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File 133642526053.jpg - (209.09KB , 1365x2048 , Rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32792 No. 32792
Thank you so much /cwc/, thank you so much.

Ever since this board became meant for quote-unquote "lolcows" there was this completely unfunny, stupid, and absolutely boring "lolcow" named ADF who was just an overweight, communist cosplayer, who had absolutely no room for lulz-milking and trolling, but he had a friend who went by Rika.

Today, a lot more is known about Rika and let me tell you. This guy is FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR more interesting, more funny and has A LOT more potential than that stupid "Ahuviya" ever did

- He's probably the funniest looking cross dresser I've seen due to how un-womanly he looks.
- He just kept pushing and pushing. CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
Expand all images
>> No. 32793
cool story bro
>> No. 32794

>Made a new Rika thread even though there are like two others you could have posted this in.
>Quote Chris
>Type in all caps

Welcome to 789chan, Troll shielding Summerfag.
>> No. 32795
OP's probably a homosexual deviant, but yeah I've always thought Rika was genuinely funnier (even if only a little) than ADF. Though that could just be because of how forced ADF shit was at its peak around here.

It takes considerable effort to get what amounted to a real life, transsexual cartoon character to be unfunny, but goddamn did the ADF Sagaholics make it happen.

I guess it's not much harder to be more interesting than ridiculously forced 'epic lulz' is what I'm getting at.
>> No. 32796
Do you want to know something? How would you like it if internet nobodies wrote an ED article on you? With all these "Robert Wayne Stiles" threads cropping up by people like you trying to be the next epic ween internet big shots, you're getting this site monitored and probed. You're all making it look like this site has a creepy fixation on me. It's about time you let go. Party's over and nobody's learned anything. But than again, what do you expect from a group of people that harass retards and minorities.
>> No. 32797
Where did he quote Chris? I only see a Jessi Slaughter quote, which is actually worse somehow.
>> No. 32798

Rika just stop posting. Also, there's blood on your hands for the botched mental hospital saga. I know you've heard what happened to harel a couple of days ago, we did too.
>> No. 32799

So how are coping? Are you still using the delaware detectives? Totally serious and curious.
>> No. 32800
Wait, what happened to Phil guys?
>> No. 32801
So you admit you're retarded.
You're certainly not a minority, you're just a white man.
>> No. 32802

This used to be about defending Ahuviya but I personally think Zyklon and Moniker foresaw what was going to happen and decided to use me as a back-up target. It's your fault, Introman, along with the rest of your motley stonecutters crew that Ahuviya is where she is today. RIKA was the one who tried to save her. At least, I had the morality and the intelligence when to stop trolling people.
>> No. 32803
File 133642690174.jpg - (80.00KB , 1024x575 , walt jr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"the ADF stonecutters were tryhard homosexual deviants"
>your face when you realize there wasn't an stonecutters for them and it was actually Rika spamming unfunny bullshit the entire time
>> No. 32804

Rika, we are never going to let you go.
>> No. 32805
>It's your fault, Introman, along with the rest of your motley stonecutters crew that Ahuviya is where she is today.

A good rule of thumb when you want someone to stop acting like an epic legion weener is to..

oh I don't know...

not say shit like "You made my friend go batshit insane! >:c".
>> No. 32806
What do you mean they've learned nothing about you? They have pictures of your appartment and know your street address. We know your full name and birthday. We know all of your old jedi academy and sg stuff now. Hell we even know your swg character (maluak on bria). I'd say that's pretty detailed.
>> No. 32807

You messed up the mental hospital saga because Harel acted semi normal for a short time. People like harel have periods of highs and lows. Harel committed the act when he had no active trolling detail on it. Rika you're a terrible friend for not opening your home up to harel and using harel for your feud against jordan. If you didn't let rage cloud your judgement, you would actually be quite successful in life.
>> No. 32808
Yeah Rika, how the fuck could you kick Ahuviya out on the street like that. You should be where she is.
>> No. 32809

Hi Rika!

OP here, and I wanted to straight up tell you that you're the funniest cross dresser I've ever seen. I actually have trouble telling if people are "traps" but you are by far the most unconvincing "woman" I've ever seen.

I want you to go on Jerry Springer, STAT
>> No. 32810
I want to seem some cocks.

Rika: Post nudes and we'll all collectively drop our interest in you.

Introman: what happened to Harel?
>> No. 32811
If you're concerned about people learning the dark secrets of your past, please entertain us with more generic stuff.

What's your favorite color?
Favorite food?
Best friend growing up?
Favorite movie?
>> No. 32812

Don't even pretend that you're concerned for ADF's welfare. You're just one of the millions that simply point and laugh at the mentally diseased, unstable, minority etc so don't even attempt to white knight now. You claim that this is not a crime either but now you of all people (aka an ADF wiki troll) accuse me of not trying to help her. I failed but at least I made a goddamn honest attempt.
>> No. 32813

Why are you calling ADF a "her?"

That fat lard has a penis, right?

Oh wait, so do you.

>> No. 32814


In my country, people like you are frowned upon just for being switchies.
>> No. 32815
Says the asshole who used her to troll shield. You never tried to help Ahuviya you scumbag.
>> No. 32816
Sure is unfunny summerfag in here.
>> No. 32817
File 133642795133.jpg - (428.13KB , 668x995 , Rikallum.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
RIKA: I hate you, I hate you.

Wraith Beliskner: Where would you be without me, gollum, gollum? I saved us! It was me! We survived because of me!

RIKA: [stops crying] Not anymore.

Wraith Beliskner: What did you say?

RIKA: Master looks after us now. We don't need you anymore.

Wraith Beliskner: What?

RIKA: Leave now, and never come back!

Wraith Beliskner: No!

RIKA: Leave now, and never come back!

>> No. 32818
How was trying to use him for your own revenge an honest attempt at trying to help him?
>> No. 32819
Robert never looked better.
>> No. 32820
Harem maps goddamnit. Reveal the secrets of the harem maps.
>> No. 32821

Cocktent cocks are sold only for a reasonable fee now. Didn't you get the memo?
>> No. 32822
Rika has become a male prostitute!
>> No. 32823
>It's about time you let go.

Always the last to take your own advice.
>> No. 32824
File 13364285493.jpg - (34.21KB , 620x400 , 859fb668dda9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of cocks: http://encyclopediadramatica.se/File:Rika_statue_BJ.jpg
>> No. 32825
Never thought I could say Ahuviya was a better person than someone, but you are human garbage, Robert Stiles.
>> No. 32826
Harris Milstead aka Divine "The dragqueen of the century" died March 7th 1988. Do you believe in reincarnation?
>> No. 32827
Didn't you try to use us for your little hissy fit against Julia and Jordan. Also, for your revenge against ADF?
>> No. 32828
File 133642884121.jpg - (63.94KB , 400x494 , 2667-unrustled-jimmies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32829
File 133642889650.jpg - (32.54KB , 732x575 , Fluffyfaggot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh me, look at me!

I look like such a girl with my curly hair, feminine slack-jaw smile and my strap-shirt
>> No. 32830
>Ahuviya is where she is today. RIKA was the one who tried to save her.
>where SHE is today.

You could've never helped ADF, Rika, you're an enabler.
>> No. 32831
Any more news on when you're going to take down this site?

Oh wait you can't, it's another of the many things you fail at.
>> No. 32832
Next up, a Rika Wiki.

>> No. 32833
You were too busy sucking on the cocks of statues, threatening to sue ADF stonecutters and 789chan, and screaming Wolverines to care about what happened to ADF. Admit it!
>> No. 32834
The fuck is going on with that face? That pic needs a dick or two shooped on to it.
>> No. 32836

>With all these "Robert Wayne Stiles" threads cropping up by people like you trying to be the next epic ween internet big shots, you're getting this site monitored and probed.

Meanwhile, at the FBI

Agent G: What the hell is that alarm going off?
Agent S: Sir, that alarm can only mean one thing ... a tranny is being made fun of on the internet.


Agent G: ...call every available agent back in. Leave, vacation, in the hospital, I don't give a fuck. We're going to have to suck it up and work with the CIA on this one, boys. What's the origin of this laughter?
Agent S: One of those "chan" forums, sir. This one goes by the number seven-eight-niner.
Agent G: I want every fucking one and zero going in to and out of that site monitored, backtrace every IP, make a fucking GUI if you have to.
Agent S: Sir, the President on line 3. He insists we go to Defcon 2 and await his orders.
Agent G: ....God help us all.
>> No. 32838

Oh, so Ahuviya can steal from me and my friends and be a completely unhygienic and impractical person in real life and meanwhile, master troll, Trey Pepe,who's either seventeen or twenty seven (and living with his parents irregardless) just laughs and pretends to be friends with people who suffer in life.

Damn, just go back to your all night CoD sessions or something and leave us alone.
>> No. 32839
File 133642958846.jpg - (68.89KB , 960x540 , 407664_10150585822839529_656959528_11072453_412539.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
rika am i kawaii
>> No. 32840
Irregardless isn't even a word you silly tranny

...and you can't say shit about parents when you get everything paid for you by yours
>> No. 32841

They weren't kidding when they said you were a stupid spast-ridden fuck.
>> No. 32842
Fuck you, Rika, when Ahuviya gets out, her, Jordan, and I am going to pay you a little visit.
>> No. 32843

The chats I've seen were ADF mooching off of Maria. The only instance I heard from the stonecutters of stealing was when ADF went out to eat chinese food and forgot to bring money. You got to clarify what and how adf stole.
>> No. 32844
> Oh, so Ahuviya can steal from me and my friends and be a completely unhygienic and impractical person in real life

You were just on your high horse about how much you wanted to help Phillip. I'd rather have trolls than fair-weather friends.

> just laughs and pretends to be friends with people who suffer in life.

Yes. Especially if your suffering is the result of your own actions. Robby, you could have hardly asked for a more privileged life. You have no bloody shirt to wave.

> Damn, just go back to your all night CoD sessions or something and leave us alone.

Sure thing, boss, just as soon as you tell us about these harem maps. I'd had to go back to CoD without knowing how to set up harem maps for my clan.
>> No. 32845
>- He's probably the funniest looking cross dresser I've seen due to how un-womanly he looks.
The worst part is he's the only one who's within the weight bracket to actually wear the clothes he does without looking like a skanky hambeast.

>You're all making it look like this site has a creepy fixation on me.
>/cwc/ was created to obsess over every facet o Chris-chan's life.
>4 years later, we're suddenly creepy stalkers.
You should go on tour with A-Log, you'd make a great comedy act.

>You're just one of the millions that simply point and laugh at the mentally diseased, unstable, minority
>the millions
I came.
But seriously, thanks a lot. I actually tend to call out people who refer to transgenderism as a mental illness, but you just shot my argument to hell by proclaiming exactly what those haters want to hear. You're an even worse martyr than you are a woman.
>> No. 32846
Aren't you the one getting into nerd rages over skyrim? Also, what did ADF steal from you, statue-fucker?
>> No. 32847
also a step-by-step guide to properly perform the ** wraith dance **
>> No. 32848
>> No. 32850
Whoa, what?
>> No. 32853

Can someone get these 12 year olds off 789chan? It's hard enough trying to have a discussion with morally diseased adults with their troll larvae buzzing about.
>> No. 32854
File 133643087855.jpg - (11.63KB , 420x312 , ahaha oh wwow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hi, Robb. Your ED page is looking beautiful. It's been viewed over 8k times and is now an article of the now. Not even ADF has accomplished as much!

Also, you were too busy jacking off to pictures of what you thought was ADF stonecutters, fucking statues, and trying to take down this site to bother wondering where ADF is today.
>> No. 32855
Rika uses ad hominem attack...
It's not very effective.
>> No. 32856
Please feel free to leave at any time.
>> No. 32857
> It's hard enough trying to have a discussion with morally diseased adults with their troll larvae buzzing about.

I'm really not seeing a whole lot of discussion, here, Rikay.

I'm seeing a feeding frenzy.

what kind of parents would we be if we didn't invite our larvae to take part?
>> No. 32858
Yeah, it's in the ED article.
>> No. 32859
Yeah, Homor, that is what he is on felony probation for. He harrassed and threatened an agent looking into his stalking of Moran
>> No. 32860
File 133643126130.jpg - (489.37KB , 2048x1536 , 133496605451.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nigga, you kawaii

-Stay trans-sharp,
>> No. 32863
Why would anybody want to? You certainly didn't. You only do whatever you think would benefit you most at the time.
>> No. 32864
hey Rika, want to talk? http://tinychat.com/u6j9l
>> No. 32865
Since nothing else has worked, 10 bucks says that by the end of the month he'll be threatening suicide as a tactic to get his ED page taken down.
>> No. 32866
I would love for someone to write an ED article on me. Unfortunately it would be very boring, because I am just a regular employed white neurotypical cismale who hasn't done anything interesting. So it would probably be deleted.

There's something you could learn from this Rob, but I hope you don't, because then my life would be even less exciting.
>> No. 32867
It's possible. He already tried claiming his life was in danger.
>> No. 32868
You mean the one on 1512 Spruce Street?
>> No. 32869
None of them are funny, in and of themselves. Just mind-numbingly stupid. ADF is by far the most ridiculous though.

ADF, Rika and Jordman form an autistic crossdressing version of the Three Stooges though, really.
>> No. 32870
And not a single fuck would be given.
>> No. 32871
Wraith, why did you threaten an FBI agent? What on earth were you thinking?
>> No. 32872
You know, with the way you're reacting to all this means that you really do want to have an article on ED. And luckily for you, your wish was granted. If I found an ED article about myself, I would just not give a fuck and move on. You may say you hate us, but deep down inside, you love us.
>> No. 32873
<< Lawl
>> No. 32874
Doesn't look like that anymore. Lol.
>> No. 32875

Robert Wayne Stiles and his actions are dead and buried. To harp on one's regrettable past will only result in one's downfall. Just think what your doing.
>> No. 32876
>> No. 32878
YTfags should be all like 'robbbayyy' over that shit anyway on comments.
>> No. 32879
Well the current new and improved Wraith still seems prone to making threats, doesn't s/he?
>> No. 32880
He didn't think that the FBI could trace his messages.
>> No. 32881
The lulziest part is the FBI was going to let Rob go with a simple "knock that shit off" about stalking Crissy Moran until he decided to threaten the investigating agent.
>> No. 32882
Robert I genuinely care for you and feel terrible for the pain you have experienced from trolling. No one deserves what you went through.

You can still turn your life around it's not too late. Just accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior. I will pray for you...
>> No. 32883
>To harp on one's regrettable past will only result in one's downfall.

That's the problem though, it's not just "your regrettable past" you keep DOING this kinda shit.

You keep making empty threats, you keep screwing up, you keep starting crap you can't finish, and you still don't think things through.

What were you thinking when you waved around empty legal threats? Did you think that if you kept lying eventually someone would believe you?

Then you switched to an empty cyber-attack threat, which fell flat on it's ass, and also destroyed any legal credibility you could have possibly had.

Paul "Eyebrows" Whatever had the right idea, "don't feed the trolls, don't produce cocks, get out while you still can." But you didn't listen to him, you didn't THINK about what he said.

Why don't you ever THINK about something before you do it, Rika/Robert/Wraith/Jerry Lewis? Just use your head before you do crap, man.
>> No. 32884
So introman, what happened to adf?
>> No. 32885
  Rika, you are not alone.
>> No. 32886
You know, this actually doesn't sound like such a bad idea at this point, Wraith.

You've got pretty much nothing else going for you, and i think you'd find that searching for spiritual salvation is a lot more rewarding than arguing with people on the internet.
>> No. 32887

important question

was the ** wraith dance ** a part of this death/rebirth ritual, and at any time during this arcane ceremony did your mom or dad yell downstairs to the basement to keep the noise down
>> No. 32888
Ok, to the person who uploaded all my recent posts to ED, wow, you're such a master troll that you should be commended, brah. Now anything I say is cocks? Desperate much? Get yourself a fucking job. Even I have one now and it's not a freelance photography hiring.
>> No. 32889

I'm gonna guess "male prostitute".
>> No. 32890
File 133643526476.gif - (400.09KB , 500x374 , Burns phone.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey, Jordman was the one who released your address online. Also, I had no idea that you took up blowing old guys for cash now. Congrats!

Also, you mad, statue sucker?
>> No. 32891

See >>210689
>> No. 32892
So does this mean we can hire ROBAAAAY to dig up ROBAAAAY and leave him on ROBAAAAY's doorstep?
>> No. 32894

>Get yourself a fucking job.

How many years have you spent mooching off your parents Robbay? And now you're going to tell other people to get a job? You're fucking ridiculous.
>> No. 32895
Can someone shop Rika into the summer fag video at the top of the page?
>> No. 32896

I am a clerk at an establishment of which whose name I will not disclose for my own sake. TYVM.
>> No. 32897

Additionally, what do you plan to do with my address, epic ween? Huh, send me twelve pizzas with my least favorite topping?
>> No. 32898

The 7-11 of corner Philly is just the kind of job for a man-girl like you.

I knew a hot chick that worked at an Exxon once. Man, I wanted to fuck her.
>> No. 32900

And didn't ask you what the job was you dumb shit.
>> No. 32902
I'm going to send you one hundred holy bibles. I hope you love dog-eared ones!
>> No. 32903


You are confusing it with irrespective
>> No. 32904
Why are you bragging about this? You're 24.

This is the functional equivalent of a 12 year old walking into school and going "hey babies! Get potty trained! I just did!"

Dude, everyone your age except the mentally handicapped has acheived this already. You should be ashamed, not proud.
>> No. 32905

I will personally assist in taking down THAT DANG ED PAGE if you dig up patti, show chris up at tomgirling, while yelling "Juuuullllaaaaay!"
>> No. 32907

You realize I was just responding to the dipshit who implied I was lower than him because all I do "mooch off my parents" and didn't have a job. I didn't say it made me special or anything. Tell me Ahuviya and Jordan actually bother to go down to a store and apply. Because of something happening, I'm on my own now when it comes to paying the rent.
>> No. 32908
Did your dad get tired of paying the way for his fag son who won't even put out for him?
>> No. 32909

Nobody said anything about you mooching off your parents until after that post, so how exactly could you have been responding to posts that hadn't even happened yet?
>> No. 32910

Read: People have been implying that.
>> No. 32911
Are you cocks to die a virgin?
>> No. 32912

>> No. 32913
File 133643875238.jpg - (58.21KB , 500x349 , 36046d1315940022-funny-political-cartoons-memes-am.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I love that you are here, buy what do you intend to accomplish? What are your states goals? How will you set out to achieve them?
>> No. 32914
I'm not sure even he knows at this point.
>> No. 32915
Could someone who knows update us on what happened with "the incident" with ADF? Is he in an institution right now? Is he physically okay?
I hope he's at least getting some help and hope no one got hurt.
>> No. 32916
Read: Robb went on hormones and now daddy is not going to pay for his apartment anymore.
>> No. 32917
He attempted suicide after an incident at Rikas, he is currently in a coma and will probably be severely brain damaged if he even comes out. (tried to hang himself, was found but his brain was without oxygen too long)
>> No. 32918

Yeah, no, that didn't happen.
>> No. 32919
>Because of something happening, I'm on my own now when it comes to paying the rent.
Daddy finally cut you off then? I'm guessing you'll keep the job for all of 2 weeks before some minor inconvenience has you accusing everyone you work with of cisgender fascism and you go running back to your parents begging.
>> No. 32920
Uh okay, whatever you say.
>> No. 32921
But he needs as many brain cells as possible.

How will he brain without them?
>> No. 32922
If you stop posting here you will likely be left alone. The fact of thr matter is that you came here and went full on attention whore and epic ween fag on us and then act all surprised when threads get made about you and start making threats. You milk yourself for us and that's hilarious
>> No. 32923
I'll link to the article on ADFki when we finish it up in this thread. Suffice it to say:
is fairly accurate, although it doesn't look like he is actually in a coma, from what we've heard.
>> No. 32924
Well if true then that is hilarious. Wonder if his family will sue Ricka for all the trolling that lead up to his death. Wouldn't that be ironic.
>> No. 32926
But your points aren't valid and your hands are bloody
>> No. 32927

I was proving a valid point and can't stand to see one of the biggest sadists on the internet point his finger at me and says I'm the one with fucking "blood on my hands"
>> No. 32928
I think that if this bullshit about ADF hanging himself over something that happened with you or at your house and you didn't make a serious effort to save him or his life, the blood IS on your hands.
>> No. 32929
But you do, you drove Ahuviya to try to kill herselfn

And FYI, she is in a medically induced coma.
>> No. 32930
He may be brain dead. That's hilarious. We won't be able to tell the difference.
Ricka is the master troll. He trolled a man into the ground. Maybe we should stop trolling him, you know... before he strikes again.
>> No. 32931
>With all these "Robert Wayne Stiles" threads cropping up by people like you trying to be the next epic ween internet big shots, you're getting this site monitored and probed.

>> No. 32932
I saw the chairwomyn post of fb earlier today.
>> No. 32933
To the people saying harel is in a coma. The chairwomyn isn't. Rika's continued war against every other transgender person in philadelphia was the cause. I hope Harel's mental health improves. Rika using Harel for trollsheilding is the only explainable reason. To betray somebody like that, you must be a big sadist.
>> No. 32935

Anybody know the chairwomyn's FB post from this morning?
>> No. 32936
With all due respect, IntroMAN, you are being quite vague.

So ADF isn't in a coma, but did attempt suicide? What is exactly is going on with her mental state? Did she check into a psych ward at a local hospital?
>> No. 32937
File 133644321658.png - (60.00KB , 390x600 , jman.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32938
>> No. 32939
It's this event.

>> No. 32940
So wait, Wraith Squad is some kind of tranny dance group? How does that qualify as a job? I doubt you get paid.
>> No. 32941
Yfs Israel is a less homophobic country than the united states and when a fag dies in the military his partner gets his death benefits.
Israel is the most homosexual deviant friendly country in the region. Israel was even willing to sponser the homosexual deviant population in america and this is the thanks they get?
How about a littlr gratitude?
>> No. 32942
Rob, please demonstrate the traditional dance of your people
>> No. 32943
Herein lies the problem with trying to join every fringe group under the sun. Sooner or later, you'll start stepping on toes. More often than not, your own...
>> No. 32944
  Meanwhile in the land of gays and transexuals
>> No. 32945
But they're not gay. They are strong transgendered womyn who don't need no man you disgendering zionist heteronormative cisgender fascist scum.

I think I lost several neurons just by typing that shit
>> No. 32946
File 133644642926.jpg - (94.84KB , 480x698 , keith-richards1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is it me or does Rika look a little bit like Keith Richards in drag give or take 20 years?
>> No. 32947
What gender is Rik- oh shit, I'm sorry, "Wraith" attracted to?
>> No. 32948
File 133644971270.png - (174.17KB , 989x1641 , what are you doing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika, why do you keep deleting your posts and then reposting the exact same thing?
>> No. 32949
Looks like spelling errors. Like "points/point" in the latter part.

I don't see why Robbie cares, though. Nobody is going to harp on his fuckawful grammar and syntax.
>> No. 32950
I think he's a grammar nazi
Just goes to show how shallow he is.
>> No. 32951
Supposedly neither. HE thinks sex is yucky.
>> No. 32952
Jesus Rob why are you still fucking here?
You know whats going to happen every fucking time you get back on here and engage us. You are helping build such a wonderful ED page.

Thanks for the laughs bro.
>> No. 32953
come on Rika post those nudes so we can all move on with our lives
>> No. 32954
He's paranoid about it because apparently he was constantly berated by the stargate forums for his bad spelling and grammar.
>> No. 32955
Please tell me that this is the same anon who keeps actively seeking RWS nudes. For the sake of my sanity, I need to know there's just the one.
>> No. 32956
They only know how to play the victim.
>> No. 32957

That's pretty funny, given that he thinks the word "apartment" is spelled "appartment," he believes that "irregardless" is real word, and he uses "your" when he really means "you're."
>> No. 32958
File 133646720120.png - (257.24KB , 2252x780 , Rika_the_backstabber.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>help ADF
>> No. 32959
File 133646764870.jpg - (8.28KB , 244x238 , 133582511040.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>There will always be wraith blood in me and it will permute from now to eternity. The power of it is great but costly as it caused me to either alter myself or suffer the consequences but today, the Wraith Beliskner shall return to life.
>This used to be about defending Ahuviya but I personally think Zyklon and Moniker foresaw what was going to happen and decided to use me as a back-up target. It's your fault, Introman, along with the rest of your motley stonecutters crew that Ahuviya is where she is today. RIKA was the one who tried to save her. At least, I had the morality and the intelligence when to stop trolling people.
Stay gold, Robb.
>> No. 32960
Definition of a lulz cow.
>> No. 32961
Irregardless is a real word. So is ain't and google as a verb.

Deal with it spaz
>> No. 32962
>Irregardless is a real word
I should ban you right now for that.

Watch your step, i'll be keeping track.
>> No. 32963
The thought of people calling the likes of ADF, Rika and that other fat ugly tranny what they really are which is "him" or "he" warms my heart. Other people shouldn't have to pander to their idiotic delusions.
>> No. 32964

It's called a dictionary
>> No. 32965
>Shitty internet dictionary

Haha, no.

Webster's or nothing, scrub.
>> No. 32966
Guys, please. One autist in the thread is enough.
>> No. 32967
That is Webster's.
>> No. 32968
File 133647737656.jpg - (9.14KB , 252x252 , 4175801.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 32969
File 133648465324.jpg - (43.96KB , 254x321 , 04335552.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Webster's or nothing, scrub.
>> No. 32970
You know Rika, you can easily go back home if you can the transgender shit.
>> No. 32971

"Irregardless" was a mistake made by people who had likely juxtaposed the words "regardless" and "irrespective."
"Irregardless" is not, by any stretch of the imagination, correct grammar. It may be a word, but it is not a real word - it may surprise you to find out that Merriam-Webster evokes little respect out of English majors and linguists alike. The Oxford English Dictionary, which is more respectable, lists the word, but correctly gives its probable history as a mistaken juxtaposition, and instructs English speakers that the word should always be avoided. Just because the juxtaposition entered the vernacular long enough to merit an entry in Merriam-Webster, which acknowledges that the word is grammatically unacceptable, does not mean it is a "real" word, as would be considered by most linguists and those who study the English language exclusively.

tl;dr. You deal with it, sperg.
>> No. 32972
I always thought "irregardless" should mean the opposite of "regardless", IE meaning "with regard to [that]"

>You had sex with my sister, irregardless to that, i'm going to strangle you with this garrote.
>> No. 32973
I don't follow ADF , but there has been nothing from him since his arrest at sodomize Philly right?
>> No. 32974
Don't know if you mean in regards to anything not in this thread, but:
>ADF was at a rally to prevent "pinkwashing" (basically a bribe in return for acceptance) of an Israeli group, I believe
>The leader of the group they were against was a former IDF officer, iirc
>The officer berated ADF
>There was some facebook posts about the incident
>Something happened with ADF at Rika's place
>ADF hanged herself at home, lost a lot of oxygen and is now in the hospital, looks like he'll be heavily brain damaged
>> No. 32976

>ADF hanged herself at home, lost a lot of oxygen and is now in the hospital, looks like he'll be heavily brain damaged

That doesn't seem to be stopping him from posting on facebook, although I guess ADF with brain damage wouldn't be all that different from regular ADF >>210902
>> No. 32977
As was previously mentioned, the suicide attempt was late yesterday afternoon, after that FB post.
>> No. 32978

Really? Man, way to kill the mood of the thread.
>> No. 32979
Irregardless, if there really was a suicide attempt it's kind of funny.
>> No. 32980

So that post isn't from this morning then? Where is it mentioned that is was yesterday afternoon he tried to off himself?
>> No. 32981
Rika are you just spazzing because you started hormones and they're fucking with your mind? Because I feel like the world needs more of this homosexual deviantry, you know, trannies in their mid-20s flipping their shit like middle schoolers.
>> No. 32982
What if brain damaged ADF becomes a normal functioning member of society?
>> No. 32983
Yesterday afternoon it is suggested that rika's next line of attack will be to threaten suicide to get his page taken down.
Later that evening, reports tell us that following an argument with Rika, ADF is found to have committed what we are told appears to be a botched suicide and now has brain damage. Coincidence?
>> No. 32984

It'd be cool if this gave him savant level skills.
>> No. 32985
wait, what happened with adf at rika's?
>> No. 32986
If ADF has brain damage, maybe he can finally live as an acceptable person in society and not some lazy man pretending to be a woman while shouting his homosexual deviant retard communist white noise tripe that falls from his mouth every second of the day.
>> No. 32987
Then we will have found a cure for da tism and can save chris
>> No. 32988
I hope ADF/ADF's family sues.
>> No. 32989
How could we tell the difference?
>> No. 32990
Uh no, that post was made last night of Ahuviyas FB yesterday morning. We stated earlier that all reports are saying it was yesterday late afternoon.

We are still working on gathering and verifying info on Ahuviyas current condition, anypone with direct info is urged to come to the ADFki IRC and help out.

The wiki will be updated once we have a complete and clear picture of exactly wht happened, current condition, and if she is expected to survive this with any semblence of brain functioning in tact. Thanks to any that have helped so far.
>> No. 32991
File 13364962761.png - (2.49KB , 187x147 , hey.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Jordman. Now fuck off.
>> No. 32992
ADF currently identifies as female, so we refer to her as "she", since ADF is so prone to changing sexuality/gender identity, this naturally changes quite often. We aren't seriously suggesting he is female, as anyone can clearly tell Phillip is not (though the Ahuviya identity is). Make sense?
>> No. 32993
>Make sense?
No, he is not a woman. I know you like to play along in your tranny community, but it's not how we do it here. If you refer to ADF as a woman, you're just gonna confuse everyone. He is a man, and should be referred to as a man. You can do whatever you want in your little tranny gang.
>> No. 32994

No. He's a fucking man with a neckbeard who doesn't even dress like a woman.
>> No. 32995
why not call the local hospital and see if you can find out anything
>> No. 32996
This offends me. We identify ADF as a man, and you should respect our wishes, or else you're a chanophobic transnazi.
>> No. 32997
uh, I don't live anywhere near PA, nor am I trans, nor do I know any of ADFs group IRL. By "we" I meant the core group at ADFki, but I'm glad you're such an expert on the "way we do things here". Way to sperg about terminology, bro.
>> No. 32998
What is the proper set of pronouns for a tomgirl, guys? Chris currently identifies as a tomgirl, so I don't want to accidentally refer to him in a way that might cause offense. I'm thinking something along the lines of "shhe", "heer", and "herm", but I think the last might cause people to mistake Chris for a hermaphrodite.
>> No. 32999
ADF is referred to as a man in the ADFwiki, so nice try.
>> No. 33000

This right here >>211132 is you sperging about terminology, also by "the way we do things here" I'm pretty sure >>211134 is referring to /cwc/, seeing as how that's where here is. We call him a man here, because that's what he is.
>> No. 33001
Check your transphobia at the door, cis scum.
>> No. 33002
You are totally missing the point. Of course the articles call him a male, since he is obviously male. His current gender persona is female, so when we discuss him in conversation, he/she/it is used to reflect what he currently sees himself as, since it changes all the time.
>> No. 33003

>since it changes all the time.

Ummm, hasn't he changed his gender identity just the once? Pretty sure he's just gone from calling himself a man to a woman, I don't remember him switching back and forth at all.
>> No. 33004
Yeah, you've got your actual shemales and trannies where you can refer to them as "her". Then you've got dudes in wigs like adf, rika and cwc. Use "he" in those instances because otherwise everyone gets confused.
>> No. 33005

he went from being male to being transfemale and then he called himself genderfluid or genderqueer or some shit like that and insisted on being called zir, hir, etc. then went back to being all woman.
>> No. 33006
I'm aware he is talking about the board. You have to humor people like ADF when interacting with them online, so consider me calling him "she" force of habit.

Anyway, like I said, we'll update the wiki and post a link here once we know exactly the full story and what ADFs condition/outlook on recovery is.
>> No. 33007
When you interact with adf online you refer to him in the 3rd person?
>> No. 33008
>core group at ADFwiki
Let's see...

Pretty sure he doesn't call ADF a "she".
Same thing here.
And here

So who are you supposed to be, then? That asperger Gaiafag that Intro told to STFU about gendershit?
>> No. 33009
why do you use this royal "we" when talking about the adfwiki like it's some kind of exclusive club and you're a big hot shot?
>> No. 33010
because of autism
>> No. 33011
> at the door

What door?
>> No. 33013
File 133649896015.jpg - (73.89KB , 602x601 , Hitler serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd like to point out here that this fag has nothing to do with us.

And if you see him referring to ADF as a "she" in the wiki, you'll do us a favour if you revert his edits.
>> No. 33014
Finally! So what the fuck is going on Zyklon? I mean really going on? Is Phil in the hospital? Did he try to kill himself? I doubt people would have been trolling like this is if introman or one of you guys would just tell us what is happening
>> No. 33015
Finally! So what the fuck is going on Zyklon? I mean really going on? Is Phil in the hospital? Did he try to kill himself? I doubt people would have been trolling like this is if introman or one of you guys would just tell us what is happening
>> No. 33016
Because they're totally going to listen to someone who name calls because it's not hypocritical at all, right?
>> No. 33017
I don't care about pro-nouns for someone I have no respect for.
>> No. 33019
File 133649968579.jpg - (86.89KB , 460x287 , fascinated hitler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF did actually apparently try to kill himself, and not by sleeping in the bushes this time. He probably got medical attention and is on 72 hour mental hold. But as far as we know, he is alive, so no worries.

His e-girlfriend is begging for money in reddit and threatens to follow ADF's example and off herself.

Ain't this some cocks?
>> No. 33020

Guessing it was just a weak ass cry for attention sort of thing.
>> No. 33021
So is this the event they were talking about - http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/lgbt-rights-in-israel-pinkwashing-oppression-of-palestinians-or-illuminating-the-middle-east-1.428480?lo

Those dang dirty jews.
>> No. 33022
File 13364999834.jpg - (11.00KB , 579x462 , hitler smiling 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some jew was mean to him and called him with wrong pronouns, and caused drama and that's probably why he did it.

Tranny drama is serious business.
>> No. 33023
Fucking lol.

So now that we know, how do you guys think he tried to do it? He is probably too much of a pussy to cut himself.

And his girlfriend is threatening suicide for money? Oh lawdy, any chance we could get a link?

Also what was Rikas connection to this? I kept seeing introman reference "the betrayl" with no clear explanation.
>> No. 33024
File 133650046326.jpg - (17.79KB , 287x290 , stylin nazi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>So now that we know, how do you guys think he tried to do it?
My euros are on pills. You know, he might've imagined they're hormones or candy so that it'd be easier.

>And his girlfriend is threatening suicide for money? Oh lawdy, any chance we could get a link?
I can copy paste the messages.
>I posted this a while ago, but a lot has changed. The situation is dire now, you guys. My partner's dysphoria (we're both transgendered) has gotten to the point where she's attempted to end her life. I need to get out to Philadelphia A.S.A.P., I fear for her mental well-being. I had enough money to buy a ticket and was going to go to buy it today, but my grandmother took the money away from me. I'm back at square one, I need now the entire $261. Any donations can be sent to Michael Sandell at 25935 NE North Valley Road, Newberg, Oregon, 97132.
...and then a little later
>Both my partner and I are transgendered and we were planning to meet each other for the first time on Wednesday. I was trying to raise money and posted something on /r/assisance, but they weren't exactly helpful. They were kind of rude, in fact. Now my mother took all of the money I had saved up thus far and I have nothing. She's just going to keep opposing me, and I'm tired of fighting her. She's not going to die any time soon, so suicide looks like the only option here.
>my mum took my money, brb suicide

>Also what was Rikas connection to this? I kept seeing introman reference "the betrayl" with no clear explanation.
I don't actually know, because I don't follow Philly drama that well (it's boring and circlejerk-y), but I can offer an educated guess. Well, you know Robb is bipolar as fuck. First he was friends with ADF, then enemies, then friends again. I guess he's now enemies with ADF again and that stressed ADF.

And I think Robb used this suicide attempt to try to guilt-trip us into taking down the ED page. Or something. Robb's a bit weird, if you haven't noticed.
>> No. 33025
Sieg Heil my RussoFinnishTurkish Nazi brother, thank you for the enlightening clarification, as always.
>> No. 33026
File 133650112412.jpg - (157.34KB , 799x598 , pimpin aint easy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anything for you, /cwc/.
>> No. 33027
Could you upload a rar of all your images?
>> No. 33028
Any sane person that had an e-girlfriend/boyfriend (kind of a disqualifier already) that attempted suicide would see this as a sign not to get involved with that individual and an opportunity to cease contact with that them before they actually meet each other...
>> No. 33029

Lol uh... who are you?
>> No. 33030

Wait, are you that guy who kept posting on the wiki about it being dead and decaying and signing your own posts before the date stamp with a username no one recognised?

>> No. 33031
File 133650199647.png - (4.49KB , 400x300 , riveting matters.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
first her grandmother took it, and then her mother. SEEMS LEGIT.
>> No. 33032
e-begging is hilarious, especially when it doesn't work and the beggar gets in a huff about it.
>> No. 33033
File 133650241259.jpg - (126.61KB , 807x557 , stonecutters.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33034

Why are you implying that I can't be morally offended by ADF's actions? Even so, I did not orchestrate anything she did. Maybe if you realized that your trolling is tying the goddamn noose around people's necks none of this would have happened. I'm suprised more lolcows haven't tried what ADF did just to escape the torture of being endlessly mocked for their defects.

Zyklon, you're a cold blooded killer and you won't stop even when people get hurt.
>> No. 33035
What? No longer a wraith? Are you trying to show how innocent and pure little Rob is?

And, trolling didn't drive him to try and off himself. It's very easy for anyone to ignore trolling, he's obviously been ignoring us based on the lack of cocks. This is all on your shoulders Robbay.
>> No. 33036
Are you seriously implying that trolling is the same as murder? Oh wow, nice new low there Robbay.
>> No. 33037
It's when you get "hurt things like this happens. And I like that. A lot.
>> No. 33039
Hi robaaaaaaaaayyyy
>> No. 33040

Give me proof that it is. I'm working furiously to save my own skin because 789chan can't even comprehend the size of the can of worms it opened with its retarded can opener. But soon enough, you'll never be able to find me and all those fucking "Rika" cocks will be rendered worthless.
>> No. 33041
>Maybe if you realized that your trolling is tying the goddamn noose around people's necks none of this would have happened

Hey Rika. Let's play a game. Tell 789chan about times in your life where you fucked up, you realize you fucked up, and you took the full responsibility and blamed yourself and nobody else.

See, you're still blaming other people for your own shortcomings despite being the only one to blame. It's just fucking pathetic and shit like this is why we love trolling you. It's not like Chris trolling where it happens because it's fun. This is fun because you're a despicable person who deserves every last bit coming to you.
>> No. 33042
File 133650564289.gif - (3.63MB , 240x186 , mannerheim like a boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Maybe if you realized that your trolling is tying the goddamn noose around people's necks none of this would have happened
And this here is what we call irony!

>I'm suprised more lolcows haven't tried what ADF did just to escape the torture of being endlessly mocked for their defects.
See, Robb, with your trollsona and MMORPG fixation, it's obvious this whole internet life is a much bigger thing to you than to the most. Perhaps that's why. Most people, after they're done with raging buttmad, shrug and do something productive. I'd tell you to do the same, but it's pretty obvious you just won't learn.

>Zyklon, you're a cold blooded killer and you won't stop even when people get hurt.
I will cherish this quote forever and ever.
>> No. 33043
>all those fucking "Rika" cocks will be rendered worthless.
Cocks are forever, Rika.
>> No. 33044
Rika, you had an argument with him right before this happened. These guys have been trolling him for years now, and as far as I am aware have not actively trolled him for months.

If you're casting blame about I think you need to be more concerned about yourself.
>> No. 33045

>But soon enough, you'll never be able to find me and all those fucking "Rika" cocks will be rendered worthless.

Feel free to disappear off the face of the earth, the ED article and the archived threads are staying around.
>> No. 33046

This, we haven't been anywhere near ADF for ages, you're the one in close contact with the guy and you let this shit happen? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>> No. 33047
If you kill ypurself or you are implying that someone is going to kill you then those cocks will be worth a fortune whem they eventually find your body.
This will put 789 on the map. I'd kill to see that, wouldn't you vuys kill to see that?
>> No. 33048
File 133650838388.jpg - (5.72KB , 166x200 , Hitler oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm working furiously to save my own skin because 789chan can't even comprehend the size of the can of worms it opened with its retarded can opener
Hunted again? So which one is it, Anonymous or Stargate community?

I love how you got frustrated and pointed out it was ANNONOMOOSE, while to the rest of us they're pretty much equally unthreatening internet clubs.
>> No. 33049
you can move as much as you want, we're still going to laugh at the delicious cocks you've given us for eternity.
>> No. 33050
you pretend to feel pain over ADF nearly being driven to kill himself (by you)

then go about bawwwing how you have it so hard for drama you created yourself. you're a fucking sociopath.
>> No. 33051
This may be difficult for you to comprehend, so try to bear with me. When somebody is already paranoid to begin with (as we know ADF is), one has to earn that person's trust. Now has it occurred to you even once that using him in your laughable troll-shielding attempt may have violated said trust?

I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with you anyway?! Are you that narcissistic that you can't get it through your stupid skull that you might not be at least partially responsible for this mess?
>> No. 33052
Rob, does your PO know what happened? What do you think is going to happen when ADF presses charges?
>> No. 33053
Moniker, I'm the guy who kept posting as a super secret member of ADFki earlier. No one would answer our questions about ADF and introMAN was ignoring the questions all together, so I figured if I trolled as someone who knew what they were talking about long enough while at the same time spouting total BS, one of you guys would show up and tell us what the fuck was going on with ADF and his suicide attempt. And eventually Zyklon did.

Sorry. And no, never edited ADFki before, although I was briefly involved with helping put together the first archive of ADF material dropped here way back with a guy going by rowsdower who collected it all.
>> No. 33055
Forget it he has to much of a victim complex to ever see this as his fault. He will go through the rest of his pathetic life blaming others for his problems and sponging off his parents.
>> No. 33056
I notice that a large number of lolcows seem to have a victim complex or a persecution complex.

Soon we will have the recipe for the perfect lolcow
>> No. 33057
File 13365102255.jpg - (45.22KB , 387x577 , Hitler serious 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That was not a nice thing to do. You know I don't hoard cocks and I always like to share them with you, but sadly there are some timezone differences between USA and Turkey. Go sit in the corner.

>Sorry. And no, never edited ADFki before, although I was briefly involved with helping put together the first archive of ADF material dropped here way back with a guy going by rowsdower who collected it all.
Funny thing, we were just talking about rows. How's that guy doing, any idea?

True. But maybe, just maybe when he's fourty, bald, crippled and disfigured by hormones, lying on the cold floor of his lone apartment, all alone without one single friend in the world, and he starts to think back and wonder where it all went wrong, he thinks "Hell, that some guy on that one imageboard was right."
>> No. 33058
Sorry Zyklon ;_; You are a true /cwc/ patriot, but I really wanted to know if Phil really tried to kill himself or whatever.
And I wish I knew about rows. I hung out in #adf alot with him and whoreos when the channel was first created, and helped in the monumental task of editting out his personal info in that first huge archive, then for some RL shit, stopped coming around for quite sometime. Since I've been back I haven't been able to find rows, and anyone I've asked has no idea what happened to him. Which sucks,because we used to talk quite alot, he was a really cool guy. Surprised me that he was no longer involved, we were kicking around the idea of a wiki one day then and when I came back around here andsaw it was now a reality, I figured surely he helped build it.
>> No. 33059

He comes back sometimes, I think he was pretty busy with uni and exams around the time the wiki went up and probably still is/is busy having a life etc. He was a chill guy though.
>> No. 33060
/cwc/ - love and friendship
>> No. 33061
Very chill indeed. Hopefully I'll be able to run into him again sometime.
>> No. 33062
So Rob when do you plan on visiting ADF and apologizing for pushing him to his silly botched suicide.
>> No. 33063
I figured as much. Still above the fireplace?
>> No. 33064
haha, yes indeed. You been doing alright?
>> No. 33065
if there is anyone with blood on there hands it's you Robert, you lousy piece of shit
>> No. 33066
chemistry math blows, but other than that I'm fine.
>> No. 33067
You're cocksion is that it ain't a word, not that it ain't proper English.
>> No. 33068

Maybe this is the guy you're talking about?
>> No. 33069
Glad to hear it. I may drop into IRC sometime to say hello, though all I have for internet access atm is this android tablet so I'd have to use shitty mibbit.
>> No. 33070
Hmm, perhaps it is. I don't have an account there so I'll have to register to see that profile though. I wouldn't be surprised if it is, I might reg and send him a PM later this evening.

>> No. 33071
No problem bro. That name you mentioned looked familiar so I figured I'd let you know.
>> No. 33073
Oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing...

Why do you keep coming back here? You are such a fucking attention whore.

And whatever helps you sleep at night, Robbie, everyone knows you are directly responsible for Phil trying to kill himself.

And what makes you think seanie gives a fuck?
>> No. 33074

>> No. 33075
File 133652323697.png - (488.37KB , 627x470 , untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I never did anything to make Ahuviya want to hurt herself, she's been incredibly paranoid and suicidal for months.

Yeah, no. Pic related.
>> No. 33076
What the fuck do you think the legal system is? It's already overburdened with actual cases (rape, robery, murder).

It's not some arena where you can summon people from the corners of the earth for a fake-tranny dance off.
>> No. 33077
Real shame he didn't have any real life friends to help him through a difficult time like that. -.-
>> No. 33078
Hey Rob. Remember that little fat girl who hung herself after her friends mom trolled the shit out of her on MySpace? Megan Meier? Yeah. They tried for years to get something to stick on the mom Lori Drew.

They never did.

No one gives a fuck about us laughing at you and your retarded friends, or reposting information that you yourselves entered into the public domain.

So please can the legal shit. It is gettin really old.
>> No. 33080
Sorry Rob, but it's not against the law to discuss the details of a person's life that they choose to volunteer.

We have no direct access to ADF at all. You are a daily part of his life and you drove him to make this choice. The things we talk about here don't justify the actions you've taken at all.
>> No. 33081
Proof once again that if you keep telling the same lie often enough, eventually you start to believe it.
>> No. 33082
File 133652424649.gif - (39.02KB , 176x256 , ash-12-jab.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Rika!
Just thought I'd stop by and give my poor helpless clone a bit of advice.

You've made it big time. You're on ED's front page and on the fast track to becoming the replacement ADF.

Don't like how that sounds? Then just leak enough ADF cocks to draw all the attention away from you. I'm sure if you work with the ADF stonecutters you can reach an agreement with them.

That's what how Jordan and Ahuvia got away, they threw you under the bus. You'll be doing yourself a favor by returning the favor and drawing all the heat off you. Start by telling us all some funny stories, we love stories.

~Love, your "brosis identity fraudulent clone"
>> No. 33083
Oh great, now you've attracted this fucking fag again, thanks so much Rob.
>> No. 33085
Wait, aren't you the same Rika who threatened to "Withhold ADF cocks" if all information wasn't taken down from here?

I bet the Philadelphia trans center has a lot more to blame for his mental health than this forum.
>> No. 33086
File 133652507091.gif - (220.38KB , 775x1159 , edo_madara_gif_file_by_surie__by_surie-d4dl9er.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You do know that I don't run the wiki? Me and a certain gay polish prostitute planned for you to become a lulcow and made it a realization. It's pretty funny that most of your hatred is for the underlings of the trolling brigade. I thought you would plan more shit for me but I guess you hate foreign cisgender women even more then domestic. It was good to plan the revelation with some of philly's brightest. Even if they had to use mazzoni's internet service.
>> No. 33087
  Robb trying to convince everybody that he is a lady
>> No. 33088
It's so true.
>> No. 33089
Not actually gay. Just suck cock for meth
>> No. 33090
Rika basically used Ahuviya as bait for his/her own personal attacks. Shows what kind of disgusting person Rika truly is. Human trash.
>> No. 33091
if that was true rika then why ,as you put it earlier, try to every thing to "save your own skin"

clearly you know you know that a lot of the blame falls on you, and once again you are going to try to weasel your way out of it and blame those damn dirty trolls. You are a giant piece of shit. You deserve every horrible thing that happens to and then some
>> No. 33092
Does Rika even feel any responsibility at all for ADF's condition?
>> No. 33093
File 133656107991.jpg - (108.56KB , 618x800 , Sex_diary.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More hoarded cocks. ADF's e-girlfriend's messages before she begun outright begging for cash:

>"I need money, you guys. Badly. And because (for now, anyway) I'm still too proud to actually beg for money, I'll take a different route. I found something here in Portland where you can sell books and clothes and get cash. So, please, please, please, please, if ANYONE has any lightly used books or clothes for me, PLEASE NOTE ME. I'll give you my new address and we can work something out. I'm desperate, everyone. Please take pity on me. T_T (Of course, actual cash is also appreciated, but I'd like to go on record that I'm not actually begging for money...directly. >.>) "
>> No. 33094
>That pic.

What the fuck, dude? Just what the fuck?
>> No. 33095
>> No. 33098
File 133656727476.jpg - (8.75KB , 205x197 , hitler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even more hoarded cocks: Check the page 27 of this Russian internet release. My Russian is a bit rusty (even though I'm totally Russian), but I think it says something about American degradation:


Well, ADF did always want to be popular and loved Russia. And I'm glad we could help him with that.
>> No. 33099
Is it possible for the Stonecutters to send that file to a Field Agent, print it, deliver it to ADF and record his reaction? Borsch suits are optional
>> No. 33100
"Almost all the crises of Western society in the face of one" Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
>> No. 33101
Nope, it blames it all on the trolls
>> No. 33102
Inb4 Robb sees the .pdf and the American troll illuminati turns into a worldwide conspiracy to get ADF to kill himself.
>> No. 33103
File 133657673391.jpg - (1.26MB , 2592x1944 , IMG_20120501_191234.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Portlandfag here. She's probably a street kid downtown. What is her reddit name?
>> No. 33105
File 133657707168.jpg - (46.28KB , 373x400 , nazi excited.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Go out, and do whatever you want to the extreme.
>> No. 33106
>> No. 33107
Oh wow, how the fuck do I navigate this clusterfuck?

Tumblr and reddit must be full of spergs with ADD, because I can't make heads or tails or either one.
>> No. 33108
File 133658007441.png - (275.28KB , 651x1201 , XRYqH.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You know, reddit is kind of stupid; we reward each other with this imaginary currency of 'upvotes' and 'karma', but it's always for cheap laughs. This time, sir/madam, I can honestly say that you deserved my upvote. My heart goes out to you for losing what was surely an outstanding individual. And as someone who has both lost several friends to suicide as well as considered/attempted it, you are my hero/ine for standing up to those people. May your god/s watch over you.
Image related, the fucking touching tribute.

If someone would remember me by making a horrible shitty lélélélé rage comic and whining about the word "fag" I would come back to haunt them and strangle them in their sleep.

Yes, I mad.
>> No. 33109
Yeah, I can't help but get the impression that about half of web 2.0 has just passed me by. Not that I consider it a bad thing, going by a lot of the tumblr pages I've seen...
>> No. 33110

>> No. 33111
Don't worry, Web 3.0 will be even dumber.

Kind of like how 9gag is a web 2.0 version of ebaums, there will be a horrible web 3.0 version of everything that is terrible now
>> No. 33112
>implying that it's shit like the word "fag" that causes people to off themselves
>implying that those two aren't terrible friends who missed the obvious signs and didn't get their friend the help he needed

Nobody ever wakes up and says "Someone called me a fag earlier, guess I'll kill myself today"
>> No. 33113
>> No. 33114
jesus fuck, it's like every goddamn pre-drawn cookie-cutter reaction face ever, mashed together into one big moralfaggy monstrosity. and then reddit goes and slaps an enormously irreverant watermark on it. i don't even...

web 2.0 was created by autistic webmasters who wanted to bring back the unnecessarily graphic-heavy designs of geocities and angelfire websites, but they used the fancy new technologies of flash and javascript in place of over9000 animated gifs.
>> No. 33115
I do every goddam day, but then I do a line od hormones and put my dress on - in preparation od the days march. This will be the day I finally earn some repect from those dam cis-genders.
>> No. 33116
Your friend clearly had serious underlying issues. Most people without some kind of emotional disorder don't kill themselves over a word.

I'm a prancing homosexual deviant and that's just fucking dandy by me because I don't give a shit what a random stranger thinks of me when they use that word and would rather live in a world where people can speak their minds even if that includes homosexual deviant than one where freedom of expression takes a back seat cause someone's homosexual deviant friend didn't bother to get professional help.
>> No. 33117
File 133658881595.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
To those worried about losing their dear tranny lolcow, you can sigh with relief. ADF is alive and well. How do we know this?

Because he just updated his Facebook with some more communist shit. He's got his priorities right.
>> No. 33118

so the braindamage thing was right?
>> No. 33119
I wish Mao, Len and the creator of his communist-girly cartoon rised from the grave and met ADF.
>> No. 33120
File 13365893661.jpg - (70.54KB , 346x310 , hitler smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>so the braindamage thing was right?
How can we tell the difference?
>> No. 33121

Yeah, what a surprise, I'm going out on a limb and saying he took half a dozen sleeping pills 5 minutes after he called an ambulance for himself.
>> No. 33122

My guess is he did something that rarely kills anyone like take alcohol with some meds, then proclaimed it a suicide attempt and demanded his stomach be pumped.

Actually no, if his stomach had been pumped he would have gone on about it because I hear that's horrible. Probably the people at A&E gave him a withering look and sent him home with a cup of water.
>> No. 33123
Stonecutters assistance needed what embarassing did rika almost do in a cave? Got adf's gf on reddit but she wants an answer to this question.
>> No. 33124
File 133659458340.jpg - (48.70KB , 263x350 , hitler not sure if want.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Stonecutters assistance needed what embarassing did rika almost do in a cave? Got adf's gf on reddit but she wants an answer to this question.
...that made absolutely no sense. Ask if she uses skype, so we can sort this out. also cocks
>> No. 33125

Sorry--phone typing.

She doesn't quite believe that I'm rika... so she wants to know "what embarassing thing did i (rika) do.in a cave?"

Alternately she wants me to.add her to rika's facebook.
>> No. 33126

Im afraid my lack of knowledge is fucking it up. If you give me an address to send the account info (pw etc to you i'd gladly hand it over to the capable)
>> No. 33127
File 133659496474.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She doesn't quite believe that I'm rika
This is some serious tranny shit you've gotten yourself into. I don't think you can achieve much by pretending to be Robb, because ADF and Robb aren't the best of friends currently. If Melissa wants info about ADF, she should contact the Stonecutters.

>Alternately she wants me to.add her to rika's facebook.
Robb doesn't have Facebook, he deleted it because the Anaonomoose was after him.
>> No. 33128
File 133659714361.png - (133.97KB , 422x357 , Wolverines.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hoarded cocks
>> No. 33129
File 133659718072.png - (43.83KB , 526x346 , ADF B&.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33130
File 133659744551.png - (38.36KB , 545x314 , Wolverines ranks.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33131
File 133659764480.png - (47.31KB , 495x446 , Robb Wolverine rage.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33132
File 133659782964.gif - (4.99MB , 400x220 , hitler laughing 2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm the leader of the Wolverines! I started it!
>getting serious about a retard adventure club even other trannies laugh at
Oh Robb and your delusions of being important or significant in any way.

Robb confirmed for Captain Buttmad of S.S Rectally Devastated. Being the boss of a club for manchildren sure is tough, huh?
>> No. 33133
Even his fellow Wolverines troll him
>> No. 33134
What the fuck is the wolverines anyway? What do they do?
>> No. 33135

Do you reckon Rika actually realises that having friends isn't like being the head of a club?
>> No. 33136
Epic butthurt!
>> No. 33137
At this point, I'm not sure "Rika" and "realizes" belong anywhere near each other.
>> No. 33139
File 133659966397.png - (802.84KB , 711x7242 , vampire vs wolverine.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone standing up to Robb
>> No. 33140
File 13365998036.gif - (2.44MB , 400x220 , hitler clap.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Imagine 14 years olds going hiking and playing in caves. Add a decade to their ages, and you've got "wolverines".

So the other guy thinks he's a vampire, huh? Funny. Anywhere else I'd say "What the fuck", but as I'm familiar with the people Robb chooses to surrounded himself with, I'm not even surprised. Considering how coolheaded he acted, he may actually very well be the sanest member of the entire lolcow posse.

Robb status: Served and rustled. It warms my heart to know that even when he's offline and we can't troll him, there are people doing that for us in real life.
>> No. 33141
Robb, we found your favorite song!
>> No. 33142

This is the dumbest internet argument I have ever read.
>> No. 33143
Lol so Robbie dosen't "play that mature high ground shit" and likes bondage.
>> No. 33144
I also like how Robb implies he's not full of bullshit, while in reality it's a miracle he's not reached the critical mass and exploded because of all that bullshit building up inside.

>all that DOXing was done by other trannies, I swear
>I'm gonna get you DOXed and jailed
>Why is this happening to me, I have done nothing wrong
>You'll pay and you'll suffer!
>At least I know when to stop trolling
>ADF is a dirty retard
And so on.
>> No. 33145
I'm pretty sure I just became retarded reading this.
>> No. 33146
Poor Communist, people like the Wolverines give real Communist a bad name
>> No. 33147
Robert you douchebag. I hope that the stargate forums do find you, and do... Fuck whatever the worst thing they do to people is. Make them watch stargate?
>> No. 33148
Here's hoping Joey wised up, stopped pretending he was a big scary vampire and ran screaming from those homosexual deviants, but somehow I doubt it
>> No. 33149
He was friends with bob, enough said.
>> No. 33150
He sounds like he has trouble making friends because he's an awkward guy who is way too into vampires and likes to roleplay that he is a vampire.

As opposed to mr. Stiles who has trouble making friends because he is unloveable.
>> No. 33151
File 133662469184.jpg - (66.44KB , 713x662 , you best be joking nigger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>gets called by his birth name
>"By calling me that name, your proving to everyone here your a transphobic douche bag."

>mein Gesicht wenn
>> No. 33152

homosexual deviant
>> No. 33153
"verwandtes Foto"
>> No. 33154
Does Rika have one of these?

>> No. 33155
Is Robert Stiles even transgendered? I had no idea who this fag was until he went way out of his way to be a laughingstock here, but after perusing the pages, screen caps, and his posts, it seems to me he's just a privileged but (deserving) forever alone geek making up worlds in his head to feel in control and pretending to be transgendered so he can fit in his unique community of tranny snowflakes in Philly. Honestly, this dude is so adamant to insist he be referred to as a girl and squeezing tight his adopted animu name but I highly doubt he plans to take hormones, plans to transition mentally, and surely won't mutilate his penis in the future. This retard is in a phase dressing in woman's clothes looking for an identity, reading his internet "arguments" make my brain hurt from all his incoherent fury, and I wouldn't cry if he hung himself. I bet nobody else would either. WOLVERINES.
>> No. 33156
File 133664149466.png - (138.29KB , 651x721 , wlhit.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>ADF's girlfriend's DA
>those comments
Are you fucking serious. And then I checked the link.

Internet trannies are the most useless group of people that exists.
>> No. 33157
File 133665082790.jpg - (44.29KB , 360x456 , oldlady.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That second link.

What the fuck am I looking at?
>> No. 33158
Any nudes of Rika??
>> No. 33159
That would be the clusterfuck wrapped in a trainwreck that is Reddit. It also seems to be filled with elitist twats. All the more reason to never use it.
>> No. 33160
I just have one thing to say to you, stonecutters, who are now involving the Wolverines in this debacle, Watch out, some of them have been convicted of heinous crimes and have connections all over the interet. Trash talking them will only get you stalked and hunted down by the more malicious of them.

I dream that one day the Stonecutters and the Wolverines will have a giant fight and you'll see what your up against. Not only do we outnumber you (Also dear Joseph came crying to me the day after our fight and BEGGED me to rejoin) but none of fight fair and we're good at that. We will have you tied up, branded, whipped and beaten into wimpy piles of shit. You want a flaming monotov cocktail in your mouth, bitches? If you guys ever decide to overcome your pussy ass limitations you know which part of the globe to find us.

Just mess with the bull. Just do it. We'll do it in the name of Ahuviya.
>> No. 33161

How many times are you going to do this before you get it through your head that we at not even slightly worried by your threats? These threads just keep piling up.
>> No. 33162
File 133668143470.gif - (1.49MB , 168x176 , hitler smiling.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Trash talking them will only get you stalked and hunted down by the more malicious of them.
Is this possibly the same scary gang that was supposed to DDoS the wiki and 789chan and DOX us? I'm proud of you that you have finally understood that you are totally unthreatening, but that tactic doesn't work either.

>We will have you tied up, branded, whipped and beaten into wimpy piles of shit. You want a flaming monotov cocktail in your mouth, bitches? If you guys ever decide to overcome your pussy ass limitations you know which part of the globe to find us.
I haven't laughed this hard in weeks. Thanks again Robb. And funny, I thought it was you trying to hunt us. So once again: Come at me bro. I'm perfectly happy laughing at you here in the frozen North. You, however, seem awfully frustrated.

>Just mess with the bull. Just do it. We'll do it in the name of Ahuviya.
If it makes you happier. You are a bunch of lolcows who hate each other and acknowledge you are lolcows, yet you continue to associate with each other because you realize how lolcow-y you are and that no real, normal person wants to hang out with you.

As what comes to nazi hunting, I cannot imagine how I could make your job any easier. I already told you the country and the town I live in. Time to contact the Wiesenthal Center?
>> No. 33163

Rika I'm going to be in Philly within the next couple of weeks, how about we settle this man to man?
>> No. 33164
>> No. 33167

Well, excuse me but I'm not the one who can't be civilized here. Everyday I worry that my job is in jeopardy now and it's all because of you trolls who need to be so epic and renowned.


As you X-box live babbys say from the safe confines of your hugbox, "Come at me bro." And bring Zyklon too so we can have a fucking bonfire. You know the address.


Stereotypical evil villain rant. Heard it all before and know it's all a bunch of bullshit and no action. Zyklon, you started this war, why don't you finish it.
>> No. 33168
>ignorant about spanish civil war

Never change /cwc/.
>> No. 33169
>some of them have been convicted of heinous crimes

Why don't you tell us exactly what they're convicted of so we can appropriately tremble in fear. Otherwise I'm going to think that they're just going to litter all over me.
>> No. 33170
As I've said before, get help, you'll be better off for doing it.
>> No. 33171
File 133668208811.png - (21.51KB , 514x297 , Robb_the_altruist.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Just mess with the bull. Just do it. We'll do it in the name of Ahuviya.
The same Ahuviaya you almost made kill himself? That's pretty fucking rich, Robby.
>> No. 33172
So, you're going to make it better by posting more threats.

Can you please describe your thought process and train of thought in extreme detail? It would be very helpful. In fact I may be able to write a sociology paper on all of this.
>> No. 33173
File 133668220457.gif - (961.30KB , 330x245 , hitler happy.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Stereotypical evil villain rant.
If I may quote a certain Robert Wayne Stiles:
>There will always be wraith blood in me and it will permute from now to eternity. The power of it is great but costly as it caused me to either alter myself or suffer the consequences but today, the Wraith Beliskner shall return to life.

>it's all a bunch of bullshit and no action
This is...what, the fifth thread? Sixth, even? And yet I'm still not arrested by Mossad's Trollbusting Department. So yeah, about that "sweet justice" you mentioned earlier.

And if you think my ultimate mission is to kill you or something, you're wrong. It's like we're in a circus, and you're the clown. Nobody wants to hurt you, we just want to laugh at you. As we do. Right now.

>Everyday I worry that my job is in jeopardy now and it's all because of you assholes.
You dropped Jordman's DOX, he did the same. C'est la vie.
>> No. 33174

That ED article has ruined my life already and now I'm just out to end this. I don't think your mission is to kill me, no, you're just a free informant and puppet to the people who want to do that. And as I said, they're NOT from the fucking Stargate forum.

I'm not doxing anyone but arson, armed robbery, assault and battery and many are skilled at wielding box cutters and shivs.
>> No. 33175
So you keep posting? Are you fucking retarded? Seriously, the more you post the more you wil be talked about.

And I hope you do lose your job. If Jordman or anyone else ever leaks where you work, I will personally contact your employer and show them how much of a piece of human garbage they have made the mistake of hiring.
>> No. 33176

I'm not saying "come at me", I'm honestly offering to come to you. Are there any specific time when you're usually home?
>> No. 33177
Classy people you associate yourself with.
>> No. 33178

Before I answer that, who are you? Are you seriously involved in this?
>> No. 33179
File 133668284553.jpg - (49.25KB , 680x511 , Internettoughguy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33180
File 133668290164.jpg - (55.11KB , 500x455 , hitler and a bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>That ED article has ruined my life already and now I'm just out to end this
Hey, great to hear you enjoyed it. And how did you plan to end it? By giving us more cocks? Sounds like a plan.

>I don't think your mission is to kill me, no, you're just a free informant and puppet to the people who want to do that.

...and if you're aware of that, why do you act in such a way that would imply I want to do anything more than just laugh at your bullshit?

>I will personally contact your employer and show them how much of a piece of human garbage they have made the mistake of hiring.
Better start taking Finnish language courses today.
>> No. 33181

Yup, but as for who I am, why don't you just wait and see? Certainly you're not scared of me, are you?
>> No. 33182
Fucking USI, how does it work? No one gives a fuckabout your idiotic ass to want to come kill you. Your sheer homosexual deviantry is astounding. I think its hilarious ED has ruined your life, though I think you are exaggerating as always. This will never end, ED will always be there, these threads will always be here, and you will be an lolcow for life. Maybe you should just take a cue from the friend you fucked over and kill yourself, Robbay.
>> No. 33184
File 133668322043.jpg - (16.53KB , 450x285 , madara-uchiha-chapter-576.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika is this a formal declaration of war. I guess it's time to get the info Trey Yakushi has on your group. His surveillance technology is amazing to even have screencaps from 3 months ago. I shudder in fear what else he knows about your stupid childish organization.
>> No. 33185
>Box Cutters and Shivs

Oh man I am so scared. Are they going to cut their arms and bleed all over me? I'd be more scared of a guy with a tube sock filled with rocks.
>> No. 33186
Someone that knows his faggy group post where he works so we can get him fired for the info he has surly lied about/withheld from his employer.
>> No. 33187

Hmm, can you say, hypocrite much? And you accuse me of being an internet tough guy. Like I'm just going to let a fucking maniac in my appartment without a backround check.

Let the maps of war be drawn then. I dare you and Trey to set one foot within the city limits. Probably won't but what can I say, Internet tough guys?
>> No. 33188
File 133668368292.gif - (474.18KB , 196x181 , 9Ak3S.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Rika,

Could you explain exactly how you're going to get this board shut down? I'm really quite interested as to how you're going to do it.

Stay cis,

>> No. 33189

You're a real coward. You threaten a bunch of anonymous people but can't face the possibility of someone anonymous threatening you. I'll just show up when I please. Keep a look-out for me.
>> No. 33190
>Let the maps of war be drawn then. I dare you and Trey to set one foot within the city limits. Probably won't but what can I say, Internet tough guys?
You so hard want to believe people actually care enough to go after you? It was just explained to you, what part of "We laugh at you, retard" don't you comprehend? Why aren't you instead attacking those "puppetmasters"/ZOG/NWO/Illuminati/Inner Inner­ Circle that obviously hired cisgender nazi detectives to track you down?
>> No. 33191
Yes but they're tranny vampire f­ags, so aids will be a concern. Also one of them may light themselves on fire and run at you, so be mindful of such sp­ergliness.
>> No. 33192
So you claim the entire city of Philly as your own, eh? Know what megalomania is?
>> No. 33193
File 133668427885.gif - (471.25KB , 257x137 , deal with it.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Time for the daily reminder: You're a short, skinny tranny who couldn't punch a hole into wet cardboard. Internet can make you forget this fact, but try not to.
>> No. 33194
And you're not afraid more Anonamiss will come after you (pfff) if you continue to act like a retard on an imageboard?
>> No. 33195

You realize I have no idea what you look like or when you'll in Philly. Can you at least tell me your affiliation to see if I care.

You wrote the ED article. You're the main offender here, everyone else has been passive until you started trying to get a rise out of me.
>> No. 33196

Robert, your address is pretty much public access. I'm just going to show up at your door.
>> No. 33197
Gee, I wonder how the ED article was written, or why, and who's fault it is on a basal level.

SPOILER: It's you Rob. It's all your fault
>> No. 33198
Passive, eh? Sorta like dropping someone's DOX and not expecting them to retaliate in any way?
>> No. 33199
"This one gang kept wanting me to join 'cause I'm pretty good with a bo staff"
>> No. 33200
File 133668478467.jpg - (83.95KB , 480x480 , 26451813_p0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The names of the Wolverines as well as their facebooks:

>Robert Wayne Stiles (you know him well)

>Rena Miller

>Roisin Ni She (not real name)

> K scott koepke http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000661447007

> Joseph Cyril "Vampire Boy": http://www.facebook.com/MasterCyril

>Lynx Legacy (Vampire Boy's girlfriend): http://www.facebook.com/thisiswhatihatedboutmyspace

>Fred Maulucci http://www.facebook.com/fred.maulucci

>Shawn Jones (tranny): http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000583287090

>Leah Tails: http://www.facebook.com/Jelloz104

>Sarah Mascarah

>Chairwomyn Ahuviya Harel (Former member)

>Antonio Jose

>Brandon Clauser: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1488027437

>Darryl W Moran: http://www.facebook.com/darryl.moran
>> No. 33201
File 133668478246.gif - (962.39KB , 271x230 , hitler smiling 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You wrote the ED article. You're the main offender here, everyone else has been passive until you started trying to get a rise out of me.
You know, this is why you're quickly becoming my favourite lolcow. You are actually pretty aware of what we do, and how we want you to react, but it doesn't affect your behavior in any way.

>Hmm, there's an ED article of me, that dang dirty nazi probably wants me to get mad
>What would be the best thing to do right now, hmmm?
>I know, I'll go show the guy who enjoys my anger how angry I am right now, that'll surely make him stop!
>> No. 33202
>I just have one thing to say to you, stonecutters, who are now involving the Wolverines in this debacle, Watch out, some of them have been convicted of heinous crimes and have connections all over the interest.
We know brois, we know. Stonecutters already have doxes on most of the old members. They've even got one or two working for us as a FA.
We didn't know about all tho. Why don't you tell us more about the guy who says he's an immortal vampire. In exchange we can let you know where the stonecutters keep their server's or something.
>one day the Stonecutters and the Wolverines will have a giant fight and you'll see what your up against. Not only do we outnumber you (Also dear Joseph came crying to me the day after our fight and BEGGED me to rejoin) but none of fight fair and we're good at that. We will have you tied up, branded, whipped and beaten into wimpy piles of shit.
>autistic version of Deadcell
>I'm okay with this.jpg
Brosis, here's a little word of advice. The stonecutters keeps their servers and headquarters in Sealand, that's why your detectives couldn't do anything.
If you and your Wolverines are up for raiding pseudostates, you'd better all buy tickets to the UK now.
>> No. 33203
>let the maps be redrawn
>threatens not to step into the city

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHA. You fucking human scum. You think anyone is scared of you, you ugly, skinny little tranny pussy?

This shit is just mindblowing, guys.

Robert Stiles: The lolcow who keeps on giving
>> No. 33205
Shut up, homosexual deviant. You're as bad as Robbie. Dumbass.
>> No. 33206
Guys I live in Philly and this is a serious threat. I don't know how they found me (probably leet hacking skills) but I was assaulted earlier this morning.

I was walking around downtown this morning when I heard someone yell "wolverines!" I turned around to see him hold a pair of nunchucks which he began flailing around. He hit himself in the face, fell down and bled like a bitch for a while before I walked off. I almost missed an appointment because of this delay! Watch out all!
>> No. 33207
You'd better have pointed an laughed. Otherwise, you're outta the club.
>> No. 33208
You were never the prettiest boy in school. You got teased in the lockeroom by the popular jocks. You told yourself you didn't want to be like those virile males, even though you were jealous. So you wore baggy clothes, dyed you hair, made it look like you weren't trying to compete. The guys you had crushes on always looked you over, always wanted the popular girls with the pretty hair. The jealously sat in your chest like poison. You never felt pretty. You never felt wanted and you still don't.

And so here you find yourself, on /cwc/, still looking for attention. Well, you've got it finally. How does it feel? Have accomplished what you wanted? You're a piece of meat on the slab because that's the way you want it to be. You need to be mocked, laughed at, teased, berated. Any attention is enough to feed the gaping hole that is your self-esteem. But when it's over you're still that ugly scrawny boy in the lockeroom being laughed at and pushed around by the guys he so desperately wants to love him. And for that, you'll always be jealous of the pretty girls, the special girls, the girls who only have to shoot a glance to get the boys. Salvage what little dignity you have left before it's too late. I hope for your sake there's still time to.
>> No. 33209

>Well, excuse me but I'm not the one who can't be civilized here.

>We will have you tied up, branded, whipped and beaten into wimpy piles of shit. You want a flaming monotov cocktail in your mouth, bitches?

CIVILISED. So seriously, how exactly do you figure coming back here with more threats is going to make anything better for you?
>> No. 33210
Haha, oh man, I think I saw this happen. A bunch of people laughed at him and this one chick got this scruched up look on her face and mumbled something like "disgusting".
>> No. 33211
>You want a flaming monotov cocktail in your mouth, bitches?
Molotov cocktails don't explode.
>> No. 33212

No no no. MONOTOV cocktail. MONOTOV. I think it's a nu metal band?
>> No. 33213

You realise you're telling this to an army of freaking gynophobes right?

I told you guys. You are seriously cyberstalkers to the max. Guess what, you sell people out and you may get hurt in the process.
>> No. 33214
What are you gonna do? Attack everyone whose first name is Trey?
>> No. 33216
>Guess what, you sell people out and you may get hurt in the process.

Both your stupidity and your hypocrisy know no bounds, Rob.
>> No. 33217
Also, most of the stonecutters are natural biological women. Don't you remember?
>> No. 33218
File 133668602928.jpg - (25.65KB , 544x476 , Nazi costanza.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, it's a cocktailfuid pancocktail molotov cocktail that prefers to be referred to with cocktailneutral words like "mono" and "tomo".

>You realise you're telling this to an army of freaking gynophobes right?
No, not really. Doesn't gynophobia mean that you hate women? Well, I'm sure some of here hate you for being so retarded, but that would be something completely else because you're not a woman. Personally I don't because you are hilarious.
>You are seriously cyberstalkers to the max.
Eh, at least we haven't hired Internet Detectives to track down people we don't like.

>you sell people out and you may get hurt in the process.
Robb speaking from personal experience, obviously.
>> No. 33220
More empty threats, huh? NO ONE IS SCARED OF YOU, FUCKING PUSSY. Read that real slow and maybe it will sink in.

I can't wait till someone posts where you work so we can get you fired. Unlike most lolcows I follow, I genuinely hate your pathetic ass, and I think Earth would be better off if you go to the tallest building in Philly and jump off.

>> No. 33221
inb4 ash-jab.gif
>> No. 33222
>I told you guys. You are seriously cyberstalkers to the max. Guess what, you sell people out and you may get hurt in the process.
About that, dear. Did you ever read the post about agents being in your wolverines?
That's half the reason the stonecutters knows so much about you.
Um, where'd your usual offer for erotic asphyxiation go? Liked you better when you were honest, hun.
>> No. 33223

If you would've just stayed away this time Rob instead of trying even more impotent threats about The Wolverines™ coming after us then Trey wouldn't have had any reason to dox the lot of them. Great job on throwing all your friends in the firing line you fucking selfish prick, I'll be sure to let them all know why they're being harassed and added to your ED article now too.
>> No. 33224
>Personally I don't because you are hilarious.
This. We don't hate you Rika. If we hated you, that would mean we wished you dead. On the contrary, we hope you thrive. You've proven yourself too dumb to know when to quit. Therefore, the longer you exist, the more lulz you'll provide.
>> No. 33225
That tale was clearly directed at you Rob. Learn some fucking reading comprehension.

My god you really don't fucking get it after all this time do you? Dude how retarded are you?
>> No. 33226
Rita, thank you. ADF was a shitty lolcow to anyone uninvolved, and everyone was annoyed by the tranny drama until you took it upon yourself to become the laughing stock of 789chan.
>> No. 33227
As a final notice, I'm calling up every single person you doxxed just to warn them of your trolling. You've got a lot of nerve to threaten people who get very paranoid real quick and that includes a lawyer. Why don't you give this lowlife stalking a break before you seriously get hurt, friends.
>> No. 33228
How about, no?
>> No. 33229
File 13366900204.jpg - (197.60KB , 800x645 , hitler tea time2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>As a final notice
As the fourth final notice.

>You've got a lot of nerve to threaten people who get very paranoid real quick
That being every lolcow ever?

>and that includes a lawyer
The one with aspergers or a normal one?
>> No. 33230
The only threats I see on here are from you, Rika.

More lame lawyer threats? What the fuck is a lawyer gonna do? Sue us for laughing at a hideous tranny and his dipshit friends? Reposting profiles and screencaps of public information.

Whn are you goin to learn? Your stupidity is astonishing.
>> No. 33231
U mad? Why don't you take a few deep breaths, relax, maybe go down to Rita's for some ice cream or something.
>> No. 33233
Be sure to point them to your ED page.
>> No. 33234
File 133669060288.jpg - (25.51KB , 806x728 , Bart A Clockwork Orange.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Did you tell them that they got DOX'd, because of you using them as your own personal army? I think they should know about that, Robb.
>> No. 33235
>> No. 33236
Rika, will you suck my dick?
>> No. 33237
I'm sure he will for a few bucks. That way he's a strong, self supporting trans woman who doesn't need mommy and daddy.
>> No. 33238
> Let the Harem maps of war be drawn then. Clearly this is what robbie wanted all along when he decided to fake being a tranny out of fear of stargate spergs.
>> No. 33239
File 133669237721.png - (145.42KB , 228x277 , bill.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Would someone please explain to me what the Wolverines are? Is it an actual group or just some gay tranny club/gang Rika formed to seem cool.

Also, badass name, guys. Wolverines. Fucking badass.
>> No. 33240
It's Rika feeding his own sense of USI.
>> No. 33241
See: >>211800

Another well known and feared group led by Warlord Robb.
>> No. 33242
Some kind of retarded tranny circlejerk club. The name is taken from the movie "Red Dawn". You can see Rika and his faggy friends reenacting the scene from the movie where the characters stand on a cliff and shout "Wolverines!" at a variety of locations in Philly on Rikas youtube chqnnel.
>> No. 33243
Nice death threats, Robert. By the way, how's your probation officer?
>> No. 33244

Rika seems to be unable to have "friends" in the classic sense unless he makes them into a sort of "official club" that he's the "leader" of. So basically the Wolverines are Rika's "friends", only he shouts at them and generally acts like a dick because he doesn't know how friends work.
>> No. 33245
>I told you guys. You are seriously cyberstalkers to the max.

Robert Stiles: it isn't stalking when you can't restrain yourself to just stop coming here making more violent threats (ie: making yourself a laughingstock). When you come here to reap the attention you so deserve for your antics, you can't cry about this board "stalking" you. Your entire ED page and notoriety is entirely your fault because you can't help yourself; you NEED attention so badly you trade in whatever spatters of dignity you may or may not have had before. You're like the drug addict that cries hysterically whenever they banging a shot in their arm. I think you NEED it because it empowers the CWCville fantasy world in your head where you're a feared internet mercenary pursued by the Anonymous internet mafia.

Have you given fair consideration to hanging yourself? Shaming your family, shaming yourself, and your only social life is your Super Adventure Club and those people shit all over you too. I don't think anyone likes you. You look gross, you're a fake tranny in a phase, a total weeb, and you behave like a 9-year-old spoiled child. You give nothing to this world except cocks for us. I'd feel sorry for you but think about what I said. You can make the pain go away forever.
>> No. 33246
File 133669482972.png - (25.26KB , 573x118 , Rika Milla.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, Robert. Your ED page is the fourth result when someone googles "Rika Stiles."

Oh, we forgot to mention that Robert faps to Milla Jovovich.
>> No. 33247
File 133669520587.jpg - (65.87KB , 480x640 , Ai-uvSNCQAA22th_jpg large.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's the woman that Rika got his tranny name from.
>> No. 33248
File 133669534297.jpg - (50.18KB , 552x600 , rikacocks.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33249
File 13366953561.png - (830.39KB , 1007x1168 , Rika twitter.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert using twitter to annoy Milla
>> No. 33250
No exceptions.
>> No. 33251
File 133669558737.png - (884.57KB , 1007x1238 , Rika twitter 0.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert is also a fan of Fred Durst, big surprise!
>> No. 33252
Fred Durst?! Damn. Just damn.
>> No. 33253
It's also the first result for 'Robert Wayne Stiles'.
>> No. 33254
You really are a pathetic POS, Robbie. You know that? I think the only person on the internet who is a bigger POS, more of a malcocks than you, is Dan Quinn. You two should get together. Maybe he can play the violin on your anus.

Oh and thanks for totally eclipsing ADF. He was increadibly boring and I avoided his threads like the plague. You, on the other hand, are a goldmine. I had no idea who you were until you decided to make a fool of yourself on 789chan with all your histrionics. Way to go homosexual deviant.
>> No. 33255
There needs to be a link to Rikas twitter on the ED external links, guys.

What is his twitter btw?
>> No. 33256
File 133669654876.png - (15.11KB , 509x148 , Rika interests.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's also a Juggalo and got ADF into it.

Yes, in the chats he alternated between calling ADF Ahuviya and calling him ADF a lot.
>> No. 33257
>> No. 33258

Yeah alright, I eclipsed ADF when she's the one who's trying to off herself after being called gay.
>> No. 33259
I notice a pattern. Twitter and blog both haven't been updated/used since SEP/JUL of last year, respectively. Wonder if there was some sort of Philly tranny drama that happened around that time or something.
>> No. 33260
Way to stick up for your friends, cunt.
>> No. 33261
You have. You should feel proud of yourself.

>> No. 33262
And you just sat there and watched it happen robbaay. Did you tie the noose for him too or just drive him to it?
>> No. 33263
>> No. 33264
Oh wow. He finally went complete internet tough guy with a gang and everything.
100 C-Quarters says by monday he has his own curse he'll use on us all.
>> No. 33265
Just when I thought the posts were slowing down and the thread was going to slip off the first page for good, along comes Robert with a fresh supply of drama.

God bless that delusional man. His tears are delicious.
>> No. 33266
File 13367060418.jpg - (27.05KB , 572x324 , They Should All Be Destroyed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Right when I thought I couldn't think any less of him.
>> No. 33267
Is this guy for real?
>> No. 33268
If you only knew...
>> No. 33269
is it possible for you to think of anyone else's feelings over your own. You are the most self centered piece of shit I have ever seen.
I hope you do chop off your dick and never have kids. You would be the worst parent ever
>> No. 33270
Takings bets as to how long it takes him to snap and if he's going to try to take anyone with him.
I personally think he's going to shoot up his old highschool, even though the kids he felt alienated from long ago graduated and the teachers retired
>> No. 33271

Why do you keep calling Phil a she? Are you retarded?
>> No. 33272
>ADF trying to off self after being called gay.
Wasn't there something last year with ADF saying that sexually harassing underage hires was okay since he was gay?
>> No. 33273
File 133671591234.jpg - (60.95KB , 500x500 , 23643640_p17.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, Robert. How's that asexuality coming along? Edo Tensei is one hell of a bitch, isn't it? Especially when you need to create a dating profile in hopes of getting your dick wet.

>> No. 33274
Hey, Rika! What made you choose Rika for your girl name? I'm curious and stuff.
>> No. 33275

Here's where Robert got Rika from: >>212555
Rika LaRouge, a model.
>> No. 33276
Robert you fraud. I'm sure your tranny friends would love that profile.
>> No. 33277
Some one asked in An earlier thread what disorder Robert has. I'm going with histrionic personality disorder. He's got all the symptoms including the dismorphia and inability to make friends on more than a surfacE level.
>> No. 33279
File 133672374972.png - (2.94KB , 776x80 , www_okcupid_com screen capture 2012-5-11-9-8-21.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes you are Robert, yes you are
>> No. 33280
File 133672389944.jpg - (7.23MB , 3633x6119 , Storyboard_final.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
(Here's a better version of Robert's little comic)
>> No. 33281
>> No. 33282
  Hope Robert likes song parodies dedicated to him:

Zyklon: Oh my God, did you hear about ADF?

Seanie B: Yeah, I heard about ADF. It’s crazy, right?

Zyklon: Yeah, I can’t believe it! All of a sudden, the trannies are on his side!

Seanie B: I know, it’s crazy, right?

ADF wants to be dead!

Don’t pretend you give a shit!

You motherfucking hypocrites!

Remember what you said he did!

ADF wants to be dead!

No, you never gave a shit

So, why are you pretending?

You motherfucking hypocrite!

Ahuviya Harel is such a freak,

you'd hear it spoken about every week

On every fuckin pc screen

and on every Philly SEPTA line

Yeah sure they liked him for a while,

for a few months when he wasn't in 789's file

But then someone said he's a sinophile

And pretending to be little Chinese girls makes him smile?

And then there was a punchline everyday
About his FAS like face

And how he hated 12 year old spooks,

he didn't care if the kids were semes or ukes

So, don't pretend that you give a fuck

Keep talkin about him sucking Stalin and Mao cock

And went from a little aspie cisgender kid

And failed as a maoist transgender crackpot


Remember when he posted his address from Mt Airy

I wasn’t hearing you call him extraordinary!

And when we heard that shit about the Melissa kid

We said oh my god Phil's mother fuckin sick

He likes fuckin kids! He likes fuckin kids!

Now if I said he choked on a kid’s chopstick

Oh my God! That’s so transphobic!

Well fuck you, you crossdressing wraith snitch

Everyone in Wolverines, you hippo fucking crites!

On your hormones sayin that I’m a gynephobic freshmen

Cause I say that he overdosin on estrogen


Rika: Oh, I’m so sad that ADF tried to be an hero, I loved him so much!

Oh really? Really?

Did you love him?

Because from where I’m standing,

it kinda looked like you hated him

and you called him a freak

and then you wanted him to die.

But now that he tried, you love him!

And he’s a victim.

And he’s so amazing!

“I’m a motherfucking hacking legend!”

How about you go fuck yourself,

you big fucking hypocrite!

Here, I’m going to do this for you.

I’m going to do this for you:

Canis was not his lover!

Of course, he wasn’t!

He didn’t have a vagina

and he was older than 12 years old!

Fuck you, hypocrite!
>> No. 33283
Hi someone from that parody music site A-log likes!
>> No. 33284
File 133673317122.jpg - (21.91KB , 453x339 , xmw1yj87.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Ladies!
>> No. 33286
>What I’m doing with my life
>Your mom

This is embarrassing on so many levels.
>> No. 33287
File 133673556032.jpg - (29.71KB , 518x496 , 17480864837354936511.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>What I’m doing with my life
>Your mom

I'm sure he must've been inundated with potential sweethearts.
>> No. 33288
File 133673626330.jpg - (214.72KB , 716x900 , draamakuljetus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm not doxing anyone but arson, armed robbery, assault and battery and many are skilled at wielding box cutters and shivs.
>box cutters
>> No. 33289
File 133673706470.png - (76.58KB , 844x531 , The Trans Cold War.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33290
File 133673774218.gif - (1.08MB , 279x219 , facepalm 4.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"Jordan is really resourceful and has contacted the police about the trolls!"
>"Jordan and ADF will testify against you trolls!"
>"At least I tried to help ADF!"
How is this man still alive? How hasn't the cognitive dissonance caused his brains to turn into goo and pour out of his nose?
>> No. 33291
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food:
>Hollywood Undead
>Marilyn Manson
>Limp Bizkit
>Linkin Park

Is this profile real? It's just so bad.

It doesn't even say what kind of person he is looking for apart from "Female" and "18 - 26".
>> No. 33292
You can't be choosy when you're a desperate man-faced gangly drag queen.

At least he's admitted it's all about the clothes now and not about thinking he's a women.
>> No. 33293
It's a pretty old account, he's probably changed his gender identity / sexuality several times since he last logged into it.
>> No. 33294
You guys better stop. Several of my friends are creeped out by your creepy obsession with them and me and one of them is even considering purchasing a gun, while another opted to tell his parents to install a security system because he's afraid you'll rob them.

This needs to stop before a Philly native troll gets hurts and that would be a damn shame. Stop being morons and farting into the inferno.
>> No. 33295
File 133674160858.gif - (229.29KB , 500x281 , 1331720653710.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not even in Philly so whatcha gonna do bout it homosexual deviant?
>> No. 33296
Is Rika HIV positive? Her complexion and gaunt frame suggest she is.
>> No. 33297
Asexual perma virgin.

Just that he isn't asexual, he's just lonely and decides to not want anything he can't get.
>> No. 33298

I'm sure the trolls are really scared in case you shoot a bullet that hits, say, Zyklon over in Finland. Or in case your dumbass friend wastes his money on a security system. Terrifying.
>> No. 33299
HE not her.
>> No. 33300

What is a gun or a security system going to do to people talking about you on the internet? Once again, they wouldn't have been doxed if you hadn't tried to use them as a human shield, go fuck yourself Rob.
>> No. 33301
>Stop being morons and farting into the inferno.

Says the self-made lolcow. Your threats are as empty as your fucking skull, Rob.
>> No. 33302
How are they going to get a Philly troll? Take pot shots at random people?

>> No. 33304
File 133674215138.gif - (691.09KB , 267x199 , 133486723217.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Threads like this are the reason I still come to /cwc/. Thank you Rika for all the lulz.
>> No. 33305
Augh yeah fokes. You just can't make this stuff up.


IRL Trolling, is by its verynature, fail.(see former 789chan mod Atlus) Buy a dog. Buy a gun. Get your friends parents to buy a security system. By all means, waste more of your father and friends money.

You are such a USI attention whore I believe you have honestly convinced yourself you are some awesome renegade tranny that a secret troll cabal wants to murder. When most of us live nowhere near PA or even in the same country.

But this? The reality of what is happening here? It will never stop. You threads will stay, your ED page will stay, your friends dox will stay ( which YOU are responsible for, I might add), and you will forevermore be known as a fail tranny lolcow of the highest order.

How does it feel?
>> No. 33306
That's not funny bro. I live in Philly and last night a car full of trannies went past my house, and one of them was waving a gun around and then my mom got scared. I think you know the rest.
>> No. 33308
File 133674268522.jpg - (21.93KB , 243x393 , Hitler thinks you're silly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>turns out the fourth final warning wasn't final
You just won't learn.

>Several of my friends are creeped out by your creepy obsession with them
Is it even possible for someone who endures your company to be creeped out?

>one of them is even considering purchasing a gun
I would be interested in knowing what you actually told them. A secret nazi underground network is out there to get them? Probably. Anyone capable of thinking understands that internet trolls aren't exactly withing the range of a gun.

>while another opted to tell his parents to install a security system because he's afraid you'll rob them.
And you didn't point out we're only after you? What a friend you are, scaring innocent people like that.

>This needs to stop before a Philly native troll gets hurts and that would be a damn shame
You have failed to DOX the trolls so many times it's not even fun anymore, and at this point you should understand yourself that when you say you know where your trolls live and you are capable of beating them up (even though you're a skinny crossdressing midget), people are just going to laugh at you even harder.
>> No. 33309
Simply put this has went too far. Yes, Rika may have over-reacted but come on. This? Just leave her alone and get on with your miserable lives. Ripping her apart isn't going to make you feel any better about yourselves in the long run. You've had your fun but know it's getting serious.
>> No. 33310
The fun has only just begun, and we will all be laughing at HIM for a very long time to come.
>> No. 33311
Hey Rikas fail Wolverine friend!

Stop? How about no? Eat shit.

>this is getting serious
Fucking lol. Yeah, seriously funny.
>> No. 33312
It's no more serious than it's ever been. Just more impotent threats and "final" warnings from Rob.
>> No. 33313
You think you're safe sitting behind your monitor acting tough and dealing out threats. You assume you're anonymous, but you're going to be in for a nasty shock very soon. Rika has many friends that can and WILL track each of you down.

May I ask in what way is your life contributing to society? As you sit here day-after-day-after-day in this dark room. Have you ever thought about that? What are you doing for the world or for other people? Day-after-day, hour-after-hour, night-after-night, how many years have you been doing this now? To me, it's a worthless, worthless, life.

I don't get it. I don't know how you're growing, or becoming a human being, or learning how to socialize, or anything and this is your life. I don't get it, I don't know how anyone can do that. Every day, every single day and I just sat here, you would think that I was just...worthless. You would wonder, what the hell is wrong with me, that I don't get out and do something.

Where are your stupid friends, are they sitting in their houses? Playing on their computers all day long? Playing with their game things? What do they do all summer long? Give me an answer. I asked you a question. I mean, what do they do? God, the mentality of you people, it just boggles my mind. I don't know how anyone can live the way you do. It is so stupid. Rika at least has a life, and a job. You have nothing. You're worthless.
>> No. 33314
Hi Robert!
>> No. 33315
Robert has had a job for about a week and probably won't last for more than before going back to mooching off of his parents again. Just like he has done his whole life.
>> No. 33316
Nothing's stopping either you or Rob from avoiding this place. Nice attempt at a FUD campaign, losers.
>> No. 33317
"More thana month" is what I meant to say, and that estimate is generous.
>> No. 33318



I'd quote and reply but Im just gonna let Zyklon tear your post to shreads..

But by all means, continue. Keep giving us kontent for the ED page.

>> No. 33319
File 133674425657.png - (410.17KB , 681x511 , Planet_of_the_jimmies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33320
So which tard friend are you? Or are you just Robert trying to make out he has his personal army on the case?
>> No. 33321
I am still confused as to when anyone here besides Rob made threats?
>> No. 33322
Your friends sound like idiots.
>> No. 33323
File 13367463573.jpg - (22.25KB , 204x400 , happy hitler 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is probably someone just mocking Robb, but what the hell, I'll play along.

>You think you're safe sitting behind your monitor acting tough and dealing out threats. You assume you're anonymous, but you're going to be in for a nasty shock very soon.
Funny thing, Robb too said he'll get us very soon. This was, what, some months ago already?

>Rika has many friends that can and WILL track each of you down.
He actually HAS friends? Then how come he had to pay those Troll Inspectors?

>May I ask in what way is your life contributing to society?
I brighten the day of my friends and family with my cheerful and friendly nature.

>As you sit here day-after-day-after-day in this dark room.
It's very bright in here.

>Have you ever thought about that? What are you doing for the world or for other people? Day-after-day, hour-after-hour, night-after-night, how many years have you been doing this now? To me, it's a worthless, worthless, life.
...unless you're Warlord Wraith, because he's ttly scary and epin and all. No, but seriously. Robb is the one who has been telling internet is so srs people will totally kill themselves after reading my posts. Know how serious this is? When Robb first told me I'm gonna get arrested, I scratched my ass, took a shit and read the newspaper.

>I don't get it. I don't know how you're growing, or becoming a human being, or learning how to socialize
...by, you know, socializing?

>I don't get it, I don't know how anyone can do that. Every day, every single day and I just sat here, you would think that I was just...worthless. You would wonder, what the hell is wrong with me, that I don't get out and do something.
It's great you have understood you've got a problem, but it's kind of silly to assume everyone who uses computer is an addict whose life is ruined. Surprisingly enough, I too have life outside of the internet.

>Where are your stupid friends, are they sitting in their houses?
Yes. Terrible, I know, people dare to use the shelter which they pay for.

>Playing on their computers all day long?
Probably not, because it's Friday.

>What do they do all summer long? Give me an answer.
Work, get drunk and have fun.

>I asked you a question. I mean, what do they do?
See above.

>I don't know how anyone can live the way you do.
I do. It's actually pretty fun.

>Rika at least has a life, and a job. You have nothing. You're worthless.
You mean the McJob he got after his parents refused to pamper the manchild? Well, it's a beginning. Sort of. Robb who sees Ananonmiss assassins everywhere and who's pretty much obsessed with getting some obscure people on the other side of the world arrested. I wouldn't exactly call that life better than mine.
>> No. 33324
Who the fuck browses websites indoors anymore? Smartphones man, get with the times
>> No. 33325
File 133674683780.jpg - (15.51KB , 298x359 , Smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>people dare to use the shelter which they pay for.
...unlike Robb!
>> No. 33326

>Just leave her alone and get on with your miserable lives.

As we've said multiple times since Rika showed up her, all he has to do is stop posting here and we will too. The threads exist because he came here and gave them to us, same with the ED page, if he just stayed away then none of this would be happening right now, he needs to leave us alone if he wants it to stop, not the other way around.


The only people giving threats here is Rika and now you, Rika has been at this for several threads to no avail, so you really should figure out from his mistakes that these threats mean nothing to us and aren't going to make us stop, if you can actually do something about it then you need to up your game and actually do it, don't just tell us about it.

I'm guessing you're one of The Wolverines™, so you might want to read through the thread a little, you'll notice that your own dox were only dropped after Rika started trying to use you people to threaten us, so you can blame him for getting you involved in this shit. As for everything else, you can go making grand assumptions about our lives as much as you want, if it makes you feel better then go ahead, I personally know that none of it applies to me so I'm quite happy to keep watching this shit unfold, it's an entertaining way to waste an hour.
>> No. 33327
File 133674716652.jpg - (48.96KB , 720x480 , Rika's_shithole_apartment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's what's coming after us guys. I for one am terrified. LOL
>> No. 33328
File 133674719354.jpg - (53.48KB , 380x253 , stock-photo-3432440-laughing-girls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are projecting there bro!
>> No. 33329
Oh yeah, is that one of those Cuban flat screen TVs?
And do I see one of those North Korean X-Boxes there?
>> No. 33330
Rob if I were you I'd consider submitting these threads and yourself to a reality tv production company. With your drama whoring skills you could seriously make a ton of cash.
>> No. 33331
Robert, you come to this thread asking people to "stop" (what to stop I don't know) and call them "creepy" for "stalking" you and your friends, despite the fact that you have supplied 100% of your own cocks and as far as I am aware have not been contacted once by anyone outside of this board. You then threaten in the next breath to TRACK DOWN AND KILL US ALL.

Jesus tapdancing christ son.
A bag
Of dicks.
>> No. 33332
This is some A-Log level shit right here. Maybe you should record it and send it to Dr. Demento, homosexual deviant.
>> No. 33333
File 133675401716.jpg - (88.84KB , 720x480 , Group photo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33334

Thanks Doc.
>> No. 33335
File 13367542444.png - (156.35KB , 465x480 , ADF Chris Mom joke.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robert and ADF feeling false superiority to Chris Chan
>> No. 33336
File 133675465482.png - (17.06KB , 532x487 , lel.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33337
So we're going all the way back to tracking the trolls down?
Man, I don't think I ever want to get off MR RIKAS WILD RIDE!
>> No. 33338
Isn't that cute? They voted each other's comments up.
>> No. 33339
File 133675702835.jpg - (36.05KB , 500x374 , troll-security-system-drone.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Several of my friends are creeped out by your creepy obsession with them and me and one of them is even considering purchasing a gun, while another opted to tell his parents to install a security system because he's afraid you'll rob them.

Rika, I suggest you to buy a Maverick rifle and .577 T-Rex rounds for ammo, that will show them slanderous trolls.
Your other friend should buy a dog and new curtains.
>> No. 33340
Too much recoil and too much time to reload. He should just mount a minigun in a defensible position close to his panic hugbox.
>> No. 33341
one of those turrets from video games that responds to julay instead of movement
>> No. 33342
File 133675905922.jpg - (32.54KB , 400x300 , 400px-Minigun_2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some of those are actually still legal in certain US states due to legal loopholes (M134 General Electric Minigun).
>> No. 33343
As far as I know that's a bit of an urban legend. If I'm thinking of the same "loophole", the issue is that it's legal to buy all of the components for the gun. Once you finish assembly of it though you're breaking federal (though not always state) law.
>> No. 33344
File 133676677752.png - (214.55KB , 759x1562 , Harels got that fire.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't blame harel for having that heat. Especially when harel has to be in the same city as crazy Robbie.
>> No. 33345
Hey introMAN, I was wondering, whats the story with that double murder news clip on your youtube? Also, who is that retarded midget thing singing Aaron Carter? Shits hilarious?
>> No. 33346
File 133676789423.jpg - (19.30KB , 575x325 , Harel-introman-xyklon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

People couldn't access the news clip, so I archived it for the chan. Also we thought that the person shot was krapple guy, before we found out that he lives further south in california.

The retarded chick was some transgender who use to sing on her channel. Until she got self concious and deleted them. Famous for a quick minute on 789chan.

Also, ADF is updating shit on her facebook. As we are currently not in a troll war with her splinter cell group (sodomize wolverines) we will not disclose the info.
>> No. 33347

for someone so desperate to chop up his own penis, he sure does like to wave it around a lot
>> No. 33348
>Also, ADF is updating shit on her facebook. As we are currently not in a troll war with her splinter cell group (sodomize wolverines) we will not disclose the info.
See Rika.
Ahuvia totally sold you out. Him helping you get trolled is exactly why the stonecutters doesn't troll ADF anymore.

You and your Wolverines aren't just going to let him get away with all the backstabing. Right bro?
>> No. 33349
>ADF vs Rika

Is this the promised tard battle of the ages?
>> No. 33350
We might even luck out and get a cat fight.
>> No. 33351
Why does clicking this picture take me to a banned page?
>> No. 33352
>> No. 33353
Nearly time for another archive.
>> No. 33354
File 133677750287.gif - (402.06KB , 350x233 , nazi ok.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's been a great show. Thanks to everyone, and once again special thanks to the star of the show, our homeboy Robb.
>> No. 33355
Machine guns, including the M134, manufactured and registered before 1986, are fine with the feds. Some states ban machine guns. Some ban sound suppressors. There are a few mini-guns around in private hands.
>> No. 33356
That is what you need Rob, a minigun. You could put it between your legs while firing it and fantasize about getting hardcore fucked by trolls. Oo lala.
>> No. 33357
Rob could get a machine gun easier than respect, real friends, class, style, a good job, dignity...
>> No. 33358
Or even ICBM to use to get rid of those dirty trolls.
>> No. 33360
For fuck's sake, people.
Don't you want to see Robert trying to shoot one of those things and getting fucked over by the recoil?
Imagine if he would've purchased those based on the advice from some stranger on the internet.
>>213184 here got the right idea.
>> No. 33361

You guys keep forgetting that robert is a felon. Even when his case ends from the 3 years of probation. He wouldn't be able to pass a NICS background check and especially an ATF/FBI background check for class 3 stuff.

He will probably use ADF's old knives as combative weapons, or mace.
>> No. 33362
And then he'd probably fail at that too, and point the can in the wrong direction.
>> No. 33363
I wonder if Rob was honest about his record with his new boss. I bet he lied.
>> No. 33364

Ah, that'll be why he's still worrying about the ED article even though he's already got the job. lol.
>> No. 33365
How about I give you folks a deal? If you don't archive this thread and just let it drop off the board, I'll leave forever. I just want the photos of my appartment gone from here and that's it.

Oh, and I don't use weapons but I was a fucking brown belt at Tiger Schulmann's and know several disarming techniques and am a master of Kata. I don't need weapons when my body is a freaking weapon.
>> No. 33366
inb4 archive
inb4 im a master of doing your mom
inb4 new thread
>> No. 33367

Do you even bother reading anything that we say to you at all? We don't want you to leave, this is entertaining to us, nothing of yours is going to be removed, this thread and any others that follow are going to be archived.

Also you're skinnier than a bulimic Ethiopian, the only way your body is going to be lethal is if you contract aids at some point in the future.
>> No. 33368
this time we'll definitely listen

unlike the last 4 times
>> No. 33369
Aren't Kata just standing in a certain pose? I seem to recall some martialartsfags complaining about how some schools give out belts just for demonstrating them rather than any real proficiency in fighting.
>> No. 33370
You're starting to become boring Robert.
>> No. 33371
File 133678523357.png - (109.18KB , 534x553 , Madara.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We already have a deal with a certain maoist tgirl from philly. We stopped most of the transgender drama in philly. Reunified russia and Poland. We even managed to have fun while doing it. You are the sacrifice required to do so rika. You're ducking and using people has come to an end. This fight is for Jordan, Dawn and Ahuviya. People you've used and abused on your stay in center city.

As the lieutenant of the stonecutters with Trey Pepe. We will not surrender to a coward who manipulates people for personal gain.
>> No. 33372
Yes, Bob, your body is a weapon.
Just like Medusa.
Sorry, this thread is just too good to not archive. You'll have to fight us to the death to make us get rid of it
>> No. 33373

I'm sorry guy but you insult my body type when you could may as well be skinnier than me or an overweight neckbeard?

Accuse me of being an internet tough person all you want but ten to one I could whoop yo ass regardless of my size. It only takes skill.


>> No. 33374
>brown belt
>theats of karate moves

Oh wow, could you be more of a homosexual deviant?
Also I just requested archive. Even if it didnt, which it will, we'd just make a new thread with your apartment and friends dox.

Will you ever learn? And we do't want you to leave, you are hilarious, so that deal sucks.
>> No. 33375
Like I said, boring.
>> No. 33376
Damn dude. Go hit the bong or something. You're seriously stressed out.
>> No. 33377
Not even internet tough guy here, but I would fucking smash your ass, pussy.
>> No. 33378

From the sound of things, you seem to be an IRL ADF troll. Seems to me that's a bit more serious than people bashing his artwork on the internet. Just sayin'...
>> No. 33379

>when you could may as well be

You can imagine me to be whoever you like, I know exactly who you are.

>It only takes skill.

Trust me, some basic muscle mass helps quite a lot, if you've got no weight behind a hit then it's just useless, you look like you'd fall over in a stiff breeze. Regardless, we've long since established that your threats don't work here.
>> No. 33380
>Makes blatently baseless assumptions about opponent
>Threatens to beat opponent over mere words
>States firmly he believes he will win in a fight
>Says he isn't an internet tough guy
>All in the same fucking sentence
Oh wow
I firmly beleive from studying your behavior that one of your hemispheres died and you're literally using half your brain.
>> No. 33381
Yeah and I carry a gun you tiny tranny piece of shit. No deals for you.
>> No. 33382
File 133678599335.gif - (3.25MB , 320x240 , rika-s-sensei.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Was this your sensei, Robert-san?
>> No. 33383
File 13367860878.gif - (0.99MB , 500x236 , Kabu.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What's wrong, Robert? Mad that ADF is sitting comfortably on our side for selling you out? Well, as you can already guess, it's officially war. So hide underneath your bed like the coward you truly are and pretend that /L/ threads and the ED page is going to go away!
>> No. 33384
"In the end, ADF is just another useless member of the tranny community" -Rika
>> No. 33385
Rika, honey.
You are a neckbeard, just one on crack.
Nobody's insulting or anything, they're only talking about facts.

And don't get mad at the board. Your problems are all Ahuvia's fault. We didn't leak your pictures or plant spyware in your computer he did. Even if we deleted the archive that wouldn't stop ADF from getting your private stuff.
Love, brosis
>> No. 33386
Hey, summerfags, you need to listen very, very carefully. So far, I have put up with your shit because it is funny. I can appreciate a good troll, a good joke, a prank call or two in the middle of the night. But you are very close to crossing the line. I want you to know that once I "go Wraith Beliskner" on someone, it is over. I have ruined lives, destroyed careers, bankrupted people, even provoked one suicide. You may think I am "trolling" with a "schtick," but you have no idea, man. You and I are both professional trolls. We know how far to go without crossing a line, and that is fine. But I am warning you, if you fuck with my family, or continue to use my name, I am going to go Wraith Beliskner on your ass, and you do not want that. I know all about your little secret, and your childhood, and I will not hesitate to destroy your fucking life. So back off, and let's keep it at a fun level.

I hope you realize how serious I am. I like you because you are funny, but I have a decades-long track record of destroying lives on the internet when people go to far. Laugh it off. That is cool. Just do not go too far and I will not target you.
>> No. 33387
Why would we want you to leave? Why would we kill out goose that lays golden eggs? Do we look like a bunch of retards?
>> No. 33388

What are you gonna do to me? You really think you can manipulate ADF to hunt me down? His crimes are well documented on the ADFki and he's already a previous offender. You think you run the show like the little puppet masters you are but you're all shit and no action.
>> No. 33389
Stop, fake Rika.
>> No. 33390
In light of recent events, methinks there wouldn't be any manipulation required. Sounds like you've shat upon ADF just a few too many times, Rob.
>> No. 33391
Did I upset your autism? :-(
>> No. 33392
ADF is going to fuck you up soon. Trust me.
>> No. 33393
Wtf am I looking at >>213243
14 years of martial arts and I have nevr seen this much fail.
>> No. 33394
The thread is getting eerily similar to >>211798.

Keep going, Robert.
>> No. 33395
>or continue to use my name,
Look bro, Can you please tell me when I ever used your legal name?
It's not my fault your life is shit. Or that the stonecutters got to ahold of all the private stuff in your life.

The board isn't why everything's gone bad for you. The stonecutters field agents are all at fault. And that's just Jordan and Ahuvia. It's their fault your back's against the wall and no matter what you do on the net, so long as they keep ruining your life, you're still screwed people will find you.

Some friends you had huh?
>> No. 33396
JUST DO IT homosexual deviant!!!1
>> No. 33397

If you even suggest to him to kill me you're guilty of second degree murder. READ. THE. FUCKING. LAWS.
>> No. 33398
File 133678699346.png - (389.28KB , 500x516 , tumblr_m38826ymus1rudz88o1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Manipulation of what. We didn't have to do jackshit but ask to get help against you . You're a pathetic creature who craves power but who's physical form can't take it. You don't think we remember those 6000+ messages between trey and I. I will tell you one fact. I'm not the lieutenant. I'm the Commander in Chief and trey is my co pilot. I think our campaign against you is proving successful. Seeing how you're whimpering before 789chans feet.
>> No. 33399

>but you're all shit and no action.

After how many threads of threats that went nowhere, we're the ones who are all shit and no action? lol.
>> No. 33400
No, but its painfully unfunny and kind of annoying when the real Rika is posting at the same time.
>> No. 33401

What the fuck are you talking about, seriously? Nobody wants you dead you paranoid fuckwit, you sound as bad as adf.
>> No. 33402
Read the fucking post, numbnuts! "No manipulation" means we don't have to say shit to him. It means you were a horrible friend and he's probably pissed at you anyway. Damn Rob, you fail at everything, don't you.
>> No. 33403
I swear, I will never post the name Robert Wayne Stiles again. Please don't hurt me with your l33t skills or karate.
>> No. 33404

That's not Rika, bro.
>> No. 33405


>> No. 33407
Only thig that could make thid thread any better would be a legal notice in it thwt we are beinv sued for causing rika to snap and kill the wolverines.

Do eet homosexual deviant
>> No. 33408
Nobody's asking you do anything.
We're just saying that so long as Ahuvia and your other former friends are ratting on you, you'll be trolled.

You could change your name, you could move, and you'd still be trolled. So long as there's agents like him, you'll never get away.

If you want to do something, then that's your call.
>> No. 33409
Whoreos, can we get an archive bro?
>> No. 33412
Will you threaten to kill the cop after you call them?
>> No. 33413
>If you even suggest to him to kill me you're guilty of second degree murder. READ. THE. FUCKING. LAWS.

Jokes aside, does this guy legitimately have some sort of learning disorder? At this point it's impossible to think otherwise, on top of his grotesque, HIV positive, manly face and lifelong pursuit to perpetually fail at being any sort of functional adult, he's completely stupid. Something isn't there. Even the dumbest lolcows eventually restrain themselves from coming to boards to get trolled, and this guy does it while whining for two weeks about being "cyberstalked". Shit is astounding.

Robert Stiles, do your family a favor and hang yourself, sooner better than later. I can't not see you either doing that or succumbing to a fatal freak accident due to your own stupidity eventually.
>> No. 33414
That was some super-quick deletion there. Hope someone screen-capped the insult to ADF and Jordan for posterity.
>> No. 33415
Lol, he deleted it already. I saw it too though.
>> No. 33416
File 133678805851.jpg - (22.19KB , 381x517 , Kabuto 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>your basing your internet presence after me and it's fucking creepy.

How's that USI of yours?

>ADF and Jordan have the combined IQ of a turd sandwich

And yet, they have more common sense than you ever did.

>You tell them to do anything and I'll call the cops.

Go ahead, call the cops and tell them about how you threatened online trolls with MOLOTOV cocktails!
>> No. 33417
File 133678815978.png - (142.19KB , 500x382 , Naruto 511 - Madara New Mask.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


You of all people need to look at the fact that your basing your internet presence after me and it's fucking creepy. And I do know what's coming, ADF and Jordan have the combined IQ of a turd sandwich and that's why they so willingly follow orders. You tell them to do anything and I'll call the cops.
>> No. 33418
Oh, Rika. You'll never top the big king CWC, but you will go down as a legend in 789chan history.

Think its about time to archive this bad boy.
>> No. 33419
Arhive it and start a new one only after he does something lulzworthy. Speaking of archived fo future generations hownis bis effort to blank the page going? Is he going to take down ed and 789?
>> No. 33420
He will start a new thread himself long before anyone else does.

I agree though. Time to archive this bitch, its almost at 600 replies.
>> No. 33421
2nd degree murder? That's not second degree murder. as far as I know, 2nd degree only exists as something for someone to plea down to.
>> No. 33422
Murder in the second means youbmeant to dl it but didn't plan it. Murder in the third means you meant to do arm but death wasn't planned. Murder in thefourth is either negligent homocide or manslaughter. They might be able to get you on third degree if you jokingly tell adf to murder the bitch and he does, but manslaughter is more likely and that could mean time served probation and a fine. Because no one cares about ugly dead transvestite lulcows. Especially stalkerish ones with da tism
>> No. 33423
Well I'm going by Wisconsin law, an instructor pointed out that the definitions for 1st and second degree murder are the same here. Also we have no manslaughter, but negligent homicide.
>> No. 33424


That's womynslaughter, you cisfascist transphobe.
>> No. 33425
File 13367982203.jpg - (8.15KB , 250x191 , captain.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Archiving thread.
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