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File 132950906543.png - (550.18KB , 2138x1198 , 132948310638.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
29097 No. 29097
Since the dude who thinks he's the shit for getting into Chris's facebook, he decided to make a complete fucking mess out of the cocks, so I am reposting it into one thread. The old original shit is on /L/.

First image:
Expand all images
>> No. 29098
File 132950911567.png - (249.85KB , 1314x1050 , 132948299853.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Second image:
>> No. 29099
File 132950916636.png - (198.90KB , 1881x873 , 132948323698.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Third image:
>> No. 29100

Here's the URL the dude posted
>> No. 29101
File 132950942315.png - (10.55KB , 576x151 , 132950858055.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29103
File 132950951596.png - (376.75KB , 2138x1198 , 132948315223.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fourth image:
>> No. 29104
File 132950963054.png - (20.77KB , 361x285 , yeah.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Poor Bell. It's amazing how much Chris wants to fuck up his future court date.
>> No. 29105
I'm not sure if what Chris is doing is illegal , protesting/boycotting a business can't really be held against him.

Of course Chris is probably taking it into full blown harassment, defamation , etc
>> No. 29106
Cyber bullies are breeding?
>> No. 29107
>> No. 29108

Would circulating a print off with "cyber bullies hang out" counts as libel?
>> No. 29109
What's this? I come here and am instantly greeted with Chris cocks on a silver platter? You guys are too nice!
>> No. 29110
File 132951071765.jpg - (89.81KB , 400x240 , HNI_0087.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the Mii he posted as a QR code on his Facebook wall.
>> No. 29111
lol post the qr code
>> No. 29112
You already did, it's in the 2nd image.
>> No. 29113
This is my favorite one

>Abstinence is a crappy joke
>Charlottesville , VA is apparently full of snooty snobish people who are well off.
>Despite being a crossdresser he is ignored totally in VA, probably because he looks like a 40 year old woman
>> No. 29114
If this fat fuck got out into the community and volunteered at some things, he might make a favorable impression on people. Still, this is Chris we're talking about, so all he would be good for is use as a doorstop or a paperweight or something.
>> No. 29115
If he was given direction and was put on notice to keep his fucking mouth shut and do as he is told, he could handle many low skill tasks.
>> No. 29116
File 13295123244.jpg - (188.40KB , 991x653 , s_a17_38816056.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jesus christ. I wonder if the mall cops know him by name yet.
>> No. 29117
COOOOONTEEEEENT my life has meaning now!!! bless!!
>> No. 29119
File 132951265875.jpg - (189.42KB , 720x960 , IMG_0042.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Christian has arrived!

oh god
>> No. 29120
God damn it, Chris. Do you WANT to go to jail or what?
>> No. 29121

Yo, >>170941 here, are you prepared to see Chris in your games too?
>> No. 29122
His Mii looks like my wife's Mii!!
>> No. 29123
I really don't think he is capable of it

As long as he blames every other person on earth for his faults he will never change , everything bad that happens to him, jail, being a virgin, the lawsuit. He thinks the trolls are behind all of it and doesn't realize he fucks shit up
>> No. 29125
>chris is back to loitering
>chris is developing a habit for irritating cops
>chris thinks running is best way to deal with cops

brace yourselves

the cocksstorm is coming
>> No. 29127
Chris has always had a hatred for the jerkops, like the Target arrest incident

but after the Game Place encounter it seems to be far worse than before, cops are as bad as trolls now
>> No. 29128
File 132951409347.jpg - (102.17KB , 360x216 , 132949511543.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nevermind, just re-read everything. The mall cops do know him by name. What a public nuisance.
>> No. 29129
File 132951411181.jpg - (99.32KB , 250x378 , jim lahey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The shit clock's a-ticking, bud.
>> No. 29130
Holy shit, bob was a virgin til he was 27
>> No. 29132
That would mean he lost his V in 1954. Considering the way things were back then, Bob being from the south and all, that makes sense.
>> No. 29133
I feel kind of bad for chris, he is so fucking pathetic and sad. I would probably go on TWO pity dates with him, but I would be too scared to go on #3.
>> No. 29134
this is probably not an association you want to make
>> No. 29135
I'm totally betting Bob told him this when Chris was like, 24, just to let him believe he still had some hope.
>> No. 29136
The fliers would...not be useful in this case. If Snyder were suing for libel they'd compliment the video where Chris accuses him of being a child molester quite nicely. But that's not the case here.

At the rate Chris is going we don't need to do anything. He's had three altercations with the law in nearly as many months and shows no signs of stopping.

So I ask you this: wouldn't it be hilarious if Chris shot himself in the foot and ruined Bell's defense entirely of his own accord?
>> No. 29138

>implying you could get a date outta chris


you silly bitch
>> No. 29140
I thought Chris had finally learned that if you fuck around with the cops, your ass will get in trouble.

Instead he's doubled down.

I guess CWC never does learn.
>> No. 29141
well shit all she has to do is walk up and says she likes him. or would his sign working prompt him to shit himself?
>> No. 29142
>That PLACe WILL go down by my will, or someone else's fire-on-a-stick and bombs
>fire-on-a-stick and bombs

Jesus, you don't just go and make bomb threats against the prosecution. Especially on facebook.
>> No. 29143
At this rate I can imagine Chris getting into a shoot out with the police, a cop see's Chris litter and walks up to him to tell him to be more responsible, Chris takes the cop's approach as a threat and whips out his megatron pellet gun, the cop calls in backup thinking its real and a SWAT team shoots Chris to death as he takes cover in the JCPenny
>> No. 29144
>Dig up Bob
>Dress up Bob as cop
>> No. 29145
This stuff is amazing, Chris has basically already reverted more or less to the idiotic public nuisance he was when /v/ found him. He's doing all the same stuff he was, even considering wearing signs again.

This is encouraging, Chris was at his best before all the staged shit and hippie circles.

I'd be happy to just read about his exploits, it'll be far more entertaining than watching half assed plots unfold.
>> No. 29146

>> No. 29147
File 132951624438.gif - (14.60KB , 490x852 , ElephantSad.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bob was cremated..
>> No. 29148
Bob wasn't in WWII.
>> No. 29149
looooooooooool chris is fuckin' awesome
>> No. 29150
Wasn't Bob in Korea? Surely he got some prostitute pussy there.
>> No. 29151
I think we have found the perfect statement to put on Chris's grave when he dies.
>> No. 29152
''My father, who died of cancer, Mr. Robert Franklin Chandler Jr.''

Wait Bob died of cancer ? I thought it was just his shitty heart.
>> No. 29155
He would have lost it in 1954, a year after the war ended. Could be that he lost it at the college he went to on the GI bill.
>> No. 29157
Let's get a tranny to sprinkle Bob's ashes on Patti while screaming "JUUUULAAAAAAAAAAY" and send the video to Chris under Michael Snyder's name.
>> No. 29158
Chris probably doesn't know the difference.
>> No. 29159
File 13295194308.png - (445.23KB , 910x898 , cruzetor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's get Michael Snyder to sprinkle A tranny's ashes on Chris while screaming "JUUUULAAAAAAAAAAY" and send the video to patti under bob's name.
>> No. 29160
>atlus drama
>chris cocks

>> No. 29161
God, this asshole had to try and make those Facebook comments difficult to follow.

Why didn't you put them in order, dumbass!
>> No. 29162
Never change /cwc/
>> No. 29163
Just when I thought Chris somehow moved on...here we go again with the loitering, the CWCisms, the threats, the whole nine yards.

I don't even know whether I should consider this sad or not.
>> No. 29164
>Assuming Patti opens the mail.
>> No. 29165
That could just what he told Chris to make him feel better.
>> No. 29166
I feel that is probably the case.
>> No. 29167
Since when did Bob care about how Chris felt?
>> No. 29168
The man obviously loved his son. Prove otherwise.
>> No. 29169
All the years that he allowed Chris to live in his house without contributing much of anything to anybody.
>> No. 29170
Or it was Bob trolling him.

"I got my carrot wet at 27, maybe if you wiped that god damn make up off your face and stopped dressing like a homosexual deviant, you can too. I had to go through a war, and through college before I had any chance with a woman, and what have you done? Son, these girls out here today are throwing pussy at guy, but you choose to dress like a god damn queer. You son of a bitch. Now dress yourself like a man, and go out there and make something of yourself."
>> No. 29171
They were using his social security money, dummy.

Enough to lie to him, right?
>> No. 29172
Something about these doesn't seem right. It's like it can't be Chris ... not that it does't fit, or that it's too good.

It seems like a cheap imitation.
>> No. 29173
Or maybe that he's acting just like a lot of other people on Facebook.
>> No. 29174
>> No. 29175
>They were using his social security money, dummy.

You have no proof that they were keeping Chris around for his social assistance money. Bob monitored his money after the idiot got himself into thousands of dollars of dept, which Bob paid off. If I were Bob, I would have also banked Chris's social assistance and given him an allowance.

>Enough to lie to him, right?
Yes, becasue lying to someone means you don't really love him. I'm sorry, you're a fucking idiot. Bob obviously hated Chris becasue he lied to him about Santa Clause.
>> No. 29176
Really I wonder if Chris will get a hooker for his big 30 coming soon, or ever

He has mentioned wanting too before but was too cheap, then he tried to BE a prostitute with the escort service shit , but when someone actually sent him some he got scared and shit his pants, so I cant tell what he would do, he seems to be getting desperate to blow his load in something besides his love doll though
>> No. 29177
Right around the 5th of Never. A lot of /cwc/ dwellers have daddy issues.
>> No. 29178
Well... We could all chip in and get him a nice one. Give her $500 bucks, explain the situation in some detail, then send her over.
>> No. 29179
No woman is going to touch Chris for $500, especially if you explain him to her

We need to get on that fund raising website and get one of those classy $50,000 a night whores
>> No. 29182
Prostitute or Video game? You guess what Chris would buy.
>> No. 29183
The difference is that the girl would be paid for already. I doubt he would turn that down.
>> No. 29185
Doesn't really read anything like Chris.
>> No. 29186
Well one way to end the whole cwc story and cause all the asspies to rage is to get Chris to give up his Sonichu copyright. MAke him legally give it up and make him burn the certificate up. He denounces Sonichu publicly, loses his virginity, and causes all the Alog ilk to explode in anger.
>> No. 29187
He could do it in his car, probably the most sanitary place.
>> No. 29188
I am always astonished anew at Chris. He complains of loneliness and condemns the people of his town as cold and uncaring, but he has never tried to make friends with anyone. His entire concept of a social life is to wait around for other people to contact him.
>> No. 29189
Thorg is is still in contact with Chris. Thorg could say, "Hey KaKa, go to the Charlottesville Inn, this chick is hot for you." Direct him to the room, and have him fuck his brains out.
>> No. 29190
What bob should've done
>> No. 29191

He most definitely would. Well, probably not turn it down outright, but crap his pants and cry for mommy as soon as it all got a bit too real for him to handle.

Remember, Chris has the emotional maturity of a twelve-year old. I really doubt he could go through with real sexual contact with an actual human being, except possibly if he could somehow make his wish of a mother figure who coddled and walked him through the whole thing (and the rest of his life thereafter) come true.
>> No. 29192
We should encourage Chris to become a Pick Up Artist. He could socialize and eventually get the pussy.
>> No. 29194
  Let's hire PT to have sex with him.
>> No. 29195
Well guys, it looks like Jackie is back in the picture, but she is currently on VACAAAAAAAAAAAY
>> No. 29196
I like how "Hippo gets explosive diarrhea" is a related video.
>> No. 29197

Could we pay the prostitute an extra benjamin to have her tell Chris her name is Julie? Or would that turn him off entirely?
>> No. 29198
Chris might not be smart enough to catch on.
>> No. 29201
dont mind me, just testing out my new secure tripcode
>> No. 29202
Hey, just out of curiosity, how do you download Chris' mii?
>> No. 29203

>> No. 29204
yeah same. im a noob, i tried to scan the QR code with my iphone and all i get is a binch of random letters.
>> No. 29205
Perhaps you would be better posting here with the other homosexual deviants.
>> No. 29206
On a 3DS, go to the Mii creator, then click QR code options and scan the screenshot with the 3ds camera
>> No. 29208
u mad?
>> No. 29209
File 132953181513.jpg - (38.10KB , 450x315 , he mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29210

So are you guys ready for the Jacky hippie circle part 2?
>> No. 29211
It's clear Chris is in rebellious teenage girl mode.

Might sound weird but the tone of these posts sounds a little more mature than the Chris we've seen before
>> No. 29212
File 132953265788.jpg - (150.75KB , 576x461 , 5424406787_3f69db85d1_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
people transitioning genders who are taking hormones often undergo a 'second puberty'. it would be awesome if chris was buying black market chinese mones with tugboat because a girl told him it was cool
>> No. 29213
Nah, I think he's just reached the mental age of about 12.
>> No. 29214
File 132953321883.jpg - (97.52KB , 400x240 , HNI_0018.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I had way more fun with this than I should have

I found a PDF of the nintendo QR codes so I used it to play with Christopher
>> No. 29215
I don't find this very funny anymore.

I'm increasingly just feeling bad for Chris.
>> No. 29216
File 132953340920.jpg - (95.58KB , 400x240 , HNI_0017.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If any of you have a phone that can display PDFs, this will work, they dont really work on monitors.
>> No. 29217
He brought everything on himself, man. It's no one's fault but his that he's turning bitter and angry. It's because he's obsessed with sex, feels entitled to romantic and social contact from others with no effort on his part, and because he thinks he's very good-looking. His nonsense is at every root of his frustration.
>> No. 29218
It's hard to feel bad for an adult who fucked himself over with his own bad decisions, but I have to admit the whole Chris thing took a bizarre turn with the advent of Tomgirl. At least I could get my head around the idea of a basic delusional spastic shutin like Chris was for so long, since there are plenty of those kinds of people.
>> No. 29219
I kinda feel bad for him too, but I'm still interested in following him. He still brings a good amount of this on himself.
>> No. 29220
Oh god I downloaded it too.

All of my other Miis are ignoring him, except for Sigmund Freud. He's staring at him with his arms crossed.
>> No. 29221
I find it strangely comforting that the manbaby is still as out of touch with reality as ever
>> No. 29222
and this is why i loved the calling-out hippie circle :) granted, the trolls didn't blow up in his face, but maaaan, having him going full circle out of pure hatred of snyder, that's just delicious

i'm still praying to godjesus that chris flips the bird to the wrong jerkop and that jerkop delivers some juicy well deserved phisical punishment for our dear manbaby
>> No. 29223
Sup, MiHiVidz.
>> No. 29224
>maturity of a twelve-year old

You're giving Chris too much credit.
Eight or something earlier is closer, but then again, saying Chris has matured at all mentally is a stretch.
>> No. 29225
File 132953667943.jpg - (125.78KB , 480x330 , fallout.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris... Chris never changes.
>> No. 29226
>> No. 29227

Question: Is it pronounced "my high vids" or "me hee veedz"

I've always done the latter, as it sounds more awtistic.
>> No. 29229
I always pronounced it as fah-gut.
>> No. 29230
the FB screenshots were in kind of a disjointed order and i am not entirely sure what the sequence of events with chris and mall cops was. anyone care to spell it out for a simple country bumpkin like me
>> No. 29233
Is he making spastics look bad?
>> No. 29235
But especially fat manchildren, right?
>> No. 29236
Oh fucking god what. Since when did Mew get popular and where did all of those furfags come from?

On the plus side we'll never be short of lulz now.
>> No. 29237

Eh, I can sorta see why you would; Chris can't seem to do anything but what comes naturally to him (being an idiot and fucking up his own life); I can see how one would find this depressing, but hey, at least this time he's doing it all on his own and no one's stringing him along...

... as far as we know, anyway.
>> No. 29239
Ditto, I can't quite figure out the whole scenario myself.
>> No. 29240
Oh MiHi, we all know you're just projecting your own self loathing onto Chris. You sound like A-Log Sr.
>> No. 29241
I agree, I don't know how anyone can feel sorry for Chris at this point. He's been in, and may be going to jail, and he's still pulling this crazy shit.
>> No. 29242
Anybody still have Mews old pic saved?
>> No. 29243

Shouldn't you be trolling softball targets like sailormoonred1 and Bob McBob to feel better about your own sorry shitsack existence?
>> No. 29244
I'm detecting some harsh MAD vibes from this post.
>> No. 29247
I forgot Sage Freehaven existed. What the hell happened to him?
>> No. 29249
I know he posts occasionally on plus4chan and that's about it. Seems like a decent sort, if pathetic. Other than that I have no clue. I'll see if I can dig up one of his blog links he's always posting, it's a bit difficult since he changes blogs all the time.
>> No. 29250
...What the hell does any of this have to do with the Calling Out hippie circle?

This is all Chris. No one provoked him to go make an ass of himself at The Game Place, this is just what he does.
>> No. 29251

This is what I could make out of it:

Chris was being the public nuisance we all know, love and miss. At some point he flipped off some mall security; they went to talk to him (these two things may or may not be completely unrelated - I personally doubt Chris would have the stones to flip someone off to their face and not run for it afterwards); Chris ignored the guy trying to talk to him and called Barb instead (who scolded him for it). Chris then hung up and ran (even though whoever was behind him knew him by name and specifically said he wasn't in trouble), sneaked into his car and drove away.
>> No. 29252
Wasn't he handing out some kind of flyer?
>> No. 29253
I'm more interested in why he knows when Bob lost his v-card.
>> No. 29254

Yeah, that too; apparently printed versions of the... well, whatever the hell you want to call it, that can be seen in this pic:

>> No. 29255
Huh, suddenly new Chris cocks comes out just after the big hullabaloo thread Atlus and his whore's 6in clit, everyone moves over to person on this thread and abandon the Atlus one... coincidence?

>> No. 29256
i think we decided bob most likely told chris he lost his v at 27 to make chris feel better about never having sex into his late 20s
>> No. 29257
There were three incidents.

1. Chris flipped off a cop. Barb was pissed due to legal reasons, Chris made some weird remark about not wanting Snyder's blood on Barb's hands, which I think means "I don't want the courts to punish my mom for running a man down".

2. Chris made a new attraction sign. It's a necklace with a sign on it that reads "IF YOU LIKE ME PLEASE LET ME KNOW". He wore it to the mall, sat in a chair and played his 3DS. A black Jerkop came up and told him to rotate the chair in a specific direction for some reason. Chris ignored him. A white female Jerkop showed up and Chris ignored her. Chris left after the she-Jerkop threatened to call the manager but left the chair un-rotated.

3. Chris made like fifty little anti Game Place fliers with the intent of spreading them around the town. He wants to either put the store out of business or incite an angry mob to burn it down or blow it up. While talking to Barb (apparently he needs to check in with her if he's out for too long) he noticed a Jerkop with some of his fliers. Chris started to walk away, but the Jerkop followed and tried to say something to him. Chris bolted for the south exit but got intercepted by the Jerkop's "accomplice", another mallcop. The first one told Chris he wasn't in any trouble but Chris didn't trust him and ran again. Chris went ninja in the parking lot and made it to his car (parked at the east entrance) before fleeing to McDonalds.
>> No. 29259
File 132954283340.jpg - (15.20KB , 287x279 , nedflandersiswatchingyoupoop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The Jail S@ga is imminent.
>> No. 29260
>fleeing to McDonalds.
Oh, Chris!
>> No. 29261

You know, I actually don't doubt it's a coincidence in this case.

Hell, I don't even mind there being a stonecutters to begin with, except when hey start with the "OLOLO look at this huge person saying this guy is [insert troll persona], why don't you ajust your tinfoil hat you huge person" when everyone and their grandmother knows said guy is, in fact, [insert troll persona], or "OLOLO he actually believes there's a stonecutters to begin with, add some more tinfoil to your hat, person" and then there's a huge fucking amount of drama when certain pastebins get posted here.

Things need to be done a certain way, I get it. But really, that kind of SEEKRIT CLUBHOUSE mentality should be apparently ridiculous to anyone above the mental age of 14.
>> No. 29262

Fall back to Mike Delta!
>> No. 29263
Seeing as how the PVCC is made up of little pieces of shit like Peter "Waymuu" Gritsch, being under the mental age of 14 makes total sense.
>> No. 29264
i don't get where pvcc had a part in this, but okay.

Also way to go guys, we're going to scare him off FB now.
>> No. 29267
I'm talking on the terms of cuntent. This cycle always happens.
>> No. 29269
If it puzzles you all that the posts were all haphazard, then you're on the way to knowledge as puzzle is the key!

Unlock the puzzle, and the answer is yours!

>> No. 29270
Besides, we half-man/half-genie hybrids like watching mere mortals try to fit this into a linear progression of events.
>> No. 29271
Oh Ali Baboo...
Your "trollsona" (if you can really call it that) is even more obnoxious than Tito's.
>> No. 29272

Is this retarded roleplay really necessary? Introman and eggyolkeo provide cocks with a nickname without any of the faggy make-believe.
>> No. 29273
Oh dear. What a shame. I was just about to post some new cocks too.

Back to the lamp I go.
>> No. 29274
>> No. 29275
File 132954815385.jpg - (34.92KB , 264x373 , bawwww_1203109783.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
get the fuck out
>> No. 29276
That, my friend, is not how you coax a genie from it's lamp.

You must massage his lamp as you would a large scrotum. Once coaxed, the best results would come from massaging his large scrotum as you had previously done to his lamp.

Take your camel and be free. You may try again in a year's time.
>> No. 29278
Master Troll Thorg sent me. I am 75% a puppet of his desires, and 24% Magic.

The 1% is Wall Street.
>> No. 29279

>> No. 29280

Ali Babboo, which side are you in for the circlejerk of 2012? The Berry or The PVCC .
>> No. 29282
>The Berry
What is this and why am I curious?
>> No. 29283
I am uniquely capable of the abnormal act of circlejerking myself, but you must ask yourself: Are there not more than two sides to a square?

And will that square fit in a bent hole?

I will give you three clues.

1. The letters R and Q
2. Codename "Wingtip"
3. Al-shaseera Malishindrabad's Traveling Caravan of Wonder.

If you can come up with the correct answer, free cocks for everbody.
>> No. 29284
I agree with this, though I did not understand what the accomplice thing at the end was about.

Also Chris mentions a possible return to the attraction sign and Jackie.

He also seems to have pet names for several of the security guards, and will even act surly towards them.

He's also driving a Mitsubishi now so perhaps Sonchu is off the road for now.
>> No. 29285

you be gay.

stop it
>> No. 29286
I like riddles. In the name of the board your challenge is accepted.
>> No. 29287

>claims to representing the board
>you're the only guy dumb enough to play along

>> No. 29288
File 132955512422.jpg - (12.59KB , 210x240 , char_17471.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's really just a testament to how dumb and easily manipulated Chris is that these are the people getting cocks out of him.

And we get it. You based your characters around the fact that Chris "danced like a genie with brown hair" while imprisoned. Can't you just save the dumb theatrics for when you're talking to Chris?
>> No. 29289
I'm sorry, I do not understand. I merely was following my master Thorg's wishes for you to become buttmad.
>> No. 29290

Oh man, yeah he's so mad. You can tell. You're such a pro troll.
>> No. 29291
I'm just following orders, you know. Don't JULAY the messenger.
>> No. 29292
did tvsArmpitt get a new name
>> No. 29293
he post on /wooo/ every once in a while. Usually with some furry pic. Which is followed by a "damn it sage freehaven" post
>> No. 29294
File 132955832572.jpg - (58.02KB , 259x220 , 1313930857923.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 29295
Wow. So, basically it's back to basics for Chris. But more unhinged than ever, and his attitude toward law enforcement seems much more disturbed than ever.

The altered ads he's leaving around the mall, technically that is graffiti and solicitation on private property. He probably wouldn't get in trouble, but the mall cop and other cop were most likely going to just question him on what he was passing the signs around for, and obviously not to do it again.

But you have to love Chris and how he thinks he can get away from the law and not be responsible for his actions by running away and making a break for his car.

>> No. 29296
File 132956249747.jpg - (26.18KB , 440x275 , PropJoe440.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's not a character, cuz. Ali Baboo is his real name, and he really acts like that all the time, and makes quite a nice living being a dark ages Middle-Eastern stereotype.
>> No. 29297
I knew you'd understand me, Brother. Oh, if only my lamp was big enough for the two of us, we would have such an exotic coconut feast.
>> No. 29298
Because he clearly isn't just Thorg acting devastated after we didn't lavish him with enough praise in the past.
>> No. 29299
If nothing else shouldn't Ali Baboo get banned for ban evasion? I remember a ban message on one of the five or six threads they made yesterday.

And at the moment all they're doing is sucking all the fun out of this wonderful new comment and demanding the topic instead be shifted to them.
>> No. 29300
So how about that Chris, huh? Some crazy goings on there. Look at how he persons.

Sorry, you can suck all the fun out of me too, if you think it will help.

Thorg threw my lamp away and I require a new Master.
>> No. 29301
File 132956601029.jpg - (66.49KB , 500x660 , 1288346341547.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Um guys, I think you're all getting trolled.
>> No. 29302
With delightful juicy cocks these? Mortal, please.
>> No. 29303
File 132956722692.jpg - (69.47KB , 640x480 , chrisprisoner.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh boy.
>> No. 29304
I love how Chris is doing everything in his power to make sure he loses his court case.

If the judge finds out about all the shit Chris has been doing lately, the Jail hippie circle is actually a realistic possibility.
>> No. 29305
File 132956952365.jpg - (23.62KB , 137x222 , 1329423902282.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh, let them have their fun. Everyone knows that Real Tito only posts with a trip.

You know, I am absolutly loving this new paranoid-of-police chris. Every time you think he is at his lowest (Sitting in his room all day with makeup on, playing ps3 games and occasionally talking to a nonexistant girlfriend) he finds a new way to sink. Cant wait till hes banned from the mall. Again.

I think this goes without saying that this stuff should not go on the cwcki. Thats really the first and only place chris goes (daily) to check if hes still being trolled or not. Let the stonecutters do their work.
>> No. 29306

I can't help but suspect this too. Chris sounds...different. And he seems to have cut down on using capitals a startling amount.

Time will tell, I suppose.
>> No. 29307
The best stuff he does is when he's left to his own devices. It's just a shame no-one is there to record it all.
>> No. 29308
Damn thats sad that the mall cops know him by name and his car. I assume he was driving bob's car instead of sonchu?
>> No. 29309
File 132957477698.jpg - (18.41KB , 480x360 , busey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mfw i saw new Chris cocks
>> No. 29310
  >loitering in public with his Attraction Sign
>running away from Jerkops
>making Michael Snyder's life a living hell

We have returned to the beginning.
>> No. 29311
Kim Wilson is a troll, right?
>> No. 29312
Ok, I haven't seen this thread until now and I see some things...
>Chris seems to start to accept critique.
>He's back at the "Love Quest".
>Jackie (or someone else who took that trollsona) is still around.
>New adventures with jerkops.
>The grudge against Snyder got stronger.
>Bob was a loser in his youth (or very conservative, which isn't outrageous).
>Realizes that he used "retarded ways", but still uses them.
>New trolling plans are giving Chris money.
>Seanie plays with Christian's Mii.
>New pathetic namefags.

>> No. 29313
I still maintain that the worst Chris will face is a few hours of community service or a fine, but when that happens and the courts don't condemn Michael Snyder for making that poor aut­istic boy's life so miserable, Chris is going to crash into a slumber the likes we've never seen. There will either be massive amounts of butthurt cont­ent, or we won't be hearing from him for a long time.
>> No. 29314
dumbest new cocks thread since thorg

it'd make sense that this guy says he is from thorg
>> No. 29315
Made y'all a poll a couple of weeks ago.

>> No. 29316
>> No. 29317
>> No. 29318
Okay, apologies for posting multiple threads. It was intended to irk a select bunch of you. Mission accomplished, but too well I think.

But either way. New cocks.


I can't make out his shitty blurry writing, but I've been sent a copy of the script too. Underlined sections will just have _ next to it.

"Hello, Class. I am Profesor (sic) Robee. While Christian finishes his Big Mac and Apple Slices, while waiting to see a Doctor, I will teach you all the How _NOT_ To's of Dating. Thank you to Receptionist Brenda for lending Christian a Pen and giving him paper from the Photocopier."

"(STEP ONE) Do not _EVER_ look at her Chest, Boobies, or OTHERWISE _NOTED_ Body Parts!"

(A badly penned version of Wild Sonichu stands looking like a moron.) He *Gasps* while exclaiming "Boobies!" at Rouge the Bat, misspelled Rogue The Bat here.

Rogue says: "If he didn't look at my boobies so much, I would marry that hedgehog! Or I would go up to him and tell him I like him!"

Over to the far left is a copyright symbol, saying January 2012 with his signature below it.

It's kinda cut off in the picture, but the script I was forwarded adds this, which must be the bottom right of the page.

"Sorry Jacklyn, the official version will be finished soon. I am going to buy new Crayola Pencils and Markers once the Doctor has given me the OK. I can't color so well with these pens with not enough ink."

Slightly to the left of that, still at the bottom it says "I LOVE YOU JACKIE" and it has been noted that you can somewhat see the areas where he was running out of ink and tried badly to cover up that by assumedly getting a new pen and thick-lining over it.
>> No. 29319
Yo, Ali, I'm Just saying, you Shouldn't leak too much info from Chris Chan's facebook Profile or he COULD start deleting People.
>> No. 29320
Judging by your random capitalization, you ARE Chris.
>> No. 29321
>It kept running out of ink, but I kept my cool in the waiting room and did not get angry. :)

Chris is so proud of himself beacause he didnt make a scene because of a pen running out of ink...

Also, the fucker still cries because of his high school graduation...
>> No. 29322
What's your Facebook Name, ali?
>> No. 29323
Why would an immortal have a facebook? Or more importantly, why would he give it to an anon?
>> No. 29324
Is that real? His drawing is actually somehow worse than before.
>> No. 29325
I guess it happens when you use bad pens instead of Crayola Markers.
>> No. 29327

We can now gather that Chris goes around asking women if they "like" him (or wants to, if he was capable of approaching them). If anything, he's regressed and become even more childlike.
>> No. 29328
I'm curious as to what kind of doctor he's seeing
>> No. 29329
Me too. I wonder if it's hormones or loco spastico medicine.
>> No. 29330

I'm guessing it may be a shrink, maybe court-ordered, or something related to the people who were looking into the Chandler home situation. Psychiatric meds might explain why his posts sound so off and why he seems to be posting so much. But a couple of the post seem to imply that Chris thinks having his meds adjusted means he's not getting "better", which could either mean that the medication *is* for something physical or that Chris has no fucking idea how psych-meds work.

I wish he would let the name of his meds slip. Could answer a lot of questions either way.
>> No. 29331
In all my years of travel, I have learned many things. Unfortunately I have no idea how to get a tripcode.

Can someone help me out, so there aren't people posting as me? I'm easily impersonatable, despite my immortal powers.

In return, I have a new Sonichu pic that I'm sure will send your heads spinning.
>> No. 29332
Do what you did when you posted as Tho- Uhhhh, I mean, ask Thorg.
>> No. 29333
Tito, who is that fat black guy with the glasses. Makes me lol
>> No. 29335
Proposition Joe. It's from The Wire. Probably one of the best TV shows ever made. Wish it was up on Netflix. Anything other than season 2 is great.
>> No. 29336
I think they might've decided he was depressed, when really he's just tarding with rage as usual, and given him anti-depressants that have actually made him depressed.
>> No. 29337

Username+Hashtag(#)+ A phrase or random letters you can remember.
>> No. 29338
New Cocks Await! Thanks, introMAN.


Picture reads: NURSE SHYLA SONICHU. Age 20. Sex: Female, she is a lesbian and is dating Miss Alison Amber.
>> No. 29339
Can you use imgur instead of imageshack? it's annoying having to click twenty times and close the ads.
>> No. 29340
What about my arrival hasn't been annoying? Suck it up, Mortal.
>> No. 29341
lmao chris is still getting denied by the old "sorry Im gay and i have a girlfriend"
>> No. 29342
File 132959130788.jpg - (19.39KB , 500x281 , fraud_alert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That looks nothing like Chris's drawing style. And the way "Chris" uses and phrases words makes it look too much like an impersonator.
>> No. 29343
Well, it's from the same account that I capped the wall posts from, so, whatever. Cocks is Cocks.

He also repeatedly states his dislike for using pens to draw, and we don't know what kind of surface he was drawing on in the Doctor's surgery.

These two pictures are from the same day. He sent the one to "Jamie" about an hour after he sent a message to "Jackie"
>> No. 29344
Jesus fucking Christian Weston Chandler, he really is ramping up the Sonichu bullshit. I think he is beyond repair.
>> No. 29345

So he might be back on the Paxil? Interesting.

Weirdly enough, I was in my class the other day talking about interactions and side-effects of common psych-meds and, wouldn't you know it, one of the more uncommon side-effects of Paxil is a need to pace. I wondered if Chris was on the Paxil during his Crazy Pacer days.

>> No. 29346
I'm with you anon...

>female sonichu instead of a rosechu....
wait wat?
>> No. 29347

The first thing I noticed was that Chris's drawing style looks blockier and more refined than before, and his writing style and behavior are starting to look like a caricature of himself. Guess it could be tied to meds and a mid life crisis though.
>> No. 29348
File 132959188880.jpg - (15.42KB , 413x395 , 1322020688576.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She was Unfortunately a Lesbian and already HAD a Girlfriend, so I did not think TWICE that she might like tomgirls too
>> No. 29349
Because it's a Lesbian, so in Chris's fucking wierd logic that makes it a Sonichu with a female Pikachu's tail.

I'll agree with you there, but it seems he's taken to drawing advice, as if the "You draw like a child" comments finally got to him.

Remember, a gal pal made him change his drawing style to a more anime-like appearance, so it's not without precedent.
>> No. 29350

He's not been drawing for a while (that we know of). Could be just a style evolution, or based on whatever cartoons he's been watching, or even as commenter above says, an admirer talked him into it.
>> No. 29351

Chris has been on various meds for a while now, and the court wouldn't have made any sort of order like that yet because they haven't even had a hearing yet beyond agreeing dates for when they'll actually have a hearing.
>> No. 29352

They weren't banking his tugboat and giving it all back to him in pieces, he paid Bob a large chunk of it for rent, that's well known.
>> No. 29353
File 132959242363.jpg - (41.40KB , 663x535 , magnifying_glass_LV0046005a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29354
I assure you, sir, it's 100% Navy. The bent tails are a dead giveaway.

Put down the micromicroscope.
>> No. 29355
Some of this looks like troll bullshit but... that's our Chris I guess.
Lol fucking warning photos?!!
>> No. 29356
>>one of the more uncommon side-effects of Paxil is a need to pace.

Holy shit, I never knew that. I took Paxil when I was a teenager because I was depressed, and I'd spend hours just pacing around the house listening to music and thinking up story ideas. That later evolved into taking long, aimless walks. I still do that. I get my best ideas when I'm pacing around too.
>> No. 29357
Cocks! Sweet delicious cocks!!!
>> No. 29358

>kay, apologies for posting multiple threads. It was intended to irk a select bunch of you. Mission accomplished, but too well I think.

>> No. 29359
>NURSE SHYLA SONICHU. Age 20. Sex: Female, she is a lesbian and is dating Miss Alison Amber.
>Sex: Female
so chris made a male lesbian tranny.
>> No. 29360
Chris once outlined all the monthly expenses he gave money to Bob for, and while he played it up like they were taking most of it for themselves, pretty much everything he listed was still for him, they just handled the payments. These expenses included:

Internet connection
Chris's Netflix account
Chris's cell phone
Car insurance for SONCHU
Gas money for SONCHU
And some amount for food.

Chris stole from them and blamed his debts on trolls. I seem to recall him mentioning in one of the logs that Barb was threatening to kill herself over him stealing her credit card. He racked up thousands of dollars in debt. That's why they finally took it completely away from him and only gave him money in gift cards.

Honestly, the more you know about Chris, the harder it is not to despise him.
>> No. 29361
File 132959333331.jpg - (30.97KB , 350x356 , cwclold.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>because cyber bullies do meet, hang and breed there under Snyder's approval
>> No. 29362
I think his intentions were that Sonichus like girls, and Rosechus like boys, so since Shyla is a Lesbian and likes girls, she must be a Sonichu.

However, do note the female Pikachu tail, which I assume is meant to prevent any confusion.

I don't know. He doesn't explain things very well, and he tends to get irksome if you question him about anything regarding gender, even if it's not meant in an insulting way.

Any gender questions he takes personally.
>> No. 29363
Pacing is also a thing spastics do.

So, if the female Sonichu has a female Pikachu tail...does that mean that Rosechu is male because she still has a male Raichu tail?
>> No. 29364
Back in my day a Pikachu was a Pikachu.
What is this "female tail" nonsense?
>> No. 29365
In Diamond/Pearl they made it so some some pokemon have different sprites for males and females. For example a female Pikachu has a slightly shorter tail.
>> No. 29366
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, they started giving some Pokemon differences for males and females to tell them apart.

Not quite sure why, since the male and female symbols did much the same thing just as well.
>> No. 29367
Wait, if there's breeding going on at the place.......who got to breed with Megan?????????????

Hope it was some niggo
>> No. 29368
requesting pic of male homosexual rosechu

its only fair.
>> No. 29369
I think he's trying to suggest that Mike whores his daughter out to anyone who will pay. Or perhaps he's promised her hand in marriage to whoever pays the highest in exchange for a position on the troll hierarchy. Or maybe Mike films gay/pedo orgies in the back room and sells the tapes on the black market.
>> No. 29370
I feel bad because I know a CWC-in-training. Apparently, some spastics don't understand money. The kid I know literally cannot understand (or decided not to believe reality) that money exists in a finite amount, that you have to work to replenish. So he treats every adult like an unlimited ATM, and goes into a pushy fit if he doesn't get what he wants. Feels bad man.
>> No. 29371
No, Chris probably doesn't have a good handle on what the word "breeding" means and is using it to suggest that ordinary people that go to the Game Place end up becoming cyberbullies.
>> No. 29372

Logic and Chris don't match I know, but if I were THAT obsessed with losing my virginity (like we see in OPs captures) I'd visit a brothel and lose it there. I actually have a friend who's lost his virginity to a hooker and it never bothered him.
>> No. 29375

>I actually have a friend who's lost his virginity to a hooker and it never bothered him.

Nor should it. But let's face it, that involves a certain degree of maturity, and well, this is Chris we're talking about.

Besides, I think what actually bothers him is more than simply being a virgin (though the social "stigma" associated with it certainly bothers him), it's the lack of companionship in general - just look at all those "I wish I had people to hang out with" kind of comments.
>> No. 29377
>While Christian finishes his Big Mac and Apple Slices
>Big Mac
>Apple Slices
>Big Goddamned Mac

Chris is certainly making an effort to eat healthier.
>> No. 29378
Lets be honest, he asked mostly women, fuck asking jerks he is trying to get laid for petes sake!!!
>> No. 29379
>'Chris, try shading your drawings'
>looks worse than ever

>> No. 29380
>he asked mostly women
Chris hasn't asked anyone anything.

That's what makes his misery such a joke; he will not lift a finger to get the social contact he wants. He will just stand around in a trafficked area or even sit in a chair and play video games. He thinks people will see the handsome young man with his attraction sign (not a nearly middle-aged fatass with his nose in a 3DS) and come right up to him and tell him they like him.

But no ugly people. They creep him out.
>> No. 29381
Frankly, that's better than losing it to a skank who's sleeping around behind your back and saying she loves you. With hookers, it's straightforward - no expectations. You pay her, she blows you, both of you move on with your lives. No emotional attachment, no drama.
>> No. 29382
Fuck, that sounded extremely loveshy-ish.
brb, shotgun mouthwash.
>> No. 29383
I have a girlfriend and I still have those complaints. So fucking bored.
>> No. 29384
Implying anyone but hicks want to hang at one of those. Have free NASCAR box seats. Anyone in the city give a fuck? Didn't think so.
>> No. 29385

Me again, I'd like to add that I myself have been a very frequent visitor of brothels over a whole bunch of years and the thing Chris always says:
"I could have gotten a hooker and gotten an STD a long time ago"
I can only speak for myself, but after years and years of fucking hookers I have never, no not ever, gotten an STD. And trust me, when I doubt I have it checked, always.
Then again, in all fairness, I have never gotten a cheap hooker. I like brothels too much, free drink, nice bath, the works. It's wonderful.
>> No. 29386
Sounds fuckin great, bro.
How much does a visit cost?
>> No. 29387
its easy to not get an STD from a hooker. wrap your dick, don't tongue kiss this stranger you never met, or give/receive unprotected oral. easy.
>> No. 29388
Chris is from Ruckersville. There should have been no shortage of people would want to go even with Chris. Thing is he probably asked the prettiest most delicate little flower he could find if anyone.
Imagine a sweet girl being approached by some fat dude with long hair and make up to go to fuckin NASCAR
>> No. 29389

Well I'm an eurofag but from what I saw on TV (these were Texan clubs) in America they are pretty pricey. Like in the documentary I saw about Texan brothels you have a starting price from like 250 dollars or so and then you need to negotiate. However, in my country the club I go to I pay 50 euro's all in. And when you pay 75 euro to a 100 you get all extra's like a nice bubble bath etc.
The way I see it is like a woman would go to a spa, you go there to get a nice massage (you can get those too), have a drink, talk, nice bubble bath.
From all the years I have been going to them, only a small like 15% was a negative experience. In example a girl who didn't enjoy her job, but for the rest of those years I've had met the most wonderful girls.
It's easy to rip on hookers you know, but to me I have very fond memories of them. Not to mention the fact that when you visit them you get more relaxed around women so it's easier to find a girl friend or one night stand.
Specially going out after you went to a brothel, you're so mellow because you already got laid.
>> No. 29390

Oh but I always kiss hookers. Some allow you to french kiss them (rare) but I kiss them and heck I love eating pussy so I always 69 with them. And still, never had an STD.
>> No. 29391

For once, Chris has more respect.
>> No. 29392

To each his own dude. Don't knock it till you try it is what I say.
>> No. 29393
This. Unless of course you rather be a virgin with rage.
>> No. 29394
you gave unprotected oral to a sex worker who has probably seen other clients that same day? i am pretty sexually open, but man...that just sounds unwise.
>> No. 29395

What can I say? I'm a pervert, theres no length I won't go to to make a girl cum.
>> No. 29396
>> No. 29397

haha see? Even Chris knows.
>> No. 29398
File 132960849285.jpg - (7.32KB , 100x100 , 211105_113675658713787_2943275_s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The master of sex dat Chris
>> No. 29399

Nah, when it comes to being a pervert, people always say Chris is but he isn't.
Now me, I would fuck a fatty, a tranny, post or pre-op hell even a handle bar mustached leather gay if I thought it would get me places.
I would eat Pixyteri's pussy if need be.
Lot's of people may call that immoral or disgusting but that's a true perverts way, I call it dedication. Anything with a hole, a pair of tits and a pulse you put your dick in it.
Animals I haven't gotten to yet but fuck it, give me ten years and I may even fuck a she-monkey.
Chris bent his dick with a penis pump, HAH, I was doing shit like that when I was 12 put a hole in my teddy bear and fuck the shit out of it.
THAT'S being a pervert my friends. It's not something you do, it's something you ARE. Balls to bone. You aren't having any fun until the police come to drag you away.
>> No. 29400
File 132960900961.png - (178.04KB , 600x733 , rosechu1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29401

Oh, eh, yeah. the actual subject.
Sorry about that. You guys had me all worked up. Please, continue.
>> No. 29402
Alrighty, who's being jackie again? Will there be emails again?
>> No. 29403
File 132960934258.jpg - (39.57KB , 498x321 , 1327874240201.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29404
It won't be long until we get Rule 34 of her.
>> No. 29405
Well, this pervert is going to fuck his pillow and go to sleep on his own cum-stains.
Good night everybody, it's been fun reminiscing with you kind folks.
Take it sleazy.
>> No. 29406

>> No. 29407
Okay, this neither looks or sounds like Chris' writing or drawing and has been posted by an obvious attention whore. I usually look down my nose at people who say this type of shit but... FAKE AND GAY
>> No. 29408
I have to agree the drawings dont look like Chris, maybe its using pens but idk

The facebook messages sound legit-ish though, but Chris is easy to fake

Wish we had visual or audio cocks to confirm
>> No. 29409
You now realize that the only reason Chris changed his appearance to a "tomgirl" was to sneak into the mall to loiter more easily.
>> No. 29410

The things you listed are hardly perverted. You sound more like a bisexual trying to be edgy. And wanting to fuck an animal is more pathetic than perverted, since it would be rape and depending on the animal it wouldn't have much of a way to defend itself.

Start spanking it to cannibalism, guro or watersports if you want to sound edgy to people on the internet.
>> No. 29411

Dress as a woman, let Chris buttfuck you, then reveal yourself to be a man and shatter his heart level to 0% as he goes into a crisis

then you will be cool
>> No. 29413
I still can't get over how he not only thinks he has a chance with Jackie, but also thinks she's real. And he's still trying to aggravate Snyder?

I can't see how the anti-Snyder cards and mall shit were on his own because someone has to be on his ass after what happened in October. He can't be that dense, can he?
>> No. 29414

he is that dense
>> No. 29415
Every fag that pretended to be Tito with the promise of NEW COCKS was always putting on the trollsona act more than him anyway.
>> No. 29416
But there's no way he wasn't manipulated in doing any of that stuff unless he told by someone to look at the horoscope or agitate Snyder. He has to have some kind of understanding that he's in a lot of deep shit, and the more he behaves like this provoked/unprovoked, the worse it'll be.

Even if Jackie or kim told him not to do it, would he even listen to them?
>> No. 29417
File 13296146085.jpg - (57.50KB , 500x368 , wtf_reading_Spider_Man_Meme-s500x368-196157-580.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>someone told him to look at the horoscope so he would renew his love quest
>> No. 29418
Chris' writing style isn't all that easy to fake. I guess if you Capitalized Words Unnecessarily and used weird phrases that would be pretty close, but only Chris could have come up with some of the shit posted on that Facebook.

If it is a Chris impersonator, it's an extremely good one who also happens to have new pictures of Chris to post.
>> No. 29419

Eh, as much as I sometimes find our stonecutter overlords somewhat annoying, they're usually pretty quick to chime in and put ween trolls pretending to be Chris in their place, and have never done it before themselves (as far as I can recall, anyway).

Till we get word from them, I'm willing to believe this is true.
>> No. 29420
No, this is /cwc/ you follow the rules

1. Bitch about no new Chris and that it is all hoarded
2. When Chris lulz is presented you call the OP fake and gay and drive them off the site
3. Rinse and repeat
>> No. 29421
Why does /cwc/ always revert to fucking A-log everytime Chris comes back? And here I though we were making something of ourselves..
>> No. 29422
>And here I though we were making something of ourselves...

We are, and that something is spasts and spurgs.
>> No. 29423
File 132961790969.png - (22.84KB , 420x294 , 1315408191697_318971.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29424
File 132961853796.jpg - (39.09KB , 475x475 , it all makes sense.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So this is why Chris has been instructed not to let anybody that isn't troll-approved friend him on Facebook.
>> No. 29425
Could whoever is pretending to be Jackie this week have Chris make a video about how much he loves cheese conies , it would be new cocks and it could be used to troll conies as well , 2 for one , I'm betting he faps to the show as well

"HE GIVES A BAD NAME TO ALL US cheese conies"
>> No. 29426
...no, that's because Chris is a paranoid retard who thinks everyone trying to friend him is a troll. That he's right is just coincidence.
>> No. 29427

Any videos would be interesting, but only if how much they got around could be contained; as soon as Chris found out they were leaked he would probably go back into full-time PS3 mode, and no one wants that.
>> No. 29428
File 132962052528.jpg - (39.74KB , 475x320 , 672514.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would think an image of Chris saying he loves ponies on Facebook would be enough...
BUT a video, nonetheless, with our favorite lolcow saying he loves ponies...
>> No. 29429

>That he's right is just coincidence.

And sadly, the closest thing to an actual insight into his life he's likely to ever get.
>> No. 29431
>mfw Ali Baboo was a failed troll and doesn't have any cocks
>> No. 29433
This was better
>> No. 29434
>memebase watermark
>has "meme" in the filename
I seriously hope you don't do this.

Well that was fast.
>> No. 29435
File 132963006811.jpg - (5.37KB , 200x204 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

New cocks and your concern is the fucking watermark on some homosexual deviant anon's bullshit drivel.
>> No. 29436
File 132963047396.jpg - (11.15KB , 359x306 , youmadbro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29437
>>L.B. S-1

And that's not even half of them. Has Chris always used so many abbreviations before? The McD thing I knew about, FB as abbreviating Facebook's pretty widespread, and in the past he's used C-Ville and stuff, but it seems he's layering them on fast and thick now. Or am I merely underestimating his laziness?
>> No. 29438
File 132963079899.jpg - (9.29KB , 201x215 , poopoo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sure is cute when the underagedB& use 'memes'.

It would be cool if whoever is pulling Chris-chan's strings would convince him to make his Facebook no longer private.
>> No. 29439
you homosexual deviants better thank me for revealing all this cocks
>> No. 29440
File 132963259160.jpg - (53.56KB , 436x353 , umadyoulookmad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29441
I'm assuming he's posting it from his 3DS, and he's too lazy (surprise!) to type out the complete word[s].
>> No. 29442
I don't think any of us have discussed the lemonade stand thing. Is there anymore information related to that?
>> No. 29443
Maybe he just got sick of being told to gtfo.
>> No. 29444
File 132963850043.jpg - (13.95KB , 356x336 , 132316038079.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or he learned to take a hint.

I don't know what your tripcode is after subsnefo so maybe you're a fake, but was the genie bs really necessary? I don't care one way or the other about the whole "MASTER TROLL THORG" thing. We give a lot of unsolicited criticism to you guys, so it's only fair that you take the piss out of some of the more spastic users by flaunting yourselves and ego-stroking when you drop cocks. But honestly this whole halibaloo was an outright nuisance. I'm seriously disappointed that anybody here was willing to put up with those shenanigans in the scrotum thread. Don't do that ever again. Please. For the love of Godbear...
>> No. 29445
>implying stonecutters had anything to do with ali baboo
>> No. 29446
File 132964102817.png - (18.96KB , 128x128 , c248cf2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29447
  PROTIP: the FB acc't is fake. Talked to Barb and Rocky, Chris is not allowed out of the house on his own since the orig. gAME pLACE incident. Snyder tried to bring up the fb posts, and ips don't match. YOU FUCKIN' GULLIBLE FUCKS.

It is not like you can't call ppl up, but yeah, you cowardly retards can't SE at all.
>> No. 29448

As if the courts in bumfuck virginia could subpoena facebook for the IP addresses and get them within the short time the account has been active.
>> No. 29449
Why did you respond to that drivel?
>> No. 29450

Because I am a fancy-pants lawyer.
>> No. 29451
Eh, that's not really such a big deal, guy's old, he came from a different era. Sex wasn't a big deal back then, losing your virginity around your thirties was pretty common.
Although they did get married and have kids a lot quicker though.
>> No. 29452
So this Ali Baboo fagget is the one running the account? It all makes sense now!
>> No. 29453

But it admittedly sounds a lot different from our Chris. and Baboo has proved himself to be a homosexual deviant, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was just trying to troll /cwc/.
>> No. 29454
Getting certain info about Chris before anybody else does is like winning the lottery, but Ali Baboo proved himself to be a homosexual deviant by bragging it almost everywhere, hell he's shit on the CWCki forum with two goddamn threads saying how "amazing" he is.
>> No. 29455
File 132965346949.jpg - (28.32KB , 450x260 , bs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ok, you got us cuzzes. It's all totally fake. Now you'd better go back to spurging out over ADF, or Atlus and Dr Serbia's divorce proceedings.
>> No. 29456

I call bullshit. Tito was never black!
>> No. 29457
Why don't you update the CWCki?
>> No. 29458

Chris reads it. If it was him he'd know he was being taken for a ride again. I suppose it'd solve the question on whether or not it's actually him though.
>> No. 29459
>jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded
>> No. 29460
File 132965813179.jpg - (93.30KB , 400x400 , 1329226062952.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are people seriously suggested that an account with a bunch of photos of Chris we've never before seen on it, replied to by a bunch of separate accounts, with a bunch of comments that all sound exactly like things Chris would say is fake?
>> No. 29461
No, I assume they're suggesting the FB account is real, but the screenshots of his wall are shops.p
>> No. 29462
I dunno, I guess I'm probably being a huge faget, but although some of these screencaps look fine, some (especially the ones ali bob or whatever he calls himself linked to on yfrog instead of uploading) look really really off. It's the capitalisation - Chris doesn't capitalise words at random, he capitalises important words as well as things he's heard or that he thinks are phrases. Some of these caps have like every other word capitalised.
>> No. 29463
File 132966563714.jpg - (90.26KB , 407x405 , retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Chris is insufferable
>> No. 29464
my god this is some tasty cocks
>> No. 29465

They are dildos, not real cocks.
>> No. 29466
File 13296749305.jpg - (25.52KB , 250x241 , if-you-see-something1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>If you like me please tell me

It's like an spastic antiterrorist slogan.
>> No. 29467
Why does he think that it makes him look better to say that than to use the attraction sign?

When Barb dies he will get pussy. All that needs to happen is for him to go to the local bar and make it public that he lives alone in a house and just inherited whatever meager savings and assets they own. Some con artist chick will lay the pussy on his virgin bent dick and he will be so sprung he will sign her onto everything. Then she will clean him out.
>> No. 29468

Haha! no.
>> No. 29469

Joke's on her. When Barb dies, Chris will bottom out any insurance money in six months tops. Our hypothetical gold-digger will clean him out of his make-up stash, a cum-encrusted PS3, a fridge full of Hungry Man dinners, and a dozen pairs of DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS.
>> No. 29470
I think that would have a similar impact on Chris as would the loss of a home, car and life savings would on the normal man. Sounds good to me.
>> No. 29471
holy shit he is still stuck on his high school graduation.
>> No. 29472
>>When Barb dies he will get pussy.

And then he'll call the coroner. ZING!
>> No. 29473

>Why does he think that it makes him look better to say that than to use the attraction sign?

My guess would be, he never really got what exactly about the attraction sign made him look like a retard, he just kinda took Barb's word for it, and as far as he's concerned, this is something completely different.
>> No. 29474
They're hating on the Ali at the berry. intro loves you, great sultan of the julaaay .
>> No. 29475
The worst part of all of this in my opinion is that the only person he even slightly listens to is Barb, and he still steals from her and lies to her and disagrees with her on a number of things. When she dies, he'll accept zero input from anyone.

I'm not saying this because Chris is dangerous or violent or strong, but having worked with spastic adults, I know what can happen. If Chris refuses to accept any authority at all or accept advice or direction from others, he'll have to be institutionalized. He's already extremely hostile to the police and authority figures. He was at least slightly more restrained before Bob died. Barb got upset with him for giving cops the finger, and he just complains about her being wrong and hurting his feelings. I don't so much fear for what harm he'll do to others, I fear for Chris. He's seriously getting out of control.
>> No. 29476
I love you too, introMAN.
>> No. 29477
File 132969015210.png - (626.32KB , 640x480 , tito.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29478
File 13296977864.jpg - (6.41KB , 640x480 , tito1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29479
Really, it's Barb's fault for not allowing Chris to be disciplined.
>> No. 29480
File 132970259025.jpg - (12.57KB , 174x182 , 1325647636176.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ITT: Poor jelly white boys.
>> No. 29481
File 132970270074.jpg - (120.94KB , 555x690 , poor whiteboys.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
forgot my pic
>> No. 29483
This won't happen, because all the other children, even Cole have better places to live than that shithole, none of them will bother to go to buttfuckvile VA to try and claim it , because they don't want to pay to demolish it so they can have a sellable empty lot
>> No. 29484
File 132970615172.jpg - (24.93KB , 261x284 , elmerfudd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>a guy who has his own career as a film critic.

You weren't there for the Cole threads we've had the past three months, were you?
>> No. 29486
This is going to be e-psychiatry at its best, so bear with me:

I dunno that Chris is as much "out of control" as he is just acting out. Outside of his dog dying, Bob's death is the first time he had to deal with any actual tragedy in his life. Since his parents were lazy fucks, he probably has no idea how to process it, which is why he's acting out. He's angry because his dad died and this is his way of acting out.

>A guy who has his own career as a film critic

I dunno if "career" is the right word...
>> No. 29487

Pretty much what I think too.

From what (admittedly little) we know, they all have careers and families, and didn't want that much to do with Bob (when he was still alive), Barb or Chris.

What I think may happen is them seeing themselves, as next of kin, forced to get involved after Chris inevitably skips paying a few taxes too many and is eventually declared judicially incompetent.
>> No. 29488
Chris barley reacted when he died, he was sad for a few weeks then went back to PS3 and love quest

I doubt he even remembers who Bob is besides that mean guy who used to tell him what to do
>> No. 29489
Cole is a pompous fag, but do we know if he makes a decent living from his shitty writing or not?
>> No. 29490

There is absolutely no proof that he makes anything besides occasional scratch from writing critiques. He's not notably published in any periodicals or signed with any group (other than perhaps Rotten Tomatoes, but for all I know he just puts his crap up there and gets no remuneration from the website for it).

It's much more likely that he has a day job that he's too conceited to talk about or is sponging off his wife, which would make sense as the moonshine doesn't usually fall far from the outhouse in Barb's lineage.
>> No. 29491
What did you want him to do, start a memorial fund?

He has no friends. He has, for all intents and purposes, no family outside of Barb. He doesn't have a job. He's not in school. What else would Chris have done but play PS3 and shit himself?

I'm not saying that Chris is emotionally inconsolable about Bob's death, but he's obviously acting out in the aftermath of it.
>> No. 29492
Tito, you are one ugly nigger.
>> No. 29493
I don't think so

I think his behavior is related to Bob's death, but not because Chris is grieving, its more because Bob isn't there anymore to keep him from doing this shit.
>> No. 29494
How long before you are doxed BTW Tito?

Waymuu/Bluespike- done
Krappleguy- long done
Canine- long done
Ickeriss- long done
Podmonkey- done
Siana and Chris Duckworth- major done
Atlus- enjoying it now

Surfshack Tito- COUNT THE DAYS
>> No. 29495
see >>171905
work on clydecash now.
>> No. 29496
File 13297088658.jpg - (26.90KB , 602x438 , karlrovelock.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's not the real Tito.
>> No. 29497
Clyde Cash/Mao/Lars/some little Asian fuck. Workin' on it!
>> No. 29498
There is a sign with an arrow pointed as Tito, and he flipped out like a bitch too. That is proof alright.
>> No. 29499
Clyde was Lars?
>> No. 29500

Atlus was known back when 000 was still functional. The little fucker didn't exactly hide himself.
I remember asking him when he opened n0chan if he was a complete idiot who didn't give a fuck or a masachist. Running an anonomous chan with your real name out in public... just asking for it. At least m00t got the reward of being famous to counter the constant choas and drama. I see why he bailed, I really do.
>> No. 29501

Well he has a bit of a point. If he hadn't hung around nerds and geeks with no balls he would have at least been bullied face to face. Plus jocks only bully you so much before they get bored of it and simply leave you alone or even try to befriend you out of pity. There is no pity on the internet. None.
>> No. 29502

Or he simpy provides all the free shit that goes along with working in even blog media. People send you things, such as free tickets and dvds. Hell you even get hats and t-shirts. Now if he was a food critic, he could literally put food on the table for free. Try blogging about food for a month with your address listed on the website. Do a semi decent job and bam, free trips to god knows where to taste god knows what and a whole crate of ramen noodels. Never go hungry again.
>> No. 29503
Why is it that, all through history, soup has been the food of the poor? You would think that soup would somehow eventually wiggle it's way up the value chain.
>> No. 29504
If that is really him, Tito looks like he could be a son of Michael Clarke Duncan.
>> No. 29505
Soup is very easy to make and isn't very filling.
>> No. 29506

Cole's blog that nobody but the average CWC-following spurg visits once or twice after finding out about him on the CWCki nets him free swag?
>> No. 29507
soup stretches out a tiny bit of ingedients to feed many people
>> No. 29508
Anyone get this in their email?
"Thank you for donating and caring about children with cancer too. I would like also to make you aware of the change of location of the lemonade stand in June. It will be located at 100 Albermarle Square in Charlottesville, VA. Have a good day, Christian W. Chandler."
>> No. 29511

Doubtful. I remember shortly after Bob died we had a couple of threads probing into Cole Smithy's life inspired by people asking whether or not he'd give a damn and what reasons he had to resent Bob.

A tripfag (I'm positive with a feminine name) claimed to be a paid blogger IRL and conducted more research into Cole than anyone else could be arsed. She only turned up a single publicized review in a chickenshit local paper and a few attendances at film festivals. We concluded that Cole's status as a film critic are mostly self-aggrandizement as he does little besides drop reviews on his website and Rotten Tomatoes.

Cole's either not the primary breadwinner in his family or otherwise has an undisclosed day job. We know that he's quite self-conscious about his origins in the traditionalist South and is probably affecting an ego to compensate. He might be embarrassed of his white-collar nine-to-five.
>> No. 29512
I heard he was shacked up with this guy, and that's why Bob blew his wad all over him. Bob will stomach homosexual deviants under his roof, we saw that with Chris. But furries? Bob will go into "Hobo with a Shotgun" mode.
>> No. 29513
Wait, Cole isn't a real film critic? Then how did he get on Rotten Tomatoes? How did he make Toy Story 3's 98% rating possible if he has no credibility?
>> No. 29514
He went to film school, maintains a website, and has been published in Village Voice and some alternative "indie" or hard-left ezine type things. So he's a critic, but with less credibility than joblo or theagonybooth.

No one's been able to find any place else he's been published.
>> No. 29515
I forgot about those electronic magazine articles he does infrequently. I think they get him advance tickets for a particular review.

But we're getting off-topic! The point is that Bob's kids probably won't be "picking Chris' bones" for the estate once Barb keels. The other kids just don't give a fuck one way or another. Neither Bob's son nor his daughter even showed at his funeral.

The son is a dentist and the daughter is a mathematician, so they're not hurting enough for cash to trick a fat retard out of his collapsing roach motel.
>> No. 29516
Actually this war never ended.


Also this trailer is so fucking weird, possibly a rift leak from an alternate timeline.
>> No. 29517

Thorg's trip never changed, he doesn't post here any more, and this Ali guy has got fuck all to do with stonecutters.
>> No. 29518
Isn't it possible that his being out of control is a result of his acting out?

I'm not disputing that he is "rebelling" after Bob died; I'm just saying that he didn't think to himself "that fuck Bob finally dropped, time for me to go hog-wild!"
>> No. 29519
I dont think anyone thinks that's the case either.
I just think there was an awful lot of shit that Bob kept in check and now we're seeing Chris without Bob in his life. Nothing to do with the impact of Bob's death.
Chris does not give a flying fuck that his father is death.
He's not long gone and there's not one mention of him on Chris' page. All we see is Chris distraught because "I CAN'T GET ANY CHINA! >:("
>> No. 29520
File 132974528112.png - (18.07KB , 640x249 , chandlersbakery.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You mean at Chandler's Bakery in Albemarle Square?
>> No. 29521

Not entirely true.

>Cwcville Helps
>In Honor Of: My father, who died of cancer, Mr. Robert Franklin Chandler Jr.
>> No. 29525

I was replying to a post saying there wasn't any mention of him, not that he gave a shit.
>> No. 29526
Hahaha, nicely done, anon.
>> No. 29527
File 132974963739.jpg - (20.75KB , 300x300 , 1261099803009.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yes, we all know Chris is a soulless, emotionless monster who should be wiped from the face of the Earth in the name of all that is holy.
>> No. 29528
File 132975338329.jpg - (21.90KB , 200x200 , jewish-boycott-april-1933.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, that is what Chris is basically planning to do next?
>> No. 29529

Y'know, it would have been so easy to shoop that sign into "Julie." Just sayin'.
>> No. 29530
that would be epic ween.
>> No. 29531
File 132976084573.jpg - (165.28KB , 752x496 , cwcville jail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The next step
>> No. 29532

>> No. 29533

>> No. 29534
Apparently Master Troll extraordinaire Ali Baboo is doing a Q7A on the CWCki forums
>> No. 29535

Hmm, well he's managing to keep the trollsona homosexual deviantry to a minimum and actually appears to have some answers. I wonder how long he's been in contact with Chris?
>> No. 29536
File 132976888584.jpg - (99.48KB , 300x300 , NopeFreight.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>requires me to join cwcki forums
>> No. 29537

Actually, scratch that, there's a lot of things he's saying that just sound like complete bullshit, I think he's having people on with some of it at least.
>> No. 29538
How little you know..
>> No. 29539
It's the same shit he tried here, but the CWCki Forum is more willing to tolerate his bullshit.

And holy crap those forums have gone to shit. It's just a breeding ground for lulzcows now. Does someone have those old screencaps of Mew, that potential lulzcow that turned up around the same time as PDK? Because he's apparently popular now, no idea how that happened.
>> No. 29540
Are we even sure that the guy posting on the forums is the same guy who was posting here?

It could easily be someone who saw an opportunity when Ali showed up here and signed up there and started posting.
>> No. 29541
I think he's a mod/admin there now.
>> No. 29542

Enlighten me then.
>> No. 29543
One does not simply become enlightened. It takes years of dedicated meditation and introspection.
>> No. 29544

Okay, just tell me then.
>> No. 29545
Not until you have achieved enlightenment.
>> No. 29546
>Implying that the sort of people that follow Chris-Chan haven't always been a troll shielding load of A-Loggian potential lolcows and that it's only now you're aware of it.
>> No. 29547
File 13297720819.png - (176.02KB , 400x500 , 92c1e9af6430c6ba9477b57af67bf7f0.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Because people just like me, I guess. Maybe I'll even do a Thorg-esque Q&A because I'm so popular. The 789 thread where I pretended to get phished was a MEGAHIT and watching all your butthurt when I closed up shop was AMAZING. If I was Minnie Ripperton I'd be all "Trolling yooooou, is easy because you're gullible".

Apparently I'm on YOUR mind a lot more than CWCki, huh? Now shut your fucking personing.

Anyway for those who care, unless the real AliBaboo has been a member of CWCki since the beginning, this guy is definitely from our forums and someone who I talk to on a regular basis. He's stealing pics from you and probably making up the rest.

Anyway, I shouldn't have even told you THAT, but sometimes you make me LOL so you get a freebie.


>> No. 29548
You've got to be kidding me. Every post I've seen from that guy was the unbelievably angry and persony.
>> No. 29549
durr forgot the trip, the above is me.
>> No. 29550
UGH finally got the trip to work. And no, I'm not a mod.
>> No. 29551
File 132977234490.jpg - (8.33KB , 290x174 , 1318299912028.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Roleplays online as a pokemon.
>>Talks shit about anyone else at all.
>> No. 29552

that was like drive by spasm

what are you even talking about
>> No. 29553
Wow, person projection much? Despite what YOU may do in your spare time, I don't "roleplay" as a Pokemon, K? It IS an online persona that I use instead of having a name, but I don't go to other places and be all *I'M MEW I'M A POKEMON*, etc. But if you want to keep fapping to that theory, whatever floats your boat, bro.
>> No. 29554
Is reading comprehension too hard for you or something? Are you waiting for the Skillex mix of Hooked On Phonics? Quit personing.
>> No. 29555
Why isn't it our favorite aromantic asexualist. Sup Mew?
>> No. 29556
Why, if it isn't our beloved on/off asexual loveshy pokeys­perg. What have you been up to lately? Actively lurking /cwc/?
>> No. 29558
>quit personing

HAHAHAHAHAH Written by the biggest fucking personlord on the internet
>> No. 29559
You post with the name Mew, you used a picture of the freaking Pokemon as your avatar, just now, on an anonymous forum. You may not be typing ~prances into yon tavern~ but I'd still put what you're doing in the category of roleplaying as much as anyone who avatarfags as a fictional character.

Your posts are just really persony, childish, angry, and nonsensical. You're incapable of a rational or intelligent thought. You just scream like a fourteen year old creating a thread on Gaia to link to their new ttly awsum video on YouTube about how much their parents suck.

You're pure, concentrated spasm in an unrefined form.
>> No. 29560
File 132977306144.png - (12.21KB , 881x125 , ALAAAAAAY.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apparently Ali Baboo is in the PVCC. He's still a homosexual deviant though
>> No. 29561

jesus christ seriously

i still can't understand you. calm down
>> No. 29562
What's going on, Anon? Haha yeah, I haven't been getting anything in the fuck department, at all.

But you know what? I'll level with you.

It's not because I'm asexual or aromantic.

It's because girls don't want to go out with my fat disgusting ass. I only said I'm asexual to try and hide, but like I'm posting to you today, I'm trough hiding.

I'm a fat fuck. Girls don't like that. I could do something about it, but I'm fucking lazy and I like to eat. So instead of being all WOE IS ME I'LL NEVER HAVE THE PUSSY like our beloved Chrissy, I've just accepted that, and I'm cool with it.
>> No. 29563
File 132977318413.jpg - (7.68KB , 369x347 , poppinivy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thorg here. Ali Baboo is actually using fake cocks. We let him into PVCC and now he's posting fake Facebook pics that were made by none other than the beautiful Ivy in our fanfiction section (so nothing he says is true).

Stay sharp,
>> No. 29564
>Apparently Ali Baboo is in the PVCC. He's still a homosexual deviant though
The way you put it makes it seem like you imply PVCC isn't a nest of homosexual deviants.
>> No. 29565
File 132977332931.jpg - (15.64KB , 352x240 , 1145092775664.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29566
You're right, I'm immature and I have anger issues. I admit to that. That's why I've been more popular lately, I've been trying to work on those. It's not 100% (see today) but unlike your other lulzcows, I know I'm fucking up.

Anyway if you want me to stop posting here, I will. I just figured if I'm going to be the topic of conversation, I might come back and clear things up?
>> No. 29567
>I'm a fat fuck. Girls don't like that. I could do something about it, but I'm fucking lazy and I like to eat. So instead of being all WOE IS ME I'LL NEVER HAVE THE PUSSY like our beloved Chrissy, I've just accepted that, and I'm cool with it.
>made up a term to describe his unique snowflake sexuality
>"I don't fuck because I'm asexualist"
>compares himself to internet's favourite manchild to make himself look better
S­perg-O-meter readings off the scale.
>> No. 29568

tell me more about yourself

no really
>> No. 29569
Mew is the biggest trollshielder on 789. We should make another thread just so he could do a Q&A
>> No. 29570
Just another CWCki forum trollshielding spast. Also loveshy.
>> No. 29571
OK, now YOU explain that to me. You think I'm lulzy because I lie about certain unpleasant aspects of my life to make me feel better (because I'm a person).

So I come in here to clear that up, and level with you, and be 100% honest.

And now I'm trollshielding? Really? 0_o
>> No. 29572
He already said he wanted to, I say roll with it.

Better than shitting up the sticky anyway.
>> No. 29573
>And now I'm trollshielding? Really? 0_o
Yes. In your last post you went classic a­utism "AT LEAST CHRIS IS WORSE SO NO REASON TO IMPROVE". What did you even do in CWCki forum in the first place? Try to make yourself feel better without actually doing anything?
>> No. 29574

the minute you say 'but i'm better than chris because person person person'

you are trollshielding, dumbass
>> No. 29575
Mew. Please. PLEASE Make a Q%A thread to clear your name and prove that you're not a trollshielder.
>> No. 29576

OK OK, Jesus. I see your point, no need to get bitchy with me man. That was kinda gay of me. And to answer your question, I went to CWCki to get up-to-date info on Chris but I fell in love with the community.

I was going to, but this isn't going over very well at all.
>> No. 29577
Mew, please go here:

>> No. 29578
>but I fell in love with the community.
That's really same as saying "I went to work in a farm, but fell in love with cowshit."
>> No. 29579
File 132977421444.jpg - (8.78KB , 375x139 , chriscontent.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New pictures, courtesy of Mr. Baboo.

Stay sharp,
>> No. 29580

Nope, not the same Ali.
>> No. 29581

Oh look, another fake Thorg to add to the pile.
>> No. 29582
Y'all need to lay off Mew. He's having mah baby!
>> No. 29583
Weren't you another CWCki forum sp­erg?
>> No. 29584

IP confirmed as Timbox.
>> No. 29585
>> No. 29586
File 132977624210.jpg - (89.96KB , 640x480 , doyouloveme.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29587
File 132977646936.jpg - (16.58KB , 200x277 , annie wilkes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I kinda get an Annie Wilkes vibe from Chris now.
>> No. 29588
Barb confirmed for slut
>> No. 29589
File 132977862135.png - (46.21KB , 224x180 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29590
He thinks he's a charitable individual.
My sides.
>> No. 29591
I have read these screencaps and I can tell you that we keep photos of Christian because of several customers complaining how he made them feel uncomfortable when they sat down to lunch. I've had to apprehend him and escort him to the exit on several occasions and his smell is something more foul than anything I've ever experienced.
>> No. 29592



though in seriousness, lets be nice to chris and try not to scare him off. it took long enough just to see/hear of his antics in along time.
>> No. 29593
Give me Mr. Chandler's address, please.
>> No. 29594

im pretty sure its still up on the cwcki
>> No. 29595

>> No. 29597
That style of trolling doesn't work any more, that's why. Chris has learned not to respond to it.

>> No. 29598
>> No. 29599
The point is not that Chris is a delicate flower, the point is that his spǝrging in and of itself produces better results, at least at this point, than any trolling could. Chris can publicly make an ass of himself just fine on his own, it seems to me.
>> No. 29600
chris wont spaz out because hes catching on
>> No. 29601

Come back he most likely will anyway, but in the meantime (which can be anywhere between 3 days and 8 months, and has of late tended toward the latter) he'll just plop his fat ass down in front of his PS3 all day long - and what does anyone get out of that?
>> No. 29602
Fuck eevrytim we have new cockst, everyone persons and go FAAAAAAAK

And when Thorg and Tito back the new troll up everyone goes OMG THEY ARE JUST TROLLING US!!

Never change /cwc/
>> No. 29603
Fuck eevrytim we have new cockst, everyone persons and go FAAAAAAAK

And when Thorg and Tito back the new troll up everyone goes OMG THEY ARE JUST TROLLING US!!

Never change /cwc/
>> No. 29605
Okay guys, for your sake I've delved into the CWCki forums and read all of Baboo's posts there. Here's all the information he dumped. It's disorganized because I was going in chronological order.

Snyder and the Real World:

Chris isn't worried about the trial, because Snyder "clearly" tricked him. If that fails he expects troll-related stress to be a valid excuse. He doesn't understand that his current actions will hurt him in court.

Chris spends most of his time outside his house due to the bug infestation(which includes locusts), and naturally he's afraid of the internet. He recently got a spyware infection and it scared him(probably thought it was trolls).

By "doesn't want Snyder's blood on his mom's hands", apparently Barb yelled "I'LL KILL THAT SNYDER" and Chris took it literally.

Chris is on Paxil and some medication that gives him "jittery hands". He's definitely seeing multiple doctors, one of which is a psych doctor.

Bell told Chris not to let Sonichu talk through him unless he wants an insanity defense.

Chris is staying a tomgirl because he associates his old self-image with being trolled.

Chris doesn't know Rocky leaked information about the infestation.

The email leaked here is legit, Snyder's legal strategy is to let Chris hang himself. Snyder knows about the fliers.

Chris doesn't know where the key to the spasm papers is.

This was a good one. Chris knows that the CWCki forums exist, but you need to sign up to view it. Chris won't because he thinks his trolls will get his IP and use it to attack his computer. He seems to have forgotten that /cwc/ exists.

Cole tried to talk to Chris since Bob died. Chris accused him of being a troll. Their relationship is worse now.

Chris's primary sources of hate are mallcops, police, and Snyder. MLW and Greene County are irrelevant at the moment.

Chris has talked about driving down random roads and stealing people's laundry because he's too cheap to buy lingeree. Chris mentioned restraining orders, Baboo is going to try to get more details on this the next time he speaks with Chris.

If he goes to jail, Chris expects something minor to prove his innocence and get him set free to the cheers of all.

Chris thinks that Snyder might try to bribe the judge because he is jewish and has a lot of "TROLL GIVEN MONEY".

He's had two new liscense plates made, a "Rosechu" and a "Redyns" plate. The Rosechu plate is for his girlfriend's car because he had a dream recently where he and his sweetheart are drag racing down an open stretch perfectly side-by-side. This dream has a variant where the police show up in Megazords to pull them over for speeding, but the drag racer cars turn into robots and they fight the cops.

The "Redyns" plate is what Chris plans to put on Snyder's car when he wins the case. It's supposed to be an apology in the sense that he thinks renaming Snyder will get him back in the store. I think his logic is "My name backwards is an evil guy, so Snyder's name backwards is a good guy".

He's taken down the Megan shrine and isn't wearing the Sonichu medal because he thinks that's how trolls identify him as CWC. Tomgirl is identified by makeup. Not even Chris is sure why he's a tomgirl.

Sonichu and the Art Circle:

He has multiple facebook pages because he's paranoid of trolls even inside his circle of friends. Baboo is one of them. It seems to be an art circle of some sort.

Chris has an idea for a plotline. Sonichu is fine with his son being a tomgirl, but Black Sonichu and Angelica disapprove. And Graudon may or may not turn out to be Snyder.

Chris might be attempting to improve his art. At the least he's experimenting with different styles.

Chris still likes to pretend that he's talking to Sonichu and Rosechu. To help this he puts makeup on half his face. He's done this at least once, while he was in his room.

For chronology's sake, Jakie was already talking with Chris before Baboo came into the picture.

IRL Son-chu is under a tarpaulin with the bumper removed so he can keep his bumper stickers. It's comic equal has been modified into something Baboo called a Metabee clone.

Chris is primarily working on designing new Sonichu characters at the moment. One of the new characters is Doctor Scrotem, a Ditto who somehow became a doctor.

Chris will be making more Sonichu comics, but won't release them outside of the art circle. So we'll get them when they're done.

Mew being a homosexual deviant:

Mew tried to get Baboo to send Chris a pyromaniac's handbook. Baboo said no.
>> No. 29606
Fuck eevrytim we have new cheese conies, everyone persons and go FAAAAAAAK
>> No. 29607
Thank you for this delicious bucket of cocks

I may just join the cwcki forums for more
>> No. 29608
Fuck eevrytim we have Pixyteri, everyone persons and go FAAAAAAAK
>> No. 29609
I like Ali Baboo like a trillion times better than Thorg.

At least he's putting EFFORT into trolling.
>> No. 29610
>Chris might be attempting to improve his art

>> No. 29611
I forgot to mention that Baboo is holding a "Create your own Sonichu character" competition. I like how he's making use of the persons, at any rate.
>> No. 29612


Runs in the family.
>> No. 29613
As if Ali Doodoo is some new troll. Probably just Tito exercising his multiple personality disorder. It's the same 2-3 fuckjobs that create these characteers. The basement dwellers behind these personas are 10x more fucked than Chris could ever dream of being. (Atlus thread)
>> No. 29614
File 132979528370.png - (65.37KB , 198x228 , hhh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The "Redyns" plate is what Chris plans to put on Snyder's car when he wins the case. It's supposed to be an apology in the sense that he thinks renaming Snyder will get him back in the store. I think his logic is "My name backwards is an evil guy, so Snyder's name backwards is a good guy".

lhglhjlgjljhjkpklpgj. Jesus. This is something only Chris could come up with.

I'm guessing he expects court to be like on TV, where his lawyer will both come up with an amazing defense and also somehow get Michael Snyder charged with rape, and then Chris exits the courtroom to a cheering crowd.
>> No. 29615
File 132979555565.jpg - (28.11KB , 512x512 , troll line.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is there people here that thinks that guy was actually Mew? I don't think that he would say that he's such a loser in the board that he despises so much.
>> No. 29616
except for the part where he admitted it was him on CWCKI
>> No. 29617
Uh... I didn't expect that. He really is that retarded.
>> No. 29618
i think he said that for the attention, he would have been banned from CWCki if it were true. this is even sadder than him actually posting here.
>> No. 29619
I've been reading that thread where Mew says he was here. I'm amused at how a lot of people feel that they have to insult this board in every post, saying that we are monsters or something, and that we are observing them in desperate need for new lolcows.
>> No. 29620
>Chris is staying a tomgirl because he associates his old self-image with being trolled.
>Not even Chris is sure why he's a tomgirl.

I think this is bs posts.
>> No. 29621
File 132979674991.jpg - (30.31KB , 450x300 , iamtomgirl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Chris still likes to pretend that he's talking to Sonichu and Rosechu. To help this he puts makeup on half his face. He's done this at least once, while he was in his room.

>> No. 29622
PDK has just been a PR nightmare for those guys. They can defend their argument that we're farming them for lolcows if they realize that their board is indeed a hoard of untapped fail.
>> No. 29623
File 132979789474.png - (291.09KB , 296x407 , kahntent.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
cocks! Sweet cocks! Oh god please don't be fake. It's so good!
>> No. 29624

>future sonichu comics

oh, bless you overlords, you did the impossible
>> No. 29626
File 132979910233.jpg - (51.36KB , 450x300 , fixd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 29627
>He's had two new liscense plates made, a "Rosechu" and a "Redyns" plate.
lol not related but i was trying to check the virginia dmv to see if i could tell if 'rosechu' was registered, but they have a specialty 'unlocking au­tism' plate
>> No. 29628
oh and bullshit on at least some of ali's claims, the rosechu plate is still available.
>> No. 29629
>The email leaked here is legit, Snyder's legal strategy is to let Chris hang himself. Snyder knows about the fliers.

What email?


It's not our fault their forum is a lolcow flowerbed.
>> No. 29630
Wanna get some screenshots? For all we know you just made up some bullshit to make us think Ali's full of shit.
>> No. 29631
>It's not our fault their forum is a lolcow flowerbed.

All forums are lolcow flowerbeds.
>> No. 29632
I actually ran into a couple /cwc/-tards on a forum I've been trolling for a while. A little hint. Forums jam-packed with old white men are rich with rage just waiting to be mined. Holy shit can you milk an old man on the internet dry.
>> No. 29633
A furry forum, I presume?
>> No. 29634
File 132980255784.gif - (859.57KB , 200x150 , laugh_tom_cruise.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>The Rosechu plate is for his girlfriend's car because he had a dream recently where he and his sweetheart are drag racing down an open stretch perfectly side-by-side. This dream has a variant where the police show up in Megazords to pull them over for speeding, but the drag racer cars turn into robots and they fight the cops.
>> No. 29635
File 132980259716.jpg - (133.13KB , 1280x774 , Screenshot1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's one.

The email that described the events of October 28th.
>> No. 29636
Wow, Jackie looks more like a meth head than ever!
>> No. 29637
Chris is most likely on some kind of ritalin, thus the shaky hands.

Also, it's nice to know that we'll be getting Chris cocks, but I'm still a little uneasy having it fed to us via trollsonas.
>> No. 29638
Haha, wow, this post is full of bullshit.

Like, I don't know if AliBaBoo is lying or if the person transcribing the posts is lying or if the AliBaBoo is a fake or some combination of those reasons, but that's some ridiculous nonsense.
>> No. 29639
I hope this cocks isn't fake. It'd be like a cocaine addict finding out he just snorted baking soda.
>> No. 29640
If it is fake, somebody sure went through a lot of trouble.
>> No. 29641

Your opinions doesn't have any more grounded facts than Ali Baboo's do.
>> No. 29642
If it is real, then that means new Sonichu!

And who knows, if Chris returns to prominence, then maybe A-Log and his gang might start producing cocks. And maybe we'll get some new lolcows out of it as well.

Maybe this will be a return to the beginning of Chris trolling. But it's probably going to suck as much as the last hippie circle.
>> No. 29643
>A-Log producing cocks.

That's all we need, more 6 inch foxdick.
>> No. 29644
Where/when was an email posted that described the events of Oct. 28?
>> No. 29645
It's like X-Files. Everyone here wants to believe. Sad to say, I doubt Mew would have noticed a single mention of him on this board and replied within half an hour.
>> No. 29646

How long until the tapwater turns to blood?
>> No. 29647

That one HonestInjun posted, which some people insisted was fake despite Tito saying it was legit.

Here, if you weren't around:

>> No. 29648

>>If he goes to jail, Chris expects something minor to prove his innocence and get him set free to the cheers of all.

Reality may differ from this scenario.

>>Not even Chris is sure why he's a tomgirl.

Because he wants to be a woman. Mystery solved.
>> No. 29649

I think Chris is a Tomgirl because he can't get a girlfriend. He basically became his own girlfriend.
>> No. 29650
File 132984161083.jpg - (68.84KB , 666x933 , Oh-to-be-young-again-lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>mfw when you're right

jesus that's so psychotic
>> No. 29651
talk for yaself, i want more 6 inch foxdicks
>> No. 29652
>doctor scrotem

Fuck it's going to look like a pair of balls too isn't it? I can't wait
>> No. 29653
I had this creepy ass 50 year-old guy in a number of classes with me last year, and he would frequently state to anyone who would listen that he associates himself as being a "young asian girl". His laptop had some anime girl on there named "Princess Peach" or something, and whenever he would turn it on or shut it off the sound would be of a little girl talking in Japanese(?). I had to work in a group with this George Costanza looking man who would wear Ranma 1 1/2 t-shirts and other t-shirts you would expect a high school anime fan to wear, and instead of being on task he would watch vocaloid videos of some concert in California. Well, the final was to do a presentation on some sort of technology, and this vocaloid character girl was his topic. At the end of a LONG, DRAWN OUT presentation, he flipped on a youtube vid of it. While sitting there watching it, he started dancing off to the side. And I don't meanjust bouncing up and down or something, I mean it was like some Britney Spears choreography with him rubbing his tits and grabbing his ass. If Chris can keep out of the nuthouse, that will be him in 20 years.
>> No. 29654
Man if these juicy new cocks are real then chris is just a step away from being a new member of Batman's rouges gallery
>> No. 29657
What concerns me is that Snyder isn't going anywhere... Chris isn't either. As long as Chris remembers something he won't let it go. Something tells me this isn't the last chapter in the Chandler-Snyder book. Think of the news story.

"And today, an spastic man who was driven to becoming a shut-in by cyber-bullying caused quite a ruckus at the C-Ville Game Shop in Charlottesville when he took the shop's owner, daughter and several regular customers hostage. Problems between the man, identified as Christian Weston Chandler, of neighboring Ruckersville and the store owner who has yet to be identified started years prior when Mr. Chandler was banned from the store for improper behavior. There had been a number of incidents between the store owner and Mr. Chandler, one even leading to criminal and civil proceedings. Mr. Chandler entered the store with what appeared to be a customized transformers handgun. Officer Baggett of the Charlottesville Police Dept. disarmed the gunman with a single shot from outside the store. It was later found that the weapon was actually a BB gun. In light of many factors concerning the matter, Greene County circuit court has dropped all charges."
>> No. 29658
I think that Snyder has as much of a grudge against Chris as he does for him. Snyder is pretty eager to sue him for tresspassing and after years he still holds shit against him, I think Snyder is a epic ween Alog JULAY fag who hates Chris and wants him in jail.

But it's not like I can blame the guy.
>> No. 29659
They should just do a celebrity boxing match on the internet and donate the proceeds to spasm research. The ref could be Judge Morton Downer and the ring girl could be ADF. The winner gets to use Kimmi for a night.
>> No. 29660

I don't think Snyder is "epic ween" or like Alog. His ire is a little more justified given his direct involvement with Chris, and not just having seen him on the youtubes. After all, it's not like he made rant videos on youtube.
>> No. 29661
>Doesn't know about the Snyder video hippie circle

Lol not /cwc/ Gold member
>> No. 29662

It's not after years though, Chris still keeps going to the game place and causing him shit.
>> No. 29663
I have to ask--Did his report actually cover the technical aspects of voice synthesizers? Did he seem to have any technical knowledge of music?
>> No. 29664
No doubt there have also been numerous prank calls to the store about Chris from trolls. Some may have even used soundboards to sound like him.
>> No. 29665
No, just how they can influence people to be more tolerant of eachother by developing a perception of acceptance for something that isn't human. Oh God, if ever there was a lolcow I know in real life. He would also flip out over capitalism and how it doesn't work and say that soon we will be able to have anything we want and that there will no longer be scarcity of products.
>> No. 29666
If I knew a local spastic slow-in-the-mind had a huge grudge against me I'd take any available legal action too. Those guys don't deal with conflict very well at all and don't understand the consequences of their actions too well. That could easily end with deadly violence.
>> No. 29667
Chris has demonstrated that he's capable of causing harm to Snyder and/or his family. I'd say any grudge he has against Chris is completely justified.
>> No. 29668
Has anyone created a Modded version of GTA with Chris in it? I tried to make Chris on Saint's Row but it didn't work.
>> No. 29669
Damn. As somebody with real music training, it seems so weird to see people who don't know a half note from a fermata spurg about what a musical revolution vocaloid is. But youtube is full of it. "Finally we can have music without the 3d pig disgusting!" WTG, otakus.
>> No. 29670
I've googled his name and while he isn't on any social network sites, he seems to be very active on something called gamasutra, and other things of that nature. I would like to lead him towards a community where he could be well milked.

But yeah, for him I think it's about being able to be a young girl through the technology. This guy is like 10/10 creeper.
>> No. 29671
I wish I had more troll creativity. But vocaloid people seem to be the easiest for light trolling. Just suggest that their favorite midi file isn't imperfect, and every fan that sees it will have a fit.
>> No. 29672
File 132985493883.jpg - (435.63KB , 1280x960 , otaku.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What troubles me the most about Vocaloid otakus is that they have effectively fallen in love with a corporate mascot.
>> No. 29673
THATS THE CHARACTER! Picture Jason Alexander with Grey hair in a old, tight Ranma 1 1/2 tshirt and sweatpants dancing and grindng to this.
>> No. 29674
It makes me ponder, are Br0nies the western equivalent of japanese vocaloidboos?
They both take interest in something they shouldn't be in the first place, buy all it's merchandise and plaster their life with it.
>> No. 29675

There's several games where I was able to replicate Chris's face, but it's very rare that games allow you to change the character's weight to the point they are fat (Saint's Row 2 does this though). It always comes off looking weird when you make a character with Chris's fat face, and the body just looks... normal.
>> No. 29676
File 132985964694.jpg - (72.63KB , 500x374 , 1318385194340.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
mfw I know for certain that 90% of that audience are sweaty Japanese male otaku and creepy salarymen.
>> No. 29677
A-Log is a spast who troll-shields by fixating on Chris.

Snyder is a businessman who's had to spend many hours in Chris' presence as he disrupts his business (and remember that he owns the store now).

He's just exercising his legal rights in this situation to rid himself of a nuisance.
>> No. 29678
Okay so, imagine for a second you manage a store. Every so often this fat, smelly retard comes in. He harasses one of your regular female customers, he screams at any black children that enter your store, he loiters and acts as if he owns the store often coming not to buy anything, but just to hang out. He walks behind the counter as if he owns the store. There's a tv in the store. He brings his own games and game systems to try to play them at your store. You tell him he's not allowed in the store anymore.

So he comes back, angrier. Sometimes he just yells at you, maybe calls you a Jew. In one instance his mother came and demanded you let him back in and sat on the floor and refused to leave. Sometimes he drives by and just tries to take pictures of you or your daughter. He spreads rumors online that you're a child molester. He's nearly run you over several times.

There's several websites dedicated to documenting his activities, and it's easy to find he's done the same thing at numerous other businesses, as well as a local college. He's been banned from that campus, a mall, and had altercations at several Wal Mart and Target stores.

He comes back again and does it all over again, and this time he puts you in the hospital. Would you drop the charges now that you can potentially finally get rid of him for good?
>> No. 29679
File 132986132624.jpg - (117.48KB , 612x612 , 1329524190194.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I laugh every time I see that video, because they paid live musicians to play along. 99% of the audience wouldn't have cared if they played the audio off a youtube vid.
>> No. 29680
Yeah, well it was funny looking around at everyone trying to keep a straight face.
>> No. 29681
File 132986301460.gif - (21.98KB , 500x599 , Milhouse.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Comes back after only a day
>>No new cohntent

>> No. 29682
If Chris DOES get slammed with community service and blows it off like he will, what do you guys think will happen? I don't know much about the legal system.
>> No. 29683

Community service is issued as an alternative to jail. Chris will go to jail.
>> No. 29684
If Chris goes anywhere it'll be to an asylum
>> No. 29685
I think it's different. Vocaloid is just some electronic voice programs, so they're aimed at anyone who wants to get into that sort of thing. I doubt kids have the patience or attention span for it. The characters were just slapped on as "faces" for the programs.

On the other hand, it does mean that Vocaloidfags are worshiping corporate mascots. It's not as creepy as the coney thing, but it is even more pointless.
>> No. 29686
>It's not as creepy as the coney thing


There's shitloads of Vocaloid rule34 and guro ot there. There's probably no online community, but cute anime girls tend to attract, you know, ''that kind of people''.
>> No. 29687
File 132987005421.jpg - (19.37KB , 231x280 , Ali Baboo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh great Ali Baboo, I believe in you!

- Thorg & Tito have confirmed you are legit.
- You've given concrete evidence you are linked to the FB.

Give me more conttent!! I'll rub your lamp. I'll rub your penis.
>> No. 29688

>- Thorg & Tito have confirmed you are legit.

>No trip on Tito's post
>Wrong trip on Thorg

>> No. 29689
File 132987027578.jpg - (137.90KB , 450x299 , carl_contest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would have collapsed into laughter on my desk.
>> No. 29690
>That one HonestInjun posted, which some people insisted was fake despite Tito saying it was legit.

Shit, we doubted Tito?
>> No. 29691
Well it's an anonymous imageboard. There's no way of telling the difference between one homosexual deviant trying to push some retarded idea or a bunch of people genuinely supporting it.
>> No. 29692
So, when Chris loses the case what do you all think his reaction will be?
>> No. 29693
Sigh, shit himself, you know the rest.
>> No. 29694
Sigh, shit himself, you know the rest.
>> No. 29695
Shit his pants, mumbling, not likely to get an outburst.
Even Chris ought to be able to restrain himself from CURSE-YE-MA-HA-ing the judge or calling him a DANG DIRTY TROLL.
>> No. 29696
He'll launch curse-ye-ha-me-ha's at that filthy Jew Snyder!
>> No. 29697
v-v-v-oulnterr serv-ice? But that's working in the hot hot sun...
>> No. 29699
chris will get institutionalized and get used to it in like maybe 3 months tops?
>> No. 29700
If he does make a massive nuisance of himself (and judging by what seems to be a legit account written by Chris himself of his stay in the cooler, he absolutely would) then he might be taken off of volunteer service, or perhaps transferred to a job where he can't piss everyone off so much. But I think it would be the judge's call.

Jail, though, it seems like a stretch. As long as Chris listens to his lawyer, at least, which he also seems to be not doing.
>> No. 29701
File 132988548614.jpg - (119.90KB , 640x416 , Two-Face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Chris still likes to pretend that he's talking to Sonichu and Rosechu. To help this he puts makeup on half his face.
>> No. 29702
>rudely shocked manbaby


"Go, Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme!" indeed.
>> No. 29703
Ali Baboo was actually Rob Bell posting messages he told Chris to post so he can play up the crazy card. The judge will he him as a harmless tard who needs psychiatric intervention and put Chris in the looney tunes bin until he is deemed safe in public.
>> No. 29705
The spasm card won't get him out of community service.
Even if he can convince them he can't do any physical labor, which usually consists of easy shit. Like picking up roadside trash, washing county vehicles, and working at Goodwill/SalvationArmy/etc., they'll still find something for him to do. The legitimately handicapped people sort filing cabinets, answer phones, staple papers, and other menial office work.
There's no way he'll convince them he can't do anything. If he doesn't show up or does a shit job and whines the whole time they'll just charge him with VOP, put a warrant out, and throw him back in jail.
>> No. 29706
You bring up a great point that many people miss. People keep thinking Chris is going to prison and want it to be this penultimate irony and justice. Bottom line, he won't see any prison time at all.


That doesn't mean it can't happen in the future. This whole situation has made Chris even more paranoid(if the story is true), and if his hatred of law enforcement and general disregard for the law, he will no doubt get himself arrested on his own accord.

I have no doubt that after he serves his community service, or has to be on probation and report to a probation officer, it will only serve to seeth his hatred further. On top of all that, you know Chris will want some sort of revenge eventually.

I can imagine him trying something to get back at law enforcement, or the law in general. Either doing something retarded like posting "Jerkop" signs in the mall to show them who's boss, or possibly try some sort of vandalism, perhaps a patrol car.

Bottom line, he will end up in jail again. It's pretty much a guarantee.
>> No. 29708

More like when Chris is confronted by law enforcement: "Not again. Oh well, I'll just run away and flip them the FINGAH!"
>> No. 29709
Imagining Chris trying to outrun a cop is pretty amusing. Seeing him getting tackled and collapse on the ground is almost palpable.
>> No. 29712
>> No. 29713
My God I can't wait for Chris to go to jail like he finally deserves Chris is the worst thing ever and the most evil he's so evil and wrong and makes us austistic people look bad and i hate hate HATE hiim he's such a fucking sponge and nobody ever gave me nothing and RUSH LIMBAUGH SAYS I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THIS all you fucking bleeding heart liberals and feminazis just want to coddle Chris and give him money for nothing and chicks for free but I DEMAND TO SEE HIM PUNISHED PUNISHED PUNISHED!!! with a long stretch in jail and then i'll laugh and laugh lolololololo shutupshutupshutupshleeupfvneo234u8ufvsdfnsld
>> No. 29714
Sorry, newfag to this board here, but what's this "Snyder Hippie Circle" thing?
>> No. 29716
A long running hippie circle, starting back years ago when Chris was a nuisance at the GamePlace, leading up to an incident that caused Snyder to ban him from the store completely.

Chris has held a grudge against Snyder since then. Chris has made pedophilia accusations and other bullshit. He has returned there on at least three known occasions that I can think of: once he made an audio recording of him attempting to get Snyder to remove his ban (failed), another time he drove to the store to take photos of Snyder for rage shooting purposes (Snyder then called the cops, claimed Chris was trying to get photos of his daughter and tried to run Snyder down or something, nothing really came of it), and most recently he went to the store with Barb because he thought that Snyder was no longer there and that the his ban might have been removed, and another scuffle ensued that resulted in Chris's current legal troubles.
>> No. 29717
I don't think you know what penultimate means, you goony fuck.
>> No. 29718
Now that you mention it, I'd love to see what Chris would do if he were assigned to Habitat for Humanity or something like that. Some actual labor, with the right motivation behind it, might toughen that boy up.
>> No. 29719
No, it would just result in a lot of whining and possibly a house unsuitable for human inhabitants.
>> No. 29720
I have the training of years of watching Chris videos. I know how to handle the actions of a lolcow.
>> No. 29721
I love how on the one hand, you have people who think chris is going to spend the rest of his life in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, and on the other hand you have people who thinkbthere is 0 chance chris gets any time.

The fact of the matter is, chris is dead to rights on the trespass and assault charges and if this were to go to trial he would definitely spend some time in jail. (note that jail is not the same thing as prison) Robert Bell knows this and presumably is going settle this one out.

Therefore, it's really dependent on the Commonwealth Attorney's office. It's entirely conceivble that they'll want to play hardball and demand some minimal jailtime for chris. We'll see by april I suppose.
>> No. 29723
Before I was one of the people thinking that he would completely get away, now I'm not too sure.
>> No. 29724
>Dead to rights on trespass and assault.

Not so fast, my friend... Barb was the wheelman and Chris was banned from the GAMe PLACe, which changed names and ownership. Chris didn't commit any real mischief when he entered. Chris may still be causing trouble and will likely eventually get himself into trouble but not on these offenses. Barb on the other hand...
>> No. 29725
File 132992876531.jpg - (24.02KB , 300x357 , unsatisfactory life.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I want Chris to go to jail because of all the horrible thing he did to Sonic.

And to top it off, i'm gonna include him in my comic, where he gets PWNED by my own character Nova the Hedgehog. my original charater has a double sword made of fire and lasers and can teleport things with his mind, but he also has a disturbed past and cries sometimes.
>> No. 29726
File 132992945743.png - (21.80KB , 160x160 , Sanic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dumass thats a ripoff of my caracter i dont mind but at least give credit where credit is due
>> No. 29727

Not sure why you linked that. That commission just promulgates discretionary guidelines for sentencing. They have nothing to do with chris' case.

Also, I assure you "they dun changed the sign" is not an affirmative defense to trespass. Bell knows this, and dimes to dollars he pleads chris out.
>> No. 29728

>Chris didn't commit any real mischief when he entered.

Taking a photo of Snyder and shouting about putting it on the internet could be construed as threatening behavior / harassment, especially considering the police have had to be be involved for similar conduct in the past. Oh god, why am I letting myself get drawn into this fucking endless speculation. I THINK CHRIS IS GOING TO GET 100 LIFE SENTENCES BECAUSE HE IS spasTIHITLER AND SONICHU MAKES US OTHER SONIC RECOLORS LOOK BAD.
>> No. 29731
So you've got questions about the trial huh?
(posts link to main page for commission that makes non-binding sentencing guidelines)
I think you'll find all of your answers in there.
>> No. 29732
Why does everyone think Barb was the wheelman? They BOTH were charged because they BOTH were driving.

Barb took the wheel from Chris when he hit Snyder. That's why they were both charged with failure to stop.
>> No. 29733
File 132994207246.jpg - (45.81KB , 239x288 , moviesbatmanforever06.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd say this is the more appropriate version
>> No. 29735
Honest Injun's email said she was...
>> No. 29736
Pretty sure that was Tito's actual trip that confirmed it. We'll shout Fake and gay to anyone about anything no matter what.
>> No. 29738
There was shouts of FAKE AND GAY concerning Tomgirl photos.

Plus IIRC, the Jenkin Jinkies video that got leaked, everyone didn't guess it was cwc and shrieked fake too. We needed said trolls to confirm that. We're pretty fucked here.
>> No. 29739
excuse me it was a picture, not the video.
>> No. 29740
At least some of the people shouting fake at the Jenkins leak were trying to contain it. I know I was one of them, anyway.
>> No. 29741
>> No. 29742

HFA = High Functioning Awtistic
>> No. 29743
Okay, I knew all that. I just wasn't sure why it was all called a "hippie circle."
>> No. 29745
I don't seem to recall a time when the trolls abused the cwcki to put fake information on da update. Even when it would benefit the to use the cwcki to fuck with Chris, they still don't abuse it.
>> No. 29746

They will sometimes use a bit of obvious misinformation to complete a ruse. For instance the Tomboys And Tomgirls of Virginia thing was treated as a totally legit forum with nothing suspicious about it whatsoever. Hell I think it might even still be written from the perspective of trolls discovering an unrelated forum. I'd have to check.
>> No. 29747

To be fair it was a screenshot of it that people called as being fake, once the video itself was released there was no mistaking him.
>> No. 29748

They could both have been charged because it was unclear who was driving or there was conflicting reports about it, that's why they have court cases to make decide on these sorts of things.
>> No. 29749
No, Chris specifically says in that e-mail that after Snyder "jumped" at their van and caused himself "intentional leg-scarring" Barb went "Oh my god." and told him to switch places with her.

They drove away, and the cops didn't arrive until later. They pulled them over, and when Chris was handcuffed he started screaming, so Barb attacked the cop and was charged with assaulting a police officer.

They were both charged because Chris tried to get away, and when he hit Snyder Barb took over and drove away.
>> No. 29750

>No, Chris specifically says in that e-mail that after Snyder "jumped" at their van and caused himself "intentional leg-scarring" Barb went "Oh my god." and told him to switch places with her.

That isn't necessarily what they told the police though, is it?
>> No. 29751
I think it's safe to assume Snyder told them who was driving the car when it hit him, and the employees all witnessed it.
>> No. 29752
S@ga wordbutters to it, I think.
>> No. 29754

Yes, which provides the conflicting reports hence both of them are charged and it gets decided upon in the upcoming court case.
>> No. 29755
Or... Snyder gave a story that matches what Chris said in the e-mail, and they were both charged with failure to stop because they both drove the car and tried to get away from the scene.
>> No. 29757
File 132996292892.jpg - (28.05KB , 400x400 , Woman-Laughing2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>attempted vehicular homocide
>> No. 29759
Snyder was trying to communicate "Stay right here idiots", while the Chandlers were trying to communicate "Get out of the way moron don't you realize we need to leave?".
>> No. 29760
File 132996440184.png - (355.50KB , 512x384 , watching my shows.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>attempted vehicular homicide
>> No. 29761
What are the exact charges against Chris anyway? Attempted vehicular homicide is pretty goddamn serious, and I doubt people would be talking about community service if that were the case.
>> No. 29762

No, I think Chris was panicking like a retard and Snyder got in the way. I also think you have spasm and lay awake at night worrying that Chris makes you look bad.
>> No. 29763

Trespass after forbidden, assault (misdemeanor), failure to stop accident >$1000. Barb has the same failure to stop charge and assault on law enforcement.
>> No. 29764
Did we ever figure out what the assault charge is supposed to be for? I always figured it was for yelling "FOR THE INTERNET".
>> No. 29765
I dream that one day that "most hilarious police chases" show has video from the outside of the GAMe PLACe of Chris and Barb Smashing into Snyder and whatever else they smashed into, then video from the police chase dash cam, then the chaos which ensued in the pull over. I can only imagine....
>> No. 29766
I know assault doesn't have to be physical, but does shouting at someone count? That sounds more like it should fall under public disturbance.
>> No. 29767
I think it counts if whatever it is you're shouting is interpreted as a threat to cause some kind of harm.
>> No. 29768
>> No. 29769
So , 645 posts

isn't it about time for /L/
>> No. 29770
Um, if anything, the only reason Snyder was standing in front of the car was to keep them from leaving before the cops came like he did so many times before.

Too bad Chris felt the need to re-enact Tianemen Square his way and run right over him.
>> No. 29772
>the only reason Snyder was standing in front of the car was to keep them from leaving before the cops came like he did so many times before.

Still stupid as hell. Why would you risk your life to get somebody in trouble, especially when (at least in the second instance) you apparently have witnesses and even know where the guy lives?
>> No. 29773
Because if he goes home then that just signals to the officers that the situation is defused and that there is no harm, no foul. Snyder wanted to get it all documented. They both did things stupidly.

Which one is dumber? The spast who smashed into the 60 year old man standing in front of his car or the 60 year old man standing in front of an spast's car?
>> No. 29774
And I wonder what the corny ending one-liner will be. You know how in those shows they always end each clip with something ridiculous. "Looks like this rowdy Tomgirl is going to have date number three...with his parole officer."
>> No. 29775
Then they can play this as a segue
>> No. 29776
He probably will just get off with parol , or community service

VA does have the death sentence you know, just putting it out there
>> No. 29777
Hello there
I see you are butthurt.

A suggestion would be to stop being a homosexual deviant
Lots of guys like you are already around
Obviously we don't need more angry spast
Go away please
>> No. 29778

if chris had actually hit snyder, he would have been charged with something other than property damage. hit and run with an injury involved is a lot more severe.
>> No. 29779
Well, Snyder could have wound up dead. It is stupid to risk your life over something like that.
>> No. 29780
This whole thing confuses me , If Snyder lets the cyber bullies hang out and breed there under his watch, why did he not send one to cut the brake cable while Chris was in the store
>> No. 29781
If they're supposed to be a bunch of dang, dirty homos, then how are they breeding?
>> No. 29782
Mitosis, they duplicate into a bunch of pickle suited homogays
>> No. 29784
I actually thought Chris might have changed.

But he's just the same as ever (but even worse.)

My personal favourite is the really awfully made Game Place propaganda things he is wasting his time and money mass printing and spreading around malls.

And he is still mad at the jerkops and his obsession with losing his virginity.

And apparently he is taking pictures of himself and leaving them around the mall and he still approves of the fucking love signs...

Also Kim is still sticking up for Chris, Chris is buying legos, he still believes Jackie is real and he is acting childish and trying to rebel against the jerkops.

Also I really hope whoever hacked his FB account doesn't ruin it for everyone by doing an A-Log/Cwcki/Bluespike and pretty much bluntly screwing Chris over and insulting him, cause then he will take longer to come back or he might not come back at all.

If Chris opens himself up to the internet again then people can actually do things like Clyde-Cash or Harry Partridge's style of Chris trolling (i.e, e-mail Chris and pretend that you want to make Sonichu into a game series, or draw extremely good fan art of Rosechu and send it to Chris-Chan)
>> No. 29785
Chris did hit Snyder. That's why the cops chased them down. Everything documented we have proves he was hit.

-Chris's e-mail specifically states that Snyder jumped at his car with enough force to cause himself "intentional leg scarring" which is impossible. More likely, Chris has decided to interpret the body flying towards the front of his car as jumping because it makes it someone else's fault.
-Barb freaks out and switches places with Chris to drive away.
-Snyder's facebook friends confirmed that his injuries were severe enough that he had to go to the hospital for several days. Specifically, someone (his wife iirc) complained that she thought it was bullshit that Chris and Barb were released from jail (they were held for two days) before Michael got out of the hospital.
>> No. 29786

I wouldn't be surprised either way. Snyder did jump in front of CWC's moving vehicle the last time he tried to get away.

The spurgs on the CWCki, of course, excuse this as completely acceptable behavior since Chris was clearly trying to photograph Snyder's daughter.
>> No. 29787
Do you seriously think it's possible to cause bleeding wounds on your legs by jumping towards a stationary vehicle? Chris described "leg-scarring" which implies whatever it was was serious enough to tear his leg open and potentially leave scars. We know it freaked Barb out enough that she took the wheel from Chris, and we know the injuries were serious enough to put Snyder in the hospital for at least three days.

That sounds more serious than what you could get jumping on a stationary vehicle.
>> No. 29788

No, I mean I thought he could have seen the car starting to move and had a moment of redneck retardation in which he decided to jump at the hood, getting injured in the process.
>> No. 29790
Yeah, that's the thing, I don't think the car was stationary, I don't think Snyder jumped at it though.

I think he stood in front of it, a few feet. Remember that picture Chris release of him standing a few feet in front of the van turned to the side? I think that's what he did.

Then Chris thought if he revved the engine he could push him back and scare him away, and Chris hit him, Snyder threw his arms up, and that combined with moving towards him quickly in Chris's mind either looked like him jumping at the van with super human speed, or he thinks others might buy that as what happened.

Whatever the wounds were, they were serious enough that Chris referred to them as "leg scarring" and Barb freaked and didn't want Chris driving anymore. I don't think this was so much "I better be the one driving so you don't get arrested" as "Oh shit, if I let him keep driving he's gonna run this guy over."

I think Chris bumped the van into him, Snyder fell back and to the ground, then Barb took the wheel and got them the hell out of there.

The cops got there and saw the injuries, felt they were severe enough to chase them down, and went and pulled them over.

Initially Chris was the only one being charged, this is interesting. Barb wasn't in handcuffs at this point. When Chris was cuffed he started screaming, and then she did whatever she did to result in an assault on a police officer charge an was arrested as well.

The mugshots and dashcam video would be the holy grail of Chris-chan cocks.
>> No. 29791
>> No. 29792
Aren't mugshots, like, public property in America, freekly available to see? I don't know, I'm asking.
>> No. 29793
Or maybe they're for sale or something. I also heard somewhere that one may purchase recordings of the police radio dispatches?
>> No. 29794
What a god damn freakshow.

You know, maybe they don't need to tear the house down or send Chris to jail. Give it a (really really) good cleaning, maintain Chris' room as it is, put him back into it and start selling tickets for people to see him in his natural habitat. Like that Twilight Zone episode where aliens trap that guy in his house and start a human zoo. Chris wins because he gets to play video games, Ruckersville wins because they'll finally have something mildly interesting about their shithole town, and Snyder wins because he doesn't have to worry about Chris anymore.
>> No. 29795
And then precisely one week later everybody involved is arrested for kidnapping, false imprisonment, slaving and/or cruel and unusual punishment.
>> No. 29797
I don't see how they could have changed seats. Did they like do a Chinese fire drill around the car like rabid monkeys or did they do over/under? I don't see Barb easily doing either.
>> No. 29798

You would have to go to his local town hall. There are online mugshot search engines but Chris's shot isn't there, nor anyone from his district.
>> No. 29799
Those are ugly terms. I like to call it "creative justice".
>> No. 29800
I like to call you a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 29801
I was looking around online last night, and I found that you can FOIA dash cam videos!!! Oh, I can't wait to plop down my $5.00 for a copy of one of the most important events in all of Christory.
>> No. 29802

except the cops didn't charge chris with hitting snyder, which seems kind of odd if he'd actually hit the guy and injured him. they charged him with property damage. there's a completely different charge for hit and run with injury.
>> No. 29803

Dude I had a M1,M2,and 2 M3's,due to my spasm and first offense I only got a year prohbation and a disorderly conduct(M3) and severely bad rep

Granted I had the best public defender in the state and the support from a dozen spasm organizations from working at the center for interdependent living.Those people mean fucking buisness
>> No. 29805


made my day
>> No. 29806
You have the timeline of events wrong.

After they left the store, Chris got into the drivers seat and Snyder blocked the car. Chris attempted to get Snyder to move, but did not hit him. At this point Barb took the wheel from him and hit Snyder with the car.

She didn't say "Oh my god" at any point, nor did she switch places with Chris to shift blame off of him.

What she did do was already explained earlier in the thread(>>173908). Barb knew that she and Chris were in deep shit, but if they could escape the Game Place before the cops showed up Snyder wouldn't be able to press the issue as much as he'd like. However, Snyder was blocking their path out and Chris failed to get him to move. Barb likely switched with Chris because she felt he wasn't being aggressive enough, and drove at Snyder figuring that he'd get out of the way. He didn't manage it in time and now she's facing criminal charges.
>> No. 29809
I thought that the assault was referring to Snyder being "run down"?

Trespass, assault, failure to stop.

Trespass: going to the Game Place in the first place
Assault: hurting Snyder (I'd like to just point out that him being in hospital overnight doesn't mean shit - if he fell they may have just kept him in for observation in case he had a head/neck/internal injury, which is pretty common procedure if a vehicle is involved)
Failure to stop: either not stopping after hurting snyder or not stopping after scraping some other cars

I thought that was the general consensus, where are you getting all this other stuff from??
>> No. 29810

Sorry, to clarify about the assault, I was under the impression that the reason it was only a misdemeanor was Snyder wasn't badly hurt (ie, the car was moving very slowly). I meant that it was likely he only sustained cuts and bruises, hence the less severe charge (but may have been kept in hospital for the reasons I said there).
>> No. 29811
They have GOT to revoke his Drivers License after this right? The second time he is involved in assault with a vehicle, even if its just because he panicked a spast like that shouldn't drive.
>> No. 29812

The last time wasn't assault with a vehicle, at least not in any official capacity as far as the police, courts or DMV are concerned.
>> No. 29813

>Assault: hurting Snyder

I seem to remember it being pointed out previously that assaulting someone with a vehicle has it's own charge designation, not just assault (misdemeanor).
>> No. 29814
It depends on the state. And even if one allows it not all jails publish them online.
Police reports, dash cams, and court documents are all available but in most cases you have to go in-person to the counties clerk of court to request them, then come back at a later date to pay for and pick them up.
>> No. 29815
File 133002546728.png - (194.60KB , 301x450 , 5oXKA.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is Chris on May 18th, 2012.
>> No. 29816
File 133002552288.jpg - (160.88KB , 640x478 , Tard2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Objective: Terminate that goddamn Michael Snyder.
>> No. 29817
Did anyone save the e-mail with Chris's version of events? Where he danced like a genie and talked to the sink and all that?
>> No. 29818
>> No. 29819
File 133002756537.jpg - (305.59KB , 1600x1200 , 131778508014.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29820
>> No. 29821
>> No. 29822
>At first for a while, I was as melodramatic and sane as Daria, then I started going crazy, I shouted television talk and songs at random; took off my shirt due to the heat; pretended to be a genie with light brown hair for a while, and made an acquaintance with the stainless steel sink with a hex-shaped bowl.
>And I banged the cell door with both my feet while lying on a folding mattress on the floor

This is pretty fucked up even for Chris, but I suppose being thrown in jail would take a toll on anyone.
>> No. 29823
>>Mom and I made our way to the van and entered it; Mike followed us out, and Stood right in front of the van, thinking he was Stonewall Jackson. We backed up the van some; Mike chased us. Mom took the wheel; Mike twice made his own deliberate leg scars, rubbing his legs on our bumper, banged our hood and fell backwards; we had NOT moved our van at either instance of him faking his falls.
>>And more shit happened. Mom called 911 on my phone first (followed shortly after by Mike being handed a phone by someone else for him to make his call. Eventually, mother backed us out onto 4 St. NW, northward, and we escaped. But at the traffic light, we were caught up by a cop car. Parked at the nearby courthouse, two of the cop cars, and us in the van, exchanged the tales of the event and our driver licenses. Eventually, I was asked to step out of the van; I was about to be handcuffed, but I would not have another handcuffing, so I fought, I was pinned, and I was handcuffed.
>My NEW pair of $324 Rx lens glasses were broken by THEM in the fight. My mother fought the police in my defense, and she was handcuffed and I was emotionally distraught, I screamed and Screamed and SCREAMED, until an ambulance came for my mother to take her to UVA Hospital; she was okay, but her Blood Pressure was high. I was driven to, entered and thrown into a cell block.
>> No. 29824
Are you implying sane people will act like chris in a jail cell?

Jesus christ some of you are damn near about retarded as chris
>> No. 29825

yes, this. hit and run >$1000 damage and hit and run with injury involved both carry the same penalty, but they are two different charges. if chris had actually hit snyder with the car, chris would have been charged with the latter as well as the property damage (and possibly some other charges as well). as much as /cwc loves to portray chris as a homicidal maniac the evidence just doesn't really support it.
>> No. 29826
and the assault charge has to do with something else entirely, because if he'd hit snyder and driven off, they wouldn't have charged him with the lesser crime as they'd have him dead to rights on felony hit and run.
>> No. 29827
But look at this crudely drawn picture >>173808 how can you possibly try and deny that Chris is vehicular hitler?
>> No. 29828
The legal definition of assault is actually the threat of physical harm. Like if you were to say you're going to punch someone, or throw a haymaker and miss. It's called battery when you make contact.

In this case, the assault may have come from Chris trying to hit Snyder with his car and either veering away at the last second, or Snyder getting out of the way.
>> No. 29830

Get out.
>> No. 29831
>> No. 29832
Please learn to fucking read. I'm not saying normal people will act like Chris acted in a jail cell. I'm saying that on the particular spot on the scale of crazy that Chris occupies, it makes sense that he would act like a blathering shithead.
>> No. 29833
>but I suppose being thrown in jail would take a toll on anyone.

Maybe you need to learn to read shit for brains, cause that is what you wrote.
>> No. 29834
File 133003640561.png - (16.67KB , 721x117 , 13209656577.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, according to Snyder's friends, it was a hit and run.

Actually, I forget who this woman was, introman found her iirc. She might be his wife, I forget.
>> No. 29835
It's more probable that the assault charge is due to Chris shouting "FOR THE INTERNET". To a normal person, that sounds like either a battlecry or "I WILL PUT THIS ONLINE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION WITH THE INTENT OF INCITING HARASSMENT".
>> No. 29836
I think it's pretty clear what I meant, but I'm not your remedial English teacher so I won't bother explaining.
>> No. 29837
Neither of those are assault, though.
>> No. 29838

oh no some post on facebook contradicts the legal record

this is totally a dilemma guys
>> No. 29839
Lmao fool just admit you was wrong, you said and i quote "but I suppose being thrown in jail would take a toll on anyone.". KEYWORD IS ANYONE, you said ANYONE which means well, anyone.

You are the one that need remedial english, not me so homosexual deviant please do eat a big bag of dicks before you try to come at someo e
>> No. 29840
Lockout for archival
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