shit and because of his lack of education, he's incompetent as hell. He will never be qualified for a decent job, so he uses his pathetic comic to create a fantasy where he can do the stuff he never could and never will in real life.
It's like his personal CWCville.
>> No. 26690
I think he's trying to say he regrets posting things on other people's blogs sometime and wishes the owner would block his comment from appearing so he doesn't make an ass of himself. He seems to believe the commenter is saying something they'll regret after submitting it, and he feels like mocking them by letting the 'mistake' go out to the entire internet. Furthermore he feels he's intellectually checkmated them by pointing this all out in roundabout wording that is utterly nonsensical. Of course, this only serves to add another countless example of how he is fully capable of making an ass of himself; by himself.
That probably didn't help did it?
>> No. 26691
File 131973724599.png - (118.27KB , 774x257 , 1771_1027.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
it's fun because she went to take a shit! HahahaNOT.

Autism, farts, shit, toilete humor and a fucked up concept of women: it's like reading Sonichu, but with different characters.
>> No. 26692
sonichu is far too verbose to contain any toilet humor!
>> No. 26693
Reminds me of these stereotypical smartass teenagers, who make a big fool out of themselves and once they get told, they talk about trivial shit how stupid the society is or go full grammar nazi.
Except the first case is a side effect of puberty, Joe on the other hand…

I understand it now, thank you. So he ignored all the good points Anon made and ranted about how immature it is to post unfriendly comments on blogs while being a huge manchild himself? Wow.

Sonichu can be entertaining and very funny when you read it with friends or whenever it gets dumped on imageboards. Homestuck has an obscure yet autistic-as-fuck style, so I can sorta understand why someone would like it. Ravy on the other hand doesn't make any sense at all, neither the graphics nor the text; it's beyond retarded.
>> No. 26694
Being the bunch of raging person faggots that you are, I've taken the liberty to tell him all about your obsessions with him and your plants to sabotage his domain and comic, for the lulz.
He's now going to extend his domain. xD
You're all truly fucked. Please go suck on person dick if you like internet train-wrecks that much.
>> No. 26695
Fucking 'person flter.
>> No. 26696
File 131975419643.png - (13.07KB , 640x400 , slowpoke.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's cool I guess, OP already stated that Joe views this thread few days ago. He's going to extend his site? Shit that's not fair, how fucking evil of him; I'm going to cry myself to sleep now!¡
>> No. 26697
Epic ween Joe. We're so depressed we'll have more to mock.
>> No. 26698

This means Joe will keep enternaining us with his utter display of fail and denial?
Brah, you just gave us another year of endless fun at Joe's expenses.
Good job.
>> No. 26699


Seriously, get a grip, I doubt his attention span could cover such a long post.
>> No. 26700

>no knowledge of filters
>more comics somehow hurts us

Aren't you just an awesome person, Joe?
>> No. 26701

Possibly not even Joe. I doubt Joe himself would know the term 'spurg' in order to activate the filter, in which case it was just a newfag who didn't think anything through in a misguided attempt to generate lulz for himself.

Still, you never know. That's just my two cents. Remember, Joe's culturally stuck in the mid-90s. New memes would elude him.
>> No. 26702
Except he said something about us planning to sabotage his comic...
>> No. 26703

And even if he knew, he could stop it... how?

Remember how some months ago a guys said he was going to make a webpage and repost Joe's comics as if they were his own?
Just wait for it...
>> No. 26704
File 131980507033.png - (134.54KB , 774x257 , 1772_1028.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, Joe's GREAT REVEAL after that fucking endless build was this shit? This?
Fail. Fail, fail FAIL.
>> No. 26705
I see this thread get bumped back up to the front page every once in a while, but I don't see anything terribly funny about this guy.

Could I maybe get a brief summary? Tell me what I've got wrong here.

He's a retarded guy in his 50's who steals sprites and claims phoney copyrights on them. He has no sense of humor, and his "artistic talent" hasn't improved after decades of doing this, and he calls himself "ravy" because an obsession with the Transformer Ravage?

Does he have any actual fans, or is his comic read solely by trolls?
>> No. 26706

Joe is a pedo army reject who thinks he has fans, he thinks people gives a shit about him and he thinks he's Internet Important so everyone should sit and do whatever the fuck he yaps about during his redneck rage fits.

That sums it all.
>> No. 26707
"Monday, October 31, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 44.
Click Here.

Taking a look back at an old story form another character's perspective.

I believe that is the first time I ever let the word bitch through. I figured that if the FCC let's Bob and Tom say it, then it is alright with me. I've tried to maintain some semblance of decorum, (for this comic), but once in a while to help get that feeling I want a character to show, you have to cross that line.

I just did a comic and in the punchline I used (bleep.) Shit would be a much better word to use and funnier. However there are some lines in the comic I am not willing to cross just yet.

Identical twin sisters kissing, no prob.

On an unrelated note:

What was Cyberteam in Akihabara? It's a hybrid magic girl/sentai/robot fighter/playing card/tiny monster show. I think it's main purpose was to collate all that together and tell a semi-comprehensible story at the same time. It's a bit slow and it really could have been done in 14 episodes instead of 26. Sometimes we get to know things that just are not important, like how many siblings Suzume has. Only one ever shows up and only once. Other problems are that you have to deal with the interminable little girl crap, inconstant characterizations, nudity, and a rather aged look to the series. Not as bad as Toei though. I remember watching this back in 2000 and thinking how old it looked. Even watching side by side with Ghostsweepers.

The best part is that all the pertinent characters get fully developed. They are not one dimensional. You get to see all the motivations, desires, triumphs, and tragedies. Nice that there is a short version of the transformation sequences. The tendency to play around with the end theme and credits lends some freshness.

I have had the rather dubious distinction of having watched three different dubs: AXN, ADV, and the original Japanese. Of which AXN is the best for people who don't like to read their cartoon shows. AXN was far from perfect, but they chose the right voices and even got the pronunciations of the names correct. The Japanese dub surprised me at how low pitched Hibari's voice was. I also recommend listening to the voice actor commentary on the ADV version. They really went in and researched this series and found all the references to anime and real history. Though you do have to put up with what the weather is like in Texas during fall/winter.

The one thing that has me the most perplexed at how many Cyberteam theme CDs there are. I have four. There were dozens more I saw on the shelf. Even more oddly is no merch. Just a couple of keychains on Amazon.

Overall it's not a bad series, buts it's not an outstanding one either. Something to fill in the time between releases of really good series.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe feels like using the word "bitch" is too strong, but he see no problem with making a fucking comic full of lesbianism, toddlercon, incest, lolicon and other shit to masturbate to.
>> No. 26708
File 132020488853.png - (18.35KB , 774x257 , 1774_1101.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And just like that, the story returns from diarrhea jokes to Joe's own diarrhea of the mouth.
>> No. 26709
Ironically, Joe could have improved this comic by over 9000% by simply switching characters A and B so that the WALL OF FUCKING TEXT matched, making things less confusing.

Of course, he could have also just not made the comic at all, but that isn't like Joe either. HE IS THE GREATEST CARTOONIST EVER DON'T DOUBT HIM GUYS SERIOUSLY
>> No. 26710
"Wednesday, November 2, 2011
If Ya See It, Save It.
As it is told, once it is on the net, it's there for life. Not so. Many a time has been I go looking for something and I can't find it no more. I quickly learned to immediately bookmark it, or better yet in this day and age of large ass hard drives and infinite online storage I now download everything I want to save.

Remember when there use to be all these sprite sites, some with rather large public domain sections? I grabbed up a few. One day that Wily sprite made be Deccus showed up. I snagged it just in time. Next day it was gone. Along with a bunch of others I wish I had saved.

Jib Jab used to make all their videos in flash, now they all have been converted to YouTube. I have the original interactive versions. Bunches of the original Foamy the Squirrel, Joesph Blanchett, Joanime, Andrew Dickman. All the really cool kids have moved to YouTube. That's where the action is at, and mostly because bunches of other people had used hand held cameras to re-record the original flash video and post it to YouTube. I miss regular ol' SWF. Often you can watch them at full screen, and then shrink the video itself back to its original size and see all kinds of extras. Like sprite sheets, limbs, objects before they come on screen, and after they leave. I've learned a lot by doing that.

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Perusing Jib Jab's site I noted many video's not there. Bill Clinton cooking brownies, Hillary running for Senate, Rapping Cowboy, Adam and Eve, Farting Waffles, and many many more. Glad I saved them. Except the waffles. Didn't like that one.

I remember a time before YouTube when AMVs were traded on CD by friends. I have a Dragon Ball video set to It's My Life. In the early days people would make whole sites dedicated to their works of love and allowed you to download them, ten PM to three AM. When the transfer rates were cheapest. I spent days downloading Sailor Moon on Jerry Springer, Sailor Mercury in I'm Blue, Jinnai in the Bugrom. At the time I had DAILUP! I got pretty pissed when I downloaded one that sucked.

That site has long since disappeared, but the owner has since redid these gems in much higher quality on YouTube.

Whole sites disappear. One that I have always regretted not saving was Shadey Theatre. That was the first web comic I read. What got me hooked and inspired me to do my comic. However I never saved any of the comics. Pretty much it was 8-Bit Theater using sprites from Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6, repainted Megaman to look like FF7, and some plot elements form Warped Reality. I think. Jeeze, I last saw it in 2003. I only really can remember a vague outline and some characterizations.

You know, once in while, perusing the archives, I'll find the odd protoform essay, spelling error, graphical mistake that was probably meant to be but I forgot why, or even whole comics that need to be made gone. Like a couple that were posted in June of 2004 that had certain well known and respected “Authors” that I felt really guilty about using.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

>Joe's mind keeps fucking frozen a fucking decade into the past AND expects others to give a shit about some insignificant things that are SERIOUS BUSINESS for him.
>But again, Joe doesn't have a life, so I guess anything is SERIOUS BUSINESS for him.
>> No. 26711
Ah, cool. Private websites can die and commercial sites remove content now and then? Thanks Joe, I absolutely didn't know that before.
>> No. 26712
I must say, I share his sentiments about youtube. swf animations are far smaller and easier to transfer, and usually scalable to full screen because they're vector-based instead of compressed images.

I also remember downloading amvs from websites because there was no in-browser viewing. Back then shit-tier was automatically filtered out because you had to be competent with video software in order to make one, and that software generally required a more expensive machine that could handle the encoding process.

>Sailor Mercury in I'm Blue
I think I actually have that one. Fuck you Joe.

First he complains about things disappearing and then he mentions how he's revised his own comic over time. Hypocrite much?
>> No. 26713
File 132029638360.png - (23.12KB , 774x257 , 1775_1103.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Joe's crappy lesbian OC complains because another women tried to steal her husband.
> Joe's crappy lesbian OC is hitting on another woman and taking her out for dinner.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus, Joe.
>> No. 26714
Okay... It's been 4 months. Let this thread die already. Please.
>> No. 26715
Well, that thread was one of the better ones, even though it didn't contain much trolling. Still, it had much facepalming and was somewhat entertaining overall. But at least it didn't derail 9000 times and had no shitstorms in it; I wouldn't really consider it "bad".
>> No. 26716
Over 400 posts and barely a lol to be found.

That is bad.

This thread needs to end.
>> No. 26717

Go back to bed, Joe Pullin.

This thread will continue as long you continue being a fucked up dumbass, aka FOREVER.
>> No. 26718
Could you point me out to the funny parts of this thread? Something to actually lol at?
>> No. 26719
The samefag is strong with this one.

Everything Joe writes is hilarious. Of course, I'm laughing at him, not with him. His jokes are horrible.
>> No. 26720
Joe is an old fart who failed at everything at life and now all what is left for him is his fucking sprite comic and his little world frozen in the past decade.
It's fun because it's so pathetic.
>> No. 26721
File 132039169983.png - (474.83KB , 510x429 , Chrd.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't need to, seanieb did a fine job of making you look like a dumbass.

But since you want to be a faggot some more, 5 months.
>> No. 26722

Also wrong thread because it kept fucking up when I tried to upload a picture.
>> No. 26723
File 132042521217.png - (28.86KB , 774x257 , 1776_1104.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's some incredible comic dynamics, Joe. Also...

"Post a Comment On: Ravy Online
"Ravy 2011 Pg. 44."
2 Comments - Show Original Post
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Anonymous said...


November 1, 2011 7:47 AM
Joe said...

When there is a number greater than zero next to the comment link a person is apt to click on it and look at what is being said. I have respect for that brave soul and try to spare them from such venom. This time I had to allow it through because Kurt Angel here has made a valid point. Of course it's not the point he thinks he's making because I did what he obviously didn't do: fact check. (I can usually tell within the first couple of lines when someone is lying.) In doing so I have to admit to a grave failure on my part and now going to rectify it:

To: Isemiya and Womi: I once again apologize to you this time for not giving you proper credit on my acknowledgments page. I have made the correction. I beg that you see it in your hearts to forgive this crackhead. Gomen nasai.

November 2, 2011 5:59 PM"

> Gomen nasai

Once again, Joe's smugness attempts only makes an ass of himself.
>> No. 26724
Such magnificent trolling...my eyes are tearing...
>> No. 26725
"Post a Comment On: Ravy Online
"If Ya See It, Save It."
7 Comments - Show Original Post
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Anonymous said...

So typical of Mr. Joe's manchild mentality: steal everything he sees and uses it without permission and ever giving credit. Then troll around pitching a hissy about everybody else doing it to him. Hint to Mr. Joe: just because ya see it, doesn't mean you can download it ya fucking retard.

November 3, 2011 7:00 AM
Anonymous said...

OMGOMGOMGOMG u realy have wily shet ben looking for everywher cant find it PLS! post

November 4, 2011 1:58 PM
Anonymous said...

Would you post that Wily sheet?

November 4, 2011 2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Are you going to post the wily sheet so we all can use it or are you going to be stuck up about it like that rks english file?

November 4, 2011 2:58 PM
Anonymous said...

I have spent the last month ripping that sprite out of every comic I can find to use in one I'm going to do, NOW you tell us you had it all along.

November 4, 2011 3:15 PM
Joe said...

I'm sorry guys, but NO on the Deccus Wily Sheet. If he has never seen fit to post it then I'm not going to be the dupe to do it. It's called respect for the work. I'm queasy enough as it is about having used it all these years. Though I do have to say that very high up and respectable sprite comic people from long ago saw my comics with the Deccus Wily in them and said nothing.

The only other avenue I have found to getting information on that sheet is from Dave Anez himself. However he's smart enough to ignore any email with my name on it and I'm sure he is sick and tired of all the requests for that sprite.

Your only option is to rip it from other comics.


There's an alternative. I get the irony behind suggesting that particular version.

November 5, 2011 7:26 PM
Joe said...

For the bemusement of those that actually have some intellectual curiosity: Here is how one of my comics winds up on your monitor.

The comic that is posted right now, the one with Sera and Toni texting each other, originally sits on my hard drive. I upload it to another hard drive on a server rack somewhere. When you go to ravycomics.com your browser asks the server and web host to download it to your local hard drive. Of course permission is granted and that comic of Sera and Toni is downloaded to your hard drive. Through the magic of whatever mojo is used to make whatever browser you're using work, that comic that is on mine, uploaded to the server, and downloaded to your hard drive is now being displayed on your screen.

I am mostly certain that since it is legal to jailbreak your iPhone, then it must be legal to move a file from one part of your hard drive to another.

November 5, 2011 7:39 PM"

> Joe using his redneck logic to justify theft.
>> No. 26726
File 132075890577.png - (21.78KB , 774x257 , 1777_1107.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 45.
Click Here.

That's not a new character standing there. She's was in the comic a long time ago. Bringing her back and in that form was a bolt from the blog that inspired me. She doesn't play much of a role this year, but next... let's not get ahead.

Lucked out and found volume one of the Royal Rumble Anthology, used. Gone through the first two disks and have noticed a few things. The song used for Ricky Steamboat's entrance was changed. I remember it being The Allen Parsons Project. I can't remember if he was using it at that particular time, but the song used now was put in only recently. I understand because the rights for WWE to use it probably expired. What I don't understand is why it's done to other wrestlers that had songs owned by WWE. On the Bobby Heenan set during the Gimmick Battle Royal, Hillbilly Jim's song was changed.

On the second disk of the Royal Rumble had a match I had only seen once before: Harley Race VS. King Haku. That's odd because I have an official VHS tape of the second Rumble and that match is not on it.

Poor Bret Hart and Ted Dibiase, both kept getting nailed with that 1 and 2 position. Who did they keep pissing off? Warlord, 29 and 30? Didn't really work out all that well.

What the WWE should do is go back to showing the wrestlers drawing the numbers. Of course all those slips are blank and the entrance is scripted. At least it looks somewhat authentic.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments
>> No. 26727
File 132085145712.png - (35.01KB , 774x257 , 1778_1108.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26728
File 13209450663.png - (35.54KB , 774x257 , 1779_1110.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26729
"Friday, November 11, 2011
Advice for Future Veterans.
Over the years I have had the rather dubious honor of dolling out advice to those that are considering joining the military. First of all I warn them that I am going to be brutally honest in what I tell them. I also warn them that it has been a number of years since I went through Basic and AIT.

I'm sure most of us have seen Full Metal Jacket. That was accurate back in the 60's and 70's. If want something that is more real, at least for the 90's, get Pauley Shore's In the Army Now. Yes, I do recommend it for accuracy in the Basic Training and AIT sequences. It's toned down, but it is generally spot on.

I don't talk much about Basic, what I say is that it isn't all that hard. Hell, I made it through. They really don't try and kick anybody out. The drill sergeants do everything they can to keep people in. I think even adding a push up or two when counting the PT test. I imagine it looks bad on an NCOER if they wash out too many students. I went through a class of about two hundred people. Of that about ten did not graduate with us. Most because of injuries and family emergencies. As I recall only two quit. No one was washed out.

There was this one girl from New York. She had a real thick stereotypical “New Yak” accent. She got held back because of an injury. I saw her right before I graduated AIT. I was surprised to still see her there, even more surprised to her new southern accent.

I talk at length with those wanting to join what to expect from Basic and AIT and tell them lots of stories. For this article I'll skip all that and finally get to what a new private at their new unit should do:

Start working on your promotion to sergeant first class, first sergeant, sergeant major, lieutenant, warrant officer, or what ever immediately. Pester to death your squad leader for all the Army classes you can get. Combat Life Saver, Air Assault, Airborne, Path Finder, Arms Room, Commo. Get as many correspondence courses done as possible. This stuff impresses the guys at the Pentagon when looking at promotion packets.

The immediate effect is on getting promoted to E-5 and E-6. While these are currently automatic promotions, you can get there quicker by going to promotion boards. While you're working towards that promotion board, practice on the Soldier of the Month boards. All you need to do is win one. You may even get a certificate signed by the Colonel. That makes it worth about 5 points. All that stuff I talked about before, all worth points. Badges and classes.

Yes, you need the stinking badges.

What is also worth promotion points? College. Every semester hour is worth some points. I'm afraid I don't remember and have no real desire to fact-check it. However in my conversations, especially with my friends' kids, I really double, triple, and quadruple down on the college portion. The easiest way to get credit hours is with CLEP testing. What that is is simply the final exam. Instead of spending two or three months in a class room, you spend an hour or so. And get the credits. I CLEPed U.S. and World history. As I recall these were worth about 3 hours apiece. That was the CLEP recommendation. Go find a college that will give you more. One only gave about two, another gave about 3.5 or even 4. That's very important because remember what I said at the beginning of this paragraph?

Let's not forget all those military classes and correspondence courses. They can be translated into college hours. Even Basic and AIT.

Unfortunately there are some classes you will have to sit in. This is the time to do it. All colleges have required classes, don't wait to use your GI Bill. Let the Army by way of the Tax Payer take care of that. Get all the basic stuff out of the way first. Save your GI Bill for the more advanced and much more expensive degrees down the road.

Even if you decide that you don't want to be an SFC, or even a sergeant. You get out after four years active. At maybe the ripe old age of 22. So why even bother trying to get promoted to 1SG? Because it sets you up to be light years beyond everybody else at your school of choice. You can graduate years earlier and join the work force with a better paying job which means you will be paying more in taxes which in will turn help pay for the education opportunities of that 17 year old future veteran in the recruiter’s office right now.
Posted by Joe at 11:12 PM 2 comments"

> Joe went full retard and is giving out "advice" even when his own life is a ruin beyond any salvaging hope.
>> No. 26730
"Monday, November 14, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 46.
Click Here.

It's been a couple of weeks on the new schedule. It's been trying. To getting the blog updated at the right time to getting the page uploaded so the link up there works. Then there's the fact I've forgotten a few times to even update the site. I try my best because I'm annoyed by those that don't.

Bloom County has been annoying me. It's not Berkely Breathed's fault what so ever. I got over being annoyed by him 20 years ago. It's the syndicator really. I have a paid subscription that delivers to my inbox a slew of selected comics. The one that I save is Bloom County. What annoys me is the filename. They put today's date on the comic. It gets worse because you can go to the web site that Bloom County is posted on and the filename is a long string of garbage. For about a week last month the ones I got in the mail did not have today's date. They had a generic filename. It was the same one everyday. So I had to redo the name myself.

It did get fixed.

Now the version of Bloom County over at the Seattle Times had the original date on it. I like that because I could look up that date in history and get reminded of what was going on in the world at the time. Which was influencing the comic then.


That run has come to an end. At the time I write this, that page seems locked on the final comic. May be they can go to Outland, or better yet start at the beginning. Time will tell.

I gets worse. I have all the original books. I even have several copies of the album, still in the books. I have even been buying the Bloom County Anthology series. The best part of that, there are comics that were published way back when, but have been lost, protoform versions, and the occasional commentary.

I'm sure Mr. Breathed appreciates all the money that I, and originally my mom through my dad's credit card have given him.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments"

>Stop lying, Joe. Your mom still pays for everything.
>> No. 26731
OCTOBER 12, 1985:

Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach. The city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "save us!"...

They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father, or president Truman. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipe until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth talkers...and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.
>> No. 26732
personin' bout Bloom County?

I thought he didn't like liberals or something, and he's obsessed with that piece of shit strip?
I'm a bleedingheart leftwing libtard, and I think it's too whiny.
>> No. 26733

OCTOBER 13, 1985. 8:30 P.M.:

Meeting with Veidt left bad taste in mouth. He is pampered and decadent, betraying even his shallow, liberal affections. Possibly homosexual? Must remember to investigate further. Dreiberg as bad. A flabby failure who sits whimpering in his basement. Why are so few of us left active, healthy, and without personality disorders?
>> No. 26734
""Advice for Future Veterans."
2 Comments - Show Original Post
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Anonymous said...

The nerve of this manchild thinking that someone that never served has the right to give real heroes advice! That's right, Mr Joe! I know your secret! Give it up already you fucking retard!

November 12, 2011 1:32 AM
Joe said...

"This we'll defend."

November 13, 2011 12:08 PM"

""Military vs. Civilian Friends:"
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Henry Bennet said...

Those that cloak themselves under the name "anonymous" have done NOTHING to guarantee freedom of speech.

It is those buried under the name Unknown that did.

November 11, 2011 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service. I do appreciate it.

November 11, 2011 2:12 PM
Joe said...

Thank you for holding down the home front. That means as much to a service member as everything else.

November 13, 2011 12:09 PM"

>Joe and his pathetic sockpuppet comments to pretend there's a group of fans and real adults supporting his piddly self.
>> No. 26735
File 132133685969.jpg - (663.75KB , 1024x768 , Fallout_3___Funny_Glitch_by_Half_dude.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is anyone actually interested in this? I find it rather dull. It seems to me like one guy just keeps necrobumping this thread in hopes that someone will comment.

Am I wrong to assume that?
>> No. 26736

i find this guy's delusion good for cheap laugh. beats another 'lolol chris is gonna get raped JOOLAY' thread.

and every time i see that glitch i'm reminded how much better fallout 3 was compared to new vegas.
>> No. 26737
"Ravy 2011 Pg. 45."
2 Comments - Show Original Post
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Tifa said...

Oh, I get it. Okay for you to hoard and use Deccus' Wily sprite all the time and no one else.

Fine for you to play RKS in english and no body else.

You're a stuck up retarded manchild snob.

November 10, 2011 5:20 PM
Joe said...

Yes, I am stuck up. I have stuck up for stick figure drawings, I have stuck up for comics, I have stuck up for fan fics, I have stuck up for fan art, I have stuck up for a couple of guys trying to get their obscure Japanese video game a little less obscure, I have stuck up for those editing that game, I have even stuck up for those that have been trashed by those they admired.

November 13, 2011 12:15 PM
>> No. 26738
...So, was he trying to retort or did he just miss the point of that statement?
>> No. 26739

Looks like Joe was (as usual) trying to be a smug imbecile but (as usual) he ended up making an ass out of himself.

No matter what Joe does or says, he always ends up making an ass out of himself. Which would be funny if he weren't old enough to be my father.
>> No. 26740

>> No. 26741
there were some Chris threads that almost tipped 2000 before I put in the artificial 500 posts before archive limit
>> No. 26742
"Monday, November 21, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 47.

The last couple of weeks of comics were really fun to do. Working with the kids was a blast. Next year they really take over for awhile. Writing for them wasn't all that hard, I just had to keep my sense of humor in check. I'm dealing with characters that are between the ages of 4 and 14. Just because my parents let me read Hustler Humor at that age...

I poke fun of that. The kids sneaking into my room, finding all those black and white comic books, and getting a box of crayons to improve them. However, unlike Becky I don't go full Konata when buying manga so those are my only copies of Haruhi Suzumiya being colored in.

The next run of comics were more difficult logistically speaking. Taking dozens of pictures of that car, cutting it out, screen shots of Google Street View and getting that camera turned perfect and giving up when it won't. Forgetting what percentage of fading was used for the characters behind the glass.

That last paragraph in conjunction with this week's comics is a hint of things to come. But not next year, I still have yet to explain why Nancy needed all those rubber balls.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments"

> Joe's parents let him read pornographic magazines when he was just a wee little boy. This explains SO MUCH about Joe's distorted concept of women.
>> No. 26743
Wait, isn't this the opening scene to the tuxedo?
>> No. 26744

That makes it yet ANOTHER thing stolen by Joe Pullin on his quest for E-Attention?
God dammit.
>> No. 26745
File 132198627857.png - (112.00KB , 774x257 , 1785_1121.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 26746
"Friday, November 25, 2011
Addendum to Ya See It, Save It.
I had originally meant to tell this story a while ago but forgot. I could always go back into the article and add to it, but hey, I can probably stretch it out to a multi-paragraph, rambling, rabbit trailing off into unrelated nothingness of a multi-paragraph, rambling, rabbit trailing off into unrelated nothingness.

Around November of 2003, me and a bunch of guys were granted passes to go to Kuwait for about a few days of R&R. Not everybody could take leave during our little vacation in Iraq. So a drawing was held. People wrote their names on a piece of paper and put it in the platoon sergeant's hat. I didn't put my name in because I thought that the married soldiers should get the opportunity to go home. I was used to such long deployments. A few years earlier I had spent a couple of years in Korea and never took leave. Of course Korea and Iraq have a few differences, mostly in the amount of drinky-girls available to give you a lap dance.

So the drawing is held, and by total coincidence, happenstance, by shear luck itself, divine providence from God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Belldandy, the first name drawn was the platoon sergeant's, by the platoon sergeant. Wow, didn't see that coming.

So I get to go to the port-a-potty capitol of Operation Iraqi Liberation.

It was really nice. No weapon, got to leave that back with HQ. I had the SAW. Nice not to worry about that for a few days. A well stocked PX. Restocked on babywipes. I was down to those wet naps from the MREs. Trust me, babywipes are your friend. A real shower from a real shower. Hot water, with privacy. No PT. Sleep in, go to bed late as you want. On a real bed.

An internet cafe in which you can hook up your own laptop. Important note because remember at this time thumb drives had yet to become really available. All I had on me was a broken zip drive and my laptop. I paid my fee, plugged in and went to everybody's favorite place: Bob and George.

I had saved and read, re-read, read again, and read some more all of our favorites. It was time to update. Taco, Umiliphus, Oddball, Jailhouse Blues, and Warped Reality to name a few.

HOLD IT! Something is not right, here. Where's Warped Reality? It's not there at all? What happened? I want to know if all the other evil scientists ever managed to catch Dr. Evil.

My first instinct was to do an internet search. (I won't say a Google search because I quite frankly can't remember if I was using Google at this time.) I searched for Warped Reality and found a site called thosebeyondtime.com (don't bother it doesn't exist anymore.) Apparently Deccus decided to strike out on his own. I guess so he could do what he wanted to do without having to follow the rules set out by someone else.

That's one of the sad stories of cartooning. If you have someone else publish your work, you have a dozen other people telling you what to do. And sometimes making changes without any say so on your part.

Months and months later I'm home and go and try to find this site. All I find is a banner saying “Under Construction.” Once a month, once every two months, six, and so forth I check in until I get that “Server not found” messages. Another great web cartoonist captured by reality.

Fortunately I was smart. And saved all those new comics Deccus did. Oh, I forgot to mention in addition to Warped Reality there was another comic that Deccus had started. Ironically named “Those Beyond Time.” All about the Wily-bots adventures in time travel to put things wrong that once went right. I saved about seven of them.

That's what taught me the lesson to always save what you see. You never know if a comic, news article, Youtube video, or blog gets scrubbed out of existence.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> This homosexual deviant is stuck on the past decade and is unable to move, period. Also, some fucking SPRITE COMICS are milestones on his life? For real?
>> No. 26747
Is there even a difference between comics and manga? And no, what way you read them doesn't count.
>> No. 26748
I really doubt he got deployed. For one, the military ensures that all soldiers take leave when they're deployed. It also wasn't Operation Iraqi Liberation.
>> No. 26749

According to what Joe himself wrote on his crappy blog, he never saw any action and never did anything except doing grunt work like driving a truck to carry shit from a place to another.
On his autistic mind, Joe thinks of himself as a war veteran and has been butthurt for years because the army hasn't smothered him on medals and praise like the guys who really risked their asses on the front lines back then.
>> No. 26750
If you were in Iraq in 2003, you saw action. It was an invasion! My guess is that his "deployment" consisted of hanging around Kuwait and doing base work.
>> No. 26751
File 132231663976.png - (18.72KB , 213x214 , _233357cae011b4c197d357938e57e2c9.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>An internet cafe in which you can hook up your own laptop. Important note because remember at this time thumb drives had yet to become really available.
>mfw I got a 32MB flash drive for x-mas in '02
>> No. 26752
>It was really nice. No weapon, got to leave that back with HQ. I had the SAW. Nice not to worry about that for a few days. A well stocked PX. Restocked on babywipes. I was down to those wet naps from the MREs. Trust me, babywipes are your friend. A real shower from a real shower. Hot water, with privacy. No PT. Sleep in, go to bed late as you want. On a real bed.

So, bullshit about this: When you go on pass from Iraq, you go to Qatar, not Kuwait. Kuwait's a staging area. While there weren't a wide availability of showers in Iraq in 2003, there are no wet wipes in MREs ever. In Kuwait the only beds you sleep on are the ones at the airport before you go home on leave (otherwise you're on a cot, which isn't too terrible), and the showers are still not private showers.
>> No. 26753

Joe himself said he did nothing but drive a truck to carry supplies and waste from a post to another and most of time he just idled or scribbled his fucking comic. Later, the Army discharged his piddly ass and asked him to never return again.

He was never involved on real combat, but he still desperately insists to call himself a war veteran. Myself finished my instruction several years ago, but I don't talk 24/7 about it, because I have done other things since then.

Joe seems to have returned to mommy's home after the army kicked him out, went into his old room to play with his komputah and stayed there since then.
>> No. 26754
>the Army discharged his piddly ass and asked him to never return again.
Ha ha! I didn't realize they did that!
>> No. 26755

Joe himself said this, several times to be exact.
Probably he wanted to draw sympathy from others or pose like a big brave boy unjustly bullied by the army. Nobody gave a shit, of course.

Joe has also been throwing the same tantrum for nearly a decade because the other members of his unit received promotions, medals and considerable awards for their services, while Joe only received a kick in the arse and a quick tour to the exit.
Being the self centered asshole he is, Joe has never pondered WHY, and blames everything on a conspiration against him led by corrupt politicians.

I so fucking wish I were making this up.
>> No. 26757
"Monday, November 28, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 48.
Click Here.

Looks like only a few weeks left. Going end officially middle of December. I do have plans to fill out the last two weeks. Be picking up again in January.

By the way, Any Video Converter is mostly excellent addition to your video editing portfolio. It can convert just about anything to the most common formats. I have some Real Media formatted videos, and the codec packs for Windows wouldn't play them in Windows Media Player. The converter I was using before did a really crappy job on Real Media formatted files. I did a Google search and found Any Video Converter. Tried it out and it worked fine. The free version will do what you need it to do. Even with GVI.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments"

> Joe starts talking about the comic that noone gives a shit about and ends up talking about... software?
>> No. 26758
File 132258150392.png - (68.81KB , 774x257 , 1789_1128.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Joe isn't even trying anymore.
>> No. 26759
File 132285024086.png - (19.75KB , 777x257 , 1792_1202.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Cheap Flash.
Being in the right place at the right time has allowed me to purchase three copies of Flash for the price of one.

Way back when in 2004 I was perusing my favoritest computer store when I saw a used copy of Flash MX on the shelf for about $200. A lesson I learned a long time is you don't wait for next time to buy something like that. You buy it now. Many a time is that I decide I don't want that right now, I want it next week. Next week it is no longer on the shelf.

Not much later I noted that everybody had switched to Flash 8. I figure I should look into it as well. Discovered I could use Flash MX to upgrade for only $200. So I did. Flash 8 worked fine on XP and was a little hectic on Vista. So I saw no real reason to change. Until Win 7. It was just that Flash Eight was old tech. Not to sure if it would even work with Win 7. Didn't even try. Checked in with Adobe and found that my copy of Flash MX was still valid for the upgrade to Flash CS5.

I know that Flash's days are numbered. Adobe is moving in the direction of HTML5. I have a feeling that someday that Flash MX will be scrubbed as an upgrade tool so that Adobe can force people to buy the $700 full version that is no different than the upgrade.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> How in the hell can Joe fuck up SO BADLY this set of stolen sprites?
>> No. 26760
File 132290615342.jpg - (49.20KB , 357x360 , nigga.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he paid for Adobe Flash MX
>> No. 26761
Who wants to bet Joe is going to run his mouth again now that Obama is pulling U.S troops from Iraq?
>> No. 26762
"Monday, December 5, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 49.
Click Here.

I have a choice of subjects. I can talk about how I got shit on by AVG, or I can go positive and talk about the latest issue of Rosario Vampire. We all know what I usually do.

Got a warning message that my AVG subscription was about to expire. How could that be? It's brand new. Model number 2011. I installed it in a fresh install of Windows 7 just a couple of months ago. I retyped the license key many times. No effect. I registered, nothing happened. I did get a hold of a technician on the phone. He gave me a new license, but it only extended the deadline by a few more days. Then he went and told me the original license had been activated in 2009 and made it sound like that I was trying to cheat them. I knew then and there that they had fucked me. You see, how do you activate a license in 2009 for a product that didn't get released until late 2010? Then wasn't purchased until late 2011 and installed.

This tricked had been employed before. Remember CompUSA? When they went out of business, I bought a bunch of anti-virus software for everybody I knew. A few days later I started getting multiple ears full of complaints that the software had expired. I learned later that some software manufacturers put an expiration date, or even deactivate unsold previous version licenses when new software comes out. AVG did it too. That brand new copy of AVG 2011 I paid $60 for a two year license was already set to expire at the end of 2011.

I wasn't going to yell at a phone jockey over this, he was just reading and doing what was written down for him by the guys that did the fucking in the first place. I kept my voice low and language clean and said simply that this was inexcusable and that I am no longer a customer of AVG and switched to a competitor.

In other news: I found an old webcomic. Stay tuned.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments"

>Joe keeps digging out old sprite comics that nobody cares about but are SERIOUS BUSINESS and life milestones for him.

Joe also seems to believe that anyone except for trolls reads his crappy comic.
>> No. 26763
Quick question OP, what web dialect are you talking in when you say "menace you with a sue". I've never heard lolsuits worded like that?
>> No. 26764

I think OP is quoting Joe's own words as his blog contains that line, among several other idiotic ones whenever he felt like throwing a lawsuit threat against other people.

So yeah, Joe's mastery of the english language is not one of his strong points, I'm afraid.
>> No. 26765
File 13232660839.png - (19.51KB , 774x257 , 1794_1206.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More crappy jokes and failed attempts at becoming Meta. (The comic is a piece of shit, but since I'm making fun of it, it automatically became a masterpiece, by the way, I WAS IN THE ARMY.)

Also, MORE stolen sprites, this time from Panelmonkey's defunct site.
>> No. 26766
First chandlerese now we've got pullinese. Google needs to add "Spastic" to its translation tools.
>> No. 26767
File 132337745973.png - (26.09KB , 774x257 , 1795_1208.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> You are Joe the homosexual deviant and you never were funny.
>> No. 26768
"Friday, December 9, 2011
Way Back Machine: The almost way too coolest net tool ever.
I found out about his a few weeks ago. What it is and archive of websites going back ten and fifteen years ago. It is mind blowing.

Note the title has the word almost in it. It's kind of buggy.

Right in the eye catching middle of the page is a search box. You type into it and are taken to the current site. Not an archived site, the one that is there right now, not the archive. The actual archive search is in teeny-tiny box in the no so eye catching upper left corner of the page.

You need to know the exact URL. No guesses allowed. You would think that Web Site #9 would be website#9.com or something. Nope. Fortunately The MSTing Mine still has a dead link right on the front page.

Sites are not fully archived. You get bits and pieces on one date, and different bits and pieces at a different date. Some sites don't get archived at the right time. Web Site Number 9 only got archived after in was taken down. I did manage to save a couple of fanfics that are not available elsewhere. Video Night at Mako-chan's and the Misery Senshi Neo-Zero Double Blitzkrieg Debacle. However I didn't save La Bleu Sammy. I only regret having read it.

When sites are saved by the Way Back Machine, sometimes the original coding is messed up a bit. Like CSS documents aren't saved and such. Things like frames and scroll bars are scrolled way off where you can't see them.

Bookmarking is a bitch. I can't seem to bookmark individual pages like a normal site. Sometimes it won't work, other times it will take me back to the Way Back Machine's homepage. Once in a while I'm lucky enough to at least be able to bookmark the home page of the site I found.

The Way Back Machine's archive is not searchable by Google. A real major draw back.

One major bug is that sometimes there is confusion of an old snapshot with a current one. Once in awhile the hacked version of The People's Sprites will show up in 2006.

Speaking of which, y'all might find this interesting. I don't put a lot of weight behind that declaration. Remember that the Deccus Wily Sprite had been removed. I imagine for a reason. Too bad the sheet itself isn't there. None of the other snapshots have it. Like I said, it's buggy.

I did look up mine. Interesting, I had forgotten a lot of tings. Like when I was posting a bunch of comics. I was truly mystified as to when certain ones went up. Now I know. I have been wanting to change from calling them seasons and go with the year of publication.

(Yikes! As I write all this out, I am looking at many different pages at once, one of them is mine, (of course.) I just noticed a mistake in the comic posted and promptly fixed it.)

I did go through earlier snapshots and have to constantly wonder why this was saved and not that. I'm not going to comment on the construction; because unlike other comics that annoy me when the cartoonist digs up old comics to (A) apologize for his work, (B) make us feel sorry for him, or (C) brag about how great he is now and we all should bow before his greatness. I try not to be that annoying. I'm mildly satisfied by annoying people by pointing the boney finger of indignation at what annoys me about them.

Weren't we talking Deccus a few paragraphs ago? Here is Those Beyond Time dot com. Yes it really did exist. Unfortunately 2003 wasn't archived. So the actual comic is lost except to those of us that manged to find it originally. You can at least read Warped Reality the way Deccus had intended.

(By the way, if you Google Those Beyond Time you will find a blog about an elf chick who likes to draw elf chicks. Interesting.)

Now I am not at all pissed, ticked, annoyed, or anything negative emotionally at all the bugs the Way Back Machine has. These are people spending what little spare time they have and what little money they have in a labor of love. The archivers are having to deal with over 15 years of thousands of different styles and evolutions in web coding. Trying to make it all work in current browsers that are constantly being changed.

I am happy enough to have finally found Shadey Theatre.

I am currently going through and doing what I should have done 8 years ago. Too bad there's only a handful of comics saved.
Posted by Joe at 12:00 AM 0 comments"

> Joe keeps with his desperate struggle against the pass of time. Also, the same site he posted seems like an useful tool to dig out the shit he used to post and then delete out of cowardy whenever he got caught.
>> No. 26769
File 132380647338.png - (24.98KB , 774x257 , 1797_1212.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Monday, December 12, 2011
Ravy 2011 Pg. 50.

I've lamented about this in the past, I will do so in the future, and I will do so right now. Comics based on current events get to be irrelevant rather than irreverent.

I got to read an issue of Mad Magazine from the early Seventies. (A long time ago I lamented about having to say the 1920's instead of the Twenties. I'm sure that I can still say the Seventies and most people will get that I mean the 1970's. Just so happens I caught that episode of House in which he went to an 80's Party. He dressed up like the 1780's.) In this particular issue was a bit with photos of a Nixon press conference with thought balloons added. It was about if Little Big Horn happen during the Nixon Administration.

I didn't get one bit of it at all. It was all because I'm too far removed from the events of the 70's. All I know about Nixon is what I read in history books and what comedians impersonating his voice say. Though I have to say a joke like this can be recycled for any president.

That's why I've tried to avoid making much hey over current events. They make a comic even more irrelevant than it already is. Years ago I did a number of comics involving gays in the military and people may stumble across them and go “Doesn't he know that Don't Ask, Don't Tell has been repealed? Becky can just go and hug and kiss her girlfriend coming back from Afghanistan.”

The problem is made worse (by me) because I paste together my comics months and years in advance. With the comic on this Monday is one of those that will have people wondering what it is I'm thinking, more than usual. This comic was done six months ago. I did a similar joke a year earlier, which got posted six months later. (You still with me? God I hope so 'cause I'm not.)

This story got all kinds of play in the Massachusetts press, and I found blurbs in the Politico and Huffington Post. Why did I jump on this? Because I am so sick of that stereotype of southerners being nothing more than a bunch of inbred hicks. Finally one of those overpriced universities filled with faculty that look down their nose at all of us got hit upside the head with this stupidity. (By the way, I know the old saying, “you don't get to be a stereotype for no reason.”)

By the time I got around to making the first comic about this news story it had long since run its course and I had to type in some pretty descriptive terminology into Google to even find any articles about it. That told me it was time to kill that joke. Dan Quayle's “potatoe,” Al Gore's excessive sighing, and now Massachusetts in a “family way” are all jokes that I have officially declared dead.

Behind Wily's back? Full throttle on that one.

Posted by Joe at 12:00 PM 0 comments"

> Incest and Joe was apparently drunk when he unleashed his habitual diarrhea of the mouth.
>> No. 26770

>Joe is now making videos and even tried to dodge critics by making it "classified"

This is the creepiest shit he has even done and that's already saying something.
>> No. 26771
I don't know what I expected but that was one of the more pointless things I've seen for quite a while.
>> No. 26772

And yet, it's a fucking life milestone for Joe.
>> No. 26773
File 132442271095.png - (54.47KB , 774x257 , 2010_chick_chat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The saddest part of this shit is that Joe probably talks like this IRL, seeing how much he loves to spew out catchphrases and cliches every time he opens his maw.

Oh, and Joe deleted all the negative comments you guys put on his blog.
>> No. 26774
File 132449715124.png - (43.75KB , 517x479 , 2010_mudflaps.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, come on, Joe. How the fuck can you mispell "Desert" out of all possible words you could fuck up?
>> No. 26775
File 132449765872.jpg - (88.44KB , 590x393 , dessert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26776
So, Where's the Joe Pullin wiki?
>> No. 26777
File 132452514099.png - (22.06KB , 774x257 , 2010_one_without_sin.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No idea, but here you have another example of how Joe manages to fuck up everything he touches.
I especially love the difference in quality between the shit he steals and the shit he produces all by himself.
>> No. 26778

>> No. 26779

Apparently, it's the "Oops, wrong sound effect" running gag he stole from Bob and George.

All what Joe does is quote movies, ripoff other's comics and spew out outdated 90's catchphrases.
>> No. 26780
File 132460692967.png - (27.98KB , 774x257 , 2010_prefrences.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Joe is projecting like nobody's bizinezz.
>> No. 26781
>I'm a lesbian; I'm not sexually attracted to men
>I became sexually attracted to a man
>It happens
What the fuck?
>> No. 26782

One of Joe's fantasies (and delusions) is that his dick can "heal" lesbianism. That (stolen) shitty Roll edit he uses as his personal strawman is talking about Joe's self insert, which deserves a separate entry to list all what's fucked up with it.

Also, fucking wall of text alert:

"Friday, December 23, 2011
The Huh? Files: Megaman 3.
When I first got Megaman 3 I was very disappointed in the game. It wasn't as good as Megaman 2. The graphics were darker. They weren't as bright and cartoony as the second game. The sound effects were bland. The same sound was used over and over for several weapons. Music was just blah. Why couldn't at least the battle music from 2 have been used in the Doc Robot stages? Was that his name? Fighting Doc Robot was harder than the castle bosses. Castle bosses didn't have an invulnerable period after being hit. So if your controller had a turbo button on it... Or you can just use Top Spin. Works really well on the first, third, and final bosses.

No prologue. In Megaman 2 that really helped set up the game. Megaman 3 needed one. To explain that Dr. Wily had turned good. Or what's going on with the excruciatingly long stages with some junk heap robot using the powers from Megaman 2. Just what was the deal behind Breakman/Protoman anyway?

Long term views: It's not a bad game. I still enjoy it to this day. The music has grown on me. Looking back with experience in other games I now see many innovations started in this game. The 8-4-4 game layout got its start here. 8 regular stages, 4 Doc Robot/sub castle, and 4 Wily stages. (I know that there are technically 6 Wily stages, but can you really count those last two?) Introducing Rush and the slide really opened up possibilities in stage design not possible before.

Overall I rate this game as the third best of all the NES Megaman games.

So what have I possibly found out in this game that hasn't already sniffed out in over 20 years? What could all the big Megaman fan sites and some video game oddities sites missed? Plus a couple dedicated to totally ripping apart the code of not only Megaman 3, but Rockman 3, and even the prototypes. (Yes I did my fact checking on this. I have no doubt that somewhere locked up in a forum or blog post is an article detailing this, but has long since been pushed way back to beyond obscurity in a Google search.
Just a couple clicks above me.)

This is what all of us in North America saw at the end of the first Wily Stage. There's nothing suspicious about this what so ever.

Years later I would finally get my hands on a copy of Megaman: The Wily Wars. This was back in the days before widespread use of the internet. In those days you had to call up every game reseller in a video game magazine to beg and plead for them to order in a game from Japan or Europe. You paid out the nose for it too. Made worse because after cutting the slot edges in my Sega Nomad to get the game to slide in, It wouldn't work! It was a PAL game. I had to wait another week for for a PAL adapter to come in.

The Wily Wars is defiantly worth going out and getting. The overall experience is great and leaves you wondering why Megaman 4, 5, and 6 have yet to get even this treatment. Though I had a feeling throughout that this wasn't the best that could have been done with the Genesis's graphics and sound. It felt like the new graphics and sound were just overlaid onto the original game program. There are many instances of a badguy's weapon passing through the very top of Megaman's head. Right about where the top of the original Megaman graphic would have been. Megaman's weapon shots would do the same.

Playing all the way through Megaman. (No pause function that allows you cheat.) Playing all the way through Megaman 2. (The original NES sound effects were cooler.) Then playing all the way through Megaman 3 I found this:

I thought: "Odd. Why did Capcom change that? They didn't change any this else in any of the other stages." I finished up the game and got distracted playing the bonus Wily Tower stages. (Boy is that Metal Blade useful.) Then I got out of my room and went to a strip club. Got a really invigorating lapdance from a raven haired beauty.

(If you are detecting that I'm about to rabbit trail off into some unrelated topic, you're right.)

Buddy of mine, Heath, was always bragging about how "in" he was at De Ja Vu. That he was always talking the ladies up to his room. John called bullshit, along with the rest of us, and bet a $100 that Heath couldn't get even one of the strippers before he ETSed. A couple of weeks later Heath grabbed up a bunch of us perverts and and showed us this video of a De Ja Vu girl in his room. I said "Hey I know her! She gave me a lapdance." You should have seen the sour look on his face.

Later he admitted that he never did never anything with her (to her he wouldn't say, thank God.) He never collected on the wager. He was a nice guy. Too nice as I would find out a couple of years later in Kentucky.

When you get a group of soldier bullshitting, two topics will always come up: What units were you in and did you know so-and-so. I was talking about all the fun times up in Seattle when Billy asked if I knew a guy named Heath. "Let's see, Specialist type, one each? Loves bragging about going to strip clubs and bagging the ladies?" Yep we knew the same person. Billy had spent a couple of years in Hawaii and it turned out Heath went to Hawaii after I went to Korea. I then told Billy about the whole De Ja Vu thing and Billy told me that Heath had paid through the nose to get that stripper over to Hawaii with him. Just to get dumped. That's Heath.

I was always amazed how it was that on posts of tens of thousands that a couple of guys from differnt sides of the county could meet up and know a third guy.

Heath should have gone to Korea with me. Would have been much more fun. Those Korean and Philippina chicks were sooooo hot. On top of that you could go downtown and buy your very own bootlegged copy of the Rockman 6 in 1 Famicom game cart.

(Wondering how I was going to get back on topic? Hello? Hello? Anybody there?)

About 99.9999% of the game I saw were all bootlegged. Almost all the Famicom, all the PSX, Saturn, Genesis, etc, etc all forgeries. (That .0001% and "almost all?" Super Mario Bros. Ironically all those cartridges were originals.)

Playing all six Rockman games at once you notice a few things. Like, there really is no difference from game to game. Aside from the Japanese script there really is no graphical difference between Rockman and Megaman.

Except here:

So as it turns out the Wily Wars wasn't changed at all, it was the American version. Why?

The Huh? Files: Megaman 6.
Ever play Megaman 6 and Rockman 6 and not warp through the prologue?"
>> No. 26783
File 132475178384.png - (13.01KB , 250x190 , 2010_see_them_punked.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Merry Christmas, /cwc/
I bring you FAIL.
And the satisfaction of knowing that despite all of our problems and defects, at least we aren't Joe.
>> No. 26784
File 132500095038.png - (26.51KB , 517x257 , 2011_sexted.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Be nice so next year Santa Claus would give you a humour sense, Joe.
And what the fuck is wrong with that hand on the second panel? Every time the guy tries to add stuff to the sprites he steals he makes them look like concentrated ass.
>> No. 26785
dat horrible... wrench-hand?
>> No. 26786
File 132517552274.png - (27.10KB , 517x257 , 2011_safe_sex.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Way to go, Joe, stealing another old joke and running it down the ground.
>> No. 26787
the sex strips are pretty gross. not offensive or line-crossing, just kind of gross.
however, his comics are not really that much worse than the typical webcomic. xkcd churns out some comparably banal shit on the regular.

saging because i don't actually care about this guy and don't consider him a lolcow
>> No. 26788

Oh hi Joe Pullin. So you finally found this site and are trying to take this thread down?

You have no power here, so fuck off back to mommy's basement.
>> No. 26789

I'm going to say that I'm betting Joe here never even went to Iraq. Or Kuwait. Or near the Middle East. Or even anywhere near an Army basic training facility. If he did, he couldn't have lasted passed the receiving week. What I'm saying is nobody making it out of basic training could possibly be this ignorant about how rank and promotion works in the US military, and yes, this includes even Joe here.

>> Start working on your promotion to sergeant first class, first sergeant, sergeant major, lieutenant, warrant officer, or what ever immediately.

Sergeant 1st Class, 1st Sergeant, and Sergeant Major are the endgame of the enlisted ranks in the US Army. I have never known anyone in any branch of the US armed services (in this modern day to which I'm including Joe's "time" here) to rocket past E-5 in the space of their first four years. The only time I've ever heard of this happening was in World War II where an 18 year old Marine was promoted to a Gunnery Sgt (Sgt 1st Class, E-7) and this is only because everyone else in his battalion was put out of action indefinitely or dead. The way today's military is run, even this incredible circumstance would make this rapid promotion almost entirely impossible. No matter how "shit-hot" a serviceperson is, picking up E-7 any sooner than 8 years in is quite the exception and not the norm. Doing it in 4 years is in the realm of fantasy.

Another note about the E-7 rank: in every branch, it more than any other enlisted rank also comes with the highest single gain in esteem from enlisted and officers alike and well as responsibility to both. In the Navy they become a class unto themselves. There's no way they'd just hand this rank out like Joe is suggesting.

>> While you're working towards that promotion board, practice on the Soldier of the Month boards. All you need to do is win one. You may even get a certificate signed by the Colonel.

fucking dying laughing here. The promotion process, at least from my time in, is a long and nasty affair for the enlisted ranks of E-5 and higher. The average turnaround from simply being selected for promotion to the actual promotion itself can take months. There's only a set amount of sergeants and their specific ranks allowed in a specific field, and being the military you know they maintain this down to the number. Joe in his storytelling seems to forget this whole "to the number" detail. And a certificate signed by a Colonel is the last thing you want, the likely only reason he'd include one with your promotion packet is it's his non-recommendation. Also, the promotion boards running this system do not give a single fuck about piddly company-level shit like "Soldier of the Month", that's chickenscratch for the junior enlisted ranks.

>> Pester to death your squad leader for all the Army classes you can get.

Yeah, Jump School and Air Assault, the Airborne, recon, scout sniper, pararescue, etc those are just "classes" and that E4/E5 running your squad can get you signed right in to! They're happy to take the recommendation of a fellow serviceperson who probably hasn't been in any longer than you have for some of the most demanding training that the US military offers.

tl;dr given his complete ignorance about the military in general the most likely story is there isn't one, and Joe is parroting shit he's heard from stories from other servicemembers.

Maybe I missed it in this long-ass thread, but what was Joe's reason for his discharge and undesireable re-enlistment code? I wouldn't be surprised if it was the stock-and-standard shitbird story that his CO was the stereotypical insufferable twerp to whom he had to give a proper comeuppance at the cost of his military career.
>> No. 26790
Is Joe Pullin actually a part of /cwc/'s own little rogues gallery, or is it just the same 3 anon showing up every day?
>> No. 26791

Some regular ones, and some newcomers asking WTF is happening and WTF is wrong with this Joe fella, I suppose. There's not much trolling because Joe is paranoid as dick and he never ventures outside of his blog, where he can edit or delete what other people says if he doesn't likes it. (Plus he can samefag there at his heart's content to praise and support himself.)


As far I could see here, Joe was discharged from the army for being useless, and he even said that he was asked to never return.
Which is he reason for why he attemted to "throw a sue" (That's Joe's way to say he's suing them) at the Army out of butthurt, which is funny considering how the past years he has been yapping nonstop about his beloved years at the army, how much he respects it and how people today doesn't deserves to be protected by it.
>> No. 26792
Agreed. If Joe was in the Army, he either got kicked out of basic or AIT for being such a fuck up that he couldn't even do the most basic of tasks (how to "pass" basic: Do whatever anyone tells you to do immediately. That's it) or he made it through basic/AIT and got kicked out of his unit in less than a year for being a fucking moron who couldn't do anything properly.

Fuck, if there's anything that pisses me off, it's lying about military service.
>> No. 26793

All what Joe did during his service was drive a truck around to carry supplies and move waste from a point to another. He was never involved in combat and on his stupid blog he even brags about how he managed to slack off and draw his fucking comic while his team mates were doing "boring" stuff like making the rounds or things like that.
He claims to have been discharged around 2005 and his life since then has been nothing but sitting on his ass reading old sprite comics, playing old games and fapping to old animu shit.
>> No. 26794

Yeah, but I'm saying that he didn't even get that far. I can tell you from experience that someone lasting all the way to a first deployment all the while being completely ignorant of the most basic military knowledge is really, really unlikely. That amount of stupidity - or willful ignorance, one of the two - gets people killed and such a liability would have been assessed and dealt with at, well, boot camp most likely.

Also, look at how he tries to flaunt his grasp of the lingo and vernacular every chance he gets into that stupid military comic of his, among other things that can be pointed out. It's just the tip of a big shit iceberg.
>> No. 26795
So you think he even faked having a terrible military durance for which he was justly discharged and indefensibly bitches about?

Damn, that's a new frontier of lolcow for me.
>> No. 26796
File 132525292714.png - (26.49KB , 517x257 , 2011_eight_million_ gallons.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>It's just the tip of a big shit iceberg.

Thanks for the mental image, I couldn't stop chuckling at work.

And this is Joe attempting to do politic humour... I guess? (I have seen little kids drawing better sprites or whatever they are, btw.)
>> No. 26797
This is just so sad
>> No. 26798
Why do autists have to be bad at everything they do?
>> No. 26799
File 132535031882.png - (28.68KB , 517x257 , 2011_capes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another crappy joke where the punchline is a cliched "Author" comment stolen from Bob and George.
>> No. 26800
File 132551312112.png - (123.55KB , 774x257 , 1801.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
None of the (crappy edited sprites) seen here were meant to be used without permission.
But of course, or old friend Joe wouldn't have any of that, right? HE WAS IN THE WAR, SO RULES DOESN'T APPLY TO HIM.
Also, the asshole once agan kills it by explaining the shitty joke.
>> No. 26801
File 132611957950.png - (152.49KB , 774x257 , 1804.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is this?
>> No. 26802
That fucking comic. It sets you up for a punchline in the second box and you're like "Time to be either greatly disapointed or marginally impressed", but then there's no fucking punchline, she just randomly brings up some xD so randumb bullshit like the first two boxes of the comic didn't even occur. This shit has harder to find jokes than Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
>> No. 26803
It's not hard to find jokes in CAD, B^Uckley explains them all for you right there in his comics!
>> No. 26804
Joe's crappy site REALLY looks like a 90's Angelfire page now.
All what he needs is a torch animated gif and a stupid .mid file playing over and over in the background.

He oucrapped himself.
>> No. 26805
File 132637520153.png - (149.62KB , 774x257 , 1807.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Also, let's ripoff the Question from Justice League's comic book.
>> No. 26806
"Friday, January 13, 2012
Zook the Hero Z.
Korea has been in the news a lot lately. With the death of Kim Mentally-Il to the rise in power of Kim Jong-Unstable. I think about the friends I knew over there: Lee, Lee, Lee, Kim, Lee, Lee, Kim, Lee, Oh, No, and Ju (This poor guy got that “Achoo” line from Robin Hood: Men in Tights said to him all day long. I loaned him my tape so he would know what was going on.)

I'm not too worried for them. I worked along side many a KATUSA they do get very good training. I have also been privileged to witness the regular morning PT session with the ROK Army. I'm glad I'm on they're side. I have confidence that when push comes to shove, Korea can handle its own.

Let's slide away from that political stuff there.

I learned many a lesson while on my Korean vacations: One, keep a hand on your drink at all times. A drinky girl will come by and gulp it down causing you to have to buy another one. Never buy a drinky girl a drink unless she is on your lap. They will gulp down their glass of fruit juice real fast and demand another $5 or $10 drink. (I'm so far removed I don't remember how much they were.)

Always, always, test drive that video game before you buy it.

Lot's of games to be had, but did they actually work? I did buy a few PSX coasters. Those 100 in 1 carts? Mostly Bomberman, Mappyland, Pacman, Popeye, Tetris, Dr. Mario, Yoshi's Cookie, etc. That would be the first twenty five games with English titles. The next set of 25 would be the same games with Japanese titles. Then 51-75 would be in Korean and 76-100 was in Chinese. Same boring games. “No Repeats!” As the box would say.

Most stores would let you test drive the games. If they didn't, I would just hand it back. I made sure that bootlegged copy of Rockman Complete Works 4 was good. (By the way, that is the only one in the set I have been unable to buy a legit copy of. Actually, I think I do have it on Gamecube or X-Box. The PSX version is better though.) Wow, that really is Mario in Tiny Toons Adventures; and in Sonic the Hedgehog. I bought that one.

This was a real treat:

Then one day I found this:

“Oh, so they think they can trick us with a badly edited label of Rockman 4 pasted over Rockman World 4?” Not so. I opened the box and was surprised to see an instruction book. I flipped through it and was very shocked to see it was in English. For an English instruction book, it was very detailed and in color to boot! I wasn't going to be fooled. I stuck the cart in my Gameboy that I always carried with me on these trips downrange. I was very, very shocked to see Zook the Hero Z boot up. It had a long drown out prologue, and rather outstanding graphics for a homebrew bootlegged gameboy game.

At this point I would like to give a full on review of the game, but I can't. I have been unable to locate the game in storage. I haven't had any luck locating a rom image on the net. All I have are my memories of this thing from a long time ago. I do recall never completing it because halfway through the six maverick stages you have to fight through a sub fortress. Two thing would always happen: there's a long section with few badguys to kill for power refills, and lots of electric beams that will hit you no matter what. So you run out of life and die. Or. There's spike pit you have to air dash over and grab the ladder. I missed the ladder most of the time. When you die in this stage, you went back to the beginning. I always died about three or four minutes in. Pretty frustrating to have to replay all that again and again and again. I usually had something better to do.

I do remember being pissed at Capcom over Megaman Xtreme. This professional company that has millions in backing made a game crappier than some homebrew bootlegged gameboy game? The only thing that MM Xtreme had on Zook is that I was able to complete it. Hell, Zook's sprite set was better than X's.

I can't find the cart, but, I have had the instruction book staring me in the face all this time. I have been meaning to talk about on the Capcom forums for ages, then all the big Megaman sites, and even mine since I first started it back in 2004. However this place called “outside” beckons. Filled with a substance called “fresh air.” Everything is brightly lit by this thing called “The Sun.” What's that over there. Is that a woman?

I gets distracted really easy.

Any-hoo, here's some scans of the instruction book. My little contribution to what little conversation can be found.

Wake up you misbegotten metal miscreant. Dr. Mean is making mayhem!

From what I've read elsewhere, the Chinese characters for "Zook" can be translated as "Luke." I've noted how some places will call this Luke the Hero 2. As in the number two. I don't have the foggiest where anybody gets the number two from the letter Z. It is clearly shows up as "Z."

If this is Luke 2, what about Luke the Hero 1? Is it like Leonard Part 6? Is the first game such a national treasure that it has to be kept a secret?

We've all seen this before. In about every damn game.

Wait, what's that? Can we get a closer look?

The Only Mega Man X game I've played since 7 is the PSP version. Can anybody tell me if X has ever been given this ability?

I gots nothing to say about this.

The programmers kinda gave up at this point and spliced in whatever they could find.

What do you do when Golem gets wrinkly?

What is it with Asians and putting buckets on the heads of snowmen?"

> Joe was either drunk or under the influence while he wrote this string of turds. Seriously, what the crap was he trying to express here?
>> No. 26807
File 132658723752.jpg - (11.51KB , 221x193 , chrismouthful.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26808
>I learned many a lesson while on my Korean vacations: One, keep a hand on your drink at all times. A drinky girl will come by and gulp it down causing you to have to buy another one. Never buy a drinky girl a drink unless she is on your lap. They will gulp down their glass of fruit juice real fast and demand another $5 or $10 drink. (I'm so far removed I don't remember how much they were.)

Oh, I have no doubt that Joe fell in love with a juicy girl while in Korea. Juicy girls are Filipino girls who sit in your lap, drink juice, and pretend to be interested in you for 10 minutes. They're like hookers or strippers that don't have sex with you.

Lonely men by the truckload fall in love with them in Korea. I am sure Joe did the same.
>> No. 26809
>Lot's of games to be had, but did they actually work? I did buy a few PSX coasters. Those 100 in 1 carts? Mostly Bomberman, Mappyland, Pacman, Popeye, Tetris, Dr. Mario, Yoshi's Cookie, etc. That would be the first twenty five games with English titles. The next set of 25 would be the same games with Japanese titles. Then 51-75 would be in Korean and 76-100 was in Chinese. Same boring games. “No Repeats!” As the box would say.

>actually buying that obviously-shitty bootlegged garbage and then whining when it turns out it's crap
>> No. 26810
>They're like hookers or strippers that don't have sex with you.
They seem to have some variation on this in every Asian country. What's up with that?
>> No. 26811
maybe asia has even more excessively beta males then western countries.

imagine the fucking lolcows, just waiting in the east.
>> No. 26812

Well, this made my evening.
>> No. 26813
Out of curiosity, why hasn't this thread been archived?
>> No. 26814
not dead yet, and oldest thread on the board. seriously, post numbers have more than doubled since the OP.
>> No. 26815
>> No. 26816

Beta-male almost loveshy sub-culture is becoming part of the antisocial counter-culture youth scene in Japan, but I don't know their word for it.
>> No. 26817
>> No. 26818
No, those are shut-ins.

I think the term the Japanese use is "herbivorous" men.
>> No. 26819

This Joe Pullin fella seems to have attracted some attention around.
>> No. 26820

Joe's Twitter, protected under a ton of locks so nobody could see all the shit he spews out or how he lies to little boys about his Army days.
>> No. 26821
----- Original Message -----

From: [email protected]

Date: Friday, February 17, 2006 1:52 am

Subject: Letter to Army Times

Sometimes, there is a problem with respect from the lower enlisted soldiers. And sometimes there is even a small problem with senior NCO's respecting lower ones. But when a soldier or NCO shows that he doesn't have a grasp on rules and regulations (4 years time in service to pin on E-5?), I can fully understand two things; why it took a year and half to pin E-5 after making Corporal and why the lower enlisted, as well as the senior enlisted do not respect the said soldier. Time in service requirement to be sent to an E-5 board is 34 months with a minimum time in service requirement of 36 months to be promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Get your facts straight and try to act like you are knowledgable about your profession before you air to the entire Army your obviosly unjustified complaint.

"Rangers Lead The Way"

SSG Godby

TANGO Security

> A nice fella calling Joe on his fucking lies and imbecile rantings. Of course, Joe being Joe, he HAD to counter back with more of his diarrhea of the mouth:

SSG Godby:

I apologize for taking so long to respond to to your response. AKO was screwing up on me. Took this long to fix it.

My letter to the Army Times was a suggestion backed up by facts. And, it was a rant too. I know more about rules and regs than most 1SGs and CSMs becasue they don't know the regs.

Last year around Jan or so the Army changed its promtion to E-5 system. When you hit 48 months TIS you are put on the promotion standing list. If you have an MOS in which the cut off is 350, you are automatically promoted to E-5. You can still go to the board and get more points and possibly make sergeant faster. It was in the Army Times.

When it comes to promtion every person has their own set of circumstances. I knew a guy with 18 years as an E-5 on the waiting list for E-6. Got busted down to E-4 for DUI. A year later he made E-6. I turned down the E-5 board in 1997 because I wasn't ready. In 2003 I was just a month away from being abot to turn in enough points to make cutoff, but then got deployed.

In closing, I don't need the Army Times to air my idiocies to the entire Army. I do it anyway because more people read the Army Times than go to my web site. There, 75% of the stuff I do about the Army is true.



Joe Pullin


>Tl;dr: even after being caught on his bullshit, Joe keeps behaving as a 3 year old dumbass who tries to be smug and "win" to the very end.
>> No. 26822

>> I turned down the E-5 board in 1997 because I wasn't ready.

Bullshit. Nobody recuses themselves from a board for lack of readiness, unless there was a clerical error and this is unlikely considering only way someone will be put on such a board is if the ones above the said named solider feel him or her are thus qualified.

>> In 2003 I was just a month away from being abot to turn in enough points to make cutoff, but then got deployed.

Again, bullshit. There's the possibility that a deployment can temporarily postpone a promotion but once they've arrived in theater the business of promotion goes on exactly like it did back in garrison.

Also, "I knew a guy who ...". Unfortunately, anecdotal bullshit amounts to nothing compared to the order that Ranger SSG was repeating for Joe's edification. And that SSG is right, this should be common knowledge for not just an ACTUAL sergeant, but any soldier who completed AIT or their MOS training.
>> No. 26823
So Joe just comes here and bumps his own thread every fucking day?
>> No. 26825
Joe's letter (http://www.armytimes.com/legacy/new/0-ARMYPAPER-1521141.php)

>Talking about rank ...

>On the issue of rank, corporal should be deleted.

>I was a corporal for a year and a half. Nobody respected me. Not the soldiers under me, mostly because the higher ranking noncommissioned officers didn�t respect me.

>As one letter writer put it, the time in grade should be extended for E-1 private [�Idea for new insignia rankles some readers and pleases others,� Dec. 26].

>Right now, it�s one year and you�re a private first class.

>All lower grades should have at least a year in grade before being moved up, which almost fits perfectly with the 48 month time-in-service requirement for being put on the promotable list for E-5.

>Sgt. Joe Pullin

>Fort Lewis, Wash.

No one respected you because you were a retard who made sprite comics while you were in the Army. This fucking moron was never a non-commissioned officer, and if he was, he worked in a mailroom after getting promoted by some first sergeant who wanted to look good on paper by sending all his soldiers to a board.

Lying about military service makes me rage so hard, especially from some auti­stic sprite comic sp­erg
>> No. 26826
why won't this thread die

nobody likes your sprite comic, Joe, just stop
>> No. 26827
File 132681359021.png - (51.63KB , 774x257 , 1809.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>why won't this thread die

Uh... because Joe Pullin keeps doing dumb things and people keeps digging out shit about him?

Among other things, we got to know that Joe's prized life in the army was a big pile of lies, which makes him a 40-year old hick with nothing but this crappy sprite comic to show as his life's accomplishment?

Nobody likes his crappy comic, but watching an old guy lie and wiggle around to attempt to impress kids 2 generations younger than him, now that's lulzy.
And sad.

But not so sad as his pitful attempts at politic humour.
>> No. 26828
But none of this is funny. I don't see what's funny about Joe Pullin. His comics are boring, his blogs are boring, nobody is trolling him. Essentially this thread is like his secondary blog. Every time he writes a new entry it shows up here, but none of them contain anything amusing or noteworthy. I'm at a loss here. What do you guys see in him that I'm missing? Did he steal your sprite sheet or something?
>> No. 26829

The real question is, why are you so concerned with this thread and why are you defending him with so much effort?

Are you Joe's boyfriend?
Because you sound like a boyfriend trying to whiteknight and protect the love of his life, brah.
"Leave Joe alone, he doesn't deserves your trolling, he didn't deserved this" and shit, brahderino.

Just saying.
>> No. 26830
But nobody cares about Joe. He's boring. I guess most of the posts on this thread are the same guy. It's just sad.
>> No. 26831

No, I'm just saying it's not funny. You can "troll" him all you like, but I don't think he's acknowledged you once. I don't even know the guy, and I don't give half a fuck about him. All I know based on this thread is that he likes to write walls of text and make unremarkable sprite comics. Why are you so mad that I think he's uninteresting and that 500+ posts is way too long for any thread to live?

Again, I don't give a fuck about Joe Pullin. What I do give a fuck about is you bumping this thread every day, replying to yourself. Joe is boring. This thread is boring. You are boring.

Loosen your foil hat, brometheus. Stop necrobumping your failed lolcow thread; you aren't going to be the next Clyde Cash.
>> No. 26832
I find it a good thing someone posts Joe's shit here, at least then I don't have to go dig for them myself and make Joe think he actually has fans or that someone cares. Everything he does and says is just so horrible it's... Well, horrible, honestly, but you know what they say about train wrecks.
>> No. 26833
File 132682729599.jpg - (305.59KB , 1600x1200 , 131778508014.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>no fans
>nobody who cares
>500+ asinine posts
>> No. 26834

You know he doesn't have any real fans. I guess we could call that only other guy who posts in this thread someone who suffers to give us something to laugh at.
>> No. 26835
Since July of last year, no less. Since then, both Chris and ADF got jerkop'd, plenty of drama with Alog, PDK and Bob McBob... but Joe makes the same shitty comics and it's supposed to be interesting to us?
>> No. 26836
>You can "troll" him all you like, but I don't think he's acknowledged you once.

Joe is aware of this board, and he isn't happy about what's being discussed here, duderino.
Why do you think he disabled Anon posting on his crappy blog and why do you think all posts must be approved by him before being displayed? Because if you check the dates, you would realize that Joe's blog had way more posts (all of them were complains of Joe samefagging, but posts anyways) until he began receiving comments from here and went into paranoid mode.

This place has become a thorn on his side, and since he can't get rid of this place, he desperately tries to remove all references to it on his blog and pretend we don't exist.

That and sometimes he posts here and pretends to take this thread down under the excuse that "this isn't funny, stop doing what I don't like."

Right, Joe? The crappy spelling and hick wording always gives you away, but you never learn, do you?
Nope, you never learn.
>> No. 26837
Actually I really don't give a shit about the people here.

Keep on samefagging your loser thread, spearg.
>> No. 26838

Keep samefagging coments on your blog, "Joe".

So many MAD people here, too.
Well, just one, but he keeps samefagging over and over to protect his true love.
>> No. 26839

Yep, sure don't care about this thread when you're here in 15 minutes to tell people so.
>> No. 26840
>knows about the wordbutter
I call bullshit, I don't even need to check an IP on this one.
>> No. 26841

<ad hominem about your shitty English ("thorn on his side", "if you check/you would", "all of them were complains", "anyways") and subsequent strawmanning>

If it makes you feel better, you can imagine whatever you want up there.↑

Also, not samefagging, ask mods. Try harder next time, 0/10.
>> No. 26842

Oh, and here: http://i.word.com/idictionary/acknowledged

>> No. 26843
>Doesn't know how to redtext

Are you the same guy that tried to evade the wordbutter by using HTML code? I hope so.
>> No. 26844

No, that wasn't me. I know how to HTML, you know.
>still using "ISHYGDDT" argument
>mad detected
>> No. 26845
File 132683688194.jpg - (10.08KB , 300x268 , homer-eating-popcorn.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who said this thread wasn't fun?

Look at all that butthurt and concentrated MAD coming from Joe's whiteknights.

Please continue making posts and saying words!
Because every time a moron tries to dismiss something under the excuse that "doesn't cares" is because he really cares and is raging mad inside.
>> No. 26846
Confirmed for Joe Pullin
>> No. 26847

Joe Pullin crap out of his ass.
>> No. 26848
File 132684006578.jpg - (24.86KB , 333x500 , barack obama.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>pretend to be Joe
>samefag believes you, even with the obvious evidence
>massive personrage from thread samefag

Anyway, thread finally autosaging. It's been a good six months. Good riddance.
>> No. 26849

Your mom's tits are sagging.
>> No. 26850

And it will be reborn and rise from the ashes for another 6 months.
>> No. 26851
Can we archive this thread?
It would be a pity to waste all of this old guy's concentrated fail and denial.
>> No. 26852
This thread is dying due to lack of interest. Thank god for that.
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