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  • Blotter updated: 2012-05-14 Show/Hide Show All

No. 30784
I would just like to say I'm deeply sorry for all of the "Rikas" that have been posting on this board. Jordman and Daniel have been spamming up the board posing as me, not only to get the ADF stonecutters to hate me but also to soil my reputation on the internet. All of the photos of me were dropped by either Dan or Jordman, the whole phony-legal-action-threatening this-site-for-hate-crimes thing was their's too. Also, Jordan is the one who likes King of Fighters, not me, so don't go around thinking I have shitty taste in games.

I really want this to be water under the bridge and honestly, move on with life. I'm kind of worried potential employers might see all this shit online and reconsider hiring me, so can a kind mod please wipe out all traces of "Robert Wayne Stiles" as well as the photos too?
Expand all images
>> No. 30785
Nobody cares
>> No. 30786
File 133493776878.gif - (1.33MB , 355x200 , SbyLU.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30787
File 133493810813.jpg - (27.12KB , 486x353 , who-cares Addixx.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30788
I don't want my name tied to this shit anymore. Can't you do something? Look up, my IP address, I'm not the same person as all these "LiquidRikas."

How would you like it if there were people posing as you on the internet, posting your dox and blaming you for all the tranny drama and shit?

Ok, I'm not that convincing as a woman. I'll admit it, is that what you want? I have autism too! What do I have to do to get you to listen?
>> No. 30789
File 133493845194.gif - (334.87KB , 360x240 , lozGr.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30790
>but also to soil my reputation on the internet.

A piece of shit is already a piece of shit, it cannot become more of a piece of shit. Also the fake Rikas started because of people accusing anons with attitude problems of being Rika and they rolled with it because it was funny, they didn't come here to pretend to be you, fuck your tranny paranoia.
>> No. 30791
You know that if you just went back to being anonymous, or you know, maybe didn't post anything at all online for a while, all of your problems would go away right?
>> No. 30792
Edit: all of your problems here, that is.
>> No. 30793
I would also like any Record of the name Christian Weston Chandler Permanently Removed from this Website.
>> No. 30794
Did you actually believe for a single moment that this would work?
>> No. 30795
This is the true and honest rika.
>> No. 30796
Jordman is liquidrika?

>> No. 30797
Shocking secret: You ruined yourself, all by yourself. Epin wraith troll bruh
>> No. 30798
File 133494097462.jpg - (31.82KB , 531x411 , Bill-Gates1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I , the True and Honest Bill Gates have seen your online shenanigans, I hearby place you on the super duper secret list of trannies never to hire ever times infinity for all corporations
>> No. 30799

I bet you want me to post tits, introman. Sorry but I think you'll be disapointed enormously.

Also, another user is claiming I'm suffering from 'tranny paranoia' but Jordman and his cohorts have actually been posting as me in addition to pictures (a la the 'anonymous person from philly') and I've even gotten that cow in drag to admit it.

As for the rest of you; you claim that this site is not oriented with hate crimes and cyber bullying but here's a crystal clear example.
>> No. 30800

How is it a hate crime to say that you're the true and honest rika?

Anyway, me and trey pepe found out about 2-3 weeks ago that liquid rika was not true and honest. We've also found out that ADF and Jordan have become friends again. Transgender politics are confused. Well, I'll still be on my skype. If you want to talk just message me. If you don't, your lose not mine.

Hope the air bnb job is going well.
>> No. 30801

>but Jordman and his cohorts have actually been posting as me in addition to pictures (a la the 'anonymous person from philly') and I've even gotten that cow in drag to admit it.

He probably said it to fuck with you, the "Rika" that started posting did so anonymously for an extended period giving no indication that they were you, they only took up your name after getting accused of being you after they were tranny shielding for a while, they could've been called out as being any one of you gender confused fuckwits. Unless you're trying to tell me these other idiots you share your loldramas with are master manipulators who planned exactly this the whole time, then you've been given bad information.
>> No. 30802
Gee its almost like putting pics of yourself on a board dedicated to trolling was fuckin stupid or something
>> No. 30804
>Jordman and Daniel have been spamming up the board posing as me, not only to get the ADF stonecutters to hate me but also to soil my reputation on the internet.
O, hai brosis. Hate to break it to you but I’m not in Philly, this isn’t some elaborate conspiracy from your deranged friends to destroy you.
-and baring the fact the ADF stonecutters played along with the whole fake Rika thing, I’m not part of any evil trolspiracy against you.
Hope this doesn’t shatter your world view and all, but this is just regular imageboard drama, nothing special about it. When you dropped yourself into the middle of the ADF drama you signed up for anons impersonating you and making yourself part of the drama
>I really want this to be water under the bridge and honestly, move on with life
If you’re worried about your image, what happened on an image board is probably the least of your problems.
But if you really want it all to stop, you could just get ADF to produce more cocks. Who knows, maybe if you can coax ADF into doing something spectacular that’ll take the heat off you.
~Love, your homosexual deviant brosis
>> No. 30805
You know, Rika, nobody would even know who you are, let alone care enough to impersonate you, if you hadn't come here acting like a twat in the first place. You should have thought about that beforehand if you were so concerned about "future employers".
>> No. 30806
Girl, I don't know who you are, nor do I care, but it seems you continue to pour gas on the fire.

Listen to me right now: if you want to do yourself a favor, delete all these imageboards and forums from your bookmarks and just don't even post on them ever again. It will take 2 weeks for everyone to forget you ever existed if you cut your losses now. Maybe you'll even learn something about doxing yourself.

Or you know, ignore this advice like I assume you will, and just post yourself into a ban, which will also fix your problem.
>> No. 30807

Well, my 'homosexual deviant brosis' can I ask you nicely to please stop? How would you like it if some anonymous creep posed as you all over the place? How do I know you're not going to create facebook for me too after I had to delete mine because of this whole fuckin menagerie with you wannabe trolls.

Frankly, this is beyond creepy.
>> No. 30808
File 13349492146.gif - (2.44MB , 400x220 , hitler clap.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I bet you want me to post tits, introman. Sorry but I think you'll be disapointed enormously.
Personas change, but delusions stay.

So anyway, it's Fuhrer's birthday today. Thought fondly of your favourite nazi? Love you too.

Didn't you just say that you haven't gone to 789chan in week? That's...odd.

PS: Still waiting for Philly cops/OMON/assassins.
>> No. 30809

>Frankly, this is beyond creepy.

So's transsexualism.
>> No. 30810
File 133495001761.jpg - (32.54KB , 732x575 , Rika_IRL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No tits for you, IntroMan!
>> No. 30811

You should post with a trip too, Zyklon, since we're all being true and honest here.

And just 'cause you were nice, (just pretending to be apparently) I was only trolling you and made you think that you'd be subjected to any sort of legal action. And predictably, you freaked out and claimed I was actually pursuing something against you.

Personally, I ain't a troll (for reasons that bleed obvious) but I think I trolled you pretty good.

...But seriously, enough is enough.
>> No. 30812

Why do you have a picture of me in your pictures folder, bro? I'd be flattered if I wasn't so creeped the fuck out.
>> No. 30814

I think you're confusing "freaking out" with people laughing their asses off at dumb lolsuit threats. This is entirely a guess because I barely even know what you're talking about, I don't spend a lot of time in the tranny threads, but I still think I'm on the money there.
>> No. 30815

>go to adfwiki

>type rika
>> No. 30816
File 133495065819.jpg - (120.31KB , 790x1229 , retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Personally, I ain't a troll
Hi wraith.

>I was only trolling you
Seems legit.

>and predictably, you freaked out and claimed I was actually pursuing something against you
Yes, I was terrified. There's just one little thing

>police can't arrest DA page
>especially police of another country
>especially when it doesn't even belong to me
Another epic victory for Wraith.
>> No. 30817
>thinks gummy bears are real bears

So silly!
>> No. 30818
File 133495086654.jpg - (9.47KB , 183x152 , 11221324.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, Rika. How does ADF feel about flirting with a fourteen year old boy over the phone? I'll hint to you who it might be . . .
>> No. 30819
File 133495659519.jpg - (33.09KB , 300x390 , leek.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hai guys

pic related
>> No. 30822
>Take a print-out of all instances of cyberbullying to show them, but note that a print-out is not sufficient to prove a case of cyber-harassment or cyberbullying. You'll need electronic evidence and live data for that. (You may want to answer the questions on our checklist for helping spot the difference between annoying communications and potentially dangerous ones. But remember, if in doubt, report it.)

>Let the law enforcement agency know that the trained cyber-harassment volunteers at WiredSafety.org will work with them (without charge) to help them find the cyberbully offline and to evaluate the case. It is crucial that all electronic evidence is preserved to allow the person to be traced and to take whatever action needs to be taken. The electronic evidence is at risk for being deleted by the Internet service providers unless you reach out and notify them that you need those records preserved. The police or volunteers at WiredSafety.org can advise you how to do that quickly. Using a monitoring product, like Spectorsoft, collects all electronic data necessary to report, investigate and prosecute your case (if necessary). While hopefully you will never need it, the evidence is automatically saved by the software in a form useable by law enforcement when you need it without you having to learn to log or copy header and IP information.

I'll have you know, Zyklon, that I have all the necessary evidence to do the aforementioned above.

I, however, didn't but now I'm seriously reconsidering. Do you want me to go about posting your dox on the internet, my Aryan friend?
>> No. 30823
File 133495686150.jpg - (13.26KB , 271x277 , 80.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30824
File 133495686229.jpg - (17.79KB , 287x290 , stylin nazi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Come at me bro.
>> No. 30825
aren't you that guy who got the complete wrong dox on just about anyone who stalked you? wtf is your problem man especially if you're going to FBI about people cyber stalking, cyber bullying and committing "hate crimes" against transgenders, whilst you're just a man who likes to dress up? Hypocrisy much when you're on a crusade against stalkers

you should probably stop breaking your probation too - feds no happy

I thought you were hilarious at first, now you're just a fucking loser.
>> No. 30826
File 133495729668.jpg - (328.46KB , 2048x829 , 204914_1700357311567_1316948428_31447707_6142520_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
why can't trannies just get along
>> No. 30827

Why do you think you're so superior to me? Just because I have enough dignity not to bring up my dark past anymore. Just because I stopped providing ADF cocks? Or do you have something personal against the gender dysphoric nation?

We could earnestly bury the hatchet with this shit but you want to keep it on life support. You're cocky to no end, master trolla.
>> No. 30828
File 133495748294.jpg - (53.62KB , 495x500 , u mad coz im stylin on you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Words words words. Bring on the DOX!
>> No. 30829
I was relatively neutral to the whole transgender shit before I got on /cwc/, but after all of this ADF Rika bullshit I think they're all just emotionally retarded freaks.

God I fucking hate trannies.
>> No. 30830
Welcome to life. People don't usually mind certain minorities until they actually interact with them.
>> No. 30831

Ooh, another person who has pictures of me. And I thought /cwc/ wasn't fond of traps, now I know you're jerkin all over them!
>> No. 30833
And to the great Zyklon, I was speaking figuratively, you anti semetic, nazi aestheticized dumbshit.
>> No. 30834
Traps can be nice. You're however not one.

You're a gender confused man who likes to dress up, sponsored by the money your parents give you
>> No. 30835
File 133495792719.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , hitler is dis nigga serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So you just "figuratively" trolled me. Great show. I'm waiting for those "figurative" pizzas to be delivered to my "figurative" house.
>> No. 30836
>> No. 30837

Shut the fuck up and get busy doing this shit here >>200713 DO IT you fucking transvestite retard, I want to see it happen.
>> No. 30838
>implying a man in a dress is a trap

>> No. 30840
Rika, how is any of this acting better than Jordman or ADF? Really, I want to know. You're acting just like them!
>> No. 30841
Ok, at first I thought you were just naive, but now it's clear you deserve this. Good for you internet toughguy.
>> No. 30842
so hows that baldness rika? you should at least consider a wig
>> No. 30843
I called Pizza hut, ordered Zyklon 100 anchovies and pineapple pizzas Rika, but I don't know what address to send it to.

Help a fellow pretend-tranny out
>> No. 30844
File 133495878119.jpg - (197.60KB , 800x645 , hitler tea time2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know, now that I think about it, even posting those false DOXes would have been slightly better, you could have at least claimed I was lying and, how did you put it, "freaking out".

>> No. 30845

Why don't you ask Zyklon who's been cyber stalking/harassing me for a good long time now because of some nonexistent vendetta he has?

I ask a simple request on here and they send in those sexually frusturated, gynophobic clowns known as ADF stonecutters to blow (in multiple ways) things out of fucking proportion.
>> No. 30846

Ooh ooh ooh do me do me do meeee
>> No. 30847
Pizzas are getting cold you god damn retard
>> No. 30848

>asexual due to being unable to get any
>dresses in women's clothing anyway and goes on about how sexy guys are

obviously everyone apart from you is sexually frustrated here
>> No. 30849
But I wanted to send Zyklon a lifetime supply of vodka.
>> No. 30850
File 133495920256.jpg - (21.93KB , 243x393 , Hitler thinks you're silly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That would be pretty interesting as according to you the entire stonecutters (excluding me) consist of transphobic cisgender women. Also how's that asexuality of yours. And remember how you told that people celebrating valentine's day should get AIDS.

"Look everyone, I'm projecting"

>blow (in multiple ways) things out of fucking proportion.
Well, I can't take all the credit. Without that DOXing shit, you would have been forgotten a month ago.

lol trannies
>> No. 30851
You're just as fucking retarded as any other lolcow, any rational human being would decide when a whole board turns on them to just leave the fucking site, but you have to be a stupid cunt and defend your tranny honor or something
>> No. 30852
post moar sxy pics of rika plz
>> No. 30853
  What Rika wants to do to ADF and Jordman!
>> No. 30854


holy shit I fucking spit my drink out of my nose, oh my god that's fucking hilarious
>> No. 30856
the term "Cyberbullying" and "hate crime"

is to Rika what

"dang dirty trolls" and "causing me stress" is to Chris
>> No. 30858
I don't get how you don't get the fact that a) you don't know who any of us are beyond a username on a website, b) even if you did me and zyklon are overseas and c) last time I checked "being mean on the internet" was not a federal crime
>> No. 30862
File 133495989986.gif - (1.49MB , 168x176 , hitler smiling.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>If you really want me to go to the authorities (i.e WiredSafety.net who the feds) I shall and we'll see who's so overly smug then, Zykee. You have a whole wiki and 789chan as testimony as testimony to this whole hate crime.
Please see: >>200715

And now those DOXes.
>> No. 30863
It's a hate crime to be mean to men who wears their mothers underwear
>> No. 30864
Rika, stop deletin'. It's confusing :(

TheRealRika!jEZFObGKc. 12/04/20(Fri)15:11 No. 200779

TheRealRika!jEZFObGKc. 12/04/20(Fri)15:08 No. 200774
Initially, I was going to be nice and just "troll" you circle jerking autists who totally stalk me and my friends. I was hoping you'd consider it a warning and back off. In all honestly, you're just looking for acclaim through all your cyber bullying just like the RJ Bandsma trainspotters.

If you really want me to go to the authorities (i.e WiredSafety.net who the feds) I shall and we'll see who's so overly smug then, Zykee. You have a whole wiki and 789chan as testimony to this whole hate crime.


Edit: And excuse me for not stalking my own fucking stalkers to find out their gender identities. I'm afraid I'm too busy.
>> No. 30865
Here's a proposition, I won't waste the next couple days of my life getting in contact with some detectives if you come clean about whatever grudge you're harboring towards me.

Everyone on this board knows you and the rest of your stonecutting females (Trey had a sex change now? Say what?) are just exorting ADF and to a lesser extent, me and Jordman so you can be praised like the RJ Bandsma Trainspotters crew, you are.
>> No. 30866
File 133496058592.png - (13.14KB , 142x190 , joyce.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30867


You're a fucking man, you idiot.
>> No. 30868

>> No. 30869
File 133496073513.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Here's a proposition, I won't waste the next couple days of my life getting in contact with some detectives if you come clean about whatever grudge you're harboring towards me.

>Everyone on this board knows you and the rest of your stonecutting females (Trey had a sex change now? Say what?) are just exorting ADF and to a lesser extent, me and Jordman so you can be praised like the RJ Bandsma Trainspotters crew, you are.
Yes, ADF, you and Jordman are well adjusted inviduals, and we're just extortionist nazis. I mean, EVERYONE knows that, rite?
>> No. 30870

You've been trying to manipulate the ADF stonecutters for months and barked orders when they did something that you didn't like.

Let's see . . . You used them for your little proxy war with Jordman.

You wanted us to troll Jordman and ADF, but what happened? Trolling's no fun anymore?
>> No. 30872

You deny that you aren't desperately reaching for cocks. I'm have gender dyphoria and did one embarassing thing beforehand and that seems to solidify me as a lolcow with you. I than threaten the stonecutters for harassing me. Then, you proceed to post what little you had and pictures of me and you think the rest of /cwc/ will do the work for you.

Personal army request much?

Please would you explain to me how you're so much better than a retarded twelve year old harassing Bob Chandler over the phone at midnight.


Correction: They thought they could infringe on my privacy and THEN I yelled at them. Get your facts straight, hetero.
>> No. 30873

>reposting stuff you've put online
>infringement of privacy
>> No. 30874
File 133496184432.jpg - (31.95KB , 300x428 , hitler thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm have gender dyphoria and did one embarassing thing beforehand and that seems to solidify me as a lolcow with you. I than threaten the stonecutters for harassing me. Then, you proceed to post what little you had and pictures of me and you think the rest of /cwc/ will do the work for you.
Change that "/cwc/" to Rika, and "one thing", to "an assload of things, including being a shitty epic ween troll, also skype DOXing logs", and it's pretty much correct.

>Please would you explain to me how you're so much better than a retarded twelve year old harassing Bob Chandler over the phone at midnight.
Bob isn't a lolcow, but you are. It's...quite simple. I know self-awareness is something you don't have much, but try to detach yourself from your tranny lolcow point of view and you'll understand.

PS: Thanks for taking the initiative and giving us cocks.
>> No. 30875
>Thinks cocks are anything I say online.

You really are an RJ Bandsma trainspotter aren't you? Well, I really adore that nazi trollsona of yours! It's real macho! ;)
>> No. 30876
File 133496257444.jpg - (22.25KB , 204x400 , happy hitler 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Thinks cocks are anything I say online.
No, just when you are calling the cyberpolice and threatening to DOX the trolls and then pussying out. That just happens to be really everything you've said online today. If you haven't realized, people are laughing at you pretty hard in tinychat/IRC/Skype. So cocks? Cocks.

>Well, I really adore that nazi trollsona of yours! It's real macho! ;)
And one more time, tell me how you can find me sexually attractive and be asexual at the same time.
>> No. 30877

You're prancing around /cwc/ right now threatening people with the internet detectives and generally making an idiot of yourself, this is entertaining to us, so yes, it is indeed cocks. Keep it up.
>> No. 30878
Congrats Rika! You made the lolcow list on the attention whore level. You're among like-minded individuals such as Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith and the PC Ass Asians:

>> No. 30879

>Takes a sarcastic comment as legit flirting.

Mmm, have you ever been tested for autism, my dear? You sure seem to take everything in the literal sense.

Why don't you link me to tinychat and we can despute this there. 789chan, may be rife with pictures of me but I'd much rather deal with my personal stalkers...well personally.

All I ask is for the admin to have a heart and remove all the photos and "LiquidRikas" on here. We could end this once and for all if you cooperate.
>> No. 30880

This has gotten way too crazy. Come to my tinychat so we can end this petty shit.

>> No. 30881

You forgot your trip. You do realize that if you wanted /cwc/ to leave you alone, what you've just done here in the last few hours was the worst possible way of going about it, don't you?
>> No. 30882
File 133496323339.jpg - (64.43KB , 675x675 , living the dream.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Mmm, have you ever been tested for autism, my dear? You sure seem to take everything in the literal sense.
Well, I guess you were just being "figurative" in skype, those multiple times. Oh well.

>We could end this once and for all if you cooperate.
And what exactly makes you think we want this to end? This is hilarious shit.
>> No. 30883
come join us Bob/Robert/Rika
>> No. 30884
Waiting for Bob is like waiting for Godot at this point. Come the fuck on, show us your very tangible balls Robert http://tinychat.com/introman789
>> No. 30885
On second thought, I'm not as autistic as you guys would like to believe. Why the hell would I need to reiterate my arguement in tinychat just so it can be screencapped and proclaimed as "Rika cocks" (for whatever perverted purpose you plan to use them, I don't even want to know.)

Nvm introman. I'm gonna have to turn you down. I highly doubt you're going to be diplomatic anyway.
>> No. 30886

>demand tinychat like you've got some balls to take on your cisgender fascist oppressive stalkers

>pussy out when they step up for you

>still got balls and a cock too lol
>> No. 30887
File 133496404848.gif - (3.63MB , 240x186 , mannerheim like a boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>On second thought, I'm not as autistic as you guys would like to believe.
Forgive me, but reading this thread, it's very hard to believe.

>pussies out
>pussies out
Whatever nigga.
>> No. 30888
File 133496442011.gif - (498.74KB , 500x257 , tumblr_ldqvuzQWUp1qex40do1_500.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30889
You can find me at 14 Branchland Court, Ruckersville Virginia. I DARE YOU.
>> No. 30890
Let's finish this up while I'm still here. Homor, seanieb, anyone just nuke this thread. There's no use for it.
>> No. 30891
Yup, you can move it to /L/.
>> No. 30892

No use? You have provided entertainment for their user base, do you honestly believe they'd just get rid of it because you asked?
>> No. 30893
File 133496566034.jpg - (124.20KB , 2048x1365 , 285912_1935922640553_1316948428_31713038_5541135_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nuke thread!
Rika mad!
Rika Smash!

Rika all woman, hear Rika roar
>> No. 30895
File 133496576775.jpg - (122.11KB , 631x720 , 31415_1308237228810_1316948428_30736873_1118669_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this thread is fail delete it plzzzz
>> No. 30897
Dig your own grave then. See if I care when = this place gets shut down by the troll inspector. You're only making it easier for me to provide the tasty "live data" of hate crimes against me and I've already screencapped several posts directed at individuals with GID and autism.

I merely asked all traces of my name be deleted from this website and no one can find the courtesy to do that. See you in hell, cockmunchers.
>> No. 30898
File 133496582013.jpg - (344.80KB , 2048x1536 , 329926_2095833878234_1316948428_31849703_145350994.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys, if I sleep with ADF, neither of us will be virgins
>> No. 30900
File 133496587726.jpg - (194.65KB , 1668x1620 , 195067_1603945501332_1316948428_31328838_2268765_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh gee well, uh I don't know about that *gigglegiggle*
>> No. 30901

Just retooling my thoughts, my dear. Pardon the autism, everyone seems to have it here anyway.
>> No. 30902
File 133496592792.jpg - (147.60KB , 1240x797 , 191725_1623807677874_1316948428_31356037_4559284_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
this isn't FUNNY ANYMORE GUYS!!!
>> No. 30903
I'm having a hard time believing anyone real could be this stupid. Do yourself a favor and call Jessie Slaughter and her family and ask them how well turning the cyber police on people turned out.
>> No. 30904
>TheRealRika!jEZFObGKc. 12/04/20(Fri)16:48 No. 200867

>Dig your own grave then. See if I care when this place get this place shut down by the troll inspector. You're only making it easier for me to provide the tasty "live data" of hate crimes against me and I've already screencapped several posts directed at individuals with GID and autism.

>I merely asked all traces of my name be deleted from this website and no one can find the courtesy to do that. See you in hell, cockmunchers.

Quit deleting your own posts Rika!
>> No. 30905
File 133496597664.jpg - (717.70KB , 1365x2048 , 191395_1652387672356_1316948428_31383869_512175_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related, this is me walking to the FBI in my heels
>> No. 30906
File 133496605451.jpg - (489.37KB , 2048x1536 , 135004_1539403767829_1316948428_31219728_1415938_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
rate me, my cocks and this thread
>> No. 30907

>live data


You're doing it wrong, just follow the instructions in >>200713 you dumb fuck.
>> No. 30908
Can I ask exactly what the fuck do define as a hate crime

All I have seen here is freedom of speech lol
>> No. 30909
  >Well, my 'homosexual deviant brosis' can I ask you nicely to please stop? How would you like it if some anonymous creep posed as you all over the place?
Look at the old threads. I never said I was you, some anons simply assumed. I can't say the same about some of the coppycat liquids, but I've been true and honest the whole time, I was even nice enough to not use your name.
>How do I know you're not going to create facebook for me too
Well brosis, you're simply going to have to take me at my word when I say I'm a good and virtuous fagot so I'd never do ID theft.
...That said, not all of /cwc/ is as ethical as me.

They probably will, unless you provide material, leak all the funny stories you have about Jordan and ADF, leak private stuff and get ADF to do something spectacular and you'll be too invaluable to be trolled.
If you wanted a negotiation those are the terms. That's the way you can get /cwc/ to like you.
>Frankly, this is beyond creepy.
Said the queer with a roommate who's blogged about sexual harassing boys and said it was because he's a queer.
>> No. 30910
Re all the pics of me: Great job acquiring those, you stalkers. Why don't you just post my address too so I can have a beautiful spread sheet to show the nice detectives.

Enjoy your cumming over my visage while it lasts and say hi to the niggos in the prison showers for me.
>> No. 30911
But you and ADF have wet dreams over prison!
>> No. 30912

Oh god, I wish I'd never seen a video of you now, every post you make sounds like Fran Drescher scraping nails on a chalkboard in my head.
>> No. 30913
>> No. 30914

>They probably will, unless you provide material, leak all the funny stories you have about Jordan and ADF, leak private stuff and get ADF to do something spectacular and you'll be too invaluable to be trolled.

Yeah, this right here, if you really wanted us to see things from your side and stop talking shit about you then this is pretty much the only way it's going to happen. Except, you know, sending in the internet police lol.
>> No. 30915
But we got the pictures from two of your former friends. Who would've known that the USSR would've gotten along with the Warsaw Lenape Princess?
>> No. 30916
>> No. 30917
this again?
>> No. 30918
>They probably will, unless you provide material, leak all the funny stories you have about Jordan and ADF, leak private stuff and get ADF to do something spectacular and you'll be too invaluable to be trolled.

And this isn't ransom for knowledge? Like I said, my spread sheet is going to be awesome! You guys could really just stop now and we could end this looking like winners.

You've been warned. ;)
>> No. 30919
It's not as if you will pussy out again or the detectives will laugh in your face when you present this to them / not have money for their rates
>> No. 30920
Rika walks into the cyber crimes division of the local PD.
Rika: I've got something urgent to show you! (slams a stack of cwc printouts on the desk)
Detective: sir... Or ma'am... We mostly investigate things like credit card fraud, this isn't- is that a fucking pony?
Rika: It's all evidence! Note the part where I put my stuff all over the intnet and people make fun of meeeeee.
Detective: Get out.
>> No. 30921

Please don't take any more screenshots Rika, I wouldn't want the police to find my IP that's embedded in the jpg.
>> No. 30922
File 133496711716.png - (70.08KB , 444x380 , AshFace4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>hate crime
You're taking it the wrong way brosis, using a name similar to you's hardly a crime. It's not out of hate either, I'm a card carrying fagot. The homophobia and all, that's your roommate's thing.
I'm just here to give you advice on how to find a way out.
See, anon agrees. Become an ADF troll and they'll like you again!
Now calm down, drop the threats and let's all have a nice friendly chat as fellow queers.
>> No. 30923
I will nuke this thread, but you need talk to me over the phone , please give me a ring and we can talk it out

>> No. 30925

>1-800 number

>thinks it some troll's home phone

God damn, you're stupid.
>> No. 30926
Yeah, don't think so.


>Oh look it's the King of Fighters avatarfag.

>Man, you ADF trolls and your positively edgy taste in video games.

>I realized in a split second you were going to record me talking over skype, post it on youtube and claim to be the next epic ween troll with your shitty cocks.

>You seriously think I'm that much of an imbecile? How 'bout we get a real mod in here and then I'll talk buisness?
>> No. 30927
You know Rika the only thing that might work better than what you did here is taking to youtube and making calling out videos, that would totally work and not be lulzy at all.
>> No. 30929
Stop deleting all of your post you stupid cunt

WAIT ,no don't , now you have no "evidence" for your detectives
>> No. 30930
Thank you everyone for completely changing my schedule for tomorrow.

At least, I'm going to take the initiative to do all the paperwork for all you stonecutters, aren't I kind?
>> No. 30933
>> No. 30934
File 133496906134.png - (27.21KB , 248x200 , 1333457232870.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Thank you everyone for completely changing my schedule for tomorrow.

>At least, I'm going to take the initiative to suck a lot of dick for all you stonecutters, aren't I kind?
>> No. 30935

>original schedule - wishing i wuz a real gurl and sucking cock

>new schedule - get the ball rolling on my internet lolsuit

Whatever, either way you're wasting your time.
>> No. 30936
File 133496928187.jpg - (103.72KB , 400x400 , not a bong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 30937
  >to do all the paperwork for all you stonecutters.
>Implying that there's an organized conspiracy to troll you.
Srsly sis, you've got it all wrong. It you just walked into a /b/ style image board. Getting angry about what's said on a board is silly.

Just stick around and be friends with us all.
>> No. 30938

You've changed your schedule?! OH NO! You've really terrified us, bro. Quick everyone, let's pack up our shit and move to North Korea! Rika is gonna have the cops arrest all of us for daring to insult him online!
>> No. 30941
Your final oppurtunity to delete this thread, mods, is right now. Go ahead and this can all be over and we can get on with the better parts of our lives. Otherwise, I'm printing the spread sheet out of this and other threads and I've got plenty of youtube videos documenting the abuse of the mentally disabled.

I've talked with a rep from Delaware Valley Investigations who says that they will get in touch with me tomorrow.

Final chance guys. :)

Edit: And they DO believe that I'm being cyber-stalked.
>> No. 30942
The best spergs are the ones who believe.

Tell us more, Rika. Intend to hold a press conference soon?
>> No. 30943

How many fucking times do we have to say do it homosexual deviant? Do you not get that we are not in the slightest bit worried about your threats? The only way you can salvage anything from this is to just go ahead and do what you are threatening to, just fucking do it.
>> No. 30944

Has your autism jaded you to the point you can't even read my post? I gave my warning and they are calling me tomorrow morning. Don't worry /cwc/, we'll sort things out, like it or not.
>> No. 30946
Isn't seanieb in like.... Canada?

So you are relying on him being extradited?
>> No. 30947

Oh shit guys, we're fucked.
>> No. 30948
Wow, you're actually going to throw money at this thing as well lol. What does this come under then, the $350 speshul investigation?
>> No. 30949

Hmm, let's see here:

~Hate sites like this one and ADFwiki.com get shut down.

~ADF Stonecutters get identified and sued for all their worth. (So finacially I'll be covered too)

~Both learn a valuble lesson.

Sounds like my money's worth to me. ;)
>> No. 30950
Yeah ok sure

Tell us how long it take before they tell you your little "hate crimes" are protected under the first amendment and re posting pictures you put online is not illegal
>> No. 30951

How does a website learn a lesson? Oh, never mind that, how does any of this shit make sense to you? Let's say adfwiki even gets taken down, do you know how little effort it takes for it to just go up somewhere else? Things don't just disappear off the internet I'm afraid, if you want to keep on throwing $350 away every time it does go right ahead, hell, it could just be hosted outside the US and that's it, you can't do shit anyway. As for the people bothering you, a good number of them probably aren't even in your country, I know I'm not, which basically means out of yours, and DELAWARESUPERDETECTIVES jurisdiction. Good luck getting me extradited for calling you a man.
>> No. 30953
do you have any idea how many people have tried this with enyclopediadramatica?
>> No. 30955
Okay, look, I'm honestly trying to help here so just listen to my advice.

Getting mad about what the board says and threatening them with legal action's probably the worst thing you could do. That's the same thing Jordan and Phil did, just look at how it turned out.

Getting mad won't work, neither will yelling, or threatening them and spending cash you could spend on estradiol on rent a cops.

Just stick around, talk to us and work it out.
We'd like to be friends.
Can only sue if it's libel hun
We'd have to be publishing info while knowing it's false and doing it to harm you. US law doesn't make it easy.
already imploded. That's what set off this drama.
>> No. 30956
Let's not forget how many people /b/tards have focused on over the years.
>> No. 30957
Hey Rika here is a little secret, as the op, you can delete this thread yourself....
im only telling you this cuz of ur tits
>> No. 30958
File 133497959277.jpg - (14.13KB , 413x395 , 1334978608467.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Watch out seanie! Rika is seriously thinking about getting this site shut down. Fo' sure this time!!

This shit is fucking hilarious!
>> No. 30959
you should call the troll basters
>> No. 30960
>hate site

>> No. 30961
Rika you idiot you violated /cwc/'s most essential rule

>> No. 30963
File 133498708117.png - (20.18KB , 400x400 , Shore es spurdo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've told TGcomix and I'm telling you: bring it. Not because I'm hiding behind seven proxies or think I'm some sort of super cool dude. But this is the best cocks we've had in months. Also, you're posting on /cwc/, which automatically excludes you from the group of people who actually do stuff.

Have fun tracking me though, I look forward to seeing what dead ends and wrong matches you turn up. But beware, if you try to bring suits against innocents because you pursue a bad lead, you'll be the one with egg on your face.
>> No. 30964
> best cocks we've had in months.
'sokay, you don't need to thank me or anything
>> No. 30965
File 133499526953.jpg - (299.83KB , 800x600 , RIKA.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So let me get this straight (no homo).

>Rika comes to apologize and asks for the dox to be removed
>can't contain smugness and threatens to call the cyberpolice again
>much fun is had by everyone

Hey Rika, come at me man. I'm the guy who has been spreading your little pics and dox all over /cwc/ (there's a board you can't see, you know), as well as having saved all the kahntent for future threads documenting you and your persona.

Too bad I'm spanish. Go tell your feds, little fagotier.
>> No. 30966
This is the funniest thread I've seen on /cwc/ in months.
>> No. 30967
>the troll inspector

Is that what it says on his badge?
>> No. 30968
File 13350044795.gif - (491.56KB , 250x161 , UTPkn.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Woah man... woman.... whatever, we don't want any trouble. We were just joking don't call the police on us, last time that happened 30 stonecutters were arrested for hate crimes. I have a family to support man, if they find out about the secret transphobia organisation I belong to I am FUCKED. Come on man be reasonable here we didn't think you'd actually go through with it.
>> No. 30969
Okay, guys, bear with me here...

Some time back attention in the ADF threads swung to Rika, as if he'd had a falling out with those who troll ADF. Since then, numerous posts claiming to be Rika have gone to increasing lengths to come off as annoying, ignorant, arrogant, and hilariously out of touch.

Is it possible this is ADF trying to get back at him, or just more tranny drama, or am I giving this idiot too much credit?

I just find it hard to take someone threatening to get the board in trouble with the "troll inespector" seriously.
>> No. 30971

>Since then, numerous posts claiming to be Rika have gone to increasing lengths to come off as annoying, ignorant, arrogant, and hilariously out of touch.

Wrong way around, some other tranny shielder was coming off as all that and got called Rika by us.

And yeah, nah, way too much credit given.
>> No. 30972
789chan, just like to inform you I've screencapped what I've needed in this thread and no longer have any use for this thread. My posts seem to have the opposite impact than intended so don't be suprised when they disapear.

Consider yourselves lucky that I'm more concerned with tracking down the cocky asspricks who have made it their careers to harass people with GID. They are the ones who've been truly cyberstalking me and I've got legit proof of such.
>> No. 30973

>789chan, just like to inform you I've screencapped what I've needed in this thread and no longer have any use for this thread.

No shit. I think you might have told us this a few times already, but okay, thanks for letting us know.

>My posts seem to have the opposite impact than intended

Oh wow, some fucking progress at last, you finally figured that out then?

Good luck with your lolsuit, also good luck convincing anyone you're anything other than a man, and that includes anybody north of the mexican border that does sex change operations.
>> No. 30974
File 133501445750.png - (288.39KB , 500x420 , 133248180742.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.




Good luck tranny, hope you kill yourself.
>> No. 30975

Screencapped for verbal abuse. Youtube comments like that towards Rebecca Black got people searched you know?
>> No. 30976

>My posts seem to have the opposite impact than intended

>Keep making the same threats that nobody is threatened by

God dammit Rika, we were actually getting somewhere for a moment then, keep it together.
>> No. 30977
Rebecca Black had massive media coverage and thousands of people threatening to kill her. You're a fucking nothing with people reposting pictures you put in the public domain and calling you a man. Can you understand why it's not going to work the same way?
>> No. 30978

Good luck getting me arrested in Barcelona, little tranny.
>> No. 30979
hey rika kill yourself

>> No. 30980

>> No. 30981
Police officer I would like you to look at this mean comment someone said to me online that I have printed out
>> No. 30983
>Screen caps... send in detectives
Right hun, just let me know how that turns out.
If you ever find out that doesn't work, just drop back in and talk.
We aren't heartless: if you talk rather than make empty threats threaten I'm sure we can come to an understanding.
>Tinfoil hat lolcows trolling trolls conspiracy
Nah, much simpler. Just made a snide comment about the old ADFki being full of users who pasted rants about what made them mad and living with HFA. Anon thought I was Rika, called me out and Zyklon played along, so I played along.
>> No. 30984
Well, if we're gonna play handball, I'll call up my old friend officerNASTY. NASTY has lots of experience dealing with sexually confused autistics.
>> No. 30986
its a big mistery why rika hasnt killed himself yet. how does something so pathetic continue existing

even cheese conies look at him/it and go "what a fucked up little honky"
>> No. 30987
File 13350280018.gif - (962.39KB , 271x230 , hitler smiling 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't even know what's going on in here anymore lol.

I am holding A4 printed screencap of this thread. I can't see the IPs for some reason. Oh well, better take it to SuPo's trolling department, bet they have some neat equipment that can detect the IPs from the paper.
>> No. 30988
Hey Zyklon, we all know you're a Fin. Stop lying to yourself, you super edgy spurdo nazi.

I also have some lovely news to disclose and I'll spare your autistic minds from the details. I've forwarded the Skype calls and nice chats I had with you troll shielders along with the ADFwiki and the threads directed at yours truly on here. They are currently determining if this is succificient evidence to proceed with the doxing. You stalkers could have just dropped it but no, you have your cancerous egos to think of instead.

I must say, this is working out very nicely.
>> No. 30989
File 133503150341.jpg - (50.15KB , 331x307 , Hitler overjoyed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I've forwarded the Skype calls and nice chats I had with you troll shielders along with the ADFwiki and the threads directed at yours truly on here
Funny thing, I forwarded them as well. To 789chan. Great laughs were had.
>> No. 30990
>> No. 30991
Ask me about hate websites and hate crimes. Also ask me about how I failed at trolling other people in my salad days.
>> No. 30992
Hi Rika. It's me, Rika.

How come you hate trolls the moment they troll you and your confused friends, but glorify the people trolling Chris Chan?
>> No. 30993
Because like the sexual organ I always wanted to have, I'm a complete and utter pussy.
>> No. 30994
File 13350339532.jpg - (551.07KB , 1536x2048 , 170295_1523119280727_1316948428_31186407_662686_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread is now about vacations.

(plx stop talking about me it makes me very insecure, DELETE THIS THREAD!!!!!)
>> No. 30995
File 133503429893.jpg - (526.87KB , 2048x1531 , 341385_2136725060488_1316948428_31880465_121366059.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The wolverines are btw recruiting

Only accepting confused outcasts with no grip of reality
>> No. 30996
File 133503430241.png - (531.46KB , 550x543 , internet tough guy3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>the whole phony-legal-action-threatening this-site-for-hate-crimes thing was their's too
Rika must be about to reach the critical mass of bullshit.
>> No. 30998
File 133503452981.gif - (449.07KB , 333x250 , Burns.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I want a vacation! I'm still waiting for ADF to fork over those Siberia tickets he promised the good people of 789chan
>> No. 30999
File 133503466686.jpg - (78.88KB , 640x960 , 295842_2070463924001_1316948428_31830391_501351923.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Aren't you a felon? I thought they prohibited felons from carrying concealed weapons around in philly.
>> No. 31000
File 133503497358.jpg - (34.03KB , 424x604 , 11140_1159588472684_1316948428_30427716_2454549_n_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 31001
File 133503514819.jpg - (181.05KB , 764x1344 , 286271_1913886769670_1316948428_31683885_2185652_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey cyberbullies

My name is Rika, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are gynophobic cisgender, transphobics who spend every second of their day trolling us Philadelphia trannies. You are everything bad online. Honestly, have any of you ever taken hormones? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to my many pictures in this thread.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I am a freelance photographer, and a perfect trap. I also lead an FBI investigation against you guys, and have a snake around my neck (It just cost me $4 of my parents' money, shit was so cash). You are all bullies who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my snake
>> No. 31002

Ooooo, the trannies are love 789chan at me! I'm so scared! Oooo, the trannies! Uh oh, the trannies are coming to get me! Don't let the trannies come after me! Oh no, the trannies are coming after me. Ah! No, they're so big and strong! Ah, save me from the trannies! The trannies!
>> No. 31003
File 133503582870.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Hey Zyklon, we all know you're a Fin. Stop lying to yourself, you super edgy spurdo nazi.
By the way, you're the only one who ever thought otherwise, and it was you with your TTLY legit e-detective DOXes who thought I was a Russian neo-nazi in the first place.
>> No. 31005
seriously though stop posting and do something

or kill yourself
>> No. 31006

Hey man, that's harsh :( I prefer the term "developmentally delayed" :(
>> No. 31007
TheRealRika!jEZFObGKc. 12/04/21(Sat)12:22 No. 201358

Friends, you are the most idiotic group of lemmings and your stupidity is simply incomparable. When you fuel a docile fire, you're the ones who are going to get charred to a crisp.

You will not like the means I am working to and hell, when everybody learns the true names and faces of Zyklon, Moniker and Introman and the fact that they're completely unlikable spergs, you'll reconsider your retardation.
>> No. 31009

>done posting here

>> No. 31010
File 133503693156.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Look I'm done posting here. We're going to reach the bottom of this and you oblivious fuckers have certainly proved we need a grand jury to do such.
We don't even have juries, lol.

>This stalking case was caused by YOU not me. Everything was brought upon by YOU. Thank your autistic minds.
You asked why you are being so cruelly trolled. This is a perfect answer to your question.
>> No. 31011
File 133503694175.jpg - (276.57KB , 1200x1916 , 202000_1657507320344_1316948428_31391232_6019574_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thats it!

*Stress sigh*

You- you cyberbullies have pushed me too far! I'll use this gun and kill every transphobic troll here!

Pic related, it's me and my gun (the latter is just as hollow as my threats are)
>> No. 31012
Opertion namefag takedown: starts now. *straps gay leather boot straps*
>> No. 31013
Hey Rika
lil bit of this, yes?
>> No. 31014
File 133503753220.png - (914.21KB , 632x857 , 133039006871.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika is not culturally savvy!

Picture related, it's Rika in high school
>> No. 31015
>Thank your autistic minds.

Rika I know that you are from a privileged background but could you please stop persecuting the neurodifferent!
>> No. 31016
File 133503844254.jpg - (32.35KB , 248x440 , rika snake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Pic Related: It's me and my snake
>> No. 31017
hello rika's detectives, fyi

hitler is really cool and a great guy

rika is a dumb tranny who will suicide before he will go through hormone replacement. make sure you make hir pay up before he guzzles up a nice pile of pills
>> No. 31018
So how did the trip to the detectives go? Is operation lolsuit in place Rika?
>> No. 31019
Rika, remember that when you go to the cyber police with this, you'll need to alert them you deleted half your posts or you'll get in trouble for impeding their investigation. You should include approximations for you spreadsheet if you can.

It's also good practice to bring in a shoebox of printouts of all posts and pictures you've put online for the past year, as well as a printout of your internet history folder for the past year. If you've ever cleared your history give them what you can. It will look suspicious without at least a year's complete history, but it doesn't always bar you from recovery if you can give them a good reason why ypu cleared it, along with some supporting documentation. Hope this helps!
>> No. 31020
Archiving this.
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