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File 132948310638.png - (550.18KB , 2138x1198 , CWC2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
28427 No. 28427
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>> No. 28428
Why the fuck didn't you put all these in the one thread?
>> No. 28429
I am afraid you did not rub my lamp hard enough. Rub harder! HARDER!
>> No. 28430

I'm rubbing as hard as I can you cunt, just put all these in the one thread and delete the rest, it's going to be impossible to follow the discussion otherwise.
>> No. 28431
For mere mortals such as yourselves. I however have a mind like a web. And the spiders of truth are on the flies of multitasking.

May your mother never bleed, and my camel never cross you.
>> No. 28432

Well that's obviously no use to us, is it, or did you post all these so you could discuss them with yourself?
>> No. 28433
I would often have better replies.
>> No. 28434
prasie be to Ali Baboo
>> No. 28435
>Hey, I've got new Chris penises I can put on /cwc/, I better make up a wacky persona to drop them under, then I'll be just like all the cool trolls!
>> No. 28436

dont be an ass. he was nice enough to share this shit with us

what was the jerkop incident exactly?
>> No. 28437
Yeah, I'm struggling to understand that as well. Was he actually fleeing from the police?
>> No. 28438
I think it went like this:

>Chris edited some of the Game Place's coupons, exposing Mike Snyder's evil deeds.
>left those copies where he hung out
>jerkcops noticed, confronted him
>Chris ignored him, talking with his mother on the phone
>he fled to some store
>jerkcops caught up with him, stated that Chris wasn't in any trouble
>Chris ignored them and left.

I think they were just mall cops, not real cops.
>> No. 28439
So he's publicly threatening Snyder (with "fire-on-a-stick" lol!) in between court dates. Awesome!
>> No. 28440
Screw the haters. I like the Aladdin persona.
>> No. 28441
My Master thanks you on behalf of the Sun and the Earth.

And for this I shall reward you. My master was so very, very unorganised. That is why I tend to his wishes.


Do you require a selection of fine fruits?
>> No. 28442
We have neatened his master's pictures, for he is very very unorganised!


He walks like a man yet sleeps like a demon! He is the night! But we tend to him for we can do no less.
>> No. 28443
File 132948746375.jpg - (10.50KB , 356x360 , Cut_it_out.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cut it out.
>> No. 28444
So Jackie is back to rekindle her relationship with Chris. I really hope she has better plans than last time.
>> No. 28445

Jackie Model 3, at least. I kind of suspect that the first Jackie was a real girl who realized she'd hooked up with a random weird and broke it off. Second one was a troll or a collaboration of trolls. At this point she could really be Barb posting from the downstairs computer.
>> No. 28446
I'm calling fake. They could easily be edited from the few legit posts we've seeb.
>> No. 28447
Alright, so the new information is as follows:

- Chris is still waging his own private war against Snyder, despite his mother's wishes.
- It's been officially confirmed that Chris is a coney.
- Chris still holds resentment towards police, or at least mall security.
- Chris and Jackie are back together, which will inevitably lead to a lot of hurt feelings and butt range from the community.
- Sonichu might be back in production, keyword being might.
- Chris bought Other M, the worst game in the whole Metroid series, for some unknown reason.
>> No. 28448

We've been over this, the pics from the original Jackie profile on Hook Cafe are from a known set doing the rounds on the internet, the account was set up by an already known troll who played Jackie for the duration of her hippie circle, I'd tell you who but you probably won't believe me, although I'm pretty sure somebody already said who on here before.


You really think somebody else went to the trouble of finding game place vouchers, scanning them in and photoshopping them for the sake of making up a story about Chris handing them out at the mall?
>> No. 28449
Alec Benson Leary was the second Jackie, I don't know who was the first.
>> No. 28450
>>I kind of suspect that the first Jackie was a real girl who realized she'd hooked up with a random weird and broke it off.

A real girl using a heavily distributed set of nude photos of a girl in her bathroom just stumbled onto Chris and was attracted to him? No, there was never a real Jackie.

>>Chris and Jackie are back together, which will inevitably lead to a lot of hurt feelings and butt range from the community.

No, they're not back together. In one of the pictures Chris says he hopes they'll get back together and that he wants to get back together, but he's not. He tells Kim repeatedly that he's single and looking, and half his posts are him whining about how he doesn't have a girl. Chris doesn't do this when he has a sweetheart, he instead whines that she isn't there with him giving him sex.
>> No. 28451

Gotcha. For some reason I was thinking that at some point there'd been a "real" Jackie who got sucked in by mistake and inspired the network to make the Hook Cafe profile.
>> No. 28452
How many fake Jackie facebooks do you think have contacted Chris since this was posted?
>> No. 28453
Um... it's not like I'm criticizing or anything, but all these posts should probably be in one thread.

I mean..its just hard to follow because all these little threads are jumping around.

Seanie? what say you? The board is about to become a writhing mess...
>> No. 28454
What's strange is all these entries that seem to imply he's getting out of the house a lot more, even if it's just hanging out by himself at McDonald's. Could it be that Our Hero is trying to turn over a new leaf?
>> No. 28455
He is basically having no luck in socialzing in the real world. It's only a matter of time until he see's the light and returns to the warm glow of the internet.

BTW Is he updating his facebook via his 3DS ?
>> No. 28456

No, he was Jackie right from the start, he made the account on Hook Cafe, there was no other Jackie before that.
>> No. 28458

I don't think he was ever as much of a shut in as people believed after he left the internet, sure, most of his time at home was spent on the ps3, but we don't really know about anything else he got up to in the interim periods when he left the internet.
>> No. 28460

The problem is it gets harder and harder to find out about that fun when he isn't raging about it on youtube, second hand accounts and facebook posts aren't really the same. Oh well, penises is penises.
>> No. 28461
Wow. Confirmed for spast.
>> No. 28464

>I'm surprised that his briefs managed to remain undirtycrapped through all of this.

I think it's a pretty safe bet they didn't.

Chris probably didn't want to or thought of bring it up, or, who knows, maybe Barb has finally gotten around to explaining to him that telling people you regularly shit your pants at age 30 makes you look like a slow-in-the-mind.
>> No. 28465
He seems to be continuing on as if the arrest never happened. Imagine how much trouble he'll get in if he gets arrested again on top of his prior charges?

In all seriousness, I really hope the prosecution was made aware of all these other incidents at other places. If someone could just tell him there's a long history of similar problems at numerous other businesses, the judge'll be less lenient on Chris.

Chris is going to end up in a group home, where he'll finally meet his virginbreaker, drooling in a wheelchair.
>> No. 28466
Actually it just makes it sound like he's falling apart at 30. I know people with bowel problems and no mental issues. It just so happens that Chris has both.
>> No. 28467
Chris is just as crazy as ever if not more so than before.

He is breaking down completley, I wonder if its because Bob isnt there to keep his shit together

Chris is flipping off and running from Jerkops/ rent-a-cops , handing out flyers and hate speech about Snyder WHILE in a lawsuit with him (Chris is such a genius) , and with his 30th birthday coming up he is filling with rage about being sad and alone, its a perfect storm and only a matter of time before something snaps.

Or he shits his pants plays ps3 and becomes nearly comatose in his bug infested home.
>> No. 28468
He allows 'yard visits' to his home only. LOL!
>> No. 28469

The Jerkops actually know Chris by name.

"Conflict resolution" sounds like a term Chris must have picked up (and misappropriated) in some kind of recent therapy.
>> No. 28470
At this point, he's become the village idiot who everyone knows about.
>> No. 28471
This is amazing hot dripping cocks. Thanks!
>> No. 28472
I used to think Chris would eventually get laid, that some younger girl (like 18-20) with developmental problems would completely misunderstand him as being a unique and creative mind with a caring heart, but he's too far gone off the cliff now. These wall posts stink of desperation and brokenness.
>> No. 28474
If i were a Mall JERKOP I would love having Chris come into my mall. Think of how well he breaks up the monotony. You know something bizarre is going to happen.
>> No. 28475
did he take his facebook down? i can't find it anymore. wasnt it [email protected]
>> No. 28476
sweet, succulent cocks

thank you based ali
>> No. 28477
why do you say cocks? are you gay or just too spastic to say conĀ­tent?
>> No. 28478
Huh, Chris has learned new words.
>> No. 28479
Ask your friends if I am cute. Am I? Am I??
>> No. 28480

>leaving behind a confused accomplice

chris betraying friends or chris not knowing what 'accomplice' means?
>> No. 28481
I think he meant one jerkop was an accomplice of the other.
>> No. 28482
Is the male lego wearing a thong?
>> No. 28483

I think that's just a pattern on Legoman's pants. Note, however, that Chris immediately scored some of those ridiculous girlie-Legos that just hit the market.
>> No. 28484
i love cocks
>> No. 28485
All this "chased by cop" thing is really confusing.
Is he really recognize by cops and has to flee all the time now? What the hell is going on?
>> No. 28486

Somebody tell Chris to make some videos available through payment by youtube or some other clip website. He can act like a fool by choice and still make money.
>> No. 28487

Speaking of his legal troubles, I wonder how Bell is taking his campaign against Synder. "Say Ladies, T-T-ta place near me that is a breeding ground for cyber bullies... I.. Printed this out..."
>> No. 28488
There were three incidents.

1. He went to the mall with his new attraction sign when a black mallcop told him to rotate his chair in another direction. Chris ignored him. Another mallcop, a white female, came and Chris ignored her. She threatened to call the manager and left. Chris relocated after that.

2. Chris flipped off a cop for some reason. Barb found out and got pissed.

3. Chris was spreading anti-Game Place fliers around the mall. A cop found some and wanted to ask Chris what they were supposed to be, explicitly telling him that he wasn't in any trouble. Chris ran for his getaway vehicle, and a second cop called out to him by name just as he got to his car. Chris assumes that he got away because the two cops were expecting him to use Son-chu instead of a Mitsubishi.
>> No. 28489
It really says something that Chris would want to get back together with Jackie, who forced him to make videos and was a constant nag. He's reaching absolute desperation, soon he'll return to the trolls embrace knowing it's a facade. At least then he can pretend he's interacting with women.
>> No. 28490
I think for the third "incident" he was actually leaving pictures of himself. Which is how the one cop recognized him. He probably just wanted to return the photos thinking that he forgot them.
>> No. 28491
Houst party at Chris's house. http://www.alexslemonade.org/mypage/80275
>> No. 28492


>> No. 28493
OP is a massive homosexual deviant

go do your roleplay somewhere else
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