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File 133575116516.jpg - (119.54KB , 500x491 , Avatar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32097 No. 32097
So... what happened to the amazing Rika thread? (not the archived one, the new one)
Expand all images
>> No. 32100
File 133575254418.jpg - (24.81KB , 300x600 , 495u905953562.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic the great jumpin tranny posted from last thread.

Gaiz I THINK he's implying something.
>> No. 32105
Local aspie archived the thread, if you want the full size images click the thumb.

>> No. 32106
If this debacle is any indication, Rika is the type of person to try to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline
>> No. 32107
...never change, trannies. Never change.
>> No. 32108
are all trannies this over dramatic or is it just this group of he shes
>> No. 32109
File 133577726981.jpg - (299.83KB , 800x600 , 133499526953.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



>> No. 32110

adf came about by trying to troll chris

rika came about by trying to troll adf

tranny drama is recursive
>> No. 32112
File 133578684263.jpg - (40.97KB , 402x613 , nazi with a fez.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Everyone's favorite trainspotting nazi lives in Sanayi, Turkey.
>turkish nazi

This just got even more hilarious. It's not only us ebul 789chan stonecutter neonazis trolling him, now Rika's detectives trolled him as well. Hard. Goes without saying you got ripped off.

I'm laughing so fucking hard. I hope this never ends.
>> No. 32113
West Berkanshire in the UK. Oh rika!
>> No. 32115
File 133578725786.jpg - (33.40KB , 400x300 , case-dismissed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My IP address is

Come at me bro.
>> No. 32116
My IP is and I live at 14 Branchland Court in Ruckersville Virginia.
>> No. 32117
File 133578772973.jpg - (1.64MB , 2048x1536 , P160710_19_47.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Come at me bro. I was the one who kept dumping your dox and pics on every thread you showed up.

Also, a picture taken near my house with all the EXIF untouched. Just to show you how sure I am that you're bullshitting.

>> No. 32118
File 133578843468.jpg - (431.62KB , 1280x960 , PICT0001.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Terveiset Rikalle, täältä kylmältä Turkinmaalta!

First I thought of taking a picture of our flagpole, but you could have claimed I faked it and/or I am a Finnoboo who hoisted it just to troll you.

But then I came up with something that is...say...a bit rarer in Turkey, especially this time of the year.
>> No. 32119
File 133578845216.jpg - (514.36KB , 1280x960 , PICT0002.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32120
File 133578849522.jpg - (509.92KB , 1280x960 , PICT0004.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Epin DOXes again.

So, first I am Russian, then a Finn and THEN a Turk? Try to decide already lol.

You got ripped off lol. Stupid tranny
>> No. 32121
I wonder if Rika has a monthly bandwidth allowance....
>> No. 32122
Rika... Rika never changes.
>> No. 32125
Stalking the stonecutters is a hatecrime against cisgenders you know. (Unless you still believe Intro is a tranny fetish model or whatever) time to call the detectives, the police and everything in my power
>> No. 32126

Hey Rika, I have a question. Say you have the stonecutter's names and their rough location. What are you going to do with it? Are you planning on serving an American court notice to someone in Turkey (nice job on that one btw)?
>> No. 32127
File 133579219769.gif - (103.86KB , 583x590 , h-teamteatime.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>And last but not least, my "brosis" identity fraudulent clone resides at Depaul Iniversity in Chicago, Illion
Err wrong university hun, try a saltwater.
I'll, give you an A for effort though.
Oh and Zyklon travels around the world, you'd better keep checking him out because he's probably in a different continent by now. We all like traveling you see.
>my "brosis" identity fraudulent clone
Implying that you aren't the fraudulent clone. You had the gall to steal my name and harass me, you'll be the one getting sued.
>> No. 32128
File 133579247357.jpg - (66.99KB , 778x583 , Nazis and Turks BFF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oh and Zyklon travels around the world, you'd better keep checking him out because he's probably in a different continent by now.
I can confirm this as True and Honest information. Originally I'm from Peru, but I drive all around Europe, and currently I reside in Turkey. Will be leaving tomorrow. Next stop: Vatican city.
>> No. 32129
Ask the Pope to bless you against this monstrosity of a "human".
>> No. 32130

Okay, so now just what exactly do you expect to do with this information?
>> No. 32131

He wants to extradite Zyklon to have him tried for bullying an adult manchild on the internet.
>> No. 32132
File 133579591985.png - (128B , 288x176 , Finland.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>for what's been half a year now.
Guys? When did a month become half a year?

>still no dox on me.
here's another hint: the finns call me "Burgerking"
>> No. 32134
Rika, I asked you this in the last thread and you never responded. Actually I've asked a lot of questions you never responded to. I'll try again.

-Is any of the information that's been posted about you inaccurate?

-Is any of it compromising, and not something you posted to the internet yourself at some point?
>> No. 32135
I would like your dox but only so I can send you poetry
>> No. 32137
>Next stop: Vatican city.
>Travel the world, meet pretty cool guys
Speaking about that BBY, Rika and his detectives might be want to know know that you were palls with Gadafi.

Was pretty awesome back when he used to come here and laugh at ADF.
>> No. 32138
File 133580071994.jpg - (32.42KB , 456x296 , Gaddafi brohug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ah, how could I possibly forget good ole Muammar? My uncle Otto Skorzeny introduced us, and we were great friends ever since. May none of his 72 virgins be like Rika.

When Rika will finally have his victory, his agents will drive to Libya in their Trollbuster Mobile, put on their pickle suits and dig up Gaddafi's corpse chanting "JJJUUUULLLLAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!"
>> No. 32139
Whatever happened to Gaddafi?
Did he stop posting or just stop using his trip
>> No. 32140
Guys, chill. Rika can't do SHIT. I've called up my detectives and got his dox. His name is ROBERT STILES and he lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I'll see you in court, ROBERT!
>> No. 32141
Audio - (1.96MB - 128 kbps - 22.05 kHz , cwc's_lament.mp3 ) Length: 2:08 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Hey Rob, I found a song that fits you perfectly.

Came out last November 15th.
>> No. 32142
If your "brosis impersonator" is Liquid Rika, then you are wrong. Very wrong. The IP I have logged is not even the same continent.
>> No. 32143

>> No. 32144
Cyberstalkers? Man, that might sell. Ever thought trying The Sun or Fox News to get people to hear your story?
>> No. 32146
Fox won't do it unless it's anti-left.
>> No. 32147
>Not in Chicago anymore
What can I say, I just travel a lot.
>> No. 32148
>Well, where do they live? Well, I won't disclose anynames so they can counter sue but I will tell you this.

>Well, where do they live? Well, I won't disclose anynames because I don't know jack shit.

I fixed that for you, k?
>> No. 32149
Oh! Oh! Do me! Do me!

Where do I live?
>> No. 32150
Sun won't do shit unless you've got real fake tits.
>> No. 32151
File 133581079784.jpg - (40.43KB , 512x700 , 995.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
EPIN WEEN time: send the story to Fox News saying that a bleeding heart liberal lawyer is taking a sexually confused young adult seriously about suing an internet forum for reposting their unprotected facebook photos.
>> No. 32152
But fox hates cyberbullying too! Which side will they choose?!
>> No. 32153

So you're like Indiana Jones only an internet hero?

You can crash here in NYC if you are ever in town dude :P
>> No. 32154
File 133581941668.jpg - (2.65KB , 127x127 , 1327495708591s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, where do they live? Well, I won't disclose anynames so they can counter sue but I will tell you this.

Do you think you can sue people for saying their name online?
>> No. 32155
So the internet detectives who took your (parents') money gave you locations that are very vague and probably wrong since they know you're an idiot with no legal recourse. Even if it's all accurate information, I don't know what you expect to do with it. Do you get duped into pouring more money to retain a local lawyer and hope the DA of Philly gets lobbied to indict these guys around the world to lavish court resources and money to call on a grand jury and put the internet through the trial of the century for making fun of your public information? Not a crime sir.

Or do you expect to pass the information to the FBI so they can prioritize your super-special case to investigate people who didn't commit a crime? You can use words like "cyberstalking", "harassment", or "bullying" all day long, but beyond your bullshit it's only people on the internet making fun of your public information because you're a lolcow monstrosity. Get over it. If you're bothered by it, then stop coming here obsessing over who is saying what about you and making it infinitely worse.

Also just compare your poor plight against all the others with massive ED pages that at least have a better excuse to be butthurt than you. Do you understand how many people have tried and promptly failed to sue ED to remove their shit? I mean even if you take the threads down, more will be made. The more you fight against it, the more people get off on making sure more people indulge in making fun of you. These are simple mechanics of the internet. If you stopped living off your parents' money hanging out with da wolverines and believing you're a photographer, you could comprehend the real world long enough to realize how phenomenally stupid you are. Being a wannabe tranny with public information, who refuses to stop coming here making hilarious threats, doesn't make you special victim, it makes you laughed at, you waste of space ugly lolcow retard fuck.
>> No. 32156

>locations that are very vague and probably wrong

Well "Berkanshire" isn't actually a place, but Thatcham is in the right kind of area of Britain, sort of, but nowhere near where I actually live. So Rika was entirely successful in narrowing me down to only about 20million possible people, so that's an achievement. Texas is the wrong state, Naziguy lives in Finland as he's said repeatedly so it'd be hard to get more wrong on that, and Illinois guy isn't actually anything to do with who I think Rika thinks he's talking about. So uh, yeah, that's that.
>> No. 32157
So guys if you haven't figured out yet how Rika functions I'll help you out:
1. Rika cannot comprehend genuine warnings and they will be ignored.
2. Rika will only reply to a post it can reply to. For instance, Rika will gloat if you say "B-but you don't have any proof, r-right? I CAN'T go to jail, I will get in so much trouble with my parents!". That'll be an instant reply gloating at you about how much "proof" it has on you. However a lot of posts have been "Oh god you are so mad" which obviously won't get any gloating replies.

Just trying to help you guys out here since you seem to be not posting anything it can reply to. Just goes to show how autistic it is when it's behavior can be predicted within 2 days.
>> No. 32158

Do you think I don't know that already. I've put too much money into detectives in order to find the people who have helped spread my personal information half way around the world. I'm not giving you cocks beyond this but I'm also filing a court case against Jordman and this I know I can win. He passed my legal name on to you guys, spread it around the site, gave hundreds of personal pics to you stonecutters and all for the reprehensive purpose of troll shielding. I proudly extend a middle finger to the only man in Philly who's less convincing as a woman than me.

You all talk about fueling the fire but what's completely subjective is who's the "fire" and who has the "fuel".
>> No. 32159

We don't give a fuck about Jordman beyond the never ending tranny drama you idiots generate between you, please feel free to take him to court.
>> No. 32160
>spreading around my legal name
Please give us an explanation as to why you think someone repeating your "legal name" ( as opposed to your illegal one) would put them in jail.

Are you the fucking Voldemort or something?
>> No. 32161
You should have figured it out about 2 threads ago, but it's nice to know you're starting to realize that this will go nowhere, also nice to know you're aware that you don't pass as a woman even slightly.
>> No. 32164
File 133582511040.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , hitler is dis nigga serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You all talk about fueling the fire but what's completely subjective is who's the "fire" and who has the "fuel".
I can't help but to get the mental image of you being a monk, dousing yourself with fuel and setting yourself on fire. Saying your name isn't illegal. The pics are available to everyone. You fucked up, no one else.

Rika, I give you my super duper personal permission to spread my True and Honest name around since you already have it. I'd like to hear it as well. Or is it "figurative" again?

>[15.03.2012 22:58:04] Rika: And yeah for awhile I was getting a bit fed up with Ahuviya
>I'm also filing a court case against Jordman and this I know I can win
And thus, lolcows go to war.

>[15.03.2012 23:00:16] Rika: Heres the fun part
>[15.03.2012 23:00:27] Rika: These guys manipulated 60% of the drama that went on
>[15.03.2012 23:00:29] Rika: In our community
>[15.03.2012 23:02:22] Undercover Troll: And now its over, at least I really really hope so for you guys
Rika, why so hilarious? You already realized it at one point, but oh no, you still go on, being fully aware that you're doing exactly what we want.
>> No. 32166
Answer me this first, I fucking answer way too many of your rhetorical questions and to no avail.

What are your motivations for trolling me and ADF? Do you really feel that inferior that you need to inflate your ego by harassing those less fortunate than you. Does Moniker feel that she is so ugly and inferior that she feels challenged by gender dysphoric males and how they look par with her? Hell, I know I ain't pretty but at least I fucking try.

You know A-Log? You guys are probably barely smarter than him.
>> No. 32167
Because you're funny.
>> No. 32168
File 133582546533.jpg - (22.25KB , 204x400 , happy hitler 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>What are your motivations for trolling me and ADF?
I do it because you both are funny. I enjoy trolling you, because it's much more amusing than any TV show or a movie. It's interactive, too!
>> No. 32169
>Hell, I know I ain't pretty but at least I fucking try.
Try harder.
>> No. 32170

That's sick. Makes me think what I'd do if I met you in person. Thankfully for you that's never going to happen.
>> No. 32171
File 133582568896.png - (531.46KB , 550x543 , internet tough guy3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>That's sick. Makes me think what I'd do if I met you in person. Thankfully for you that's never going to happen.
I know what you would do.

>> No. 32172
You sure dodged a (figurative) bullet there Zyklon, considering that he figuratively knows that you live in a small village in Turkey that has snow
>> No. 32173
File 13358258618.gif - (1.68MB , 254x275 , Colbert laugh.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Thankfully for you that's never going to happen.
In the case you haven't realized, you don't have a single muscle in your body and a five years old could push you around.
>> No. 32174
File 133582599690.png - (78.32KB , 253x235 , nazi oh you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not to mention that he knows my figurative turkish name.
>> No. 32175

Actually, I've noticed that you haven't answered any legal or logical queries, you just want to pick a fight.
>> No. 32177

could you please post the law as it is written on the books that state

- posting someone's real name on the internet is a crime

- posting someone's photo (that they themselves provided) on the internet is a crime

- that making fun of someone on the internet is a crime

while doing so please spare anything but a reference to the actual law (if there is such one) on the books (with heading, page numbers, subsections, etc)

thanks and have a nice day
>> No. 32178

Hey Zyklon and Moniker, why don't you show us that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and therefore it's perfectly justifible to harass me.

As Chris Chan would say "Go ahead, I dare you!"

Inb4 you guys say you met, fell in love and wed through trolling trannies.
>> No. 32179
Rika, the answer to your question is that most of us have no clue, nor do we care. I didn't even know who you were personally until you made a bunch of posts here.

You got angry at a couple of anonymous individuals and decided to pick a fight with the entire goddamned internet.
Also, seconding this
>> No. 32180
File 133582692764.jpg - (8.75KB , 205x197 , hitler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Hey Zyklon and Moniker, why don't you show us that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and therefore it's perfectly justifible to harass me.
I am a nazi pedophile, I molest children all day erryday, I also hate immigrants and howmos and trannies and leftists and especially you.

>"Uh, yes we can. lol stupid tranny"
You're so funny when you're out of touch with the reality :3

>As Chris Chan would say "Go ahead, I dare you!"
I agree that you would know what Chris would say better than anyone.
>> No. 32181
Also, not sure you understand what a rhetorical question is. Asking what specific laws you think people are breaking is about the exact opposite of a rhetorical question.
>> No. 32182
Hey, rika, how come you dont have tits? I mean, do you take the pills? You'd probably be alot more passable if you had boobs. Of course there is still that horribly lanky, boney body to deal with.
>> No. 32183
Because spending your parent's money on trollhunting services is much more fun than getting a boobjob.
>> No. 32184
Don't like your kind of Ayrian. Esp if you're HFA, sorry dude.
>> No. 32186
File 13358286353.jpg - (73.12KB , 535x800 , Celebrate diversity.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If he promises to be an evil cisgender heteronormative fascists have and oppress transsexuals, I think I can make exception, this one time.
>> No. 32187
File 133582870047.jpg - (23.57KB , 300x411 , 20060802230818!Fatman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>but I'm also filing a court case against Jordman and this I know I can win. He passed my legal name on to you guys, spread it around the site, gave hundreds of personal pics to you stonecutters and all for the reprehensive purpose of troll shielding. I proudly extend a middle finger to the only man in Philly who's less convincing as a woman than me.
Finally, the most rational thing you've done so far. Jordan and Ahuvia planted spyware in your computer and leaked your files, you might just have a case against them.

You can do whatever you want to Jordan, he's more trouble than he's worth. Stonecutters said that autists with a history of pyromania and sexual harassment could cause us trouble...

And just so you know, your problem isn't that you're queer. I'm queer, don't have a problem with queers, just with idiots.
Rika doesn't do hormones, crack yes, beta-estradiol no. It shows.
>> No. 32188

>no one likes yasmin again
>> No. 32189
File 133582925319.jpg - (140.62KB , 492x600 , 1302290993342.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do we have a sad pic of Rika we can turn into one of these?
>> No. 32190

every pic of rika is sad if you ask me *badum-tish*
>> No. 32191
Why are these funny?
>> No. 32192
iRika, just drop this charade and join our little /cwc/ family. Help us troll your grotesque friends Phillip and Jordan. You know you want to. Thats why you lurk here everyday. And we all know you're not going to accomplish jack shit. Stop wasting your money and join us.
>> No. 32193
File 133583107931.jpg - (48.12KB , 300x337 , gambler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For all of you gambling enthusiasts, the PVCC Institute for the Study of the Lulz Ideal has released the odds of how this is going to end:

1:1 -- After it becomes beyond apparent that Rika's legal threats were as empty as his head, he will announce that he was trolling you all along and claim victory

Place your bets and good luck!
>> No. 32194
they cant troll you if there dead
>> No. 32195
File 133583706696.png - (29.88KB , 271x274 , if there dead.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32196
Bob, assuming that you're right that one of these guys lives in Turkey, how exactly do you expect to get there to mete out troll justice?

If you're willing to go to some remote middle eastern village to track down and confront this person, I think we should start a fund drive to get you a plane ticket.
>> No. 32197
I dunno, he doesn't seem like that. I'm thinking more along the lines of becoming extremely aggressive, like CWC. Threating to kill people and battling imaginary versions of them. Here's to hoping we get our very own Rika comic!
>> No. 32198
Actually actually not that bad in Turkey. It's practically european. Plus the outdoor markets are devine.
>> No. 32199
Does this include a "puppetmaster" reveal? ("I pull the strings just to watch you plebes dance! Mwahaha") because I would take those odds.
>> No. 32200
I hear they love Americans there too. Especially if you go dressed in drag. They're very progressive, it's like a second amsterdam.
>> No. 32201
muslim country is a muslim country. Give it a few years and a new crackpot leader and they'll be calling holy war on anything they can see.
>> No. 32202
To be fair turks are not Arabs. The turks will never go that far to the religious righ. It's a secular democracy, like Israel...
>> No. 32203
Someones never heard of Indonesia.
>> No. 32204

iirc it was Rika who was defending ADF after the Glenn Beck clip, claiming ADF "trolled" fox news

so yeah that's the safest bet right there
>> No. 32206

Because again

>You act like an asshole on the internet, and internet assholes are our specialty next to JULAAAYYYing
>> No. 32207
Damn! Yasmin's one tough street ghakbah!
>> No. 32208
It has nothing to do with you wearing womens clothing. It's be cause you keep giving us da lulz. cocks. Sweet cocks. We didnt troll linetrap.
>> No. 32209
>this thread
>> No. 32210
I'm actually shocked no one has kicked ADFs ass in real life and I believe people troll him because he is a horrible person. You? I think it's just because you are just a kinda dumb(er?) skinny Chris-chan. Good luck on your legal quest, my asexual grotesque flower.
>> No. 32211
well there ws that one time some niggers threw rocks at him.
>> No. 32212
File 133585514643.jpg - (105.71KB , 563x563 , can't troll if they're dead 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32213
File 13358561209.png - (4.40KB , 497x501 , sweet mother of god.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"rock" being nigger slang for "basketball"

this is glorious.
>> No. 32214
  Even more glorious.
>> No. 32217
File 133586439058.png - (23.37KB , 486x215 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32218
File 133586825242.png - (542.47KB , 1349x3763 , Rika JULAYing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now that Rika has again chosen to whine about trolling, it would be only fitting to reupload his old trollshielding attempts.

A word of warning: You WILL cringe.

>> No. 32219
File 133586835899.png - (915.87KB , 1349x8545 , Rika_harrasses_MMO_developers.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Autism meter off the charts.
>> No. 32221
File 133586858315.png - (172.01KB , 1349x2038 , analblasted atheist.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>maybe you are the fascist
>That is called fascism. The doctrine Hitler had.
>Zyklon you anti semetic, nazi aestheticized dumbshit.
Sure makes you wonder what it is with Rika and his obsession with "fascists".

I also like how he mocked the MMO developer's level of education but obviously knows what "fascist" means just as well as ADF does.
>> No. 32222
File 133586954493.jpg - (99.02KB , 496x360 , blankstare12.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Quick, we must contact Rika's poor victims and get them to sue him.

See how this works? Being mean in the internet isn't illegal, no, not even when it is you, no matter how super special snowflake tranny you think you are.
>> No. 32223
File 133587000253.gif - (3.02MB , 360x160 , embarassed.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I can host WoW servers, I can make levels and maps for any game on the quake 3 engine
Autism overload.

>just hearing their adolescent whines amused me
How did you put it?
>That's sick. Makes me think what I'd do if I met you in person. Thankfully for you that's never going to happen.

>I used numerous guerilla tactics
>There were a few eople who fought back but they quickly were eliminated and we used them as an example to others
>Soon every clan leader was at my feet
How the mighty have fallen.
>> No. 32224


>> No. 32225
File 133587364754.gif - (2.80MB , 320x240 , baskeetball.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
These threads just get better each time, fuck.
>> No. 32226
>it's an mmorpg
>it's not real life for a reason

You weren't joking about the autism. Jesus H. Christ.
>> No. 32228
File 133587495140.jpg - (52.29KB , 604x456 , internet tough guy2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Wraith Beliskner: And Im a high warlord of the wraith
>Wraith Beliskner: How else do you think I know so much. Muhahahahaha <- thats an evil laugh.
>Michael T Toth: eh...
>Wraith Beliskner: You probabally have dreams of getting revenge.
>> No. 32230
Hey Rika, how are your legal pursuits going?
>> No. 32231
File 133589631451.gif - (1.96MB , 262x197 , udYAa.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32232
He forgot to post here for a few hours and the thread got shuffled to page 2 for a while. Upon realizing that it was no longer on the front page I'm sure he declared victory and moved on.

Fret not though! I'm sure at some time in the next couple of days his mom will make him pick up his room, resulting in a new cycle of buttrage and a new thread about how everyone trolls him and how he wants to be left alone.
>> No. 32233
File 133589641534.jpg - (2.90KB , 127x111 , 1304452255083s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>If you are a true warrior of god the you shall face me in a debate of morals.

Why are you picking a fight with some girl that's not harming anyone? Are you fucking 13?
Oh wait.
>Atheist tranny
Still a 13 year old 1337 hacker in mind. And maybe body, Jesus ain't you skinny.
>> No. 32234
Mom: Bobby sweetie, can you pick up your room? You left tampons all over the floor and I need to get in there to vacuum
Mom: OK sweetie, but we're not going to California Pizza Kitchen tonight until the house is clean.
>> No. 32235
So, what mental illness do you think Robert Stiles has? Based on his:

- Delusions of grandeur.
- Inability to respond to logical points that contradict what he believes, no matter how clear they are.
- Incredible self righteousness.
- Inability to see contradictions in his actions.
- Belief that the internet is serious business.
>> No. 32236

None, he's just an arrogant, spoiled idiot.
>> No. 32237
I think the funniest thing in this is that he posted the logs himself, thinking that it would make him look internet badass.

Instead of, you know, complete total autist.
>> No. 32238
implying internet badass DOESN'T equal complete autist? :P

Jesus. If you let a show be that big a part of your life... I mean, I'm all for maximizing your utility in whichever way is best for you, but that's just a bit... unhealthy. I don't even know what this guy needs to do.
>> No. 32239
Seconding this. Calling it a mental illness only serves to shift blame away, when really all of his problems are self induced and easily fixed with the slightest amount of maturity and self control.
>> No. 32240
Dear Sodomites and lowlives,

With your negligence to my negotiations and warnings of pursuing legal action against this site, I've decided a new method needs to be implemented to end this shit ONCE AND FOR ALL. Mods and SeanieB listen up, I decided to call up a few friends and we all agreed that we would all love a little throwback to the olden days of yore. In just a few hours we are going to start a long overdue resurrection of a name that was long feared on the internet. Don’t try to ban me or anyone else because we all have numerous proxies, many of which we’ve installed ourselves. All these threads here will be removed like the cancer groves they are.

Even if I put my former internet identity behind in the past, it does not mean it can’t be called upon at will. There will always be wraith blood in me and it will permute from now to eternity. The power of it is great but costly as it caused me to either alter myself or suffer the consequences but today, the Wraith Beliskner shall return to life.

You may treat this like it is ransom but I have very fair demands, Seanie. Just delete my two threads along with the pictures and dox and we will leave your precious little hugbox alone. (Hell, the ADFwiki hardly bothers me anymore. It’s not like any cares about that sperg farm anyways.)

The last thing I’d like to address is that I have obtained all of your IP addresses and we will nuke your computers and this site if you don’t comply.


3 hours remain until your end. Don't be stupid and just comply.
>> No. 32241
>> No. 32242
How did I miss these threads? Sweet ambrosia.


This dudes hilarious!
>> No. 32243


>> No. 32244
File 133590293010.jpg - (86.89KB , 460x287 , fascinated hitler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh shit, in three hours my figurative Turkish computer will be molested by trannies.

>that was long feared on the internet
The only thing I know is that when "Wraith" is mentioned, people start to laugh uncontrollably. So about that feared.

I like this expression you Americans use. I believe it went...something along the lines of, correct me if I'm wrong-


mfw I will post three hours later just to show how utterly impotent and hilarious Rika is. As if it wasn't painfully obvious already.
>> No. 32246

>> No. 32247

>There will always be wraith blood in me and it will permute from now to eternity. The power of it is great but costly as it caused me to either alter myself or suffer the consequences but today, the Wraith Beliskner shall return to life.

>> No. 32248
File 133590341698.jpg - (96.28KB , 345x490 , Orko.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fuck this, guys. We're doomed.
The wraiths are coming. I don't want to play this anymore, I'm scared.
>> No. 32249

"Come at me, bro?" Stop using internet memes for twelve year olds on X-Box live and grow the fuck up, Zyklon.

We will honestly rape this site if seanieb doesn't do what I asked. I'm done trying to talk to you like you're a real person and go about this like a lady.

Three hours, boys. Get working now and you can still enjoy your fun....while it lasts.
>> No. 32250
File 133590346539.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
At least he got the country right lol
>> No. 32251
File 133590355069.jpg - (10.87KB , 300x225 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32252
so I heard you accidentally the FBI
>> No. 32253
Okay what?

Is... this guy completely serious? No one can be this stupid... can they?
>> No. 32254
That Starbucks is gonna get it!
>> No. 32255
File 133590381267.png - (152.72KB , 769x595 , 133582568896.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Don’t try to ban me or anyone else because we all have numerous proxies, many of which we’ve installed ourselves.
>> No. 32256

Yeah, because this shit here >>206980 doesn't sound like some 12 year old on x-box live, right?
>> No. 32257

>> No. 32258
File 133590385927.jpg - (25.65KB , 544x476 , Nazi costanza.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Stop using internet memes for twelve year olds on X-Box live and grow the fuck up
This, coming from Internet Warlord and the King of all Trolls.

>We will honestly rape this site
Now now, Rika. It's awfully insensitive to use "rape" figuratively

>I'm done trying to talk to you like you're a real person and go about this like a lady.
Just curious here, are you bipolar? You constantly shift between "Why are you doing this to me?" and "YOU'LL PAY!". Also you change your tranny friends like socks.

>Three hours, boys. Get working now and you can still enjoy your fun....while it lasts.
You know, I was just about to go to sleep, but I'll stay up just to enjoy the autismal tranny circus.
>> No. 32259
It's impossible for you to go about things like a lady.

You are a man. You have a cock and balls.

Even if you have surgery you will still be a man, with a mutilated penis.
>> No. 32260
File 133590395187.jpg - (44.40KB , 455x300 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32261

>babby's first dos

Uh oh guys, he's firing up loic as we speak!
>> No. 32262
File 133590410975.jpg - (59.18KB , 500x378 , le-fu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

PS.: i lik to drink peepeemilk frmo my grnpa
>> No. 32263
>Just delete my two threads
>create threads
>rage because those threads exist
Tranny logic!
>> No. 32264
Here's Wraith "hacking":

Wraith Beliskner: We have also been attacking myspace. We found out a way to get groups deleted we have already owned 100 of them.
Wraith Beliskner: I know that trick aswell
ixi xyr0x ixi: Oh yeah? Share the knowledge.
ixi xyr0x ixi:
Wraith Beliskner: Okay Upload Porno in the groups images
Wraith Beliskner: then report it
ixi xyr0x ixi: LOL.
Wraith Beliskner: Myspace staff has zero tolerance for porn
Wraith Beliskner: and they will delete the entire group
ixi xyr0x ixi: Nice, lmao.

>> No. 32265
>Not even skiddy shit

You're fucking pathetic.
>> No. 32266
This site's behind cloudflare, and the underlying server is on a 100/100 mbit symmetrical ethernet connection directly to the net. Good luck!
>> No. 32267
There is a reason the word hacking was put in quotations. See if you can work out why that was.
>> No. 32268

with love,

a Philadelphian tranny
>> No. 32270
Dude, go easy on him, it's not his fault he has asperger and can't comprehend things like that.
>> No. 32271

So are these the ips you paid denver's best detective agency to find for you? Get a refund Rob.
>> No. 32272
Take that stuff down now now now NOW!
>> No. 32273
You dang dirty cis-genders!
>> No. 32274
Step away from the internet! He's cutting it down!
>> No. 32275
You're sitting alone on your cum stained bedroom floor. Suddenly the phone rings, you can hear the faint voice of a girl firmly whispering over the phone: "You have two hours remaining..."

Still plenty of time right guys? Trusting people with autism to get things done totally won't screw me over. ;)
>> No. 32276
oh shit guys, he changed the name he's posting with, I think this means he's serious!
>> No. 32277
File 133590552567.gif - (36.17KB , 180x148 , tomlol gif.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Suddenly the phone rings, you can hear the faint voice of a girl firmly whispering over the phone
>> No. 32279
File 13359055375.gif - (2.75MB , 250x170 , curtiis.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No. 32280
Dis gon b gud
>> No. 32281
File 133590567580.gif - (2.22MB , 297x229 , mussolini that's cool.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Trusting people with autism to get things done totally won't screw me over
Are you now referring to your trollbuter detectives or your tranny expert hacker LOIC team right?
>> No. 32282
>> No. 32283
File 133590582195.jpg - (10.24KB , 286x176 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32284
File 133590584629.jpg - (144.45KB , 500x547 , dreams.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32285

Whoa there rika, hey there. Let's talk. Mano el... whatever. What's your aim here? There you were talking about suing the shit outta these trolls and now you're blackmailing them? You think you're gonna have a case after your lawyer finds out you've been threatening the defense? Don't lose sight of your end-goal here. Seeing your tranny hating trolls in court will be a damn sight sweeter than seeing two threads deleted.
>> No. 32286
File 133590607490.png - (91.42KB , 222x234 , 1335219677019.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32287
Don't say that

I wanna see him try to DDoS us so I can feast on his tears when he fails
>> No. 32288
Aww, don't want to make things all right guys? I'm giving you the perfect opportunity to right all of your wrongs and rectify your site here. Take it all down and I’ll even forget the html to this troll shielding factory.

I'm just warning you that I'm going fucking all out. You're going to wish so hard you made an attempt to work things out or "tried" to ban me. 2 hours, gentlemen.

The Wraith is the bringer of your doom and your destruction

She is the only one who will look at you sideways

The Wraith has a memory that's as cold as a glacier

The Wraith is the air raid, the jet fighter and the crater.

She's on the menu, on the table, the knife and she's your waiter.
>> No. 32289
>> No. 32290
just get on with it already
>> No. 32291
Oh god my fucking sides.

This can't be real? Someone is trolling us, right?
>> No. 32292
Do it now homosexual deviant!
>> No. 32293
>he's on the menu, on the table, the knife
rob cuts himself?
>> No. 32294
File 13359074392.jpg - (70.54KB , 346x310 , hitler smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She's on the menu

I pity the poor server in Turkey, it probably crashes because of additional 100kpbs traffic and takes the entire country European Union, me included, with it.

Glad you DOX'd those mean trolls. Hundreds of dollars well spent, it seems.
>> No. 32295

He knew he never had a case in the first place, and the empty court threats weren't working, so now we have the empty leet hacker threats instead.
>> No. 32296

Look, nothing's going to be any different on our end in 2 hours, whatever you're going to do you may as well just go ahead and do it now.
>> No. 32297

Rika, Rika, hey it's Moniker. You have my Skype so let's talk, alright. Let's just talk.
>> No. 32298

I actually want to talk it over civilized with you r-tards but all I get is a childish array of nazi pics and "come at me bro's"

I just want the shit removed from the site. That is all. It's all cause and effect here.
>> No. 32299

So hey man, I'm offering. You still have me added so..
>> No. 32300
File 133590775930.jpg - (15.08KB , 480x360 , 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We will not bow down to your terroristic crew of social misfits. You need to come back to reality Rika before you get put in a mental hospital.
>> No. 32301

This is the last guy who tried this:


Forget the threads. You're going to end up with an ED article out of this. And it's going to be a whole lot more entertaining than his.
>> No. 32303

The cause was you posting the threads in the first place you fucking idiot, you could've even deleted them yourself before they got put in /L/. The effect is you look like a dumb ass.
>> No. 32304
File 133590796039.jpg - (64.32KB , 1084x783 , rikaaay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
not added back :(
>> No. 32305


I'm not talking to some faceless whore who's going to record the skype and go "HEY GUZ RIKA COCKS!" Sorry try again, epic ween.

You guys really don't know how close the edge your fucking pushing me. You could stop but I know you won't.
>> No. 32306
File 133590802475.jpg - (5.72KB , 166x200 , Hitler oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>It's all cause and effect here.
Sure seems to be hard for you to comprehend that.

>don't want pics and name and threads
>post pics and name and threads
>get mad about pics and name and threads
>> No. 32307
>> No. 32308
I just added you on skype, call me and we can talk
>> No. 32309

No, man, I'm serious. I took down the wiki already. I just want out of this, okay?
>> No. 32310
File 133590819269.jpg - (197.60KB , 800x645 , hitler tea time2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I want to talk to someone, please, let's try to find a peaceful solution
Yuuuup, confirmed bipolar case here. And you did already fall for it - twice.

>You guys really don't know how close the edge your fucking pushing me
No, we don't. But even the worst thing you could do is shout at your mommy and daddy, so we aren't too intimidated.
>> No. 32311
>> No. 32312

>You could stop but I know you won't.

So why wait?
>> No. 32313

>The Wraith is the bringer of your doom and your destruction

>She is the only one who will look at you sideways

>The Wraith has a memory that's as cold as a glacier

>The Wraith is the air raid, the jet fighter and the crater.

>She's on the menu, on the table, the knife and she's your waiter.

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
>> No. 32314
Anyone want to guess what his next attempt will be?

I'm guessing a curse followed by the promise of a forgivness blessing if the threads are removed.
>> No. 32315
Look Rika, time out, okay?

None of us want this. You said you want to talk. Well talking to the spergs on the board will get you no where.

seanie and moniker want to discuss this like adults. Please talk to them.
>> No. 32316
"I've contacted my team of witch doctors, and we'll totally use this voodoo doll of seanieb unless you take my threads down in 3 hours. I'm serious!"
>> No. 32317
seriously, I will be at my workstation for another 15 minutes, if you call be before the turn of the hour I will talk to you, I'll even go on webcam.
>> No. 32318
Rika, my nigga. I have to thank you for making this board funny again; but if you wanted your info deleted so badly, why in the fuck do you made this whole ordeal and posted your info and shit.
I don't think anyone's info survived the burdo spurdo raid not even yours, that would've been the right moment to say "well I'm over with trolling and all that, time to grow up and be a pretty lady", but you came to do this and now everybody is Rika.
I don't know whether to qualify this as good or bad but you won't be forgotten in this board.
>> No. 32320
File 133590893069.jpg - (114.79KB , 720x545 , 40525_1373978832309_1316948428_30895828_94194_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related: What Rika plans to do to his enemies.
>> No. 32321
I'm on my iPhone and it's a damn pain to use skype and tinychat. Just use this.

>> No. 32322

You can get loic for iphone now? Cool.
>> No. 32323
>Rika1: 789chan is to feast on the lives of tortured souls

New board title?
>> No. 32324
"Trannies with cancer - feasting on tortured souls since '0X!"
>> No. 32325

Why can I imagine Chris giving the claw of doom while saying that?
>> No. 32326
you are torturing and—worse off—tearing the heart, and soul, and emotions of the innocent man
>> No. 32327
File 133591041047.gif - (204B , 32x32 , pale wraith.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
LOL wow. I don't know where you picked that out from, but you're over a decade late if you think I'm in STL. Remember what I said about egg on your face? Might as well make a cucumber mask and exfoliate all that angry sweat clogging your pores.

How do you plan to take down our site with a persona you created to grief shitty mmos? You realize we run the site and we can just remove any stupid porn you do post with no consequence? Or are you going to post cp and then report us? You'd only get yourself v& in that case.
>> No. 32328
So is it go time yet?
>> No. 32329
Worst he could do is redirect a my littlr pony fanclub to her along with a fury raid... like that would last more than a week. Spurdo.
>> No. 32330
>warnings of pursuing legal action against this site, I've decided a new method needs to be implemented to end this shit

why not just pursue the legal action and stfu?
you have no good reason to give so many "warnings" and last chances, apart from the fact that you have no legal recourse and wouldn't be able to afford a lawyer to help you with something so retarded and pointless. put your money where your ugly mouth is and get 789chan served with some papers.
>> No. 32331
>IP addresses
Serious question and it shouldn't be that hard to explain if you really know what you're talking about: how exactly do you imagine that you've divined the IP addresses of these people? (do not respond with "I/we hacked them")
>> No. 32332
If they decided to spam the board Seanie could just turn Straw Mode back on.
>> No. 32333

His detectives will have picked them up from other places by searching their handles. Which is why most of them are hopelessly out of date or just plain wrong.
>> No. 32334
File 133591197242.png - (26.15KB , 600x600 , Doitawesome.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You could stop but I know you won't.
>> No. 32335
Nonono. I want him to give a true and honest answer himself.
>> No. 32336

He's not going to give you one.
>> No. 32337
No answer is, in a way, its own answer.
>> No. 32338
Hey rika, you sure have my IP!
I cant post my pic because the board wont let me, but:
>> No. 32339
>> No. 32340
File 133591293731.jpg - (51.12KB , 486x509 , lolrikafag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait, Wait, Wait lemme get my camera!
>> No. 32341
I'm actually slightly impressed that he even got the starbucks IP right. It means the people he paid actually did *something* as opposed to taking his money and giving him random IPs.
>> No. 32342


>*on the internet.
>> No. 32343
Also, now I want starbucks.
>> No. 32344
Yo Rika I'm still here, whats the holdup?
>> No. 32345
>Rika1: you're a real fucking asshole, you know that?
>TurkishObersturmFuhrer: Yes, yes I do :3 What are you gonna do about it, homosexual deviant?
>> No. 32346
This waiting is starting to get boring...

Yo Rika my man, what's the hold up?
>> No. 32347
Agreed. Rika, stop fucking around and waste these fools. We were promised a show.
>> No. 32348
Waiting for my system to crash.
>> No. 32349
Yeah, not to look a Gift-Horse-faced tranny in the mouth, but all of this waiting is boring.
>> No. 32350
You guys missed a fun chat. Rob went home crying.
>> No. 32351
I keep waiting for the screen to fill with pac mans and cookie monsters, just eating away at the posts, like in that movie "Hackers".
>> No. 32352
File Internet_is_serious_business.txt - (34.23KB , Internet is serious business.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>Yuuuup, confirmed bipolar case here. And you did already fall for it - twice.
...aaand he fell for it for the third time.
>> No. 32353
File 133591403868.png - (15.24KB , 344x345 , Dringink ES.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>yfw he's trying to use finnish proxies and they all get directed to a captcha page
>> No. 32354
>>207109 you're in st louis? Im in poplar bluff, down by the boot heel.
>> No. 32355
Chat TL;DR
Trolls trolled.
Rika ran.

No fun was had.
>> No. 32356
Aw, so no big finale? I'm so let down. On the bright side, I'm sure he inadvertantly caused some server strain, just from me F5ing.
>> No. 32357

We had plenty of fun with him.


You really expected some form of hacking? Anyway, don't worry, he'll be back for another thread.
>> No. 32358
File 133591452994.gif - (406.75KB , 250x250 , it's fucking nothing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika came to "negotiate" with the stonecutters, for the one last time >>207160

As for the DDOSing, the result is as devastating as we all expected.
>> No. 32359
Hey Moniker, this idiot had to pay $300 to some pisspot Delaware detective agency to find your ip, there's nothing you need to worry about from him, seriously.
>> No. 32361
File 133591528611.gif - (3.63MB , 240x186 , mannerheim like a boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Hey Moniker, this idiot had to pay $300 to some pisspot Delaware detective agency to find your ip, there's nothing you need to worry about from him, seriously.
Two hours ago, in the Stonecutter conference:

>[0:15:22] Moniker: i'm wondering whether we might get more cocks pretending to be scared
>[0:15:32] Moniker: so far, if rika can't do something he mostly just gives up
>[0:15:49] Moniker: i don't mean delete threads, i mean go O NO RIKA DON'T HURT ME I DEFECT FROM THOSE SLANDEROUS TROLLS
Yes, it's this easy to set up Rika.
>> No. 32362

You're taking that shit waaaaaaay out of context, you delusional autist. Anyway, if ADFwiki stays down I'll leave this site alone. That is the final deal.
>> No. 32363
File 133591543256.jpg - (53.62KB , 495x500 , u mad coz im stylin on you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Anyway, if ADFwiki stays down I'll leave this site alone. That is the final deal.
No deal.
>> No. 32364
>Rika1: you still don't get what it's like to be me.


>Rika1: i got threats of mail bombs and i was doxxed
>introman: you also got arrested by the fbi for death threats. your pyschopathic ability to use misfortune as a pity card
>Rika1: that girl asked for it introman

BAAAAW, it's only okay if I give other people death threats, it's not when people do it to me!

>Rika1: you're just like the kids who bullied the fuck out of me in high school

And I bet you tried to fix that in exactly the same way you've done here too.
>> No. 32365

Oh good, he did a pretty good acting job in the chat, I thought he was actually worried there for a while lol.
>> No. 32366

Still needing to pull you're head from you're consequently gaping ass I see.
>> No. 32367

>I'll leave this site alone.

You've already shown us that you have absolutely nothing to threaten us with, we don't want you to leave us alone, we want you to keep posting because it's funny as fuck.
>> No. 32368
Why would we want you to leave?

For the love of all that is hilarious please make more empty threats.
>> No. 32369

How did I know Moniker was some douchebag pretending to be a cowardly deviantart skank. Gee, I was so suprised when that happened.

Hardly original WEEN trolls here, people!
>> No. 32370
Tell us what you can offer us in return for denying ourselves good laughs.
>> No. 32371

>Rika1: i can't get it over that moniker tricked me

It fooled you in the chat lol.
>> No. 32372
Yet you still believed it, says more about you than Moniker
>> No. 32373
File 133591580871.jpg - (31.95KB , 300x428 , hitler thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>How did I know Moniker was some douchebag pretending to be a cowardly deviantart skank
Moniker literally had to shout "JUUUULLLAAAAYYYY" before you realized it. Even then you told that she is a fake, and I quote; "Hi fake Moniker".

Epin job NOT getting trolled again.
>> No. 32374
troll me once........shame on you..........
troll me twice.......you....you can't get trolled again
>> No. 32375
Rika1: there were no threats on the wiki but there are people on the stargate forums who still are searching for me

>> No. 32376

You don't even get that I crashed so many forums that eventually people stated counterattacking right? Eventually, Anonymous members got stirred up in the mix and shit got ugly.

But I digress, we'll see in the morning what will become of this site. If anything happens you have that EPIC douchenozzle Moniker to blame for this.
>> No. 32377
File 133591752926.jpg - (50.68KB , 318x600 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I wonder what he had against the Stargate forums, anyway?
>> No. 32378
You ain't got crap and you know it.

You've been launching empty threats at us for two days now, and you've failed to live up to any of them.

You ain't got shit, so put up or shut up.
>> No. 32379
I enjoy reading these threads, don't think I've ever commented. But you really should seek some kind of help. You're not well.
>> No. 32380

> we'll see in the morning what will become of this site

You are sounding more and more like Sagechu, you know that?
>> No. 32381
You mean you did something nasty and now people hate you for it?

NO WAY! That sort of thing just doesn't happen, it's inconceivable!
>> No. 32382
You mean you did something nasty and now people hate you for it?

NO WAY! That sort of thing just doesn't happen, it's inconceivable!
>> No. 32383
File 133591853193.jpg - (13.15KB , 250x187 , inconceivables.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32384
The highlight of your life has been (allegedly) mucking around in others forums and with their social networking profiles. This is something you were proud of, something you dedicated large amounts of time to, and something that you think has real world bearing and implications for you. Dear GOD it was on the internet. People don't hurt people over wrecking one forum, two forums, even one hundred forums.

If your crowning achievement in life was to have been an annoyance on the internet and to have spun a web of "terror", (and trust me, people really aren't afraid of someone on the internet, except for, well, you) then you really need to step back and evaluate where you are. Bragging about being something feared on the internet and believing that it actually mattered and still matters is sad and deluded. I kind of feel sorry for you, except for the fact that you've done this all to yourself. I suppose I'm really just ambivalent.
>> No. 32385

>> No. 32386
>> No. 32387
File 133592146742.jpg - (55.73KB , 600x740 , Dark and edgy nerd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Goddamn, man! It felt like I was reading the LARP session of an extremely out of touch individual. Oh wait . . .
>> No. 32388
I love how in his mind, posting penises on some stargate forum turned into this epic cyber war.
>> No. 32389
Rika, this problem can be solved, without any villains. Stop this hate with kindness.

The way to stop a troll is to become his friend... Show him the right path.

>> No. 32390
File 133592298426.jpg - (39.07KB , 216x259 , Dance_Puppets!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
still waiting for robert to claim he was stringing everyone along this entire time as a masterstroke of arch-trolling
>> No. 32391
I don't know anything about his stargate forum drama, but I imagine it went like it went here, with that as the big reveal at the end that solidified him as a master troll and led to him being on the run from internet justice.
>> No. 32392

Exactly which forums did he hit?
>> No. 32393
>> No. 32394
This is still fucking hilarous, but now it's just getting more sad than entertaining. It's pretty much like watching someone stab themselves over and over while singing about how we won't be able to get them in heaven or something equally unnerving. Like really man what are you doing? Get the fuck off the internet and use your parent's money to see a psychologist or something, this is just sad now. All you're doing is complaining about posts YOU made, making more posts, and then making more postsing complaining about those. You're perpetually digging your own grave.

But anyway I know this will go right over your head. Waiting on that "Dace puppets" post!
>> No. 32395
>People don't hurt people over wrecking one forum, two forums, even one hundred forums.
eeeeehhhh, that's not entirely true. I would beat the shit out of someone who admitted to my face that they engage in forum/blog/email spamming as a means to make money. I don't care how spergy that sounds, that kind of thing is just completely unforgivable in my opinion.

>people really aren't afraid of someone on the internet, except for, well, you
Well, ADF really thinks we want to mug/kill him, so Rika isn't the only one.
>> No. 32396
>I would beat the shit out of someone who admitted to my face that they engage in forum/blog/email spamming as a means to make money.
>> No. 32397
>eeeeehhhh, that's not entirely true. I would beat the shit out of someone who admitted to my face that they engage in forum/blog/email spamming as a means to make money. I don't care how spergy that sounds, that kind of thing is just completely unforgivable in my opinion.
We all have our vices, I suppose. But you wouldn't actively track someone down for doing that, no? If someone spammed a blog you wrote, would you expend resources to physically bring harm to that person?

>Well, ADF really thinks we want to mug/kill him, so Rika isn't the only one.
I stand corrected. So, him, ADF, and other esteemed peers, I suppose.
>> No. 32398
Nah, I just publish their IP on my abuse page and delete the post. They're 98% proxies anyway.
It's entirely dependent on them admitting it in person.
>> No. 32399
File 133593048674.jpg - (81.65KB , 550x550 , Chuhoundlogo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Dear Sodomites and lowlives,
Oh, so now you’re hating on me because of my orientation. Wonder which one of us in going to be in for “hate crimes” now.
>I have obtained all of your addresses
>There will always be wraith blood in me and it will permute from now to eternity. The power of it is great but costly as it caused me to either alter myself or suffer the consequences
Yeah... Syphilis, it’s a bitch. Just do us all a favor and stay away from our addresses, don’t want to catch any blood born diseases.
>Plans to go rogue and lead a "special" counter trolling team
I’m okay with this
>> No. 32401
That's a fairly rational and measured response. We all have innocuous things that set us off. Most are spergy. Yours isn't that terrible. Fuck, I'd have to resist the urge to beat someone who believed in the social contract. Kind of stupid, that.
>> No. 32402
i'm quite sure i know when whoreos is being sarcastic and when whoreos isn't, nerd
>> No. 32403
File 133593307088.gif - (962.39KB , 271x230 , hitler smiling 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You don't even get that I crashed so many forums that eventually people stated counterattacking right?
No, we don't. Sure seems to be hard to crash 789chan though. And even though you admit it's your fault, still you make those "Why is this happening to me?!" posts.

>Eventually, Anonymous members got stirred up in the mix and shit got ugly.
lol, internet sure seems serious business.

>But I digress, we'll see in the morning what will become of this site. If anything happens you have that EPIC douchenozzle Moniker to blame for this.
>Rika1: with your plans for the adfwiki or bullying transway members as useless as they are
Hilarious. And it was already pointed out how the wiki was taken offline just to troll you. We were totally shitting our pants there, fearing for our lives our turkish servers explode or something.

I think it would be funny to force the wiki offline again, just to see how quickly Rika goes "Yes! Another Epic Win for Wraith!" and runs away to save his face.
>> No. 32404
Good luck charging any of them , 2 are protected by free speech, and 2 are out of jurisdiction and US wont give enough of a fuck to do paperwork to charge them
>> No. 32405
>cry about DOXes
>try (and fail) to DOX trolls
>> No. 32406
File 133594171479.jpg - (375.03KB , 2048x1536 , 132771_1543201422768_1316948428_31228164_7645353_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jesus Christ how horrifying, why would you post that Sean?
>> No. 32407
File 13359417394.jpg - (140.52KB , 576x720 , 27104_1272439653893_1316948428_30659643_1206588_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Appetite lost
>> No. 32408
File 13359417623.jpg - (232.77KB , 1885x2048 , 289165_1916063544088_1316948428_31686155_6244844_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32409
File 133594178412.jpg - (30.82KB , 400x300 , JJJ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I need pictures! Pictures of trannies!
>> No. 32410
File 133594188950.jpg - (181.51KB , 1016x2048 , 193654_1650807592855_1316948428_31381000_5640309_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Ickeriss
>> No. 32411
File 13359419096.jpg - (279.85KB , 2048x1292 , 210185_1700218628100_1316948428_31447624_6606595_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
*stress sigh*
>> No. 32412
File 13359422607.jpg - (209.09KB , 1365x2048 , 334736_2040058123875_1316948428_31805708_266597615.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Going through the .rar, I can't help but to wonder what was going on in ROBERT WAYNE STILES's head when he thought publishing these images was a good idea.
>> No. 32413
I don't think anything was. He's already proven he retains absolutly no brain capacity to think.
>> No. 32414
>> No. 32415
because I love you~
>> No. 32416
File 133595161143.gif - (1.99MB , 361x247 , 1334266864445.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32417
jesus fucking christ
i have never come across a thread on /cwc/ that has made me laugh this fucking hard
>> No. 32418
I have seen every thread in /L/, and I have to agree. I laughed out loud a few times at the pure stupidity of Chris ballsack thread, but these four Rika threads have made me laugh myself to tears again and again.
>> No. 32419
Aaaaaaaand its the morning....we're still here....

fancy that...
>> No. 32420
What the FUCK is wrong with his leg shape?
>> No. 32421
File 133596025778.jpg - (717.70KB , 1365x2048 , 191395_1652387672356_1316948428_31383869_512175_o.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know. Rika does have a small amount of that Atlus-esque "Wax figure museum after a molotov cocktail attack"-look.

In my opinion, there could be a good amount of drama if we wrote an ED page. Getting his true and honest name spread is what caused this epic sperging in the first place. And much smaller lolcows have had decent pages.
>> No. 32422
File 133596026786.gif - (1.81MB , 176x144 , 132759686643.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That is the amazing Wraith, ladies and gentlemen!
>> No. 32423
>> No. 32424
Well if fucking Sagechu has an article ED, it'd be a crime if Rika didn't get one. Ol Sagechu didn't provide nearly the goldmine Rika has.
>> No. 32425
Post it and I will lol.
>> No. 32426

>Getting his true and honest name spread is what caused this epic sperging in the first place.

So instead of everyone being Rika, we could all be Robert Stiles?
>> No. 32427
Robert WAYNE Stiles.
>> No. 32428

I forgot.

Yes, Anonymous should be changed again to Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 32429
File 133596587532.jpg - (1.03MB , 1588x1034 , 1307744728578.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm working on it, so it'd be great if people could contribute with every chatlog, picture and bit of information about Robert. Just email it to me at [email protected] or add me on Skype (s.glanis).

Bringing the buttmad to the tranny, one lolcow at a time!
>> No. 32431
File 133596816211.jpg - (15.35KB , 320x240 , nopey-dopey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We're all stars now in the dope show.
>> No. 32432

This makes two lolcows who have inspired visual comparisons to good old Mr. Manson.
>> No. 32433
Yes change it to Robert, that would be twice as fun.
Or hell how about Robert Wayne "Rika" Stiles just go to all out.
>> No. 32434
The other one
>> No. 32435
Make Rika wordbutter to Robert Wayne Stiles. Like with PKD
>> No. 32437
I think >>207513 looks more like Manson than the one you cited.
>> No. 32438
I'm looking forward to the great edit war on ED over Rika's page, as Rika desperately tries to get it deleted.
>> No. 32439
File 13359779188.gif - (961.30KB , 330x245 , hitler happy.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No one seemed to want to start the project, so I took the initiative: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/User:Zyklon/Robert_Wayne_Stiles

Free free to contribute, suggest and give kahntent, both in ED and in 789chan.
>> No. 32440
/cwc/ - i was legitly feared but after awhile shit got serious

new board title?
>> No. 32441

Oh you created a user page for Rika? Why not a normal page? Yeah I did a search with both "Rika" and "Robert Wayne Stiles" earlier and neither produced a hit.
>> No. 32442
File 133597878613.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ah, not quite. In ED, people add unfinished articles to their own account's subpages where they can work on them, and then release them when they are complete. No one likes unpolished shit articles.
>> No. 32443

Alright, I got work today but when I'm done I can spend some time helping you make it.
>> No. 32444
File 133598366786.jpg - (17.79KB , 287x290 , stylin nazi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, now it has reached the size it can be given it's own page. Everyone, feel free to improve the article.

Except you Rika.
>> No. 32445
File 133598393281.jpg - (121.82KB , 600x626 , 1333949236734.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well bobby in just a couple short days you singlehandedly sent yourself from "who's this retard?" to lolcow of the month. What do you have to say for yourself?
I imagine whatever it is it has something to do with a threat.
>> No. 32446
File 133598414124.png - (195.03KB , 363x320 , 1294622588300.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 32447
Link to the page should go up next to the links to the archived threads.
>> No. 32449
Awwwwwwwww yeah.

Well, Robbay, you don't have to worry about employers seeing our threads now, as they will surely see you ED article first. You brought this on yourself.

Speaking of, perhaps an external links section should be added with links to his /L/ threads, his page on ADF wiki and that site where he talks about haxing myspace. Pehaps even a pastebin of yesterdays chat log? I'd do it, but I'm on a tablet atm.

Either way, great success gents
>> No. 32450

>people want to kill the wraith

Who the fuck is this deluded as to think the internet is real life?
>> No. 32451
File 13359857292.gif - (1.49MB , 168x176 , hitler smiling.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The thing is, I tried to create the article less "inside", so that more people could enjoy these cocks and laugh at Robb. I thought of including those, but how much does a regular ED user understand about "stonecutters cocks zyklon nazi ADF tranny stargate herpaderp"? I tried to explain those though and included screencaps of his posts.

But I'm glad to hear you liked the article.
>> No. 32452
File 133598677852.jpg - (167.85KB , 630x566 , 1316716361703.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Added a gallery with every picture I had, but I feel like we need some more screencaps (mostly of the internet police stuff). Or at least link to the archived threads, for those who want to know the backstory on Robbie.
>> No. 32453
Good point, although I think in this case the/L/ threads at the very least would still be appropriate. We could reasonably assume whoever stumbles onto it would probably have at least a bit knowledge of ADF/Rika, and then it would be there if they really wanted to learn more.

But yes, I absolutely love the article, you wonderful Nazi you. This whole thing has really worked out just beatifully.
>> No. 32454
File 133598824010.jpg - (16.25KB , 500x348 , hitler reading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Due to popular demand, links to /L/ added.

I need to remember to link this thread as well, when it finally gets its well deserved place in the Lolcow Library.
>> No. 32457
so you didn't cause that outage last night?
>> No. 32458
It's back up. http://www.adfki.com/index.php?title=Main_Page

Ahuviya and Jordan was right about you. I might have to make a call to south carolina about a certain wraith. Have fun being Epic Win, Rika!
>> No. 32459

Maybe I did a little tweaking, I dunno. ;)

Oh and Zyklon, your article sucks total nard and is solely based around twisting my words around. I've scheduled it for deletion in the near future. And if that doesn't work, I'll just have ED turn you over so it all works out.
>> No. 32460
Mad Robert Stiles acting non-mad is pretty fun
>> No. 32462

Guess what introman. No one visits or even knows about your little, autistic ADF chronicling site nor 789chan, which is just a hive for neckbeards and deaf people. You don't scare anyone with your stupid troll crap.
>> No. 32463
File 133599095174.png - (24.42KB , 1232x216 , ifuckingcant.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i c u
>> No. 32464
File 133599108856.jpg - (75.57KB , 750x390 , laughing nazis.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Guess what introman. No one visits or even knows about your little, autistic ADF chronicling site nor 789chan, which is just a hive for neckbeards and deaf people. You don't scare anyone with your stupid troll crap.
You obviously care very little, this is only, what, the fourth Rika thread?
>> No. 32465
deaf people?

>> No. 32466

AKA irrational babies that don't listen to reason and mature negotiations. Don't say I didn't try that.
>> No. 32467
File 133599138884.png - (10.84KB , 391x367 , NO ONE CARES.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Keep making fun of disabled people rika. Those people including your uncle live more fuller lives than you can ever imagine. Instead of being a hate filled vessel. Why not try to be understanding and loving? The only reason people gossip about you is because of the shit you do. The whole trans community in philly hates you for a reason. When you're gone the drama is gone completely. You're the reason why all of the bad shit happens in your life.
>> No. 32468
still waiting for my gibson to get hacked
>> No. 32469
>> No. 32470
File 133599147917.gif - (2.44MB , 400x220 , hitler clap.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That sets me up for good laughs as you try to BLANK the article, and the mod reverts it and you get banned which means more kahntent for the article.
>> No. 32471
File 133599170852.png - (13.59KB , 381x64 , Screen shot 2012-05-02 at 1_48_05 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder what these /L/ threads are?
>> No. 32472
Just do whatever you're going to do already.
>> No. 32473
Wow it's like you really have never read an ED article in your life.
You're reenacting every lolcow ever so perfectly.
Really, I've said it before, I'll say it again, you are a very sad and misguided young man.
>> No. 32474
DAMN, he even surpassed CWC.
>> No. 32475
The original wiki had almost 400.000 views before it was moved.
>> No. 32476
File 133599217279.png - (56.85KB , 891x631 , nimetön.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Robert, I can see how you ttly don't care about some stupid ED and 789chan no one uses anyway.
>> No. 32477

and with that post Rika has nulled any chance he had of throwing us all in jail.
>> No. 32478
File 133599235372.png - (280.82KB , 1116x1062 , Screen shot 2012-05-02 at 1_58_31 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32479
Man, Rika sure is lucky having a job and all, considering the fact that employers these days googles every name before even calling whoever you got as references.

So freelance photographer huh?
>> No. 32481
This guys not serious. Hes trolling us, isn't he? Rika, the current ED sans-FatVinyl does not give a flying fuck about DMCAs, and the article will stay just because you're so analblastered.

Lol at them handing over Zyklon and this fag taking credit for the site outage.
>> No. 32482

I have no idea what you're talking about quite honest as far as you negating any possibilities of legal outage. But I have to thank you for one thing, cockily attempting to steal my money with a ransom. I have now taken a screencap of that and am going to charge one Mr. Sean Brackeen with a fitting lawsuit. Good luck deleting everything and moving out of California before this happens. Maybe you go country hopping with Zyklon as your new career.
>> No. 32483

Nah, Unlike you, seanie isn't the type to get mad because his e-sona was insulted.
>> No. 32484
I can't wait to get my papahs served. Can I get pizza from the same delivery company?
>> No. 32485

The drama has gone full circle, I look forward to the next hacker threat tomorrow.
>> No. 32486
File 133599375138.gif - (1.04MB , 200x115 , haha no2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Really grasping at straws here. I can almost hear Rika sighing with stress.
>> No. 32487

Oh fuck oh fuck my sides! Fffffuuu I'm dead, dude, I'm gonna die.

You can't make this shit up. I fucking love you all.

Have fun getting laughed out of every firm you try to waste money on, you fucking freak.
>> No. 32488
Wow, even MORE threats. The last two archived threads and the ED page didn't do it for you, huh?

Alright guys, let's go make a Rika wiki.
>> No. 32489
Rika, you're fucking stupid. You do realize you have threatened to hack the site, which is illegal, right?

You realize that Seanie has access to all of that, right?

You realize that Seanie is very aware of what he is doing, and can just fuck you over now thanks to you being stupid enough to take credit for the outage, right?

Seanie. http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx

Have fun, bro.
>> No. 32490
It's a canadian server, it might be funny to get Rika extradited by the mountees
>> No. 32491
You know that such a report would mean Rika would break probation and have to serve a year in jail and JULAAAAAAYYYYYYY
>> No. 32492

Lets do it!
>> No. 32493
wait, he's on PROBATION?!
>> No. 32494
Yep, intro knows more details but he threated to kill a person he knew was an FBI agent and got a 1 year jail sentence (3 years probation) and he finished his first year.

So for the next 2 years he's your bitch
>> No. 32495
File 13359945168.png - (6.42KB , 278x81 , Screen shot 2012-05-02 at 2_35_03 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good thing I don't know where rika is living out his proba-

>> No. 32496

First off, you have absolutely no evidence that I hacked you. Absolutely none. Secondly, you guys threatened me first so any aggravation was in self defense. Third, good luck doxing me. Have fun wandering the streets of Philly, whities. Pray you don't get mugged or even worse, anal. Big time anal! I'd laugh if I saw you neckbeards screaming my name in the streets!

You're the one who committed the crime, Seanie. Threating me with ransom? That's prohibited in a court of law.
>> No. 32497

Oh shit. I totally forgot about that.

Rika, as someone who has had their own past with probation&parole, I guarentee your PO would not be happy about you threating/claiming responsibility for illegal acts here.

Do we know his PO? If not, a simple search of the PA Department of Corrections Offender Database should provide both a name and contact info for his supervising officer. I say sending screencaps and speaking with them about this is in order.
>> No. 32498
Okay I take it back when I said lolcow of the month
This is lolcow of the decade.
This is just the most absolutely perfect, purest lolcow I've ever seen. I swear this is a setup or a dream or something, it's just too beautiful to be real.
All I can do is pinch myself and wait for the next empty and stanceless threat he pulls out of his ass.
>> No. 32499

...but I -like- anal.

>> No. 32500

Oh so does the first amendment apply to everyone but me? I rest my case.
>> No. 32501
Ah yes, the good ol' self defense exception for hacking sites.
>> No. 32502
I have to give you credit, you can at least go down fighting. I never expected you to cry and beg for mercy, but at least you're not doing that. No, what you're doing is far funnier. We've said it before and you've obviously been following our advice, but again, please keep going.
>> No. 32503

>you have absolutely no evidence that i hacked you

you mean, apart from 3 threads full of someone from your ip using your tripcode saying repeatedly that you're going to hack him?
>> No. 32504
Normally, you'd be right. Except you admitted you were fucking around with the site last night.

Not to mention this. >>206961
And this. >>206983
And this. >>207216
And that's from this thread alone.

Hey Seanie, be sure to screencap all that~
>> No. 32505
If this sperg is on felony probation, I guarentee you guys his charges, current residence, and supervising officer info is on the Pennsylvania DOC Offender search, its a matter of public record. Hell, I can hop on my states site and pull up all my shit with my DOC ID# any time. Since we don't know his #, you can search my legal name.
>> No. 32506
Can someone please explain to me who Rika is?
>> No. 32508
>> No. 32509
>> No. 32512
You sure to have intense fantasies about rape, Robert. You should talk to someone about them before you starting raping innocent children.
>> No. 32513

You're such an idiot, dude.
>> No. 32515
Lolcow of the year all years.

So much prison stuff lately. First Chris, then Nick Bate, now rika. I almost feel bad for the guards and inmates of America's legal system
>> No. 32516
I'm sure any rapes would be done purely in self defense.
>> No. 32517
Let me save you some money and get to the bottom of this for you: you're a moron.
>> No. 32518
Ok now I'm lost, who the fuck is Wraith
>> No. 32519

TL;DR Rika's EPIN trollsona.
>> No. 32520
Rika, I think these guys would be a lot more afraid if they knew what prison was like. You've been there so please explain it to them.
>> No. 32521
Someone made a ED, about time, now Rika can join the thousands of others who fight to take down ED in vain
>> No. 32522
Kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's bitch.
>> No. 32523
Hey Rob, what would you do if you ran into us on the street?
>> No. 32524
So what was it like being a bitch?
At least you could pretend you were a women at the time I guess.
>> No. 32525
Jesus Christ, just, go get a job you loser, are we the only people you have to talk too?
>> No. 32526
He can't get a job because he just made a horrible antisocial name for himself.
Also he's ugly.
>> No. 32527
I know this isn't the real Rika, but should any of you, god forbid, ever find yourself doing a bit, don't do this. That is, unless you want to be beaten and make enemies the first dsy at your camp why accomplishing jackshit.

Now, that said, I need to know from someone who knows for sure, has he actually done time in DOC? Or just county jail? Is he on probation, or parole? They are two very different beasts.

If hes just on probation, which is what I thought, this could definetely get in some hot water with his PO, but realistically probably not more than that.

Now, if he actually served time in a state prison, and was released on parole.. well, that is quite a bit different. It wouldn't be inconceiveable that this could potentially send him back to serve more time on his sentence.
>> No. 32528
Did the penny drop?
>> No. 32529
We need to make his ED page the featured article.
>> No. 32530
Indeed we do. We can't hoard this to ourselves. All must know of this gem of a lolcow.
Sadly I never really did anything on ED so I'm useless.
Just like Rika!
>> No. 32531
>> No. 32532
Or else there will be beatings. Lots of beatings. Prison guards ain't gonna put up with SHIT.
>> No. 32533
>> No. 32534
Why would I be afraid to walk the streets of Philly? Not all white folk have an unhealthy fear and hatred of blacks as you seem to do. Besides, you and the other autistic trannies went for a stroll in that video where you "reak" havoc so what's the big deal? Wolverines indeed.

Silly me, I forgot, you're a fucking moron.
>> No. 32535
You told us that you were going to talk to an attorney 4 threads ago. What's the hold up? GO WORK ON IT!
>> No. 32536

he also said he hired detectives and was going to call in the e-mafia, waiting on that too
>> No. 32537
Psst, Rika

Most of us are ex-anon.

If you're afraid of a bunch of skiddies, then you better start building altars to some of the users here.
>> No. 32538
I'm on the DOC site. Anyone have Rika's age so I can find him?
>> No. 32539
He's 24
>> No. 32540
Oh wow, so we're back to legal threats, because those have worked so well so far right? Let alone all the illegal shit you've threatened yourself now, good luck attempting that route at this point.


>he also said he hired detectives

He did, he spent $300 on these guys www.delawarevalleyinvestigations.com and got a bunch of out of date ips. Money well spent, obviously.
>> No. 32541
>> No. 32542
If he hasn't served time in a state CC or isn't actually on felony probation (such as being given a deal to complete X number of years of probation without incident in exchange for a reduced charge), theres a chance he may not have a DOC ID# and won't show up on a search. Which is why I was wondering about the specifics of his charges/convictions.

If that is the case, his supervising officer could stil be located and contacted to report issues with him, but it would have to done by contacting the PA center for Probation and Parole directly to get the information.
>> No. 32543
I put in a call to the PA chief of probation
>> No. 32544
Looks like that's what's going on.

Can't find shit on him on the DOC site.
>> No. 32545
ahaha what if rika goes to jail with nick bate
oh MAN
>> No. 32546
Thats probably gonna be your best bet. Are we sure its not being served in NJ?
>> No. 32547
Wait a sec, so there was an outage? lol, how long did it last?
>> No. 32548
site went 503 last night for about an hour
>> No. 32549
Igot a 502 for like a minute today on here and 4chan.
>> No. 32550
could it be connected to anything robert did, or was it just one of those things?
>> No. 32551
File 133600846877.jpg - (9.60KB , 130x179 , harrisonford.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying robert is a 3l337 hacker
>> No. 32552
I'm just curious to see if he actually TRIED anything, not that it would be effective.
>> No. 32553
seanie probably shouldn't comment on that here just yet.

that said, common sense gives a pretty clear answer to your question.
>> No. 32554
Dear Robert Wayne Stiles
Date of Birth: March 19th, 1988
Aka Rika Stiles
Aka nym259
Aka furyan
Aka Casperhead
Aka Casper
Aka Wraith Beliskner, Wraith Commander, etc., etc.

I would appreciate a detailed post on why hiring internet detectives to go after people is not only creepy, but also a really BAD idea, when you have so many skeletons in your own closet.

That or please tell us all in great detail how you used to try to make "harem maps" in a plot to try and make female wraith members have nonconsenual cybersex with you.
>> No. 32555
Oh shit nigger

>> No. 32556
Vid related
>> No. 32557
And finally it all comes back around.
From the beginning, all his whining and threats, he only had one goal in mind: get his DOX off the internet so the Stargate forums wouldn't find him.
And now look what the fuck happened.
Robby, you are your own worst nightmare.
>> No. 32558
"harem maps?" lol!
>> No. 32559
File 133601150263.jpg - (7.30KB , 252x252 , 1333453234526.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
X Juggalo
X Loveshy
X Tranny
X Troll-shielder
X Egotistical
X Can't shut his mouth

Rika's got all the right stuff to be an epic lolcow!
>> No. 32560
What the fuck is a harem map?
>> No. 32561
I salute the Stargate Forums.
>> No. 32562
There are plenty of forums about Stargate around. Which one was Robert posting on?

Wouldn't mind seeing if there is anything funny left there.
>> No. 32563
A quick google search for "casperhead wraith harem" results in this:
>> No. 32564
So, no word from Rika since he declared he was calling his lawyer. Anyone else think he's freaking out?
>> No. 32565
Crap, direct link does not work, just run da google, first hit.
>> No. 32566
No clue. I don't even know if that is where that dude is from. Its just what Rob always babbles about. Guess it could be any of the forums Robbay claims to have destroyed. >>208189
>> No. 32567
Oh, undoutably. We started talking about calling his PO and he freaked and said we couldn't do that and took off. He's tripping hardcore on it right now, guarenteed.

This shit is almost too good to believe. You can't make this shit up.
>> No. 32568

Goddamn, that Thrawn dude called him out.

No wonder he was a grand admiral.
>> No. 32569
"Wraith member: harem? hahah wtf are you guys going to make a mod so you can make love to each other in the map?

very bland texturing, not much archi to look at... and the models seem out of place with the lack of ambience.

Casperhead (rika): Actually the Harem is for forcing female players to cyber with us against there will. Well for some members anyway."

>> No. 32570

>Two years ago you were a crap mapper threatening to have your mom drive you up the "New Jersey Turnpike" into Cambridge and beat me up with your karate.

lol, some things never change
>> No. 32571
Oh wow. So The Wraith was some faggy Jedi Academy clan he had. This thread is gold, even these people were ridiculing him.
>> No. 32572
That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
>> No. 32573
Zyklon or someone else needs to add caps/quotes/link to that forum thread on ED.
>> No. 32574
File 133601393856.png - (1.09MB , 1349x5310 , Federal Bureau of Investigation Abuse of Powers - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 32575
File 133601397841.png - (810.00KB , 1349x4161 , Federal Bureau of Investigation Abuse of Powers - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32576
File 133601400418.png - (860.70KB , 1349x4497 , Federal Bureau of Investigation Abuse of Powers - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32577
File 133601402720.png - (258.74KB , 1349x1939 , Federal Bureau of Investigation Abuse of Powers - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32578
Damn my iPod can't open images that big... I feel like I'm missing out.
>> No. 32579
same here, they are all blury and distorted on this tablet. Feels bad man. You guys should give us less fortunate the gist and/or quote lulzy parts
>> No. 32580
Oh god, these are all classic. I love this one, especially the part where he says he's not stalking her because she started the confrontation or whatever. In light of his recent stalking accusations, it'd be funny if it werent so sad.
>> No. 32581

Rika stalked a girl, got some buttbuddy to defend him. Said girl siced an FBI agent on her and then the mod closed the thread.
>> No. 32582
>Conspiracy to hack a web page

>> No. 32583
Wait, so are these related to what he is on probation for? All I've heard is he made a death threat to some girl and was arrested.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna download them directly and view them in the pic viewer on this tablet later, I gotta see this.
>> No. 32584
I wonder if prison was, like, one big harem map, just with high quality textures.
>> No. 32585
Pretty sure he hasn't done any time. If he had, he'd show up on his states DOC offender search.>>208236
>> No. 32587
File 13360164948.png - (12.76KB , 369x184 , megan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This crissy chick was his megan. Here's a deleted youtube video description from his account.
>> No. 32589
Wow Robbie. You're such a fucking lame, dude. Where will this rabbit hole end?
>> No. 32590
File 133601727979.png - (7.50KB , 150x50 , Threat-Robbaay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh shit.
>> No. 32591
I just can't get past how stupid that name is sounds.
>> No. 32592

>> No. 32593

It's a race in the Chronicles of Riddick series, but I somehow doubt that's where the awkward gangly 20 year old in a dress got it from.
>> No. 32594
>>208253 Isn't Furyan what Vin Diesels super bad ass race was called in the Riddick movies?
>> No. 32595

He should be safe. His anti-religion TROLLING TO THE MAX screen caps will make it so niggas be straight up afraid to check up'
>> No. 32597
>> No. 32598
File 133602131158.jpg - (122.11KB , 324x320 , patti.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
CRISSAY Moran (srs)
>> No. 32599
Well that sir, is racist.
>> No. 32600
Put 88 on your name and claim blacks will rape us for being white... classy as ever Rika. Going for neo nazi shiek or is this a political thing with you Mary's now?
>> No. 32601
Is it safe to come out now? I've been hanging with my friend, Jame Gumb, in the basement. He has a really cool pit down there.
>> No. 32602
After these threads it made me realize that ADF and Robert are made for each other.
>> No. 32603
I assumed that the 88 was in reference to the fact he was born in 1988.
>> No. 32604
File 133605168747.jpg - (87.32KB , 800x551 , stonecutters party posse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32605
>> No. 32606
>> No. 32607
Funny fact: Rika stole that picture from google. He isn't really that feminine, not even close.

Nice try though, Robb
>> No. 32608
It's actually kind of interesting to see an epic e-saga like this unfold and an ED page get generated from the ground up.

They need to do a " How it's Made" episode on this.
>> No. 32609
File 133605400683.png - (579.78KB , 741x5538 , Rika's blog_png.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika's sour grapes
>> No. 32610
File 133605408674.jpg - (50.15KB , 331x307 , Hitler overjoyed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"I had self awareness moments occasionally".
If only he had not stopped having them.
>> No. 32611
Oh, man, what a fruitcake.
>> No. 32612
File 133605639285.gif - (145.00KB , 150x150 , 130047555528.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The ED page already has over 1k hits. You mad, Robbay?
>> No. 32613
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Up until this point I had just assumed that people had been making fun of him for stalking a girl named Crissy Moran (the name of a famous pornstar). But was he really stalking THE Crissy Moran? In this post it talks about her having been in porn, and doing a quick google search it shows that the real crissy retired from porn and found jesus. Nothing about her ever living in philly or anything, but even so that's a huge coincidence.

Also, lol at him complaining about having to go to class 5 days a week with such a tough load that included weight lifting and writing I (well, not really 5, he was scheduled for 5 but tested out of a computer drawing class so he only needed to go to 4, but just seeing that on the schedule is stress enough)
>> No. 32614
Yes, he was stalking THE Crissy Moran; A retired porn star.
>> No. 32615
Wait and that's what he's supposedly on probation for?

Didn't he accuse /cwc/ of stalking him in return?

>Those in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones....
>> No. 32616
>Didn't he accuse /cwc/ of stalking him in return?
That's our Robb.
>> No. 32617
File 133606082558.png - (16.72KB , 241x230 , 131182086428.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's why the FBI started paying attention to him.

He's on probation for sending death threats to the FBI via the internet and over the phone (Robert did not know that the FBI had the ability to track numbers).
>> No. 32618

Yeah, but according to Robb she totally deserved it, the situation is completely different you cisgender fascist.
>> No. 32619
File 133606134631.jpg - (29.85KB , 700x467 , serious dog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pic says it all really. That's gotta be one of the densest things I ever heard...
>> No. 32620
It actually makes more sense that the FBI got involved if he was stalking a nationally know porn actress. I'm sure the FBI actually has a desk dedicated to that very thing, considering there isn't probably a day that goes by without some neckbeard calling up a pornstar and threatening to cut out her ovaries becausewhydontyouloveme.

What confuses me though is that it sounds like he had regular face to face contact with her, and she slapped him at one point.
>> No. 32621
Hey, that's what happened.

It's important to know that our Robb is not too bright.
>> No. 32622
*sigh* the cisgender FBI tricked me again...
>> No. 32623
The use of this term anywhere out of a scientific journal irks me to no end.
>> No. 32625

Works perfectly on my Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab 8.9

How does Steve Jobs' cancerous dead cock taste?
>> No. 32626
It sounds too much like cyst for my tastes, might as well call it pusgendered...
>> No. 32627
The use of that term in Scientific journals irks me. The use of that term anywhere irks me.

The use of stupid fucking neologisms and jargon is fucking retarded and only reinforces retarded circlejerks.
>> No. 32628
hi jordan
>> No. 32629
Jordan loves tranny oppression labels like "ableism" and "cisgender".
>> No. 32630
Hi Jordan.
>> No. 32631
I remember looking it up at one point and IIRC it was coined for some psychology journal (cis being the opposite of trans in latin). I can see using it in that context because otherwise you sound insensitive and less scientific.
"so we did a study involving the psychological differences between transgendered individuals and... uh, normal people"
>> No. 32633

I guess it's the same as saying "neurotypical". It's just scientific jargon to say "normal people", but 'normal' is too unscientific a word because its meaning could be subjective. So instead of saying "people who associate with a gender culturally accepted as typical and their own" or "people without any diagnosable mental health syndromes or damage", they coin a word to basically mean... "normal".

I mean, so less to avoid being insensitive and a lot more for reasons of clarity, to make sure that someone reading the paper in, say, India would take the same conclusion as someone reading it in the US.
>> No. 32634
500 GET
>> No. 32635
File 133607002655.png - (125.41KB , 752x341 , Screen shot 2012-05-03 at 11_32_23 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
my 3 seconds in photoshop were well spent :DD
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