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No. 33426
  So we just got the last thread archived.
ITT Rika reveals the secrets of being a brown belt master.
Expand all images
>> No. 33427
Kill yourself
>> No. 33428
Hi Rika. inb4 "Hi OP!"
>> No. 33429
File 133679925379.png - (711B , 267x288 , 1226687745079.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'd just like to state for the record that "hir" is a perfectly acceptable pronoun for people like ADF and rika because it is related to the term "hirsuite" which refers to people with excess body hair.
>> No. 33430
I personally got a good laugh out of Robert thinking McMartialArts actually makes one good at anything. They hand out brown belts to 7 year-olds who can count to 10 in Japanese.
>> No. 33431
Unnecessary. Wolverines death squad inbound for my house as we speak.
>> No. 33432
File 133679965025.png - (166.60KB , 400x292 , Gold Jerry.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
inb4 Rika entering Ultimate ITG Mode and going off on another "CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME" tangent.

Also, concerning that video - pic related.
>> No. 33433
He's probably beat the shit out of half of you.
>> No. 33434
If you take into account all the middle schoolers, women and handicapped who frequent these boards, yes, morally I doubt he would have any qualms about it. Physically... Eh, 20%.
>> No. 33435
Now THAT is how you troll.

My gut instinct was to respond, but then I saw what you did there. One of the golden rules of the internet is that no one will believe you, ever.
>> No. 33437
File 13368079237.jpg - (156.75KB , 777x540 , colonelmobile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So I was reading one of the archived Rika threads at http://789chan.org/L/res/32097.html and someone wondered what happened to me since my body double died, and I thought I would drop by. Well, I now lurk here only occasionaly and don't post all that much at all anymore, and as an anon only, but it's nice that you still remember me fondly, I guess. Salaam you beautiful homosexual deviants.
>> No. 33438
Body double, my ass.


>> No. 33439
cool story bro
Oh great, this roleplay homosexual deviant is back. Hurrah.
>> No. 33440
I'm shocked the karate bit didn't make the E.D. page. that shit was solid gold.
>> No. 33441
The site of the center he went to has something interesting. They specialize in kids with ADHD.
>> No. 33442
But mixed martial arts is pure ring sport. Imagine some sperg trying that shit irl and getting stabbed to death.
This thought gives me a huge erection.
>> No. 33443

You were a pretty fun dude, until you died.

RIP, you sick dictator fuck.
>> No. 33444
to milk a cow dry, rika is a man, right.?
>> No. 33445
Well, he's male, yes. To call him "a Man" is just plain wrong though. He's perpetually stuck in the state of a spoiled 10 year old boy.
>> No. 33446
File 133688874934.jpg - (59.62KB , 600x450 , lobsterknifefight.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He was a fucking brown belt at Tiger Schulmann's and knows several disarming techniques and is a master of Kata. He doesn't need weapons when his body is a freaking weapon.
>> No. 33447
rika is so stupid im starting to think this is some elaborate troll.

every time I think he can't get more out of touch. He comes back with an even funnier threat
>> No. 33448
File 133690514476.jpg - (44.86KB , 604x397 , Young_Rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Be sure to wish Robb's mom a Happy Mother's Day, since her baby boy is too busy fighting internet trolls to do something nice for her!
>> No. 33449
...She looks familiar. Like some actress I don't know the name of.
>> No. 33450
When you're fighting a guy twice your size...you can know as much martial arts as you want, unless you're Bruce Lee-style dedicated to the martial arts, you're getting your ass kicked.

Sorry, Rika, dem's da breaks
>> No. 33451
File 133694469258.jpg - (226.30KB , 576x768 , Rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe we could give Robert's mother this for Mother's day.
>> No. 33452
File 133694477841.jpg - (300.75KB , 768x1024 , clare-assign4-field2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33453

wtf man?
>> No. 33454
Damn, he looked ugly even as a kid. His mom looks fine, I don't know what paint she was breathing to shit him out.
Rika, why can't you be like Chris? He looked adorable as a kid and he's even looking pretty good for himself now. Not an anorexic lovecraftian horror. Use your parent's money to get some surgery done, damn.
>> No. 33455
File 133694508311.png - (24.76KB , 633x226 , rika screencap old.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's erin gray. Not Rika's mother.

Hears an old screencap that trey gave me. It's amazing what technology can archive these days.
>> No. 33456

A true genius tranny
>> No. 33457
How does Rika know Erin Gray? Was he at a Buck Rogers convention or something?
>> No. 33458
What the fuck is this?
>> No. 33459

I don't know which one is a less convincing woman
>> No. 33460
Naww, at least I hope not.

I personally believe, Rika, like most trannies I've met can't help up but stir up drama. My guess is because his life is so terrible and empty he has to pretend all this is some gigantic deal and oh so important or else he's just left with himself and his fucked up little wolverines.

Certainly been fun either way though.
>> No. 33461
You're all a bunch of cunts. Just FYI.
>> No. 33462
HI rikA-LOG!!!!!
>> No. 33463
File 133695843669.gif - (478.45KB , 140x105 , cry4.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33464
What's the point in changing your sex and getting "lesbian" with another tranny?
Also, dat manface.
>> No. 33465
Why post this under anon?
>> No. 33466
File 133697551455.jpg - (248.31KB , 423x590 , 130413142086.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
no matter how hard you try you will never have a cunt FYI

>> No. 33467

Robby is still the Current Threat and the first thing under "Good New Articles".
>> No. 33468
Why are we Focusing on rika guys, when we can get much funnier cocks on ADF. Here's a pic I found of the turd in Philly with her retard grin. We can focus our gynophobia hate on the tranny who deserves it even more.

>> No. 33469
>> No. 33470

>> No. 33471
>tried to use IMG tags to post an image on an imageboard

What the fuck?
>> No. 33472

As I understand it, stonecutters are allied with ADF against Rika, for common cause and the sake of Philadelphia.
>> No. 33473
Hi Rika!
>> No. 33474
I am convinced Robb is actually more retarded than ADF.

When you poke ADF with a stick, he understood to run away. But Robb, Robb goes to his knees and exposes his asshole to the stick.

Robb, you can say ADF is worse all you want, but in this sense he is much more intelligent than you ever were.
>> No. 33475
He will pay absolutely no heed to this post my friend. At the very start of the first thread I and a number of people pointed out he was making things worse for himself. He ignored us. Later, well meaning people told him he should get his life together and start taking more responsibilty for his own actions. He ignored that as well.

It's like he has some brain disease that mentally blocks constructive posts and replaces them with sparkly ponies or something.
>> No. 33476
That's at least a 4/10 for nailing the rika posting inconspicuously angle.
>> No. 33477
Can't tell if troll, Rika pretending to be a troll, or a troll pretending to be Rika pretending to be a troll.

>> No. 33478

Too obvious at this point, especially using shit like gynophobia hate, I stand by my original 2/10.
>> No. 33479
Sup Rob.
>> No. 33480
Sup Rob.
>> No. 33481
Rika's not clever enough to try posting inconspicuously in a thread about himself. If he was actually trying to get us sidetracked back onto ADF, he'd tripfag it up anyway.
>> No. 33482
A likely story. Robert!!!
>> No. 33483
File 133714026743.jpg - (81.18KB , 960x640 , Where's Robbay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, Robb. Come back and tell us more about your brown belt
>> No. 33484
is there any news on your lawsuit rob
>> No. 33485
File 133725681496.png - (15.81KB , 687x207 , Mikhail posts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF's "dobe" is wanting to go into prostitution.
>> No. 33486
File 133725685946.png - (49.40KB , 693x945 , MH uh oh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33487
>permanent live-in slave
bye bye manhuviya. your waifu's got a new plan to get laid.
>> No. 33488
I'd like to say I'm done associating with the wretched filth of the internet but you know what, now someone is impersonating me on Facebook. This has gone too far Liquid Rika or Zyklon or whatever the fuck your name is. You need to stop stalking me and pretending to be me. THIS IS SICK. Do you just sit online and plot my downfall or something?! Do you want to get me fired or even worse, KILLED?!!
>> No. 33489
Burn in hell.
>> No. 33490
File 133727104718.jpg - (10.50KB , 222x281 , Hitler empathetic smile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Do you want to get me fired or even worse, KILLED?!!
Yup. Totally. I already contacted my Field Agent Illuminati ZOG NWO Stargate Ananomiss assassins, you're going down.
>> No. 33491
who is going to kill you?
>> No. 33493
Use your karate against him!
>> No. 33494
ROBBAY! You came back to us! Glad to see we ruined the Internet for you.

Its pretty funy you think trolling your sorry ass = coming to kill you. Oh, when will you learn, Robert.
>> No. 33495
I personally would love to see you get fired. I promise you Rob, if and when your employer is leaked, I WILL contact them to let them know how much of a piece of shit you are
>> No. 33497
File 133727232827.gif - (473.21KB , 167x138 , hitler tea time 3.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Do you just sit online
Which reminded me. Robb, if your "trolling" was as impressive as your posts in /cwc/, I doubt anyone is afraid of "Warlord Wraith".

...as if it wasn't painfully obvious. Just thought I should point this out for you. Your life's work was for nothing. Ta-ta!
>> No. 33498
So Rika when will you get that sex change so I can give you traumatic rape experiences at your address for lulz?
>> No. 33499

No, this person is going to commit crimes under my name and use it for online frauds. Plus, he could provoke anonymous and they'll come after me. I'm guilty of crimes (multiple) myself personally and there are honestly those who want vengeance.

Just can we reach a peace agreement if you're the one behind the fake facebook?
>> No. 33500
Might as well tell him

We ARE Anonymous

You honestly thought we wouldn't find you? I can't believe you didn't catch on earlier. Who else would want to ruin your life?
>> No. 33501
And he's back!!! Hi Robert
>> No. 33502
File 133727360427.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , hitler smiling 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>No, this person is going to commit crimes under my name and use it for online frauds
Yeah, I totally am. The last 24 hours I've been sending death threats to Federal Bureau of Investigation with your True and Honest name.

>Plus, he could provoke anonymous and they'll come after me
Oh yeah, that terrible Anonamiss. We all are scared shitless because of da Anonomoose. Sean has to perform sexual favours regularly to the leaders of da Anonmuss so that they wouldn't destroy 789chan. Yeah.

>Just can we reach a peace agreement if you're the one behind the fake facebook?
But the problem is that you've got literally nothing to offer. And guilt-tripping doesn't work, because you're the one to blame for everything bad happening to you, and saying "I'M NOT THE SAME PERSON ANYMORE" doesn't work either because you keep shitposting in /cwc/.

Give us nudes and I'll see what we can do. Must include cock. I could even remove the picture of your apartment, because it isn't really funny to the rest of us. It's just you with your hobo gang.
>> No. 33503




>> No. 33504
Let us know who's trying to kill you and I'll make a fake facebook page with his/her name.
>> No. 33505
Fixed that for you.
>> No. 33506

It's probably Zyklon, Liquid Rika or Moniker, no doubt with their lazer pointed hatred they harbor towards me.
>> No. 33508
When has any of them threatened to kill you? Doesn't Zyklon live in Turkey? I think you're safe dude.
>> No. 33509

since when was liquid rika anymore than a tryhard namefag

lol you don't even know who you're mad at bro
>> No. 33510
File 133727443242.gif - (961.30KB , 330x245 , hitler happy.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What reputation? You're featured in the Encyclopedia Dramatica, and now everyone is aware of your homosexual deviantry. There isn't anything left to disgrace.

Yes we did. That's sort of what trolling is. And?

Like "789chan/ED will go down" and "You all will be arrested"? Won't hold by breath, lol.

By all means, tell me what else you can offer? You wanted peaceful negotiation, didn't you?

Well I don't know, you do seem awfully mad and you admitted your life is ruined.

Probably not for long. But even then, nothing will happen, so...
>> No. 33512
Damn, Zyklon, I think you made it angry.

Ahahahhhhaha. Everyone point and laugh at the little fag

May I suggest sucking on a tail pipe or taking a roadtrip to Pittsburgh to jump in a steel smelter?
>> No. 33513
I've been tailing you for days Robert waiting for my chance to break you dead.

Watch your back Mr. Stiles.

The Stonecutter Assassin
>> No. 33514
Robb, you need to relax dude. You act like the police are going to find your naked body in a dumpster with a Guy Fawkes mask on.

Even if they did come after you, you could always use your karate skills on them. Just be sure to always carry your box cutter.
>> No. 33515
File 133727477294.jpg - (43.73KB , 409x393 , 81310573.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33516
Do you own that Facebook of me, asshole? Why would you seriously try to sabotage my life? I seriously think your just a sarcastic asshole.
>> No. 33517
File 133727495559.jpg - (7.29KB , 252x240 , 44688280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33518
Why would I tell you one way or the other you sniveling dog? Your time's up.

I have my marching orders.

Be ready.

All the best,
The Stonecutter Assassin
>> No. 33519
Because it's funny, dumdum.

Anyone got screencaps of this supposed fake FB page?
>> No. 33520
File 133727513676.jpg - (37.84KB , 648x372 , LOL.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wretched filth? Ah, you shouldn't have! Who in the world would want to impersonate you? Would you care to send us a link to the imposter? Nobody plots anything. They just watch you make a bigger ass out of yourself.

I'll admit, I've been using your name to contact some glory holes and bathhouses. Meh.

Afraid I don't know who it was. Maybe Intro set up.
>> No. 33521
File 133727519455.png - (319.42KB , 500x426 , Hitler and bitches.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Do you own that Facebook of me, asshole?
The idea was mine, but Intro plays with it because as a native Philadelphian he knows more about the place than someone who lives in Moscow/Istanbul/Helsinki. I think the trannies are helping out with it though.

>Why would you seriously try to sabotage my life
Why do people troll? As a former EPIN troll world champion, you should know that without asking.

>I seriously think your just a sarcastic asshole.
No, I am a kind person with a big, warm heart.

I seriously didn't think you would even notice. But now that I see all you do is google your name and slap F5, I think I'll make one account as well, just for the hell of it. Try to guess the site!
>> No. 33522

boylove.com boylove.com
>> No. 33523

>Do you want to get me fired or even worse, KILLED?!!

Rika, I need you to take a breath and calm down for a second. Look, can you give me a single instance of when an enraged anonymous has even attempted to kill anybody? People have pissed them off plenty of times before, and yes, even worse than you have, despite how godlike epic you want to believe your trolling persona was, and all they've ever done is shit sling on the internet and make prank calls. There is no threat to you beyond some neckbeards and 13 year old making threats over the phone that they will NEVER make good on. Calm the fuck down.
>> No. 33524
File 133727558514.jpg - (70.54KB , 346x310 , hitler smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's a pretty good one, but I think I've got even better one...


Zap to the extreme, /cwc/, zap to the extreme.
>> No. 33525
Link to the fake facebook page plz.
>> No. 33526
Robb, I have never seen a self proclaimed grammar nazi so consistantly confuse your with you're.
>> No. 33528
Agreed, we can't do anything unless we know which is real and which is fake.
>> No. 33529
Robb, while you're here someone sent me a bunch of harem maps they claimed were yours. How can I tell if these are authentic or fake?
>> No. 33530
I just want to say good job to the robay stonecutters.

with Chris you just get to see the fall out, but with rika it all happens in real time
I really enjoy this interactive trolling
>> No. 33531
Sure got quiet in this thread all of a sudden..... Oh no! They got him! Robert, I pine for you.
>> No. 33532
File 133727958092.jpg - (162.67KB , 617x599 , homosex-deviant.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbie, why are you so afraid of Anonymouse when you can more than handle yourself?
>> No. 33533
File 133728019466.jpg - (25.69KB , 422x500 , jolly sturmman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I have a feeling that this will be a long, long night.
>> No. 33535
You realize that my manager will never take your word over mine? Go ahead, Introman, sodomize my internet reputation but don't be suprised when they haul you in for identity fraud and whatever the hell you plan to use my INNOCENT name for.

I've recieved legit death threats from hackers allied with anonymous many of which are Anglican Christian hardcores IRL and they were the first to dox me a two years ago. I told them I was an Al Qaeda agent and they went nuclear. Even after I told them it was a joke they continued to attack and threaten me with death.

If I have to escape this fallout by fighting people personally I will. I know this was your plan all along, stonecutters so have at me.

SeanieB, Zyklon, Moniker, Trey, Introman, and hell, any of my friends who are in on this. You have destroyed my life and now, you got what you want. A fucking angry killer queen.

Stop stalking me, stop harassing me, stop plotting to destroy me. You have been warned.
>> No. 33536

You moronic cunt, your ween trolling sucks. Go get your fat Finish ass laid.
>> No. 33537
I'm watching you Robert.

For now.
>> No. 33538
File 133728128394.jpg - (11.00KB , 579x462 , hitler smiling 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You realize that my manager will never take your word over mine?
Can't blame him, can you?

>I've recieved legit death threats from hackers allied with anonymous many of which are Anglican Christian hardcores IRL and they were the first to dox me a two years ago
Actually the real reason why I went to Vatican City is that I may contact the Trolling Department of the Swiss Guard. It's actually Lothar Herzog, the Head of the Swiss Guard behind the FB account.

>I told them I was an Al Qaeda agent and they went nuclear.
You're a dunecoon terrorist...in the internet? Sounds legit, you truly are a master troll.

>Even after I told them it was a joke they continued to attack and threaten me with death.
"Oh shit the Christian assassins are after me!"

>A fucking angry killer queen king.
Drag ninja. Shitting my pants here.

>Stop stalking me, stop harassing me, stop plotting to destroy me. You have been warned.
Or what? If I may quote you:

>They shoulden't have fucked with someone who actually IS resourceful

You said this months ago. And whoah, here we are, after all those months!
>> No. 33539
File 13372814759.jpg - (8.75KB , 205x197 , hitler laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Go get your fat Finish ass laid.
And this is what we call irony!
>> No. 33540

>I've recieved legit death threats from hackers

Death threats from hackers aren't worth shit, I've already asked you to give me just one instance where anonymous actually tried to kill someone they had an internet argument with. No neckbeard is going to kill you from their parent's basement, it's just your over active tranny drama gland overriding the tiny logic centers of your brain again, chill the fuck out.

>If I have to escape this fallout by fighting people personally I will. I know this was your plan all along, stonecutters so have at me.

Nobody is going to have an all out street fight with you, you moron, and even if they did how would this fix your problem? The ED page isn't going anywhere.

>You have been warned.

Rika, I lost track of how many times you've warned us about 3 threads ago, just what are you warning us with? Anything?
>> No. 33541
He just keeps coming back. He just keeps see-sawing between tears and enraged play-acting.

It's amazing.
>> No. 33542
So let me get this straight, you pretended to be al qeada and you got death threats.
1) what the fuck did you think would happen when you posted something like that on the internet? Did you think people would send you nudes in appreciation.
2) how in the world do you think they would actually kill you? Assuming they were able to really track you down, I assume they would figure out you weren't really a terrorist.
3) You hand out a dozen death threats a day yourself. How many have you maimed or killed?
>> No. 33543
>Go ahead, Introman, sodomize my internet reputation but don't be suprised when they haul you in for identity fraud and whatever the hell you plan to use my INNOCENT name for.
You are genuinely sounding more and more like CWC every day.
I'm still waiting for you to use a curse on us robbay. I think we all are.
>> No. 33544
>You moronic cunt, your ween trolling sucks. Go get your fat Finish ass laid.
If the troll is bad, how come you are so mad?
>> No. 33545
How will you stop anyone? I'm in Philadelphia as I type this so tell me how a horsefaced, tranny retard who weighs 120 pounds is going to do anything but shit his panties and shit his pants and do nothing in the face of danger ?
>> No. 33546
What the fuck is that a filter for?

I still crack up everytime I read it.
>> No. 33547
I don't know but I'm glad it filtered my post. Cracked me up.
>> No. 33548
Taint of Love (Ode to Robert Wayne Stiles)
lyrics by Anthony LoGatto

Sometimes I feel I've got to
Fuck Robbs ass
I've got to reach around and grab that taint
You don't need another hole anymore
Just this one, thats for sure
Now I've got you on all fours
Now take it
You no good dirty whore

Taint of Love
Fuck Robbs ass
'Cause hes gay
Get ready, I'm gonna spray all day

Now I know I've got to
Lube it up
I've got to use two fingers first
If I don't, Robb starts to curse
Lather it up
Lube it down
Slam it in his butt
And feel the rectal squirts
But I'll stop
Before I burst
Or Robb'll be leaving in a hearse
>> No. 33550

Discovery made.
>> No. 33551
Robb, interested in something, do you go to this job of yours dressed up, or in normal clothing? Thanks
>> No. 33552
File 133728730518.jpg - (132.03KB , 477x720 , what one of my allies looks like.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The wraith got defeated by the stonecutters. I actually went in to your work place and spoke with your manager. He's not going to fire you for online stuff but you're on a short leash. So don't fuck up.

No comment on the facebook. Other than it's hilarious.
>> No. 33553
Robby, the best part of all this is, you're experiencing tenfold of what you used to do to other people. Remember how you'd giggle with delight whenever you upset someone's life being the HIGH WARLORD OF THE WRAITH? Keep crying and playing the victim though, it's perfectly in tune with what the world's smallest violin is playing at the moment.
>> No. 33554
If you'd have just come to tinychat and put a shoe on your head, Rika, this would all be over.

If you do I'll delete everything about you off of here, k?
>> No. 33555
There will never be a kinder offer, Rika.
>> No. 33556

Anyone who's in Philly has to report to me so we can sort this out. I have plenty of what you want but only if I know that you have the power to stop this. Introman, you are bluffing about going to my job and we both know that.


It was a joke, which maniacs and people with autism sure have a hard time picking up on. I was only pretending to be Christianity's natural predator because they suck.


How am I CWC? This was a planned effort to soil my life and exploit what was the fuckin past.

I just want to say that in all the clubs I go to, guys drool over me every night and you know what, I have to crush their hearts. I know what it's like to manipulate people and you should feel remorse just as I do.
>> No. 33559
By "break their hearts" I'm guessing you mean you lift your skirt to reveal your tiny smelly penis, while snorting like a pig and begging them to fuck you up the ass. The poor drunk bastards then freak out over falling for one of the worst drag queens in the world and vomit/run.
>> No. 33560
http://tinychat.com/h3c79 so rika?
>> No. 33561
File 133728979496.png - (837.14KB , 1500x1383 , sad-i-know-that-feel-bro-l.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I just want to say that in all the clubs I go to, guys drool over me every night and you know what, I have to crush their hearts.
>> No. 33562
File 133729000011.jpg - (149.55KB , 650x978 , Jordanfatman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>216171 >>216169
Hey Brosis, it's not any fun when you can't fight back at all. So how about I give you a freebie and let you get back at those nasty field agents who doxed you.

Dunno if Jordan ever told you, but he's a serial arsonist with a criminal record to match, that's why he's never been employed. He's boasted about being responsible for a fire that destroyed a PECO station last year http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/467719

The cops are still looking for him, and they've got a 10K reward. so if you're still mad at T.J for stalking you and leaking your pics, just go over to a police station, and tell them you know who the PECO arsonist is, and that'll be the end of one of the two field agents the stonecutters have stalking you.
Oh and you'll probably have better luck if you wear a suit and dress like a nice young man when you talk to them, just saying.
>> No. 33563
We're waiting
>> No. 33565
I'm in Philly and I don't "have" to do anything. You have nothing anyone wants and that includes me. Just letting you know if I felt like running into you and saying "Hey Rika you're a loser you know that right?" what in the hell are going to do about it? For all your threats? Fuck off.
>> No. 33566
>How am I CWC? This was a planned effort to soil my life and exploit what was the fuckin past.
Just so you know using your name online to make profiles to forums is not idenity theft. It's not even impersonation. No task force or law enforcement agency on this planet will give even half a shit about it. So we're just going to continue making profiles to pedophile sites with your name and face on them.
>> No. 33568
File 133729012811.jpg - (86.89KB , 460x287 , fascinated hitler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have plenty of what you want but only if I know that you have the power to stop this
For example? All we want is cocks, and you've provided them more than we could have asked for.

>It was a joke, which maniacs and people with autism sure have a hard time picking up on. I was only pretending to be Christianity's natural predator because they suck.
I haven't seen your trolling episode, but judging by the Wraith troll posts I've seen, I guess that episode was frigteningly similar to Chris's JenkinsJinkies.

>How am I CWC?
In many ways, but for example: http://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris_and_negotiation

>guys drool over me every night and you know what, I have to crush their hearts
Drool is white-ish. Vomit's brown-greenish. I think you're confusing them.

>I know what it's like to manipulate people and you should feel remorse just as I do.
*evil Wraith laughter*
You think manipulating people means pretending to be a cartoon villain. Your mental growth has literally stopped at somewhere around the age of 12.

And please, if you could really manipulate, you'd detect manipulation as well. But here we are, in the seventh Robb thread...

Oh, and please manipulate me to delete the threads and the ED page.
>> No. 33569
Men can end up with the skankiest whores imaginable when they're drunk. But even the biggest of beer goggles can't hide a filthy cheese crusted dick.

So sadly your efforts always fail.
>> No. 33570

No one drools over your hideous drag queen ass, you lying piece of shit. No one is going to "report" to you, and we find it hilarious your life is ruined. And how do you know intro is lying about your boss? You said he wouldn't believe us anyway, right?

You are so damn funny, faggay Robbay.
>> No. 33572
>if you could really manipulate, you'd detect manipulation as well. But here we are, in the seventh Robb thread...
You call this manipulation? He's practically trying to beat an oven for buring him, and while hitting the oven it burns him again. It's more like an animal slowing killing itself our of stupidity.
>> No. 33573
Men can end up with the skankiest whores imaginable when they're drunk. But even the biggest of beer goggles can't hide a filthy cheese crusted dick.

So sadly your efforts always fail.

Stop moving your posts around fagg0t.
>> No. 33574
Oh, I'm not all powerless.

Shoe on head, my friend. That's literally all I want from you. All I fucking want.

Why? Because it's funny. I really could give a fuck less about you. I just want to see what you look like with a shoe on your head, because it's entertaining to me.

So come on, don't be a dick. Just put the shoe on your head and I'll delete all of it, scout's honor.

And I might be fat, but one day I will be thin again. You will always have a cock.
>> No. 33575
>higher ups at ED

You are so goddamn dense, Rika. No ED sysops are even remotely involved in this.
>> No. 33576

Jenga is a mod, dummy.
>> No. 33577
oh yeah guys forgot to tell you I made jenga a mod again

thought someone'd get mad at some point but it didnt happen, oh well
>> No. 33578
Jengatype, I've been conned one too many times on here to trust anyone and you can thank that lying skank, Moniker, stalker field agent, Introman, Holocaust denying homosexual deviant, Zyklon and a five year weener with a trollsona called Trey for that.

I'm just going to conclude that you're all head over dick for me, leave it at that, go to work and forget all about your attempts to waste your lives and remembering that I'm getting the opposite sex's attention after hours and you're not.
>> No. 33580
File 13372914246.jpg - (5.72KB , 166x200 , Hitler oh you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Oh, and fake facebook: PWNED! Zyklon, eat your fucking heart out.
[17.5.2012 20:15:17] Zyklon: He has an FB page? I didn't know. Huh
[17.5.2012 20:16:49] Trey Pepe: Neither did I

As was obvious to those without autism, we had nothing to do with the FB account. lol. We have no idea what you are talking about. I was just lurking /cwc/, saw you posting, and played along.

You came back to us, and we didn't have to do anything. Literally nothing. And you got trolled again.

But you did give us a great idea. I think we really have to create false Robb FB/MySpace accounts, just for the hell of it.

Well, I'm off to "disgrace your internet reputation" now!
>> No. 33581
Rika, I just want to help you. You're like the disabled brother I never had.
Ever look at this: >>216245

So long as the stonecutters has agents stalking you, you can't ever get away.

You could change your name, you could move and you could move back in with your parents and do everything to hide. So long as Jordan, Ahuvia and that vamp dude are stalking you, the stonecutters will always find where you live and make your life miserable.

You can't just evade the problem, you've got to fight it.
>> No. 33582
Opposite sex? So it's women going after you now?
>> No. 33583
File 133729149364.png - (15.34KB , 985x355 , cool_army_pro.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>begs for help
>gets help
>rejects help
k robbay see you tomorrow, same time.
>> No. 33584

Oh Rika. I thought you were an asexual. I guess Ahuviya was right to be creeped out by you.
>> No. 33585
The entire reason, the ENTIRE reason I want shoe on head is because you're acting like a pompous twat.

I mean it when I say I don't know nothing about you. The ENTIRETY of my opinion of you has been formed by the way YOU have acted here.

So I don't care about your past or your future, but I'm a fairly nice guy, so here's what I'll do for you. No tinychat. People will just scream shit at you and we'd get nowhere. In this thread, just post one-just one!-picture of you, timestamped, holding a shoe on your head.

And I'll start deleting the threads. I'll do it that very minute.

So here's the long and short of it: The hundreds f pictures on here will be gone in exchange for one picture of you with a shoe on your head. A pretty innocent picture, right? You were just goofing around with some friends, and we're all friends here.
>> No. 33586
Hi Jordman.
>> No. 33587

>I've been conned one too many times on here to trust anyone and you can thank that lying skank, Moniker, stalker field agent, Introman, Holocaust denying homosexual deviant, Zyklon and a five year weener with a trollsona called Trey for that.

We do thank them for the numerous times they've conned you Robb, it's been funny as fuck.

>I'm just going to conclude that you're all head over dick for me, leave it at that, go to work and forget all about your attempts to waste your lives and remembering that I'm getting the opposite sex's attention after hours and you're not.

Yeah, you're so totally not bothered about any of this, right?

>THIS IS SICK. Do you just sit online and plot my downfall or something?! Do you want to get me fired or even worse, KILLED?!!

>You have destroyed my life and now, you got what you want. A fucking angry killer queen. Stop stalking me, stop harassing me, stop plotting to destroy me. You have been warned.


Also, you're getting attention from the same sex Robb, not the opposite. You both have penises.

Also also, what fucking facebook are you even talking about Rika, nobody honestly even knows, not even your personal stone cutters here.
>> No. 33588
>opposite sex
>you said you attract men
>you are male

Also, were you molested as a child? Your father certainly looks like a pedophile and it would explain alot about your behavior.
>> No. 33589
File 133729175849.jpg - (104.20KB , 1280x853 , Hitler has all the bitches.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Holocaust denying homosexual deviant, Zyklon
>even real

>go to work
And it's a bit hard to go to work when it's night in Finland.

>I'm getting the opposite sex's attention after hours
Didn't you say that MEN were drooling after you?

And you do realize that it's a bit silly to tell someone to go have sex when you yourself are twenty-something virgin?

>you're not
>implying anyone but you is enough insecure to get offended by this
Oh you.
>> No. 33590
File 133729188213.jpg - (26.04KB , 500x333 , im-watching-you-focker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33591

>higher up

lol choose one
>> No. 33592
I'm just letting Rika know one of his stalkers is wanted by the police.

I'm not in trouble with the stonecutters for that am I?
>> No. 33593

i think you're more just an irritating cunt
>> No. 33594
Go away Jordman.
>> No. 33595
Dude, the stkne cutters weren't going to reveal that twist untill after Rika killed himself.
>> No. 33596
File 133729265096.jpg - (73.89KB , 602x601 , Hitler serious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm not in trouble with the stonecutters for that am I?
Stop posting and start harassing Robb in real life. Or something.
>> No. 33597
Robb, if guys are tripping over eachother to fuck you then why are you still a virgin with rage?
>> No. 33598
Ino Rite, Zyklon didn't want Jordan's criminal history getting out because he thought they could track them from that.

But if the stonecutters is already mad at me, then what do I loose...
Um I meant, if I do that and mail Rika's employer his court records and all, can I finally get out of the garbage duty?
>> No. 33599
He says he isn't gay. Even though he claims to be asexual because he can't get laid, he says he is attracted to women. Case in point being his creepy obsession and stalking of former porn star Crissy Moran
>> No. 33600
File 133729331530.jpg - (11.51KB , 220x255 , 7e4ddbac18804c263cf7b8264ee76b48.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>And I might be fat, but one day I will be thin again. You will always have a cock.

Jenga's really a skinny man on the inside, and once he gets that surgery you'll all see it!

You all see a fat lardass laying on his couch all day, but inside his true form is that of a skinny man who works out and is popular with the ladies. When will the transweight bigotry end?!
>> No. 33601
File 133729341717.jpg - (55.11KB , 500x455 , hitler and a bird.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>if I do that and mail Rika's employer his court records and all, can I finally get out of the garbage duty?
No, we've already done that. Plus Intro's visited at least twenty drug stores talking about Robb.
>> No. 33602
Ow, my pride.
>> No. 33603
What channel on youtube has all the Rob videos that are on the ED page? I can't see them in this tablet browser, but I can look tyem up in a seperate app if I know where to lok.
>> No. 33604

Channel not True and Honest.
>> No. 33605
Apple lol. >>216294
>> No. 33606
Thank you. Much appreciated my good man.
>> No. 33607
More like a pink belt in attending gentlemens lavatories, amirite?
>> No. 33608

Nah its some cheap tablet by a company called Pandigital with an android browser.
>> No. 33609
Ip check? Not.sure.id.rika
>> No. 33610
Tripcheck. True and honest.

Yes, he is that retarded.
>> No. 33611
I posted this, no I'm not Rika. Any mod could tell you that. Not sure why you would even think this was him.
>> No. 33612
>Not sure why you would even think this was him.
No one thought you were him.
>> No. 33613
>>216344 her

Aryan Master Race scum
>> No. 33614
Well, what was this, just a joke or something?
>> No. 33615
Probably not, but Anon was linking to "216089", not to "216289" that was your post.
>> No. 33616
Haha, oh wow. My mistake. My apologies for being a tard.
>> No. 33618
File 133730283845.png - (2.80KB , 379x426 , =3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>someone admits being wrong
This is the greatest thread in 789chan.
>> No. 33619

I had to laugh reading that Intro is stalking me. Good luck finding where I work through the virtual millions of establishments over here.
I'll just be dancin and romancin in one of the equally large amount of clubs around here. I love this city, it's so stalker proof.

But in case you find me, do you prefer truss bars or handcuffs to restrain you after I roundhouse kick your teeth?
>> No. 33620
File 133730473968.png - (78.32KB , 253x235 , nazi oh you.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I love this city, it's so stalker proof.
Still so awfully bothered by Anonmuss assassins, hmm?

>But in case you find me, do you prefer truss bars or handcuffs to restrain you after I roundhouse kick your teeth?
You do realize that you are a short, skinny tranny and visiting McDojo belt factory isn't something you should brag about?
>> No. 33621
My aren't we paranoid. Wonder how long it'll be before you think everyone on the internet is after your sorry ass.
>> No. 33622
File 133730562611.jpg - (39.28KB , 450x349 , laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wait wait guys let me try
pass me the phone pass me the phone
Okay, okay hold on
Uh, h-hey Rika
Uh... I'm gonna kill you
>> No. 33623

So why is Introman looking for me if he's not "stalking" me? If he goes through twenty damn drugs stores he really must be hunting for me. What does he hope to accomplish I wonder?
>> No. 33624
It's like you're retarded.
>> No. 33625

Come on Robbie. You're like an armed robber complaining about getting robbed with a knife. It's nice that I found a perfect replacement for Chris. A tomgirl aspie who uses violence and false threats to sound tough. Yet, such a coward that you lied to ahuviya through the doorman at your apartment.

For the question you asked. I would like the handcuffs, so I can citizen arrest your ass and send you back to the penal system. You're a weak predator who became prey . Picking on people weaker than you and trying to use me/trey for your feud with the other trans-gender individuals in Philadelphia. You're mad because we played the game better than the game-master(you) .

Here's a clip to show you the metaphoric way you've been playing the stonecutters. I do not condone or recommend violence at all.
>> No. 33626
File 133730613525.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Getting you fired, perhaps? That would guarantee some delicious rage.

And why are you so bothered by "stalking", if I recall correctly, it was you who wanted a big Stonecutters/Manchildren battle. In real life. Which would include "Monotov" cocktails.
>> No. 33627

>threatens people with karate moves again

God, are you that delusional? You do realize people like Ahuviya or even the big CWC could smash your skinny little pussy ass? You really believe you could beat anyone besides a five year old child up, don't you?
>> No. 33629
Rika your skinny ass took karate aka crap. At least have the dignity to admit you took a sport martial art at a place that specializes in teaching spergy children and you didn't even get a level 1 black belt. Hell you didn't even get a red stripe, your dumb ass is a blackbelt. I know 10 year olds who could take you.
>> No. 33630
Damn, has it been forever already? I thought you just left forever to role in all the pussy you were getting?
>> No. 33631
Pretty sure you mean dick. She prefers dick now
>> No. 33632
Guess he's busy stalking another potential virginbreaker.
>> No. 33633

Well, I wonder who pulled the strings to get you into Philly attempting to form a lolcow death squad. I'm going to say it now. Jordan and Ahuviya are not transwomen, they're attention whoring lolcows. They have no conviction at all, they just like pretending to be a prevelent minority and all the "rights" they think it comes with.

Look, neither wears make-up or eye liner, prefers female attire, pierced their ears, cares about cleanliness or demonstrates even a remote interest in acting in a feminine nature (which I do outside of the internet when I'm not being persecuted for my past actions.) Both are mentally diseased and prefer their insane little worlds over reality.

They are embarassments, not transwomen and they were a poison womb for our community.
>> No. 33634
> She
Hi Rika!
>> No. 33635
> What does he hope to accomplish I wonder?

Uh, I don't think he's looking for you. I think he's trying to make sure nobody will hire you.
>> No. 33636
Funny, Rika throws a total bitchfit like the little pussy tittybaby that he is about being "stalked", yet he had no problem stalking Chrissy Moran and threatening to murder her, something he is also shitting his panties about. But its all good till someone does it to you, huh?

Karma is a bitch, Robbay.
>> No. 33637
File 133730695147.png - (31.01KB , 944x465 , wraithler.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Okay which one of you?
>> No. 33638
> They are embarassments, not transwomen and they were a poison womb for our community.

This is rich. Weren't you claiming you would avenge ADF, like, last thread?

You have no idea what friendship is, do you? How have you live your life without once making a real friend?

How horrible.
>> No. 33639
>lolcow death squad

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. He still thinks people want to kill his dumb chode swallowing ass.

Also, stop deflecting. No one cares about Ahuviya or Jordman. This is about you, and to a lesser extent, the fags in your lame ass gang.
>> No. 33640
>Well, I wonder who pulled the strings to get you into Philly attempting to form a lolcow death squad. I'm going to say it now. Jordan and Ahuviya and I are not transwomen, we're attention whoring lolcows.
We have no conviction at all, We just like pretending to be a prevelent minority and all the "rights" we think it comes with.

Robert Wayne Stiles: An Autobiography.
>> No. 33643

Look like Melissa still thinks you're her friend!

>> No. 33645
File 133730766633.jpg - (56.15KB , 476x342 , Hitler happy 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, I wonder who pulled the strings to get you into Philly attempting to form a lolcow death squad.
LOLcow Death Squad - saves people from lolcowdom by making them eat normal diet and not act like social pariahs. I like it. It could be a new reality show.

>persecuted for my past actions
Robb, you are acting retarded right now.

>They are embarassments, not transwomen and they were a poison womb for our community.
I'm just going to say what everyone thinks here: And so are you. How little self-awareness can you possess and still be able to function?

You have managed to whore more attention than Jordman or ADF ever did. ADF posted like once, and understood to stop that. Let that sink in. Even ADF understood it was a retarded idea to post in 789chan, and it would just draw more attention to him. Something you don't seem to understand.

As a straight aryan white male, I can offer you a true and honest opinion about how successful you are as a woman: I'd gladly fuck the worst blood, piss and vomit sprinkler in a perma-starfish mode if the alternative was fucking you.
>> No. 33646
inb4 he starts claiming Jordman has been impersonating him here all along and that he has never heard of /cwc/
>> No. 33647
I know you're going to deflect and cry "RIKA!" but I've never seen a post come off as so epic ween as yours. If Robert actually takes you seriously, he is far more gullible than I thought (and at this point, that would be quite and achievement).
>> No. 33648
He already responded to Zyklon that he wouldn't DISGRACE HIS INTERNET REPUTATION with nudes, so it's quite safe to assume he is taking everyone seriously. Yeah.
>> No. 33649
>Lolcow death squad
Brosis, they might be homeless, smelly, mentally ill failures at life, but so long as they're working for the stonecutters you're at their mercy.

It doesn't matter how crazy Jordan and Ahuvia are. Zyklon's given them total control of your life and unless if they get arrested or you do something about them, they've got a blank check to ruin your life.

I'd get your Wolverines ready if I were you...
>> No. 33650
Robb, how's going over to a friend's place of business a few hours a week and calling it a "job" treating you? Are you even being paid?
>> No. 33651
>check thread before I leave for work
>only 64 posts
>over 200 posts now

This is the best day ever.
Also rob were you crushing the hearts of those men by giving them CPR after they collapsed from alcohol poisoning? Cause I know some girls are 2 beers or a six pack, but you're 2 bottles of everclear. The 190 proof kind
>> No. 33652
File 133731366482.png - (15.24KB , 344x345 , 133591403868.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Welcome back, Rika! You wonderful, glorious crack baby!

Again with the threats? What's wrong? Nobody took your shit colored karate belt, seriously? Also, why don't you practice what you preach and get laid? Oh right . . . I forgot that you try to bone unattainable famous women with the delusion that you would even stand a chance with them. Also, despite being skinner, you are just as ugly as the trannies you compare yourself to.

Wow, that is such an amazing feat! Drooling is usually a sign that someone is going to pass out drunk in front of you. Also, guys at clubs usually have the lowest of standards. The "gentlemen" that frequent those clubs would even jump at the chance to go with ADF and Jordan

Aren't you still banned from Transway? Whereas ADF and Jordman are still welcome to attend. Life's a beach, isn't it?
>> No. 33653
rob can you just post those nudes so we can all move on
>> No. 33654
File 133733334542.jpg - (360.66KB , 2048x1536 , vD2xv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ITT: Homosexual deviancy and AIDS.
>> No. 33655
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriately seductive behavior, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious.

Additional symptoms may include:

-Exhibitionist behavior.
-Constant seeking of reassurance or approval.
-Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotions, such as hugging someone they have just met or crying uncontrollably during a sad movie.
-Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval.
-Proud of own personality, unwillingness to change and any change is viewed as a threat.
-Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior.
-Somatic symptoms, and using these symptoms as a means of garnering attention.
-A need to be the center of attention.
-Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification.
-Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated to others.
-Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are.
-Making rash decisions.
-A limited or minimal capability of experiencing love.

As with many other Personality disorders in Cluster B, body dis morphia is much more common than in the general population.

Hey Rika, you are no better a trans woman than ADF because you both only turn to it out of your mental disorders and not a legitimate want to be female.
>> No. 33656
Hey Robbay.
>> No. 33657
For all the people trying to bring Rika down may I ask in what way is your life contributing to society? As you sit here day-after-day-after-day in this dark room. Have you ever thought about that? What are you doing for the world or for other people? Day-after-day, hour-after-hour, night-after-night, how many years have you been doing this now? To me, it's a worthless, worthless, life. Rika has a job, and friends. What do you have?

I don't get it. I don't know how you're growing, or becoming a human being, or learning how to socialize, or anything and this is your life. I don't get it, I don't know how anyone can do that. Every day, every single day and I just sat here, you would think that I was just... worthless. You would wonder, what the hell is wrong with me, that I don't get out and do something?

Where are your stupid friends, are they sitting in their houses? Playing on their computers all day long? Playing with their game things? What do they do all summer long? Give me an answer. I asked you a question. I mean, what do these kids do? God, the mentality of you people, it just boggles my mind. I don't know how anyone can live the way you do. It is so stupid. Leave Rika alone and get a life.
>> No. 33658

You already said pretty much exactly this in the last thread, if you can't be bothered to read the responses we gave you then there's not really any good reason for us to answer you now. Besides, if this didn't stop us last time then why do you think we'll disappear out of Rika's life now? All Rika has to do for us to leave him alone is stop coming to this site, that's all. Talk to him, not us.
>> No. 33659
Nice copypasta.

Hi Robert.
>> No. 33660
Hi Rika!
>> No. 33661
File 133734378113.jpg - (31.83KB , 552x600 , prettygirl.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33662
>> No. 33663

That's the sassy lady that's been crushing hearts in all the clubs in Philly, apparently.
>> No. 33664
No amount of makeup can hide your ugly.
>> No. 33665
Was that blusher applied by a clown? I'm sure I can make out a little stubble too.
>> No. 33666
I'm proud of you /cwc/, nobody's said 'maybe' yet.
>> No. 33667
Maybe I'd vomit at the actual sight of it.
>> No. 33668
>For all the people trying to bring Rika down may I ask in what way is your life contributing to society?

You mean, besides trying to bring Rika down? Because that's already a good contribution to society.

>To me, it's a worthless, worthless, life. Rika has a job, and friends. What do you have?

Just like Rika has a life (lol) and yet has time to come here for a bit and post. So do we. Get it? No one is here "hour-after-hour." That's just a fantasy you've come up with in your head.

>Leave Rika alone and get a life.

Managing to both at the same time just fine, thanks.
>> No. 33669

>Rika has a job

You mean a clerk job that he only just started after how many years of leeching off his parents? Yeah, he's really going somewhere with his life, huh?

>and friends

You mean the philadelphia trannies who constantly backstab each other? If those are his friends I'd hate to meet his enemies.
>> No. 33670
Rika, I'm humbled. You're right, I can see how you get so much attantion from the opposite sex. Well, same sex, since you still have a dick and a Y chromosome, which means you are still a man, but whatever, I won't judge. I bet you fool a lot of those guys!

Everyone knows that the most beautiful of women have a five o'clock shadow and an adam's apple. Truly, you are a gift from the lord above.
>> No. 33671
>If those are his friends I'd hate to meet his enemies

>> No. 33672

Not even, all we do is laugh at him, we're not the shadowy legions of murderers who are spending every waking moment trying to track him down.
>> No. 33673
I did meet one of those guys lately though. Seemed fairly bro.
>> No. 33674

cool story bro. You said all this last time. We get it, you don't understand, we know. So you might as well not even bother posting. If you can't see why Rob deserves everything he has got from us, you never wil.
>> No. 33675
>> No. 33676
>can't tell that it's Rika posting as a sock
>> No. 33677
Hi Rob. I actually hold down a complex 9-5 job and socialize with coworkers and friends alike. Laughing at your self imposed misery is just my pastime; the icing on the proverbial cake that makes my grin go from ear to ear
>> No. 33678
It probably is, but it doesn't really matter either way.
>> No. 33679
Robb, let me give you a little pointer, for some reason you feel the need to use a top secret "hide my ass" proxy service to try and mask your IP. You're wasting your time.
>> No. 33680
>new board title
>> No. 33681
If any of you elitist neckbeards could tell me, who the FUCK is this fat person who keeps pacing around in front of my appartment? Introman? Trey?!

Listen, fuck with me and you'll really start a dirty fire.
>> No. 33682
No idea. Post a pic.
>> No. 33683
Hey Robb, here's a thought. Since you're there, why don't you go down and ask him yourself? I mean, your body is a weapon, right? So you should have nothing to worry about. Besides, it's probably just some crazy homeless dude or something.
>> No. 33684

You are about to get FUCKED Robbie, both figurtively and literally.
>> No. 33685
File 133735417445.png - (41.22KB , 943x486 , more.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I guess Rika is insisting that this isn't her to her little gang.
>> No. 33686

He went into the building. Seriously, stonecutters, if you want anything I have nothing more to give you but my goddamn fucking money and you don't seem to want that. Just warn me if you're sending someone because even you know you've hired people previously to spy on Ahuviya. He informed me of your tactics long ago and I've kept wary, knowing you stakers with issues would try to exploit the situation.

Are you going to this extent because I have enough dignity not to post naked pictures of myself that will remain on the internet forever?!! YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE.
>> No. 33687
Dude, we have no idea who this person is yet. They could be a troll working alone or it could just be someone who lives in your building. Snap a pic and post it here and if someone recognizes them they'll tell you.

P.S. Shouldn't you be at work?
>> No. 33688
He's not wearing a stargate t-shirt is he?
>> No. 33689
Damn, you sound scared, Rika. I thought you were a weapon? Why are you acting like a little pussy? Just post nudes, this can all go away.
>> No. 33690
Oh shit, it is probably a troll gone rogue! Get out Rob, run! Fucking run!
>> No. 33691
Don't listen to this guy. I for one never want to see you naked. Post pics or a video of this "stalker" so we can get to the bottom of this.
>> No. 33692

Starting to think this is a troll role-playing game.........

Not sure Rika
>> No. 33693

Just give us a few naked pics (in full make up) and we'll call him off Robb, we're just a phone call away from him disappearing.
>> No. 33694
I'm not leaving my appartment until someone fesses up about this! I've never seen this man before and if I go downstairs what are the chances he doesn't have a GODDAMN glock in his pants?!!
>> No. 33695

So if you've never seen a man before that means he has a glock in his pants? I think the estrogen supplements are making you a little paranoid Robb. Could just be waiting for someone from another apartment, could just be some homeless dude, could be fucking anything. YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT THAT PEOPLE WANT TO KILL YOU. I need you to repeat that sentence to yourself a few times until it sinks in you fucking egomaniac.
>> No. 33696
I'm glad you can finally recognize what has been plain as day all along.

Except this is what Robbie actually believes.
>> No. 33697
Its his legit trip.
Don't worry, to my knowledge, he doesn't carry guns. I don't know about knives.
>> No. 33698

>Listen, fuck with me and you'll really start a dirty fire.

we've been over this before, your threats are meaningless.
>> No. 33699

I was speaking figuratively, you dolt!
>> No. 33700

Oh, so it's a figurative gun he has, is it? Robb, remember, your body is a weapon, just go out there and beat his fat ass like you said you would last thread. Get your fucking box cutter out.
>> No. 33701
I know we've been through this *several* times before Robb, but just hear me out. Can you provide any evidence at all of someone on this board actually threatening harm to you?
>> No. 33702
A rogue troll is a dangerous beast, Rika. It takes orders from no one. Unless your body is really a weapon, you may need to flee out of the fire escape.
>> No. 33703
That man is your endgame rob. That man is your way out. Go with him and he will escort you to 14 Brancland Court in Virginia. There he will hand you a shovel. You must simply unearth the remains or one dead dog and this whole nightmare will disappear. Think you can handle the job?
>> No. 33704
Don't worry, Rika. He's look for a guy by the name of Robert Stiles. So just dress up in your best fem gear and make-up, give him a sexy wink and walk right past him.
>> No. 33705
Rika, listen to me very carefully, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into sending this guy after you, you need to get out of there as soon as you possibly can, you're in real danger. Here's what you're going to have to do - get a camera, take naked pictures of yourself, post them here on /cwc/, then run out of your apartment and tell him your body is a weapon and fucking run like the wind. You don't have much time.
>> No. 33706
Could have been fake all along.
I'm just having trouble accepting and processing this level of paranoia and stupidity, but that may be the failing of my small mind.
>> No. 33707
You live in an appartment building. This cannot be the first stranger you've seen there Robb. I call bullshit. You're just trying to get out of doing something today and you think "troll assassin outside of my appartment" is a good excuse. Vid of the stalker (from the safety of your window) or it didn't happen.
>> No. 33708
Augh yeah fokes! The day of Judgement has arrived!

That guy is gonna make Rika McPubbits out of you Robbay. Not sure if there is enough meat for the 10 piece though.
>> No. 33709
He told us he doesn't carry a gun (no permit) just a knife for self defense.
>> No. 33711
He is just using this to call into work.

You live in an apartment in the city,Rob. Strangers sometimes walk along the street.

Besides, the Stonecutter assassin isn't supposed to be there till 8pm tonight.
>> No. 33712
You live above fox and hound right Robb?
>> No. 33713
>> No. 33714

How do you know about McPubbits? That was a meme-esque in-joke between me and my friends. You know, you probably just gave yourself away, Shawn.
>> No. 33715
File 133735694522.jpg - (83.26KB , 640x480 , 45-Image58.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh Shit! A wild fat guy appears!
>> No. 33716
You mean your friends whom you fucked over so they sold you out? Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, Robb.
>> No. 33717

Many of your friends have turned on you. Melissa, Ahuviya, etc.

>> No. 33719
Dude Rob all of that stuff is well known now. Hell McPubbits is the featured article on the Rikaki
>> No. 33720
It's funny because it sounds like bukake.
>> No. 33721
Pssst, Robbay. You ordered them in a video on your ED page, dipshit.

Fucking lol. Okay, whatever you say, Potsie Webber.
>> No. 33722
I know it's pretty funny sounding. I wish the admins would change the logo though. I swear it feels like Rob's horse face is staring into my soul
>> No. 33723
File 133735748884.png - (115.49KB , 295x300 , Tails_gets_trolled_0083.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>who the FUCK is this fat person who keeps pacing around in front of my appartment?



What if

What if that fat man

What if that fat man chasing lolcows

Is A-Log?
>> No. 33724
I'll probably get called Rika at this point, but is he really exhibiting fear elsewhere? His most recent posts in this thread have really started to sound like he is just playing along, what with the "fat guy outside of his apartment that might have a glock".
>> No. 33725
>> No. 33726
I think we went too far. You fucking know what that guy is capable, and what he will do to Robbie!
>> No. 33727
He doesn't post anywhere else, he closed his Facebook.
>> No. 33728
So Robb, please tell us what the "fat man with a glock" is going to keep you from doing today. Job interview? Meeting with your PO? Lunch with the parents?
>> No. 33729
It's just more bullshit drama fodder. Drama whores like Robbay NEED drama it's their crack. Being humilated for his and by his own actions isn't enough I guess so now trying move on to harder stuff now that hes running out of people to tolerate his fairweather frienemy bullshit. It's likely this random fat guy doesn't even exist.
>> No. 33730
Agreed. How hard could it have been to snap a quick photo so we could try and identify him?
>> No. 33731
Exactly. Plus, he has yet to really follow up on the claim. Just the should-be-obvious-to-everyone McPubbits thing.
>> No. 33732
Robb I waited outside your apartment all day. When will you just post the damn shoe on head pic and be done with this tomfoolery?
>> No. 33733
But how can we identify him when he's wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and carrying a bible since he's an assassin from the top secret Knights of Christianity sect of Anonymous?
>> No. 33734
I just realized, that fat guy was probably the first client from that hooker ad we set up looking for Rika the ladyboy.
>> No. 33735
To be fair, he would have to leave his apartment to take a photo of the guy, and if he's as paranoid as he seems to be then there's no way he was going to risk a confrontation. He'll be seeing the guy through a peephole in his door.
>> No. 33737
Actually have you ever seen the video Rika put on YouTube called 'Why I am an insomniac'? It is him recording people being loud out in the street in front of his apartment building and whining about it from his balcony. He said the guy was pacing outside the front of the building, so he could easily do it again.
>> No. 33738
File 133736013037.jpg - (22.25KB , 204x400 , happy hitler 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Are you going to this extent because I have enough dignity not to post naked pictures of myself that will remain on the internet forever?!! YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE.
What's the matter Robb? Can't you "charm" and "manipulate" him, or kick his ass with your awesome karate skills?

If some Field Agents bother you that much...well, you already know what we want.
>> No. 33739
File 133736017755.jpg - (81.65KB , 550x550 , Chuhoundlogo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey brosis, don't say I didn't warn you. Ahuvia went and gave the stonecutters your address and schedule. The trolls know exactly where you live, where you walk in Phily and what you're doing.

They're now setting their "lolcow death squad" loose on you. That fat guy is one of their members. And they've sent him to beat you into a pulp and take all your belongings.
>What if that fat man... Is A-Log?
Oh, they found it out! He's part of the "lolcow-death squad" too.

Rika, Zyklon said that if you do a calling out video against A-log he'll recall that guy. You'll be safe and he won't rob you. I'd take that deal if I were you, stonecutters can do much worse.
>> No. 33740
File 133736029095.jpg - (48.70KB , 263x350 , hitler not sure if want.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Rika, Zyklon said that if you do a calling out video against A-log he'll recall that guy.
No I didn't. Nudes or no deal. Stop making shit up.
>> No. 33741
...But I thought you said if he called A-log out in a vid then A-log wouldn't beat him up.
>> No. 33742
I warned you yesterday Robert. I'm in Philadelphia. Do what the Stonecutters say and give them what they want before I decide to go off the reservation.

See you soon.

>> No. 33743
Rika, for someone trapped in his apartment all day you sure are slow to respond to valid inquiries.
>> No. 33744
Get the fuck out, fag.
>> No. 33745
use your brown belt powers on him!
>> No. 33746
I cannot believe how autistic you people are. Friend told me to lie about an assassin and HOLY CRAP!

and I quote:

>They're now setting their "lolcow death squad" loose on you. That fat guy is one of their members. And they've sent him to beat you into a pulp and take all your belongings.

>If some Field Agents bother you that much...well, you already know what we want

I don't even need to hack you or sue you when you'll believe anything I post on here now. See I can and will fight back retards.

I dare anyone to come and get me because you stupid right wing fatties can't even get out of your basement without a forklift!
>> No. 33747
Ah shit, you got us brah. I sure hope you don't keep sperging around here.
>> No. 33748
>can;t tell when /cwc/ is being its usual super-meta ironic self

Now, who did you say had the autism again?
>> No. 33749
File 133736777666.jpg - (120.31KB , 790x1229 , retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sounds legit Robb.

>I don't even need to hack you or sue you when you'll believe anything I post on here now
As if you could.

>implying LiquidRika is stonecutters and not a random homosexual deviant
>> No. 33750
File 133736798291.png - (32.83KB , 744x478 , epin 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Isn't...the idea of trolling to make people...mad?

How exactly did you troll anyone by being your retarded self?
>> No. 33751
>I can and will fight back!
>idea of fighting back is pretending someone is going to kill you while we play along and mock you

Yeah, because that will totally get your ED page taken down and you and your friends dox removed from /L/ right?
>> No. 33752
Yes, everyone was serious when they were talking about the assassin, and no one suspected you were making it up, except here
and here
And here
And a dozen more examples. Also posts like this
were totally not sarcastic.

We got trolled hard
>> No. 33753
>I don't even need to hack or sue you
Well that's a relief. Because we were all totally afraid of you doing those things there.
>> No. 33754
Well Rika apparently you are more concerned with keeping your lolcow status and not getting ED page to fade into the sunset. You stupid fuck you.
>> No. 33755
Honestly, I think that's what he wants. He's gone from a tranny nerd daddy-leech to a minor internet celebrity tranny nerd daddy-leech.
>> No. 33756
Who is a more gullible lolcow: Chris or Robert?
>> No. 33757
File 133737004241.gif - (855.58KB , 320x240 , 1331781199323.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The homo in the woman costume FOOLED ME AGAIN!
>> No. 33758

Your dumb comments led to some very amusing jokes from /cwc/ members. Once again your pathetic flailing simply amuses us. A man in a dress puppet if you will.

- Stay trans-sharp,
>> No. 33759
File 133737038519.png - (684.06KB , 1233x1200 , julaaayyy_by_nevermonkey-d4q1qwz.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>before I decide to go off the reservation
>reservations are for indians
guys, guys! get this: wasn't one of those philly trannies supposed to be some indian princess or some shit? maybe it's...

...oh, wait


hold the phone, what's this?

>I cannot believe how autistic you people are. Friend told me to lie about an assassin and HOLY CRAP!

that's odd...

do you guys hear a long 'A' sound ringing in your ears?
>> No. 33760
What's funny is that a thread or two ago we were taking bets on how long he would take to devolve into "puppetmaster" rika. I don't have the energy or the ctrl+f capability (curse you mobile browser!) to find it though.
>> No. 33761
The puppetmaster guys got their wish but I'm still waiting for a curse.
C'mon rika you know you want attention, give the fans what they want.
Here, I'l help you, go look up the Simon Necronomicon. It's a real spell book and it has curses and everything. I'm not even joking, everyone knows about it, just look it up. Curse us dang dirty trolls with the power of the Old Ones!
>> No. 33762
So have we figured out what is wrong with Rika's brain yet?
>> No. 33763
I think the better question is what's *right* with it. As far as I can tell, nothing.
>> No. 33764
Rika you are the CWC court jester, I want you to entertain us tonight. Put on your costume and entertain us you stupid fuck.
>> No. 33765
> calling others autistic and then not know the post quoted was dripping with sarcasm

You have officially replaced cwc as my current favorite lolcow
>> No. 33766
>I just want to say that in all the clubs I go to, guys drool over me every night

Alcohol is one hell of a drug
>> No. 33767
Honestly? I'm kind of disappointed, son.
>> No. 33768
Robb, come back and post some more. We're only 178 posts from another archive. One more angry series of posts should do it.

If you make something up about a one armed dude with a mowhawk doing karate outside of your apartment I'm sure that would fool everyone.
>> No. 33770

XxX~~Lik dis if u crie evertim~~XxX
>> No. 33771
See you in a couple hours
>> No. 33772
File 133739514035.jpg - (201.27KB , 560x461 , 01464879.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>can we just forget about everything.

>I managed to get even with you pricks
What? How? By doing the same thing as every other lolcow?

>I will backtrace you if this gets personal.
>> No. 33773


>nightmares about ED


It will never get taken down, dumbass. And how the fuck id you get even? Making up a story that we humored you about and no one fucking believed? Oh yeah you got so even bro, boy are our faces red.
>> No. 33774
>I've even had a nightmare of the ED article being featured on all television stations and on electronic billboards.

I wonder how much billboard ads go for these days...
>> No. 33775
We will never forget everything, Robert Wayne Stiles. You will go down as a legendary lolcow of the highest order in 789chan and ED history for all time, till the end of days.
>> No. 33776
Wait guys, Master Manipulator Rika might just be PRETENDING to have nightmares about the ED page! Don't let yourselves fall victim to his extensive knowledge of the human mind!
>> No. 33777
Unless you people go after me personally or my family, I'm not doing a damn thing anymore. I've been sick with anger for weeks but then, someone pointed out to me recently, why bother anymore. I know that I'm a much better person than all of you and you're going to have to stalk me in real life to get anymore uprising.
I even got with an amazingly hot guy at a downtown bar last night and I did it by being myself. I do take the internet seriously but I can't be hurt by it anymore.

A big fuck you, /cwc/ because I've won.
>> No. 33778
File 133739589387.jpg - (53.79KB , 400x400 , 1331769707970.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>someone pointed out to me recently, why bother anymore.
>> No. 33779
And yet you come back...

Because you're fucking pathetic.
>> No. 33780
>I know that I'm a much better person than all of you
>A big fuck you, /cwc/ because I've won

>> No. 33781
File 133739604468.jpg - (42.75KB , 544x408 , quitters_never_win.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33782

xXx~~repost dis if ur a strorng trangenda "female" hu dont need no 789chan~~xXx
>> No. 33783
You'll be back. Face it Robb, you're a pathetic attention/drama whore. You thrive on that shit. Besides, I'll bet next week some crazy bastard will look at you funny while you're walking down the street and you'll be on here screaming about how the stonecutters are still after you.
>> No. 33784
>I even got with an amazingly hot guy at a downtown bar last night and I did it by being myself.

Alcohol is a hell of a drug, man.
>> No. 33785
IMO the Rika here is a troll trolling trolls, or maybe trolling Rika. by his post, his dumber than cwc and no way this is real
>> No. 33786

>> No. 33787
Wait, before you leave Rika, one question please. I thought you weren't gay? Are you now?
>> No. 33788
cool story bro.
>> No. 33789
Oh Robert, Robert, Robert. This has got to be the most pathetic and delusional attempt at getting a final word in I've ever heard. What exactly did you win? There was never anything to win. Everything that happened here happened because you're a paranoid, narcissistic drama whore and you've alienated everyone that could ever tolerated your bullshit in the process. Is the most moronic "lol I was just pretending to be as retarded as ever" ploy really the event that will allows you strumble away with some manner of pride?. If so what was your prize exactly? A date with some drunken slob with a cryptkeeper fetish?
>> No. 33790
>go after my family
Why the fuck do you keep saying this like you want us to do that? No one is ever going to really come after you or your family because of shit you did here, stuff you did to troll christians or stuff you did on some stargate forums. If anyone is going to come at you it'll be one of the many crazy people you associate with and piss off irl all the time.

Seriously, I'm not sure if you actually believe some anon wants to come after youmalready, or if this is some weird, sad attempt at being a master manipulator and using reverse psychology. Either way you're an idiot.
>> No. 33791
Get on tinychat, Rikaaayyy.
>> No. 33792
File 133739685329.jpg - (82.48KB , 830x407 , 830px-Rinnengan_Madara.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Finally, special ed robbie learned. I've been saying stop talking since thread one. It took you a month to learn. We can finally talk about shit on here without Rika viewing the forum. Lets just say that we might call up some people who should know about the ED article.
>> No. 33793
Robaaay never changes...
>> No. 33794
Post some more pictures.
>> No. 33795
File 133739722694.gif - (132.73KB , 200x200 , 1331773854413.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>because I've won.
Won what?
You realize if you leave we're going to instantly forget about you, as we have been telling you since you got here. And when we do we'll find another lolcow, and when they leave we'll get yet another. You delude yourself so much into thinking we really care about you and would even go to the trouble of stalking you. We don't. You could die or become famous and we would just shrug our shoulders and move on. No matter what you do, nobody will never love you. We're just milking you out of any laughs we can get, as we've done with any lolcow before.
>> No. 33796
Are you a narutard introman?
>> No. 33797
It makes sense now. His dad cut him off, right? He keeps talking about it because he wants someone to come and murder his family so he can inhereit all their money.

You are fucking sick, Robert.
>> No. 33798
Yeah but we won't totally forget, he will live on in our hearts and minds and in the eternal limbo that is /L/.
>> No. 33800
Anon: what's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?
Rika: sir?
Anon: the most you've ever lost on a coin toss
Rika: I don't know, I couldn't say
Anon: call it
Rika: for what?
Anon: just call it
Rika: well, we need to know what we're calling it for
Anon: you need to call it. I can't call it for you, it wouldn't be fair.
Rika: I didn't put nothing up...
Anon: yes, you did. You've been putting it up your whole life, you just didn't know it. You know what date is on this coin? 1958. It's been travelling 22 years to get here. And now it's here, and it's either heads or tails and you have to say. Call it.
Rika: Well, I need to know what I stand to win-
Anon: everything.
Rika: how's that?
Anon: you stand to win everything. Call it.
Rika: alright... Heads then...
>> No. 33801
Where is this reference from?
>> No. 33802
No Country for Old Men.
>> No. 33803
actually, if he were famous for real then we could give him a taste of what he did to that porn star.

the operatives all go by naruto enemy code names
>> No. 33804
>then we could give him a taste of what he did to that porn star

Whoa, whoa, hold up. WHAT?
>> No. 33805

See "Vanned Robert"
>> No. 33807
>I even got with an amazingly hot guy at a downtown bar last night and I did it by being myself.
>Straight... I’m looking for: Girls who like guys
Uh, Rika,didn't you say down you're only into girls?
You wouldn't happen to change orientation as much as ADF does, would you?
>> No. 33808
>>Unless you people go after me personally or my family,


>>I'm not doing a damn thing anymore.

You never were doing anything. Everything you claimed to be doing failed miserably.

>>I'm a much better person than all of you

You're a shitty tranny that by your own admission passes more poorly than Jordman or ADF. You have a remarkably unwarranted sense of self importance, you're prone to childish threats and you contribute nothing to society.

>>I even got with an amazingly hot guy at a downtown bar last night and I did it by being myself.

Your big accomplishment is that you got a closet case to let you make him cum. -slow clap-

>>I've won.

My getting nothing taken down, accomplishing nothing, drawing more attention to yourself, causing more people to point and laugh, and scurrying away with your tail tucked between your legs. I guess you can tuck two things now.
>> No. 33809
Hey Jordman.
>> No. 33811
Sounds good Jordan.
>> No. 33812
Robert actually thought he had a chance with her?
>> No. 33814
If that helps to sooth you...
>> No. 33815
File 133740684941.jpg - (39.75KB , 604x453 , hot guy at bar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is this him?
>> No. 33816
Cool story bro.
>> No. 33817
He didn't loom half bad as a dude, now he looks like a female anorexic russian Olympic weight lifter. Would not do.
>> No. 33818
  Wait. Rika thinks anon is full of religious Christians?
>> No. 33819
Dat taste in music. Maybe all that emo crap is slowly turning him into an even bigger homosexual deviant.
>> No. 33820
I don't think you know what that word means.
>> No. 33821
Probably something he picked up from ADF, who is convinced that all of 4chan is comprised of bible-thumping republican extremists.
>> No. 33822
>The ED article is beyond horrible and I've even had a nightmare of the ED article being featured on all television stations and on electronic billboards.
This shall become "digging up Patty" of Robb Stonecutters.
>> No. 33823
File 133741573329.jpg - (145.46KB , 425x640 , factsheetwip.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi fokes, I've got a fun game for you.

Can You Find the Mistakes?

Answer below:

"I care about my friends - FUCK ADF! FUCK JORDMAN!"


>Wants people who disagree with him to be sent in prison

>Lives in an imaginary world
Belives people are actually scared of him and that he is a warlord and knows karate.

>Welfare leech
Leeches from mom and dad.

>sexually assaulted people
Sexually harassed a pornstar.

>> No. 33825
File 133741695421.jpg - (41.32KB , 545x345 , Hitler and his animal friends.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Now that we had a good laugh can we just forget about everything
This seems only familiar from the last six threads.

>I admit I have problems but so does everyone else.
That doesn't justify you being retarded however, because I can pretty freely say you're the most troubled invidual in this thread.

>The ED article is beyond horrible and I've even had a nightmare of the ED article being featured on all television stations and on electronic billboards.
I lol'd.

>I have tried just about everything to get it taken down but it's futile. Absolutely futile.
I told you. If you had listened to me, you would have saved a lot of time you'll never get back now.

>I'm just happy I managed to get even with you pricks.
By shouting "I DIDN'T REALLY BELIEVE THERE WERE ASSASSINS, I WASN'T THAT RETARDED, I'M SLIGHTY LESS RETARDED!"? How exactly does that make you look better? And you do believe there are Christian/Anonymous assassins after you, even if they weren't behind your door, so lol.

>You will no longer be getting kontent from me unless you go after me, my friends or my family.
You've only said that like five times. You came back to us all by yourself, remember?

>I will backtrace you if this gets personal. Remember that.
Still waiting for that first backtracing.

>Fuck the stonecutters and everyone on here. Fuck you. Zyklon, you'll get yours someday. Hopefully, it's soon.
I would genuinely love to see you write an ED page about me. Honestly. Hand on the Mein Kampf, I won't do anything to stop you.

>I even got with an amazingly hot guy at a downtown bar last night and I did it by being myself.
I like how deep down, even Robb understands how hideous and repulsive he is as a person, and has to brag that THIS ONE TIME another person liked him. It's probably not true, but still.
>> No. 33826
File 133741697368.png - (46.59KB , 198x407 , 1337388377204.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33827
File 133741769477.jpg - (99.67KB , 575x356 , image.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
First you potentially destroy all future Anthos trolling and cause massive butthurt at the PVCC, then you go back to shitting all over Rika. Is this a productive day for you, or is it like this every day?
>> No. 33828
Can't say for sure, but it sounds like your jimmies are rustled.
>> No. 33829
Hitler shtick is getting old. How about moving on to Stalin or some other dictator with over 9000 kills?
>> No. 33830
File 133741888193.gif - (3.63MB , 240x186 , mannerheim like a boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just another Saturday.
>> No. 33831
He seems like the EPIC WEEN edgy type who would think that Hitler was bad-ass, and trolling an oversensitive tranny on the internet puts him one step closer to Hitler hardcore.
>> No. 33834
Official Zyklon rage thread is here: http://789chan.org/cwc/res/216459+50.html

Sponsored by the PVCC.
>> No. 33835
File 133742303364.jpg - (54.42KB , 468x352 , hitler heiling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You may or may not be aware that I'm also ADF troll, and ADF raging about nazis and fascists it seemed most appropriate.

But really, Hitler just had a charming smile.

>One of the people who joined up last time we asked for help was a PVCC user we'd banned for being a Nazi fuck who was just out to fuck us over.
Buttmutilated. I find it funny that both Robb and Anthos Stonecutters try to DOX me and come to the same conclusion. I mean, it's obvious that I am a True and Honest nazi, rite?

Maybe the trannies should team up with Anthos weens? It would be EPIC WEEN of the ages.

>Zyklon I salute you. Best troll on /cwc/
I love you too.
>> No. 33837
File 133742383311.jpg - (48.96KB , 720x480 , Rika's_shithole_apartment.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hope that settles it. If some still feels frustrated, post in the shitstorm thread.

Robb's DOX, for those who wish to pay a visit:

1512 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
>> No. 33838
adf souper sekrit innar circle consists of a bunch of guys shooting the shit, making fun of militant trannies and getting robb to sperg all over /cwc/ by googling up his old shit

anthos pvcc have complex troll personas, convoluted plots and sagas, sweethearts and enemies, ultimately getting around nothing and withholding even that because omg is a sekret

(the naruto thing is kind of ghey though)
>> No. 33839
I can smell that photo.
>> No. 33840
>> No. 33841
Zyklon and the ADF stonecutters are true /cwc/ patriots

PVCC is just a bunch of homosexual deviants who think they are super villains.
>> No. 33843
Robb threads are a perfect example of "Kübler-Ross model" of Five Stages of Grief.

"It's nothing, I can get it removed easily, surely they too have heard of my scary trollsona, Sean will ttly shit his pants"


"...pretty please, remove the ED article, I'll give you money? I feel bad already!"

"You've officially ruined my life, I see nightmares about my ED page!"

The last stage SHOULD be 'acceptance', but for some bizarre reason Autism Robb is stuck to the earlier stages.
>> No. 33844
File 133745071166.jpg - (224.02KB , 832x1112 , 100e4904.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hoarded cocks time, because I entirely forgot about this image.

The image itself isn't so funny, but there's a funny story behind it.

During Stonecutters/Robb chat, Robbie posted this picture, bragged how he had stalked Jordman and started sperging how he is an unpassable tranny.

>> No. 33845
>a bunch of guys shooting the shit
We don't even talk man. Our forum's domain died recently, and there hadn't been a post in at least 6 months. IRC has been equally inactive.
>> No. 33846
File 133745079964.jpg - (104.24KB , 640x480 , 1005263t.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Found some images on a flashdrive worth dumping.
>> No. 33847
File 133745089025.jpg - (22.49KB , 720x480 , 405847_2463372746476_1316948428_32022505_111028447.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33848
File 133745095153.jpg - (96.59KB , 480x720 , 404866_2501380496646_1316948428_32034906_717232241.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Two trolls going under the bridge.
>> No. 33849
File 133745103411.jpg - (76.45KB , 720x480 , 382833_2501360776153_1316948428_32034896_394302848.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 33850
File 133745110896.jpg - (49.32KB , 604x453 , n1316948428_30235402_3947506.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika the sith lord.
>> No. 33851
File 133745168960.jpg - (643.49KB , 868x1474 , obamasdickvern.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika's abomination to the current US president.
>> No. 33852
File 13374520175.jpg - (22.27KB , 604x453 , n1316948428_30133724_5289687.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Rika back when he was on the good side of the fbi. /end image dumping/
>> No. 33853
File 133745909837.jpg - (29.67KB , 598x444 , 1243062994550.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
young rika just makes me think about his parents. Can you imagine all of the hopes and reams they had for him. then look at what they got a drama queen tranny that leaches all of their money.
I almost feel bad for stalking them
>> No. 33854
It must be quite an experience to be contacted by the FBI and told your child has threatened the life of one of their agents.
>> No. 33855
Or when he one day walked in wearing pancake makeup, demanding his allowance.
>> No. 33856

We're on Skype, bro. Hit us up
>> No. 33857

Seriously wat.
>> No. 33858
File 133747145311.jpg - (23.99KB , 448x669 , 6a00d8341ca4b653ef01053585934a970b-800wi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I dare anyone to come and get me because you stupid right wing fatties

Oh I get it


Someone has a fetish for that big black Obama dick...
>> No. 33859
We eagerly await your return Rika, you complete us!
>> No. 33860
Rika is just white trash, no more, no less.
>> No. 33861
File 133749780914.jpg - (257.02KB , 1539x2048 , colourblind.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Someone archive this.
>> No. 33862
File 133749897216.jpg - (83.34KB , 750x600 , batc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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