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File 132438397993.jpg - (117.02KB , 526x618 , SHARARAM.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
26853 No. 26853
Guys lets talk about our favourite male pokemons ^_^

pic related, its my favourite - SHARARAM
Expand all images
>> No. 26854
>> No. 26855

oooh i know isnt he just the best??? i got married to him just two weeks ago =D=D so happy with him!!!!
>> No. 26856

>> No. 26857
File 13243845661.jpg - (38.67KB , 293x320 , shararam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Shararam is my favourite pokeman too!
>> No. 26858
>implying i want to get hit on

I already have a husband - Reshiram!! I don't want anybody else to hit on me!!
>> No. 26859
File 132438704146.gif - (11.56KB , 180x197 , Pikachu.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26861
File 132438875911.jpg - (38.66KB , 150x225 , PunchyPose.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 26862
Way to not play with the joke, namefag.
>> No. 26864
Squirtle's cool, but he's no bulbasaur.
>> No. 26867
>> No. 26868

Hmmm i don't recall there being usch a pokemon!!! Maybe you mean Reshiram??? I think it's female...
>> No. 26869
Hi, Justin.
>> No. 26870
I'm not Justin!!! Check the IP's, they're different!!!
>> No. 26871
You walked to the library. Good on you for getting out of the house.
>> No. 26873
>> No. 26874
I think he walked to proxy.org, actually...
>> No. 26875
According to Bulbapedia, the end-all knowledge bank of Pokemon, all Reshirams are male and have giant thorny penises.
>> No. 26876
NO THEY DO NOT YOU FUCKING homosexual deviant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 26877
I believe it is pronounced Roshoshashirrasheramrorammersamram
>> No. 26878
File 132440656857.jpg - (288.74KB , 902x1355 , 5c976cf2c3e52b4db71c02b3b58fadb2216b9ad7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Mine doesn't but that's because I spent MILLIONS of pokeyen on getting a sex change. I feel bad for justin marrying a pre-op reshiram. Good luck on affording the surgery bro, shit gets expensive fast.
>> No. 26879
Plautistic the worlds only autistic pokemon!
>> No. 26880
Given the context of this thread, would Pokemon porn be bannable? I mean, technically it's furry, but I'm tempted to google some stuff where Rashashan is interacting with Zekrom or whatever.
>> No. 26881
The power of Reggierim compels you.
>> No. 26882

I'd just play it safe tbh.
>> No. 26883
you guys aren't legit at all!!!!!!
>> No. 26884

I'm legit.
>> No. 26885
no your not, otherwise this thread would NEVER have been created!!!!
>> No. 26886

I didn't create the thread you fucking dick, I only said I'M legit, I can't speak for anybody else.
>> No. 26887
all right, all right, all right... calm down!!! I believe you... who created this? it better not be someone who was faking liking me!!!
>> No. 26888
I would like to see the IPs for all this and my previous thread!!! so I can find out if it really is someone who says they like me or not!!! I want some answers!!!
>> No. 26889
Oh Justin, and you were behaving so rationally in the last thread.
>> No. 26890
Why would I tell my IP to a crazy stalker like you Justin? You're turning crazy!
>> No. 26891
Just remember this could have all stopped had you accepted the terms.

Instead you chose not to.
You have submitted yourself to a hell you will never escape.
>> No. 26892
Justin, why are you so fixated on whether or not people like you?
>> No. 26893
You cant see IPs of your friends on facebook so it would make no difference.

Facebook wont give you their IPs either.
>> No. 26894
Obviously! I mean its right there in the art. Reshiram loves exposing himself to small children, I guess
>> No. 26895
but now I am kinda second guessing this site... I went and asked the staff... if they can tell me that CWC is a legit board and you guys mean no harm I'll be that way again...

in the meantime... I'll go listen to Reshiram's battle theme to calm me down... brb
>> No. 26896
A mod replied to you here >>142899
explaining the situation
>> No. 26897
What's a "legit" board? Is a board only "legit" when the people there are never mean? Because there aren't any boards like that on the whole internet.
>> No. 26898
I'm starting to think you are trolling us Justin! How do I know that you are really legit and not a bad person huh!!!
>> No. 26899
ok, I listened to Reshiram's Battle Theme... I have calmed down and now I can focus...

I want to thank the mods for explaining the situation...

to all of you trolls... again, troll me all you want, I still believe there is a God and I believe he help people in need... + you can say what you want about Reshiram, but you aren't going to change my mind about what I think about Reshiram and how I like it... the Reshiram marriage benefits me that's all I need to care about... and I am not going to let any troll post or corruption of Reshiram affect what I like, I can call Reshiram a female if I want... it is my belief and opinion... and I am entitled to my opinion... you have yours and I have mine... sometimes opinions differ (just look at democrats and republicans)!!! your opinion may be different, but I will still stand for what I believe... if you have a problem with my opinion, it won't change the fact that it's my opinion and I am sticking with it!!!

and to my 'real' fans... I am sorry for being such a jerk!!! what I really needed was to listen to Reshiram's battle theme a few times so I can calm myself down... and Reshiram's Battle theme always does the trick!!! sorry, you guys!!!
>> No. 26900
I may have missed it if you explained before, but how exactly does an imaginary marriage help you? In what way are you benefiting from a relationship that is completely one-way where you have to imagine everything your non-existent partner does, and which ostracizes you from the public?
>> No. 26901
I was just angry... I needed to listen to Reshiram's battle theme so I can calm down... I did that and now I can converse in a normal fashion again... anyways, I am posting using a trip code, so obviously I am not a troll!!! I am one of those kind of people who want to please everybody... and sometimes THAT gets in the way because you can't please everybody...
>> No. 26902

I did explain it, I'll explain again...

it has made me not be one of those people who would go after any girl... I have had so much practice conversing with my pretend wife and I REALLY improved my social skills... and it isn't just me and my wife, sometimes (through chat on Facebook) we get around three other friends join in with my Reshiram wife and I and role play... really helps me improve my social skills even more when I do that... I even am a lot more calmer and improved a lot in my spiritual life with my Reshiram wife too... that EVEN my pastor supports my Pokemon marriage... I believe God my be using this pretend marriage to help me improve...
>> No. 26903
Your pastor approves of it because he knows God doesn't want retards to have children. You can't make babies with a reshiram... not real ones anyways, only fake delusions just like your wife, who'll never really love you.
>> No. 26904

again... your opinion won't affect my opinion... I am sticking to what I like and believe in!!! if that's what you think, you are entitled to your opinion... but that's not what my opinion is...

If I like a pretend marriage and it makes me happy, I'll do it no matter what...
>> No. 26905
Well said, Justin. As long as you aren't delusional about your relationship with Reshira m being the same as a real-life one with a human being - which any idiot can see you're not - then there's nothing wrong with it. It's unusual, sure, but individuality is what makes humanity beautiful.
>> No. 26906

More like poomanity since Justin is a poo-eating antichrist

Only an antichrist would engage in an UNNATURAL and GROSS DEVIANT WEDDING to a HOMOSEXUAL POKEMAN, which isn't even 100% man at all, but PART ANIMAL

To spend all your time daydreaming about something so AGAINST GOD is SHOCKING
>> No. 26907
Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death - Exodus 22:19

And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast - Leviticus 20:15
>> No. 26908

Does that count with cryptos?
>> No. 26909
Pretending to marry an imaginary Pokemon and having sex with a real animal are totally different.
>> No. 26910
File 132444633130.png - (51.43KB , 559x565 , 644.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Superior TRUE. And HONEST. MALE Pokemon.
>> No. 26911
  Here is the battle theme!
>> No. 26912

Don't be ridiculous!!! Reshiram is obviously MALE!!! I would know, I'm married to him!!!!!
>> No. 26913
My favorite is WOOPER. :)
>> No. 26914
Justin, your delusion is hurting you. Did your reshiram lie to you? All reshiram are born male. If you don't pay that pokeyen, then yours is a male too. I don't care if it's pre op, it's still a dude reshiram. Making your relationship sinful under the bible. I hope you confront your reshiram on this. No pokemon spouse should lie to their human trainer.
>> No. 26915
Reshiram is a fagg0t Pokemon.
>> No. 26916
nice try... but you still aren't changing my opinion... I see you have an opinion... but still ain't affecting me... I can see Reshiram as female if I want... it is my choice, and I am sticking with it!!
>> No. 26917

You can have sex with men while you are pretending they are girls all you want, doesn't stop you from being gay.
>> No. 26918

So you admit being an antichrist? The reason the bible doesn't change your opinion is because you HATE the bible and all things that are of GOD. A real christian would not say something so disgusting and WRONG.
>> No. 26919
justinrpg is the anti-christ? i'd better tell my church. i guess i can't be his fan anymore. thanks for warning me.
>> No. 26921
File 132511395853.png - (1.88MB , 2000x2000 , shososomon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Justin don't listen to them. it is me reshiram, and i love only you. come to me so i could cradle you in my intestines.
>> No. 26922
I'm conflicted. On the one hand I'm kind of annoyed all the... replies in this and the other threads seem to have scared off Justin.

On the other hand, I crack up every time I stumble passed said replies. They're substantially less funny if he's not actually reading them anymore though.
>> No. 26923
I don't think he is coming back here. Someone must of convinced him that we are trolls or he figured out that we are.
>> No. 26924
File 132513696024.png - (41.79KB , 185x227 , Mewtwo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nigga, who the fuck is Reshiram? Dammit Tajiri stop being such a personlord!
>> No. 26925
Taikiri is an actual personlord
>> No. 26927
I never liked Pokemon
>> No. 26928
I love the idea behind this game. It's like cockfighting, but with randomly captured animals.

Let's see what happens when I have this bear take on this shark...
>> No. 26929
File 132530856857.jpg - (19.92KB , 230x270 , sesame-street-ernie-and-bert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good thing that justin doesn't know about nezumi.

Or boorus for that matter.
>> No. 26930
I never really followed Pokemon.

The games were cool, but the show sucked. I preferred Digimon, it had a plot. Digimon had the better show, Pokemon had the better video games.
>> No. 26931
Please archive.
>> No. 26932

>liking or watching either of those things
>> No. 26933
File 132605493053.jpg - (18.07KB , 638x357 , 1318841941465.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is that what pokémen look like now? It looks like an edgy Togetic on 'roids.
>> No. 26934
>acts like he's too cool to recognize new pokemon
>still somehow knows what the fuck a Togetic is
>> No. 26935
Gen 2 ≠ gen 6 or whatever who cares
>> No. 26936
>Uses non-standard glyphs pasted from Character Map to look hip.
>> No. 26937
>> No. 26938
Archive please.
>> No. 26939
File 132695546535.png - (350.61KB , 602x602 , hmm.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I have had so much practice conversing with my pretend wife and I REALLY improved my social skills
>> No. 26940

Yes, please archive this amazing thread.
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