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File 133564572562.png - (265.06KB , 470x500 , 1329471101495.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
33863 No. 33863
It's been a while since we've had an IRL Lolcows thread, so I figured I might try to start one.

There was a guy in my homeroom back in my junior year called Daniel. He had a bad stutter, and clinically bad acne.

His obsession was Stargate. He would write "Erotic" fanfics, which I'm pretty sure were reworded versions of things he found online.

Our senior year, he had gotten a leather jacket during the summer. He would wear it to school every day. He also made some "magnetic refractor" out of some junk and would wear it around his neck.

I don't really remember him having any outbursts, but I did hear rumors of him bypassing the school filters to look at porn.
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>> No. 33864
There were two kids I went to secondary school with (thats Highschool to you americans) both of them were obsessed with Bionicle and Yu-gi-oh. I remember one of them got into a hissyfit because he got a bad grade on an english paper, which was about Of Mice and Men, he wrote a Bionicle fanfic instead.
>> No. 33865
So I play Pathfinder (D&D) like a fag and due to my hobby I've encountered a grand number of tards and lolcows.

The most current one is this dude that runs my game. He seemed pretty cool at first, pretty spergy, but he would sperg about running his game so I didn't care. He was actually pretty good.

Then he got a text message... His ring was a My Little Pony soundbite. After a brief stint of self loathing for recognizing the ringtone I pretended not to notice.

The past few weeks have been getting worse. No one is interested in his pony shit but he keeps trying to explain it to us.

"No, its a really good show. It has character development and they deal with real life problems"

I continue to feign ignorance.

I troll in subtle ways. I make sure to name our horses in game different shit before he has a chance to name them something else, usually stuff like "Joe" or "Ted".

If he starts up again I'm showing him www.mylittleponyfriendshipismagic.com
>> No. 33866
these threads are always funny, someone should go dig out the old one, it was probasbly one of our oldest threads.
>> No. 33867
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I know a guy who is the very epitome of virgin with rage. He has no idea how to approach a conversation let alone women, though when he does he uses this unnatural bravado and narcissism as if he was the manliest man on earth.

It's hilarious though that he looks like the lovechild of Putin and Mr Bean.
>> No. 33868
You're doing the world a favour son.
>> No. 33869
Did he take a myspace bathroom photo in an elevator?
Does he just take a picture of any reflective surface?
>> No. 33870
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I remember having a friend who was autistic back in 2009, we both became friends after we found out we both play Minecraft (I don't play it anymore after realizing what overrated garbage it is now) and became friends, he was awkward but not a huge asshole (at the time, anyway) so we got along fine.

He was constantly bullied by other people and had the common lolcow trait of being gullible, some dudes told him they'd give him a copy of GTA IV if he fights me(he didn't last long), and I remember telling him a way of getting a secret pokemon in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and he actually tried it and in disappointment, told me it didn't work.

Along with Minecraft he had an obsession with Warhammer, he'd constantly sperg about it but I played along and sometimes tried to change the subject.

I remember him playing a game on Newgrounds featuring grey rayman-like people you had to shoot, he'd shout "NIGGERS!" while playing (Even though the person he was shooting don't even resemble black people.) and other people would just look at him in a disapproving manner, it was embarrassing.

Ever since I moved education, I've been hearing that he's gone pretty insane since I left, he became frustrated and even tried stabbing a guy with a pencil and got someone suspended for offending him, the thought that I was probably his only friend scares me.
>> No. 33871

>I remember him playing a game on Newgrounds featuring grey rayman-like people you had to shoot

Madness Interactive?

Man, I remember most of my ICT class playing that during lessons
>> No. 33872
File 133564918517.gif - (19.35KB , 505x338 , Madness_Interactive.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ah, that's the one.
>> No. 33873

>> No. 33874
Whoa I think some of the mad from the Rika thread is seeping out.
>> No. 33875
clean up on aisle mad
>> No. 33876

>> No. 33877
File 133565608917.jpg - (28.50KB , 329x385 , 25238_118619428151031_100000089228913_308173_43986.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In the last IRL Lolcows thread, I posted about a girl I used to work with named Martha. She had emotional epilepsy, meaning if she got upset she'd have a seizure. She got upset about everything though so she had seizures multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day. I don't really want to say anything bad about her though, because she died this week from her seizures. It's pretty sad. I thought about making a post about it earlier today, because last time I posted you guys had this weird temporary fascination with her, but it seems a lot more appropriate to post in this thread. RIP Martha.
>> No. 33878
I kinda remember this.

A shame.
>> No. 33879
i come in these threads to see if anyone posted about me
>> No. 33880
Not sure if troll...
>> No. 33881

Not troll. She died.
>> No. 33882

The only option left is to TROLL THE MEMORIAL SITE
>> No. 33883

Well there isn't one.
>> No. 33884

Well that's sad :(

Kinda funny, my mum's into the whole geneology thing and she's been tracking our family tree. Anyway she basically found out that my grandmother had an uncle she never knew about, who had epilepsy and was sent to a mental asylum (due to it being the early 1900s) at the age of 7, then died there at the age of 14. I'm not actually sure why that was relevant, but my general point is that epilepsy is sad. :(
>> No. 33885
I started a similar thread a while back with a couple of lolcows I've known. One of which is this sorta-hot girl with her own ED article. If you wanna read that shit then go find it I aint writing all that again...

Anyway, here's a new story for this thread. This guy I recently met at my school. I took this Acting class (easy credits, and you don't do much) and it turns out we have at least three spergs in the class. The first guy is like an Indian version of Abed from that show Community only not as clever and a thousand times more annoying. He's the lulziest out of all three. He's obsessed with girls to the extent of describing to me his perfect lady. He wants Japanese ladies only, cause their skin is white and they share his love of the animus. Speaking of which, he wants to bang this one Japanese voice actress. When I said, it wouldn't happen, he yelled ''no, she just divorced her husband, now's my chance!'' Then I found out which character she voices, its Chikorita from Pokemon. Prepare for more cocks, I have class with him for this semester and I imagine things are gonna get interesting.

The other two spergs I won't talk about because they're annoying as fuck even moreso than the last guy. One of them is this Russian guy who seems like your typical creepy stalker type and the other one is this Chinese motherfucker who interrupts conversations a lot.
>> No. 33886
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i once knew somewhat of a lolcow in middle school. let's call her j. j would wear the same clothes every day, that really wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasnt for her propensity to vomit. once during school hours, j puked on herself and shrugged it off like no big d, smearing the refuse off of her chin using her sleeve and was promptly dragged out of the room.

the stank of dish washing soap mingled with greasy locks ahead was often a tell tale sign of her enormous presence. her round wobbling face resembled ron jeremy's taint with slits in it for eyes, and a face so fat that it caused j to spit uncontrollably with each word. you would be forgiven for mistaking it at first as bigfoot attempting to traverse the language barrier. what scared people away was not limited to her disregard of hygiene, j liked to touch people also. you literally could not go anywhere near j or even pass in a line without her grinning like a crazed niggo and reaching out like that scene in ET with the finger, trying to scrape her dirty fat paws against you. at some point people gained some common sense and began to not only avoid j and the shit she touches like the plague but refer to whatever diseases she may have been carrying on her tendril-like hangnails as "j germs". although j was not a spastic, she took being repellent in stride with autistic confidence. to this day i am still unsure of j's fate.
>> No. 33887
She sounds pretty alpha, does what she wants and doesn't give a fuck.
You sound pretty jealous.
>> No. 33888
Big girls and roman showers are two of my biggest fetishes. Please tell me there are pics.
>> No. 33889
net petition: redefine alpha as "pissing yourself in homeroom"
>> No. 33890
I remember that. She's really dead? Damn...

At least she won't have to suffer any more.
>> No. 33891

Link plz? (for the ED article)
>> No. 33892
I'm in high school and I know a girl who could very well move into lolcow territory. I mistakenly got her into Homestuck, and now every day she tells me things like "IF I SAW KARKAT IN REAL LIFE I WOULD FLUFF HIS HAIR LIKE FLUFFY FLUFFY FLUFFAAAYYY!" I smile and nod.
She is convinced she has schizophrenia, but her MEANIE PANTS psychologist says she actually has Aspergers apparently. One day she brought a bunch of MLP figurines into computer class and arranged them around her computer.
She makes shitty MMD models of my OCs, me, and her Homestuck Mary Sue who was created solely to date Eridan.
>> No. 33893
This is for the OP of the previous thread, who talked about the Korean girl:Was her favorite Soul Caliber character Xianghua?
>> No. 33894
There was this kid I knew many years ago. I don't know what was wrong with him, but I know he dropped out of middle school and lived in squalor with one of his relatives.

He was obsessed with the notion that he had special powers, was in some way more powerful than others, and often swore he was god, and everyone else was just a figment of his imagination. He was obsessive. He was online 24 hours a day. He rubbed everyone who spoke to him the wrong way.

He was pretty much a sociopath as well. I remember him saying one day "My XBox is basically a roach nest." He told me he would catch the roaches in plastic containers, and then force them to eat eachother, and release whichever one survived believing it would then go kill the other roaches. Worse though, he did this with stray cats. He would catch them and lock them in his basement until only one was alive and it had eaten from the bodies of the others. He claimed they fought to the death, but I suspect they would just die of starvation, and whichever was left would eat from their corpse in starvation. He played a lot of games like that with animals.

After a while all his conversations would just be him messaging to make some retarded philosophical debate. Most commonly the god thing. "Well, how do you know I'm NOT god?" "Well for one you don't have any powers." "How do you know I don't just choose not to use them?" he'd go on like this for however long it took for the other person to block him or tell him they didn't care at which point he'd proudly declare (with a new screen name if need be as he had hundreds) "HAHA! I'M RIGHT! I'M GOD! I KNEW IT!"

He'd complain that people he spoke to kept disappearing, oblivious to the fact that they were creating new screen names or blocking anyone not on their friends lists just to avoid him.

He thought he was pretty clever, he created alternate screen names and pretended to be other people to see what people were saying about him behind his back. These other people would usually be billionaire supermodels who just could not say enough about how big this guy's dick was. It was hilarious, at first.

He was obsessed for a while with this horrendously obese girl who lived in the state next to him. He claimed for weeks he was going to run away from home and live with her, under her bed, without her parents ever needing to know. She wasn't aware of this plan though, and when she flatly told him no, combined with the negative reaction everyone he was talking to had to her pictures, he eventually gave up on her.

In that vein, he fancied himself an online pimp, because he spent much of his time cybering in chat rooms, and as you could probably guess he'd brag about all the chat logs he had of various screen names typing "sux ur dik under table" but flipped out if anyone flirted with the girl whose bed he intended to live under.

At the time I really wanted to be a writer, so I told him the premise for this story I was working on. It involved gods I made up watching humanity for entertainment. Pretty simple concept. For some reason he took it and ran with it. For weeks it became his religion, and he would name these gods I made up as being on his side, as vindicating him, and as smiting his enemies. The annoying bit was the people who as a result would message me thinking it was my idea.

Last I heard of him, he was obsessed with some derpy larp girl he only knew online, who refused to e-date him, so he would threaten to kill himself unless she'd say she was his girlfriend online. She ended up creating a new screen name to avoid him.
>> No. 33895
Have any dox or profiles or anything?
That sounds fucking insane.
>> No. 33896
Her screenname is Danilee, I think. The ED page though is long gone. I guess all the e-drama involving her subsided enough for them to delete her page. You can goggle her if you want. She still writes fan-fics and draws animu shit. Some of which involves people she knows IRL. In fact, I was actually written into one of her stories and drawn in shitty chibi fashion.
>> No. 33897
Seems like you told some variation of this in one of the last two threads
>> No. 33898
It would be near impossible to find him again at this point. This was maybe 10 years ago. I lost access to the screen name I talked to him with around that time (some AIM glitch) and I didn't see any reason back then to add him to seek him out again.

Yeah, I posted a shorter version of it in the one that's in /L/.
>> No. 33899
Posted this in another lolcow thread that died pretty quickly:

There was a guy in my high school who might count as a lolcow. From what I can tell wasn't really a sperg, just creepy as fuck:

* He had a huge monobrow and sideburns, but no neckbeard or moustache. He hung around with a group of weird smelling spergs and a horrific hambeast who was obsessed with him. He had a creepy stare similar to Chris-chan's, and a strange speech impediment where he would just pause mid-sentence like someone taking a needle off a record, then continue as if nothing had happened. He would do this several times in a single sentence.

* He had an obsession with pornography and sex. Anyone foolish enough to give him their number received hundreds of texts asking for sex. He often boasted about his "pornographic memory" and the amount of photos he had on his phone.

* He constantly hit on boys several years younger than himself. He was regularly involved in school events that let him interact with the younger years.

* He once claimed that his family became rich from the slave trade, and that they were still living off the money today. Also claimed he was a communist.

* For some reason he spread rumors about himself, claiming that he played hide the sausage with a guy he knew during a school trip to France.

* One day he announced that he had read the Qur'an and was now a Muslim. I think he later became a pagan of some sort.

* When he was sixteen he tried to start a 'Mafia' in the high school. I believe he got the idea after watching The Godfather films. Unfortunately we left shortly afterwards but we all had a good laugh when he spread messages claiming he was looking for new members.

Last I heard he was still hitting on young boys on facebook and attending gay pride events. I also heard on the grapevine that he was raped several times by his (male) cousin, if that's true I suppose that might explain some of his weird kinks.
>> No. 33900
How did he manage hang around with younger students if he had what it seems like a reputation of being a sexual predator.
>> No. 33901
He generally behaved himself around teachers, I specifically remember a lunchlady referring to him as "that nice boy". In class he was generally got all his work done without much of a fuss. He was also a member of the debating society and got fairly good grades so most of the teachers got on with him.
>> No. 33902
So there was this guy in my middle school, let’s call him Jason. He joined our class in early november in our first middle school year. He seemed like an OK guy at first, if somewhat nerdy. He had brown hair, was kinda scrawny, and wore glasses. However, it soon became obvious that something was off about him.
Firstly, you should know that our school had mostly white students. Besides one Asian girl, there were only 3 minority kids in our class: a chubby, kinda weird adopted Brazilian chick, one guy who came from Ethiopia who was a total bro, and another guy from Africa (I don’t remember which country) who was kind of loner. So Jason, who probably hadn’t talked with a single niggo in his life before, didn’t really take to them that much. At all.
He’d act really nervously towards them, always being on guard lest they steal from him or shiv him or whatever he thought they were going to do. Sometimes he’d make a point of checking that his cellphone and money were still in his pockets when they were around. Not so much towards the Brazilian girl, mind you, mostly towards the Ethiopian (let’s call him Gary) – at least as far as I saw. One day, we heard on the news that three neo-nazis had brutally stabbed a random black kid to death, and Jason actually expressed some fear that the black kids in our school would take revenge by forming a lynch mob and killing random whites.

That's all for now, I'll see if I can't remember more tomorrow.
>> No. 33903
>It's like you actually met a potential /new/fag

I actually chuckle at these kind of people...
>> No. 33904
File 133574270738.jpg - (505.81KB , 1188x1515 , typical ows fag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You should see if he's attending sodomize shit
>> No. 33905
Okay, I do have an IRL lolcow, my little brother. I have two brothers. One with autism and is closer to my age at 17 years old. The other one is 12 years old, and I'm not sure what his problem is, aspergers or just being a spoiled, anti-social(actual meaning mind you) brat who was cuddled too much.

He spends most of his days outside of school playing Roblox (think a homosexual deviants' version of Minecraft with moar 'tism with a Legos theme) and watching shit youtube videos about cats farting. He has even gone so far as to print out the Awesome Face and Troll Face at school.

Being my brother and that I love him so much, I wind up trying far too often to get him to be a more normal little boy and actually enjoy other things aside from Roblox and other shit Reddit tier meme infested videos. But anytime I say anything, he gets mad. And often threatens to kill me, or build a human trap (but due to his constant computer use he doesn't have the capability to do shit) which wouldn't be so bad, but every other adult in my house makes me out to be the bad guy when I just want him to not wind up to be a homosexual deviant neckbeard.

Other things he does is watch Phineas and Ferb, and mimics that annoying teen girl. So now, every time I say ANYTHING that gets him mad, I get "busted". And now that I think about it, that's about it. When he isn't on the computer, he makes weird sounds and jumps around.

Things that usually set him off;
Stating that Roblox is a crap game and it's whole community is a massive hugbox

Any attempts to explain that paying for Roblox is stupid, usually resulting in how "Roblox is my life"

Really, at this point, I should just say any serious logic will get on his nerves. Even when dumbed down for a pre-teen to understand.

He won't even join me in computer geeking (like building rigs) because he doesn't really like computers, he just wants to play shit games on them. Even when it would mean having a superior PC for better games.

At this point, I don't know what to do, I mean, he's like the ultimate lolcow being everything that most jaded Internet users and gamers see wrong with their hobbies but you can only troll your brother in the hopes he gets it and grows up. But it looks like I'll either have a manchild for a brother or be related to a possible serial killer due to his mommy issues and being too air-headed to solve them like I did.

Either way, that's my IRL lolcow.
>> No. 33906
It happened in new york when a Jew accidentally ran over a black kid. They went out and stabbed some rabdom jew and proceeded to attack jews and riot.
>> No. 33907
He doesn't sound so bad. Typical aspie twelve-year-old.

You, on the other, sound you need to calm the fuck down. You're the real lolcow in that story.
>> No. 33908

Well, I have a bit of a father complex, since we don't have our father. I try to calm down and I should, but it's hard to see someone live like that. I'm starting to learn how to accept it, and just remember this for whenever I have a kid, to not let them have the Internet.

Also, when you say aspie, you mean a legit aspie or a person who acts like one, but actually isn't?
>> No. 33909
I have a sperg friend who I've known for a long time, and he's not so much a lolcow, but he has some fucking annoying traits.

He's on a college course studying biology and because of this he takes things way out of context irl that have the remotest thing to do with science. It's almost as if he thinks anybody who hasn't studied science degree doesn't understand how anything works.

For example we were watching some shitty ''world record'' show on tv just the other day and some guy was keeping two accelerating motorbikes in place just using his arms/upper body strength.

Spergys response to me: ''You do realise that with the horsepower that those bikes are moving at, they could cause that guy alot of damage... possibly even tear one of his limbs off... You see Anon, you tend to see these things when you study science like I do.''

Hate how spergs always tend to talk down to you.
>> No. 33910
I remember this one guy at high school, who was indian and pretty strange.

I don't know if he had autism or something worse, but his head was huge. It resembled Timmy's from South Park.

Anyway one day everybody's waiting outside the science block waiting for lessons to start, when the foulest waft of putrid shit floated down the corridor.

One of the ''helpers'' went rushing into a classroom and there was huge head sitting with this smug look on his face.

She escorted him out and he waddled down the hallway with the biggest shit eating (hurr) grin on his face I've ever seen.

His helper just mumbled something about an accident as she ushered him quickly out of the building.

Shit was weird.
>> No. 33911
There is this one fat kid at my school who stalks girls, made death threats to the P.E. teacher, and once cried at school because he thought he would go to jail for those things. He also smells funny and writes crappy fanfiction.
>> No. 33912
>I remember this one guy at high school, who was indian and pretty strange.
Let me guess, name was Yasmin amirite?
>> No. 33913
Not really a lolcow, but my school had some pet autists that were funny.

One was a guy in my graduating class who was actually very polite. One day, I just finished getting a drink of water when he was walking by. He asked, "Do you have a roof rack on your vehicle?"
"No, I do-"
At this point, he started to lick the raised numbers and braille on a sign marking a classroom. I stared for a few seconds, and then he snapped back as though nothing had happened.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't need one."
"Oh, OK. Are you a junior or a senior?"
*Bell rings*
"Talk to you later," he said, as he walked away.

Interesting guy.
>> No. 33914
I think I've mentioned the one I knew before in one of these threads but I'll talk about him again. At my high school we had computers to type up essays and look up information about topics. In one of my English classes I had to sit next to a kid with a severe case of aspergers and every I typed something into google like "Who was the leader of Soviet Russia?" he'd flip his shit and yell "GOOGLE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND SENTENCES!". It was fucking terrifying sitting next to him.
>> No. 33915
You typed a sentince into Google?
Are you 70 years old?
>> No. 33916
That sounds pretty fucking funny.

I went to a private school in New Jersey, so no real autists per se despite everyone being a Jersey Shore-styled homosexual deviant (that part of the shore and that "guido" style has always been well-known).

My brother came in as a Freshman my graduating year, and there's an apparent legit autist in his class. He's pretty HFA though, just a bit off, y'know? I remember an acquaintance of mine constantly hanging around him as an "older brother" type figure. I guess the kid was bullied by a few people.
>> No. 33917
> every I typed something into google like "Who was the leader of Soviet Russia?" he'd flip his shit and yell "GOOGLE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND SENTENCES!"

But he's right, you dolt. It filters for keywords. Sentences are only useful for quotes or using the suggestions.
>> No. 33918
I know I've got some stories but all that really comes to mind was this kid named Nathan Grimes who had a lockered next to mine. Typical Chris-esque aspie kid. When we'd both happened to be at our lockers I'd ask him if he masturbated. He'd always make this weird face and walk away. After a few months of this I Agot called to the principal who said that Nathan informed him I was asking him about masturbation everyday and he was extremely angry, and was afraid of what he might do if I didn't stop, so to please kindly leav him alone.

Don't remember much else but I probably kept doing it. Hell, I don t even know why i sticks out for me, this was back in middle school and I'm 26 now. I just remember that I found it hilarious at that ageto hear my principal talk about jerking off.
>> No. 33919
>I'd ask him if he masturbated
Were you going to invite him over to a literal circlejerk?
>> No. 33920
So you're the irl lolcow in this story, right?
>> No. 33921
Actually laughed out loud at these two, funny shit.
>> No. 33922
Me 15 years ago, I guess.
>> No. 33923
I think I just said it one day to see what he said so I kept doing it once I saw he got offended. Not really sure, but zI'm sure I thought I was being HI-lariousm
>> No. 33924
About eight years ago, my two best friends and I met a girl who, after moving away for college had moved back to our town into her mother's house, and she became part of our friend group. She was 5'6" and probably around 300 pounds, not pretty at all, but she otherwise took care of herself (i.e. she believed in good hygiene and dressed decently) and seemed to be brimming with self-confidence, and at the time she was really fun and fun to be around. We often went out to clubs with her and, believe it or not, she didn't have a lot of trouble with guys. The guys she dated weren't super good looking or anything, but they weren't ugly either, and few were overweight - I guess confidence really works for anyone. Anyway, there was no indication from the outset of what was to come.

She was a car person, and by that I mean she was into a single particular make and model - in her case, the Toyota Corolla. She owned one, and she was obsessed with them. She belonged to a club for Corolla owners, and they would meet up bi-weekly. Sometimes she would ask one or all of us to attend the meetings with her, and we'd go - they were pretty boring, but you know, sometimes you do things you wouldn't do on your own because it's for a friend. There was a guy in the club, we'll call him "Carlos" for the purposes of this story, and she was very much into him. He was a very good looking Cuban guy and hot girls were constantly after him. From what I observed, there wasn't much indication that he even knew she existed beyond their club meetings. He barely spoke to her.

About six months into our friendship with her, she told us that she was moving back to her college town, which was about 50 miles away. It was pretty sudden, so when we asked her why, she told us it was because she had found a job at a resort there (she was a culinary major and hadn't been able to find steady work for some time). We had a going-away celebration for her and everything. We offered to help her move, but she said it wasn't necessary, and once she got settled in she'd invite us to her apartment for a weekend. Everything seemed up-and-up. A month passed, and we only heard from her sporadically. When she finally called us, she told us she had moved in with Carlos. We all found this to be really, really strange, as he never paid any attention to her. When further questioned, she said they had been dating secretly for a month before her move, but she hadn't told anyone because his divorce wasn't final (we weren't aware he was even married), but the day after his divorce was final, he married her. Lol wut? Bullshit stinks, so I told her we wanted to come see her, give her a wedding gift, etc. She kept finding reasons why we couldn't, putting us off, etc. A month after that, she called us to tell us she was pregnant, and they were adopting Carlos's niece too. She still found ways to refuse to let us come and visit, and we all knew why.

We hadn't been to her mother's house in two months since she didn't live there anymore, but we decided to pay her mom a visit. When we stopped by, her mother was really nice to us, and before we could even mention the other stuff, she said "I'm sorry, you just missed Derpina. She went to the store for me, but she'll be back soon." Also, our friend's stuff was still in the house. The plot thickens. We confronted her with this evidence, and she threw a fit, called us all horrible friends, and said that she was just visiting, didn't need to move her stuff because Carlos paid for everything for her, etc. She didn't contact us again for another month, and when she did, it was to say something along the lines of "I hope you're happy, I had a miscarriage and Carlos annulled our marriage." While the first compulsion was to laugh, we also realized this was a seriously ill girl. We printed out emails, screen shots of her online journal, etc., and took them to her mother to beg her to get her daughter help. She pretty much just shrugged at us and said "thanks, I'll look into it." Lovely.

A year after these events, my friend's younger brother randomly found a profile for her on Adult Friend Finder that was full of naked pics. She was even bigger and apparently fancied herself a BBW nude "model." We searched for her presence in other places online and, wouldn't you know it, we found a profile and posts that had definitely been written by her on Beast Forum. Apparently she was into bukkake and being fucked by rottweilers and Great Danes; she never expressed these interests to us, though.

Last we heard, which was three years ago, she had given birth to a surprisingly cute blonde-haired blue-eyed child, and was telling everyone she'd been a surrogate mother for a cousin. However, as anyone who knows anything about surrogacy is aware, they do not allow people who are not in excellent health to be a surrogate mother - and women as overweight as she is who are pregnant are ALWAYS high risk pregnancies. No idea who the dad could be, or why she would say the kid isn't really hers. But she obviously never got help for her bat shittery.
>> No. 33925
Yeah, you have to be careful about ever messing with some spergs. As annoying and completely irritating they can be, the hugbox will come down on you HARD for even minor shit. I remember messing with this one kid who kept fucking with me in sixth grade and his autist friend got scared and ratted me out to his handlers. Its better to deal with them then the school authorities though, they're not as interested in punishing you as ''educating'' you on why you shouldn't mess with spergs. It also helps that I was in Special Ed too and technically a sperg, so chalk that up to a black-on-black style incident.

Authorities don't mind it when we fuck with each other I suppose. To this day though, I'm never as afraid of the spergs as much as the hugbox. For every Chris, where his support structure is gone, there's another where any attempt to stop their homosexual deviantry will result in you being the bad guy.
>> No. 33926
File 133579968264.jpg - (84.57KB , 566x413 , why+_1af0a752003c0e50dff7c81fd216e047.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>She was 5'6" and probably around 300 pounds, not pretty at all, but she otherwise took care of herself (i.e. she believed in good hygiene and dressed decently) and seemed to be brimming with self-confidence, and at the time she was really fun and fun to be around. We often went out to clubs with her and, believe it or not, she didn't have a lot of trouble with guys. The guys she dated weren't super good looking or anything, but they weren't ugly either, and few were overweight - I guess confidence really works for anyone.

>>profile for her on Adult Friend Finder that was full of naked pics.
>>Apparently she was into bukkake and being fucked by rottweilers and Great Danes

Why boner.
>> No. 33927
>>profile for her on Adult Friend Finder that was full of naked pics.
>>Apparently she was into bukkake and being fucked by rottweilers and Great Danes

Totally not a boner killer, there.

Unless you're a furfag AND a zoophile.
>> No. 33928
>> No. 33929
I grew up with a kid named Aaron. Little skinny froggish looking guy with thin greasy black hair and a bizarre skeleton like figure.

-Ate his snot constantly all the time, every time.

-Was obsessed with WWII and drew swastikas on his notepad nonstop. One of the most priceless moments is when for a secret santa gift he gave the only jew in our class a huge ass swastika made out of clay. A fight instantly broke out in the class room and it was pretty funny to watch.

- His mother was like the nicest woman in the world. I remember one day we were invited to his birthday party as kids and the whole time at the party all he did was yell at his mom for being the room with us, haha. I rarely came over to his place but regardless of when I went he would always be screaming at his mom for ruining something or another. His mom was great though, she was really friendly, baked all the time, and gave the kids money to do whatever.

-He was caught jacking off in class once and ate paper. He also had a odd thing as a kid where he would love to play the Hugo (An old PC adventure series) all day and scream at the computer in mass hysterics because he could "NEVER WIN THE GAME!"

Not sure what he is up to anymore after I moved away, but last I heard he was working as an auto-mechanic in a horrible relationship with some fat woman in the desert.
>> No. 33930
Neither, it's the dichotomy that got a little tingle for some reason.

Here's a girl who by description is terribly unattractive, but has a high enough amount of confidence that she has little trouble finding partners. That would tend to mean her personality makes her attractive.

And then she wants to be bukkake'd and fuck dogs, suggesting low standards, desperation, and a desire for degradation and humiliation.

I don't know, seems like a contradiction to me, and for some reason that makes me curious.
>> No. 33931
I knew a kid who would always shit on the bathroom floor next to the toilet in school because he said he was scared of the flushing sound.
>> No. 33932
Oh god, Hugo. I remember that shit. Awful. They were made by just this one guy, who apparently makes e-puzzles now. I remember being about 9 or 10 years old, and typing "get pussy" when some female character was on the scren. The game replied "it ain't christmas yet".

Also fucking lol at clay swaztika. You mean a literal fist fight broke out? Who won?
>> No. 33934
The Jewish kid pretty much kicked the shit out of him. It was quick, but the ending was awkward as hell. After it was all over, Aaron was crying because "he thought it was a great gift that would remind him of his heritage."
>> No. 33935
Different Rika, but this is making me laugh. HARD.

Was he like just a plain old dick, or did he really think it was a good idea to give him a swastika as a present?
>> No. 33936
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My sides
>> No. 33937

OP of "fat girl with bestiality bukkake fetish lolcow" here. The online profiles where she had posted a gallery of nudes and the Beast Forum posts where she expressed interest in those fetishes (can you call bestiality a fetish? I'm more inclined to call it a sickness) were posted after she had what I can only imagine was some kind of a psychotic break. We have no idea what event caused her to tell the lies she told and to begin degrading herself in such a way, as I'm sure you can guess talking to her and her mother got us nowhere, but whatever it was, it was obviously psychologically devastating. She was just a completely different person, you could tell it in the way she spoke and in her demeanor.

Hope that helps shed some light.
>> No. 33938
I know a girl in her mid twenties who will not shut the fuck up about Transformers. When I first met her years ago it barely seemed to get mentioned, but now its all she talks about. She won't shut the fuck up about her original characters donut steal. Every time I see her I get an earfull of X robot fucking Y robot or some bullshit. She's worse than the cheese conies.

Not really a lolcow, just an example of fandom bullshit. There's a lot of it round my area.
>> No. 33939
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>> No. 33940

That actually sounds more sad than anything else. She must have had some kind of mental snap, maybe the onset of schizophrenia or something? I hope she ends up getting some help :(
>> No. 33941
It doesn't necessary mean it's that much of a contradiction, if a woman has so low self esteem she is willing to sleep with nearly anyone it doesn't mean she has a great personality but many guys will be happy to get easy sex.
>> No. 33942
Linksplz? You know, for research purposes.
>> No. 33943

What! I also knew someone like that. He was 9...One day in 5th grade kid got his foot stuck in a toilet too. Little weirdo.
>> No. 33944
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In school I had a friend Named Braiden Mckee who is 19, slim, 5.9 and a quater chinese, that:
- Has a mom, Kylie who is slim and half chinese
had not treated braiden well ever since has was he was born and found to have autism,
stiring him up with by teasing him with her boobs,
hates chinese people despite her mother being chinese,
spoiled her daughter just to stir braiden up,
married and divorved the guy below,
- Has a dad who is a manwhore drug addict
has fathered over 100 children,
trying to douge US customs,
delousions of being a rockstar,
fled austalia because of the people he owes debt,
- Has a half sister and brother each have different fathers
- obbsesess over girl named kelly "jade" peden
Braiden told kelly that he wants to have sex with her, with moms advice, she rejected
kelly's family has lived in town 3 generations
got put into rubbish bins because her link with braiden
- told me that he wants to fuck a cat to make furry cat people
- got him into dickgirls by showing him linetrap to stir him up
- got put in miltuple foster care homes
- aspire to create his own multimedia empire
- believed in 2008 that the LHC was going suck up the world
- believed in 2012 that the worlds going end
>> No. 33945
his facebook
>> No. 33946

>> No. 33947

Are you clinically retarded?
>> No. 33948
Personal army we are not, also da fuq?
>> No. 33949
File 133589786236.jpg - (111.35KB , 900x893 , Bob-Marley-Stir-It-Up-Cover-Version-by-ThreePeace.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cool lolcow, mon.
>> No. 33950
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One of the lulzy people I have ever known was classmate of mine called B.J. Not a great nick name, as far as those things are concerned, but he insisted on it because he couldn’t actually pronounce his own name. Even in twelfth grade, he was still calling himself “Bwenden” because he couldn’t say his “R’s”. I first met B.J when we were in 5th grade. My school system was quite large, and consisted of several elementary schools feeding into two middle schools and finally one high school. I went to a different school than him for 5th grade, but he was a student in the class that my mother taught, so I ended up having a lot of contact with him.

It’s actually kind of a sad story, B.J probably would have been completely normal if it weren’t for his batshit insane father. On the first day of school B.J’s dad walked into the classroom and immediately began ripping down posters that he felt were distracting because “B.J was often upset by bright colors and loud sounds”. Posters, as you all well know because you are not completely retarded, do not make sound and bright colors are not frightening. Maybe, maybe you could justify rearranging a classroom to suit a child’s needs if the student had autism or some sort of visual processing disorder, but B.J was completely fine.

B.J’s father had also convinced him that he was a genius. He wouldn’t allow the kid to go to speech therapy even though he desperately needed it. He insisted that B.J be put in the gifted and talented program even though B.J was pretty below average in all subjects except reading. He couldn’t really handle the extra work load and it did hurt him academically.
One day my mom was supervising the students in the school library when she noticed B.J writing in one of the books. It was a picture book biography of Albert Einstein. In the 2 glossy blank pages at the end of the book, B.J had written, “Brendan (last name) is considered by most to be the next Albert Einstein. He began displaying genius as soon as he was born and has the highest intelligence of anyone ever recorded. Look for books about Brendan at the next (The school’s name) book fair”

For his next book report, he wrote something titled, “Brendan (last name): The next Albert Einstein. By B.J (last name).” He did a book report on a biography about himself that didn’t exist. My mother didn’t quite know what to do, so she had him evaluated by the school shrink. The kid obliviously needed serious help but his father refused to acknowledge that anything was wrong. In fact, he wanted to sue the school for suggesting that his child might need psychological help.

Shortly after that, B.J started turning homework and quizzes with the moniker, “B.J a.k.a The Next Albert Einstein”. The whole situation came to a head when my mom wanted to show a movie to the class around Martin Luther King Jr. day. But B.J wouldn’t have it. He raised his hand and said, “I do not want to see this movie. I would like to watch the hobbit. The movie is available in the school libwawee. I will watch the class while you go went it.” My mom told him in the nicest, teachery-est way possible to shut the fuck up and deal with it. B.J screamed at the top of his lungs and tried to throw his desk at her. Being a chubby weakling, he only managed to knock it over on another kid’s foot. This kid, who later turned out to be pretty awesome, had had enough of B.J’s shit and punched him in the eye. Both kids got in trouble but B.J actually got suspended for the rest of the year.

The only other childhood story that I know about B.J is when he moved house in 8th grade. His mom took him to a church closer to their new neighborhood and then second they walked through the door he screamed “GOD DOES NOT LIVE HEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” .
>> No. 33951
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>>206932 here's some more. sorry for the tl;dr

I didn’t see B.J again till high school but by then he had developed a reputation for being a complete psycho. His dad had gotten arrested for shitting in the toy isle in a Kmart, so B.J was living with his equally crazy mother. B.J was in my English class for 11th grade.
Here’s really where things get interesting. For some odd reason my English class had 16 girls in it and only 2 boys. Immediately, 7 kids dropped the class because it was an A.P writing class that conflicted with a different A.P science class. After the mini exodus, B.J remained the only male and seemed to be quite pleased about this.
For our first assignment we had a write a short creative piece on whatever subject we liked. B.J. instantly raised his hand and said in this strangely melodic voice, “Yes, and awe we going to be leawning to white ewwotica or pownogwaaphic fiction?”
The poor teacher looked like she was going to shit a brick. “This is a high school English class.” She reminded him. “Ohh I weally want to white ewwotic fiction” He looked genuinely sad.

After about ten minutes of chewing loudly on his pencil he made a loud whining noise and withdrew his head into his sweatshirt. His arms followed and he pulled the fabric over his knees. He made this little egg pose whenever the teacher asked him to complete an in class assignment or turn in homework. He never spoke or moved like this, no matter what anyone did. It was really really strange.

The in addition to formal academic assignments (of which B.J failed to complete even one), the teacher had us spend each Friday reading our own creative pieces and receiving criticism from our classmates. B.J spent each and every class writing furiously in a marble notebook until the bell rang. Finally at the end of the week we would all be treated to the fruits of his labors. That first Friday I honestly had no idea what to expect. He opened up his marble notebook and said, “I know girls don’t play video games but do any of you know what the Wowuld of Wawwcwaft is?” I couldn’t help it. I had to giggle, just a little bit. He glared at me and explained that he had written a WoW fanfic based on real life people and what they would be like if they were WoW characters. Apparently B.J had developed a serious crush on one of the really hot girls in our class, named Danielle. Dani was cast the heroic Prince Bwenden’s strong, sexy, dark elf companion who was madly in love with him but he was too noble to be tempted by her advances. He read the story in this funny fake deep voice, with lots of embellishes and sound effects. He was so into it, he didn’t notice that the class was shaking with laughter. At the end of the chapter he slammed the book down and retreated into his egg pose.

It was like that every Friday. The teacher had him purposefully go last so that everyone could storm out as soon as the bell rang so that we could hide our laughter. Meanwhile, B.J was beginning to make the moves Dani. Dani was a nice girl, definitely beautiful and she did not like being a part of B.J’s creepy tale. He started leaving her facebook messages that at first were pretty tame, things like “how did you like my story?” “How are you today?” “What is your cat’s name?”. Dani always responded politely and we thought that was that. He sent her a few amorous messages, my favorite being one about how she could depend on him to be a nice guy because he read Chicken Soup for the soul books.

Things took a turn for the weird when the fanfic version of Dani got the valiant prince Bwenden drunk and tried to seduce him. B.J embellished the story with a lot of sound effects, a cringe- inducing falsetto voice for Dani. The teacher finally asked him to stop as dark elf Dani began rubbing her wet tits on valiant prince Bwendens lips. B.J whined and protested and eventually retreated into his egg pose. After class I heard her comforting actual Dani and told her that she contacted the school psychologist about B.J.

But of course the fun didn’t stop there. The teacher naturally banned him from continuing his story if it was going to contain sexually explicated material, especially if it involved actual students. The next Friday he was so angry, he was taking long exaggerated breaths and kept his hood up over. I imagine that he though he looked pretty cool. When it came time for him to present, he stood up and started playing the air guitar. He then howled, what I suppose he though was some sort of Death metal song, but was just another opportunity for us to hear what Elmer Fudd would have sounded like had he done meth. People in other classrooms thought that someone was hurt so they came running. It was pretty hilarious.

A few weeks later Dani presented a story in which she recounted a memory about the day she peed herself after being hit in the crotch with a volley ball. Everyone was giggling and having a good time until B.J jumped up and strolled over to the door. He made no attempt to conceal his quite pronounced boner. We burst out laughing. “It’s not funny.” He said. “I can’t help it. This is natuwal.” He wasn’t embarrassed at all. The most I could say is that he was irritated that we were…laughing at his boner. He excused himself to the bathroom, which brought more shrieks of laughter.

Pretty soon after the teacher had him kicked out of the class, which was probably the right thing to do but robbed of my glorious lulz. The only other thing I know about him is that he asked a lunch lady to prom and she refused him.
>> No. 33952

if that guy's a quarter chinese I'm the fucking tooth fairy
>> No. 33953
That sounds like someone I know.
That wasn't in a Tennessee school was it?
>> No. 33954

Nope, different state.
>> No. 33955

Oh man we gotta have your story too~
>> No. 33956

Oh yeah! I totally agree! Another B.J....
>> No. 33957

Oh man! I totally forgot. He was also really obsessed with being Catholic and went to this church group every week. He told everyone their that Dani was his girlfriend. He told them that they were going through a rough patch and to pray for her.

Even the priest was like, "You don't have a girlfriend!"
>> No. 33958
There was some guy called BJ in my middle school who was a creepy motherfucker.
A few things I remember him doing were writing self insert stories of Harry Potter involving him and some of our classmates and being obsessed with Michael Jackson.
You could ask him any question about Michael Jackson, and he would be able to answer it off the top off my head.
I have no idea what happened to him though.
>> No. 33959

So I guess the lesson here is don't give your kid a name like B.J!
>> No. 33960
I've posted a bunch of stuff in the other threads, right now the only new semi-lolcow (more just a funny kind of incident) i can think of off the top of my head was this games teacher I used to have (eurofag school, mandatory sports erry day). She was really, REALLY fat and would always scream at us for not running fast enough in warmups etc even though she'd never move a muscle herself (due to fat). If anyone didn't immediately do what she said, she'd burst into tears (this is a ~40 y/o woman teaching 7-12 y/o girls). Anyway, one day in netball (I know, I know) she was doing a toss-up, which consists of throwing a ball up between two girls on opposite teams and have each try to catch it first, for when you can't decide who should take a penalty. Anyway, she threw it up, didn't manage to stop her hand and whacked herself so hard in the face she broke her own nose. She immediately burst into tears, screamed "WHY ARE YOU ALL OUT TO GET ME" (remember, this is a grown woman teaching preteens) and waddle-ran off back to the school building. She quit the day after and never taught us again.
>> No. 33961
reminds me of JustinRPG. pokemon lovers.
>> No. 33962
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>His dad had gotten arrested for shitting in the toy isle in a Kmart
>His dad had gotten arrested for shitting in the toy isle in a Kmart
>His dad had gotten arrested for shitting in the toy isle in a Kmart
>> No. 33963
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>but was just another opportunity for us to hear what Elmer Fudd would have sounded like had he done meth
>> No. 33964

It's eight years ago we're talkin'. The profiles are, to my knowledge, gone. I don't want to put her name or screen names out here anyway, she's got enough mental anguish.
>> No. 33965

Please tell me you have more stories about BJ. I'm absolutely fascinated.
>> No. 33967
http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Esachasa or http://encyclopediadramatica.se/Poeticirony ?
>> No. 33968

The first one seems more in line with the story we got.
>> No. 33969

I do. His little brother was just as bad. I'll make another long post later
>> No. 33970
I can't wait for the saga of Bwendan Juniow.
>> No. 33971

Thank you. I just finished reading your posts to my husband, and he's still laughing.

Also, do you think you might elaborate on his father taking a shit in the toy aisle at K-Mart? Because that sounds like a story in and of itself.
>> No. 33972
I hate it when people on /cwc/ have loved ones.
>> No. 33973

Sorry. I naturally assumed most people on /cwc/ had loved ones.
>> No. 33974
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Some people wanted to know about B.J’s brother so here goes. I don’t know as much about B.J’s father but my brother apparently does. I will ask him about the Kmart shit incident!

Alec was a bit younger than me so I never interacted with him much. However he too was in my mother’s class and was in a few of my sister’s classes. Alec was a lot like his brother except he was much fatter and not even his father could pretend he was smart. I ended up sitting next to him during the district science fair. Every student in the district had a chance to compete, so it was a huge event. The Next Albert Einstein aka Bwenden, was not selected as a finalist and was having a tantrum off to the side. We were all sitting quietly waiting for the superintendent to announce the winner when all of a suddenly Alec let out a fart like a gunshot. The smell was gag inducing. All the kids around him got up and ran, laughing and screaming. Alone in the center of the room, Alec raised his hand and announced “Sorry I farted”. To this day, that phrase is sort of an in-joke among the people in my town.

In 6th grade, Alec became obsessed with the movie Dinosaur. On the Friday before Christmas break, his math class was going nuts with excitement. The math teacher was having trouble lining them up for dismissal and they were in danger of missing the bus. Alec tugged on her sleeve and asked, “Can I help silence the class with my dinosaur sound?”. Then, Alec bellowed “UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGUUUUUUUKKKKKKKKKKK” . The other students were speechless.

Another great Alec moment was right after September 11th. The town had a little memorial event (because we were so close to the city a lot of locals died in the attack) and all the children from his class presented little peace poems. His poem not only blamed Gannodorf for 9/11 but also suggested that he be allowed to patrol the streets at night with a “machine- laser gun” that instead of killing terrorists would make them into poops.
>> No. 33975
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More fun with Alec!

Alec and I were also in the same drivers ed car. Now, Alec had some sort of problem with his eyes where he only had peripheral vision. I believe that this sort of condition is easily (well easily but painfully) corrected by surgery, but his parents refused to admit that their little cherub was less than perfect. His eyesight did seriously impair his driving, because he couldn’t see anything to the right or left of him. Many a guard rail was assaulted by Alec’s spastic driving.
Anyway, the driving lessons were pretty normal on the first few sessions. The only problem at first was that Alec was so fat that not all the driving students could fit in the backseat of the car. His enormous girth made it hard for him to breath I guess, so he constantly sounded like he was wheezing. It made the car fog up, but he freaked out at the very suggestion of opening a window. He was so sweaty
and it was so tight in that backseat. I was constantly squished up against his salty sweaty body as he took his raspy darth vador breathes. Eventually we had to kick out a boy called Erik because there simply wasn’t enough room.

He was such an awful driver. He jerked the car around, forgot safety rules, but every student driver is allowed a few mistakes. However, his failure to distinguish right from left quickly became a problem. One morning Alec was jerking us through a quiet suburban neighborhood just a few blocks from the high school.

The driving teacher instructed him to turn right when he came a yield sign about twenty feet away. Alec however, decided to turn left immediately into someone’s front yard. He plowed over a plastic birdbath before the driving instructed managed to step on the breaks (the car had a duel break system). My head slammed into the seat in front of me, and I heard the other passengers moan in semi-pain before the swearing started. The instructor, a delightfully crazy Albanian man, was so enraged I think he actually forgot how to speak English. He shouted an incomprehensible flurry of wrath while miming strangulation to Alec. Alec started blubbering “I didn’t do it! I DIDN’T DOOOO IT”.
“Well who else did it you, dumb fuck?” snapped another passenger form the backseat.
In response Alec made a noise that was eerily reminiscent of his dinosaur bellow from so many years ago. Only this time it was broken by the occasional terrified sob. “UuuKah! UuuKah!UUUUuuKAHUUUuuKah!” And like the dinosaur bellow, it had the same silencing effect.
“Ok.” Said the driving instructor, “Students, get out of car. No one has seen. We fix bath. Ok ?”

No one moved. “Now! Fix bath!” I saw the anger rising in him again so I quickly scrambled out of the car with the other passengers. The bird bath had broken into two pieces, but I could see that it actually was fixable. All we had to do was balance it just right, and no one would ever have to find out. We pulled the bath out from under the car, and after a few minutes of careful adjustment and Albanian swear words, the bird bath was restored.

We re-entered the car. Alec got back behind the wheel and just as our crazy Albanian was saying, “Reversing the car now. Go slow” Alec slammed on the gas petal and lurched us forward into the bird bath once again. My head met the seat in front of me once again, but much harder this time. The driving instructor had exploded once more into fits of Albanian rage. He leaped out of the car and we followed suit. The bird bath was utterly destroyed. We stood around the carnage in silence. Alec bent down pick up one of the largest pieces of plaster. I suppose he thought he would just reconstruct the dozens of tiny pieces and be done with it. “You stop! Idiot boy! Retard! Get in car, all you. I drive home,” shouted the instructor.

“But it’s my turn!” whined Alec.
“Shut up! No talk! Anyone!” The instructor held open the passenger seat door. Alec and the other student got in but he stopped me. “You are shotgun” In all the confusion I didn’t immediately associate that phrase with car seating and for a split second I thought he meant for me to shoot Alec. I got into the car while Alec moaned, “It’s not faaair! He’s taking my turnnnn! He’s taking it! Uuuuuuuuuuuuguk!”
“No talk! Shut up! Shut up!”

After that, Alec was banned from drivers Ed and Erik rejoined the car. I’ve driving past the bird bath house since. The bath is now gone and has never been replaced. I don’t think the bath owner’s ever figured out what happened that day. To my knowledge neither Alec nor B.J has ever gotten their drivers license.
>> No. 33976
>His poem not only blamed Gannodorf for 9/11
I laughed more than I should have at that
>> No. 33977
>His poem not only blamed Gannodorf for 9/11
Spoilers for the next game

But really his brother sounds like a way bigger retard, I don't know why you didn't talk about him first.
>> No. 33978

Because I thought that the B.J stories would pale in comparison. I planned on posting both. I have more if people are still interesting.
>> No. 33979

interested, I mean.
>> No. 33980
Oh we're very interested. These are great.
>> No. 33981
File 133598130281.gif - (1.88MB , 190x139 , 1335964020606.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are full on sperging. Calm down. It's almost as if you had a grudge or something.
>> No. 33982

ok. I'll work on another long post. I'll call my brother to see about the Kmart poop incident.
>> No. 33983
>Kmart poop incident.

No idea what you gentlemen are doing in this thread, don't care. I will now be actively avoiding it at all costs. Good day.
>> No. 33984
>> No. 33985
File 133598381371.png - (185.54KB , 226x376 , 1328595872115.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>He sent her a few amorous messages, my favorite being one about how she could depend on him to be a nice guy because he read Chicken Soup for the soul books.
>> No. 33986

>His poem not only blamed Gannodorf for 9/11 but also suggested that he be allowed to patrol the streets at night with a “machine- laser gun” that instead of killing terrorists would make them into poops.
>> No. 33987
File 133598482351.jpg - (70.93KB , 500x369 , nazi-donald--large-msg-118659972175.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>His poem not only blamed Gannodorf for 9/11 but also suggested that he be allowed to patrol the streets at night with a “machine- laser gun” that instead of killing terrorists would make them into poops.
>> No. 33988
More please. This is hilarious.

Judging from the makeup of the classroom, you sound female, did either of them try to hit on you? Do you have any more stories of failed romance aside from the Dani story?
>> No. 33989

Americans have trouble driving cars. Really? You don't even have manuals.
>> No. 33990

did you seriously need a manual just to drive to that 14 years old's house?
>> No. 33991
You mean fat retards have trouble driving cars

inb4 that's the same thing hurrdurr
>> No. 33992
Yyyyyesssssss, more Awec and Bwendan.
>> No. 33993
But we do have manuals. They're just a lot fewer in numbers now.

There isn't even a point to driving a manual anymore, you get the same gas mileage and speed, if not better, with automatics now.

The only reason anyone would buy a manual here would be if you were buying a sports car, and only to have that little extra "cool" factor by overdramatically shifting gears in a race.
>> No. 33994
File 133598648576.jpg - (130.56KB , 1000x1024 , 1333952776851.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>you sound female, did either of them try to hit on you? Do you have any more stories of failed romance
Chris? That you?
>> No. 33995
Where do you live?
Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Staten/Long island, etc?
>> No. 33996
Okay, you made my day. Thank you
>> No. 33997
>> No. 33998
I was just pointing out that, from fucking nowhere, instantly accusing someone of being female and having failed romances, and then asking for them in detail is a little, uh, off to say the least.
>> No. 33999
I think you need to learn how to reading comprehension or how to read the whole sentence.

Clearly we're talking about BJ and his brother's attempts at failed romance.
>> No. 34000
That kid sounds embaraassing, especially Einstein
>> No. 34001
Not anyone in this conversation so far, but prefacing that by asking if the poster's a female makes one inclined to believe he means to ask about B.J.'s relationship with the poster.

Who is presumably male, btw.
>> No. 34002
>> A few weeks later Dani presented a story in which she recounted a memory about the day she peed herself after being hit in the crotch with a volleyball. Everyone wasgiggling and having a good time until B.J jumpedup and strolled over to the door. He made no attempt to conceal his quite pronounced boner. We burst out laughing. “It’s not funny.” He said. “I can’t help it. Thisis natuwal.” He wasn’t embarrassed at all. The most I could say is that he was irritated that we were…laughing at his boner. He excused himself to the bathroom, which brought more shrieks of laughter.

Sounds like a girl too me
>> No. 34003
>For some odd reason my English class had 16 girls in it and only 2 boys. Immediately, 7 kids dropped the class because it was an A.P writing class that conflicted with a different A.P science class. After the mini exodus, B.J remained the only male and seemed to be quite pleased about this.
>> No. 34004
Disregard that last part. After rereading the post, I've determined that the poster is most likely female.
>> No. 34005
>“It’s not faaair! He’s taking my turnnnn! He’s taking it! Uuuuuuuuuuuuguk!”

Either he's talking about the instructor or the author taking his turn. It's kind of unclear, but it seems like a kind of weird thing for a kid to accuse of the INSTRUCTOR.

Why do you guys even need driving lessons? Your cars are like bumper cars.
>> No. 34006

>Implying I didn't turn in to a bat and fly there.

Bitch, please.
>> No. 34007

"nwa real rap F*** tha newskool- kids these days think soulja joke iz hard- hes wannabe psychflow iz called dumb flow" on NWA's timeline.
>> No. 34008
Oh great, here comes
"Yuropoors v.s. Murrikunts" round 445683646273841238284.
>> No. 34009
>it seems like a kind of weird thing for a kid to accuse of the INSTRUCTOR.

That's what makes it so humorous. The author was riding shotgun, not driving.
>> No. 34010
Hi kid-from-story-Log!
>> No. 34011
Hey Homor.
>> No. 34012

yeah I'm a girl, and neither of them really liked me too much because they associated me with my mom, their former teacher. So neither of them ever hit on me. I do have some stories of other girls they hit on. I'll post them later, I have to go to work. Glad you guys like the stories!
>> No. 34013
Bwenden and Alec are comedy GOLD. More please, Rika.

Were they seriously not retarded or autistic or anything?
>> No. 34014
So there was this autistic kid in my high school who would rarely talk, and when he did he would say "um" and "yeah" every other word. He would also fidget much more than most kids and slowly stroke inanimate objects. More notably, however, would jack off in class on a regular basis- well, regular enough that everyone was always talking about his latest exploits, but not often enough that I ever saw him in the act... that is, until one fateful night.

Kids, parents and teachers were split up into groups of 20-30 people to discuss different class trips. I was sitting on the side of the table opposite him, and his hands were under the table so it was a few minutes before I really understood what was going on. I just thought, "Oh, he's fidgeting so much, his poor parents must be embarrassed." (Forgot to mention, but he was sitting *right* between his parents.) I thought "Man, he's stimming so bad. It's really distracting. Why does he have to be so autistic?"

Then, his face turned bright red and clenched up, and I noticed his right arm moving rapidly. It dawned on me what was going on just as I saw his O-face. He leaned back and though I couldn't hear him over the teacher, (who was still planning out what restaurants we'd have access to on the trip and talking to us as if nothing was amiss) but he seemed to be moaning a little. I thought, "no, this can't be real. There's no way this is happening in real life." Yet, there it was before my eyes: he came, his left ass cheek inches from his father's right ass cheek, and his right ass cheek inches from his mother's left ass cheek. They stared straight ahead, smiling and holding perfectly still.

I have other stories about him but I am super distracted right now
>> No. 34015

These BJ and Alec stories are gold. Fucking gold.
>> No. 34016
File 133602780441.gif - (23.29KB , 380x319 , Zelda NES- Link.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love these threads. This one in particular had me rolling on the floor.


I'm a tester for a video game publisher and I've worked there for about 6 months now. The pay's ass and the work's monotonous but the people I work with for the most part are awesome.

Now there have been quite a few lolcows who have come and gone from QA but two of them in my opinion were legendary. Here's my contribution to the thread:

The first one was a 30 something year old manchild we all called Link when he wasn't in earshot. This was because on his first day of work he wore a Link hat that his mother made for him and because of the fact that he shared his first name with our boss. He was about six feet tall, fat and had a skin condition where there's a massive red blotch covering the lower half of his face and reached his neck. We weren't sure what was wrong with him but something definitely wasn't right upstairs. He had a tendency to stare at people from across rooms and *never* let someone go when he's having a conversation with them. I'll start with Link because he's the one I know less about. One of his first office interactions was with a coworker named Jason.

Jason was playing Gears of War 2 on his lunch break when Link appeared just outside his cubicle and the following exchange happened.

LINK: Oh, are you testing that game?
JASON: No. This is just for fun.
*LINK nods and points at the xbox*
LINK: Does that thing play DVDs?
JASON (incredulously): Uh... yeah?

At this moment, Link got a real smug look on his face and goes "I got the DVDs" in a confident tone.
Jason, who is completely bewildered now, goes "What DVDs?"
To which Link replied "Trigun"
Link then walked away.

"I got the DVDs" has been a mainstay office in-joke since then.

A lot of people at the office like to bring their consoles to work to play during breaks but Link went out to best buy one lunch hour and bought another ps3 just to play with at work. My boss was in a cubicle across from him and told us later after he got fired how he played like a minute or two of each game he brought before immediately swapping in another one, going through like nine or ten games in an hour-long period.

One weekend we were working overtime and I was in a temporary cubicle within sight of Link. During lunch, I heard Link talking alone and I looked in and saw him going through each cutscene in Devil May Cry 4 and posing with a foam sword and screenquoting all of Dante's lines and matching dante's gestures on the screen. It was truly a memorable sight.

Miscellaneous things Link's done:

-Closed his 3ds during work hours and laid back for a while. A producer walked over and asked what he was doing. Link said he was resting his eyes because the warning in the disclaimer told him to do so every hour. Needless to say, he was yelled at.

-Claimed to be a huge Legend of Zelda fan but was observed using a paperback strategy guide to get through Ocarina on 3ds.

-Stormed off when his favorite games are insulted, like when one of my coworkers sarcastically said "Darksiders is the best Zelda game in years!"

All in all he was a tolerable guy to work with. He just said and did the dumbest shit on occasion. This next guy though is a REAL headdesk...
>> No. 34017
File 133603012491.jpg - (139.24KB , 800x579 , wellingtons33rd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This next guy stayed with us for much longer, but I don't think anyone liked him at all. His mother knew the owners of the company and was pretty much given his testing job for free.

This guy, let's call him "Les" had aspergers. On the surface he seemed normal and well-adjusted but the creepiness and awkwardness grew deeper and deeper the longer I knew him.

Les was a huge, huge supporter of the British side of the Revolutionary War and took every single opportunity to shoehorn this subject into every conversation ever. He was very well-read and knew what he was talking about, but no one wanted to hear what he had to say about 95% of the time.

He was so incredibly polite that it got annoying as hell after a while. He bowed to women, called people "Mr. (Last name here), sir!" instead of their first names.

One good example of this annoying politeness was one time when my coworker said to me "Hey, wanna hear something funny?"
Les happened to be within earshot so he walked up and said "Oh, may I listen?"

This politeness belies his super-sensitivity to absolutely fucking everything. Me and some coworkers once made fun of his love of the redcoats by saying that we loved the Mel Gibson movie "The Patriot" and claimed confidently that it was so historically accurate.
This incredibly mild trolling sent him into a sulky surly singularity of loathing mode for the next week or so. Scores of self-pitying facebook posts would follow until he confronted each of us through facebook chat. One had to constantly walk on eggshells around Les.

Les would jump up and down when he got excited and gesture dramatically during conversations like it was a shakespeare play. This spasticness got him in some trouble, like when he was playing a game one time and tossed a coffee cup into the air and onto his cube neighbor when he got excited.

He would facebook message everyone almost daily and it got to a point where we all just switched our profiles over to invisible just because of this one guy.
I'm not sure how he got diagnosed with aspergers, though. Les was a complete and total master of laying guilt into people and getting them to do what he wants. His understanding of social cues was acute, and he used them to his advantage.

Les used this guilt over me and two other coworkers to give him a ride home every day (when asked about why he didn't drive, he responded with "Oh, I'm TERRIFIED at being behind the wheel"). It got to a point where it was like a game. Me and the other two guys towards the end of the workday tried to avoid Les at all costs so as to not be the one going out of his way to drive him home that day.

Sure you can say you're busy or have some excuse at first. But then he gets on your case when he thinks you're avoiding him. God, I hated dealing with that shit.

Les quit when he just couldn't deal with the jokey sometimes-mean-spirited nature of office talk. The boss didn't like him because he didn't write up any real bugs in the database and was caught sleeping in the middle of the hallway like a bum. Some coworkers were freaked out by him.

I could go on and on about Les, but I'll cut it off here. Sorry if this was boring compared to the Alec and BJ stories, but these stories are what they are.
>> No. 34018
In the 5th grade spelling bee my friend Adam was on stage and was told to spell paste. Adam was a chunky guy with glasses and a speech impediment but he was a nice enough fellow. Anyways, he proceeded to spell paste as "P-A-S-T"

Everyone knew he spelled it wrong, but then out of nowhere this kid who was like borderline mentally retarded and talked like Chris Chan screamed out "It's spelled P-A-S-T-E, you dummy"

At first the entire auditorium burst out with laughter and then the air was sucked out of it after everyone realized how embarrassing it was.
>> No. 34019
I like how this thread started out dumb, turned racist and retarded, then swerved into creative fiction. What's next?
>> No. 34020
Mine really happened. It was so funny that it has stuck with ever since lol
>> No. 34021

Not sure I care if it's creative fiction. These last few stories have been fucking hilarious.
>> No. 34022
Ihave zpergos and I useguilt to my advantage
>> No. 34023

Keep going if you want.
>> No. 34024
> I'm a tester for a video game publisher

If you've worked at Activision, I think it would make us Eskimo brothers.
>> No. 34025
File 133605913980.jpg - (10.64KB , 180x212 , bj.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As I’ve mentioned before, both B.J and Alec had my mother for a teacher. For Christmas, B.J got my mom a broken Christmas ordainment from the dollar store and hand drawn Christmas card that featured the titanic hitting an iceberg. It was signed “Merry Christmas form B.J, the next Albert Einstein. P.S you are always wrong and Albert Einstein is not Jewish.” Alec gave my mom vegan bubble bath that smelled like urine.

Oh yes! B.J’s science fair project! As the next Albert Einstein, B.J was naturally gifted in science. His brilliant idea for a science fair project was to do a controlled study of the final battle of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time using two different controllers. In theory, it was actually a pretty legitimate experiment for a 9 year old because he was comparing the performance of a non-Nintendo controller with a different layout against the class N64 controller. However, in true Bwenden fashion, he managed to make a complete ass of himself. At first the teacher’s vetoed his experiment because it didn’t involve enough actual science and would be a bitch to set up. He threw a tantrum of epic proportions and his father threatened to sue. The school didn’t have an available T.V set for him to use because all the high school-ers had already claimed them for experiments that required a video to be shown. His father actually hauled this massive, massive 90’s style big screen T.V. into the school gymnasium. It required him to rent a pick-up truck and everything. They also had these gigantic speakers set up, it was absolutely deafening in there. I might actually have some pictures of it because my project was located pretty close to it. Anyway, during B.J’s big presentation, he ended up losing one of his battles. He threw his controller across the room, knocking over another kid’s project. She was only 7, so she immediately burst into big loud sobs. B.J kicked his T.V set and started screaming. He wanted to re-do the battle, but the teachers had had about enough B.J nonsense for one day. To my knowledge he is the only elementary school kid to ever be kicked out of the science fair.

Alec’s project was a landfill. He filled an old fish tank with dirt and put a bunch of garbage in it. It smelled like ass because he put cheese, yogurt and milk in it. There was also a naked Barbie doll floating around the hellish filth. My 9 year old heart broke for her.

B.J and Alec’s dad did get arrested for taking a dump in the toy isle of a Kmart. According to my brother, and I don’t know how accurate this is, the dad was shopping around when all of a sudden the feeling hit him. Rather than go to the bathroom like literally any other human, he choose to crap himself right in the middle of the store. And then- this is the part I really have trouble believing- he reached his hand into his pants and started smearing shit on one of the toys. People noticed immediately and called the police. They didn’t arrest him at the store, apparently a bit of detective work was involved. I really, really feel sorry for that crime lab, if that is indeed what happened.

this is a pic of B.J. I don't have one of Alec.
>> No. 34026
>His brilliant idea for a science fair project was to do a controlled study of the final battle of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time using two different controllers.

oh wow... I don't really know how he or any other normal kid would be able to do that without a PC. And the other thing is why didn't he use a more technical game, like Street Fighter... But that's just an odd choice for a science fair project.
>> No. 34027

B.J and Alec were perfectly "normal". Actually Alec may have been a little slow, but he never tested into special ed or anything like that. The only thing wrong with him was his eye problem. I think their weirdness came from their parents. That father was pretty out there. He was terrified of cleaning products. Terrified! He got some lawyer to compel the school to ban non-organic cleaning products with "chemicals" in them. The schools had to clean with vinegar and and other "natural" cleaners. So everything was always dirty and smelled like a deli.
>> No. 34028
I fucking love you so much.
>> No. 34029
>Alec’s project was a landfill. He filled an old fish tank with dirt and put a bunch of garbage in it. It smelled like ass because he put cheese, yogurt and milk in it. There was also a naked Barbie doll floating around the hellish filth. My 9 year old heart broke for her.

Barbie Doll not withstanding, that could be argued a legit showcase of decomposition and bacterial cultures.
>> No. 34030

Yeah, it was a decent project. Pretty good for a children's science fair. The Barbie was kind of a weird touch though.
>> No. 34031
I'll take a stab, but maybe the barbie was a model for actual flesh? I know what you may be thinking, he could have used some chicken or beef to show how flesh is affected but maybe the barbie was to show that nothing is safe from bacteria?

Just a guess.
>> No. 34032
Is their dad an aspire or just batshit fucking insane?

Also that Christmas card sounds classic. Did your mom keep it?
>> No. 34033

If my memory servers me correctly, Alec was trying to show that some things won't break down as quickly as others. So I guess the barbie was to show that some things remain in a landfill for a long time. He just did it in a super creepy way!
>> No. 34034

I think she did but we've moved house a few times since then so it may be hard to find. I doubt she threw it out though, it really made her laugh.
>> No. 34035
Oh okay, makes sense now that you mention it. Now it makes me laugh since he didn't just use glass or plastic bottles.
>> No. 34036
That's actually an impressive science fair project for a 7 year old. Absolutely disgusting yet just as impressive
>> No. 34037

yeah, Alec was always always trying to be funny for attention but it never worked. I guess he thought that pretending to kill a barbie would give him positive attention from the other boys in his class. It didn't really work, because he was already the class loser and now the kids had proof that he had had a barbie.
>> No. 34038

it is. It just goes to show that Alec probably would have been pretty normal. He wasn't mentally impaired in anyway.
>> No. 34039

Sperglords love OoT. It was just a shitty excuse for him to play vidya games in school and show off how fucking great he was, I bet.
>> No. 34040
Did anyone ever tell BJ off? Like seriously just tell him to knock his shit off.
>> No. 34041

yeah lots of times. He almost got expelled too. I guess it didn't work though because he still remains an asshole to this day.
>> No. 34042

Do you know what they're doing now? Did his dad get out of jail?

Also, you said his mom was crazy too. Do you have any stories about her?
>> No. 34043

his dad is out of jail, but has to register as a sex offender. A level one. I think my mom and sister have more stories about the mother. I do know that one day her neighbors caught her trimming and collecting their flowers with a pair of kitchen scissors. She kept saying "flowers are for everyone! you can't own flowers!!"

I know there are more about her, I'll ask around.
>> No. 34044
A sex offender for shitting himself in a Kmart? I heard the law spams that, but geez.
>> No. 34045

I agree that's harsh. But people have gotten Level one-ed for less.
>> No. 34046
I had a sperg in my class when I was a kid who did a book report on Sonic games and the impact they left in in video gaming history. It was about an hour long and after he brought in some goats to class that his family raised to raise the wonders of organic goat milk. Although, I did hear he is a top notch scientist in the medical field now, despite always talking about Sega and shitting him self in class.
>> No. 34047
Oh boy, have the failures have risen...
>> No. 34048
Is he the guy who discovered the Sonic Hedgehog gene?
>> No. 34049
Also, yes that is a thing

>> No. 34050
>Wait, Sonic Hedgehog... they actually called a gene Sonic Hedgehog
>found that wiki
> and this;


The fuck?
>> No. 34051
>Some clinicians and scientists criticize giving genes frivolous, whimsical, or quirky names, calling it inappropriate that patients with "a serious illness or disability are told that they or their child have a mutation in a gene such as Sonic hedgehog."

>> No. 34052
I have a story buy it majorly pales in comparison to these gems.

I was in an experimental middle school pilot program--very self-directed and research based class. The first two years were great, but with budget cuts and the only super succesful program being this one, they decides to pool some spergs in and mix grade levels--the idea being that the bright older students would sort od mentor and teach the other students.

We had:

A kid who interpreted native american legends as scientific truths (a report he did on snakes included how they have no legs because they lost them in a war)

A kid who wanted to be put in a big storage bucket and have it kicked.

A girl who would only draw parachutes.

A girl who is now a manly pornstar (famous for apparently having a crusty vagina).

And this one kid, spencer, who was almost a protochris. Fat, loved pokemon, lazy.

He told everyone during first day introductions that he knew he wouks be super popular because he knew all.pokemon by heart.

He was super into this other sperg, and he gave her a ring from a coin operated toy dispensor. He told everyone he fucked her andd let him call her misty. She responded by throwing s ring in his face and calling him a turd bugeler (yes, as in the instrument).

He famously did the pokerap during the all school talent show.

Took a bus two blocks up a hill every day to not walk.

Battery dying maybe more.later
>> No. 34053
Oh man, I could just see this. A parent and their child go see a doctor who is a massive Sonic sperg.

Doctor: We found the cause of your child's odd behavior and illness
Parent: Give it to us straight, Doc. Will Johnny be okay?
Doctor:Oh yea, his Sonic hedgehog gene has a mutation
Johnny: What does that mean?
Doctor: UR 2 SLOW!! UR 2 SLOW!!
Parent: WTF?!
>> No. 34054

This wouldn't happen as these names are only given in animal settings. The fruitfly gene has that name but not the human variant.
>> No. 34055
See also 'Pikachurin'.
>> No. 34056
I don't think you know how gene names and gene homolog names work

>Sonic hedgehog homolog (SHH) is one of three proteins in the mammalian signaling pathway
>Fruit fly

Where do you live and why do your flies have tits?
>> No. 34057
A recurring theme in a lot of these stories seems to be the trouble created when parents try to "mainstream" their mentally defective children, I've noticed.
>> No. 34058


bursted out laughing
>> No. 34059
Are you thinking of a fusion of Homor and A-Log?
>> No. 34060
Or a gay A-Log.
>> No. 34061
You mean there's a hetero A-Log?

Holy shit.
>> No. 34062
its not even an issue of them being in Special Ed, its an issue of ''should they even be in mainstream school in general'' Schools should put their foot down and say if they ever become a danger to others then they get expelled outright.
>> No. 34063
I knew a couple who did that. Kid's about my age but he's so fucked up from it that he's literally worse than CWC (I hope that gets around the filter).

We got into a fist fight or two when we were younger, and I regret it a lot. I just didn't understand then because his parents INSISTED nothing was wrong.

He never got the help he needed. I don't know how he's going to function now. It's a shame, because he really could have been something if he did get the help.

I know it isn't exactly normal for a /cwc/ user to feel bad towards someone like that, but he really is nothing more than a vulnerable child.

He'll be a real, grown adult within the next couple of years, but I don't think I see him moving out beyond maybe a guest house on his parents' property. (That's another point, they coddled him beyond all belief because they spent fucking big on everything.)

I think he falls into that group of people that we really do end up feeling bad for fucking with, because it's simply just too painful to watch them struggle that even if it does produce something funny, it won't outweigh the cringe-worthyness.
>> No. 34064
The problem is that Autism is not a mental disease anymore, it's a handicap. Under those terms, it would be discriminatory to NOT mainstream them. Yup, cocks everywhere.
>> No. 34065
I would mainstream my own autistic child to provide my brethren with more delicious cocks.
>> No. 34066
Thank you for the sacrifice, brother.
>> No. 34067
By that same logic, it becomes difficult to treat it. Many refuse to even take the necessary treatments to help them learn to socialize. You also can't argue that the whole ''spectrum'' nature of the syndrome has allowed for people who aren't and shouldn't be considered autistic/spergie to suddenly claim victim status.
>> No. 34068
Now if only you could find someone willing to have sex with you
>> No. 34069

This is the real tragedy. Those kids should receive the best help we can find them but the opposition of this is quite strong. There's the parents who hope their little snowflake was misdiagnosed or see them as special ''Indigo children'' who just need love and acceptance. There's also the school board who, reviewing the expense of hiring highly educated professionals to deal with those kids, prefer indulge the parent's dreams and save the money.

The loser in this situation is the "Neurotypical" child who just want to study (or get over the day) and see the teacher's time wasted on the class's "Special" ("Remember kids, the word retard make him sad!") kid. This is why Chris's teachers were so disposed of letting him sleep during his classes; less disturbance for the kids who want to study.

I can go far on this but I need to go on RandFag mode and nobody here want that.
>> No. 34070
>all spergs are lazily unstudious and no perfectly fine but otherwise nigger kid has tried to create ruckus for the class

Good one.
>> No. 34071
But it really isn't, and all of this French psychoanalytic-school mentality of 'autism is a psychotic pathology which should be locked away and segregated from society' can be equally as damaging as the full-inclusion model currently being promulgated now, which I happen not to agree with fully, though some are mild enough to complete the transition with no bother; these are typically the kind you wouldn't see as autistic, and they do exist. Not all of these are cock-creating machines, Chris-chan himself is a pretty extreme case statistically.
>> No. 34072
File 133632728954.png - (12.64KB , 128x128 , 1328501708988.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>A girl who is now a manly pornstar (famous for apparently having a crusty vagina).
>> No. 34073
That's hot? Weird fucks
>> No. 34074
My stories are nowhere near as great as you guys'. I have a couple, however.

Earliest one I remember was this kid in my 2nd grade class named Seth. He had those really thick coke bottle glasses, uneven teeth and dressed basically like Chris, with a hint of Bill Cosby. He was nice enough, but every day at around 1:15 without fail, he'd ask the teachers (we had two) to use the potty. He would literally ask to use the "potty." No matter how much the teachers told him to call it the restroom, he insisted on potty. That's small time in terms of spergotry though.

The next one I remember was this halfro kid named Clyde. He had one of those rat tail hairstyles from the late 80s/early 90s. He was also extremely prone to outbursts, crying when he didn't get his way, and creeping on all the girls. He got kicked out of our class for telling the teacher to go fuck herself. When she called the principal who led him out of the room by the hand, he started crying and screeching.

The final one I can remember for now was some juggalo in my 7th grade advisory class (think homeroom). I was big into Vice City back then so I used to wear really garish Hawaiian shirts. The juggalo was obsessed with them and would constantly poke his fingers into the various islands, trees, etc. what have you on the shirts. When the advisory teacher told him to knock it off, he ran out of the room shrieking down the hall. Also, he once described jacking off on an airplane. I'm not sure if he was referencing an ICP song or just being a sperg.
That's all I can remember for now.
>> No. 34075
Were you a special education student, by any chance?
>> No. 34076
>I was big into Vice City back then so I used to wear really garish Hawaiian shirts.

cool sperg, bro
>> No. 34077
File 133636159499.jpg - (161.64KB , 447x572 , correction_buzzfeed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I talked about him briefly during the last thread, but he wasn’t too lulzy. Now that he’s losing his common sense, I have some stories to tell. I’ll post some more later, these are just the ones I remember right now.
There’s an aspie in my TV and Geography classe named Ed. Ed has the ass burgers, however you would think he has some serious mental disorder because his family is very passive and basically lets him do or say whatever he wants, without teaching him any social rules that others would normally pick up on. Back in middle school (when I first met him), he actually was a smart and reasonable guy, who knew about a variety of subjects, but something snapped between middle and high school that caused him to become super awkward.

He only will talk about three things: 1.) Minecraft, 2.) Pokemon, and 3.) My Little Pony. They’re also the only subjects he knows anything about. Whenever somebody refers to something other then those three subjects, he’ll ask “What’s X?” So far, he’s asked “What’s the Beatles?” “What’s American Idol?” “Who’s Bob Marley?”, among others. Every time he says something like that, chaos breaks out and the teacher has to shut him up before he says anything else.

He has a very creepy habit that he took from Minecraft. Whenever greeting somebody, he would sneak up behind somebody, hiss in their ears, and then let out a loud scream. One time, a girl got startled and punched him in the face, causing him to cry and she got an afternoon detention for hitting an aspie. He’s also deathly afraid of Creepers (the very thing he’s impersonating), and he’ll be sent into a panic if anybody mentions the word. Once, somebody did the same thing he would do and snuck up behind him, and he started crying and had his mom pick him up.

He writes horrible Pokemon fanfiction that he doesn’t post online, but instead shows everybody at school. He would insist you’ll read it even if you didn’t want to, and I was forced to read one of his works once. It’s your typical “humans turn into Pokemon” plot, but everything is super dragged out. Simply getting up and preparing for the day ahead took up the whole first chapter. When the characters turned into Pokemon, the female characters transforming bordered on fetishism, specifically describing one girls breasts becoming softer and jigglier until turning into clouds (like the Pokemon Altaria). Other then that, it was your usual fare you could read online.

He became obsessed with My Little Pony after overhearing some girl on the bus talking about it. Within a month, he brought figurines of all the ponies to school and started showing them off. He knows about the coney phenomenon, but he’s not aware that it’s mostly restricted to the Internet, and thus talks about MLP daily during class. Often times, he will interrupt a lesson to point out how similar the lesson is to a MLP episode, or just say he is going to watch the new MLP episode. The geography teacher is the one who hears it the most, and has picked up on it. He usually lets him speak, but makes fun him for it via backhanded compliments. Once, this banter broke out between them:

ED – Hey teacher, what’s my favorite show.
TEACHER – My Little Pony.
ED – Yes, but which version?
TEACHER – The original 80’s version.
ED – No, no, no, NOOOO!!!

Anarchy broke out in the classroom after that, and the teacher apologized to Ed. Many people like to trick him into thinking they also like the show, and they get him to admit to owning several Pony-related merchandise. He apparently bought a lunchbox (thankfully, he doesn’t bring it because it’s pink), and he has that DVD that came out a couple months ago.

The popular guys pretend to be friends with him so they can laugh at him, kind of like Timbox. He usually stirs up some pretty juicy lulz on Facebook. Once, a girl posted a picture of a condom she found in her washer, but she didn’t say it was anything. Most people understood what it was, but Ed said “That must have been one smelly sock!” Everybody started insisting it was a sock, but then this one guy broke it and explicitly stated it was a condom. The girl deleted the comment before he was online again, though.

Sorry for the tl;dr. I’ll post some more stories if anybody’s interested.
>> No. 34078
>1.) Minecraft, 2.) Pokemon, and 3.) My Little Pony.

three strikes, you're a sperg
>> No. 34079
Wow he sounds like a perfect case
Does he by chance own a fedora, or on a love quest?
>> No. 34080
If you ask him about love, he'll tell you that he has been secretly dating a girl since he was four years old, and that she lives across the country. Knowing him, I don't think he's lying, but rather he's taking a childhood crush way too far. I once asked him about his crush, and it turns out it's his cousin. I threw up a little in my mouth when I heard that.
>> No. 34081
Why am I not suprised?
>> No. 34082
File 133636814817.jpg - (27.12KB , 400x266 , 1276978052C09GM5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I know this one kid. Hes soper lullzy. He is onpopular and noone liks him. I troll him alll teh time. Once I said "iz ur hand bigger theen ur face?" He put his hand inn front of is fase and i it hin. I m a good troll.
>> No. 34083
File 133637302033.jpg - (197.98KB , 491x534 , Gud Kitty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I m a good troll.
>> No. 34084
>"What's the Beatles?"
That kid needs to get punched.
>> No. 34085
You're such a good troll that you never did that at all and simply leeched off a Cleveland episode. Asspie.
>> No. 34086
No its tru. U r jely.
>> No. 34087
>"What's the Beatles?"

I gotta tell you, if somebody said that to me, i'd run toward the nearest living thing and kill it.
>> No. 34088
Spergin' over 80 year old hippies now, are we?
>> No. 34089
The thing is, everybody knows about those 80 year old hippies, except a certain few, apparently.
>> No. 34090
It's weird though
The Beatles are everywhere, even kinda today
it's difficult to really not know who they are unless you have no TV or Internet
hell I listened to them on my grandmother's radio so I guess we can exclude family too
You pretty much have to be a pod baby to not know who they are, if they're good or not is another question, but it's almost like not knowing the color of the sky
And yes I know some of you don't actually know the color of the sky
>> No. 34091
Nevertheless, you probably wouldn't have too much of a problem finding people who would struggle to identify a photo of Bill Clinton.
>> No. 34092
>leeched off a Cleveland episode
>> No. 34093
Did a report on that for my Biology class.

It turns out Sonic Hedgehog causes certain forms of cancer and Robotnikinin inhibits the ligand pathway.

Sonic Hedgehog is linked to certain cancers. I laughed.
>> No. 34094
I know a couple of sperghats but I don't know if you guys will give a fuck to be honest.

I don't know, just tell me if you want me to divulge my yarns.
>> No. 34095
Don't bother.
>> No. 34096

>tripfag wants to tell story

please dont
>> No. 34097
I used to be a ten year old kid who was totally obsessed with Zelda.

Was I a lolcow? Yea, I was really overly sensitive and would punch people in rage. I would even fight people bigger than me, and I spent most of my time alone because my family was poor and my single mother was over protective. I was also a Socialist as a teen. And I was also a "nice guy" who didn't know how to respond to a girl kissing me (it was my first time).

Luckily, I'm not autistic, so social situations aren't hard unless I'm just feeling bad about myself.

How lolcow was I? Anyone else a lolcow as a kid/teen?
>> No. 34098
I think it's pretty normal for 10 year olds to like video games and as a teen to be moody/angry and just be learning about romance.
>> No. 34099
I became best friends with somebody after beating him up.

We're like brothers now.
>> No. 34100

I was a major lolcow as a kid. When I was 11-ish I made a terrible flash animation and some people on newground said it sucked, so I got really *really* buttmad over it for like three days and tried to think of responses to tell the haters. Then I got over it and decided not to respond to them and move on.
>> No. 34101
>Acting like a retarded 10 year old at age 10
>acting like a retarded teenager as a teenager
>realizing you were being retarded
How lolcow were you? Barely

You were just being retarded. If you kept on acting that way then yes you would be one
>> No. 34102
link? if you put it up on FailGrounds it should still be there
>> No. 34103
File 13364045508.jpg - (99.92KB , 449x800 , Something_to_make_ya_laugh____by_LordLysander.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I used to know one in sixth form. He's called Divinity Enforcer, LordLysander or BigBouncyFurries. He's been trolled by /b/tards several times but never really broken into 'stardom' although his 40k collection is legendary. He's created a lot of butthurt in his time, I've seen him mentioned before on 789chan and I'm not really surprised.

I do not have any first hand experience of what he's being doing in the past seven years, but yeah he's basically a massive sperg who loves Warhammer, Sonic, Furry porn, and My Little Pony. He annoys people with bullshit coney memes and trying to interest people in his home made pony porn.

At school he was just incredibly creepy; quiet, always muttering to himself, occasionally plucked up the courage to start making stupid fucking boasts. He tried to convince people he had psychic powers and that he had an evil twin who was trying to ruin his life. He tried to act like a tough guy but was always a massive coward; he'd shout shit like "I have a dark side that you do not want to mess with, I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare" and would then run off like a little bitch if anyone reacted.

He was obsessed with Sonia from Sonic Underground in Secondary School and got REALLY into Sonic Adventure 2 especially Rouge the Bat. He began to carry a folder around with him, and wouldn't show it to anybody... until sixth form, when he seemed to stop giving a shit about anything and would happily subject people to horrific furry porn and his own self-insert/Sonic/Star Trek erotic fanfiction.

Some guys in his classes started to fuck around with him posting shit on his Fanfiction accounts, and he'd write them into his stories and torture them. During his 'bisexual phase' (his words) he wrote a friend of mine into his Dungeon Keeper fanfic as some kind of BDSM slave.

He is everything you could want in a lolcow; a weird, sexually confused drama queen with strange obsessions that he takes way too far. But his natural cowardice applies to the internet and he runs from trolling to hide behind his personal army rather than responding with sweet new cocks. The people in school who actually stood up to him and told him to fuck off really got to him, he was *still* writing oh-so-tragic self insertion fanfics about how much they hurt his feelings by the end of sixth form. Far as I know he's just withdrawn from mainstream society and only goes outside to play Warhammer, otherwise he lives with his mom and spends all of his free time online or drawing pony porn.
>> No. 34104
File 133640512863.jpg - (0.97MB , 2288x1712 , 1325872099595.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's some paints from way back when. This is probably one of his better units. Better than his Barbie Panzer, a chaos predator that he poured bright pink paint on top of and left to harden on a windowsill.

I also forgot to mention that he used to sperg about politics all the time like ADF, but somehow understood even less about politics then ADF. He'd rant about how the UK Conservative Party are demons and their leader of the time was Count Dracula in disguise. He was obsessed with Neil Kinnock but he didn't actually know who Neil Kinnock was. I think some of it was just stuff he was repeating from his crazy dad, who he didn't live with but idolized. Guy had/has huge mommy&daddy issues.
>> No. 34105
what the fuck is Sixth Form? Is that his power level or something?
>> No. 34106

>> No. 34107
I think form is the UK term for "grade".

Like how they call them "marks" but we still call them "grades".

>> No. 34108
Sixth form is where 16-18's go for further education, can also be called college. Basically equivalent to US high school.

It's sometimes called sixth form because of many secondary schools (11-16) that offer further education as a sixth year on top of the mandatory five.
>> No. 34109
I bet it's Yasmin
>> No. 34110
Oh my, I remember Lord Lysander. He is to /tg/ what Chris is to /v/.
>> No. 34111
There are a lot of spergs in sixth forms. Normally sixth forms are part of a high school and people see it as the easiest step into higher education.
Sixth forms do A-levels and high BTECs, which have high entry requirements. However most schools let spergs into sixth form regardless of what they got in GCSE (GCSE exams are easy and require little revision) because the school gets £2000 for every student that gets through sixth form.
For example, in my sixth form there is a couple of fake glasses wearing hipsters with a unfunny youtube comedy channel, a lol XD so randumb person who now is doing an online microsoft course, a gay furry who likes sonic and has one single dreadlock because he never washed his hair and someone with a "split personality guardian demon" inside his brain who writes creepy self insertion stories about girls he wanted to fuck.
>> No. 34112
Derp. Meant to link to >>210532
>> No. 34113
>those paints

My god.

Did he ever write shit about Mary Sue 40k units?
>> No. 34114
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>> No. 34115
>paint thinning
>the only issue with his set

Besides, fuck it, GW might as well leach money off of him.
>> No. 34116
File 133642262151.jpg - (645.55KB , 2000x1473 , 1335768794820.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Reginald the slaneeshi thrall
>> No. 34117
>> No. 34118
I'm sure that baby seal is the terror of the Emperor's enemies.
>> No. 34119
God damn thicks paints are thick.
>> No. 34120
I once knew someone in high school, let's call him Pete. Pete hated anybody popular and anyone who liked the popular kids. Hell knew no worse fury than if the "smug fucks" got more attention than he did. Most of his angry outbursts revolved around the injustice over how the "smug fuck" was more well liked and popular than he was, completely neglecting the fact that said smug fuck was actually a pretty cool guy whereas Pete spent most of his time angrily obsessing about how to act like and be someone other than he was.

This wasn't even the funniest part about him though. Our favourite part of Pete was how he ignited red-hot over his personal life. He never had any girlfriends, and would get either very uncomfortable or visibly angry when he overheard people talking about sex, their sex lives, or otherwise indirectly reminded him that there were people other than him having sex. Naturally, we made it a hot topic to discuss completely fake and bombastic sex stories around him. It was always funny seeing Pete slam his hands down, sigh heavily, get up, and move in a huff upon hearing "I got laid last night". He even called me a "fucking slut" and a "fucking chav" after he overheard a (completely fake) story of me getting blown.

If you weren't careful, he'd devolve every conversation into how poorly he performs at dating. He was the kind of person who took it upon himself to remind himself about how ugly and bad he was at dating, despite the fact that he came across as ashamed of it. You could be discussing something inane like what colour your car was and he would find a way to slip in "Like how bad I am at dating!" or "Yeah, that's almost as bad as my face!" or "Heh, bad like my sex life!".

I have tons more Pete stories but I have to try and remember them. I do know that he's now 20 and he hasn't changed much, other than losing 110 pounds and turning into this weird mix of a twink and nerd.
>> No. 34121

The menace of the mounted orc heads are somewhat undercut by the big-eyed stuffed baby seal in the background.
>> No. 34122
>lost 110lbs
So is he like an ex-fatty or is this turning into a manorexia situation? Or both? That seems rather dramatic.
>> No. 34123

Frankly, I'm not even sure. He brags to me about how he spends seven hours a day biking while eating 1800 calories a day. Does that count as manorexia?
>> No. 34124

Oh, and this isn't even to say he was that fat to begin with. He started at about 16 stone and now weighs something 114 pounds. Seeing him now reminds me of Steve Jobs.
>> No. 34125
Figures are kinda meaningless without height.
>> No. 34126

I really have no idea, probably 173cm if I had to guess. He's not big.
>> No. 34127
So around 5'6'' and 8 st.
>> No. 34128
He went from the lower end of class II obesity to normal weight. That's kind of impressive.
>> No. 34129

Yes, but unfortunately, he still fails to realize his weight wasn't the damn problem when it came to girls. Although he's not as much of a spergy pity-party as he was in high school; now he's motivated but completely clueless. Now he's lonely nutball who thinks that a girlfriend is one haircut, clothing style, or pound away. Instead of, you know, asking the damn girl out.
>> No. 34130
File 133643733291.jpg - (9.07KB , 150x176 , Mr_Burns.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can't even remember this guy's name now. I knew him in passing throughout secondary school, but he was a year or two older than me. Was a fairly typical sperg; his obsession was buses. He used to check books about buses out of the library, but the weird bit was how he'd stand on the street watching the school buses go by at the end of the day. As they passed by him, he'd go into this weird tic where he'd feverishly rub his hands together, kind of Montgomery Burns style, and then he'd scrunch up his face so it looked a bit masturbatory. If anybody called out to him, it seemed to provoke him to do this even more. He'd often be seen doing the hand-rubbing and face-scrunching during the day at school, but bus time would really set him off.

I remember stories going around that his father was a bus driver who'd died, or other elaborate stuff like that, but in retrospect it was probably just a sperg thing.

He was pretty okay otherwise. He'd come to be kind of a rules stickler to dodge bullying; if anybody tried to mess with him, he'd recite back sections of the school rules they were violating. That's about all I remember, no idea where he ended up.
>> No. 34131
I used to live in this shitty little hick town in West Texas when I was a kid that was full of interesting mental defectives. The ones that really stand out were these two brothers or cousins (probably both) I had a bunch of classes in 9th grade with.

They were both really strange looking, like the had Downs or FAS or some shit like that. They should have been in special ed, but again, shitty hick town. I don't think the school had the budget. One of them was especially fucked up. He was a pyro who went around playing with matches and fireworks and he was also obsessed with scat. Sometimes he'd have these freakouts where he'd run around yelling about toilet stuff. The other one wasn't as fucked up, but he'd egg his brother or whatever on and he was a creep to all the girls.

Looking back, I almost miss the little morons. There were a lot of fuck ups at my new school after my family moved to Maryland but none were nearly as amusing.
>> No. 34132
i knew tis gy whooo whas su stpid. onc we prank calld hiss cel pone. we sad "i ur gilfrend i luv u". he sad he hed nnoo grlfrend. THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
>> No. 34133
File 133645479851.jpg - (78.65KB , 500x281 , 4458740483_4d37a2c381.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
In one of my classes I was a teacher's aid for my Spanish teacher the previous year. I guess you could say I was her pet, but I digress.

There was this sperg named Ken. Ken was an odd little snowflake. Like, seriously, he was the same color of snow. You could tell he never went outside. He wasn't the good kind of pale; it was a sickly paleness. Funny enough, he was incredbily clean. He smelled like a sterile room or something.

The few days he was in class (he had a free pass to leave whenever he wanted to go to the sperg room), he would do some of the strangest shit in his desk. Once, when the teacher was going over a lesson, he started gnawing at his shoe; his whole leg was doubled over his desk as he tore at his shirt collar while muttering to himself. The class was very freaked out by this. This was only a week or so into the school year, so I knew I would be in for some delicious cocks.

More than once, when the air conditioner would kick-on, he would flip his shit screaming, "HUH?!?!? WHAT WAS THAT?!?!"

Most days were simply him interrupting at inappropriate times during lessons to get help on his work because he liked to work ahead of everyone else. (Because you know, he is a speshul little snowflake that had to have the class taliored to his needs.) The teacher was getting pretty irritated with him, even though she was good at keeping her cool.

He started getting really cringe-worthy when he started parroting internet memes in the middle of class. He would ask the teacher "Are you a wizzard?" or walk around class saying "Haterz gonna hate dot ay vee eye."

Ken liked contact. Alot. He liked to give hugs to everyone. Thankfully, he never tried to hug me for I have a Y chromosome. He only hugged girls. Pretty ones. I assume most felt obligated to hug him out of pity, or not wanting him to start having a 'tism fit. One of the strangest incidences of him and human contact was once during the start of class. The teacher and I were talking about mundane shit when he came in and started getting really, REALLY close to her from behind her chair. She though he was just going to hug her, and, being a kind Sikh woman, she was going to return his hug.

Only then did he open his whole mouth, like a fucking hippo, and place it on her shoulder. He didn't bite her, he just placed his whole mouth on her like a suckerfish. She made a few attempts to brush him off before he finally let go out of his own volition.

Not ten seconds afterwards, the teacher and I both looked at each other with a holyshitwhatthefuckjusthappened look on our faces.

That was the only lolcow I really got to see in action.

I never see the little turd anymore, though.
>> No. 34134

This report came out a couple of months right after my paper. It would've had been great to add this to my references.

Some how the name Sonic Hedgehog being linked to autism and cancer seems like a self-fulfilling prophesy.
>> No. 34135
These newer stories are pretty good, but I miss the Tales of BJ and Alec.
>> No. 34136
I love this thread. I hope it gets archived. IRL lolcow stories are the best!
>> No. 34137
you should look out for /r9k/ retard threads, they are pretty much the same thing.
>> No. 34138
I don't personally have any more because most of my stories are of regular people doing stupid shit. But I know of a few spergs that go to my sisters high school.

There's one kid who thinks he's a wolf. She said that he wears those stupid looking tie dye indian shirts all the time, has a fake wolf tail, and tells everyone that he has a wolf spirit living inside of him. One of my sister's friends was actually nice to him, so he started stalking her.

My personal favorite story is that there's a boy who pretends he's a velociraptor. She said that he walks around with his arms drawn up to his sides all the time and bobs his head as he walks. He also apparently lets out random roars and runs through the halls doing the head bob thing.

Lastly, there's a guy who thinks he's a rapper that her entire school trolls. My sisters friends have trolled him into thinking that he got a record contract and they're currently trolling him into believing he's dating some scene girl online. He also has a rival rapper and they've had rap battles at the talent show. But one time his rival went to juvie, and apparently the stupid kid started wearing camouflage and acting like a redneck then, but after his rival came back he got back out his chains and wide rimmed hat.
>> No. 34139
>Guy who thinks he's a wolf
>Guy who thinks he's a raptor
>Guy who thinks he's a rapper

I smell a sitcom!
>> No. 34140

Yeah, I personally have doubts about raptor boys legitimacy though. But if he's real, he's exactly how I imagine Timbox would act in school
>> No. 34141

I knew a guy who would act like a raptor back when I was in elementary school. He would stalk me around during recess and jump on me, screeching and clawing at my face. He also tortured bugs and tiny animals but that's more of a sociopath thing than a lolcow thing.
>> No. 34142

I knew a guy who would act like a raptor back when I was in elementary school. He would stalk me around during recess and jump on me, screeching and clawing at my face. He also tortured bugs and tiny animals but that's more of a sociopath thing than a lolcow thing.
>> No. 34143
A few months ago I had a pretty serious run in with a Lolcow. He was a 6'0 350 LB autist named Ryan, but everyone around knows him as Boot Straps. He's a pretty huge dude and would be imposing if he wasn't quite clearly a homosexual deviant of the highest order.

The first thing you notice is he wears shorts, tie dye shirts and velcro sandals 365 days a year (keep in mind we're talking about the Northeast United States here). Then you see him walk and it's all you can do to not laugh - he buries his chin in his chest which showcases his prounced double/triple chin, he walks on the balls of his feet, keeps his arms straight at his sides with his hands flared out, and sashays his hips like a pro. He has a lot of other feminine mannerisms as well - he likes to put his hands on your arms and shoulders when he talks, he keeps one hand on his chest at all times, and cackles like a woman.

All of this is pretty well explained away due to the fact that his father molested him when he was little then deserted his family. I actually felt quite bad for him at first and decided to be a friend of sorts. Boy was that a mistake.

I met him through my fiance, who went to church with him. After meeting him a few times he added me on facebook, my fiance warned me not to friend him, but I didn't listen - I sure wish I had.

Not more than a few minutes after I added him he started messaging me. At first it was harmless - he talked about sports and video games. Then I got up to do other stuff and when I got back I had about 10 messages asking me if I was ok or ignoring him and then begging for my forgiveness. He also messaged my fiance, asking what he had done wrong. I assured him I wasn't mad, he then asked for my cell number, thanfully I had the presence of mind to not give it to him ( I later found out that he texts you constantly and calls you if you don't respond right away).

Whenever I saw him in public, he acted really weird, almost ignoring you. I almost thought that someone was fucking with me, pretending to be him.

Then next few weeks saw him ask me constantly to set up dates to play pool or go to the bar or watch football over messenger. I politely skirted it, I was quickly finding out how unusal he was. Then it happened.

One day he asked me if he could ask me some questions. I said yes out of morbid curiosity. He started asking me things like "How do men walk?" and "How do men shake hands?" - I answered as best I could, telling him to do what made him comfortable. Then he started asking me to tell him about the birds and the bees as well as asking me if he could call me his big brother (I'm in my twenties, he's in his mid 30's). Eventually I told him that I didn't feel comfortable with his questions. Then I went offine on facebook messenger for a few weeks.

Over this time he posted statuses like "why doesn't anyone want to talk to Ryan?" and "I though fb was for chatting! If you don't want to talk to me, I'll delete you!". Finally he got fed up and defriended me I guess. A few weeks later he tried to add me again, I refused it.
>> No. 34144
File 133656606075.jpg - (122.83KB , 375x500 , Jason Voorhees.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Back in High School i knew this kid named Phillip, he had cerebral palsy and rarely talked. He was perfectly intelligent and got decent grades (thanks his therapy) but his social skills were absolutely pitiful, thanks in no small part to the fact that he could barely talk.

He was obsessed with the Friday the 13th movies and wore a hockey mask to school everyday, which the school allowed because his parents were lawyers.

He never really had any major freak outs but he did have a tendency to act really dickish when provoked. One time while he was talking down the hall, some chick shouted "GOOOOOAL!" at him.

He responded by limping over to her, slapping the books out of her hands and saying "W-w-what are you gonna do 'bout it? M-my dad's a lawyer, you b- b- b- BITCH."

One day we were in creative writing class and i was writing a story about the Irish Mob fighting The Triad, he leaned over to me and whispered "hey, wanna check out my screenplay?"

With a bit of caution and a little excitement, i said "yes." He handed his laptop over to me and i read through his story.

It was a Friday the 13th called "Jason vs. Jason X." The basic plot was Jason X got his ass kicked by some "master scientist and military commander" (who also had CP and was named Philip) so he went back in time to kill him as a kid. Meanwhile, the regular Jason takes pity on the kid because he has CP and decides he wants to protect him, so Jason ended up fighting his more powerful futuristic counterpart.

So yeah, it was pretty much just Terminator 2 with the name changed around. It even had Phil trying to keep Jason from killing people and Jason saving Phil's mom from a mental institution. Phillip added some of his own stuff though, instead of disgusing himself as people, Jason X could assimilate certain pieces of technology, his one hand was a grenade launcher. Freddy Kruger was in there for some reason, and there was also a subplot with a team of military commandos sent back to the past to kill Jason led by a space bounty hunter whom the script described as "a cross between Ash from Evil Dead and Van Helsing."

The script got really convoluted the longer it went on, with the national guard showing up, an evil corporation with mercenaries trying to harness Jason X's power, and for some reason the aliens from Killer Klowns from Outer Space showed up.

It all ended with all the extra guys killing each other off outside some empty warehouse, Freddy getting killed by the space bounty hunter, and Jason destroying Jason X in pretty much the exact same way they killed the evil terminator in that movie.

After i finished reading, Phillip asked me "H- how'd 'ya l- like it?" I smiled and said "I loved it, Phillip." I wasn't just being nice, i really did love it, because i was a teenager and that was the exact kind of shit i was into.

He actually ended up doing pretty well for himself, he graduated relatively without much wackiness and he ended up going to the University of Michigan. I haven't seen him in years.

God, i miss that kid.
>> No. 34145
There was one kid we called Super Tard back in high school because he got hit by a truck twice and wasn't even hurt. He constantly had a yugioh deck and one of those arm things with him at all times and a plastic sword in a holster. Worst thing I can remember him doing is grabbing some female exchange student from England and held the fake sword against her throat pretending to be a character from Naruto.

Another kid I knew we called Count Fagula because he wore a Halloween vampire cape to school everyday and quoted Symphony of the Night over and over. He was also in the school marching band and "played" guitar for it.
>> No. 34146
A mark is the score you get in a test (37/60, say). A grade is the category your mark falls into (A, B, C / 1st, 2:1, 2:2 etc).
>> No. 34147

This kid doesn't sound like a lolcow, barring the hockey mask thing. Cool story though, thanks for sharing.
>> No. 34148
My 13 year old trans (M2F) sister is a junior tumblr user and "social justice" advocate who recently (and angrily) tried to explain to my 80 year old grandpa the concept of slut-shaming (on his birthday) when he said "Your butt must be cold in that skirt."

She loves anime, goth lolita stuff, cosplay, Homestuck, MLP, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Guilty Gear, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, and Sonic, and is a "gamer grrrl" who constantly injects Internet memes into our conversations when she isn't going on about "ableism" or something. She is a self-diagnosed sperg (because she thinks that the psychology/psychiatry industries are oppressive) and calls herself "deafblind" because she has slight hearing loss in one ear and wears glasses.

She thinks that age of consent laws are "ageist", and thinks that laws against necrophilia, polygamy, zoophilia, and incest are discriminatory. She dyes her hair all sorts of stupid colors, had a friend pierce her navel, and wanted to be CWC's next sweetheart when I showed some videos of him to her. She is also a self-proclaimed Marxist, thinks that America deserved 9/11, and insists that our Irish family must have some Japanese heritage. She also calls herself "gender fluid", "pansexual", and regularly refuses to shave various parts of her body. According to her online profiles, she's also a "sadomasochist switch" and into all sorts of other weird stuff, but I think she's just lying for attention (though I worry about my other siblings and the family dog).

Tbh, she reminds me of a junior ADF (though vastly less ugly and fat) mixed with sanityscraps (who I think she may have talked to on tumblr) and a bit of pixyteri. I still love her, though, so I'm trying my hardest to moderate her worst tendencies. Every day, I get worried that I'm going to find a thread about her on here. I'm pretty sure she's already sent at least a few people nudes (and the pictures on her Facebook are bad enough).

My parents give her whatever she asks (like a week-long trip to Japan, hormone blockers, and expensive cosplay outfits) and she accuses me of "transphobia" whenever I comment on her behavior. She's basically a huge attention whore and, I fear, future lolcow.

So, does she count?
>> No. 34149
Sounds like my brother except he's 20 and way worse. I've considered doxing him but I don't want him to get all dramatic and stress my mom out.
>> No. 34150
And people wonder why I have no desire to ever have children...
>> No. 34155
Back when I was in HS (1995-1999, yeah I'm old) I remember thinking about how fucked the next generation would be with kids who were born in the 70s and 80s having kids of their own. And so it has come to pass.
>> No. 34156
Dear lord
If spergs had gods I'd consider him one.
>> No. 34199
If this is real it's most likely one of these accounts.
>> No. 34207
http://sonichu.com/cwcki/User:SenorTucan Maybe?
>> No. 34209


nope. but that page is delicious

>I just realized something, Chris believes that his comics and everything therein is real, every character is a real person that has a life.In his comics Chris has written the deaths and murders of HUNDREDS of people. Chris has KILLED PEOPLE and he doesn't seem to care.
>> No. 34218

because this thread went from funny to a long protracted fanfic. let's move on.

does anyone have any stories grounded in reality?
>> No. 34220
File 133662493241.jpg - (62.78KB , 499x545 , smug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

oh i sure am.

sorry to burst the fake tranny sister bubble.

i hear people with autism are pretty easy to fool.
>> No. 34222
>The cockss of Lyrics and the Eerie Similarities with Chris's Condition
>posts here

hahahaha thank you http://sonichu.com/cwcki/Category:CWCkipedians_who_are_Ass_Burgers
>> No. 34225
File 133662566633.jpg - (120.10KB , 288x337 , 1333138025130.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw the CWCki has a user template for Pedofork
>> No. 34226
File 133662905252.gif - (437.72KB , 500x376 , puddin.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Hello I'm Shawths a 22 year old aspie who is more than happy to in any way contribute to the humiliation of the colossal embarrassment to humanity as well as all autistics aka Chris Chan. I may be a autistic who has been in the past trolled but I think Chandler deserves what he gets.

>I personally think that Special Ed teachers should maybe use a partially censored version of chris life to teach their students on what not to do.
>> No. 34229
File 133663434284.gif - (1.43MB , 640x360 , crying nazi.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A fucking good thread was derailed by sperging over trannies.
>> No. 34230
File 133663842228.jpg - (77.36KB , 300x703 , hatneto.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 34231
If it makes you feel any better, i could go back and delete all the tranny posts.

I'm not sure if i should delete the original story on not though.
>> No. 34232
>> No. 34233

Oh man you guys, there's a user template for trannies. Cross-reference that with aspergers and...
>> No. 34234
Couldn't we just ban all trannies? They never contribute to anything and they're shitposters, every single one of them.
>> No. 34235

Is this your brother?

>> No. 34236
This is worse than a beheading video. Why do you hate me?
>> No. 34237
You described qualities of nearly every lolcow to ever be posted here...

Does he have a recolor?
>> No. 34238
The sad thing is, even if that 13 year old tranny isn't real, there are literally thousands of people on the internet just one small characteristic away from "her", right down to fandoms and the bdsm thing.
>> No. 34239
File 133664863121.jpg - (56.93KB , 272x265 , CWCVoid03.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This one is about the creepy mascot that went to my high school. Well, he had a reputation of awkwardly flirting with all the girls in the high school and couldn't understand when they were extremely put off by him. I think he has Aspergers or something. Literally he would sneak up behind girls and breathe down their necks. He even tried to use the fact that he was a mascot in order to get laid. Watching the guy was pretty painful! Once, he got onto the roof of the school, threatening that he was going to jump off. I think the firefighters and the police were called to get him down. Well, I guess he was taken to the hospital. According to him, the people at the hospital did a psychological exam on him and released him when they found out that he only did it for attention. The next day, he bragged about the incident and told quite a few people what happened.

Apparently, he has a wife or a girlfriend and a daughter today. He's also apparently working towards getting his GED
>> No. 34240
There was this autistic kid in my high school who was a neo nazi and would always tell people about how the Germans were genetically superior and had more advanced metabolisms. He once wrote an essay for english that was like "people in africa have uncontrollable sex drives which leads them to commit rapes and increase their population" or something. Anyone who had been in close proximity to him said he smelled like shit, and one day we found out why: a couple kids, out of curiosity, looked in his man purse (which he would always carry around) and found adult-size diapers. He also claimed to have super powers like ultra-sensitive hearing. In fact, one of my friends made a least of super powers he'd claimed to have and somehow "bestiality" ended up on there.
>> No. 34241
Does she weigh 400 pounds or did he somehow get fixed?
if neither I'd try to warn him before she ends up killing him in a fit of insanity.
>> No. 34242
This is the same guy who knew Pete.

I also know someone else who thinks he's gay because he "didn't get laid as a teen-ager." I'm completely serious, he is openly gay of sorts but treats the entire thing as if it were this horrible disease he needs to work diligently to rid himself of.

He regularly invests considerable effort (and money) in "changing" himself (even considering flying to the US for straight camp), thinks all gays have AIDS and virulently hates everyone with AIDS, believes 99% of the country wants gays systematically executed (his statistic and words), and blames EVERYTHING on being gay, Like, failing a maths class means he was too gay to be intelligent, or having anxiety or depression is "related to the gay gene." Like Pete and his loneliness, this guy loves to turn everything into an "I'm gay" pity party.

He also has a bit of love-shy in him too, blaming women he knew as an adolescent for "not fucking [him] so [he] could've been straight." I wish I was making this up.

He also carries around his iPad everywhere and writes long-winded tirades against gays and doctors on how society needs to cure homosexuality. He even sent me a few and they were something like 15 pages each of "the 60s suck because that's when people stopped hating gays" and "not getting laid in high school turns you gay".

Unsurprisingly, he's a miserable fucking bastard who was never seen with either women or men. He boastfully tells me how he's still a virgin at 21 and has "resisted the siren call of AIDS."

Strangely enough, his endless, repetitive, and annoying hate for gays isn't religious based; he insists that he's atheist and only "objects" to gays because "they all have AIDS from unnatural sex." If you bring up the issue of straights having anal sex, he'll mention how they should reintroduce the death penalty for "trasmissing" AIDS.
>> No. 34243
>teacher I can't do math because I haven't been laid so I'm gay

>> No. 34244
I've got a couple, don't know if they can be called lolcows or not, though, but definitely off.

First up is my former neighbor. I hardly live in Shangri-La, but when he moved in, the hallway in my building went from "old and musty" to "vile trash heap." See, my neighbor (Joe) was a hoarder. And every day, he'd wander to the dumpster in the complex, dig shit out of it, and bring it back to the apartment, where he would leave it in the hallway with the intent of "fixing" it. One day I came home and the hallway was FILLED, from front to back, with garbage he dug out of a dumpster. He broke into a utility closet in the hall and started storing his shit in there, which unfortunately was next to my apartment. When you bring in filth from the dumpster, you bring in roaches. They came through the hallway walls into my apartment. I had to have words with the landlady.

Evidently AT&T refused to enter his apartment because it was so filthy. When I had to walk outside, I could actually smell his apartment through the closed door. It was a mixture of shit, old man stink, and garbage. He also had set up a "work area" in the parking lot where he hung his skanky wet shirts on other people's cars to dry (he did his laundry in his bathtub, despite the free laundromat available). He would haul garbage out there every day and just work on it the whole time.

My apartment's ceiling fell in (again, I don't live in Shangri-La) and I had to move. One of the first things I did was throw out the disgusting, soaking wet, sheet-rock covered carpet in the dumpster. Three days later (in 80 degree weather at the bottom of a dumpster), the carpet was fished out again and in the hallway. I've moved since then to a different apartment in the same complex, but I'm still close enough that I see the shirtless oaf wandering around poking in the garbage bins.

The second lolcow was a woman in a college class with me. I kind of felt bad for her bcause it was obvious she was starving for any attention from another adult. She was divorced and was such a pain in the ass you could tell she had no friends her age to talk to, so it was just her and her son. She constantly rambled about her son to anyone within earshot who would listen. Evidently he was getting bullied at school. She mentioned that a kid pulled a knife on her son, and a bunch of people said to tell the police if the school's not doing anything about it. Her response? "I wouldn't want to cause trouble."

She would constantly read two units ahead of everyone and interrupt with questions about how something the teacher was talking about interacted with shit the class had no idea about. When the teacher would say "We'll come to that later," she would get all huffy and indignant.

The funniest day was when one of the professors was near death from a cold and was obviously the kind of person who's pissed of when they're sick. In the middle of the woman's incessant questioning, the professor stops her and tells her that she's being a nuisance to the class and if she has questions she should refrain until the end of class. That set off a wholllle can of worms. In tears, the woman was trying desperately to explain how she was trying so hard to understand the material and how it wasn't fair because it moved too fast and blah blah blah.

The professor informed her it would be a lot easier if she didn't fly ahead in the book instead of listening to the lecture. She was then told to leave the class. It was pretty awkward considering she was like 45. She was in class the next day, though, so I guess they talked it out.
>> No. 34245
>I hardly live in Shangri-La
>Jenga talks about lolcows he met in his third tier toilets
Cool story brah, got any more stuff about your friends?
>> No. 34246
File 133666996586.jpg - (7.16KB , 138x205 , 1326353159013.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fiancée - future wife
fiancé - future husband
>> No. 34247
Says the worst tripfag on the board. Jenga is the only one worth a fuck. Go soak your head, queer.
>> No. 34248
>Go soak your head, queer.
If that's what gets you off...
>> No. 34250

That sums it up. I'll try to find and pastebin some of the tripe he sent to me.
>> No. 34251
Holy shit! What a comeback. Oscar Wilde would be proud of you, Rika. Everyone on the board respects you now!
>> No. 34252

It might be a good idea to show your parents some of the worse parts of the online communities she frequents. Tell them you're concerned about the affect it might have on her and that they should curtail her internet usage.

Also, does she have friends and hobbies outside of the internet/anime/fandom? All thirteen-year-olds are socially unaware and love terrible mass-market media. If she's going to grow out of it, she needs to have regular exposure to people outside of that bubble. When I was that age, I had a phase when I was a huge video game sperg and another where I was a social justice sperg. The reason those are just embarrassing memories today are because I read, played music, and went to parties, and that taught me how to be a functioning human being.
>> No. 34253
u mad?
>> No. 34254
File 133667472827.jpg - (70.74KB , 400x494 , 78569.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34255
Mods please make the summer go away
>> No. 34257
File 133667568723.jpg - (43.63KB , 250x332 , 245cd4948827364cddcad5f218cca7edabae.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34258

Holy word wrap batman. Here's the pastebin instead of a direct upload:

>> No. 34259
File 133667600231.jpg - (61.22KB , 500x528 , tumblr_m3kdm1yqM31qdieh2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34260

Thanks for derailing another thread, you fucking homosexual deviant.
>> No. 34261
File 133667610387.jpg - (8.00KB , 271x248 , 212.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>open pastebin link
>Before I write this, I must preface that I am an atheist and a man of science.
>> No. 34262

>Why even bother maintaining your health at that point by GOING to the GP? Anal sex will kill anyone who practices it within five seconds of the first try. It is veritable suicide. It is the deadliest of all acts anyone can do in anything ever anywhere anytime of anything.

>> No. 34263
When did Chris start writing under a pseudonym
>> No. 34264
oh god

this is bad, even by teenage famewhore standards

you must dox
>> No. 34265
1. It's his sister. It would be somewhat self-destructive to dox.
2.Fake and gay.
>> No. 34266

My sister is a good person. She's just misguided.
>> No. 34267
and fake
>> No. 34269

Your parents won't help your sister change her attitude, you can't... clearly the most moral course of action is to let her get trolled so that she learns her lesson.
>> No. 34270


How does it feel having gigantic betas for parents?
>> No. 34271

They're not betas, just permissive.
>> No. 34272
You should kill your abomination of a sibling
>> No. 34273
She's actually average looking. I dunno about her mental state
>> No. 34274
Hey, dude with the tranny brother-sister, why don't you make your OWN thread about him/her/it? You've completely hijacked this one.
>> No. 34275
There's one problem with your story (well, there are a lot of problems, this is just a glaring problem): doctors don't give hormone blockers or hormones to someone who is 13 years old...at least, not in any industrialized nation. It just doesn't happen, and for reasons that should be pretty obvious. So unless you're going to try to say your parents are buying her hormones and/or hormone blockers on the black market, you're full of shit.
>> No. 34276

I would support that. Everyone's saying "FAKE" but haven't we already taken it for granted that *every* story in this thread might be fake, yet the thread is still interesting? Everyone's attitude seems to be "your sister enrages me so much that I literally don't want to hear about her at all", which seems silly since a lot of retards/trannies on here inspire rage in some people, yet we still learn new info on them as it becomes available.

Basically, even if your sister is fake or rage-inducing, you might as well make a thread because it would just be business as usual on here.
>> No. 34277

Hey, I haven't actually read the story but I saw your post on the frontpage and uh... yeah they do. They absolutely give hormones to people that age and younger. If a child has permission from their parents they will try to give them hormones to delay puberty, since when someone's past that point there's relatively not much the mones can do. Not saying anything about the validity of whatever you're arguing about, but on that point you're wrong - as a quick google would have found out.
>> No. 34278
Shut up all of you, y'all are trannies that are worse than Rika. I want to hear about Bwenden again. I want to hear about any amusing sperg. I don't want to see the trannies come out to bitch.
>> No. 34279
File 133674487764.jpg - (12.52KB , 500x280 , 3cats.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As promised way, way earlier in the thread, I asked my siblings for more B.J and Alec stories. These aren’t really stories about B.J and Alec, just memories that my siblings told me about. They aren’t my experiences so I can’t really give many details, but I will try!
B.J always handed in his homework on things that were not paper. By this I mean, he used to do this math homework during lunch time on the paper plate that had held his meal. It was always covered in ketchup and grease. The Next Albert Einstein bragged to his long time crush that did it on purpose because he was some kind of misunderstood genius. When the math teacher called home to complain, his father was actually proud that his dipshit of a son handed in homework on a dirty piece of garbage.
Alec was afraid of cats. I once went to a town sponsored barbeque when I was about ten and Alec was eight. All the children were playing and eating hot dogs on the playground when suddenly Alec and B.J showed up and wanted to be included. Everyone groaned because not only did they completely suck as playmates, but their mother insisted on joining in. She wanted to clime the monkey bars and be pushed on the swings with a bunch of elementary school kids. The kids all started packing up and walking away because no one wants to play with someone who’s 40, when all of a sudden a little stray cat trotted onto the playground. Alec immediately screamed and tried to climb his mother. He was enormously fat and kept accidentally kicking her. He made this great noise, some of like, “EEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYAHHHH EEEEEEEEEEYYYYYAHHHH”. The cat freaked out and darted back into the woods. The mother tried to comfort her little snowflake, saying “It’s all right, mommy will protect you, mommy will scare it away”. He couldn’t be consoled, so his mom took him back to her their picnic blanket and snuggled him for the rest of the barbeque.
>> No. 34280

/cwc/ is a pretty slow board. I'm pretty sure posts about trannies won't make it particularly difficult to spot Bwenden/Awec stories when the guy who posts them gets back.
>> No. 34281
Ah, a good, solid laugh. Thanks, I needed that.
>> No. 34282
Prosthetic and Homosexual
>> No. 34283

Any more?
I love this shit.
>> No. 34284

Do you know what they're doing now, by any chance?
>> No. 34285

The sad thing is, apart from his extreme self-homophobia, he's actually kind of a cool guy. Thin, looks normal, takes care of his appearance.

I never thought I'd say this about someone, but, he just needs a dick in the ass, badly. Get it over with and shut the hell up, I try to subtly tell him, Instead, he just sends me another rambling email manifesto.
>> No. 34286
File 133679359358.jpg - (104.08KB , 720x540 , 255665_108192352603903_100002394175491_86664_27690.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, I'm not going to top Alec or Bwenden, but I'll pitch my IRL lolcow in anyway. He goes to Park University with my friend and I and we have some funny stories about him.

1. He's obviously a sperg, but he won't get treated for it.
2. He's a Tea Party supporter. This isn't necessarily bad on it's own, but combined with his obvious autism he's really bull-headed about it. He can't argue his points, he can't see things from other people's perspectives and he has a narrow viewpoint of the world that obviously won't be changed.
3. An atheist tried to debate him, but Tom (the lolcow's name) kept saying that "If you don't for something, you'll fall for anything" ad infinitum while completely ignoring what atheists are fighting for.
4. He would study all the time even though he got piss poor grades. My friend used to be a roommate of his and he would wake up at 3 in the morning and see Tom staring at him.
5. My friend was playing Ocarina of Time and Tom walks in breathing hard as if he was done fapping or something. He asked obvious questions like do you like the Zelda series. Also, he can't beat the Deku Tree. I'm not making this shit up. Then, my friend was playing Street Fighter and Tom says that he likes it. My friend asked him who his favorite character was and Tom says "The main character". So, pretty much this guy has no clue what he's talking about whenever he speaks.

I'll come up with more cocks later because I'm about to hit the sack, but I'll provide them because I have the screencap where he basically goes off about non-conformists being Communists.
>> No. 34287
Sounds pretty typical but looks funny enough.
I can go for more.
>> No. 34288

Why you got to hate on the scheckel meister bro? XD
>> No. 34289
Not to defend the sperg or anything, but SF does have a main character in Ryu. Maybe that's who he was thinking of and couldn't remember his name.
>> No. 34290
I don't see how somebody could even kinda sorta like Street Fighter and not know the name Ryu.
>> No. 34291
I was about to say that perhaps a sperg wouldn't, but then it dawned on me that you're right. I need sleep.
>> No. 34292
Phillip wasn't really a lolcow like Chris or ADF, but he was certainly a bit off.

Like i said, Phillip could be pretty aggressive if provoked, and it didn't take too much to set him up.

One time, a kid whispered "that guy walks weird" to his friend while Phil was in the hall, Phillip overheard him and slapped him across the face (not very hard, because y'know, cerebral palsy.) and called him a "limp-wristed douchebag", or some variation of that.

Phil always did that, he got really mean i situations that really didn't call for it, mostly because of his poor social skills.

Nobody ever hit him back, because he had cerebral palsy and lawyer parents. The latter fact is something he'd bring up whenever he hit someone or pushed them.

He wasn't vindictive, though. If he thought you were genuinely afraid or thought he'd actually hurt you, he'd apologize and stop. One time he made a girl cry, and it practically broke his heart.

She said something about slurring or limping or something, i dunno, but it wasn't in reference to Phil. Phillip, not knowing this, took offense and slammed his hands on her desk and yelled at her. Once she started crying, he was all like "s-sorry, i was just kidding, s-sorry..." and limped away.

He never hit or yelled at anyone after that.
>> No. 34293
File 133681743459.jpg - (364.26KB , 800x600 , Petong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This one's sort of lolcow material, though he was actually a pretty cool guy. When I was in Afghanistan, I was force protection for awhile. This consisted of standing out at the gate for 12 hours every day.

We worked with private security contractors, most of whom were from the Philippines. We called this guy Petong. Not sure if that was his real name or not.

Dude wasn't quite all there, and would say the most random shit. He was most lulz-worthy when he was reacting to shit we said, though. He would always overreact, and the expressions on his face were priceless. He was also always trying to hook us up with every single female relative he had.

The other dude I worked with was talking about trying to get him to come visit America sometime. I could only imagine how that would have gone down.

Found a pic of him on one of my SD cards, so I thought I'd include it.
>> No. 34294
Damn, Afghanistan huh? What was that like? Kill anybody?
>> No. 34295
>2. He's a Tea Party supporter. This isn't necessarily bad on it's own, but combined with his obvious autism he's really bull-headed about it. He can't argue his points, he can't see things from other people's perspectives and he has a narrow viewpoint of the world that obviously won't be changed.

So, typical Tea Party member?
>> No. 34296

You should go back, capture some afghan lolcows and troll them for our entertainment. It's your patriotic duty.
>> No. 34297

No, what a simple Google search shows is that there is a single controversial case involving an 11-year-old child whose parents are giving him hormone blockers, most asserting that it is without the aid of a doctor since no doctor has been spoken to (there is no proof there isn't a doctor administering the drugs, however, want to point that out). So the person who originally said that reputable docs don't give hormone blockers to young kids was right. Also, you're absolutely wrong that when a kid is "past puberty" that hormone blockers can't do much - trannies take them all the time, in particular m2f trannies. In your words, a simple Google search would tell you that.
>> No. 34298
Afghanistan. I'd call it a wretched hive, but that would be an insult to Mos Eisely. Crazy hot in the summer, balls cold in the winter. Kabul (where the pic was taken) is a clusterfuck. There's actual human shit in the air (mixed with lots of diesel fumes) and nobody can drive. IOW, it's sorta like a real life version of /b/ (with slightly better hygiene, of course).

As for the second question: I saw fuck-all action while I was over there. It was weird, there was shit happening near where we were all the time, but never right at our location. And to top it off, there was a suicide bombing last year and I recognized the exact location from the news photos. I was like "holy shit! I've been down that fuckin' road before!"
>> No. 34299

Well I'm not sure what google you were searching on, but here:


These are the clinical guidelines on the administration of hormones to transexuals, as outlined in the journal of clinical endocrinology (riveting stuff, I know). Anyway, skip to page 13.
>> No. 34300

Also just to add, you might be getting supressing puberty mixed up with an actual sex change. The guidelines are basically to administer hormones to delay puberty until the child is old enough to make an informed decision, as delaying puberty doesn't have any real longterm effects if they change their mind. They don't perform sex changes on kids or anything, but they give them (well, young teens) hormones.
>> No. 34301
There was this kid I want to high school with who had a facial deformity. He was also extremely socially awkward. He was such a pariah to the point of having an entire table to himself. No one wanted to eat near the kid because the act of seeing him eat causes you to loose your appetite. Due to his deformity he had no upper lip. You could see his food being chewed while he ate. One time on a field trip I had the misfortune of sitting next to him on the bus. He decided to eat a chocolate bar, and while he was eating it he decided to look at me. He also would endless stalk and creep out girls. The fall after we graduated and went off to college. He gets a Facebook and posts a video professing his love for one of the popular girls from high school. A couple of days later he posts another video of him flexing his muscles onto Facebook, and Youtube.
>> No. 34302
I went to secondary school with this girl. Cute, not stunning, but nerdy cute. I was attempting to hook up with her, but then she hooked up my best mate, and I wasn't interested enough to wreck a friendship.

She claimed her dad beat her, and that she was pregnant with my friends kid, and then her dad beat her so bad she lost the baby. My friend didn't take that so well, and wound up in front of a judge.

I don't know what happened after that, but they split and he spent the last year of school acting out. He broke into school at night, set fires, and nearly murdered me when I tried to stop him beating up some random kid.

I don't hear from either of them for a few years, then she meets me in college. We hang out a little, she seems much better than what she was, and then it turned out she thought her ex (my mate) were secretly gay lovers and that's why he broke up with her, and she tried to stab me.

She got some kind of psychiatric help, and added me on facebook last year. I added her (I'm a bit of an idiot, you see). Every hour, on the hour, she would update on the latest drama in her life and bitching about men and how doctors are evil and Edward Cullen is the only man she ever wants. She also sends me pictures of herself. No nudes, or anything suggestive, but suggesting non-suggestivity, if you know what I mean.

I eventually started posting some of her updates on /r9k/ and she freaked out, wiped out her whole friends list and refused any friend request from anyone for six months. I don't see her at all.

A few weeks back, I started working in a library. Didn't know it was HER library. Every Thursday, without fail, she'd come in and drop off some trashy romance novel, or some spy novel, or something, and pick up something else. I wasn't working the desk, and didn't have to interact with her at all.

Until last week.

Now, I'm a bit of an idiot, but I'm not retarded. I was at the desk, dealing with someone else, and she went to check out a book with the other librarian. She sees me, and asks if she can talk to me. I go over, give her a big smile, and just say: "Yes? Can I help you?" She starts talking about how we went to school together and facebook and I just keep the same bemused smile on my face. When she finished talking, I just said: "Sorry, I think you must have me confused with someone else." Her jaw drops, and she starts talking more, about the time she tried to stab me, and the pictures she sent, and I just say: "I'm sorry miss, I've never met you before in my life. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

She finally started to believe me, apologised and walked out.

Oh, and there's a good few regular customers at the library that would count. See next post.
>> No. 34303

Then there's the customers. The only ones I've interacted with on any substantial level are just weird.

The first is this little old lady. The most stereotypical grandmother you've ever seen. Every Wednesday, around three, she comes in and asks for the address of some random public figure. Celebrities, politicians, people in the public eye.

Turns out she's been doing this for years, and no one asked why. After she asked for Bono's address,I just had to ask.

"Oh, I'm posting them boxes of my own shit."

And then she walked out with the address clutched in her fist. No further explanation. I was stunned to ask why.
>> No. 34304
File 133685394738.jpg - (36.38KB , 450x311 , MontyPythonRunAway.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Edward Cullen is the only man she ever wants.
>> No. 34305
Makes me wonder what they might find if they checked in her house's crawlspace.
>> No. 34306
File 133685441145.jpg - (18.74KB , 298x343 , 1336850336428.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 34307

Last one from me.

It was my first week, I was nervous and worried but doing okay. I was sent to work in the reference library. All I really had to do was give access to the internet and occasionally help someone with the photocopier. Easy enough.

The reference section is upstairs, with a big glass door so you can see who's coming up. This mountain of a man, a big blob of fat, struggles up the stairs. Now, this is just one flight of stairs, and he is doubled over, wheezing. He has to sit down to catch his breath before he can enter.

He walks in, looks around and see's me, on my own, behind the desk. He gets this weird look and waddles over, still breathing hard. "Can I, uh, can I get a computer?"

I say yeah, sure, what's your name? (we need a name so we can give you a user name/password). He looks very happy to hear this and says "My name is John." I start typing up the details, print off his access info, and then the head librarian pops up out of fucking nowhere and steps between me and John.

"Dave, what are you doing?"

"I was just asking him about-"

"Dave, you know you're not allowed to use the internet. You know you're-What did the judge say?"

"Well, I don't... I mean, that was a while ago..."

"Dave, I want you to tell the new guy what you have to say, by law."

He turns, clearly uncomfortable, and says, just barely above a whisper: "My name is Dave **** and I am a convicted child molester. I am forbidden access to any kind of computer due to my risk of re-offending."

That was my first day in ref.

Most of the other weirdos are fucking cool as hell, though. There's a guy who has a fur coat for every day of the week, no matter how hot it gets.
>> No. 34308
I know people who work in a Library. Many similar stories, mostly involving people who stink of piss openly looking at porn in public on the computers.
>> No. 34309

If someone started watching porn, I'd probably watch it with them. No homo.
>> No. 34310
One of the people I'm in a relationship with right now could be considered a minor lolcow. That is, he at least has some lolcow-esque attributes:
-I mentioned in a previous thread that he is a pedo (he's attracted to kidlets, but he doesn't act on the attraction)
-He is absolutely obsessed with Linkin Park. Every time they release a new song or album, it is absolute torture.
-He is obsessed with prop replicas. He has a ton of stuff, from Star Trek to Doctor Who to Star Wars to Harry Potter. He's also a bit of a hoarder, since he makes props too, he keeps a whole bunch of garbage in case he can find a use for it. He's always complaining that he doesn't have enough room for his stuff. I'm helping him work on this problem though.
-His body type is similar to Chris Chan's
-He really really likes martial arts movies, and sometimes he'll practice doing kicks, where he ends up looking like he has a little Chun-Li in him. I took tae kwon do and got pretty high in it at one point, so I tried to give him some pointers on doing the kicks properly and he got mad at me, saying he is just doing it for fun. He said he doesn't need to learn to do it properly, just make it look like he can do it if he ever gets attacked so that the person will run away. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he just looks like a goof.

He is an all-around interesting guy. He's smart and fun to be around and I love him to death. It's just these quirks make me cringe sometimes, but they make him who he is. There's way more good about him than there is bad.
>> No. 34311

troll him with love
>> No. 34312
File 133691804110.jpg - (54.90KB , 600x600 , -uk-relentless-fruit-flavour-energy-drink-case-of-.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OK, my sixth form was a hive for lolcows. There are 5 main lolcows, all of which are very funny.

The first, which we shall call "Alpha", is a gay furry. In year 11 he came into his physics class proclaiming that he had stuck a toothbrush up his ass, giving people the advise “if you see blood you know you have gone too far”. This was in front of everyone.
Alpha Was a massive fan of Relentless energy drink. For some reason many of the lolcows loved this drink. I believe they drank lots of energy drinks because they were under 18 so not able to buy alcohol but over 16 (you have to be 16 to buy energy drinks in the UK) so it made them feel like adults, it could have also been because they thought caffeine made them seem XD SO RANDUMB! So Alpha loved this drink, and one day someone offered him 4 cans of relentless if he ran down a hill naked. Alpha did this not realising that someone was recording him doing this. This video then spread to the phones of everyone in the school, making alpha infamous.
One day Alpha, who was a script kiddie, decided to send a pop-up message around the school. This pissed off the technician who found him and shouted at him in front of everyone, it was hilarious.
Alpha was a gay furry who believed he was a “folf”. Many people made fun of him because of this because he told everyone who would listen. Even better was the time when someone stole his laptop and found loads of gay furry porn.
Alpha had long hair that he put in a pony tail. He never washed his hair because he wanted dreadlocks. Unfortunately, Alpha never took care of his hair, so it fused into one single ponytail dreadlock. This “dreadlock” stayed in place when he tilted his head forward, the shape of the bottom of the dreadlock was moulded to the shape of his back. It looked ridiculous.
He was also an Anarchist Communist. He once told my nan about this, my nan would have punched him if someone hadn’t stopped her. Need I say more.
He recently became a coney. He loves to tell everyone about being a coney and shoe-horns it into every conversation.

The next guy, who we shall call “Beta” was a racist Satanist Nazi Goth. He worshipped Satan and Joseph Goebbels. He was a member of the BNP because he hated blacks and the Jewish. He was quite proud of being able to recite some of Hitler's speeches in German. He also loved shit goth music that no one has heard of. He also loves relentless energy drink. There are no stories to say about this person, only that he made fun of someone who had to take vicodin because of a leg problem.

The next guy, who we shall call “Gamma” is your typical random person. He loves my little pony and is a coney, he is a furry and loves Valve games. He loves “retro games” because he owns a Nintendo 64. He also loves relentless energy drink. The only thing he has really done is run away from home because his parents “don’t understand him”. He is currently doing an online Microsoft computer course.

The next person is a girl who we shall call “Delta”. Delta is skinny but not attractive in any way. She has a massive ego and a white knight of Epsilon (the next guy). She is a goth and loves relentless energy drink. She is also a proud welsh person even though she was born and raised in England. She drives a very shitty VW beetle car that looks like its just come off the scrap heap. She likes to get money from Alpha and Gamma even though she has half a million from her grandparents in the bank. She is incredibly easy to piss off and pretends to be pregnant whenever she is in an argument. She moved to my school because people bullied her in her last school, this was because she has a massive ego and thinks she is better than everyone else. She received very poor grades in school though. She dresses like a hooker too. She is also a batshit crazy Christian and hits anyone who says anything bad against the bible. She now lives with her boyfriend and begs for people to buy her artwork, so she probably spent all her grandparents money.
>> No. 34313
The next guy we shall call “Epsilon”. Epsilon is a god tier spast. To start with he is an emo and loves relentless energy drink. He believes he has a “split personality guardian demon” called Smith who takes over his body when he is angry. Epsilon talks to people on MSN in his Smith persona too, which is hilarious. He is a Buddhist/Christian, whichever he prefers. So Epsilon aspires to go to Cambridge with Oxford as a backup, except he gets shit grades. It doesn’t matter how much you tell Epsilon that he cant get into these university because of his grades, he wont listen.
He once went out with some girl for a week. After they split up he obsessed over her for months. He once said he climbed to the top of a castle and was going to jump off until a vision of his ex girlfriend appeared in front of him telling him not to jump. One time Gamma and his ex decided to pretend to be in a relationship to piss off Epsilon. Epsilon thought they were in a relationship and ran off to the headmaster, the head of sixth form and the physiology teacher where he cried. How pathetic.
Epsilon also though he had a horrible life even though he gets £30 a week for nothing from EMA and his parents give him everything he wants. This is why he joined a site called teenhelp where he made lots of funny posts about his life. An example would be
“I feel so alone. Everytime i think, Everytime i try to do something its there. I went to the doctor's awhile ago and she said i could have a split personality. Now this would usually be fine cause its a pretty definate split between personalitys. But i don't know which is me! i want to believe that the sweet, nice caring guy is me, but it seems more like im the agressive, arrogant, hatefull guy instead. I feel like a monster!...everyone turns their back on me and im not sure i can continue. With all this my emotions are playing havok on me. I feel so bad all the time...And im still love my ex, but she's given up on me after 4 years of being there for me. I hate this. I've hurt her so much and i don't even have any control over my actions. The only time i feel happy now is when im somewhere, were there is a chance i'll die!. I want to die so much and yet i can't because my survival instinct will stop me!
I don't want to be here!
I don't deserve to be here!
Im a monster...”
This is also another funny post.
“Long story short im fed up...
Everyone keeps saying i have a great life and that im normal...
They are wrong.
I hate my life. I've lost my friends, I hate myself, Im being mercilessly bullyed.
Thats just the start.
In my mind im a monster! i only cause pain! I hate it. I hate the fact that i want...no i need to die. I hate the fact whenever i think.
"Dying changes nothing for me. Im allready dead inside" One of my friends goes.
"It changes everything for everyone else" IT DOESNT!
My so called friends always turn against me! For god's sake even my mother has turned against me.
"You treat others like crap and expect alot back! you should have a long hard look at who you treat others" What the hell got me into this mess?!
I've been thinking about others for most of my life rather than myself!
GRR i hate this! I just want to go up the castle and leap off! In fact thats looking more likely”
As you can see these are some funny posts from someone who gets everything they want.
Anyway Epsilon decided to start writing stories and poetry which I printed out and passed around the school. People started reading this horrendous mess. They were basically self insert mary sue stories where Epsilon would get his ex back. The poetry was pure drivel that he thought was going to get his ex back. After I printed this out I had all the stories and poetry published into a book on Lulu which people can buy. I made about £2.50 from this. Epsilon decided to try and sue me for this money, but he failed of course. He also has a notebook which he writes all his stories in. He wrote a will aswell, where he gives his stull to various girls he wants to fuck.
Epsilon also never gave his homework in. Once in GCSE his pregnant chemistry teacher confronted him about this and he freaked out shouting that he had too much on his mind to do homework. He then ran out the lesson to the school councillor. He also get a doctors note to get off lessons one day. The note said that “Epsilon is not preforming at 100% today so please excuse him from lessons”.

I have loads more stories about all these lolcows if you want them.
>> No. 34314
Tell me more about Alpha.

Also, if i have to hear anymore about this "relentless energy drink" i'm gonna freak.
>> No. 34315
At my first school there was a kid, his surname was Kilgallon so let's call him that.
He was a bit younger than me so I didn't interact with him all that much, but a few things he did stuck with me. He was pretty much my school's only "lolcow" so he probably isn't that funny, but I'll type it up anyway.

Firstly, my school was a very small boarding school, British, with only about 30 people per year. Because of the class size restraints (16 people maximum per class) it was quite rare to get a new person in, as most people had been there since the age of 4, so when Kilgallon joined in year 5 there was no way he wasn't going to stand out. However, it was made way worse by the fact he was fat. Now, he wasn't horrifically obese or anything, but he was literally the only person in the school who was tubby. Even this wouldn't have been much of a problem though, since bullying was very rare, but as some sort of defence mechanism he decided to make a huge thing out of his belly. At random points in the school day, with absolutely no prompting he'd lift up his school shirt and start dancing around jiggling his bellyfat and singing whatever song the choir (that he wasn't in) had sung that week (if you've never seen a chubby spast belly dancing while screeching a double tempo, mangled version of Pie Jesu off-key, you've... seen less than me).

Aside from the dancing thing, as I said I didn't see Kilgallon that often so there are only three real incidents I remember:

The first one occurred about a year after he joined. We were getting announcements in assembly every week about a kid who used to be in the year above me who was dying of leukemia. The kid had left the term before Kilgallon had joined, but there was a girl in my year who still saw him regularly and they had a bit of a thing (as much as two 12 year olds can "have a bit of a thing"), so it was really hard on her and she was missing a lot of school to see him, etc. Finally one friday she came into school looking really rough, and we knew what announcement was coming. In assembly, she was discretely ushered out before the headmaster made the announcement that the kid had finally died. The second after he said this, there was a screeching noise from one of the rows and for a moment I thought the girl had come back in, but then Kilgallon stood up, bawling like a baby - I mean his face was bright red, his head tilted back and his mouth open, screaming at the ceiling - and he walked slowly out of the room, bawling the entire time. Of course some teachers immediately rushed to follow him to check he was alright, and he was ushered into the same room the girl had been taken to cool down. Remember that Kilgallon had a) never met the dead kid in his life and b) had been hearing about his slow death for weeks now with no reaction. Now, from this point, I only have what the girl told us later, but she was never one to lie - apparently when Kilgallon came, still bawling like a baby, into the classroom she was sitting in, she (also overcome with some emotion, as you can imagine) asked if he was alright. His reaction was to turn to her, face still bright red, covered in snot and tears, and scream
before sitting with a thud on the floor and continuing to bawl. Of course, the teacher who had been comforting the girl (along with two more who'd followed Kilgallon out the hall) immediately went to him to try to calm him down. I'm not sure what happened next but after assembly the girl went to one lesson (she was in my class) and told us about that incident, then couldn't really cope any more and went home. Kilgallon, on the other hand, I saw walking to first lesson with a smile on his face and he was fine and cheerful in break and lunch like nothing had happened.

This is getting long, so I'll cont.
>> No. 34316
Relentless energy drink is like crack to these people.
Alpha is a massive sonic fan and collects vintage computers. When he dropped out of sixth form and decided to go to collage his dad cut off the dreadlock in his sleep much to Alpha's horror. Alpha wears the same clothes all the time and smells like Marmite because he brews cider in his room. His parents once had to strip the wallpaper in his room because he drank some of his homebrew cider and was sick all over his bedroom walls. He also once shared his dildos with a friend because his friend wanted something to play with while reading a furry story.
>> No. 34317

> (you have to be 16 to buy energy drinks in the UK)

Fellow brit here, when did this happen? I've seen kids buying euro-shopper energy drinks for years.
>> No. 34318
Another brit here, I agree, my town is full of 10 year olds drinking this shit and telling old ladies to fuck off.
I hope it's true that you have to be 16 now though.
>> No. 34319

Also brit, never heard of this. When I was 12-odd me and my friends used to buy those huge brandless energy drinks from tesco and chug them by the river. Never heard of having to be over 16.
>> No. 34321

The second incident actually occurred beforehand and was most people in my year's first impression of Kilgallon.

At the school we had a large area of land, with woodland in that we were allowed to play in at breaktimes and after lunch. Kids would usually make some kind of "base" and playfight over them, pretending sticks were swords, usual kid stuff.

So we were 11 or so, getting a bit old for this stuff but still pretending to fight, having a bit of a play-scrap over a base, when this Kilgallon kid comes into the little bit of trees we were in, called Kidney Copse (due to being shaped like a kidney, you know). Now it wasn't too common for people to hang out with kids from other years so we didn't really know him. He'd tied his tie around his head like a bandana and was pouting and squinting his eyes and walking like he was trying to be threatening, holding a stick in one hand like it was a knife.

We asked who he was and he said, and this is as verbatim as I remember, "I'm Kilgallon, warlord of Kidney Copse." We just sort of looked at him and he suddenly stepped forward and bellowed, face going red "BOW BEFORE ME!" I mean, we were kids and we liked playing pretend but this was a bit weird even for us so we were all just kind of shocked at this chubby little stranger.

A beat passed, then one of my friends, a guy named Edmund (yeah I know, we're posh) stepped forward and started, "Um okay, well we're sort of playing here an-"... Kilgallon lifted his hand with the little stick in it and just threw it straight, interrupting Edmund's sentence as he was hit in the face. There was another moment of shocked silence before Edmund started wailing - he'd been hit in the eye socket, one side of his face was covered in blood to the extent that you couldn't see his eye, and he was freaking out and screaming that he couldn't see. We all started freaking out too, and Kilgallon just stood there emotionless and said, again verbatim "That's what you get when you mess with warlord Kilgallon".

I don't know what his neurodisorder was, but as we all gathered round and tried to calm and help Edmund up to the school building to see matron, he didn't move, just stood there smiling vaguely and repeating "that's what you get when you mess with warlord Kilgallon".

It turned out that the stick had missed Edmund's eye by about 1-2cm (it had hit the inside of his nose, that part of his eye socket) and with a visit to A&E to get butterfly stitches and an eyebath to get rid of any bits of twig that had splintered off he was fine.
Needless to say though, it had been a close goddamn call and from then on whenever we saw Kilgallon approaching in breaktime we'd throw stuff at him and call him a psycho poofter 'til he'd leave, and he never tried to apologise or talk to Edmund at all (which was probably a good thing).

>> No. 34322
Lesson learned never drink relentless energy drink.
>> No. 34323
Its a ban that no one really enforces.
>> No. 34324
Wow, this post is British as fuck, guvenah.
>> No. 34325

Cheerio, tea and crumpets, my good fellow.
>> No. 34326

The third incident came when I was in year 8 (final year) and Kilgallon was in year 7. We had mandatory sport every day and the year 8 and year 7 boys did it together. There was a slightly uneven proportion of boys:girls at the school, so there were around 35 boys in these two years combined. Out of these 35, the teachers had managed to form a first and second XV (ie, best team, second best team) as well as a "thirds" - the 5 kids left over. The firsts and seconds would play matches home and away against other schools. Needless to say, Kilgallon was in the thirds.

So one day, Kilgallon got it into his head that the thirds should play the firsts. God knows why, since the firsts were largely the biggest kids in year 8 (including me) with the odd talented year 7, while the thirds were pretty much the runts from year 7, but he was really determined. He pestered the teacher for about 2 weeks about this idea, even saying that the teacher was just "scared because he knew the thirds would win" and going on about discrimination (???). Anyway, in the end the teacher relented and said okay, he'd bolster the thirds with a few of the seconds to make the sides even and we'd have a very quick match. However, Kilgallon insisted that "the captain of the thirds should get to pick the seconds". The thirds, never playing any matches, didn't actually have a captain, but needless to say Kilgallon selflessly volunteered. He proceeded to pick the worst players from the seconds, assigning them nonsensical positions and proclaiming himself the number 8.

So the game started, and went much as expected (ie, the firsts absolutely creaming the thirds) until somehow we ended up with a scrum. Now, for those of you who don't know rugby (which is probably most of you) the scrum consists of basically 8 players from each team going down and pushing to try to get the ball as a kind of penalty. The "number 8" goes behind the two rows of the other 7 players and tries to pick up the ball. I'm not a forward so wasn't in the scrum but this is basically what happened; the two sides started pushing, and comically slowly the much weaker thirds fell backwards, slowly over each other until all 7 basically fell on the number 8 - Kilgallon. It all happened so slowly and comedically that people actually started laughing, until there was a shriek from Kilgallon - his leg had actually been crushed, and he thought it was broken. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, that it was the teacher's fault for letting the scrum be so one-sided, that he needed a stretcher and an ambulance and to go to hospital.

So... me and another guy were told to go fetch the stretcher and we did. The teacher had Kilgallon's boots off and was trying to touch his leg to see how it was, but everytime his hand got close Kilgallon would let out a screech so he gave up. We were told to get Kilgallon onto the stretcher and carry him into the hall while he called the ambulance and Kilgallon's parents. We got Kilgallon into the hall and he immediately stopped crying. A teacher walked in and he started up again, yelling at the teacher "WHY HAVEN'T YOU GOT THE AMBULANCE YET I'M DYING I'LL GET GANGRENE". We were ushered out of the hall and went back to the pitch to continue the lesson; a few minutes later we saw Kilgallon's mum's car come in, screech to a halt and then the lady rush out into the hall. We all thought it was pretty serious, so we were pretty worried when a few minutes later an ambulance, sirens blaring also came in and some paramedics got out. Needless to say we were rubbernecking more than we were playing so the teacher started us on some 9 a side matches for a few minutes... before the paramedics came slowly walking out of the hall, got back into the ambulance and slowly drove away. A few minutes later Kilgallon's mum also walked slowly out of the hall, got back into her car and slowly drove off. Then... Kilgallon walked out and started heading back towards the pitch. He walked up to the teacher, not limping at all, eyes dry but face still puffy, and said measuredly
"I hope you understand now why it's a good idea not to make the scrum so one-sided"
then got his football boots back on and asked which position he should go in. Played the rest of the lesson perfectly normally.
>> No. 34327
Had a good laugh at this, cheers mate.

Also, every time I read his name I'd think it said Klingon at first.
>> No. 34328
File 133693113748.jpg - (51.69KB , 713x536 , seinfeld.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>One day we were in creative writing class and i was writing a story about the Irish Mob fighting The Triad
>i was writing a story about the Irish Mob fighting The Triad
>story about the Irish Mob fighting The Triad

Holy shit. Please tell me this still exists.
>> No. 34329
Jesus what a little shit, why did they put up with him
>> No. 34330
>He also once shared his dildos with a friend because his friend wanted something to play with while reading a furry story.

I seriously didn't need to hear that.
>> No. 34331

Lol, thanks. Don't have as many stories about him as some people in this thread have about stuff, but I'm sure he was a right little spast in lessons as well.

Private school, so students were pretty much customers. Kids used to act out and even try to run away on a daily basis, but they wouldn't expell them in case their parents got angry (especially if the parents were also donators to the school). I was there for 10 years and I never heard of anyone getting suspended, let alone expelled. You'd have to do detention like write lines (lol) or clean up but that was pretty much it. My friend's brother ran away when he was 10 and almost got as far as the motorway, the school pretty much shut down for the evening while all the teachers looked for him, but the only punishment he got was a week helping matron.
>> No. 34332
Thought of another Army related one last night. It was this guy in our section whom I'll call Rick.

I have no clue how this guy managed to get in in the first place, as he was quite the fat fuck. He also had a really cocky attitude, which made it impossible to feel sorry for him whenever he failed. And to top it all off, he was a rather hardcore Juggalo. Probably where the attitude came from.

About the time we were getting ready to go to Afghanistan, we found out that Rick had gotten himself into a bit of trouble. Apparently, he had taken some course that had him going out to Arizona, and he had been given a government travel card. Basically, it's a credit card that you use to pay for meals, small expenses, etc.

Well, Rick had used his to buy a bunch of shit at Wal-Mart and Gamestop, either thinking he wouldn't get caught or that he'd be able to pay it off. This happened in the midst of what had been actual improvement on his part. He had been losing weight and was actually looking like he might make it. With the travel card thing, he was already on thin ice, but he didn't seem cocks with mere failure. Nah, he wanted that shit to be epic.

He got arrested for "unlawful criminal confinement". Seems he and his girlfriend had gotten into a fight and she was getting ready to leave him. In order to prevent this from happening, he actually SAT ON HER. I can only guess that he must have assumed she'd calm down and decide to stay with him. She didn't, and she ended up pressing charges. He ended up getting kicked out, and I have no idea what may have happened to him after that.
>> No. 34333
Somewhere, among a bunch of scattered files and crap.

I might post it somewhere when/if i find it, but the thing kinda drags out a little, it starts off with the Irish Mob fighting some small time Mexican gang and eventually escalates into a war with the Triad. There's also a little civil war between two underbosses.

It's pretty long, and a lot of crap happens.
>> No. 34334
I was in the army for a while. My first camp was dry, after some idiot got plastered and rang his mother to tell her.

So this camp was alcohol free. No problem for me.

There were these two guys, they had something to go to, a birthday party or something, but they were worried they wouldn't be given permission to go, so they said they had to go to a wedding. They got permission to leave Wednesday and had to be back by noon Saturday.

By Tuesday, there's still no sign.

One of them turns up Thursday morning, 4 am. Blind drunk, hitchhiking in full uniform, and then he punched a cop.

No one knows where the other guy went.
>> No. 34335

I remember Smith from one of the older threads!
>> No. 34336
I knew this girl during high school. She had this idea that she and I were best friends forever the moment we met. She had this obsession with Doctor Who, I hand't watched a whole lot of it but she was under the impression that I was as obsessed with it as she was. She would ask me if she looked like Rose, and I would tell her yes just because I was afraid she'd get pissed off at me. I'd never seen her angry but I didn't really want to.

She would always see me between first and second periods, and she would come into my class to see me and some other girls, even though the teacher in our class told her to leave almost every day in the beginning of the year, but he gave up around Halloween. Anyway, all she would do is talk. I don't even remember what she would talk about most of the time, probably Doctor Who and shit, but she would randomly give me high-fives and strike her chest in a crude sign of allegiance to me in the middle of conversation, and would call me "Dog" and "Brother", like a wanna-be gangster. For the longest time she would call me "Girl", I really didn't care enough to correct her, it was one of my friends who told her I was a boy. Yeah.

She found me on Facebook recently, I accepted her friend request for reasons I don't recall. I would unfriend her but she would probably spam my inbox asking why she can't see my statuses anymore. She usually posts on my wall about three times a day telling me she messaged me, even though I can already see that, posting my name or asking me how my day has been. Most of her messages to me consist of sending me my name to get my attention or asking if I want to see a movie with her (I live halfway across the state now...) or asking for advice on how to talk to a girl she likes.

There were these guys in school who would "troll" her by yelling her name and stealing her backpack, but she didn't really react at all, she would tell me she would kill them though, I don't know if that was her way of being angry or if it was an actual threat.
>> No. 34337
Stop being a pussy and block her on facebook, or only reply with cries of Julay
>> No. 34338
...is..is she a hambeast? If not...do you think you post her dox..like her facebook? For purely scientific reasons you see.
>> No. 34339
She's no hambeast, she's quite thin but pretty tall. There's nothing really interesting to see on her Facebook, she doesn't have any pictures or statuses, it's all just her commenting on people's shit.
>> No. 34340
Ooh yes, before I forget. She and I shared a classroom which was kind of like a haven for special education kids. One of the teachers in there would let me draw things on the boards, and I was really into horses. I didn't share this class with her, but she would see my horse drawings on the boards, and would interpret them as My Little Ponies. She gave me a pony doll she found on the ground one day at school, and she sometimes drew crude representations of ponies on the board as well, consisting of a circle, a square for the body, a ratty mane and tail and a smily face with nostrils.
She also wrote a note a note to me about going to the moon once. This was during the heyday of Chris-chan bullshit, so I drew a turtle smoking on top of a circle representing a moon. She didn't say anything to me about it. She did draw a turtle back, though.
>> No. 34341
Wait, how did she manage to misidentify your gender? Was she super-autistic or are you just a androgynous motherfucker?
>> No. 34342
File 133696685717.jpg - (81.75KB , 700x714 , 132038117230.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>She and I shared a classroom which was kind of like a haven for special education kids. One of the teachers in there would let me draw things on the boards, and I was really into horses.

Is there something you'd like to tell us?
>> No. 34343

>> No. 34344
I was in the behavior disorder program in school and I'm not even sure where to begin. We had a rubber room in middle school and the teacher liked to dance on her desk. That last bit is only really noteworthy because she weighed like 300 pounds. Every school memory involves a sperg until my sophmore year when I got kicked out of the program for telling the teacher to go fuck herself. I wasn't suspended or anything, just kicked out of that special ed program. I guess I was cured.
>> No. 34345
File 133700459873.png - (20.20KB , 256x256 , Beaky-Buzzard-icon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Army lolcows...I dunno if it was because they needed people or what, but I htink the fact that they don't turn away anyone (in the Army, at least, maybe the navy) lends the Army to having a nice group of lolcows. They admittedly don't last long, but you get a few.

One who sticks in my mind is Pat, who never bathed. EVER. He smelled like rotten fruit and was coated in a greasy layer of acne. Becuase he smelled so bad, people refused to live with him, so he got his own barracks room.

He was an MP (military police) until he got caught at the post exchange shoplifting a pack of cigarettes. A pack of cigarettes that he had money for IN his pocket. His excuse? "I just wanted to see if I could get away with it." Keep in mind that as an MP, he had been in the PX numerous times to arrest people for doing the same shit. So he not only knew the process, he ALSO knew exactly where the cameras were and what they were looking at.

His room was surprisingly well maintained, but there was something off that you couldn't put your finger on. In his room were probably somewhere between 50-75 GI joe figures, ranging from the 12 inch tall ones to the 80's COBRAAAA ones. All facing his door with their guns pointed at it. It "kept him safe from intruders." He also couldn't find his canteen once, so showed up with a GI Joe one made for a child. One day they found him wandering the roof of the barracks looking for a sniper's nest. He got to go see the shrink for that one.

Eventually, he went to New Mexico, stopped at a gas station, and stole gas. Of course, it's been established Pat's no criminal mastermind, so it was easy to catch him; they just took down his license plate and called my unit. He got kicked out after that. If you can believe it, it wasn't even a dishonorable discharge. I think it was "failure to adapt" or some minor shit like that.

I don't have a pic of him, but wish I did. Ugliest motherfucker I've seen in my life. I actually felt pity for him solely based on how hideous he looked. I included this pic of Beaky the Buzzard because besides the beak, it's almost EXACTLY what this guy looked like.
>> No. 34346
Yeah, when I went through AIT, we had one of those "failure to adapt" cases. Dude refused to come out of his room. Every morning when we had formation and the platoon guide gave the report to the First Sergeant, he would rattle off the numbers, followed by: "And one DeJesus still in his room, First Sergeant!" Even the 1SG laughed at that one.

There was also this weeaboo who brought all his cosplay shit with him in the one bag that was allotted between basic and AIT. He looked like a giant gerbil, so we took to calling him gerbil boy. He ended up hooking up with this crazy bitch from Alabama. So we had Gerbil boy and Psycho Girl, the match made in the twilight zone. Then he failed two tests and got recycled.
>> No. 34347
Lot of militaryfags on /cwc/. Any of you guys actually see action/kill anybody?
>> No. 34348
10 months in Afghanistan, no real action at all. I was deployed with a task force of 200, and we got sent to different places in the country. Some guys who got sent to a little base damn near got blown up in a rocket attack, but other than that, it was pretty quiet. But that's happens when you get sent overseas as part of a headquarters unit.
>> No. 34349
I did my basic down in Ft. Sill and other then a few idiots who couldn't shoot and a guy who didn't bath or do laundry (until we started forcing him to) I can only recall 2 total idiots. One was at my first permanent duty station and he was this skinny sort of formless pale guy who one day told about 5 of us how he meticulously shaved every part of his body every day because "the ladies love it". We adopted a number of names for him after that.

The only failure to adapt discharge I ever saw was during basic about week 7 or so. I was doing firewatch on the 2nd floor of the battery and suddenly a door alarm from upstairs went off and I heard screaming. Anyway, when one alarm goes off they all go off so I go out to see what's happening. Just as I get out the door I see this dude screaming as he sprints down the stairs to the drill pad. He then proceeds to run head first into one of the big brick support columns. He does this about 2 more times until one of the DS's on duty came out and restrained him. I still never found out why the dude went nuts like that. It was pretty wild.
>> No. 34350
LOL Leonard Wood, here. We had a guy go AWOL at reception (fuckin' pussy). Then about 2 weeks into the cycle we all get called down to an accountability formation on a Sunday afternoon. Turns out PVT Eldred (same dude from reception) had his mom come down from Michigan and pick him up after he'd skipped out of church services. Don't know what became of him, but the 1SG eventually told his PG to stop calling his name, as he was at that point considered a deserter.

Also had a couple guys fuck around on our first FTX throwing rocks in the dark. One of them ended up taking a rock to the lip and got sent back to the company area. For some fucked up reason, they gave him Hydrocodone at sick call. Well, the two of them decided to snort it one night and went apeshit. They broke into the DS office on their floor to get to the seized contraband inside. They ended up getting put on suicide watch for the rest of the cycle (glad they weren't in my platoon) and got court-martialed.
>> No. 34351
Lol, tards. I never understood why dumbasses snort that shit. Wayyy too much acetaminophen in them to be doing that shit. Just fucking eat them. I know a couple of idiots who snort them everytime they have some. I try to tell them that shit is dumb and pointless, but they keep doing it anyway.
>> No. 34352
LOL Future Darwin award candidates. BTW, the dude who got his lip busted was from Knox County, Indiana. With the amount of meth that gets produced there, I'd imagine snorting shit was pretty much second nature to him.
>> No. 34353
I'd say thats probably pretty accurate. I live in MO and its much the same way here, though I generally don't fuck with it.
>> No. 34354
File 133701237699.jpg - (75.48KB , 800x501 , meth face 7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, meth is some truly nasty shit. Several dudes I went to HS with ended up in prison for selling it. There's something about a substance that has lithium, acetone, rat poison, etc that was made by a dude named Bubba that kills the appeal. Pic related.
>> No. 34355
File 133701332099.jpg - (53.91KB , 500x631 , Breaking Bad 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Yeah, meth is some truly nasty shit. Several dudes I went to HS with ended up in prison for selling it.

They were just trying to support their family.

>> No. 34356

IMO its only if you smoke it and have no willpower.

I once had an E that had meth in and the high was amazing compared to a clean pill I had the month before. I was craving another like fuck but I suppressed it and it went away.

I would never EVER smoke or inject that shit though, its just not worth it.
>> No. 34357
I'm the guy from MO. It can be fun sometimes. I used to have a bad IV opiate problem, mostly oxys and morphine tablets. Because of that, I shot meth several times. Definetly the most intense high I ever experienced, I will say that. The first time I did it felt like my heart was going to explode. However, although it didn't effect me this way, shooting it tends to be the method that makes people literally go out of their fucking mind, especially large amounts at once. Because of that, I never really got into, being that I really didn't like being around people who acting batshit insane and paranoid. That and I generally prefered nodding out to staying up for days, though it could be fun at times, especially with a girl who was spun out too.

I never smoked it either, I know too many people with their teeth all ate up from that shit. Would sometimes take it in a capsule, which is alot like the IV high, so I am sure that E pill you took probably got you off pretty good.

I've cleaned up in the last couple of years, all I really do now is take the tramadol and hydrocodone I get prescribed for stenosis in my spine and some bulging disks. Although I do take more than I am supposed to and get a good little buzz going.
>> No. 34358

Grats on getting clean(er) dude, keep it up.

As for myself, contrary to what the average guy who hears someone say 'I have used meth' may think about them, I am a regular guy when it comes to drugs.

First drunk in mid teens, can be a pothead when I have the opportunity, taken the odd pill. So yea, I guess whereas in the US only hardcore drug abusers would ever try meth, in the UK we generally recognise it for what it is, just another form of amphetamine.

I have a non IV/IM policy and will only smoke cigarettes and weed. Anything else oral (no homo) and I've snorted the tiniest bit of ket before.
>> No. 34359
It depends on a lot of other factors too like socio-economic status or if you are self medicating for whatever reason.
>> No. 34360
Appreciate it. Yeah, you're right, there certainly is a social stigma attached to it in the states, and towards iv drug use in general (though I suspect that one is the same everywhere in the world).

Thats a good policy to have, iv/im is for thebirds, and that shit will never end well. I never snorted shit either, never liked it and mostly found it unpleasant. I can't smoke pot anymore, I stopped for several years when I got into hard stuff, and now if I smoke I get super fucking paranoid. I don't know how I smoked so much of that shit as a teenager.
>> No. 34361
My roommate.

He's Irish, moved out here with a visa. Absolutely retarded when it comes to women, but he's not one of those "why don't those whores like me?!" idiots, he's a genuinely nice guy.

So nice, in fact, that he has five women fighting over him. I didn't know this until...the night.

I got home from work, and he popped his head out and just said: "Oh, you're back? Do you want to come in and watch the film?" He says he has this DVD I've wanted to watch for a while, so I go in.

The lights are off, there's a bottle of wine, and a girl is splayed on the couch. When she sees me she snaps up, really self-conscious. He introduces us, clearly unaware of what I'm interupptting, and won't let me leave. He then starts pouring out wine for me and her, but says he "wouldn't touch that swill for love nor money." He then makes me sit on the couch, beside her, and sits on the floor himself. I spent two and a half hours with this French girl glaring at me for getting between her and him.

Eventually he left for a few minutes and I apologized for getting in the way, and it all came out. There were two other girls who come into where he works every day to try to flirt with him, and she took her shot by mentioning she had this DVD to get him alone before they got their claws into him. I stopped the store where he works by one day to have a look, and wow. I mean, these girls could nearly be models, and they're both trying to get his attention. He's completely oblivious, and he's a virgin. We got drunk one night and he admitted it. Totally fucking retarded, and he won't believe me when I tell him, because he thinks girls like that wouldn't give him the time of day.

There's also a schizo and a 16 year old after him, but that's a whole other story.
>> No. 34362
It’s my cousin. She’s... not a very nice person.
In order of increasing severity:
-regularly throws temper tantrums, including rolling on the floor and holding her breath until she passes out, at 22
-currently working on developing a coke habit because “that’s what all the models do, it’s the best way to keep trim!” (within the past two months, there is nothing to suggest the Devil’s dandruff at play in the rest of the this)
-attempted to slut shame me (or whatever the male equivalent is) when I hooked up with someone at work
-has called the police on another cousin for driving past her house late at night, even though it was on his way home
-set fire to her trampoline because she was worried some of the younger family members would damage it (because fire is the great preserver, doncherknow)
-had sex with all three groomsmen at someone’s wedding, just to annoy the bride and groomsmans girlfriend.
-Made and won a bet she could sleep with fifty guys in two months
-had sex with five guys in the toilet at her little brothers birthday and didn’t even lock the door. I just walked in and she was blowing one, wanking off two and taking the other two in both entrances. You’d think having someone walk in would make them stop, but they didn’t come out for another half hour.
-called the police on a house painter for smoking marijuana. It was one of those electronic nicotine smoking quitting machines. Poor guy lost a good amount of business because so many people saw him being questioned by the police.
- left her sister in a wrecked car at the side of the road to go to a party
-after I pulled her sister from the car wreck and brought her home, she kicked me out for tracking mud in
-abandoned our elderly uncle who was dying of cancer, only showing up to take his wallet
-fucked with my friend’s head so bad he came close to committing suicide and is still in therapy, nearly two years later
And the majority of the family think she’s an absolute angel who’s just trying to experience as much of life as possible. Anytime I mention my friend, they say shit like: “Oh, like she’d have anything to do with gutter trash like that. You see, she’s a bit higher class than what you’re used to. Not you can blamed for not understanding that, after all, it’s not your fault your parents had such lowly jobs, but good on you for dragging yourself up from nothing.” I now refuse to interact with a little over half of the family because of her and their general attitude to everyone else.
>> No. 34363
Egad, man. The only positive outcome I can see here is OD/suicide, sad to say.
>> No. 34364
I agree with this guy, put some rat poison in her coke, or food , whatever, doing the world a favor

I am loveshy grrr wimminz
>> No. 34365
You walked in on your cousin getting gangbanged?

Thats... kinda hot. What does she look like? You know.. for research purposes.
>> No. 34366

Can't you read? This is a Lolcow thread.

Not a 'what the fuck is happening to my species how can people like this exist jesus fuck I want to kill myself' thread.

Well, I guess they're the same thing, but one makes me laugh and your example inflames my jimmies something terrible.
>> No. 34367
Holy fuck, your cousin sounds deranged.
>> No. 34368
>“Oh, like she’d have anything to do with gutter trash like that. You see, she’s a bit higher class than what you’re used to. Not you can blamed for not understanding that, after all, it’s not your fault your parents had such lowly jobs, but good on you for dragging yourself up from nothing.”

I seriously, SERIOUSLY hope that you're grossly exaggerating what they actually said.

If you're not, i hope you at least decked somebody for saying that.
>> No. 34369
>-attempted to slut shame me (or whatever the male equivalent is) when I hooked up with someone at work
>-Made and won a bet she could sleep with fifty guys in two months
>> No. 34370

I wish I was. Her parents are completely disconnected from reality. Her sisters are pretty bad as well, but nowhere near as bad as her.


Clearly she's just celebrating her sexuality, and I'm just another misogynist who blots out her light with my evil.

Also, forgot to mention, and I know no one will believe me, but her name is Julie.
>> No. 34371
You slapped one of them, swore at them, or at least flipped them off after they said that, right?

Please tell you did you SOMETHING, it's that last little hope that's keeping me going right now.
>> No. 34372
Why does this guy remind me of that kid Piggy from Lord Of The Flies?

was your little brother's party full of kids? If so, that's pretty sick shit. How the fuck did she get away with that?
>> No. 34373
I'm calling bullshit on the slutty cousin story. Dude has obviously been watching too much porn.
>> No. 34374

I call bullshit on you being an attorney. Obviously you're some dumbass instead.
>> No. 34375
It's easier said than done. I moved to Oakland, CA where seemingly everyone I've ever met at a party or show in the last couple years has or still is shooting up heroin, myself included, but my girlfriend introduced me to it. I blacked out when she put the needle in before she did anything, which is common, but it shows how freaked out I was. Up to then I convinced myself needles, IV/IM administration, all that bullshit was not for me and I'll have nothing to do with it. Oops. Up to being 19, I personified the exact opposite of drug use in the most shut-in nerdy existence possible, but it's amazing how life takes you places.

Sorry to derail the thread a little, but for your sake and others reading this, just completely avoid that shit forever. It has its fingers gripping your neck long before you realize it.
>> No. 34377
Another person I want to talk about, and is probably closer to being a lolcow than Amanda, is Henry. Henry was a very attractive young man, and he must have been bright, because he got into school.

He was also batshit crazy. When he came to school, he was all heartsick over leaving his high school girlfriend, Ellen. He was constantly calling her and planning trips home to see her. This didn't stop him from hooking up with both me and Amanda and another girl (can't remember much about her). This went on for most of the semester.

At the end of the semester she dumped him. Probably because of all the cheating (I don't know.) He did not take it well. He started crying and cutting himself and shit. He also went to a sophomore girl who was known to be Wiccan and asked her to do a love spell. She told him that was against her beliefs because it interfered with free will. He told her something rather amazing. I don't have the e-mail she forwarded me anymore, but it was something like this, "It's not interfering, it's just helping destiny along because it was prophecized that Ellen and I would be together. I received this prophecy in a dream."

He tried to kill himself by overdosing on Benadryl (dude, I do that for fun). This ended with him in a very expensive hospital for two weeks. He came out of it still a mess, except he was on lots of drugs now.

He immediately latched onto another girl (who is her own story I will get to in a minute). Of course, given all these problems, he failed every class he was taking and was thrown out of school. What did he do? Go home, maybe go to community college? Not Henry. He moved into his girlfriend's dorm room and continued to use all the facilities of the school. She would steal him food from the cafeteria, too.
>> No. 34378
Note: this was my first post, but I forgot important details and had to delete it. So imagine this coming before "Prophecy of Love"

I went to a small liberal arts college in the Midwest (I won't tell you which one) and I met quite a few interesting individuals. Only one or two really qualify as lolcows. I will trip because this is long.

The first one is my ex-girlfriend, Amanda. Probably not a lolcow, but still interesting. She was beautiful, but dressed kind of like a boy. She showed up at college and mesmerized everyone with her sexy Irish accent and the tragic story of how her girlfriend was dying of cancer. I was young and stupid, so this attracted me, and the next thing you know, we're sleeping together. The sex was hot, but she grew even more depressed as time went on and her girlfriend (Jessica) in another state slowly died of cancer. Then one day, the girl died. She was heartbroken. She drank whiskey straight and cut herself, punched things, the whole nine yards. The cuts on her arm were extremely deep. It was awful, and I felt awful for seducing her.

Time passed and she recovered. Except every year on the anniversary of Jessica's death, she would go ballistic and start cutting herself again. It was awful, and I didn't know what to do.

One day I was trying to make her feel better, so we talked about it, and she mentioned Jessica's last name. It was "Vandersleeve" and she had lived in Orlando Florida (changing details here for anonymity, but the name was really unique). She was an Odinist and collected anime figurines So, I thought, maybe there's a memorial page I can sign or something. So I googled.

First hit was a Facebook page last updated...yesterday. By Jessica Vandersleeve. Who lives in Orlando, collects anime figurines and worships Odin. I shit bricks, and when I finally calm down enough I sent an email to the account basically being all "WTF you're supposed to be dead. Amanda said you died."

I get a response pretty quickly, with a vitriolic rant about how horribly Amanda had treated her and how she nearly drove her to suicide. Turns out Jessica never even had cancer. She also told me interesting things. For example, Amanda wasn't Irish and had never been to Ireland. The accent was fake.
>> No. 34379
Fuck needle drugs for real, especially heroin. I just lost my best friend to heroin.

I'd never do it thanks to a situation I was in one time. My friend took me to her friend's apartment, her friend being an oxycontin-addicted craigslist prostitute. I decided to try oxy while there, but it was so surreal and miserable. I was high and nauseous and puking in an animal feces-infested, cramped apartment with a drug addicted sex worker (who had her kid taken away by the state, but she didn't seem to care, because that enabled her to have her fucked up party lifestyle, ugh), and her basically-pimp husband (who she married 2 months after meeting him, a month after having a kid with another guy) who played hexbox with her money nodding out all day, surviving off of his wife's sex work and completely using her. It was like one of those "do this again and this is what you'll end up like" PSAs. We had to go outside because she was seeing a client at one point, even.

TL;DR: Puking in a decrepit whore's toilet high on oxycontin made me never touch opiates ever again.

And of course, said woman's husband went to jail, and she ended up trading oxy for shooting up heroin and became a legit street prosti.

Sorry this is dragging this topic even more off topic but I figured with all of the kids on Summer break on /cwc/ now, it would be an appropriate time to share my gross drug story to dissuade any edgy tryhard child from doing hard drugs.
>> No. 34380
Same guy you replied to here. I was a junkie for about 5 years. Started out with oxys and morphine as I said before, then moved on to heroin and used that exclusively for the last three year I was using.

And you are right, quittin is one of the hardest things you could ever do. I wouldn't wish dope sickness(withdrawl) on my worst enemy, and fear of going through it for any length of time was a major reason I didn't try to quit sooner.

I kicked two years ago, and probably never would have if I hadn't hit rock bottom and gone to a doctor, where I broke down and asked for help to quit. I got put on Suboxone for a year and it was fucking godsend. No dope sickness to worry about, and it both blocked other opiates and kept me buzzing all day to where I never felt tempted to relapse. Doc finally weened me off them and now I just take the opiates I get for my back for a little buzz everyday an to keep me out of pain. Suboxone saved my fucking life, without a dout.
>> No. 34381
I have a couple of lolcows back when I was in the anime club at my high school (I left before the end of the year and never came back).

The club president was a fucking bitch. She was a major hipster, clearly standing out. Ask her why she was dressed like the child of a hippy and a clown, and she would yell at you for "accepting society's norms in a progressive world" or some shit like that. She also was a major My Little Pony fan, and would force us to watch episodes during meetings even though we usually voted on some other anime. Nobody, not even the vice-president liked her: She was only elected because she brought her friends to vote for her during the first meeting, and they never came back. At the same time, she viewed everybody else in the club as "beneath" her and would insult other members behind their backs. She also had a tendency to scare off members at a frightening rate, either for a good reason but over reacting, or just flipping her shit at a new member. By the time I left, she managed to scare off three members that year, including myself.

There was also this anorexic Narutard who looked like your typical underweight nerdy girl, until you got to know her. She obsessed over roleplaying as characters from anime, she wouldn't even respond to people calling her name while she was roleplaying. She had a spot for Naruto: she wore a ninja headband everywhere she went, and ignored all of the teasing she received. The popular students would trick her into doing stupid things just for a cheap laugh.

There was yet another girl who had some quirks of her own. She had the Ass Burgers, and thus felt the need to interrupt teachers and YELL LOUDLY whenever possible. She openly fantasized about yaoi, and admitted to having daydreams about Choji from Naruto (he's the morbidly obese ninja). She also annoyed the other anime club members to no end, and students would avoid her like the plague. She also cosplayed as Tobi from Naruto whenever she could, even if the situation didn't call for it. (ex. a "Promote Reading" week at school) She left after the club president scared her for breaking her iPod stereo, which I'll get to in a bit.

Lastly, there was this really creepy guy who only attended a few meetings. He looked like he had lots of black makeup on his face, yet had a high pitch voice that clashed so badly, you couldn't help but chuckle. He was always alone, and didn't do anything special until one day, he went full retard on Facebook and started posting flame-war shit on there. I don't even remember what he said, but it made people mad and he never showed up again. Afterwards, everybody else went full retard and started bitching about everybody and everything. This was the beginning of the end for me.

(To be continued)
>> No. 34382
..were you an autistic junkie?
>> No. 34383
Ah, yeah, that place sounds familiar. I found myself in many disgusting junkie pads just like that when I was using.

An yeah, i you have no tolerance, you will puke your guts out like that. Its basically your body going into panic mode and tying to get that shit the fuck out of it.
>> No. 34384
(Part 2)
The Facebook page became nothing but flaming grounds afterwards. Grammar nazis, conservatives, normal people, you name it, were being bitched about. I stopped checking the Facebook page, but when I checked after I left, things seemed to have calmed down.

The last straw was the Homecoming Parade, where all of the anime nerds would march out on the street. All of the other clubs made floats and did a good job recreating what their club was about. The club president of anime club, being as lazy as usual, decided not to do that, but instead order a float made for them. After realizing it was too expensive, she cut some drastic corners: everybody would ride in the back of the club advisor's pickup truck, and then come out at certain stops to do the Caramelldansen dance. I already decided not to join in.

In detail, they would ride in the advisor's truck while wearing anime outfits and waving a big Nyan Cat sign around with an anime club poster on the front of the truck, while doing the Caramelldansen dance. Obviously, this was a bad idea, but the club president refused to listen to everybody's complaints. She took it home and decorated the anime club poster, but when she brought it back on the day of the parade, we were horrified: there were ponies everywhere, with no sign of actual anime. According to the president, ponies were "close enough" to anime to count, and nobody would laugh.

I left before the parade started, but apparently the Ass Burgers girl and the club president got into a brief fight before the aspie girl accidently broke her iPod stereo. The president flipped her shit, tried to start another fight before the advisor restrained her. A few members backed out of the parade at the last minute because the president was acting like a psycho (and I took this as my cue to leave and watch from the sidelines) so she, the vice-president, and three other members had to perform to dance without anybody else. They also happened to be the ones without costumes, so everybody took their pictures, tagged them on Facebook, and bullied them for the rest of the year.

Afterwards, I left the club since I didn't want to be associated with those people. The president managed to turn the heat around from her to the vice-president and had him impeached, which is really unfair since he was the only cool member. Anyway, that's my story.
>> No. 34385
This is the story of Henry's girlfriend, Hilda. She was kind of chubby but not a landwhale. She was also very, very sick.

With what? Why, cancer, of course! A few weeks after meeting her she told me she had ovarian cancer. This freaked everybody out, and we were all super nice to her. She talked about shaving her head to prepare for chemo. It was very tragic.

She got drunk one night and let it slip to me that she didn't actually have cancer. She'd been diagnosed with hypochondria. It had been a long-term problem for her. In high school, she really did shave her head to prepare for chemo.

I didn't spread this to everyone else, but they all figured it out when no doctor visits or hospital stays materialized. Everyone still treated her with sympathy because hey, she was technically sick, right?

She talked often about how she had been raped in high school, and though most of us didn't believe it, we pretended to. She was also upset because she had almost been raped the first week of school. Apparently a "massive black guy" had climbed in the window of her dorm room.

I met that massive black guy. He wasn't massive, but he was black. He also hadn't tried to rape her. What happened was he waved at her through the window of her dorm room while outside talking on the phone to his grandmother. I've been dating him for seven years now.

She was almost raped again at midsemester. A boy named James was hanging out in her dorm room with me and her. I left. The next day she was extremely upset, telling everyone he tried to rape her. Given her history, I was suspicious because of her past, but everyone else jumped on it talking about how horrible James was. I talked to James, and he said what happened was that they were doing whippits and she kissed him. James dropped out soon after that, presumably because he expected her to cause problems for him. I often wonder what happened to him.

She was traumatized by this, and plyed it in order to get the most coveted thing at my school: an emergency single room. She told the administrators that she was afraid James would come back and rape her again if she was in the same room, so they moved her.

Amanda and James were good friends. One day, long after James left, Hilda was coming back from the restroom and saw Amanda walking by. Nothing happened, but the next day she came to me crying that Amanda was "second-degree stalking" her.

At this point I was a little worried. The administration had easily believed the rape story: what if they believed this one too? Amanda could be thrown out or something, and she didn't deserve that.

I was able to calm her down and she didn't go to the administrators. Which is good, because they might have found the cat.

Oh, didn't I mention the cat? Well, during cancer scare no.3, Hilda had decided she could not continue her academic career without a "therapy pet." So she had me drive her to a pet shop and bought a small tabby. And kept it in the dorm room. Which was a single. Where Henry was already living.

The room smelled terrible because of the litter box and the cat quickly became disturbed living in such a small space. I know because they left it with me during spring break. It clawed at shit and hissed if anyone tried to touch it.

Hilda was just happy to have the cat. At the end of the year, the cat went to live in Henry's new apartment (which he finally got after living illegally in a dorm room for a year).

Now, I had signed up to room with Hilda in the fall. Why? Simple: I didn't think she'd make it through the year, giving me a double single. Of course, that happened, but not before the incident that completely ended our relationship.

It's late at night. I take my sleeping pills (which were prescribed) and prepare to tuck in. My boyfriend (massive black guy) comes by and says he wants to show me something in the hallway. I say okay.

I go out and look at it, and then turn to return to my room. Keep in mind, I'm in my pajamas and high as a kite (legally). Hilda knew this. The door to my room was locked, and of course my key was inside because I was literally going five feet away.

Not knowing what to do, I call Hilda's cell phone. No answer. I try and again and again, and finally she picks up. She tells me she had a surprise panic attack and had to go to Henry's apartment. She suggests I just sleep in Boyfriend's room. I say no, and demand she come back so I'm not running around the dorm high. She finally agrees.

When they arrive back, Henry yells at me for twenty minutes for not carrying my key. Even though I'm in my pajamas, high, and very tired. This goes on until I finally convince him to let me sleep.

After that I wrote a short letter to them saying I was "bringing our relationship to a close," my words. As expected, Hilda failed out of school a month later, after living at Henry's apartment the entire time.
>> No. 34386
>dating a black guy for seven years
>> No. 34387
Go to hell race traitor
>> No. 34388
Summary: Black ex-rapist tricks you out of leaving your room while high, forcing you into a situation that ends a long-lasting friendship.
Rereading everything, it's easy to see that he's pulling the strings here. And now he's even deluded you into betraying your own race.
>> No. 34389
Attention whores love "almost raped", don't they?
>> No. 34390
Here's an ongoing tale of sperginess.

I'm no stranger to retards. I myself have the AZZBURGERZ and I was in Special Ed for a long time. Unlike myself where over time I learned some social skills and actually stopped being a such huge failure, there are those of my flailing race that for all intents and purposes are essentially children in adult bodies and sometimes worse than that.

I have many stories and I've told a few on this board already, but here's one that's ongoing as of this moment.
There's this Indian sperg in one of my classes, he's really light skinned, so I'll call him the White Tiger. White Tiger is one of the most annoying people I've met. He is 19 yet he gets progressively more and more immature the more I interact with him. He tells long boring stories about his sexual fantasies (I guess, it involved this Japanese VA he's in love with) the last one he told was verbatim the plot of There's Something About Mary. He even sang some of the musical numbers aloud, LOUDLY I might add.

He has this tendency to touch people without their consent. No means nothing to him, no matter how firm you are. Sadly, people coddle the fuck out of him even when he's annoying as shit . I so far have been the only one to call him out on his shit and he didn't even listen to me.

He has this tendency to speak this Indian language randomly when he can speak fluent English when he wants to. He'll randomly start using moonspeak when he knows you don't understand because he thinks he sounds cool and that it'd be cool if you learned so you can be his moonspeak friend or some shit or whatever retarded shit goes through his head.
>> No. 34391
I will say however in its defence that green relentless + barocca is good for getting over hangovers
>> No. 34392
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>I'm no stranger to retards. I myself have the AZZBURGERZ and I was in Special Ed for a long time. Unlike myself where over time I learned some social skills and actually stopped being a such huge failure, there are those of my flailing race that for all intents and purposes are essentially children in adult bodies and sometimes worse than that.
Oh look, a sperg with a superiority complex. What was that about being better than other spergs?
>> No. 34393
Seriously, what is it with spergs having to remind everyone all the time that, "I may be retarded, but I'm not THAT retarded"?
>> No. 34394
I'll freely admit that I have my moments of retardation and I catch myself doing a lot of what some of the lolcows do from time to time. I make no excuses for my homosexual deviantry.

Likewise, most spergs are actually good people if they stopped acting stupid all the time and actually tried to adapt to society rather than make up this BS idea of ''not conforming.''
>> No. 34395
>All spergs
You aren't the only sperg who knows how to behave himself bro.
>> No. 34396
Anyway, regardless of whether you think that I'm trying to reclaim the image of autistics or my own or not, I'm still telling stories.

This one is older and shorter but still funny in its own way.

This was back in HS. Most of the time, I was in this study hall type of enviornment and we either dicked around and shot the shit with my friends or did homework. We didn't have a lot of lolcows in there, a couple stand out though. First one, I'll call Jackie Chan becaue he was obsessed with that crappy cartoon. He kicked as much ass as his namesake, that guy was a crazy SOB who would start shit for minor things. He once punched somebody for stepping on his pencil, almost knocked him out cold. That was not the only instance of writing utensil related violence. Another time, he stabbed a substitute teacher with a pencil. I stayed the fuck away from him for the most part. Jackie Chan was never expelled for some reason, I guess his parents threatend to sue.
He had a little friend who I'll call Junior. Junior isn't as batshit crazy as Jackie Chan but he's still pretty lulzy. For the most part, he'd be looking up Pokemon shit online instead of working. My friends had a weight-lifting class with him where he did almost nothing except bother people about whatever random thing he was interested in. Most of the time, it was Godzilla shit. One of my friends was under the impression the guy would shoot up the school if they weren't nice to him, so they let him hang around until he became so boring that they started speaking in Hebrew just to get him to go away.
>> No. 34397
We had this (adopted, suspected aspie) kid that apparently got 2 girls back to his house then whipped his dick out in his sauna when we were about 14/15. There was apparently a video of it, but I didn't see it. He also eventually tagged onto our group and did various spergy things like shouting CAR when a car went past.

We used to wind him up in chemistry but he always victimised my friend (hitting him, silent treatment/telling him to fuck off) which was a feud I don't know the start of. Then one day (bear in mind we were EIGHTEEN) we were dragged out of maths to speak to the Head of Year for 'bullying' him.

I seem to remember him threatening to shoot us one time so I pushed him and asked what kind of gun he had. This was about a year ago (finished high school and moved away since) and I'm still a bullet virgin.

He also could never wear the goggles we were provided in school because his head was pretty much box shaped.

For as long as I've known him hes always been victimised pretty much. He's also as goody goody as Chris was, I don't think hes ever had a drink or a smoke or anything.
>> No. 34398
It actually turns me on to think of it that way.
>> No. 34399
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>He's also as goody goody as Chris was, I don't think hes ever had a drink or a smoke or anything.

Ha ha! What a dork! Not doing things that will cause him significant health problems later life, what a loser!
>> No. 34400

>having one drink and one smoke as a teenager will cause you to die a horrible death

1/10 you made me reply.

Unless you're serious, in which case...I'm sorry.
>> No. 34401
>Thread hijacked by an attention slut and a sperg
>> No. 34402
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>> No. 34403
You sicken me.
>> No. 34404

I wasn't referring to the guy having EXACTLY one drink and smoke, you literal-minded spast. I was referring to the idea among high schoolers that it is cool to smoke and drink regularly despite the potential consequences of doing so.
>> No. 34405
>Smoking and drinking is evil
Even Chris does it now
What are you, 7?
>wah mommy those guys are smoking and drinking tell them they'll go to hell for doing that!
>> No. 34406
Wait... so you only occasionally smoke meth?
>> No. 34407
In my experience, life's too damn short not to have some sort of long-term suicide plan.
>> No. 34408

>guy advises moderation, and to be mature enough to fear substance abuse

0/10 or 16 year old.
>> No. 34409
Never smoked it, but see:
>> No. 34410
Thr barbir doll may have been to showthe decomposition rate of none organic substances in a landfill. You know that plastic lasting thousands of years intact is actually a bit of a myth. Plus it's like someone dumped a hooker
>> No. 34411
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>> No. 34412
You're mighty lucky you had the sense and means to walk away. Good or bad, I really avoid anyone who uses, whether they were honest, halfway nice kids before or not, and I never let anyone up into my apartment. I can't trust anybody for good reason - not even my girlfriend's (ex-)best friends. I can't tell you how many people I know off-hand that threw their lives away, bury themselves in extraordinarily retarded debts, and thought living the kewl junkie hero life here in Oakland would be fun - now they're either sickly and desperate zombies, cut-off from their families with zero prospects, and/or sucking black dicks in the worst neighborhoods to get a single dime of the worst tar imaginable. I've heard of or seen it all; I just wish I had the good sense to have woken up and realize what I was doing before ending up succumbing to making everyday a quantum equation to figure out to get more dope, methadone, anything that evaporates the sickness. I know I'm derailing things, rambling onward, but I feel you on your loss of your friend and keep up the sobriety. I certainly wish I was you.

I was eager to ask how the fuck you quit until I read the solution since I'm coming up on a heroin IV addiction as long as yours was. My girlfriend was caught by her parents, sent to a detox, and put on a leash with Suboxone, but by the latter time, she had moved in with me in unique circumstances. The problem is her parents aren't paying the high prices for a subscription since, 1) She was receiving them for too a long time, and 2) We would only indulge in them if we were flat broke to get dope. Oh my god, we're stupid, but hindsight... so now we live in a nice place, her mom is an angel, albeit a skeptical one, helping us because she's at least halfway sure she's clean and she looks good.

The reality is we're "better", we tend to buy and do methadone as light as possible when it's available, but the rest of the time we're about broke and settling for dope. I feel buried since I can't really DO anything without a fix, making finding another job that much harder (quit my last one since the place died not long after anyway but I know how to work my ass off), can't make trips back home to see family without suffering, and god knows I cannot tell my parents or it's over forever. This is the last goddamn place I'd sperg my bullshit about this, but man I need to ask someone some advice. Laughing at lolcows just isn't cutting it when I'm waiting for money to be deposited, sick, and anticipating a quick fix.

Let me ramble here since I don't want to keep clogging this board with multiple threads of this and make a point. One weekend we were completely broke, no food, no means to get anything, and in the midst of this enormous suffering, I thought "fuck it, I'll feel an inch to death, I can make it to the end and end this misery once and for all". Nope. No way. I had to pee every five minutes, my body felt like it was violently eating itself, the pain sensations and nerve endings were screaming in gargled hell, hot showers every 20 minutes just to lessen my muscle spasms, and I eventually just asked one of my dealer friends to give me something - then outside circumstances blessed us randomly so I can get more/better as what that dude gave us did almost nothing (that's how deep in pain we were). I still have nightmares about that shit to this day, so toughing it out is out of the question. So I'm trapped in a box I can't escape, my only "plan" to find a decent job around the bay and eventually put as much as my pay as it'll take to get Subs since they really are miraculous (but expensive). Until then, I tend to just read comics all day, internet, shoot up, get more, and feel disabled from doing anything worthwhile as dope is the central focus of my everyday life. You probably know what I mean. Were there episodes, even if unsuccessful, you still quit before you really found a way to quit?
>> No. 34413
i grow poppies for the seed pods, and i just want to say when not chemically process or shot into your arm, opiates can be great, in a do-it-every-once-and-a-while way.

a cup of poppy tea or a little bit of opium in your bowl can be a fantastic way to start the day.
>> No. 34414
Goddamn man, your story is so much like mine. I feel for you so much, bro. I know where you are. I lost everything I had, sold it all. My girlfriend and I were both using, and she was an LPN making 24 dollars an hour and we would fucking steal groceries because wespent every dime on dope. I know the hell of trying to figure out how you are goingto make it through the next day. Man, there is just so much I wish I could tell you.

Did I ever try to quit before Suboxone? Fuck no. Just the absolute hell of dope sickness on days I couldn't score was enough to deter me from that. Its crazy, we seem so much alike, I even spent my days like you, fucking around online, playing video games, reading comics and shooting up.

Now, you are correct, Suboxone is very expensive. My parents are both federal employees and initially agreed to pay the $300 or so for my 90 8 mg tablets a month. But eventually, they refused to pay for it. You probably arent going to like what I ended up doing but here in MO they have a state funded rehab program. If you get a script for Subs and go to.them, the state will pay for your prescription, provided you attend 3 meetings a week and work one on one with an assigned counselor. They will also do frequent pill counts to make sure you aren't abusing or selling them.

Yes rehab fucking sucs. It is boring and monotenous and uncomfortable. But it sure as fuck beats living in the hell you are in if they are paying for subs, right? I don't know if your state has such a program, but I would assume it would. I sure you to seek something like that out, bro. There is nothing wrong with getting high once.in a while, but you know you can't live like this forever. For people like you and I, enough is never enough. And I think you know where this road will eventually end.

The only other alternative I could offer would be this: Between my parents stopping paying for it and getting the state to here is what I did. I would take my script and drop it off at Wal-Mart. They will do partitial fills on prescriptions, down to just picking up one pill at a time. So, I just had tohustle up the 8 or 9 dollars for one pill a day(my gf and I had broken up by this time, so sshe wasn't around to pay for it) getting more if I had the money. If you are already hustling up money for dope everyday, this wouldnt be hard to do.

So I urge you to try the above at least. Go see a doctor, get a script and start getting partial fills. Do it as soon as possible, and in the meantime after that you can try to seek out a program like mine. Once you start onthe Subs, get serious and commit, don't take subs a few days then get high then go back on the subs. I did that shit at first and it just dragged out the process because I was constantly mini relapsing.

My heart goes out to you. Just know I was where you are, and I eventually climbed my way out of hell. You can too. But don't wait. Take action as soon as you can. I hope some of this rambling helps you. And sorry if the punctuation and shit is mangled, I am on a touch screen tablet.

Take care and good luck
>> No. 34415
I have heard of people doing this. I heard the tea can b enough to keep you well if you have an opiate habit. Is it legal to grow them in the US? Where could I get the seeds and shit? Are thy hard to grow?
>> No. 34416

yes, almost any botany shop (or online), and no.

just dont overwater them
>> No. 34417

actually western states like cali have them fucking everywhere, and are widely considered a pest

i didn't even need to grow them back in LA, i'd just pull over and pick some blooming by the freeway. free tar, just lining the road.
>> No. 34418
It's too bad D.A.R.E. only lets straight edge fagots talk to kids, stories like these could scare anybody straight.
>> No. 34419
Knew someone at school who was caught masturbating to gay porn in the library by the librarians (seriously). Needless to say, he changed schools after the incident and I've never seen or heard of him again.
>> No. 34421
Also, lol at all the druggies.
>> No. 34422
Every kid should have to sit through requiem for a dream and read permanent midnight. Wouldn't exactly lower pot use though.
>> No. 34423
Take the Opium discussion here: http://789chan.org/420/
>> No. 34424
That would be like having an anticoney thread on /mlp/.
>> No. 34425
>> No. 34426
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I haven't had the pleasure of knowing too many lolcows, but about 6 or 7 years ago I did have a couple bizarre experiences with some at this teenager's mental health inpatient place in Florida.
I was only there for a month, just so doctors could help me adjust to some new sleeping pills, so I was babby-tier compared to most of the headcases there. Almost all the patients in there were just normal teenagers with hard drug addictions, with the occasional rape/molest victim. Most of the guys were bros, but it had its fair share of crazies. Apologies if these come across as just nuts instead of lolcows.
Probably the saddest schmuck was a 15 year old named "Casey". The closest I can get to describing his looks is a slightly skinnier Garrett from Community, except with a crewcut. He seemed like he had really low-functioning autism, had your standard autistic traits. He was obsessed with Sonic and Mario and liked to tell us about his Sonic game ideas. If he wasn't moving around he would be rocking back and forth, flapping his hands and repeating a word or phrase he heard that day, usually escalating in volume to a shout if it wasn't kept in check. Sometimes the more normal kids would get him parroting a phrase they thought up, and for almost a week his catchphrase was ANGRY MASTURBATION. Other than that he generally kept to himself, didn't do many wacky things unless the other kids tricked him into them.

There was some kid who was only there less than a week, I don't remember his name, but apparently he was too crazy and violent to be there so they shipped him off pretty quick. Only things worth noting are that he'd hulk out if someone interrupted his ridiculously long and meticulous bedtime ritual, and that he shat up his mattress enough that they just drove it to the dump.

There was a typical spergish 14 year-old named "Michael", and in true asburgler form he was an insufferable homosexual deviant who liked to exaggerate his intelligence. According to him, he was in for almost beating his mother with a chair leg. He liked to use big flowery prose and talk down to everyone really passive-aggressively. He'd kiss ass when the staff was around and openly considered himself a master manipulator. The aides would laugh at him as much as the kids, because half of their training is learning to spot manipulation. Keeping with the "Genius Puppetmaster" theme, he had a giant boner for chess. When he'd lose, he would nag you for a rematch whenever he could. He'd get visibly upset, choking back tears when he'd talk shit and subsequently lose to one of the druggies.
Next post I'll get in to my favorite.
>> No. 34427
File 133707734374.png - (55.28KB , 180x185 , 1332786890340.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>for almost a week his catchphrase was ANGRY MASTURBATION
These stories almost make me want to get sent to crazy camp
Hell that sounds like a great visual novel idea
>> No. 34428
My favorite little snowflake was a young kid, whenever you asked he'd answer with a different number between 11 and 14. He looked like a really short Ben Stiller with big teeth and a flattop, his name was Andy and he was batshit insane. I could never quite tell if some of it was an act or if it was all real, but some of the stuff was pretty unbelievable.
He came only a few days after I did, and he actually seemed perfectly normal at first; normal introduction, normal conversations. That night, about three hours after lights out, he woke up the whole room thrashing around in his sleep and talking about bees and some names. When someone shook him awake and told him to shut the fuck up he flipped his shit and started screaming. The aides came in, took him out, brought him back about 20 minutes later, and left. When we woke up he was screaming and crying because he was suddenly terrified to get down off the top bunk.
Later in the day, suddenly he's talking like a wigger and making ridiculous shit up. I'm tired and I'm getting bored of narrating so here's just a list of goofy stuff he did:
>Went off on a vague rant about how he got his 9-year old girlfriend pregnant and how he's worried that bees are going to sting his unborn son to death.
>Apparently has multiple personalities, confirmed by his nurses
>the ones I saw were babymode, wiggermode, and normalmode
>Worshipped the spirit of the bunk house, had daily meditation sessions asking for its protection.
>Showered alone, in his bathing suit
>Jacked off into a jewish kid's yarmulke on multiple occasions
>Bored a peephole to the girl's house bathroom with his fingernails
>Broke his hand trying to punch through the 5in thick magnetic security doors
That's all I can remember for now. I'm off to bed.
>> No. 34429
Another heavy indication of a sperg is that they use factual or absolute adjectives to describe opinions or emotions. Words like "actually", "really", "truly", etc. This reflects the autists black and white mindset where everything must be neatly categorized and placed into true or false categories, even subjective concepts that cannot be true or false like opinions, experiences, or emotions. Combine that with the typical autist trait of selfishness and they will often use those factual terms to imply that their own opinions or emotions are facts. In this example, the sperg uses the word "actually stop being a failure" to set up his opinion of failure and not failure as a fact, which also means anyone elses opinions are wrong. This is a common type of sperg logic seen in any anime or video game discussion forum.
>> No. 34430
I knew these 2 guys back in high school. I'm gonna call them Ferris and The Bold. Mind you, this was back in the 90s, so this stuff would be considered normal by today's standards.
Ferris was a pretty normal kid at first glance. But he was actually a giant sperging psychopath. He was diagnosed with Antisocial personality disorder or some shit. He played Doom all of the goddamn time and made god awful WADs. Me and my friends were practically laughing at the stupidity of them.
I remember he once raged about a Doom mod, which he considered his masterpiece, being deleted off a school computer that he stored it on. It was pretty fucking crazy that day. I Only barely remember him tossing a chair around and yelling YOU BASTARD at the librarian, because I was pretty fucking stoned back then. He also dated a woman 7 years older than him. It lasted less than a year.
The Bold was the exact opposite. He was a pretty quiet kid who hang around with Ferris all of the time. It was probably due to their common love for Doom. I once stumbled upon a crappy Geocities website made by Ferris, which listed a long list of people from school that he wanted dead. I even heard rumors from my friends that there were more. And once during lunch, a bunch of douchebags threw a cup with shit in it at them.
Oh, and one more thing. A friend once showed me a clip of them yelling into a camera, rambling about their conspiracy theories and all that.

And another one, Ferris wrote pretty crazy shit in his journal. He rambled on about going to hijack a plane and crashing them into New York or some shit.
And on a day that I was sick, I saw them in the news for some shit I don't remember. All I remember are reporters talking about them for a shooting or something like that, and a picture of Ferris wearing a black T-Shirt saying "Natural Selection". Mind you, this was Fox News, so they were probably spouting bullshit.
I don't know where they are now. I really don't like the thought of where they are now.
>> No. 34431

Haha, good one. Seriously, took me a second to get it.

That reminds me of a lolcow story which probably won't be as good as some of the stuff in this thread. Still, someone may find it funny.

I grew up in a relatively small and isolated town in Alaska during the 80s and 90s. Why is this relevant to lolcows you ask? Because a small town in Alaska in the 90s had the same attitudes towards kids and mental health that a small town in the continental US would have had in the 80s. It was a pretty backward place to grow up.

The subject of this story is a boy named Jimmy. Jimmy lived a few blocks away from me, so I'd see quite a bit of him. Jimmy was a little weird. I suspect he probably had a mild form of the 'sperg, but I don't think he was ever diagnosed. Bear in mind this is was back before the internets, so mommy and daddy couldn't just log on and diagnose their precious little snowflake with some unique condition.

Now, understand that the deck was stacked against Jimmy from day one. He was a chubby little fucker with a high pitched voice and glasses. No joke, everything about this kid screamed 'victim'. And, I hate to say it, but white trash kids from backwater towns just love them some victims. Rest assured that everybody harassed the shit out of little Jimmy in grade school. It got to the point where the teachers became so apathetic to what was happening to him that they quit punishing us in any sort of meaningful way.

There are two incidents that went down before the 'grand finale' in the seventh grade that I should tell you about if this entire story is going to make sense. The first one is actually pretty heinous, and speaks more to the cruelty of children then it does to the idiocy of 'spergs. We were in the second grade, Jimmy was just beginning to secure his position as school punching bag. As I recall we were playing tag during recess, and Jimmy was it. He was getting frustrated because he simply couldn't keep up with anyone. We weren't helping the situation by calling him 'fatty', 'piggy', etc. What makes this time particularly memorable is that he got so frustrated that he wet himself, not a little dribble either. The entire front of his sweatpants were sopping wet. I remember him squealing at us from the middle of the playground as we stood around cackling. Eventually one of the teachers hauled his ass inside and tried to clean him up. When it became apparent that this wasn't a reality, they tried to call his house to get fresh clothing. Apparently his mother had more important things going on because she didn't show up until the very end of the day. I know this is true because Jimmy spent the entire second half of the day in the nurses office wrapped in a blanket. We'd walk by and make faces at him.

The next memorable incident occurred in the fourth grade. Jimmy hit puberty fast, and he hit it hard. By the time he was 10 he had some serious acne. At least I assume it was acne, might have been open sores. Jimmy was a dirty little boy, and that's saying something. Shitty little backwater towns are full of dirty kids, so for Jimmy to be dirty enough for you to notice he had to by trying hard. I imagine that it had something to do with the fact that his single mother didn't give a fuck about him, but whatever, I digress. Anyway, Jimmy decided that he really liked a girl in our class who happened to by my best friend's sister. How did we know that? Because he'd follow her everywhere if he saw her. It didn't matter if we were in school or not. He'd never try to interact with her really, he'd just kinda stare at her. Needless to say, it bothered the fuck outta everyone.

Shit got real one day when she was walking to a friend's house. I don't precisely recall how this went down, but apparently he saw her, followed her, and tried repeatedly to touch her. He might've grabbed her hair or something. Eventually her parents heard the whole story and lots of people were involved. There may have been cops, I can't remember, it was awhile ago. Jimmy went from the brunt of practical jokes and harassment to the creepy kid who was completely ostracized. I think that if this had been a normal town in 2012 he'd have been removed from the school and placed into some sort of special children's program. But it wasn't a normal town and it wasn't 2012, so the teachers pretty much left us to our own devices.

Fuck, this is taking longer to write than I thought. That and I'm outta smokes. If anyone's interested I can finish this story up when I get back. If not, I'll let it die.
>> No. 34432
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>> No. 34433
I'm interested. The thread has been dead for days so anything will do.
>> No. 34434
Interested. Proceed.
>> No. 34435

Found a spare pack of smokes in my jacket, so I guess I'm back in the game.

Anyway, I could probably think of a few more Jimmy incidents. Still, I oughta cut to the chase.

Columbine went down when I was in the seventh grade. I remember that day real vividly because they shut the school down and sent everyone home early. My dad came to pick me up and asked if I'd ever heard of the 'trench coat mafia'. Of course I had no idea what he was talking about. We drove home and watched the fallout on Fox News. Columbine scared the ever loving shit out of the people in that town. I guess they reacted poorly, any kid who was seen as 'gothic' was instantly a murderous sociopath. This lead to something of a witch hunt.

What does this have to do with Jimmy? Well, in the sixth grade he'd begun to change. He'd sort of gone from wearing over sized greasy Garfield t-shirts and sweatpants to more normal clothing. He had quit trying to interact with anyone way before then, and it was beginning to show. He quit acting like a whiny victim, he'd simply shut down if you approached him. I guess it was how he'd defend himself. It worked, by the end of elementary school we pretty much left him alone. That, and the incident with the girl had clued people into the fact that he may have had legitimate problems. It made people a little nervous.

In seventh grade I shared a home room with Jimmy. On the first day of school I remember walking in and taking a seat. A minute later this massively obese kid waddles into the classroom. He's dressed in black from head to toe, his stringy hair is down to his neck, and his acne has gotten much worse. He's carrying one of the Vampire Masquerade books along with his backpack. I remember that book because I had not idea what the hell it was. Anyway, Jimmy had definitely changed. Basically, he'd attached himself to every bad 90s goth stereotype you could imagine. He'd also gotten a walkman. He'd mope around with his headphones in all the time, I can only imagine what he was listening to.

I only tried fucking with him once that year. Shit did not go as planned, and frankly I probably deserved it by that point. I hit him in the back of the head with a basketball, and he flipped shit. Instead of crying he used his prodigious girth to body slam my prepubescent ass. I got the wind knocked out of me and was too shocked to really react. The gym teacher pulled him off and sent us to the office. I remember being seriously unnerved while waiting for the principal to show. Jimmy wasn't even paying attention to me. He was just staring off into space. He didn't acknowledge anyone until the principal showed up and gave us detention. Either way, Jimmy had let it be known that those days were over. He wasn't gonna take it.

From then on I remember him withdrawing deeper into his little world. He never approached anyone, if he wasn't sitting by himself reading his Vampire books he was writing in one of his notebooks. He'd draw pentagrams and upside down crosses all over his arms. At one point he'd started piercing his ears in class with a needle or something. I think he ended up with a free three day vacation for that stunt.

Fast forward to the weeks after April 20th 1999. This is where it gets a little surreal, and if someone were to call bullshit I wouldn't blame them. Remember how I said that anyone who seemed 'gothic' was treated like shit? That mostly applied to the high school, and I only really heard about it from my friend's older brother who had been in the drama club. Jimmy was the only kid in the middle school who could have been considered 'gothic'. He knew it too. No one really knew how to react. By this point I'd become something of a social misfit myself in that I would hang out with the eighth grade 'stoners' and smoke 'weed' that was probably oregano. I don't think I ever got high off of that shit. Anyway,I didn't have much direct contact with Jimmy, making everything from here on out second hand information that has been corrupted by the fact it happened over a decade ago.

Apparently, some kids decided they were going to prove a point by kicking the shit out of Jimmy. They did it, and Jimmy got pretty banged up. Banged up enough to end up in the hospital for a few days and out of school for a bit. The weekend before he was scheduled to return to school he stole a few guns from his mother's latest boyfriend. I can't remember what type of guns they were, but I doubt they were military grade. Probably a deer rifle and a shotgun. He climbed up on top of a building where he would have had a great line of sight on all the kids getting off the school buses. He'd taken that position on a Sunday night, I don't know what time. Anyway, the one thing that stopped him from going Columbine was that he'd fallen asleep. I think that he'd also had to trespass to get to the position he'd taken because a couple of facilities guys noticed him on top of the school and called the cops. They showed up and off he went.

The aftermath was pretty eerie. I could try to find some sort of report of the incident in the local paper, but I doubt there would be anything. I'm not even sure if it was ever reported on. There are no secrets in a small town. I can't quite remember how I found out about it. I think it was a rumor that was supported by the fact that Jimmy was no longer around. Anyway, everyone sort of knew what had gone down, but no one really wanted to talk about it.

So that's about it. I could probably remember some other lolcows from that place, but this is enough for now.

By the way, his real name wasn't Jimmy. Frankly I can't remember what it was, and if I could I don't think I would've used it. I betcha can't guess where I got the name Jimmy from either.

Anyway, there you go.
>> No. 34436
I get the distinct feeling that your next tale will feature someone named "Russel".
>> No. 34437

Yeah, if I can think of another lolcow I've encountered irl I'll probably call him Russel. Problem is I'm a shitty creative writer, so if I tried to make one up it'd probably just be a cross between Anthos, Rika, and A-log. That's an original character by the way, DO NOT STEAL.
>> No. 34439
they have them frequently
>> No. 34440
I know a russel who is somewhat of a lolcow, or at the very least a creepy loner
>> No. 34441
russel talks like the hulk for some reason
>> No. 34442
That's five-hundred posts, times to archive this bitch!
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