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File 132948299853.png - (249.85KB , 1314x1050 , CWC1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
28410 No. 28410

(If you're going to post old news, at least keep it to one thread.)
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>> No. 28411
>> No. 28412
Fuck, I thought this was spam until I actually checked one of them.
>> No. 28413
Could Classic CWC be coming back, guys?

Please, please, say yes.
>> No. 28414
oh shit, somethings going down
>> No. 28415

Don't know, seems to be causing more shit irl, but he also sounds more broken than ever, I doubt he's going to start making youtube videos about all this. Plus, the return of Jackie, seriously?
>> No. 28416
File 132949056535.png - (311.36KB , 499x279 , woop.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My God...it's happening...
>> No. 28417
I don't believe it.
>> No. 28418
Theory: judge ordered regular counseling for Chris before the April 5th court date in exchange for dropping some/all charges. Meaning Chris, like Jesus, will resurrect around Easter. SYMBOLISM.
>> No. 28419
File 132949139963.jpg - (90.66KB , 284x233 , ITBEGINS.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 28422

>best episode is cutie mark chronicles

even cheese conies think that episode was shit. oh chris
>> No. 28423
>>Mom got upset with me after I got caught flipping off a Jerkop.
>>flipping off a Jerkop.

I'm surprised that after all these years, Chris is still calling mall security guards and police officers Jerkops. Oh, Chris, some things never change...
>> No. 28424
File 132950597452.jpg - (73.02KB , 453x601 , loliselleck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And how the fuck would you know this?
>> No. 28425
File 132950682798.jpg - (59.35KB , 350x350 , Literaltrollshield.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I guess he blew his cover, huh?
>> No. 28426
OP is still a massive homosexual deviant
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