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File 132742878860.jpg - (526.28KB , 2544x1200 , CWCepicweenbanner.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
27410 No. 27410
'Sup nigs.
Drawfag here. Last time I had a drawfag thread I drew the what if scenarios you guys came up with. That was about a year ago and at that time what if threads were rampant and this board was exclusively about Chris.
So this time around... I dunno... more what ifs but with more lolcows?
Tell me what to draw and I'll deliver.

Also I made y'all a banner. I think it encompasses everything this board is about.
Expand all images
>> No. 27411
File 132742907536.png - (15.90KB , 384x224 , sf2ce.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Can you make a pic similar to, say, the SF 2 selection screen or another fighter?

>> No. 27412
File 132742908129.gif - (376.02KB , 350x197 , y7uja.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27413
Pwuh... that's a lot of work and I'm pretty sure I saw someone here make that already.
>> No. 27414
That's a fucking amazing banner you have there. I salute you as a fellow drawfag.

Also, draw ADF having sex with CWC.
>> No. 27415
NO U fucking draw that!
>> No. 27416
File 132742932890.jpg - (49.09KB , 500x750 , willem_dafoe_3140884.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What if Bob had gained superpowers from all of the bug bites?
>> No. 27417
File 132742941743.jpg - (11.37KB , 194x308 , JerkhiefProfile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Draw the Jerkhief and some Jerkops looking all badass.

Make sure they're all wearing white uniforms, too.
>> No. 27418
DUDE. That thread was the best thing on this board during 2011, it's shit that most of it is just lost, there was some classics in there.
>> No. 27419
Have we had that as a banner already? If not, requesting banner.
>> No. 27420
Draw JustinRPG
>> No. 27421
>> No. 27422
File 132743059152.jpg - (117.90KB , 800x600 , ChrisnADFhankypanky.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're an asshole, Slamwheel! That was not very fun to draw...
No more erotica for you guys unless I find it amusing or funny in some way...
>> No. 27423
Glad you liked it. I can dump the old stuff again if I find it.
>> No. 27424
Draw 14 branchland court being attack by zombie patti and bob
>> No. 27425

If you still have count sageworthy firing Chris through the window of the white house from a steampunk mech I'll be happy.
>> No. 27426
That. Fucking. Banner.


You sir are a talent.
>> No. 27427
Holy shit, what?
>> No. 27428
Love the banner, great work.
Im gonna second >>159478
With CWC and ADF as selected characters
>> No. 27429
File 132743129232.jpg - (930.75KB , 2480x3508 , cwcnsage.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I believe I can be of assistance with that.
>> No. 27430
Draw a /cwc/-tan. Or a /cwc/ pony.

Imagine the buttmad, man.
>> No. 27431
How about a series of images depicting the events of October 28, 2011 from them pulling up in the parking lot to the "high speed police chase", to the gruesome twosome in the slammer. I will orbit your cock if you can do that.
>> No. 27432
5-star, man. This is gonna be a good day.
>> No. 27433
Pretty sure I have about 90% of the drawings saved from last time...
>> No. 27434
Nothing you draw at this point can beat that motherfucking banner.
>> No. 27435
I know it's borderline pathetic, but I'm smiling my ass off at that.
>> No. 27436
How about a good old-fashioned lolcow orgy
>> No. 27437
File 132743280260.png - (1.48MB , 597x381 , lolcow_kombat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I made this a while ago on a little Chun-li thread.

Glad you didn't thanked me, homosexual deviants.
>> No. 27438
File 132743324623.jpg - (117.32KB , 1000x800 , Bobsuperpowers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27439

Take it to /bitch/.
>> No. 27440
Timbox fingering PixyTeri (cosplaying as Lee Lee) in a re-enactment of SheCameForCWC.

Do it, my son.
>> No. 27441
OP, that is the best thing I've ever seen and you should feel good about yourself. I laughed so fucking hard my face hurts, now. It's perfect! Seriously, very well done.
>> No. 27442
Can you draw A-Log and Chris fighting over Pixyteri's china?
>> No. 27443
Barb and the ghost of Bob reneacting the pottery making scene from the hit movie Ghost.
>> No. 27444
What's a /cwc/-tan?
And I know ponyfagging is banned on this board as it rightfully should be but how would you guys feel if I drew all the lolcows as cutesy cows called My Little Lolcow?
>> No. 27445
With Chris winning, natch.
>> No. 27446
lol do it
your art is great and only personalicious mods would ban you for that.
>> No. 27447

Nonetheless, keep up the good work
>> No. 27448

it's like the most weeaboo neckbeardy thing ever


essentially losers draw their favorite sites/os/whatever as moe blob anime characters

and my little lolcow sounds legit
>> No. 27449
Mighty kind of you, sir. Thanks.
Ha, some great suggestions so far.
>> No. 27450



I'd say post the best ones, but I don't want to take attention away from the new stuff he's doing for this thread.
>> No. 27451
File 132743540485.jpg - (22.88KB , 300x316 , Ballmer-tan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Personally, I prefer the tans based on portly executives.
>> No. 27452
I love you so much, OP.

I want to see Timbox trying to talk about Dexter's Odyssey somewhere wildly inappropriate (e.g.: a funeral), and the reaction that follows. I'm not picky about specifics. Use your imagination.

Alternately, something with Timbox and PixyTeri together, since PT claims to be Japanese and Timbox has an Asian fetish.
>> No. 27453
File 132743654427.jpg - (5.90KB , 270x187 , derp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>that image
>> No. 27454
On a similar topic, I'd like to see Timbox being chased by a dinosaur. Ideally a large, ferocious looking one.
>> No. 27455
Similar to this, I'd like to request an angry Chris-chan with bloody knuckles, standing over a cowering, crying, brutally beaten A-Log.
>> No. 27456
Let me be the millionth poster to kiss your ass OP, but that is a fucking sweet banner.
Could you draw Chris attending a Pokemon convention in an undersized Ash costume? Bonus points if you have all the other con goers looking disgusted.
>> No. 27457
File 13274373627.jpg - (126.35KB , 1000x800 , jerkop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the Jerkhief. Couldn't be bothered with all the Jerkops.
Bad ass enough for ya?
>> No. 27458
You may have my first born child, DST.
>> No. 27459
Requesting Chris running over Michael Snyder with his car.
>> No. 27460

>> No. 27461
he's so bad

they call him boss

he's the boss

boss nigga
>> No. 27462

Looks like Chris is sucking him off, bonus.
>> No. 27463
File 132743897626.jpg - (125.24KB , 1000x800 , JustinRPG.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27464

Dat hoverhand
>> No. 27465
Chris and ADF in a drag queen contest.
>> No. 27466
My little lolcow, My little lolcow
Ah ah ah ah

My little lolcow
I used to wonder what friendship could be
My little lolcow
Then you all damn trolls slandered me

Basement dwelling, tons of scat, a special mind, kawaii and strong, fighting cops is such a hard feat and delusion makes it all complete

My little lolcow
And you know that you are a damn slanderous trooooooooll
>> No. 27467
Your art is beautiful. May I request ADF looking as manly as possible in some sort of Red propaganda poster? He would be so conflicted. He loves to steal communist art of himself that people here make. But he hates being a man, so the more crotch bulge and stubble, the better.
>> No. 27468
Oh god, I think I'm going to put OP's image as my desktop background.
>> No. 27469
I want to see Chris arm wrestling the Devil for a free cheesecake while Barb cheers him on.
>> No. 27470
Also OP pic should be the new banner.
>> No. 27471
Can you draw and picture of A-Log and his friends looking like internet warriors

Here's a list of his friends
>> No. 27472
Yes! This! Please God, this!
The more heroic looking the better. Make them look like the Justice League or something.
>> No. 27473
File 132744142680.jpg - (303.34KB , 1304x1735 , poster.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It would be a wasted effort, because he's "genderfluid" or some shit, meaning he's a woman but sometimes he's less of a woman and a bit man. Yeah.

Plus it's already done.
>> No. 27474
File 132744147271.jpg - (322.88KB , 1236x2045 , fahrenheit-451.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Draw a CWC version of the fahrenheit 451 cover
>> No. 27475
Do you mean that cover but if Chris drew it?
>> No. 27476
I mean like the cover but with Chris in it
but either version is fine
>> No. 27477
And don't forget to write something like: "fahrenheit 451 the temperature at which lolcows catch fire" or something
>> No. 27478

Leave the jokes to DST.
>> No. 27479
File 132744358886.jpg - (110.35KB , 1000x750 , Lolcow Kombat v3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
what, this thing?
this is just a bunch of fags slapped on a grainy upscaled screenshot.

>fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which tards melt down
>> No. 27480
/r/ WHAT IF OP was honey boo-boo child?
>> No. 27481

...why is Cid Silverwing on that?
>> No. 27482
The fuck is the guy on the very left with the leejun shirt?
>> No. 27483
That's Atlus, I think.
>> No. 27484
either krapple or atlus
>> No. 27485
Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which Fanta boils.
Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which the internet cuts down.
Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which trolls and homos fry.
Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which Sonichu comics burn.
Fahrenheit 451: the temperature at which JUUUULLAYY!
>> No. 27486
File 132744469866.jpg - (309.59KB , 2048x1536 , 789chan staff.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's Atlus. Pulled epin ween troll and got demodded after he banned everyone who called him out for his shitty troll. After that he raged at Sean and disappeared. Is known for coloring his pubes pink.
>> No. 27487
File 132744490599.jpg - (111.57KB , 1024x769 , soflood.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Where Atlus and tardis shirt guy separated at birth? Because they must be related.
>> No. 27488
Chris as Chun-Li fighting A-log as E. Honda.
>> No. 27489
File 132744530163.jpg - (27.57KB , 640x480 , Love From Nick 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is amazing, if this isn't the banner of /cwc/ at some point I'll be mad.

I don't think you're as great an artist as Nick Bate is though buddy, sorry. Pic related.
>> No. 27490
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
>> No. 27491
File 132744569141.jpg - (156.70KB , 1000x800 , Bobpattizombieattackshitpantsdonothing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Zombie Bob n zombie Patti.
>> No. 27492
Draw Anthos and A-Log having buttsex
>> No. 27493
I love you sir please let me have your babbys
>> No. 27494
File 132744609512.png - (64.38KB , 264x333 , Graduon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How about one of Count Graduon?
>> No. 27495
Draw chris and all the other lolcows from the banner trying to escape from a fema camp
>> No. 27496
Could you draw one or more lolcows of your choice as a contestant on Toddlers & Tiaras?
>> No. 27497
File 132744700950.jpg - (141.88KB , 682x900 , Triple-Self-Portrait-19601.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Create some variation on this painting.
Interpret this with while maintaining a lolcow/CWC/ /cwc/ theme
>> No. 27498
File 132744816256.jpg - (108.98KB , 800x600 , 12998068629.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope the OP isn't gone, I remember the last thread.

I nearly suffocated with laughter when someone asked 'WHAT IF OP were born ten years earlier' and this image was the response.
>> No. 27499
I am going to print out this picture, poster sized, and put it in front of my bed so that every time I wake up, I'll know I'm not this bad off.
>> No. 27500

Either a wordbutter or I'm retarded
>> No. 27501
File 132744877568.jpg - (27.24KB , 300x291 , Bill-The-Cat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love how Sonicscoob looks like Bill the Cat.
>> No. 27502
File 132744892210.jpg - (89.75KB , 600x800 , 129980608080.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another one of DST's works:
>> No. 27503
namefags always did know how to take troll shielding to the next level
>inb4 jengatype "takes me down" with his intense wit and sarcasm
>> No. 27504
File 132745048125.jpg - (166.71KB , 1000x800 , Oct28-2011.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The events which transpired on October 28th.
I trust everyone is satisfied with the accuracy.
>> No. 27505

Can you draw what you think the average tripfag looks like?
>> No. 27506
No homo.
>> No. 27507
God damn... I really don't wanna draw that... but I might if the rest of you are keen on it. I'm looking for some really off the wall suggestions. Go fucking nuts, /cwc/.
>> No. 27508
What if ADF and Chris changed bodies?
>> No. 27509
Timbox, CWC and Anthos standing back to back fighting off jerkops? CWC pulling a tsundere A-log in for a kiss? Tito and Thorg drinking together?
>> No. 27510
Friends of A-Log Justice League.
>> No. 27511
How about one of Chris in jail pretending to be a 'genie with light brown hair'?
>> No. 27512

How about Timbox kiiking (Google it!) while CWC (dressed up like Humphrey Bogart in "The Maltese Falcon"), ADF (in his Sasuke costume) and The Amazing Atheist (nude, covered in shit and holding a banana) have a picnic (with lots of pickles) in the foreground.

Oh, and it all takes place in a post-apocalyptic Paris complete with a semi-collapsed Eiffel tower and zombie niggos in stereotypical French attire.
>> No. 27513
File 132745463790.jpg - (116.68KB , 1000x800 , bobnbarbghost.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bob n Barb do Ghost.
Well I'm extremely tired now, /cwc/ as you can see by some of the fucked up elements in this drawing. I'm going to bed. But maybe I can dump some stuff before I go. Such as the individual drawings from the banner if anyone's interested. Or maybe some of the old pics from last year.
>> No. 27514
That Anthos, it's perfect.
>> No. 27515
This. You got his weird double/no chin perfect.
>> No. 27516
Anyone have the pic of Chris as a Nurgle Plaguelord from the previous thread?
>> No. 27517

Come back for more tomorrow please.
>> No. 27518
you suck shit at drawing
>> No. 27519
File 132745684269.jpg - (94.76KB , 600x600 , 1098126.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah I'll be back tomorrow. No college or other such nonsense taking up all my time this year.
>> No. 27520
File 132745717977.jpg - (693.89KB , 1024x768 , d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Draw either:

1.Chris in this pose with son-chu
2.Chris street racing at night in the streets of tokyo
>> No. 27521
Somebody make a list of the top 12 lolcows and their locations, and we'll see about a SF2 character select screen.
>> No. 27522
Loved your previous thread here. Good to have you back.

WHAT IF OP and Clyde Cash had an epic final battle atop an erupting volcano? Maybe have Chris strangling him while a plume of lava shoots up behindthe two warriors.
>> No. 27523
PixyTeri cosplaying Lee Lee, with Timbox just staring in the background, please.
>> No. 27524
File 132746095152.png - (2.27MB , 1236x2045 , cHRIS COVER.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You ask and you shall recieve
>> No. 27525
File 132746103924.jpg - (134.18KB , 680x680 , 470422.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Not just staring, staring and squeaking. Gotta keep things canon.
>> No. 27526
I want more stuff like this. Anything that depicts Chris as some sort of a serious, dramatic topic is great, like those hipster photo threads we used to have.
>> No. 27527
I forgot about this one, and lol'd with all my might.
>> No. 27528
File 132746631421.jpg - (30.51KB , 397x407 , wtf am i reading lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Chris street racing at night in the streets of tokyo

you mean osaka... right?
>> No. 27529
timothy cruzetor weeaboo status: CONFIRMED
>> No. 27530
File 132746835687.jpg - (60.24KB , 460x687 , tom-cruise-anime.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27531
File 13274690172.jpg - (60.87KB , 678x912 , true and honest cruzetor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
well i have never seen any street racing in tokyo in many years. if i take a weekend holiday to osaka i see it all the time.

>dat pic
>> No. 27532
Draw Chris, Nick Bate, ADF, Pixy-Teri, Andy Schlafly, and A-Log as a team of power rangers.
>> No. 27533
Where can I find some more about atlus?
>> No. 27534

my little lolcow, my little lolcow,
every new vid is a dream come true
my little lolcow, my little lolcow,
how I love to pick on you

You never knowing
your spasm's showing
your rage vids never get old,
my little lolcow, my little lolcow,
I'm so glad I'm your troll

We'll plan a party with good ol' timbox
His dinosaur dance will knock off your socks!
Or maybe we'll get to see A-Log's foxdick
or JohnofE fucking Norbert and getting his kicks

Pixyteri always dresses in style
ADF has such a beautiful smile!
I hope we'll get a fic from the Dakari King
While Chris serenades us with a melody

my little lolcow, my little lolcow,
I'm so glad I'm your trolllllllllllllllllllll!
>> No. 27535
File 13274936014.jpg - (49.94KB , 800x433 , chrishearing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27536
File 132749363465.jpg - (14.33KB , 423x322 , pixiwithinme.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27537
Somebody should pitch a TV series to Comedy Central or something.
>> No. 27538
File 132749589129.gif - (484.43KB , 499x336 , tumblr_lrahoimnNN1qb98uxo1_500.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Could you replicate a scene from Five Characters in Search of an Exit, only with lolcows?
>> No. 27539
I love how according to that image TC is the biggest lolcow of them all.
>> No. 27540
Please draw Chris dressed as the little girl in the banner above saying "HONEY BOO-BOO-CHILD"
>> No. 27541
File 132750254259.jpg - (177.17KB , 700x700 , 1044f18685e049465c0c094f89e1dd37.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can you draw Chris and ADF with Charlotte? :3
>> No. 27542
What if C-Dubya-C and the other Lolcows formed a Nu Metal band?
>> No. 27543
I want to see Chris with 12 fists in his ass.
>> No. 27544
I'm back but I'll be leaving soonish. Gym and vidya are what take up my time these days.

Haha, that is fantastic!

But they'll all have masks. In that that drawing it will be just Power Rangers with varying degrees of fatness. I'll see what I can do though.

I lol'd
>> No. 27545
Requesting a 'Chris as Solid Snake and trolls/comic villains as FOXHOUND' pic.
>> No. 27546
Nice! Yes!
>> No. 27547
"Damn Slanderous Troll" is Surfshack Tito FYI. Get help for that multiple personality disorder.
>> No. 27548

Not >>159926, but I'd presume they'd be maskless and seconding this request as well.
>> No. 27549

lol no.
>> No. 27550
Haha don't be silly, cuz!
>> No. 27551
Would love to see a CWC and Drive collab, so many possibilities.
>> No. 27552
What if Nick Bate and CWC played a match of Pokemon against one another?
>> No. 27553
>>159926 here to say that I agree with this.
>> No. 27554
I'm shitting bricks here. Holy fuck that is perfect.
>> No. 27555
File 132751284375.jpg - (148.67KB , 600x1200 , timboxnpixy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27556
File 13275138823.jpg - (234.60KB , 561x408 , Sawnik.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Bloody fantastic!
I laughed like a retard at a balloon factory.
>> No. 27557
File 132751747473.jpg - (40.78KB , 500x375 , chatroulette-trolling-oprah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I second this.

pic unrelated
>> No. 27558
If you made a drawing of Nick Bate and Chris Chan together in a jail cell that would be amazing DST, like out of this world awesome.

I love everything you draw by the way. /cwc/'s most talented for sure, some of this shit is amazing, I hope to hell you go to college for art or something similar.
>> No. 27559
I've never heard of that but I'll look into it.
>> No. 27560
You're too kind. I've already been through college and my course did incorporate some artwork.
In fact, last year's thread was a nice warm up and good practice for a huge project in which I had to do all the design work.
>> No. 27561
It's an old Twilight Zone episode where five people wake up in a cylindrical tube not knowing who they are or why they're there. For a while they assume they're in hell, but the soldier convinces them to try to escape. When he reaches the top and falls over the side we discover they're all toys in a donation bin for orphans.
>> No. 27562
File 132752801288.jpg - (97.62KB , 480x720 , 1304397496422.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What if we could see PixyTeri examining her sides, stomach and fupa for objects which she's misplaced by rolling over them?
>> No. 27563
Oh, and also JustinRPG. I can't think of any others that play Pokemon.
>> No. 27564
What If JohnofE met A-Log's fox fursona?
>> No. 27565
The opening scenes of Resident Evil 1,with various lolcows replacing the members of STARS.
>> No. 27566
The dress of Lee Lee, Dee Dee's asian friend from Dexter's Lab, is green, not pink.
>> No. 27567
File 132753134529.png - (106.75KB , 600x800 , chris chan template1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Still working my way through your requests, guys.
In the mean time, dumping the Chris template from last year so you can color him and dress him up and what not.
>> No. 27568
I didn't pay that much attention to the show. Just googled her and her dress was pink.
>> No. 27569
Link to pic of A-Log's fox fursona, please.
>> No. 27570
File 132753226283.jpg - (16.63KB , 154x304 , A-Log's_Fursona.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Further reading: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/A-Log#A-Log.27s_Fanfiction
>> No. 27571
File 132753549447.jpg - (20.38KB , 320x320 , aaa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My word,what is this fine thread doing on the second page?Back you go my dear.
>> No. 27572

Don't forget the SIX INCH FOXDICK.
>> No. 27573
File 132754104097.jpg - (100.83KB , 1000x800 , timboxtrex.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here you go.
Was trying out some new things with this image but they didn't turn out so great.

Sorry guys. My internet was cut down. I'd have kept drawing but I couldn't see any of your suggestions.
>> No. 27574

>> No. 27575
You saw a T-Rex on /toy/?
>> No. 27576

No, I saw that artwork on /toy/ right before I saw it here.
>> No. 27577
The style or that exact picture?
>> No. 27578
File 132754235579.jpg - (113.50KB , 853x640 , 1327373142037.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you sure it wasn't this?
>> No. 27579

Well I did see that actually.

But no, what I saw was what looked like Timbox running from a purple Tyrannosaur (i.e. the same picture here).
>> No. 27580
Well I don't visit /toy/ and when I tried to upload it here my internet was down so... impossibru.
>> No. 27581
File 132754345780.jpg - (45.14KB , 600x527 , OP delivers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I seconded this
>> No. 27582
File 132754627453.jpg - (107.68KB , 1000x800 , chrisbeatsAlog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There ya go, bro.
>> No. 27583
What would happen if Chris were born in the roaring '20s?
>> No. 27584
File 132754682264.jpg - (68.10KB , 768x1024 , CWC 1932.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Similar to your request....
>> No. 27585
Are you currently working on previous asked suggestions like the fahrenheit 451 cover or you dropped them?
>> No. 27586
File 132754688959.jpg - (55.79KB , 600x800 , 1800s chris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And another similar idea from last year's thread.
>> No. 27587
I'm glad to see this was bannered,
>> No. 27588
Yeah I'm working through them all one by one in order but ignoring the erotica requests unless I can do something funny with it.
As for the Fahrenheit one, I don't think I can top with a drawing what has already been shopped.
>> No. 27589
How about your interpretation of Chris and Barb being handcuffed by slanderous jerkops? I would have paid to have seen that.
>> No. 27590
Haha nice!

Thank you, Admin!
>> No. 27591
What if ADF did battle with Jim Profit?
>> No. 27592
Oh wow, that's the most pathetic picture I've seen in years.
>> No. 27593
Is last year's thread archived somewhere?
>> No. 27594
File 132755125483.jpg - (82.93KB , 435x686 , CWCsuo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't think so. More's the pity, it was a really good thread.
>> No. 27595
File 132755158050.jpg - (118.06KB , 600x800 , Chris_misty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hope you don't mind me taking liberties with your suggestion. I drew Chris in an ill-fitting Misty outfit instead seeing as he's tomgirl now.

I made use of the old template again because ya know... time saver, yo.
>> No. 27596
Safe to assume this has satisfied your request?
>> No. 27597
Mr. Slanderous Troll would you mind doing this one of Timbox preferably doing his king finger point pose.

>During the senior breakfast he cut a bunch of people in line, including myself, and had the nerve to steal food off my plate. The motherfucker just grabbed a brownie and waddled off. I called him out on it and he looked at me, eating with his mouth open while saying "IT IS NOT YOUUURRR BROWNIE."
>> No. 27598
File 13275522721.jpg - (62.32KB , 600x800 , chrismanhattan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sounds like some of you want me to fill in for cocks that hasn't been recorded!
No problem, bros!
But it's sleeping time for me now. I intend to deliver a motherload tomorrow to make up for the slowness today.
Here's Chris as Dr. Manhattan. G'night.
>> No. 27599
Draw chris standing in front of ruckerville virginia going down in flames. Chris's skin is blue and his eyes shine red and below there is a placke that reads "21st century spastic man"
>> No. 27600
File 132755553630.jpg - (313.14KB , 1280x1024 , king_kong_71200534811pm380.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Nice tracing bro.
>> No. 27601
File 132755587964.jpg - (555.01KB , 724x1200 , Napoleon_in_His_Study.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Legendary thread.
>> No. 27602
You're only just now noticing that like 85% of these drawings are traced from photos?
>> No. 27603
Who cares.
>> No. 27604

Wow, this is the most amazing trollart of Chris I've ever seen.
>> No. 27605
and now I'm reminded of the king from Shrek
>> No. 27606
Chris impaling ice axe on ADF's head ala Trotsky's assassination.

Or ADF complaining about "trans discrimination" to a guard in gulag.
>> No. 27607
Susan B. Anthony facepalming at Rosechu faceraping Jason or taking the nude pictures.
>> No. 27608
File 132756722889.jpg - (13.69KB , 342x352 , cwcpoleon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know, right? Those drawfags from the 1700s were something else.
>> No. 27609
Whoa! A lot of tracing talk going on. Tracing's for Sonicfags.
If you think I traced anything it's easy to find out by overlapping the images in photoshop. I do look at an image sometimes for the lolcows for reference to make sure I get them to look right but I don't trace right over their faces. Not even TC was traced even though it's obvious which image I used. Tracing would be a huge time saver but counter productive to practise which is mainly why I'm doing this thread.
What I'm doing is like observational drawing but with a photo rather than with a physical subject. Maybe some of you would consider that tracing and if so you might be partially correct. Unfortunately I can't invite any of the lolcows to come to my house and sit still for 2 hours.
>> No. 27610
File 132757857250.jpg - (14.47KB , 134x186 , coolyoshi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You don't have to try to explain anything to those homosexual deviants, mah nig.
>> No. 27611
God damn, that made me laugh.
>> No. 27612

That banner is fried win with a side of awesome.
>> No. 27613
100% pure win. Too bad it's too small to make out some things, like Pixitery's face, Anthos' chin and A-Log t-shirt.

Also, I want Cole on the next banner. At least for a cameo.
>> No. 27614
I still want to see Chris with 12 fists op his ass.
>> No. 27615
Can you draw a picture of Cole Smithy being thrown over the Brooklyn bridge in a carpet by Anons dressed as Buzz Lighyear screaming SMITHAAAAAAAAAY?
>> No. 27617
Yes I can, sir. Yes I can.
>> No. 27618
>> No. 27620
File 132759578979.jpg - (409.30KB , 751x800 , Ahuviyapropaganda.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here ya go. Enjoyed making this. Tried out some new things.
I'm hoping one of you can forward this to Ahuviya for maximum damage.
>> No. 27621
Could you make one with Nick Bate in the foreground doing his stupid smile pose while Anna is in the background getting railed by a black dude?
>> No. 27622

>> No. 27623
Can you draw Chris dressed as the old '60s Adam West version of Batman, complete with dirty crapped briefs worn over blue tights, fighting A-Log dressed as the Joker, JustinRPG dressed as the Penguin, ADF as Catwoman and Anthos as Mr. Freeze?
>> No. 27624
>dat squashed boner
This is glorious. I'll make sure it gets the front page of ADFki.
>> No. 27625
What if Anthos was being interrogated by Chris Hansen?
>> No. 27626
While his imaginary son, Simon, cowers behind Hansen, a traumatized look on his face.
>> No. 27627
Sonichu should be Robin.
>> No. 27628
Draw master troll Thorg digging up patti
>> No. 27629
Just in case no-one pointed it out yet:

>Mountin' Julay

Oh god I lol'd. I might get that printed up as a real t-shirt.
>> No. 27630
File 132760822364.jpg - (211.97KB , 1000x800 , CWCvsSatan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here ya go, Jenga. That was fun! I might stick to that style.
Yes, it's Thurop Van Orman's style.
>> No. 27631
You want the Mountin' Julay logo as a tee? That'd be epic ween!
>> No. 27632
Such wasted potential , it should have been Chris in a guitar hero battle for a solid gold controller
>> No. 27633
File 132761125051.jpg - (34.67KB , 316x400 , mr_ freeze 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Penguin should be Nick Bate and Pixyteri should be Catwoman imo.
Pic related, 60's Mr. Freeze.
>> No. 27634
Meh, I chose JustinRPG because of his bird fetish. Whatevs, yo.
>> No. 27635
Oyeah I forgot about that. I was going by looks.
>> No. 27636
I love the way PT looks in this. Shes my favorite lolcow.
>> No. 27637
The Devil Went Down to Cwcville? I love that song!
>> No. 27638
File 132761270416.jpg - (48.04KB , 512x384 , Workingonmy2Dgamethumb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ullillillia as the Riddler?
>> No. 27639
give me one with chris with 12 fists in his ass.

>> No. 27640
I wanna see Chris being Vern Schillinger's bitch on OZ.
>> No. 27641
This would be a good one
>> No. 27642
Fuckin' saved! I didn't expect you to do it...it was the most asinine thing I could think of. Well played, sir. I should have asked for the cast of Mass Effect, lolcow style.

The last thread, you posted as Drunken Drawfag, didn't you? Why the name change?
>> No. 27643
Nope. I'm not Drunken Drawfag. That's another dude.
Utter nonsense suggestions make for some good drawings.
>> No. 27644
Make a "Two-Face" picture of Chris. On the left is CWC's normal face, on the right is Ian Brandon Anderson, the twisted half of Chris.
>> No. 27647
He's the best there's ever been
>> No. 27648
File 132762382158.png - (239.01KB , 682x900 , chriswip.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a little WIP. I'd have to finish it tomorrow
>> No. 27649
Great stuff, OP. The site's banner is possibly the best I've seen in a while.

I have a few requests if it's not too much trouble to ask.

I would love a reinterpretation of that scene in Sub-Episode 2, "The Rise and Fall of My Heart," Where CWC shouts "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" to the heavens, but how it would've looked like in reality, as opposed to the comic.

Hell, I'd like to see real-life interpretations of the fight scenes from the Sub-Episodes, too.
>> No. 27650
needs more dirty crapped briefs
>> No. 27651
WHAT IF OP was actually Danny DeVito?
>> No. 27652
do you like any part of jenffer's show vs cwc make a good banner
>> No. 27653
I'm pretty sure OP has like 30 requests now. Maybe we should wait for some of the drawings to be done.
>> No. 27654
ok i will wait i jst asking anyway
>> No. 27655

Hi Jenffer.
>> No. 27656
File 132763238411.png - (199.70KB , 500x281 , tumblr_lsmkwuB2Sg1qbqlh1o1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Jennfer is Kathy Geiss from 30 Rock.
>> No. 27657
i dont wacth show... so why her is some how i me
>> No. 27658
you should watch it and create commentary videos/reviews
>> No. 27659
File 132763719156.jpg - (89.73KB , 836x1117 , Cwc-abstinence.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris + Norman Rockwell = Instant comedy.
>> No. 27660
ok whicth esptoat she was in
>> No. 27661
oh my fucking god you could not capture the essence of justin any better than this. miming his peculiar image doctoring and stoic self-portraits of him embracing no-one for use as stock positions to make weird porn is, like, incredible man.
>> No. 27662
Most people don't seem to know the difference between tracing and referencing, and in my experience, most tracing accusers are either not artists, paranoids, or tracers themselves.
>> No. 27663
Ahaha! That is fantastic!
I was gonna take a different, lazier approach which involves a little photoshop. Well done on going all out!
>> No. 27664

I lolled.
>> No. 27665
File 132765139859.jpg - (111.29KB , 1000x800 , alogandchums.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry guys but I had no interest in drawing A-Log and chums and my enthusiasm for drawing this evaporated pretty quickly.
It's a funny idea but I think it would be better if it were just shopped.
Here's what I did. One of you can color it in if you like.
>> No. 27666
I'd love to see this colored.
It's a real shame you're not really interested in A-Log and his pals, because it's very good, especially ISLAVERDE29.

I was going to request a super-kawaii pic of that pair of goths, MsUmlaut and PaganDeathKnight on a date, clearly having a great time, with ISLAVERDE in the background, silently raging like the kid in the 'Birth Of A Villain' meme.
>> No. 27667
I kinda got one. ADF screaming "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE" at Chris, who responds by SHOWING HIS FANGZ.
>> No. 27668
File 132765819788.jpg - (38.95KB , 640x640 , 8298b5a5-f30c-466d-b496-f2cb9e591cad-manhunter-vid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Was making the infamously homophobic ISLAVERDE29 the Martian Man-Hunter an intentional choice?
>> No. 27669
I took brief interest in A-Log and his stand-up comedy of fail and the now famous "Hi A-Log" response to anyone who says something stupid on this board got me a little more interested in him.
But I have no interest in his buddies and their "Trollin' 10-year-olds" Chronicles.
>> No. 27670
I'll go with yes.
>> No. 27671
File 132766170750.jpg - (117.76KB , 1000x599 , Chan-Li_VS_A-Honda.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well... that would make an interesting GIF but I'm not experienced enough in animation yet.

Chris as Chun-Li fighting A-Log as Honda.

They're fighting over Pixyteri's China.
>> No. 27673
That's okay. With practise I'll get there eventually.

Based on that drawing I don't have a fucking clue how Count Graduon is supposed to look...

They'd shake the fence a little then give up. And shit themselves. I can't think of anything interesting to draw for that.

Unfortunately I could.....
>> No. 27674
Dying Bob grasping his chest that is collapsing like a deflating volley ball, bugs dripping from between his fingers

"...my bugs...my bugs..."
>> No. 27675
File 132766785621.jpg - (207.12KB , 761x1050 , SchuSubE2P03.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Have you ever considered this treasured classic? I would love to see your version of it. From an artist's standpoint it could conceivably help you with anatomy in difficult poses. From a /cwc/ fag perspective, I've just kind of always wanted to see fanart of this one image. You don't have to, but if you did I'd have it printed as a poster and hang it up in a frame above my (imaginary) fireplace. This way I'll have something to look at while I shit my pants and play ps3, and before I crash into slumber from all the STRESS!
>> No. 27676
File 132767003661.jpg - (202.11KB , 1000x800 , Nickbatetnt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A lolcow contestant at Toddlers & Tiaras...
>> No. 27677
Haha no I haven't considered it. I'll do it!
But... has that drawing never been recreated before?
>> No. 27678
That is awesome.
>> No. 27679
File 132767065390.jpg - (79.72KB , 600x450 , 493765588.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27680
File 132767071968.jpg - (75.36KB , 600x450 , 190646440.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He's easily the creepiest of them all.
>> No. 27681
Is that a glimpse of foxdick I see?
>> No. 27682
Fox dick? Between his legs? Those would be A-Log's balls.
>> No. 27683
File 132767359110.jpg - (65.69KB , 640x480 , IMG_20111101_194053.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't think anyone's redone it except the big man himself, hence my desire to see a real artist portray it. I love you for agreeing to do this. Next Halloween, let me know what you want carved on a pumpkin and by godjesus, I'll do it.

Pic very related.
>> No. 27684
File 132767444696.jpg - (262.69KB , 900x1364 , Jackspers Noirlecrow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Based on that drawing I don't have a fucking clue how Count Graduon is supposed to look...

Like this, but different.
>> No. 27685
File 132767454340.jpg - (20.52KB , 387x600 , Aku.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or something like this.
>> No. 27686

>> No. 27687
File 132767488938.jpg - (168.61KB , 500x542 , PAGANDEATHKNIGHT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You call me?
>> No. 27688

Oh god, I lost it there. Brilliant.
>> No. 27689
Haha great! Remind me in October!
>> No. 27690
File 132769143162.jpg - (186.43KB , 672x886 , CWCnormanrockwell.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More shooping than drawing but I think this turned out well.
>> No. 27691
Damn slanderous troll. Y U so epic?
>> No. 27692
At first I thought you made the reflection too handsome, but then I realized you made the 'real' CWC his usual fat self and he was simply seeing himself as idealized.

To say nothing of his drawing ability. Kudos, this is a brilliant drawing.
>> No. 27693

That smile will haunt my nightmares.
>> No. 27694
Aw shucks, u guize...
>> No. 27695
That's gold. Do one of movie studio execs laughing at Timbox pls
>> No. 27696
Priceless! I nearly coughed up a lung laughing!
>> No. 27697
>> No. 27701
File 132770341650.jpg - (114.54KB , 1000x800 , ObeseTC.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Spam? Get the fuck outta here.

Sorry guys. Was internet lurking.

This is what the average tripfag looks like.
>> No. 27702
I want to see Chris with 12 fists up his ass please.
>> No. 27703
WHAT IF OP where a 12th century court jester?
>> No. 27704
Hahaha, you again! God damn it!
>> No. 27705
File 132770625838.gif - (2.00MB , 335x271 , cereal.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh wow nailed it
A CWC The Shining parody would be awesome and put the wallflo- I mean Stephen King in there why not
>> No. 27706
That is just beautiful.
>> No. 27707
Did Timmothy Cruzer and thorg have a love child
>> No. 27709
  Could you draw Chris as Kurt Russell fighting the bed bug infected Bob monster? YT vid for reference.
>> No. 27710
File 132771025042.jpg - (100.99KB , 1000x800 , ADFnChrisSwap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27711
File 13277117876.jpg - (50.17KB , 551x800 , Pedofork.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hmmm... I'll do the last one. Sorry for not wanting to do your other suggestions.
Here's a pedofork.
>> No. 27712
please draw chris with 12 fists op his ass

thank you.
>> No. 27713
File 132771831824.jpg - (149.50KB , 644x736 , thorg n tito.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not an stonecutters hoarding conspiracy theorist but ya know... it's a thing on /cwc/.
Maybe you guys can use this as a reaction image or something...
>> No. 27714
File 132771869095.jpg - (52.22KB , 500x500 , minecraftpatti.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, that's all for tonight, niglets.
More drawfaggitry tomorrow.
>> No. 27715
File 132771992627.jpg - (36.77KB , 400x312 , lighter_at_concert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love the new banner, OP.

Just one thing I don't get... I don't frequent this board too much so I just have to ask...

Who's that one between ADF and what I assume is A-Log?
>> No. 27716
I really do appreciate that Chris has block-breasts, a gap, and then a block-gut
>> No. 27717
It's pixyteri. She's got a thread just below this one.
>> No. 27718
>> No. 27719
>> No. 27720
Even Tom FAPPINGTON is laughing at them
>> No. 27721
File 13277490927.jpg - (59.81KB , 600x800 , oldchan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27722
File 132775075834.jpg - (176.83KB , 400x579 , frail-griffith-behelit[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is a long shot but I've had this idea in my head for about a year.

What if CWC used the behelit?
>> No. 27723
File 132775417961.jpg - (12.85KB , 480x270 , snapshot20100930204826.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Think it'd fix his body?
>> No. 27724
File 132775462017.png - (145.33KB , 395x293 , behejulay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27725
>> No. 27726
chris with 12 fists up his ass!
chris with 12 fists up his ass!
>> No. 27727
File 132775840731.jpg - (18.45KB , 400x215 , tumblr_lstfghb2NP1r3kodao1_400.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A remake of this picture, with Anthos as Captain Jack and Chris-Chan's gaping, Goatse-esque anus as the Kraken's maw, complete with poo-covered chunks of Crayola Model Magic sticking out.
>> No. 27728
LMFAO! Fucking horrific suggestion! I really really do and really really don't want to draw that!
>> No. 27729

you'll do it if you want our love.
>> No. 27730
If you do draw this, OP, someone ought to send it to Anthos as 'fan art'.
>> No. 27731
Anthos is internet dead and hasn't been online in weeks.

Regards, the stonecutters.
>> No. 27732

He's on the internet, plenty, he just isn't on youtube is all.
>> No. 27733
File 132778022255.png - (19.81KB , 1236x949 , King_Harkinain_Mah_Boi___Glow_by_HidanKakuzuPsycho.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can you draw Timbox doing this?
>> No. 27734
File 132778092161.jpg - (145.10KB , 600x800 , cwceffect.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh my god, Damn Slanderous Troll, are you doing this again? You are a king amongst spastics, sir.

>What if CWC was Batman?
>What if ADF was transported into McCarthy-era America?
>What if Nick Bate met Patrick Bateman?
>> No. 27735
CWC with 12 fists up his anus please.

>> No. 27736
What if Atlus, Krapple and Medic lived in the 1970's?
>> No. 27737
Not true, he isn't even talking to his pretended friends (circle) in the skype, and he talks to them whenever he has internet connection.

He's broke and without internet connection.
>> No. 27738
I don't think 12fists is gonna give up any time soon.

So I'd like to ask for Chris with 13 fists in his anus.
>> No. 27739
File 132779050934.jpg - (178.15KB , 700x800 , hiAlog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Haven't been feeling da inspiration today guys but I guess I can draw some shit now.
Here's something I made for a warm up.
Coz... ya know... everyone on this board is A-Log samefagging.
>> No. 27740

>> No. 27741
File 132779229252.jpg - (225.89KB , 1000x800 , julayjulayjulay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For the guys who want to see Chris getting 12 fists up the ass OR the samefag who really badly wants to see it... here it is. With a 13th fist up his ass for good measure.
>> No. 27742
That's beautiful. Nicely done, DST.
>> No. 27743

thank you.
>> No. 27744
File 132779728026.jpg - (126.95KB , 800x800 , cwcgenieinjail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27745
Good question! I didn't draw that. It was a nice black and white inky looking drawing. Didn't you draw that, Slamwheel?
>> No. 27746

Nope. I don't even know who or what a Nurgle Plaguelord is, let alone what one looks like.
>> No. 27747
A suicide bomber receiving his 72 virgins with rage in heaven.
>> No. 27748
File 132780424524.jpg - (122.60KB , 1000x800 , GO SONCHU.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey so I got really bored of your suggestion so here's Son-chu with a spunking veiny dick Chris hood ornament.
>> No. 27749
File 132780619699.jpg - (70.58KB , 527x438 , Chris of the Hill.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm outta here. Later, gang.
>> No. 27750

Did you know that you're my hero?
>> No. 27751
File 132780976711.jpg - (26.64KB , 560x389 , carl-weathers-vs-arnold-schwarzenegger-predator.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You son of a bitch.
>> No. 27752

Sweet Jesus...
>> No. 27753

You are a fucking legend.
>> No. 27754
This shit must be /L/'d
>> No. 27755
Is he everything you wish to be?
>> No. 27756
And can you now fly higher than an eagle?
>> No. 27757
My friends and I once talked about Chris sitting in the living room masturbating when Barb walks in to ask him to help him do the dishes.

Chris replies: "I'm uhm, i'm playing with my bend duck. at this time."

And Bob, still alive, then says from behind his papers: "Can't you see the boy is mass debating, woman!"

I'd like to see that as an image please.
>> No. 27758

"to ask him to help him do the dishes."

That should be "to ask him to help do the dishes."

Sorry bout that.
>> No. 27759
That whole scenario is unlikely. She would probably ask Chris to clean up the paper plates and chicken bones before the rats come out of hiding.
>> No. 27760
what a bunch of epic ween julayfags
seriously, who sits around talking about this shit irl?
>> No. 27761
They're supposed to be using shovels, not pickaxes.
>> No. 27762

Well that then.
>> No. 27763
that's pretty unlikely, too. They'd probably just let the dishes and bones rot away to nothing.
>> No. 27764


>> No. 27765
Where did OP go :(
>> No. 27766
draw chris as a serbian
>> No. 27767
File 132796459056.jpg - (66.02KB , 600x401 , starwarsrocks.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I was the one that requested that, pretty happy that someone else saved it.

I'd like to see a Sonichu/Chris version of the infamous Star Wars rock poster
>> No. 27769
File 132796793339.jpg - (167.14KB , 1000x800 , Chris_vs_Clyde.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm back, my negroes.

Here ya go, bro.
>> No. 27770
What is Charlotte?
>> No. 27771
File 132796861921.jpg - (215.00KB , 700x828 , birth-baby-jesus-125.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If your still doing requests, I have one that might be cool to do. The scene from the bible of the three wise men and baby jesus. The catch is that chris chan is the baby jesus and the three wise men are ADF, A-Log , and anthos the crimson impulse.
>> No. 27772
Please draw Chris triumphantly holding his 3DS in the air in the gameplace, shouting "FOR THE INTERNET" in massive badass power armor.
>> No. 27773
File 132796954091.png - (532.88KB , 1125x844 , Kanto_starters_by_Honey_laurel17.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris-Chan, A-Log, Anthos and ADF as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander.

I leave it up to you to decide which lolcow is which Pokemon.
>> No. 27774
Still looking for "My love quest is finally over!" :<
>> No. 27775
The last thread that was all "what ifs" left it a lot more open to dst's own interpretations of what people were asking for. For example >>163182 would be better along the lines of "what if lolcows were pokemon?". Gives him more opportunity to surprise us that way I think.
>> No. 27776
That's just epic. Bravo!
>> No. 27777
You cannot defeat me, I....uh have the upper ground, y'know
>> No. 27778
That is amazing, thanks for the drawing! THIS is how chris chan trolling should have ended.
>> No. 27779
I like to think Clyde's got a surprise attack planned. As soon as Chris thinks he's won, Clyde will suddenly jam that pickle into his anus and the two of them will fall, locked in eachother's arms, into the fiery depths of the volcano.
>> No. 27780
I would like to request a series of pictures of the big four lolcows as they wish to be, in their idealized forms.

Chris-Chan as muscular and handsome, with Sonichu by his side and a beautiful girl on his arm.

A-Log as a sort of sexy anthropomorphic fox with a top hat on and a microphone doing stand-up to an adoring crowd who are laughing their heads off.

ADF as a really beautiful woman in traditional Russian communist military uniform waving the flag of Australitina.

Anthos as a kickass cyborg space-pirate with his long red trenchcoat and white hair blowing in the breeze behind him, taking aim with his raygun.
>> No. 27781
Can you please draw a photo of Chris and Tom fappington together?
>> No. 27782
>>163227 seconded
>> No. 27783
Could you draw Chris and Barb getting a beat down from the Jerkops as described in Chris' email?
>> No. 27784
Don't forget PixyTeri as a superkawaii Japanese schoolgirl.
>> No. 27785
There are no words to say how much I want to see this.
>> No. 27786
File 132797684777.jpg - (184.00KB , 1000x800 , lolcownumetalband.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A lolcow nu-metal band.
If you don't like the name you guys can suggest some.
Just came up with it off the top of my head. It's got a month in the name like those faggy nu-metal/emo bands often do.

Oh no... this is now a music thread, isn't it?
>> No. 27787
Its some person from the loveshy forum pay no attention
>> No. 27788
Don't ya worry, I'll get to it.
I've started skipping requests I'm not particularly interested in just because I've got so many to do but that's one I'm quite interested in.
The challenge in that drawing is going to be Chris' weird sad fake smile...
>> No. 27789
Thanks bro. I especially like Chris's Sonichu tribal tattoo!
>> No. 27790
I would totally buy their albums. And then set them on fire.
>> No. 27791

Have you thought about what kind of pumpkin carving you want? I got a request for 'the penis comic', but I'm still trying to figure out how to work that onto a gourd.
>> No. 27792
Heartshattered February
>> No. 27793
Yes. I would like to see a carving of Chris and the oversized drinking straw. As close to Chris' drawing of that as you can on a pumpkin or gourd.
>> No. 27794
Shit... was hoping to do more for you guys tonight but I accidentally got drunk and now I'm sleepy. Working on a MGS drawing as requested by

I'll finish that tomorrow. G'night.
>> No. 27795
File 132798507628.jpg - (52.18KB , 500x500 , chrisbritish.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Before I go, old thread dump.
>> No. 27796
dat duck
>> No. 27797
That reminds me of that awesome "what if" thread.
>> No. 27798
File 132800609742.jpg - (21.11KB , 337x276 , 1310062137706.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dat t-shirt
>> No. 27799
My Butthurt Valentine
>> No. 27800
That's wonderful.

"Craaaaaaawliiiiing iiiiin my skiiiiin,
Juuuuuuuuulaaaaay, I'm gonna cuuuuuuuum..."
>> No. 27801
File 132801886826.jpg - (41.47KB , 263x317 , 1294104413735.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27802
What íf Chris played TF2?
>> No. 27803
File 132803172490.jpg - (144.52KB , 450x372 , AutisticHeavy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He'd be the Heavy.
>> No. 27804
File 13280442346.jpg - (246.48KB , 1000x800 , MetalGearChris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guess who's back in tha muthafuckin house
wit a fat dick fo ya muthafuckin mouths...
>> No. 27805
I think someone already drew Chris as the Scout before.
>> No. 27806
What if ADF was a contestant in the Miss America pageant?
>> No. 27807
This is quite possibly the most glorious thing I have ever seen.
>> No. 27808
File 132804578457.jpg - (160.93KB , 800x800 , cwcnnickinjail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27809
As gay as I think A-Log's fursona is I still don't fancy drawing him getting stabbed to death and ass-raped by JohnOfE. The less I have to think about him the better. Creepier than Nickbate in my opinion.
>> No. 27810
File 132805717732.jpg - (47.03KB , 290x272 , Smilinbob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm lovin' this thread.
>> No. 27811
I think that's a good call since JohnofE would probably obsess over you if you paid him any attention.
>> No. 27812
I'll agree with you here, but I can't help but think that somewhere A-Log is sighing with relief.
>> No. 27813
>> No. 27814

I see your point. Nick Bate is so nonfunctional that I think others overplay the actual threat he poses to society.

JoE strikes me as a latent serial killer. Like, within a decade.
>> No. 27815
/L/ this thread, Goddammit.
>> No. 27817
Well, you don't have to be that graphic. There are a number of scenarios that could have played out. JohnofE finding him disgusting and vomiting, or laughing at his six inch fox dick, or the opposite route of JohnofE drooling over a very nervous A-Log.

I don't know, if you're not feeling it you shouldn't draw it. Awesome thread either way.
>> No. 27818
Y not L :(
>> No. 27819
File 132822237856.jpg - (198.20KB , 1200x800 , lolcows resi1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here ya go bro.

Sorry, guys. Been sick. Back to business.
>> No. 27822
File 132822282697.jpg - (10.76KB , 327x388 , asdf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27823
pixyteri's green shit is frightening. It must be all the weeaboo garbage she eats.
>> No. 27824
except it was in the name field so it does nothing

So, PT has backfat tits, Anthos is holding the glowing wand thingy, I think that's Justin shitting his pants and doing nothing on the left, but...
Is that ADF or Peter Griffin blocking the door with his body?
>> No. 27825
Oh wait, I guess that's PDK.
>> No. 27826
I assumed the one on the left is the C-man himself.
>> No. 27827
File 132822537146.jpg - (114.42KB , 1000x800 , Alogwetdream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27828
From left to right;
Chris, Anthos, A-Log, Pixyteri.
>> No. 27829
File 132822961482.jpg - (177.76KB , 1000x800 , Barbnchrisarrest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not my interpretation. This is what actually happened.
>> No. 27830
Fuckin saved!
>> No. 27831
File 132823149325.gif - (1.61MB , 230x172 , facewtf.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
could you draw chris being ran through a sausage grinder with a-log turning the handle?

throw clyde cash in somewhere, don't care where.
>> No. 27832
File 132823488839.jpg - (84.25KB , 1000x800 , smithaaayyy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Got bored of drawing this so I haven't drawn the Buzz lightyears. Sorry, brah.
>> No. 27833
File 132823604791.jpg - (148.44KB , 1000x800 , nickbateannasex.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27834
Can you draw ADF's current knack for underage girls or him trying out prostitution?
>> No. 27835
Samefag here. Thanks for the pic, lol. I thought you passed right by my request.
>> No. 27836
I thought it was underage boys. Eh, why not both?
>> No. 27837
Chris looks like Bobby Hill.
>> No. 27838
Go Mommy, Zap to the Extreme
>> No. 27839
This is made of 100% win. Well done, sir.
>> No. 27840
Dat face. "WAIT, WHAT? I AM NOT EVEN A CHANDLEEEeeeeeer----...."
>> No. 27841
bro... draw some tom fappington
>> No. 27842
This is the most satisfying picture on the entire thread.
>> No. 27843
Awesome thread is awesome! Can you do one of Chris in jail, shouting "tv talk" and/or talking to the octagonal sink?
>> No. 27844
I would like to see anthos and tvsArmpitt having a slap fight in an arena while an audience of persons and 789chan dwellers scream insults in the audience.
>> No. 27845
I'd like to see your interpretation of Nick Bate at his new job at that grocery store. He's already been written up twice, once for apparently saying something to a couple of children that upset their mother.
>> No. 27846

It will be done.
>> No. 27847

what?? source?
>> No. 27848

The thread where the OP is bitching about Maddi. Near the end of it, Jayne comes in and gives us an update, including Nick getting a new job.
>> No. 27849
God damn it...someone found Nick employable but not me. FML heart level: 0
>> No. 27850
How about a Punchout! parody picture, with Clyde as Little Mac and Chris as King Hippo? You could have people in the audience holding up signs saying "JUUUUUULAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!" and Tito coaching Clyde as Doc Louis.
>> No. 27851
If it's any consolation, Jayne got him to completely change everything about himself in order to get it. He's regularly bathing now.

And even dropping everything about his persona in the hopes of saving up to fly to Scotland to see her, in less than two weeks he's already on the verge of getting fired.
>> No. 27852
This is a fine idea, sir. I might try some pixel art for that one.
I'd draw but... tonight I'm shitting my pants n playing vidya. Working on the 60s Batman Chris too.
>> No. 27853
File 132830959095.jpg - (7.48KB , 100x100 , best avatar ever.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27854

>> No. 27855
>> No. 27856
I have one more request but its kind of complex. I've always wanted to see the persons as each one of the kids in willy wonka and the chocolate factory.
>> No. 27857
File 132831729538.jpg - (47.20KB , 722x480 , A-dragonfish-from-Austral-016.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do Nick Bate as some deep sea creature. His teeth remind me of some monstrosity from the abyss. Pic related.
>> No. 27858
Barb getting tazed = awesomeness X 2!
>> No. 27859
Do Pixy-Teri cosplaying as Tomgirl Chris.
>> No. 27860
a picture of cole smith rotting on his desktop waiting for someone to place a bid on ebay.
>> No. 27861
>> No. 27862

Even better, Cole sat at a table in the mall with an attraction sign offering the chance for some lucky film enthusiast to buy him drinks and talk about films with him.
>> No. 27863
Marvellous suggestion, sir. I'll resume with the drawfaggitry when my filthy hangover is gone.
>> No. 27864
Is that one on the far left Ickeriss or Timbox?
>> No. 27865
It's Atlus. Ickeriss is a goth.
>> No. 27866

Forgive me for not knowing this stuff, but who the hell is Atlus?
>> No. 27867

Old /cwc/ mod, face like a retarded gargoyle, came here bragging about his epic ween trolling of Krapple, came off looking like a complete prick.
>> No. 27868

Is there a thread about him somewhere?
>> No. 27870
There is a bit about him here: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Legi0n#KrappleGuy_vs_Atlus
>> No. 27871

>> No. 27872
This thread needs to be archived.
>> No. 27873
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