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File 133271070425.jpg - (29.43KB , 640x480 , me.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
30294 No. 30294
I was sent here so that I can do a Q/A. Feel free to ask me anything at all; I will do my very best to answer your questions. And yes, this is really me IRL.

Anyways, fire away boys!
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>> No. 30295
  Well, hello, hello. Is this NeuGristle87 speaking here?
Hey Boo-Boo, let's go snipe at some aut-tis-a-tic bastards...
>> No. 30296
First question: Who are you?
>> No. 30297
Why do you suck?
>> No. 30298
How much do you weigh, fatty? Do you have diabeetus yet?
>> No. 30299
this video gave me aids. god damn that was fucking horrible
>> No. 30300
Do you suck dicks?
>> No. 30301
I've never heard of you before.

Who are you?
>> No. 30302
Probably. I'm guessing that mustache is there to catch A-Log's cum with.
>> No. 30303
What did you think of the A-Log and ilk summary videos?
>> No. 30304

When I look back on that video and other videos involving Chris, I honestly thought that I was being a huge retard for even making them in the first place. God, there was so much wrong in those Chris commentaries, it's not even funny.
>> No. 30305
Why is your main avatar a skinny animu girl, when in fact, you are a fat fuck from Iowa?
>> No. 30306
Why did you think IBA was Liquid?
>> No. 30307
How much of this opinion has been formed in the last couple of days, having seen SpaceScreaminJohn come on /cwc/ and sell out A-Log and being quite successful at it?
>> No. 30308
How much do you love the cock?
>> No. 30309
I understand you have some screencaps for us. Care to share 'em with us?
>> No. 30310
>was being a huge retard
Nice use of the past tense, brah. What makes you think anything has changed?
>> No. 30311
Okay, really now. Unless you have some real good cocks, then this shit ain't gonna fly. SpaceScreaminJohn provided us with skype calls among other things. What will you provide us?
>> No. 30312
Does A-Log know you're here? Have you spoken to him since TrollShieldinJohn betrayed you guys?
>> No. 30313
File 133271190857.png - (51.49KB , 763x459 , pm.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sure thing.

This PM was sent to me at the end of last year. Take note of the last bit in there: It show that A-Log cannot make any decisions for himself, and has to rely on other people to make that decision for him.
>> No. 30314

I fucked up there; I meant to say that I'm very retarded for making those videos, and I'm even more retarded for fucking up my words there.
>> No. 30315
Any more? It's time to spill everything you have.
>> No. 30316

He's gonna know eventually; he lurks on /cwc/ every day, just to look for any updates about him.
>> No. 30317
He's got nothin'. He's desperately trying to save his own skin.
>> No. 30318
File 133271234070.jpg - (174.55KB , 705x900 , AdultAmilona004_exp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Be ready boys, there's seven pictures of artwork that he likes that he sent to me on Skype Here's one of them. I'll post them one by one.
>> No. 30319
Guys, let's let NeuGristle come out and tell us what he came here to tell us. Info on A-Log. So, Neu...what kind of info do you have on him, exactly? Anything to compete with John? Any more of those PM's?
>> No. 30320
Why've you spelled your name wrong? On Youtube you're 'NeuGristle', N-E-U. Here, you're 'NueGristle', N-U-E.

Are your fingers too fat to type properly?
>> No. 30321
Why the FUCK do you think we'd want to see that shit? Unfortunately, we already know A-Log's fapping habits.
>> No. 30322
File 133271243116.jpg - (223.33KB , 900x637 , AdultDarcian019a_exp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Note the name "GabeWorks". You'll see the name in each pic.
>> No. 30323
God dammit, you homosexual deviant, stop posting this shit.
>> No. 30324
Yeah, you're going to have to work a lot harder if you want to compete with John, bro.
>> No. 30325
Couldn't we just go to A-Log's deviantArt if we wanted to see shit like this?
>> No. 30326
File 133271257861.jpg - (28.32KB , 730x210 , Nuegristle1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go, NeuGristle! Go out and trollshield to the extreme!
>> No. 30327
>Furry shit
>Mother/son incest

Why am I not surprised?
>> No. 30328

How about this? How about I dig up some text chats I had with him on Skype?
>> No. 30329
Why would A-Log share this kind of shit? What kind of conversation would lead to, "Oh, and here's a picture of a horse with big tits having sex with her son that I jack off to..."
>> No. 30330
Hahaha oh wow.

Why the fuck do you think we want A-Log to be unable to make videos, you dumb fuck?

Lolcows need to produce, you stupid fool!
>> No. 30331
Another question is:
Why does Neufag think we DON'T KNOW THIS SHIT ALREADY?
>> No. 30332
>> No. 30333

No, we are basically gonna hold it hostage and have him do some embarrassing shit and post it on the webz.
>> No. 30334
[4:01:08 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Hey Gristle. Take a look at this updated list and see what is bullshit and what isn't.
[4:01:12 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Both are male.
Both are autistic.
Both are fat to the point of being morbidly obese (although it's generally accepted that A-Log is actually fatter than Chris-Chan).
Both wear glasses.
Both are virgins - the only difference being that Chris freely and openly admits that he is, whereas A-Log's virginity is self-evident.
Despite being virgins, Chris and A-Log nevertheless both claim to be experts when it comes to sex.
Both Chris and A-Log consider pornography to be educational.
Both are in possession of an impressive set of man-tits.
Both make retarded YouTube videos - the only difference being that Chris' videos are actually funny, albeit for the wrong reasons, whereas A-Log's are just boring and irritating.
Both are ronery.
Both are unemployed - no, A-Log, that shitty radio show of yours does not count as a real job.
Despite having lofty ideas about their ideal occupations - in Chris' case, comic books, and in A-Log's, voice acting - both have demonstrated extreme reluctance to actively seek work in those fields expecting instead for their dream jobs to just come to them.
Both are grown men still living their mothers.
Both were born in the 1980s.
Both are sexist.
Both are racist.
Both are homophobic.
Both have a complete inability to spot contradictions in their actions.
Both are lazy, slacking off on their work and demonstrating a complete inability to keep to deadlines.
Both bitch and whine about their trolls.
Both bitch and whine about ED.
Both are ridiculously paranoid about their trolls.
Despite said paranoia, both fall for the same troll plots and schemes, believing everything they read and taking everything at face value.
Both were victims of a guido troll with an alliterative name.
Both have had or continue to have an unkempt goatee which serves only to highlight their fat, flabby faces.
Both are balding.
Both are EXTREMELY socially awkward.
Both have an inflated sense of their own cleverness, wit, self-importance and entitlement.
Both try to cultivate an image of being the lovable nice guy, when in reality they are quite the opposite.
Both insist on referring to themselves by their full names, Christian Weston Chandler and Anthony 'A-Log' LoGatto.
Both are intellectually on a par with a horny ten-year-old boy.
Both think everyone wants to hear their views.
Both do not know what editing is.
Both fail when they intentionally try to be funny.
Both are known to repeat their own material, seemingly in the desperate hope that it'll be funnier the next time they tell it.
Both own a PS3.
Both laugh in the same, stilted, emotionless fake way. "Ha ha ha!"
Both stress sigh and gesticulate in very similar ways, including the use of The Claw Of Fail.
Both suffer from B.O. and use AXE body spray to try and mask their stench. In A-Log's case, people publicly complained that he smelled.[6]
Both are known to mock and ridicule those they view as inferior in order to make themselves appear better.
Both are known to make ridiculous threats when they feel that they have been disenfranchised.
Both write awful fanfiction with lots of unnecessary author-service sex scenes.
Both were rightly bullied at school.
Both created highly derivative Sonic fan characters during high school to cope with the stresses of teenage life. However, whereas Sonichu was created to be the best friend Chris never had, A-Log's character, an echidna-succubus named Enchantra, was designed primarily as fap material for the young A-Log and to help him deal with rejection from girls.
Both of their original characters are defined by their utter lack of personality.
Both create rule 34 of their own original characters, albeit in different ways - Chris-Chan draws, A-Log writes.
Both took their moms to their high school prom as their date.
Both still hold grudges against their high school to this day.
Both enjoy and by enjoying, ruin for everybody else, typical staples of nerd humor such as Monty Python and Weird Al Yankovic.
Both hope to become famous and/or recognized and are taking the path of least resistance in the hopes of acheiving it.
Both watch and enjoy programing that they are far too old for - including Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokémon, Sailor Moon and the Samurai Pizza Cats.
Both masturbate over cartoon characters - including Marge Simpson - and apparently see nothing wrong with this.
Both have a fixation on a character from Family Guy - in Chris' case, Meg, in A-Log's case, Lois.
Both are unashamed gag thieves, stealing jokes from other media that they enjoy and trying to pass them off as their own.
Both are known to make references and comparisons to characters, things and events from obscure niche media that they enjoy (cartoons, professional wrestling, old video games), expecting everybody else to automatically understand and get the joke because they get it.
Both have an odd, slightly Norman Bates-esque fixation on their mothers.
Both disagree with their fathers politically.
Both have used their mothers' credit cards to purchase things that would please them and them alone.
Both have been the subject of Q&A sessions with trolls conducted by their former friends who had grown tired of their shit.
Both play with LEGOs.
Both have had material they have submitted published in magazines, in Chris' case Nintendo Power, in A-Log's Operation: Three-Legged Dolphin.
Both suck at doing impressions and accents.
Both suck at singing (although it has been argued that Chris, despite being tonedeaf, is actually a technically better singer than A-Log, possessing more range).
Both usually (but not always) begin their videos with a certain phrase, A-Log's being "Greetings and salutations to all..." and Chris' being "Captain's Log..."
Both frequently stammer and stumble over their words.
Both are known to overuse discourse markers when speaking (This is never more evident than in A-Log's overuse of the word 'basically').
Both have been known to make up their own curses and use them in place of normal swear words.
Both have compared themselves to God.
Both are obsessed with entering contests.
Both appear prematurely old due to their slovenly lifestyles, bad dieting and poor wardrobe choices.
Both sometimes use mangled Spanish.
Both have no talents, skills, self-awareness or future.
Both will die alone.
[4:02:54 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: I see.
[4:03:01 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Busy right now.
[4:03:15 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Ok. But let me know what's BS and what isn't.
[4:03:18 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Ok?
>> No. 30335
Any music suggestions? I too enjoy einsturzende neubauten/throbbing gristle shit.

What else that's similar would you suggest (inb4 nurse with wound).
>> No. 30336
That's stupid.
>> No. 30337
How? How will he post it on the 'webz', as you call it, if he doesn't have access to his YT account?
>> No. 30338
Wow. A-Log is genuinely completely unable to see how similar he is to Chris? How can anyone be THAT unaware of themselves?
>> No. 30339
Why are you so fat?
>> No. 30340

We'll have him post it on mediafire or some other similar site.
>> No. 30341
Okay, I just ask this to Space, but what makes you decide to betray Alog?
>> No. 30342
What makes you think he just wouldn't get another one?
>> No. 30343
He's having a retard panic attack.
>> No. 30344
Gristle, there are several entirely legitimate questions here. Why won't you answer them?
>> No. 30345
What is going on over here? Alog's stonecutters are speaking out although its been 2 months since MsUmlaut's Q/A
>> No. 30346
This is going well.
>> No. 30347
I think that NeuGristle saw the thread about SpaceScreaminJohn the other day and thought he'd try his luck by turning traitor.

As you can see, it's not gone off entirely without a hitch...
>> No. 30348
  Hey, Grizzly, I made you a video, and I want you to be the first to see it.
>> No. 30349
Boss Trollshielder
>> No. 30350
Don't worry, I'll have them answered. I need to eat dinner first, if that is okay with you? When I get done, I'll bring my ass back in to answer them, ok?
>> No. 30351
Come on, Gristle, don't give up. You can pull it back! Keep that cocks flowing!
>> No. 30352
You don't need to eat. Come back here.
>> No. 30353
File 133271413322.jpg - (24.73KB , 314x450 , blond-girl-laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Don't worry, I'll have them answered. I need to eat dinner first
>Implying you need it
>> No. 30354

Ah, alright. I'll do it for you guys.


I sound like an absolute tool when I said that. Then again, the Chris-Chan commentaries were unfunny and utter shit.
>> No. 30355
Yeah, you're not running off to comfort eat this time, Porky.

>> No. 30356
Where you trying to sound creepy or something? Because at what point did you record yourself talking in that voice, play it back and think, "Yeah, I nailed that. Just the sort of eerie, Yogi Bear-esque tone of voice I wanted. Time to upload!"
>> No. 30357

Someone who thought that doing Chris-Chan commentaries is fun, but in fact is an unfunny homosexual deviant who is no better than Chris.
>> No. 30358
What about my question: >>187908
>> No. 30359

I'll give you some dirt after I finish answering the initial questions. Just gimme some time.
>> No. 30360
File 133271458137.jpg - (143.60KB , 350x602 , 679.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30361
File 133271470223.jpg - (58.37KB , 699x361 , Nuegristle3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Neugristle's reaction to John.
>> No. 30362
And yet he didn't seem so disgusted with A-Log during this Skype call... How odd.
>> No. 30363

When I saw John's Q/A on /cwc/, I had flashbacks of of every single conversation I had with A-Log. I was reminded why I don't talk to A-Log so much any more: I was getting sick and tired of hearing about Chris-Chan. I honestly thought that he is gay for Chris, since he is so obsessed about him. Not to mention that he is fucking paranoid about it. He honestly thinks that you guys are gonna hunt him down and kill him with bullets. That's when I got fed up with his shit and decided to distance myself away from him.

I also love how he ripped off pikachu0z in his script for that Guptill89 commentary he plans on doing. I can tell you that pikachu0z was not happy when he found out. Top that with the shit he's been doing, and here I am.
>> No. 30364
File 133271507111.jpg - (33.85KB , 687x204 , Nuegristle2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another attempt to troll shield. Neugristle, why would you think this would interest us? We already know A-Log rips off everything under the sun.
>> No. 30365
You said you saw Space's Q/A, what about MsUmlaut's?
>> No. 30366
File 133271525089.jpg - (25.94KB , 150x105 , Sudden Realization.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You... You mean to tell me that... That YouTube commentaries... AREN'T all entirely original?
>> No. 30367
Are we going to learn ANYTHING from this "Q&A"?
>> No. 30368
NeuGristle87, this was fucking pathetic and you've shown yourself up for the spineless little worm you are. I hope A-Log kicks the crap out of you.
>> No. 30369

I saw that one too, after reading John's Q/A. It was also eye-opening for me, since it took me this long to realize that A-Log has become the next Chris-Chan. It's because I am a troll-shielding homosexual deviant who is too stupid to realize the cold hard facts put in front of him.
>> No. 30370

I honestly deserve it, too. After all, I'm no better than him and Chris.
>> No. 30371
You liar. We have audio recordings of you, A-Log and the rest of your little e-gang talking about MsUmlaut's Q&A that predate John's Q&A.

You must've read the MsUmlaut Q&A first.
>> No. 30372

Please be patient. I'm very slow when it comes to giving out shit. Just bear with me, ok?
>> No. 30373
Care to share any info on YOU? Since you claim your as bad as A-Log and Chris? C'mon, give us SOMETHING interesting!
>> No. 30374
You need more fiber in your diet.
>> No. 30375

Oh.... Sorry, I was just being a complete dumbass for not remembering that shit.
>> No. 30376
We've learned that troll-shield turncoats are the new CWC commentaries, in terms of people trying to save themselves from being "just as bad" as the people they're trying to hurt.

>I'm an unfunny adult virgin making videos on youtube, but I'm not as bad as Chris!

>I'm an unfunny adult virgin who makes commentaries about Chris, but I'm not as bad as A-Log!
>> No. 30377

Well, how about I give you guys three embarrassing things I have done that you guys don't know of yet? And I'll give some Skype text chats I had with A-Log. Sounds fair?
>> No. 30378
Please share.
>> No. 30379
Get a fucking trip already
>> No. 30380

Sorry for the long wait, I had to think long and hard about it, so here's the three things:

1. I have a fetish for dominant women.

2. I sleep nude.

3. I have very hairy mantits.
>> No. 30381
Anyone else getting flashbacks to Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith?
>> No. 30382
Man-tits or GTFO.
>> No. 30383
Here's a Skype text chat I had with A-Log back in the beginning of March this year:

[3/3/2012 4:58:42 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: I'm still busy.
[3/3/2012 4:59:26 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Sorry, but I think someone tried to access my Facebook... somewhere between Greece and Bosnia!
[3/3/2012 4:59:47 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Better change passwords.
[3/3/2012 4:59:51 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Changing Facebook passwords now.
[3/3/2012 5:00:00 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Good.
[3/3/2012 5:00:14 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Last thing you need is someone hacking your shit.
[3/3/2012 5:00:51 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Right.
[3/3/2012 5:01:07 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Good god, imagine if I pissed some troll off in Europe.
[3/3/2012 5:01:15 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Better check 789chan.
[3/3/2012 5:01:33 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: You're gonna check it out?
[3/3/2012 5:01:51 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Just to check if someone did hack me.
[3/3/2012 5:02:02 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Okay.
[3/3/2012 5:02:16 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Let me know if someone did try to hack you.
[3/3/2012 5:02:17 PM | Edited 5:02:24 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Well, I did see someone saying that I'm an eunuch.
[3/3/2012 5:03:38 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Other than them thinking I have no dick, no signs of them hacking my FB.
[3/3/2012 5:03:47 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Good.
[3/3/2012 5:04:13 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: But I still feel like somebody's trying to screw with me.
[3/3/2012 5:04:25 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: It's possible.
[3/3/2012 5:04:36 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Right. We'll discuss this later.
[3/3/2012 5:04:43 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Just to be safe, change all passwords.
[3/3/2012 5:05:09 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Right. Even though the Google ones are going to be a bitch.
[3/3/2012 5:05:13 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Yep.
[3/3/2012 5:05:22 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: Anyways, ciao for now.
[3/3/2012 5:05:27 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Ciao.
>> No. 30384
Very nice. Now provide a timestamped photograph of your man-titties with your face clearly exposed.
>> No. 30385
I don´t know who´s more pathetic. This guy for posting his personal crap or /cwc/ for giving a shit about it.
>> No. 30386
>implying /cwc/ gives a shit about it
>> No. 30387

Can you show us your hairy mantits?
>> No. 30388
File 133271735860.jpg - (31.24KB , 640x480 , mymantits.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There's mah mantits. As proof.
>> No. 30389
Gristle, you'd be totally freed of all your past wrongdoings by posting nudes here.
What typically separates a good lolcow from someone who just deserves to be harassed and trolled is nudes online.
>> No. 30390
i think he's jealous that a-log has an ED page
>> No. 30391

Did you just take this?
>> No. 30392
Gristle, there had better be pictures of your penis forthcoming.
>> No. 30393

Yes I did. Want some moar proof?
>> No. 30394

Yes, please. I mean, if you don't mind.
>> No. 30395
Now you have to take your precious Gristleism device or whatever it's called and insert it into your anus while screaming really loud: TROLLSHIELD TO THE EXTREME!
>> No. 30396
  I'd like to ask NeuGristle87 why he made this video and others making fun of Sailormoonred1.
>> No. 30397

Because at the time, I thought he was this welfare leech. But when I look back on that, I thought my thinking is retarded; Duane ain't gonna harm me, so why should I worry about him?
>> No. 30398
Why keep the video up?
>> No. 30399

No problem. Here's some moar mantitties!
>> No. 30400
What can you tell us about ISLAVERDE?
>> No. 30401
To remind me why I am a retard; after all, once shit is posted on the Internet, it will stay there.
>> No. 30402
File 133271871749.jpg - (34.61KB , 640x480 , moarmantitties.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Opps, forgot the pic.
>> No. 30403

Thank you.
>> No. 30404
HI ISLAVERDE! Does your wigger ass ever think about attending anger managment classes? I think you really, really should.
>> No. 30405
Be honest. You wanted to score some points with the sort of epic ween fags who've made their name by attacking Duane. People like Pricey, Vesperthesnake, all those losers.
>> No. 30406

I don't know him well enough to tell you anything, but what I can tell you guys is that his anger level surpasses mine. He can also be annoying in Skype calls, but I kept my mouth shut about it, until now.
>> No. 30407
Annoying like how?
>> No. 30408

I'll come clean; yes, it is a pathetic attempt to troll Duane, which ended in total failure. The fact that I am such a troll-shielding homosexual deviant didn't help matters, either.
>> No. 30409
Who the fuck IS Islaverde's Friend? None of you fuckers really know him, it seems.
>> No. 30410
It's like he's the ringo starr of the nerd herd that no one really likes, but you keep him around for some reason. Kind of like our Negi.
>> No. 30411
Dustin, it's becoming increasingly transparent that you've got next to nothing to share with us and you're just telling us what you think we want to hear.

And stop with this 'I'm a troll shielding homosexual deviant and I'm no better than A-Log or Chris' shit. Fucking PaganDeathKnight tried that shit and it didn't work for him, either.
>> No. 30412
Who do you think sent him here?
>> No. 30413
Not PeeDeeKay. If I recall, one of my buddies contacted him.
>> No. 30414

Basically, he spams the mic with unfunny shit like the ten minutes of PINGAS, and repeats it, too. It became aggravating to me.
>> No. 30415
Can I ask why you seemed to think that the whole MsUmlaut Q&A was, to use your own vernacular, an elaborate 'Xanatos gambit' on her part, as opposed to her merely being pissed off at being associated with you losers?
>> No. 30416
What's Wackyben really like? Is he just a boring homosexual deviant like I think?
>> No. 30417
Do you know the name of the song you used for this video. It is perfect to listen to while you are reading about someone being a dumbass. Like A-Log.
>> No. 30418

Sorry about that. Tell you what: I'll post some moar nudes right now. I'll also go and record some Skype calls with A-Log, and then post the results in say, two weeks? If that is alright with you.
>> No. 30419
You know A-Log is probably reading this?
>> No. 30420
Why yes, thank you for asking. It's H. Chappel's "The Gonk", popularized in George Romero's Dawn of the Dead.
>> No. 30421
And what makes you think that A-Log, who has been known to be stupidly paranoid about being trolled and who you've already told us visits /cwc/ daily to check what the trolls are up to, will want to talk to you after seeing this thread, which he inevitably will.

Nigger, you are Chris-level dumb.
>> No. 30422

At the time, I honestly thought it was her way of trying get away from the A-Log shit. That is, basically feeding BS to save face.
>> No. 30423
This IS A-Log, after all. He thought that MsUmlaut was doing this to get the trolls off of her back, and he's gonna think the same way.
>> No. 30424
>> No. 30425
And A-Log will read THAT too.
>> No. 30426
Oh, yeah, I know what it's like when someone insists on spamming an unfunny meme time and time again. It gets old real fast.
>> No. 30427
Thanks man. Now I know what music to put on when reading one of A-Log's fapfics.
>> No. 30428
File 133272055076.jpg - (28.08KB , 640x480 , almostnude.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's yet another one.
>> No. 30429
I actually can't believe that anybody could be this retarded, NeuGristle.

I mean, I knew A-Log and pals were a bunch of drooling spackers, but fuck. You're the most retarded of all. Posting your super seekrit trolling plans on a forum you know your target to visit. Wow.

>> No. 30430

Wow, you're right. I did fuck up.
>> No. 30431
I'm one of the stonecutters A-Log trolls. You're doing really well with these nudes, Grizzly. Keep going. Show your cock and ass and you'll be troll-free for life, I guarantee it.
>> No. 30432
File 133272120460.jpg - (29.80KB , 640x480 , nudetiem.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's me in full glory while listening to some music.
>> No. 30433
Holy six inch Gristledick, Batman!
>> No. 30434

>> No. 30435

What song?
>> No. 30436
>> No. 30437

"Goodbye Horses"
>> No. 30438
You serious?
>> No. 30439
Give us more chatlogs please.
>> No. 30440
>> No. 30441

Wow, total fail on my part.

[7:54:01 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: BTW, Yoda's Secret Sex Life, was that something you made?
[7:54:52 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: How did you know?
[7:55:04 PM] Crazy Gristle-ite: You sent it, remember?
[7:55:12 PM] Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto: Oh yeah.

And tell me if this hasn't been leaked yet:

The Secret Sex Life of

Jedi Master Yoda

by Anthony “A-Log” LoGatto

There is a lot of freaky shit going on in a galaxy far, far away.

Many fans of the famed Star Wars series will always say that the Sith would commit any sort of sin against humanity. Among the more fucked up things the Empire has done was Darth Vader fucking his daughter, Princess Leia (and then revealing it to her afterwards); Emperor Palpatine having sex with the deceased corpses of the Jedi padwan, as well as several younglings from the Sith; several Stormtroopers being fired over raping several Twi'leks, including Aayla Secura's last moments; as well as some members having a Wookie fetish. But many of you should be surprised that the Sith aren't the only ones that have unrequited sexual desires.

Sure, the Jedi are pure and righteous, but there's at least one Jedi master who has a much more freakier side of the force. No, he isn't Obi Wan Kenobi nor Luke Skywalker. Han Solo may have had a few good times with some alien chicks, as does his companion Chewbacca. The less we can say about C3PO and R2D2 the better. This hidden sexual beast is around 4' tall, has a green complexion, sounds like Grover at 70, speaks in an unusual speaking pattern... and is hung like a horse.

Yes, that is right; one of the most pure of the Jedi knights has a freaky side! Jedi master Yoda has had sex with many maidens across the galaxy, and he's the only one of his kind who didn't explode afterwards. In case you're wondering, whenever his species has sex at around 900 years old, they usually explode after ejaculating. (Although, several do catch their breath before they explode.) It does get disgusting trying to clean up the cum and guts all over the floor, but so far, Yoda hasn't reached that point yet at his age.

For most of his life, Yoda has led this double life as a highly respectable Jedi master, while still keeping his sex life a secret to most. Our source, who asked not to be identified despite her recognizable cinnabun hairstyle, told us in candid detail about how she was intimate with the shortest Jedi master and how he used the Force on her.

“I still remember it like it was yesterday,” the anonymous source told us in an exclusive interview. “Master Yoda called me into his chambers after recovering Luke from the Empire. He wanted to congratulate me for leading the attack. But then..” she struggles to regain her composure, despite noticing that her breasts were heaving inside of her dress, “He started to hit on me. He used the Force to grope me. He used his powers to caress my breasts and caused me to orgasm several times by his touch.”

Catching her breath on her memories of the incident, she continues by saying, “He then got me to lay down on his bed and used the Force to spread my legs apart. As he did, he lifted up his robe to reveal his most private of parts. It was huge! It was as big a tauntun's! About eighteen or so inches, if I recall correctly! He then asked me, 'Judge me by my size, you do?' and he inserted the entire thing inside me. I've never felt like this before; I'm being filled by an alien who is smaller than me, but hung like a monster!”

From our research, the line, “Judge me by my size, you do?”, wasn't the only line he used on many a woman. Among the rest are:

* “Hm? Put a shield on my saber I must!”

* “Do me or do me not. There is no try!”

* “Feel the force! Feel the force! Feel the force you will!”

* “You know, this would feel a lot better without Frank Oz's hand up my ass!”

* “Early I must rise. Leave now, you must.”

And of course...

* “Who's your Jedi master! Who's your Jedi master, bitch!”

We've also have proof that he also used the Jedi mind trick on several females across the galaxy. He has used this tactic whenever a girl refuses to give him a BJ, but after a wave of his hand and a reverse pattern of words, the girls come to him like candy.

There has also been evidence of Yoda's visits to the palace of one Jabba the Hutt. We all know that Jabba has been referred to as the “Hugh Hefner of the Galaxy”, but it does make him look the fool whenever Yoda comes in the room. Yoda has been seen hitting on several of his slaves/dancers throughout his palace of perversion. From busty Twi'leks to scaly Rodians, Yoda was able to tap every ass in the palace. Among them were Greeata Jendowanian and Lyn Me, two of the top dancers and members of the Max Rebo Band. And yes, even the punk rocker of the group, Rystall Sant. Sy Snootles, however, was a little difficult for him to pork due her species' unusual sexual anatomy.

But it does lead us to one perplexing question: has Yoda used his meatsaber to actually impregnate any of the women he's encountered? Well, it's a hit or miss. Due to the sheer size of his cock, it's a miracle he can fit it in without impaling his lover. Not to mention he would rather shoot the intergalactic splooge onto his lover's face, breasts or buttocks than let it go inside their cooch. It appears that he doesn't want to father illegitimate children, and frankly, we at O3LD are not surprised; especially the fact that Yoda cannot find a condom that big to fit his not-so-little green thing.

It's already bad enough that Yoda also has a drinking problem, but his sexual appetite have been making the Jedi knights look questionable... even more than usual after the scandal years ago with the molesting of young padwans. (Yoda still denies his involvement in that matter to this day.) To make matters worse, he has also used his powers of the Force to slap those who are out of line, calling it the Jedi Pimp Slap. Let that image of a small green being in pimp clothing, as well doing the lingo, sink in, and you'll see what I mean.

“I still can't believe that little freak fucks all of my bi-atches!” Jabba the Hutt bellowed through his interpreter. “I am supposed to be the pimp daddy of the galaxy, but this diminutive Jedi master with a horse's cock is better than me?! Impossible!” And then he ate the interpreter in anger.

Darth Vader also had this to say: “That little green bastard has scored with more women than I have raped as a part of the empire! I may have been burned in over 90% of my body, but at least I know that my meatsaber still works!” Many of the Jedi council are concerned about Yoda's activities outside of the council, and wished for him to try and settle down for once.

When O3LD caught up with Yoda, he told us, “Give a shit, I do not! Horny I am! Laid, I must get! My bitches get away from!” For a little guy, he sure does know how to use his pimp hand. Not to mention that he has gotten in trouble for lascivious ways; a year ago, he nearly got the snot kicked out of him by Chewbacca for sleeping with his wife... despite the fact that Yoda was fucked by him years before during the Clone Wars in his time on Chewie's homeworld. (In case you're wondering, that was a deleted scene in Episode III, as well as a scene between R2-D2 and a mailbox.) He was experimenting, and he didn't see another woman there due to the Wookie's similarities towards each other.

To reiterate, there is some freaky shit going on in a galaxy far, far away... it's just that the freak in question is a little smaller in height than you think.
>> No. 30442

the fuck did i just read

nue, the fact that you didnt immediately come to us with this is a disturbing mark against you
>> No. 30443
Does this finally explain the 'Jedi Master Say What?' joke?
>> No. 30444
When was this written?
>> No. 30445

Yes, that was a huge fuck-up on my part for not posting this sooner. And there's no excuse for that fuck-up.
>> No. 30446
A-Log wrote this last Sunday. So, it was recently made.
>> No. 30447

well i guess that makes sense

but jesus, does he regularly send you this stuff
>> No. 30448
He really has learned nothing. Jesus, A-Log, what the fuck?
>> No. 30449
Oh shit...
>> No. 30450
Guys, I've just realized something...

>When O3LD caught up with Yoda
>Operation 3-Legged Dolphin

This is a submission. A-Log intends for this to be published in his college humor magazine.
>> No. 30451

He sends me some stuff whenever he is not "busy" with his podcast and watching TV.
>> No. 30452
What was A-Log's reaction to the trolls making fun of his fapfics? Does he know they've been archived on ED?
>> No. 30453

He claims that there is nothing wrong with his fapfics; he finds the trolls mocking him and fapfics to be both annoying and amusing at the same time. And yes, he knows about the fapfics being archived into ED, since he loves to go there on a daily basis just to see if there were updates on him at all.
>> No. 30454
Does he still love shota?
>> No. 30455

He still reads that shit, but he claims that he is only looking at shota strictly for the women.
>> No. 30456
Has nobody asked him why he doesn't just look at regular porn?
>> No. 30457
Is A-Log not nervous about being arrested for CP? I mean he knows that shota's illegal in the USA and I'd hope that he'd know that the sexualization of children is disgusting and wrong, but he doesn't seem to have any objection to fapping to it.
>> No. 30458

He looks at regular porn, as well. He even told me one of his favorite female pornstars is: Carmella Bing.
>> No. 30459
Does he know that you're on here?
>> No. 30460

His thinking is this: Shota is not real, and that as long as it is not real life, and as long as he is not looking at the boys, then it's okay for him to look at it for the women.
>> No. 30461

He does lurk on /cwc/ every day, so he obviously knows I'm here.
>> No. 30462
Does he consider his porn addiction to be a problem like Duane does?
>> No. 30463
But he's still looking at it. The fact that he claims to watch it for the women doesn't make it OK. It's still a crime.

I don't get how he can be so anti-loli and anti-gay shota, but sees straight shota as perfectly acceptable.
>> No. 30464
This thread has taken an odd turn.
>> No. 30465
Things got awkward after that nude.
>> No. 30466
By specifically liking straight shota, which he does, he is necessarily paying attention to the boys. Otherwise it wouldn't matter who was fucking the woman, but given how he seems to seek out little boys fucking women, he obviously does care who is the male involved. Just like guys who like black on white, fat guy on thin woman, old man on young woman, etc etc, they aren't masturbating to the man in particular, but the woman in conjunction with the idea of who is fucking her (making the male party part of the 'bating fantasy)... just like A-Log does.
>> No. 30467
The question we ought to be asking is what manner of fantasies would A-Log be entertaining where it would be necessary for the male participant to be an underage young boy?

Incestuous age regression fantasies, perhaps?
>> No. 30468

Apparently, he doesn't.
>> No. 30469
My guess would definitely be that, perhaps combined with a dash of "she's such a whore she'd even fuck her own son, or an underage boy with a small dick and no muscle mass, so she'd definitely fuck me!" as well as "if she's willing to fuck a little boy who is entirely incapable of caring for her and has really done nothing to earn her love, then she'd definitely fuck me, since I'm the grown equivalent of a little boy!". Or maybe he really does like looking at underage boys, and he just uses the women as an excuse.
>> No. 30470
Looking at shota combined with his self professed MILF fetish makes me think there is something that connects them but I'm not sure what.
>> No. 30471
(Actually unless it is an obvious Oedipus complex)
>> No. 30472
When was the last time you talked to him? Did he confronted you about betraying you yet?
>> No. 30473
Anyways, I have work in the morning. But don't fret boys; I'm gonna be lurkin' and posting some moar next time.
>> No. 30474

I guess I can answer this one before I go:

Last time I spoke with him was tonight. The chat log for that is already been posted.
>> No. 30475
I dunno about this you guys, its obvious that he's troll-shielding since he saw both Umlaut's and John's Q/A. I rather find this suspicious since he is still in contact with Alog and would do anything to get us off his back...

Once ED is up, this will be a hell of an update.
>> No. 30476
Probably but cocks is cocks.
>> No. 30477

what do you do for a living? mcdonalds?
>> No. 30478
He really does look like every McDonalds day manager ever.
>> No. 30479
Alright guys, I have a confession to make. I actually have a huge crush on A-log and I am only doing this to get him to notice me.

I am soo fucking lonely!
>> No. 30480

BTW me you should learn how to tripfag. Type a # after your name and type a password after that. Make sure to post a new picture of yourself when you make that first tripfagging post so that we know that it's really you and not Islaverde's wigger ass trying to vent.

>> No. 30481
Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No. 30482

fuck you impostor
>> No. 30483
I am the REAL NueGristle and I am going to BED, anyone else is an impostor

>> No. 30484
mods be mad
>> No. 30485
the TRUE AND HONEST NeuGristle87 will never die!!!
>> No. 30486
Obvious troll shielder is obvious.
>> No. 30487
Who the hell is this fucking sperg?
>> No. 30488
Neugristle, a guy who used to (or still be)) in alogs stonecutters.
>> No. 30489
NueGristle87 confirmed for most pathetic friend of A-Log.
>> No. 30490
To all those who don't know who NueGristle is, here's a link to his section on ED.

>> No. 30491
Excellent logic, can´t argue with that!
>> No. 30492
Ooh, it's been updated!
>> No. 30493
No idea who this homosexual deviant is, not reading through all this text to find out, probably some A-Log busshit, but this pic in op's post reminds me of Fatman holding up his shitty briefs.
>> No. 30494
What a kawaii~ cute vampire you make.
>> No. 30495
I dunno, pikachu0 sounds like a gigantic homosexual deviant.
>> No. 30496
I guess medic and/or Atlus are back on board?

>> No. 30497
I haven't seen this thread until now and I don't feel like reading through 200 posts, so my question is... who the hell are you?
>> No. 30498
>hurr durr i cant read please explain what's going on in simple sentences
>> No. 30499
Hi NueGristle87
>> No. 30500

hi illiterate anon
>> No. 30501
So, is NueGristle87 coming back or did we scare him away?
>> No. 30502
Now I want to hear a call where he goes crying back to A-Log.

"Bu-but A-Log, they were so mean to me!"
"It's okay, Grizzly, now put my six-inch foxdick in your mouth."
>> No. 30503
With MsUmlaut, this shit was OK, because she was the first to do it. It helped that she was also the least interesting, least offensive member of the group.
With SpaceScreaminJohn, it was OK because provided a wealth of new cocks and new information.

NeuGristle87 literally just saw what John and Umlaut had done and desperately tried to copy it, despite having no new cocks and not endearing himself to /cwc/ in any way. It was pathetic and transparent.

That was why he failed.
>> No. 30504
Still better than Wackyben's.
>> No. 30505
Well, if you look closely we did get a new cock, a very tiny, little new cock.

I knew that word butter would pay off one day.
>> No. 30506
Wacky Ben never came to us. We went to him. Not saying what we got wasn't dildos, but still. If you're gonna come to us, you gotta have good cocks.
>> No. 30507
They are all failures but the cocks is appreciated.
>> No. 30508
File 133281005876.jpg - (41.92KB , 689x244 , Nuegristle4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
NeuGristle attempts phase 2. Note that this plan was canned shortly after it's conception.
>> No. 30509
>claims to be a personal friend of The Man In The Pickle Suit

Lol, what a fag.
>> No. 30510
Somehow he wants to compensate actual con-tent with nude pics of himself. How can that be a fair trade (for any of the parties)?
>> No. 30511
Hey NueGristle, if you really want us to leave you alone then give us your home address, home phone number and cell phone number.
>> No. 30512
It'll also help if you legally change your name to JUUUUUUULAAAAAAAY J. IMGONNACUUUUUUM.

The middle initial stands for JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULAAAY.
>> No. 30513
Come on, NueGristle. Hurry up and give us your home address, cell phone number and home phone number. That will be even lulzier than the nudes you gave us!
>> No. 30514
Why did this guy give us nude pictures of himself?
>> No. 30515

For starters, there's a very good chance he's genuinely retarded.
>> No. 30516
Hey NueChristle, do you have autism?
>> No. 30517
NueGristle87, what goes on inside your head that makes you think all this is gonna solve your problems?
>> No. 30518
File 133299970481.jpg - (88.96KB , 462x599 , 428-CWCSNHP4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i'm like 200+ posts deep, but once again, who are you? and why should i care?

please justify your existence.

>> No. 30519

One of A-log's friends turned traitor. It's assumed he jumped ship after MsUmlaut and SpaceScreaminJohn defected, thinking he'd get out while he could.
>> No. 30520
I am actually very interested in the current state of A Logs friends, and I have many questions I would like answered.

How many friends did A Log have before all of this?

What were all the factors that lead up to some of them turning traitors.

How many friends does A Log still have left.

I know that ED had a lot of info on this stuff, but it seems it was very incomplete till these big info dumps this week.
>> No. 30521
As far as I'm aware, only MsUmlaut, SpaceScreaminJohn and NeuGristle have turned stooley on A-Log.

Wackyben86 was approached by a troll who was seeking information, but kept his answers vague and gave him next to no information.

There is some debate as to whether Pikachu0Z is part of the circle jerk at all.

ISLAVERDE29 is the only one who has yet to come forward and, given how he's possibly the least popular member of that little clique amongst the trolls, I wouldn't be surprised if he sticks by A-Log to the end.
>> No. 30522
So, does NueGristle have autism?
>> No. 30523
File 133312287026.jpg - (9.41KB , 180x240 , A-Log.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Am I the only one who got pissed off reading that PM where A-Log calls him unattractive? Because, you know, he really is a catch.
>> No. 30524
File 133312947832.jpg - (126.80KB , 434x599 , 434px-WhiteArmyPropagandaPosterOfTrotsky.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A-log looks like a younger and fatter Leon Trotsky.
>> No. 30525
He only likes shotas.
>> No. 30526
Well, it looks like NueGristle has abandoned this thread. Mods, could you please archive this thread?
>> No. 30527

I second this.
>> No. 30528
Third it, this needs to go to /L/.
>> No. 30529
Really? You want to archive this?

The John Q&A, I can understand, because, y'know we actually learned stuff from that and there was plenty of cocks delivered. If anything, THAT thread should be archived, but this one? This one was just embarrassing.
>> No. 30530
Take it to /fail/, that board could use some love, and it was pretty funny seeing Neu say what he thought /cwc/ wanted him to say and go to such lengths to try and get his name off ED.
>> No. 30531
This thread should either be archived or moved to fail.
>> No. 30532
Please archive this, mods.
>> No. 30533
>see thread
>first instinct=pester for nudes
>read thread
today is a good day
>> No. 30534
This thread is the most pathetic attempt at troll shielding ever. It should be archived.
>> No. 30535
Please archive, mods.
>> No. 30536

Here's a tip: rather than resurrect threads, click the checkbox. Go to the bottom of the screen, and find a place to report a thread. Type "archive" as your reason, and there you go. If it's already been "reported," an archive has already likely been requested.
>> No. 30537
Man, NeuGristle, this was pretty fucking stupid. Showing pictures of your cock is really going to appease this board? The fuck were you thinking, son?
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