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File 133605126898.png - (541.80KB , 500x661 , rikarika.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32636 No. 32636
hey Rika
Do you like this article ?__________?
Expand all images
>> No. 32637
Hey Rika what are you going to do now that 789chan, ED, and the Stargate forums know who you are?

Also I nominate this thread for the new Rika thread, old one is getting a little big.
>> No. 32638
Oh ho boy. Looks like will may always have this Rika fellow bawwing....
>> No. 32639
Uh oh you guys, he's going to sue now.
>> No. 32640
If people were going to use this thread you wouldn't need to keep bumping it. Rika doesn't need prodding to post his batshittery, if he's coming back he'll make his own thread for it.
>> No. 32641
Am I the only one that thinks Rika looks like Dylan Klebold?
>> No. 32642
Eh, I kinda see it.
>> No. 32643
File 133607163320.png - (125.41KB , 752x341 , Screen shot 2012-05-03 at 11_32_23 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32644
File 133607176568.jpg - (16.99KB , 480x360 , hqdefault.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I always thought that islaverde29 looked like what would happen if those two dorks had some queer lovechild.
>> No. 32645
Oh look Robert, you're on the front page of ED. Nobody will totally see you on there though, huh?

Only a matter of time until you join Phillip in having the honor of being the featured article.
>> No. 32646
File 133607202358.png - (524.68KB , 812x304 , tranny and hero.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sort of, a little.
>> No. 32647
ED page is almost at 2K visits lol, and thanks to cloudflare it could easily be twice that :D
>> No. 32648
Great Success!!!
>> No. 32649
Rika's hot in a don't tell anyone I hit this way.
>> No. 32650
Man, looking through those photos of Rika the first thing I thought of was how that makeup looks like it was applied by a 14 year old.
>> No. 32651

Dude, what the fuck
>> No. 32652
Some of the pics on ED are clearly not him and looks like actual females. Especially Green dress with guitar pic
>> No. 32653
Maybe he'll follow in the footsteps of many other lolcows and try to TAKE DOWN ED
>> No. 32654
It's really sad seeing how normal Bob looked prior to his psychological trauma event. It really makes you see just how fucked up all this tranny shit really is, how much it can warp someone.
>> No. 32655
I'm really starting to think we scared him off with the PO talk and/or he finally realized posting here was just giving us more lulzy cocks.
>> No. 32656
I'm guessing he's hiding under a pile of stuffed animals right now with some pillows in the shape of a man in his bed after the PO thing. Obviously if, after 3 threads and a ED page, I don't think he would have ever figured out he could just stop posting and watch everything die.
>> No. 32657
Yeah, what's up with the non-Rika pics in his gallery?
>> No. 32658
Can't unsee. Now wondering how many guns and pipe bombs he's collected in order to conduct his final battle against the normals.
>> No. 32659
They got taken care of. The pictures in the gallery are now 100% Rika
>> No. 32660
It would be funny if all the Rika postings were actually Jordman getting back at Rika and in about another week or so Robert came back and said hi guys how have you been. I was away in ex-tranny rehab and I am cured now.
>> No. 32661
Is that Erin Gray in the photo of young Rika?
>> No. 32662
Speaking of Jordman, has anyone seen its blog:

>> No. 32664
Have you ever contemplated the meaning of "self-awareness"?

Just for a little while try not to think at all of how you would like things to be. Try to think objectively about how things actually are.
>> No. 32665
So wait, rika really buys into all this stonecutter illuminati bullshit?
>> No. 32666

Oh fucking hallelujah, I thought tonight was going to be boring, here comes some entertainment.
>> No. 32667
File 133616555752.jpg - (655.62KB , 999x985 , 1333950068059.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32668
Well, it seems we've gone from legal threats, to hacking threats, to just plain old attempts to actually pay us to remove all the shit about him lol.
>> No. 32669
>> No. 32670
But Rob weren't you responsible for the site outage the other day? Did you not take down a server in Canada?

I think you need to watch out for the Mounties and Interpol Bob
>> No. 32672
File 133616736317.jpg - (25.33KB , 444x358 , 20100613103757c56.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>if you'll only listen

this, from you? of all people?
wow, just wow.
>> No. 32674
File 133616791932.png - (78.32KB , 253x235 , nazi oh you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, give Sean his tripcode back. Right now.
>> No. 32675
Total accident, I didn't mean to offend.
>> No. 32676
>Streaka: 500000 rupees, rika
>Rika: @streaka you play paper mario? fag

>> No. 32677
Seanie, this is a trick, he's just trying to get you guys on one of his harem maps.
>> No. 32678
The wraith cuts like a knife in a blizzard of nightmares. *chokes on cock to death*
>> No. 32681
The article has been updated, for the reading pleasure of trolls too lazy or busy to read the logs:

>> No. 32682
Just ate a handful of pain pills then I see this. What a great day.

There are too many lulz quotes here. Hope you're incorporating them into the article, Zyklon. Also I love how he offered you money Aseanie then acted like you were greedy when you tried to accept.
>> No. 32683
just amazeing they neven got around doing a page on me...
>> No. 32684
File 133617492582.jpg - (31.95KB , 300x428 , hitler thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It also appears that we're on ED front page under both "CURRENT THREAT" and "Good new articles".

Good job everyone, stonecutters, anonymous trolls and lurkers. We love you all.
>> No. 32686
yes rika post nudes and we will leave you alone
>> No. 32687
>We love you all.
No need to tell us bby, we already know.
>> No. 32688
Rika, don't you have other hobbies? I mean, sure, this is funny but this is getting really lame.
>> No. 32689
>> No. 32690
To take up a hobby you need to learn how to do it
Bobbay obviously has shown us he doesn't have the ability to do such acts.
I was only joking when I said we scared him off because of the PO threat and not because he learned his lession but god dammit I was correct.
>> No. 32691
Aw, I love you too.
>> No. 32692
Seems like he's just about broken now. Or at least out of ideas of dumb shit to threaten us with. It's been a good week.
>> No. 32694
File 133617734224.jpg - (31.29KB , 481x402 , hitler what the fuck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I would have liked to see him continue posting, but guess it is like in the old saying, paraphrasing, The retard that drools twice as much lasts half as long. And Rika provided cocks with speed I have never seen before, and rose from "Epic troll Wraith" (retard no one had heard about) to ED main page in the matter of days. That's an achievement.

>mfw when he tried to threaten us into taking his money
What the actual fuck.

He was a good lolcow.
>> No. 32695
When /cwc/ really sets its mind to it, our lolcow turnaround can be pretty swift.

See also, Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith.
>> No. 32696
File 13361780283.jpg - (48.70KB , 263x350 , hitler not sure if want.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
True, there is something in /cwc/ that makes lolcows unable to resist the siren call of the 789chan, making them return time after time. Exactly like Unibrow and Robb. They even posted in the same thread. And they both had sworn they wouldn't post in 789chan.

Minor hoarded cocks: Remember the times when trannies begun to flood to /cwc/ and they shat up every single fucking thread? That was Rika.
>> No. 32697

Shit, it must've been. They came and went, didn't they? Mind blown.
>> No. 32698
>Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith.
Who is this? I hear the name thrown around but never get context.
>> No. 32699
Guys, after reading this transcript I'm scared. He's learning at a geometric rate. I estimate at this time next week he'll figure out to blank his ED page. The it'll just be a matter of time before we're all up against the wall.
>> No. 32700

Rika rika rika rika rika rika. I'm 100% Rika.
>> No. 32701
>learning at a geometric rate

I suggest that this be the wordbutter for "trolling."
>> No. 32702

The irony is that big CWC came here once and never returned because the color scheme hurt, yet all his trollshielders have a tendency to return.
>> No. 32703
Rika i know you will read this. I'm sorry i told you about this site. I feel horrible.
>> No. 32704
nudz plz? come on Rika i know u want to
>> No. 32705
Hi "RobChan57" you are so WEEN with that trolling you did before. When's that dox of everyone coming you summerfag?

HURR DURR nudz. You're so EPIN.
>> No. 32706
Here's your IP. You forgot it when you left.

EPIN doxxing and stuff.
>> No. 32707

there are some threads on /L/ as well
>> No. 32708
It's clear as day to me Robert Stiles is more starving for attention than anything else, but also about manufacturing a non-issue to prove to his parents his freeloading ass hasn't gotten a job because of shenanigans on the internet ruining his life potential. By creating a huge deal out of nothing, retaining attorneys or wasting money on Delaware internet detectives, he can legitimize his excuse to mom and dad for being a jobless waste of space while keeping the money train rolling.

I can't bring myself to believe he's dead serious about these threats or means to erase his existence on this board by believing he can somehow negotiate his way to his impossible terms. Nobody can be this autistic, not even this spoiled, confused retard in a tranny phase making up sob stories about his privileged life or other excuses why nobody is allowed to make fun of him. It's too absurd. Even Chris would eventually stop touching the stove and Robert would stop coming here if he didn't suckle on the attention and paste things together to show his parents his joblessness is not his fault.
>> No. 32709
That pretty much sums it up
>> No. 32710

ADF honestly believes he'll become a transgender communist dictator and crush the white race in a queer revolution. You would doubt the delusional retardation of his friends?
>> No. 32711
I must admit, I never considered that on some level he wants this in order to give himself (and his parents) an excuse for his not getting a job.

More specifically, even though he may not be doing this for that specific reason, because in his mind it negates any personal responsibility for not getting a job, there is no downside to him acting this way and getting notoriety for it, therefore he continues to do it.

Good job anon. (smokes pipe)
>> No. 32712
Not totally disagreeing with you here, but how many times has this

> Nobody can be this autistic

been said on this board only to be proven wrong

"Let's get Chris to destroy his PS3"
"Don't be ridiculous, nobody is THAT autis- .................. well, what do you know."
>> No. 32713
That's a fair point but I had zero idea who Robert Stiles was before he began creating his own hurricane of notoriety (I didn't have more than a vague idea of ADF either), and it's a bit different to compare a single act of extraordinary autism to the days and days of repeated autism this guy commits with no end. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. For something entirely not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, even to a guy in a tranny phase who makes up super-special victim complexes as he goes, mixed with the fact he's likely looking to exploit the mess he's so manufactured for reasons I explained or more, it's hard for me to accept he's climbed this mountain of retardation only out of clueless stubbornness.

I've seen some logs where this guy fancies himself as some sort of feared celebrity troll personality targeted by the Anonymous internet mafia for porn dumping a Stargate forum, so he must have some clue of how the mechanics of these things work. The more you struggle, the more you sink; I've seen a lot of dumbasses go the way he's gone but not to this end. Even genuinely disturbed or stupid people learn nothing is going to change eventually. Mr. Stiles has another agenda and I'm making a wild assumption it has to do with milking an excuse to be a designated victim and living like a manchild off his parents' wealth without having to do shit for himself.
>> No. 32714
> Mr. Stiles has another agenda

Never attribute to malice what stupidity alone can explain. Mr. Stiles' behavior both on this board and elsewhere is perfectly consistent with desperate, clinging insecurity.

He really, truly wants to believe his life is exciting, dramatic, or noteworthy in any way, and he seizes on any opportunity, no matter how self-destructive, to confirm his delusions of grandeur.

Treating his Jedi Academy clan as a paramilitary group of cyber-terrorists may seem laughably insane to us, but to Robert it's the closest he's ever come to doing something meaningful. While he's not quite so inept at it, he is driven by the exact same desire as ADF - the need to be taken seriously and regarded as mature or even heroic for his meaningless struggles.

It's difficult for me to comprehend sometimes, but for many lulcows, the world of dramatic fiction is far more real that the world of jobs and bills and relationships, and they attempt to understand their own milquetoast personalities and feelings in that context, rather than the context of real life.
>> No. 32715
File 133621392534.jpg - (181.05KB , 764x1344 , m00t.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is this moot, founder of 4chan?
>> No. 32716

>Never attribute to malice what stupidity alone can explain.

and this
>He really, truly wants to believe his life is exciting, dramatic, or noteworthy in any way, and he seizes on any opportunity, no matter how self-destructive, to confirm his delusions of grandeur.

Case in point:

>[15:20:27] <introMANCWC> you were talking about brining back the wraith
>[15:20:36] <Zyklon> oh yeah
>[15:20:37] <Zyklon> lol
>[15:20:55] <Zyklon> permanent, ugly scar indeed
>[15:20:55] <Rikay> it is still a name with power. i hope you know that

Who in the fuck but the most broken sort of homebody would even think something as retarded as this, much less say it seriously? Rika has the exact same problem as CWC and ADF, and that's their mental growth was arrested at the age of 12 and they think that a cartoon villain is exactly how a manipulative adult acts. I take that back, CWC seems to be learning and is actually ahead of these two fools.

It's a safe bet that right now Robert is telling anyone who will listen how this entire mess is the result of his puppet mastery and in due time is cunning plan which is already in motion will destroy every troll involved. Can't tell you the devilishly devious details (they're that devious trust me), but the fuse has been lit long ago and these fools will never see it coming. Asterisk cackles evilly asterisk, the WRAITH still has power.
>> No. 32717
Is this Timbox, the lolcow who is obsessed with Lee Lee and Dee Dee?
>> No. 32718
So whats the real history of that wraith group he's so proud of?
>> No. 32719

Do you mean Lee Lee, the asian friend of Dee Dee, the sister of Dexter in Dexter's Laboratory, the animated series?
>> No. 32720
His self written history is here

Now, since this is 99% bullshit, we're not really sure of the reality. Closest thing we have is this discussion circa 2006.

Also found this warning about him on a christian forum
>> No. 32721
File 13362325289.png - (335.92KB , 431x446 , 3423908.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So he thinks that people he hasn't talked to in 6 years are gonna help him "hack" 789?
>> No. 32722

ADF had liposuction and hair removal done.

Still couldn't fix his teeth.
>> No. 32723

No, he just wanted us to believe that. Hence why he just tried to pay for us to remove his shit once he realized his threats were convincing nobody.
>> No. 32724
I think the funniest thing in that Wraith story is that he thinks it makes him look cool, while in reality it makes him seem completely and utterly crippled by autism.
>> No. 32725
>This was a conspiracy
From the earlier chat. Yeah.
>> No. 32726
** does wraith dance **
>> No. 32727
File 133623634086.jpg - (87.32KB , 800x551 , Stonecutters party posse.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So, wanna bet how much Robb's gonna offer us this time?
>> No. 32728

>There is a person loose on the web, who has obviously escaped an asylum, and is trying to add our members on IM and so called "devour" their morals and beliefs.

No surprise here either. Needing to assuage an inferiority complex by debating religious people is a hallmark of these failures.

Robert, even the dumbest Christian who thinks they have omnipotence itself on speed dial knows when they're making an ass of themselves and when to quit, which makes them rocket scientists compared to you.
>> No. 32729

> No surprise here either. Needing to assuage an inferiority complex by debating religious people is a hallmark of these failures.

It's not just religious people, bro. Why do you think ADF does his whole communist routine? All that matters is that they're able to look down on other people.
>> No. 32730
>[15:31:43] <Rikay> forget it. i only want the ED page gone. Zyklon needs to stop editting it and just let it be forgotten
Poor Robb.

>> No. 32731
File 133624327970.jpg - (48.96KB , 720x480 , Group photo 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32732
File 133624336758.jpg - (88.84KB , 720x480 , Group photo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32733
File 133624343135.jpg - (143.42KB , 619x512 , Mangum.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is that Jeff Mangum in the middle?
>> No. 32734
File 133624344942.jpg - (61.89KB , 960x640 , Group photo 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32735
I can only imagine what it smells like in there.
>> No. 32737

>Dat Naruto pillow

Also why can't any of them keep a tidy house?
>> No. 32738
Seanie should agree to take down the threads here if Robby adequately demonstrates the wraith dance for us on youtube.
>> No. 32739
>I can only imagine what it smells like in there
>> No. 32740
>> No. 32741
Imagine, becoming a featured article on Encyclopedia Dramatica was something even ADF couldn't achieve.
>> No. 32742

Wait, he has filed DMCAs? Thats fantastic, do you realize that all you have done is get ED's attention Robb? Keep that up and your article will be the featured article in no time.
>> No. 32743
His DMCAs were just him posting here a bunch of times. You can see the screencaps on ED (stop sign ones)
>> No. 32744
File 13362489834.png - (214.43KB , 569x531 , noice.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's already going to be featured: >>209736
>> No. 32745
lol trollshielding to the extreme
>> No. 32746
How can Robert be so dense that he tries the exact same thing that Chris has and expects to get better results?

He should feel ashamed at ever making fun of Chris.
>> No. 32747
he has weird little teeth
>> No. 32748

We know your IP so we can see you checking this and the ED page, even if you don't post here. Please stop giving us the silent treatment. We want to know more about harem maps. Jesus, it's not like the actual explanation can be any worse than what we all assume it was.

I'm also interested in if you actually developed a wraith dance. Thanks.
>> No. 32749

I think I understand the source of his rage now. Apparently in the course of one week his mom died, his soul mate was run over by a car, he was diagosed with lamekia, he got a computer virus, a mysterious door appeared on the wall at school he liked to lean against and he dumped his crazy girlfriend (not clear on if he dumped her because she was hit by a car, or dumped her BY hitting her with a car).

Sorry anyone ever made fun of you dude =(.
>> No. 32750
I'm not. Not one of those things is an excuse to be a crazy asshole. That's just life.

*does Wraith dance*
>> No. 32751
MS paint art by him
Freud was right
>> No. 32752
File 133630861789.jpg - (50.79KB , 720x540 , Robb statue BJ.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's Robb practicing on a statue
>> No. 32753

dat 3 months without a wash hair.
>> No. 32754

Who is the old guy ? He was in the wolverines thing too

Is he just one of their homeless buddies or something
>> No. 32755
He's apart of the Wolverines too
>> No. 32756
They do this "WOLVERINES" shit everywhere? Too pathetic for words
>> No. 32757
File 133631415518.jpg - (135.31KB , 650x1129 , 1317124650032.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32758
File 133631609413.jpg - (27.24KB , 512x384 , classy Homer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As hilarious as the Skype Logs are, they are a bit TL;DR so we're updating the section of the article so that you can enjoy the cocks without having to bother with huge .txt file.


You are welcome.
>> No. 32759
come on Robert just post those nudes so we can all move on with our lives
>> No. 32760
File 133632630186.jpg - (32.35KB , 248x440 , rika snake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>sucking a Negi's dick
>> No. 32761
File 133632808556.jpg - (77.89KB , 600x900 , 1332573472090.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So why does Robb think being clever is illegal?
He keeps talking about hacking like it's a drug
>> No. 32762
Sup guys, Trans-Way tranny here.

It is my belief we should start a trolling circle for Robb. Not only is he ugly but he's a disgrace to women everywhere. I can tell you from personal experience that him and his little "wolverines" are a complete joke and nobody takes them seriously. If you want I could give you guys his address if you want to troll him.
>> No. 32763
File 133633082789.jpg - (16.25KB , 500x348 , hitler reading.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Contact the Stonecutters in skype, wiki or wherever. I think we could come up with some use for his address.
>> No. 32764
>> No. 32765

Alright, I'll post it on his wiki page but if he gets buttmad, don't say I did it. As you know, Robb has a tendency to flip out over every little thing.
>> No. 32766

You do realize this is exactly how Robert's drama here started, right

and how ADF's drama started from CWC
>> No. 32768

>but he's a disgrace to women everywhere.

Why should you care, you're not a woman either.
>> No. 32769
>Rika's apartment is located on 1512 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
>[15:13:31] <Rikay> i seriously don't mind the pictures that much on Ed. just get rid of the appartment one
>> No. 32770
  As a Britfag, I love seeing Rika's name spelled 'Rikay'.

It reminds me of this...
>> No. 32771
>> No. 32772
>Sup guys, Trans-Way tranny here. It is my belief we should start a trolling circle for Robb.
O, hai Jordan.
Quick question here: is the rest of Trans-Way as um... colorful as we all think it is?
We've all been told it's like AA crossed with Jerry springer in there so we just wanted another view.
>> No. 32774



**does Wraith Dance**
>> No. 32775
robbay is the wraith dance anything like the cassette tape dance in the forum image at the very top, this is important info plz reply thx in advance
>> No. 32776
>> No. 32777
This describes every women I have ever slept with.
>> No. 32778
File 133635961536.png - (404.16KB , 1069x958 , awwwyeah.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32779
Do you think his dad cut down his internet?
>> No. 32780

>> No. 32782
And it will stay under "Good New Articles" for weeks after it stops being a featured article. Augh yeah fokes.
>> No. 32783
Robert, how does it feel to know that in a few days, your article has generated half of the views of ADF's article that has been up for over a year?
>> No. 32784
If he was still here to answer your questions he probably would've done it by now.
>> No. 32785
Robb is one of those lolcows that will lurk even for months. Quietly, staring at the screen. Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith and Robb are part of this bunch. Rika shitposted long before namefagging. Who knows, maybe he'll start tardraging in another tranny thread, even if anonymously.
>> No. 32786

Oh, so we just have to keep posting and imagine he's getting really angry? Epic lulz.
>> No. 32788
What I said was that most likely, he is still reading. All it needs is proper provocation. How about posting his address to ED?
>> No. 32789
These Sagechu/Robb threads in which the lolcows willingly expose themselves are the best entertainment /cwc/ can offer.

Sagechu and Robb are very much alike. Both wanted to DOX their trolls and DDOS their sites. And Sagechu thought he was trolled by a "sandnigger" and Robb thought he was trolled by a Turk.
>> No. 32790

>And it will stay under "Good New Articles" for weeks after it stops being a featured article.

**does wraith dance**
>> No. 32791
File 133652456382.jpg - (37.27KB , 400x300 , Cthulhu-Mask-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
archived for your pleasure.
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