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No. 27874
  I found a lulcow on chris's level. It's a fat apersonian on social security who makes videos about jesus christ. Here's a sample of this retard's video library. I would describe this lulcow as a chris farley written character for snl in real life.
Expand all images
>> No. 27875
I normally ignore this shit, but you delivered big time, bro. I'l give it a chance. Thanks again.
>> No. 27876
Wow. Seems like there could be milk in those titties. He has a web presence, so leaving or changing identities would probably be tough for the guy. Nice find.
>> No. 27877
File 132065093132.jpg - (18.25KB , 234x232 , meat loaf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would do anything for Lolz...
>> No. 27878
I see a bright future for this guy.
>> No. 27879
File 132065121893.jpg - (30.44KB , 480x600 , things.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This one is just waiting to be milked...
>> No. 27880
File 132065143899.jpg - (174.10KB , 640x480 , 1309402264364.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27881
>> No. 27882
This needs an ED page
>> No. 27883
I appreciate the ambition, but more needs to be mined. We need greater precision in these things. Otherwise, we have a group of JULAYfags screaming EXCREMENT
>> No. 27884
-Twitter Account-


This lolcow is currently grazing in Anchorage, Alaska
>> No. 27885
I will not sit by and be idle as I have been in the past. I will step up and take a role in these efforts. I currently have a few fake female profiles that I have cultivated into appearing rather genuine. I think I will try and see what he will take bait on.
>> No. 27886
First link is correct. Second one is not. This lulcow is in Massachusetts.

Facebook link.

>> No. 27887
My mistake.
>> No. 27888
File 132065579542.jpg - (65.90KB , 476x365 , Target.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We must recruit Jimmy Sinnott for this.
>> No. 27889
Why do these idiots dox themselves on their facebook profiles? That stuff won't be there anymore by the end of the week.
>> No. 27890
Holy shitbricks i know a stacy lynn reynolds but thank god its a different one
>> No. 27891
He probably tried the rice sock trick, but the funk and sweat from his sock probably helped boil the rice and he couldn't resist eating his fungus marinated sockrice.
>> No. 27892
>> No. 27893

he seems like a pretty cool guy
>> No. 27894
File 132065827379.jpg - (58.45KB , 508x82 , trilogytakingashit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do people really get this bored on the computer?
>> No. 27895

if they didn't, would this board even exist?
>> No. 27896
File 132066351334.jpg - (387.15KB , 641x2614 , kill_whale01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I hope he got that scar from an epic high seas battle.
>> No. 27897
This is amazing.
Embedding wouldn't work for some reason.

It looks like a birthmark, not a scar.
>> No. 27898
Dat breathing! I feel out of breath just listening to him.
>> No. 27899
lol OP's video must be this guy's Madman Rising.
>> No. 27900
File 132067675069.jpg - (35.99KB , 269x350 , cdubyafiter.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love you, OP! We've found our next Chris-chan!

No more pretending ADF and Nick Bate are in any way interesting!
>> No. 27901
I was thinking that when I was watching it!
>> No. 27902
  >she's sweet like hazelnut caramel iced coffee with lots of sugar
>Saucy like honey mustard dip on my buffalo tenders
>smooth and sharp like a gillette fusion pro-glide.

...holy fuck.
>> No. 27903
I think we found the reincarnation of Shakespeare
>> No. 27904
That stress pant.
>> No. 27905

I have never laughed so hard at anything on this board. Holy shit.
>> No. 27906
How much the lolcows resemble each other is beyond eerie.
>> No. 27907
Oh god dat video.

The increasingly diminishing part of my psyche that's hanging on to the desperate hope that this is a sane universe wants to say this guy is a parody...

But I know that's probably not true.
>> No. 27908
What is this?!! I don't EVEN!!
>> No. 27909
  This man is some kind of bizarro Chris-Chan.
In his dimension, Old Spice is the virgin's deodorant of choice.
>> No. 27910

Well clearly Chris is against Old Spice because their ads are OBSCENE and show men without MUSCLE BRAS, and it's endorsed by niggos.
>> No. 27911
>> No. 27912
File 132068475130.png - (19.04KB , 606x110 , fuck you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fucking white knight. Good thing, I archived ALL of the videos before I started this thread.
>> No. 27913
Don't worry, man. This one seems like a fighter. I think he will stick around and try to stick it out.
>> No. 27914
>> No. 27915
There is a traitor about
>> No. 27916
Or some lolcow warned him.
>> No. 27917
Or maybe he's just trolling /cwc/. It's much easier than actually milking lolcows.
>> No. 27918
he is the one!!!!!
>> No. 27919
  the ONE!!!!
>> No. 27920
He looks like a retarded super mario
>> No. 27921

>Why you gurls love vampires and werewolves, for crying out loud?

>Why don't you love me?
>> No. 27922

>Bella's sweet...But Team Edward vs Team Jacob...Why (Twi?) should leave Bella alone and let herself date a hefty man
>> No. 27923

...Sounds like he's gonna eat his wife.
I wouldn't be surprised if he tried.
>> No. 27924
  Bob McBob talking about his addiction to fantasy.
>> No. 27925

Wow, that was absolutely bizarre. I mean, it's pretty clear that this guy is retarded, socially, at least, and probably somewhat mentally. It's kind of surreal to see an aspie mention anything negative about his/her fandoms. I want to know more about this guy and his history.
>> No. 27926
  >I volunteer at the renaissance club...
>> No. 27927

It's a club for retards. Not those interested in serfdom era Europe.

Link for the front page: http://www.renclublowell.org/

Youtube video is their show.
>> No. 27928
>> No. 27929
So much samefagging in this thread

this guy is funny though
>> No. 27930

Possible tomgirl?
>> No. 27931
File 132071463315.png - (28.99KB , 730x271 , GIVE ME THAT JOB.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Not a tom girl yet. Though he did dye his hair to try to get on the tv show big brother. Here is a facebook screen cap.
>> No. 27932
The levels of ego in that facebook post are off the charts. This fat shit deserves to be trolled just as much as Chris.
>> No. 27933
File 132071509910.png - (33.34KB , 794x319 , How do I Contact____1320714978449.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's one more. It's even more pathetic than the previous one.
>> No. 27934
...the insanity levels...
>> No. 27935
Thanks namefag I forgot Anons were only allowed to post once per thread.
>> No. 27936
File 132072203978.jpg - (49.51KB , 671x607 , michaelmoore.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He was nice enough to give us his phone number.
>> No. 27937

>Sometimes it leads to murder

>> No. 27938
I know this has become somewhat of a standard question in these matters, but... Is this guy for serious? Seriously, it's scary.
>> No. 27939
If it's a fat autistic on welfare complaining that women don't love him, odds are that it is serious
>> No. 27940
My speshal form of HFA makes me have problems understand what the fuck this man is saying in these videos.

Is anyone else having these problems.
>> No. 27941
Yeah, I also have a hard time understanding this whale.
>> No. 27942
Come on, don't let this die. This... thing really got some potential!
>> No. 27943

Nope, but I have a hard time listening to him because how he talks irritates the fuck out of me: it's that whiny, high pitched, really loud form of speaking that grates on my nerves.
>> No. 27944

Bob McBob wants that job.
>> No. 27945
[heavy breathing...] HI... I'M BOB ETHIER.
>> No. 27946
Why does he want to be on Big Brother so badly?
>> No. 27947

>> No. 27948
This guy really is like a beached whale getting choked to death by it's weight.
>> No. 27949
  Bob McBob calls out all the trolls. Like that white knight sindawg.
>> No. 27950
File 132106967833.jpg - (5.97KB , 194x212 , 1266784057962.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Calling out the one person trying to help him
>> No. 27951

>I love being fat
>I don't care if I don't have a girlfriend

Of course he doesn't. It's not like he complained about it before on other videos.
>> No. 27952

>People think 'dumb loser'. You want to know what loser is to me? A loser is someone who lost weight. As in "The Biggest Loser". Loser is a curse word in my book. Same as the R-Word [Retard].

That explains a lot.
>> No. 27954
He seems like a legitimately retarded, yet very happy and harmless person. You're terrible people /cwc/.

Oh wait, so did Chris. Carry on.
>> No. 27955

>> No. 27956

>> No. 27957
>That's totally understandable

Oh wow, his mixture of self-awareness and ignorance is intoxicating. Props for finding this gem introMan.
>> No. 27958
>Some people call me gay but I will ignore it
>Makes a youtube video about how he is ignnoring the trolls
>> No. 27959
  Bob McBoB calling out his troll.
>> No. 27960
Oh wow
>> No. 27961
The Trilogy needs his heart levels at a good level. I understand its fun to get him rage but someone needs to support him too. I guess I should make a youtube or something and do that.

But yeah, we're missing out on the 24 days of the trilogy christmas because his heart levels are too low. Just beating him up will only cause him to leave the internet. We've learned from Chris that lolcows leaving forever isn't very fun.

Watch heart levels cats.
>> No. 27962
He will probably post them on yuotube anyway, but please make the account to defend him.
>> No. 27963

The facebook account is open to everybody. He is still posting them up on the videos section.
>> No. 27964
File 132197952685.jpg - (120.86KB , 556x720 , love questr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Also here's a love quest article. Bob McBob wrote for his special somebody.
>> No. 27965
What's it with lolcows and thinking cheap restaurants are romantic?
>> No. 27966
File 132198190187.jpg - (19.40KB , 650x366 , 1320034905674.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 27967
Did anyone see "This is the Entity talking" and think of "This is the Zodiac speaking?"
>> No. 27968
So, anything come of trolling this fat piece of shit?
>> No. 27969

Infiltrated bob mcbob's inner circle. Have some videos that were banned from facebook.
>> No. 27970
Why were they banned?

Also, sharing is caring.
>> No. 27971
  He does not stalk the ladies.
>> No. 27972
Wow, this is quite a find. His latest videos have him looking like he's aged 40 years in just 3 months time, it's pretty remarkable. With that kind of decline, I'd say he will keel over by the New Year - he really looks close to death.
>> No. 27973
I thought this guy was funny from the get-go, but his Chris-esque yearning for a heartsweet coupled with his inability realize this dream makes him even more entertaining. Are there any more banned facebook videos?
>> No. 27974
the fuck happened to his face? What is that red line?
>> No. 27975
File 132270474733.png - (227.02KB , 426x283 , bob-subzero.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27976

Here. Bob McBob is flirting with Erica.
>> No. 27977
So who's watching the 25 Days of Trilogy Christmas?
>> No. 27978
What a disgusing fat pig.
>> No. 27979
I think we have discovered Chris' real Dad
>> No. 27980
File 132312591434.jpg - (105.73KB , 556x720 , 284424_264362920243811_100000103145364_1176569_348.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, for whatever reason, Bob has uploaded scans of a number of pieces (some of them twice) or writing. I get the impression that these were originally published a renaissance club newsletter. I haven't had the chance to go through all of them yet, but they say a lot about him.

A number of these pieces deal with, or dissolve into, love and romance (of which he knows nothing)... and food. He has a lovequest of his own. Apparently his heart is shattered every Christmas when his princess doesn't come for him.

He underlines words and phrases in a way akin to Chris's random capitalization. On the other hand, his spelling is far better, although if these were published in a newsletter they may have gone through an editor. Also, he regularly makes reference to everyday products (especially food, surprise surprise), not unlike like Chris.

It's worth noting that, while his autism is more severe than Chris's, Bob is far more accomplished than him in most respects.
>> No. 27981
File 132312594981.jpg - (62.56KB , 556x720 , 283565_264364410243662_100000103145364_1176609_620.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27982
File 132312607532.jpg - (117.88KB , 602x720 , 284018_264362640243839_100000103145364_1176561_603.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, like Chris, he's still high school mentally. He even wants to be married there.
>> No. 27983
File 132312612677.jpg - (72.05KB , 720x540 , 228664_225587407454696_100000103145364_994000_2732.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 27984
File 132312624154.jpg - (127.32KB , 556x720 , 284712_264363380243765_100000103145364_1176579_816.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On his past mental illness.
>> No. 27985
File 132312659683.jpg - (77.65KB , 556x720 , 282464_264364080243695_100000103145364_1176598_125.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seriously, half of this is about food. The rest is creepy groping and tard romance. Oh, and apparently front row seats at Monday Night RAW make for a romantic evening.
>> No. 27986
>> No. 27987
File 132312716221.jpg - (137.00KB , 556x720 , 215011_264362806910489_100000103145364_1176566_142.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bob on eating right and losing weight.
>> No. 27988
No way... You made that up.
>> No. 27989
File 132312888856.jpg - (141.82KB , 517x720 , 254660_264362713577165_100000103145364_1176563_756.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The piece on the right details how his heart was broken and how this prevented him from recovering from his disabilities and fulfilling his dreams. Incidentally, his dreams include becoming a pro wrestler superstar, becoming a famous (not infamous) singer, and getting a show on the food network.
>> No. 27990
I think you posted the wrong link...this is all about his actual accomplishments (which compared to Chris are pretty impressive).
>> No. 27991
File 132314672219.jpg - (65.16KB , 556x720 , 285113_264364013577035_100000103145364_1176595_975.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Right, a lot of the thumbnails look the same. I meant to post this one.
>> No. 27992
File 132317837741.jpg - (5.42KB , 265x190 , imagesCA093T7L.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Seems like a reasonable diet.
>> No. 27994
File 132322807518.jpg - (123.18KB , 569x720 , The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime: The Princess and Big Bad Bob

Part 1 of 6
>> No. 27995
File 132322818222.jpg - (125.97KB , 536x720 , The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 2

I didn't know someone could be this autistic about food.
>> No. 27996
File 132322848576.jpg - (117.36KB , 556x720 , The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 3

>After that Pastor Garlock would say, "Do you Big Bad Bob, ROBERT PHILIP ETHIER, take this lovely princess of your dreams to be your lawfully and iron clad wedded wife for better or for worse for richer or for poorer and in sickness and in health till death do you part, and I would say. "IN THE NAME OF MY HEAVENLY FATHER I ROBERT PHILIP ETHIER SAY THIS WITH ALL MY HEART, I DO, I DO, AND FOF ALL OF MY LIFE I DO YEE HA!!!
>> No. 27997
File 13232286119.jpg - (119.03KB , 556x720 , The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 4

Oh shit, it's Satan! Good thing we brought enough weapons and roller blades.
>> No. 27998
File 132322877050.jpg - (175.04KB , 556x720 , The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime 5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 5

Again with the food...

Also, Jennifer Lopez.
>> No. 28000
File 132322919868.jpg - (151.07KB , 556x720 , The Dream Wedding of a Lifetime 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 6: "Epilog/Conclusion"

>Gee, what a great wedding that would be what with me wearing my wrestling singlet and all, not to mention Satan showing up and and my having to fight him to stop him from taking my whole family down to hell. Also, I'm incredibly lonely (shocker) and my brother is a lousy parent. Could someone please come marry me now?
>> No. 28001
And how old was he when he wrote that?
>> No. 28003
File 132325358088.jpg - (54.28KB , 720x540 , 315065_299012573445512_100000103145364_1330014_101.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not sure. At least one of the other writings he's uploaded dates as far back as 1999, although the majority seem to be from the 2000s.

He reads the wedding story in
which is from 2010.

Also, he claims to have a "fantasy addiction" which, given that he's in that renaissance club, I initially assumed to be larping- or gaming-related, but then I saw this.

>> No. 28004
File 132325407926.jpg - (152.96KB , 720x556 , 205829_262186340461469_100000103145364_1166264_736.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More of his writing can be found in these albums, although he uploaded a number of them twice for some reason.


>> No. 28005
File 132325415345.jpg - (81.88KB , 556x720 , 285096_262183453795091_100000103145364_1166254_404.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part 2
>> No. 28006
File 132327830096.gif - (1.57MB , 330x186 , nYVDH.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jesus christ, I can't believe I read the whole thing. The part where Satan crashed the wedding just slayed me.
>> No. 28007
Chris is autistic. There is a difference. Picking on retards is not o.k.
This poor retard works and is trying to make something of himself in spite of his circumstances. Chris on the other hand graduated from college with honors, so he is fair game.
>> No. 28008
File 132327969333.jpg - (57.22KB , 281x372 , castrate the tards.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
keep your 'morals', 'ethics', & 'sympathy' to yourself.
If the shit he puts out makes me laugh or is facepalm-inducing, that's really all I care about.
Fact: retards are a strain on society, and NEWFLASH -everyone suffers. Suffering is an integral part of human existence.

So no, trilogy ain't getting special treatment. He's gonna get laughed at. And he deserves to be laughed at.
>> No. 28009

So I see you have some apersoners tendencies and lack confidante.
Fuck you. Just because you get trolley Irl doesn't mean you get to pick on retards online.
>> No. 28010
>lack confidante
>get trolley

To be fair, he probably DOES lack a confidante. But anyway, you're both right. On the one hand, I see no problem with laughing at the shit that someone posts of their own accord, even if they're mentally ill. It's the harassing them that I feel is both cruel and counter-productive.

Unless of course you feel the need to "punish the weak," in which case you probably spend all your time drawing dickgirls in your copy of Mein Kampf during your community college courses.
>> No. 28011

>Chris is autistic. There is a difference. Picking on retards is not o.k.

Actually, Bob is autistic too.

From his facebook:
>I Am The President of the Renaissance Club Fundraising Committee And I run a Beverage Bar at the Renaissance Club My expertise is in Public Relations,Fundraising, And Media Promotion I also Have Apersoners Syndrome Part Mental Illness Part Autism April and May Are Two most Important Months to me April: Autism awareness month May: National Mental Health Month

See also
>> No. 28012
>My expertise is in Public Relations
>> No. 28013

Oh. Sorry. He just comes off as slower than that. You may proceed
>> No. 28014
Even Chris comes off slower than autistic in many videos.
>> No. 28015

No.I think you mean worse off than apersoners syndrome, and he is. We knew that though.
>> No. 28016
My IQ just dropped by 20 points.
>> No. 28017
Jesus Christ. Even by lolcow standards, dude's hideous
>> No. 28018
Oh Christ, how did I not notice before...dem stains on the front of his pants!
>> No. 28019
WTF IS that?! Food? Kinda looks like dried up vomit...
>> No. 28020
This guy probably thinks his Social Security came from Jesus himself.
>> No. 28021
File 13235496264.jpg - (3.84KB , 86x89 , Screenshot (2011-12-10 at 03_37_32).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh god my sides
>> No. 28022
>> No. 28023

Well shit. It's like if Chris was a better person.

Well I'm out.
>> No. 28025
File 132358673694.png - (16.94KB , 480x116 , hes 36.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28026
I wonder whether he actually believes in Santa or if this is just a not so subtle hint that someone should buy it for him.
>> No. 28027
Given that its capitalized I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the second.
>> No. 28028

I like how the first three parts are a (somewhat) normal "big wedding" fantasy, then all of a sudden there's Satan and superhero uniforms and hover bikes.
>> No. 28029
shit pussy
>> No. 28030
>> No. 28031
File 132363078261.jpg - (66.99KB , 720x540 , 222696_225587287454708_100000103145364_993998_6786.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm just glad they remembered to bring enough roller blades for everyone. I really like the idea of Bob attacking someone while wearing roller blades, more walking than actually skating, and stopping every few feet to catch his balance. Why does he get the hoverbike?
>> No. 28032
dem d0x

>> No. 28033
Does he have a dog? If he doesn't have a dog, he can't be our new Chris. It would never work, people just wouldn't accept that.
>> No. 28034
  Bob's call to to arms.
>> No. 28035
I have not watched a single one of these videos.
Who the shit cares? This is somehow less interesting than that PDK circlejerk retardation.
>> No. 28036
^^ immense homosexual deviant ^^
>> No. 28037
>> No. 28038
>It's OK
>To not like things
>It's OK
>But don't be a dick about it
>It's OK
>To not like things
>But don't be a dick about the things you don't like.
>> No. 28039
  >You think I'm a psycho. You think I'm grandiose. You think I'm demented and deluded, but it's not that at all. That's the way I am. I have apersoners syndrome. I have apersoners syndrome and I'm mentally ill.

Also, some serious tard rage.
>> No. 28040
File 132364546128.jpg - (103.39KB , 1143x639 , mihividzisadick.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Actually, Mihi, mental illness is often an excuse for being fat and stupid.
>> No. 28041
Bob responds, more or less unfazed.
>> No. 28042
>> No. 28043
"I wanna say a little note to....um.... Em Aych....ughullghhVideo..."

>> No. 28044
File 132364852257.jpg - (104.35KB , 1219x637 , mihividzagain.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 28045
MiHi you're doing the trolling equivalent of kicking a soccer ball into an empty goal from the penalty line and expecting praise for it.
>> No. 28049
lol successful troll is successful welcome to the inner-circle mr. vidz your table is ready for you lolol epic
>> No. 28050
Did you suddenly forget that nobody here likes you?
>> No. 28052
Actually, nobody here gives a fuck what you think.
>> No. 28053
Then I guess the feeling's mutual.
>> No. 28054
File 132365210695.jpg - (65.26KB , 720x488 , erica.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can anyone tell what he's saying in the beginning of this video, right after, "Well hello, Erica."

Also, do we know if she's disabled too?
>> No. 28055
Really haven't read anything in this thread, just wanted to say that the guy's birthmark makes him look like a fat Subzero
>> No. 28056
I should add that I don't know for sure that the Erica pictured is the one he's referring to. It's just a guess based on the fact that he has numerous photos of them together.
>> No. 28057

That brings up a point I would like to make. This isn't Chris. Here we have a guy trying to make something of himself and working for a charity in order to help others even worse off than him. He may come off as a bit of a manchild, but that's just his disability. Chris is a fucking manchild and it's not just his disability. He doesn't strive to give anything back to the community and he plays with toys all day long.
>> No. 28058
That's fair, I'm not convinced that we should be tormenting the guy (Mihivids). While what he says and does is funny/bizarre, I don't really see much good coming from harassing him. In fact, the things that get the best reaction out of him have to do with his unrealistic expectations and fantasies not becoming reality. I think the best approach at this point is just to laugh from a distance like with Duane. That said, I don't think discussion should stop, just that idiots like Mihividz should quit being assholes for no reason.
>> No. 28059
It's also worth noting that, unlike Chris, this guy is part of a community that supports him and others like him, and harassing him too much could result in unwanted attention being drawn to the board.
>> No. 28060
OH NO, that would be bad. We wouldn't want his LEGION of fans to come attack us! Good thing we have rational-minded people like you on the board to keep us from getting too big in our britches!
>> No. 28062
Mihi no one likes you. Given the chance we would troll you instead.
>> No. 28063

Looking at her facebook wall... I'd say so.

>> No. 28064
She is funny looking, but that doesn't prove much.
>> No. 28065
She seems a bit schizophrenic.
>> No. 28066
  So I've been skimming through his videos. Here are a few gems. They give some insight into Bob's strange little mind.

Bob wants to be famous because he is too good for his fellow aspies and deserves more out of life. Being famous apparently makes one's problems melt away.

Bob is NOT a homo or a porn watcher. He is a Christian and he keeps his junk in his trunk! Also, food.

Bob is not a child predator.

Bob used to look at porn? Also, he does not like being called fat or a pedophile. He prefers genius or superstar.

This is part one of the 2011 Renaissance Club Comedy Night. It's kind of pathetic. He appears to be among the most severely disabled in the group and I get the impression that most of the others are just humoring him, which would be less than surprising. At certain parts it's so awkward it's hard to watch. And, of course, Bob even managed work eating into his comedy routine.
>> No. 28067
Most people think that fame does that. Most born again Christians believe those things and given the opportunity will make videos about them... Actually this gives me an idea. Let's make a fake born again Christian organization and have it be all about taking over YouTube. It would be a lulzcow farm.
>> No. 28068

Appearances mean a lot to people. Sure, this guy is a harmless tard like sailormoonred1 or ulillillia and has done nothing to really warrant harassment.

However, this guy is fat, ugly, and (most importantly) a Christian. This makes trolling him urgent and pulling punches homosexual deviantry.

Compare with the impossibility of trolling female lolcows due to /cwc/'s population being predominately foreveralones who can't resist posting under what conditions they'd fuck the patsy.
>> No. 28069
MiHi really wants somebody, anybody he can troll. Then the cool kids might notice him!
>> No. 28070
File 132370763773.jpg - (56.10KB , 336x330 , eddyenjoyingsausage.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>cannot discuss female lolcows
>we have threads on pixyteri, fayekayne, lifeofagreatmommy and that crazy walmart lady

cool stereotyping bro
>> No. 28071
did anyone mirror the OP video? BAWWWLEETED.
>> No. 28072
File 132371488862.png - (13.15KB , 532x86 , all these jerks.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I mirrored everything but the christmas specials. Going to do that now.
>> No. 28073
>> No. 28074
  Bob Swagger has his facebook friends and is pissed at mihividz and myself. Here's my comment that got bob riled up. "Mr. Ethier, why should I donate to charities when 7 percent of my income is used to fund YOUR lifestyle. That's how much is taken out of my paycheck every week for payroll taxes. You should be grateful that the most charitable organization (Social Security) is allowing you to survive. In fact, if I don't give to the "Social Security Charity" I can expect jackboots to raid my house and put a rifle muzzle on to my head. You should donate money instead of buying dvd boxsets and stalking erica.
>> No. 28075

I'll send in police! I'll send in EVERYTHING IN MY POWER!
>> No. 28076
LAWLZ! Seriously folks. If I knew this fatfuck was so easily trollable, I would have come up with an actual plan on how to make it into a saga. But just look at how much butthurt this hog is having cuz of my one single You Tube comment.

And for the record, I don't have a Facebook account anyway, so that threat is very empty to me.

I think I'll let Intro handle the official trolling of this waddler from now on and just keep it to dropping the occasional "TRILOGAYYYYYYYYY!!" comment.
>> No. 28077
You're still a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 28078
this is pretty funny.
>> No. 28079

Perhaps, but at least I got a big lolcow on the warpath. I doubt I can get him to shove stuff up his ass, but it's still fun watching the walrus yowl when I poke it with a stick.
>> No. 28080
I just called him on Gmail. I didn't have a mic so I just hit the numbers over and over again.

... I just hung up on him. It was an 8 minute, 45 second call.

He thanked me for being a fan and explained that he didn't speak phone, all the while stress sighing. I tried to play him songs with the chimes the numbers make when you press them. (I played London Bridge is Falling Down. He got it right.) He then said that he wasn't married and he explained why after I hit the 3 button a few times. He hasn't found anyone suitable but, he said he's "glad that I have Facebook" so he can find girls that way.

His show came back on and he said he had to go.

... Holy fucking shit, this guy is weird. He just talked to beeps and boops for almost 9 minutes.
>> No. 28081

>> No. 28082
>I wanna be like Tito so bad! Am I one of you guys yet? ;o;
>> No. 28083
Introman and mihividz are preparing to become the new tvs arm pitt and mother brain combo. This is textbook troll shielding.
>> No. 28084

Jesus, what IS your fucking problem, retard? Every time I open my mouth, you stagger in and go "Hurr Durr I'm MiHiVidz and I'm a giant poopie head. DAK!".
>> No. 28085
Not really. You insulted someone, and now he's angry. That doesn't make him a lolcow. It just makes you an asshole. I mean, at least this guy raised $ for charity. What do you do, besides jack off to naked drawn Japanese people?
>> No. 28086

The only thing this lying f.aggot raised was a fork to his face several hundred times at the Golden Corral last night. It's easy to lie about donating when you have nothing to back it up.
>> No. 28087
Holy Shit this guy is only a medallion short of being the classic Chris.
>> No. 28088
You seem upset.
>> No. 28089
Mihividz and all tripfags are gigantic cunts.
>> No. 28090
True. but not many tripfags make such a big deal over how many views they get on youtube and freak out at the possibility if not getting views.
>> No. 28091

Your implications are completely wrong. Obviously, /cwc/ can discuss female lolcows. What I precisely argued was that it cannot hold a trolling discussion with the same coherence as it would male subjects because the ronery virgins can't fucking resist talking about whether or not they'd fuck the femcow, under what conditions they could, or how she could be made fuckable. I'm not the first lurker to make this observation.


Tripfags are intrinsically lame in at least one respect, but at least they can be told when they're full of shit on /cwc/ without the presumed authority and status of tripfags on too many other imageboards, and they're aware of it.

Mihividz is simply the poster child for trying too hard and has made fishing for accolades in the comments sections of YouTube videos an art (in the sense that rubbing your shit all over a Hollywood movie poster to protest commercialism may be considered an art).
>> No. 28092
Introman used to be a fairly productive tripfag, but if he's really teaming up with MiHiVidz, then wow.
>> No. 28093

How is introman teaming up with MiShitVids?
>> No. 28094
MiHiVidz turned me into a newt!
>> No. 28095
He also seems to be trying to find some lolcow that he can be an official or major troll of, which is damn pathetic, especially considering that his trolling "Efforts" are JUUULLAAAAYYY level youtube comments.
He's got troll shielding, he's got the "I fucking hate Chris so much!" attitude, he's got the USI, he's got a "views are everything" mentality. Has anyone found his fursona yet?
>> No. 28096
File 132374291582.png - (36.83KB , 540x572 , whentheleveebreaksmihividzisstillafag.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's amusing seeing HoMoVidz try to troll elsewhere on the 'net as well. For example, he likes to troll foodies. And then there's this gem, in which he made fun of people for worrying that their houses might get flooded.
>> No. 28098
I don't think anyone's teaming up, they just commented on the same video.
Mihividz called Bob fat. Introman accused him of acting entitled and greedy because he asked for charity when he already gets a cut of our tax money. Mihividz then responded to Introman in a way only a giant homosexual deviant could, saying "WURD!"
>> No. 28099
MHV seemed to act like it when he said he'd let Introman take care of the "official trolling" or something like that.

They can both gag on my cock, though.
>> No. 28100

>MHV seemed to act like it when he said he'd let Introman take care of the "official trolling" or something like that.

1. No one cares about what he does.

2. Introman has actually provided content before.
>> No. 28101
Not teaming up with MiHiVidz. Also MiHiVidz cut out that reddit level trolling. Even Bob McBob won't fall for it more than once. Going to post more deleted videos, since bobby boy deleted like 20 of them. Most of them are about food!
>> No. 28102
Do you have any of the Christmas vids from last year? I want to know more about his princess.
>> No. 28103

Bobby boy deleted them before my time. Here is bob talking about chinese food.
>> No. 28104

>good old Asian Chinese food.

I too like my Chinese food Asian. Also, I thought he was about to cream himself when he mentioned crab rangoons, god damn.
>> No. 28105
Intrinsically this guy is okay in my eyes, and I don't think he really deserves trolling.
I mean that's not really what trolling is about i.e getting ''justice'' if people are assholes on youtube, but it would annoy me to see some copycat sweetheart saga or some shit pulled on this guy.
Commenting with thought out comments on his youtube (Introman's comments on his social security cheques) are fine, I mean if its your opinion that gets him riled up theres nothing you can do about that.
But being a homosexual deviant and just prodding the bear (Mihivids) is pretty moronic.
So many people here baaww over the fact Chris got ruined by too much interaction and sagas, and say he should have been left alone to produce shit, well you've basically got that with this guy, just let him do his thing. It's lulzy enough as it is
>> No. 28106

>I mean that's not really what trolling is about i.e getting ''justice'' if people are assholes on youtube

That sure is some homosexual deviancy.
>> No. 28107

Well it isn't. Alot of people seem to think only people who are dicks get trolled for some reason, like they're taking Karma into their own hands.

Chris was just some random guy with a sonichu medallion when he got trolled, he'd done nothing but exist up until that point.
>> No. 28108

in their tongue they call him Dovaqueer: homosexual deviantBORN
>> No. 28110
File 132375265677.png - (71.81KB , 250x272 , responsetotimothycruzetorposts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


very very related
>> No. 28111
ITT: Namefags rallying around MiHiVidz.
>> No. 28112

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
I don't speak weeabo or whatever spurgy dialect your babbling in
>> No. 28113

what a rectal ranger you are
>> No. 28114
File 132375920725.png - (396.23KB , 1300x1050 , Ginyu.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>rectal ranger
>> No. 28115
So, you commented on his newest video saying, "Bob swagger, I don't want to ruin your life. I've heard of your antics at tyngsboro high. You don't have a good reputation around middlesex. Shoot, people from renaisance club told me about your stalkerish antics. Plus the real reason why you were kicked out of renaissance chairmen. Mr. Swagger your antics of yelling at people, cursing at kids and vengeance makes you the opposite of a christian."

Would you care to elaborate?
>> No. 28117

On his facebook channel bob swagger loves his old high school tyngsboro. Like CWC he really loves high school. So he started to get pissed off when at the age of 35, people stopped giving a shit about high school.

The renaissance club demotion is available to see on his youtube. The club pretty much wanted Bob to stop representing them. This tard has represented America in the international renaissance club.

The christian/muslim thing is just to piss off his christian fundamentalism.
>> No. 28119
File 132378158642.jpg - (66.30KB , 540x720 , chrisfarley.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Like CWC he really loves high school.
Right, I'd figured that much, what with him wanting to get married there wearing his wrestling singlet and all that.

>The renaissance club demotion is available to see on his youtube. The club pretty much wanted Bob to stop representing them. This tard has represented America in the international renaissance club.
That's interesting, although not terribly surprising. Do you recall which video(s) he discusses this in? He has dozens, the majority of which are ambiguously named and about totally uninteresting shit.

Also, you said that you'd been in contact with people from the club. Did you actually message anyone or was this just meant to remind Bob that people don't like him? The guy's an obnoxious moron and I'm sure they get sick of shit, especially considering how intent he is on always being the center of attention. I just wonder whether he's able to pick up on their being annoyed if they don't come out and say it (autism, etc.).
>> No. 28120
  Little girls.
>> No. 28121
How is it that retards like this guy and Chris become magnets to very low level snippets of fame.
>> No. 28122
File 132382006544.png - (13.34KB , 784x84 , bob mcbob.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

At 6:30 bob starts to talk about my comment.
>> No. 28123

You can;t shut down a person's You Tube account just because they're saying mean things.

For one thing, has anyone ever actually tried to get a hold of anyone working at You Tube? It's notoriously impossible.

And even if they could, all the rep would say is "just block them, fatfuck". Even Chris knows that.
>> No. 28124
  >If You Want A Dvd of The Bob McBob show Featuring all Three Specials Please Contact Me At [email protected]
>> No. 28125

This is the dvd special.
>> No. 28126
File 132383774310.jpg - (24.05KB , 208x234 , zangoose.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He has the weight to be one, too.
>> No. 28127
He really puts the Mayo in Cinco de Mayo.
>> No. 28128

Dahahaha he looks so cute in his little chef hat :3
>> No. 28129
How hardcore of a christian is he? Will wishing him Happy Holidays make him tard rage?
>> No. 28130
Dude, what's up with Chris? Why were you arguing with him?
>> No. 28131
>> No. 28132
  Bob wants to hit Charlie Sheen with a metal chair and more MAKE ME BIG BROTHER tard raging.
>> No. 28133
File 132385508548.png - (52.54KB , 151x160 , babby.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay seriously, someone explain to me in summary what warrants the trolling of such a jolly, amusing retard.
>> No. 28134

Same reason anyone gets trolled, because they react to it.
>> No. 28135
> jolly

I lol'd.
>> No. 28136
Well, who WOULDN'T react to being called a worthless fat fuck? Don't get me wrong, this guy has potential and he produces hilarious content, but there's nothing abnormal about his response to your "trolling."
>> No. 28137

>who WOULDN'T react to being called a worthless fat fuck?

People who realize they are being trolled and just ignore it. They don't tend to get posted here for obvious reasons.

>this guy has potential and he produces hilarious content

Yes, so that's why people troll him.
>> No. 28138
File 132387471332.jpg - (8.53KB , 266x213 , sotough.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I appears Bob has just deleted a fuckton of his videos. Now there are only fifteen.
>> No. 28139

Bob just deleted everything but his cooking videos. http://www.youtube.com/user/Saturdaze2007/videos?view=u

I'm going to upload all of his stuff now on my youtube account. I'm too lazy to deal with shitty youtube registration again.
>> No. 28140
Many thanks, good sir.
>> No. 28142
File 132389208780.jpg - (44.20KB , 495x146 , Destroyalltrolls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
GJ guys
>> No. 28143
"Aym not goin anywher!" -- Fat Pedo Fuck, 12/13/11

"I deleted my you tube account" -- Fat Pedo Fuck, 12/14/11

>> No. 28144

He, like Chris, thinks he is awesome and talented and totally not fat. He insists that everyone worship him otherwise you are a troll and you are bad and you must be destroyed.

And let's face it, he IS a big fat fuck!
>> No. 28145
I believe there is some sonic games you need to masturbate to.
>> No. 28146

MiHiVidz, you're acting just like A-Log.
>> No. 28147
/cwc/, stop scaring off the lolcows
>> No. 28148
File 132389789338.jpg - (46.30KB , 523x481 , JERKS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This sounds strangely familiar...
>> No. 28149
File 132389797996.jpg - (54.71KB , 422x499 , Marty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
On the plus side, Mihividz might be doing time.
>> No. 28150
Mihividz here making a Mihivid about getting shanked on D-block, Mihividz-style!

>> No. 28151
MiHiVidz calling somebody else fat?

>> No. 28152
File 132389998245.jpg - (48.66KB , 708x383 , 2356373.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They get those reports all the time. Less is going to come of that than Slyther's "killing spree" at Google HQ.
>> No. 28153
You Can Diss Me And Threaten Me And Make Fun Of Me Call Me A Retard Or Any Other Bullshit That You All Want Say My Videos Suck Me Personally I Just Dont Give A Fuck Because Im Gonna Continue Making and Uploading Videos Woooooooooooooo
>> No. 28154
Hi A-Log.
>> No. 28155

>> No. 28156

Me, doing time for calling a fat fuck a fat fuck? HUR HUR! O U!

So what if my You Tube account got nuked. Wouldn't be the first time. It's not like I couldn't just start a new one and reload my videos all over again from backup archive.
>> No. 28157
File 132390627761.jpg - (79.42KB , 300x400 , tom_cruise_still_mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
a buttmad Mihivids appeared!
>> No. 28158
lol out-trolled by a fat guy
>> No. 28159

Everyone hates you, homosexual deviant person.
>> No. 28160
did introman get to the current videos yet? I missed the ones of him responding to recent insults
>> No. 28162
File 132390842511.png - (50.13KB , 435x541 , I deleted My____1323908331371.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

AH. i can't find the christmas videos. I have everything before. So expect like 20-30 videos a day. I have 145 videos of bob mcbob.

MiHiVidz watch out. A 32 year old autistic virgin is after you. Haha
>> No. 28163

Yes, I know he's out to get me. He's hiding in my bushes waiting, but thankfully, he's really easy to spot.
>> No. 28164
Oh dear you sound upset. Losing all those views really makes you mad eh?
>> No. 28165
File 132391388952.png - (7.29KB , 439x73 , the support.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"Thank you for the support Right now I am Not Getting Another YouTube Account Until Those Trolls ane prosecuted and off cyberspace"
>> No. 28166
Wow, this guy is better than MiHiVidz.
>> No. 28167
File 132391623476.png - (46.47KB , 597x401 , Why must the trolls.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28168
What comment is he referring to here? If recall, Mihi just called him fat over and over again. I don't remember there being anything "sexually demeaning".
>> No. 28169
One less fat retarded pedo fuck on You Tube.

Amount of Value lost: 0%
>> No. 28170
Nobody likes you MiHI.
You try way too hard.
>> No. 28171

Good thing I don't care what you think then, huh?
>> No. 28172
Yeah I have no idea what you guys were trolling him for anyway, he was funny on his own, there was no need to poke him with a stick, its not like he wasn't already making content.
You morons need to stop trying to be the Clyde Cash and Tito of this guy
>> No. 28173
File 13239207732.jpg - (59.18KB , 628x569 , sarcasm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Teach me to be as cool as you.
>> No. 28174
Why do you act like it's only one person pointing out what a tremendous dipshit you are?
>> No. 28175
Look! All I did was call him a fat fuck (cuz, well, FUCKING LOOK AT THE GUY!) and as a result he went all butthurt because I dared not to worship his awesomeness.

He totally lost his shit simply because someone called him fat. What a dolt.
>> No. 28176

LOL. Maybe it's because you are.

Sorry that I'm not feeling all sad clown to make you happy, little boy. I'm sure it fills you with disappointment. I've been on the Internet long enough to get a thick skin.
>> No. 28177
You do know that anonymous isn't just one person, right?
>> No. 28178

Going on the defensive so much when people point out that you're still an idiot doesn't make your skin look all that thick.
>> No. 28179
>I've been on the Internet long enough to get a thick skin.

But yet not long enough to stop being a giant homosexual deviant. I think the only thing stopping there being a thread about you on here is the knowledge you'd be furiously masturbating over all the attention.
>> No. 28180
There was a thread a while back. He just got mad and acted like people hated him for making his videos.
>> No. 28181
File 132392457891.gif - (267.78KB , 250x104 , LOL.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28182
File 13239247622.gif - (361.05KB , 200x183 , 311uvtc.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28183
>MFW only faces
>> No. 28184
well fuck, I had this thread bookmarked and shit. I was all excited, I actually liked this guy more than Chris

gj /cwc/
>> No. 28185

Uh no...good job Introman and Minidick, this wasn't a /cwc/ effort
>> No. 28186
Give him a week. He will be back. They always come back.
>> No. 28187

laughed uncontrollably at this for some reason. very true and poignant though
>> No. 28188
File 132398049971.jpg - (40.10KB , 474x323 , paddedandjuiced.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28189

I love it when lolcows sputter off dark brutal fantasies of torture against their enemies. It makes it more lulzy.
>> No. 28190
Anyone else noticed that ITT Mihivids has turned into a bigger lolcow than Bob?

Made Chris-level youtube videos, drew negative attention, deleted his youtube account and now people are trawling his facebook.

Keeps posting in this thread despite everyone showing they hate him, and tries to act like he doesn't care.

Who's madder? I mean, really?
>> No. 28191
File 132398669080.jpg - (65.35KB , 500x500 , pedobear_dept_molestation.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So what I'm hearing in this thread is that he has some vids where he outs himself as a pedo. Does introMAN have those on his jootube? Does anyone know?
>> No. 28192
File 132399480451.png - (42.69KB , 527x375 , Robert Phillip Ethier_1323994548567.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I might. Let me search those.

Also, I salvaged this saga by calling his mama as a a concerned fan.
>> No. 28193

The video he produced today thanks to pleading to his mammy.
>> No. 28194


I pity his neighbours, his breathing alone is as loud as a heavy wind.

Also back the fuck off this time
>> No. 28195

Yep. I knew the fat pedo piece of crap was talking full of shit when he said that he was leaving You Tube forever. Where else he gonna go?
>> No. 28196
Actually, this was taken from his facebook. He's already said that he's waiting AT LEAST TWO WEEKS to get a new youtube account. That way, we'll have forgotten about him. Damn this short attention span of mine!
>> No. 28197

I know. But he was vehemently proclaiming earlier on FB that he would _never_ come back to You Tube ever until intro or I were murdered in some sort of gruesome medical fashion.

But like his proclamation that he was never going anywhere and then twelve hours later he dropped his account, he's waddling back in with a "I meant to do that" attitude.

This guy has a thinner skin and more ADD than Chris.
>> No. 28198

Why you hate this guy so much...
As far as being a bit spurgy I can't see anything he's done to anger anyone...
>> No. 28199
Yeah, his sphere of retardedness is pretty much limited to his family the Renaissance Club.
>> No. 28200

>Why you hate this guy so much...

Actually it's the other way around. I made one comment about him being fat, and within 24 hours he's going on video ranting "ARRGLEBARGLE MIHIVIZ INTROMAN CALL ME FAT I WANNA BE WORSHIPPED NOT MADE FUN OF ARRGGGHHHHH IM LEAVING YOU TUBE FOREVAH TILL THEYRE HORRIBLY KILLED TO DEATH!!!11!".

At my end, it's like "Wow! This guy is NUTS! And he's doing all this drama over a word like "fat"?


It took seasoned professional trolls several months of work to get Chris to start sputtering his death/revenge fantasies online, but within the span of 48 hours I managed to find this BlubbahBeest wanting me not only dead, but dead in some sort of bizarre gruesome way. hate to see what he wants to have done to someone who REALLY fucks with him.
>> No. 28201
Look out, badass here.
>> No. 28202

So you hate on him because you hated on him then he hated on you 10 times as bad because of his disability and now you not only hate him but also have these illusions of grandeur that you're some amazing epin win troll more epin the even the most epinnist Chris chan troll because you called a guy ''fat''

and you wonder why people hate you
>> No. 28203
You really do think way too much of yourself.
>> No. 28204
He actually seems convinced that it's only one person who comes into all the threads to point out hat nobody likes him.
>> No. 28205

Did you even bother to read a word of what I said less than ten minutes ago, f.aggot? I said that fatfuck is the one doing all the hating. I'm here just sitting back and going "Whoah!" at his personing out.

And yes BTW, I know it's only one or two of you going "WE ALL HATEZ YOU MIHIVIDS! WE IZ LEEJIN! WHY WON'T YOO BELEEVE WE ARE LEEJIN?!". I'm sure the rest out there don't give a fuck about either of us.
>> No. 28206
Man, you do get mad a lot.
You do realize that your outbursts make you look just like any other lolcow right?
>> No. 28207
File 132399919961.gif - (147.76KB , 782x600 , b nevar forget.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You remind me of this guy.
>> No. 28208

You made more like 10-12 comments. Just pointing that out .
>> No. 28209

Well I only infrequently monitor this thread and rarely post in it at all and I just picked up on the fact/called you a moron... Don't think it's just 1/2 people bro just saying
>> No. 28210
  A little hoarded video from his facebook. Bob posts a video on his video about getting inducted in his high school hall of fame. Those jerks from his highschool don't respond. So bob makes this video.
>> No. 28211

I wanna know what the fuck he did for athletics... Big fan of the sports teams? He don't deserve shit for moving away. Reminds me of this girl (who I posted in the old lolcow thread) who was addicted and got even got wet a few times over the high school sports teams, graduated two years late, and moved one state over and is now making memoirs about it.
>> No. 28212
File 132402057816.png - (59.98KB , 768x527 , bob on a website.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He did wrestling and play football. He really wasn't the mvp or top 5 but they used his hefty size for the team.

I put all of the saturdaze videos in a playlist. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCA43854A7647A766
Still a work in progress. Should be completed by Sunday.

Also screencap of Mr. Robert Ethier talking about his mental hospital trip.
>> No. 28213
>He did wrestling and play football. He really wasn't the mvp or top 5 but they used his hefty size for the team.

I figured as much. Do we know much else about his high school years? I seem to remember him saying in one of his videos that he took forever to graduate, that he didn't get his diploma or equivalency or whatever until 2002, although I could be mistaken.
>> No. 28214
I love this guy's facebook
>> No. 28215
I like that he's employed by comedy. I hear they pay well.
>> No. 28216
This fat fuck's singing about eating... big surprise. We should start a lolcow barbershop quartet.
>> No. 28217
Rather indecisive about using your name MiHi?
>> No. 28218

He was an extra in school ties. He was with the slow in the mind kids in highschool.
>> No. 28219
What's with the guy randomly accusing everyone of being MiHiVidz? Is this his attempt to be funny by showing his disapproval of someone's comment by saying they're MiHiVidz?
>> No. 28220
That was a really good idea dude. What was the conversation with his mom like?
>> No. 28221
I'm not sure if I'm the only one who notices, but his face very much resembles Jabba the Hut.
>> No. 28222
The tone of his voice around 4:25 reminds me a lot of the Song of Christian when he bitches about failing English class.
>> No. 28223
File 132410746556.jpg - (40.19KB , 510x362 , jabbacomment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is that you, Mihividz?

Also, Tow Mater, you should put your profile on private so it isn't painfully obvious that it's a troll account. At least change it so that people can't see that Bob is your only friend.
>> No. 28225
Why is your rectum so sore?
>> No. 28226
Weed here.

No, not that Vidz guy, also your analysis of me was completely off-mark, but nice try; I'm glad I made you rage as hard as you did.

Not that I can make much of a rebuttal on there because one of you lulz-whoarding deviants has convinced him to block me. Lol. What a fucking joke.
>> No. 28227
Also, that picture? It was taken at a protest. I do plenty for my community, kthx.
>> No. 28228
>No, not that Vidz guy, also your analysis of me was completely off-mark, but nice try; I'm glad I made you rage as hard as you did.

>Not that I can make much of a rebuttal on there because one of you lulz-whoarding deviants has convinced him to block me. Lol. What a fucking joke.
Sorry that you didn't have the chance to prove to a retarded guy that you're better than him.

>Also, that picture? It was taken at a protest. I do plenty for my community, kthx.
Good to know. Incidentally, I think you may be taking Tow's comment a bit too seriously.
>> No. 28229
Derriere devastated much, Mihividz?
>> No. 28230
I like when neckbeards get all mad and then refer to any form of non-positive acknowledgement as rage.

>> No. 28231

Samefag, and the second one so resonates imnotevenmad.jpg type latent rage.
>> No. 28232
I had nothing to prove to the retarded guy; I wanted him to prove to me that he was worthy of being called a lulzcow. Instead, you're hoarding it all, like a bunch of Zionfags guarding your jewgold. Somebody obviously convinced him to block me. He seems too retarded to understand the reference. Like, Zyklon-B Aktion-T4 kind of life-unowrthy-of-life retarded; though indeed, it'd take a lot of that.
>> No. 28233
File 132414757718.png - (4.64KB , 262x261 , 130217909133.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Based on what, the fact that there's no way two people can think you're an angry angry asspie?

Are you Atlus? You seem to be doing the whole "I'm not a homosexual deviant but instead it is everyone else/one guy that's posting over and over again that is mad at my EPIC WEEEEEEEN" thing.

Which fools nobody.
>> No. 28234

Lolno. I know who he is but he'd actually have to move across the atlantic and gain about a hundred lbs of fat to be anywhere close to being me.

Just get a grip. You're trying the whole 'Imnotevenmad and I can see through your fascade' when it's obvious you don't have the cognizance to be either cool-headed or foresightful.
>> No. 28235
Hey, you guys remember the PC Assassins? Yeah, the PC Assassins. Remember how they totally weren't tryhard losers that embarassed themselves in front of everyone, but were instead epic win trolls that were totally on the verge on something amazing, but butthurt and jealous /cwc/fags like totally had to ruin their good time and epic win, no doubt because they were butthurt and jealous?

Remember how none of that was complete and total bullshit spewed by tryhard failures and in fact had actually happened?

I think that just totally happened again here!
>> No. 28236

Those guys were trying to create content in a dry-spell period of drought from the Tomgirl saga. Why? Because Inner Circle epic ween homosexual deviants were hoarding everything. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't happen again, the same polarization in who has access is repeating itself. But it wasn't even like how you mention (with the raeg and shit) to begin with; they handled your bullshit pseudo-polemic against them very well.
>> No. 28237
Every time I've seen someone accuse somebody of "samefag", it's always been wrong.

Right now is no exception.
>> No. 28238

Well it's reassuring to know that they actually had to cry to mods to confirm it.
>> No. 28239

They could have been trying to create a cure for cancer for all I care, they were incredibly bad at what they did and responded to criticism of their output with a wave of psychotic USI and tinfoil hat conspiracies that didn't help at all. That they went in trying to "stick up for the little guys", ok, sure, I can see that. Putting out shit and screaming about INNER CIRCLE'S TRYING TO SABOTAGE OUR WEEN ASS SAGA, which they did immediately, erased any good will they had gotten to that point.

Kind of like just saying "u mad u mad u mad u mad" over and over again isn't changing the fact that you tried to ween troll and failed.
>> No. 28240

>two people call you a homosexual deviant
>"Hi guys, Mod here, just wanted to let you know that no, in fact more than one person does, inf act, think you're retarded. Peace and have a good day!"
>"...well, it's super sweet that 2 PEOPLE are so mad that they obviously went CRYING TO MODS!"

Why, you're such a ween troll you seem to have a response to literally any scenario that ends with you making everyone totally mad and where you don't like like a crybaby idiot at all.

How incredibly convenient that is.
>> No. 28241

Nobody cried to me, i came here on my volition.
>> No. 28242
I love when fat fucks make fun of fat fucks for being fat fucks.
>> No. 28243

Now now, we know that as a mod, people are going to trust you to keep with allegiances and all that clique-homosexual deviantry shit. So I'll take the official story, but with silo-loads of salt.


Yes because I'm really crying over the fact that now even the powers that be are butthurt.
>> No. 28244
>I love when fat fucks make fun of fat fucks for being fat fucks.

Mihividz detected.
>> No. 28245
Not MiHi, but okay. Doesn't change that it's funny when fat fucks call fat fucks fat. It's like when Chris talks about how he hates autistic people because they make him think of living in hell.
>> No. 28246
Will someone please explain to me why this guy thinks we're all mad and actively sabotaging his efforts to do whatever the fuck he's trying to do? Right now all I can piece together is that he got blocked, someone called him shit-tier, and he just assumed the two were related and started spurging at everyone.

That about right? We're looking at another Ass Asian "I don't suck you're just jealous" thing again?
>> No. 28247
File 132414972376.png - (162.95KB , 479x358 , 1281882471594.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>People don't like me.
>> No. 28248
No, I think it's you exhibiting the paranoia.
A swing and a miss.
Weed insofar seems to be aware that he's fat. This retard guy believes he's absolutely fine.
>> No. 28249
File 13241499782.png - (41.82KB , 422x361 , 1318884331648.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No, seriously, nobody knows what you're so pissed off at and you look like a silly man screaming about how mad everyone is when you apparently just started whining about it at random.
>> No. 28250
He's mad because someone called him out on Bob McBob's facebook for being unfunny. So now he thinks that he was funny and "YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GIMME A CHANCE! YOU'D LAUGH IF TITO SAID IT!" He's some failtroll who can't stay in the audience when he doesn't have th skills to participate.
>> No. 28251
He's probably Weed or some homosexual deviant who thinks it's funny to fan the flames of RAGE
>> No. 28252
Not really, because as far as I see his negative acknowledgement can really be distilled to whining in itself. Your hypocritical defense of an equally unfunny failtroll is just that.
Take remedial reading classes then.
>> No. 28253
File 132415117475.png - (173.34KB , 400x300 , 1319170377237.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have no real reason to be angry, but I'm so far gone now if I stop posting it'l look like I give up, and losing an internet argument is the worst thing ever.

y u mad tho
>> No. 28254
Leave the homosexual deviant alone, Dale. If you had to live your life as an unfunny queer you would be just as butthurt as him.
>> No. 28255

Bendale, take your Risperdal or something. I'm not continuing this argument out of rage. Such a retardedly constructed premise. If anything else, it's out of boredom. Your responses this far in amuse me, in how off mark you are with your raeg hypotheses, insofar as to say that you're angry enough to continue pushing this BS.
>> No. 28256

Did you learn to "troll" from Deviant Art or some shit?
>> No. 28257

No, I just avoid the recycled serial package shit that appears to be constantly employed on /cwc/.

Coincidentally, I've never had an account on DA; I'm not an artfag or even a spritefag.
>> No. 28258

No, you're just a madfag.
>> No. 28259

Coming from the raegfag that's very rich indeed.
>> No. 28260

>Implying I am the same dude as all the other multiple people in this thread

>Implying I just didn't see someone be repeatedly supermad and commented on it while wandering through /cwc/
>> No. 28261

No, I'm implying that you are mis-interpreting all my threads and projecting your anger. I, personally, am nothing but amused at your pitiful attempts to go 'umad'^infinity.
>> No. 28262

The 789 staff humbly request that you quit acting like a fucking homosexual deviant.

Thank you for your cooperation.
>> No. 28263
Weed's pissed that his pic's hanging out there in the wind.
>> No. 28264
Had worse than that up before.
Try again.
You're a failure at noting my motivations. In fact, this site is so full of fail that I think I'll purposely temper the waters until I'm banned.
>> No. 28265

>In fact, this site is so full of fail that I think I'll purposely temper the waters until I'm banned.
>site sucks but i'll hang around anyway because i have infinite free time

nice life bro
>> No. 28266

Because standing in the freezing cold at this time of night, when absolutely nowhere is open, is a great way to spend one's night.

I do have work you know, but again, this shows how little you know about me beyond a picture outlining my 'neckbeard' appearance (one that was taken two months ago, I've since had it restyled); I'd keep it this way if only to reveal your foolhardiness. Keep at it.
>> No. 28267

If you hate this site so much, you could just go to another one.

It's really simple.

Just click this link.

>> No. 28268

No because you have now clearly signified that you are annoyed by my presence.

>> No. 28269

>> No. 28270

>my 'neckbeard' appearance (one that was taken two months ago, I've since had it restyled)
>i restyled my neckbeard


please keep posting
>> No. 28271
That was poor phrasing on my part. It's now just a goatee, so counts as face-facial hair that doesn't extend to my neck.

Nah, I'm tired. I'm off to bed. When I wake up, this board better have been sterilized by the eugenics corps. Goodnight you life-unworthy miscreants.

(I'm aware this is unlikely to happen, but one can dream.)
>> No. 28272

I bet you feel super-cool with your awesome new beard.
>> No. 28273
File 13241748858.jpg - (11.85KB , 240x251 , 131971452036.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oldest excuse in internet history, the ballad of the trolled.
>> No. 28274

No, you'd be so lucky as to actually think that though.
It merely means that it's 2:00 GMT and I'm fucking shattered, and that when I come back in the morning, that will be the start of duly raping you niggercunts all over again.
Sorry that you've an obsession with my rectal region though. I'm afraid it's only yours that is hurt.
>> No. 28275
It makes a lot more sense now.
You probably think you're a witty intellectual like Stephen Fry or some guy from a panel show who wins debates. Your cool goatee really drives it home. I bet you've got a collection of really cool reflective wraparound sunglasses and a nice gaming mouse too.
>> No. 28276




i think he mad guiz
>> No. 28277
Since when has this thread devolved into a debate on exactly who is mad?
>> No. 28278


Which I'm left to assume is about to happen again since you said something.
>> No. 28279
Massively misguided impression you have of me there. My upbringing was far from cultural or enlightened. I went to a shitty comprehensive where nobody left with anything, living in a rough council estate filled with houses where the only thing to read was the Sun or Daily Mail. I certainly don't view myself far above the cutoff for retardation, but I don't necessarily vest all my self-image on intellectual qualities either.

Steven Fry is a joke and a pretentious prick just like you. So I think you may just be projecting.
I technically am 'in bed.' If you count slouching down with my netbook on my lap.
>> No. 28280
Yes because that's honestly not just you interjecting angry emotions onto otherwise apathetic text I've written.
>> No. 28281
Ah. You used to read the Sun and the Daily Mail. This explains everything.
>> No. 28282
>I technically am 'in bed.' If you count slouching down with my netbook on my lap.
You can restyle the beard on their necks, but you can't make them stop being neckbeards
>> No. 28283
Nice to see you still rely on generalisations bro.
Not all Sun/Mail readers are functionally illiterate fascists.
>> No. 28284

>Stephen Fry

Fuck off lol
What a moron, how the hell is Fry a joke?
>> No. 28285
He's merely a literary-fag with some grasp and even craft in the English language with some insight in History. He's not a genius by any means. Many people can tstify to how over-hyped his intelligence actually is, even left-wing fucking Guardianites like you. Go back to your hugbox and take some mercury to spare yourself the hubris of thinking that you are a functioning human being.
>> No. 28286
Who said he was a genius?

You're strangely butt-flustered about this.
>> No. 28287
File 132418561711.jpg - (11.40KB , 221x319 , goofygoofy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

butthurt detected...for some unfathomable reason.
>> No. 28288

thanks neckbeard and you folks who have to troll him

create a weed thread, jeez
>> No. 28289
>you folks who have to troll him

That's the thing though, like nobody was. Most of the comments were asking the schmuck what his problem was, which just made him spurg more.
>> No. 28290
Back on topic.

>That was a really good idea dude. What was the conversation with his mom like?

This. Please elaborate.
>> No. 28291

First of all, before I start to talk about the mother call. I need to say that weedington is a fucking moron, julayfag. You believe in the Juche system? Are you fucking retarded? Seriosuly go fuck yourself.

The call went well. I had to lie my ass off and embellish bob. She's a nicer version of the snorlax. I just talked about how bob has many fans all across the globe. I explained that mihividz and introMANCWC were bullies who target people with the mental illness of Apersoners. The only new information I got was that Bob McBob has been 51/50'd a couple of times. I will probe more in to it and try to release the information.
>> No. 28292
File 132419822885.jpg - (11.48KB , 290x174 , asdsaddsw3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Actually I've always thought you were a colossal homosexual deviant too.
>> No. 28293
It's always funny to me how namefags assume that their detractors are usually just one or two outspoken trolls.

I guess it would help if we all posted with retarded names too, wouldn't it?
>> No. 28294

>I guess it would help if we all posted with retarded names too, wouldn't it?

>> No. 28295
Amongst all this homosexual deviantry, you remain vigilant in your quest to deliver the lulz. Kudos, introMAN
>> No. 28296

My philosophy is take a name and use it. Bob mcbob is back on youtube. Content is old but at least he has a channel. FYI, he blocked me and MiHiVidz.
>> No. 28297
>he blocked me and MiHiVidz.

That's not exactly surprising, I would have expected him to do it a while ago. Tards gonna tard I guess.

Call his mom and tell her that introMAN has switched sides. Maybe if you make it sound like a storyline from pro wrestling Bob will believe it.
>> No. 28298

Pretty much every time I see you, Introman, you've been a credit to the board.

You're one of my favorite namefags.
>> No. 28299
I am curious to see how well that tactic would work on this retard.
>> No. 28300
He's pretty slow. I think he'd easily believe that introMAN could go from a dang dirty troll to a TRUE and HONEST fan.

It would just require someone who could act the part and tell Bob what he wants to hear.

"Oh, you'd be so good on Big Brother, now I've seen the error of my troll ways etc etc"

I think introMAN has the chops to pull it off, Mihi is a little obtuse so I don't know if he'd have the necessary subtlety, might be worth trying in any event.
>> No. 28301
introMAN could turn MiHi into the Final Boss of the Internet and they could fight him together.
>> No. 28302
File 132423793492.jpg - (60.56KB , 720x450 , TowMater.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think we have found Weed's pickle-suited nigger.
>> No. 28303
Don't give him the attention.
>> No. 28304
  >>STAR Stands For Show Tolerance and Respect

Bob Mcbob doesn't want any comments on his stuff.
>> No. 28305
They have the Gout?
>> No. 28307
Nobody here like you Mihi
>> No. 28309

Fuck no MihHiVidz.

You already almost ruined it the first time.
>> No. 28310

I do not coddle the stupid. I wish to punish them. To make them sad. To make them bawl out giant manbaby tears. Their wails of despair are my lullaby.

Trolling teaches them nothing. Only punishment works. Even amoeba learn to avoid painful stimulus if applied often enough.
>> No. 28311

Let me guess: it's because they "give autistics a bad name"?
>> No. 28312

So you get to decide who is stupid and who isn't, and based on YOUR definition, you make their lives miserable? That's kind of pathetic.
>> No. 28313
File 132447045231.jpg - (38.91KB , 500x375 , tumblr_lvjzpe2glv1qkx1k0o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
aw, bro, you're so hardcore.
>> No. 28314
File 132447461468.jpg - (18.35KB , 268x201 , fp_gt_youth2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's hard for you to make friends. That's okay, Jenga's here for you. Pour it all out. There, there. Hush now, little mockingbird.
>> No. 28316
No, it's a just that nobody likes you Mihi
>> No. 28317

Who are you even talking about?
>> No. 28318
  Bob McBob talks about his christmas presents as a secret santa. Also show tolerance and respect, by not allowing comments.
>> No. 28319

It makes you so mad.
>> No. 28321
And that must be the ultimate form of trolling to someone like you, eh MiHi?
>> No. 28322
Not MiHi
>> No. 28323
  Bob mcbob being mopey.
>> No. 28324
You guys are gonna push him over the deep end
>> No. 28326
Not to mention that, according to his mother, he's previously been 5150ed.
>> No. 28329

Forgot to record it. Also, bob mcbob thanks to some of the trolls talks about his love life. It's a must see video.
>> No. 28331
introman, I just wanted to let you know that I now imagine that you look and talk like this guy. i wouldnt be surprised if you were him.

i just thought you'd like to hear it from a friend first.
>> No. 28332
>> No. 28333
I wanna join this fan club. It would be great if the great wrestler Jack Swagger used his personal facebook to inquire young Robert of his sexual interests.
>> No. 28334

Trilogy left the group. Shit came up where one of his personal friends harassed a girl in the fan club chat and Trilogy said "NO HE DID NOT ADAM KAPLAN IS A GOOD MAN" and then blocked the girl who was sexually harassed lol.
>> No. 28335
Did his family disown him or something? He makes it sound like his mom and brothers hate him.
>> No. 28336

I know for a fact he's not too fond of his brothers. He and his mom seem to talk everyday though. During the whole fake gay profile thing, one of us called him up to solicit gay sex and he said that his mommy told him not to talk to strange men.
>> No. 28337
Has Bob ever given any indication of how he managed to physically deteriorate so drastically in such a short period of time?

The transformation in something like 6 months is frankly horrifying. Check the earlier vids in introMAN's youtube and compare them to the new ones, it's mind boggling.

My pet theory is that he switched psych meds to something with really nasty side-effects. I encourage anyone who interacts with him to ask about it. People don't get marks like the one on his fat face under anything resembling normal conditions.
>> No. 28338
>I know he's not too fond of his brothers.
I got the impression that he had some anger & resentment at a sizable portion of his extended family from the Nov 27th, 2010 video. Check 2:00 and 3:00-3:30.
>> No. 28339
Why would someone get pissed off at a relative having a son?
>> No. 28340
he jelly
>> No. 28341
  Bob McBob takes about his first true love Nancy Kerrigan. This is some Chris Chan shit.
>> No. 28342

Let me get this straight. The princess he's been waiting for on every Christmas for seventeen years is Nancy Kerrigan? Jesus Christ. I had figured the princess was someone from his high school years, but Nancy Kerrigan... why?
>> No. 28343
File 13252480103.png - (208.04KB , 565x367 , nk.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Implying you wouldn't tap dat frosty ice skater ass
>> No. 28344
File 132524932890.jpg - (18.99KB , 300x374 , MG-91.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28345
File 132529078237.jpg - (39.35KB , 503x543 , ploice.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28346
Damn, this guy seems to deliver the lulz.
>> No. 28347
you guys seem to be having a party on his and his mom's facebook. What pix is she talking about?
>> No. 28348
File 132529412351.png - (20.29KB , 542x199 , Oristory.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

this is what started her crusade against ciber bullies
>> No. 28349
lol, sweet. Wish the whole back and forth was capped.
>> No. 28350
Someone should pass this little bit of info along to him.


The smugness would be worth it's weight in gold.
>> No. 28352

it wasnt anything interesting.
>> No. 28353
I don't think he's got a shot at lolcow status. He's just a moron.
>> No. 28354
File 132547426060.png - (149.37KB , 331x411 , YetAnotherTranny.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is this about?
>> No. 28355
File 13254771637.jpg - (51.06KB , 720x480 , ethier.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's his mother.

Another hoarded pic from the intro.
>> No. 28356
she looks like the crazy old lady from Requiem for a dream
>> No. 28357
He looks like god damn Quasimodo.

Hey mods, can this get archived?
>> No. 28358
That's why my views on my youtube channel are increasing. Anybody who still gives a shit about bob mcbob can start editing the encyclopedia dramatica. http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/index.php?title=Robert_Ethier
>> No. 28359
you seem like you've given up on him as a lolcow. I think he's pretty funny. I like this better than a lot of the other shit floating around here right now.
>> No. 28360
quite the read. I should have realized Bob was getting trolled by a myriad of sources.
>> No. 28361

I agree. I think a lot more laughs could be milked from Bob.
>> No. 28362
Er, hello? Bob died in September!
>> No. 28363
Call me stupid, but what is the significance of Ori? I have seen this being part of the name of other trolls on facebook.
>> No. 28364

Ori wasn't the focal point of anything until Bob's mommy saw it and freaked out. Then Bob mistakenly accused two of his fans of calling him gay. Lol.
>> No. 28365
  Are Alex Kaplan and Dominic Petrocci trolls?
>> No. 28366
Alex Kaplan and Dominic Petrocci are not trolls i tried to link up with them, they just seem like tards
>> No. 28367
File 13256961284.gif - (21.01KB , 215x198 , sub-zero-MK3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mods can we get this thread archived in /L/ please??
>> No. 28368
  New video resume. He STILL wants to be "Big Brother". Jeez this guy really can't fucking let go, can he?
>> No. 28369
Jesus Christ. This guy runs out of breath from breathing... how is that possible?

I could just see him on Big Brother or any of those other reality shows. He would tard rage and get kicked off in the first episode, then his mom would launch an epic email campaign about how she will sue everyone and get them put in the gulag for not letting her snowflake win.
>> No. 28370

He has a poor diet, not enough vegetables too much fried hotdogs and spam.
>> No. 28371
Ah, yes. I always wanted to know what a fat fuck perma-virgin thinks is the perfect Valentine's Day. If you are married, it is just another day, that's it. You don't even fuck in celebration of it. You're too tired from working your ass off all day to worry about a petty pseudo-holiday designed to get lonely hearts to fuck eachother and to yank money out of the wallets of poor schlubs who take a girl seriously when she says she cares about it as a holiday. You may say Happy Valentine's Day as a joke, but that's it, and if you waste money on some bullshit present you piss each other off for wasting money that could have gone towards bills or saving for retirement.

It's not as bleak as it sounds, just when the novelty of "love" wears off, all that retarded stuff matters for nothing. This bastard will never get that and contiue on with the "I'M A REAL SWEET GUY!" schtick, not realizing that if you can't be a dependable partner to contribute your fair share, no one will ever want him. He is just a selfish fat fuck.
>> No. 28372
If he keeps that up maybe he'll be a television Gourmet Chef one day!
>> No. 28373
He already filmed the super bowl episode as the cajun chef bob mcbob.
>> No. 28374
if only bob could see this comment.

Too bad his current method for dealing with disparaging remarks is to block ALL comments on youtube and block anyone who says anything negative on facebook. It's kind of like an internet version of plugging your ears and screaming 'LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!'
>> No. 28375
Part Deux

...because his future employers need to know how he feels about the Power Rangers.
>> No. 28376
File 132601894792.jpg - (45.77KB , 416x587 , bobshaved.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It seems Bob has shaved his head in a misguided attempt to prevent further trolling, revealing a second birthmark/pizza sauce stain in the process.
>> No. 28377
>prefers women because he wants to get married. wat?
>> No. 28378
He looks like the product of King Kong Bundy and Mikhail Gorbechev.

(Showing my age here...)
>> No. 28379
I just now started watching him, anyone got his old videos?
>> No. 28380
Disregard that. Now I have 8 reasons why I think about Introman when I touch myself at night.
>> No. 28381
  The fall continues...
>> No. 28382
  Bob doesn't like being ignored and acts like a monkey.
>> No. 28383

he looks like a fat agent 47 from Hitman
>> No. 28385
I'm sure the drivers just LOVE to hear him going on and on about wrestling or Big Brother or whatever stupid shit he's got on his mind. If I were them, I'd resent having to serve him too.

Also, could Bob get his drivers license if he wanted? If he could fit in the car, I mean.
>> No. 28386

>this dude gets fucking MassHealth and those fucks at the office won't even give it to my 62 year old Dad who can't fucking work anymore
>> No. 28387
I'm on MassHealth and I don't even work or live in the state anymore. Your dad probably doesn't deserve it.
>> No. 28388
That wasn't cool man.
>> No. 28389

Doesn't mean it wasn't probably true.
>> No. 28390
File 132739687868.jpg - (85.76KB , 691x720 , 215449_200482446652837_100000732499743_612584_5165.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28391
Please archive.
>> No. 28392
I'm in direct contact with him by the way if anyone has any requests/desires/messages anything really. He isn't hard to come in contact with at all, but here it is, do with it what you want
>> No. 28393

Has he given you any funny or interesting info?
>> No. 28394
I've talked to him too. He's pretty trusting.
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