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No. 29841
  I went to school with Timbox, excluding the extra year he stayed. Ask me anything.
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>> No. 29842
Is he going to college?

On a scale of one to ten, how much did he talk about Lee Lee and Avatar?

Did you have any stories to tell? Weird interactions with him, etc.
>> No. 29843

>>Is he going to college?
Nope. According to a friend of mine, he spends 90% of his time lounging around his house and looking at dinosaur info. His house is located (literally) in the middle of a major road that passes through nowhere, so I assume he rarely goes out.

>>On a scale of one to ten, how much did he talk about Lee Lee and Avatar?
Not a lot. His main topic of discussion was dinosaurs, and he'd only bring up Lee Lee if someone mentioned cartoons/TV shows, or if he was around any Asian students. When Avatar came out he was ecstatic, and people used to fuck with him and tell him that it made no money or that it got a 0% on RottenTomatoes.

>>Did you have any stories to tell? Weird interactions with him, etc.
Too fucking many.
>> No. 29844
Do you know why he stayed an extra year?
>> No. 29845
>too fucking many

Well tell us a few for gods sake, what else is this thread for?
>> No. 29846

>>Asian students.

Does that includee Indians? And what did he say when he did talk about lee lee?
>> No. 29847
>>Do you know why he stayed an extra year?
In addition to being spastic like a motherfucker, he was an awful student. He either got involved in some bridge program or he was simply a Super Senior.

>>Well tell us a few for gods sake, what else is this thread for?
You'd have to be a bit specific, seeing as how I've spent four years with the kid.

>>Does that includee Indians? And what did he say when he did talk about lee lee?
No, East Asians only. He'd usually move towards the Asian and ask them about Dexter's Lab. Sometimes he'd just sit still and 'person about Lee Lee, moaning and squeaking, saying stuff like "Oh, I wish I could meet you, Lee Lee, Asian friend of Dee Dee's" and the like. He also had a thing for Dexter's mom.
>> No. 29848

Did he play any sports?

How were his teachers towqards him?

how were the students?

did he excel in any subjects?
>> No. 29849
Tell us the most cringeworthy awkward thing tim has ever done infront of his peers... Give us a few instances
>> No. 29850
Did TimBox have any friends at all? Who did he hang around with during school times?
>> No. 29851
>>Did he play any sports?
What do you think?

>>How were his teachers towqards him?
He was known by both students AND teachers as "The school 'tard". He never paid attention in class and would always try and talk about dinosaurs and shit, so I'm guessing if a teacher didn't flat-out hate the kid, they'd still view him as a nuisance.

>>how were the students?
Ruthless. I didn't know anyone who never laughed at him. The loser-ish clique even used to make fun of him.

>>did he excel in any subjects?
Not that I know of. He was notoriously shitty in this computer-related elective I took with him. He thought that computers worked like the one from Dexter's Lab, so he'd try and have conversations with a fucking iMac while class went on.

>>Tell us the most cringeworthy awkward thing tim has ever done infront of his peers... Give us a few instances
We had to write epic poems in English class due to us reading Beowulf, and he stood in front of the class and began to babble about Lee Lee being an Ancient dinosaur-hunting warrior, complete with theatrics, tons of "mah boi" finger pointing, and he topped it off by reaching into his backpack and holding up a crudely-drawn picture of Lee Lee. The class was sooooo embarrased.

He'd also periodically develop crushes on random Asian girls, so if he shared a class with them, or even THOUGHT about them, he'd sit there grimacing and making this weird squealing/squeaking noise.

Like I said, I could probably tell stories for days.
>> No. 29852
>>Did TimBox have any friends at all? Who did he hang around with during school times?
Here is where it gets weird. Timbox's little social circle was identical to Chris's from back in his Manchester days. If Tim wasn't by himself or calmly sitting at the table of losers/outcasts, the popular guys and girls would let him sit with them out of pity as well as the desire to hear him say and do ridiculous shit.
>> No. 29853
Can he be violent, or try to be agressive with others?
>> No. 29855
Did he ever cry, rage, or get super-emotional at school?
>> No. 29856

Seriously just go for it, you're obviously up for sharing or else you wouldn't have made this thread.

Maybe write down some of the most memorable Timbox incidents you can think of, I'm pretty sure we'd get a kick out of it
>> No. 29857
>>Can he be violent, or try to be agressive with others?
Kind of. He just gets visibly upset and will babble on and on. If you were to make fun of a show or movie he liked, he'd pout and go "NO, IT DOESN'T SUCK!" over and over again. The worst I've seen was him following someone around, wagging his long, nasty finger at the person and calling them "Mandark", which sounded like "MAYYYUUUNDORK!". In terms of being violent, he got in a couple of scuffles with people who didn't know he was spastic, and apparently he struck a female classmate who told him his breath smelled bad.
>> No. 29858
>>Did he ever cry, rage, or get super-emotional at school?

He would cry every time a teacher got stern with him. Whenever someone would specifically make fun of either Dexter's Lab or Avatar he would either pout and disagree or RAEG entirely, shaking his finger, yelling, stomping, and all that good stuff. He would frequently call people "STUPID homosexual deviantS!" over and over.
>> No. 29859
Derp, forgot a good one. At the end of junior year we got to bring in movies to watch. He brought in 10,000 BC. There was a shitstorm when the teacher decided to choose a different movie, resulting in an aid from the special ed hall to have to calm him down.
>> No. 29860
How many bullies did he have? None, few, lots? What did they usually do, and what was the worst thing they've done?
>> No. 29861
I imagine he wore alot of stupid shit to class with cartoons and crap all over it , whats the stupidest thing he ever wore to school
>> No. 29862
>had a thing for Dexter's mom

How did he tard out over her? Was it in some odd, specific way like with LeeLee?
>> No. 29863
Any specific stories of him harassing asian girls? And how many asian girls attended to that school? Sounds like he had a lot to choose.
>> No. 29864
Did Tim ever express any interest in any kind of music/bands?
>> No. 29865
This thread has much potential.
>> No. 29866
This is good stuff, OP. I always felt Timbox had the most potential of the new lolcows, though it's hampered by how he's such a shut-in. Anyway, a few questions.

Did Timbox ever give a fuck about someone else? It can be anything, even something as small as pretending to listen to what somebody else had to say. I'm just curious if he's capable of any empathy whatsoever.

Did Timbox ever talk about Dexter's Odyssey? If he did, how did other people react?

Did you ever have a nasty encounter with him personally?

Have you ever even considered contacting him again?

Oh, and keep dumping stories.
>> No. 29867
Do you know his opinion on anime?
>> No. 29868
call me slow in the mind but what is exactly is the deal with this guy
>> No. 29870
I have only one question to ask...

Do you have any proof that any of this is true?
>> No. 29871
File 13262382982.jpg - (34.45KB , 600x400 , mccain-leaning3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Where is the yearbook certificate?!
>> No. 29872
File Dexter's_Odyssey.txt - (94.75KB , Dexter's Odyssey.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.

Tard with fucked up fingers that is obsessed with dinosaurs, Lee-lee (the asian friend of Deedee on Dexter's Lab), and telling everyone about his magnum opus, "Dexter's Oddysey," and how he plans to make it when he eventually makes it.

If you want a crash course on Timbox, try reading this shit.
>> No. 29873
Is OP still here?
>> No. 29874
File 132624048922.jpg - (14.60KB , 385x296 , 1276047544852.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>After a sweeping opening sequence through the Reptarian landscapes synchronized with James Horner’s Sacred Guardian of the Mountain from the Disney’s Mighty Joe Young soundtrack...

Oh good lord...
>> No. 29875
>>I imagine he wore alot of stupid shit to class with cartoons and crap all over it , whats the stupidest thing he ever wore to school
Nothing too crazy. He would just wear really tacky dinosaur shirts, generic Sears graphic tees, and greasy white tees.

>>Any specific stories of him harassing asian girls? And how many asian girls attended to that school? Sounds like he had a lot to choose.
Not really. He'd just sit and squeak/squeal, or stare that them slack-jawed while babbling to himself about Lee Lee.

>>Did Tim ever express any interest in any kind of music/bands?
Absolutely not. He was asked this question a lot by people, and just like Chris, he would state some shit like "I LIKE ALL OF TODAY'S CURRENT POP MUSIC!". Since we went to school in Maryland, there was obviously a lot of obnoxious southern hip hop/trap music that used to be blasted at lunchtime. He would cover his ears and blow raspberries at the kids who would blast Lil Boosie and shit like that.

>>Did Timbox ever give a fuck about someone else? It can be anything, even something as small as pretending to listen to what somebody else had to say. I'm just curious if he's capable of any empathy whatsoever.
Nope. Having conversations with him was terrible unless you directly asked him a Q. If someone was talking, he'd just stare into space until he thought they were finished, and then start yapping about what he wanted to.

>>Did Timbox ever talk about Dexter's Odyssey? If he did, how did other people react?
Yes, and good Lord was it painful. He'd usually ask people if they were interested in it by saying "What would you think if (insert whole plot synopsis here)". Up until I re-discovered Timbox and read his "script" I thought that it was just some stupid Post-Apocalyptic Dexter fanfic.

>>Did you ever have a nasty encounter with him personally?
Not many. During the senior breakfast he cut a bunch of people in line, including myself, and had the nerve to steal food off my plate. The motherfucker just grabbed a brownie and waddled off. I called him out on it and he looked at me, eating with his mouth open while saying "IT IS NOT YOUUURRR BROWNIE."

>>Have you ever even considered contacting him again?
No for two reasons. His family discovered his YouTube page and basically monitors whenever he's roaming around the house with a camera, so there won't be any new content. Also, he's extremely picky about who he adds on Facebook. Even then, he doesn't directly speak to people.
>> No. 29876
>His family discovered his YouTube page and basically monitors whenever he's roaming around the house with a camera, so there won't be any new content.

What do you know, a lolcow with parents who give a shit. Still sucks to hear, though.
>> No. 29877
File 132624133485.gif - (752.20KB , 150x113 , 150px-Angry_homo_kid_FFF.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I called him out on it and he looked at me, eating with his mouth open while saying "IT IS NOT YOUUURRR BROWNIE."
Jesus, I got pissed off just reading that. I'm impressed you didn't sock him in the jaw for doing that.
>> No. 29878
The worst part about this script is the fact that, since it was written before Avatar came out, it's probably out of date by now. Assuming he's still working on it, Timbox has put in even more copyright-infringing nonsense.

Also, he may or may not be a coney.

>> No. 29879
Did people ever play any really good pranks on him? What about okay pranks?
>> No. 29880
Did he ever try asking a girl out? or was it always just staring and squealing?
>> No. 29881
I love this thread and OP
>> No. 29882
>>Did people ever play any really good pranks on him? What about okay pranks?
Not really. Most of them were stupid shit, but one of my friends convinced him that the creators of Dexer's Lab/Samurai Jack/PPG was going to come for an Assembly, so the next day, Tim decked himself out in Dexter gear, and actually had a sign with him that said "HELLO CRAIG AND GENNDY!"

>>Did he ever try asking a girl out? or was it always just staring and squealing?
Never saw him interact with girls in a socially positive way. The furthest he'd go is asking them if they liked Dexter's Lab or not....and of course there's the squealing.
>> No. 29883
Can you say anything about his parents? Any story with them involved?
>> No. 29884
Would he ever talk about sex?
>> No. 29885
Op fucking delivers.

Keep it up, OP.

To help the thread along:

Did he ever go into a really bad tardrage? Perhaps due to students or a teacher?
>> No. 29886
what did he smell like?
why haven't you provided us with any verification that your claims are true and honest?
why don't you make a youtube video about timbox stories?
>> No. 29887
>>Can you say anything about his parents? Any story with them involved?
Nope. I've never come into contact with his parents, but from what I've seen in videos, they seem leagues ahead of the Chandler parents.

>>Would he ever talk about sex?
Sometimes. There was an incident when he was (presumably) hard as a fucking rock when talking about this Asian girl, because his voice was trembling like crazy. Also, he was under the impression that sex was two people getting nude, cuddling, and masturbating one another.
>> No. 29888
Why haven't you provided any proof saying you're not Timbox?
Why don't you make a video showing how you are not a lolcow?

Ever reason that OP's posting anonymously to, y'know, be anonymous?
>> No. 29889
It just seems pointless to indulge this guy, if there's no reason to actually believe that he has anything to do with Timbox.
>> No. 29890
Alright, I see the truth in your argument. How would we prove the veracity of OP's story without him having to drop any major dox though?
>> No. 29891
I'm very interested to hear more. But it's strange that OP suddenly showed up with this, when Timbox hasn't been a major topic of discussion here for a while.

There's a question for you, OP. How did you discover Timbox's internet fame? Why post this now?
>> No. 29892

Speaking of, I thought it was unusual of /cwc/ to have reached such a speedy concensus of Timbox in the last thread on him I saw here, that being that he's boring and not trollable because he's a one trick po­ny.

As for OP, I'm going to go ahead and reccomend/request you get a tripcode for this thread.
>> No. 29893
Not a bad idea.

>>what did he smell like?
I never really got close enough to tell. The few times I was close to him, I didn't notice a distinct odor or any smell at all.

>>Did he ever go into a really bad tardrage? Perhaps due to students or a teacher?
He was always relatively calm. He would shout occasionally and kind of growl at things that made him upset, but I never saw him have a full-blown tard tantrum or anything like that.
>> No. 29894
There was another thread with photos of him with some women... a hambeast and some cripple in a wheelchair? How did the cripple end up in the wheelchair? Disabled herself or just got hurt? There's pix of them on his FB.
>> No. 29895

When OP said ask anything I think he meant anything about timbox, not about random people who happened to have been in photos with Timbox.
>> No. 29896
Does it matter?
its not like their are other people associated with timbox that are of interest
>> No. 29897
I dont fucking care about fucking timbox fuck off fag
>> No. 29898
>> No. 29899
what the fucks that sposed to mean
>> No. 29900
Hi Timbox, or so
>> No. 29901
who the fuck is timbox you
>> No. 29902
It means your spasm is terminal, and you have an incurable case of the mad.
>> No. 29903
File 132625299482.jpg - (85.60KB , 576x720 , 1325289334140.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't wait til you wake up tomorrow and see just how MAD you are.
>> No. 29904
Did you punch him?
>> No. 29905
il fcking punch you
>> No. 29906
Meanest thing anyone's done to him cause they got tired of his shit? Can be a punishment given by a teacher even, if he never really got backlash.
>> No. 29907
Does he say "or so" a lot in real life?
>> No. 29908
Did he ever bring that Pebble and the Penguin flier to school? He did a video where he brings it to McDonalds.

He mentioned once on RetroJunk that he "masturbated to Mandark," but from one of your comments earlier it seems like he's homophobic. Curious if he really hated gay people and maybe wanted dinosaurs to eat them or something.
>> No. 29909
File 132625700673.jpg - (41.81KB , 499x331 , 129612265665.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29910
That hugbox site. I swear, it's probably 50% cretins hoarding up their mom's basement full of tatty garage sale crap. Then throwing fits because their moms took out the trash.
>> No. 29911
>We start in a STARFIELD, when a ROTATING LITE-DARK BLUE SQUARE-LIKE OBJECT appears from SPACE, only to reveal the Words “TIM BOX” in GOLD “TIM” on the top and in 3 MINI SQUARES for each letter, and “BOX” on the bottom and also in 3 MINI-SQUARES for each letter. Then the TIM BOX Logo rests on the LEFT SCREEN and the words “STUDIOS” in GOLD. During the LOGO, drums hits. At the END of the LOGO, The CHORUS starts singing. The TIM BOX Logo began to fade out. The CAMERA turns down when the SUN RISES. When The CHORUS sang for the SECOND TIME and the DRUMS hits two more times, the following WORDS appear on the center of the screen: TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX, WALT DISNEY PICTURES AND UNIVERSAL PICTURES IN ASSOCIATION WITH MIRAMAX FILMS, THE WEINSTEIN COMPANY AND THE TIM BOX COMPANY PRESENT.
Lol'd already.
>> No. 29912
I used to be a fat neckbeard who played 40k. One of the guys at my local gaming club was called Martin, he was always a little... odd. Poor personal hygiene, awkward as all fuck socially, even by wargamer standards, once threw a fit because he was showing us images on his work laptop and someone accidentally opened his folder of fucked-up hentai...

The point of this is that he wrote a Star Trek roleplaying campaign. The guys who took part said it was so awful they couldn't stop playing it. They used to get together afterwards and laugh about it. The antagonists were a hyper-advanced race from another universe he'd created called 'the Martinians'.

Is putting your own name into bad fanfiction a trait of a.utism or something?
>> No. 29913
File 132630164010.jpg - (19.33KB , 432x324 , 132429101327.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"The music (which combines orchestra, some bits of electronic music, chorus, Asian-influenced music, and African-influenced music, choral, rhythm and chants.) will be done by James Horner (who will do 50% of music for each film), Hans Zimmer (who will do the 100% of music for each film) and James Newton Howard (who will do the other 100% of music for each film, bringing them to a total of 250% of music)"
>> No. 29914
No, but playing 40k is.
>> No. 29915
Well it's certainly a trait of lolcows. Something to do with being completely self-centered and unable to identify with anyone else I guess.

Even Ulillillia has a city named after himself in Platform Masters, and he pretty much has no ego.
>> No. 29916
The operative thing here is that it's in the past tense. I went to university, joined a gym, got some decent clothes and became a steroid-addled douchebag.

It's interesting. I'm going to look into it and see if it's actually a psychological element of spasm.
>> No. 29917
Bump. Is the OP still here?
>> No. 29918
I think he got scared away by /cwc/ being /cwc/.

Hey, OP, if you're still here can you dump some more stories?
>> No. 29919
File 132633364937.gif - (487.28KB , 496x372 , fuckin casio man.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread

Well done OP. Can't wait to hear more.
>> No. 29920
Please tell me OP didn't leave.
>> No. 29921
File 132639843487.jpg - (40.78KB , 416x431 , ak-dont-make-me-say-it.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you're all so spastic
>> No. 29922

Scared away from what?
People asking questions like he wanted and one drunk guy who posted a couple of times?

This is probably the least /cwc/ type thread I've seen in a long time, it was actually positive for a change...

Get back here OP
>> No. 29923
OP here. So much personing. Any other questions? No, I won't answer anything about his family or the people he/we went to school with.
>> No. 29924
Did he ride the short bus?
>> No. 29925
At this point I think it'd be better if you just shared whatever stories came to mind, but if you insist...

Did he take any special ed classes? It sounds like he was mainstreamed. And if that's the case, why?

Any other notable examples of him failing at learning? Him talking to his computer was funny.

Did he ever talk about anything that wasn't Dexter's Lab, dinosaurs, or Avatar?

Did your school have a filmmaking class, and if it did, did Timbox take (or at least express interest in taking) it? Despite his obsession with making Dexter's Odyssey, he seems to have no plans to actually work on it?

I think I know the answer to this already, but do you have any stories that put Timbox in a redeeming light? It could be him doing something nice, showing off a special talent, or even something that just makes you feel sorry for him. Just...anything that makes Timbox seem like he has more positive traits than a raw potato.
>> No. 29926
Were kids at school aware of his YouTube videos? Like the one where he films during school and pervs over the Asian girl?
>> No. 29927
Did he eat alone at lunch?
>> No. 29928
>>Did he ride the short bus?
No, the short bus was usually reserved for the physically handicapped.

>>Did he take any special ed classes? It sounds like he was mainstreamed. And if that's the case, why?
He wasn't fully mainstreamed. He had to take a "support class" which was basically a mandatory study hall-like class in the special ed hallway. 2/3rds of the people that took it had nothing wrong with them, and just had shitty GPA's. You can see a glimpse of it on his YouTube channel.

>>Any other notable examples of him failing at learning? Him talking to his computer was funny.
Most of his fails came from technology, which is ironic. Back when the iPhone was hot shit, someone brought it in and passed it around. Tim thought that the touch screen was resistive, so he used the back of a pen to stab it. When told that he needed to use his finger he began to roughly press and hold on the screen. He then proceeded to take out his (I shit you not) Jitterbug phone (made for the elderly) and began to ramble about his "trusty cellular phone". He also has no concept of how music is made. He thinks that rock music is literally recorded in the garage's of famous bands, he thinks Hip Hop music is made with real drums and other instruments, and he thinks that techno music is made by people doing binary code on a computer.

>>Did he ever talk about anything that wasn't Dexter's Lab, dinosaurs, or Avatar?
Nope. He'd occasionally start babbling about Don Bluth, but that was it.

>>Did your school have a filmmaking class, and if it did, did Timbox take (or at least express interest in taking) it? Despite his obsession with making Dexter's Odyssey, he seems to have no plans to actually work on it?
Yes. I'm not sure if he took it or not. However, a fun fact to know is that Timbox doesn't actually know about filmmaking other than what he reads on the back of DVD/VHS cases, Wikipedia pages, and children's-level books on filmmaking. He hasn't seen any of his favorite movies in the theater, opting for the DVD release instead. As for Dexter's Odyssey, I'm not sure. He's clearly lower-functioning than Chris, so unlike Chris, Timbox probably has a hard time "beginning" other than talking about what the project would be like.

>>I think I know the answer to this already, but do you have any stories that put Timbox in a redeeming light?
Not really, lol. He'd lend pens and paper in class whenever you'd need it, but that's about it.

Also, something of note: Timbox is aware of how messed-up his hands look, but he likes it, and thinks that it's a unique characteristic that makes him an "iconic character" or some shit. That's why he's always shaking it and unnecessarily wagging it in his videos.
>> No. 29929
>>Were kids at school aware of his YouTube videos? Like the one where he films during school and pervs over the Asian girl?

>>Did he eat alone at lunch?
Sometimes. He'd usually sit with the generic outcast/weeaboo clique, or sometimes the popular guys/girls would invite him over just to hear him say stupid shit. One reason why nobody liked to be around him when he ate is because he eats with his mouth open, and loudly.
>> No. 29930
Did he ever make it clear what he wanted to be when he grew up?
>> No. 29931
File 132641959146.jpg - (401.54KB , 1280x544 , y.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Did he ever make it clear what he wanted to be when he grew up?
Do I even need to say? A director/screenwriter/producer and of course, the CEO of Timbox Films.

....And yes, that's Action Hank riding a fucking dinosaur in that pic.
>> No. 29932
Has he ever explained why he calls himself Timbox?
>> No. 29933
Please tell more, this is the first time in a while where this board has had some legitimately amusing info and the board isn't a clusterfuck of homosexual deviants yelling at eachother.

If you could choose a single encounter with Tim as your favourite/most funny, what would it be?
>> No. 29934
Did Timbox ever display any racism/ignorance of other cultures?

Did anyone attempt to have a serious talk with him about how Dexter's Odyssey can't happen?

What's the deal with him and Outback Steakhouse?
>> No. 29935

That's not a "fucking dinosaur", it is a Carnotaurus sastrei.
>> No. 29936
>>Has he ever explained why he calls himself Timbox?
No fucking idea. I'm going to guess that it's a reference to his imaginary film company? Like, there's Looking Glass...and then Tim BOX? Or maybe it's a Fox reference? I haven't a clue.

>>If you could choose a single encounter with Tim as your favourite/most funny, what would it be?
There's a lot, but I've always enjoyed it when people (myself included) would fuck with him and tell him that Dexter sucks, Avatar sucks, Dinosaurs weren't real, etc. etc. He'd throw tard fits that Chris couldn't even begin to match. One of the funnier conversations I've had with him was regarding him going to prom. He basically told me that he wouldn't waste his time there because none of the girls would be like Lee Lee. Apparently he asked several Asian underclassmen if they know who Lee Lee was and if they'd go to the prom with him in a green dress (a la Lee Lee).

>>Did Timbox ever display any racism/ignorance of other cultures?
A lot. He had a problem with a lot of black students, and only liked the weeaboo-ish ones. Every time he'd hear rap music he'd throw a fit. He also used the word "homosexual deviant" freely if that counts.

>>Did anyone attempt to have a serious talk with him about how Dexter's Odyssey can't happen?
Yes, including some teachers. He would always respond with "..But this will be different! This will be a multi-million dollar blah blah blah".

>>What's the deal with him and Outback Steakhouse?
He would frequent the restaurant with his family, and I'm guessing he was attracted to how "exotic" it felt. I've bumped into him once or twice there, too. I guess he just really likes it. I lol'd when I read how he wants the afterparty of the Dexter's Odyssey premiere to be held at one.
>> No. 29937
OP, why did you drop your tripcode?
>> No. 29938
Did he ever invite you over to his house?
>> No. 29939
What would happen in said tard fits? Did he ever try to fight you?
>> No. 29940
>>OP, why did you drop your tripcode?
I didn't use a tripcode. How do I do that?

>>Did he ever invite you over to his house?
No. He was very shy, and literally buried his face into his food and continued to eat.
>> No. 29941

>> No. 29942
File 132642185631.png - (480.60KB , 621x477 , eggy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>What would happen in said tard fits? Did he ever try to fight you?
Nope. In true spastic fashion, he'd just flail his arms, scream loudly, and pace around grunting and pointing at people. On his bad days he'd pick up stuff, throw it around, and all that good shit.
>> No. 29943
In celebration of me discovering how to use a Tripcode, here are some interesting tidbits about Timmy:

. He was nonverbal until he was 8 or 9.
. Had his head split open during his early childhood and he blames his spasm on that. The injury is responsible for giving him that weird-looking forehead/hairline.
. Ran away from school once, and after getting a talking-to from a local cop, he has had a lifelong hatred for the police.
. Had to go to the hospital after the result of someone trying to troll him. A member of an old forum he used to go to asked him to make a video of him dancing for a fake contest, and while filming the video, Tim smashed his hand against his ceiling light, slicing it right open.
>> No. 29944
File 132642258976.jpg - (39.40KB , 602x388 , Chris-Dog-Pile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Ran away from school once, and after getting a talking-to from a local cop, he has had a lifelong hatred for the police.

Now I'm imagining Chris and Timbox fighting Jerkops side by side.
>> No. 29945

Now I'm imagining Chris and Timbox kissing deeply and groping each other's asses.
>> No. 29946
Have you ever seen Timbox do anything that would suggest or demonstrate the extent of his physical strength? Or was he weak as water?
I only ask because I've always gotten the impression that he's pretty strong. He's got a thick neck, those weird fingers and his overall build that suggest he's like some sort of retarded powerhouse.
>> No. 29947
>>Have you ever seen Timbox do anything that would suggest or demonstrate the extent of his physical strength? Or was he weak as water?
In Gym class he was known for always placing first in the presidential fitness tests, and having a shit ton of endurance. I'm not sure about strength, but that motherfucker could RUN.
>> No. 29949
File 132642420059.jpg - (29.00KB , 300x400 , forrest-gump-running.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Life is like a box of chocolates, or so.
>> No. 29950
life is like a Timbox of chocolates
>> No. 29951
How bad was his fixation on Asian girls? Did it really creep them out? Did it ever require intervention from teachers or other authority figures?

Did his Asian targets, and students in general, even know who Leelee was?
>> No. 29952
Does he like Asians because of Lee Lee, or the other way around? Has there ever been any kind of explanation for his Lee Lee obsession?
>> No. 29953
File 132642798089.gif - (1.65MB , 210x121 , 1326427395979.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Had to go to the hospital after the result of someone trying to troll him. A member of an old forum he used to go to asked him to make a video of him dancing for a fake contest, and while filming the video, Tim smashed his hand against his ceiling light, slicing it right open.

Was the video uploaded?
>> No. 29954
File 132642949024.jpg - (2.17MB , 2592x1936 , IMG_4191.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related, it's a Timbox Mii for people that want spasm on the go.

>>Bunch of Asian questions.
It was a problem. Several teachers had to tell him to "keep his thoughts to himself". He wouldn't directly talk to them, so they weren't in danger. I'm going to assume that Tim liked Asian women because what he saw on Dexter's Lab. As for his obsession with one of the most obscure toon chars ever, I still have no idea. I'm going to do some bullshit psychology: Because of the fact that spastic people aren't good with differentiating faces/bodies, out of Dee Dee/Lee Lee/Mee Mee, Lee Lee stuck out the most due to her eyes not being round, and her hair not looking like the other two, therefore she must've been the "special" character out of the three.

>>Was the video uploaded?
Obviously not.
>> No. 29955
You know that way Timbox has of phrasing his own thoughts as questions, in his videos and forum posts? "What would you think if there was a twelve hour Dexter's Odyssey movie about Dexter and dinosaurs and Lee Leeee and it will have a budget of one million billion dollars?" "Is Lee Leeee Dee Dee's Asian friend on Dexter's Laboratory?"

Did he ever actually talk like that in real life? Come out of nowhere with questions like that?

Did he add "or so" to his sentences? Any other verbal tics?

Is Lee Lee Dee Dee's Asian friend on Dexter's Laboratory or so?
>> No. 29956
File 132643057327.png - (2.18MB , 1070x825 , clydebox.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like Timbox's Mii is getting hassled by that goddamn Clyde Cash!

>>You know that way Timbox has of phrasing his own thoughts as questions, in his videos and forum posts? "What would you think if there was a twelve hour Dexter's Odyssey movie about Dexter and dinosaurs and Lee Leeee and it will have a budget of one million billion dollars?" "Is Lee Leeee Dee Dee's Asian friend on Dexter's Laboratory?" Did he ever actually talk like that in real life? Come out of nowhere with questions like that?
Yes. Oh God, yes. As I mentioned in an answer to an earlier question, Tim would often walk up to people and ask them "What would you think if...." and then give the entire synopsis to Dexter's Odyssey. This spilled out into his writing, as the English class I shared with him one year had a lot of peer-editing. Tons of "Imagine if"'s and "What if"'s. He would also inject "Or so", "And such", and "Among other things" into his sentences, which sounded silly, as it came off as "Amunn Udderings".
>> No. 29957
So you mentioned that he never saw movies at the theater? Did he ever take an genuine interest in discovering movies he might like, or did he just stay in his comfort zone of Avatar and dinosaur movies?
>> No. 29958
>>So you mentioned that he never saw movies at the theater? Did he ever take an genuine interest in discovering movies he might like, or did he just stay in his comfort zone of Avatar and dinosaur movies?
No. He only had interest in animated films, films heavily-reliant on special effects, and generic "important" movies that are on every hack critic's top 10 list. I remember I talked to him about District 9 and he said it was a rip-off of Avatar. -_-
>> No. 29959
What do you think he will be doing in 20 years?
>> No. 29960

If he read that, say, Citizen Kane was important, would he make the effort to watch it or at least pretend he'd seen it?
>> No. 29961
If the teachers talk to him about Dexter's odyssey did they mention the fact Lee Lee is a fucking cartoon character ( a background one at that) and he will never be able to be with her? I imagine he flips shit if people point it out.
>> No. 29962
Did you ever have to work on a group project with him? You mentioned he thought sex was mutual masturbation. How did you find that out? Did he tell you any other weird sexual things?
>> No. 29963
Does he have any conspiracy theories , like he is being watched by the government or something?

Some aspies are prone to do that, even Chris thinks the county is after him
>> No. 29964
>>If the teachers talk to him about Dexter's odyssey did they mention the fact Lee Lee is a fucking cartoon character ( a background one at that) and he will never be able to be with her? I imagine he flips shit if people point it out.
Yep. As I said before, he would often respond by just yapping about how epic Dexter's Odyssey will be, and how cute Lee Lee was. There were a lot of literal facepalms.

>>Did you ever have to work on a group project with him? You mentioned he thought sex was mutual masturbation. How did you find that out? Did he tell you any other weird sexual things?
Yes. We did a video project for English, and the group visited his house. His room was fairly normal compared to Chris's, save for a shit ton of Dinosaur books/toys, a filthy computer desk (littered with soda cans and fast food wrappers), and this ominous printed picture of Lee Lee on his pillow. Other than asking him what he thought sex was, he was pretty shy and didn't want to talk about the subject.

>>Does he have any conspiracy theories , like he is being watched by the government or something?
He believes that the government has the technology to re-animate dinosaurs and bring them back into the wild. He also has an extreme dislike of video games, and thinks they're a joint operation by the Japanese and American government to make children dumber.
>> No. 29965
>>What do you think he will be doing in 20 years?
If he's not thrown into a group home, he'll probably be daydreaming about dinosaurs and fapping to Lee Lee.
>> No. 29966
You mentioned you went to his house; what is his family like? Obviously they're smarter than the Chandlers if they're monitoring his online activity now, but did you get any kind of impression from them?
>> No. 29967
The thing I don't understand about Timbox is that he asks questions he already knows the answers to, such as the Lee Lee one. ("Is Lee Lee Dee Dee's Asian friend from Dexter's Laboratory?") It's that trait more than any other that really puzzles me. I just don't understand it. That'd be like me asking "Is Timbox a lolcow obsessed with filmmaking?" when I know he is.
>> No. 29968
>hasn't watched the videos where timbox gives a tour of his house and introduces his spastic family
lol timbox newfag
>> No. 29969
>>You mentioned you went to his house; what is his family like? Obviously they're smarter than the Chandlers if they're monitoring his online activity now, but did you get any kind of impression from them?
Only met his mother who seemed like a typical overtly-nice, sheltering mom. He has a brother who is incredibly embarrassed of him, though. As for his father, I have no idea.

>>The thing I don't understand about Timbox is that he asks questions he already knows the answers to, such as the Lee Lee one. ("Is Lee Lee Dee Dee's Asian friend from Dexter's Laboratory?") It's that trait more than any other that really puzzles me. I just don't understand it. That'd be like me asking "Is Timbox a lolcow obsessed with filmmaking?" when I know he is.
Might be due to selfishness and spasm which go hand-in-hand. Timbox doesn't know how to converse about topics that aren't related to himself or his interests, so he tries his best to stay within his comfort zone and always keep the conversation about him, dinosaurs, and that stuff.
>> No. 29970
Whoa , A video project with Timbox? I imagine he must have had some stupid things to say about the film making process. Did he even know how a camera works, did he want to add in CGI dinosaurs or something.
>> No. 29971
If this is legit, I want to thank you for actually delivering cocks.

If it isn't, I still appreciate that you've put all this effort into creative writing for /cwc/

God speed and keep it up.
>> No. 29972
If this is legit, I want to thank you for actually delivering cocks.

If it isn't, I still appreciate that you've put all this effort into creative writing for /cwc/

God speed and keep it up.
>> No. 29973
File 132650306825.jpg - (28.11KB , 392x321 , 132389304568.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you very much for the Q&A, it'd be really appreciated if you answered to more questions in a future time. This kind of cocks is what keeps this board running.

Yes, pic related.
>> No. 29974
I'm promoted? To what?
>> No. 29975
>> No. 29976
File 132650397968.jpg - (377.23KB , 938x938 , 438.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 29978
  Holy shit, never drinking and posting again. Things like this were never talked about in school?
>> No. 29979
As I said before, nobody really mentioned his videos. I recently discovered his channel months ago. Tim would walk around school with a video camera frequently, but I guess we all assumed that he'd just burn his videos to a CD and watch them in his room while giggling like a 'tard.
>> No. 29980
Did Tim have any friends? Was Tim a loner? Or did he and his fellow persons form a Dexter's Lab fanclub
>> No. 29981
confirming not OP
confirming is OP
>> No. 29982
>>Did Tim have any friends? Was Tim a loner?
Like I've said before, Tim always had someone to follow around, or stand next to. Aside from the weeaboos he sat with and the rare occasion where the popular kids would let him sit with them, Tim really only made one acquaintance who happened to be this Korean kid who barely spoke any English.
>> No. 29983
Was there ever a time before Dexter's, dinosaurs etc that Tim was into anything else? I'm guessing not, since he talks about how long he's been into the Cartoon Network stuff.

How soon did the school in general first become aware of Timbox? Was there talk about him, or was he introduced by grabbing you in the hall babbling about Lee Lee?
>> No. 29984
God, the way he says Lee Lee creeps me the hell out.
>> No. 29988
1:56 That's kind of terrifying.
>> No. 29989
So was anyone able to have a somewhat forward conversation at all with him, or was it like talking to a brick wall? Like does he always go off on whatever he wanted to talk about and not participate in the other end of the conversation?

Did he ever talk about anything other than Dexter, dinosaurs and movies?

Did you guys ever ask him how he expected to make Dexter's Odyssey without going to film school or pitching his idea, granted the movie would never happen but still.

Also, how does he have a mii if he claimed all video games are brainwashing devices or whatever?
>> No. 29990
You've mentioned that he had a severe misunderstanding on how sex worked, did this extend to violence? Did he really understand the effects of death and war?
>> No. 29991
>>Was there ever a time before Dexter's, dinosaurs etc that Tim was into anything else? I'm guessing not, since he talks about how long he's been into the Cartoon Network stuff.
Probably not. If I had to give a "timeline" of his person-ish interests, he probably played with dinosaur toys as a child, and then saw Jurassic Park. From there, he had an interest in both dinosaurs and special effects-heavy films. Some time after (Late 90's?) he started watching Genndy Tartakovsky cartoons (Dexter, PPG, Samurai Jack).

>>How soon did the school in general first become aware of Timbox? Was there talk about him, or was he introduced by grabbing you in the hall babbling about Lee Lee?
I was "the new kid" in Freshman year, but I was told very quickly that Timbox was the class retard, and that his history of personing goes back to elementary school.

>>So was anyone able to have a somewhat forward conversation at all with him, or was it like talking to a brick wall? Like does he always go off on whatever he wanted to talk about and not participate in the other end of the conversation?
He would provide basic responses until the topic of film or television would come up, and then he'd spin the conversation out of control, asking "WHAT WOULD YOU THINK IF THERE WAS A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE....".

>>Did he ever talk about anything other than Dexter, dinosaurs and movies?
Yeah, add Lee Lee and himself to that list.

>>Did you guys ever ask him how he expected to make Dexter's Odyssey without going to film school or pitching his idea, granted the movie would never happen but still.
Whenever he was asked about ANYTHING regarding Dexter's Odyssey, he'd always respond by giving the whole synopsis, technology used, etc. and then ask "What do YOU think?".

>>Also, how does he have a mii if he claimed all video games are brainwashing devices or whatever?
Those were my pics. I made several lolcow Miis on my 3DS.

>>You've mentioned that he had a severe misunderstanding on how sex worked, did this extend to violence? Did he really understand the effects of death and war?
Since he had obsession with movies, he was under the impression that violence was how it was portrayed on film. He thought that run-of-the-mill fistfights were planned, choreographed, and ended with someone being knocked out. I remember he "challenged" some freshman to a duel after the kid made some comment along the lines of "is he retarded?".
>> No. 29992
My apologies if this has already been asked (fuck it, I'm not reading hundreds of posts), but what was he like academically?

You've said that he was in some special classes, and his videos suggest that he is full retard. But the spelling and grammar in his descriptions is actually better than that used in most of the comments to his videos. He certainly wouldn't be the only lolcow with surprisingly high academic ability.

Was he actually *severely* retarded, or just a little below average?
>> No. 29993
File 132658396318.jpg - (32.89KB , 255x256 , 1326487821897.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I remember he "challenged" some freshman to a duel after the kid made some comment along the lines of "is he retarded?".

Oh god my sides
>> No. 29994
>I was "the new kid" in Freshman year, but I was told very quickly that Timbox was the class retard, and that his history of personing goes back to elementary school.

Oooh, spill. Did you hear any stories dating back before high school?
>> No. 29995
>>My apologies if this has already been asked (fuck it, I'm not reading hundreds of posts), but what was he like academically?
I wouldn't know what he was good at. Since he's spastic I'd assume math. He was known for being notoriously technologicially-illerate, though.

>>Oooh, spill. Did you hear any stories dating back before high school?
There were a few stories of him shitting/pissing himself in elementary school and one story of him running away during recess, only to be apprehended by the police later.
>> No. 29996
Obviously, Tim really likes cartoons. Where there any cartoons that he particularly hated? If so, was he particularly adamant, ie would he talk about them when nobody cared?
>> No. 29997
I know this will make me sound like a 'tard, but... Was there any specific dinosaur he talked about a lot? Like, did he have a favorite species? Or was it just general dinoblabber?
>> No. 29998
Did he ever participate in class discussions? Like showing he has no idea how real world issues work.

List the classes you had with him anyway so we can make up more dumb questions.
>> No. 29999
>>Obviously, Tim really likes cartoons. Where there any cartoons that he particularly hated? If so, was he particularly adamant, ie would he talk about them when nobody cared?
He would always whine about how modern Cartoon Network sucks, and how one day every single late-90's show will be revived. It was his "prophecy" as he called it.

>>Did he ever participate in class discussions? Like showing he has no idea how real world issues work.
Yes. History was a great way for him to showcase how stupid he was. He commented once that slavery would have been "okie dokie" if slave masters were legally forced to teach their slaves literacy, math, and "athletics".

>>List the classes you had with him anyway so we can make up more dumb questions.
Every class I had with him for all four years, in no order.
. Algebra
. Geometry
. Biology
. Sociology
. Gym
. Commercial Art
. Computer Science/Inputting
. Health
>> No. 30000

How was he in biology?
>> No. 30001
>>How was he in biology?
Alright, I guess. He rarely talked, and kept to himself. This was in freshman year.
>> No. 30002
  Favourite TimBox video OP? Here's mine, also what do you think of his videos in general?
>> No. 30003
>Yes. History was a great way for him to showcase how stupid he was. He commented once that slavery would have been "okie dokie" if slave masters were legally forced to teach their slaves literacy, math, and "athletics".

Haha, that's rich. Any more examples?
>> No. 30004
If you had health class with him, you also must have had sex-ed. Anything off-the-wall you can recall from that?
>> No. 30005

They always have problems with the cops for some reason.
>> No. 30006
Do you think Timbox might have something other than spasm? I ask this because my aunt used to help take care of a young man with schizophrenia who acted, sounded, and had the same thought processes as him. Seriously, when I first saw Timbox's videos he was the first person I thought of.
>> No. 30007
Did he have any strange preferences regarding food? i.e Religiously eating large portions of a certain food every day or despising a certain candy bar brand for no real reason.
>> No. 30008
Commercial art? Like "art" art? What kind of shit did he make?
>> No. 30009
Hes like an even more retarded version of Brian Walmer.

Did he bathe? How was he around girls? Sorry if these been asked already, thread is pretty big.
>> No. 30010
You said Timbox hates black people. Does this extend to Mee Mee?

I always found it strange that he'll always mention Lee Lee and Mee Mee together, when it's clear he doesn't give a fuck about her compared to Lee Lee.
>> No. 30011
>He commented once that slavery would have been "okie dokie" if slave masters were legally forced to teach their slaves literacy, math, and "athletics".
How did he avoid getting his ass beat down basically every day?
>> No. 30012
Super retard strength and the speed to match it. You have to admire a man who can say what we are all thinking and get away with it.
>> No. 30013
Seeing as this is the Timbox thread and doesn't seem to be posted (or has and I don't know about it)...

Apparently, he's also planning another "movie" called "The Princess of Shangara". I'll let him explain it. Oh, and the source is the video in the OP.

>"The Princess of Shangara", a big screen animated epic inspired by Dexter's Laboratory, an epic spectacular showcase for DeeDee's Asian friend LeeLee, who will be the title character: a heroic warrior princess maiden who is as mighty, brave and noble as she is young, fair and beautiful, ala the legendary Chinese heroine Mulan.

>As for Dee Dee's black friend, Mee Mee, she will be part of the brave young quartet that will also include Lee Lee being the leader of the bunch, Dexter, being Lee Lee's second-in-command, and Dee Dee, Dexter's sister.

>Also, in The Princess of Shangara, which may or may not be an animated/live action multi-part big screen epic, with the Dexter's Lab and/or Powerpuff Girls characters being 2D hand drawn animated, according to an ancient prophecy, Lee Lee, as the Avatar Princess of Shangara, would bring about the downfall of Mandark, the Dark Lord of the Avatars.

>and of course, in the film's fictional world, the Avatars are a mystical god-like race that shape and keep balance between the realms of flesh, spriit, even nature, for good or ill. They share their world with humans, cartoon characters (or toona’kâiya, as they will be known here) that include Dexter, Dee Dee, Mee Mee, Lee Lee, Mandark, Mojo Jojo, and the Powerpuff Girls themselves, living dinosaurs, and winged fire-breathing dragons, among other creatures.
>> No. 30014
I think that post gave me second-hand spasm
>> No. 30015
>"The Princess of Shangara", a big screen animated epic inspired by Dexter's Laboratory, an epic spectacular showcase for DeeDee's Asian friend LeeLee, who will be the title character: a heroic warrior princess maiden who is as mighty, brave and noble as she is young, fair and beautiful, ala the legendary Chinese heroine Mulan.

>As for Dee Dee's black friend, Mee Mee, she will be part of the brave young quartet that will also include Lee Lee being the leader of the bunch, Dexter, being Lee Lee's second-in-command, and Dee Dee, Dexter's sister.

>Also, in The Princess of Shangara, which may or may not be an animated/live action multi-part big screen epic, with the Dexter's Lab and/or Powerpuff Girls characters being 2D hand drawn animated, according to an ancient prophecy, Lee Lee, as the Avatar Princess of Shangara, would bring about the downfall of Mandark, the Dark Lord of the Avatars.

>and of course, in the film's fictional world, the Avatars are a mystical god-like race that shape and keep balance between the realms of flesh, spriit, even nature, for good or ill. They share their world with humans, cartoon characters (or toona’kâiya, as they will be known here) that include Dexter, Dee Dee, Mee Mee, Lee Lee, Mandark, Mojo Jojo, and the Powerpuff Girls themselves, living dinosaurs, and winged fire-breathing dragons, among other creatures.

>> No. 30016

Got some more out of the guy.

>I think that The Princess of Shangara would still be the title of film one of the multi-part Dexter's Odyssey saga.

>and of course, my proposed titles for the 11 or so other parts include A Song of Dinosaurs and Dragons for film 2, The Magic Sword for film 3, The Mask of Hokocho for film 4, Prince Talchen for film 5, The Voyage of the Neo'Argos for film 6, The True-Born Prince for film 7, The Wrath of Mandark for film 8, The Raiders from the Lost Empire for film 9, The Lost Children for film 10, The War between the Two Avatars for film 11, and last but not least, The Downfall of Mandark for film 12.
>> No. 30017
File 132668205422.jpg - (93.63KB , 600x391 , Darth-Vader-=-Totally-Cool.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't understand how on earth Timbox is planning on doing a series not only long but far better than The Lord of The Rings or Star Wars, despite of not having made a single page of script or anything you would need to do so.

Fucking spastics.
>> No. 30018
>> No. 30019
I think it's worth mentioning that over time, Timbox's plans for Dexter's Odyssey get bigger, and the titles change.

In >>153236 (written 2006) he wants it to be a trilogy: The Birth of Mandark, The Sword of the Phoenix, and The Fall of Mandark.


On this Yahoo Answers page (written around 2008-09) he says it'll be nine parts.

>Yes. The 9 films in Dexter's Odyssey will be, The Journey Begins, The Wrath of Mandark, The Tower of Dr. Zalost, A Sound of Thunder, The Mask of The Holophantom, The Legend of King Kong, The Son of Kong, The Night of the Living Droid and The Final Battle. They'll be released between 2016 and 2018.

And now it'll be 12 movies. Only one of which shares a title from those nine. Jesus, it'll probably be twenty movies two years from now.
>> No. 30020
I love how he wrote that "question". That is fantastic.

Has anyone ever asked him how he was planning to fund his three/nine/twelve-long series of epic SFX-laden films? Or does his persony mind just assume that the money thing will magically take care of itself.
>> No. 30021
I remember Ulillillia did the same thing (Wrote a script for a film expecting it'd get made) although it was with his original characters (Well more or less the main character is called knuckles and power is gliding and moving fast although it's not the Sonic character) and scenes from his dreams.

He even got a rejection letter after sending it out to all the big film companies saying the special effects budget would cost too much which was probably just a pity letter since he was so earnest about the whole thing and even learned how to write movie scripts but then eventually he turned it into a novel and self published it.

I doubt Timbox would get the same response though since it's not even trying to be original.
>> No. 30022
What was his thoughts on the howmows?
>> No. 30023
Yeah. The only reason I have any interest in Timbox is hilarious style of writing. I've never seen somebody do that. It's like they are a hybrid of a rhetorical question and an actual, "please answer me!" question. He clearly already knows the answers, yet he presents them as real questions and in situations that the listener can only assume that he does in fact want you to give an answer. It's just wonderful.
>> No. 30024
>>If you had health class with him, you also must have had sex-ed. Anything off-the-wall you can recall from that?
He was generally disgusted by the explanation of penetration, and how both penises/vaginas have...inner-parts. He would shake his head, raise his hand and go "I FIND THIS OHHH-FENSIVE!". He frequently interrupted the STD lecture by shouting "PEE-YEW!" and "GROSS!".

>>Did he have any strange preferences regarding food? i.e Religiously eating large portions of a certain food every day or despising a certain candy bar brand for no real reason.
Nope. The motherfucker loved Mickey D's and Outback Steakhouse, though.

>>Commercial art? Like "art" art? What kind of shit did he make?
It was basically a beginner's Photoshop/Illustrator class that students would make fake cereal boxes, magazine ads, etc. in. Ever see his bizarre Lee Lee/LOTR/Dinosaur Photoshop mashups? Imagine that, but with a shitty cereal or candy parody squeezed in there. Christ, it was awkward.

>>Did he bathe? How was he around girls? Sorry if these been asked already, thread is pretty big.
He was hygienic, but had crappy breath. He rarely talked to girls, and if he did....guess what he was talking about?

>>You said Timbox hates black people. Does this extend to Mee Mee?
Not sure. His love for Mee Mee....if he even HAS love for her, probably sprouts from some spasm-related shit. He probably feels "comfortable" with Mee Mee because she's dressed identically to Dee Dee and Lee Lee, and acts the same.

>>How did he avoid getting his ass beat down basically every day?
Everyone knew he was the class retard. He got into a minor scuffle when he said it, but when told by students that Tim had spasm, the kid just scoffed and walked away, saying "it figures...".

>>Has anyone ever asked him how he was planning to fund his three/nine/twelve-long series of epic SFX-laden films? Or does his persony mind just assume that the money thing will magically take care of itself.
A lot of people with spasm/Apersoners have "epic daydreams". Whenever you see them spacing out, or pacing around stimming, chances are they're in some imagination-land being overwhelmed by their thoughts. I doubt he's serious about the project, but he looooves talking about it.

>>What was his thoughts on the howmows?
He doesn't really understand homosexuality. He thinks that LGBT people are a part of some clique, similar to jocks, preps and such. He thinks that they just look and act alike for the sake of being some group.
>> No. 30025
Fun Fact bonus round!

. Got kicked out of a museum for walking in front of tour groups and babbling facts about dinosaurs as if he was a tour guide.
. Was caught masturbating to the Charlie's Angels DVD multiple times by his parents and brother.
. Like Chris, has a fucked up "biological clock". Many of his videos were recorded from 11:00 PM - 4:00 AM. The video of him dancing to that Jungle Book song was recorded in the middle of the night, prompting his father to wake up and yell at him afterwards.
. Is extremely rough with the family dog. The family wouldn't let him interact with the dog when it was a puppy in fear that he would injure it.
>> No. 30026
>Was caught masturbating to the Charlie's Angels DVD multiple times by his parents and brother.


You sure do know a lot. Do you happen to have a connection to his brother or something?
>> No. 30027

>Was caught masturbating to the Charlie's Angels DVD multiple times by his parents and brother.

Seriously need to know more about this. How was it common knowledge? There's been a lot of speculation on whether Tim was literally "masturbating" in his Lee Lee and Lucy Liu videos, or if he just didn't know what the word meant.
>> No. 30028
The masturbation thing is common knowledge, but I'm in the process of getting a line of communication towards Timbox
>> No. 30029
File 132675085454.png - (176.39KB , 369x287 , smile.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OP delivers
>> No. 30030

He seems to be on youtube most of the time, go try him there.
>> No. 30031
Uli published his script as a book and it's so out-there that it's awesome. If you want to read some crazy OCD shit you should pick it up.
>> No. 30032
Fuck off.
>> No. 30033
One can dream. Hint-hint.

Anyway, I'm actually trying to get an E-Mail/IM exchange going on.
>> No. 30034
What are you planning to do if you manage to contact him?

Good luck, by the way. With how unresponsive Timbox is, you'll need it.
>> No. 30035
I'm not trying to discredit or anything, you seem pretty legit, but I'm genuinely interested in seeing his yearbook photos. Do you have any way of sharing those, OP?

Take a pic of one with your camera phone, maybe?
>> No. 30036
  Just in case you think Timbox is a "gentle retard", keep in mind that he's a stone-cold asshole. Video related, skip to 00:40.
>> No. 30037
That was hilarious, his awkward levels are off the charts
>> No. 30038
File 132682095024.jpg - (19.47KB , 273x400 , gob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30039
Bumping. This is the best thread /cwc/ has had in a while.

Did Timbox's obsession with Dexter's Lab in particular ever get explained?
>> No. 30040
Timbox is one creepy dude. I mean in a serious, son-of-Manson way. Were I an actor asked to affect a psychotic way of talking and behaving I'd take inspiration from him.

I mean, listen to how he says "revived". It's chilling.
>> No. 30041
Alright, you obviously know a bit about Timbox. Can you give us any decent info on his brothers? Did they go to the same school as Tim? How were they academically? Did they have any defining quirks? and so on...

I've heard that Tim was in a film club where he constantly hawked his script. Do you know anybody who knew him from the film club?

What's Timmy up to nowadays?
>> No. 30042
Another question: Did Timbox have any real-life love interests?

How was he with other spasts?
>> No. 30043
  Video related. You can tell how much of an asshole he is. Skip to 2:55. His brother tells him not to upload it to YouTube, and Timbox gives a shit-eating-grin before ending the video. What a shitty brother.

>>Can you give us any decent info on his brothers? Did they go to the same school as Tim? How were they academically? Did they have any defining quirks? and so on...
He has two brothers; one younger and one older. I rarely had any contact with either of them. To the best of my knowledge, I remember both were embarrased of Tim, and a lot of people would egg them on by asking them about Tim. His one brother, Billy Bob was exceptionally embarrassed by him. Billy looked a lot like his retarded brother. Billy is an avid gamer, and spends his days with various modding circles, IIRC. His other brother, Scott, I have no idea about.

>>I've heard that Tim was in a film club where he constantly hawked his script. Do you know anybody who knew him from the film club?
He took a filmmaking class that basically was a glorified "watch movies and write five paragraph reviews" type of deal. He'd disrupt the class a lot by talking about Dexter's Odyssey, and squeezing it into all of his reviews.

>>What's Timmy up to nowadays?
Pacing around his filthy bedroom, daydreaming about his film ideas, yelling at his family, and squealing at pictures of Lee Lee. His daily routine is the most depressing, incomprehensible mess I've ever heard of.

>>Did Timbox have any real-life love interests?
There was an Asian girl in the grade below us that he would follow around and squeal at. He'd always compare her to Lee Lee, though.

>>How was he with other spasts?
Timbox was the lowest-functioning person in school. We had a couple of down syndrome kids, a few Apersoner's kids, and even one with cerebral palsy, but he took the fucking gold metal of tard-dom.
>> No. 30044
>His daily routine is the most depressing, incomprehensible mess I've ever heard of.

Please... please expand if you can. I'm on a C0NTENT high right now
>> No. 30045
I want to know just why the hell this spastic
untermensch is obsessed with Avatar.
>> No. 30046
>>Please... please expand if you can. I'm on a C0NTENT high right now.
His father wakes him up at 7:00 AM (when he leaves for work). If he's not being dragged around town accompanying his mother with errands, he'll spend the day looking up filmmaking/dinosaur info on his "trusty computer", or flipping through one of his many children's dinosaur books. He'll do this until 9:00/10:00 at night, and proceed to play film soundtracks until 2:00/3:00 AM. Something I should add is how filthy is room can get. He has no organizational skills, and he just leaves all of his books/toys on the ground. If you watch his videos you can see fast food wrappers EVERYWHERE near his computer. One of these days I'm actually going to make a map of his room, like that one of Chris's on the CWCki. Anyway, his day mainly consists of using the computer and personing. Just like Chris, his mother appears to be sheltering him whereas his father is genuinely concerned about him.
>> No. 30047
...Damn. Substitute "look up filmmaking/dinosaurs" for "PS3" and "soundtracks" for "porn" and we've practically got Chris.
>> No. 30048
>>I want to know just why the hell this spastic untermensch is obsessed with Avatar.
It's an "Epic" movie that has an incredibly simple, predictable plot. All of the characters are one-dimensional and can easily be described by a single physical characteristic. Perfect recipe for spasm.
>> No. 30049
how do you know this?
>> No. 30050
Obviously going to the same high school as someone means that you know every single thing about them. Don't you draw room-maps of all the people you went to high school with? Get on his level.
>> No. 30051
Unless he reveals that he's actually Tim's brother and not some high school friend... inb4 he actually does that
>> No. 30052
That would be awesome.
>> No. 30053
Aside from trolling him into lacerating himself to music from The Jungle Book and lying about Tartakovski and McCracken showing up at school, have there been any instances of trolling most epic? I'm talking about Chris-Chan level trolling here like Julie saga shit.
>> No. 30054
Has Timbox ever gotten into a real fight? I know you said he thinks movies are 100% accurate and fights are planned and choreographed, but did he ever get a chance to put this theory into action?
>> No. 30055
Wow, usually these types of threads devolve to personin and/or attention whoring. I'm impressed at both /cwc/ and OP.
>> No. 30056
Not OP, but I can answer that as far as the Internet is concerned. On the RetroJunk forums someone named Knuclear200x claimed that he created Dexter's Odyssey and Cartoon Network was making it into a movie. Unusually, given how unresponsive he is, Timbox tarded out.
>> No. 30057
>>how do you know this?
Every once in a while I'll be able to IM him via Facebook.

>>Aside from trolling him into lacerating himself to music from The Jungle Book and lying about Tartakovski and McCracken showing up at school, have there been any instances of trolling most epic? I'm talking about Chris-Chan level trolling here like Julie saga shit.
People would often tell him that dinosaurs were fake, and he would freak the fuck out in response.

>>Has Timbox ever gotten into a real fight? I know you said he thinks movies are 100% accurate and fights are planned and choreographed, but did he ever get a chance to put this theory into action?
It was incredibly one-sided. He got into an argument with some Blipster and in the midst of it made some comparison to a "tribal warrior of the (some Avatar shit) clan". The Blipster took offense, and got closer to him, bluffing that he would beat his ass. Timbox began doing karate chops in the air which ended abruptly when the Blipster kicked him in the shin, knocking him down.
>> No. 30058
File 132698897448.jpg - (29.75KB , 387x512 , 0_main_jackie_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Timbox began doing karate chops in the air which ended abruptly when the Blipster kicked him in the shin, knocking him down.
>> No. 30059
File 132699249492.gif - (773.06KB , 159x106 , Bird.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30060
What the fuck do his parents do jobwise? Their house looks like a fucking junkyard.
>> No. 30061

>He took a filmmaking class that basically was a glorified "watch movies and write five paragraph reviews" type of deal. He'd disrupt the class a lot by talking about Dexter's Odyssey, and squeezing it into all of his reviews.

Were you in the class with him? Whether you witnessed it personally or just heard about it, can you recall any of his responses to specific movies? I'd love to know how he reacts to anything that falls outside his blockbuster/animated/dinosaurs bubble.
>> No. 30062
>>>>The thing I don't understand about Timbox is that he asks questions he already knows the answers to, such as the Lee Lee one. ("Is Lee Lee Dee Dee's Asian friend from Dexter's Laboratory?") It's that trait more than any other that really puzzles me. I just don't understand it. That'd be like me asking "Is Timbox a lolcow obsessed with filmmaking?" when I know he is.

I know an spastic kid who speaks the exact same way. I'm pretty sure it irritates the shit out of everyone who cares for him. It's fucking incessant, but you feel obligated to answer his redundant questions, because at least he's engaging another human on some level.

Before learning about Timbox, I thought it was an affectation from those shitty "educational" cartoons like Dora, Manny, Wonder Pets, etc... basically all the ones that constantly ask dumbass questions in situations where nobody would IRL. But I guess it's just an spasm thing.
>> No. 30063
Did Timbox ever have open sexual fantasies about Lee Lee (and not just saying she was attractive)?
>> No. 30064

>Before learning about Timbox, I thought it was an affectation from those shitty "educational" cartoons like Dora, Manny, Wonder Pets, etc... basically all the ones that constantly ask dumbass questions in situations where nobody would IRL. But I guess it's just an spasm thing.

Why did learning about Timbox stop you believing that? He may be too young for cartoons like Dora, but he probably watched something similar when he was younger; there have always been kids' shows where people talked like that.

And Timbox (and most spasts, come to think of it) does have a more general tendency to talk like people do on TV; Chris does it, too. I assume it's caused by a combination of spending far more time watching TV than speaking to people and not understanding how linguistic register works.
>> No. 30065
If you've ever done any other projects with Timbox, did he do his fair share of work? Did his work bring your project grade down?
>> No. 30066
Did Timbox watch any other cartoons then the ones mentioned above?
>> No. 30067
>>What the fuck do his parents do jobwise? Their house looks like a fucking junkyard.
Never was clear. His family is pretty white trash, so of course they would have a shitty yard. His mother was a stay-at-home-mom, and I'm assuming his father did basic blue collar/contracting work.

>>Were you in the class with him? Whether you witnessed it personally or just heard about it, can you recall any of his responses to specific movies? I'd love to know how he reacts to anything that falls outside his blockbuster/animated/dinosaurs bubble.
I didn't take the class, but had a friend that did. His antics were considered the highlight of the course. The only other notable things he did were constantly raising his hand and making comments about films "needing" special effects.

>>Did Timbox ever have open sexual fantasies about Lee Lee (and not just saying she was attractive)?
No, he only spoke about her in a childhood crush-like way....complete with the squeaking, the squealing, and loudly saying her name in that weird, awkward way he does.

>>If you've ever done any other projects with Timbox, did he do his fair share of work? Did his work bring your project grade down?
I only had one project, and he didn't do jack shit. The teacher gave us extra credit because "it was expected" of Tim not to do anything.

>>Did Timbox watch any other cartoons then the ones mentioned above?
If he did, he probably found them to be too boring to person about.
>> No. 30068
" I think Citizen Kane needed more cartoon Asian girls riding on t-rexes !"

Also lawl at the extra credit thing
>> No. 30069
Chris and timbox just do it because they think its cool.
>> No. 30070
Did Tim's brothers seem to have a social life that Tim did not have?
>> No. 30071
Does he know about CWC, and what do you think would happen if they meet?
>> No. 30072
Has Timbox ever had a job?
>> No. 30073
I just watched that video where Timbox is filming Lucy Liu on his TV and repeating "You must remember me, Lucy Liu." What the heck is the remembering part about? Just typical person choosing random words because he can't express himself or what?

I guess this can be answered by anyone, I just didn't want to start a new thread for asking a question and this is the only Timbox thread at the moment.
>> No. 30074
Any clue what the hell is up with the squeaky voice thing?
>> No. 30075

Yeah I've never got what the fuck he's talking about in that part

''You..YOU..y..you must REMEMBER me Lucy Liu, you must remember me and give me influence among others.''

It's like he wants her to give him some sort of power to use over the people around him or some shit, makes no sense
>> No. 30076
>>Did Tim's brothers seem to have a social life that Tim did not have?
Yes. He wasn't exactly the captain of the football team, so to speak, but he had friends, and was functional. I just know he was EXTREMELY embarrassed of Tim.

>>Does he know about CWC, and what do you think would happen if they meet?
I'd doubt it. Tim's knowledge of the internet is limited to his narrow interests and basic "major" sites like YouTube/Facebook. If the two ever met, Tim would break the ice by asking Chris rhetorical questions about Dexter's Lab and dinosaurs, to which Chris would probably want to distance himself away from at the risk of associating with "Slow-in-the-minds". The only thing the two could bond over is their love of McDonalds.

>>I just watched that video where Timbox is filming Lucy Liu on his TV and repeating "You must remember me, Lucy Liu." What the heck is the remembering part about? Just typical person choosing random words because he can't express himself or what?
This; I have no fucking idea. I'm going to do some over-the-top armchair psychology, and suggest that just like Chris, Tim thinks that if he makes a video directed to a certain person, or certain group of people, the person/group will automatically know about the video and watch it.

>>Any clue what the hell is up with the squeaky voice thing?
There's two reasons. The first, obvious reason is that the squealing is associated with his cutesy "I love you, Lee Lee" baby talk. The other reason has to to with his spasm. As you can see in his videos, he doesn't stim like most spastics do. He has verbal stims/tics in which he'll stutter, make "Hnn-" noises, etc. spastics do stuff like that if they're overwhelmed by thoughts or emotions.
>> No. 30077

That would definitely explain the "remember me" shit. Christ. What a creepy mofo.

Which brings me to my next question; do you think Timbox will go down the way of the Bjork stalker? And why or why not? Like what stuff has he done/not done that make you think that?

I find him extremely creepy and wouldn't be surprised if he killed someone/himself, or some other crazy shit. But I don't know him personally, so I wonder if my judgements are accurate.

Also is Timbox a local infamous celebrity, like CWC has sort of become? Or has he managed to stay low profile?
>> No. 30078
>>do you think Timbox will go down the way of the Bjork stalker? And why or why not? Like what stuff has he done/not done that make you think that?
No. He's too low-functioning to be capable of any of that shit. Although he came across as really serial killer-ish, he didn't know any better. With that said, I find it pretty weird how he explicitly mentioned that he'd be sad if she committed suicide.

>>Also is Timbox a local infamous celebrity, like CWC has sort of become? Or has he managed to stay low profile?
No. He rarely goes out, and on top of that, he doesn't really have a neighborhood. He lives dead in the middle of some long road passing through nowhere. During school he was known as the class retard, and most people just thought he was a cringe-worthy burden.
>> No. 30079
Did Timbox ever bring any merchandise (toys, school supplies, etc.) of his favorite things (Dexter's, PPG, etc.) to school?
>> No. 30080
File 132707946860.jpg - (27.28KB , 300x300 , podcast76.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
are there any nudes of him?
>> No. 30081
>>Did Timbox ever bring any merchandise (toys, school supplies, etc.) of his favorite things (Dexter's, PPG, etc.) to school?

He would lug around an extra backpack where he kept dinosaur books. I've only seen him wear a Dexter's Lab shirt and a really oversized Avatar white tee.
>> No. 30082
File 132708031954.png - (147.75KB , 413x475 , fx.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>are there any nudes of him?
Judging by his gnarly-ass fingers, I don't think any sentient creature would want to see his cock. Also, pic related.
>> No. 30083

I actually feel a little sorry for him after reading that.

What do you think is in store for his future? Same route as CWC? Submerged in delusion, going nowhere fast, going to live with his parents till they kick it?

I don't know if this has been asked, or if it's been covered in regards to Timbox but hearing about his brother made me curious. Has he ever had an interest in video games? which ones etc.

Do you know if he ever tried to send out his script to a professional?

Are dinosaurs and Dexter seriously his only hobbies?
>> No. 30084

>Do you know if he ever tried to send out his script to a professional?

He doesn't have actually have any script beyond the half dozen vague plot points that he repeats, and the demands for every major studio to work on it.
>> No. 30085

You mean that massive retard baby of a novel, a script and a synopsis is all he has? Fucking hell. Why is there so much of it? it's not even the actual script. I don't understand.
>> No. 30086

>You mean that massive retard baby of a novel
>Why is there so much of it? it's not even the actual script.

Oh hold on, maybe there's something I've missed here, what novel? He definitely hasn't written a script for his fucking 36 hour masterpiece, I'm pretty sure of that at least.
>> No. 30087
>>What do you think is in store for his future? Same route as CWC? Submerged in delusion, going nowhere fast, going to live with his parents till they kick it?
Not really sure. The father is concerned about him, but unlike Bob, doesn't really know what the fuck spasm is. If you watch the videos, the father responds to Tim like he's genuinely annoyed by him. My best guess is that he'll be put in a group home at some point. I'm genuinely saddened by the situation, though. Chris's manchild-ness is understandable, since he's able to play with toys and video games all day. Timbox has no income, no hobbies, nobody to talk to....nothing.

I think Timbox is very aware of how "unique" he is. He made a post on a forum saying how he was upset that people thought he was a "disturbing internet monster" and that he wished people could get to know the "real" him.

>>I don't know if this has been asked, or if it's been covered in regards to Timbox but hearing about his brother made me curious. Has he ever had an interest in video games? which ones etc.
I think it'd be tacky to delve into his brothers. Billy is a PC gamer, though.

>>Do you know if he ever tried to send out his script to a professional?
Nope. Recently, Dexter's Odyssey has gone from his main goal in life to a simple "AWESOME DREAM MOVIE" he'd like to do. During the initial stages of personing, he was under the impression that his film club and high school would finance the film. When told by everyone in existence that his idea was impossible and retarded, the concept of "Timbox Films" or whatever started up.

>>Are dinosaurs and Dexter seriously his only hobbies?
Don't forget to add fast food to that list.

Time for another fun fact bonus round!
. Is extremely frightened by the CGI chimp at the end of the credits for Jimmy Neutron.
. Has furry tendencies. He is attracted to Lucy Liu's snake character from Kung Fu Panda, as well as the female penguins from The Pebble & The Penguin.
. Thinks that Dexter's Lab: Ego Trip is one of the most controversial films of all time.
. Thought that a small fire at Universal Studios was a cataclysmic event that destroyed the film industry.
>> No. 30088

I've seen it linked here a few times but I don't have it on hand unfortunately. It's just a very very long and gruelling explanation in typical Timbox style of the plot of his film. I read a paragraph and stopped. I don't know WHY but I assumed he had an actual fucking script, considering how obsessed he is.

I forgot that spastics obsessions make no god damn sense and often have no real effort put into them.

>I think it'd be tacky to delve into his brothers. Billy is a PC gamer, though.

Sorry, I worded that weirdly. I meant if Timbox himself has ever been into gaming. But judging by your answer to the hobby question I'm guessing not.
>> No. 30089
He thinks that a majority of video games are utter shit, and that gaming is part of a massive conspiracy to make children dumber.
>> No. 30090
There is a Dexter's Odyssey script. A shitty, long-as-fuck-yet-still-unfinished script that he wrote back in 2006 and ends mid-word, but there is one.

>> No. 30091
i am interested on how he said this in class. that and how is ego trip controversial
>> No. 30092
File 132708700414.jpg - (7.66KB , 399x301 , egg yolk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I never knew why people found Timbox boring.
He's hilarious, starting with his retarded questions and creepiness.

I remember a discussion on some forum that was posted here a while ago where the whole forum e-lynched him to a pulp when he was talking about Dexter's Odyssey.

Thanks to OP for this thread.
>> No. 30093
>>i am interested on how he said this in class. that and how is ego trip controversial
1. Whenever somebody mentioned video games, he'd butt in, give the mah boi finger, and say stuff along the lines of "VIDEO GAMES THAT ARE NOT EDUCATIONAL DO NOT DESERVE TO BE PLAYED". I find this ironic due to how the motherfucker would play flash games on Cartoon Network.com every chance he could in class.
2. This is Timbox. If it has anything to do with Dexter, then it's monumental. He thinks all the action scenes and faux-trippy scenes are harmful to children, blah blah blah, person person person.
>> No. 30094
I kind of wonder if he considers cartoons worth watching to be educational, then. Maybe he thinks that Dexter's Lab is educational because it taught him a few words in French.
>> No. 30095
Any chances to have Timbox´s brother in here for a Q&A?
>> No. 30096
>>Any chances to have Timbox´s brother in here for a Q&A?
No. I really don't feel comfortable with getting the family involved, and exposing the family to all of this....stuff wouldn't be smart.
>> No. 30097
did he have any friends while he was in hs?
>> No. 30098
Is there any characters of Dexter's Lab or other cartoons that he particularly hated?
>> No. 30099

>Is extremely frightened by the CGI chimp at the end of the credits for Jimmy Neutron.

oh how i lol'd at that
>> No. 30100
>>Is there any characters of Dexter's Lab or other cartoons that he particularly hated?
He really disliked Mandark, or in his words, Maayuund'rk.
>> No. 30103
>> No. 30104
>> No. 30105
Has anyone ever told him to his face they don't like his ideas?

If so how did he respond.
>> No. 30106

From what I gathered from EggYolkeo's testimonies, I would guess he'd act like that psycho who shoved a remote control up his ass because his WoW account got shut down.
>> No. 30107
So he would be a guy who makes a fake video then when it gets popular makes 16 more fake videos so he can be a youtube partner?
>> No. 30108
>>Has anyone ever told him to his face they don't like his ideas?
I'm sure people have told that to him every single day. That shouldn't even be a question.
>> No. 30109
eh, that chimp creeps me out a little too.
>> No. 30110
How did the other handicapped students treat him?
>> No. 30111
What is with him and Fuzzy Lumpkins?
>> No. 30112
So is his pop culture knowledge limited to Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, PowerPuff Girls, and Avatar?
>> No. 30113
>>How did the other handicapped students treat him?
The same way anyone else would treat an spastic kid who can't articulate himself.

>>What is with him and Fuzzy Lumpkins?
His sense of humor is very childish, so probably the overall name, appearance, and voice of Fuzzy would be silly and appealing.

>>So is his pop culture knowledge limited to Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, PowerPuff Girls, and Avatar?
No. He's seen a LOT of movies and knows a lot about them. The thing is, he hasn't seen them out of genuine interest, but because they're important in some aspects. I remember he would talk about Clerks a lot, and even wrote a "screenplay" about the characters from Clerks and dinosaurs. IIRC he was asked online about why he likes Clerks, and had nothing to say but repeating "Clerks was an independently-funded film..." and that shit.
>> No. 30114
>IIRC he was asked online about why he likes Clerks, and had nothing to say but repeating "Clerks was an independently-funded film..." and that shit.

It's stuff like this that makes it kind of hard to look down on this guy, since he's so clearly a Rainman-style low-functioning spastic.

It doesn't make the Lee Lee thing any less creepy, though.
>> No. 30116
I forgot about the scene in Rainman where Rainman recorded a video of himself jacking off to a celebrity and then posted it online for no reason
>> No. 30117
Check the outtakes.
>> No. 30118
File Clerks3LostWorld.txt - (6.42KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>and even wrote a "screenplay" about the characters from Clerks and dinosaurs

>> No. 30119
Was he able to understand the humor in Clerks or was it over his head?
>> No. 30120
"The film will be framed in an Aspect Ratio of 2.35:1, The Film will be made for a budget of $295 million, the visual effects and the dinosaurs will often be realistic, the Lost World itself will be a blend of live action sets, minatures and digital CG environments, the actors and actresses will range from those who star in Clerks I and II to familiar faces, The partially-exotic music will be by James L Venable and Mark Mancina (the composer for Disney's Tarzan), the plot will be a modern update of the 1925 version and the original 1912 novel, Designers and Artists will go to a more lush realism for their depiction of Seperduniversus, the soundscapes will be by Skywalker Sound, the film will have a theatrical running time of 2 hours and 58 minutes, and a total of 45 minutes will be cut from the film, and the film will stay in theaters for 338 days followed by on October 2018, three different versions on DVD, Blu-Ray Disc, and HD-DVD on the same date, a 2-Disc Special Edition, featuring the 178-minute theatrical cut, a 4-disc Deluxe Collector's Edition, featuring a 223-minute unrated extended cut, and a 6-disc Ultimate Collector's edition featuring both the extended and theatrical versions plus a bonus disc featuring a newly-restored version of the 1925 silent version of the Lost World."

One. Fucking. Sentence.
>> No. 30121

>followed by on October 2018, three different versions on DVD, Blu-Ray Disc, and HD-DVD on the same date


Jeez, I forgot that shit even existed.
>> No. 30122
What the fuck is a HD-DVD, is that like a Laserdisc?
>> No. 30123

It's like a DVD but in HD
>> No. 30124
Everything about this is fucking hilarious
>> No. 30125
>The Film will be made for a budget of $295 million, the visual effects and the dinosaurs will often be realistic

For that amount, I goddamn hope they'd be realistic.

What's the dinosaur obsession about, anyway?
>> No. 30126
>> No. 30127
Why is it lolcows are always attracted to a cartoon. Sonic, pokemon, beavers, dexters lab, ponies

how come its never a life action kid show, like power rangers or some shit
>> No. 30128
Its probably because the emotions are obvious is those sort of cartoons. spastics have trouble reading emotions and body language from other people, and cartoons(particularly the ones mentioned like Sonic) have very clear and plain emotions with little-to-no comprehension necessary.
>> No. 30129

A high definition digital video format that failed not unlike Betamax did. 'Tis fitting Timmy would want his film of epic fail on a format that did indeed fail.
>> No. 30130

Because power rangers sucks shit, even spastics and retards know this.
>> No. 30131
File 132723300582.png - (153.70KB , 321x306 , Linkara.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Not all of them.
>> No. 30132
File 132724169382.gif - (5.59MB , 320x240 , page0_blog_entry34-mj-laughing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>It is at this time that Dante confesses his love for Elias and the two are unofficially wed.

>> No. 30133
Cartoons never age, letting lolcows stay in their suspended childhood until they die.
>> No. 30134
File 132724537686.jpg - (4.50KB , 134x92 , epicjar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>his film of epic fail
>> No. 30135
How was Timbox's sense of humor?
>> No. 30136
File 132725716240.jpg - (14.86KB , 250x250 , 132418922510.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


what do you think?
>> No. 30137
It's not that he doesn't have a sense of humor, he just laughs at raelly, really, really weird things.
>> No. 30138
Are there some weird things in particuliar that made him laugh?
>> No. 30139
You mentioned that the cops had to go get him one time after he ran away from school. Has Timbox ever been arrested like Chris has, or has he had any other run ins with the law?
>> No. 30140
File 132726503464.jpg - (147.41KB , 300x400 , 99290_v1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread pleases me...

>> No. 30141
He thinks it's frickin' hilarious when he has pretend conversations with Fuzzy Lumpkins.
>> No. 30142
How old are his parents?
>> No. 30143
Did Timbox ever go on any school field trips, homecoming/dances, or prom?
>> No. 30144
what's wrong with his fingers?
>> No. 30145
I'm just taken aback by how pinhole narrow his interests are. Most spasts or neurotypical lifestyler nerds are at least into a wide assortment of media related to their peculiar media genre of interest. I'd understand being a big cartoon geek or even just a big fan of certain animation studios, but he seems to literally only be interested in Tartakovsky and dinosaurs.
>> No. 30146
I wonder what exactly he first exposure to Dexter's Lab was, it must have been pretty fucking special to make such a big impact
>> No. 30147
What religion is Timbox?
>> No. 30148
>>How was Timbox's sense of humor?
Extremely basic and immature. He's probably the type of person that would laugh along to sitcoms that have canned laughter. He finds accents to be hilarious, and would often laugh uncontrollably at a lot of the more ignorant-sounding black kids that would come to school.

>>You mentioned that the cops had to go get him one time after he ran away from school. Has Timbox ever been arrested like Chris has, or has he had any other run ins with the law?
No. He just really dislikes the police and the military.

>>How old are his parents?
Late fifties, early sixties.

>>Did Timbox ever go on any school field trips, homecoming/dances, or prom?
He showed up to a class trip to DC, and person'd around by himself, taking pictures of extremely unnecessary/minor things with a disposable camera. He didn't go to any dances or the prom. I'm not even sure if he was aware if they existed, lol.

>>what's wrong with his fingers?
Some people are just goofy-looking. In his case, it might be due to spasm or something related to it. I know a lot of spastic children

>>I wonder what exactly he first exposure to Dexter's Lab was, it must have been pretty fucking special to make such a big impact
Tartakovsky cartoons have a lot of elements that appeal to spastic children. A majority of his characters have basic personalities and clear intentions and they can easily be identified and differentiated by basic colors and shapes. That can explain why a lot of spastic children like Sonic the Hedgehog, Thomas the Tank engine, and other stuff like that.
>> No. 30149
>>What religion is Timbox?
Tim's parents are Christians, but Tim doesn't seem to be religious. I don't know if it's because he's a genuine atheist or if his mind is too preoccupied with Dinos & Dexter to think about spiritual affairs.
>> No. 30150
File 132740112713.jpg - (235.24KB , 429x600 , God-Emperor_of_SecFors.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>No. He just really dislikes the police and the military.

Let me guess, he hates the military because of that damned Smurf movie right (even though they were only mercs and not regular forces, but then again such a distinction is too deep for a re-re like Timmy to grasp)?

Pic related somewhat: The only good character in the fucking film.
>> No. 30151
IIRC, Timbox had three other "films" he wanted to do. Did he ever talk about "Clerks 3: The Lost World," "Intolerance," and "Dinosaurs" at school or did he manage to limit himself to his nine-film pipe dream?

Also, what's your personal favorite out of Timbox's ideas as in terms of so-bad-it's-good quality?
>> No. 30152
From his "Dinosaurs" script, he seemed to be somewhat religious. All the dinosaurs got to live in Heaven for all eternity at the end.
>> No. 30153
someone actually saw the smurf movie?
>> No. 30154
he was referring to avatar
>> No. 30155
File 132744195725.jpg - (236.01KB , 1600x1088 , 132262666477.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reminds me of this.

Someone should show Timbox this picture and watch him tardrage against 40k because of it.
>> No. 30156
File 132744827724.png - (57.57KB , 479x257 , genddytism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I find it chuckle-worthy how he thinks that Miley Cyrus is a fictional character and not an actual celebrity.
>> No. 30157
>Animated Adam Sandler

Are they seriously doing this shit again? Did we learn nothing from 8 crazy nights?
>> No. 30158
Sandler's just voicing the char. It's just Timbox being an idiot and not being able how to articulate himself.
>> No. 30159
He looks really creepy in that picture.

I don't know if it's been asked, but did he really care about any of the characters like the female alien the handicapped guy loved, or Michelle Rodriguez's character? I kinda want him to tardrage to that 40k photo.
>> No. 30160
Will Timbox ever find a girl like Lee-Lee, Dexter's Sister's asian friend form Dexter's Laboratory to marry him?
>> No. 30161
>>I don't know if it's been asked, but did he really care about any of the characters like the female alien the handicapped guy loved, or Michelle Rodriguez's character?
Not that I know. His favorite character is Jake Sully, who he keeps referring to as his "main blue man".

>>Will Timbox ever find a girl like Lee-Lee, Dexter's Sister's asian friend form Dexter's Laboratory to marry him?
What would you think if Timothy Robert "Timbox" McKenzie found true love with one Lee-Lee, Dexter's sister Dee-Dee's Asian friend from the 1990's animated classic Dexter's Laboratory. What if the two had an amazing, lavish, $500M wedding sponsored by Turner Broadcasting, being simulcast on all related channels like Cartoon Network, TBS, TNT, CNN and such? The event would be hyped up and advertised for years via television commercials, movie trailers, and billboards. What would you say if it was recorded in 4K resolution, in full stereoscopic 3D with Dolby surround sound, a six-hour soundtrack from composers James Horner, and filmed in a massive sound stage full of green-screen effects, bringing to life some of the wildest locations and creatures you've ever imagined?
>> No. 30162
Is Timbox a Republican or a Democrat? I know he's made some strange references to "the Barack Obama" in some of his videos, like the New Year's Eve one.
>> No. 30163
The last question made me think; what does Timbox think of da homos? Internet crazies usually have hilarious views on homosexuality.
>> No. 30164
Haha, that impression is almost spot-on. All you need is an "or so."

Why does Timbox always call Jake Sully his main blue man?
>> No. 30165
>>Is Timbox a Republican or a Democrat? I know he's made some strange references to "the Barack Obama" in some of his videos, like the New Year's Eve one.
AFAIK he's indifferent, and simply views the president as the commander in chief.

>>The last question made me think; what does Timbox think of da homos? Internet crazies usually have hilarious views on homosexuality.
He doesn't really understand homosexuality. He thinks that LGBT people are a part of some clique, similar to jocks, preps and such. He thinks that they just look and act alike for the sake of being part of a group.
>> No. 30166
Does Tim want to keep making videos, but his parents just won't let him?
>> No. 30167
I know I'm just asking questions I already know the answer to here, but since you're apparently in touch with him on Facebook, what are the chances of getting Timbox to agree to a Q&A thread of his own here? You could tell him we're a bunch of movie executives interested in hearing about Dexter's Odyssey or something.

Shitty idea, but I think Timbox is an underrated lolcow and I wish there was more cocks from him.
>> No. 30168

Not OP, but I'm friends with Timbox on Facebook as well.

I actually have linked Timbox to a few /cwc/ threads about him in the past to see how/if he'd react, but I doubt he's ever really looked at them. It'd probably be even more unlikely that he'd actually be able to hold up his own Q&A.
>> No. 30169
Can Timbox honestly be trolled?
>> No. 30170
What's his favorite food? Does he like Asian food because it reminds him of Lee Lee?
>> No. 30171
How active is he on Facebook?
>> No. 30172
File 132764021722.jpg - (70.05KB , 960x539 , 320632_231158690274871_100001422259839_598054_1276.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

He's very infrequent in his posts. Like, he might disappear for a few weeks, then make a dozen posts before vanishing again.

I'm considering doing a dump of the photoshops he posts on his wall. Some of them are actually kind of funny.
>> No. 30173
File 132769148991.jpg - (130.56KB , 640x570 , Cartoon_Network_Punch_Time_Explosion_cover_art.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I saw this at da wal-mart today , do you think Timbox would love it since it has his favorite cartoons or would he still think its an evil video game
>> No. 30174
>>Does Tim want to keep making videos, but his parents just won't let him?
Kinda-sorta. I'm assuming his parents supervise every video he shoots. He deleted one of his YouTube channels and stopped making lulzy videos once his brother bitched to Mama & Papa McKenzie about Tim being embarrassment. There's no doubt in my mind that Tim is still making videos.

>>Can Timbox honestly be trolled?
I believe so, but it has to be tied into his narrow interests. There can't be any fake Lee-Lees or anything like that. It has to solely tie into his dumb little projects.

>>What's his favorite food? Does he like Asian food because it reminds him of Lee Lee?
I don't know. I'm going to assume Hamburgers because of all the fast food he eats.

>>How active is he on Facebook?
He's online a lot, and will post an occasional wall post. It takes a lot to get him to respond to IM's.

>>I saw this at da wal-mart today , do you think Timbox would love it since it has his favorite cartoons or would he still think its an evil video game
No. Following that logic, he would have all those awful Bam! Entertainment CN games for the N64/PS1. He seems to not really have a lot of memorabilia other than his red T-shirt. Timbox has no interest in videogames.
>> No. 30180
Any particularly funny stories? Did he ever get in-school (or out-of-school) suspension, or detention, or in any real trouble?
>> No. 30181
File 132771660087.png - (86.56KB , 129x292 , Capture.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ay ay where mah PVCC account at?
>> No. 30182
Does he like the color green, because it reminds him of Lee Lee?
>> No. 30183
File 132772800570.png - (15.24KB , 287x220 , pvccsign.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30184
Do you guys realize that the stonecutters isn't really part of PVCC and their contributions to the forum rarely exceed that of white noise? True story.
>> No. 30185
I forgot to add that all chris related planning occurs in a minecraft irc channel on aspernet
>> No. 30186
Someone should contact him pretending to be James Cameron. Or at the very least his assistant.


Or would he even fall for that?
>> No. 30187
Did Timbox do his homework?
>> No. 30188
How does he buy all this fast food if he doesn't have a job? Do his parents actually fund his bad habits?
>> No. 30189
Did Timbox ever watch Cameron's other movies like Titanic, Terminator, or even Strange Days (probably one of Cameron's worst movies when compared to his other flicks)?
>> No. 30190

"WARNING This is a single-day exclusive! After one day, I will delete it to avoid trouble with YouTube! So hurry and feel free to comment on it, rate on it or whatever before it is too late! WARNING

I do not own, or claim to own, any cocks of the video or the audio, but here is Disney's take on the single day and night of destruction for the mythical and legendary lost continent and civilization of Atlantis, but in my edit, it is bookended with music from Jumanji.

Wow...I cannot believe that nobody had made a great, brilliant and even superb movie (especially one of A-list production values, quality and even opulence) on the subject of the legendary lost continent and civilization of Atlantis—apart from Disney's ill-received Atlantis: The Lost Empire movie from 2001.

Oh well, looks like I'm gonna make my own great, brilliant and even superb Atlantis movie someday.

Note: The dialogue in this clip is spoken entirely in Star Trek linguist Marc Okrand (who is best remembered for elaborating on the Klingon language)'s invented Atlantean language with English subtitles, so be sure to look at the subtitles to translate what they're really saying!"
>> No. 30191
  He ever talk about Atlantis?
>> No. 30192
He may be horribly spastic, but I dunno, something about the way he conveys English is still better than most spasts.

Not like it's poetic or anything, it's still stilted and the whole question thing is weird, but it's surprisingly ... competent? Is that the word for it?
>> No. 30193
What does Tim think of anime and manga?
>> No. 30194
>>Does he like the color green, because it reminds him of Lee Lee?
Who DOESN'T love green?

>>Did Timbox do his homework?
He was a pretty average, nothing-special student. I do remember that he kept this humongous, filthy binder with him during his entire high school career. It had dinosaur stickers all over it and loose papers sticking out. He'd walk around the halls clutching it against his chest.

>>How does he buy all this fast food if he doesn't have a job? Do his parents actually fund his bad habits?
His mother (presumably) takes him to the local McDonalds a few times a week.

>>Did Timbox ever watch Cameron's other movies like Titanic, Terminator, or even Strange Days (probably one of Cameron's worst movies when compared to his other flicks)?
I'm pretty sure he did, but his other flicks weren't as "majestic" as Avatar. spastic people seem to love love anything that seems exotic, and has a sense of escapism.

>>He ever talk about Atlantis?
Nope. That was the first time I ever heard him acknowledge that crappy film.

>>He may be horribly spastic, but I dunno, something about the way he conveys English is still better than most spasts.

>>Not like it's poetic or anything, it's still stilted and the whole question thing is weird, but it's surprisingly ... competent? Is that the word for it?
From my own experience, he's one of the most inarticulate spastic people I've ever come across. He makes 2009-era Chris look like a presidential speechwriter.

>>What does Tim think of anime and manga?
It's not his cup of tea, although he has an interest in Japanese films.
>> No. 30195
>I find it chuckle-worthy how he thinks that Miley Cyrus is a fictional character and not an actual celebrity.
>Hannah Montana's real life alter ego, Miley Cyrus.

>> No. 30196
How does Timbox feel about porn? Was he ridiculed about it like his behavior in Sex. Ed. classes you might have mentioned?
>> No. 30197
>> No. 30198
How would he act if you talked about something he didn't care about?
>> No. 30199
I'm going to play asmodeus' advocate here and imagine for a second that this spastic had the briefest flash of intelligence, and that this is some sort of witty comment on the fact that she's been stifled as a professional because people are still judging her from her experience on that ear bleeding shrill abomination of a kids show.

oh who the fuck am i kidding.
>> No. 30200
Does Timbox's obsession with dinosaurs extend to dragons? I mean they're basically the same thing.
>> No. 30201
His second-favorite movie is How To Train Your Dragon, so I'm going to guess yes.
>> No. 30202

Really? How do you know?
>> No. 30203
>> No. 30204
What's his favorite candy?
>> No. 30205
How often does he accept friend requests?
>> No. 30206
Did he have any physical tics?
>> No. 30207
What does his dad think about his son?
>> No. 30208

Timbox has a son?
>> No. 30209
I still find Timothy's description under his "some 30 seconds of Lee Lee," video the most disturbing aspect of TimBox:

"Just me meeting one of Dee Dee's Asian Friend, Lee Lee, in her pajamas (which consists of green sleeping pants and a light green long sleeved shirt that exposes her stomach). Sorry for being a homosexual deviant, or an idiot or a moron but Don't call me names that I'don't like! and a thousand apologies for that heavy breathing and masturbating, so don't get me down! She's just Dee Dee's Asian friend from Dexter's Laboratory, you know."
>> No. 30210
This guy is just on his own fucking plane of reality separate from the rest of us.
>> No. 30211

>> No. 30212
Still here; just occupied with the new Chris photos.

>>What's his favorite candy?
I wouldn't know. If they made Gummy Dinosaurs then I guess he'd eat them all day.

>>How often does he accept friend requests?
Not often. You can try, but even if he adds you, there's a tiny, tiny chance of interacting with him. All of the IM's I've had with him were pretty boring.

>>Did he have any physical tics?
He was a very heavy breather, and would often make this "HMNN--" noise before saying things.

>>What does his dad think about his son?
I've never met his father, but based on his YouTube videos, I can surmise that he doesn't really know a lot about spasm, and just thinks that his son is an obnoxious, stupid kid.

>>Timbox has a son?
No, I was told by Maury himself.
>> No. 30213
Usually, I ignore threads about Timbox, but congrats to OP for making such a great, informative and enticing thread about Timbox.

I do have a few questions for you, though.

Did Timbox ever talk to himself? If so, did he do it softly, or loudly where everybody could hear him?

Tying in with the first question: Did Timbox have any imaginary friends? He sounds like the type who did.

Did he ever fall asleep in class??

Was he easily distracted in school?? Would he doodle in class or do something like talk to himself during a class lecture??
>> No. 30214
>>Did Timbox ever talk to himself? If so, did he do it softly, or loudly where everybody could hear him?
He did. He would read out loud, think out loud, and (similar to cartoon characters) would start talking to himself when he was under da stress, like "What will I do now?!?!".

>>Tying in with the first question: Did Timbox have any imaginary friends? He sounds like the type who did.
He lied about having an Asian girlfriend from a different school, but that's about it.

>>Did he ever fall asleep in class??
No, he was pretty attentive even when he wasn't interested.

>>Was he easily distracted in school?? Would he doodle in class or do something like talk to himself during a class lecture??
It depended on what was being taught. I didn't have EVERY class with him, but from my own experience, he would either not give a fuck at all or would be extremely attentive, raising his hand, saying "OOH OOH! I KNOW!" to questions.
>> No. 30215
File 132873779152.png - (15.40KB , 516x101 , lolwut.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Timbox made this post prophesying the return of Dexter's Lab and subsequently deleted it. Did those CN illuminati agents silence him? :P
>> No. 30216
>> No. 30217
You've managed to build up a surprising amount of good will here. Don't fuck it up for yourself by pissing people off with emoticons.
>> No. 30218
Really? Really? People on /cwc/ are really going to derail a thread and sp3rg the fuck out over AN EMOTICON. Do you have any idea how fucking aut1sitic that makes you homosexual deviants? Jesus Christ /cwc/, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
>> No. 30219

It's one person, the thread will only get derailed if we keep posting about it. Also, chill the fuck out.


Emoticons making you angry brah? :P
>> No. 30220
I'm not samefag but usually emoticons=huge weeaboo homosexual deviant
>> No. 30221
>> No. 30222
No. I just really like all this Timbox cocks and don't want it to stop.
>> No. 30223
Well it did anyway.

>> No. 30224
  He uploaded a new video.

Not much, but cocks is cocks.
>> No. 30225
>Wow! This is perfect! I loved when this song played in The Lion King because it reflected Simba's fear of responsibility and failing to live up to his father's name, and those themes fit Lee Lee perfectly too!

And Malk, I could still use a happier piece that defines LeeLee's jovial nature before the time LeeLee, Dexter, DeeDee and MeeMee begins their quest to rid the world of Mandark's great evil, but I intend this somber mood music to also reflect LeeLee's initial fear of responsibility and destiny, and even her initial fear of putting aside her girly ways and sole personality trait, and failing to live up to her prophetic destiny, which is to defeat Mandark in a great epic battle.

How much you want to bet he didn't even consider that before reading that comment?
>> No. 30226
>...LeeLee's initial fear of responsibility and destiny, and even her initial fear of putting aside her girly ways and sole personality trait...
>sole personality trait
So he knows how shallow of a character Leelee is. So how does he manage to place her at the center of a sprawling epic?
>> No. 30227

That's it. I've had it with you ungracious honkies. I'm done, no more Timbox information. I'm ghost like Pat Swayze.
>> No. 30228
File 132908493019.jpg - (265.34KB , 400x400 , 1315832903966.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 30229
Oh holy shit, you... you take this trolling thing seriously, don't you. Can't have people using emoticons, now can we? Oh no, that means people could be having fun and fun is what cheese conies and furries and weaboos do, right? We are definitely not any of those. At all. Ever. Any one of us. Nope. Nada

Seriously, this is the fucking internet. Emoticons exist and are used. They're not a way to "fuck it up for yourself". No, the way to fuck this kind of thing up is to person the fuck out about emoticons. Seriously, you're probably such a closet weaboo that you're projecting your concerns onto others.
>> No. 30230

You're needed elsewhere pissing on benign tards and those who like them.
>> No. 30231
We've pretty much run out of questions anyway, so it doesn't matter. We need this archived, though
>> No. 30232

It's not even him, check the trip.
>> No. 30233
Shit, really? There really isn't anything left to ask, though.
>> No. 30234

No, it's me. My normal tripcode was banned because of my ":P" so I have to use this.
>> No. 30235

>banned for :P

never change, mods
>> No. 30236

Yeah, except there's no ban message on any post and you don't type the same as him.
>> No. 30237
Bans don't always need that message.
>> No. 30238
:P :P :P :P
>> No. 30239

The mods wanted to keep my banning hush hush, so they waited until I posted in another thread and they banned me there.
>> No. 30240

He doesn't have any ban messages in any other threads either, and you still don't type like him.
>> No. 30241
  >However, since I may be placing one of Dexter's sister Dee Dee's two friends, an Asian girl by the name of Lee Lee, at the center of a sprawling epic tale called "The Princess of Shangara" (where Lee Lee is also known as Lilimaia, a heroic warrior princess as mighty, brave, and noble as she is fair, young and beautiful), which is to be told on an epic scale for everyone, just as Lauren Faust (Craig McCracken's wife) made My Little Pony Friendship is Magic for everybody and not just for little girls...

I think Timbox might be a coney.
>> No. 30242

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Retards like bright and colourful shit like Sonic and that Pony show. Seems to me that if you have an ASD your taste in media is like that of a 5 year old (hear that, Ponyfuckers?).
>> No. 30243
Actual EggYolkeo here. I'll still provide Timdox and answer questions, but I find it astonishing how this thread got derailed because of a fucking emoticon.

He's not. It's true that spastics like colorful, easily-identifiable characters, but Tim is a fan just because Lauren Faust is the showrunner, and as we know, he worships everything Tartakovsky-related.
>> No. 30244
It's normal around here.

Entire /cwc/ is apersoners.
>> No. 30245
  Did Timbox laugh like he does at 1:34-1:37 of this video on a regular basis?
>> No. 30246

Don't tell him that Rob Renzetti works on the show too. Also don't mention Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls lest you give him more spank material (and possibly a Dexter's Lab/Dances with Smurfs/Josie and the Pussycats crossover). Actually, DO tell him thus that we may get more lulz!
>> No. 30247
hey A-Log
>> No. 30248
no, no, no

you got it wrong

it's HI A-LOG
>> No. 30249

Naw, Mr. Logatto doesn't speak that fancy. Also there's no obligatory Lucky Shit jpg stolen from Gelbooru.org.
>> No. 30250
Back with some new cocks. I've began to communicate with Tim via E-mail, although he was VERY hesitant. Apparently some old classmates of his tried to troll him via Facebook IM.

Here's some more bits 'n pieces he divulged:

. His father is looking around town trying to get him a job, and he thinks he'll land an "apprenticeship" with a major movie studio.

. His parents are starting to view him as a nuisance, as he spends all day wandering around the house babbling about dinosaurs, and all night 'personing and blasting film soundtracks. This has led to his mother forcing him to bring his "trusty computer" into the living room during weekdays, and back into his room on weekends.

. Has a new project called The Princess of Shangara, which is basically Lee Lee starring in Mulan, 'cept it takes place in Pandora instead of China.
>> No. 30251
He actually thinks he'll get a job at a major movie studio and not a minimum wage gig at McD's? Austistics are amazing.
>> No. 30252
>His parents are starting to view him as a nuisance

NO REALLY?! I thought parents loved having to raise manchildren for the rest of their lives while their spawn sit on their ass and fap to LeeLee
>> No. 30253
Since you're in contact with Timbox now, have you considered confronting him with how unrealistic his dream projects are? I don't mean outright telling him they won't happen, since we both know how that'll turn out. But try asking questions, like "So how are you going to secure the rights to Dexter's Laboratory?"

For some reason I want to know just how much Timbox has planned out.
>> No. 30254
People have tried. He spazzes out and tardrages because "YOU'RE TRYING TO CRUSH MY DREAMS, AREN'T YOU?"
>> No. 30255
Would it be possible to introduce Timbox to TV Tropes? It seems like a possible match made in heaven. Or hell.
>> No. 30256
There's one on his old DA where he goes on a rant about the Constitution, and how it defends his right to pursue happiness or something, and so criticizing/mocking him is illegal.
>> No. 30257
Actually, that's where I saw his "YOU'RE TRYING TO CRUSH MY DREAMS" thing.

He asked if anyone remembered Lee Lee, Mee Mee or Dee Dee, and then personed out about it massively and when he got questioned he went on his insane Dexter's Oddyssey rant completely unaware that people were clearly disturbed by him
>> No. 30258
File 133057010249.jpg - (82.51KB , 1486x375 , timthreadegg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
EggYolkeo's last post before the flood.
>> No. 30259
File 133057049577.jpg - (69.86KB , 882x374 , timthreadsarahrita.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Unanswered question for EggYolkeo: Did Tim ever talk about Sarah and Rita? (Those girlies who gave Mandark a bath)
>> No. 30260
When he says the 2012 prophecy means a bunch of Cartoon Network characters fighting, does he mean there's going to be some movie or something, or does he seriously believe these characters are real?
>> No. 30261
What websites does Timbox visit the most?
>> No. 30262
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Did Timbox murder Rita?
>> No. 30263
Not sure if this was already said but does Timbox know hes different from other people and if he does he try to exploit it like Chris does (Monthly Tugboat, sympathy points, etc)?
>> No. 30265

TBH I would be very surprised if he actually desired or even had a firm grasp on what sex is.
>> No. 30266

He is a wizard in training, yes
>> No. 30267
>>When he says the 2012 prophecy means a bunch of Cartoon Network characters fighting, does he mean there's going to be some movie or something, or does he seriously believe these characters are real?
spasm, spasm, spasm. He daydreams all the time, he constantly comes up with movie ideas, and he thinks about Genndy Tartakovsky cartoons all the time. I remember he once mentioned that he "Coulda swore Dexter was talking" at a conversation at the dinner table.

>>What websites does Timbox visit the most?
IMDB, Wikipedia, Tumblr, TVTropes, YouTube, Cartoon Network, and "everything Dexter and Dinos".

>>Did Timbox murder Rita?
No, he just really likes making MS Paint mashups of dinosaurs/tribal shit and his favorite toon characters.

>>Does Timbox know hes different from other people and if he does he try to exploit it like Chris does (Monthly Tugboat, sympathy points, etc)?
Yes. He has a loose grasp on how bad his spasm is, though. He thinks that he became spastic after being hit in the head early in his life. In High School he would brag about being in the "wing for gifted students"...which (you guessed it!) was the special education wing. In a Facebook conversation I had with him, he said something, and this is an almost-verbatim quote: "spasm has given me the ever-so useful gift of being able to handle almost ALL knowledge about dinosaurs and films."

>>Is he a raging virgin like Chris?
>> No. 30268
>"spasm has given me the ever-so useful gift of being able to handle almost ALL knowledge about dinosaurs and films."
he's right you know
>> No. 30269
What the fuck are you talking about? He doesn´t have even the slightest grasp of either subject.
>> No. 30270
But in OP's message he is making a film with a dinosaur behind him. WTF are you talking bout?
>> No. 30271
That's not a dinosaur, it's a robot, you paleontolon00b.
>> No. 30272
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Here's a gem that I never noticed. Combined with the fact that he mostly communicates in questions, this might be one of his best.
>> No. 30273

It's a fairly intelligent, self-aware question for him. Also, he would like to skewer Dee Dee's Asian friend Lee Lee with a harpoon, apparently.
>> No. 30274
> TVTropes

Well ain't that some shit
>> No. 30275

Split your lungs with derp and spasm,
When you see Dexter's sister, Dee Dee...
Break your backs and crack your oars, men!
If you wish to fuck LEEEE LEEEEEEE...
>> No. 30276

>> No. 30277
I have a question for you, OP.

Did Timbox watch Nickelodeon at all? If so, was he attracted to TRIXAYYYYYYY from Fairly Oddparents? She seems to be the type of character that he would be attracted to.
>> No. 30278
Timbox was always one of the more innocent lolcows, funny, but otherwise inoffensive.
>> No. 30279
Why does Timbox love Asian chicks?
>> No. 30280
Because you touch yourself at night
>> No. 30281
>> No. 30282

Because, like all tards, he thinks it'll be easier to bed one than a normal woman because of the whole "me rove you rong time five dolla sucky sucky" angle.
>> No. 30283
Da goo' ol famly guy refences
>> No. 30284
>>Did Timbox watch Nickelodeon at all? If so, was he attracted to TRIXAYYYYYYY from Fairly Oddparents?
Tim likes "classic" Nick, but detests the modern incarnation of the channel because of how much Jimmy Neutron allegedly ripped off Dexter.

>>Why does Timbox love Asian chicks?
It's complex. In Tim's case, it might be as simple as "Lee Lee is Asian, so (Asian girl) would be as good as Lee Lee!".

Alternatively, it's pretty deep. In Western culture, Asian women are generalized as being submissive and weak compared to their counterparts from other races and ethnicities.Think about it. Neckbeards and losers usually show interest in Asians because of how they're stereotyped as being timid. You never hear of these types of people having fetishes for Black/Hispanic girls who are stereotyped as being rather dominant and confident.

Random, but there's some fat weeaboo who's trying to entice Tim on Facebook. He's linked Tim to this /cwc/ thread via his wall post. What a clown.
>> No. 30286
>Random, but there's some fat weeaboo who's trying to entice Tim on Facebook. He's linked Tim to this /cwc/ thread via his wall post. What a clown.

>Link was posted on his wall December 27, 2011
>This thread started January 10, 2012

It wasn't this thread.
>> No. 30287
>>Tim likes "classic" Nick, but detests the modern incarnation of the channel because of how much Jimmy Neutron allegedly ripped off Dexter.

How does he feel about Johnny Test?
>> No. 30288
File 133100140724.jpg - (19.07KB , 350x314 , homerbrain.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nevermind, I'm an idiot.

>>How does he feel about Johnny Test?
Johnny Test is shitty no matter WHO you ask, but in Tim's case, he always brings it up with Jimmy Neutron in the form of his usual communicating-through-questions quirk. "Do you think the success of Johnny Test and Jimmy Neutron is due in part to the 1990's hit Dexter's Laboratory?", blah blah blah.
>> No. 30289
Does he have any views on real world politics, or is that out of his grasp?
>> No. 30290
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>Today, I have just shown Dexter's Laboratory: A Mandark Cartoon for Ms. Lawrence's 2D Studio Art class at Old Mill High School, and they liked it!
>> No. 30291
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I think I'm basically "done" with Tim. Ever since he got into his Princess of Shangara idea, he barely talks. I have no details about his childhood/school career left to tell, and there's literally no way he can be trolled. As for the Q&A part, the questions are starting to repeat themselves.

Mods, you're more than welcome to archive this.
>> No. 30292
I agree, a mod seriously needs to archive this. Come on guys!
>> No. 30293
Report the thread and put "ready for archival or something", that's usually the best way.
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